1 ♦ clash
♦ clash /klæʃ/n.1 scontro: a clash with the police, uno scontro con la polizia; a violent clash, uno scontro violento2 contrasto; conflitto; scontro; urto: clash of ideas, scontro d'idee; clash of interests, conflitto di interessi; personality clash, scontro di personalità; clash of wills, contrasto ( tra persone)4 coincidenza indesiderata; concomitanza; sovrapposizione; accavallamento: a clash in the timetable, una sovrapposizione nell'orario5 frastuono ( di oggetti metallici che cozzano insieme); clangore (lett.); ( d'ingranaggi) stridore: clash of cymbals, frastuono di piatti; the clash of swords, il clangore delle spade; clash of gears, stridore di ingranaggi(to) clash /klæʃ/A v. i.1 scontrarsi: The police and the demonstrators clashed in the square, la polizia e i dimostranti si sono scontrati nella piazza3 ( di idee, interessi, ecc.) scontrarsi; entrare in conflitto; essere in conflitto; essere in contrasto6 ( di oggetti metallici) cozzare; sbattere: The daggers clashed together, i pugnali hanno cozzato l'uno contro l'altroB v. t.● (autom.) to clash the gears, far stridere le marce; grattare (fam.). -
2 clash
A n1 ( confrontation) affrontement m (between entre ; with avec) ; fig ( disagreement) querelle f (between entre ; with avec) ;3 ( contradiction) conflit m, incompatibilité f (between entre) ; a clash of beliefs/cultures/interests un conflit de croyances/de cultures/d'intérêts ; a personality clash un conflit de personnalités ; a clash of wills un conflit ;4 ( inconvenient coincidence) there's a clash of meetings/classes les réunions/cours ont lieu en même temps ;C vi1 ( meet and fight) [armies, rival groups] s'affronter ; fig ( disagree) [ministers, leaders] s'affronter ; to clash with sb ( fight) se heurter à qn ; ( disagree) se quereller avec qn (on, over au sujet de) ;2 ( be in conflict) [interests, beliefs, wishes] être incompatibles ;3 ( coincide inconveniently) [meetings, concerts, parties] avoir lieu en même temps ; to clash with sth avoir lieu en même temps que qch ;4 ( not match) [colours] jurer (with avec) ; -
3 clash
clash [klæ∫]a. ( = fight) s'affronterb. [swords, metallic objects] s'entrechoquer ; [cymbals] résonnerd. [two events] tomber en même temps2. nouna. [of armies, weapons] choc m ; (between people, parties) conflit m ; (with police, troops) affrontement mb. ( = sound) choc m métalliquec. [of interests] conflit m* * *[klæʃ] 1.1) ( confrontation) affrontement m; fig ( disagreement) querelle f2) ( contest) affrontement m3) ( contradiction) conflit m, incompatibilité f4) ( inconvenient coincidence)2.transitive verb entrechoquer [bin lids]; frapper [cymbals]3.1) ( meet and fight) [armies, groups] s'affronter; fig ( disagree) s'affronterto clash with somebody — ( fight) se heurter à quelqu'un; ( disagree) se quereller avec quelqu'un (on, over au sujet de)
2) ( be in conflict) [interests, beliefs] être incompatibles4) ( not match) [colours] jurer -
4 clash
clash [klæʃ]1. n2) столкнове́ние;clash of interests столкнове́ние интере́сов
;clash of opinions расхожде́ние во взгля́дах
3) конфли́кт2. v1) ста́лкиваться, сту́каться, ударя́ться друг о дру́га (особ. об оружии)2) ударя́ть с гро́хотом; производи́ть гул, шум, звон; звони́ть во все колокола́3) расходи́ться ( о взглядах)4) ста́лкиваться ( об интересах); приходи́ть в столкнове́ние5) дисгармони́ровать;these colours clash э́ти цвета́ не гармони́руют
6) совпада́ть во вре́мени;our lectures clash на́ши ле́кции совпада́ют
5 clash
