1 ♦ striking
♦ striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/A a.1 impressionante; sorprendente; singolare; sensazionale; straordinario: a striking feature, una caratteristica singolare; a striking goal, un gol sensazionaleB n. [u]1 il colpire; il tirare● ( hockey) striking circle, cerchio di tiro a rete □ striking clock, orologio a suoneria □ striking contrast, contrasto stridente □ striking hammer, mazza battente □ a striking idea, un'idea brillante □ (elettr.) striking potential, potenziale d'innesco □ ( calcio) striking role, ruolo di attaccante □ within striking distance of, a due passi da ( anche fig.). -
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striking ['straɪkɪŋ](a) (remarkable → sight, contrast, resemblance, beauty) frappant, saisissant;∎ he cut a striking figure il avait une allure impressionnante;∎ a striking example of Baroque architecture un très bel exemple d'architecture baroque∎ within striking distance à proximité;∎ she lives within striking distance of London elle habite tout près de Londres;∎ they came within striking distance of finding a solution ils ont failli trouvé ou presque trouvé une solution2 noun(a) (of clock) sonnerie f (des heures)(b) (of coins) frappe f►► striking mechanism sonnerie f (des heures);striking workers des travailleurs mpl en grève, des grévistes mfpl -
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Ⅰstriking [ˊstraɪkɪŋ]2. a1) (по)рази́тельный, замеча́тельный2) уда́рный;striking force воен. уда́рная гру́ппа
Ⅱ -
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- striking
- nраскружаливание, демонтаж кружал и поддерживающих лесов; распалубливание
- formwork striking
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
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English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > striking
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > striking
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striking нажимать нажатие поразительный см. также strike -
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adjectiveauffallend; erstaunlich [Ähnlichkeit, Unterschied]; bemerkenswert [Idee]; schlagend [Beispiel]* * *adjective (noticeable or impressive: She is tall and striking; She wears striking clothes.) auffallend* * *strik·ing[ˈstraɪkɪŋ]1. (unusual) bemerkenswert, auffallendthere's a \striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does es besteht ein himmelweiter Unterschied zwischen dem, was er macht, und dem, was er sagt, das er machtthere were \striking discrepancies between the suspect's story and evidence es gab nicht zu übersehende Diskrepanzen zwischen der Aussage des Verdächtigten und den Beweisen\striking differences erhebliche [o gewaltige] Unterschiede\striking example treffendes Beispiel\striking feature herausragendes Merkmal\striking resemblance verblüffende Ähnlichkeitto bear a \striking resemblance to sb jdm verblüffend ähnlich sein\striking parallels erstaunliche Parallelen\striking personality beeindruckende Persönlichkeit\striking result erstaunliches [o überraschendes] Ergebnis\striking similarity verblüffende Ähnlichkeit2. (good-looking) umwerfend\striking beauty bemerkenswerte Schönheit3. (close)within \striking distance [of sth] in unmittelbarer Nähe [von etw dat]; (short distance) einen Katzensprung [von etw dat] entferntboth sides believe they are within \striking distance of a lasting peace agreement beide Seiten glauben, eine dauerhafte Friedenslösung stehe unmittelbar bevorto put sb within \striking distance of sth jdm etw zum Greifen nahe bringen* * *['straIkɪŋ]adj1) (= arresting) contrast, colour, resemblance etc auffallend, bemerkenswert; difference verblüffend, erstaunlich; person bemerkenswert; looks umwerfend; appearance, beauty eindrucksvoll2) attr worker streikend3) attr clock mit Schlagwerkthe striking clock keeps me awake — das Schlagen der Uhr lässt mich nicht schlafen
* * *striking [ˈstraıkıŋ] adj (adv strikingly)1. schlagend, Schlag…:striking clock Schlaguhr f;striking mechanism Schlagwerk n2. figa) bemerkenswert, eindrucksvoll (Fortschritte etc)b) überraschend, verblüffend:striking resemblance frappierende Ähnlichkeitc) treffend (Beispiel etc)3. WIRTSCH streikend* * *adjectiveauffallend; erstaunlich [Ähnlichkeit, Unterschied]; bemerkenswert [Idee]; schlagend [Beispiel]* * *adj.anschlagend adj.auffallend adj.eindrucksvoll adj.eklatant adj.markant adj.offenkundig adj.schlagend adj. -
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adjective (noticeable or impressive: She is tall and striking; She wears striking clothes.) llamativo; impresionante, sorprendentetr['straɪkɪŋ]1 (eye-catching) llamativo,-a; (stunning) atractivo,-a2 (similarity, resemblance) sorprendente, asombroso,-a; (feature etc) impresionante, destacado,-a3 (on strike) en huelgastriking ['straɪkɪŋ] adj: notable, sorprendente, llamativoa striking beauty: una belleza imponente♦ strikingly advadj.• asombroso, -a adj.• llamativo, -a adj.• sorprendente adj.n.• pulsación s.f.'straɪkɪŋ1) ( eye-catching) <resemblance/similarity> sorprendente, asombroso; < color> llamativothe most striking feature of the report is... — el aspecto más destacado del informe es...
