2 space
- space
- n1. пространство
2. помещение
3. интервал
4. зазор, промежуток
spaces earmarked for landscaping — пространства, предназначенные для озеленения [садово-парковой архитектуры]
- administration space
- air space
- annular space
- architectural space
- assembly space
- audience space
- ball game space
- building spaces
- business space
- car space
- caulking space
- circulation space
- clean space
- clerical space
- closed space
- commerce space
- communication space
- conditioned space
- conference space
- cooking space
- corridor open space
- crawl space
- curing space
- dead space
- dead water space
- detention spaces
- display space
- equipment housing space
- exhibition space
- guard space
- habitable inner space
- information storage space
- landscaped space
- lecture space
- living space
- management space
- occupied space
- open-air space
- open space
- open public space
- operating space
- outdoor space
- photography space
- planting space
- plenum space
- reading space
- record space
- recording space
- recreation space
- rentable space
- resting space
- retail trading space
- right-of-way space
- roof space
- roof-truss space
- sale space
- semi-infinite space
- serving space
- shopping space
- show space
- storage space
- study space
- telecommunication space
- telephone communication space
- television viewing space
- tight working space
- trading space
- training space
- typewriting space
- uninterrupted space
- usable apartment space
- usable office space
- welfare spaces
- wholesale trading space
- window space
- working space
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
3 ♦ space
♦ space /speɪs/A n. [uc]1 spazio: the conquest of space, la conquista dello spazio; outer space, spazio extraatmosferico (o cosmico)2 spazio; spazio di tempo; intervallo: in the space of a month, nello spazio di un mese; after a short space, dopo un breve intervallo3 spazio; area; posto: Leave a wide space between the rows, lascia molto spazio fra una fila e l'altra!; advertising space, spazio pubblicitario; floor space, superficie utilizzabile ( di appartamento); spazio (utile); parking space, parcheggio, spazio per parcheggiare; to clear a space, fare un po' di posto5 (tipogr.) spazio; spaziatura; interlinea; battuta7 (comput.) spazio; carattere spazio8 (mus.) spazio; intervalloB a. attr.spaziale: the space age, l'era spaziale; space probe, sonda spaziale, cosmosonda; space research, ricerche spaziali● ( anche comput.) space bar, barra spaziatrice ( di macchina da scrivere o di tastiera di computer) □ (fam. USA) space barrel, stanziamento per le ricerche spaziali □ (fig., fam.) space cadet, tipo stralunato □ (miss.) space capsule, capsula spaziale □ space fiction, fantascienza □ (miss.) space flight, volo spaziale □ (edil.) space frame, struttura controvento □ (fam. USA) space girl ► spacewoman □ space heater, convettore termico □ space helmet, casco spaziale □ space-key, barra spazio ( di macchina da scrivere) □ (miner.) space lattice, reticolo spaziale ( di un cristallo) □ (tipogr.) space-line, interlinea □ (miss.) space navigation, navigazione spaziale □ space rocket, missile spaziale □ space-saving, poco ingombrante □ space shuttle, space shuttle; navetta spaziale □ space sickness, male di spazio □ (miss.) space station, stazione spaziale □ (astron., miss.) space telescope, telescopio spaziale □ (fis., filos.) space-time (o space-time continuum), spazio-tempo; cronotopo; spazio quadridimensionale □ space travel, navigazione nello spazio □ space traveller, astronauta □ (miss.) space walk, passeggiata spaziale □ (mil.) space weapon, arma spaziale □ space writer, pubblicista pagato a un tanto la riga □ Let's rest ( for) a space, riposiamoci un poco!(to) space /speɪs/v. t.1 spaziare; disporre a intervalli; distanziare; scaglionare3 (mecc.) distanziare; separare con un distanziatore. -
4 space
space [speɪs]1 noun∎ the first man in space le premier homme dans l'espace;∎ a particular point in space and time un point particulier dans l'espace et le temps;∎ she sat staring into space elle était assise, le regard perdu dans le vide∎ there's too much wasted space in this kitchen il y a trop de place perdue ou d'espace inutilisé dans cette cuisine;∎ to take up a lot of space prendre ou occuper beaucoup de place;∎ the large windows give an impression of space les grandes fenêtres donnent une impression d'espace;∎ he cleared a or some space on his desk for the tray il a fait un peu de place sur son bureau pour le plateau;∎ can you make space for one more? pouvez-vous faire de la place pour une personne de plus?;∎ the author devotes a lot of space to philosophical speculations l'auteur fait une large part aux spéculations philosophiques;∎ figurative I need some space j'ai besoin de liberté;∎ to invade sb's personal space empiéter sur l'espace vital de qn(c) (volume, area, distance) espace m;∎ wide open spaces grands espaces mpl;∎ an enclosed space un espace clos;∎ there are at least five pubs in the space of a few hundred yards il y a au moins cinq pubs sur quelques centaines de mètres;∎ advertising space espace m publicitaire(d) (gap) espace m, place f; (on page, official form) espace m, case