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См. также в других словарях:

  • fly — I. /flaɪ / (say fluy) verb (flew, flown, flying) –verb (i) 1. to move through the air on wings, as a bird. 2. to be borne through the air by the wind or any other force or agency. 3. to float or flutter in the air, as a flag, the hair, etc. 4.… …  

  • fly — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 insect VERB + FLY ▪ shoo (AmE), shoo away (esp. AmE), swat ▪ I swatted the fly with a newspaper. ▪ attract ▪ c …   Collocations dictionary

  • fly high — verb 1. be elated (Freq. 1) He was flying high during the summer months • Hypernyms: ↑feel, ↑experience • Verb Frames: Somebody s 2. make steady progress; be at the high point in one s career or reach a high point …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly — [flaɪ] verb flew PASTTENSE [fluː] flown PASTPART [fləʊn ǁ floʊn] 1. [intransitive] TRAVEL to travel by plane: • From Belfast, British Airways Cargo flies to London Heathrow, Manchester and Glasgow …   Financial and business terms

  • fly off the handle — verb get very angry and fly into a rage The professor combusted when the student didn t know the answer to a very elementary question Spam makes me go ballistic • Syn: ↑flip one s lid, ↑blow up, ↑throw a fit, ↑hit the roof, ↑hit the ceiling, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly in the face of — verb go against This action flies in the face of the agreement • Syn: ↑fly in the teeth of • Hypernyms: ↑violate, ↑go against, ↑break • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly-post — ˈfly post 7 [fly post fly posts fly posted fly posting] verb intransitive, transitive …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly the coop — verb flee; take to one s heels; cut and run If you see this man, run! The burglars escaped before the police showed up • Syn: ↑scat, ↑run, ↑scarper, ↑turn tail, ↑lam, ↑run away, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly - flee — ◊ fly Fly is usually used as an intransitive verb. Its other forms are flies, flying, flew, flown. When a bird or insect flies, it moves through the air. My canary flew away. If you fly somewhere, you travel there in a plane. You can …   Useful english dictionary

  • fly — Ⅰ. fly [1] ► VERB (flies; past flew; past part. flown) 1) (of a winged creature or aircraft) move through the air under control. 2) control the flight of or convey in (an aircraft). 3) move or be hurled quickly through the air. 4) …   English terms dictionary

  • fly in the teeth of — verb go against This action flies in the face of the agreement • Syn: ↑fly in the face of • Hypernyms: ↑violate, ↑go against, ↑break • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

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