clash [klæʃ]1 noun∎ clash of personalities, personality clash incompatibilité f de caractères;∎ clashes on the border des affrontements mpl à la frontière(c) (incompatibility → of ideas, opinions) incompatibilité f; (→ of interests) conflit m; (→ of colours) discordance f(d) (of appointments, events) coïncidence f fâcheuse∎ to clash with sb over sth avoir un différend avec qn à propos de qch;∎ police clashed with protestors il y a eu des heurts entre la police et les manifestants(c) (be incompatible → ideas, opinions) se heurter, être incompatible ou en contradiction; (→ interests) se heurter, être en conflit; (→ colours) jurer, détonner;∎ that shirt clashes with your trousers cette chemise jure avec ton pantalon(d) (appointments, events) tomber en même temps(metallic objects) heurter ou entrechoquer bruyamment; (cymbals) faire résonner -
6 clash
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[klæʃ]clash дисгармонировать; these colours clash эти цвета не гармонируют clash конфликт clash лязг (оружия); гул (колоколов) clash разногласие clash расходиться (о взглядах) clash совпадать во времени; our lectures clash наши лекции совпадают clash сталкиваться (об интересах); приходить в столкновение clash сталкиваться, стукаться, ударяться друг о друга (особ. об оружии) clash столкновение; clash of interests столкновение интересов; clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах clash столкновение clash ударять с грохотом; производить гул, шум, звон; звонить во все колокола clash столкновение; clash of interests столкновение интересов; clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах clash of jurisdictions столкновение компетенций clash столкновение; clash of interests столкновение интересов; clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах name clash вчт. конфликт по именам clash совпадать во времени; our lectures clash наши лекции совпадают clash дисгармонировать; these colours clash эти цвета не гармонируют -
8 clash
1. intransitive verb1) scheppern (ugs.); [Becken:] dröhnen; [Schwerter:] aneinander schlagen3) (disagree) sich streiten4) (be incompatible) aufeinander prallen; [Interesse, Ereignis:] kollidieren ( with mit); [Persönlichkeit, Stil:] nicht zusammenpassen ( with mit); [Farbe:] sich beißen (ugs.) ( with mit)2. transitive verb 3. noun2) (meeting in conflict) Zusammenstoß, der3) (disagreement) Auseinandersetzung, die4) (incompatibility) Unvereinbarkeit, die; (of personalities, styles, colours) Unverträglichkeit, die; (of events) Überschneidung, die* * *[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) das Geklirre2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) der Widerstreit3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) der Zusammenprall4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) der Zusammenstoß2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) klirren3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) heftig streiten4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) unvereinbar sein5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) nicht zusammenpassen* * *[klæʃ]I. vi1. (come into conflict) zusammenstoßen, aneinandergeraten2. (compete against) aufeinandertreffento \clash with another event mit einem anderen Ereignis kollidierento \clash cymbals [together] Becken gegeneinanderschlagenIII. n<pl -es>a \clash of loyalties ein Loyalitätskonflikt m* * *[klʃ]1. vi1) (armies, demonstrators) zusammenstoßenthe chairman clashed with the committee at the last meeting — der Vorsitzende hatte auf der letzten Sitzung eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Komitee
