121 conductor
adj.conductive, guiding, driving, leading.m.1 driver, chauffeur, car driver.2 conductor, person who conducts.3 conductor, conducting wire, wire.4 conductor, music conductor, orchestra conductor.5 conductor, heat conductor, transmitter.* * *► adjetivo1 FÍSICA conductive► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 AUTOMÓVIL driver1 FÍSICA conductor————————1 FÍSICA conductor* * *(f. - conductora)noun* * *conductor, -a1.ADJ(Fís)el agua salada es mejor conductor que el agua dulce — salt water is much more conductive than fresh water
2. SM / F1) [de coche, camión, autobús] driver; [de moto] rider2) (TV, Radio) presenter3) LAm (Mús) conductor4) frm (=dirigente) leader3.SM (Fís) conductor* * *I- tora adjetivo conductiveIImateriales conductores de la electricidad/del calor — materials which conduct electricity/heat
- tora masculino, femenino1)a) ( de vehículo) driverb) (AmL) ( de programa) host2) conductor masculino (Elec, Fís) conductor* * *= driver, motorist, conductive, motorman [motormen, -pl.], conductor.Nota: En electrónica y física, transmisor de corriente y calor.Ex. The van is painted prominently in the CAB colours and logo of yellow and blue and is staffed by a driver and two volunteers.Ex. This subject is being presented for a specialized target population, motorists.Ex. The disc is 254 mm (10 in) in diameter and is made of an electrically conductive plastic.Ex. In this chapter we are told about Willis Joe Whinny, the motorman who drives the subway train that eventually almost kills Slake, but who instead rescues him from his underground life = En este capítulo se nos cuenta cómo Willis Joe Whinny, maquinista de metro, casi atropella a Slake aunque posteriormente lo rescata de su vida en los subterráneos del metro.Ex. They have properties which make them neither good conductors nor good insulators = Tienen propiedades que ni los hacen buenos conductores ni buenos aislantes.----* censo de conductores, el = total number of licensed drivers, the.* conductor borracho = drink-driver.* conductor ebrio = drink-driver.* conductor que busca los servicios de una prostituta = kerb-crawler [curb-crawler, -USA].* conductor que se da a la fuga tras causar un accidente o atropello = hit-and-run driver.* * *I- tora adjetivo conductiveIImateriales conductores de la electricidad/del calor — materials which conduct electricity/heat
- tora masculino, femenino1)a) ( de vehículo) driverb) (AmL) ( de programa) host2) conductor masculino (Elec, Fís) conductor* * *= driver, motorist, conductive, motorman [motormen, -pl.], conductor.Nota: En electrónica y física, transmisor de corriente y calor.Ex: The van is painted prominently in the CAB colours and logo of yellow and blue and is staffed by a driver and two volunteers.
Ex: This subject is being presented for a specialized target population, motorists.Ex: The disc is 254 mm (10 in) in diameter and is made of an electrically conductive plastic.Ex: In this chapter we are told about Willis Joe Whinny, the motorman who drives the subway train that eventually almost kills Slake, but who instead rescues him from his underground life = En este capítulo se nos cuenta cómo Willis Joe Whinny, maquinista de metro, casi atropella a Slake aunque posteriormente lo rescata de su vida en los subterráneos del metro.Ex: They have properties which make them neither good conductors nor good insulators = Tienen propiedades que ni los hacen buenos conductores ni buenos aislantes.* censo de conductores, el = total number of licensed drivers, the.* conductor borracho = drink-driver.* conductor ebrio = drink-driver.* conductor que busca los servicios de una prostituta = kerb-crawler [curb-crawler, -USA].* conductor que se da a la fuga tras causar un accidente o atropello = hit-and-run driver.* * *conductivemateriales conductores de la electricidad/del calor materials which conduct electricity/heatmasculine, feminineA1 (de un vehículo) driver2 (de un programa) host, presenterBbuen/mal conductor good/bad conductor* * *
conductor 1◊ - tora adjetivo
materiales conductores de la electricidad materials which conduct electricity
■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
conductor 2 sustantivo masculino (Elec, Fís) conductor
I sustantivo masculino y femenino Auto driver
II sustantivo masculino Elec conductor
' conductor' also found in these entries:
- chofer
- chófer
- cobrador
- cobradora
- conductora
- director
- directora
- frenazo
- pararrayos
- responsable
- revisor
- revisora
- camionero
- contar
- correr
- despedir
- estacionar
- hábil
- relevo
- virar
back up
- bus conductor
- bus driver
- catapult
- conduct
- conductor
- driver
- ease off
- ease up
- hit-and-run
- kerb-crawler
- offside
- safe
- unhurt
- bus
- count
- L
- lightning
- motorist
- rostrum
* * *conductor, -ora♦ adj[de electricidad, calor] conductive♦ nm,f1. [de vehículo] driverconductor en prácticas Br learner o US student driver2. [de un programa televisivo] presenter, host♦ nmconductorconductor eléctrico conductor* * *I adj1 guiding2 FÍS conductiveII m, conductora f driver* * *: conducting, leading: driverconductor nm: conductor (of electricity, etc.)* * *1. (persona) driver2. (dispositivo) conductor -
122 aguantar
v.1 to bear.está aguantando bien las presiones she's holding o bearing up well under the pressureesa estantería no va a aguantar el peso de los libros that shelf won't take the weight of the books2 to bear, to stand.no lo aguanto I can't bear himno sé cómo la aguantas I don't know how you put up with herno sabe aguantar una broma he doesn't know how to take a joke3 to hold.aguanta los libros mientras limpio la estantería hold the books while I dust the shelfAguante su respiración Hold your breath.4 to hold (contener) (respiración, mirada).apenas pude aguantar la risa it was all I could do not to laugh5 to hold on (time).aguanta un poco más hold on a bit longerno aguanto más I can't take any moreElla aguantará porque es fuerte She will hold on because she is strong.6 to wait for (esperar). (Mexican Spanish, River Plate)7 to last.estas botas aguantarán hasta al año que viene these boots should last me till next yearaguantar hasta el final to stay the course o the distance8 to endure, to abide, to bear, to tolerate.Noel aguanta muchas penas Noel endures many sorrows.9 to withstand, to hold, to uphold, to support.El barrote aguanta el techo The crosspiece holds the roofing.10 to tolerate to, to suffer to, to bear to, to endure to.Silvia aguanta estudiar de noche Silvia tolerates to study nights.* * *1 (contener) to hold (back)2 (sostener) to hold, support3 (soportar) to tolerate■ no aguanto más I can't stand any more, I can't take any more1 (contenerse) to keep back; (risa, lágrimas) to hold back2 (resignarse) to resign oneself\¡que se aguante! familiar that's her/his tough luck!* * *verb1) to bear, endure, withstand2) hold•* * *1. VT1) (=soportar deliberadamente) to put up with, endureaguanté el dolor como pude — I bore o put up with o endured the pain as best as I could
tenemos que estar aguantando continuas ofensas — we have to put up with o endure continual insults
no aguantaré tus impertinencias ni un minuto más — I won't stand for o take o put up with your cheek a minute longer
2) (=tener capacidad de resistir) to stand up toesta planta aguanta bien el calor — this plant withstands o can take heat well, this plant stands up well to heat
no aguantar, no aguanto a los cotillas — I can't bear o stand gossipsno aguanto ver sufrir a un animal — I can't bear o stand to see an animal suffering
no aguantaba la rutina de los entrenamientos — he couldn't cope with o take the training programme
no hay quien te aguante — you're impossible o insufferable3) (=sostener) [persona] to hold; [muro, columna] to support, hold upse rompió el cable que aguantaba la antena — the cable holding up o supporting the aerial broke
4) (=contener) [+ respiración] to hold; [+ risa, llanto] to hold backel mundo aguantó la respiración temiendo un desastre — the world waited with bated breath, fearing a disaster
aguantar las ganas de hacer algo — to resist the urge to do sthno pude aguantar las ganas de decirle lo que pensaba — I couldn't resist telling her what I thought, I couldn't resist the urge to tell her what I thought
5) (=durar) to last2. VI1) [persona]ya no aguanto más — I can't bear it o stand it o take it any longer, I can't bear o stand o take any more
cuando empezaba a correr no aguantaba más de diez minutos — when she started running she couldn't keep going o last for more than ten minutes
aguantaré en Madrid hasta que pueda — I'll hang on o hold on in Madrid as long as I can
yo me emborracho enseguida, pero él aguanta mucho — I get drunk straight away but he can really hold his drink
tienes que aguantar hasta el año que viene con esos zapatos — you'll have to make do with those shoes until next year
yo ya no aguanto mucho, a las diez estoy en la cama — I can't take the pace any more, I'm in bed by ten
aguantan poco sin aburrirse — they have a low boredom threshold, they're easily bored
es de guapo que no se puede aguantar — * he's drop dead gorgeous *, he's to die for *
2) [clavo, columna] to hold¿crees que este clavo aguantará? — do you think this nail will hold?
3) LAm * (=esperar) to hang on *, hold on¡aguanta! — hang on * o hold on a minute!
3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <dolor/sufrimiento> to bear, endure2)a) <peso/carga> to support, bear; < presión> to withstandb) ( durar)estas botas aguantarán otro invierno — these boots will last (me/you/him) another winter
3) ( sostener) to hold4) (contener, reprimir) <risa/lágrimas> to hold back2.aguantar vicon ese tren de vida no hay salud que aguante — that sort of lifestyle would be enough to destroy anyone's health
3.¿puedes aguantar hasta que lleguemos? — can you hang o hold on until we arrive?
aguantarse v pron1) (conformarse, resignarse)me tendré que aguantar — I'll just have to put up with it
si no le gusta, que se aguante — if he doesn't like it, he can lump it (colloq)
2) (euf) (reprimirse, contenerse)aguántate un poquito que ya llegamos — just hold o hang on a minute, we'll soon be there
3) (AmL fam) ( esperarse) to hang on (colloq)* * *= stand up to, bear, withstand, endure, hold + fire, put up with, hold off, stand + the gaff, stomach, weather, hold + Nombre + in.Ex. However, he would prefer a binding that will stand up to being stuffed into after-hours book drops and being hauled from one library to another.Ex. One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.Ex. While the current problems associated with serial economics have driven a wedge between vendors, librarians and publishers, they should be cooperating and communicating in order to withstand the information explosion.Ex. On the other hand people passionately devoted to a hobby or sport or their work will endure without complaint conditions which less ardent folk think outrageously insupportable.Ex. However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.Ex. Have reading foisted on you as a duty, a task to be put up with, from which you expect no delight, and it can appear a drab business gladly to be given up.Ex. A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.Ex. Thus far the oil companies have stood the gaff well, considering the burden thrown on them by declining prices and mounting stocks.Ex. Early man couldn't stomach milk, according to research.Ex. The small publishers seem to be weathering the industry changes, and have expectations of growth.Ex. The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.----* aguantar con resignación = take it on + the chin.* aguantar el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.* aguantar el aliento = hold + Posesivo + breath.* aguantar estoicamente = weather, take it on + the chin.* aguantar hasta el final = stick it out.* aguantar la respiración = hold + Posesivo + breath.* aguantarlo = live with it.* aguantarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* aguantar mecha = stick it out, stand + the gaff.* aguantarse = hold + Posesivo + horses.* aguantar un golpe = take + a hit.* aguántate = lump it.* no aguantar más = have had enough.* no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.* no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.* no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.* no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.* si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina = if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.* si no te gusta, te aguantas = like it or lump it, if you don't like it you can lump it.* tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) <dolor/sufrimiento> to bear, endure2)a) <peso/carga> to support, bear; < presión> to withstandb) ( durar)estas botas aguantarán otro invierno — these boots will last (me/you/him) another winter
3) ( sostener) to hold4) (contener, reprimir) <risa/lágrimas> to hold back2.aguantar vicon ese tren de vida no hay salud que aguante — that sort of lifestyle would be enough to destroy anyone's health
3.¿puedes aguantar hasta que lleguemos? — can you hang o hold on until we arrive?
aguantarse v pron1) (conformarse, resignarse)me tendré que aguantar — I'll just have to put up with it
si no le gusta, que se aguante — if he doesn't like it, he can lump it (colloq)
2) (euf) (reprimirse, contenerse)aguántate un poquito que ya llegamos — just hold o hang on a minute, we'll soon be there
3) (AmL fam) ( esperarse) to hang on (colloq)* * *= stand up to, bear, withstand, endure, hold + fire, put up with, hold off, stand + the gaff, stomach, weather, hold + Nombre + in.Ex: However, he would prefer a binding that will stand up to being stuffed into after-hours book drops and being hauled from one library to another.
