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insect насекомоеaphidivorous insect питающееся тлей насекомоеarmored scale insects щитовки, Diaspididaecochineal insect кошениль мексиканская, Dactylopius cactidestructive insect вредное насекомоеfig insects агаониды, Agaonidaegall insects орехотворки, Cynipidaehost insect насекомое-хозяинIndian lac insect лаковый червец, Laccifer lacca, Coccus laccapolytrophic insect насекомое, посещающее разные цветкиscale insects червецы, щитовки, кокциды, Coccidaewater stick insect ранатра, водяной палочник, Ranatra linearisEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > insect
2 ♦ insect
♦ insect /ˈɪnsɛkt/n.● insect disposal system, scaccia insetti ( elettronico, ecc.) □ (agric.) insect killer, insetticida □ insect powder, polvere insetticida □ insect repellent, insettifugo □ insect spray, spray contro gli insetti; insetticida vaporizzato. -
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insect [ˊɪnsekt] n1) насеко́мое2) ничто́жество -
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------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] augment. of insect (any small creeping or flying creature)[Swahili Word] dudu[Swahili Plural] madudu[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] boring insect[English Plural] boring insects[Swahili Word] kidungadunga[Swahili Plural] vidungadunga[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8an[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -dunga[Terminology] entomology------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect[Swahili Word] dudu[Swahili Plural] madudu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect[English Plural] insects[Swahili Word] mdudu[Swahili Plural] wadudu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 1/2[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] dudu, kidudu[English Example] Bats eat insects[Swahili Example] Popo hula wadudu [Masomo 29]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect (=mdudu)[Swahili Word] mtambaazi[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] tambaa, tambazi------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect (=mdudu)[Swahili Word] mtambazi[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] tambaa, tambazi------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect (kind of)[English Plural] insects[Swahili Word] chafi[Swahili Plural] chafi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10an[Terminology] entomology------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect (species of)[Swahili Word] kuliwi[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect that causes rashes[English Plural] insects[Swahili Word] buuwambe[Swahili Plural] mabuuwambe[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6an[Terminology] entomology------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] insect that eats the roots of growing plants[English Plural] insects[Swahili Word] kunguni mgunda[Swahili Plural] kunguni mgunda[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10an[Related Words] mgunda[Terminology] entomology------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] jafi (kind of insect)[Swahili Word] jafi[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] small insect species that kills flies[English Plural] small insects[Swahili Word] kiumanzi[Swahili Plural] viumanzi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8an[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -uma, nzi[Terminology] entomology------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] tiny insect[English Plural] tiny insects[Swahili Word] kidudu[Swahili Plural] vidudu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8an[Derived Language] Arabic[Related Words] mdudu[English Example] millions of plants and tiny insects served as witnesses[Swahili Example] milioni ya mimea na vidudu vilikuwa mashahidi [Moh]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] wood eating insect that bores into boat hulls[Swahili Word] saridadu[Swahili Plural] saridadu[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10an[Dialect] Kimvita[Terminology] marine------------------------------------------------------------ -
11 insect
'insekt(any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) insecto- insectivorous
- insect repellent
insect n insectotr['ɪnsekt]1 insecto\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLinsect bite picadurainsect ['ɪn.sɛkt] n: insecto mn.• insecto s.m.• sabandija s.f.'ɪnsektnoun insecto m; (before n)['ɪnsekt]insect repellent — repelente m (para insectos)
1.N insecto m ; (fig) bicho m2.CPDinsect bite N — picadura f de insecto
insect powder N — insecticida m en polvo
insect repellent N — repelente m contra insectos
insect spray N — insecticida m en aerosol
* * *['ɪnsekt]noun insecto m; (before n)insect repellent — repelente m (para insectos)
12 insect
насекомое; pl насекомые ( Insecta)- armored scale insects
- beneficial insect
- blood-sucking insects
- cochineal insect
- cuckoo spit insects