unions clash with government over pay — in der Tariffrage gibt es einen Konflikt zwischen Gewerkschaften und Regierung
2) (colours) nicht harmonieren, sich beißen; (interests) kollidieren, aufeinanderprallen; (programmes, films) sich überschneiden2. vtcymbals, swords schlagen3. nthere's bound to be a clash between the chairman and the vice-chairman — zwischen dem Vorsitzenden und seinem Stellvertreter muss es ja zu einem Zusammenstoß kommen
2) (of personalities) grundsätzliche Verschiedenheit, Unvereinbarkeit fwe want to avoid a clash of personalities in the office — wir wollen keine Leute im Büro, die absolut nicht miteinander harmonieren
I don't like that clash of red and turquoise — mir gefällt diese Zusammenstellung von Rot und Türkis nicht
3) (of swords) Aufeinanderprallen nt* * *clash [klæʃ]A v/i1. klirren, rasseln2. klirrend aneinanderstoßen oder -schlagen3. a) prallen, stoßen ( beide:into gegen)with mit)a) aneinandergeraten (mit)b) im Widerspruch stehen (zu), unvereinbar sein (mit)c) (zeitlich) zusammenfallen (mit)these colo(u)rs clash diese Farben beißen sichB v/t1. klirren oder rasseln mitC s1. Geklirr n, Gerassel nclash of interests Interessenkollision3. fig Konflikt m, Widerspruch m, -streit m, Reibung f4. (zeitliches) Zusammenfallen* * *1. intransitive verb1) scheppern (ugs.); [Becken:] dröhnen; [Schwerter:] aneinander schlagen2) (meet in conflict) zusammenstoßen ( with mit)3) (disagree) sich streiten4) (be incompatible) aufeinander prallen; [Interesse, Ereignis:] kollidieren ( with mit); [Persönlichkeit, Stil:] nicht zusammenpassen ( with mit); [Farbe:] sich beißen (ugs.) ( with mit)2. transitive verb 3. noun2) (meeting in conflict) Zusammenstoß, der3) (disagreement) Auseinandersetzung, die4) (incompatibility) Unvereinbarkeit, die; (of personalities, styles, colours) Unverträglichkeit, die; (of events) Überschneidung, die* * *n.Zusammenstoß m. v.klirren v.rasseln v.schmettern v. -
9 clash
1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) sonido2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) choque3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) enfrentamiento4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) coincidencia; conflicto; superposición
2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) sonar, entrechocar2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) enfrentarse3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) discutir4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) coincidir5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) desentonarclash1 n enfrentamiento / choqueclash2 vb1. tener un enfrentamiento / chocar2. desentonar3. coincidirI missed the party because it clashed with a business trip no pude ir a la fiesta porque me coincidía con un viaje de negociostr[klæʃ]2 (conflict - of interests) conflicto; (- of personalities, cultures) choque nombre masculino; (- of opinions) disparidad nombre femenino, choque nombre masculino; (coinciding - of times, dates, classes) coincidencia; (bad match - of colours) falta de armonía3 (loud noise) sonido■ some angry demonstrators clashed with police hubo choques entre algunos manifestantes enfadados y la policía2 (interests) estar en conflicto3 (dates, events) coincidir5 (cymbals) sonarclash ['klæʃ] vi1) : sonar, chocarsethe cymbals clashed: los platillos sonaron2) : chocar, enfrentarsethe students clashed with the police: los estudiantes se enfrentaron con la policía3) conflict: estar en conflicto, oponerse4) : desentonar (dícese de los colores), coincidir (dícese de los datos)clash n1) : ruido m (producido por un choque)2) conflict, confrontation: enfrentamiento m, conflicto m, choque m3) : desentono m (de colores), coincidencia f (de datos)n.