f; Typography (gap between words) espace m, blanc m; (blank type) espace m;∎ there's barely any space between the houses il n'y a pratiquement pas d'espace entre les maisons;∎ leave a space for the teacher's comments laissez un espace pour les remarques du professeur;∎ please add any further details in the space provided veuillez ajouter tout détail supplémentaire dans la case prévue à cet effet(e) (period of time, interval) intervalle m, espace m (de temps), période f;∎ in or within the space of six months en (l'espace de) six mois;∎ over a space of several years sur une période de plusieurs années;∎ it'll all be over in a very short space of time tout sera fini dans très peu de temps ou d'ici peu(f) (seat, place) place f(programme, research, travel, flight) spatial;∎ the space age l'ère f spatiale►► space bar (on keyboard) barre f d'espacement;space blanket couverture f de survie;familiar space cadet allumé(e) m,f;∎ he's a bit of a space cadet il est toujours en train de planer;space capsule capsule f spatiale;space flight vol m ou voyage m spatial;space heater radiateur m;space helmet casque m d'astronaute;the Space Needle la Space Needle (tour de 185m, emblématique de la ville de Seattle);space opera space opera m;space platform station f spatiale ou orbitale;space probe sonde f spatiale;space race course f pour la suprématie dans l'espace;space rescue vehicle véhicule m spatial de sauvetage;space rocket fusée f spatiale ou interplanétaire;Typography space rule filet m maigre;space shot lancement m spatial;space shuttle navette f spatiale;space sickness mal m de l'espace;space station station f spatiale ou orbitale;space travel voyages mpl dans l'espace, specialist term astronautique f(a) (in space) espacer;∎ evenly spaced out régulièrement espacés;∎ the buoys are well spaced out les bouées sont largement espacées;∎ space yourselves out a bit more écartez-vous un peu plus les uns des autres∎ spaced out over a period of ten years échelonné sur une période de dix ans✾ Book ✾ Film '2001: A Space Odyssey' Clarke, Kubrick '2001: l'odyssée de l'espace' -
5 space
space [speɪs]1. noun• I need some space ( = freedom) j'ai besoin qu'on me laisse respirerb. ( = room) place f• to clear a space for sb/sth faire de la place pour qn/qch2. compounds[journey, programme, research, rocket] spatialb. to be spaced out (inf!) être défoncé (inf !)* * *[speɪs] 1.1) [U] ( room) place f, espace mto give somebody space — fig laisser de la liberté à quelqu'un
2) [C] (gap, area of land) gen espace m; Music interligne min the space provided — ( on form etc) dans la case prévue à cet effet
‘watch this space!’ — ‘à suivre’
open spaces — espaces mpl libres
3) ( interval of time) intervalle m4) [U] (also outer space) espace m2. 3.transitive verb espacerPhrasal Verbs: -
6 space
space 1. пространство; 2. расстояние, интервалspace of irido-corneal angle пространство роговично-радужного угла, фонтаново пространствоanatomical dead space анатомической мёртвое пространствоapparent free space кажущееся свободное пространствоarachnoid space (анат) подпаутинное пространствоclavicular space ключичное пространствоdead space мёртвое (дыхательное) пространствоDisse's space вокругсинусоидное пространство, пространство ДиссеFontana's space пространство роговично-радужного угла, фонтаново пространствоfunctional space физиологическое пространство, функциональное пространствоglandular spaces железистые поляintercostal space межрёберье, межрёберный промежутокlymph space лимфатическое пространствоlysigenous intercellular space (бот) лизигенный межклетникNuel's space паратуннель, туннель Нэеляone-dimensional space биом. одномерное пространствоperilymphatic space перилимфатическое пространствоperiplasmic space периплазматическое пространствоperisinusoidal space вокругсинусоидное пространство, пространство Диссеperivascular space вокругсосудистое пространство, периваскулярное пространство Робина - Вирхова, периваскулярное пространство Робина - Гисаperivitelline space перивителлиновое пространствоphysiological space физиологическое пространство, функциональное пространствоpore space поровое пространство (в почве)respiratory dead space мёртвое (дыхательное) пространствоRobin-His space вокругсосудистое пространство, периваскулярное пространство Робина - Вирхова [Робина - Гиса]sample space биом. выборочное пространствоschizogenous intercellular space схизогенный межклетникTenon's space межвлагалищное пространство, теноново пространствоVirchow-Robin space вокругсосудистое пространство, периваскулярное пространство Робина - Вирхова [Робина - Гиса]English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > space
7 space