Ex: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.Ex: While the current problems associated with serial economics have driven a wedge between vendors, librarians and publishers, they should be cooperating and communicating in order to withstand the information explosion.Ex: On the other hand people passionately devoted to a hobby or sport or their work will endure without complaint conditions which less ardent folk think outrageously insupportable.Ex: However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.Ex: Have reading foisted on you as a duty, a task to be put up with, from which you expect no delight, and it can appear a drab business gladly to be given up.Ex: A dam at the Strait of Gibraltar could be constructed to limit the outflow and reverse the climate deterioration, thus holding off the next ice age.Ex: Thus far the oil companies have stood the gaff well, considering the burden thrown on them by declining prices and mounting stocks.Ex: Early man couldn't stomach milk, according to research.Ex: The small publishers seem to be weathering the industry changes, and have expectations of growth.Ex: The longer a fart is held in, the larger the proportion of inert nitrogen it contains, because the other gases tend to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the intestine.* aguantar con resignación = take it on + the chin.* aguantar el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.* aguantar el aliento = hold + Posesivo + breath.* aguantar estoicamente = weather, take it on + the chin.* aguantar hasta el final = stick it out.* aguantar la respiración = hold + Posesivo + breath.* aguantarlo = live with it.* aguantarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* aguantar mecha = stick it out, stand + the gaff.* aguantarse = hold + Posesivo + horses.* aguantar un golpe = take + a hit.* aguántate = lump it.* no aguantar más = have had enough.* no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.* no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.* no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.* no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.* si no aguantas el calor, sal de la cocina = if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.* si no te gusta, te aguantas = like it or lump it, if you don't like it you can lump it.* tener que aguantar Algo = be stuck with, get + stuck with.* * *aguantar [A1 ]vtA1(tolerar, soportar): aguanto bien el calor I can take the heattuvieron que aguantar temperaturas altísimas en el desierto they had to endure extremely high temperatures in the deserty como no tengo donde ir tengo que aguantar sus bromas estúpidas and since I have nowhere to go I have to put up with o suffer his stupid jokesaguantó el dolor con gran fortaleza she bore o endured the pain very bravelylo aguantó durante años she put up with him for yearsno tengo por qué aguantar que me traten así I don't have to stand for this kind of treatment, I don't have to put up with being treated like thisa ése le aguantan todo porque es el hijo del jefe he gets away with anything because he's the boss's sonaguantó su mirada un momento y desvió los ojos he held her stare for a moment, then averted his eyes2(uso hiperbólico): este calor no hay quien lo aguante this heat is unbearableno sabes aguantar una broma you can't take a jokeno puedo aguantarlo I can't stand himno puedo aguantar este dolor de muelas this toothache's unbearableB1 ‹peso/presión›aguanta todo el peso del tejado it supports o bears the whole weight of the roofel puente no aguanta más de cierto tonelaje the bridge will only withstand o take o stand a certain tonnageno aguantó la presión it didn't take o withstand the pressureel mástil no aguantaría otra embestida del viento the mast wouldn't stand up to o take another gustella aguanta el doble que yo bebiendo she can take twice as much drink as I can2(durar): estas botas aguantarán otro invierno these boots will last (me/you/him) another winterconstrucciones que han aguantado el paso del tiempo buildings that have survived the passing of timeaguantó tres meses en ese trabajo he lasted three months in that jobC (sostener) to holdaguántame los paquetes mientras compro las entradas hold (on to) the parcels for me while I buy the ticketsuna cuña para aguantar la puerta a wedge to hold the door openD (contener, reprimir) ‹risa/lágrimas› to hold backaguanta la respiración todo lo que puedas hold your breath for as long as you canya no aguanto las ganas de decírselo I can't resist the temptation to tell him any longer■ aguantarvi¡ya no aguanto más! yo renuncio I can't take any more! I quitcon ese tren de vida no hay salud que aguante that sort of lifestyle would be enough to destroy anyone's health¿puedes aguantar hasta que lleguemos? can you hang o hold on until we arrive?no puedo aguantar hasta enero con este abrigo I can't last till January with this coat, this coat won't last me till Januarytenemos que aguantar hasta fin de mes con este dinero we have to make this money last o stretch till the end of the month, we have to get by on o manage on o survive on this money till the end of the monthno creo que este clavo aguante I don't think this nail will holdA(conformarse, resignarse): no me apetece ir pero me tendré que aguantar I don't feel like going, but I'll just have to grin and bear it o put up with itsi no le gusta, que se aguante if he doesn't like it, he can lump it ( colloq)me he quedado sin cena — te aguantas, por no haber llegado antes there's no dinner left for me — tough, you should have got(ten) here earlier ( colloq)B ( euf)(reprimirse, contenerse): aguántate un poquito que enseguida llegamos just hold o hang on a minute, we'll soon be thereya no se aguanta las ganas de abrir los paquetes he can't resist the temptation to open the packages any longerse aguantó hasta que no pudo más y se lo dijo todo she kept quiet as long as she could and then she told him everything* * *
aguantar ( conjugate aguantar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹dolor/sufrimiento› to bear, endure;
no tengo por qué aguantar esto I don't have to put up with this;
este calor no hay quien lo aguante this heat is unbearable;
no sabes aguantar una broma you can't take a joke;
no los aguanto I can't stand them;
no puedo aguantar este dolor de muelas this toothache's unbearable
‹ presión› to withstandb) ( durar):◊ estas botas aguantarán otro invierno these boots will last (me/you/him) another winter
3 ( sostener) to hold
4 (contener, reprimir) ‹risa/lágrimas› to hold back;
verbo intransitivo:◊ ¡ya no aguanto más! I can't take any more!;
no creo que este clavo aguante I don't think this nail will hold
aguantarse verbo pronominal
1 (conformarse, resignarse):◊ me tendré que aguantar I'll just have to put up with it;
si no le gusta, que se aguante if he doesn't like it, he can lump it (colloq)
2 (euf) (reprimirse, contenerse):
aguántate un poquito que ya llegamos just hold o hang on a minute, we'll soon be there
3 (AmL fam) ( esperarse) to hang on (colloq)
I verbo transitivo
1 (soportar, tolerar) to tolerate: no puedo aguantar más tu prepotencia, I can't stand your arrogance any longer ➣ Ver nota en bear y stand
2 (sujetar) to support, hold: por favor, aguanta la escalera mientras cambio la bombilla, please hold the ladder while I change the bulb
3 (reprimirse) aguantó la respiración tres minutos, he held his breath for three minutes
II verbo intransitivo
1 (durar) to last
2 (soportar) aguanta un poco más, hold on a bit longer
' aguantar' also found in these entries:
- mecha
- pasar
- resistir
- saber
- sufrir
- tipo
- soplar
- tragar
- bear
- bear up
- brave
- bullet
- endure
- going
- hang on
- hold
- hold on
- hold out
- last
- pace
- put up with
- ride out
- ridicule
- sit out
- sit through
- stand
- stay
- stick
- stick out
- stomach
- suffer
- sweat out
- take
- go
- hang
- keep
- put
- ride
- sit
- stuck
- support
- tolerate
* * *♦ vt1. [sostener] to hold;aguanta los libros mientras limpio la estantería hold the books while I dust the shelf2. [peso, presión] to bear;esa estantería no va a aguantar el peso de los libros that shelf won't take the weight of the books;la presa no aguantará otro terremoto the dam won't withstand another earthquake;está aguantando bien las presiones she's holding o bearing up well under the pressure3. [tolerar, soportar] to bear, to stand;estas plantas no aguantan bien el calor these plants don't like the heat;no aguantó el ritmo de sus rivales she couldn't keep up with her rivals;a tu hermana no hay quien la aguante your sister's unbearable;no puedo aguantarlo, no lo aguanto I can't bear him;no sé cómo la aguantas I don't know how you put up with her;ya no aguanto más este dolor this pain is unbearable;no sabe aguantar una broma he doesn't know how to take a joke4. [tiempo] to hold out for;aguantó dos meses en el desierto he survived for two months in the desert;no creo que aguante mucho tiempo fuera su país I don't think he'll be able to last long abroad;¿cuánto tiempo aguantas sin fumar un cigarillo? how long can you go without smoking a cigarette?;este abrigo me ha aguantado cinco años this coat has lasted me five years5. [contener] [respiración, mirada] to hold;[risa] to contain;debes aguantar la respiración para hacerte la radiografía you'll have to hold your breath when you have the X-ray;apenas pude aguantar la risa it was all I could do not to laugh♦ vi1. [tiempo] to hold on;aguanta un poco más, en seguida nos vamos hold on a bit longer, we'll be going soon;no aguanto más – necesito un vaso de agua I can't take any more, I need a glass of water;¡ya no aguanto más, vámonos! I've had enough, let's go!2. [resistir] to last;estas botas aguantarán hasta al año que viene these boots should last me till next year;aguantar hasta el final to stay the course o the distance;a pesar de estar lesionado, aguantó hasta el final despite his injury, he carried on until the end3. Taurom to stand firm* * *I v/t1 un peso bear, support2 respiración hold3 ( soportar) put up with;no lo puedo aguantar I can’t stand o bear itII v/i:no aguanto más I can’t take (it) any more, I can’t bear it any longer* * *aguantar vt1) soportar: to bear, to tolerate, to withstand2) : to hold3)aguantar las ganas : to resist an urgeno pude aguantar las ganas de reír: I couldn't keep myself from laughingaguantar vi: to hold out, to last* * *aguantar vb4. (durar) to lastaguanta, que falta poco hold on, we're nearly there6. (en la mano) to hold¿me aguantas la carpeta un momento? can you hold my folder for a minute? -
123 вдигам
1. lift, raise(знаме) raise, hoist, run up(вежди) arch (o.'s eyebrows)(очи, гласа си) raise, elevate(котва) raise, weigh fish(за кран) lift, take(керемиди, плочи от покрив) rip off(дивеч) jump(очи, ръце) lift, raiseвдигам ръце от учудване throw up o.'s hands in surprise/astonishmentвдигам яката си turn up o.'s collar2. (премествам) move(от земята) pick up(забрана, карантина) lift(заседание) close(лагер) strike/break up(обсада) raise-3. (разтребвам) put awayвдигам масата clear the table4. (изправям) make (s.o.) get/stand up, set (s.o.) on his feet(събуждам) (a)wake, awaken, rouse s.o. from his sleepвдигам болен (излекувам) raise up a patient, set a patient on his feet(изграждам-стена) raise(къща) build5. (покачвам цена) raise6. (подбуждам към борба) rouse, raiseвдигам бунт/въстание срещу rise in revolt/rebellion against; revolt; raise the standard of revoltвдигам масите/народа rouse stir up the masses/the people to revoltвдигам вой kick up a row- вдигам врява/шум make a noise/a fuss (за about); kick up a racket/din/sl. createпрен. (правя поразии) разг. break china; riotвдигам глава (разбунтувам се) turn restive, run riot(давам си важност) hold o.'s head high; mount on o.'s high horse. give o.s. airsвдигам гюрултия/скандал/пара make the dust/the feathers fly; kick up/raise a shindy/a row/a-dustвдигам къщата на главата си turn the house topsy-turvyвдигам на крак mobilize; raise, musterвдигам на оръжие call to armsне вдигам глава/очи от нещо never take o.'s eyes off s.th./off o.'s work/off o.'s book; be entirely absorbed in o.'s workвдигам рамене shrug o.'s shouldersвдигам ръка на raise o.'s hand againstвдигам ръце прен. (признавам се за победен) throw in o.'s hand; take it lying downвдигам ръце от нещо give s.th. upвдигам сватба begin/hold wedding festivitiesвдигам температура run a temperatureвдигам си чуковете/парцалите clear out (of a place), pack up bag and baggage, decampвдигам ученик examine a pupil, call on a pupilкакво толкова я вдигат и слагат? разг. why do they/why should they play up to her so much? why do they make so much of her?7. вдигам се, вдигна се - rise(за връх-извисявам се) tower; soar(за птица) soar(за мъгла) lift(за води на река) rise(за прилив) riss, flow(за тесто, температура) rise(за завеса) rise, go up8. (ставам, изправям се) rise, get up, stand up; gather o.s. up(от болест) recover, get well(от сън) rise, get upкниж. arise9. (заминавам) leaveвдигнах се, та при I up and went to10. (разбунтувам се) rise, revolt11. (пристъпвам към действие) get together; join in; join (to a man)цялото село се вдигна и участвува в акцията the whole village Joined in the campaign* * *вдѝгам,гл.1. lift, raise; \вдигам глава lift (up) o.’s head, look up; ( знаме) raise, hoist, run up; ( вежди) arch (o.’s eyebrows); ( очи, гласа си) raise, elevate; ( котва) raise, weigh; fish; (за кран) lift, take; (с крик) jack (up); ( керемиди, плочи от покрив) rip off; ( дивеч) jump; ( очи, ръце) lift, raise; \вдигам прах raise (the) dust, kick up the dust/a cloud of dust; \вдигам ръце от учудване throw up o.’s hands in surprise/astonishment; \вдигам чаша raise o.’s glass ( за някого to s.o.), drink s.o.’s health; \вдигам яката си turn up o.’s collar;2. ( премествам) move; (от земята) pick up; ( забрана, карантина) lift; ( заседание) close; ( лагер) strike/break up; ( обсада) raise;3. ( разтребвам) put away; \вдигам масата clear the table;4. ( изправям) make (s.o.) get/stand up, set (s.o.) on his feet; ( събуждам) (a)wake, awaken, rouse s.o. from his sleep; \вдигам болен ( излекувам) raise up a patient, set a patient on his feet; ( изграждам стена) raise; ( къща) build;6. ( подбуждам към борба) rouse, raise; \вдигам бунт/въстание срещу rise in revolt/rebellion against; revolt; excite a rebellion against, raise the standard of revolt; \вдигам масите/народа rouse/stir up the masses/the people to revolt; • \вдигам вой kick up a row; \вдигам врява/шум make a noise/a fuss (за about); kick up a racket/din/sl. create; прен. ( правя поразии) разг. break china; riot; \вдигам глава ( разбунтувам се) turn o.’s head high; mount on o.’s high horse, give o.s. airs; \вдигам гюрултия/скандал/пара make the dust/the feathers fly; kick up/raise a shindy/a row/adust; \вдигам къщата на главата си turn the house topsy-turvy; \вдигам на крак mobilize; raise, muster; \вдигам на оръжие call to arms; \вдигам рамене shrug o.’s shoulders; \вдигам ръка на raise o.’s hand against; \вдигам ръце прен. ( признавам се за победен) throw in o.’s hand; take it lying down; \вдигам ръце от нещо give s.th. up; \вдигам сватба begin/hold wedding festivities; \вдигам 100 км в час (за кола) hit 100 km; \вдигам си чуковете/парцалите clear out (of a place), pack up bag and baggage, decamp; \вдигам температура run a temperature; \вдигам ученик examine a pupil, call on a pupil; не \вдигам глава/очи от нещо never take o.’s eyes off s.th./off o.’s book; be entirely absorbed in o.’s work.* * *crane (с кран); elevate; hoist{hOist}; lift: вдигам this book from the floor. - Вдигни тази книга от земята.; raise; rear; take up; un-anchor (котва); uncurtain (завеса); unmoor (котва); upheave (с мъка); uplift* * *1. (om сън) rise, get up 2. (вежди) arch (o.'s eyebrows) 3. (давам си важност) hold o.'s head high;mount on o.'s high horse. give o.s. airs 4. (дивеч) jump 5. (за води на река) rise 6. (за връх-извисявам се) tower;soar 7. (за завеса) rise, go up 8. (за кран) lift, take 9. (за мъгла) lift 10. (за прилив) riss, flow 11. (за птица) soar 12. (за тесто, температура) rise 13. (забрана, карантина) lift 14. (заседание) close 15. (знаме) raise, hoist, run up 16. (изграждам- стена) raise 17. (изправям) make (s.o.) get/ stand up, set (s.o.) on his feet 18. (керемиди, плочи от покрив) rip off 19. (котва) raise, weigh: fish 20. (къща) build 21. (лагер) strike/break up 22. (обсада) raise- 23. (от болест) recover, get well 24. (от земята) pick up 25. (очи, гласа си) raise, elevate 26. (очи, ръце) lift, raise 27. (подбуждам към борба) rouse, raise 28. (покачвам цена) raise 29. (премествам) move 30. (разтребвам) put away 31. (с крик) jack (up) 32. (ставам, изправям се) rise, get up, stand up;gather o.s. up 33. (събуждам) (a)wake, awaken, rouse s.o. from his sleep 34. 1 (заминавам) leave 35. 1 (пристъпвам към действие} get together;join in;join (to a man) 36. 1 (разбунтувам се) rise, revolt 37. 7 км в час (за кола) hit 38. 8 km 39. lift, raise 40. npeн. (правя поразии) разг. break china;riot 41. rise 42. ВДИГАМ 43. ВДИГАМ болен (излекувам) raise up a patient, set a patient on his feet 44. ВДИГАМ бунт/въстание срещу rise in revolt/rebellion against: revolt;raise the standard of revolt 45. ВДИГАМ вой kick up a row- ВДИГАМ врява/шум make a noise/a fuss (за about);kick up a racket/ din/ sl. create 46. ВДИГАМ глава (разбунтувам сe) turn restive, run riot 47. ВДИГАМ глава lift (up) o.'s head, look up 48. ВДИГАМ гюрултия/скандал/пара make the dust/the feathers fly;kick up/raise a shindy/a row/a-dust 49. ВДИГАМ къщата на главата си turn the house topsy-turvy 50. ВДИГАМ масата clear the table 51. ВДИГАМ масите/народа rouse stir up the masses/the people to revolt 52. ВДИГАМ на крак mobilize;raise, muster 53. ВДИГАМ на оръжие call to arms 54. ВДИГАМ прах raise (the) dust, kick up the dust/a cloud of dust 55. ВДИГАМ рамене shrug o.'s shoulders 56. ВДИГАМ ръка на raise o.'s hand against 57. ВДИГАМ ръце от нещо give s.th. up 58. ВДИГАМ ръце от учудване throw up o.'s hands in surprise/astonishment 59. ВДИГАМ ръце прен. (признавам се за победен) throw in o.'s hand;take it lying down 60. ВДИГАМ сватба begin/hold wedding festivities 61. ВДИГАМ си чуковете/парцалите clear out (of a place), pack up bag and baggage, decamp 62. ВДИГАМ температура run a temperature 63. ВДИГАМ ученик examine a pupil, call on a pupil 64. ВДИГАМ чаша raise o.'s glass (за някого to s.o.), drink s.o.'s health 65. ВДИГАМ яката си turn up o.'s collar 66. вдигнах се, та при I up and went to: 67. какво толкова я вдигат и слагат? разг. why do they/why should they play up to her so much?why do they make so much of her? 68. книж. arise 69. не ВДИГАМ глава/очи от нещо never take o.'s eyes off s.th./off o.'s work/off o.'s book;be entirely absorbed in o.'s work 70. се, вдигна се 71. цялото село се вдигна и участвува в акцията the whole village Joined in the campaign -
