1 yourself
yourself pron1. te / se / osare you enjoying yourself? ¿lo estás pasando bien?2. ti mismo / usted mismo / vosotros mismos / ustedes mismos3. tú mismo / usted mismo / vosotros mismos / ustedes mismoswhy are you sitting by yourself? ¿por qué estás sentado solo?tr[jɔː'self]1 (familiar singular) te; (emphatic) tú mismo,-a2 (polite singular) se; (emphatic) usted mismo,-awash yourself: lávateyou dressed yourselves: se vistieron, os vestisteisdid you hurt yourself?: ¿se hizo daño?you've gotten yourselves dirty: se ensuciaron3) (used for emphasis) : tú mismo, tú misma; usted mismo, usted misma; ustedes mismos, ustedes mismas pl ; vosotros mismos, vosotras mismas pl Spainyou did it yourselves?: ¿lo hicieron ustedes mismos?, ¿lo hicieron por sí solos?pron.• os pron.• te pron.pron.• se pron.• te pron.jər'self, jɔː'selfa) ( reflexive)describe yourself — ( formal) descríbase; ( familiar) descríbete
stop thinking about yourself — ( formal) deje de pensar en sí mismo; ( familiar) deja de pensar en ti mismo
by yourself — solo/sola
b) ( emphatic use) ( formal) usted mismo, usted misma; ( familiar) tú mismo, tú mismadid you make it yourself? — ( formal) ¿lo hizo usted mismo/misma?; ( familiar) ¿lo hiciste tú mismo/misma?
suit yourself — (formal) haga lo que quiera; ( familiar) haz lo que quieras
you're a musician yourself, I hear — usted también es or (familiar) tú también eres músico, tengo entendido
c) ( normal self)you're not yourself today — hoy no eres el/la de siempre
d) ( oneself) uno mismo, una misma[jǝ'self]PRON (pl yourselves) [ˌjǝ'selvz]1) (reflexive)a) (familiar) tehave you hurt yourself? — ¿te has hecho daño?
b) frm sehave you hurt yourself? — ¿se ha hecho daño?
a) (familiar) tú mismo(-a)do it yourself! — ¡hazlo tú mismo!
b) frm usted mismo(-a)a) (familiar) ti mismo(-a)b) frm usted mismo(-a)c)• (all) by yourself — sin ayuda de nadie
did you come by yourself? — ¿viniste solo?
4) = oneself* * *[jər'self, jɔː'self]a) ( reflexive)describe yourself — ( formal) descríbase; ( familiar) descríbete
stop thinking about yourself — ( formal) deje de pensar en sí mismo; ( familiar) deja de pensar en ti mismo
by yourself — solo/sola
b) ( emphatic use) ( formal) usted mismo, usted misma; ( familiar) tú mismo, tú mismadid you make it yourself? — ( formal) ¿lo hizo usted mismo/misma?; ( familiar) ¿lo hiciste tú mismo/misma?
suit yourself — (formal) haga lo que quiera; ( familiar) haz lo que quieras
you're a musician yourself, I hear — usted también es or (familiar) tú también eres músico, tengo entendido
c) ( normal self)you're not yourself today — hoy no eres el/la de siempre
d) ( oneself) uno mismo, una misma -
2 yourself
∎ do it yourself faites-le vous-même/fais-le toi-même;∎ do it yourselves faites-le vous-mêmes;∎ you've kept the best seats for yourselves vous avez gardé les meilleures places pour vous;∎ sort it out among yourselves débrouillez-vous entre vous;∎ see for yourself tu n'as qu'à voir par toi-même;∎ tell us something about yourself parle-nous de toi/parlez-nous de vous;∎ did you come by yourself? vous êtes venu tout seul?/tu es venu tout seul?;∎ did you mend the fuse (by) yourself? vous avez remplacé le fusible tout seul?/tu as remplacé le fusible tout seul?;∎ did you make it yourself? l'avez-vous fait vous-même?/l'as-tu fait toi-même?;∎ you don't look quite yourself vous n'avez pas l'air dans votre assiette/tu n'as pas l'air dans ton assiette;∎ just be yourself sois naturel/soyez naturel∎ did you hurt yourself? est-ce que vous vous êtes/tu t'es fait mal?;∎ did you enjoy yourself? est-ce que c'était bien?;∎ you were talking to yourself tu parlais tout seul/vous parliez tout seul;∎ speak for yourself! parle pour toi!;∎ just look at yourself! regarde-toi donc!∎ you don't seem yourself today tu n'as pas l'air dans ton assiette aujourd'hui/vous n'avez pas l'air dans votre assiette aujourd'hui∎ you told me yourself, you yourself told me vous me l'avez dit vous-même, c'est vous-même qui me l'avez dit/tu me l'as dit toi-même, c'est toi-même qui me l'as dit;∎ you must have known yourself that they wouldn't accept vous-même, vous auriez dû savoir qu'ils n'accepteraient pas/toi-même, tu aurais dû savoir qu'ils n'accepteraient pas∎ you have to know how to look after yourself in the jungle dans la jungle, il faut savoir se défendre tout seul ou se débrouiller soi-même;∎ you're supposed to help yourself on est censé se servir soi-même -
