1 horrible
horrible ['hɒrəbəl]∎ a horrible tragedy/scream une tragédie/un cri horrible(b) (dismaying) horrible, effroyable;∎ in a horrible mess dans une effroyable ou horrible confusion;∎ I've a horrible feeling that things are going to go wrong j'ai l'horrible pressentiment que les choses vont mal se passer∎ to be horrible to sb être méchant ou horrible avec qn;∎ to say horrible things about sb dire des horreurs ou des choses terribles sur qn -
2 horrible
horrible [ˈhɒrɪbl]a. ( = horrific) horrible ; [moment, truth] terrible• that's a horrible thing to say! c'est vraiment méchant de dire des choses pareilles !* * *['hɒrɪbl], US ['hɔːr-]1) ( unpleasant) [place, clothes, smell, thought] affreux/-euse; [weather, food, person] épouvantable2) ( shocking) horrible -
3 ♦ horrible
♦ horrible /ˈhɒrəbl/a.orribile; orrendo; spaventoso; tremendo; (fam.) pessimo, spiacevole: horrible noise [weather], frastuono [tempo] orribile; a horrible bore, un tremendo seccatorehorribleness n. [u]. -
4 horrible
1 ( unpleasant) [place, clothes, smell, thought] affreux/-euse ; [weather, holiday, food, person] épouvantable ; to be horrible to sb être méchant avec qn ;2 ( shocking) [crime, death, scene] horrible. -
5 horrible
horrible [ˊhɒrəbl] a1) стра́шный, ужа́сный, внуша́ющий у́жас2) разг. проти́вный, отврати́тельный -
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etc see horrorhorrible adj horrible / terrible / espantoso
horrible adjetivo ‹camisa/adorno› horrible, hideous
horrible adjetivo horrible, dreadful, awful ' horrible' also found in these entries: Spanish: amanecer - horrendo-a - infame - pestazo - antipático - calor - cargante - mal - malo - odioso - pereza - perro - pinche - tocar - tufo English: awful - cat - dreadful - hideous - hole - horrible - horrid - it - manage - mind - nasty - shocking - thought - wretched - abominable - crummy - foul - ghastly - revolting - rotten - sickly - viletr['hɒrɪbəl]■ what a horrible person! ¡qué persona más antipática!horrible ['hɔrəbəl] adj: horrible, espantoso, horroroso♦ horribly [-bli] advadj.• aterrador adj.• enorme adj.• espantoso, -a adj.• horrible adj.• horroroso, -a adj.'hɔːrəbəladjective <crime/sight/feeling> horrible, horroroso['hɒrɪbl]ADJ1) * (=unpleasant) [food, colour, smell, thought] horroroso *, horrible *aren't those dresses horrible? — ¿a que esos vestidos son horrorosos?, ¿a que son feísimos esos vestidos?
you're horrible! — ¡qué malo eres!
I've got a horrible feeling that... — tengo la horrible sensación de que...•
that jumper looks horrible on you — ese jersey te queda horroroso or espantoso•
we thought something horrible had happened — pensamos que algo horrible había pasado•
the press write some horrible things about him — la prensa cuenta cosas espantosas or horribles de él•
what a horrible thought! — ¡qué idea tan horrible!•
to be horrible to sb — tratar fatal a algn *2) (=horrific) [crime, scream, accident] horrible, espantoso* * *['hɔːrəbəl]adjective <crime/sight/feeling> horrible, horroroso -
8 horrible
adjective1) grauenhaft; grausig [Monster, Geschichte]; grauenvoll [Verbrechen, Albtraum]; schauerlich [Maske]I find all insects horrible — mir graust vor jeder Art von Insekten
I have a horrible feeling that... — ich habe das ungute Gefühl, dass...