124 get
get [get]recevoir ⇒ 1A (a), 1A (d), 1A (g), 1A (i), 1B (b) avoir ⇒ 1A (a), 1A (b) toucher ⇒ 1A (a), 1A (b), 1B (b) trouver ⇒ 1A (b), 1A (h) obtenir ⇒ 1A (b), 1A (h) tenir ⇒ 1A (c) offrir ⇒ 1A (e) acheter ⇒ 1A (f) prendre ⇒ 1A (f), 1A (k), 1A (l) gagner ⇒ 1A (i) chercher ⇒ 1A (j) attraper ⇒ 1A (k), 1A (l), 1B (a) réserver ⇒ 1A (m) répondre ⇒ 1A (n) faire faire ⇒ 1C (b)-(d) préparer ⇒ 1D (a) entendre ⇒ 1D (b) comprendre ⇒ 1D (d) atteindre ⇒ 1E (a) devenir ⇒ 2A (a) se faire ⇒ 2A (b) commencer à ⇒ 2A (c), 2B (c) aller ⇒ 2B (a) réussir à ⇒ 2B (e)( British pt & pp got [gɒt], cont getting [getɪŋ], American pt got [gɒt], pp gotten [gɒtən], cont getting [getɪŋ])A.(a) (receive → gift, letter, phone call) recevoir, avoir; (→ benefits, pension) recevoir, toucher; (→ medical treatment) suivre;∎ I got a bike for my birthday on m'a donné ou j'ai eu ou j'ai reçu un vélo pour mon anniversaire;∎ I get 'The Times' at home je reçois le 'Times' à la maison;∎ this part of the country doesn't get much rain cette région ne reçoit pas beaucoup de pluie, il ne pleut pas beaucoup dans cette région;∎ the living room gets a lot of sun le salon est très ensoleillé;∎ I rang but I got no answer (at door) j'ai sonné mais je n'ai pas obtenu ou eu de réponse; (on phone) j'ai appelé sans obtenir de réponse;∎ many students get grants beaucoup d'étudiants ont une bourse;∎ he got five years for smuggling il a écopé de ou il a pris cinq ans (de prison) pour contrebande;∎ he got a bullet in his shoulder il a reçu une balle dans l'épaule;∎ familiar you're really going to get it! qu'est-ce que tu vas prendre ou écoper!;∎ familiar I'll see that you get yours! je vais te régler ton compte!(b) (obtain → gen) avoir, trouver, obtenir; (→ through effort) se procurer, obtenir; (→ licence, loan, permission) obtenir; (→ diploma, grades) avoir, obtenir;∎ where did you get that book? où avez-vous trouvé ce livre?;∎ they got him a job ils lui ont trouvé du travail;∎ I got the job! ils m'ont embauché!;∎ can you get them the report? pouvez-vous leur procurer le rapport?;∎ I got the idea from a book j'ai trouvé l'idée dans un livre;∎ I got a glimpse of her face j'ai pu apercevoir son visage;∎ you get a fine view from here il y a une vue magnifique d'ici;∎ I've got six more to get (in collection) il m'en manque six;∎ the town gets its water from the reservoir la ville reçoit son eau du réservoir;∎ we get our wine directly from the vineyard en vin ou pour le vin, nous nous fournissons directement chez le producteur;∎ they stopped in town to get some lunch (had lunch there) ils se sont arrêtés en ville pour déjeuner; (bought something to eat) ils se sont arrêtés en ville pour acheter de quoi déjeuner;∎ I'm going out to get a breath of fresh air je sors prendre l'air;∎ I'm going to get something to drink/eat (fetch) je vais chercher quelque chose à boire/manger; (consume) je vais boire/manger quelque chose;∎ can I get a coffee? je pourrais avoir un café, s'il vous plaît?;∎ get yourself a good lawyer trouvez-vous un bon avocat;∎ get advice from your doctor demandez conseil à votre médecin;∎ I need all the advice I can get j'ai besoin de tous les conseils qu'on peut me donner;∎ to get (oneself) a wife/husband se trouver une femme/un mari;∎ to get sb to oneself avoir qn pour soi tout seul;∎ to get a divorce obtenir le divorce;∎ get plenty of exercise faites beaucoup d'exercice;∎ get plenty of sleep dormez beaucoup;∎ try and get a few days off work essayez de prendre quelques jours de congé;∎ I'll do it if I get the time/a moment je le ferai si j'ai le temps/si je trouve un moment;∎ I got a lot from or out of my trip to China mon voyage en Chine m'a beaucoup apporté;∎ she got very little from her lessons elle a très peu appris de ses leçons;∎ he didn't get a chance to introduce himself il n'a pas eu l'occasion de se présenter(c) (inherit → characteristic) tenir;∎ she gets her shyness from her father elle tient sa timidité de son père(d) (obtain in exchange) recevoir;∎ they got a lot of money for their flat la vente de leur appartement leur a rapporté beaucoup d'argent;∎ they got a good price for the painting le tableau s'est vendu à un bon prix;∎ what did you get for your car? combien est-ce que tu as vendu ta voiture?;∎ he got nothing for his trouble il s'est donné de la peine pour rien;∎ you don't get something for nothing on n'a rien pour rien(e) (offer as gift) offrir, donner;∎ what did she get him for Christmas? qu'est-ce qu'elle lui a offert ou donné pour Noël?;∎ I don't know what to get Jill for her birthday je ne sais pas quoi acheter à Jill pour son anniversaire∎ get your father a magazine when you go out achète une revue à ton père quand tu sortiras;∎ get the paper too prends ou achète le journal aussi;∎ we got the house cheap on a eu la maison (à) bon marché(g) (learn → information, news) recevoir, apprendre;∎ we turned on the radio to get the news nous avons allumé la radio pour écouter les informations;∎ she just got news or word of the accident elle vient juste d'apprendre la nouvelle de l'accident;∎ he broke down when he got the news en apprenant la nouvelle il a fondu en larmes∎ multiply 5 by 2 and you get 10 multipliez 5 par 2 et vous obtenez 10∎ plumbers get £20 an hour un plombier gagne ou touche 20 livres de l'heure;∎ he got a good name or a reputation as an architect il s'est fait une réputation dans le milieu de l'architecture;∎ someone's trying to get your attention (calling) quelqu'un vous appelle; (waving) quelqu'un vous fait signe(j) (bring, fetch) (aller) chercher;∎ he went and got a book from the library il est allé chercher un livre à la bibliothèque;∎ go and get a doctor allez chercher un médecin;∎ get me my coat va me chercher ou apporte-moi mon manteau;∎ we had to get a doctor nous avons dû faire venir un médecin;∎ he went to get a taxi il est parti chercher un taxi;∎ what can I get you to drink? qu'est-ce que je vous sers à boire?;∎ can I get you anything? (to somebody ill etc) est-ce que vous avez besoin de quelque chose?;∎ they sent him to get help ils l'ont envoyé chercher de l'aide∎ did you get your train? est-ce que tu as eu ton train?∎ the Mounties always get their man la police montée attrape toujours son homme (au Canada);∎ he got me by the arm il m'a attrapé par le bras;∎ the dog got him by the leg le chien l'a attrapé à la jambe;∎ (I've) got you! je te tiens!(m) (book, reserve) réserver, retenir;∎ we're trying to get a flight to Budapest nous essayons de réserver un vol pour Budapest(n) (answer → door, telephone) répondre;∎ the doorbell's ringing - I'll get it! quelqu'un sonne à la porte - j'y vais!;∎ will you get the phone? peux-tu répondre au téléphone?B.(a) (become ill with) attraper;∎ he got a chill il a pris ou attrapé froid;∎ I get a headache when I drink red wine le vin rouge me donne mal à la tête;∎ familiar to get it bad for sb avoir qn dans la peau∎ I got the feeling something horrible would happen j'ai eu l'impression ou le pressentiment que quelque chose d'horrible allait arriver;∎ I get the impression he doesn't like me j'ai l'impression que je ne lui plais pas;∎ to get a thrill out of sth/doing sth prendre plaisir à qch/faire qch;∎ familiar to get religion devenir croyant□∎ you get some odd people on these tours il y a de drôles de gens dans ces voyages organisés;∎ you get a lot of people marrying young here il y a beaucoup de gens qui se marient jeunes par ici;∎ we don't get many accidents here nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'accidents par iciC.(a) (with adj or past participle) (cause to be) she managed to get the window closed/open elle a réussi à fermer/ouvrir la fenêtre;∎ I got the car started j'ai démarré la voiture;∎ don't get your feet wet! ne te mouille pas les pieds!;∎ get the suitcases ready préparez les bagages;∎ the children are getting themselves ready for school les enfants se préparent pour (aller à) l'école;∎ I finally got her on her own or alone j'ai fini par réussir à la voir en tête à tête;∎ we managed to get him in a good mood nous avons réussi à le mettre de bonne humeur;∎ they've got me so I don't know whether I'm coming or going c'en est à un tel point que je ne sais plus où j'en suis;∎ to get people interested (in sth) intéresser les gens (à qch);∎ let me get this clear que ce soit bien clair;∎ to get things under control prendre les choses en main;∎ he likes his bath as hot as he can get it il aime que son bain soit aussi chaud que possible;∎ the flat is as clean as I'm going to get it j'ai nettoyé l'appartement le mieux que j'ai pu;∎ he got himself nominated president il s'est fait nommer président;∎ don't get yourself all worked up ne t'en fais pas(b) (with infinitive) (cause to do or carry out) we couldn't get her to leave on n'a pas pu la faire partir;∎ get him to move the car demande-lui de déplacer la voiture;∎ I got it to work, I got it working j'ai réussi à le faire marcher;∎ we have to get the government to tighten up on pollution control il faut que l'on obtienne du gouvernement qu'il renforce les lois contre la pollution;∎ he got the other members to agree il a réussi à obtenir l'accord des autres membres;∎ I can always get someone else to do it je peux toujours le faire faire par quelqu'un d'autre;∎ I got her to talk about life in China je lui ai demandé de parler de la vie en Chine;∎ they can't get the landlord to fix the roof ils n'arrivent pas à obtenir du propriétaire qu'il fasse réparer le toit;∎ how do you get jasmine to grow indoors? comment peut-on faire pousser du jasmin à l'intérieur?(c) (with past participle) (cause to be done or carried out) to get sth done/repaired faire faire/réparer qch;∎ to get one's hair cut se faire couper les cheveux;∎ I didn't get anything done today je n'ai rien fait aujourd'hui;∎ it's impossible to get anything done around here (by oneself) il est impossible de faire quoi que ce soit ici; (by someone else) il est impossible d'obtenir quoi que ce soit ici(d) (cause to come, go, move)∎ how are you going to get this package to them? comment allez-vous leur faire parvenir ce paquet?;∎ they eventually got all the boxes downstairs/upstairs ils ont fini par descendre/monter toutes leurs boîtes;∎ I managed to get the old man downstairs/upstairs j'ai réussi à faire descendre/monter le vieil homme;∎ I managed to get him away from the others j'ai réussi à l'éloigner des autres;∎ get him away from me débarrassez-moi de lui;∎ can you get me home? pouvez-vous me raccompagner?;∎ they got her to the airport on time ils l'ont amenée à l'aéroport à l'heure;∎ his friends managed to get him home ses amis ont réussi à le ramener (à la maison);∎ how are we going to get the bike home? comment est-ce qu'on va ramener le vélo à la maison?;∎ I got a message to them je leur ai fait parvenir un message;∎ he can't get the children to bed il n'arrive pas à mettre les enfants au lit;∎ I can't get my boots off/on je n'arrive pas à enlever/mettre mes bottes;∎ we couldn't get the bed through the door nous n'avons pas pu faire passer le lit par la porte;∎ figurative where has all this got us? où est-ce que tout ça nous a menés?;∎ this is getting us nowhere ça ne nous mène nulle part, ça ne nous mène à rien;∎ that won't get you very far! ça ne te servira pas à grand-chose!, tu ne seras pas beaucoup plus avancé!D.(a) (prepare → meal, drink) préparer;∎ he's in the kitchen getting dinner il est à la cuisine en train de préparer le dîner;∎ who's going to get the children breakfast? qui va préparer le petit déjeuner pour les enfants?;∎ she got herself some breakfast elle s'est préparé un petit déjeuner(b) (hear correctly) entendre, saisir;∎ I didn't get his name je n'ai pas saisi son nom∎ I got her father on the phone j'ai parlé à son père ou j'ai eu son père au téléphone;∎ I couldn't get her at the office je n'ai pas pu l'avoir au bureau;∎ did you get the number you wanted? avez-vous obtenu le numéro que vous vouliez?;∎ get me extension 3500 passez-moi ou donnez-moi le poste 3500∎ I don't get it, I don't get the point je ne comprends ou ne saisis pas, je n'y suis pas du tout;∎ I don't get you or your meaning je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire;∎ if you get my meaning si tu vois ce que je veux dire□ ;∎ don't get me wrong comprenez-moi bien;∎ I think he's got the message now je crois qu'il a compris maintenant;∎ I don't get the joke je ne vois pas ce qui est (si) drôle□ ;∎ get it?, get me?, get my drift? tu saisis?, tu piges?;∎ (I've) got it! ça y est!□, j'y suis!□ ;∎ oh, I get you! ah! j'ai pigé!(e) (take note of) remarquer;∎ did you get his address? lui avez-vous demandé son adresse?∎ get him! who does he think he is? vise un peu ce mec, mais pour qui il se prend?;∎ get (a load of) that! vise un peu ça!∎ get a load of this! écoute un peu ça!;∎ get him! écoute-le, celui-là!;E.∎ she got him in the face with a pie elle lui a jeté une tarte à la crème à la figure;∎ the bullet got him in the back il a pris la balle ou la balle l'a atteint dans le dos;∎ a car got him il a été tué par une voiture∎ everyone's out to get me tout le monde est après moi∎ we'll get you for this! on te revaudra ça!;∎ I'll get him for that! je lui revaudrai ça!∎ the pain gets me in the back j'ai des douleurs dans le dos□∎ that song really gets me cette chanson me fait vraiment quelque chose∎ you've got me there alors là, aucune idée∎ it really gets me when you're late qu'est-ce que ça peut m'énerver quand tu es en retard!∎ to get sth by heart apprendre qch par cœur∎ to get sb with child faire un enfant à qn∎ he got his in Vietnam il est mort au Viêt Nam□A.∎ I'm getting hungry/thirsty je commence à avoir faim/soif;∎ get dressed! habille-toi!;∎ to get fat grossir;∎ to get married se marier;∎ to get divorced divorcer;∎ don't get lost! ne vous perdez pas!;∎ how did that vase get broken? comment se fait-il que ce vase soit cassé?;∎ he got so he didn't want to go out any more il en est arrivé à ne plus vouloir sortir;∎ to get old vieillir;∎ it's getting late il se fait tard;∎ this is getting boring ça devient ennuyeux;∎ to get used to sth/doing sth s'habituer à qch/à faire qch;∎ familiar will you get with it! mais réveille-toi un peu!