3 ♦ yourself
♦ yourself /jəˈsɛlf/ /jɔ:ˈsɛlf/(pl. yourselves)A pron. rifl.te stesso, te stessa, ti; voi stessi, voi stesse, vi; Lei stesso, Lei stessa, Si (forme di cortesia di 3a persona): You're looking very pleased with yourself, sembri molto soddisfatto di te stesso; Did you defend yourself?, ti sei difeso?; Why don't you pour yourself a drink?, perché non ti versi da bere?; Don't tire yourselves too much, non stancatevi troppoB pron. enfat.tu stesso, tu stessa; voi stessi, voi stesse; Lei stesso, Lei stessa; proprio tu (voi, Lei): Do it yourself!, fallo tu stesso (o tu stessa)!; Didn't you say so yourself, Mr Barrow?, non l'ha detto Lei stesso, Mr Barrow?; Please see to it yourselves, pensateci voi stessi (o ci pensino Loro), per favore; DIALOGO → - Ordering wine- You taste it for yourself, assaggialo tu stesso; You told me yourself, me l'hai raccontato proprio tu; You yourself went there, ci sei andato tu di persona● by yourself, da te, da sé; da solo, da sola; senz'aiuto; solo, sola; senza compagnia: Finish it by yourself!, finiscilo da solo (o da sola)!; Did you do it by yourself, Miss Brown?, l'ha fatto da Sé, Miss Brown?; Were you ( all) by yourself?, eri solo?; Why are you sitting by yourself?, perché te ne stai qui seduto da solo (o in disparte)? □ by yourselves, da soli, da sole; senz'aiuto; soli, sole; senza compagnia: You cannot do it by yourselves, non potete farlo da soli (o da sole) □ (fam.) Be yourself!, sii te stesso!, comportati con naturalezza! □ Help yourself!, serviti pure ( a tavola, ecc.) □ You are not [You don't seem] quite yourself tonight, non sei il solito [non sembri tu] stasera □ You aren't acting like yourself, ti stai comportando in modo strano. -
4 yourself
yourself [jʊəˈself](plural yourselves) [jʊəˈselvz](reflexive direct and indirect) te, vous, vous pl ; (after preposition) toi, vous, vous pl ; (emphatic) toi-même, vous-même, vous-mêmes pl• have you hurt yourself? tu t'es fait mal ? vous vous êtes fait mal ?• are you enjoying yourself? tu t'amuses bien ? vous vous amusez bien ?• how are you? -- fine, and yourself? (inf) comment vas-tu ? -- très bien, et toi ?• did you do it by yourself? tu l'as or vous l'avez fait tout seul ?* * *[jɔː'self], US [jʊər'self]When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by vous or familiarly te or t' before a vowel: you've hurt yourself = vous vous êtes fait mal or tu t'es fait malIn imperatives, the translation is vous or toi: help yourself = servez-vous or sers-toiWhen used in emphasis the translation is vous-même or toi-même: you yourself don't know = vous ne savez pas vous-même or tu ne sais pas toi-mêmeAfter a preposition the translation is vous or vous-même or toi or toi-même: you can be proud of yourself = vous pouvez être fier de vous or vous-même, tu peux être fier de toi or toi-même1) ( reflexive) vous, te, (before vowel) t'2) ( in imperatives) vous, toi3) ( emphatic) vous-même, toi-même4) ( after prep) vous, vous-même, toi, toi-même5) ( expressions)(all) by yourself — tout seul/toute seule
5 yourself
yourself, US [transcription][jU\@r"self"]❢ For a full note on the use of the vous and tu forms in French, see the entry you. When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by vous or familiarly te or t' before a vowel: you've hurt yourself = vous vous êtes fait mal or tu t'es fait mal. In imperatives, the translation is vous or toi: help yourself = servez-vous or sers-toi. When used in emphasis the translation is vous-même or toi-même: you yourself don't know = vous ne savez pas vous-même or tu ne sais pas toi-même.After a preposition the translation is vous or vous-même or toi or toi-même: you can be proud of yourself = vous pouvez être fier de vous or vous-même, tu peux être fier de toi or toi-même. pron2 ( in imperatives) vous, toi ;3 ( emphatic) vous-même, toi-même ; you yourself said that… vous avez dit vous-même que…, tu as dit toi-même que… ;4 ( after prep) vous, vous-même, toi, toi-même ;5 ( expressions) (all) by yourself tout seul/toute seule ; you're not yourself today tu n'as pas l'air dans ton assiette aujourd'hui. -
6 yourself
yourself [jɔ:ˊself] pron (pl yourselves)1) refl. себя́, -ся, -сь; себе́;have you hurt yourself? вы уши́блись?