• ruido s.m.n.• choque s.m.• colisión s.f.• encuentro s.m.• enfrentamiento s.m.• fragor s.m.• repiquete s.m.v.• batir v.• chocar v.• desentonar v.• entrechocarse v.• golpear v.• oponerse v.klæʃ
1) c ( of interests) conflicto m; (of cultures, personalities) choque m; (of opinions, views) disparidad fI missed the lecture because of a timetable clash — me perdí la conferencia porque tenía otra cosa a la misma hora or por un problema de coincidencia de horarios
2) c (between armies, factions) enfrentamiento m, choque m3) ( noise)
1)a) \<\<aims/interests\>\> estar* en conflicto or en pugna; \<\<personalities\>\> chocar*b) \<\<colors/patterns\>\> desentonar2) \<\<armies/factions/leaders\>\> chocar*to clash WITH somebody (OVER something) — chocar* con alguien (acerca de algo)
3) \<\<dates\>\> coincidirthe concert clashes with the film tonight — el concierto y la película de esta noche son a la misma hora
4)a) ( make noise) \<\<cymbals/swords\>\> sonar* ( al entrechocarse)b) ( collide) chocar*
vt \<\<cymbals\>\> tocar*; \<\<weapons\>\> entrechocar*[klæʃ]1. N1) (=noise) estruendo m, fragor m ; [of cymbals] ruido m metálico2) [of armies, personalities] choque m ; (=conflict) choque m, conflicto m ; (=confrontation) enfrentamiento m ; [of interests, opinions] conflicto m ; [of dates, programmes] coincidencia f ; [of colours] desentono ma clash with the police — un choque or un enfrentamiento con la policía
2.VT [+ cymbals, swords] golpear3. VI1) [personalities, interests] oponerse, chocar; [colours] desentonar; [dates, events] coincidir* * *[klæʃ]
1) c ( of interests) conflicto m; (of cultures, personalities) choque m; (of opinions, views) disparidad fI missed the lecture because of a timetable clash — me perdí la conferencia porque tenía otra cosa a la misma hora or por un problema de coincidencia de horarios
2) c (between armies, factions) enfrentamiento m, choque m3) ( noise)
1)a) \<\<aims/interests\>\> estar* en conflicto or en pugna; \<\<personalities\>\> chocar*b) \<\<colors/patterns\>\> desentonar2) \<\<armies/factions/leaders\>\> chocar*to clash WITH somebody (OVER something) — chocar* con alguien (acerca de algo)
3) \<\<dates\>\> coincidirthe concert clashes with the film tonight — el concierto y la película de esta noche son a la misma hora
4)a) ( make noise) \<\<cymbals/swords\>\> sonar* ( al entrechocarse)b) ( collide) chocar*
vt \<\<cymbals\>\> tocar*; \<\<weapons\>\> entrechocar* -
10 clash
1. сущ.
1) громкий звук, производимый обычно при соприкосновении металлических предметов: лязг( оружия), бряцание( мечей и т. п.), громыханье (кастрюль и т. п.), гул( колоколов), грохотанье( дождя, града)
2) столкновение, стычка Syn: fight
1., skirmish
3) коллизия, конфликт, столкновение clash of opinions ≈ расхождение во взглядах Syn: collision, conflict
4) несоответствие цветов, цветовая дисгармония
2. гл.
1) сталкиваться, ударяться друг о друга (особ. об оружии) ;
налететь, натолкнуться I clashed against the streetlight and hurt my head. ≈ Я влетел в фонарный столб и поранил голову. They clashed loudly against the three bowls. ≈ Они с грохотом налетели на три вазы.