∎ to get elected se faire élire, être élu;∎ suppose he gets killed et s'il se fait tuer?;∎ to get drowned se noyer;∎ we got paid last week on a été payés la semaine dernière;∎ I'm always getting invited to parties on m'invite toujours à des soirées∎ let's get going or moving! (let's leave) allons-y!; (let's hurry) dépêchons(-nous)!, grouillons-nous!; (let's start to work) au travail!;∎ I'll get going on that right away je m'y mets tout de suite;∎ I can't seem to get going today je n'arrive pas à m'activer aujourd'hui;∎ she got talking to the neighbours elle s'est mise à discuter avec les voisins;∎ we got talking about racism nous en sommes venus à parler de racisme;∎ he got to thinking about it il s'est mis à réfléchir à la questionB.∎ when did you get home? quand es-tu rentré?;∎ it's nice to get home ça fait du bien de rentrer chez soi;∎ how do you get to the museum? comment est-ce qu'on fait pour aller au musée?;∎ how did you get in here? comment êtes-vous entré?;∎ they should get here today ils devraient arriver ici aujourd'hui;∎ how did you get here? comment es-tu venu?;∎ how did that bicycle get here? comment se fait-il que ce vélo se trouve ici?;∎ I took the train from Madrid to get there j'ai pris le train de Madrid pour y aller;∎ she's successful now but it took her a while to get there elle a une bonne situation maintenant, mais ça ne s'est pas fait du jour au lendemain;∎ he got as far as buying the tickets il est allé jusqu'à acheter les billets;∎ I'd hoped things wouldn't get this far j'avais espéré qu'on n'en arriverait pas là;∎ are you getting anywhere with that report? il avance, ce rapport?;∎ now you're getting somewhere! enfin tu avances!;∎ I'm not getting anywhere or I'm getting nowhere with this project je fais du surplace avec ce projet;∎ we're not getting anywhere with this meeting cette réunion est une perte de temps;∎ she won't get anywhere or she'll get nowhere if she's rude to people elle n'arrivera à rien en étant grossière avec les gens;∎ where's your sister got to? où est passée ta sœur?;∎ where did my keys get to? où sont passées mes clés?∎ he got along the ledge as best he could il a avancé le long du rebord du mieux qu'il pouvait;∎ she got behind a tree elle s'est mise derrière un arbre;∎ to get into bed se coucher;∎ get in or into the car! monte dans la voiture!;∎ get over here! viens ici!;∎ we couldn't get past the truck nous ne pouvions pas passer le camion∎ each city is getting to look like another toutes les grandes villes commencent à se ressembler;∎ to get to know sb apprendre à connaître qn;∎ we got to like her husband nous nous sommes mis à apprécier ou à aimer son mari;∎ you'll get to like it in the end ça finira par te plaire;∎ his father got to hear of the rumours son père a fini par entendre les rumeurs;∎ he's getting to be known il commence à être connu, il se fait connaître;∎ they got to talking about the past ils en sont venus ou ils se sont mis à parler du passé∎ it's getting to be impossible to find a flat ça devient impossible de trouver un appartement;∎ she may get to be president one day elle pourrait devenir ou être président un jour;∎ they got to be friends ils sont devenus amis∎ we never got to see that film nous n'avons jamais réussi à ou nous ne sommes jamais arrivés à voir ce film;∎ I didn't get to speak to him in person je n'ai pas pu lui parler en personne∎ he never gets to stay up late on ne le laisse jamais se coucher tard□ ;∎ I never get to drive on ne me laisse jamais conduire□∎ get! fous le camp!, tire-toi!3 nounfamiliar (in tennis) beau retour□ m(a) (be up and about, move around) se déplacer;∎ how do you get about town? comment vous déplacez-vous en ville?;∎ she gets about on crutches/in a wheelchair elle se déplace avec des béquilles/en chaise roulante;∎ I don't get about much these days je ne me déplace pas beaucoup ces temps-ci∎ I get about quite a bit in my job je suis assez souvent en déplacement pour mon travail∎ she certainly gets about elle connaît beaucoup de monde(d) (story, rumour) se répandre, circuler;∎ the news or it got about that they were splitting up la nouvelle de leur séparation s'est répandue(a) (succeed in crossing) traverser, passer;∎ the river was flooded but we managed to get across la rivière était en crue mais nous avons réussi à traverser∎ our message is not getting across notre message ne passe pas(a) (over water, street → person) faire traverser;∎ we couldn't get the supplies across (across the river) nous ne pouvions pas faire passer les vivres de l'autre côté;∎ it was easy to get the people across (across the border) il était facile de faire passer les gens(b) (communicate) communiquer;∎ I can't seem to get the idea across to them je n'arrive pas à leur faire comprendre ça;∎ he managed to get his point across il a réussi à faire passer son messagepoursuivre(succeed) réussir, arriver;∎ to get ahead in life or in the world réussir dans la vie;∎ if you want to get ahead at the office, you have to work si tu veux de l'avancement au bureau, il faut que tu travailles(a) (fare, manage) aller;∎ how are you getting along? comment vas-tu?, comment ça va?;∎ she's getting along well in her new job elle se débrouille bien dans son nouveau travail;∎ we can get along without him nous pouvons nous passer de lui ou nous débrouiller sans lui(b) (advance, progress) avancer, progresser;∎ the patient is getting along nicely le patient est en bonne voie ou fait des progrès(c) (be on good terms) s'entendre;∎ we get along fine nous nous entendons très bien, nous faisons bon ménage;∎ she doesn't get along with my mother elle ne s'entend pas avec ma mère;∎ she's easy to get along with elle est facile à vivre∎ it's time for me to be getting along, it's time I was getting along il est temps que je parte;∎ I must be getting along to the office il faut que j'aille au bureau;∎ British get along with you! (leave) va-t'en!, fiche le camp!; familiar (I don't believe you) à d'autres!(obstacle, problem) contourner; (law, rule) tourner;∎ there's no getting around it, we'll have to tell her il n'y a pas d'autre moyen, il va falloir que nous le lui disions;∎ there's no getting around the fact that he lied to us il reste qu'il nous a menti∎ she won't get around to reading it before tomorrow elle n'arrivera pas à (trouver le temps de) le lire avant demain;∎ he finally got around to fixing the radiator il a fini par ou il est finalement arrivé à réparer le radiateur;∎ it was some time before I got around to writing to her j'ai mis pas mal de temps avant de lui écrire∎ I've put the pills where the children can't get at them j'ai mis les pilules là où les enfants ne peuvent pas les prendre;∎ familiar just let me get at him! si jamais il me tombe sous la main!(b) (discover) trouver;∎ to get at the truth découvrir la vérité(c) (mean, intend) entendre;∎ I see what you're getting at je vois où vous voulez en venir;∎ just what are you getting at? qu'est-ce que vous entendez par là?, où voulez-vous en venir?;∎ what I'm getting at is why did she leave now? ce que je veux dire, c'est pourquoi est-elle partie maintenant?∎ you're always getting at me tu t'en prends toujours à moi∎ the witnesses had been got at les témoins avaient été achetés➲ get away∎ she has to get away from home/her parents il faut qu'elle parte de chez elle/s'éloigne de ses parents;∎ I was in a meeting and couldn't get away j'étais en réunion et je ne pouvais pas m'échapper ou m'en aller;∎ will you be able to get away at Christmas? allez-vous pouvoir partir (en vacances) à Noël?;∎ to get away from the daily grind échapper au train-train quotidien;∎ get away from it all, come to Florida! quittez tout, venez en Floride!;∎ she's gone off for a couple of weeks to get away from it all elle est partie quelques semaines loin de tout(b) (move away) s'éloigner;∎ get away from that door! éloignez-vous ou écartez-vous de cette porte!;∎ get away from me! fichez-moi le camp!∎ the murderer got away l'assassin s'est échappé;∎ the thief got away with all the jewels le voleur est parti ou s'est sauvé avec tous les bijoux;∎ there's no getting away from or you can't get away from the fact that the other solution would have been cheaper on ne peut pas nier (le fait) que l'autre solution aurait coûté moins cher;∎ you can't get away from it, there's no getting away from it c'est comme ça, on n'y peut rien∎ get away (with you)! à d'autres!(remove → person) emmener;∎ get that child away from the road! éloignez cet enfant de la route!;∎ get me away from here! fais-moi sortir d'ici!;∎ get your dog away from my garden! faites sortir votre chien de mon jardin!;∎ they managed to get him away from the TV ils ont fini par l'arracher de devant la télévision;∎ to get sth away from sb prendre qch à qn∎ he got away with cheating on his taxes personne ne s'est aperçu qu'il avait fraudé le fisc;∎ I can't believe you got away with it! je n'arrive pas à croire que personne ne t'ait rien dit!;∎ he got away with a small fine il s'en est tiré avec une petite amende;∎ that child gets away with murder on laisse tout faire à ce gamin;∎ her skirt is really tiny but she gets away with it sa jupe est vraiment très courte mais elle peut se le permettre➲ get back(a) (move backwards) reculer;∎ get back! éloignez-vous!, reculez!∎ I can't wait to get back home je suis impatient de rentrer (à la maison);∎ get back in bed! va te recoucher!, retourne au lit!;∎ I got back in the car/on the bus je suis remonté dans la voiture/dans le bus;∎ to get back to sleep se rendormir;∎ to get back to work (after break) se remettre au travail; (after holiday, illness) reprendre le travail;∎ things eventually got back to normal les choses ont peu à peu repris leur cours (normal);∎ getting or to get back to the point pour en revenir au sujet qui nous préoccupe;∎ let's get back to your basic reasons for leaving revenons aux raisons pour lesquelles vous voulez partir;∎ I'll get back to you on that (call back) je vous rappelle pour vous dire ce qu'il en est; (discuss again) nous reparlerons de cela plus tard(c) (return to political power) revenir;∎ do you think the Democrats will get back in? croyez-vous que le parti démocrate reviendra au pouvoir?(a) (recover → something lost or lent) récupérer; (→ force, strength) reprendre, récupérer; (→ health, motivation) retrouver;∎ he got his job back il a été repris;∎ I got back nearly all the money I invested j'ai récupéré presque tout l'argent que j'avais investi;∎ you'll have to get your money back from the shop il faut que vous vous fassiez rembourser par le magasin∎ we have to get this book back to her il faut que nous lui rendions ce livre(c) (return to original place) remettre, replacer;∎ I can't get it back in the box je n'arrive pas à le remettre ou le faire rentrer dans le carton;∎ I want to get these suitcases back down to the cellar je veux redescendre ces valises à la cave;∎ he managed to get the children back to bed il a réussi à remettre les enfants au lit∎ to get one's own back (on sb) se venger (de qn)□se venger de;∎ he only said it to get back at him il n'a dit ça que pour se venger de lui(gen) rester à l'arrière, se laisser distancer; Sport se laisser distancer; figurative prendre du retard;∎ he got behind with his work il a pris du retard dans son travail;∎ we mustn't get behind with the rent il ne faut pas qu'on soit en retard pour le loyer(support, sympathize with) appuyer➲ get by∎ let me get by laissez-moi passer(b) (be acceptable) passer, être acceptable;∎ their work just about gets by leur travail est tout juste passable ou acceptable(c) (manage, survive) se débrouiller, s'en sortir;∎ how do you get by on that salary? comment tu te débrouilles ou tu t'en sors avec un salaire comme ça?;∎ they get by as best they can ils se débrouillent ou s'en sortent tant bien que mal;∎ we can get by without him nous pouvons nous passer de lui ou nous débrouiller sans lui∎ can you get by the washing machine? est-ce que vous avez assez de place pour passer à côté de la machine à laver?(b) (escape attention of → censor, editor) échapper à;∎ her film got by the censors son film a échappé à l'attention de la censure➲ get downdescendre;∎ get down off that chair! descends de cette chaise!;∎ may I get down (from the table)? (leave the table) puis-je sortir de table?;∎ they got down on their knees ils se sont mis à genoux;(a) (bring, fetch down → book from shelf etc) descendre(b) (reduce → temperature, inflation etc) faire baisser;∎ to get one's weight down perdre du poids(c) (write down) noter;∎ I didn't manage to get down what she said je n'ai pas réussi à noter ce qu'elle a dit∎ work is really getting me down at the moment le travail me déprime vraiment en ce moment;∎ this rainy weather gets him down cette pluie lui fiche le cafard;∎ don't let it get you down ne te laisse pas abattrese mettre à;∎ I have to get down to balancing the books il faut que je me mette à faire les comptes;∎ it's not so difficult once you get down to it ce n'est pas si difficile une fois qu'on s'y met;∎ he got down to working on it this morning il s'y est mis ou s'y est attelé ce matin;∎ it's hard getting down to work after the weekend c'est difficile de reprendre le travail après le week-end;∎ we eventually got down to details nous avons fini par en arriver aux détails;∎ when you get down to it, there's very little difference between them en fin de compte, il y a très peu de différence entre eux➲ get in(a) (into building) entrer;∎ the thief got in through the window le cambrioleur est entré par la fenêtre;∎ a car pulled up and she got in une voiture s'est arrêtée et elle est montée dedans;∎ water had got in everywhere l'eau avait pénétré partout(b) (return home) rentrer;∎ we got in about 4 a.m. nous sommes rentrés vers 4 heures du matin∎ what time does your plane get in? à quelle heure ton avion arrive-t-il?(d) (be admitted → to club) se faire admettre; (→ to school, university) entrer, être admis ou reçu;∎ he applied to Oxford but he didn't get in il voulait entrer à Oxford mais il n'a pas pu∎ she got in at the beginning elle est arrivée au début□(g) (interject) glisser;∎ "what about me?" she managed to get in "et moi?" réussit-elle à glisser∎ I hope to get in a bit of reading on holiday j'espère pouvoir lire ou que je trouverai le temps de lire pendant mes vacances;∎ she got in some last-minute revision before the exam elle a réussi à faire des révisions de dernière minute avant l'examen∎ I couldn't get a word in je n'ai pas pu placer un mot, je n'ai pas pu en placer une∎ I must get in some more coal je dois faire une provision de charbon;∎ to get in supplies s'approvisionner∎ shouldn't Elaine be in on this meeting? - of course, could you get her in? on n'a pas besoin d'Elaine pour cette réunion? - si, bien sûr, tu peux lui demander de venir?(f) (hand in, submit) rendre, remettre;∎ did you get your application in on time? as-tu remis ton dossier de candidature à temps?(g) (cause to be admitted → to club, university) faire admettre ou accepter; (cause to be elected) faire élire∎ he got the next round in il a payé la tournée suivante(building) entrer dans; (vehicle) monter dans;∎ he had just got in the door when the phone rang il venait juste d'arriver ou d'entrer quand le téléphone a sonné∎ to get in on a deal prendre part à un marché;∎ to get in on the fun se mettre de la partiefaire participer à;∎ he got me in on the deal il m'a intéressé à l'affaire➲ get into(b) (arrive in) arriver à;∎ we get into Madrid at 3 o'clock nous arrivons à Madrid à 3 heures;∎ the train got into the station le train est entré en gare(c) (put on → dress, shirt, shoes) mettre; (→ trousers, stockings) enfiler, mettre; (→ coat) endosser;∎ she got into her clothes elle a mis ses vêtements ou s'est habillée;∎ can you still get into your jeans? est-ce que tu rentres encore dans ton jean?(d) (be admitted to → club, school, university) entrer dans;∎ he'd like to get into the club il voudrait devenir membre du club;∎ her daughter got into medical school sa fille a été admise dans ou est entrée dans une école de médecine;∎ to get into office être élu∎ he wants to get into politics il veut se lancer dans la politique;∎ they got into a conversation about South Africa ils se sont mis à parler de l'Afrique du Sud;∎ we got into a fight over who had to do the dishes nous nous sommes disputés pour savoir qui devait faire la vaisselle;∎ this is not the moment to get into that ce n'est pas le moment de parler de ça∎ he got into Eastern religions il a commencé à s'intéresser aux religions orientales;∎ it's a hard book to get into c'est un livre dans lequel il est difficile de rentrer □∎ he soon got into her way of doing things il s'est vite fait ou s'est vite mis à sa façon de faire les choses∎ to get into debt s'endetter;∎ he got into a real mess il s'est mis dans un vrai pétrin;∎ the children were always getting into mischief les enfants passaient leur temps à faire des bêtises;∎ I got into a real state about the test j'étais dans tous mes états à cause du test;∎ she got into trouble with the teacher elle a eu des ennuis avec le professeur(i) (cause to act strangely) prendre;∎ what's got into you? qu'est-ce qui te prend?, quelle mouche te pique?;∎ I wonder what got into him to make him act like that je me demande ce qui l'a poussé à réagir comme ça∎ to get sth into sth (faire) (r)entrer qch dans qch;∎ to get the key into the lock mettre ou introduire la clef dans la serrure;∎ to get an article into a paper faire accepter un article par un journal;∎ to get an idea into one's head se mettre une idée en tête;∎ familiar when will you get it into your thick head that I don't want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?