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  • 81 LEGGJA

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    (legg, lagða, lagiðr, lagðr, laginn), v.
    1) to lay, place (Már hafði lagt höfuð sitt í kné Rannveigar);
    leggja net, to lay a net;
    2) to put;
    leggja eld í, to put fire to;
    leggja söðul á hest, to put a saddle on a horse;
    leggja árar upp, to lay up the oars, give up pulling;
    leggja ofan segi, to haul down, take in the sails;
    leggja at jörðu, at velli (or við jörðu, við velli), to overthrow, slay, kill;
    leggja hlut sinn, to lose one’s lot, be worsted;
    3) to lay, drop, of a beast (hvelparnir, er eigi vóru lagðir);
    4) to lay, make, build;
    leggja garða, to make fences;
    5) to appoint, fix (leggja stefnu, leika, bardaga);
    6) to tax, value (hann lagði hálft landit fyrir sex tigi silfrs);
    leggja e-n úgildan, to award no fine for, put no price on;
    leggja at léttu, to make light of;
    leggja sakar, to settle strife;
    leggja lög, to lay down laws;
    leggja leið sína, to take a direction;
    hann lagði mjök kvámur sínar í Ögr, he was in the habit of coming often to O.;
    8) to allot, assign (þér mun lagit verða at vera einvaldskonungr yfir Noregi);
    hvat mun til líkna lagt Sigurði, what comfort is there appointed for S.?;
    þér var lengra líf lagit, a longer life was destined for thee;
    9) to lay out, pay, discharge;
    leggja at veði, to give as bail;
    leggja á hættu, to risk;
    leggja á mikinn kostnað, to run into great expenses;
    leggja líf á, to stake one’s life on a thing;
    leggja fé til höfuðs e-m, to set a price on one’s head;
    10) to lay a ship’s course, stand of or on, sail, absol., or the ship in dat. or acc., lét hann blása herblástr ok leggja út ór höfninni, and sailed out of the harbour;
    leggja at, to land (lagði hann at við Sundólfsstaði);
    in a naval battle, to attack (lögðu þeir þá at þeim);
    leggja undir land, to stand in towards land;
    leggja (skip) í rétt, to drift or run before the wind;
    11) to set off, start;
    leggja á flótta, to take toftight;
    leggja eptir e-m, to pursue;
    12) to stab, thrust, with a weapon (Þ. leggr hann spjóti til bana);
    13) impers. it turns, is driven in a direction (of smoke, smell, fire);
    hingat leggr allan reykinn, all the smoke blows hitherward;
    to freeze over, be covered with snow or ice (þá er ísa lagði á vötn);
    leggja nær, to be on the brink of;
    nær lagði þat úfœru einu sinni, it had well nigh come to a disaster;
    14) with preps.:
    leggja e-t af, to cede, give up (H. bróðir hans lagði af við hann sinn part í eyjunni);
    to leave off, desist from (legg af héðan af versagørð, sagði erkibiskup);
    leggja af fénað, to slaughter cattle;
    leggja e-t aptr, to give back, return (báðu mik leggja aptr taflit);
    leggja at, leggja at landi, to land;
    leggja at e-m, to attack;
    leggja e-t á e-n, to impose, lay (a burden, tax) upon one (leggja skatt, skyldir, yfirbót á e-n);
    leggja e-t á við e-n = leggja e-t á e-n;
    leggja stund, kapp, hug á e-t, to take pains about, great interest in, a thing;
    leggja ást, elsku, mætur á e-t, to feel love, affection, interest for a thing, to cherish a thing or person;
    leggja fæð, öfund, hatr á, to take dislike, envy, hatred to;
    leggja móti e-m, to oppose, contradict one;
    leggja e-t til, to furnish, contribute, as one’s share (hvern styrk hefir móðir mín til lagit með þér?);
    leggja fátt til, to say little, be reserved;
    leggja lof til, to give praise to;
    leggja gott (illt) til e-s, to lay a good (or ill) word to one, to interfere in a friendly (or unfriendly) manner;
    leggja e-t til lofs e-m, to put a thing to a person’s credit;
    leggja e-t til orðs, to talk about;
    leggja e-m e-t til ámælis, orðs, to blame one for a thing;
    leggja e-t undir or undir sik, to conquer, vanquish (Knútr konungr lagði allt land undir sik íNoregi);
    leggja e-t undir e-n, to submit a matter to a person, refer to (þeir höfðu lagit mál undir Njál);
    leggja undir trúnað e-s, to trust;
    ok er þat mjök undir hann lagit, it depends much on him;
    leggja e-t undir þegnskap sinn, to assert on one’s honour;
    leggja e-t upp við e-n, to hand over to one;
    leggja e-t eigi langt upp, not to make much of, to make light of (eigi legg ek slíkt langt upp);
    leggja e-t við e-t, to add to (leggja aðra tölu við aðra);
    leggja við líf sitt, höfuð sitt, to stake one’s life;
    leggja við sekt, to fix a fine;
    15) refl., leggjast.
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    a causal of liggja, q. v.; pres. legg, pl. leggjum; pret. lagði; subj. legði; imperat. legg or leggðú; part. lagiðr, lagið, lagit; contr. lagðr, lögð, lagt; part. laginn, Fb. ii. 386, which form is in mod. Icel. used as an adjective only; a part. pass. lagztr, lögzt, lagzt, Fas. ii. 345, and in mod. usage: [Ulf. lagjan = τιθέναι; A. S. lecgan; Engl. lay; O. H. G. legjan; Germ. legen; Swed. lägga; Dan. lægge]:—to lay.
    A. Prop. to lay, place; ok lagði hann á altara, Ver. 14; er hann var lagiðr á bálit, Hkr. i. 32; á lúðr lagiðr, Vþm.; vóru steinar lagðir í hring utan um, Eg. 486; Már lá útar á bekk, ok hafði lagt höfuð sitt í kné Rannveigar, Sturl. i. 13; leggja net, to lay a net, K. Þ. K. 88:—to lay down, leggja sinn aldr, Ht.
    2. to put; leggja band um, umhverfis, to fasten a string round the body, Eg. 340; leggja saman augun, to put the eyes together, shut them, id.; leggja eld í, to put fire to, Nj. 74, 131; leggja hendr at síðum mér, Fms. x. 331; leggja stýri í lag, to put it right, Hkr. i. 32; leggja ofan segl ok viðu, to haul down, take in the sails, Fms. iv. 372, ix. 23; l. lénur, söðul, á hest, to put a saddle on a horse, Nj. 74, Landn. 151; l. á hest, or leggja á (simply), to saddle; leggja hapt á hest, Grág. i. 436; l. mark á, of sheep, 426; l. hús ofan, to pull it down, Bs. i. 163; l. klyfjar ofan, to unload a horse, K. Þ. K. 94; l. klyfjar upp, to pack a horse, N. G. L. i. 349; l. árar upp, to lay up the oars, give up pulling, Edda 36: the mod. phrase, leggja árar í bát, to give a thing up, lose heart; l. fyrir lið, to give up, see lið; fyrir lagðr, outworn, exhausted, Mar. 1060, Fas. ii. 278.
    3. leggja at jörðu, at velli (or við jörðu, við velli), to overthrow, make bite the dust, Nj. 117, Eg. 426, Fms. vii. 296, viii. 43, x. 257, Njarð. 378; leggja fyrir borð, to put overboard, metaph. to forsake, Clem. 47; leggja í leg, to lay waste, Grág. ii. 278; leggja hlut sinn, to lay down or lose one’s lot, be worsted, Sturl. iii. 103: leggja mál í görð, to put into court, Nj. 88, 101; l. mál í umræðu, to put it to discussion, Orkn. 426; l. mál til sætta, Nj. 111.
    4. to lay, drop, of a beast; hvelparnir er eigi vóru lagðir, Fb. i. 104.
    II. metaph. in a mental sense; leggja stund, starf, hug, kapp … á e-t, to study a thing, take pains about, interest in it; as also, leggja ást, elsku, mætr á e-t, to feel love, affection, interest for, to love, cherish a thing or person; and again, leggja fæð, öfund, hatr … á, to take dislike, envy to, Al. 95, Ísl. ii. 197, Nj. 31, 46, Eg. 42, 418, Ld. 60, Fb. ii. 229, Fms. i. 31: freq. in old and mod. usage, thus, Sturla lagði mikinn hug á, at láta rita sögu-bækr eptir bókuni þeim er Snorri setti saman, Sturl. ii. 123; leggja e-t e-m til orðs, ámælis, to put a thing to a person’s blame, blame him for it, Nj. 62, 85, 138, 246, Ld. 250; l. e-t til lofs e-m, to laud one, put a thing to a person’s credit, Fms. x. 98.
    2. with prepp.; leggja á, to impose, put upon; leggja skyldir, skatt … á, Fms. x. 51, 93, Rb. 394:—leggja af, to leave off, cease doing; legg af héðan af versa-görð, sagði erkibiskup, ok stúdera heldr í kirkjunnar lögum, Bs. i. 799:—leggja e-t fyrir sik, to set a task before one, Fms. ii. 103, xi. 157:—leggja til, to add to, xi. 51, Hom. 138:—leggja undir or undir sik, to lay under oneself, conquer, vanquish, Fms. i. 3, x. 35, Eg. 12, Stj. 46, 146; leggja e-t undir þegnskap sinn, to assert on one’s honour, Grág. i. 29, Nj. 150; leggja e-t undir e-n, to submit it to a person, refer to, 105; l. e-t undir trúnað e-s, to trust, Fms. ix. 397; ok er þat mjök undir hann lagit, it depends much on him, Bjarn. 52:—leggja út, mod. to translate (út-legging):—leggja við, to add to, Grág. i. 22, Hom. 138, 155. Rb. 88, Al. 358.
    III. to lay, place, found, build; leggja afla, Vsp. 7; leggja garða, to make fences, Rm. 12; leggja götur, to make roads, Dipl. iv. 12; leggja lúðra, to place right, adjust the bin, Gs. 3; leggja leið, to take a direction, Fas. i. 57; hann lagði mjök kvámur sínar í Ögr, he was in the habit of coming to O., Fbr. 30; leggja e-t í vana sinn, to make a habit of.
    2. metaph. to lay, settle; leggja sakar, to settle strife, Vsp. 64; leggja landrétt, to settle the public rights, make laws, Sighvat; leggja lög, to lay down laws, of the three weird sisters ordering the fate of men, Vsp.:—to lay down, ordain, lagt er allt fyrir, all is predestined, Skv. I, Skm. 13, Ls. 48; era með löstum lögð æfi þér, Skv. 1, 33; hvat mun til líkna lagt Sigurði, 30; leggja á, to ordain, en þú hugfest þá hluti er ek segi þér, ok legg á þik, Bs. i. 199; ef þeir eru á lagðir ( ordered) fyrir váttum, Gþl. 439; þá hluti er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738; leggja lög á, to make, lay down a law, Bs. i. 28: leggja ríkt á, to order peremptorily: of a spell, leggja á, to enchant; ‘mæli eg um og legg eg á!’ is in the tales the formula with which witches say the spell.
    3. to appoint, fix, a meeting or the like; eru þá leikar lagðir í Ásbjarnar-nesi, Ld. 196; leikr var lagiðr á Hvítár-völlum, Eg. 188; þeir lögðu við landsmenn hálfs-mánaðar frið, 228; leggja stefnu með sér, Fms. i. 36; var lögð konunga-stefna í Elfi, vii. 62; leggja bardaga við e-n, xi. 418; l. með sér vináttu, Eg. 278; Augustus keisari lagði frið ( established peace) um allan heim, Edda.
    IV. to tax, value (fjár-lag); hross eru ok lögð, hestr fjögurra vetra gamall við kú, Grág. i. 503; leggja lag á mjöl, ii. 404; ef fyrr er keypt en lag er á lagt, id.; leggja lag á varning manna, Ísl. ii. 126; þat þykkir mér jafnligast at þú leggir land svá dýrt, en ek kjósa hvárr okkarr leysa skal, … hann lagði hálft landit fyrir sex tigi silfrs, … er þú leggr svá údýrt Helgafells-land, Eb. 38; vil ek þat vinna til sætta at leggja son minn úgildan, Nj. 250; at Hallr af Síðu hafði lagit úgildan son sinn, ok vann þat til sætta, 251; leggja at léttu, to lay a tax on light, Fas. iii. 553.
    V. to lay out, pay, discharge; leggja at veði, to give as bail, Edda 17; buðu at leggja sik í veð fyrir þessa menn, Nj. 163; leggja á hættu, to risk, Eg. 86; leggja á mikinn kostnað, to run into great expences, Eg. 43; leggja veð eðr fá vörzlu, Gþl. 389: leggja í kostnað, to expend, Fms. xi. 232; leggja sik í háska, veð, to put oneself in danger, to stake one’s life, vii. 263, Nj. 163:—leggja aptr, to pay back, Grett. 174 new Ed.; leggja líf á, to stake one’s life on a thing, Nj. 106, 178:—l. fram, to lay forth, lay out, exhibit (fram-lag); allan þann sóma er hann hefir fram lagit, Ld. 32; mikit muntú þurfa fram at leggja með honum, þvíat hón á allan arf eptir mik, Nj. 3; l. fram líf sitt, Eg. 426:—leggja til, to pay to, furnish, contribute, as one’s share; hvern styrk hefir móðir mín til lagit með þér, Nj. 7; hvat viltú þá til leggja? langskip tvau, 42; skortir mik eigi fé til at leggja fyrir farit, 128; kunni hann til alls góð ráð at leggja, Eg. 2; hefi ek þar til (lagit) mörg orð, 728; lét ek þar sælu-hús göra ok lagða fé til, Fms. vii. 122, Js. 4; þau ráð er Gregoríus lagði til, Fms. vii. 258; l. fé til höfuðs e-m, to set a price on one’s head, Nj. 112, Grett. passim:—metaph., leggja fátt til, to say little, be reserved, Nj. 88, 112; Gunnarr lagði ekki til, G. remained silent, 52; leggja lof til, to give praise to, Eg. 33; leggja orð í (til), to ‘lay a word to,’ say a word in a matter, remonstrate, Grág. i. 290; leggja gott, íllt til e-s, to lay a good (or ill) word to, to interfere in a friendly (or unfriendly) manner, Sturl. iii. 151 (til-lögur):—leggja hlut sinn, líf sitt, við, to risk one’s lot, stake one’s life, i. 162, Nj. 113, 218; l. sik allan við, to do one’s best, Eg. 738; l. sekt við, l. lögbrot við, of a penalty, Nj. 113, Eg. 352, H. E. i. 505:—leggja út, to lay out, pay, Vm. 33; of betting, Orkn. 200:—leggja fé upp, to lay up, invest; l. fé upp í jörð, Dipl. v. 21; lagða ek upp við minn kæra Orm biskup hálfan viðreka, I made it over to O., ii. 4; l. upp fé, to lay up, board.
    VI. of direction, esp. as a naut. term, to stand off or on, lay a ship’s course, esp. from or towards a port, to or from an attack, to sail, proceed to sea, absol., or the ship in dat. or acc., leggja skip or skipi; þú skalt leggja fram sem þér líkar (place the ship to attack), Nj. 8; ok leggr fram skeiðina jafnfram skipi Rúts, id.; þeir leggja út undir eina ey ok bíða þar byrjar, 133; hann lagði skip sín inn á sundit, 271; þeir bjuggusk um sem skjótast ok lögðu út skipunum, Eg. 358; en er skipit var lagit út undir Fenhring, Fms. x. 64; Sigvaldi leggr skip sitt í miðja fylking ( lays his ship alongside of), xi. 126; þeir hittu drómund einn í hafi ok lögðu til níu skipum ok borðusk, … at lyktum lögðu þeir snekkjunum undir drómundinn, Hkr. iii. 353; leggja undir land, to stand in towards land, Eb. 126, where in a metaph. sense = to give in; lögðu þeir eigi inn í ósinn, en lögðu útarliga á höfnina, Ísl. ii. 126; bauð hann út leiðangri at liði ok skipum ok lagði ( stood) út til Staðs fyrir innan Þórsbjörg, Fms. i. 12; síðan leggja þeir í Löginn upp, Hkr. i. 32; Knútr konungr lagði þegar upp í ána ok at kastalanum, Fms. ix. 23, xi. 196; réru þeir langskipinu upp í ána ok lögðu til bæjar þess, Eg. 80; lögðu víkingar við þat frá, Landn. 223; þá lögðu þeir at nesi einu, Eg. 161; ok lögðu þar at landi, 203; lagði hann at ( landed) við Sundólfs-staði, Fms. ix. 483; en er þeir koma norðr at Hákonar-hellu þá lögðu þeir þar at, Hkr. i. 160: leggja at, to attack, in a naval battle (atlaga); lögðu þeir þá at þeim, Nj. 25, Eg. 81; munu vér leggja til orrostu við þá, Fms. vii. 257; létusk allir búnir at leggja at þeim Hákoni, id.; ef þeir leggja at, Jómsvíkingar, xi. 134:—leggja í rétt, to drift or run before the wind, skipverjar, þeir er sigla vildu, eðr þeir er í rétt vildu leggja skipit, Fbr. 59; mæltu þeir er leið sögðu at varligra væri at lægja seglit ok leggja skipit í rétt um nóttina, en sigla til lands at ljósum degi, Fms. ii. 64; þá kom andviðri ok leggja þeir í rétt, Bs. i. 420; þá lögðu þeir í rétt harðan, kom á stormr svá at eigi fengu þeir lengi í rétti legit, ok sigldu þeir þá við eitt rif, Bær. 5; þá kemr enn landviðri ok leggja cnn í rétt ok rekr vestr í haf, Bs. i. 483; þá lögðu þeir í rétt harðan, 484; féll veðrit ok görði lögn, lögðu þeir þá í rétt, ok létu reiða fyrir nokkurar nætr, Eg. 372.
    2. without the notion of sea, to start; leggja á flótta, to turn to flight, fly, Fms. x. 241, xi. 341, 391, Orkn. 4, Hkr. i. 319, passim; leggja ú fund þeirra, Fms. vii. 258; leggja eptir, to pursue, x. 215; leggja upp, to start on a journey: metaph., leggja e-t ekki langt upp, Grett. 51 new Ed.
    3. to stab, thrust with a weapon, the weapon in dat. or absol. (lag = a thrust), Nj. 8, 64, Njarð. 378, Eg. 216, 258, 298, Nj. 43, 56, Grág. ii. 7, Gþl. 165, passim; opp. to höggva, höggva ok leggja, hann hjó ok lagði, and the like.
    VII. impers. it turns, in driven in a direction, of smoke, smell, fire, or the like; hingat leggr allan reykinn, all the smoke blows thitherward, Nj. 202; en eldinn lagði at þeim, Fms. i. 266; fyrir údaun er ór hauginum mun út leggja, iv. 28; varask gust þann ok údaun er út lagði or haugnum, … af fýlu þeirri sem út lagði, Ísl. ii. 45; ok er eldrinn var görr, lagði reykinn upp í skarðit, Eb. 220; ef hval leggr út, if a (dead) whale is driven off land, Gþl. 462:—of ice, snow, to freeze, be covered with snow, ice, þá leggr snjó nokkurn fyrir þá, 655 xv. 12; er ís leggr á vatnit, Grág. ii. 287; þá er ísa lagði á vötn, Fms. ii. 103: the place frozen in acc., vóru íslög mikil ok hafði langt lagt lit Breiðafjörð, Ld. 286; lagði ok Ögrsvatn, Fbr. 30 new Ed.; lagði fjörðinn út langt, 60 new Ed.: part., íss var lagðr á Hofstaða-vág, Eb. 236:—of winter, cold, þegar er gott er ok vetr (acc.) leggr á, Grett. 24 new Ed.; lagði þegar á frer ok snjófa, Bs. i. 872; but pers., leggr á hríðir ok snjóvar (better snjóva), Bs. i. 198.
    2. the phrase, leggja nær, to ‘lie near,’ be on the brink of; nær lagði þat úfæru eitt sinn, it had well nigh come to a disaster, Edda 17; lagði þá svá nær at allr þingheimr mundi berjask, it was on the brink of …, Nj. 163; lagði nær at hann mundi reka í svelginn, Fms. x. 145.
    B. Reflex. to lay oneself, lie; leggjask niðr í runna nokkura, Nj. 132; er Skálm merr yður leggsk undir klyfjum, Landn. 77; þá leggjask í akrinn flugur þær, er …, 673 A. 3:—of going to bed, þeir höfðu lagizk til svefns, were gone to sleep, Nj. 155; Skarphéðinn lagðisk ekki niðr um kveldit, 170:—leggjask með konu, to cohabit (illicitly), Fms. i. 57, K. Á. 118, Fas. iii. 390, Grág. i. 351:—of illness, to fall sick, take to bed, tók hón sótt ok lagðisk í rekkju, Nj. 14; þá lét hann búa hvílu sína ok lagðisk í sótt, Fms. xi. 214: the phrase, leggjask e-t ekki undir höfuð, not lay it under one’s pillow, do it promptly, be mindful of a thing, ii. 120, v. 264:—leggjask á e-t, to fall upon, of robbers, beasts of prey, etc.; at spillvirkjar mundi l. á fé þeirra, i. 226, Grett. 125 new Ed.; Vindr lögðusk á valinn ok raufuðu, xi. 380: örn lagðisk ( prayed) í eyna, Bs. i. 350:—leggjask fyrir, to take rest, lie down, from exhaustion, sickness, or the like, 387; lögðusk þá fyrir bæði menn ok hestar af úviðri, Sturl. iii. 292; þá lögðusk leiðsagnar-menn fyrir, þvíat þeir vissu eigi hvar þeir vóru komnir, Fms. viii. 52; fyrir leggjask um e-t mál, to give it up, Bs. i. 194: leggjask niðr, to pass out of use, cease, Fms. x. 179, xi. 12: leggjask á, to arise, mun sá orðrómr á leggjask, at …, Nj. 32, Fms. i. 291; úþokki lagðisk á milli þeirra bræðra, xi. 14.
    2. to cease; at sá úvandi leggisk sem áðr hefir verit, Fms. i. 280.
    II. to swim (partly answering to A. VI); leggjask til sunds, to go into the water and swim, Ld. 46; þeir leggjask um hríð … Sigmundr leggsk þá um hríð … hann lagðisk síðar ( swam behind), Fær. 173; hann lagðisk eptir geldingi gömlum út í Hvalsey, Landn. 107; Grettir lagðisk nú inn á fjörðinn, Grett. 148; hann lagðisk yfir þvert sundit ok gékk þar á land, 116, Hkr. i. 287, Finnb. 266; þeir koma upp ok leggjask til lands, Ld. 168; for legðir read legðiz, Njarð. 378.
    2. to set out; leggjask í hernað, víking, to set out on a freebooting expedition, Fms. x. 414, passim: leggjask út, to set out into the wilderness, as a highwayman, Odd. 8, Fas. i. 154, passim (útilegu-maðr = a highwayman); ek lögðumk út á merkr, Fms. ii. 103; leggjask á flótta = leggja á flótta, to take to flight, xi. 305: leggjask djúpt, to dive deep (metaph.), Nj. 102; leggjask til e-s, to seek, try eagerly for, Stj. 90, Bs. i. 198; leggjask í e-t, to occupy oneself with, Rb. 312.
    3. á lögðusk logn mikil, þokur ok sælægjur, Orkn. 358; vindar lögðusk ( the wind wafted) af hrauninu um kveldum, Eb. 218, (see A. VII): the phrase, ekki lagðisk mjök á með þeim frændum, they were not on good terms, Ld. 68: ok lagðisk lítt á með þeim Snorra, Sturl. i. 124; þeir töluðu lengi ok lagðisk vel á með þeim, things went well with them, Orkn. 408; þungt hefir á lagizk með okkr Strút-Haraldi jarli um hríð, Fms. xi. 84; Steinólfi þótti þat líkt ok ekki, ok lagðisk lítt á með þeim, Gullþ. 11:—lítið leggsk fyrir e-n, to come to a shameful end; lítið lagðisk nú fyrir kappann, þvíat hann kafnaði í stofu-reyk sem hundr, Grett. 115; svá lítið sem fyrir hann lagðisk, who had been so easily slain, had made so poor a defence, Ld. 150; lítið lagðisk hór fyrir góðan dreng, er þrælar skyldu at bana verða, Landn. 36; kann vera, at nú leggisk lítið fyrir hann, ek skal ráðin til setja, Fms. iv. 166.
    III. recipr., leggjask at, to attack one another, Fms. xi. 130: leggjask hendr á, to lay hands on fine another, Ld. 154; leggjask hugi á, to take a liking for each other, Bárð.: leggjask nær, to run close up to one another, of two boats, Gísl. 51.
    IV. part. lagðr, as adj. fit, destined to a thing, or fitted, of natural gifts; at hann mundi bæði spá-maðr vesa ok lagðr til mikils þrifnaðar ok gæfu Gyðinga-lýð, 625. 87; vera kann at þér sé meirr lagðr ( that thou art more fitted for) fésnúðr ok ferðir en tilstilli um mála-ferli, i. e. that thou art more fitted to be a traveller than a lawyer, Band. 5; öllu því íllu sem honum var lagit, Fb. i. 215; hón var þeim til lýta lagin, she was doomed to be their destruction, Sól. 11; sem mælt er um þá menn sem mjök er sú íþrótt lagin, Fms. v. 40; þvíat þér mun lagit verða at vera (’tis weirded for thee, thou art doomed to be) einvalds konungr yfir öllum Noregi, Fb. i. 564; þér var lengra lif lagit, a longer life was doomed to thee, Fas. iii. 344; allar spár sögðu, at harm mundi verða lagðr til skaða þeim, Edda 19: laginn, expert, skilled, disposed, freq. in mod. usage, hann er laginn fyrir að læra, hann er ekki lund-laginn á það, he has no inclination for it, whence lægni = skill; thus also, lagaðr from laga (q. v.), vera lagaðr fyrir e-t, lagaðr fyrir lærdóm, given to learn, of natural gifts.
    V. part. pass. lagztr; er hann var lagztr niðr, when he had laid himself down, Fas. ii. 345: freq. in mod. usage, hann er lagztr fyrir, lagztr niðr, and so on.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > LEGGJA