;how's yourself? как вы пожива́ете?
2) emph. сам, са́ми;you told me so yourself вы са́ми мне э́то сказа́ли
;have you been all by yourself the whole day? вы бы́ли одни́ це́лый день?
;you are sure to do it all by yourself вы, коне́чно, мо́жете сде́лать э́то без посторо́нней по́мощи
◊you are not quite yourself вы не в свое́й таре́лке
7 yourself
8 yourself
pronoun1) (emphatic) selbstfor yourself — für dich/in polite address Sie selbst
you must do something for yourself — du musst selbst etwas tun
relax and be yourself — entspann dich und gib dich ganz natürlich
* * *your·self<pl yourselves>[jɔ:ˈself, AM jʊrˈ-]pron reflexive1. after vb dichif you apply \yourself and study hard, I'm sure you'll do well in the test wenn du dich anstrengst und viel lernst, wirst du die Prüfung sicher gut schaffendid you enjoy \yourself at the picnic? hat dir das Picknick gefallen?be careful with that knife or you'll cut \yourself! sei vorsichtig mit dem Messer, damit du dich nicht schneidesttry to calm \yourself and tell us exactly what happened beruhige dich und erzähl uns genau, was passiert isthow would you describe \yourself? wie würden Sie sich beschreiben?help yourselves, boys bedient euch, Jungsdo you always talk to \yourself like that? sprichst du immer so mit dir selbst?see for \yourself sieh selbst3. (oneself) sichyou tell \yourself everything's all right but you know it's not really man sagt sich, dass alles in Ordnung ist, aber man weiß, dass das nicht stimmtyou should love others like you love \yourself — at least that's what it says in the Bible man soll andere lieben wie sich selbst — das steht zumindest in der Bibel4. (personally) selbstyou can do that \yourself du kannst das selbst machenyou could write to him \yourself, you know du könntest ihm selbst schreiben, weißt duyou're going to have to do it \yourself das wirst du selbst machen müssento feel/see/taste/try sth for \yourself etw selbst fühlen/sehen/kosten/versuchenit's right here in black and white — read it for \yourself! hier steht es schwarz auf weiß — lies selbst!you \yourself... du selbst...you \yourself said that you sometimes find your mother a pain du hast selbst gesagt, dass deine Mutter manchmal nervt5. (alone) du alleindo you want to keep those sweets for \yourself? willst du die Bonbons [alle] für dich behalten?did you carry all that heavy stuff in all by \yourself? hast du die ganzen schweren Sachen alleine getragen?so have you got the whole house to \yourself this weekend? hast du das Haus übers Wochenende für dich allein?6. (normal) du selbstbe \yourself sei du selbstthe best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be \yourself das Beste, was du tun kannst, ist in das Bewerbungsgespräch zu gehen und einfach ganz natürlich zu seinyou don't look \yourself in those jeans du siehst in den Jeans so fremd aus7.me and the wife are doing fine, thanks, and how's \yourself? meiner Frau und mir geht's gut, danke, und selbst? famI heard of your latest tragedy, but how are you in \yourself? ich habe von deinem letzten Unglück gehört, wie geht es dir trotz allem?* * *[jɔː'self, jə'self]pron pl yourselves[jɔː'selvz, jə'selvz]1) (reflexive) (German familiar form) (sing) (acc) dich; (dat) dir; (pl) euch; (German polite form: sing, pl) sichhave you hurt yourself? — hast du dir/haben Sie sich wehgetan?
you never speak about yourself — du redest nie über dich (selbst)/Sie reden nie über sich (selbst)
you yourself told me, you told me yourself — du hast/Sie haben mir selbst gesagt
you are not quite yourself today — du bist heute gar nicht du selbst, du bist/Sie sind heute irgendwie verändert or anders
how's yourself? (inf) — und wie gehts dir/Ihnen?
you will see for yourself — du wirst/Sie werden selbst sehen
did you do it by yourself? — hast du/haben Sie das allein gemacht?