□∎ he got his friend into the club il a permis à son ami de devenir membre du club;∎ the president got his son into Harvard le président a fait entrer ou accepter ou admettre son fils à Harvard∎ she got herself into a terrible state elle s'est mis dans tous ses états;∎ he got them into a lot of trouble il leur a attiré de gros ennuis(d) (involve in) impliquer dans, entraîner dans;∎ you're the one who got us into this c'est toi qui nous as embarqués dans cette histoire(e) familiar (make interested in) faire découvrir□ ; (accustom to) habituer à□, faire prendre l'habitude de□ ;∎ he got me into jazz il m'a initié au jazz□(a) (ingratiate oneself with) s'insinuer dans ou s'attirer les bonnes grâces de, se faire bien voir de;∎ they tried to get in with the new director ils ont essayé de se faire bien voir du nouveau directeur(b) (associate with → person, group etc) fréquenter;∎ he has got in with a new gang il n'est pas plus avec la même bande;∎ she got in with the wrong crowd at school elle avait de mauvaises fréquentations à l'école➲ get off(a) (leave bus, train etc) descendre;∎ get off at the next stop descendez au prochain arrêt;∎ familiar I told him where to get off! je l'ai envoyé sur les roses!, je l'ai envoyé promener!;∎ familiar where do you get off telling me what to do? qu'est-ce qui te prend de me dicter ce que je dois faire?(b) (depart → person) s'en aller, partir; (→ car) démarrer; (→ plane) décoller; (→ letter, parcel) partir;∎ I have to be getting off to work il faut que j'aille au travail;∎ figurative the project got off to a bad/good start le projet a pris un mauvais/bon départ∎ what time do you get off? à quelle heure finissez-vous?;∎ can you get off early tomorrow? peux-tu quitter le travail de bonne heure demain?(d) (escape punishment) s'en sortir, s'en tirer, en être quitte;∎ she didn't think she'd get off so lightly elle n'espérait pas s'en tirer à si bon compte;∎ the students got off with a fine/warning les étudiants en ont été quittes pour une amende/un avertissement(e) (let go of something) lâcher;∎ hey! get off! that's MY book! hé! laisse ça! c'est mon livre ou c'est à moi ce livre!(f) (go to sleep) s'endormir(a) (leave → bus, train, plane etc) descendre de(b) (descend from → bike, wall, chair etc) descendre de;∎ he got off his horse il est descendu de cheval;∎ if only the boss would get off my back si seulement le patron me fichait la paix(c) (depart from) partir de, décamper de;∎ get off my property fichez le camp de chez moi;∎ get off the grass! ne marche pas sur la pelouse!;∎ we got off the road to let the ambulance pass nous sommes sortis de la route pour laisser passer l'ambulance∎ get off me! laisse-moi tranquille!, lâche-moi!∎ she managed to get off work elle a réussi à se libérer;∎ how did you get off doing the housework? comment as-tu fait pour échapper au ménage?(a) (cause to leave, climb down) faire descendre;∎ get the cat off the table fais descendre le chat de (sur) la table;∎ the conductor got the passengers off the train le conducteur a fait descendre les passagers du train;∎ figurative try to get her mind off her troubles essaie de lui changer les idées∎ I want to get this letter off je veux expédier cette lettre ou mettre cette lettre à la poste;∎ she got the boys off to school elle a expédié ou envoyé les garçons à l'école;∎ we got him off on the morning train nous l'avons mis au train du matin∎ I can't get this ink off my hands je n'arrive pas à faire partir cette encre de mes mains;∎ get your hands off that cake! ne touche pas à ce gâteau!;∎ get your hands off me! ne me touche pas!;∎ get your feet off the table! enlève tes pieds de sur la table!;∎ figurative he'd like to get that house off his hands il aimerait bien se débarrasser de cette maison∎ he'll need a good lawyer to get him off il lui faudra un bon avocat pour se tirer d'affaire;∎ to get sb off doing sth dispenser qn de faire qch(e) (put to sleep) endormir;∎ I've just managed to get the baby off (to sleep) je viens de réussir à endormir le bébé∎ to get a day/week off prendre un jour/une semaine de congé;∎ can you get tomorrow afternoon/next week off? est-ce que tu peux prendre un congé demain après-midi/la semaine prochaine?∎ to get sth off sb obtenir qch de qn;∎ I got that story off the woman next door je tiens cette histoire de la voisine;∎ I got this cold off the woman next door la voisine m'a passé son rhume∎ he gets off on pornographic films il prend son pied en regardant des films pornos;∎ is that what you get off on? c'est comme ça que tu prends ton pied?;∎ figurative he gets off on teasing people il adore taquiner les gens□ ;∎ I really get off on hip-hop! j'adore le hip-hop!□∎ he gets off on heroin il se défonce à l'héroïne∎ to get off with sb faire une touche avec qn➲ get on(b) (fare, manage)∎ how's your husband getting on? comment va votre mari?;∎ how did he get on at the interview? comment s'est passé son entretien?, comment ça a marché pour son entretien?;∎ you'll get on far better if you think about it first tout ira mieux si tu réfléchis avant(c) (make progress) avancer, progresser;∎ Jennifer is getting on very well in maths Jennifer se débrouille très bien en maths;∎ how's your work getting on? ça avance, ton travail?∎ to get on in life or in the world faire son chemin ou réussir dans la vie;∎ some say that in order to get on, you often have to compromise il y a des gens qui disent que pour réussir (dans la vie), il faut souvent faire des compromis(e) (continue) continuer;∎ we must be getting on il faut que nous partions;∎ do you think we can get on with the meeting now? croyez-vous que nous puissions poursuivre notre réunion maintenant?;∎ get on with your work! allez! au travail!;∎ they got on with the job ils se sont remis au travail(f) (be on good terms) s'entendre;∎ my mother and I get on well je m'entends bien avec ma mère;∎ they don't get on ils ne s'entendent pas;∎ she's never got on with him elle ne s'est jamais entendue avec lui;∎ to be difficult/easy to get on with être difficile/facile à vivre(g) (grow late → time)∎ time's getting on il se fait tard;∎ it was getting on in the evening, the evening was getting on la soirée tirait à sa fin(h) (grow old → person) se faire vieux (vieille);∎ she's getting on (in years) elle commence à se faire vieille∎ get on with it! (continue speaking) continuez!; (continue working) allez! au travail!; (hurry up) mais dépêchez-vous enfin!;∎ familiar get on with you! (I don't believe you) à d'autres!(bus, train) monter dans; (plane) monter dans, monter à bord de; (ship) monter à bord de; (bed, horse, table, bike) monter sur;∎ he got on his bike il est monté sur ou il a enfourché son vélo;∎ get on your feet levez-vous, mettez-vous debout;∎ how did these papers get on my desk? comment est-ce que ces papiers se sont retrouvés ou sont arrivés sur mon bureau?;∎ figurative it took the patient a while to get (back) on his feet le patient a mis longtemps à se remettre∎ they got him on his feet ils l'ont mis debout;∎ figurative the doctor got her on her feet le médecin l'a remise sur pied∎ I can't get these trousers on any more je n'entre plus dans ce pantalon∎ to get it on (get started) s'y mettre□∎ the president is getting on for sixty le président approche de la soixantaine ou a presque soixante ans;∎ it's getting on for midnight il est presque minuit, il n'est pas loin de minuit;∎ it's getting on for three weeks since we saw her ça va faire bientôt trois semaines que nous ne l'avons pas vue;∎ there were getting on for ten thousand demonstrators il n'y avait pas loin ou il y avait près de dix mille manifestants➲ get onto∎ to get onto a subject or onto a topic aborder un sujet;∎ how did we get onto reincarnation? comment est-ce qu'on en est venus à parler de réincarnation?;∎ I'll get right onto it! je vais m'y mettre tout de suite!(c) (contact) prendre contact avec, se mettre en rapport avec; (speak to) parler à; (call) téléphoner à, donner un coup de fil à∎ the plan worked well until the police got onto it le plan marchait bien jusqu'à ce que la police tombe dessus(e) (nag, rebuke) harceler;∎ his father is always getting onto him to find a job son père est toujours à le harceler pour qu'il trouve du travail∎ he got onto the school board il a été élu au conseil d'administration de l'école(b) (cause to talk about) faire parler de, amener à parler de;∎ we got him onto (the subject of) his activities in the Resistance nous l'avons amené à parler de ses activités dans la Résistance➲ get out(a) (leave building, room etc) sortir; (leave vehicle) descendre; (leave organization, town) quitter;∎ he got out of the car il est sorti de la voiture;∎ to get out of bed se lever, sortir de son lit;∎ you'd better get out of here tu ferais bien de partir ou sortir;∎ get out! sortez!;∎ to get out while the going is good partir au bon moment∎ they don't get out much ils ne sortent pas beaucoup(c) (be released from prison, hospital) sortir(d) (information, news) se répandre, s'ébruiter;∎ the secret got out le secret a été éventé∎ the prisoner got out of his cell le prisonnier s'est échappé de sa cellule;∎ he was lucky to get out alive il a eu de la chance de s'en sortir vivant∎ theaters were getting out les gens sortaient des théâtres∎ to get a book out from the library emprunter un livre à la bibliothèque(c) (speak with difficulty) prononcer, sortir;∎ I could barely get a word out c'est à peine si je pouvais dire ou prononcer ou sortir un mot;∎ familiar to get out from under s'en sortir□, s'en tirer□(d) (free → hostages etc) libérer∎ let's get out of here partons d'ici;∎ he managed to get out of the country (criminal, refugee) il a réussi à quitter le pays;∎ to get out of bed se lever;∎ to get out of prison/the army sortir de prison/quitter l'armée;∎ to get out of sb's way s'écarter du chemin de qn, faire place à qn;∎ very familiar get the hell out of here! fiche(-moi) le camp!∎ how did you get out of doing the dishes? comment as-tu pu échapper à la vaisselle?;∎ he tried to get out of helping me il a essayé de se débrouiller pour ne pas devoir m'aider;∎ we have to go, there's no getting out of it il faut qu'on y aille, il n'y a rien à faire ou il n'y a pas moyen d'y échapper;∎ there's no getting out of it, you were the better candidate il faut le reconnaître ou il n'y a pas à dire, vous étiez le meilleur candidat∎ to get out of trouble se tirer d'affaire;∎ they managed to get out of the clutches of the mafia ils ont réussi à se tirer des griffes de la mafia;∎ how can I get out of this mess? comment puis-je me tirer de ce pétrin?∎ to get out of (the habit of) doing sth perdre l'habitude de faire qch(a) (take out of) sortir de;∎ get the baby out of the house every now and then sors le bébé de temps en temps;∎ she got a handkerchief out of her handbag elle a sorti un mouchoir de son sac à main;∎ how many books did you get out of the library? combien de livres as-tu emprunté à ou sorti de la bibliothèque?∎ the lawyer got his client out of jail l'avocat a fait sortir son client de prison;∎ figurative the phone call got her out of having to talk to me le coup de fil lui a évité d'avoir à me parler;∎ he'll never get himself out of this one! il ne s'en sortira jamais!;∎ my confession got him out of trouble ma confession l'a tiré d'affaire(c) (extract → cork) sortir de; (→ nail, splinter) enlever de; (→ stain) faire partir de, enlever de;∎ I can't get the cork out of the bottle je n'arrive pas à déboucher la bouteille;∎ the police got a confession/the truth out of him la police lui a arraché une confession/la vérité;∎ we got the money out of him nous avons réussi à obtenir l'argent de lui;∎ I can't get anything out of him je ne peux rien tirer de lui;∎ I can't get the idea out of my mind je ne peux pas chasser cette idée de mon esprit(d) (gain from) gagner, retirer;∎ to get a lot out of sth tirer (un) grand profit de qch;∎ I didn't get much out of that class ce cours ne m'a pas apporté grand-chose, je n'ai pas retiré grand-chose de ce cours;∎ the job was difficult but she got something out of it la tâche était difficile, mais elle y a trouvé son compte ou en a tiré profit➲ get over(b) (recover from → illness) se remettre de, guérir de; (→ accident) se remettre de; (→ loss) se remettre de, se consoler de;∎ I'll never get over her je ne l'oublierai jamais;∎ he can't get over her death il n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa mort ou disparition;∎ we couldn't get over our surprise nous n'arrivions pas à nous remettre de notre surprise;∎ I can't get over how much he's grown! qu'est-ce qu'il a grandi, je n'en reviens pas!;∎ I can't get over it! je n'en reviens pas!;∎ he couldn't get over the fact that she had come back il n'en revenait pas qu'elle soit revenue;∎ I can't get over your having refused je n'en reviens pas que vous ayez refusé;∎ he'll get over it! il n'en mourra pas!∎ they soon got over their shyness ils ont vite oublié ou surmonté leur timidité(a) (cause to cross) faire traverser(b) (communicate → idea, message) faire passer∎ to get over to France/America aller en France/Amérique;∎ we'll try to get over next weekend (to visit) nous essayerons de venir vous voir le week-end prochain(b) (idea, message) passer(finish with) en finir avec;∎ let's get it over with finissons-en;∎ I expect you'll be glad to get it over with j'imagine que vous serez soulagé quand ce sera terminé∎ (bring, take) I'll get the books round (to you) as soon as I can je t'apporterai les livres dès que je le pourrai(b) the doctor said she'd get round as soon as she could le docteur a dit qu'elle viendrait ou passerait dès qu'elle pourrait;∎ I didn't manage to get round to each pupil in the class je n'ai pas réussi à m'occuper de chaque élève de la classe(a) (reach destination) parvenir;∎ the road was blocked and no one could get through la route était bloquée et personne ne pouvait passer;∎ they managed to get through to the wounded ils ont réussi à parvenir jusqu'aux blessés;∎ the letter got through to her la lettre lui est parvenue;∎ the message didn't get through le message n'est pas arrivé;∎ despite the crowds, I managed to get through malgré la foule, j'ai réussi à passer∎ the team got through to the final l'équipe s'est classée pour la finale(c) (bill, motion) passer, être adopté ou voté(d) (make oneself understood) se faire comprendre;∎ I can't seem to get through to her elle et moi ne sommes pas sur la même longueur d'onde∎ I can't get through to his office je n'arrive pas à avoir son bureau∎ call me when you get through appelez-moi quand vous aurez ou avez fini(a) (come through → hole, window) passer par; (→ crowd) se frayer un chemin à travers ou dans; (→ military lines) percer, franchir∎ he got through it alive il s'en est sorti (vivant)∎ I got through an enormous amount of work j'ai abattu beaucoup de travail;∎ it took us one week to get through the entire play il nous a fallu une semaine pour venir à bout de la pièce(d) (consume, use up) consommer, utiliser;∎ we get through a litre of olive oil a week nous utilisons un litre d'huile d'olive par semaine;∎ they got through their monthly salary in one week en une semaine ils avaient dépensé tout leur salaire du mois;∎ he gets through eight shirts a week il salit huit chemises par semaine;∎ we'll never get through all this food nous ne viendrons jamais à bout de toute cette nourriture(e) (endure, pass → time) faire passer;∎ how will I get through this without you? comment pourrai-je vivre cette épreuve sans toi?;∎ they got through the day without a single argument ils ne se sont pas disputés une seule fois de toute la journée;∎ the Government may have difficulty getting through another six months le gouvernement aura peut-être du mal à tenir encore six mois(g) (of bill, motion) passer;∎ the bill got through both Houses le projet de loi a été adopté par les deux Chambres(a) (transport, send successfully) faire parvenir;∎ they got the food supplies through ils ont réussi à faire parvenir les provisions alimentaires (à destination);∎ to get sth through customs (faire) passer qch à la douane;∎ you'll never get that desk through tu n'arriveras jamais à faire passer ce bureau(b) (transmit → message) faire passer, transmettre, faire parvenir;∎ can you get this letter through to my family? pouvez-vous transmettre ou faire parvenir cette lettre à ma famille?