  • 82 wind

    I 1. noun
    1) Wind, der

    be in the wind(fig.) in der Luft liegen

    see how or which way the wind blows or lies — (fig.) sehen, woher der Wind weht

    sail close to or near the wind — hart am Wind segeln; (fig.) sich hart an der Grenze des Erlaubten bewegen

    take the wind out of somebody's sails(fig.) jemandem den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen

    the wind[s] of change — ein frischer Wind (fig.)

    2) no pl. (Mus.) (stream of air) (in organ) Wind, der; (in other instruments) Luftstrom, der; (instruments) Bläser

    get wind of something(fig.) Wind von etwas bekommen

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (flatulence) Blähungen

    get/have the wind up — (coll.) Manschetten (ugs.) od. Schiss (salopp) kriegen/haben

    put the wind up somebody(coll.) jemandem Schiss machen (salopp)

    5) (breath)

    lose/have lost one's wind — außer Atem kommen/sein

    recover or get one's wind — wieder zu Atem kommen

    get one's second wind(lit. or fig.) sich wieder steigern

    2. transitive verb

    he was winded by the blow to his stomachnach dem Schlag in die Magengrube schnappte er nach Luft

    II 1. intransitive verb,
    1) (curve) sich winden; (move) sich schlängeln
    2) (coil) sich wickeln
    2. transitive verb,
    1) (coil) wickeln; (on to reel) spulen

    wind something off something/on [to] something — etwas von etwas [ab]wickeln/auf etwas (Akk.) [auf]wickeln

    wind somebody round one's fingerjemanden um den Finger wickeln (ugs.)

    2) (with key etc.) aufziehen [Uhr]

    wind one's/its way — sich winden; sich schlängeln

    4) (coil into ball) zu einem Knäuel/zu Knäueln aufwickeln
    5) (surround) wickeln
    6) (winch) winden
    3. noun
    1) (curve) Windung, die
    2) (turn) Umdrehung, die
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/93794/wind_back">wind back
    * * *
    I 1. [wind] noun
    1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) der Wind
    2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) die Luft
    3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) die Blähung
    2. verb
    (to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) den Atem nehmen
    3. adjective
    ((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) Blas-...
    - windy
    - windiness
    - windfall
    - windmill
    - windpipe
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windscreen
    - windsock
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windswept
    - get the wind up
    - get wind of
    - get one's second wind
    - in the wind
    - like the wind
    II past tense, past participle - wound; verb
    1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) winden
    2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) aufwickeln
    3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) sich winden
    4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) aufziehen
    - winder
    - winding
    - wind up
    - be/get wound up
    * * *
    I. n
    against the \wind NAUT gegen den Wind, luvwärts fachspr
    into the \wind NAUT in den Wind
    \winds up to 60 miles per hour Windstärken bis zu 60 Meilen in der Stunde
    there isn't enough \wind es ist nicht windig genug
    the \wind started to pick up der Wind frischte auf
    the \wind is in the east/north/south/west der Wind kommt aus Osten/Norden/Süden/Westen
    to have the \wind at one's back ( also fig) Rückenwind haben
    a breath of \wind ein Lüftchen nt, ein Windhauch m
    there wasn't a breath of \wind es regte sich kein Lüftchen
    to throw caution/sb's advice to the \winds ( fig) alle Vorsicht/jds Ratschlag in den Wind schlagen
    a \wind of change ( fig) ein frischer Wind
    gust of \wind Windstoß m, Windböe f
    to take the \wind out of sb's sails ( also fig) jdm den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen
    to see which way the \wind is blowing ( also fig) sehen, woher der Wind weht
    to sail close to the \wind NAUT hart am Wind segeln; ( fig) sich akk hart an der Grenze des Erlaubten bewegen
    to go/run like the \wind laufen/rennen wie der Wind
    to run before the \wind vor dem Wind segeln
    2. no pl (breath) Atem m, Luft f
    to get one's \wind wieder Luft kriegen
    to knock the \wind out of sb ( fig) jdm den Atem verschlagen
    3. no pl (meaningless words) leere Worte, leeres Geschwätz pej
    he's full of \wind er ist ein Schaumschläger pej
    4. no pl (flatulence) Blähungen pl, Winde pl euph
    garlic gives me dreadful \wind von Knoblauch bekomme ich fürchterliche Blähungen
    to break \wind einen fahrenlassen fam
    to suffer from \wind Blähungen haben
    5. MUS (in an organ) Wind m; (in other instrument) Luftstrom m
    the \winds die [Blech]bläser(innen) m(f)
    6. (scent) Witterung f
    to get \wind of sth ( fig) von etw dat Wind bekommen
    there's something in the \wind ( fig) es liegt etwas in der Luft
    7. BRIT, AUS ( fig: fear)
    to get the \wind up Schiss kriegen oft pej derb
    to put the \wind up sb jdm Angst einjagen
    tell them your father's a policeman, that'll put the \wind up them! sag ihnen, dein Vater ist Polizist, dann kriegen sie Muffensausen! fam
    it's an ill \wind that does nobody any good ( saying) an allem lässt sich auch etwas Gutes finden
    to raise the \wind ( dated fam) Geld auftreiben fam
    to be three sheets in the \wind völlig betrunken [o fam sternhagelvoll] sein
    II. vt
    to \wind sb jdm den Atem nehmen
    the blow to the stomach \winded me durch den Schlag in den Bauch blieb mir die Luft weg
    to be/get \winded außer Atem sein/geraten
    2. BRIT (bring up wind)
    to \wind a baby ein Baby ein Bäuerchen machen lassen
    to \wind sb/sth jdn/etw wittern
    III. n modifier
    1. energy, power, turbine Wind-
    \windmill Windmühle f
    2. MUS instrument, section Blas-
    \wind player Bläser(in) m(f)
    I. n
    1. (bend) Windung f; of river Schleife f; in a road Kurve f
    2. (turn) Umdrehung f
    to give sth a \wind etw aufziehen
    II. vt
    <wound, wound>
    to \wind sth etw wickeln
    to \wind wool/yarn into a ball Wolle/Garn zu einem Knäuel aufwickeln
    to \wind sth around/onto sth etw um/auf etw akk wickeln
    she wound her arms around me sie schlang ihre Arme um mich
    to \wind a film onto a reel einen Film auf eine Rolle spulen
    to \wind sth off sth etw von etw dat abwickeln
    2. (cause to function)
    to \wind a clock/watch eine Uhr/Armbanduhr aufziehen
    to \wind sth etw winden [o kurbeln]
    to \wind a handle eine Kurbel drehen
    to \wind one's way sich akk schlängeln
    to \wind sth etw spulen
    to \wind a film/tape back[wards]/forwards einen Film/ein Band zurück-/vorspulen
    III. vi
    <wound, wound>
    1. (meander) stream, road sich akk schlängeln
    2. (coil) sich akk wickeln [o spulen]
    to \wind back[wards]/forwards film, tape zurück-/vorspulen
    * * *
    I [wɪnd]
    1. n
    1) Wind m

    to sail close to the wind (fig) — sich hart an der Grenze des Erlaubten bewegen; (Naut) hart am Wind segeln

    to see which way the wind blows (fig) — sehen, woher der Wind weht


    (= scent) to get wind of sth (lit, fig)von etw Wind bekommen


    (compass point) to the four winds — in alle (vier) Winde

    4) (from bowel, stomach) Wind m, Blähung f

    to bring up wind — aufstoßen; (baby also) ein Bäuerchen machen

    5) (= breath) Atem m, Luft f (inf)
    6) (MUS: wind instruments) Bläser pl, Blasinstrumente pl
    2. vt
    1) (Brit: knock breathless) den Atem nehmen (+dat)
    2) (= scent) wittern
    3) horses verschnaufen lassen
    4) baby ein Bäuerchen machen lassen
    II [waɪnd] vb: pret, ptp wound
    1. vt
    1) (= twist, wrap) wool, bandage wickeln; turban etc winden; (on to a reel) spulen
    2) (= turn, wind up) handle kurbeln, drehen; clock, watch, clockwork toy aufziehen

