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со всех языков на все языки


  • 81 Глава 4. Клич охотника в бумажных джунглях

    ...А сверху в гамаке висит администратор,
    задумчиво сплетая пальцы ног.
    М. Щербаков
    Мы все время предупреждаем: изучайте наш предмет, но используйте приобретенные знания осторожно. В официальной обстановке можно сильно вляпаться. На работе, например, говорить так же свободно, как дома или в баре, не принято. Планка дозволенного там искусственно завышена. Называть вещи своими именами (а как тут не выругаешься!) нельзя. Отсюда проистекает целая система эвфемизмов, часто называемая офисным жаргоном.
    Отчасти те же корни - у жаргона политического, но там еще много всяких наслоений.
    Главная особенность официальной речи во всех странах состоит в том, что любую гадость называют вполне приличным словом, да еще и оптимистично звучащим. Бессмертный классик Джордж Оруэлл определил это абсолютно всем в англоязычном мире известным термином doublespeak (помните - "война - это мир", ит.п.). С другой стороны, некоторые совершенно нормальные слова недопустимы и являются офисными табу (прямо как у диких племен).
    Вот в качестве экзотического образца слова, которые не рекомендуется произносить, а тем более писать (слышали от эксперта, работающего неподалеку от места, где Милошевича судят - сказать точнее не имеем права): invalidity (несостоятельность); infringement of rights (нарушение прав); violates a patent (нарушение патента). Догадались почему? Это вам потом в случае суда по патентным делам легко могут припомнить. Мол, сам же говорил...
    Впрочем, пример не совсем чист: он связан не просто с официальной речью, а с юридическим английским. Это та еще песня, в любой стране. Поди разберись! Приводимый ниже отрывок объясняет, почему американцам приходится нанимать юристов для урегулирования, казалось бы, пустяковых дел. Создана ли эта запутанность юристами специально? Ответить не можем. Вот вам определение слова "задница" из настоящего подзаконного акта, запрещающего нудизм (anti-nudity ordinance) (Действует в районе Санкт-Августин (St. Augustin, Fla. County) во Флориде (источник — A. and T. Condon. Legal Lunacy. — Putnam, N.Y. 1992)):
    "Buttocks: The area to the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary lines running parallel to the ground when a person is standing, the first or top of such line being one- half inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominance formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom line being one-half inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshy protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold), and between two imaginary lines, one on each side of the body (the `outside lines'), which outside lines are perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and which perpendicular outside lines pass through the outermost point(s) at which each nate meets the outer side of the leg...." Не напоминает некоторые справочники?
    В принципе, лексикон офисного сленга делится на две группы - buzzwords (клише) и слова, проходящие по ведомству PC (political correctness). Последние используют, чтобы застраховаться от судебных исков за воображаемые обиды на расовой, религиозной, половой, возрастной и какой угодно другой (лишь бы юрист пробивной попался) основе. В качестве незаменимого пособия рекомендуем (лучше в оригинале!) книги Скотта Адамса (Scott Adams) про Дилберта. Он, например, детально поясняет, почему надо говорить resources (ресурсы), когда вы ведете речь о болванах (dolts), составляющих ваш коллектив (team members). Или с какой целью произносится associate (партнер), когда вы имеете в виду неумеху (pud) и неудачника (loser), с которым приходится работать. Очень циничный автор, но его серии карикатур многие обитатели cubicles (офисных кабинок) держат у себя на стенах. Это - мелкая фронда, безопасная, так как ни один начальник не признает, что это именно его Адамс изобразил.
    Картинок из Адамса мы без его разрешения приводить не будем, но пример настенного офисного юмора дадим (см. рис. (Итак, американцы шутят. Думаете, это что? Поздравление с днем рождения от товарищей по работе. Типичный поздравительный плакат из тех, что вывешиваются в офисе. Шутить со смертью — старая европейская традиция, отсюда и колядки, и Хэллоуин)).
    Buzzwords не сложны, вот несколько типичных, которые вы легко переведете сами (так лучше запомнится!). Собрание обязано иметь mission или purpose. Руководство должно обеспечивать leadership и motivation. Служащим следует быть proactive. Везде надо искать synergy. Естественная речь и мотивировки выглядят unprofessional. Цель работника - career advancement. В коллективе требуется исполнять роль team player и стремиться вырасти до team leader. Teamwork - непременное требование к служащим. Business as usual - почему-то всегда плохо, даже если этот бизнес приносит хороший и постоянный доход. Никогда не позволяйте, чтобы на людях вырвалось простецкое duh! Если вы не понимаете, почему diversity - это всегда сама по себе ценность, вас надо послать на diversity sensitivity training. На работе вы осуществляете total quality management и reengineering, проявляя self-motivation. Вы регулярно составляете status reports. То, о чем вы, как и все, мечтаете - job security (но в природе этого не существует).
    Еще несколько полезных ходовых офисных слов переведем:
    family = team (семья = команда - так называют родной коллектив); stakeholders (акционеры); stewardship (обслуживание, в каком-то смысле даже служение); leverage (рычаг, средство для достижения цели); solutions (решения: "we sell solutions" означает примерно - мы продаем не сосискоделательную машину, а комплексное решение всех ваших сосисочных проблем); revisit (пересмотреть), 24/7 (круглосуточно, без остановки); benchmark (лучший образец в данной области; benchmarking - сравнение с этим образцом); result-driven (ориентированный на результат); empower (передать полномочия), mindset (отношение); ballpark (ориентировочный: ballpark figure - примерная цифра).
    В мире мудрых мыслей (Скотта Адамса):
    Уолли: Stupidity is like nuclear power; it can be used for good or evil. (Глупость - как ядерная энергия, ее можно употребить и в добро, и во зло.)
    Дилберт: And you don't want to get any on you. (И вам совсем не надо, чтобы ее на вас испытывали.)
    А вот примеры клишированных мотивационных фраз и лозунгов, заимствованных нами из реальной жизни (слышали их неоднократно). При этих звуках у нормального американского служащего сама собой немедленно складывается фига в кармане (это мы на русский с их языка жестов переводим, на самом деле американцы складывают "middle finger").
    • Work smarter, not harder (так они говорят, когда предлагается объем работы, который не то что за 8, а и за 10 часов не сделать).
    • It's a new paradigm (американские менеджеры любят слово "парадигма" особой любовью - они его новым смыслом наполнили, лучше всего определяемым словом bullshit).
    • It's an opportunity, not a problem (ну, уволили тебя - значит, открываются горизонты новой карьеры, например, в Макдоналдсе).
    • You're a valued member of the team! (Ну, да...).
    • Nobody can do the things you can do! (Кто же, если не ты...).
    • You are helping make the world a better place! (Поэтому торг о зарплате здесь неуместен).
    • We are in a competitive business. (Так что затяните пояса и не нойте).
    • We make a difference! (Страшно распространенное выражение. Почему-то всегда подразумевается, что все изменения к лучшему. Нас всегда подмывает при виде этой фразы подрисовать физиономию аятоллы Хомейни).
    Усвоив и осмыслив приведенные выше выражения, вы сможете легко составлять собственные девизы. Вот, для примера, наш лозунг для американского офиса: Our mission is unprofessional proactive synergy! (В переводе на неофисный русский: "Сговоримся и подсидим коллегу!")
    Коротенький комментарий, связанный с переменами, синергизмом и названиями компаний.
    В мире мудрых мыслей (Скотта Адамса):
    Когда компании сливаются, они всегда заявляют о гигантском синергизме (leveraging synergy), причем взаимоусиление достигается всегда одним путем - массовыми увольнениями. Вот примеры возможных слияний, с соответствующим синергическим изменением профиля и названий:
    ◦ Coca-Cola (напитки) + Head (спортивные товары) = Coke Head.
    ◦ Bayer (аспирин) + AST (компьютеры) = Bayer AST.
    ◦ Hertz (прокат машин) + A.B.Dick (оборудование офисов) = Hertz Dick.
    Переведите сами, используя наш словарь, какой смысл, на слух, имеют "синергические" названия.
    Шутка, но так и на практике бывает. Вот в Сиэтле давным-давно слились газеты "Seattle Post" и "Seattle Intelligencer". И знаете, как сейчас называется их главная городская газета? "Seattle Post-Inteligencer", что звучит как "Сиэтл после разума", выживший из ума, значит. Но настолько примелькалось, что не замечается.
    Еще несколько примеров штампованных офисных фраз. Больше половины - из свежей коллекции Кена Патрика (Ken Patrick). Он назвал это "Biz-Speak 101", то есть начальный курс деловой речи. Эти выражения сейчас в ходу ВСЕ. Не будем навязывать своих циничных комментариев. Да, bullshit. Нужно просто выучить и пользоваться.
    • World class (мирового уровня).
    • Think outside the box; Push the envelope (призыв к оригинальному мышлению).
    • Hands-on (непосредственно вовлеченный в дело).
    • Paradigm shift (смена критериев, приоритетов).
    • State of the art (современного уровня).
    • Real world solution (реальное решение).
    • Win-win situation (все в выигрыше).
    • (The ball is) In your court (ваша очередь).
    • Going forward (в будущем).
    • Strategic alliance (стратегический союз - например, меча и орала - тьфу, сорвалась рука, обещали же не острить).
    • Bricks and mortar (производящие, промышленные компании - в отличие от интернетных, которые после массового краха прозвали internet bubbles - интернетные пузыри).
    • Value-added (добавочная ценность продукта).
    • Step up to the plate (начать работать над чем-то).
    • Run up to the pole (попробовать).
    • Get to the bottom line (деньги, стоимость чего-то).
    • Stop the bleeding (сокращать расходы).
    • On the bubble (что-то нехорошее происходит, например, с компанией, "жареным запахло").
    • Best and brightest (лучшие служащие).
    • Exceeding customer expectation (больше, чем ждет потребитель).
    • On the same page (все друг друга понимают).
    • Strategic fit (важное дополнение).
    • Core competencies (основная область деятельности компании).
    • Best practice (соответствует лучшим стандартам).
    • Out of the loop (не в курсе).
    • Fast track (скоростное продвижение).
    • Knowledge base (базирующийся на современной технологии).
    • In the end of the day (в конце концов).
    • Touch base (обсудить).
    • Client focused (ориентированный на потребителя).
    • Game plan (стратегия).
    А теперь - самостоятельные упражнения.
    1. Переведите на нормальный язык: "Going forward, let's think outside the box and run it up the pole".
    2. Определите, к какому из вышеприведенных выражений подходит используемый тем же К. Патриком термин brownnosers (последнее слово есть в нашем словаре).
    Официальный сленг и административные клише хорошо освоены сметливыми проходимцами, которые, естественно, стараются, чтобы их пирамиды выглядели так же солидно, как пирамида Хеопса. Сколько приходит по почте мусора (junk mail), похожего на вид на официальные документы! Дело дошло до того, что Почтовое ведомство США (U.S.Postal Service) издало специальную памятку со списком слов-приманок (buzz phrases), характерных для жуликов, заманивающих свои жертвы (suckers) через газетные объявления и по почте.
    • Anybody can do it (это может каждый).
    • Quick and easy (быстро и легко).
    • Big, fast profits (большая, быстрая прибыль).
    • No experience needed (опыта не требуется).
    • Work in the comfort of your home (работа с комфортом у себя дома).
    • Work in your spare time (работа в свободное время).
    • No risk (никакого риска).
    • Fill a great demand (соответствует большому спросу).
    • Nothing illegal (ничего противозаконного).
    • Secret plan for success (секретный план успеха).
    • Tested in Europe (испытано в Европе).
    • Developed after years of secret research (создано в результате многолетних секретных исследований).
    • Proven to provide immediate positive results (проверенный способ получения немедленного положительного результата).
    Теперь вы официально предупреждены: если видите подобную фразу - весьма вероятно, что вас хотят надуть. Отечественные "бизнесмены" все это перенимают в последние годы очень быстро, и со многими обсуждаемыми терминами наш читатель наверняка уже встречался.
    Реальный пример американского почтового жульничества представлен на рис. ("Витамин О", отсутствующий в природе (но не все покупатели об этом знают)). Рекламируемый "Витамин О" (проверьте - такого нет ни в одном медицинском справочнике) - всего-навсего разбавленная перекись водорода (по $25 за маленькую бутылочку!).
    PC-терминология связана с борьбой политических лоббистов, и приоритеты там часто меняются. В принципе, стандартного английского, в плане чисто языковом, чтобы никого не обидеть вам хватит. Думается, сейчас русскому читателю уже не требуется объяснять, что надо говорить African-American и Chairperson. В этом плане вам всегда сделают скидку как приезжему. Вас ведь тоже будут бояться обидеть. Проблема скорее может быть в другом - в характерном для жителей России восприятии действительности, в системе ценностей, которая в цивилизованной части англоязычного мира несколько иная. То, что у нас нормально и даже смешно, там зачастую оскорбление. И наоборот (см. рис. (Итак, американцы шутят. Думаете, это что? Поздравление с днем рождения от товарищей по работе. Типичный поздравительный плакат из тех, что вывешиваются в офисе. Шутить со смертью — старая европейская традиция, отсюда и колядки, и Хэллоуин)). Но это не тема для книги про язык. Обещаем - мы еще напишем другую, под названием "Политическая проституция. Учебное пособие с упражнениями". А пока дадим лишь несколько примеров распространенных PC-выражений. Многие из них сейчас и на русском очень узнаваемы (прямое, неполиткорректное значение дано в скобках).
    • Pregnancy termination - прерывание беременности (аборт).
    • Non-discriminating sexual orientation - недифференцированной сексуальной ориентации (бисексуал).
    • Affirmative action - позитивные защитные действия (расовые квоты).
    • Native American - урожденный американец (индеец).
    • Conscientious objector - возражающий против призыва по соображениям совести (дезертир).
    • Pro-choice - за выбор (сторонник абортов).
    • Pro-life - за жизнь (противник абортов).
    • African-American - афро-американец (негр). От места рождения не зависит. Например, среди наших хороших знакомых есть афро-американцы - уроженцы Теннеси, Тринидада и Голландии, а вот уроженец Уганды, коричневый беженец времен Иди Амина, в эту категорию не попадет.
    • Caucasian - представитель европейской расы (белый). Да, в Америке и мы с вами называемся кавказцами и рассматриваемся как потомки рабовладельцев, в качестве которых всем должны. Насчет нашего происхождения из крепостных крестьян там не знают, а объясняешь - не верят.
    • Non-traditional partners (sexual orientation) - нетрадиционные партнерство, сексуальная ориентация (геи и лесбиянки).
    • Secular humanist - нерелигиозный гуманист (атеист).
    • Family Planning Center - центр планирования семьи (абортарий).
    • Political Action Committee - комитет политического содействия (группа лоббистов).
    • Challenged - имеющий проблемы (инвалид). Относится к любому физическому отклонению: mentally challenged - придурки, vertically challenged - коротышки ит.п.
    • Minorities - меньшинства (не белые). От фактической численности не зависит: 38 миллионов латиносов в Америке тоже minorities.
    • Afrocentrist - афроцентрист (черный расист).
    • Dead white men - мертвые белые мужчины (белые расисты/сексисты - классики). Подразумевается, что, скажем, Шекспир сознательно принижал женщин - в лице Дездемоны и негров - в лице Отелло.
    • Animal rights movement - движение за права животных (нео-луддиты - экстремисты, пытающиеся остановить развитие биотехнологии и медицинских исследований. Это они под покровом ночи лабораторных крыс освобождают).
    • Multi-culturalism - мультикультурализм (идея, что культуры всех народов абсолютно равны и должны быть представлены в учебных программах в равной пропорции, скажем, столько же французской, сколько монгольской).
    • Sexism - сексизм (половая дискриминация). В этом нехорошем деле замешаны все мужчины, проявляющие любым образом отношение к женщине как женщине. Да и все женщины, относящиеся к мужчинам иначе, чем к своим подружкам, - тоже сексистки.
    • Ageism - агеизм (дискриминация по возрасту). Сюда относят любые замечания насчет старших.
    • Eurocentrism - евроцентризм. Предпочтение европейской цивилизации (культуры, демократии, ит.д.). Воспринимается как тяжелая болезнь.
    • Lookism - любые суждения о внешнем виде человека (обругать - дискриминация, похвалить - сексизм). До нас термин "смотризм" пока не дошел.
    • Senior Citizens - старшие граждане (старичье, пенсионеры).
    • Compassionate Conservatives - мягкосердечные консерваторы (реакционеры). Просто PR-специалисты для старых злобных реакционеров новую упаковку изготовили.
    РС - предмет постоянных насмешек американских сатириков, да и не сатириков тоже. И впрямь, богатейшее ведь поле. Довольно распространенная шутка - переписывать классические истории и песенки в политически корректном и актуальном духе. Приведем типичный образец - он простой, переведите сами как упражнение. Справа - оригинал, всем с детства известный стишок из классического собрания "Матушки Гусыни". Подчеркнуты слова, которые стоит запомнить.
    (таблица №1)
    Еще образчик американского самоприкола по поводу PC мы нашли на сувенирных магнитиках. Вы уже знаете про связь мата и юмора, так вот, там дан "перевод" фраз с сугубо официального языка на совершенно матерный. На кухонный холодильник такое повесить можно - но не в офис. Вот несколько примеров (на русский переводим не дословно, это вы сами легко сделаете, используя наш словарь, а подходяще по экспрессии и колориту).
    (таблица №2)
    В заключение - несколько слов о специфическом партийном языке. У маргинальных политических групп он весьма оригинален. В поддержку русских коммунистов-интернационалистов (и для развлечения остальных читателей) приведем здесь подлинные левые американские мысли. Даем без комментариев и перевода цитату из "Словаря Анархиста" - брошюрки без выходных данных, подобранной нами в одном из троцкистских центров Канады. (Внимание! Опечаток тут нет, так писать у них принято, с ККК внутри и сша строчными буквами.)
    "Black": a political designation to refer not only to Afro-Amerikkkans, but, to people of color who are engaged in revolutionary struggle in the u.s. and all over the world. It should not be taken to mean the domination of Afro-Amerikkkans or the exclusion of other people of color from black revolutionary organizations.
    Black Collaborator: those few blacks brought into the capitalist system at all levels, including such high levels as black capitalist, project directors, administrators, etc., who have enough of a stake in the operation of the system to cooperate in pacification programs against their black brothers and sisters. The "House Niggers".
    Black Panther Party: an above ground community based armed self-defense organization whose job it was to defend the community by force of arms in "legal" posture and mode, unlike the clandestine Black Liberation Army. The Black Panther Party also served the community through community based survival programs such as free breakfast for children, free health care, liberation schools for political education, etc.
    Black Revolutionary Power: the taking of state power by black amerikkkans (Afro-Amerikkkans) in order to revolutionize the entire country on the basis of their enriched concept of man/woman.
    Bourgeoisie: the rich and the super rich. The ruling elite who own and manage the means of production, ex: Rockefeller, Mellon, Dupont, etc. They are the real rulers in a capitalist society who dictate and has everyone else eitherworking for them to maintain status-quo, or those who may slave for them in order to survive."
    Мы дали здесь лишь краткое представление об офисном сленге и терминологии администраторов, юристов, мошенников и политиков (как вам компания?). Хотите стать Большим администратором (юристом ит.д.) - изучайте это дело подробнее.