∎ I finally got it through to him that I wasn't interested j'ai fini par lui faire comprendre que je n'étais pas intéressé;∎ familiar when will you get it through your thick head that I don't want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?□(d) (bill, motion) faire adopter, faire passer;∎ the party got the bill through the Senate le parti a fait voter ou adopter le projet de loi par le Sénat∎ it was your essay that got you through (the exam) c'est grâce à ta dissertation que tu as réussi l'examen∎ I need four cups of coffee to get me through the day il me faut mes quatre tasses de café par jourterminer, finir∎ where have you got to? (in book, work) où en es-tu?;∎ it got to the point where he couldn't walk another step il en est arrivé au point de ne plus pouvoir faire un pas(b) (deal with) s'occuper de;∎ I'll get to you in a minute je suis à toi ou je m'occupe de toi dans quelques secondes;∎ he'll get to it tomorrow il va s'en occuper demain∎ that music really gets to me (moves me) cette musique me touche vraiment□ ; (annoys me) cette musique me tape sur le système;∎ don't let it get to you! ne t'énerve pas pour ça!∎ can we get together after the meeting? on peut se retrouver après la réunion?(b) (reach an agreement) se mettre d'accord;∎ the committee got together on the date les membres du comité se sont entendus ou se sont mis d'accord sur la date;∎ you'd better get together with him on the proposal vous feriez bien de vous entendre avec lui au sujet de la proposition∎ to get some money together réunir une somme d'argent;∎ let me get my thoughts together laissez-moi rassembler mes idées;∎ familiar to get one's act together se secouer;∎ familiar she's really got it together (in life) elle sait ce qu'elle fait□ ; (in job etc) elle domine son sujet□ ;∎ familiar I never thought he would get it together je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'il y arriverait□➲ get up(a) (arise from bed) se lever;∎ it was 6 o'clock when we got up il était 6 heures quand nous nous sommes levés;∎ I like to get up late on Sundays j'aime faire la grasse matinée le dimanche;∎ get up! sors du lit!, debout!, lève-toi!(b) (rise to one's feet) se lever, se mettre debout;∎ she had to get up from her chair elle a été obligée de se lever de sa chaise;∎ to get up from the table se lever ou sortir de table;∎ get up off the floor! relève-toi!;∎ please don't bother getting up restez assis, je vous prie(c) (climb up) monter;∎ they got up on the roof ils sont montés sur le toit;∎ she got up behind him on the motorcycle elle est montée derrière lui sur la moto∎ get up! allez!∎ how are we going to get this desk up to the fifth floor? comment allons-nous monter ce bureau jusqu'au cinquième étage?;∎ to get sb up the stairs (help climb) aider qn à monter l'escalier(c) (generate, work up)∎ to get up speed gagner de la vitesse;∎ to get one's courage up rassembler son courage;∎ I can't get up any enthusiasm for the job je n'arrive pas à éprouver d'enthousiasme pour ce travail(d) familiar (organize → entertainment, party) organiser□, monter□ ; (→ petition) organiser□ ; (→ play) monter□ ; (→ excuse, story) fabriquer□, forger□∎ their children are always so nicely got up leurs enfants sont toujours si bien habillés;∎ to get oneself up se mettre sur son trente et un∎ to get it up bander∎ he gets up to all kinds of mischief il fait des tas de bêtises;∎ what have you been getting up to lately? qu'est-ce que tu deviens?∎ I've got up to chapter 5 j'en suis au chapitre 5;∎ where have you got up to? (in book, work) où en êtes-vous? -
125 ♦ hard
♦ hard /hɑ:d/A a.1 duro; solido; sodo: as hard as steel, duro come l'acciaio; a hard bench, una panca dura; hard soil, terreno duro (o solido)2 arduo; difficile; ostico; duro (lett.): hard questions [words], domande [parole] difficili; DIALOGO → - After an exam- There were a couple of really hard questions, c'erano un paio di domande veramente difficili; a hard task, un compito arduo; un duro compito; a hard case, un caso difficile ( da trattare); to find it hard to do st., fare qc. con grande difficoltà5 forte; grande; accanito, ostinato, tenace: a hard drinker, un forte bevitore; a hard worker, un gran lavoratore; un lavoratore indefesso; a hard smoker, un fumatore accanito6 duro; difficile; pieno di guai: hard life, vita dura; hard times, tempi difficili (o duri); ( di un prodotto) hard to sell, difficile a vendersi8 duro; aspro; brusco; sgarbato: hard words, parole dure (o aspre); hard manners, modi bruschi (o sgarbati)12 duro; aspro; sgradevole; brutto: a hard voice, una voce dura (o aspra); a hard story, una storia sgradevole; una brutta storia; hard light, luce sgradevole16 (agric., chim., fon.) duro: hard wheat, grano duro; hard water, acqua dura; The letter «g» is hard in «go», la lettera «g» è dura in «go»17 (ind. tess.) liscio; rasato18 (econ., fin.) forte; pregiato; solido; sostenuto: hard currency, moneta (o valuta) forte; moneta (o valuta) pregiataB avv.1 energicamente; forte, violentemente: It was raining hard, pioveva forte (o a dirotto); I hit him hard, lo colpii violentemente (o duro)2 accanitamente; molto; sodo; troppo: to fight hard, battersi accanitamente; to study hard, studiare molto; to try hard, fare ogni sforzo; to try one's hardest, mettercela tutta; to work hard, lavorare sodo; to drink hard, bere troppo; to be hard at it (o at work) darci sotto; lavorare sodo3 attentamente; intensamente: to listen hard (to sb.), ascoltare attentamente (q.); to think hard, pensare intensamente; riflettere profondamente5 duramente; gravemente; seriamente: I was hard hit by the slump, sono stato duramente colpito dalla recessioneC n.1 (naut.) approdo dal fondo solido● hard alcohol, alcol ad alta gradazione □ hard-and-fast, categorico, inderogabile, ferreo, rigido □ hard-and-fast rules, regole ferree □ (naut.) Hard aport!, tutto a sinistra! □ (fam. USA) a hard-ass, persona troppa ligia alle regole; tipo inquadrato (fig. fam.) □ (fam. USA) hard-assed, troppo ligio alle regole; inquadrato (fig. fam.) □ hard-baked, troppo cotto, duro ( per eccesso di cottura); (fig. fam.) duro, insensibile □ (naut.) hard beach, spiaggia di alaggio □ (fig.) hard-bitten, agguerrito, temprato; duro, indurito, insensibile □ hard-boiled, ( d'uovo) sodo; (fig.) duro, indurito, incallito, cinico; (fam.) concreto, pratico; ( di un film, ecc.) giallo, con scene di violenza □ hard-bought, acquistato (fig.: conseguito, ottenuto) a caro prezzo □ hard by, proprio vicino; vicinissimo (a) □ hard cash, (econ.) circolante; (fin.) denaro liquido; denaro contante; contanti: to demand hard cash, voler essere pagato in contanti □ hard coal, antracite □ (comput.) hard copy, copia cartacea; copia a stampa □ hard core, (pietrisco per) massicciata ( di strada); (fig.) nucleo intransigente, nucleo di irriducibili ( di un gruppo); (polit.) zoccolo duro (fig.); (mus.) hardcore □ hard-core, intransigente; irriducibile; duro; inflessibile; ( anche) cronico, incurabile; (mus.) hardcore; ( di pornografia) molto spinto, hard-core: hard-core opposition, opposizione irriducibile; (econ.) hard-core unemployment, disoccupazione cronica; a hard-core film, un film hard-core; un film pornografico spinto ( con scene di sesso non simulato) □ ( tennis) hard court, campo in terra battuta (o di cemento, ecc.) □ (comput.) hard disk ( drive) (abbr. HD/D/), hard disk; disco rigido □ to be hard done by, essere trattato male (o in modo ingiusto) □ hard drink, bevanda forte; superalcolico □ hard drinking, eccesso nel bere; alcolismo □ hard drug, droga pesante □ hard-earned, guadagnato con grande fatica (o col sudore della fronte): a hard-earned victory, una vittoria sudata □ hard-edged, ben delineato; risoluto □ (comput.) hard error, errore hardware □ the hard facts, i fatti incontrovertibili; la realtà nuda e cruda (fam.) □ hard-featured, dai lineamenti duri; ( di un viso) ruvido; grossolano (fig.) □ hard feelings, inimicizia; rancore: No hard feelings!, senza rancore!; amici come prima! □ hard-fisted, dalle mani forti; (fig.) duro, severo; ( anche) avaro, spilorcio, tirchio □ hard-fought, combattuto, sofferto; tirato (fam.): a hard-fought match, un incontro tirato □ hard freeze, gelo duro □ hard frost, freddo intenso, rigido □ (econ.) hard goods, beni di consumo durevoli □ hard going, faticoso; pesante (fig.) □ hard-handed, dalle mani incallite; (fig.) che ha la mano pesante, duro □ hard hat (o hard-hat), elmetto da edile; casco di protezione; (fam.) operaio edile, muratore; (fig. fam. USA) ultraconservatore, reazionario □ hard-head ► hardhead □ (fig.) to have a hard head, avere la testa dura; essere cocciuto □ hard-headed, pratico, realistico; accorto, avveduto; ( USA) caparbio, ostinato, testardo □ hard-hearted, dal cuore duro; insensibile; crudele □ hard-heartedness, insensibilità; crudeltà □ ( anche fig.) hard-hit, duramente colpito □ ( sport) a hard-hitter, uno che colpisce duro □ (di discorso, ecc.) hard-hitting, energico, vigoroso, incisivo; ( anche) che non usa giri di parole □ (metall.) hard iron, ferro magnetizzabile □ (leg., stor.) hard labour, lavori forzati ( aboliti in GB nel 1948) □ ( di corda, ecc.) hard-laid, strettamente intrecciato □ hard landing, (aeron.) atterraggio duro; (econ. fig.) atterraggio duro, brusca frenata □ (metall.) hard lead, piombo duro (o all'antimonio) □ (polit.) the hard left, l'estrema sinistra □ ( anche polit.) hard line, linea dura: to take a hard line, seguire la linea dura; non fare concessioni □ hard-line, duro, inflessibile, rigido, intransigente: a hard-line policy, una politica intransigente □ hard liner, chi segue la linea dura; (un) intransigente, irriducibile, integralista □ (fam.) hard lines = hard luck ► sotto □ hard liquor = hard drink ► sopra □ (fin.) hard loan, prestito in valuta forte; ( anche) prestito a tassi di mercato □ hard luck, sfortuna, malasorte; disdetta, scalogna (fam.): Hard luck!, che sfortuna!; che peccato! □ (fam.) a hard-luck story, una storia pietosa (o strappalacrime, fam.) □ a hard man, un duro □ (econ.) hard market, mercato stabile ( nel quale la domanda è alta e i prezzi sono elevati) □ hard money, (econ.) moneta metallica; (polit. USA) contributo diretto alla campagna elettorale di un candidato □ hard-mouthed, ( di cavallo) ribelle al morso; (fig.) indisciplinato, ribelle; testardo, ostinato □ (fam.) hard-nosed, concreto; pratico; realistico; duro □ (fam. fig.) hard nut, osso duro; brutto cliente □ (fam. fig.) a hard nut to crack, una bella gatta da pelare □ hard of hearing, duro d'orecchi; sordastro; che ci sente poco □ hard on, (avv.) = hard upon ► sotto □ (volg.) hard-on, erezione ( del pene); ( slang) to have a hard-on for st., fare una passione per qc.; avere la fregola di qc. (fig.) □ to be hard on, ( di persona) essere duro (o scortese, sgarbato, severo) con (q.); ( di persona) logorare in fretta, maltrattare ( abiti, scarpe, ecc.); ( di cosa) essere dannoso, fare male a: Don't be too hard on your son, non essere troppo duro (o severo) con tuo figlio!; Sitting at a computer all day is hard on the eyes, stare davanti al computer tutto il giorno fa male agli occhi □ to be hard on sb. 's heels, essere alle calcagna di q. □ ( sci) hard-packed snow, neve compatta; neve dura □ (anat.) hard palate, palato duro □ ( nella ceramica) hard paste, pasta dura, pasta compatta □ hard-paste porcelain, porcellana dura □ hard porn, pornografia spinta □ hard-pressed, inseguito da vicino, incalzato; (fig.) oberato, sovraccarico; in difficoltà, alle strette: to be hard-pressed for money, essere a corto di denaro □ to be hard put ( to it) to do st., trovarsi in imbarazzo (o in difficoltà) a fare qc. □ (polit.) the hard right, l'estrema destra □ (ind.) hard rubber, ebanite □ hard science, scienza «dura»; scienze «dure» ( fondate su metodi rigorosi e sperimentali) □ hard science-fiction, fantascienza «dura» ( verosimile sul piano scientifico) □ (market.) ( the) hard-sell, vendita aggressiva □ (market.) hard selling, tecnica di vendita aggressiva □ hard-set, fermo, fisso, ben saldo; ( di cemento, ecc.) indurito; (fig.: di lineamenti) duro, rigido; ( di persona) caparbio, ostinato □ (autom. GB) hard shoulder, corsia d'emergenza ( d'autostrada) □ (mil., miss.) hard site, rampa di lancio protetta □ hard sleep, sonno duro (o profondo) □ (metall.) hard solder, lega per brasatura (o per saldatura forte) □ (naut.) Hard starboard!, tutto a dritta! □ (fam.) the hard stuff, i superalcolici; ( anche) la droga pesante □ ( sport) a hard team to beat, la squadra da battere; un osso duro (fig.) □ hard to please, difficile da contentare; esigente □ hard-to-reach, difficile da raggiungere; di difficile accesso □ hard up, a corto di quattrini; al verde; ( anche) in fregola, eccitato; allupato (fam.) □ hard up for, a corto di, giù a (fam.): I'm hard up for ideas, sono a corto d'idee □ (lett.) hard upon, subito dopo; poco dopo □ hard wear, uso intenso ( d'abiti e sim.) □ ( d'abito e sim.) hard-wearing, robusto; resistente all'uso □ hard-wired ► hardwired □ ( anche mil. e sport) hard-won, contrastato; ottenuto a caro prezzo □ hard-working, laborioso, operoso □ (fig.) to be (as) hard as nails, essere forte, muscoloso; essere duro di cuore, insensibile □ (fig.) to come hard, essere dura: It comes hard to say goodbye, è dura dire addio □ to die hard, ( di un'abitudine e sim.) essere duro a morire; ( di una persona) vendere la pelle a caro prezzo □ to do st. the hard way, fare da sé, ma con fatica; imparare a fare qc. con la dura pratica □ to freeze hard, diventare solido per il gelo; gelare □ to get hard, indurirsi; solidificarsi □ (fam.) to give sb. a hard time, rendere la vita difficile a q.; fare soffrire q.; farla trovare lunga a q. (fam.) □ to go hard with sb., essere dura (o un duro colpo) per q. □ to have a hard time, passarsela male; essere nei guai □ to have a hard time doing st., avere difficoltà a fare qc., trovare duro fare qc. (fam.) □ to learn st. the hard way, imparare qc. a proprie spese □ (fam.) to play hard to get, farsi desiderare; fare il prezioso (fam.) □ to take st. hard, prendere male qc., essere sconvolto da qc. □ (pop. Austral. e NZ) to put the hard word on sb., chiedere soldi a q.; ( anche) fare un'avance sessuale a q.; ( anche) minacciare q. □ to take a ( long) hard look at st., esaminare qc. con calma; ponderare (su) qc. □ too hard to take, troppo forte; troppo scioccante; indigesto. -
126 stark
I Adj.1. allg. strong (auch Ähnlichkeit, Argument, Band, Brille, Eindruck, Gefühl, Geruch, Geschmack, Getränk, Gift, Glaube, Licht, Nerven, Parfüm, Verdacht, Vorurteil, Wille etc.); Gegner, Kandidat, Motor, Organisation, Stellung: auch powerful; (kräftig) Mensch: strong; Sache: auch robust, sturdy; (mächtig) powerful; das starke Geschlecht umg. the stronger sex; starkes Mittel MED. strong ( oder potent) medication; starke Seite fig. strong point, strength, forte; sich stark machen für stand up for; den starken Mann markieren, den starken Maxe spielen umg. try to act tough; Politik der starken Hand heavy-handed policy, strongarm tactics Pl.; starke Truppenverbände strong ( oder large) troop units; eine 200 Mann starke Kompanie a company of 200 men, a 200 strong company; sie waren 200 Mann stark they were 200 men strong; etwas Starkes trinken umg. drink some hard stuff2. (beleibt) stout; (dick) Wand etc.: thick; er ist stärker geworden he’s put on weight; für die stärkere Frau oder Figur euph. for the fuller figure; das Buch ist 600 Seiten stark the book is 600 pages long; 5 mm starker Karton cardboard 5 mm thick; das Seil ist 4 cm stark the rope is 4 cm thick3. (intensiv) intense; (heftig) violent; Erkältung, Raucher, Regen, Trinker, Verkehr etc.: heavy; Frost, Schmerzen, Anfall etc.: severe; einen starken Haarwuchs haben (dichtes Haar) have thick hair; (schnell wachsend) have a luxuriant growth of hair; starker Beifall loud applause; starke Nachfrage great ( oder heavy) demand; starker Esser big ( oder hearty) eater; starkes Fieber a high temperature; starke Schmerzen severe ( oder intense) pain; die Schmerzen sind stark auch the pain is very bad; starke Schmerzen haben be in severe pain; starke Übertreibung gross exaggeration; ein Film der starken Gefühle a film of intense emotions, an intensely emotional film4. umg., iro. (schlimm) bad; das ist ( wirklich) stark! oder das ist ein starkes Stück! that’s pretty rich, that’s a bit thick; da hast du dir aber ein starkes Stück geleistet! you’ve really gone and done it (this time)!5. (gut) good; umg. (großartig) great; ein starker Film auch a brilliant film; Roths stärkster Roman Roth’s best ( oder strongest) novel; eine starke Leistung a fine performance; stark in der Abwehr SPORT strong in defen|ce (Am. -se); der stärkste Spieler auf dem Platz the best player on the pitch (Am. field); echt stark Sl. real cool6. LING., Verb etc.: strongII Adv.1. (sehr) strongly; stark befahren (STRAßE etc.) busy; stark behaart very hairy; stark benachteiligt severely handicapped; stark beschäftigt very busy; stark betont strongly stressed; stark betrunken very drunk; stark bevölkert densely populated; eine stark bevölkerte Region auch a high-population region; stark erkältet sein have a bad cold; stark gewürzt highly seasoned; stark übertrieben grossly exaggerated; stark ansteigen rise sharply; sich stark verändern change radically; stark bluten bleed heavily ( oder profusely); stark regnen rain heavily, pour; stark riechen have a strong smell; stark trinken / rauchen be a heavy drinker / smoker; stark wirken have a strong effect; stark wirkend Medikament etc.: powerful; jemanden stark im Verdacht haben have strong suspicions about s.o.; stark auf Mitternacht / die 70 zugehen umg. be fast approaching midnight / 702. (gut) well; sie hat stark gespielt SPORT she played really well ( stärker: brilliantly); umg. MUS. her playing (THEAT. her acting) was great; unheimlich stark aussehen / singen umg. look really great ( oder fantastic) / sing incredibly well* * *super; powerful; heavy; strong; intense; mighty; great* * *stạrk [ʃtark]1. adj comp - er['ʃtɛrkɐ] superl -ste(r, s) ['ʃtɛrkstə]stark bleiben — to be strong; (im Glauben) to hold firm