    (= proceed by twisting) to wind one's way — sich schlängeln

    2. vi
    1) (river etc) sich winden or schlängeln

    how does it wind? (watch) (handle)wie herum zieht man es auf? wie dreht or kurbelt man es?

    it won't wind — er/es lässt sich nicht aufziehen; (handle) er/es lässt sich nicht drehen or kurbeln

    3. n

    give it one more wind — zieh es noch eine Umdrehung weiter auf; (handle) kurbele or drehe es noch einmal weiter

    2) (= bend) Kehre f, Windung f
    * * *
    wind1 [wınd]
    A s
    1. Wind m:
    wind and weather permitting bei gutem Wetter;
    before the wind vor dem oder im Wind;
    a) SCHIFF zwischen Wind und Wasser,
    b) fig in einer prekären Situation;
    in(to) the wind’s eye gegen den Wind;
    like the wind wie der Wind, schnell;
    under the wind SCHIFF in Lee;
    there is too much wind es ist zu windig;
    there is sth in the wind fig es liegt etwas in der Luft;
    be (three sheets) in the wind umg Schlagseite haben;
    fling ( oder cast, throw) to the wind(s) fig außer Acht lassen, einen Rat etc in den Wind schlagen;
    gain ( oder get) the wind of einem Schiff den Wind abgewinnen;
    have (take) the wind of fig einen Vorteil haben (gewinnen) gegenüber, die Oberhand haben (gewinnen) über (akk);
    have (get) the wind up umg Bammel oder Schiss oder Muffensausen haben (kriegen);
    know how ( oder which way) the wind blows fig wissen, woher der Wind weht;
    put the wind up sb umg jemandem Angst einjagen;
    raise the wind bes Br umg (das nötige) Geld auftreiben;
    a) SCHIFF hart am Wind segeln,
    b) fig sich am Rande der Legalität oder hart an der Grenze des Erlaubten bewegen, mit einem Fuß im Gefängnis stehen;
    sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Wind säen und Sturm ernten;
    take the wind out of sb’s sails jemandem den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen; ill A 1, scatter A 2
    2. Sturm m
    3. (Gebläse- etc) Wind m
    4. a) MED (Darm)Winde pl, Blähungen pl:
    break wind einen Wind abgehen lassen;
    get wind Blähungen bekommen;
    onions give you wind Zwiebeln blähen
    b) Rülpser pl umg:
    cola tends to give me wind auf Cola muss ich immer aufstoßen oder umg rülpsen
    5. the wind(s pl) MUS die Bläser pl
    6. JAGD Wind m, Witterung f (auch fig):
    a) wittern (akk),
    b) fig Wind bekommen von;
    get wind that … Wind davon bekommen, dass …
    7. Atem m:
    have a good wind eine gute Lunge haben;
    have a long wind einen langen Atem haben (a. fig);
    get one’s second wind besonders SPORT die zweite Luft bekommen;
    have lost one’s wind außer Atem sein; sound1 A 1
    8. umg leeres Geschwätz
    9. Boxen: sl Magengrube f
    B v/t
    1. JAGD wittern
    2. jemandem den Atem oder die Luft nehmen (Schlag etc):
    be winded außer Atem sein
    3. verschnaufen lassen
    4. ein Baby aufstoßen oder (ein) Bäuerchen machen lassen
    wind2 [waınd]
    A s
    1. Windung f, Biegung f
    2. Umdrehung f (beim Aufziehen einer Uhr etc)
    B v/i prät und pperf wound [waʊnd]
    1. sich winden oder schlängeln (auch Fluss, Straße etc)
    2. sich winden oder wickeln oder schlingen ( round um)
    3. a) aufgewunden oder aufgewickelt werden
    b) sich aufwinden oder -wickeln lassen
    C v/t
    1. winden, wickeln, schlingen ( alle:
    round um):
    2. umwickeln ( with mit)
    a) auf-, hochwinden,
    b) Garn etc aufwickeln, -spulen
    a) eine Uhr etc aufziehen,
    b) eine Saite etc spannen
    5. oft wind up hochwinden, Erz fördern
    6. wind o.s. schlängeln:
    wind o.s. ( oder one’s way) into sb’s affection fig sich jemandes Zuneigung erschleichen, sich bei jemandem einschmeicheln
    7. SCHIFF
    a) wenden
    b) hieven
    8. a) eine Kurbel drehen
    b) kurbeln:
    wind up (down) ein Autofenster etc hochdrehen, -kurbeln (herunterdrehen, -kurbeln)
    9. oft wind forward ( oder on) einen Film etc vor-, weiterspulen:
    wind back zurückspulen
    wind3 [waınd] prät und pperf wound [waʊnd], winded [ˈwaındıd] v/t poet
    1. das Horn etc blasen
    2. ein Hornsignal ertönen lassen
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) Wind, der

    be in the wind(fig.) in der Luft liegen

    see how or which way the wind blows or lies — (fig.) sehen, woher der Wind weht

    sail close to or near the wind — hart am Wind segeln; (fig.) sich hart an der Grenze des Erlaubten bewegen

    take the wind out of somebody's sails(fig.) jemandem den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen

    the wind[s] of change — ein frischer Wind (fig.)

    2) no pl. (Mus.) (stream of air) (in organ) Wind, der; (in other instruments) Luftstrom, der; (instruments) Bläser

    get wind of something(fig.) Wind von etwas bekommen

    4) no pl., no indef. art. (flatulence) Blähungen

    get/have the wind up — (coll.) Manschetten (ugs.) od. Schiss (salopp) kriegen/haben

    put the wind up somebody(coll.) jemandem Schiss machen (salopp)

    lose/have lost one's wind — außer Atem kommen/sein

    recover or get one's wind — wieder zu Atem kommen

    get one's second wind(lit. or fig.) sich wieder steigern

    2. transitive verb II 1. intransitive verb,
    1) (curve) sich winden; (move) sich schlängeln
    2) (coil) sich wickeln
    2. transitive verb,
    1) (coil) wickeln; (on to reel) spulen

    wind something off something/on [to] something — etwas von etwas [ab]wickeln/auf etwas (Akk.) [auf]wickeln

    2) (with key etc.) aufziehen [Uhr]

    wind one's/its way — sich winden; sich schlängeln

    4) (coil into ball) zu einem Knäuel/zu Knäueln aufwickeln
    5) (surround) wickeln
    6) (winch) winden
    3. noun
    1) (curve) Windung, die
    2) (turn) Umdrehung, die
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (round) v.
    wickeln (um) v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: wound)
    = abspulen v.
    aufspulen v.
    aufwickeln v.
    drehen v.
    schlängeln v.
    sich winden v.
    winden v.
    (§ p.,pp.: wand, gewunden) n.
    Wind -e m.

    English-german dictionary > wind

  • 83 оглянуться не успел

    before one knew it; before one could say 'knife'

    Власти удивительно скоро привыкли к тому, что за делами Затона наблюдает Рагозин, и не успел он оглянуться, как его потребовали к ответу: почему ремонт флотилии идёт преступно медленными темпами? (К. Федин, Необыкновенное лето) — With amazing alacrity the authorities accepted the fact that Ragozin was supervising the work at Zaton, and before he knew it they took him to task, declaring that it was a crime to allow the overhauling of the fleet to proceed at such a slow pace.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > оглянуться не успел

  • 84 advance

    1. n продвижение, движение вперёд
    2. n воен. наступление
    3. n воен. продвижение от рубежа к рубежу
    4. n тех. опережение; упреждение, предварение
    5. n прогресс; успех; улучшение

    industrial advance — индустриальный прогресс, успехи промышленности

    6. n повышение, рост
    7. n аванс; ссуда

    to pay in advance — платить заранее, выдавать аванс

    8. n амер. предварительная подготовка, подготовительные мероприятия
    9. n заранее подготовленный репортаж
    10. n предварительно разосланный или розданный текст
    11. n воен. передовые силы

    to be in advance — идти вперёд, спешить

    12. a передний, передовой, головной
    13. a предварительный, опережающий; забегающий вперёд

    advance booking — резервирование ; предварительный заказ

    14. v продвигаться, идти вперёд, наступать
    15. v воен. наступать

    to advance at the double — продвигаться ускоренным шагом; наступать бегом

    16. v двигать вперёд, продвигать
    17. v передвигать стрелки часов вперёд
    18. v способствовать; приближать, ускорять
    19. v делать успехи; продвигаться; развиваться

    make advance — вносить аванс; делать предложение

    20. v продвигать
    21. v повышать

    the bank has advanced the rate of discount to 15% — банк повысил процент учёта до 15%

    22. v повышаться, возрастать
    23. v ссужать деньги
    24. v платить авансом

    domestic cash advance — внутренний "наличный аванс "

    25. v выдвигать
    26. v тех. наращивать
    27. v физ. опережать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. prior (adj.) antecedent; anterior; precedent; preceding; prior
    2. loan (noun) allowance; credit; loan
    3. progress (noun) advancement; anabasis; furtherance; headway; march; ongoing; proficiency; progress; stride
    4. progression (noun) approach; course; impetus; lead; moving forward; procedure; procession; progression; way
    5. promotion (noun) betterment; boost; enlargement; enrichment; gain; hike; improvement; increase; increment; jump; price rise; promotion; raise; rise
    6. proposal (noun) offer; offering; overture; proposal; proposition; suggestion; tender
    7. accelerate (verb) accelerate; bring forward; hasten; precipitate; quicken; speed up; update
    8. adduce (verb) adduce; allege; cite; lay; present
    9. come (verb) come; come along; get along; get on; march; move; proceed; progress
    10. improve (verb) flourish; grow; improve; increase; make progress; thrive
    11. loan (verb) lend; loan; offer
    12. move forward (verb) go forward; move forward; move on; push forward; set forward
    13. promote (verb) dignify; elevate; exalt; jump; prefer; profit; promote; raise; upgrade
    14. propose (verb) bring to view; broach; deliver; introduce; propose; propound; submit; suggest
    15. rise (verb) ascend; climb; mount; rise
    16. urge (verb) better; encourage; forward; foster; further; serve; urge
    17. before (other) ahead; before; beyond; going before; precedent; preceding; prepublication
    Антонимический ряд:
    degrade; demote; depress; halt; hesitate; hinder; oppose; recall; recede; retard; retreat; retrogress; return; stand; stop; withhold

    English-Russian base dictionary > advance

  • 85 Psychology

       We come therefore now to that knowledge whereunto the ancient oracle directeth us, which is the knowledge of ourselves; which deserveth the more accurate handling, by how much it toucheth us more nearly. This knowledge, as it is the end and term of natural philosophy in the intention of man, so notwithstanding it is but a portion of natural philosophy in the continent of nature.... [W]e proceed to human philosophy or Humanity, which hath two parts: the one considereth man segregate, or distributively; the other congregate, or in society. So as Human philosophy is either Simple and Particular, or Conjugate and Civil. Humanity Particular consisteth of the same parts whereof man consisteth; that is, of knowledges which respect the Body, and of knowledges that respect the Mind... how the one discloseth the other and how the one worketh upon the other... [:] the one is honored with the inquiry of Aristotle, and the other of Hippocrates. (Bacon, 1878, pp. 236-237)
       The claims of Psychology to rank as a distinct science are... not smaller but greater than those of any other science. If its phenomena are contemplated objectively, merely as nervo-muscular adjustments by which the higher organisms from moment to moment adapt their actions to environing co-existences and sequences, its degree of specialty, even then, entitles it to a separate place. The moment the element of feeling, or consciousness, is used to interpret nervo-muscular adjustments as thus exhibited in the living beings around, objective Psychology acquires an additional, and quite exceptional, distinction. (Spencer, 1896, p. 141)
       Kant once declared that psychology was incapable of ever raising itself to the rank of an exact natural science. The reasons that he gives... have often been repeated in later times. In the first place, Kant says, psychology cannot become an exact science because mathematics is inapplicable to the phenomena of the internal sense; the pure internal perception, in which mental phenomena must be constructed,-time,-has but one dimension. In the second place, however, it cannot even become an experimental science, because in it the manifold of internal observation cannot be arbitrarily varied,-still less, another thinking subject be submitted to one's experiments, comformably to the end in view; moreover, the very fact of observation means alteration of the observed object. (Wundt, 1904, p. 6)
       It is [Gustav] Fechner's service to have found and followed the true way; to have shown us how a "mathematical psychology" may, within certain limits, be realized in practice.... He was the first to show how Herbart's idea of an "exact psychology" might be turned to practical account. (Wundt, 1904, pp. 6-7)
       "Mind," "intellect," "reason," "understanding," etc. are concepts... that existed before the advent of any scientific psychology. The fact that the naive consciousness always and everywhere points to internal experience as a special source of knowledge, may, therefore, be accepted for the moment as sufficient testimony to the rights of psychology as science.... "Mind," will accordingly be the subject, to which we attribute all the separate facts of internal observation as predicates. The subject itself is determined p. 17) wholly and exclusively by its predicates. (Wundt, 1904,
       The study of animal psychology may be approached from two different points of view. We may set out from the notion of a kind of comparative physiology of mind, a universal history of the development of mental life in the organic world. Or we may make human psychology the principal object of investigation. Then, the expressions of mental life in animals will be taken into account only so far as they throw light upon the evolution of consciousness in man.... Human psychology... may confine itself altogether to man, and generally has done so to far too great an extent. There are plenty of psychological text-books from which you would hardly gather that there was any other conscious life than the human. (Wundt, 1907, pp. 340-341)
       The Behaviorist began his own formulation of the problem of psychology by sweeping aside all medieval conceptions. He dropped from his scientific vocabulary all subjective terms such as sensation, perception, image, desire, purpose, and even thinking and emotion as they were subjectively defined. (Watson, 1930, pp. 5-6)
       According to the medieval classification of the sciences, psychology is merely a chapter of special physics, although the most important chapter; for man is a microcosm; he is the central figure of the universe. (deWulf, 1956, p. 125)
       At the beginning of this century the prevailing thesis in psychology was Associationism.... Behavior proceeded by the stream of associations: each association produced its successors, and acquired new attachments with the sensations arriving from the environment.
       In the first decade of the century a reaction developed to this doctrine through the work of the Wurzburg school. Rejecting the notion of a completely self-determining stream of associations, it introduced the task ( Aufgabe) as a necessary factor in describing the process of thinking. The task gave direction to thought. A noteworthy innovation of the Wurzburg school was the use of systematic introspection to shed light on the thinking process and the contents of consciousness. The result was a blend of mechanics and phenomenalism, which gave rise in turn to two divergent antitheses, Behaviorism and the Gestalt movement. The behavioristic reaction insisted that introspection was a highly unstable, subjective procedure.... Behaviorism reformulated the task of psychology as one of explaining the response of organisms as a function of the stimuli impinging upon them and measuring both objectively. However, Behaviorism accepted, and indeed reinforced, the mechanistic assumption that the connections between stimulus and response were formed and maintained as simple, determinate functions of the environment.
       The Gestalt reaction took an opposite turn. It rejected the mechanistic nature of the associationist doctrine but maintained the value of phenomenal observation. In many ways it continued the Wurzburg school's insistence that thinking was more than association-thinking has direction given to it by the task or by the set of the subject. Gestalt psychology elaborated this doctrine in genuinely new ways in terms of holistic principles of organization.
       Today psychology lives in a state of relatively stable tension between the poles of Behaviorism and Gestalt psychology.... (Newell & Simon, 1963, pp. 279-280)
       As I examine the fate of our oppositions, looking at those already in existence as guide to how they fare and shape the course of science, it seems to me that clarity is never achieved. Matters simply become muddier and muddier as we go down through time. Thus, far from providing the rungs of a ladder by which psychology gradually climbs to clarity, this form of conceptual structure leads rather to an ever increasing pile of issues, which we weary of or become diverted from, but never really settle. (Newell, 1973b, pp. 288-289)
       The subject matter of psychology is as old as reflection. Its broad practical aims are as dated as human societies. Human beings, in any period, have not been indifferent to the validity of their knowledge, unconcerned with the causes of their behavior or that of their prey and predators. Our distant ancestors, no less than we, wrestled with the problems of social organization, child rearing, competition, authority, individual differences, personal safety. Solving these problems required insights-no matter how untutored-into the psychological dimensions of life. Thus, if we are to follow the convention of treating psychology as a young discipline, we must have in mind something other than its subject matter. We must mean that it is young in the sense that physics was young at the time of Archimedes or in the sense that geometry was "founded" by Euclid and "fathered" by Thales. Sailing vessels were launched long before Archimedes discovered the laws of bouyancy [ sic], and pillars of identical circumference were constructed before anyone knew that C IID. We do not consider the ship builders and stone cutters of antiquity physicists and geometers. Nor were the ancient cave dwellers psychologists merely because they rewarded the good conduct of their children. The archives of folk wisdom contain a remarkable collection of achievements, but craft-no matter how perfected-is not science, nor is a litany of successful accidents a discipline. If psychology is young, it is young as a scientific discipline but it is far from clear that psychology has attained this status. (Robinson, 1986, p. 12)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Psychology