* * *a) (sg) (du, Sie) selbstb) (pl) (ihr, Sie) selbst:do it yourself! mach es selber!, selbst ist der Mann oder die Frau!;you yourself told me, you told me yourself du hast (Sie haben) es mir selbst erzählt;a) selbst, selber,b) selbstständig, allein,c) allein, einsam;be yourself umg nimm dich zusammen!;you are not yourself today du bist (Sie sind) heute ganz anders als sonst oder umg nicht auf der Höhe;what will you do with yourself today? was wirst du (werden Sie) heute anfangen?2. reflexiva) (sg) dir, dich, sichb) (pl) euch, sich:did you hurt yourself? hast du dich (haben Sie sich) verletzt?* * *pronoun1) (emphatic) selbstfor yourself — für dich/ in polite address Sie selbst
* * *pron.selbst pron. -
9 yourself
[jɔː'self, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) (informal) ti, te, te stesso (-a); (polite) si, sé, se stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) sé, se stesso (-a)have you hurt yourself? — ti sei, si è fatto male?
you were pleased with yourself — eri soddisfatto di te (stesso), era soddisfatto di sé, di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (informal) tu stesso (-a), te stesso (-a); (polite) lei stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) lei, lei stesso (-a)you yourself said that... — tu stesso hai detto, lei stesso ha detto che...
for yourself — per te (stesso), per lei (stesso)
(all) by yourself — tutto da solo, da te, da lei
••you're not yourself today — oggi non sei (in) te, non è lei, non è in sé
Note:Like the other you forms, yourself may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to anyone you do not know very well; therefore, yourself should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by ti or Si (polite form), which are always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourself? = ti sei fatto male? Si è fatto male? - In imperatives, however, ti is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourself! = serviti! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si serva! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is tu / Lei stesso or anche tu / Lei: you said so yourself = l'hai detto tu stesso, l'ha detto Lei stesso; you're a stranger here yourself, aren't you? = anche tu sei / Lei è forestiero da queste parti, non è vero? - When used after a preposition, yourself is translated by te / Lei or te / Lei stesso: you can be proud of yourself = puoi essere orgoglioso di te / te stesso, può essere orgoglioso di Lei / di Lei stesso. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei ti sta guardando and you're looking at yourself in the mirror = ti stai guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per te and you work for yourself = tu lavori per te / te stesso. - (All) by yourself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below* * *[jɔː'self, jʊə-]1) (reflexive) (informal) ti, te, te stesso (-a); (polite) si, sé, se stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) sé, se stesso (-a)have you hurt yourself? — ti sei, si è fatto male?
you were pleased with yourself — eri soddisfatto di te (stesso), era soddisfatto di sé, di se stesso
2) (emphatic) (informal) tu stesso (-a), te stesso (-a); (polite) lei stesso (-a); (after preposition) (informal) te, te stesso (-a); (polite) lei, lei stesso (-a)you yourself said that... — tu stesso hai detto, lei stesso ha detto che...