See:2) (= dick) thick; (euph = korpulent) Dame, Herr large, well-built (euph); Arme, Beine large, strong (euph)3) (= beträchtlich, heftig) Schmerzen, Kälte intense; Frost severe, heavy; Regen, Schneefall, Verkehr, Raucher, Trinker, Druck heavy; Sturm violent; Erkältung bad, heavy; Wind, Strömung, Eindruck strong; Appetit, Esser hearty; Beifall hearty, loud; Fieber, Nachfrage high; Trauer, Schmerz deep; Übertreibung, Widerhall, Bedenken considerable, great5) (= zahlreich) Auflage, Gefolge large; Nachfrage great, big6) (inf = hervorragend) Leistung, Werk great (inf)2. adv comp - er['ʃtɛrkɐ] superl am -sten1) (mit vb) a lot; (mit adj, ptp) very; applaudieren loudly; pressen, drücken, ziehen hard; regnen heavily; rauchen a lot, heavily; beeindrucken greatly; vertreten, dagegen sein strongly; abgenutzt, beschmutzt, beschädigt, entzündet etc badly; bluten profusely; vergrößert, verkleinert greatlystark wirkend (Medikament, Alkohol) — potent
Frauen sind stärker vertreten —
2) (inf = hervorragend) really welldie singt unheimlich stark — she's a really great singer (inf), she sings really well
* * *1) (with great force; heavily: Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard.) hard2) heavy3) (doing something to a great extent: He's a heavy smoker/drinker.) heavy4) ((of a wind) strong: The wind is high tonight.) high5) (powerful; strong: a potent drink.) potent6) strongly7) (firm, sound, or powerful, and therefore not easily broken, destroyed, attacked, defeated, resisted, or affected by weariness, illness etc: strong furniture; a strong castle; a strong wind; She's a strong swimmer; He has a very strong will/personality; He has never been very strong (= healthy); He is not strong enough to lift that heavy table.) strong8) (very noticeable; very intense: a strong colour; a strong smell.) strong9) (containing a large amount of the flavouring ingredient: strong tea.) strong10) ((of a group, force etc) numbering a particular amount: An army 20,000 strong was advancing towards the town.) strong* * *<stärker, stärkste>[ʃtark]I. adj1. (kraftvoll) strongein \starker Händedruck a powerful grip\starke Muskeln strong muscles, brawn no pl2. (mächtig) powerful, strong3. (unbeugsam) Charakter, Wille strong4. (dick) Ast, Schnur, Wand thickein 500 Seiten \starkes Buch a book of 500 pages6. (zahlreich) Anwesenheit largedie Veranstaltung erfreute sich einer \starken Beteiligung a large number of people took part in the event\starke Nachfrage great demand120 Mann \stark sein to be 120 strong, to number 120stärker werden to put on weight9. (hochgradig)\starke Ähnlichkeit strong resemblance\starker Raucher/Trinker heavy smoker/drinker10. (gehaltvoll, wirksam) Kaffee, Zigaretten strong\starke Drogen/ \starker Schnaps strong [or hard] drugs/schnapps\starke Medikamente strong [or potent] medicines11. (heftig, intensiv) severe, heavy\starker Druck high pressureein \starker Erdstoß a heavy seismic shock\starker Frost severe [or heavy] frost\starke Hitze/Kälte intense [or severe] heat/cold\starke Regenfälle/Schneefälle heavy rainfall no pl/snowfall[s]\starke Schwüle oppressive sultriness\starke Strömung strong [or forceful] current\starker Sturm violent storm12. (kräftig, laut) loud\starker Applaus hearty [or loud] applauseein \starker Aufprall/Schlag/Stoß a hard [or heavy] impact/blow/knockein \starkes Rauschen a [loud] roar[ing]13. (schlimm) severe\starke Entzündung/Vereiterung severe inflammation/suppurationeine \starke Erkältung a bad [or heavy] cold\starkes Fieber a bad [or high] fevereine \starke Grippe/Kolik a bad case of [the fam] flu/colic\starke Krämpfe bad [or severe] cramps\starker Schmerz severe [or intense] pain14. (tief empfunden) Eindruck, Gefühle intense, strong\starke Bedenken considerable reservations\starke Liebe deep [or profound] love17. (sehr gut) Leistung greatmeiner Meinung nach war sein letztes Buch sein bisher stärkstes in my opinion his last book was his best up to nowII. adv1. (heftig) heavilygestern hat es \stark gestürmt there was a heavy [or violent] storm yesterday\stark regnen/schneien to rain/snow heavily [or a lot2. (in höherem Maße) greatly, a lotdie Ausstellung war \stark besucht there were a lot of visitors to the exhibition\stark betrunken sein to be very drunk\stark gekauft werden to sell extremely well [or fam like hot cakes]\stark übertreiben to greatly [or grossly] exaggerate\stark vertreten strongly represented3. (schlimm) severely\stark beschädigt badly [or considerably] damaged\stark bluten to bleed profusely [or heavily]\stark erkältet sein to have a bad [or heavy] cold4. (kräftig) harddu musst stärker drücken you must push harder\stark applaudieren to applaud loudly [or heartily5. (eine große Menge verwendend) stronglyzu \stark gesalzen too salty\stark gewürzt highly spiced* * *1.; stärker, stärkst... Adjektiv1) strong <man, current, structure, team, drink, verb, pressure, wind, etc.>; potent <drink, medicine, etc.>; powerful <engine, lens, voice, etc.>; (ausgezeichnet) excellent <runner, player, performance>sich für jemanden/etwas stark machen — (ugs.) throw one's weight behind somebody/something; s. auch Seite 4); Stück 3)
4) (heftig, intensiv) heavy <rain, snow, traffic, smoke, heat, cold, drinker, smoker, demand, pressure>; severe <frost, pain>; strong <impression, influence, current, resistance, dislike>; grave <doubt, reservations>; great <exaggeration, interest>; hearty <eater, appetite>; loud < applause>2.1) (sehr, überaus, intensiv) (mit Adj.) very; heavily <indebted, stressed>; greatly <increased, reduced, enlarged>; strongly <emphasized, characterized>; badly <damaged, worn, affected>; (mit Verb) <rain, snow, drink, smoke, bleed> heavily; <exaggerate, impress> greatly; <enlarge, reduce, increase> considerably; <support, oppose, suspect> strongly; < remind> very muchstark wirkend — with a powerful effect postpos.
stark riechen/duften — have a strong smell/scent
es ist stark/zu stark gesalzen — it is very/too salty
stark erkältet sein — have a heavy or bad cold
er geht stark auf die Sechzig zu — (ugs.) he's pushing sixty (coll.)
3) (Sprachw.)stark flektieren od. flektiert werden — be a strong noun/verb
* * *A. adj1. allg strong (auch Ähnlichkeit, Argument, Band, Brille, Eindruck, Gefühl, Geruch, Geschmack, Getränk, Gift, Glaube, Licht, Nerven, Parfüm, Verdacht, Vorurteil, Wille etc); Gegner, Kandidat, Motor, Organisation, Stellung: auch powerful; (kräftig) Mensch: strong; Sache: auch robust, sturdy; (mächtig) powerful;das starke Geschlecht umg the stronger sex;starke Seite fig strong point, strength, forte;den starken Mann markieren, den starken Maxe spielen umg try to act tough;Politik der starken Hand heavy-handed policy, strongarm tactics pl;starke Truppenverbände strong ( oder large) troop units;eine 200 Mann starke Kompanie a company of 200 men, a 200 strong company;sie waren 200 Mann stark they were 200 men strong;etwas Starkes trinken umg drink some hard stuffer ist stärker geworden he’s put on weight;Figur euph for the fuller figure;das Buch ist 600 Seiten stark the book is 600 pages long;5 mm starker Karton cardboard 5 mm thick;das Seil ist 4 cm stark the rope is 4 cm thick3. (intensiv) intense; (heftig) violent; Erkältung, Raucher, Regen, Trinker, Verkehr etc: heavy; Frost, Schmerzen, Anfall etc: severe;einen starken Haarwuchs haben (dichtes Haar) have thick hair; (schnell wachsend) have a luxuriant growth of hair;starker Beifall loud applause;starke Nachfrage great ( oder heavy) demand;starker Esser big ( oder hearty) eater;starkes Fieber a high temperature;starke Schmerzen severe ( oder intense) pain;die Schmerzen sind stark auch the pain is very bad;starke Schmerzen haben be in severe pain;starke Übertreibung gross exaggeration;ein Film der starken Gefühle a film of intense emotions, an intensely emotional film4. umg, iron (schlimm) bad;das ist (wirklich) stark! oderdas ist ein starkes Stück! that’s pretty rich, that’s a bit thick;da hast du dir aber ein starkes Stück geleistet! you’ve really gone and done it (this time)!ein starker Film auch a brilliant film;Roths stärkster Roman Roth’s best ( oder strongest) novel;eine starke Leistung a fine performance;der stärkste Spieler auf dem Platz the best player on the pitch (US field);echt stark sl real cool6. LING, Verb etc: strongB. adv1. (sehr) strongly;stark befahren (Straße etc) busy;stark behaart very hairy;stark benachteiligt severely handicapped;stark beschäftigt very busy;stark betont strongly stressed;stark betrunken very drunk;stark bevölkert densely populated;eine stark bevölkerte Region auch a high-population region;stark erkältet sein have a bad cold;stark gewürzt highly seasoned;stark übertrieben grossly exaggerated;stark ansteigen rise sharply;sich stark verändern change radically;stark bluten bleed heavily ( oder profusely);stark regnen rain heavily, pour;stark riechen have a strong smell;stark trinken/rauchen be a heavy drinker/smoker;stark wirken have a strong effect;stark wirkend Medikament etc: powerful;jemanden stark im Verdacht haben have strong suspicions about sb;stark auf Mitternacht/die 70 zugehen umg be fast approaching midnight/702. (gut) well;sie hat stark gespielt SPORT she played really well ( stärker: brilliantly); umg MUS her playing (THEAT her acting) was great;…stark im adj1. (kräftig)nervenstark with strong nerves;saugstark with powerful suctionmitgliederstark with a large number of members3. (gut)gedächtnisstark with a good memory;konzentrationsstark with good powers of concentration;kopfballstark good at heading the ball* * *1.; stärker, stärkst... Adjektiv1) strong <man, current, structure, team, drink, verb, pressure, wind, etc.>; potent <drink, medicine, etc.>; powerful <engine, lens, voice, etc.>; (ausgezeichnet) excellent <runner, player, performance>sich für jemanden/etwas stark machen — (ugs.) throw one's weight behind somebody/something; s. auch Seite 4); Stück 3)
4) (heftig, intensiv) heavy <rain, snow, traffic, smoke, heat, cold, drinker, smoker, demand, pressure>; severe <frost, pain>; strong <impression, influence, current, resistance, dislike>; grave <doubt, reservations>; great <exaggeration, interest>; hearty <eater, appetite>; loud < applause>2.1) (sehr, überaus, intensiv) (mit Adj.) very; heavily <indebted, stressed>; greatly <increased, reduced, enlarged>; strongly <emphasized, characterized>; badly <damaged, worn, affected>; (mit Verb) <rain, snow, drink, smoke, bleed> heavily; <exaggerate, impress> greatly; <enlarge, reduce, increase> considerably; <support, oppose, suspect> strongly; < remind> very muchstark wirkend — with a powerful effect postpos.
stark riechen/duften — have a strong smell/scent
es ist stark/zu stark gesalzen — it is very/too salty
stark erkältet sein — have a heavy or bad cold
er geht stark auf die Sechzig zu — (ugs.) he's pushing sixty (coll.)
3) (Sprachw.)stark flektieren od. flektiert werden — be a strong noun/verb
* * *(Regen) adj.heavy (rain) adj. (Umgangssprache) adj.awesome (US) adj. adj.heavy adj.intense adj.strong adj. adv.deeply adv.strongly adv. -
127 Stich
m; -(e)s, -e2. (Wunde) stab wound3. Fechten: hit4. mit dem Spaten: cut5. (Schmerz) stabbing pain; Stiche haben in der Seite: have a stitch; es gab mir einen Stich fig. it really hurt7. KUNST (Kupferstich etc.) engraving8. ein Stich ins Blaue a tinge of blue; im Foto: a blue cast; er hat einen Stich ins Rücksichtslose / Ordinäre fig. he’s got a ruthless / vulgar streak9. Kartenspiel: trick; einen Stich machen make (Am. take) a trick; keinen Stich bekommen fig., Fußball etc.: not get a look in; in einer Diskussion: make no mark10. im Stich lassen let down, fail; (nicht helfen) leave in the lurch; (verlassen) abandon, desert; (Familie, Freundin etc.) auch walk out on11. einen Stich haben Milch etc.: be (slightly) off; umg., Person: be a bit touched; du hast wohl einen Stich! umg. have you gone mad ( oder off your rocker)?* * *der Stich(Bienenstich) sting;(Kupferstich) engraving;(Mückenstich) bite;(Nadelstich) prick;(Nähstich) stitch;(Schmerz) pang;(mit einer Waffe) stab; jab* * *Stịch [ʃtɪç]m -(e)s, -e1) (= das Stechen) (= Insektenstich) sting; (= Mückenstich) bite; (= Nadelstich) prick; (= Messerstich) stab2) (= Stichwunde) (von Messer etc) stab wound; (von Insekten) sting; (von Mücken) bite; (= Einstichloch) prick3) (= stechender Schmerz) piercing or shooting or stabbing pain; (= Seitenstich) stitch; (fig) panges gab mir einen Stich (ins Herz) — I was cut to the quick (esp Brit) or to the heart (US)
5) (= Kupferstich, Stahlstich) engraving6) (= Schattierung) tinge, shade (in +acc of); (= Tendenz) hint, suggestion ( in +acc of)ein Stich ins Rote — a tinge of red, a reddish tinge
ein Stich ins Gewöhnliche/Vulgäre — a hint or suggestion of commonness/vulgarity
8)9)Stich halten — to hold water, to be valid or sound
10)einen Stich haben (Esswaren) — to be off (Brit) or bad, to have gone off (Brit) or bad; (Butter auch) to be or have gone rancid; (Milch) to be or have gone off (Brit) or sour; (inf: Mensch
* * *der1) ((a pain caused by) an act of pricking: You'll just feel a slight prick in your arm.) prick2) (an act of prodding: She gave him a prod.) prod3) (a type of stitch forming a particular pattern in sewing, knitting etc: The cloth was edged in blanket stitch; The jersey was knitted in stocking stitch.) stitch4) (an act of stabbing or a piercing blow.) stab* * *<-[e]s, -e>[ʃtɪç]m1. (Stichwunde) stab woundsie versetzte ihm mit der Hutnadel einen \Stich ins Gesicht she stabbed him in the face with her hatpin3. (stechender Schmerz) stabbing [or sharp] pain\Stiche haben to have [or experience] a stabbing [or sharp] pain/stabbing [or sharp] pains4. (Nadelstich) stitch\Stich um \Stich stitch by stitch5. (Radierung) engravingein \Stich ins Rote a tinge of red7. KARTEN trick\Stich auf \Stich trick by trick, one trick after the othereinen \Stich machen to get [or win] a trick8.▶ einen \Stich haben (fam: verdorben sein) to have gone [or to be] off; (sl: übergeschnappt sein) to be out to lunch, to be off one's rocker fam, to be nuts fam▶ jdn im \Stich lassen (jdn verlassen) to abandon sb; (jdn in einer Notlage lassen) to fail [or let down] sbmit zunehmendem Alter ließ sie ihr Gedächtnis immer mehr im \Stich her memory got worse [or became more and more unreliable] as she got older* * *der; Stich[e]s, Stiche2) (DornenStich, NadelStich) prick; (von Wespe, Biene, Skorpion usw.) sting; (MückenStich usw.) bite3) (Stichwunde) stab wound4) (beim Nähen) stitch5) (Schmerz) stabbing or shooting or sharp paines gab mir einen Stich [ins Herz] — (fig.) I was cut to the quick
6) (Kartenspiel) trick7)jemanden/etwas im Stich lassen — leave somebody in the lurch/abandon something
8) (Fechten) hit9) (bild. Kunst) engraving10) o. Pl. (Farbschimmer) tinge11)einen [leichten] Stich haben — (ugs.) <food, drink> be off, have gone off; (salopp) < person> be nuts (sl.); be round the bend (coll.)