  • 86 детальный

    detailed, in detail
    Мы переходим к более или менее детальному изучению (чего-л). - We proceed to a more or less detailed study of...
    чего-л), полезно рассмотреть... - Before beginning a more detailed study of..., it is helpful to consider...
    Перед тем, как приступить к детальному изложению, дадим краткое описание... - Before entering into the details, we give a brief description of...
    Подробные (= детальные) вычисления затрудняются вследствие проблем, возникающих из... - Detailed calculations are beset with difficulties arising from...
    Поучительно провести детальное решение... - It is instructive to carry out in detail the solution of...
    Чтобы получить более точное и детальное описание, необходимо... - То obtain a more accurate and detailed description, it is necessary to...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > детальный

  • 87 progress

    1. 'prəuɡres, ]( American) 'pro- noun
    1) (movement forward; advance: the progress of civilization.) progreso
    2) (improvement: The students are making (good) progress.) progreso

    2. prə'ɡres verb
    1) (to go forward: We had progressed only a few miles when the car broke down.) avanzar
    2) (to improve: Your French is progressing.) progresar, mejorar

    3. noun
    (the progressive (tense) (also the continuous tense): The sentence `They were watching TV'. is in the progressive.) contínuo
    - progressiveness
    - in progress

    progress1 n progreso / avance
    to make progress avanzar / hacer progresos
    progress2 vb progresar / avanzar
    tr[ (n) 'prəʊgres; (vb) prəʊ'gres]
    1 (advance) progreso, avance nombre masculino; (development) desarrollo
    1 (advance) progresar, avanzar, adelantar; (develop) desarrollar
    2 (improve - gen) mejorar, hacer progresos; (- patient) mejorar
    to be in progress (work) estar en curso, estar en marcha 2 (meeting, match, etc) haber empezado
    to make progress (pupil) adelantar, hacer progresos, progresar 2 (patient) mejorar
    progress report informe nombre masculino sobre la marcha de los trabajos, informe nombre masculino sobre la marcha de los estudios
    progress [prə'grɛs] vi
    1) proceed: progresar, adelantar
    2) improve: mejorar
    progress ['prɑgrəs, -.grɛs] n
    1) advance: progreso m, adelanto m, avance m
    to make progress: hacer progresos
    2) betterment: mejora f, mejoramiento m
    adelantamiento s.m.
    adelanto s.m.
    aprovechamiento s.m.
    marcha s.f.
    paso s.m.
    proceso s.m.
    progreso s.m.
    avanzar v.
    marchar v.
    progresar v.

    I 'prɑːgrəs, 'prəʊgres
    mass noun
    1) ( advancement) progreso m; (of situation, events) desarrollo m, evolución f

    to make progress\<\<pupil\>\> adelantar, hacer* progresos, progresar; \<\<patient\>\> mejorar

    I'm making good/slow progress with my thesis — estoy avanzando bien/lentamente con la tesis; (before n)

    progress report — (Adm, Busn) informe m sobre el avance or la marcha de los trabajos


    in progress: talks are in progress between the two parties los dos partidos están manteniendo conversaciones; while the examination is in progress — mientras dure el examen

    3) ( forward movement) avance m

    to make progress — avanzar*

    II prə'gres
    a) ( advance) \<\<work/science/technology\>\> progresar, avanzar*, adelantar
    b) ( improve) \<\<patient\>\> mejorar

    his Spanish is progressingva adelantando or haciendo progresos en español

    1. ['prǝʊɡres]
    1) (=forward movement) avance m

    we are making good progress — estamos avanzando rápidamente

    2) (=development) [of activity, student] progresos mpl ; [of events] marcha f, desarrollo m ; [of patient] evolución f ; [of disease] curso m, evolución f

    to make progress — (gen) hacer progresos, progresar; [patient] mejorar

    to make good/slow progress — avanzar rápidamente/lentamente

    chart 2.
    3) (=innovation) progreso m
    4) (=course)

    in progress, the game was already in progress — había comenzado ya el partido

    silence: exam in progress — silencio: examen

    2. [prǝ'ɡres]
    1) (=go forward) [work] avanzar; [events] desarrollarse; [disease] evolucionar

    as the game progresseda medida que avanzaba or iba desarrollándose el partido

    to progress to sth, he started sketching, then progressed to painting — empezó haciendo bosquejos para luego pasar a pintar

    2) (=improve) [student] hacer progresos; [patient] mejorar
    VT (=advance) seguir adelante con

    progress report N — (Admin) informe m sobre la marcha del trabajo; (Med) informe m médico; (Scol) informe m sobre el progreso del alumno

    * * *

    I ['prɑːgrəs, 'prəʊgres]
    mass noun
    1) ( advancement) progreso m; (of situation, events) desarrollo m, evolución f

    to make progress\<\<pupil\>\> adelantar, hacer* progresos, progresar; \<\<patient\>\> mejorar

    I'm making good/slow progress with my thesis — estoy avanzando bien/lentamente con la tesis; (before n)

    progress report — (Adm, Busn) informe m sobre el avance or la marcha de los trabajos


    in progress: talks are in progress between the two parties los dos partidos están manteniendo conversaciones; while the examination is in progress — mientras dure el examen

    3) ( forward movement) avance m

    to make progress — avanzar*

    II [prə'gres]
    a) ( advance) \<\<work/science/technology\>\> progresar, avanzar*, adelantar
    b) ( improve) \<\<patient\>\> mejorar

    his Spanish is progressingva adelantando or haciendo progresos en español

    English-spanish dictionary > progress

  • 88 adelantarse a

    1 to get ahead of, to get past, to cut ahead of, to draw ahead of.
    Tito se anticipó a los acontecimientos Tito anticipated the happenings.
    2 to go ahead to, to proceed to.
    * * *
    * * *
    (v.) = outguess, second-guess [secondguess], forestall
    Ex. Four years of attempting to catalog everything in a depository collection taught me that it was easier to do all the original cataloging than to try to outguess the rules used previously.
    Ex. This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.
    Ex. Attempting to forestall problems before they were created was essential to the planning.
    * * *
    (v.) = outguess, second-guess [secondguess], forestall

    Ex: Four years of attempting to catalog everything in a depository collection taught me that it was easier to do all the original cataloging than to try to outguess the rules used previously.

    Ex: This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.
    Ex: Attempting to forestall problems before they were created was essential to the planning.

    Spanish-English dictionary > adelantarse a

  • 89 siguiente

    siguiente adjetivo 1
    al día siguiente the next o the following day
    en el capítulo siguiente in the next o following chapter
    c) ( como n):
    ¡(que pase) el siguiente! next please! 2 ( que se va a nombrar) following ( before n);
    la carta decía lo siguiente … the letter said the following …

    I adjetivo following, next
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino next person, next one: ¡que entre el siguiente!, next please! ' siguiente' also found in these entries: Spanish: bajar - después - igualmente - próxima - próximo - a - abajo - arriba - día - mañana - modo - otro - pasar - píldora - plantear English: adjourn - after - beauty - boil down - carry over - day - following - next - proceed - session - wind forward - arrangement - go - good - line - Monday - morning - move - put - turn - very

    English-spanish dictionary > siguiente

  • 90 -A

    or -AT or -T, a negative suffix to verbs, peculiar to Iceland and a part, at least, of Norway. Occurs frequently in old Icelandic poetry and laws, so as almost to form a complete negative voice. In the 1st pers. a personal pronoun k (g) = ek is inserted before the negative suffix, in the 2nd pers. a t or tt. As a rule the pron. as thus repeated; má-k-at-ek, non possum; sé-k-at-ek, non video; hef-k-at-ek, non habeo; skal-k-at-ek; vil-k-at-ek, nolo; mon-k-at-ek, non ero, etc.: 2nd pers. skal-t-at-tu; mon-t-at-tu; gaf-t-at-tu, non dabas: and after a long vowel a tt, mátt-at-tu, sátt-at-tu; so almost invariably in all monosyllabic verbal forms; but not so in bisyllabic ones, máttir-a-þú, non poteras: yet in some instances in the 1st pers. a pronominal g is inserted, e. g. bjargi-g-a-k, verbally servem ego non ego; höggvi-g-a-k, non cædam; stöðvi-g-a-k, quin sistam; vildi-g-a-k, nolui; hafði-g-a-k, non babui; mátti-g-a-k, non potui; görði-g-a-k, non feci: if the verb has gg as final radical consonants, they change into kk, e. g. þikk-at-ek = þigg-k-at-ek, nolo accipere. In the 3rd pers. a and at or t are used indifferently, t being particularly suffixed to bisyllabic verbal flexions ending in a vowel, in order to avoid an hiatus,—skal-at or skal-a, non erit; but skolo-t, non sunto: forms with an hiatus, however, occur,—bíti-a, non mordat; renni-a, ne currat; skríði-a, id.; leti-a, ne retardet; væri-a, ne esset; urðu-a, non erant; but bíti-t, renni-t, skríði-t, urðu-t are more current forms: v. Lex. Poët. The negative suffix is almost peculiar to indic., conj., and imperat. moods; the neg. infin. hardly occurs. Nothing analogous to this form is to be found in any South-Teutonic idiom; neither do there remain any traces of its having been used in Sweden or Denmark. A single exception is the Runic verse on a stone monument in Öland, an old Danish province, now Swedish, where however the inscriptions may proceed from a Norse or Icel. hand. The Runic inscriptions run thus, sa’r aigi flo, who did not fly, old Icel. ‘flo-at,’ Baut. 1169. Neither does it occur in any Norse prose monuments (laws): but its use may yet be inferred from its occurrence in Norse poets of the 10th century, e. g. the poets Eyvind and Thiodolf; some of which instances, however, may be due to their being transmitted through Icel. oral tradition. In Bragi Gamli (9th century) it occurs twice or thrice; in the Haustlöng four times, in Ynglingatal four times, in Hákonarmál once (all Norse poems of the 10th century). In Icel. the suffixed negation was in full force through the whole of the 10th century. A slight difference in idioms, however, may be observed: Völuspá, e. g., prefers the negation by (using vas-at only once, verse 3). In the old Hávamal the suffix abounds (being used thirty-five times), see the verses 6, 10, 11, 18, 26, 29, 30, 34, 37–39, 49, 51, 52, 68, 74, 88, 113–115, 126–128, 130, 134, 136, 147, 149, 151, 153, 159. In Skírnismál, Harbarðsljóð, Lokasenna—all these poems probably composed by the same author, and not before the 10th century—about thirty times, viz. Hbl. 3, 4, 8, 14, 26, 35, 56; Skm. 5, 18, 22; Ls. 15, 16, 18, 25, 28, 30, 36, 42, 47, 49, 56, 60, 62. Egil (born circa 900, died circa 990) abounds in the use of the suffixed neg. (he most commonly avails himself of -at, -gi, or ): so, too, does Hallfred (born circa 968, died 1008), Einar Skálaglam in Vellekla (circa 940–995), and Thorarin in the Máhlíðingavísur (composed in the year 981); and in the few epigrams relating to the introduction of Christianity in Icel. (995–1000) there occur mon-k-að-ek, tek-k-at-ek, vil-k-at-ek, hlífði-t, mon-a, es-a; cp. the Kristni S. and Njala. From this time, however, its use becomes more rare. Sighvat (born circa 995, died 1040) still makes a frequent but not exclusive use of it. Subsequent poets use it now and then as an epic form, until it disappeared almost entirely in poetry at the middle or end of the 13th century. In the Sólarljóð there is not a single instance. The verses of some of our Sagas are probably later than the Sagas themselves; the greatest part of the Völsungakviður are scarcely older than the 11th century. In all these -at and conj. eigi are used indifferently. In prose the laws continued to employ the old forms long after they were abolished in common prose. The suffixed verbal negation was used,
    α. in the delivering of the oath in the Icel. Courts, esp. the Fifth Court, instituted about the year 1004; and it seems to have been used through the whole of the Icel. Commonwealth (till the year 1272). The oath of the Fifth (High) Court, as preserved in the Grágás, runs in the 1st pers., hefka ek fé borit í dóm þenna til liðs mér um sök þessa, ok ek monka bjóða, hefka ek fundit, ok monka ek finna, hvárki til laga né ólaga, p. 79; and again p. 81, only different as to ek hefka, ek monka (new Ed.): 3rd pers., hefirat hann fé; borit í dóm þenna ok monat hann bjóða, ok hefirat hann fundit, ok monat hann tinna, 80, 81; cp. also 82, and Nj. l. c. ch. 145, where it is interesting to observe that the author confounds the ist and 3rd persons, a sign of decay in grammatical form.
    β. the Speaker (lögsögumaðr), in publicly reciting and explaining the law, and speaking in the name of the law, from the Hill of Laws (lögberg), frequently employed the old form, esp. in the legal words of command es and skal (yet seldom in plur.): erat in the dictatorial phrases, erat skyldr (skylt), non esto obligatus; erat landeigandi skyldr, Grág. (Kb.) i. 17; erat hinn skyldr, 21; yngri maðr era skyldr at fasta, 35; enda erat honum þá skylt at …, 48; erat þat sakar spell, 127; era hinn þá skyldr at lýsa, 154; erat hann framar skyldr sakráða, 216; ok erat hann skyldr at ábyrgjask þat fé, 238; ok erat hann skyldr, id.; ok erat sakar aðili ella skyldr, ii. 74; erat hinn skyldr við at taka, 142; erat manni skylt at taka búfé, 143; enda erat heimting til fjár þess, 169; era hann þá skyldr at taka við í öðru fé nema hann vili, 209; ok erat þeim skylt at tíunda fé sitt, 211; ok erat hann skyldr at gjalda tíund af því, 212; erat kirkjudrottinn þá skyldr, 228; ef hann erat landeigandi, i. 136. Skalat: skalat maðr eiga fó óborit, i. 23; skalat homum þat verða optar en um siun, 55; skalat maðr ryðja við sjálfan sik, 62; skalat hann þat svá dvelja, 68; skalat hann til véfangs ganga, 71; skalat aðilja í stefnuvætti hafa, 127; ok skala hann gjalda fyrir þat, 135; ok skalat hann með sök fara, 171; enda skalat hann fleirum baugum bœta, 199; skalat hann skilja félagit, 240; skalat hann meiri skuld eiga en, ii. 4; skalat þeim meðan á brott skipta, 5; skalat hann lögvillr verða, svá, 34; skalat hon at heldr varðveita þat fé, 59; í skalat enn sami maðr þar lengr vera, 71; ok skala honum bæta þat, 79; skalat fyl telja, 89; skalat hann banna fiskför, 123; skalat hann lóga fé því á engi veg, 158; skalat drepa þá menn, 167; skalat svá skipta manneldi, 173; skalat maðr reiðast við fjórðungi vísu, 183. Plur.: skolut menn andvitni bera ok hér á þingi, i. 68; skolut mál hans standast, 71; skolut þeir færi til vefangs ganga en, 75, etc. etc. Other instances are rare: tekrat þar fé er eigi er til (a proverb), i. 9; ok um telrat þat til sakbóta, ok of telrat þá til sakbóta ( it does not count), 178; ef hann villat ( will not) lýsa sár sitt, 51; ok ræðrat hann öðrum mönnum á hendr þann úmaga, 248; ræðrat sá sínum ómögum á hendr, ii. 18; verðrat honum at sakarspelli and verðrat honum þat at s., i. 63; verðrat honum þat at sakarvörn, 149; kömrat hann öðru við, ii. 141; þarfat hann bíða til þess, i. 70; ok skilrat hann frá aðra aura, ii. 141, i. 136. Reflexive form: kömskat hann til heimtingar um þat fé, he loses the claim to the money, ii. 180, etc. All these instances are taken from the Kb. (Ed. 1853). Remarkable is also the ambiguity in the oath of Glum (see Sir Edm. Head, Viga-Glum, pp. 102, 103, note, I. c.), who, instead of the plain common formal oath—vask-at-ek þar, vák-at-ek þar, rauðk-at-ek þar odd ok egg—said, vask at þar, vák at þar, rauðk at þar. He inverted the sense by dropping the intermediate pronominal ek between the verb and þar, and pronouncing ‒ ‒́ instead of ‒́ ⏑. It further occurs in some few proverbs: varat af vöru, sleikði um þvöru, Fs. 159; veldrat sá er varir, Nj. 61 (now commonly ekki veldr sá er v., so in Grett.); erat héra at borgnara þótt hœna beri skjöld, Fms. vii. 116; era hlums vant kvað refr, dró hörpu á ísi, 19: also in some phrases, referred to as verba ipsissima from the heathen age—erat vinum líft Ingimundar, Fs. 39; erat sjá draumr minni, Ld. 128. Thorodd employs it twice or thrice: því at ek sékk-a þess meiri þörf, because í do not see any more reason for this, Skálda 167; kannka ek til þess meiri ráð en lítil, I do not know, id.; mona ( will not) mín móna ( my mammy) við mik göra verst hjóna, 163. In sacred translations of the 12th century it occurs now and then. In the Homilies and Dialogues of Gregory the Great: monatþu í því flóði verða, thou shalt not; esa þat undarligt þótt, it is not to be wondered at; hann máttia sofna, he could not sleep; moncaþ ek banna, I shall not mind, Greg. 51, 53; vasal kall heyrt á strætum, was not, Post. 645. 84; nú mona fríðir menn hér koma, Niðrst. 623. 7. In later writers as an archaism; a few times in the Al. (MS. A. M. 519), 3, 5, 6, 44, 108; and about as many times in the MS. Eirspennill (A. M. 47, fol.) [Etymon uncertain; that at is the right form may be inferred from the assimilation in at-tu, and the anastrophe in t, though the reason for the frequent dropping of the t is still unexplained. The coincidence with the Scottish dinna, canna is quite accidental.]