* * *etc see academic.ru/35641/horror">horror* * *hor·ri·ble[ˈhɒrəbl̩, AM ˈhɔ:r-]1. (shocking) schrecklich2. (unpleasant) unerfreulichisn't the weather \horrible today? ist das Wetter heute nicht grauenhaft?a \horrible suspicion ein schrecklicher Verdacht▪ it is \horrible doing/to do sth es ist schrecklich, etw zu tun▪ to be \horrible that... schrecklich sein, dass...3. (unkind) gemeindon't be so \horrible sei nicht so gemein▪ to be \horrible to sb gemein zu jdm sein* * *['hɒrɪbl]adj1) (inf: awful) schrecklich (inf); (= ghastly) food grauenhaft (inf); clothes, colour, sight, smell, taste scheußlich, abscheulich; person gemein, fies (inf)what a horrible thought! — was für eine schreckliche Vorstellung!
that jumper looks horrible on you — in dem Pullover siehst du schrecklich aus
to be horrible to sb — fies (inf) or gemein zu jdm sein
2) (= horrific) death, crime, sound, war, accident, injury grauenhaft* * *1. schrecklich, furchtbar, scheußlich (alle auch fig umg)2. umg gemein:be horrible to s.o* * *adjective1) grauenhaft; grausig [Monster, Geschichte]; grauenvoll [Verbrechen, Albtraum]; schauerlich [Maske]2) (coll.): (unpleasant, excessive) grauenhaft (ugs.); horrend [Ausgaben, Kosten]I have a horrible feeling that... — ich habe das ungute Gefühl, dass...
* * *adj.abscheulich adj.entsetzlich adj.fies adj.makaber adj.schrecklich adj.ätzend* ausdr. -
9 horrible
1. [ʹhɒrəb(ə)l] n1) роман ужасовhalfpenny horribles - бульварная литература, романы ужасов; книжонки со страшными рассказами
2) редк. нечто ужасное; ужасный человек; ужасная вещь2. [ʹhɒrəb(ə)l] a1. страшный, ужасающий, вселяющий ужасhorrible cruelty [disaster] - ужасающая жестокость [катастрофа]
horrible devastation [threats] - страшные разрушения [угрозы]
horrible wrong - ужасная несправедливость; страшная обида
2. эмоц.-усил. ужасный, отвратительный, противныйthat was horrible of him - это было возмутительно /очень некрасиво/ с его стороны
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1. n роман ужасовhalfpenny horribles — бульварная литература, романы ужасов; книжонки со страшными рассказами
2. n редк. нечто ужасное; ужасный человек; ужасная вещь3. a страшный, ужасающий, вселяющий ужас4. a эмоц. -усил. ужасный, отвратительный, противныйСинонимический ряд:1. deplorable (adj.) deplorable; lamentable; rueful2. fearful (adj.) appalling; awful; dire; direful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; harrowing; horrendous; insufferable; redoubtable; shocking; terrific; tremendous3. ghastly (adj.) bloodcurdling; ghastly; grim; grisly; gruesome; hair-raising; hideous; horrid; horrific; horrifying; lurid; macabre; terrible; terrifying4. offensive (adj.) abominable; atrocious; despicable; disgusting; evil; foul; icky; loathsome; nasty; nauseating; noisome; obscene; odious; offensive; repellent; repugnant; repulsive; revolting; sickening; ungrateful; unpleasant; unwholesome; vileАнтонимический ряд:alluring; amiable; attractive; beautiful; delightful; desirable; enjoyable; fair; laudable; lovable; lovely; pleasant; pleasing; wonderful -
12 horrible
forferdelig--------fryktelig--------skrekkeligadj. \/ˈhɒrəbl\/gruoppvekkende, grufull, fæl, fryktelig, redselsfull, skrekkelig -
13 horrible
1) ( shocking) schrecklich2) ( unpleasant) unerfreulich;isn't the weather \horrible today? ist das Wetter heute nicht grauenhaft?;a \horrible suspicion ein schrecklicher Verdacht;it is \horrible doing/ to do sth es ist schrecklich, etw zu tun;to be \horrible that... schrecklich sein, dass...3) ( unkind) gemein;don't be so \horrible sei nicht so gemein;to be \horrible to sb gemein zu jdm sein -
14 horrible
[ˈhɔrəbl]horrible роман ужасов; halfpenny horribles бульварная литература horrible разг. противный, отвратительный, отталкивающий horrible роман ужасов; halfpenny horribles бульварная литература horrible страшный, ужасный -