for yourself — per te (stesso), per lei (stesso)
(all) by yourself — tutto da solo, da te, da lei
••you're not yourself today — oggi non sei (in) te, non è lei, non è in sé
Note:Like the other you forms, yourself may be either an informal pronoun to be used between close friends and family members or a polite form to be used when speaking to anyone you do not know very well; therefore, yourself should be translated accordingly in Italian. - When used as a reflexive pronoun, direct and indirect, yourself is translated by ti or Si (polite form), which are always placed before the verb: did you hurt yourself? = ti sei fatto male? Si è fatto male? - In imperatives, however, ti is joined to the verb to form a single word: help yourself! = serviti! The polite form equivalent, in which the imperative is not to be used, is: Si serva! - When used as an emphatic to stress the corresponding personal pronoun, the translation is tu / Lei stesso or anche tu / Lei: you said so yourself = l'hai detto tu stesso, l'ha detto Lei stesso; you're a stranger here yourself, aren't you? = anche tu sei / Lei è forestiero da queste parti, non è vero? - When used after a preposition, yourself is translated by te / Lei or te / Lei stesso: you can be proud of yourself = puoi essere orgoglioso di te / te stesso, può essere orgoglioso di Lei / di Lei stesso. - For a full note on the use of the tu, voi and Lei forms in Italian, see the entry you. - Note that the difference between you and yourself is not always made clear in Italian: compare she's looking at you = lei ti sta guardando and you're looking at yourself in the mirror = ti stai guardando allo specchio, or Jane works for you = Jane lavora per te and you work for yourself = tu lavori per te / te stesso. - (All) by yourself is translated by da solo, which means alone and/or without help. - For particular usages see below -
10 yourself
1) after vb dich;if you apply \yourself and study hard, I'm sure you'll do well in the test wenn du dich anstrengst und viel lernst, wirst du die Prüfung sicher gut schaffen;did you enjoy \yourself at the picnic? hat dir das Picknick gefallen?;be careful with that knife or you'll cut \yourself! sei vorsichtig mit dem Messer, damit du dich nicht schneidest;try to calm \yourself and tell us exactly what happened beruhig dich und erzähl uns genau, was passiert ist;how would you describe \yourself? wie würden Sie sich beschreiben?;help yourselves, boys bedient euch, Jungsdo you always talk to \yourself like that? sprichst du immer so mit dir selbst?;see for \yourself sieh selbst3) ( oneself) sich;you tell \yourself everything's all right but you know it's not really man sagt sich, dass alles in Ordnung ist, aber man weiß, dass das nicht stimmt;you should love others like you love \yourself - at least that's what it says in the Bible man soll andere lieben wie sich selbst - das steht zumindest in der Bibel4) ( personally) selbst;you can do that \yourself du kannst das selbst machen;you could write to him \yourself, you know du könntest ihm selbst schreiben, weißt du;you're going to have to do it \yourself das wirst du selbst machen müssen;it's right here in black and white - read it for \yourself! hier steht es schwarz auf weiß - lies selbst!;you \yourself... du selbst...;you \yourself said that you sometimes find your mother a pain du selbst hast gesagt, dass deine Mutter manchmal nervt5) (alone, without help) dich;do you want to keep those sweets for \yourself? willst du die Bonbons [alle] für dich behalten?;[all] by \yourself [ganz] allein;did you carry all that heavy stuff in all by \yourself? hast du die ganzen schweren Sachen alleine getragen?;to have sth [all] to \yourself etw für sich akk allein haben;so have you got the whole house to \yourself this weekend? hast du das Haus übers Wochenende für dich allein?6) ( normal)to be \yourself du selbst sein;the best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be \yourself das Beste, was du bei dem Bewerbungsgespräch tun kannst, ist ganz natürlich sein;to look \yourself wie du selbst aussehen;you don't look \yourself in those jeans du siehst in den Jeans so fremd ausPHRASES:I heard of your latest tragedy, but how are you in \yourself? ich habe von deinem letzten Unglück gehört, wie geht es dir trotz allem?;how's \yourself? ( fam) wie geht's?;me and the wife are doing fine, thanks, and how's \yourself? meiner Frau und mir geht's gut, danke, und selbst? ( fam) -
11 yourself
pron (pl yourselves)1) себе, собі, собою; -сяhave you hurt yourself? — чи ви не забилися?, чи ти не вдарився?
2) сам, сама, самі; ти сам, ви саміhow's yourself? — як ти поживаєш; як ви поживаєте?, як ся маєте?
all by yourself — сам, сама, самі, без сторонньої допомоги
* * *pron; reflсебе, собі, собою, -ся (про 2 oc. од.); have you hurt yourself є ви забилисяє;(как додаток, після прийменник себе, собі, собою (про 2 oc. од.)); look at yourself подивись на себеwhat will you do with yourself this evening — є що ти /ви/ збираєшся /збираєтесь/ робити сьогодні ввечеріє
— сам, сама, самі (про 2 oc. од.)you told me so yourself, you yourself said so — ти /ви/ сам /самі/ мені це сказав /сказали/; icт., поет, ти, ви
yourself have said it — ти /ви/ сам /самі/ це сказав /сказали/; ти ( сам), ви ( самі)
how's yourself? — як ти поживаєш?; сам, сама, самі, без сторонньої допомоги
have you done it (all) by yourself? — ти /ви/ це сам /самі/ зробив /зробили/?, ти /ви/ це зробив /зробили/ самостійно /без сторонньої допомоги/?; один, одна, одні
have you been all by yourself the whole day — є ти /ви/ був /були/ цілий день один /одні/є; в якості прямого або непрямого додатку ти, ви; тебе, вас: тобою, вами тощо
I wanted to see Jane and yourself — я хотів побачити тебя, Джейн
people like yourself often feel that way — такі люди, как ти /ви/, часто переживають подібне почуття; iм. звичайний, нормальний стан
you are not (quite) yourself today — ти сьогодні сам не свій
12 yourself
[jəʹself] pronА refl1) себя, себе, собой, -сь, -ся (о 2-м л. ед. ч.)have you hurt yourself? - вы ушиблись?, ты ушибся?
are you enjoying yourself? - вы получаете удовольствие?, вам /тебе/ это нравится?