    American slang. English-Russian dictionary > Глава 4. Клич охотника в бумажных джунглях

  • 82 Glück

    1. beim Trinken: glug (, glug); gluck, gluck machen umg., hum. (Alkohol trinken) have a few; (ertrinken) go under (for the third time); (untergehen) go down; gluck, gluck, weg war er hum. glug, glug, and down he went, bubble-bubble he was gone
    2. Henne: cluck
    * * *
    das Glück
    luck; fortune; auspiciousness; happiness; felicity; fortunateness; luckiness
    * * *
    glụck [glʊk]
    1) (von Huhn) cluck

    gluck gluck, weg war er (inf) — glug glug, and he'd gone

    * * *
    2) (something good which happens by chance: She has all the luck!) luck
    4) (a piece of good luck or something for which one should be grateful: It was a mercy that it didn't rain.) mercy
    * * *
    1. (günstige Fügung) luck; (Fortuna) fortune
    ein \Glück! (fam) how lucky!, what a stroke of luck!
    ein \Glück, dass... it is/was lucky that...
    jdm zum Geburtstag \Glück wünschen to wish sb [a] happy birthday
    ein Kind des \Glücks sein (geh) to have been born under a lucky star
    jdm \Glück und Segen wünschen (geh) to wish sb every good fortune
    mehr \Glück als Verstand [o als sonst was] haben (fam) to have more luck than sense [or brains]
    \Glück bringend lucky
    großes/seltenes \Glück a great/rare stroke of luck
    \Glück verheißend auspicious, propitious
    wahres \Glück sein, dass... to be really lucky [or a good thing] that...
    auf sein \Glück bauen to rely on [or trust to] one's good fortune
    jdm \Glück bringen to bring sb luck
    viel \Glück [bei etw dat/in etw dat]! good [or the best of] luck [with/in sth]!
    \Glück/kein \Glück haben to be lucky [or in luck]/unlucky [or to not be in luck]
    \Glück gehabt! (fam) that was lucky! [or a close shave!]
    das \Glück haben, etw zu tun to be lucky enough [or have the good fortune] to do sth
    das ist dein \Glück! (fam) lucky for you!
    \Glück bei jdm haben to be successful with sb
    in sein \Glück hineinstolpern (fam) to have the luck of the devil, to be incredibly lucky
    dem \Glück ein bisschen nachhelfen to improve [or help] one's/sb's luck; (mogeln) to cheat a bit
    sein \Glück [bei jdm] probieren [o versuchen] to try one's luck [with sb]
    von \Glück reden [o sagen] können, dass... to count [or consider] oneself lucky [or fam thank one's lucky stars] that...
    das \Glück ist jdm gewogen [o hold] (geh) luck was with them, fortune smiled upon [or form favoured [or AM -ored]] them
    sein \Glück verscherzen to throw away one's good fortune [or chance]
    auf sein \Glück vertrauen to trust to one's luck
    noch nichts von seinem \Glück wissen [o ahnen] (iron) to not know what's in store for one [or anything about it] yet
    jdm [viel] \Glück [bei etw dat/zu etw dat] wünschen to wish sb [good] luck [with/in sth]
    \Glück ab! (Fliegergruß) good luck!, happy [or safe] landing!
    \Glück auf! (Bergmannsgruß) good luck!
    zu jds \Glück luckily [or fortunately] for sb
    zum \Glück luckily, fortunately, happily
    zu seinem/ihrem etc. \Glück luckily for him/her etc.
    2. (Freude) happiness, joy
    jdm \Glück [und Zufriedenheit] wünschen to wish sb joy
    in \Glück und Unglück zusammenhalten to stick together through thick and thin [or come rain or come shine]
    echtes/großes \Glück true/great happiness
    eheliches/häusliches \Glück marital [or wedded]/domestic bliss
    junges \Glück young love
    kurzes \Glück short-lived happiness
    ein stilles \Glück bliss, a serene sense of happiness
    das vollkommene \Glück perfect bliss
    tiefes \Glück empfinden to feel great [or deep] joy
    sein \Glück finden to find happiness
    sein \Glück genießen to enjoy [or bask in] one's happiness
    jds ganzes \Glück sein to be sb's [whole] life, to mean the whole world to sb
    nach \Glück streben to pursue happiness
    sein \Glück mit Füßen treten to turn one's back on fortune
    \Glück und Glas, wie leicht bricht das! (prov) glass and luck, brittle muck prov
    etw auf gut \Glück tun to do sth on the off-chance, to trust to chance
    jdm lacht das \Glück fortune smiles on [or favours [or AM -ors]] sb
    sein \Glück machen to make one's fortune
    \Glück muss der Mensch [o man] haben! (fam) this must be my/your/our etc. lucky day!, my/your/our etc. luck must be in!
    jeder ist seines \Glückes Schmied (prov) life is what you make [of] it prov, everyone is the architect of his own fortune prov
    das war das \Glück des Tüchtigen he/she deserved his/her good luck [or fortune], he/she deserved the break fam
    \Glück im Unglück haben it could have been much worse [for sb], to be quite lucky in [or under] the circumstances
    man kann niemanden zu seinem \Glück zwingen (prov) you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink prov
    * * *
    das; Glück[e]s
    1) luck

    ein großes/unverdientes Glück — a great/an undeserved stroke of luck

    [es ist/war] ein Glück, dass... — it's/it was lucky that...

    er hat [kein] Glück gehabt — he was [un]lucky

    jemandem Glück wünschen — wish somebody [good] luck

    viel Glück! — [the] best of luck!; good luck!