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > -A

  • 91 go

    [gəʊ, Am goʊ] vi <goes, went, gone>
    ( proceed) gehen; vehicle, train fahren; plane fliegen;
    don't \go any closer - that animal is dangerous geh' nicht näher ran - das Tier ist gefährlich;
    the bus \goes from Vaihingen to Sillenbuch der Bus verkehrt zwischen Vaihingen und Sillenbuch;
    a shiver went down my spine mir fuhr ein Schauer über den Rücken;
    you \go first! geh du zuerst!;
    you \go next du bist als Nächste(r) dran!;
    hey, I \go now he, jetzt bin ich dran! ( fam)
    the doll \goes everywhere with him die Puppe nimmt er überallhin mit;
    drive to the end of the road, \go left, and... fahren Sie die Straße bis zum Ende entlang, biegen Sie dann links ab und...;
    \go south till you get to the coast halte dich südlich, bis du zur Küste kommst;
    we have a long way to \go wir haben noch einen weiten Weg vor uns;
    we've completed all of our goals - where do we \go from here? wir haben all unsere Ziele erreicht - wie geht es jetzt weiter?;
    the train hooted as it went into the tunnel der Zug pfiff, als er in den Tunnel einfuhr;
    who \goes there? wer da?;
    \go fetch it! hol'!;
    to \go towards sb/ sth auf jdn/etw zugehen;
    to \go home nach Hause gehen;
    to \go to hospital/ a party/ prison/ the toilet ins Krankenhaus/auf eine Party/ins Gefängnis/auf die Toilette gehen;
    to \go across to the pub rüber in die Kneipe gehen ( fam)
    to \go to sea zur See gehen ( fam)
    to \go across the street über die Straße gehen;
    to \go aboard/ ashore an Bord/Land gehen;
    to \go below nach unten gehen;
    to \go below deck unter Deck gehen;
    to \go downhill (a. fig) bergab gehen;
    to have it far to \go es weit haben;
    to \go offstage [von der Bühne] abgehen;
    to \go round sich akk drehen
    2) (in order to [get])
    could you \go into the kitchen and get me something to drink, please? könntest du bitte in die Küche gehen und mir was zu trinken holen?;
    would you \go and get me some things from the supermarket? würdest du mir ein paar Sachen vom Supermarkt mitbringen?;
    I just want to \go and have a look at that antique shop over there ich möchte nur schnell einen Blick in das Antiquitätengeschäft da drüben werfen;
    would you wait for me while I \go and fetch my coat? wartest du kurz auf mich, während ich meinen Mantel hole?;
    I'll just \go and put my shoes on ich ziehe mir nur schnell die Schuhe an;
    \go and wash your hands geh und wasch deine Hände;
    she's gone to meet Brian at the station sie ist Brian vom Bahnhof abholen gegangen;
    to \go and get some fresh air frische Luft schnappen gehen;
    to \go to see sb jdn aufsuchen
    3) ( travel) reisen;
    have you ever gone to Africa before? warst du schon einmal in Afrika?;
    to \go by bike/ car/ coach/ train mit dem Fahrrad/Auto/Bus/Zug fahren;
    to \go on a cruise eine Kreuzfahrt machen;
    to \go on [a] holiday in Urlaub gehen;
    to \go to Italy nach Italien fahren;
    last year I went to Spain letztes Jahr war ich in Spanien;
    to \go on a journey verreisen, eine Reise machen;
    to \go by plane fliegen;
    to \go on a trip eine Reise machen;
    to \go abroad ins Ausland gehen
    4) ( disappear) stain, keys verschwinden;
    where have my keys gone? wo sind meine Schlüssel hin?;
    ah, my tummy ache is gone! ah, meine Bauchschmerzen sind weg!;
    I really don't know where all my money \goes ich weiß auch nicht, wo mein ganzes Geld hinverschwindet!;
    half of my salary \goes on rent die Hälfte meines Gehaltes geht für die Miete drauf;
    gone are the days when... vorbei sind die Zeiten, wo...;
    here \goes my free weekend... das war's dann mit meinem freien Wochenende...;
    all his money \goes on his car er steckt sein ganzes Geld in sein Auto;
    there \goes another one! und wieder eine/einer weniger!;
    hundreds of jobs will \go das wird Hunderte von Arbeitsplätzen kosten;
    the president will have to \go der Präsident wird seinen Hut nehmen müssen;
    that cat will have to \go die Katze muss verschwinden!;
    all hope has gone jegliche Hoffnung ist geschwunden;
    to \go adrift naut abtreiben, wegtreiben; ( fig) gestohlen werden;
    one of my books has gone adrift from my desk eines meiner Bücher ist von meinem Schreibtisch verschwunden;
    to \go missing (Brit, Aus) verschwinden
    5) ( leave) gehen;
    we have to \go now [or it's time to \go] wir müssen jetzt gehen;
    I must be \going ich muss jetzt allmählich gehen;
    has she gone yet? ist sie noch da?;
    the bus has gone der Bus ist schon weg (old);
    be gone! hinweg mit dir veraltet;
    to let sth/sb \go, to let \go of sth/sb etw/jdn loslassen
    6) (do)
    to \go biking/ jogging/ shopping/swimming etc. Rad fahren/joggen/einkaufen/schwimmen etc. gehen;
    to \go looking for sb/ sth jdn/etw suchen gehen;
    if you \go telling all my secrets,... wenn du hergehst und alle meine Geheimnisse ausplauderst,...;
    don't you dare \go crying to your mum about this untersteh dich, deswegen heulend zu deiner Mama zu laufen
    7) ( attend)
    to \go to church/ a concert in die Kirche/ins Konzert gehen;
    to \go to the cinema [or (Am) a movie] [or ( Brit) ( fam) the pictures] ins Kino gehen;
    to \go to the doctor zum Arzt gehen;
    to \go to kindergarten/ school/ university in den Kindergarten/in die Schule/auf die Universität gehen;
    to \go on a pilgrimage auf Pilgerfahrt gehen
    8) ( answer)
    I'll \go ( phone) ich geh' ran;
    ( door) ich mach' auf
    9) (dress [up])
    to \go as sth witch, pirate als etw gehen;
    what shall I \go in? als was soll ich gehen?
    10) + adj ( become) werden;
    the line has gone dead die Leitung ist tot;
    the milk's gone sour die Milch ist sauer;
    the tyre has gone flat der Reifen ist platt;
    my mind suddenly went blank ich hatte plötzlich wie ein Brett vorm Kopf (sl)
    I always \go red when I'm embarrassed ich werde immer rot, wenn mir etwas peinlich ist;
    he described the new regulations as bureaucracy gone mad er bezeichnete die neuen Bestimmungen als Ausgeburt einer wild gewordenen Bürokratie;
    I went cold mir wurde kalt;
    she's gone Communist sie ist jetzt Kommunistin;
    he's gone all environmental er macht jetzt voll auf Öko ( fam)
    to \go bad food schlecht werden;
    to \go bald/ grey kahl/grau werden;
    to \go bankrupt bankrottgehen;
    to \go haywire ( out of control) außer Kontrolle geraten;
    ( malfunction) verrückt spielen ( fam)
    to \go public an die Öffentlichkeit treten; stockex an die Börse gehen;
    to \go to sleep einschlafen
    11) + adj (be) sein;
    to \go hungry hungern;
    to \go thirsty dursten;
    to \go unmentioned/ unnoticed/ unsolved unerwähnt/unbemerkt/ungelöst bleiben
    12) ( turn out) gehen;
    how did your party \go? und, wie war deine Party?;
    how's your thesis \going? was macht deine Doktorarbeit?;
    how are things \going? und, wie läuft's? ( fam)
    if everything \goes well... wenn alles gut geht...;
    things have gone well es ist gut gelaufen;
    the way things \go wie das halt so geht;
    the way things are \going at the moment... so wie es im Moment aussieht...;
    to \go like a bomb ein Bombenerfolg sein ( fam)
    to \go according to plan nach Plan laufen;
    to \go from bad to worse vom Regen in die Traufe kommen;
    to \go against/ for sb election zu jds Ungunsten pl /Gunsten pl ausgehen;
    to \go wrong schiefgehen ( fam), schieflaufen ( fam)
    13) ( pass) vergehen, verstreichen;
    time seems to \go faster as you get older die Zeit scheint schneller zu vergehen, wenn man älter wird;
    only two days to \go... nur noch zwei Tage...;
    one week to \go till Christmas noch eine Woche bis Weihnachten;
    in days gone by in längst vergangenen Zeiten;
    two exams down, one to \go zwei Prüfungen sind schon geschafft, jetzt noch eine, dann ist es geschafft!;
    I've three years to \go before I can retire mir fehlen noch drei Jahre bis zur Rente!
    14) ( begin) anfangen;
    ready to \go? bist du bereit?;
    one, two, three, \go! eins, zwei, drei, los!;
    we really must get \going with these proposals wir müssen uns jetzt echt an diese Konzepte setzen;
    let's \go! los!;
    here \goes! jetzt geht's los!
    15) ( fail) kaputtgehen; hearing, health, memory nachlassen; rope reißen;
    our computer is \going unser Computer gibt seinen Geist auf ( hum) ( fam)
    my jeans is gone at the knees meine Jeans ist an den Knien durchgescheuert;
    her mind is \going sie baut geistig ganz schön ab! ( fam)
    16) ( die) sterben;
    she went peacefully in her sleep sie starb friedlich im Schlaf
    17) ( belong) hingehören;
    I'll put it away if you tell me where it \goes ich räum's weg, wenn du mir sagst, wo es hingehört;
    the silverware \goes in the drawer over there das Silber kommt in die Schublade da drüben;
    those tools \go in the garage diese Werkzeuge gehören in die Garage;
    that is to \go into my account das kommt auf mein Konto;
    where do you want that to \go? wo soll das hin?;
    that \goes under a different chapter das gehört in ein anderes Kapitel
    to \go to sb prize, house an jdn gehen; property auf jdn übergehen ( geh)
    Manchester went to Labour Manchester ging an Labour
    19) ( lead) road führen;
    where does this trail \go? wohin führt dieser Pfad?
    20) ( extend) gehen;
    the meadow \goes all the way down to the road die Weide erstreckt sich bis hinunter zur Straße;
    your idea is good enough, as far as it \goes... deine Idee ist so weit ganz gut,...;
    the numbers on the paper \go from 1 to 10 die Nummern auf dem Blatt gehen von 1 bis 10
    21) ( in auction) gehen;
    I'll \go as high as £200 ich gehe bis zu 200 Pfund
    22) ( function) watch gehen; machine laufen;
    our business has been \going for twenty years unser Geschäft läuft seit zwanzig Jahren;
    I'm not saying anything as long as the tape recorder is \going ich sage gar nichts, solange das Tonbandgerät läuft;
    to \go slow econ einen Bummelstreik machen; watch nachgehen;
    to get sth \going [or to \go] [or to make sth \go] etw in Gang bringen;
    to get a party \going eine Party in Fahrt bringen;
    to get [or set] sb \going jdn in Fahrt bringen;
    to keep \going person weitermachen; car weiterfahren;
    come on! keep \going! ja, weiter! ( fam)
    to keep sth \going etw in Gang halten; factory in Betrieb halten;
    to keep a conversation \going eine Unterhaltung am Laufen halten;
    to keep a fire \going ein Feuer am Brennen halten;
    that thought kept me \going dieser Gedanke ließ mich durchhalten;
    here's some food to keep you \going hier hast du erst mal was zu essen
    23) ( have recourse) gehen;
    to \go to court over sth wegen einer S. gen vor Gericht gehen;
    to \go to the police zur Polizei gehen;
    to \go to war in den Krieg ziehen
    24) (match, be in accordance)
    to \go [with sth] [zu etw dat] passen;
    these two colours don't \go diese beiden Farben beißen sich;
    to \go against logic unlogisch sein;
    to \go against one's principles gegen jds Prinzipien pl verstoßen
    25) ( fit)
    five \goes into ten two times [or five into ten \goes twice] fünf geht zweimal in zehn;
    do you think all these things will \go into our little suitcase? glaubst du, das ganze Zeug wird in unseren kleinen Koffer passen? ( fam)
    26) ( be sold) weggehen ( fam)
    \going, \going, gone! zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, [und] zum Dritten!;
    pocketbooks are \going for $10 for the next two days in den nächsten zwei Tagen sind die Taschenbücher für 10 Dollar zu haben;
    to \go to sb an jdn gehen;
    to \go like hot cakes weggehen wie warme Semmeln ( fam)
    to be \going cheap billig zu haben sein
    27) (serve, contribute)
    to \go [to sth] [zu etw dat] beitragen;
    the money will \go to the victims of the earthquake das Geld ist für die Erdbebenopfer bestimmt;
    this will \go towards your holiday das [Geld] ist für deinen Urlaub bestimmt;
    your daughter's attitude only \goes to prove how much... die Einstellung deiner Tochter zeigt einmal mehr, wie sehr...
    28) ( move) machen;
    when I \go like this, my hand hurts wenn ich so mache, tut meine Hand weh;
    \go like this with your hand to show that... mach so mit deiner Hand, um zu zeigen, dass...
    29) ( sound) machen;
    I think I heard the doorbell \go just now ich glaube, es hat gerade geklingelt;
    there \goes the bell es klingelt;
    ducks \go ‘quack’ Enten machen „quack“;
    with sirens \going ambulance mit heulender Sirene
    anything \goes alles ist erlaubt;
    that \goes for all of you das gilt für euch alle!
    31) (be told, sung) gehen; title, theory lauten;
    I can never remember how that song \goes ich weiß nie, wie dieses Lied geht;
    the story \goes that... es heißt, dass...;
    the rumour \goes that... es geht das Gerücht, dass...
    as hospitals/things \go verglichen mit anderen Krankenhäusern/Dingen;
    as things \go today it wasn't that expensive für heutige Verhältnisse war es gar nicht so teuer
    I really have to \go ich muss ganz dringend mal! ( fam)
    I've gone and lost my earring ich habe meinen Ohrring verloren;
    you've really gone and done it now! jetzt hast du aber was Schönes angerichtet! ( iron) (pej!)
    \go to hell! geh [o scher dich] zum Teufel! ( fam)
    do you want that pizza here or to \go? möchten Sie die Pizza hier essen oder mitnehmen?;
    I'd like a cheeseburger to \go, please ich hätte gerne einen Cheeseburger zum Mitnehmen
    is there any beer \going? gibt es Bier?;
    I'll have whatever is \going ich nehme das, was gerade da ist
    37) (fam: treat)
    to \go easy on sb jdn schonend behandeln, jdn glimpflich davonkommen lassen
    to \go halves on sth sich dat etw je zur Hälfte teilen;
    \go [and] take a running jump! mach bloß, dass du abhaust! ( fam)
    to \go all out to do sth alles daransetzen, etw zu tun;
    to \go Dutch getrennt zahlen;
    easy come, easy \go (\go) wie gewonnen, so zerronnen ( prov)
    \go [and] get stuffed! ( fam) du kannst mich mal! ( fam)
    here we \go again ( fam) jetzt geht das wieder los! ( fam)
    there you \go bitte schön!;
    ( told you so) sag ich's doch! ( fam)
    there he \goes again ( fam) jetzt fängt er schon wieder damit an! ( fam)
    don't \go there ( fam) lass dich nicht darauf ein;
    that \goes without saying das versteht sich von selbst aux vb future tense
    to be \going to do sth etw tun werden;
    we are \going to have a party tomorrow wir geben morgen eine Party;
    he was \going to phone me this morning er wollte mich heute Morgen anrufen;
    isn't she \going to accept the job after all? nimmt sie den Job nun doch nicht an? vt <goes, went, gone>
    1) ( esp Am) ( travel)
    to \go sth a route, a highway etw nehmen
    2) (fam: say)
    to \go sth;
    she \goes to me: I never want to see you again! sie sagt zu mir: ich will dich nie wieder sehen!
    to \go sth etw reizen;
    to \go nap die höchste Zahl von Stichen ansagen
    4) ( Brit) ( like)
    to not \go much on sth sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machen
    5) ( become)
    to \go sth;
    my mind went a complete blank ich hatte voll ein Brett vorm Kopf! ( fam)
    to \go nap alles auf eine Karte setzen;
    to \go a long way lange [vor]halten;
    sb will \go a long way jd wird es weit bringen;
    to \go it alone etw im Alleingang tun;
    to \go it some es laufen lassen ( fam)
    to \go it ( fam) es toll treiben ( fam) ( move quickly) ein tolles Tempo drauf haben;
    ( work hard) sich akk reinknien n
    pl - es>
    1) ( turn)
    I'll have a \go at driving if you're tired ich kann dich mit dem Fahren ablösen, wenn du müde bist ( fam)
    you've had your \go already! du warst schon dran!;
    hey, it's Ken's \go now he, jetzt ist Ken dran;
    can I have a \go? darf ich mal?;
    to miss one \go einmal aussetzen;
    ( not voluntarily) einmal übersprungen werden
    2) ( attempt) Versuch m;
    have a \go! versuch' es doch einfach mal! ( fam)
    at one \go auf einen Schlag;
    ( drink) in einem Zug ( fam)
    all in one \go alle[s] auf einmal;
    at the first \go auf Anhieb;
    to give sth a \go etw versuchen;
    to have a \go at sb ( criticize) jdn runtermachen ( fam) ( attack) über jdn herfallen;
    his boss had a \go at him about his appearance sein Chef hat sich ihn wegen seines Äußeren vorgeknöpft ( fam)
    members of the public are strongly advised not to have a \go at this man die Öffentlichkeit wird eindringlich davor gewarnt, etwas gegen diesen Mann zu unternehmen;
    to have a \go at doing sth versuchen, etw zu tun;
    to have several \goes at sth für etw akk mehrere Anläufe nehmen
    3) no pl ( energy) Antrieb m, Elan m;
    to be full of \go voller Elan sein
    4) ( esp Brit) (fam: dose) Anfall m;
    she had such a bad \go of the flu that she took a week off from work sie hatte so eine schlimme Grippe, dass sie sich eine Woche freinahm
    it's all \go here hier ist immer was los ( fam)
    it's all \go and no relaxing on those bus tours auf diesen Busfahrten wird nur gehetzt und man kommt nie zum Ausruhen ( fam)
    I've got two projects on the \go at the moment ich habe momentan zwei Projekte gleichzeitig laufen;
    to be on the \go [ständig] auf Trab sein;
    I've been on the \go all day long ich war den ganzen Tag auf Achse ( fam)
    to keep sb on the \go jdn auf Trab halten ( fam)
    from the word \go von Anfang an;
    to be all the \go ( Brit) (dated) ( fam) der letzte Schrei sein;
    that was a near \go das war knapp;
    to make a \go of sth mit etw dat Erfolg haben;
    she's making a \go of her new antique shop ihr neues Antiquitätengeschäft ist ein voller Erfolg ( fam)
    to be touch and \go auf der Kippe stehen ( fam)
    it's no \go da ist nichts zu machen adj
    pred, inv [start]klar, in Ordnung;
    all systems [are] \go alles klar;
    all systems \go, take-off in t minus 10 alle Systeme zeigen grün, Start in t minus 10

