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Gothic architecture

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gothic Architecture — • History of the style Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gothic Architecture     Gothic Architecture     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gothic architecture — See also: Gothic art The western façade of Reims Cathedral, France …   Wikipedia

  • Gothic architecture — noun a style of architecture developed in northern France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries; characterized by slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by vaulting and pointed arches • Syn: ↑Gothic …   Useful english dictionary

  • GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE —    The Gothic style of architecture grew out of the Romanesque style to include even more sophisticated architectural structures that featured intricate ornamentation, vast interiors, and soaring roofs, with external flying buttresses, tall… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Gothic architecture — Architectural style in Europe that lasted from the mid 12th century to the 16th century, particularly a style of masonry building characterized by cavernous spaces with the expanse of walls broken up by overlaid tracery. In the 12th–13th… …   Universalium

  • GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE —    a varied style of architecture distinguished by its high and sharply pointed arches, clustered columns, which had its origin in the Middle Ages, and prevailed from the 12th to the 15th centuries, though the term Gothic was originally applied… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • English Gothic architecture — Westminster Hall and its hammerbeam roof, pictured in the early 19th century. English Gothic is the name of the architectural style that flourished in England from about 1180 until about 1520. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • French Gothic architecture — is the style of architecture that was prevalent in France from 1140 until about 1500. equence of Gothic styles: FranceThe designations of styles in French Gothic architecture are as follows:* Early Gothic * High Gothic * Rayonnant * Late Gothic… …   Wikipedia

  • Italian Gothic architecture — The Gothic architecture appeared in Italy in the 12th century. Italian Gothic always maintained peculiar characteristic which differentiated its evolution from that in France, where it had originated, and in other European countries. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Portuguese Gothic architecture — is the architectural style prevalent in Portugal in the Late Middle Ages. As in other parts of Europe, Gothic style slowly replaced Romanesque architecture in the period between the late 12th and the 13th century. Between the late 15th and early… …   Wikipedia

  • Spanish Gothic architecture — is the style of architecture prevalent in Spain in the Late Medieval period. equence of Gothic styles: SpainThe designations of styles in Spanish Gothic architecture are as follows. Dates are approximative.* Early Gothic (twelfthth century) *… …   Wikipedia

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