    Glück bringen — bring [good] luck

    sein Glück versuchen od. probieren — try one's luck

    zum Glück od. zu meinem/seinem usw. Glück — luckily or fortunately [for me/him etc.]

    2) (Hochstimmung) happiness

    jemanden zu seinem Glück zwingen — make somebody do what is good for him/her

    jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied(Spr.) life is what you make it

    3) (Fortuna) fortune; luck
    * * *
    Glück n; -(e)s, kein pl
    1. (Ggs Pech) luck; (Glücksfall, glücklicher Zufall) (good) luck, stroke ( oder piece) of (good) luck;
    Glück auf! BERGB good luck!;
    viel Glück! good luck!, best of luck! umg;
    jemandem Glück wünschen für Wettkampf etc: wish sb luck;
    zum Glück fortunately;
    es soll Glück bringen it’s supposed to bring good luck;
    Glück haben be lucky, be in luck;
    kein Glück haben be out of luck;
    das Glück haben zu (+inf) be lucky enough to (+inf), have the good fortune to (+inf)
    damit wirst du bei ihr kein Glück haben that won’t get you anywhere with her, that won’t cut any ice with her(, I’m afraid);
    nochmal Glück gehabt! umg that was a close shave;
    ich hatte Glück im Unglück I was lucky things didn’t turn out worse;
    er/sie hat viel Glück bei den Frauen/Männern he’s/she’s a great success with the ladies/(the) men;
    mancher hat mehr Glück als Verstand Fortune favo(u)rs fools;
    Glück muss man haben! your etc luck is in, you’re etc in luck;
    dein Glück! lucky for you;
    ein Glück, dass … thank goodness (that) …;
    ein Glück, dass du da warst auch it’s lucky ( oder a good thing) you were there;
    sagen you can count yourself lucky;
    die können von Glück reden, wenn … they can count themselves lucky, if …;
    Glück verheißend Vorzeichen, Umstände: auspicious, lucky;
    sein Glück versuchen try one’s luck (
    bei with);
    sein Glück mit etwas versuchen auch have a shot at sth umg;
    sie wusste noch nichts von i-m Glück iron she didn’t know what was in store for her;
    auf gut Glück on the off-chance;
    wir sind auf gut Glück nach Florenz gefahren we went to Florence on the off-chance of finding a room, some good weather etc;
    Glück im Spiel, Pech in der Liebe sprichw lucky at cards, unlucky in love
    2. Empfindung, Zustand: happiness;
    eheliches/häusliches Glück marital/domestic bliss;
    junges Glück fig young lovers;
    jemandem Glück wünschen zum Geburtstag etc: congratulate sb (
    zu on);
    sein Glück machen make one’s fortune;
    sein Glück mit Füßen treten spurn one’s chance of happiness;
    jemandes Glück im Wege stehen stand in the way of sb’s happiness;
    man kann niemanden zu seinem Glück zwingen you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink;
    ich musste sie zu i-m Glück zwingen I had to make her happy in spite of herself;
    das hat mir gerade noch zu meinem Glück gefehlt umg, iron that’s all I wanted ( oder needed);
    du bist mein einziges/ganzes Glück fig you are the only thing that makes me happy/that I need to be happy;
    jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied sprichw everyone makes their own luck;
    Glück und Glas, wie leicht bricht das sprichw happiness is as brittle as glass
    3. personifiziert: fortune;
    ein Liebling des Glücks sein be born under a lucky star;
    das Glück ist launisch fortune is fickle;
    das Glück ist jemandem hold geh luck is on sb’s side; Stiefkind, tüchtig
    * * *
    das; Glück[e]s
    1) luck

    ein großes/unverdientes Glück — a great/an undeserved stroke of luck

    [es ist/war] ein Glück, dass... — it's/it was lucky that...

    er hat [kein] Glück gehabt — he was [un]lucky

    jemandem Glück wünschen — wish somebody [good] luck

    viel Glück! — [the] best of luck!; good luck!

    Glück bringen — bring [good] luck

    sein Glück versuchen od. probieren — try one's luck

    zum Glück od. zu meinem/seinem usw. Glück — luckily or fortunately [for me/him etc.]

    2) (Hochstimmung) happiness

    jemanden zu seinem Glück zwingen — make somebody do what is good for him/her

    jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied(Spr.) life is what you make it

    3) (Fortuna) fortune; luck
    * * *
    nur sing. n.
    auspiciousness n.
    beatitude n.
    bliss n.
    felicity n.
    fortune n.
    happiness n.
    luck n.
    luckiness n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Glück

  • 83 ready

    1. adjective
    1) (prepared) fertig

    be ready to do something — bereit sein, etwas zu tun

    the troops are ready to march/for battle — die Truppen sind marsch-/gefechtsbereit

    be ready for work/school — zur Arbeit/für die Schule bereit sein; (about to leave) für die Arbeit/Schule fertig sein

    be ready for somebody — bereit sein, sich jemandem zu stellen

    ready, set or steady, go! — Achtung, fertig, los!

    2) (willing) bereit
    3) (prompt) schnell

    have ready, be ready with — parat haben, nicht verlegen sein um [Antwort, Ausrede, Vorschlag]

    4) (likely) im Begriff

    be ready to cryden Tränen nahe sein

    5) (within reach) griffbereit [Fahrkarte, Taschenlampe, Waffe]
    2. adverb 3. noun

    at the ready — schussbereit, im Anschlag [Schusswaffe]

    * * *
    1) ((negative unready) prepared; able to be used etc immediately or when needed; able to do (something) immediately or when necessary: I've packed our cases, so we're ready to leave; Is tea ready yet?; Your coat has been cleaned and is ready (to be collected).) fertig
    2) ((negative unready) willing: I'm always ready to help.) bereit
    3) (quick: You're too ready to find faults in other people; He always has a ready answer.) rasch
    4) (likely, about (to do something): My head feels as if it's ready to burst.) im Begriff
    - academic.ru/60499/readiness">readiness
    - readily
    - ready cash
    - ready-made
    - ready money
    - ready-to-wear
    - in readiness
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. pred (prepared) fertig, bereit, SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR a. parat
    are you \ready? — I'm \ready if you are bist du bereit? — ich bin fertig, wenn du so weit bist
    to be \ready [for sth] [für etw akk] bereit sein
    to get [or make] \ready [for sth] sich akk [für etw akk] fertig machen
    I hope you have made \ready for the trip ich hoffe, du bist reisefertig
    to be \ready to do sth bereit sein, etw zu tun
    the waiter asked, “are you \ready to order?” der Ober fragte: „haben Sie schon gewählt?“
    to get \ready to get out/leave sich akk zum Ausgehen/Weggehen fertig machen
    to get [or make] sth \ready etw fertig machen
    to get a meal \ready ein Essen vorbereiten
    to get sb \ready [for sth] jdn [auf etw akk] vorbereiten
    to be \ready and waiting bereit sein
    to be \ready to do sth bereit sein, etw zu tun
    to be \ready with sth etw gerne [o bereitwillig] geben
    he is always \ready with compliments er verteilt gerne Komplimente
    3. (on verge of)
    to be \ready to do sth kurz davorstehen, etw zu tun
    he looked \ready to collapse er sah aus, als würde er gleich zusammenbrechen
    4. (immediately available) verfügbar
    \ready supply sofort verfügbarer Nachschub
    \ready to hand zur Hand, griffbereit
    5. attr ( esp approv: quick) prompt, schnell
    to find \ready acceptance bereitwillig aufgenommen werden
    \ready access schneller Zugang
    \ready mind wacher Verstand
    to have a \ready reply immer eine Antwort parat haben
    to have a \ready tongue [or wit] schlagfertig sein
    to be too \ready to do sth etw allzu schnell tun
    6. ( fam: desirous)
    to be \ready for sth etw wollen; (in need of) etw brauchen
    to be \ready for a drink etw zum Trinken brauchen [o trinken müssen]
    to be \ready for a fight kämpfen wollen
    \ready, steady, go! BRIT SPORT auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
    II. n (money)
    readies [or the \ready] pl BRIT ( fam) Bare(s) nt kein pl fam
    to be short of the \ready nicht flüssig [o knapp bei Kasse] sein fam
    at the \ready bereit
    he stood by the phone, pencil at the \ready er stand mit gezücktem Bleistift am Telefon
    III. vt
    <- ie->
    to \ready sb/sth [for sth] jdn/etw [für etw akk] bereit machen
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= prepared) person, thing bereit, fertig; answer, excuse parat, vorformuliert; (= finished, cooked etc) fertig

    ready to leave — abmarschbereit; (for journey) abfahrtbereit, reisefertig

    ready for action — bereit zum Angriff, klar zum Angriff or Gefecht

    "dinner's ready" — "essen kommen", "zum Essen"

    are you ready to go?sind Sie so weit?, kann es losgehen?

    are you ready to order? — sind Sie so weit?, möchten Sie jetzt bestellen?

    well, I think we're ready — ich glaube, wir sind so weit

    the final treaty will be ready for signing tomorrow — der endgültige Vertrag wird morgen zum Unterzeichnen fertig sein or bereitliegen

    I'm ready for him!ich warte nur auf ihn, er soll nur kommen

    to get ( oneself) ready — sich fertig machen

    to get ready to go out/play tennis — sich zum Ausgehen/Tennisspielen fertig machen

    get ready for it! (before blow etc) (before momentous news) to get or make sth ready room, bed, breakfast etc — Achtung!, pass auf! mach dich auf was gefasst (inf) etw fertig machen, etw bereitmachen etw vorbereiten

    to get sth/sb ready (for sth/to do sth) —

    to make ready (for sth/to do sth) — sich fertig machen (für etw/zum Tun von etw)

    we were all ready to sleep (expressing need) — wir brauchten alle Schlaf, wir waren alle kurz davor, einzuschlafen

    ready when you are —

    ready, steady, go! (Brit) — Achtung or auf die Plätze, fertig, los!

    2) (= quick) explanation fertig, zur Hand pred; smile rasch, schnell; supply griffbereit, zur Hand pred; market schnell; availability schnell, griffbereit, zur Hand

    he's always ready to find fault — er ist immer schnell dabei, wenn es gilt, Fehler zu finden

    they are only too ready to let us do all the work —

    he was ready to cryer war den Tränen nahe

    ready, willing and able (to do sth) — bereit, fertig und willens(, etw zu tun)

    3) (= prompt) reply prompt; wit schlagfertig

    (= available) ready money — jederzeit verfügbares Geld

    to pay in ready cash —

    ready to hand "now ready" — zur Hand "jetzt zu haben"

    5) (= practical) solution sauber; (= competent) speaker gewandt
    2. n

    to come to the readydas Gewehr in Anschlag nehmen


    (= money) the ready (inf)das nötige Kleingeld (inf)

    also readies
    3. vt
    (form: prepare) object vorbereiten, fertig machen

    to ready oneself to do sth — sich vorbereiten, etw zu tun or sich vorbereiten für etw

    4. vi (form)

    to ready for sthauf dem Weg or unterwegs sein zu etw

    to ready to do sth — im Begriff sein or stehen, etw zu tun, drauf und dran sein, etw zu tun