2) столкнуться, схватиться where ignorant armies clash ≈ где столкнутся не подозревающие ни о чем армии
3) сталкиваться, приходить в столкновение, (о взглядах, интересах и т. п.;
тж. о совпадающих по времени событиях) Mary and her husband clashed over the question of where they should live. ≈ Мери разругалась с мужем по поводу того, где они будут жить. Our lectures clash. ≈ Наши лекции совпадают. I was unable to study music at school because it clashed with history. ≈ Мне не удавалось ходить в школе на музыку - в те же часы была история. Syn: conflict
2., disagree, interfere
4) дисгармонировать( against, with - с чем-л.) These colours clash. ≈ Эти цвета не гармонируют. The orange curtains clash against/with the red furniture. ≈ Оранжевые занавеси не в тон красной мебели. ∙ clash against clash with лязг (оружия) ;
бряцание, звон( мечей) гул (колоколов) грохот (бидонов, кастрюль) дробь( града, дождя) столкновение, стычка, схватка - *es with the police столкновения с полицией столкновение, конфликт;
разногласие - * of interests столкновение интересов - * of opinions расхождение во взглядах сталкиваться;
стукаться, ударяться друг о друга ( о металлических предметах, особ об оружии) - their swords *ed их шпаги со звоном скрестились сталкиваться (об интересах) ;
приходить в столкновение;
расходиться( о взглядах) - their interests * их интересы не совпадают - your views * with mine мы придерживаемся противоположных взглядов, мы расходимся во взглядах - one statements *ed with another одно заявление противоречило другому происходить в одно время, мешать друг другу;
совпадать( по времени) - it's a pity the two concerts * жаль, что оба концерта будут в одно время дисгармонировать - these colours * эти цвета несовместимы;
сочетание этих цветов режет глаз( спортивное) встретиться (в матче - о командах) ударять с грохотом;
стучать (обо что-л металлическое) налететь, наскочить, натолкнуться, столкнуться - I *ed into him as I went round the corner свернув за угол, я налетел на него( шотландское) бросить, сбросить - she *ed the pans down on the stone floor она бросила кастрюли, и они загрохотали по каменному полу (шотландское) сплетничать, злословить clash дисгармонировать;
these colours clash эти цвета не гармонируют ~ конфликт ~ лязг (оружия) ;
гул (колоколов) ~ разногласие ~ расходиться (о взглядах) ~ совпадать во времени;
our lectures clash наши лекции совпадают ~ сталкиваться (об интересах) ;
приходить в столкновение ~ сталкиваться, стукаться, ударяться друг о друга (особ. об оружии) ~ столкновение;
clash of interests столкновение интересов;
clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах ~ столкновение ~ ударять с грохотом;
производить гул, шум, звон;
звонить во все колокола ~ столкновение;
clash of interests столкновение интересов;
clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах ~ of jurisdictions столкновение компетенций ~ столкновение;
clash of interests столкновение интересов;
clash of opinions расхождение во взглядах name ~ вчт. конфликт по именам ~ совпадать во времени;
our lectures clash наши лекции совпадают clash дисгармонировать;
these colours clash эти цвета не гармонируют -
11 clash
12 Clash
13 clash
1. n1) столкновение, стычка, схватка; (вооруженный) конфликт2) столкновение, конфликт; разногласие, расхождение (во мнениях и т.п.)•to break up clashes — положить конец столкновениям / стычкам
- armed clashto provoke clashes — провоцировать столкновения / стычки
- bitter clashes
- border clash
- class clashes
- clash of interests
- clash of opinions
- clash on the border
- clashes among the leaders
- clashes arose
- clashes between police and demonstrators
- clashes broke out
- clashes died down
- clashes eased
- clashes erupted
- clashes have spread to other areas
- clashes left many casualties
- clashes resumed
- clashes with the police
- ethnic clashes
- fierce clashes
- head-on clash
- intercommunal clashes
- military clash
- much publicized clashes
- naval clash
- racial clashes
- scattered clashes
- sectarian clashes
- sporadic clashes
- tough clashes
- violent clashes 2. v( with)1) вступать в столкновение (с кем-л.)2) приходить в столкновение, вступать в конфликт; расходиться (о взглядах, мнениях); сталкиваться (об интересах и т.п.)•to clash over smth — конфликтовать по поводу чего-л.
to clash sharply over smth — резко полемизировать по какому-л. вопросу
to clash with smb — вступать в конфликт с кем-л.
