1 distance
Glossaire des termes pour l'organisation d'événements > distance
2 distance
distance nрасстояниеaccelerated-stop distanceдистанция прерванного взлета, располагаемая дистанция прерванного взлетаair-to-ground distanceрасстояние от воздушного судна до объекта на землеangular distanceугловое расстояниеapproach flight track distanceдистанция при заходе на посадкуapproach measurement distanceрасстояние до точки измерения при заходе на посадкуassess the distanceоценивать расстояниеaverage city-pair distanceсреднее расстояние между городамиbearing distance computerнавигационный вычислительclearance distanceразделительная дистанцияcontinued takeoff distanceдистанция продолженного взлетаcorrected takeoff distanceуточненная взлетная дистанцияcross track distanceрасстояние бокового отклонения от курсаcrosstrack distance change rateскорость изменения бокового отклоненияdeclared distanceобъявленная дистанцияdegeneration distanceдистанция затуханияdistance accuracyточность замера дальностиdistance assessmentвизуальная оценка расстояния в полетеdistance bushingраспорная втулкаdistance circleдальномерный лимбdistance controlдистанционное управлениеdistance fare taperскидка с тарифа за дальностьdistance flightполет на дальностьdistance flown counterсчетчик дальности полетаdistance flown indicatorуказатель пройденного путиdistance indicatorуказатель дальностиdistance marginзапас дистанции разбегаdistance markотметка дальностиdistance measurement channelдальномерный каналdistance measuring equipmentдальномерное оборудованиеdistance measuring systemдальномерная системаdistance scaleшкала дальностиdistance sleeveраспорная втулкаfixed distance lightsогни фиксированного расстоянияfixed distance markingsопознавательные знаки фиксированного расстоянияflareout distanceдистанция выравниванияflight distanceдистанция полетаgliding distanceдистанция планированияgreat-circle distanceрасстояние по ортодромииgross takeoff distanceполная взлетная дистанцияhold-off distanceдистанция выдерживанияin-flight safe distanceбезопасная дистанция в полетеlanding distanceпосадочная дистанцияlanding distance availableрасполагаемая посадочная дистанцияlanding distance with reverse thrustпосадочная дистанция при включенном реверсеlateral noise measurement distanceбоковое расстояние до точки измерения шумаline-of-sight distanceдальность видимости по прямойmeasured distanceизмеренное расстояниеmisjudged flight distanceнеправильно оцененное расстояние в полетеmisjudge the distanceнеправильно оценивать расстояниеomnibearing distance systemсистема всенаправленного дальномераoverall distanceобщая дистанцияreverence minimum distanceрекомендованная минимальная дистанцияrunway usable distanceрабочая часть ВППsafe takeoff distanceбезопасная взлетная дистанцияsight distanceдальность видимостиsound propagation distanceдлина пути распространения звукаstopping distanceтормозная дистанцияtakeoff acceleration distanceдистанция разгона при взлетеtakeoff distanceвзлетная дистанцияtakeoff distance availableрасполагаемая взлетная дистанцияtaxiing distanceдистанция руленияtaxiway separation distanceрасстояние между рулежными дорожкамиtrack distanceпутевая дистанцияturn lead distanceдистанция линейного упреждения разворотаunstick distanceдлина разбега -
3 distance
- distance
- nрасстояние, дистанция; дальность; путь прохождения
- distance of fall
- accelerated-stop distance
- accelerate-stop distance
- anchorage distance
- angular distance
- arbitrary distance
- average distance
- beam distance
- bearing distance
- bond distance
- braking distance
- center-to-center distance
- center-to-center distance between columns
- clear distance
- declared distance
- differential distance
- emergency distance
- end distance
- external distance
- focal distance
- following distance
- ground distance
- hauling distance
- haul distance
- horizontal distance
- jib center distance
- jump distance
- landing distance
- liftoff distance
- passing sight distance
- plus distance
- pole distance
- pumping distance
- restricted stopping sight distance
- runway usable distance
- shell-to-shell distance
- sighting distance
- sight distance
- stopping distance
- stop distance
- take-off distance
- tangent distance
- visibility distance
- walking distance
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 distance
distance [ˈdɪstəns]1. nouna. ( = way) distance fb. ( = long way) from a distance de loin• to distance o.s. from sth se distancier de qch3. compounds* * *['dɪstəns] 1.at a ou some distance from — à bonne distance de
at a safe/an equal distance — à bonne/égale distance