    * * *
    ready [ˈredı]
    A adj (adv readily)
    1. bereit, fertig ( beide:
    for sth zu etwas;
    to do zu tun), gerüstet ( for sth für etwas):
    a) bereit, gerüstet,
    b) MIL einsatzbereit;
    ready for battle MIL gefechtsbereit;
    ready for dispatch versandfertig;
    ready for sea SCHIFF seeklar;
    ready for service ( oder operation) TECH betriebsfertig;
    ready for the start SPORT startbereit;
    ready for take-off FLUG startbereit, -klar;
    ready for use gebrauchsfertig;
    ready to move into bezugsfertig (Haus etc);
    be ready with sth etwas bereithaben oder bereithalten;
    get ready (sich) bereit machen oder fertig machen;
    get ready for an examination sich auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten;
    get ready to hear some unpleasant things US umg machen Sie sich auf einige unangenehme Dinge gefasst!;
    have our bill ready, please machen Sie bitte unsere Rechnung fertig (im Hotel);
    make ready for sich bereit machen oder fertig machen für;
    ready when you are meinetwegen können wir;
    ready, steady, go! SPORT bes Br Achtung, fertig, los!; sail B 2
    2. bereit, geneigt ( beide:
    for sth zu etwas;
    to do zu tun):
    ready for bed bettreif;
    ready for death zum Sterben bereit;
    ready to help hilfsbereit, -willig
    3. a) schnell, rasch, prompt (Zustimmung etc):
    find a ready market ( oder sale) WIRTSCH raschen Absatz finden, gut gehen
    b) bereitwillig
    4. a) schlagfertig, prompt (Antwort etc):
    ready wit Schlagfertigkeit f
    b) geschickt, gewandt:
    a ready pen eine gewandte Feder
    5. schnell bereit oder bei der Hand:
    6. im Begriff, nahe daran, drauf und dran ( alle:
    to do zu tun): drop B 5 a
    7. WIRTSCH verfügbar, greifbar (Vermögenswerte), bar (Geld):
    for ready cash gegen sofortige Kasse;
    ready money Bargeld n;
    ready money business Bar-, Kassageschäft n
    8. bequem, leicht:
    ready to ( oder at) hand handlich, leicht zu handhaben
    B v/t besonders US bereit machen oder fertig machen:
    ready o.s. auch sich darauf vorbereiten ( to do zu tun)
    C s
    1. meist the ready ( oder readies pl) umg Bargeld n:
    be short of the ready knapp bei Kasse sein
    2. have one’s rifle at the ready sein Gewehr schussbereit oder im Anschlag halten;
    have one’s camera at the ready seine Kamera aufnahmebereit halten
    D adv in Zusammensetzungen:
    ready-built house Fertighaus n;
    ready-cooked meal Fertiggericht n;
    ready-packed abgepackt
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (prepared) fertig

    be ready to do something — bereit sein, etwas zu tun

    the troops are ready to march/for battle — die Truppen sind marsch-/gefechtsbereit

    be ready for work/school — zur Arbeit/für die Schule bereit sein; (about to leave) für die Arbeit/Schule fertig sein

    be ready for somebody — bereit sein, sich jemandem zu stellen

    ready, set or steady, go! — Achtung, fertig, los!

    2) (willing) bereit
    3) (prompt) schnell

    have ready, be ready with — parat haben, nicht verlegen sein um [Antwort, Ausrede, Vorschlag]

    4) (likely) im Begriff
    5) (within reach) griffbereit [Fahrkarte, Taschenlampe, Waffe]
    2. adverb 3. noun

    at the ready — schussbereit, im Anschlag [Schusswaffe]

    * * *
    (for) adj.
    bereit (für) adj.
    fertig adj.
    vorbereitet adj. adj.
    bereit adj.

    English-german dictionary > ready

  • 84 К-10

    ВОТ КАК coll Invar fixed WO
    Interj (an exclamation or question)) used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation
    is that so (right, it)?
    really! I see! so that's how it is (whatfs going on etc)! well now! dear me! upon my word! how about that!
    (Вера:) У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. (Беляев:) Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). (V.:) At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. (B.:) Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
    (Репников:) Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчете, что ты ему поможешь? (Таня:) Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). (R.:) Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? (T.:) Oh, is that it? (3b).
    Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. -Не из таких». - «Не их таких? Вот как!» (Абрамов 1). "No-Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
    «Свидетели показывают, что у „Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой „Волги", которую мы преследовали»... - «Кому принадлежит „Волга"?» - «Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе». - «Вот как!..» - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga-the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
    ...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была». -«Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?» - «В каком смысле?» -«А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была» (Абрамов 1). "...There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
    «Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс». - «Вот как!» (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. - нужен, надоел и т. п. Also: ВО КАК substand ( adv (intensif) or modif) (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat)
    like you wouldn't believe
    awfully terribly really (in refer, to annoyance etc) s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.)
    sth. is more than one can take (handle). "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?» (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
    (Кудимов:) Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). (К) Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
    Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла...» (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-10

  • 85 во как

    ВОТ КАК coll
    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. [Interj (an exclamation or question)]
    used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation:
    - is that so (right, it)?;
    - really!;
    - I see!;
    - so that's how it is (what's going on etc)!;
    - well now!;
    - dear me!;
    - upon my word!;
    - how about that!
         ♦ [Вера:] У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. [Беляев:] Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). [V.:] At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. [B.:] Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
         ♦ [Репников:] Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчёте, что ты ему поможешь? [Таня:] Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). [R.:] Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? [T.:] Oh, is that it? (3b).
         ♦ "Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. - Не из таких". - "Не их таких? Вот как!" (Абрамов 1). "No, Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
         ♦ "Свидетели показывают, что у "Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой "Волги", которую мы преследовали"... - "Кому принадлежит "Волга"?" - "Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе". - " Вот как!.." - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga - the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
         ♦ "...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была". - " Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?" - "В каком смысле?" - "А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была" (Абрамов 1).
         ♦... There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
         ♦ "Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс". - " Вот как!" (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. во как нужен, надоел и т.п. Also: ВО КАК substand [adv (intensif) or modif]
    (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat):
    - [in refer, to annoyance etc] s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.;
    - sth. is more than one can take (handle).
         ♦ "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?" (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
         ♦ [Кудимов:] Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). [К ] Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
         ♦ "Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла..." (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > во как

  • 86 вот как

    ВОТ КАК coll
    [Invar; fixed WO]
    1. [Interj (an exclamation or question)]
    used to express surprise, astonishment etc, occas. mixed with incredulity, indignation:
    - is that so (right, it)?;
    - really!;
    - I see!;
    - so that's how it is (what's going on etc)!;
    - well now!;
    - dear me!;
    - upon my word!;
    - how about that!
         ♦ [Вера:] У нас в пансионе одна барышня писала стихи. [Беляев:] Вот как! и хорошие? (Тургенев 1). [V.:] At my boarding-school a girl used to write poetry. [B.:] Is that so? Was it good poetry? (le).
         ♦ [Репников:] Да понимаешь ли ты, что этот прохвост пришёл сюда в расчёте, что ты ему поможешь? [Таня:] Ах, вот как? (Вампилов 3). [R.:] Do you realize that scoundrel came here counting on you to help him? [T.:] Oh, is that it? (3b).
         ♦ "Нет, Тимофей Лобанов не дезертир, - сказал Кузьма Кузьмич. - Не из таких". - "Не их таких? Вот как!" (Абрамов 1). "No, Timofei Lobanov isn't a deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not that kind." "Not that kind! Really!" (1b). "No. Timofei Lobanov is no deserter," said Kuzma Kuzmich. "He's not the type " "Not the type, eh? I see!" (1a).
         ♦ "Свидетели показывают, что у "Мотодрома" Люся высадилась из светло-серой "Волги", которую мы преследовали"... - "Кому принадлежит "Волга"?" - "Ревазу Давидовичу Степнадзе". - "Вот как!.." - удивился начальник отдела (Чернёнок 1). "Witnesses testified that Lusya got out at the Motodrom stop from a light gray Volga - the one we were pursuing."..."Who owns the Volga?" "Revaz Davidovich Stepnadze " "So that's how it is!" The chief was surprised (1a).
         ♦ "...Когда-то отец из меня кузнеца хотел сделать. Кузница у нас была". - "Вот как! - с волнением сказал Илья. - Дак, значит, мы с тобой тёзки, товарищ Лукашин?" - "В каком смысле?" - "А в том, что у моего отца тоже кузница была" (Абрамов 1).
         ♦... There was a time when my father wanted to make a blacksmith out of me. We used to have a forge." "Well now!" said Ilya with emotion. "That makes us cousins, doesn't it, Comrade Lukashin?" "How so?" "I mean, my father had a forge too" (1a)
         ♦ "Сегодня я сижу да читаю Пушкина... Вдруг Аркадий подходит ко мне и молча, с этаким ласковым сожалением на лице, тихонько, как у ребёнка, отнял у меня книгу и положил передо мной другую, немецкую... улыбнулся и ушёл, и Пушкина унёс". - "Вот как!" (Тургенев 2). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin.... All of a sudden Arkady comes up to me, and, without saying a word, with a look, you know, of kindly commiseration, gently takes the book away from me as if I were a child, puts another one in front of me, a German one., smiles, and goes away, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Dear me!" (2a). "Today I was sitting reading Pushkin....Suddenly Arkady comes up to me and without a word, as gently as if I were a child, with an affectionate look of pity on his face, took away my book and put another before me, a German book....Then he gave me a smile and went out, carrying Pushkin off with him." "Upon my word!" (2c).
    2. вот как нужен, надоел и т.п. Also: ВО КАК substand [adv (intensif) or modif]
    (a person or thing is needed by s.o., boring to s.o. etc) to an extreme, the utmost degree (often accompanied by a gesture in which the speaker raises the edge of his index finger to his throat):
    - [in refer, to annoyance etc] s.o. has had it (up to here) (with sth.;
    - sth. is more than one can take (handle).
         ♦ "А время тяжёлое, и нам урожай этот во как нужен. Так?" (Войнович 4). "Times are rough and we really need this harvest, right?" (4a).
         ♦ [Кудимов:] Парни! Что за формальности? Мне эта субординация (показывает) во как осточертела! (Вампилов 4). [К ] Come on, fellers' Let's have a bit less of this formality. I've had seniority and juniority up to here. (Points) (4a).
         ♦ "Своей у тебя жизни, что ли, нет, чтобы так-то вокруг смотреть! Мне своей жизни - во как хватает - я всего этого не замечаю, на что твоя сила ушла..." (Битов 2). "Perhaps you don't have a life of your own, to be looking around you like this! My own life is more than I can handle, I don't notice all these things that you've poured your strength into-" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > вот как

  • 87 bisognare

    bisogna farlo it must be done, it needs to be done
    non bisogna farlo it doesn't have to be done, there's no need to do it
    * * *
    bisognare v. intr.
    1 impers. ( essere necessario) to be necessary; (con costr. pers.) to have (to do); must; ought to; to be forced; to be compelled: bisogna che partiate subito, you must leave at once (o it is necessary for you to leave at once); bisogna che sia sempre aggiornato, I always have (o need) to be up-to-date; bisognerebbe vederlo, you would have to see it; bisognerebbe averlo visto, you would have to have seen it; bisognava vederlo, you should have seen him; bisogna diffidare, you must be on your guard; bisogna proprio dire che si è comportato bene, I really must (o I am bound to) say that he behaved well; bisognerà strappare quel dente, that tooth will have to come out; non c'è l'autobus, bisognerà andare a piedi, there's no bus so we'll have to walk
    2 (non com.) ( aver bisogno) to need, to require, to want (tutti con costr. pers.): al momento non gli bisognano capitali ma dirigenti in gamba, at the moment it's not capital he needs but good managers.
    * * *
    1. vb impers

    bisogna partire — we must leave, we've got to leave, we'll have to leave

    bisogna parlargliwe'll (o I'll) have to talk to him

    bisogna che arriviate in tempoyou must o you'll have to arrive on time

    non bisogna lamentarsi sempreone o you shouldn't complain all the time

    bisogna vedere! (dipende) I'll (o you'll ecc) have to see how things go!

    bisogna proprio dire che... — it has to be said that...

    2. vi
    (aus essere) (aver bisogno) to need, want

    cosa le bisogna? ant (in negozio) can I help you?