2) ( Lab Rel) (before n) <worker/nurse/miner> en huelga['straɪkɪŋ]ADJ1) (=remarkable, arresting) [picture, clothes, colour] llamativo; [contrast] notable; [similarity, difference] sorprendente; [beauty] imponente, impresionante; [woman] imponenteher striking good looks — su imponente or impresionante belleza
it is striking that... — es impresionante que...
2)3) (Ind)* * *['straɪkɪŋ]1) ( eye-catching) <resemblance/similarity> sorprendente, asombroso; < color> llamativothe most striking feature of the report is... — el aspecto más destacado del informe es...
2) ( Lab Rel) (before n) <worker/nurse/miner> en huelga -
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1. n ав. нанесение удара по наземной целиstriking down — ударяющий; удар
2. n зажигание3. a поразительный, замечательный4. a ударныйСинонимический ряд:1. impressive (adj.) beautiful; dazzling; extraordinary; imposing; impressive; outstanding; startling; stunning2. noticeable (adj.) arresting; arrestive; attractive; conspicuous; evident; eye-catching; marked; memorable; noteworthy; noticeable; observable; obvious; pointed; prominent; remarkable; salient; sensational; signal; singular3. affecting (verb) affecting; carrying; getting; impacting; impressing; influencing; inspiring; moving; swaying; touching4. attacking (verb) assailing; assaulting; attacking; besetting; fall on; falling on; falling upon; go at; have at; sail in; storming5. catching (verb) catching; nipping; snapping; snatching6. donning (verb) assuming; donning; pulling; putting on; taking on7. giving (verb) administering; dealing; delivering; giving; inflicting8. hitting (verb) catching; clouting; hitting; knocking; occurring; popping; slamming; slogging; smacking; smashing; smiting; socking; swatting; whacking; whamming9. ringing (verb) bonging; chiming; knelling; pealing; ringing; tolling10. striking (verb) afflicting; agonizing; crucifying; cursing; excruciating; harrowing; martyrizing; occurring; plaguing; racking; scourging; smiting; striking; tormenting; torturing; trying; walk out; wringing11. taking (verb) seizing; taking12. walking out (verb) walking out -
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1) ( unusual) bemerkenswert, auffallend;there's a \striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does es besteht ein himmelweiter Unterschied zwischen dem, was er macht, und dem, was er sagt, das er macht;there were \striking discrepancies between the suspect's story and evidence es gab nicht zu übersehende Diskrepanzen zwischen der Aussage des Verdächtigten und den Beweisen;the most \striking aspect of sth das Bemerkenswerteste an etw dat;\striking differences erhebliche [o gewaltige] Unterschiede;\striking example treffendes Beispiel;\striking feature herausragendes Merkmal;\striking resemblance verblüffende Ähnlichkeit;to bear a \striking resemblance to sb jdm verblüffend ähnlich sein;\striking parallels erstaunliche Parallelen;\striking personality beeindruckende Persönlichkeit;\striking result erstaunliches [o überraschendes] Ergebnis;\striking similarity verblüffende Ähnlichkeit2) ( good-looking) umwerfend;\striking beauty bemerkenswerte Schönheit3) ( close)within \striking distance [of sth] in unmittelbarer Nähe [von etw dat];( short distance) einen Katzensprung [von etw dat] entfernt;both sides believe they are within \striking distance of a lasting peace agreement beide Seiten glauben, eine dauerhafte Friedenslösung stehe unmittelbar bevor;to put sb within \striking distance of sth jdm etw zum Greifen nahe bringen -
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формовка; разборка (кружал); выравнивание шаблоном; зажигание (напр. дуги); ударение; переключение; перевод- striking part of hammer - striking through - striking velocity -
16 striking