a long/short distance away — loin/pas loin
to keep one's distance — lit, fig garder ses distances ( from avec)
to go the distance — Sport, fig tenir la distance
from a/in the distance — de/au loin
2. 3.at a distance it's easy to see that I made mistakes — avec du recul je vois très bien que j'ai commis des erreurs
transitive verb1) créer une distance entre [two people]2) ( outdistance) distancier [rival]4.to distance oneself — ( dissociate oneself) se distancier ( from de); ( stand back) prendre du recul ( from par rapport à)
5 ♦ distance
♦ distance /ˈdɪstəns/n.1 distanza ( nel tempo e nello spazio): a short [long] distance, una distanza breve [lunga]; They travelled great distances to find food, percorrevano distanze enormi per trovare cibo; What is the distance from London to Paris ( o the distance between London and Paris)?; quanto dista Londra da Parigi?, che distanza c'è tra Londra e Parigi?; They watched from a safe distance, hanno guardato tenendosi a distanza di sicurezza; at a distance of 100 metres [2 miles], a 100 metri [2 miglia] di distanza; There is a distance of 10 years between his first novel and his second, c'è una distanza di 10 anni tra il suo primo romanzo e il secondo2 [u] lontananza ( nello spazio e nel tempo): The Statue of Liberty could be seen in the distance, si vedeva in lontananza la Statua della Libertà; The town is some [a great] distance away, la città è piuttosto [molto] lontana; The school is no distance at all from my house, la scuola è vicinissima a casa mia; He disappeared into the distance, è sparito in lontananza; Cures based on gene therapy are still some distance in the future, le cure basate sulla terapia genica sono ancora in un futuro piuttosto lontano; from (o at) a distance, da lontano3 [u] (fig.) distanza; freddezza: Collegues complained of his distance and reserve, i colleghi si lamentavano della sua freddezza e riservatezza4 (geom.) distanza5 (mus.) intervallo6 ( sport) distanza: This is her first win at this distance, è la sua prima vittoria su questa distanza7 (ipp.) distanza ( ultima parte del percorso, pari a 220 iarde; oppure tratto di 20 lunghezze tra due cavalli in corsa): White Mark lost the qualifier by a distance, White Mark perse l'eliminatoria per una distanza● distance glasses, occhiali per vedere da lontano □ distance learning, istruzione a distanza □ (naut.) distance on beam, distanza al traverso □ (elettr.) distance relay, relè distanziometrico □ (mecc.) distance ring, anello distanziatore □ ( sport: atletica) distance runner, fondista; ( anche) mezzofondista □ ( sport: atletica) distance running, il fondo □ (cinem., TV) distance shot, campo lungo □ (naut.) distance signal, segnale di lontananza □ (autom.) braking (o stopping) distance, spazio di frenata □ ( sport e fig.) to go the distance, reggere fino alla fine; andare fino in fondo □ to keep one's distance ( from sb.), tenere le distanze (da q.) □ to keep sb. at a distance, tenersi a distanza da q. □ to keep a safe distance from, tenersi a distanza di sicurezza da □ within commuting distance, a una distanza percorribile ogni giorno nei due sensi □ to put some distance between oneself and sb. [st.], allontanarsi da q. [qc.]: He was anxious to put some distance between himself and his former home, era ansioso di allontanarsi dalla sua vecchia casa □ within shooting distance, a tiro □ within spitting distance of Piccadilly Circus, a due passi da Piccadilly Circus □ within striking distance (of st.), vicinissimo (a qc.); (mil.) a tiro: The house is within striking distance of the coast, la casa è vicinissima alla costa; Our troops are not yet within striking distance of the enemy, le nostre truppe non hanno ancora il nemico a tiro □ within walking distance, a una distanza percorribile a piedi: I live within walking distance of the school, abito abbastanza vicino alla scuola da poterci andare a piedi.(to) distance /ˈdɪstəns/v. t.1 distanziare; staccare2 (fig.) allontanare: Her extraordinary intelligence distanced her from her peers, la sua straordinaria intelligenza la allontanava dai suoi coetanei● to distance oneself ( from), distanziarsi, prendere le distanze (da) □ (fig.) distancing effect, effetto (o impressione) di distanza: The anonymity of the narrator has a distancing effect, l'anonimità del narratore crea un'impressione di distanza. -
6 distance