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['hɔrɪbl]adjстрашный, ужасный, отвратительный, жуткий, вселяющий ужас- horrible crime
- horrible noise -
17 horrible
/'hɔrəbl/ * tính từ - kinh khủng, kinh khiếp =horrible cruelty+ sự tàn ác khủng khiếp - kinh tởm, xấu xa - (thông tục) đáng ghét; hết sức khó chịu; quá lắm =horrible weather+ thời tiết hết sức khó chịu =horrible noise+ tiếng ồn ào qua lắm -
18 horrible
[΄hɔrəbl] a սոսկալի, սարսափելի, զարհուրելի. a horrible accident սոսկալի վթար/ պա տահար. horrible threats սարսափելի սպառնալիք. a perfectly horrible journey խսկց. ահավոր ճամփորդություն -
19 horrible
adj. 1. аймаар, муухай. a \horrible crime аймшигтай гэмт хэрэг. 2. таагүй, муухай. \horrible weather таагүй цаг агаар. -
20 horrible
['hɒrɪbl] [AE 'hɔːr-]1) (unpleasant) orribile, orrendo, terribileto be horrible to sb. — comportarsi in modo orribile con qcn
2) (shocking) orrendo, spaventoso* * ** * *['hɒrɪbl] [AE 'hɔːr-]1) (unpleasant) orribile, orrendo, terribileto be horrible to sb. — comportarsi in modo orribile con qcn
2) (shocking) orrendo, spaventoso
См. также в других словарях:
horrible — [ ɔribl ] adj. • 1175; lat. horribilis 1 ♦ Qui fait horreur, remplit d horreur ou de dégoût. ⇒ abominable, affreux, atroce, effrayant, effroyable, épouvantable, hideux, horrifiant. Blessure horrible. Pousser des cris horribles. « L horrible… … Encyclopédie Universelle
horrible — Horrible. adj. de tout genre. Qui fait horreur. Cela est horrible. il n y a rien de si horrible que la mort. une horrible cruauté. une horrible meschanceté. supplice horrible. monstre horrible. action horrible. laideur horrible. objet horrible.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
horrible — adjetivo 1. (antepuesto / pospuesto) Que causa horror: Escuché un horrible grito que me heló la sangre. Me explicaba un accidente horrible que ha ocurrido enfrente de su casa. Sinónimo: horroroso. 2. (ser / estar; antepuesto / pospuesto)… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Horrible — Hor ri*ble, a. [OE. horrible, orrible, OF. horrible, orrible, F. horrible, fr. L. horribilis, fr. horrere. See {Horror}.] Exciting, or tending to excite, horror or fear; dreadful; terrible; shocking; hideous; as, a horrible sight; a horrible… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horrible — 1 Horrible, horrid, horrific, horrendous mean inspiring horror or abhorrence. Horrible (see also FEAR FUL 2) is the general term for what inspires horror {some . . . horrible form, which might deprive your sovereignty of reason Shak.} {wrongs and … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Horrible — LP de Suárez Publicación 23 de mayo de 1995 Grabación 1995 Género(s) Pop experimental rock alternativo indie rock … Wikipedia Español
horrible — (adj.) c.1300, from O.Fr. horrible, orrible (12c.) horrible, repugnant, terrifying, from L. horribilis terrible, fearful, dreadful, from horrere to bristle with fear, shudder (see HORROR (Cf. horror)). Used as a mere intensifier from mid 15c … Etymology dictionary
horrible — Horrible, Horribilis, Durus, Execrabilis. Horrible, ou cruel à voir, Triste, Horrendum. C est chose horrible et espouventable à ouyr, Nefandum auditu est … Thresor de la langue françoyse
horrible — (Del lat. horribĭlis). 1. adj. Que causa horror. 2. coloq. Muy feo. 3. coloq. Muy intenso o acentuado. Nos dio un susto horrible. 4. coloq. Muy malo, pésimo. Nos dieron un café horrible … Diccionario de la lengua española
horrible — index contemptible, deplorable, diabolic, dire, disastrous, disgraceful, formidable, gross (flagrant) … Law dictionary
horrible — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing or likely to cause horror. 2) informal very unpleasant. DERIVATIVES horribly adverb … English terms dictionary