    English-German students dictionary > go

  • 92 run

    [rʌn] n
    1) ( jog) Lauf m;
    the burglar made a \run for the door [or for it] der Einbrecher nahm Reißaus ( fam)
    to let the dog out for [or let the dog have] a \run den Hund hinauslassen [o (( ÖSTERR) ( fam)) äußerln führen];
    to break into a \run zu laufen beginnen;
    to go for [or do] a \run laufen gehen;
    I go for [or do] a 5 mile \run before breakfast ich laufe vor dem Frühstück 5 Meilen;
    to set off/come in at a \run weg-/hereinlaufen;
    he took the ditch at a \run er nahm Anlauf und sprang über den Graben; ( fig)
    with his main rival out injured, he has a clear \run at the title da sein Hauptrivale verletzt ist, hat er keine Konkurrenten beim Kampf um den Titel
    2) ( journey) Strecke f;
    the \run down to the coast only takes half an hour man braucht nur eine halbe Stunde zur Küste;
    on the London-Glasgow \run auf der Strecke London-Glasgow;
    to go for a \run in the car (dated) eine Spritztour machen ( fam)
    bombing \run Bombardierungsstrecke f
    3) ( period) Dauer f;
    \run of bad/ good luck Pech-/Glückssträhne f;
    a long \run of bad weather eine lange Schlechtwetterperiode
    4) ( trend) Verlauf m;
    in the normal \run of things normalerweise
    5) theat Laufzeit f;
    after a short \run on Broadway nach kurzer Laufzeit am Broadway;
    dry [or dummy] [or practice] \run Generalprobe f
    6) ( production) Auflage f;
    the company is planning a first \run of 10,000 red teddy bears die Firma plant eine Anfangsproduktion von 10.000 roten Teddybären
    7) usu sing ( demand) Ansturm m (on auf +akk);
    a sudden \run on the dollar has lowered its value die plötzliche Nachfrage nach dem Dollar ließ den Kurs sinken
    8) ( type) Art f;
    their food is not the usual \run of hotel cooking ihr Essen hebt sich von der üblichen Hotelküche ab
    9) ( enclosed area) Gehege nt;
    chicken \run Hühnerhof m
    10) sports ( point) Treffer m; ( sailing) Vorwindkurs m; (in cricket, baseball) Run m;
    to score 4 \runs vier Treffer erzielen;
    to score a home \run einen Homerun erzielen
    11) ( esp Am) ( ladder) Laufmasche f
    12) (fam: diarrhoea)
    to have the \runs Dünnpfiff haben (sl)
    to give sb a \run for their money jdn etw für sein Geld tun lassen;
    to have a [good] \run for one's money etw für sein Geld bekommen;
    in the long \run auf lange Sicht gesehen;
    in the short \run kurzfristig;
    to have the \run of sth etw zur Verfügung haben;
    while she's away, I have the \run of the house während sie weg ist, hat sie mir das Haus überlassen;
    on the \run ( escaped) auf der Flucht;
    ( extremely busy) auf Trab ( fam)
    when I am rushed in the mornings, I eat breakfast on the \run wenn ich morgens in Eile bin, dann esse ich mein Frühstück auf dem Weg vi <ran, run>
    1) ( move fast) laufen, rennen;
    he ran up/ down the hill er rannte den Hügel hinauf/hinunter;
    he ran along/ down the street er rannte die Straße entlang/hinunter;
    he ran into/ out of the house er rannte in das Haus/aus dem Haus;
    people came \running at the sound of shots Menschen kamen gelaufen, als sie Schüsse hörten;
    to \run for the bus dem Bus nachlaufen;
    to \run for cover schnell in Deckung gehen;
    to \run for it sich akk aus dem Staub machen;
    to \run for one's life um sein Leben rennen;
    to \run for help um Hilfe laufen;
    to \run for the police die Polizei benachrichtigen;
    to \run on the spot auf der Stelle laufen;
    to go \running laufen gehen;
    to \run at sb jdn angreifen
    2) ( operate) fahren, verkehren; engine laufen; machine in Betrieb sein;
    are there a lot of trains \running between London and York? verkehren viele Züge zwischen London und York?;
    they had the new computer system up and \running within an hour sie hatten das neue Computerprogramm innerhalb einer Stunde installiert und am Laufen; ( fig)
    work is \running smoothly at the moment die Arbeit geht im Moment glatt von der Hand;
    to keep the economy \running die Wirtschaft am Laufen halten
    3) ( travel) laufen;
    (go) verlaufen; ski gleiten;
    the route \runs through the mountains die Strecke führt durch die Berge;
    a shiver ran down my back mir lief ein Schauder über den Rücken ( geh)
    to \run off the road von der Straße abkommen;
    to \run onto the rocks [or aground] [or ashore] auflaufen, auf Grund laufen
    4) ( grow) plants sich akk schlingen;
    the vine \runs up the wall and along the fence die Weinreben schlingen sich die Wand hinauf und den Zaun entlang
    5) ( extend)
    there's a beautiful cornice \running around all the ceilings ein wunderschönes Gesims verläuft um alle Decken
    6) ( last) [an]dauern;
    the film \runs for two hours der Film dauert zwei Stunden, der Film geht zwei Stunden ( fam)
    how much longer does this course \run? wie lange dauert dieser Kurs noch?;
    a magazine subscription usually only \runs for one year ein Zeitschriftenabonnement läuft normalerweise nur ein Jahr;
    I've had that tune \running in my head all day diese Melodie geht mir schon den ganzen Tag im Kopf herum;
    this show will \run and \run diese Show wird ewig laufen
    7) (be)
    inflation is \running at 10% die Inflationsrate beträgt 10 %
    8) ( flow) fließen;
    I could feel trickles of sweat \running down my neck ich fühlte, wie mir die Schweißtropfen den Hals herunterliefen;
    their bodies were \running with sweat ihre Körper waren schweißüberströmt;
    when the sand has \run through the egg timer, it'll be five minutes wenn der Sand durch die Eieruhr gelaufen ist, dann sind fünf Minuten vorbei;
    the river \runs [down] to the sea der Fluss mündet in das Meer;
    there was a strong tide/heavy sea \running die Flut/die See war hoch;
    don't cry, or your make-up will \run weine nicht, sonst verwischt sich dein Make-up;
    the colour of the dress has \run das Kleid hat abgefärbt;
    my nose is \running meine Nase läuft;
    if the paint is wet, the colours will \run into each other wenn die Farbe nass ist, fließen die Farben ineinander
    9) pol ( enter an election) kandidieren;
    to \run for President für das Präsidentenamt kandidieren, sich akk für das Amt des Präsidenten bewerben;
    to \run against sb gegen jdn kandidieren
    oh no, my tights have \run oh nein, ich habe eine Laufmasche im Strumpf
    11) ( proceed) verlaufen;
    can you give me an idea of how the discussion ran? kannst du mir den Verlauf der Diskussion schildern?
    12) naut fahren;
    to \run before the wind vor dem Wind segeln
    to make sb's blood \run cold jds Blut in den Adern gefrieren lassen;
    to \run with blood blutüberströmt sein;
    the streets were \running with blood in den Straßen floss überall Blut;
    to \run round [or (Am) around] in circles sich akk im Kreise drehen;
    to \run in the family in der Familie liegen;
    feelings are \running high die Gefühle gehen hoch;
    to \run amok Amok laufen;
    to \run deep;
    differences between the two sides \run deep die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Seiten sind sehr groß;
    to \run dry river austrocknen;
    to \run low supplies [langsam] ausgehen;
    to \run short knapp werden;
    to \run short of sth etw nicht mehr haben;
    we're beginning to \run short of money uns geht langsam das Geld aus;
    to \run wild animals frei herumlaufen; plants wuchern; children alles machen dürfen; ( pej)
    she lets her kids \run wild [or \run riot] sie setzt ihren Kindern keinerlei Grenzen;
    to let one's imagination \run wild seiner Fantasie freien Lauf lassen vt <ran, run>
    1) ( move fast)
    to \run a dead heat/ a mile/ a race ein totes Rennen/eine Meile/ein Rennen laufen
    to \run a candidate einen Kandidaten aufstellen;
    to \run a horse ein Pferd laufen lassen
    3) ( drive)
    he ran his car into a tree last night er fuhr letzte Nacht mit seinem Auto gegen einen Baum;
    to \run sb home jdn nach Hause fahren;
    to \run sb to the station jdn zum Bahnhof bringen
    4) ( pass)
    she ran her eyes/ finger down the list sie ließ die Augen/den Finger über die Liste gleiten;
    \run this rope round the tree wickle dieses Seil um den Baum;
    she ran a vacuum cleaner over the carpet sie saugte den Teppich ab;
    to \run one's fingers through one's hair sich dat mit den Fingern durchs Haar fahren
    5) ( operate)
    to \run sth machine etw bedienen;
    to \run a computer program ein Computerprogramm laufen lassen;
    to \run the engine den Motor laufen lassen;
    to \run additional trains zusätzliche Züge einsetzen;
    to \run the dishwasher/ washing machine die Spülmaschine/Waschmaschine laufen lassen
    6) ( manage)
    to \run sth business etw leiten; farm etw betreiben;
    how did he end up \running the city? wie wurde er Bürgermeister der Stadt?;
    don't tell me how to \run my life! erklär mir nicht, wie ich mein Leben leben soll!;
    some people \run their lives according to the movements of the stars manche Leute richten ihr Leben nach dem Verlauf der Sterne aus;
    to \run a company ein Unternehmen leiten;
    to \run a government/ household eine Regierung/einen Haushalt führen;
    to \run a store ein Geschäft haben
    7) ( conduct)
    to \run a course einen Kurs anbieten;
    to \run an experiment/ a test ein Experiment/einen Test durchführen
    8) ( let flow)
    to \run sth water etw laufen lassen;
    he ran a little cold water into the bath er ließ etwas kaltes Wasser in die Badewanne laufen;
    to \run [sb] a bath [or to \run a bath [for sb]] [jdm] ein Bad einlaufen lassen
    to \run a story about sth über etw akk berichten;
    to \run an article/ a series einen Artikel/eine Serie bringen ( fam)
    to \run sth etw schmuggeln;
    to \run sth across the border etw über die Grenze schmuggeln
    to \run a blockade eine Blockade durchbrechen;
    to \run a red light eine rote Ampel überfahren
    to \run a risk ein Risiko eingehen;
    you \run the risk when gambling of losing your entire stake wenn du spielst, riskierst du, deinen gesamten Einsatz zu verlieren
    to \run errands [for sb] [für jdn] Botengänge machen
    to let sth \run its course etw seinen Lauf nehmen lassen;
    to \run sb to earth [or ground] jdn aufspüren;
    to \run one's eye over sth etw überfliegen;
    to be \run off one's feet alle Hände voll zu tun haben ( fam)
    to \run a fever [or temperature] Fieber haben;
    to \run oneself into the ground sich akk völlig verausgaben;
    to \run a mile ( Brit) sich akk aus dem Staub machen ( fam)
    to \run the show verantwortlich sein;
    to \run sb close nur knapp von jdm geschlagen werden;
    to \run sb ragged jdn schaffen ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > run

  • 93 előremegy

    (DE) vorangehend; vorausgehen; vorausgehend; vorgehen; vorschreiten; (EN) go before; go forward; go on before; go up the line; incede; lead on; lead the way; make way; move along; move on; proceed; stand forth

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > előremegy

  • 94 προπορεύω

    + V 19-6-1-6-2=34 Gn 32,; Ex 14,19
    M: to go (on) before [abs.] Gn 32,20; id. [τινος] Gn 32,18; id. [ἔμπροσθέν τινος] Gn 32,17; id. [πρὸ προσώπου τινός] Ex 32,34; id. [ἐναντίον τινός] Jos 6,13; id. [κατὰ πρόσωπόν τινος] Gn 32,22; to proceed, to advance Jos 10,13
    *Jos 6,13 προεπορεύοντο they went on before-הולכים for MT היבלים of rams horns
    Cf. DORIVAL 1994 53.283.543; HELBING 1928, 188

    Lust (λαγνεία) > προπορεύω

  • 95 προέρχομαι

    προέρχομαι ( πρόειμι serves as [tense] fut.), [tense] aor. προῆλθον: [tense] pf.