distance ['dɪstəns]1 noun(a) (between two places) distance f;∎ distance is measured in miles/kilometres on mesure la distance en miles/kilomètres;∎ modern technology makes distance irrelevant avec la technologie moderne, les distances ne veulent plus rien dire;∎ at a distance of 50 metres à (une distance de) 50 mètres;∎ within walking/cycling distance from the station à quelques minutes de marche/en vélo de la gare;∎ is it within walking distance? peut-on y aller à pied?;∎ the house is some distance from the village la maison est assez loin du village;∎ it's some or quite a or a good distance from here c'est assez loin d'ici;∎ a short distance away tout près;∎ it's no distance (at all) c'est tout près ou à deux pas;∎ we covered the distance in ten hours nous avons fait le trajet en dix heures;∎ to cover great distances on foot couvrir de grandes distances à pied;∎ distance (is) no object (in advertisement) toutes distances couvertes, toutes destinations;∎ to keep at a safe distance (from) se tenir à une distance prudente (de);∎ figurative to keep sb at a distance tenir qn à distance (respectueuse);∎ to keep one's distance (from sb) garder ses distances (par rapport à qn);∎ we keep our distance from each other nous gardons nos distances (l'un par rapport à l'autre);∎ to go or stay the distance (boxer, political campaigner) tenir la distance;∎ the fight went the distance le combat est allé jusqu'à la limite(b) (distant point, place)∎ to see/to hear sth in the distance voir/entendre qch au loin;∎ in the middle distance au second plan;∎ to see sth from a distance voir qch de loin;∎ you can't see it from or at this distance on ne peut pas le voir à cette distance;∎ figurative to admire sb from or at a distance admirer qn de loin∎ at a distance of 200 years, it's very difficult to know 200 ans plus tard, il est très difficile de savoir;∎ it's very hard for me to remember at this distance in time c'est très difficile de m'en souvenir après tout ce temps∎ there's a great distance between us il y a un grand fossé entre nous(e) (aloofness, reserve) froideur fdistancer;∎ she is distancing herself from the other runners elle est en train de distancer les autres coureurs ou de se détacher des autres coureurs;∎ figurative to distance oneself (from sb/sth) prendre ses distances (par rapport à qn/qch)►► distance banking banque f à distance;distance education enseignement m à distance ou par correspondance;distance learning enseignement m à distance ou par correspondance;Sport distance race épreuve f de fond;Sport distance runner coureur(euse) m,f de fond;distance teaching enseignement m à distance -
7 distance
A n lit, fig distance f (between entre ; from de ; to à) ; a distance of une distance de ; at a distance of 50 metres à (une distance de) 50 mètres ; at a ou some distance from à bonne distance de ; at ou from this distance à cette distance ; at a safe distance à bonne distance ; at an equal distance à égale distance ; a long/short distance away loin/pas loin ; to keep sb at a distance tenir qn à distance ; to keep one's distance lit, fig garder ses distances (from avec) ; to go the distance Sport, fig tenir la distance ; to put some distance between oneself and Paris/the border s'éloigner de Paris/de la frontière ; from a distance de loin ; in the distance au loin ; it's no distance c'est tout près ; it's within walking distance on peut y aller à pied ; call him, he's within shouting distance appelle-le, il est assez près pour pouvoir t'entendre ; ‘free delivery, distance no object’ ‘livraison gratuite, toutes destinations’ ; at a distance it's easy to see that I made mistakes avec du recul je vois très bien que j'ai commis des erreurs.C vtr1 créer une distance entre [two people] ; to distance sb from sb/sth ( emotionally) créer une distance entre qn et qn/qch ; to become distanced from sb se détacher de qn ; to distance sb's remarks from the government view distancier les observations de qn de l'optique gouvernementale ;2 ( outdistance) distancier [runner, rival].D v refl to distance oneself ( dissociate oneself) se distancier (from de) ; ( stand back) prendre du recul (from par rapport à). -
8 distance
distance [ˊdɪstǝns]1. n1) отдалённость; да́льность; даль;in the distance вдали́
;from a distance издалека́
;it is quite a distance from here э́то дово́льно далеко́ отсю́да
;a good distance off дово́льно далеко́
;no distance at all совсе́м недалеко́
2) расстоя́ние; диста́нция;at a distance на изве́стном расстоя́нии
;out of distance, beyond striking ( или listening) distance вне досяга́емости
;within striking ( или listening) distance в преде́лах досяга́емости
;to hit the distance спорт. пробежа́ть диста́нцию
3) сде́ржанность, хо́лодность ( в обращении);to keep one's distance from smb. избега́ть кого́-л.