14 clash
I [klæʃ]1) (confrontation) confronto m.; fig. (disagreement) conflitto m.3) (contradiction) conflitto m., contrasto m.5) (noise) (of swords) clangore m.II 1. [klæʃ] 2.a clash of cymbals — un suono o frastuono di piatti
1) (meet and fight) [armies, groups] scontrarsi; fig. (disagree) [ leaders] scontrarsi, essere in disaccordoto clash with sb. — (fight) scontrarsi con qcn.; (disagree) essere in disaccordo con qcn. (on, over su)
2) (be in conflict) [interests, beliefs] essere in conflitto3) (coincide) [ meetings] coincidere4) (not match) [ colours] stonare* * *[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) rumore metallico, clangore2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) scontro, disaccordo3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) scontro4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sovrapposizione2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) sbattere, urtarsi2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) scontrarsi3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) essere in disaccordo4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) coincidere5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) sbattere* * *I [klæʃ]1) (confrontation) confronto m.; fig. (disagreement) conflitto m.3) (contradiction) conflitto m., contrasto m.5) (noise) (of swords) clangore m.II 1. [klæʃ] 2.a clash of cymbals — un suono o frastuono di piatti
1) (meet and fight) [armies, groups] scontrarsi; fig. (disagree) [ leaders] scontrarsi, essere in disaccordoto clash with sb. — (fight) scontrarsi con qcn.; (disagree) essere in disaccordo con qcn. (on, over su)
2) (be in conflict) [interests, beliefs] essere in conflitto3) (coincide) [ meetings] coincidere4) (not match) [ colours] stonare -
15 clash
klæʃ 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) klirring, brak, klang2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstøt, konflikt3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstøt, slag4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) -konflikt, sammenstøt2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) slå skramlende (mot hverandre)2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) tørne/støte sammen3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) ryke i tottene på4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) kollidere (med)5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) stå skrikende mot hverandre, stikke grelt av motIsubst. \/klæʃ\/1) (om høy, ubehagelig lyd) skrell, smell, brak, skramling, skraping, klirring, rasling2) sammenstøt, kollisjon, krasj3) ( om konflikt eller fysisk kamp mellom personer) sammenstøt, trefning, strid4) konflikt, disharmoniclash of interests interessekonfliktclash of opinions meningsbrytning, meningsforskjellcultural clash kulturkollisjonIIverb \/klæʃ\/1) smelle, skramle, klirre, klinge2) skramle med, sette med et smell, slå (sammen) med et smell3) støte sammen, kollidere, krasje4) ryke i tottene på hverandre, ryke i krangel, tørne sammen, komme i strid5) komme i konflikt, ikke stemme, være uforenlig, skjære seg, stride6) ruse, styrteclash together støte sammen, kollidereclash with være uforenlig med skjære seg mot stride mot kollidere med -
16 clash
[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) brag; klang; klirren2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstød3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstød; konflikt4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sammenstød2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) støde sammen2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) støde sammen3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) tørne sammen4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) falde oveni5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) støde sammen; stikke af mod* * *[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) brag; klang; klirren2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstød3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstød; konflikt4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sammenstød2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) støde sammen2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) støde sammen3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) tørne sammen4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) falde oveni5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) støde sammen; stikke af mod -
17 clash
1. [klæʃ] n2) гул ( колоколов)3) грохот (бидонов, кастрюль и и т. п.)4) дробь (града, дождя и т. п.)2. 1) столкновение, стычка, схваткаclashes with the police - столкновения /стычки/ с полицией
2) столкновение, конфликт: разногласие2. [klæʃ] v1. сталкиваться; стукаться, ударяться друг о друга (о металлических предметах, особ. об оружии)2. 1) (with) сталкиваться ( об интересах); приходить в столкновение; расходиться ( о взглядах)their interests clash - их интересы не совпадают /расходятся, сталкиваются/
your views clash with mine - мы придерживаемся противоположных взглядов, мы расходимся во взглядах
2) происходить в одно время, мешать друг другу; совпадать ( по времени)it's a pity the two concerts clash - жаль, что оба концерта будут в одно время
3) дисгармонироватьthese colours clash - эти цвета несовместимы /не гармонируют/; сочетание этих цветов режет глаз