    * * *
    verbo impersonale

    bisogna trovare una soluzionewe've got to o we must find a solution

    * * *
    /bizoŋ'ŋare/ [1]
     1 (essere necessario) bisogna fare it is necessary to do; bisogna trovare una soluzione we've got to o we must find a solution; bisogna che tu ci vada you must go there; bisogna che tu parta you'll have to leave; bisogna che tu lo faccia you have to do it; bisognava fare qualcosa something needed to be done
     2 (essere opportuno) bisognava dirlo prima! you should have said that before! a quale versione bisogna credere? whose side are we to believe?
     3 (in forme retoriche) bisogna sentirlo quando è arrabbiato! you should hear him when he's angry! bisogna vedere we'll (have to) see; bisogna dire che it must be said that; bisogna riconoscerle che you've got to hand it to her that.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > bisognare

  • 88 touch

    touch [tʌtʃ]
    toucher1 (a), 1 (b), 1 (h), 2 (a), 2 (e), 2 (g) contact1 (b), 1 (g) effleurement1 (b) touche1 (c), 1 (i) coup1 (e) pointe1 (f) toucher à2 (b), 2 (d) jouxter2 (c) émouvoir2 (e) concerner2 (g) se toucher3 (a), 3 (b)
    (pl touches)
    1 noun
    (a) (sense) toucher m;
    sense of touch sens m du toucher;
    soft to the touch doux au toucher
    (b) (physical contact) toucher m, contact m; (light brushing) effleurement m, frôlement m;
    she felt the touch of his hand elle a senti le frôlement de sa main;
    she felt a touch on her shoulder elle sentit qu'on lui touchait l'épaule;
    the machine works at the touch of a button il suffit de toucher un bouton pour mettre en marche cet appareil
    (c) (style) touche f;
    this painting has the Hopper touch on reconnaît dans ce tableau la patte de Hopper;
    the pianist has a light touch ce pianiste a le toucher léger;
    figurative to give sth a personal touch ajouter une note personnelle à qch;
    to have the right touch with sb/sth savoir s'y prendre avec qn/qch;
    the house needed a woman's touch il manquait dans cette maison une présence féminine;
    the cook has lost his touch le cuisinier a perdu la main
    to put the final or finishing touches to sth apporter la touche finale à qch;
    that logo in the bottom corner is a nice touch c'est une bonne idée d'avoir mis ce logo dans le coin en bas
    (e) (slight mark) coup m;
    with a touch of the pen d'un coup de stylo;
    to add a few touches to a picture faire quelques retouches à un tableau
    (f) (small amount, hint) pointe f, note f;
    a touch of garlic une pointe ou un soupçon d'ail;
    a touch of madness un grain de folie;
    there's a touch of spring in the air ça sent le printemps;
    he answered with a touch of bitterness il a répondu avec une pointe d'amertume;
    I got a touch of sunstroke j'ai eu une petite insolation;
    I've got a touch of flu je suis un peu grippé, j'ai une petite grippe;
    to add a touch of class to sth rendre qch plus distingué;
    there was a touch too much pepper in the soup le potage était un petit peu trop poivré
    to be/to keep in touch with sb être/rester en contact avec qn;
    I'll be in touch! je te contacterai!;
    keep or stay in touch! donne-nous de tes nouvelles!;
    to get in touch with sb contacter qn;
    you can get in touch with me at this address vous pouvez me joindre à cette adresse;
    he put me in touch with the director il m'a mis en relation avec le directeur;
    she is or keeps in touch with current events elle se tient au courant de l'actualité;
    I'll keep in touch with developments je me tiendrai au courant de la situation;
    I am out of touch with her now je ne suis plus en contact avec elle;
    she is out of touch with politics elle ne suit plus l'actualité politique;
    they lost touch long ago ils se sont perdus de vue il y a longtemps;
    he has lost touch with reality il a perdu le sens des réalités;
    the President has lost touch with the electorate le Président a perdu le contact avec son électorat
    a keyboard with a light touch un clavier à frappe légère
    (i) Sport touche f;
    to kick the ball into touch mettre le ballon en touche;
    the ball landed in touch le ballon est sorti en touche;
    figurative to kick sth into touch mettre qch au rencart;
    British familiar figurative to kick sb into touch mettre qn sur la touche
    to be an easy or soft touch être un pigeon ou une poire
    to touch lightly frôler, effleurer;
    his arm touched hers son bras a touché le sien;
    to touch sb on the shoulder toucher qn à l'épaule;
    she touched it with her foot elle l'a touché du pied;
    he loved to touch her hair il adorait lui caresser les cheveux;
    a smile touched her lips un sourire effleura ses lèvres;
    he touched his hat to her il a porté la main à son chapeau pour la saluer;
    since they met, her feet haven't touched the ground depuis leur rencontre, elle est sur un nuage;
    can you touch the bottom? as-tu pied?;
    the boat touched land le bateau a accosté;
    the law can't touch him la loi ne peut rien contre lui
    (b) (handle) toucher à;
    don't touch her things ne dérangez pas ses affaires;
    I didn't touch it! je n'y ai pas touché!;
    don't touch anything until I get home ne touchez à rien avant mon retour;
    he swears he never touched her il jure qu'il ne l'a jamais touchée;
    I didn't touch him! je n'ai pas touché à un cheveu de sa tête!;
    nobody will touch him these days personne ne veut plus rien avoir à faire avec lui;
    stolen, are they, sorry, can't touch them elles sont volées, hein, désolé, je ne veux rien avoir à faire avec ça;
    if it's against the law, we won't touch it si c'est illégal, nous ne nous en mêlerons pas
    (c) (adjoin) jouxter;
    Alaska touches Canada l'Alaska et le Canada sont limitrophes
    (d) (usu neg) (eat, drink) toucher à;
    I never touch meat je ne mange jamais de viande;
    she didn't touch her vegetables elle n'a pas touché aux légumes
    (e) (move emotionally) émouvoir, toucher;
    he touched the right note il a touché la corde sensible;
    he was very touched by her generosity il a été très touché par sa générosité;
    his remark touched a (raw) nerve sa réflexion a touché un point sensible;
    British to touch sb to the quick toucher qn au vif
    fruit touched by frost fruits abîmés par le gel;
    the fire didn't touch the pictures l'incendie a épargné les tableaux;
    the war didn't touch this area cette région a été épargnée par la guerre
    (g) (concern) concerner, toucher;
    the problem touches us all ce problème nous concerne tous
    (h) (usu neg) familiar (rival) valoir, égaler ;
    nothing can touch butter for cooking rien ne vaut la cuisine au beurre;
    no professor can touch him c'est un professeur sans égal
    touch 645 faites le 645
    to touch sb for a loan taper qn;
    to touch sb for a fiver taper qn de cinq livres
    (a) (be in contact) se toucher
    (b) (adjoin → properties, areas) se toucher, être contigus
    do not touch! (sign) défense de toucher
    the ship touches at Hong Kong le navire fait escale à Hong Kong
    ►► American touch football = sorte de football sans tacles;
    touch hole (in cannon) lumière f;
    touch judge (in rugby) juge m de touche;
    touch kick (in rugby) coup m de pied en touche;
    touch rugby = sorte de rugby sans placage;
    touch screen écran m tactile;
    touch screen computer ordinateur m à écran tactile
    (a) (aeroplane, spacecraft → on land) atterrir; (→ on sea) amerrir
    (b) (in rugby) marquer un essai
    (in rugby) to touch the ball down marquer un essai
    (explosive) faire exploser, faire détoner; figurative déclencher, provoquer;
    the ruling touched off widespread rioting cette décision a provoqué une vague d'émeutes
    his speech barely touched on the problem of unemployment son discours a à peine effleuré le problème du chômage
    (a) (painting, photograph) faire des retouches à, retoucher; (paintwork) refaire;
    to touch up one's make-up rafraîchir son maquillage
    to touch oneself up se toucher
    ✾ Film 'A Touch of Evil' Welles 'La Soif du mal'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > touch

  • 89 معدات

    مُعَدَّات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. tackle: equipment: fishing tackle. \ مُعَدَّات الجُنديّ (ما عدا سلاحه)‏ \ kit: all that a soldier carries, except his weapons. \ مُعَدّات صِنَاعِيَّة \ plant: heavy machinery and equipment for a special purpose; a building that encloses them. \ See Also مصنع (مَصْنَع)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > معدات

  • 90 عدة

    عُدَّة \ apparatus: (a piece of) special equipment: I have my own apparatus for printing photographs.. equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. gear: equipment: Sports gear. implement: a tool, esp. one used for farming. kit: a collection of tools for a particular job. tackle: equipment: fishing tackle. \ عُدَّة حَرْبِيَّة \ armament: often the weapons and equipment for war of an army, navy, etc.. armour, armor: (formerly) protective metal or leather covering worn by fighting men. \ عُدَّة السَّفَر \ kit: all the clothes and equipment that are needed for a special activity: camp kit; football kit. \ عُدَّة الفَرَس \ harness: the leather bands that tie a horse to a cart, etc..

    Arabic-English dictionary > عدة

  • 91 تجهيزات

    تَجْهِيزَات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. supply: sth. that is supplied: fresh supplies of food; equipage, rig, gear. \ تَجْهِيزَات أو تَرْكِيبات (مَنْزِلِيّة)‏ \ fitting: a small piece of fixed equipment: electrical fittings; bathroom fittings.

    Arabic-English dictionary > تجهيزات

  • 92 equipment

    تَجْهِيزَات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. supply: sth. that is supplied: fresh supplies of food; equipage, rig, gear.

    Arabic-English glossary > equipment

  • 93 outfit

    تَجْهِيزَات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. supply: sth. that is supplied: fresh supplies of food; equipage, rig, gear.

    Arabic-English glossary > outfit

  • 94 supply

    تَجْهِيزَات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. supply: sth. that is supplied: fresh supplies of food; equipage, rig, gear.

    Arabic-English glossary > supply

  • 95 equipment

    مُعَدَّات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. tackle: equipment: fishing tackle.

    Arabic-English glossary > equipment

  • 96 outfit

    مُعَدَّات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. tackle: equipment: fishing tackle.

    Arabic-English glossary > outfit

  • 97 tackle

    مُعَدَّات \ equipment: things that equip us: football equipment; equipment for digging wells. outfit: all the clothing or equipment that is needed for a particular purpose: a fisherman’s outfit. tackle: equipment: fishing tackle.

    Arabic-English glossary > tackle

  • 98 в частности

    The amount of work needed to achieve that temperature is determined, among other factors, by...

    Volcanic activity, glaciation, and sedimentation, among other processes, have varied greatly throughout geologic history.

    In particular, loge = ln .

    Among other things the system gave us a measure of the degree of homogeneity of the pressure within the sample.

    This task is complicated by many things, among them the difficulty of...

    This theory is peculiar to the analytical flame, and to the experimental configuration in Fig. 3 in particular.

    Secular changes in the orbits, specifically of the semimajor axis, are well known.

    Specifically, the atmosphere of Titan has carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen.

    * * *
    В частности -- in particular, particularly, specifically
     In particular, internal wall temperature uniformity must be controlled to better than ±0.1°C.
     All of the pressure dam bearings exhibited similar characteristics. Particularly, resonances were always seen at approximately 1600 rpm, 3300 rpm and 4600 rpm.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в частности

  • 99 perder

    1 to lose (dinero, objeto, amigo).
    Ella pierde She loses.
    Ella pierde su cartera She loses her purse.
    Ella perdió la oportunidad She lost the opportunity.
    no te pelees con él, que llevas las de perder don't get into a fight with him, you're bound to lose
    3 to waste.
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    4 to miss (tren, vuelo).
    Ella perdió el bus She missed the bus.
    5 to be the ruin of.
    le pierde su pasión por el juego his passion for gambling is ruining him
    6 to lose, to leak (tener un escape de) (agua).
    ese camión va perdiendo aceite this lorry is losing o leaking oil
    7 to go downhill.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ ENTENDER], like link=entender entender
    1 (gen) to lose
    2 (malgastar, desperdiciar) to waste
    3 (tren etc) to miss
    4 (ser causa de daños) to be the ruin of
    1 (gen) to lose; (salir perdiendo) to lose out
    2 (empeorar) to get worse
    esta ciudad ha perdido mucho, ya no es lo que era this city has gone downhill, it isn't what it used to be
    1 (extraviarse - persona) to get lost; (- animal) to go missing
    2 (confundirse) to get confused, get mixed up
    3 (desaparecer) to disappear, take off
    en cuanto ve problemas, se pierde as soon as there's a problem, he disappears
    4 (dejar escapar) to miss
    ¡no te lo pierdas! don't miss it!
    echar a perder to spoil
    perder agua to leak
    perder color to fade
    perder de vista to lose sight of
    perderse por algo/alguien familiar to give up everything for somebody/something
    salir perdiendo to come off worse, lose out
    tener buen perder to be a good loser
    tener mal perder to be a bad loser
    ¡piérdete! familiar get lost!
    * * *
    2) miss
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ objeto, dinero, peso] to lose

    perder algo de vistato lose sight of sth

    conviene no perder de vista que... — we mustn't forget that..., we mustn't lose sight of the fact that...

    2) [+ tiempo] to waste

    ¡me estás haciendo perder el tiempo! — you're wasting my time!

    3) [+ aire, aceite] to leak

    el vehículo pierde aceite — the car is leaking oil, the car has an oil leak

    4) (=no coger) [+ tren, avión] to miss; [+ oportunidad] to miss, lose
    5) (=destruir) to ruin

    ese vicio le perderá — that vice will ruin him, that vice will be his ruin

    lo que le pierde es... — where he comes unstuck is...