A n1 ¢ ( room) place f, espace m ; to take up a lot of space prendre or occuper beaucoup de place ; to make space for sb/sth faire de la place pour qn/qch ; a car with plenty of luggage space une voiture avec beaucoup de place or d'espace pour les bagages ; there is ample space for parking il n'y a aucun problème de stationnement ; to buy/sell (advertising) space in a newspaper acheter/vendre des espaces publicitaires dans un journal ; to give sb space fig laisser de la liberté à qn ; to need (one's own) space avoir besoin de liberté ; to invade sb's (personal) space empiéter sur l'espace vital de qn ;2 ∁ (gap, blank area) gen espace m (between entre) ; Mus interligne m ; Print (between letters, words) espace f ; ( between lines) interligne m, espace m ; there is a space of ten centimetres between… il y a un espace de dix centimètres entre… ; enclosed spaces les espaces fermés ; in the space provided ( on application form etc) dans l'espace prévu à cet effet, dans la case prévue à cet effet ; ‘watch this space!’ ‘à suivre’ ;3 ∁ ( area of land) espace m ; open spaces espaces mpl libres ; the freedom of the wide open spaces la liberté des grands espaces ;4 ( interval of time) intervalle m ; after a space of fifteen minutes/two weeks après un intervalle de quinze minutes/deux semaines ; in ou within the space of five minutes/a week en l'espace de cinq minutes/d'une semaine ; in a short space of time en très peu de temps ;5 Aerosp, Phys espace m ; the exploration of space, space exploration l'exploration de l'espace or du cosmos.to stare into space regarder dans le vide or l'espace.■ space out:▶ to space out [sth], space [sth] out espacer [objects, rows, words, visits, events] ; échelonner [payments] ; to space out one's days off throughout the year répartir ses jours de congé sur toute l'année. -
8 space
space nпространствоblocked space agreementсоглашение о резервировании местаblocked spacesместа постоянной брониcargo spaceгрузовой отсекconfirmed reserved spaceподтвержденное забронированное местоconfirm spaceподтверждать бронирование местаdanger spaceзона опасностиparking spaceместо стоянкиspace available basisпродажа билетов по принципу наличия свободных местspace available policyметод продажи по наличию свободных местspace limited payloadкоммерческая загрузка, ограниченная по объемуspace the aircraftопределять зону полета воздушного суднаullage spaceчасть бака, не заполненная топливом -
9 space
space [speɪs]1. n1) расстоя́ние; протяже́ние;for the space of a mile на протяже́нии ми́ли
2) простра́нство;to vanish into space исчеза́ть
3) ко́смос, косми́ческое простра́нство4) интерва́л; промежу́ток вре́мени, срок;after a short space вско́ре
;within the space of в тече́ние (определённого промежу́тка вре́мени)
;in the space of an hour в тече́ние ча́са; че́рез час
5) ме́сто, пло́щадь;for want of space за недоста́тком ме́ста
;open spaces откры́тые простра́нства, пустыри́
6) ме́сто, сиде́нье (в поезде, самолёте и т.п.)7) коли́чество строк, отведённое под объявле́ния (в газете, журнале)8) полигр. шпа́ция2. v1) оставля́ть промежу́тки, расставля́ть с промежу́ткамиto be spaced out амер. сл. накури́ться марихуа́ны
10 space
space I v 1. mit Zwischenraum aufstellen [anordnen]; 2. NRT Trennstrom senden space II 1. Raum m; Weltraum m; 2. Zwischenraum m, Abstand m; Lücke f; Impulslücke f; Leerstelle f; 3. Zeitraum m, Frist fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > space
11 space
space I v 1. KONST mit Zwischenraum [Abstand] anordnen, unterteilen (in Räume); 2. TE (zeitlich) einteilen space II 1. Raum m; Platz m; 2. Raum m, Zwischenraum m, Abstand m; 3. Zeitraum mEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > space
12 space
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > space
13 space
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > space
14 space
15 space
16 Space
17 space
18 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- space of basic elementsto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- Abelian space
- absolutely convergent series space
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design space
- design alternatives space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- N-space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem space
- problem address space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- test space
- tesselated space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trajectory space
- trailing space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working space -
19 space
1) пространство; область; зона; объём || распределять в пространстве; разбивать на области или зоны; размещать в объёме || пространственный; относящийся к области или зоне; объёмный2) космическое пространство, космос || космический3) тлг. бестоковая посылка, пауза4) пробел || разделять (напр. буквы или слова) пробелами5) зазор (напр. между элементами ИС) || использовать зазор; оставлять зазор; разделять зазором6) вчт. шпация8) интервал (напр. между строками матрицы); промежуток || располагать с интервалом (напр. строки матрицы) или с промежутком9) проф. интерлиньяж (межстрочный пробел, междустрочие)10) (условная) единица измерения интерлиньяжа, проф. интервал11) разнос (напр. каналов) || разносить (напр. каналы)•- absolutely convergent series spaceto space out — набирать ( текст) в разрядку
- acceleration space
- active space
- address space
- adjacency space
- advertising space
- affine space
- air space
- allocated space
- anode dark space
- Aston dark space
- aural space
- Banach space
- basic line space
- blank space
- Boolean space
- brightness-color space
- buncher space
- catcher space
- cathode dark space
- cellular space
- checkpoint space
- cislunar space
- classification space