adjective (noticeable or impressive: She is tall and striking; She wears striking clothes.) zbujajoč pozornost* * *I [stráikiŋ]adjectiveki bije; očit, zbujajoč pozornost, opozorljiv; presenetljiv, osupljiv, frapanten, izrazit; stavkajočstriking clock — ura, ki bije urestriking distance — daljina, do katere seže udarecstriking force military udarna sila (četa)striking work — mehanizem, ki bije (v uri)II [stráikiŋ]nounudarjanje, zadetje, bitje; stavka(nje); music način reagiranja glasbil na pritisk prstov na tipke -
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[̈ɪˈstraɪkɪŋ]striking pres. p. от strike striking (по)разительный, замечательный striking ударный; striking force воен. ударная группа striking ударный; striking force воен. ударная группа striking out выбрасывание striking out вычеркивание striking out зачеркивание striking out изготовление чертежа -
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1. [ʹstraıkıŋ] n1. ав. нанесение удара по наземной цели2. зажигание ( электрического разряда)2. [ʹstraıkıŋ] a1. поразительный, замечательный2. ударныйstriking echelon - воен. атакующий эшелон
striking force - воен. ударная группа, «кулак»
striking interval - воен. орудийное время
striking power - а) ударная мощь; б) ударная энергия ( пули)
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adjective (noticeable or impressive: She is tall and striking; She wears striking clothes.) oppsiktsvekkende, usedvanlig (vakker)Isubst. \/ˈstraɪkɪŋ\/1) slåing, det å slå2) (klokke)slag3) streiking4) ( sjøfart) grunnstøtingIIadj. \/ˈstraɪkɪŋ\/1) slående, påfallende, som vekker oppsikt2) frapperende, frappant3) markant, markert, tydelig4) eiendommelig, usedvanlig, særegen, særpreget5) slag-6) streikendestriking surface se ➢ surfacewithin striking distance på skuddhold -
20 striking
См. также в других словарях:
Striking — Strik ing, a. & n. from {Strike}, v. [1913 Webster] {Striking distance}, the distance through which an object can be reached by striking; the distance at which a force is effective when directed to a particular object. {Striking plate}. (a) The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Striking — Strik ing, a. Affecting with strong emotions; surprising; forcible; impressive; very noticeable; as, a striking representation or image; a striking resemblance. A striking fact. De Quincey. {Strik ing*ly}, adv. {Strik ing*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Striking — Striking. См. Наслаивание. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
striking — index arrant (definite), clear (apparent), conspicuous, distinct (clear), eloquent, flagrant … Law dictionary
striking — (adj.) producing a vivid impression, 1752, from STRIKE (Cf. strike) (v.) in the sense of to catch the fancy of (1590s) … Etymology dictionary
striking — *arresting, signal, salient, conspicuous, outstanding, *noticeable, remarkable, prominent Analogous words: *effective, effectual, efficacious: telling, convincing, compelling, cogent (see VALID): forcible, forceful, *powerful: impressive, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
striking — [adj] extraordinary; beautiful arresting, arrestive, astonishing, attractive, bizarre, charming, cogent, commanding, compelling, confounding, conspicuous, dazzling, distinguished, dynamite, electrifying, eye catching, fascinating, forceful,… … New thesaurus
striking — ► ADJECTIVE 1) noticeable. 2) dramatically good looking or beautiful. DERIVATIVES strikingly adverb … English terms dictionary
striking — [strī′kiŋ] adj. 1. that strikes or is on strike 2. very noticeable or impressive; unusual, outstanding, remarkable, etc. SYN. NOTICEABLE strikingly adv … English World dictionary
striking — [[t]stra͟ɪkɪŋ[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is striking is very noticeable or unusual. The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides... He bears a striking resemblance to Lenin. ...her striking good… … English dictionary
striking — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ That hat looks very striking. ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc … Collocations dictionary