    6) (Jur) to lose, forfeit
    2. VI
    1) [en competición, disputa] to lose

    tienen o llevan todas las de perder — they look certain to lose

    saber perder — to be a good loser

    salir perdiendo, salí perdiendo en el negocio — I lost out on the deal

    2) (=empeorar)

    era un buen cantante, pero ha perdido mucho — he was a good singer, but he's gone downhill

    era muy guapo, pero ha perdido bastante — he isn't nearly as good-looking as he used to be

    3) [tela] to fade

    echar a perder — [+ comida, sorpresa] to ruin, spoil; [+ oportunidad] to waste

    echarse a perder — [comida] to go off; [sorpresa] to be ruined, be spoiled

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( extraviar) <llaves/documento/guante> to lose
    b) <señal/imagen/contacto> to lose
    a) <dinero/propiedad/cosecha> to lose

    con preguntar no se pierde nada — we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking

    más se perdió en la guerra — (fr hecha) it's not the end of the world

    b) <derecho/trabajo> to lose
    c) <brazo/sangre/vista> to lose

    perder la vida — to lose one's life, to perish; cabeza, vista II, III

    d) <hijo/marido> to lose
    a) <interés/entusiasmo/paciencia> to lose

    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre — (iró) you're late, just for a change (iro)

    perder la práctica/la costumbre — to get out of practice/the habit

    perder el conocimiento — to lose consciousness, to pass out

    b) <fuerza/intensidad/calor/altura> to lose

    perder el ritmo — (Mús) to lose the beat; ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm

    c) <peso/kilos> to lose
    a) <autobús/tren/avión> to miss
    b) <ocasión/oportunidad> to miss
    c) < tiempo> to waste
    a) <guerra/pleito/partido> to lose
    b) <curso/año> to fail; < examen> (Ur) to fail
    7) <agua/aceite/aire> to lose
    perder vi
    1) ( ser derrotado) to lose
    a) cafetera/tanque to leak
    b) (RPl) color ( aclararse) to fade

    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1) a), echarse I 1) a)

    perderse v pron
    a) ( extraviarse) persona/objeto to get lost; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿y a tí que se te ha perdido por allí? — whatever possessed you to go there

    no hay por dónde perderse — (Chi fam) there's no question about it

    b) ( desaparecer) to disappear
    c) (en tema, conversación)

    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí — start again, you've lost me already

    2) <fiesta/película/espectáculo> to miss
    a) ( acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way (liter)
    b) (Per fam) ( prostituirse) to go on the streets (colloq)
    * * *
    = lose, misplace, forfeit, mislay, lose out, miss, suffer + loss.
    Ex. One of the hardest tasks of a curator is to make a precis of the information about a particular object without losing any essential information.
    Ex. This article discusses the common abuses of circulation privileges by a few faculty members: removing books from the library without checking them out; misplacing books after they have been checked out; and failing to return books when needed by others = Este artículo analiza los abusos comunes de los privilegios de préstamo por parte de unos pocos profesores: coger libros de la biblioteca sin sacarlos en préstamo, perder libros tras haberlos sacados en préstamo y no dever libros cuando otros los necesitan.
    Ex. In addition, it enables the library to respond to the needs of the new popular culture without forfeiting its traditional cultural purpose.
    Ex. Workflow systems automate business processes, such as the management of a housing benefit claim, to ensure all tasks are completed on time and no information can be lost or mislaid.
    Ex. Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded = Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
    Ex. Thus the browser may miss valuable items, although some browsers will find browsing a perfectly adequate method of gauging the extent of a library collection.
    Ex. They played their third game of the season today and suffered another loss but the team continues to improve.
    * echar a perder = ruin, bungle, bring out + the worst in, cast + a blight on, blight, go off.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echar + Posesivo + planes a perder = upset + Posesivo + plans.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer que Alguien pierda el empleo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * hacer que pierda el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ni ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * perder agua = lose + water, leak.
    * perder Algo = take + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + hands.
    * perder confianza = lose + confidence (in).
    * perder contacto con la realidad = lose + touch with reality.
    * perder control = lose + control (of).
    * perder credibilidad = destroy + credence.
    * perder de vista = lose from + sight, drop from + sight, lose + sight of.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * perder eficacia = lose + clout.
    * perder el alma = lose + Posesivo + soul.
    * perder el ánimo = lose + heart.
    * perder el apetito = lose + Posesivo + appetite.
    * perder el atractivo = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour.
    * perder el color = fade.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * perder el contacto con = lose + touch with.
    * perder el control = slip beyond + the grasp of, lose + Posesivo + grip, run + amok, sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go to + pieces, go + wild.
    * perder el control de Algo = get out of + hand.
    * perder el control de la situación = things + get out of hand.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * perder el encanto = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour, lose + Posesivo + shine.
    * perder el entusiasmo = lose + heart.
    * perder el equilibrio = lose + Posesivo + balance.
    * perder el favor de = lose + popularity with.
    * perder el hábito = lose + the habit.
    * perder el hilo = lose + the plot, lose + the thread.
    * perder el interés = pall.
    * perder el juicio = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder el norte = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el pie = lose + Posesivo + footing.
    * perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el sentido = faint, lose + Posesivo + senses, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder el sentido del humor = lose + sense of humour.
    * perder el sueño por = lose + sleep over/on.
    * perder el tiempo = dawdle, mess around, pissing into the wind, mess about, faff (about/around), pootle, sit + idle, muck around/about, piddle around.
    * perder el tiempo, hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = piddle around.
    * perder el valor = lose + Posesivo + nerve.
    * perder entusiasmo = lose + enthusiasm.
    * perder esperanza = lose + hope.
    * perder fuerza = lose + power, lose + steam.
    * perder gas = lose + steam.
    * perder hasta la camisa = lose + Posesivo + shirt.
    * perder ímpetu = lose + momentum, run out of + steam, lose + impetus.
    * perder influencia = lose + clout.
    * perder interés = lapse, lose + interest.
    * perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.
    * perder la calma = blow + a fuse.
    * perder la chaveta = go + bonkers, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go + berserk, go + postal, go + haywire.
    * perder la chaveta por = have + a crush on.
    * perder la compostura = lose + Posesivo + balance, break down + in disarray.
    * perder la conciencia = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder la cordura = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder la credibilidad = lose + face.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * perder la fe = lose + Posesivo + faith.
    * perder la identidad de uno = lose + Posesivo + identity.
    * perder la ilusión = lose + heart.
    * perder la motivación = lose + motivation.
    * perder la noción del tiempo = lose + track of time, lose + all notion of time, lose + all sense of time.
    * perder la oportunidad = miss + the boat.
    * perder la paciencia = lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder la pista de = lose + track of.
    * perder la presión = depressurise [depressurize, -USA].
    * perder la razón = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder las facultades = lose + Posesivo + faculties.
    * perder la sincronización = get out of + step.
    * perder las riendas = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy.
    * perder la timidez con = warm up to.
    * perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.
    * perder la virginidad = lose + Posesivo + virginity.
    * perder la visión = lose + Posesivo + sight.
    * perder la vista = become + blind.
    * perder la voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.
    * perder los estribos = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder los nervios = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head.
    * perder los papeles = lose + control (of), lose + Posesivo + cool, lose + Posesivo + head, fly off + the handle, freak out, flip out.
    * perder nota = lose + marks.
    * perder para siempre = lose to + posterity.
    * perder peso = lose + weight.
    * perder poder = lose + power.
    * perder prestigio = lose + face.
    * perder propiedades = lose + property.
    * perder protagonismo = fade into + the background.
    * perderse = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings.
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la multitud = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perder sentido = lose + purpose.
    * perderse por = wander through.
    * perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.
    * perderse una clase = miss + class.
    * perder terreno = lose + ground.
    * perder tiempo = waste + time, lose + time.
    * perder (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * perder una batalla = lose + battle.
    * perder una guerra = lose + war.
    * perder un amigo = lose + a friend.
    * perder una oportunidad = miss + opportunity, lose + opportunity, miss + chance, waste + opportunity.
    * perder una venta = lose + sale.
    * perder una votación = outvote.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * perder un partido = lose + match.
    * perder valor = lose + Posesivo + value.
    * perder ventas = lose + sales.
    * perder vigor = run out of + steam, lose + steam.
    * perder vitalidad = run out of + steam.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.
    * salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * se pierda o se gane = win or lose.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin tiempo que perder = without a minute to spare.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( extraviar) <llaves/documento/guante> to lose
    b) <señal/imagen/contacto> to lose
    a) <dinero/propiedad/cosecha> to lose

    con preguntar no se pierde nada — we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking

    más se perdió en la guerra — (fr hecha) it's not the end of the world

    b) <derecho/trabajo> to lose
    c) <brazo/sangre/vista> to lose

    perder la vida — to lose one's life, to perish; cabeza, vista II, III

    d) <hijo/marido> to lose
    a) <interés/entusiasmo/paciencia> to lose

    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre — (iró) you're late, just for a change (iro)

    perder la práctica/la costumbre — to get out of practice/the habit

    perder el conocimiento — to lose consciousness, to pass out

    b) <fuerza/intensidad/calor/altura> to lose

    perder el ritmo — (Mús) to lose the beat; ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm

    c) <peso/kilos> to lose
    a) <autobús/tren/avión> to miss
    b) <ocasión/oportunidad> to miss
    c) < tiempo> to waste
    a) <guerra/pleito/partido> to lose
    b) <curso/año> to fail; < examen> (Ur) to fail
    7) <agua/aceite/aire> to lose
    perder vi
    1) ( ser derrotado) to lose
    a) cafetera/tanque to leak
    b) (RPl) color ( aclararse) to fade

    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1) a), echarse I 1) a)

    perderse v pron
    a) ( extraviarse) persona/objeto to get lost; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿y a tí que se te ha perdido por allí? — whatever possessed you to go there

    no hay por dónde perderse — (Chi fam) there's no question about it

    b) ( desaparecer) to disappear
    c) (en tema, conversación)

    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí — start again, you've lost me already

    2) <fiesta/película/espectáculo> to miss
    a) ( acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way (liter)
    b) (Per fam) ( prostituirse) to go on the streets (colloq)
    * * *
    = lose, misplace, forfeit, mislay, lose out, miss, suffer + loss.

    Ex: One of the hardest tasks of a curator is to make a precis of the information about a particular object without losing any essential information.