;to keep a person at a distance держа́ть кого́-л. на почти́тельном расстоя́нии, избега́ть сближе́ния с кем-л.
4) даль, перспекти́ва ( в живописи);middle distance сре́дний план
5) промежу́ток, пери́од ( времени); отре́зок;the distance between two events промежу́ток вре́мени ме́жду двумя́ собы́тиями
;at this distance of time сто́лько вре́мени спустя́
6) муз. интерва́л ме́жду двумя́ но́тами2. v1) отдаля́ть; помеща́ть или держа́ть на определённом расстоя́нии2) оставля́ть далеко́ позади́ себя́3) владе́ть перспекти́вой ( о художнике) -
9 distance
DISTANCE [AT, FROM, IN]At a distance (всегда с неопределенным артиклем) означает 'на каком-то расстоянии': at a short (long) distance, at a distance of two miles. From a distance (также с неопределенным артиклем) соответствует русскому 'издалека, с какого-то расстояния': to look at (to see, to view) the picture from a distance. In the distance (всегда с определенным артиклем) имеет значение 'вдали, вдалеке': to see a train in the distance.Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > distance
10 distance
distance расстояниеdistance betweeen tow popultaions биом. расстояние между двумя совокупностямиdistance from end of snout to the indertion of the dorsal fin (ихт) антедорсальное расстояниеdistance from end of snout to the insertion of the anal fin (ихт) антеанальное рассстояниеEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > distance
11 distance DR
DR is the horizontal distance that the helicopter has travelled from the end of the take-off distance available.(AN 6/III)Дистанция DR - это расстояние по горизонтали, которое вертолёт проходит от конца располагаемой взлётной дистанции.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > distance DR
12 distance
distance 1. GEN Strecke f; 2. LOGIS Entfernung f • at an appropriate distance GEN in angemessener Entfernung -
13 distance-to-go
distance-to-go indicatorуказатель оставшегося путиflight distance-to-goдальность полета до пункта назначения -
14 distance
distance TECH Abstand m (räumliche Entfernung); Distanz f, Entfernung f, Strecke f, Weg m, Zwischenraum m -
15 distance
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > distance
16 distance
17 distance
distance {fk} -
18 distance
19 distance
2) интервал, отрезок•takeoff distance available — располагаемая взлётная дистанция;takeoff distance required — потребная взлётная дистанция;to misjudge the distance — неправильно оценить ( в полёте) расстояние ( до препятствия)distance of movement — дистанция перемещения (напр. тележки)distance of travel — 1. длина пробега ( частицы) 2. глубина проникновения (напр. примеси)-
accelerate-stop distance
actual distance
air-to-ground distance
anchorage distance
approach flight track distance
arcing distance
augmentation distance
back-focal distance
basic distance
bond distance
brake system application distance
braking distance
bridging distance
center-to-center distance
centroidal distance
chargeable distance
chordal distance
clear distance
code distance
continued takeoff distance
correlation distance
crack separation distance
creepage distance
Debye screening distance
designed stopping distance
developed distance
diffusion distance
disruptive distance
dry arcing distance
edge distance of rivets
electrical distance
electrode distance
end distance
end-to-end distance
epicentral distance
Euclidean distance
flange focal distance
flareout distance
flashing distance
flight distance-to-go
focal distance
focusing distance
forked claw interteeth distance
front-focal distance
fuel distance
gap-closing distance
geodesic distance
gliding distance
grazing distance
great circle distance
gross takeoff distance
ground distance
Hamming distance
haul distance
haulage distance
hearing distance
hold-off distance
hyperfocal distance
hypocentral distance
ideal distance
infinite distance
insulation distance
interaction distance
intercarrier distance
intercluster distance
interelectrode distance
interinclusion distance
internodal distance
jumping distance
jump distance
lance distance
landing distance
lattice distance
leakage distance
level distance
line-of-sight distance
linkage distance
load distance
loxodromic distance
misjudged flight distance
nadir distance
out-to-out distance
overtaking distance
projection distance
propagation distance
recording distance
relaxation distance
required distance
rhumb-line distance
runway usable distance
shell-to-shell distance
shooting distance
sighting distance
signal distance
skip distance
slant distance
sliding distance
slope distance
source transmission distance
sparking distance
spherical distance
stepping distance
stick-out distance
stopping distance