2) (как дополнение, после предлога) себя, себе, собой (о 2-м л. ед. ч.)haven't you done it for yourself? - разве ты /вы/ не для себя это сделал /сделали/?
what will you do with yourself this evening? - что ты /вы/ собираешься /собираетесь/ делать сегодня вечером?
Б emph1) сам, сама, сами (о 2-м л. ед. ч.)you told me so yourself, you yourself said so - ты /вы/ сам /сами/ мне это сказал /сказали/
2) арх., поэт. ты, выyourself have said it - ты /вы/ сам /сами/ это сказал /сказали/
it is yourself I want, not your money - вы сами мне нужны, а не ваши деньги
3) разг. ты (сам), вы (сами)how's yourself? - как ты поживаешь?, а сам-то ты как?
4) сам, сама, сами, без посторонней помощиhave you done it (all) by yourself? - ты /вы/ это сам /сами/ сделал /сделали/?, ты /вы/ это сделал /сделали/ самостоятельно /без посторонней помощи/?
5) один, одна, одниhave you been all by yourself the whole day? - ты /вы/ был /были/ целый день один /одни/?
В1. в качестве прямого или косвенного дополнения ты, вы; тебя, вас; тобой, вами и т. п.people like yourself often feel that way - такие люди, как ты /вы/, часто испытывают подобное чувство
2. в грам. знач. сущ. обычное, нормальное состояниеyou are not (quite) yourself today - ты сегодня сам не свой /не в своей тарелке/
13 yourself
1. refl себе си, сам
did you hurt YOURSELF? удари ли се? help yourselves to вземете си/сипете си от
2. sl. ти
how's YOURSELF? (а) ти как си
3. emph. сам (ият)
you YOURSELF said so, you said so YOURSELF ти сам (ият) каза това
(all) by YOURSELF самичък, без чужда помощ
you'll have to do it by YOURSELF ще трябва да ro направиш сам/без чужда помощ
you were sitting by YOURSELF ти седеше съвсем сам
you are not quite YOURSELF today днес нещо не ти e добре/не приличаш на себе си/не си на себе си* * *{juъ'self} pron (pl yourselves {jъ:'selvz, juъ'selvz}) 1.* * *1. (all) by yourself самичък, без чужда помощ 2. did you hurt yourself? удари ли се? help yourselves to вземете си/сипете си от 3. emph. сам (ият) 4. how's yourself? (а) ти как си 5. refl себе си, сам 6. sl. ти 7. you are not quite yourself today днес нещо не ти e добре/не приличаш на себе си/не си на себе си 8. you were sitting by yourself ти седеше съвсем сам 9. you yourself said so, you said so yourself ти сам (ият) каза това 10. you'll have to do it by yourself ще трябва да ro направиш сам/без чужда помощ -
14 yourself
plural yourselves [jɔ:sélf, -sélvz]pronoun (v zvezi z you — ali z velelnikom);1.(poudarjeno, emfatično) (ti) sam, (vi, Vi) samiyou yourself told me, you told me yourself — vi sami ste mi povedaliyou must see for yourself — sam moraš videti, se prepričatiyou are not yourself today — danes te ni moč prepoznati, nisi praviyou are not quite yourself after this illness — nisi čisto pravi, nisi še dober po tej bolezniwhat will you do with yourself today? — kaj boš delal (počenjal) danes?by yourself — (ti) sam, brez (tuje) pomočido you learn French by yourself? — ali se sami učite francosko?;2.reflexivese, sebe, si, sebibe yourself! — vzemi se skupaj!, pridi spet k sebi!help yourself! — postrezi(te) si, vzemi(te) si!don't trouble yourself! — ne trudi(te) se!pull yourselves together! — vzemite se skupaj!shut the door behind yourself! — zapri(te) vrata za seboj!how's yourself? slang kako pa kaj ti?, kako pa gre tebi? -
15 yourself
[jɔ:ˈself]have you been all by yourself the whole day? вы были одни целый день? yourself pron (pl yourselves) refl. себя; себе; have you hurt yourself? вы ушиблись?; how's yourself? sl. как вы поживаете? yourself pron (pl yourselves) refl. себя; себе; have you hurt yourself? вы ушиблись?; how's yourself? sl. как вы поживаете? you are sure to do it all by yourself вы, конечно, можете сделать это без посторонней помощи; you are not quite yourself вы не в своей тарелке you are sure to do it all by yourself вы, конечно, можете сделать это без посторонней помощи; you are not quite yourself вы не в своей тарелке yourself pron (pl yourselves) emph. сам, сами; you told me so yourself вы сами мне это сказали -