    Ex: This article discusses the common abuses of circulation privileges by a few faculty members: removing books from the library without checking them out; misplacing books after they have been checked out; and failing to return books when needed by others = Este artículo analiza los abusos comunes de los privilegios de préstamo por parte de unos pocos profesores: coger libros de la biblioteca sin sacarlos en préstamo, perder libros tras haberlos sacados en préstamo y no dever libros cuando otros los necesitan.
    Ex: In addition, it enables the library to respond to the needs of the new popular culture without forfeiting its traditional cultural purpose.
    Ex: Workflow systems automate business processes, such as the management of a housing benefit claim, to ensure all tasks are completed on time and no information can be lost or mislaid.
    Ex: Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded = Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
    Ex: Thus the browser may miss valuable items, although some browsers will find browsing a perfectly adequate method of gauging the extent of a library collection.
    Ex: They played their third game of the season today and suffered another loss but the team continues to improve.
    * echar a perder = ruin, bungle, bring out + the worst in, cast + a blight on, blight, go off.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echar + Posesivo + planes a perder = upset + Posesivo + plans.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer que Alguien pierda el empleo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * hacer que pierda el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ni ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * perder agua = lose + water, leak.
    * perder Algo = take + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + hands.
    * perder confianza = lose + confidence (in).
    * perder contacto con la realidad = lose + touch with reality.
    * perder control = lose + control (of).
    * perder credibilidad = destroy + credence.
    * perder de vista = lose from + sight, drop from + sight, lose + sight of.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * perder eficacia = lose + clout.
    * perder el alma = lose + Posesivo + soul.
    * perder el ánimo = lose + heart.
    * perder el apetito = lose + Posesivo + appetite.
    * perder el atractivo = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour.
    * perder el color = fade.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * perder el contacto con = lose + touch with.
    * perder el control = slip beyond + the grasp of, lose + Posesivo + grip, run + amok, sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go to + pieces, go + wild.
    * perder el control de Algo = get out of + hand.
    * perder el control de la situación = things + get out of hand.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * perder el encanto = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour, lose + Posesivo + shine.
    * perder el entusiasmo = lose + heart.
    * perder el equilibrio = lose + Posesivo + balance.
    * perder el favor de = lose + popularity with.
    * perder el hábito = lose + the habit.
    * perder el hilo = lose + the plot, lose + the thread.
    * perder el interés = pall.
    * perder el juicio = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder el norte = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el pie = lose + Posesivo + footing.
    * perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el sentido = faint, lose + Posesivo + senses, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder el sentido del humor = lose + sense of humour.
    * perder el sueño por = lose + sleep over/on.
    * perder el tiempo = dawdle, mess around, pissing into the wind, mess about, faff (about/around), pootle, sit + idle, muck around/about, piddle around.
    * perder el tiempo, hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = piddle around.
    * perder el valor = lose + Posesivo + nerve.
    * perder entusiasmo = lose + enthusiasm.
    * perder esperanza = lose + hope.
    * perder fuerza = lose + power, lose + steam.
    * perder gas = lose + steam.
    * perder hasta la camisa = lose + Posesivo + shirt.
    * perder ímpetu = lose + momentum, run out of + steam, lose + impetus.
    * perder influencia = lose + clout.
    * perder interés = lapse, lose + interest.
    * perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.
    * perder la calma = blow + a fuse.
    * perder la chaveta = go + bonkers, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go + berserk, go + postal, go + haywire.
    * perder la chaveta por = have + a crush on.
    * perder la compostura = lose + Posesivo + balance, break down + in disarray.
    * perder la conciencia = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder la cordura = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder la credibilidad = lose + face.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * perder la fe = lose + Posesivo + faith.
    * perder la identidad de uno = lose + Posesivo + identity.
    * perder la ilusión = lose + heart.
    * perder la motivación = lose + motivation.
    * perder la noción del tiempo = lose + track of time, lose + all notion of time, lose + all sense of time.
    * perder la oportunidad = miss + the boat.
    * perder la paciencia = lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder la pista de = lose + track of.
    * perder la presión = depressurise [depressurize, -USA].
    * perder la razón = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder las facultades = lose + Posesivo + faculties.
    * perder la sincronización = get out of + step.
    * perder las riendas = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy.
    * perder la timidez con = warm up to.
    * perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.
    * perder la virginidad = lose + Posesivo + virginity.
    * perder la visión = lose + Posesivo + sight.
    * perder la vista = become + blind.
    * perder la voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.
    * perder los estribos = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder los nervios = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head.
    * perder los papeles = lose + control (of), lose + Posesivo + cool, lose + Posesivo + head, fly off + the handle, freak out, flip out.
    * perder nota = lose + marks.
    * perder para siempre = lose to + posterity.
    * perder peso = lose + weight.
    * perder poder = lose + power.
    * perder prestigio = lose + face.
    * perder propiedades = lose + property.
    * perder protagonismo = fade into + the background.
    * perderse = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings.
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la multitud = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perder sentido = lose + purpose.
    * perderse por = wander through.
    * perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.
    * perderse una clase = miss + class.
    * perder terreno = lose + ground.
    * perder tiempo = waste + time, lose + time.
    * perder (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * perder una batalla = lose + battle.
    * perder una guerra = lose + war.
    * perder un amigo = lose + a friend.
    * perder una oportunidad = miss + opportunity, lose + opportunity, miss + chance, waste + opportunity.
    * perder una venta = lose + sale.
    * perder una votación = outvote.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * perder un partido = lose + match.
    * perder valor = lose + Posesivo + value.
    * perder ventas = lose + sales.
    * perder vigor = run out of + steam, lose + steam.
    * perder vitalidad = run out of + steam.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.
    * salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * se pierda o se gane = win or lose.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin tiempo que perder = without a minute to spare.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.

    * * *
    perder [E8 ]
    1 (extraviar) ‹llaves/documento/guante› to lose
    he perdido su dirección I've lost her address
    perdió las tijeras y se pasó una hora buscándolas she mislaid o lost the scissors and spent an hour looking for them
    me perdiste la página you lost my place o page
    perdí a mi marido en la muchedumbre I lost my husband in the crowd
    no pierdas de vista al niño don't let the child out of your sight
    2 ‹señal/imagen/contacto› to lose
    hemos perdido el contacto con el avión we've lost contact with the plane
    (ser la ruina de): lo perdió la curiosidad his curiosity was his undoing o his downfall
    1 ‹dinero/propiedad/cosecha› to lose
    perdió mil pesos jugando al póker she lost a thousand pesos playing poker
    perdió una fortuna en ese negocio he lost a fortune in o on that deal
    con preguntar no se pierde nada we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking, we/you can but ask
    más se perdió en la guerra ( fr hecha); things could be worse!, worse things happen at sea, it's not the end of the world
    terreno2 (↑ terreno (2))
    2 ‹derecho/trabajo› to lose
    si te vas pierdes el lugar en la cola if you go away you lose your place in the line ( AmE) o ( BrE) queue
    3 ‹ojo/brazo› to lose; ‹vista/oído› to lose
    ha perdido mucho peso/mucha sangre she's lost a lot of weight/blood
    el susto le hizo perder el habla the fright rendered him speechless
    perder la vida to lose one's life, to perish
    4 ‹hijo/marido› to lose
    perder un niño or un bebé (en el embarazo) to lose a baby, to have a miscarriage
    1 ‹interés/entusiasmo› to lose; ‹paciencia› to lose
    no hay que perder el ánimo you mustn't lose heart
    yo no pierdo las esperanzas I'm not giving up hope
    he perdido la costumbre de levantarme temprano I've got(ten) out of o I've lost the habit of getting up early
    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre ( iró); you're late, just for a change ( iro)
    trata de no perder la práctica try not to get out of practice
    tienes que perderles el miedo a los aviones you have to get over o to overcome your fear of flying
    perder el equilibrio to lose one's balance
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness, to pass out
    2 ‹fuerza/intensidad/calor› to lose
    el avión empezó a perder altura the plane began to lose height
    perder el ritmo ( Mús) to lose the beat
    estás trabajando muy bien, no pierdas el ritmo you're working well, keep it up!
    3 ‹peso/kilos› to lose
    1 ‹autobús/tren/avión› to miss
    2 ‹ocasión› to miss
    sería tonto perder esta estupenda oportunidad it would be stupid to miss o to pass up this marvelous opportunity
    no pierde oportunidad de recordarnos cuánto le debemos he never misses a chance to remind us how much we owe him
    3 ‹tiempo›
    ¡no me hagas perder (el) tiempo! don't waste my time!
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    no pierdas (el) tiempo, no lo vas a convencer don't waste your time, you're not going to convince him
    llámalo sin perder un minuto call him immediately
    perdimos dos días por lo de la huelga we lost two days because of the strike
    1 ‹guerra/pleito› to lose; ‹partido› to lose
    2 ‹curso/año› to fail
    perder un examen (Ur); to fail an exam
    G ‹agua/aceite/aire› to lose
    el coche pierde aceite the car has an oil leak o is losing oil
    el globo perdía aire air was escaping from the balloon
    ■ perder
    A (ser derrotado) to lose
    perdimos por un punto we lost by one point
    no sabes perder you're a bad loser
    no discutas con él porque llevas las de perder don't argue with him because you'll lose
    la que sale perdiendo soy yo I lose out o come off worst
    1 ( RPl) «cafetera/tanque» to leak
    2 «color» (aclararse) to fade; (tiñiendo otras prendas) to run
    1 (extraviarse) «persona/objeto» to get lost
    siempre me pierdo en esta ciudad I always get lost in this town
    no te pierdas, llámanos de vez en cuando don't lose touch, call us now and then
    (+ me/te/le etc): se le perdió el dinero he's lost the money
    guárdalo bien para que no se te pierda keep it safe so you don't lose it
    no hay por dónde perderse ( Chi fam); there's no question about it
    2 (desaparecer) to disappear
    se perdió entre la muchedumbre she disappeared into the crowd
    (en un tema, una conversación): cuando se ponen a hablar rápido me pierdo when they start talking quickly I get lost
    me distraje un momento y me perdí my attention wandered for a moment and I lost the thread
    las cifras son tan enormes que uno se pierde the figures are so huge that they start to lose all meaning
    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí start again, you've lost me already
    (en una prenda, un espacio): te pierdes en ese vestido you look lost in that dress
    los sillones quedan perdidos en ese salón tan grande the armchairs are rather lost in such a big sitting room
    B ‹fiesta/película/espectáculo› to miss
    no te perdiste nada you didn't miss anything
    te perdiste una excelente oportunidad de callarte la boca ( hum); you could have kept your big mouth shut ( colloq)
    C «persona»
    1 (acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way ( liter)
    2 ( Per fam) (prostituirse) to go on the streets o the game ( colloq)
    * * *


    perder ( conjugate perder) verbo transitivo
    1 ( en general) to lose;

    quiere perder peso he wants to lose weight;
    con preguntar no se pierde nada we've/you've nothing to lose by asking;
    perder la vida to lose one's life, to perish;
    See also→ cabeza 1 e, vista 2 3;
    yo no pierdo las esperanzas I'm not giving up hope;
    perder la práctica to get out of practice;
    perder el equilibrio to lose one's balance;
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness, to pass out;
    perder el ritmo (Mús) to lose the beat;

    ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm
    a)autobús/tren/avión to miss

    b)ocasión/oportunidad to miss;

    c) tiempo to waste;

    ¡no me hagas perder (el) tiempo! don't waste my time!;

    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    a)guerra/pleito/partido to lose

    b)curso/año to fail;

    examen› (Ur) to fail
    4agua/aceite/aire to lose
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( ser derrotado) to lose;

    no sabes perder you're a bad loser;
    llevar las de perder to be onto a loser;
    la que sale perdiendo soy yo I'm the one who loses out o comes off worst
    2 [cafetera/tanque] to leak
    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1a, echarse 1a

    perderse verbo pronominal
    1 [persona/objeto] to get lost;