striking distance
takeoff acceleration distance
takeoff flight distance
tariff distance
thermal-transmission distance
thinking distance
track distance
trip distance
unsupported distance
viewing distance -
20 distance
1. nountheir distance from each other — die räumliche Entfernung zwischen ihnen
keep [at] a [safe] distance [from somebody/something] — jemandem/einer Sache nicht zu nahe kommen
keep one's distance [from somebody/something] — Abstand [zu jemandem/etwas] wahren
from this distance — aus dieser Entfernung
at a distance of... [from somebody/something] — in einer Entfernung von... [von jemandem/etwas]
a short distance away — ganz in der Nähe
4) (remoter field of vision) Ferne, diein/into the distance — in der/die Ferne
5) (distant point) Entfernung, dieat a distance/[viewed] from a distance — von weitem
6) (space of time) Abstand, der2. transitive verbat a distance of 20 years — aus einem Abstand von 20 Jahren
distance oneself from somebody/something — sich von jemandem/etwas distanzieren
* * *['distəns]1) (the space between things, places etc: Some of the children have to walk long distances to school; It's quite a distance to the bus stop; It is difficult to judge distance when driving at night; What's the distance from here to London?) die Entfernung2) (a far-off place or point: We could see the town in the distance; He disappeared into the distance; The picture looks better at a distance.) entfernt•- academic.ru/21293/distant">distant* * *dis·tance[ˈdɪstən(t)s]I. nit's only a short \distance away from here es ist nicht weit von hierbraking \distance Bremsweg mover long \distances über weite Streckento keep at a safe \distance Sicherheitsabstand haltento close [up] the \distance [to sth] den Abstand [zu etw dat] verringernto cover long \distances lange Strecken zurücklegenwhat's the \distance between Madrid and Barcelona? wie weit sind Madrid und Barcelona voneinander entfernt?you've come from quite a long \distance, haven't you? du kommst von weiter her, stimmt's?within driving/walking \distance mit dem Auto/zu Fuß erreichbarhe lives within walking \distance of work er kann zu Fuß zu Arbeit gehenwithin shouting \distance in Rufweitethey sped off into the \distance sie brausten davonto look off into the \distance in die Ferne blickenin the \distance in der Fernefrom [or at] a distance von Weitemin a \distance of 5 years innerhalb von fünf Jahrento keep one's \distance auf Distanz bleibento keep one's \distance from sb/sth sich akk von jdm/etw fernhalten7.▶ to go the \distance bis zum Ende durchhaltenII. vt* * *['dIstəns]1. n1) (in space) Entfernung f; (= gap, interval) Abstand m, Distanz f (geh); (= distance covered) Strecke f, Weg mthe distance between the eyes/railway lines — der Abstand zwischen den Augen/Eisenbahnschienen
the distance between London and Glasgow is... — die Entfernung zwischen London und Glasgow beträgt...
what's the distance between London and Glasgow? —
I don't know the exact distance we covered the distance between London and Glasgow in five hours — ich weiß nicht genau, wie weit es ist wir haben für die Strecke London-Glasgow fünf Stunden gebraucht
he went with me ( for) part of the distance — er ging einen Teil der Strecke or des Weges mit mir
it's no distance — es ist überhaupt nicht weit, es ist nur ein Katzensprung (inf)
we drove 600 miles – that's quite a distance — wir sind 600 Meilen gefahren – das ist eine ganz schöne Strecke
to go the distance — durchhalten, es durchstehen
to keep one's distance (from sb/sth) — Abstand (von jdm/etw) halten
2)(in time)
from or at a distance of 400 years —at this distance in time — nach einem so langen Zeitraum
2. vt1)See:= outdistance2)to distance oneself/sb from sb/sth — sich/jdn von jdm/etw distanzieren
television may distance the public from reality — das Fernsehen kann die Öffentlichkeit der Wirklichkeit entfremden
* * *distance [ˈdıstəns]A sa) in einiger Entfernung,b) von Weitem, von fern;a good distance off ziemlich weit entfernt;at an equal distance gleich weit (entfernt);from a distance aus einiger Entfernung;it is no distance es ist gar nicht weit (to [bis] zu);what is the distance to London? wie weit ist es bis nach London?2. Ferne f:from (in) the distance aus (in) der Fernebetween zwischen dat):4. Entfernung f, Strecke f:the distance covered die zurückgelegte Strecke;distance of vision Sehweite f;go the distance figa) durchhalten, über die Runden kommen,b) (Boxen) über die volle Distanz gehen;they had travel(l)ed long distances sie waren von weit her gekommen;stay the distance with über die volle Distanz gehen gegen (Boxer)5. (zeitlicher) Abstand, Zeitraum m: I