- classifying space
- closed space
- cointegration space
- color space
- conceptual space
- configuration space
- connected space
- control space
- CPU address space
- criteria space
- Crookes dark space
- dead space
- decision space
- deep space
- design alternatives space
- design space
- disk space
- display space
- distribution space
- domain space
- double space
- drift space
- electron drift space
- em space
- en space
- end spaces
- error space
- estimation space
- Euclidean space
- Faraday dark space
- feature space
- finite-dimensional space
- fixed space
- flat address space
- Frechet space
- free space
- free Web space
- fuzzy space
- goal space
- guard space
- half-space
- hard space
- Hausdorff space
- heap space
- hereditary space
- Hilbert space
- Hilbertian space
- Hittorf dark space
- hole drift space
- image space
- infinite-dimensional space
- input space
- input/output space
- integrable function space
- interaction space
- inter-block space
- interelectrode space
- interplanar space
- inter-record space
- interstitial space
- inter-track space
- invariant space
- Langmuir dark space
- lexicographic space
- line space
- logic space
- marker space
- medium space
- memory space
- mixed space
- model space
- momentum space
- multidimensional space
- multiple space
- name space
- N-dimensional Euclidean space
- negative thin space
- nonbreaking space
- N-space
- number space
- object space
- observation space
- one-dimensional space
- open space
- operating space
- ordered space
- organism's phase space
- orthonormal space
- outcome space
- outer space
- output space
- parameter space
- patch space
- pattern space
- perception space
- phase space
- policy space
- probability space
- problem address space
- problem space
- provider aggregable address space
- provider independent address space
- proximity space
- Radon space
- range space
- reference space
- reflector space
- required space
- reticulated space
- routing space
- sample space
- search space
- segmented address space
- semantic space
- semi-infinite space
- sequence space
- shared space
- single space
- solution space
- space of attributes
- space of basic elements
- space of events
- space of finite dimension
- space of functions
- space of ideals
- space of kernels
- space of mappings
- space of random variables
- space of solutions
- space of strategies
- space of values
- spin space
- state space
- strategy space
- structural space
- task space
- tesselated space
- test space
- thick space
- thin space
- three-dimensional space
- topological space
- trailing space
- trajectory space
- triangulable space
- triple space
- tuple space
- two-dimensional space
- uniconvergence space
- uniform color space
- vector space
- virtual space
- visible space
- wave-vector space
- white space
- Whitney space
- word space
- working spaceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > space
20 space
1) интервал, промежуток2) пробел || оставлять пробелы3) область; площадь4) пространство || пространственный5) космос, космическое пространство6) полость7) расстояние•- absolutely compact space - absolutely embedded space - absolutely thick space - algebraically parallel space - almost complex space - almost expandable space - almost isomorphic space - almost metric space - almost nonsingular space - almost paracompact space - almost pretopological space - analytically ramified covering space - arcwise connected space - centrally harmonic space - compactly ordered space - completely continuous space - completely degenerate space - completely disconnected space - completely harmonic space - completely metric space - completely normal space - completely reducible space - completely regular space - completely reticulated space - completely separable space - completely separated space - completely symmetric space - completely uniformizable space - constant curvature space - continuous sample space - continuously ordered space - contractible in itself space - countably compactifiable space - countably dimensional space - countably generated space - countably infinite space - countably metacompact space - countably multinormed space - countably normed space - countably paracompact space - countably refinable space - countably subcompact space - finitely productive space - finitely sheeted space - finitely triangulated space - fully normal space - general metrizable space - general topological space - global analytic space - globally symmetric space - hereditarily normal space - hereditarily paracompact space - hereditarily separable space - hereditarily symmetric space - holomorphic tangent space - holomorphically complete space - holomorphically convex space - homotopy associative space - iterated loop space - linearly connected space - linearly ordered space - linearly topologized space - load space - locally bounded space - locally closed space - locally compact space - locally complete space - locally connected space - locally contractible space - locally convex space - locally directed space - locally fine space - locally holomorphic space - locally homogeneous space - locally hyperbolic space - locally linear space - locally metrizable space - locally ringed space - locally separable space - locally simply connected space - locally solid space - locally spherical space - locally star-shaped space - locally symmetric space - locally timelike space - locally triangulable space - monotonically normal space - naturally isomorphic space - naturally ordered space - naturally reductive space - nearly paracompact space - negative metric space - normally separated space - not simply connected space - nowhere connected space - null space of linear transformation - n-way projective space - perfectly normal space - perfectly regular space - perfectly screenable space - perfectly separable space - peripherically bicompact space - peripherically compact space - pointwise paracompact space - projectively metric space - quaternion hyperbolic space - quaternion projective space - quaternion vector space - regularly ordered space - relatively discrete space - relatively strong space - sequentially closed space - sequentially compact space - sequentially complete space - sequentially quasicomplete space - sequentially separable space - simply ordered space - simply partitionable space - space of affine connectedness - space of complex homomorphisms - space of continuous functions - space of finite measure - space of linear interpolation - space of right cosets - space of scalar curvature - strongly bounded space - strongly closed space - strongly compact space - strongly complete space - strongly irreducible space - strongly normal space - strongly normed space - strongly paracompact space - strongly pseudocompact space - strongly pseudometrizable space - strongly rigid space - strongly screenable space - structural space - structure space - topologically complete space - totally disconnected space - totally geodesic space - totally imperfect space - totally normal space - totally orderable space - totally ordered space - water jacket space - weakly closed space - weakly compact space - weakly complete space - weakly covering space - weakly dense space - weakly favorable space - weakly n-dimensional space - weakly paracompact space - weakly regular space - weakly separable space - weakly symmetric spaceto space out — полигр. набирать вразрядку
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Space — is the extent within which matter is physically extended and objects and events have positions relative to one another [ [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article 9068962/space Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Space] ] . Physical space is often… … Wikipedia
Space — • The idea of space is one of the most important in the philosophy of the material world; for centuries it has preoccupied and puzzled philosophers and psychologists Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Space Space … Catholic encyclopedia
space — [speɪs] noun 1. [uncountable] the area or amount of room in a newspaper, magazine etc that is used for a particular subject ˈadvertising ˌspace [uncountable] MARKETING somewhere that advertising is placed or shown: • He hopes to make money by… … Financial and business terms
Space — (sp[=a]s), n. [OE. space, F. espace, from L. spatium space; cf. Gr. spa^n to draw, to tear; perh. akin to E. span. Cf. {Expatiate}.] 1. Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain; that which makes extended objects… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Space — Жанры спэйс синтипоп спэйс диско Годы 1977 1981 с 1990 по настоящее время … Википедия
Space — (engl. „Raum“, „Weltraum“) steht für: eine englische Bezeichnung auf Tastaturen für das Leerzeichen Space (französische Band), eine französische Musikgruppe des Instrumental Pop aus den 1970er Jahren Space (britische Band), eine britische Indie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
space — [spās] n. [ME < OFr espace < L spatium < IE base * spēi , to flourish, expand, succeed > SPEED, L spes, hope, ON sparr, OE spær, thrifty] 1. a) the three dimensional, continuous expanse extending in all directions and containing all… … English World dictionary
Space — puede referirse a: Space, un canal de televisión latinoamericano; Space, episodio de la serie de televisión Los Expedientes X; Space: 1889, un juego de rol; o Space: 1999, una novela de ciencia ficción. Véase también Espacio (desambiguación)… … Wikipedia Español
Space — Space, v. i. [Cf. OF. espacier, L. spatiari. See {Space}, n.] To walk; to rove; to roam. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] And loved in forests wild to space. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Space — Space, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spaced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spacong}.] [Cf. F. espacer. See {Space}, n.] (Print.) To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between; as, to space words, lines, or letters. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Space.NK — Space.NK.apothecary is a British cosmetics retailer started by Nicky Kinnaird in Covent Garden, London, in 1993. Company background Space NK offers beauty products from specialists around the world. Currently operating 53 stores throughout the UK … Wikipedia