16 yourself
pron; reflсебе, собі, собою, -ся (про 2 oc. од.); have you hurt yourself є ви забилисяє;(как додаток, після прийменник себе, собі, собою (про 2 oc. од.)); look at yourself подивись на себеwhat will you do with yourself this evening — є що ти /ви/ збираєшся /збираєтесь/ робити сьогодні ввечеріє
— сам, сама, самі (про 2 oc. од.)you told me so yourself, you yourself said so — ти /ви/ сам /самі/ мені це сказав /сказали/; icт., поет, ти, ви
yourself have said it — ти /ви/ сам /самі/ це сказав /сказали/; ти ( сам), ви ( самі)
how's yourself? — як ти поживаєш?; сам, сама, самі, без сторонньої допомоги
have you done it (all) by yourself? — ти /ви/ це сам /самі/ зробив /зробили/?, ти /ви/ це зробив /зробили/ самостійно /без сторонньої допомоги/?; один, одна, одні
have you been all by yourself the whole day — є ти /ви/ був /були/ цілий день один /одні/є; в якості прямого або непрямого додатку ти, ви; тебе, вас: тобою, вами тощо
I wanted to see Jane and yourself — я хотів побачити тебя, Джейн
people like yourself often feel that way — такі люди, как ти /ви/, часто переживають подібне почуття; iм. звичайний, нормальний стан
you are not (quite) yourself today — ти сьогодні сам не свій
17 yourself
/jɔ:'self/ * đại từ phản thân (số nhiều yourselves) - tự anh, tự chị, chính anh, chính mày, tự mày, tự mình =you mush wash yourself+ mày phải tắm rửa đi =you yourself said so; you said so yourself+ chính anh đã nói thế =you are not quite yourself today+ hôm nay anh không được bình thường =help yourself to some more meat+ mời anh xơi thêm thịt =how's yourself?+ (từ lóng) còn anh có khoẻ không? =be yourself!+ hãy trấn tĩnh lại! ![all] by yourself - một mình =finish it by yourself+ hãy làm xong cái đó lấy một mình =you'll be left by yourself+ anh bị bỏ lại một mình -
18 yourself
jɔ:ˈself мест.
1) возвр. себя;
-ся, -сь;
себе how's yourself? сл. ≈ как вы поживаете? Syn: oneself
2) усил. сам, сами ∙ себя, себе, собой, - сь, - ся ( о 2-м л. ед. ч.) - have you hurt *? вы ушиблись?, ты ушибся? - are you enjoying *? вы получаете удовольствие?, вам /тебе/ это нравится? (как дополнение после предлога) себя, себе, собой (о 2-м л. ед. ч.) - look at * посмотри(те) на себя - haven't you done it for *? разве ты /вы/ не для себя это сделал /сделали/? - what will you do with * this evening? что ты /вы/ собираешься /собираетесь/ делать сегодня вечером? сам, сама, сами ( о 2-м л. ед. ч.) - you told me so *, you * said so ты /вы/ сам /сами/ мне это сказал /сказали/ (устаревшее) ты, вы - * have said it ты /вы/ сам /сами/ это сказал /сказали/ - it is * I want, not your money вы сами мне нужны, а не ваши деньги( разговорное) ты (сам), вы (сами) - how's *? как ты поживаешь?, а сам-то ты как? с ам, сама, сами, без посторонней помощи - have you done it (all) by *? ты /вы/ это сам /сами/ сделал /сделали/?, ты /вы/ это сделал /сделали/ самостоятельно /без посторонней помощи/? один, одна, одни - have you been all by * the whole day? ты /вы/ был /были/ целый день один /одни/? в качестве прямого или косвенного дополнения: ты, вы,;
тебя, вас;
тобой, вами и т. п. - I wanted to see Jane and * я хотел повидать тебя и Джейн - people like * often feel that way такие люди, как ты /вы/, часто испытывают подобное чувство в грам. знач. сущ.: обычное, нормальное состояние - you are not (quite) * today ты сегодня сам не свой /не в своей тарелке/ - be * приди в себя have you been all by ~ the whole day? вы были одни целый день? ~ pron (pl yourselves) refl. себя;
have you hurt yourself? вы ушиблись?;
how's yourself? sl. как вы поживаете? ~ pron (pl yourselves) refl. себя;
have you hurt yourself? вы ушиблись?;
how's yourself? sl. как вы поживаете? you are sure to do it all by ~ вы, конечно, можете сделать это без посторонней помощи;
you are not quite yourself вы не в своей тарелке you are sure to do it all by ~ вы, конечно, можете сделать это без посторонней помощи;