    se le perdió el dinero he's lost the money;
    cuando se ponen a hablar rápido me pierdo when they start talking quickly I get lost
    2fiesta/película/espectáculo to miss
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (un objeto) to lose
    2 (un medio de transporte) to miss
    3 (el tiempo) to waste
    4 (oportunidad) to miss ➣ Ver nota en miss
    5 (cualidad, costumbre, sentido) to lose: tienes que perder tus miedos, you have to overcome your fears
    6 (agua, aceite) to leak
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (disminuir una cualidad) to lose
    2 (estropear) to ruin, go off
    3 (en una competición, batalla) to lose
    ♦ Locuciones: echar (algo) a perder, to spoil (sthg)
    llevar las de perder, to be onto a loser
    ' perder' also found in these entries:
    - aflojar
    - baño
    - borda
    - brújula
    - cabeza
    - cabo
    - clarear
    - conciencia
    - conocimiento
    - costumbre
    - cuenta
    - declinar
    - descuidarse
    - desesperarse
    - desfallecer
    - desgracia
    - desinflarse
    - desnaturalizar
    - despedirse
    - despintar
    - despistar
    - destinada
    - destinado
    - desvanecerse
    - deteriorarse
    - distraerse
    - don
    - enloquecer
    - estribo
    - facultad
    - flaquear
    - granizada
    - hilo
    - infortunio
    - innecesaria
    - innecesario
    - interés
    - joderse
    - juicio
    - llevar
    - norte
    - papel
    - pasarse
    - peso
    - razón
    - resbalar
    - rumbo
    - saber
    - sentida
    - balance
    - black out
    - blow
    - boat
    - bound
    - break
    - bungle
    - cool
    - course
    - crush
    - danger
    - dawdle
    - decline
    - dignity
    - dilly-dally
    - erode
    - even
    - face
    - fade
    - fiddle around
    - flag
    - footing
    - forfeit
    - freak out
    - gamble away
    - gazump
    - ground
    - grow out of
    - handle
    - hang about
    - hang around
    - heart
    - keep
    - leak
    - lose
    - mislay
    - miss
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - muck up
    - pall
    - piece
    - pot
    - rack
    - rag
    - reason
    - rise
    - risk
    - shape
    * * *
    1. [extraviar] to lose;
    he perdido el paraguas I've lost my umbrella
    2. [dejar de tener] [dinero, amigo, empleo, interés] to lose;
    he perdido el contacto con ellos I've lost touch with them;
    la policía ha perdido la pista o [m5] el rastro de los secuestradores the police have lost track of the kidnappers;
    no sé nada de Ana, le he perdido la pista o [m5] el rastro I don't know anything about Ana, I've lost touch with her;
    el accidente le hizo perder la visión he lost his sight in the accident;
    ya hemos perdido toda esperanza de encontrarlo we've now given up o lost all hope of finding him;
    he perdido bastante práctica I'm rather out of practice;
    perder el equilibrio/la memoria to lose one's balance/memory;
    perder peso to lose weight;
    perder el miedo/el respeto a alguien to lose one's fear of/respect for sb;
    cientos de personas perdieron la vida hundreds of people lost their lives;
    no tienes/tiene/ etc[m5]. nada que perder you have/he has/ etc nothing to lose;
    más se perdió en Cuba o [m5] en la guerra it's not as bad as all that, it's not the end of the world
    3. [ser derrotado en] [batalla, partido, campeonato, elecciones] to lose;
    este error podría hacerle perder el partido this mistake could lose her the game
    4. [desperdiciar] [tiempo] to waste;
    [oportunidad, ocasión] to miss;
    no pierdas el tiempo con o [m5] en tonterías don't waste your time on nonsense like that;
    he perdido toda la mañana en llamadas de teléfono I've wasted all morning making phone calls;
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    5. [no alcanzar] [tren, vuelo, autobús] to miss
    6. [tener un escape de] [agua] to lose, to leak;
    la bombona pierde aire air is escaping from the cylinder;
    ese camión va perdiendo aceite that truck o Br lorry is losing o leaking oil
    7. [perjudicar] to be the ruin of;
    le pierde su pasión por el juego his passion for gambling is ruining him
    8. Urug [examen] to fail
    1. [salir derrotado] to lose;
    perder al póquer/billar to lose at poker/billiards;
    perdimos (por) dos a cero we lost Br two-nil o US two-zero;
    no te pelees con él, que llevas las de perder don't get into a fight with him, you're bound to lose;
    sabe/no sabe perder he's a good/bad loser;
    salir perdiendo to lose out, to come off worse
    2. [empeorar] to go downhill;
    este restaurante ha perdido mucho this restaurant has really gone downhill;
    estas alfombras pierden bastante al lavarlas these rugs don't wash very well
    3. [tener un escape] [de agua, aceite] to have a leak;
    esa bombona pierde that gas cylinder is leaking;
    una de las ruedas pierde por la válvula the air's coming out of one of the tyres
    4. [en frases]
    echar algo a perder to spoil sth;
    echarse a perder [alimento] to spoil, Br to go off
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 objeto lose;
    ¡piérdete! get lost!;
    no tener nada que perder have nothing to lose
    2 tren, avión etc miss
    3 el tiempo waste
    II v/i lose;
    tener las de perder be at a disadvantage;
    salir perdiendo come off worst
    * * *
    perder {56} vt
    1) : to lose
    2) : to miss
    perdimos la oportunidad: we missed the opportunity
    3) : to waste (time)
    perder vi
    : to lose
    * * *
    perder vb
    1. (en general) to lose [pt. & pp. lost]
    2. (tren, avión, oportunidad, etc) to miss
    3. (tiempo) to waste
    4. (líquido, gas) to leak
    echar a perder algo to ruin something / to spoil something
    echarse a perder to go off / to go bad

    Spanish-English dictionary > perder

  • 100 добре

    (съгласен съм, прието) (all) right, very well, good, righto, okay, Ok
    добре откъм well off for
    (за болен) well, in a good way, comfortable
    добре възпитан well-brought up
    добре вързан securely tied
    добре гледан/поддържан well kept
    добре гледан от прен. in good odour with
    добре дошъл welcome
    за добре дошъл by way of welcome
    добреси дошъл you are welcome (в to)
    добре запазен in a good state of preservation
    добре известен (very) well known
    добре казано well said
    добре омъжена comfortably married
    добре осведомен well-informed, rightly informed
    добре сготвен properly cooked
    добре съм (по отношение на здравето си) be/keep well, be/keep in good health
    как си? благодаря, добре съм how are you? (I'm) (very) well, thank you; I'm fine. thank you
    прен. I'm getting on well/nicely
    не съм добре (със здравето) be in poor/bad/ill health, suffer from ill health
    добре (в добри отношения) съм с stand well with, be on good terms with
    и би било добре да it might be as well to
    вървя добре прен. go well
    работите не вървят добре things are going wrong/are not going well
    изглеждам добре look well, have a healthy look
    намирам за добре think fit, find it advisable (да to)
    прави каквото намериш за добре do as you think fit/best, do as you please
    отивам на добре take a turn for the better, improve
    помня добре remember well/right
    прекарвам добре have a good time, enjoy o.s.
    разбирам добре understand clearly/perfectly, realize
    справям се добре с cope with, deal efficiently/successfully with
    той се справя добре с работата си he is doing well (in his work)
    стои ми добре it fits/suits me well, it is a good fit
    много по- добре much better, ( материално) much/far better off
    още по- добре still better
    толкова по- добре so much the better
    колкото по-скоро, толкова по- добре the sooner, the better
    по- добре да го вземете you had better take it
    добре (е),че is good that, it is a good thing that
    и добре, че е така and a good thing/job too
    правиш добре, че you do well/you are right to (c inf.)
    добре, че се видяхме it's lucky we met
    добре, че стана така it's all to the good, that's just as well
    добре, че се сетих that reminds me
    това е добре that's a good job
    от това по- добре няма никъде things couldn't be better; prospects couldn't be brighter
    добрее, както си е it's all right as it is
    добре ми е (чувствувам се добре) I'm all right. I feel well
    добре съм се наредил ирон. be in a fine pickle/mess, be in a fix
    добре го наредих I've fixed him all right
    добре я свърши ирон. a nice piece of work you have done, you certainly made a mess of it; now you've done it
    добре де all right, agreed; have it your (own) way
    по- добре смърт, отколкото... rather/sooner death than...
    добре ми дойде това кафе this cup of coffee was just what I needed
    добре ще ми дойдат 500 лева I could do with 500 levs
    * * *
    нареч. well; вървя \добре прен. go well; (за часовник) keep good time; \добре възпитан well-brought up; \добре вързан securely tied; \добре гледан от прен. in good odour with; \добре гледан/поддържан well kept; \добре го наредих I’ve fixed him all right; \добре де all right, agreed; have it your (own) way; \добре дошъл welcome; \добре е, както си е it’s all right as it is; \добре казано well said; \добре ми дойде това кафе this cup of coffee was just what I needed; \добре направи да почакаш you did right to wait; \добре омъжена comfortably married; \добре откъм well off for; (за болен) well, in a good way, comfortable; \добре сготвен property cooked; \добре си дошъл you are welcome (в to); \добре съм (по отношение на здравето си) be/keep well, be/keep in good health; \добре (в добри отношения) съм с stand well with, be on good terms with; \добре съм се наредил ирон. be in a fine pickle/mess, be in a fix; \добре (тогава) ( нямам нищо против) well and good; very well; (в добро състояние) in good shape; ( материално) well off; \добре, че се видяхме it’s lucky we met; \добре, че се сетих that reminds me; \добре, че стана така it’s all to the good, that’s just as well; \добре ще ми дойдат 50 долара I could do with 50 dollars; \добре я свърши ирон. a nice piece of work you have done, you certainly made a mess of it; now you’ve done it; дотук всичко е \добре so far so good; за \добре дошъл by way of welcome; и би било \добре да it might be as well to; и \добре, че е така and a good thing/ job too; изглеждам \добре look well, have a healthy look; как си? благодаря, \добре съм how are you? (I’m) (very) well, thank you; I’m fine, thank you; прен. I’m getting on well/nicely; колкото по-скоро, толкова по-\добре the sooner, the better; най-\добре best; ( съгласен съм, прието) (all) right, very well, good, righto, okay, OK; намирам за \добре think fit, find it advisable (да to); не съм \добре ( със здравето) be in poor/bad/ill health, suffer from ill health; отивам на \добре take a turn for the better, improve; от това по-\добре няма никъде things couldn’t be better; prospects couldn’t be brighter; още по-\добре still better; по-\добре better; постъпвам \добре act rightly; прави каквото намериш за \добре do as you think fit/best, do as you please; правиш \добре, че you do well/you are right to (с inf.); прекарвам \добре have a good time, enjoy o.s.; работите не вървят \добре things are going wrong/are not going well; разбирам \добре understand clearly/perfectly, realize; справям се \добре с cope with, deal efficiently/successfully with; стои ми \добре it fits/suits me well, it is a good fit; толкова по-\добре so much the better.
    * * *
    all right ; right {rait}; well:well-informed - добре осведомен
    * * *
    1. (в добро състояние) in good shape 2. (за болен) well, in a good way, comfortable 3. (за часовник и) keep good time 4. (материално) well off 5. (съгласен съм, прието) (all) right, very well, good, righto, okay, ОК 6. 2 levs 7. well 8. ДОБРЕ (e),че is good that, it is a good thing that 9. ДОБРЕ (в добри отношения) съм с stand well with, be on good terms with 10. ДОБРЕ (тогава) (нямам нищо против) welt and good;very well 11. ДОБРЕ възпитан well-brought up 12. ДОБРЕ вързан securely tied 13. ДОБРЕ гледан от прен. in good odour with 14. ДОБРЕ гледан/поддържан well kept 15. ДОБРЕ го наредих I've fixed him all right 16. ДОБРЕ де all right, agreed;have it your (own) way 17. ДОБРЕ дошъл welcome 18. ДОБРЕ запазен in a good state of preservation 19. ДОБРЕ известен (very) well known: ДОБРЕ казано well said 20. ДОБРЕ ми дойде това кафе this cup of coffee was just what I needed 21. ДОБРЕ ми е (чувствувам се добре) I'm all right. I feel well 22. ДОБРЕ омъжена comfortably married 23. ДОБРЕ осведомен well-informed, rightly informed 24. ДОБРЕ откъм well off for 25. ДОБРЕ сготвен properly cooked 26. ДОБРЕ съм (по отношение на здравето си) be/keep well, be/keep in good health 27. ДОБРЕ съм се наредил ирон. be in a fine pickle/mess, be in a fix 28. ДОБРЕ ще ми дойдат 1 лева I could do with 29. ДОБРЕ я свърши upoн. a nice piece of work you have done, you certainly made a mess of it;now you've done it 30. ДОБРЕ, че се видяхме it's lucky we met 31. ДОБРЕ, че се сетих that reminds me 32. ДОБРЕ, че стана така it's all to the good, that's just as well 33. ДОБРЕе, както си е it's all right as it is 34. ДОБРЕси дошъл you are welcome (в to) 35. вървя ДОБРЕ прен. go well 36. дотук всичко е ДОБРЕ so far so good 37. за ДОБРЕ дошъл by way of welcome 38. и ДОБРЕ, че е така and a good thing/ job too 39. и би било ДОБРЕ да it might be as well to 40. изглеждам ДОБРЕ look well, have a healthy look 41. как си? благодаря, ДОБРЕ съм how are you?(I'm) (very) well, thank you;I'm fine. thank you 42. колкото по-скоро, толкова по- ДОБРЕ the sooner, the better 43. много ДОБРЕ very well 44. много по-ДОБРЕ much better, (материално) much/far better off 45. най-ДОБРЕ best 46. намирам за ДОБРЕ think fit, find it advisable (да to) 47. не съм ДОБРЕ (със здравето) be in poor/bad/ill health, suffer from ill health 48. от това по- ДОБРЕ няма никъде things couldn't be better;prospects couldn't be brighter 49. отивам на ДОБРЕ take a turn for the better, improve 50. още по-ДОБРЕ still better: толкова по-ДОБРЕ so much the better 51. пo-ДОБРЕ better 52. по-ДОБРЕ да го вземете you had better take it 53. по-ДОБРЕ смърт, отколкото... rather/ sooner death than... 54. помня ДОБРЕ remember well/right: постъпвам ДОБРЕ act rightly 55. прави каквото намериш за ДОБРЕ do as you think fit/best, do as you please 56. правиш ДОБРЕ, че you do well/you are right to (c inf.) 57. прекарвам ДОБРЕ have a good time, enjoy o.s. 58. прен. I'm getting on well/nicely 59. работите не вървят ДОБРЕ things are going wrong/ are not going well 60. разбирам ДОБРЕ understand clearly/perfectly, realize 61. справям се ДОБРЕ с cope with, deal efficiently/ successfully with: той се справя ДОБРЕ с работата си he is doing well (in his work) 62. стои ми ДОБРЕ it fits/suits me well, it is a good fit 63. това е ДОБРЕ that's a good job 64. трябва да не съм чул ДОБРЕ I must have heard wrongly

    Български-английски речник > добре

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