4) спорт. встретиться ( в матче - о командах)3. ударять с грохотом; стучать (обо что-л. металлическое)4. ( часто into, against) налететь, наскочить, натолкнуться, столкнутьсяI clashed into him as I went round the corner - свернув за угол, я налетел на него
5. шотл. бросить, сбросить (тж. clash down)she clashed the pans down on the stone floor - она бросила кастрюли, и они загрохотали по каменному полу
6. шотл. сплетничать, злословить -
18 clash
[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) žvenket2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) nasprotje3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) spopad4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) konflikt2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) udariti skupaj2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) spopasti se3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) prepirati se4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) križati se5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) ne ujemati se* * *I [klæš]intransitive verb & transitive verbžvenketati, rožljati; ( against ob) udariti, zadeti; ( with) trčiti, ne se ujemati, sovpadati, kolidirati; (to) zaloputnitiII [klæš]nounprepir, nesoglasje, nasprotje; rožljanje, žvenket -
19 clash
nézeteltérés, fecsegés, pletyka, csörömpölés to clash: összeüt, ütközik, összeütközik, ellenkezik* * *[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) csattanás2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) összeütközés3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) összecsapás4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) összecsapás2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) összeüt(ődik)2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) összecsap3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) összeütközik4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) összeesik5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) üti egymást -
20 clash
[klæʃ] 1. noun1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) clangor2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) choque3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) confronto4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) incompatibilidade2. verb1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) bater2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) defrontar-se3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) entrar em conflito4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) sobrepor-se5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) berrar com* * *[klæʃ] n 1 estrondo, estrépito, som de choque, som metálico. 2 choque, colisão. 3 conflito, desacordo, discordância, oposição. • vt+vi 1 estrepitar, estrondear. 2 bater, colidir, chocar-se com estrondo. 3 bater, fechar com estrondo. 4 discordar, colidir, entrar em conflito. 5 não combinar, estar em desarmonia (de cores). 6 ir de encontro a, impedir, opor-se a.
См. также в других словарях:
clash — clash … Dictionnaire des rimes
Clash — means conflict . It may also refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Video games 3 Film and television … Wikipedia
clash´er — clash «klash», noun, verb. –n. 1. a loud, harsh sound like that of two things running into each other, of striking metal, or of bells rung together but not in tune: »He heard the clash of cymbals. 2. Figurative. a) strong disagreement or conflict … Useful english dictionary
clash — [ klaʃ ] n. m. • 1962; mot angl. « fracas » ♦ Anglic. Désaccord violent, conflit, rupture. Chercher le clash. Provoquer un clash. Des clashs. ● clash, clashes ou clashs nom masculin (anglais clash, désaccord) Familier. Conflit, désaccord, rupture … Encyclopédie Universelle
Clash! — Format Game show Presented by Billy Kimball Country of origin … Wikipedia
Clash — steht für: The Clash, eine Punkband Clash (Band), eine Rockband aus Thailand CLASH Zeitung für/vom Widerstand in Europa eine linksradikale Zeitschrift Soundclash, einen Wettbewerb von einem oder mehreren Soundsystemen den Titel eines Buches von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
clash — [n1] disagreement or fight, often brief affray, argument, battle, brawl, break, broil, brush, bump, collision, concussion, conflict, confrontation, crash, difference of opinion, discord, discordance, disharmony, dispute, donnybrook*, embroilment … New thesaurus
Clash — Clash, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Clashed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Clashing}.] [Of imitative origin; cf. G. klatschen, Prov. G. kleschen, D. kletsen, Dan. klaske, E. clack.] 1. To make a noise by striking against something; to dash noisily together. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clash — n. 1. A loud noise resulting from collision; a noisy collision of bodies; a collision. [1913 Webster] The roll of cannon and clash of arms. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. Opposition; contradiction; as between differing or contending interests, views … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clash — Clash, v. t. To strike noisily against or together. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
clash — vb *bump, collide, conflict Analogous words: *contend, fight, battle, war: compete, vie, *rival: *resist, combat, withstand, oppose: disagree, *differ Antonyms: blend … New Dictionary of Synonyms