you are not quite yourself вы не в своей тарелке yourself pron (pl yourselves) emph. сам, сами;
you told me so yourself вы сами мне это сказалиБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > yourself
19 yourself
1 თვითონ2 თავი3 მარტოcan't you do it by yourself? ამას მარტო / სხვისი დახმარების გარეშე ვერ გააკეთებ? -
20 yourself
your.self[j6:s'elf; ju2s'elf] pron tu, você, te, ti, tu mesmo, você mesmo (a), se, si mesmo (a), o senhor mesmo, próprio, a senhora mesma, própria. you yourself know what she deserves / você sabe o que ela merece, ninguém mais do que você sabe o que ela merece. can you do it yourself? / você, o senhor mesmo pode fazê-lo? what will you do with yourself? / o que pretende fazer? you will hurt yourself / você, o senhor vai ferir-se. be yourself! anime-se! coragem! by yourself só, sem auxílio. you must see for yourself! você mesmo precisa agir, achar o seu caminho! you are not quite yourself today você não está bem disposto hoje.
См. также в других словарях:
Yourself — Single par dream extrait de l’album Process Face A Yourself Face B Get Over (remixes) Sortie 1er janvier 2002 … Wikipédia en Français
Yourself — Your*self , pron.; pl. {Yourselves}. [Your + self.] An emphasized or reflexive form of the pronoun of the second person; used as a subject commonly with you; as, you yourself shall see it; also, alone in the predicate, either in the nominative or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yourself — [yoor self′, yərself′] pron. pl. yourselves [yoorselvz′, yərselvz′] 1. a form of YOU, used: a) as an intensifier [you yourself told me] b) as a reflexive [you must protect yourselves] c) with the meaning “your real, true, or actual self” [ … English World dictionary
yourself — yourself, yourselves Yourself (singular) and yourselves (plural) have two primary roles, (1) as reflexives (Are you talking about yourself? / Help yourselves to biscuits), and (2) as emphatic words in apposition to the pronoun you (You yourself… … Modern English usage
yourself — by early 14c., from YOUR (Cf. your) + SELF (Cf. self). Plural yourselves first recorded 1520s … Etymology dictionary
yourself — ► PRONOUN (second person sing. ) (pl. yourselves) 1) used as the object of a verb or preposition when this is the same as the subject of the clause and the subject is the person or people being addressed. 2) (emphatic ) you personally … English terms dictionary
yourself */*/*/ — UK [jə(r)ˈself] / US [jʊrˈself] / US [jɔrˈself] pronoun Word forms yourself : plural yourselves UK [jə(r)ˈselvz] / US [jʊrˈselvz] / US [jɔrˈselvz] Summary: Yourself and yourselves are reflexive pronouns, being the reflexive forms of you. They can … English dictionary
yourself — your|self [ jur self, jɔr self ] (plural your|selves [ jur selvz, jɔr selvz ] ) pronoun *** Yourself and yourselves are reflexive pronouns, being the reflexive forms of you. They can be used in the following ways: as an object that refers to the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
yourself — your|self W2S1 [jo:ˈself US jo:r ] pron [reflexive form of you ] plural yourselves [ ˈselvz] 1.) used when talking to someone to show that they are affected by their own action ▪ Look at yourself in the mirror. ▪ Come and warm yourselves by the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
yourself — pronoun plural yourselves / selvz/ 1 the reflexive form of you : Mind you don t hurt yourself with those scissors. | Go and buy yourself an ice cream. 2 used as a stronger form of “you”: You yourself said he was a dead loss. | If you don t trust… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
yourself — [[t]jɔː(r)se̱lf, jʊə(r) [/t]] ♦♦ yourselves (Yourself is the second person reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON A speaker or writer uses yourself to refer to the person that they are talking or writing to. Yourself is used when the … English dictionary