can hardly remember him at this distance of ( oder in) time nach all dieser Zeit6. fig Abstand m, Entfernung f, Entferntheit f7. fig Distanz f, Abstand m, Zurückhaltung f:keep sb at a distance jemandem gegenüber reserviert sein, sich jemanden vom Leib halten;keep one’s distance zurückhaltend sein, (die gebührende) Distanz wahren ( → A 3);know one’s distance wissen, wie weit man gehen darf8. MAL etca) Perspektive fb) auch pl Hintergrund mc) Ferne f9. MUS Intervall n10. SPORTa) Distanz f, Strecke fb) Boxen, Fechten: Distanz f (zwischen den Gegnern)distance race Langstreckenlauf m;distance runner Langstreckenläufer(in), Langstreckler(in)B v/t2. fig überflügeln, -treffendist. abk1. distance2. distant3. distinguish (distinguished)4. district* * *1. nounkeep [at] a [safe] distance [from somebody/something] — jemandem/einer Sache nicht zu nahe kommen
keep one's distance [from somebody/something] — Abstand [zu jemandem/etwas] wahren
at a distance of... [from somebody/something] — in einer Entfernung von... [von jemandem/etwas]
4) (remoter field of vision) Ferne, diein/into the distance — in der/die Ferne
5) (distant point) Entfernung, dieat a distance/[viewed] from a distance — von weitem
6) (space of time) Abstand, der2. transitive verbdistance oneself from somebody/something — sich von jemandem/etwas distanzieren
* * *n.Abstand -¨e m.Distanz -en f.Entfernung f.Ferne -n f.Weite -n f. (dissociate) oneself from expr.sich abgrenzen von (Personen) ausdr.
См. также в других словарях:
distance — [ distɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1223; lat. distantia 1 ♦ Longueur qui sépare une chose d une autre. ⇒ 1. écart, écartement, éloignement, 1. espace, étendue, intervalle. Distance entre deux lieux. Distance d un point à un autre, de la Terre à la Lune. Évaluer … Encyclopédie Universelle
Distance — Dis tance, n. [F. distance, L. distantia.] 1. The space between two objects; the length of a line, especially the shortest line joining two points or things that are separate; measure of separation in place. [1913 Webster] Every particle attracts … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
distance — [dis′təns] n. [ME distaunce < OFr distance < L distantia < distans, prp. of distare, to stand apart < dis , apart + stare, STAND] 1. the fact or condition of being separated or removed in space or time; remoteness 2. a gap, space, or… … English World dictionary
distance — DISTANCE. s. fém. L espace, l intervalle d un lieu à un autre. La distance des lieux. La distance d une ville à l autre. [b]f♛/b] On le dit aussi Du temps. La distance des temps. Il y a une grande distance depuis l Empire des Assyriens jusqu à l… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
distance — DISTANCE. s. f. L espace, l intervalle qu il y a d un lieu à un autre. La distance des lieux. la distance qu il y a d un lieu à un autre. On le dit aussi du temps. La distance des temps. il y a une grande distance depuis l Empire des Assiriens… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
distancé — distancé, ée (di stan sé, sée) adj. Dépassé à la course. Ce cheval d abord distancé par les autres coureurs. Fig. Distancé dans la carrière des honneurs par des compétiteurs plus heureux. Absolument. Un cheval distancé. Vous serez distancé … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Distance — Dis tance, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Distanced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Distancing}.] 1. To place at a distance or remotely. [1913 Webster] I heard nothing thereof at Oxford, being then miles distanced thence. Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. To cause to appear as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Distance — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Distance ( distancia en inglés) puede referirse a: Distance, un disco de Hikaru Utada Distance, una película de Hirokazu Koreeda Obtenido de Distance Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español
Distance (EP) — Distance EP by Antagonist A.D Released 2007 Genre M … Wikipedia
distance — ► NOUN 1) the length of the space between two points. 2) the condition of being far off; remoteness. 3) a far off point or place. 4) an interval of time or relation. 5) the full length or time of a race or other contest. 6) Brit. Horse Racing a… … English terms dictionary
distance — [n1] interval, range absence, ambit, amplitude, area, bit, breadth, compass, country mile*, expanse, extension, extent, farness, far piece*, gap, good ways*, heavens, hinterland, horizon, lapse, length, objective, orbit, outpost, outskirts,… … New thesaurus