- destructive insect
- entognathous insects
- fig insects
- gall insects
- gall-producing insect
- grain insects
- heterometabolic insects
- holometabolic insects
- homopterous insects
- Indian lac insect
- injurious insect
- leaf insects
- lepidopterous insects
- nerve-winged insects
- noxious insect
- orthopterous insects
- polytrophic insect
- predacious insect
- scale insects
- scale-winged insects
- spittle insects
- stick insects
- twisted-winged insects
- water stick insect* * * -
13 insect
nounInsekt, das; Kerbtier, das* * *['insekt](any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) das Insekt- academic.ru/38383/insecticide">insecticide- insectivorous
- insect repellent* * *in·sect[ˈɪnsekt]I. n Insekt nt\insect bite Insektenstich m* * *['ɪnsekt]nInsekt nt* * *insect [ˈınsekt] s1. ZOOL Insekt n, Kerbtier n:insect bite Insektenstich m;insect pest Insektenplage f;insect-repellent Insekten vertreibend;insect spray Insektenspray m/n2. fig pej Wanze f* * *nounInsekt, das; Kerbtier, das* * *n.Insekt -en n. -
14 insect
['ɪnsekt]nSee:- harmful insect- long-legged insect
- small insect
- flying insects
- swarm of insects
- bite of a insect
- smoke out insects
- insects buzz
- insects sting
- insects swarm -
15 insect
1. n насекомоеinsect damage — порча, производимая насекомыми
2. n ничтожествоСинонимический ряд:1. arthropod (noun) arthropod; beetle; bug; creepy crawler; fly; pest; praying mantis; stinkbug; vermin2. germ (noun) bacillus; bacteria; communicable disease; disease germ; germ; virus -
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1. зоол. насекомо, инсект
2. прен., разг. нищожество* * *{'insekt} n 1. зоол. насекомо, инсект; 2. прен., разг. нищожес* * *инсект; насекомо;* * *1. зоол. насекомо, инсект 2. прен., разг. нищожество* * *insect[´insekt] n 1. зоол. насекомо, инсект; \insect eater насекомоядно животно; \insect vector мед. насекомо, заразено с причинители на заболяване; насекомо, пренасящо зараза; \insect powder прахообразен инсектицид; 2. прен., разг. нищожество, нула. -
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['insekt](any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) žuželka- insectivorous
- insect repellent* * *[ínsekt]nounzoology žuželka, insekt, mrčes; figuratively gnida, gadje seme (človek) -
20 insect
См. также в других словарях:
Insect — In sect, a. 1. Of or pertaining to an insect or insects. [1913 Webster] 2. Like an insect; small; mean; ephemeral. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insect — (n.) c.1600, from L. (animal) insectum (animal) with a notched or divided body, lit. cut into, from neuter pp. of insectare to cut into, to cut up, from in into (see IN (Cf. in ) (2)) + secare to cut (see SECTION (Cf. section)). Pliny s loan… … Etymology dictionary
Insect — In sect ([i^]n s[e^]kt), n. [F. insecte, L. insectum, fr. insectus, p. p. of insecare to cut in. See {Section}. The name was originally given to certain small animals, whose bodies appear cut in, or almost divided. Cf. {Entomology}.] 1. (Zo[… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
insect — [n] bug ant, aphid, bedbug, bee, beetle, bumblebee, butterfly, cockroach, cootie, daddy longlegs, dragonfly, flea, fly, fruit fly, gnat, grasshopper, hornet, ladybug, louse, mite, mosquito, moth, pest, praying mantis, termite, tick, vermin,… … New thesaurus
insect — ► NOUN ▪ a small invertebrate animal with a head, thorax, and abdomen, six legs, two antennae, and usually one or two pairs of wings. ORIGIN from Latin animal insectum segmented animal , from insecare cut up or into … English terms dictionary
insect — [in′sekt΄] n. [< L insectum (animale), lit., notched (animal), neut. of pp. of insecare, to cut into < in , in + secare, to cut (see SAW2): from the segmented bodies: cf. ENTOMO ] 1. any of a large class (Insecta) of small arthropod animals … English World dictionary
Insect — For the Breed 77 album, see Insects (album). Insect Temporal range: 396–0 Ma … Wikipedia
insect — insectival /in sek tuy veuhl/, adj. /in sekt/, n. 1. any animal of the class Insecta, comprising small, air breathing arthropods having the body divided into three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), and having three pairs of legs and usually two… … Universalium
insect — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ flying, winged ▪ aquatic ▪ beneficial ▪ Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones. ▪ harmful … Collocations dictionary
insect — noun a) An arthropod in the class Insecta, characterized by six legs, up to four wings, and a chitinous exoskeleton. Our shed has several insect infestions, including ants, yellowjackets, and wasps. b) Any small arthropod similar to an insect… … Wiktionary
insect — in•sect [[t]ˈɪn sɛkt[/t]] n. 1) ent any animal of the class Insecta, comprising small, air breathing arthropods having the body divided into three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), and having two antennae, three pairs of legs, and usu. two pairs … From formal English to slang