* * *2. (Wunde) stab wound3. Fechten: hit4. mit dem Spaten: cut5. (Schmerz) stabbing pain;Stiche haben in der Seite: have a stitch;es gab mir einen Stich fig it really hurt6. Nähen: stitch;er musste mit fünf Stichen genäht werden he had to have five stitches7. KUNST (Kupferstich etc) engraving8.ein Stich ins Blaue a tinge of blue; im Foto: a blue cast;er hat einen Stich ins Rücksichtslose/Ordinäre fig he’s got a ruthless/vulgar streak9. Kartenspiel: trick;einen Stich machen make (US take) a trick;10.im Stich lassen let down, fail; (nicht helfen) leave in the lurch; (verlassen) abandon, desert; (Familie, Freundin etc) auch walk out on11.12.Stich halten Argument etc: hold water* * *der; Stich[e]s, Stiche2) (DornenStich, NadelStich) prick; (von Wespe, Biene, Skorpion usw.) sting; (MückenStich usw.) bite3) (Stichwunde) stab wound4) (beim Nähen) stitch5) (Schmerz) stabbing or shooting or sharp paines gab mir einen Stich [ins Herz] — (fig.) I was cut to the quick
6) (Kartenspiel) trick7)jemanden/etwas im Stich lassen — leave somebody in the lurch/abandon something
8) (Fechten) hit9) (bild. Kunst) engraving10) o. Pl. (Farbschimmer) tinge11)einen [leichten] Stich haben — (ugs.) <food, drink> be off, have gone off; (salopp) < person> be nuts (sl.); be round the bend (coll.)
* * *-e (Farb-) m.tinge n. -e (Kartenspiel) m.trick (card games) n. -e (Kupfer-) m.engraving n. -e (Messer-) m.stab n.thrust n. -e (Mücken-) m.bite n. -e (Nadel-, Insekten-) m.prick n. -e (Näh-) m.stitch n.(§ pl.: stitches) - e (Schmerz) m.pain n.stabbing n.stitch n.(§ pl.: stitches) - e (Wespen-) m.sting n. -e m.prick n.sting n.twinge n. -
128 drive
1. past tense - drove; verb1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) conducir2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) llevar (en coche)3) (to force or urge along: Two men and a dog were driving a herd of cattle across the road.) conducir4) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) hincar, clavar, mandar5) (to cause to work by providing the necessary power: This mill is driven by water.) hacer funcionar, mover, impulsar
2. noun1) (a journey in a car, especially for pleasure: We decided to go for a drive.) paseo en coche2) (a private road leading from a gate to a house etc: The drive is lined with trees.) camino de entrada3) (energy and enthusiasm: I think he has the drive needed for this job.) ímpetu, empuje, dinamismo4) (a special effort: We're having a drive to save electricity.) campaña5) (in sport, a hard stroke (with a golf-club, a cricket bat etc).) drive6) ((computers) a disk drive.) lectura de disquete•- driver- driver's license
- drive-in
- drive-through
- driving licence
- be driving at
- drive off
- drive on
drive1 n1. paseo en coche / vuelta en cocheshall we go for a drive? ¿vamos a dar una vuelta en coche?2. camino de la entradadrive2 vb conducirtr[draɪv]3 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (golf) golpe nombre masculino inicial, tiro de salida; (tennis) golpe nombre masculino fuerte, drive nombre masculino4 (campaign) campaña5 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL ofensiva, avanzada7 (need, compulsion) necesidad nombre femenino, impulso, instinto8 (propulsion system) transmisión nombre femenino, propulsión nombre femenino; (of wheeled vehicle) tracción nombre femenino■ right/left-hand drive con el volante a la derecha/izquierda9 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (competition, tournament) torneo1 (operate - vehicle) conducir■ what car do you drive? ¿qué coche tienes?2 (take - person) llevar (en coche)■ could you drive me to the airport? ¿podrías llevarme al aeropuerto?3 (cause to move - person) hacer, obligar a; (- animal) arrear4 (of wind - blow) llevar; (of water) llevarse5 (provide power for, keep going) hacer funcionar, mover7 (construct - tunnel) perforar, abrir; (- motorway) construir8 (force, compel to act) forzar, obligar; (cause to be in state) llevar, empujar9 (make work hard, overwork) hacer trabajar1 (vehicle) conducir■ can you drive? ¿sabes conducir?■ don't drive so fast no vayas tan rápido, no corras■ in England, people drive on the left en Inglaterra, la gente conduce por la izquierda2 (of rain, hail, snow) azotar, barrer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto drive a coach and horses through something saltarse algo a la torerato drive a hard bargain saber cómo conseguir lo que uno,-a quiere, ser buen,-na negociador,-rato drive something home hacer entender algo1) impel: impeler, impulsar2) operate: guiar, conducir, manejar (un vehículo)3) compel: obligar, forzar4) : clavar, hincarto drive a stake: clavar una estaca6)to drive crazy : volver locodrive vi: manejar, conducirdo you know how to drive?: ¿sabes manejar?drive n1) ride: paseo m en coche2) campaign: campaña ffund-raising drive: campaña para recaudar fondos3) driveway: camino m de entrada, entrada f4) transmission: transmisión ffront-wheel drive: tracción delantera5) energy: dinamismo m, energía f6) instinct, need: instinto m, necesidad f básican.• lector s.m.n.• empuje s.m.• mando s.m.• paseo s.m.• paseo en carro s.m.expr.• volverle (a una persona) loca v.v.(§ p.,p.p.: drove, driven) = clavar v.• conducir v.• empujar v.• forzar v.• guiar v.• hostigar v.• impulsar v.• llevar en carro v.• manejar v.• rodar v.
1. draɪv1) ( Transp)a) \<\<car/busain\>\> manejar or (Esp) conducir*; \<\<racing car/power boat\>\> pilotar, pilotearb) ( convey in vehicle) llevar en coche2)a) ( cause to move) (+ adv compl)b) ( Sport) \<\<ball\>\> mandar, lanzar*c) (provide power for, operate) hacer* funcionar, mover*3)a) ( make penetrate) \<\<nail\>\> clavar; \<\<stake\>\> hincar*to drive something INTO something — clavar/hincar* algo en algo
b) ( open up) \<\<tunnel/shaft\>\> perforar, abrir*4)a) ( cause to become) volver*imprisonment drove him insane — la prisión lo volvió loco or lo llevó a la locura
he drives me crazy o mad with his incessant chatter — me saca de quicio con su constante cháchara
she drives me wild! — (colloq) me vuelve loco! (fam)
b) ( compel to act)to drive somebody to + INF — llevar or empujar a alguien a + inf
she is driven by ambition — la impulsa or motiva la ambición
c) ( overwork)
vi manejar or (Esp) conducir*to drive on the right/left — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha/izquierda
Phrasal Verbs:- drive at- drive on- drive up
1) c ( in vehicle)to go for a drive — ir* a dar un paseo or una vuelta en coche
2) ca) ( leading to house) camino m, avenida f ( que lleva hasta una casa)b) ( in front of house) entrada f ( para coches)3) c (in golf, tennis) golpe m fuerte4)a) u ( energy) empuje m, dinamismo m5) ca) ( organized effort) campaña fb) ( attacking move) ( Mil) ofensiva f, avanzada fc) ( in US football) ataque m6)a) u c ( propulsion system) transmisión f, propulsión fb) u ( Auto)front-wheel/rear-wheel drive — tracción f delanteraasera
[draɪv] (vb: pt drove) (pp driven)right-/left-hand drive — con el volante a la derecha/a la izquierda
1. N1) (=journey, outing)test 4.to go for a drive — ir a dar una vuelta or un paseo en coche
2) (=private road) (in front of garage) entrada f ; (to large house) camino m (de acceso), avenida f3) (Tennis) golpe m directo, drive m ; (Golf) drive m4) (=energy, motivation) empuje m, dinamismo m•
to have drive — tener empuje or dinamismo•
to lack drive — no tener empuje or dinamismo5) (Psych) (=impulse) impulso m, instinto mto have a high/low sex drive — tener la libido or líbido alta/baja, tener mucho/poco apetito sexual
6) (=campaign, effort) campaña f7) (Tech) (=power transmission system) transmisión f, propulsión f(Aut)•
a left-hand/ right-hand drive car — un coche con el volante a la izquierda/derecha8) (=gear position in automatic car) marcha f9) (Comput) (also: disk drive) unidad f de discoCD-ROM drive — unidad f de CD-ROM
10) (=tournament)whist drive — certamen m de whist
11) (Mil) (=attack) ofensiva f2. VT1) (=operate) [+ car, bus, train] conducir, manejar (LAm); [+ racing car, speedboat] pilotar2) (=carry) [+ passenger] llevar (en coche)3) (=power) [+ machine, vehicle] hacer funcionar4) (=cause to move)a strong wind was driving the clouds across the sky — un viento fuerte arrastraba las nubes por el cielo
troops drove the demonstrators off the streets — las tropas obligaron a los manifestantes a abandonar las calles
home 2., 2)to drive a post into the ground — clavar or hincar un poste en el suelo
6) (=excavate) [+ tunnel] abrir, construir; [+ hole] perforar; [+ furrow] hacer7) (=force)high prices are driving local people out of the area — el que los precios sean tan altos está haciendo que la gente se vaya a vivir a otras zonas
to drive sb to drink, his worries drove him to drink — sus problemas le llevaron a la bebidabargain 1., 1), home 2., 2)it's enough to drive you to drink — hum te crispa los nervios
8) (=impel, motivate) empujar, moverhe was driven by greed/ambition — lo empujaba or movía la avaricia/ambición
to drive sb to do sth, drive sb into doing sth — empujar or llevar a algn a hacer algo
depression drove him to attempt suicide — la depresión le empujó or llevó a intentar suicidarse
what drove you to write this book? — ¿qué le empujó or llevó a escribir este libro?
9) (=overwork)10) (Sport) [+ ball] mandar3. VI1) (=operate vehicle) conducir, manejar (LAm)can you drive? — ¿sabes conducir or (LAm) manejar?
2) (=go)•
to drive at 50km an hour — ir (en un coche) a 50km por hora•
we'll drive down in the car this weekend — este fin de semana bajaremos en coche•
he drove into a wall — chocó con un muro•
to drive to London — ir a Londres en coche3) (=handle) conducirse, manejarse (LAm)the new Ford drives really well — el nuevo Ford se conduce or (LAm) se maneja muy bien
4) (=beat)4.CPDdrive shaft N — (Aut) árbol m motor
- drive at- drive on- drive up* * *
1. [draɪv]1) ( Transp)a) \<\<car/bus/train\>\> manejar or (Esp) conducir*; \<\<racing car/power boat\>\> pilotar, pilotearb) ( convey in vehicle) llevar en coche2)a) ( cause to move) (+ adv compl)b) ( Sport) \<\<ball\>\> mandar, lanzar*c) (provide power for, operate) hacer* funcionar, mover*3)a) ( make penetrate) \<\<nail\>\> clavar; \<\<stake\>\> hincar*to drive something INTO something — clavar/hincar* algo en algo
b) ( open up) \<\<tunnel/shaft\>\> perforar, abrir*4)a) ( cause to become) volver*imprisonment drove him insane — la prisión lo volvió loco or lo llevó a la locura
he drives me crazy o mad with his incessant chatter — me saca de quicio con su constante cháchara
she drives me wild! — (colloq) me vuelve loco! (fam)
b) ( compel to act)to drive somebody to + INF — llevar or empujar a alguien a + inf
she is driven by ambition — la impulsa or motiva la ambición
c) ( overwork)
vi manejar or (Esp) conducir*to drive on the right/left — manejar or (Esp) conducir* por la derecha/izquierda
Phrasal Verbs:- drive at- drive on- drive up
1) c ( in vehicle)to go for a drive — ir* a dar un paseo or una vuelta en coche
2) ca) ( leading to house) camino m, avenida f ( que lleva hasta una casa)b) ( in front of house) entrada f ( para coches)3) c (in golf, tennis) golpe m fuerte4)a) u ( energy) empuje m, dinamismo m5) ca) ( organized effort) campaña fb) ( attacking move) ( Mil) ofensiva f, avanzada fc) ( in US football) ataque m6)a) u c ( propulsion system) transmisión f, propulsión fb) u ( Auto)front-wheel/rear-wheel drive — tracción f delantera/trasera
right-/left-hand drive — con el volante a la derecha/a la izquierda
См. также в других словарях:
hit the bottle — (slang) To drink excessively • • • Main Entry: ↑hit * * * hit the bottle/take to the bottle/informal phrase to start drinking a lot of alcohol He hit the bottle after losing his job … Useful english dictionary
hit the spot — {v. phr.}, {informal} To refresh fully or satisfy you; bring back your spirits or strength. Used especially of food or drink. * /A cup of tea always hits the spot when you are tired./ * /Mother s apple pie always hits the spot with the boys./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hit the spot — {v. phr.}, {informal} To refresh fully or satisfy you; bring back your spirits or strength. Used especially of food or drink. * /A cup of tea always hits the spot when you are tired./ * /Mother s apple pie always hits the spot with the boys./ … Dictionary of American idioms
hit the bottle — drink liquor, get drunk to forget problems When Laura left him, he hit the bottle, drinking to forget her … English idioms
hit the bottle — drink alcohol (usually a negative meaning) She started to hit the bottle soon after her divorce … Idioms and examples
hit the bottle — ► hit the bottle informal start to drink alcohol heavily. Main Entry: ↑bottle … English terms dictionary
hit the spot — phrasal : to give complete or special satisfaction used especially of food or drink * * * hit the spot informal phrase to be exactly what you want or need A cool glass of beer would really hit the spot. Thesaurus: relevant and appropriatesynonym … Useful english dictionary
Hit the Ice — Infobox VG| title = Hit the Ice developer = Williams publisher = Williams, Taito designer = engine = released = 1990 genre = Sports game modes = Players: 1 4 ratings = platforms = Arcade, SNES, NES, Mega Drvie/Genesis, Game Boy, TurboGrafx 16… … Wikipedia
hit the bottle — to drink intoxicants to excess Of a single debauch or sustained drunkenness. Also as hit the hooch or hit it: I just wondered... whether he d planned to use the rest of the day to hit the bottle. (Gaarder, 1996) ... hitting the… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
hit the bottle — verb To drink alcohol steadily and in excess, particularly in response to a setback. Hes been hitting the bottle hard since his wife left him. Syn: hit the booze, hit the sauce … Wiktionary
hit the sauce — {v. phr.}, {slang} To drink alcoholic beverages especially heavily and habitually. * /When Sue left him, Joe began to hit the sauce./ … Dictionary of American idioms