    προελήλῠθα Men.113.2

    :—go forward, advance, Hdt.1.207, 9.14;

    ἐς τὸ ὁμαλόν Th. 5.65


    ἐς τὸ πλέον Id.2.21


    ἐκ τοῦ χωρίου X.HG7.5.25


    ἐπὶ τὸ βῆμα D.H.8.58

    : abs., προελθών, = [dialect] Att. παρελθών, having come forward to speak, Plb.4.14.7;

    προελθὼν ὁ κῆρυξ ἐκήρυττε.. Aeschin.3.154


    π. εἰς τὸν δῆμον SIG742.49

    (Ephesus, i B.C.): c. acc. cogn.,

    π. ἡμερησίαν ὁδόν Pl.R. 616b


    κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν X.An.4.2.16

    b come forth,

    πλάγια π. τὰ ἔμβρυα Arist.HA 576a24


    π. μητρός

    to be born,

    Olymp. Vit.Pl.p.1

    W.: generally, Luc.Tox.25, al.; appear, be published, of a book, Str.13.1.54.
    c go away from, leave, ἀπὸ τῆς ἑαυτοῦ [οἰκίας] POxy.472.5 (ii A.D.), cf. Stud.Pal.1.8.10(v A.D.);

    οὐδεπώποτε ἐξ Αἰθιοπίας τὸν ἕτερον πόδα προελθών Luc.Herm.32

    2 of Time,

    προελθόντος πολλοῦ χρόνου Th.1.10

    , cf. Pl.Plt. 273a;

    π. κατὰ χρόνον Id.Prm. 152a

    ; of persons, προεληλυθότες ταῖς ἡλικίαις advanced in years, X.HG6.1.5.
    3 go on, proceed, in a story or argument, Pl.Phdr. 237c;

    εἰς τὸ πρόσθεν π. Id.Lg. 682a

    , cf. Prt. 339d.
    4 metaph., [τὰ Περσέων πρήγματα] ἐς τοῦτο προελθόντα the power of the Persians having advanced to this height, Hdt.7.50;

    ὥσπερ μαθητὴν εἰς τοὔμπροσθε π.

    make progress,



    ἐνταῦθα π. ὥστε.. Id.15.82

    : freq. in bad sense,

    εἰς πᾶν π. μοχθηρίας D.3.3


    οὕτως αἰσχρῶς π. Id.23.204


    οἷ προελήλυθ' ἀσελγείας ἅνθρωπος Id.4.9


    εἰς τοῦτ' ἀναισθησίας καὶ τόλμης προεληλύθασιν Id.24.182

    ; πόρρω προεληλύθασι φυλακῆς they are far gone in cautiousness, X.Hier.4.4.
    5 go before or first, Id.Cyr.6.3.9, etc.; π. τινός go before him, ib.2.2.7;

    π. τινάς Ev.Marc.6.33

    b arrive first, Th.8.100: [tense] pf., have travelled first,

    ὁδόν Pl.R. 328e

    II take legal proceedings, appear in court, PGiss.8.12(ii A.D.), etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > προέρχομαι

  • 96 ἔρχομαι

    ἔρχομαι impv. ἔρχου, ἔρχεσθε; impf. ἠρχόμην; fut. ἐλεύσομαι; 2 aor. ἦλθον, and the mixed forms ἦλθα (W-S. §13, 13; B-D-F §81, 3; Mlt-H. 208f), ἤλθοσαν (LXX; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 12 [Stone p. 54]), ἤλθωσαν (GJs 21:1; ἤλθωσιν17:3; s. deStrycker p. 246f); pf. ἐλήλυθα; plpf. 3 sg. ἐληλύθει 3 Km 10:10, 12 (Hom.+). This multipurpose marker is not readily susceptible to precise classification, but the following outline of usage covers the principal lines:
    of movement from one point to another, with focus on approach from the narrator’s perspective, come
    of movement itself
    α. abs. ἔρχου καὶ ἔρχεται Mt 8:9; Lk 7:8; cp. Mt 22:3; Lk 14:17; J 5:7; Ac 10:29; 1 Cor 11:34; Rv 8:3 al. κραυγὴ γέγονεν• ἰδοὺ ὁ νυμφίος ἔρχεται Mt 25:6 v.l. (Jos., Bell. 5, 272 βοῶντες• ὁ υἱὸς ἔρχεται). οἱ ἐρχόμενοι καὶ οἱ ὑπάγοντες Mk 6:31. ἦλθε δρομέως came on the run AcPl Ha 4, 30 (TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 24 [Stone p. 12] ἦλθεν δρομαία ἐπʼ αὐτούς=Sarah came to them on the run). Also w. the specif. mng. come back, return (Hom. et al.; Bar 4:37; 1 Esdr 5:8; Tob 2:3 BA) J 4:27; 9:7; Ro 9:9; of Joseph GJs 16:2 (foll. by κατέβη of Mary; both Joseph and Mary ‘return’ from an uninhabited area). Come before the judgment-seat of God 2 Cl 9:4. Come in a hostile sense Lk 11:22 P75 et al. (cp. X., Hellenica 6, 5, 43).
    β. used w. prepositions: ἀπό w. gen. of place (Herodian 1, 17, 8 ἀ. τοῦ λουτροῦ; ἀ. βορρᾶς PsSol 11:3; ἀ. τῆς μεγάλης πόλεως TestAbr A 2 p. 78, 30 [Stone p. 4]) Mk 7:1; 15:21; Ac 18:2; 2 Cor 11:9; w. gen. of pers. Mk 5:35; J 3:2b; Gal 2:12.—ἐκ w. gen. of place Lk 5:17; J 3:31b.—εἰς w. acc. of place into Mt 2:11; 8:14; 9:1; Mk 1:29; 5:38; Lk 23:42 (cp. 1bα below, end); J 11:30; εἰς Κόρινθον AcPl Ha 6, 2 (εἰς τὸν παράδεισον TestAbr A 11 p. 90, 1 [Stone p. 28]). to, toward J 11:38; 20:3. εἰς τὸ πέραν Mt 8:28; 16:5. εἰς τ. ἑορτήν to the festival, i.e. to celebrate it J 4:45b; 11:56. ἐκ … εἰς J 4:54.—διά w. gen. of place and εἰς Mk 7:31; ὁ … ἐρχόμενος διᾶ τῆς θύρας one who enters by the gate 10:2 (P75).—μετά w. gen. of pers. ἵνα ἔλθῶ μετʼ αὐτοῦ ἐν τῇ δόξη τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ so that I might return with him in the glory of his Father AcPl Ha 10, 8. ἐν w. dat. of the thing w. which one comes Ro 15:29. ἐν ῥάβδῳ 1 Cor 4:21, also to denote the state of being in which one comes ἐν πνεύματι Lk 2:27; cp. Ro 15:32; w. dat. of the pers. who accompanies someone Jd 14.—ἐπί w. acc. of place over Mt 14:28, to (JosAs 26:5; ParJer 8:4; Jos., Ant. 7, 16; Just., D. 88, 3) Lk 19:5; Ac 12:10, 12; w. acc. of thing to (PTor I, 1; II, 29 [116 B.C.] ἔρχεσθαι ἐπὶ τὸ κριτήριον; Jos., Ant. 12, 395) Mt 3:7; Mk 11:13b; w. acc. of pers. to (ἐπὶ γυναῖκα Just., A I, 33, 3) J 19:33; Ac 24:8 v.l.; against Lk 14:31 (1 Macc 5:39 ἔρχ. ἐπί τινα εἰς πόλεμον; Jos., Ant. 7, 233; Mel., P. 17, 114).—κατά w. acc. of place to Lk 10:33; Ac 16:7; AcPl Ha 2, 5.—παρά w. acc. of place to Mt 15:29; w. gen. of pers. from Lk 8:49.—πρός w. acc. of pers. to (X., Mem. 1, 2, 27; En 106:4; JosAs 3:6; Jos., Ant. 2, 106; 11, 243; Just., D. 77, 4) Mt 3:14; 7:15; Mk 9:14; Lk 1:43; J 1:29, 47; 2 Cor 13:1 and oft. ἀπό τινος (gen. of pers.) πρός τινα 1 Th 3:6.
    γ. w. an adverb of place ἄνωθεν ἔ. J 3:31. ἐκεῖ 18:3. ἐνθάδε 4:16. ὄπισθεν Mk 5:27. πόθεν (Jdth 10:12) J 3:8; 8:14; Rv 7:13. ποῦ Hb 11:8. ὧδε Mt 8:29; Ac 9:21 (ApcEsdr 5:10; ApcSed 9:4; cp. ParJer 7:16 ἐνταῦθα. The adv. w. a case funct. as prep. ἄχρι τινός Ac 11:5. ἐγγύς τινος Hv 4, 1, 9. ἕως τινός Lk 4:42 (ApcMos 34 ἐλθὲ ἕως ἐμοῦ).
    δ. w. a case, without a prep.: dat. of pers. come to someone (Aeschyl., Prom. 358; Thu. 1, 13, 3; X., An. 7, 7, 30; BGU 1041, 16 [II A.D.] ὅτι ἔρχομαί σοι) Mt 21:5 (Zech 9:9); Rv 2:5, 16.
    ε. The purpose of coming is expressed by an inf. (Eur., Med. 1270, also Palaeph. p. 62, 12; 1 Macc 16:22; Bel 40 Theod.; 1 Esdr 1:23; 5:63; TestSol 5 D ἦλθε θεάσασθαι; TestAbr B 5 p. 109, 21 [Stone p. 66] ἔρχομαι … κοιμηθῆναι; Just., D. 78, 7 ὸ̔ν ἐληλύθεισαν προσκυνῆσαι) Mt 2:2; 12:42; Mk 15:36; Lk 1:59; 3:12 al.; by a fut. ptc. (Hom. et al.) Mt 27:49; Ac 8:27; by a pres. ptc. Lk 13:6 (TestJob 9:8 αἰτοῦντες); by ἵνα J 10:10; 12:9b (TestJob 34:5; ApcMos 29); εἰς τοῦτο ἵνα Ac 9:21; διά τινα J 12:9a.
    ζ. Single forms of ἔ. are used w. other verbs to denote that a person, in order to do someth., must first come to a certain place: in parataxis ἔρχεται καί, ἦλθεν καί etc. (Ex 19:7; 2 Km 13:36; 2 Esdr 5:16; JosAs 10:6; TestJob 8:3; ApcMos 37) Mt 13:19, 25; Mk 2:18; 4:15; 5:33; 6:29; 12:9; 14:37; Lk 8:12, 47; J 6:15; 11:48; 12:22; 19:38; 20:19, 26; 21:13; 3J 3; Rv 5:7; 17:1; 21:9. ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε J 1:46; 11:34. ἔρχεσθε καὶ ὄψεσθε 1:39. A ptc. of ἔ. followed by a finite verb ἐλθών (Hdt. 2, 115; LXX; TestJob 7:1; Just., D. 8, 4 al.) Mt 2:8; 8:7; 9:10, 18 (cp. εἷς 3b; προσέρχομαι 1a); 12:44; 14:12; 18:31; 27:64; 28:13; Mk 7:25; 12:14, 42; 14:45; 16:1; Ac 16:37, 39. ἐρχόμενος Lk 13:14; 16:21; 18:5. The participial constr. is best transl. come and. In some pass. ἐλθών is to be rendered when (someone) has come J 16:8; 2 Cor 12:20; Phil 1:27 (opp. ἀπών).—Instead of the transcription ]λη λυθεισα POxy 1081, 3, read after the Coptic SJCh 88, 19–89, 1: ἐ]ληλύθεισαν.
    of making an appearance come before the public, appear (cp. ἦλθον εἰς τόνδε τὸν κόσμον ‘I was born’ Ar. 1, 1).
    α. of Jesus as Messiah Lk 3:16; J 4:25; 7:27, 31, who for this reason (on the basis of pass. like Ps 117:26; Hab 2:3; Da 7:13 Theod.) is called ὁ ἐρχόμενος Mt 11:3; Lk 7:19f; Hb 10:37 (Hab 2:3), or ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν ὀνόματι κυρίου Mt 21:9; 23:39; Mk 11:9; Lk 13:35; 19:38; J 12:13 (in all cases Ps 117:26); also in John, in whose writings the idea of Jesus having come heaven-sent to the earth is of considerable importance J 16:28: (ὁ προφήτης) ὁ ἐρχόμενος εἰς τ. κόσμον J 6:14; 11:27 (cp. ἐρχόμενος εἰς τ. κόσμον ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος τῶν ἐλαιῶν ParJer 9:20). Of the appearance of Jesus among humans (s. Harnack, ‘Ich bin gekommen’: ZTK 22, 1912, 1–30; AFrövig, D. Sendungsbewusstsein Jesu u. d. Geist 1924, 129ff) Mt 11:19; Lk 7:34; J 5:43; 7:28; 8:42. Foll. by the inf. of purpose Mt 5:17; 10:34f; Lk 19:10. W. ἵνα foll. J 10:10b (ἦλθον, as here, Herm. Wr. 1, 30). W. εἰς τ. κόσμον and ἵνα foll. 12:46; 18:37; εἰς κρίμα, ἵνα 9:39; w. inf. foll. 1 Ti 1:15. ἔ. ἐν σαρκί come in the flesh 1J 4:2; 2J 7; B 5:10f. εἰς σάρκα AcPlCor 1:14. ἔ διʼ ὕδατος καὶ αἵματος 1J 5:6 w. the continuation ἐν τ. ὕδατι καὶ ἐν τ. αἵματι (on the mng. of the prep. s. B-D-F §223, 3; 198, 4). ὀπίσω w. gen. come after of Christ in relation to his forerunner Mt 3:11; Mk 1:7; J 1:15, 27, 30. The idea of coming is even plainer in connection w. the coming of the Human One (Son of Man), the return of Jesus fr. his heavenly home Mt 10:23; Ac 1:11 (opp. πορεύεσθαι); 1 Cor 4:5; 11:26; 2 Th 1:10 (Just., D. 28, 2 al.). W. ἐν τῇ δόξῃ Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:26 (cp. ἔνδοξος … ἐλεύσεται Just., D. 49, 2). ἐπὶ τ. νεφελῶν μετὰ δυνάμεως καὶ δόξης Mt 24:30 (Just., D. 31, 1). ἐν νεφέλαις, νεφέλῃ etc. Mk 13:26; Lk 21:27. ἐν τ. βασιλείᾳ αὐτοῦ in his kingdom Mt 16:28; Lk 23:42 v.l.
    β. of forerunners of the Messiah and those who identify themselves as such: Elijah Mt 11:14; 17:10, 11, 12; Mk 9:11, 12, 13 (Just., D. 49, 1); John the Baptist Mt 11:18; Lk 7:33; J 1:31; w. εἰς μαρτυρίαν for testimony 1:7. Others, including false messiahs, false teachers, and an antichrist Mt 24:5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8 (ἐπὶ τ. ὀνόματί μου calling on my name); J 10:8; 2 Cor 11:4; 2 Pt 3:3; 1J 2:18.
    to proceed on a course, with destination in view, go (Hom. et al.; LXX) ὀπίσω τινός go with (lit. ‘after’) someone fig., of a disciple Mt 16:24; Mk 8:34 v.l.; Lk 9:23; 14:27. ἐπί τι go to someth. Mt 21:19; Mk 11:13a (w. indir. quest. foll.). πρός τινα Lk 15:20. σύν τινι J 21:3. ἔ. ὁδόν go on a journey (Hom. et al.) Lk 2:44. S. also 1bα above.
    to change place or position, with implication of being brought, be brought (Hom. et al.; Thu. 6, 71, 2 χρήματα; Arrian, Anab. 2, 13, 5 ἀγγελία et al.) ὁ λύχνος the lamp is brought Mk 4:21. Sim. ἐλθούσης τ. ἐντολῆς when the commandment came Ro 7:9.
    to take place, come
    of time
    α. of temporal increments ἔρχονται ἡμέραι in future sense (1 Km 2:31; Am 8:11) Lk 23:29; Hb 8:8 (Jer 38:31); ἐλεύσονται ἡμ. Mt 9:15; Mk 2:20; Lk 5:35; 17:22; 21:6 (TestSol 13:7 C; Just., D. 40, 2). ἦλθεν ἡ ἡμέρα 22:7; Rv 6:17.—ἔρχεται ὥρα ὅτε the time is coming when J 4:21, 23; 5:25; 16:25; also ἔ. ὥρα ἐν ᾗ J 5:28; ἔ. ὥρα ἵνα 16:2, 32. ἦλθεν ἡ ὥρα the hour has come = the hour is here Mk 14:41b; J 16:4; Rv 14:7, 15; w. ἵνα foll. J 13:1 (ἥκω P66). ἐλήλυθεν ἡ ὥ. ἵνα 12:23; 16:32; without ἵνα 17:1; cp. 7:30; 8:20.—ἔρχεται νύξ 9:4 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 40 §159 νυκτὸς ἐρχομένης). ἡμέρα κυρίου 1 Th 5:2. καιροί Ac 3:20 (GrBar 8:1 ὁ καιρός). τὸ πλήρωμα τ. χρόνου Gal 4:4.
    β. of events and situations that are connected w. a certain time ὁ θερισμός J 4:35. ὁ γάμος τ. ἀρνίου Rv 19:7. ἡ κρίσις 18:10. So also the ptc. ἐρχόμενος coming, future, imminent: αἰὼν ἐ. (=הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא) the age to come Mk 10:30; Lk 18:30; ἑορτὴ ἐ. the coming festival Ac 18:21 v.l.; σάββατον ἐ. 13:44; ὀργὴ ἐ. the wrath which will be revealed (at the Judgment) 1 Th 1:10. τὰ ἐρχόμενα what is to come (Is 44:7 τὰ ἐπερχόμενα) J 16:13. Of God in Rv ὁ ὢν κ. ὁ ἦν κ. ὁ ἐρχόμενος 1:4, 8; 4:8.
    of events and circumstances
    α. of natural or sensory phenomena (Hom. et al.; also TestAbr A 19 p. 102, 10 [Stone p. 52]; βροντῆς … καὶ ἀστραπῆς ἐλθούσης; ApcEsdr 5:7 νεφέλη) ποταμοί Mt 7:25, 27. κατακλυσμός Lk 17:27. λιμός Ac 7:11. Of rain ἔ. ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς come upon the earth Hb 6:7. Sim. of the coming down of birds fr. the air Mt 13:4, 32; Mk 4:4; of a voice resounding fr. heaven ἦλθεν φωνὴ ἐκ τ. οὐρανοῦ J 12:28 (Test Abr A 10 p. 88, 15 and 14 p. 94, 25 [Stone p. 24; p. 36]; Just., D. 88, 8; cp. Il. 10, 139; En 13:8; TestSol 1:3 VW; TestJob 3:1; ParJer 9:12; ApcEsdr 7:13).
    β. of transcendent and moral-spiritual phenomena: of spiritual coming of God come, appear J 14:23; of Christ ibid. and vss. 3, 18, 28; of the Paraclete 15:26; 16:7, 13.—ἡ ἀποστασία 2 Th 2:3. ἡ βασιλεία τ. θεοῦ Mt 6:10; Lk 11:2 (MBurrows, JBL 74, ’55, 1–8); 17:20; 22:18 al.; 1 Cl 42:3.—τ. σκάνδαλα Mt 18:7; Lk 17:1. τὰ ἀγαθά Ro 3:8 (cp. Jer. 17:6). τὸ τέλειον 1 Cor 13:10. ἡ πίστις Gal 3:23, 25.
    ἐ. in var. prepositional combinations ἔ. ἐκ τ. θλίψεως have suffered persecution Rv 7:14. ἔ. εἰς τὸ χεῖρον Mk 5:26 (Witkowski no. 36, 12=White no. 35 τοῦ παιδίου εἰς τὰ ἔσχατα ἐληλυθότος of a child in desperate circumstances; TestAbr A 20 p. 102, 27 [Stone p. 52] εἰς θάνατον ἔρχονται). εἰς τοσαύτην ἀπόνοιαν, ὥστε 1 Cl 46:7 (Hyperid. 2, 5 εἰς τοῦτο ἀπονοίας ἔ., ὥστε). εἰς πειρασμόν Mk 14:38 (cp. Himerius, Or. 48 [Or. 14], 19 εἰς ἐπιθυμίαν ἐλθεῖν). εἰς ἀπελεγμόν Ac 19:27. εἰς τὴν ὥραν ταύτην J 12:27. ἔ. εἰς κρίσιν submit to judgment (letter of Philip in Demosth. 12, 11; 16; ApcEsdr 2:26 ἔλθωμεν ὁμοῦ εἰς κρίσιν) 5:24. εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν 1 Ti 2:4; 2 Ti 3:7 (Polyb. 6, 9, 12; Appian, Mithr. 31 §123 ἔρχεσθαι ἐς γνῶσίν τινος; Cebes 12, 3 εἰς τὴν ἀληθινὴν παιδείαν ἐλθεῖν; TestSol 20:5 εἰς ἔννοιαν ἐλθεῖν; Just., D. 90, 1 οὐδʼ εἰς ἔννοιαν τούτου ἐλθεῖν). ἵνα ἔλθω εἰς τὴν ἐκ νεκρῶν ἀνάστασιν so that I might realize the resurrection of the dead (cp. ApcMos 10 εἰς τὴν ἡμέραν τῆς ἀναστάσεως) AcPlCor 2:35. εἰς φανερόν come to light Mk 4:22; Lk 8:17. εἰς προκοπήν result in furthering Phil 1:12 (cp. Wsd 15:5). ἔ. εἴς τι of the writer of a letter come to, i.e. deal with someth. (a new subject) 2 Cor 12:1 (cp. w. ἐπὶ Ar. 2:1 al.; Just., D. 42 ἐπὶ τὸν λόγον). εἰς ἑαυτόν come to oneself (=to one’s senses) (Diod S 13, 95, 2; Epict. 3, 1, 15; TestJos 3:9; GrBar 17:3; Sb 5763, 35) Lk 15:17. ἐπί τινα of serious misfortunes come over someone (Dt 28:15; Jos., Ant. 4, 128) J 18:4 (cp. PIand 21, 2 ἡμῶν τὰ ἐρχόμενα οὐκ οἶδα); tortures IRo 5:3; blood upon the murderers Mt 23:35; the Holy Spirit comes down upon someone (cp. Ezk 2:2; Just., D. 49, 7; 88, 1 ἐλεύσεσθαι ἐπʼ αὐτὸν τὰς δυνάμεις) Mt 3:16; Lk 11:2 v.l.; Ac 19:6; peace Mt 10:13; the wrath of God Eph 5:6; cp. Col 3:6; ἡ βασιλεία Lk 11:2 D; ἔ. πρὸς τ. Ἰησοῦν come to Jesus = become disciples of Jesus J 5:40; 6:35, 37, 44f, 65; πρὸς τ. πατέρα 14:6. ἔ. ὑπὸ τὸν ζυγόν 1 Cl 16:17 (cp. PsSol 18, 7f. ὑπὸ ῥάβδον παιδείας Χριστοῦ).—Not infreq. the pres. ἔρχομαι has the mng. of the fut.: Mt 17:11; Lk 12:54 (corresp. to καύσων ἔσται vs. 55); 19:13; J 14:3. Esp. also ἕως ἔρχομαι until I shall come J 21:22f; 1 Ti 4:13; Hs 5, 2, 2; 9, 10, 5; 6; 9, 11, 1. S. B-D-F §323; 383, 1; Rob. 869. S. also 4aα above.—B. 696. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἔρχομαι

  • 97 trial

    1. сущ.
    1) испытание, проба I took the car out for a trial on the roads. ≈ Я вывел автомобиль, чтобы испытать его на дорогах. We plan to release a prototype this autumn for trial in hospitals. ≈ Мы планируем выпустить этой осенью пробную партию, чтобы испытать ее в больницах. He had just given a trial to a young woman who said she had previous experience. ≈ Он как раз взял на испытательный срок девушку, которая сказала, что у нее есть опыт работы. trial balloon ≈ "пробный шар", зондаж (обычно общественного мнения) give a trial on trial
    2) переживание, тяжелое испытание;
    злоключение to put on trialподвергать серьезному испытанию [см. тж. trial
    3) ]
    3) причина недовольства или раздражения That child is a real trial to me. ≈ Этот ребенок - сущее наказание для меня.
    4) юр. судебное разбирательство;
    судебный процесс, суд at a trial ≈ на суде to be on one's trial ≈ быть под судом to stand, undergo trial ≈ представать перед судом to bring to trial, to put on trial ≈ привлекать к суду [см. тж. trial
    2) ] to give a fair trial ≈ судить по закону, справедливо She testified at his trial. ≈ Она давала показания во время суда над ним. He was on trial for murder. ≈ Его судили за убийство. They believed that his case would never come to trial. ≈ Они полагали, что его дело не дойдет до суда. He will go on trial later this month charged with murder. ≈ Он пойдет под суд в конце этого месяца по обвинению в убийстве. He was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial. ≈ Его признали психически неполноценным для привлечения к суду. speedy trial ≈ безотлагательное судебное разбирательство closed trial court trial jury trial open trial public trial war-crimes trial
    5) спорт попытка;
    предварительные или отборочные соревнования
    6) геол. разведка
    2. прил. испытательный, пробный;
    контрольный trial period ≈ испытательный срок trial runпробный пуск, пробег trial tripпробное плавание;
    перен. эксперимент испытание, проба - * of strength проба /испытание/ силы - to enter into a * of strength with smb. мериться силой с кем-л. - gun /firing/ *s (военное) огневые испытания( оружия) - controlled * направленное испытание - sea *s мореходные испытания - * tank опытный бассейн - to proceed by * and error действовать методом проб и ошибок - to give smth. a * испытывать /опробовать/ что-л. - to give smb. a * взять кого-л. на испытание /на испытательный срок/ - on * проходящий испытательный срок (о человеке) ;
    взятый на пробу( о предмете) - found on * to be incompetent не выдержавший испытательного срока - bourgeois values themselves are placed on * проверке подвергаются сами буржуазные ценности - to buy smth. on * купить что-л. на пробу - to take smth. on * взять что-л. на пробу (специальное) испытание (в теории вероятностей) ;
    опыт( в серии повторных опытов) - independent *s независимые испытания - to get 6 successes in 9 *s получить шесть положительных результатов из девяти повторных опытов переживание, испытание;
    злоключение - the hour of * час испытаний - the *s and troubles of life жизненные испытания и треволнения - people strengthened by * люди, закаленные испытаниями - life is full of *s жизнь полна неприятностей - it was a sore * for him это было для него тяжелым испытанием - he has had many *s ему пришлось немало перенести, на его долю выпало немало испытаний причина недовольства или раздражения - I fear you will find the piano next door a great * я боюсь, что рояль в соседней комнате будет вам очень мешать - that child is a great * to his parents этот ребенок - сущее наказание для родителей;
    этот ребенок доставляет родителям массу хлопот (юридическое) (судебное) следствие;
    судебное разбирательство;
    слушание дела - state * суд над государственным преступником - fair * справедливый суд - * for theft суд по делу о воровстве - * by jury слушание дела в суде присяжных - * by court martial военный суд, трибунал - * at nisi prius рассмотрение судом гражданских дел с участием присяжных заседателей - reopening of the * возобновление дела по вновь открывшимся обстоятельствам - to move for a new * подавать апелляцию, обжаловать приговор - to stand (one's) *, to come up for one's * находиться под судом;
    предстать перед судом - to put smb. to /on/ *, to bring up smb. for /to/ * привлекать кого-л. к суду - to bring to * передавать( дело) в суд - to be brought up to one's * находиться под судом (юридическое) дело, слушаемое в суде;
    процесс - famous *s знаменитые процессы - civil * гражданское дело - the * went unnoticed судебный процесс прошел незамеченным /не вызвал никакого интереса/ часто( спортивное) попытка - additional * дополнительная попытка - qualification /acceptance/ * зачетная попытка - preliminary /development/ * предварительная попытка - he succeeded on his fourth * его четвертая попытка была успешной - to make a * for landing сделать попытку приземлиться( спортивное) предварительные или отборочные соревнования (особенно на беговой дорожке, треке и т. п.) (геология) разведка пробный - * subscription to a magazine пробная подписка на журнал - * flight (авиация) пробный полет - * load (техническое) пробная нагрузка - * balance( бухгалтерское) пробный баланс - * jump (спортивное) пробный прыжок испытательный;
    проверочный - * run испытательный пробег - * period испытательный срок - * speed скорость при испытаниях - * boring разведочное бурение контрольный - * burst( военное) пристрелочная /контрольная/ очередь - * shot (военное) пристрелочный /контрольный/ выстрел проверяемый;
    проходящий испытания - * employee служащий, проходящий испытательный срок участвующий в рассмотрении дела в суде - * lawyer защитник в суде - * judge судья, участвующий в рассмотрении дела слушаемый в суде - * testimony заслушиваемые в суде свидетельские показания (грамматика) тройственный - * number тройственное число acceptance ~ произ. приемочные испытания Admiralty ~ судопроизводство по морским делам assign a day for ~ назначать дату судебного разбирательства to be on one's ~, to stand (или to undergo) ~ быть под судом;
    to give a fair trial судить по закону, справедливо ~ юр. судебное разбирательство;
    судебный процесс, суд;
    to bring to (или to put on) trial привлекать к суду civil ~ гражданский процесс criminal ~ судебный процесс по уголовному делу fictitious ~ фиктивный процесс to be on one's ~, to stand (или to undergo) ~ быть под судом;
    to give a fair trial судить по закону, справедливо to give a ~ взять на испытание, на испытательный срок (рабочего) to give a ~ испытывать (прибор, машину и т. п.) military ~ судебный процесс в военном трибунале mock ~ видимость судебного процесса mock ~ имитация суда mock ~ инсценированный процесс on ~ взятый на испытательный срок on ~ взятый на пробу (о предметах) on ~ взятый на пробу on ~ находящийся на испытательном сроке ~ переживание, тяжелое испытание;
    to put on trial подвергать серьезному испытанию to be on one's ~, to stand (или to undergo) ~ быть под судом;
    to give a fair trial судить по закону, справедливо summary ~ суммарное судопроизводство summary ~ упрощенное судопроизводство that child is a real ~ to me этот ребенок - сущее наказание для меня trial испытание, проба ~ испытание ~ испытательный ~ исследование ~ опыт ~ переживание, тяжелое испытание;
    to put on trial подвергать серьезному испытанию ~ спорт. попытка ~ проба ~ пробный ~ проверка ~ геол. разведка ~ слушание дела ~ юр. судебное разбирательство;
    судебный процесс, суд;
    to bring to (или to put on) trial привлекать к суду ~ судебное разбирательство;
    судебный процесс ~ судебное разбирательство ~ судебное следствие ~ судебный процесс ~ attr. пробный, испытательный;
    trial period испытательный срок ~ before maritime court рассмотрение дела морским судом ~ by jury слушание дела в суде присяжных ~ run пробный пуск, пробег;
    trial trip пробное плавание;
    перен. эксперимент

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > trial

  • 98 заглядывать в

    If you consider (or consult) Table 6,...

    Let us look into the history of...

    If you refer to a chart, you will notice that...

    Before you can proceed with... blueprints must be consulted.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > заглядывать в

  • 99 возбуждать дело

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > возбуждать дело

  • 100 идти по волне

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > идти по волне

См. также в других словарях:

  • Proceed — Pro*ceed , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Proceeded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Proceeding}.] [F. proc[ e]der. fr. L. procedere, processum, to go before, to proceed; pro forward + cedere to move. See {Cede}.] 1. To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • proceed */*/*/ — UK [prəˈsiːd] / US [prəˈsɪd] verb [intransitive] Word forms proceed : present tense I/you/we/they proceed he/she/it proceeds present participle proceeding past tense proceeded past participle proceeded 1) a) formal to continue to happen These… …   English dictionary

  • proceed — pro|ceed [ prə sid ] verb intransitive *** 1. ) to continue to happen: These negotiations had been proceeding since the late 1960s. a ) used about something that you continue doing, usually something that you might have stopped doing: We have… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • proceed — pro‧ceed [prəˈsiːd] verb [intransitive] formal to continue to do something that has been started: • The discussions between the two firms are proceeding slowly but satisfactorily. • In order to proceed, Millicom needs a radio frequency to test… …   Financial and business terms

  • proceed - precede — ◊ proceed If you proceed to do something, you do it after you have finished doing something else. He proceeded to explain. She proceeded to hand over the key to my room. In stories and formal English, if someone proceeds in a particular direction …   Useful english dictionary

  • proceed — pro|ceed W3S3 [prəˈsi:d] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: proceder, from [i]Latin procedere to go forward ] 1.) formal to continue to do something that has already been planned or started →↑proceeds proceed with ▪ The government was… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • proceed — precede, proceed Note that precede, meaning ‘to go before’ is spelt cede, whereas proceed, meaning ‘to go ahead’, is spelt ceed. proceed see precede. Note that procedure is spelt with only one e in its second syllable …   Modern English usage

  • To get before — Get Get (g[e^]t), v. i. 1. To make acquisition; to gain; to profit; to receive accessions; to be increased. [1913 Webster] We mourn, France smiles; we lose, they daily get. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To arrive at, or bring one s self into, a state,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • List of The Nightmare Before Christmas characters — The main characters in The Nightmare Before Christmas from left to right Doctor Finklestein, the Mayor, Sally, Jack, Barrel, Santa Claus, Zero, Lock, Shock and Oogie Boogie. This article lists characters seen in the film The Nightmare Before… …   Wikipedia

  • England (Before the Reformation) —     England (Before the Reformation)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► England (Before the Reformation)     This term England is here restricted to one constituent, the largest and most populous, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Soviet–German relations before 1941 — German and Soviet troops shaking hands following the invasion of Poland. Soviet–German relations date to the aftermath of the First World War. The Treaty of Brest Litovsk,[1] ending World War I hostilities between Russia and Germany, was signed… …   Wikipedia

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