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  • 1 sin dinero

    without money, bankrupt, out of money, penniless.
    * * *
    (adj.) = impecunious
    Ex. Despite its impecunious state and lack of a home until 1928, the UK Library Association remained confident about the future of libraries and librarianship.
    * * *
    (adj.) = impecunious

    Ex: Despite its impecunious state and lack of a home until 1928, the UK Library Association remained confident about the future of libraries and librarianship.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin dinero

  • 2 sin dinero

    2) разг. безнал

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > sin dinero

  • 3 sin dinero

    • impecunious
    • on one's uppers
    • out of money
    • penniless

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > sin dinero

  • 4 sin dinero en metálico

    (adj.) = cashless
    Ex. The impact of this type of transactions is foreseen as a major step toward the long-heralded ' cashless society'.
    * * *
    (adj.) = cashless

    Ex: The impact of this type of transactions is foreseen as a major step toward the long-heralded ' cashless society'.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin dinero en metálico

  • 5 entre el taxi y la entrada me quedé sin dinero

    entre el taxi y la entrada me quedé sin dinero
    das Taxi und die Eintrittskarte raubten mir mein ganzes Geld

    Diccionario Español-Alemán > entre el taxi y la entrada me quedé sin dinero

  • 6 quedarse sin dinero

    (v.) = run out of + cash
    Ex. But some analysts wonder whether the domestic automakers can hang on until then without running out of cash.
    * * *
    (v.) = run out of + cash

    Ex: But some analysts wonder whether the domestic automakers can hang on until then without running out of cash.

    Spanish-English dictionary > quedarse sin dinero

  • 7 estar sin dinero

    общ. быть (сидеть) без денег, нуждаться (не иметь денег)

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > estar sin dinero

  • 8 hacer operaciones bancarias sin dinero a la vista

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > hacer operaciones bancarias sin dinero a la vista

  • 9 quedarse sin dinero

    1. прил. 2. гл.

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > quedarse sin dinero

  • 10 estar sin dinero

    • be out of cash
    • be out of money
    • be without money

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > estar sin dinero

  • 11 persona sin dinero

    • empty pockets
    • poor person

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > persona sin dinero

  • 12 dinero

    1 money.
    ¿pagará con dinero o con tarjeta? will you be paying in cash or by credit card?
    andar bien/mal de dinero to be well off for/short of money
    una familia de dinero a family of means
    dinero de curso legal legal tender
    dinero fácil easy money
    dinero falso counterfeit money
    dinero negro undeclared income/payment
    dinero sucio dirty money
    dinero suelto loose change
    2 ready money, ready cash.
    * * *
    1 money
    2 (fortuna) wealth
    andar bien de dinero to have plenty of money
    andar mal/escaso,-a de dinero to be short of money
    de dinero wealthy, rich
    dinero llama dinero money makes money
    ganar dinero a espuertas to make a pile
    hacer dinero to make money
    tirar el dinero por la ventana to throw money down the drain
    dinero contante (y sonante) ready money, cash
    dinero falso counterfeit money
    dinero negro/sucio dirty money
    dinero suelto loose change, change
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *

    ¿cuánto es en dinero finlandés? — how much is that in Finnish money?

    el dinero lo puede todo — money can do anything, money talks

    hacer dinero — to make money

    tirar el dinero — to throw money away

    dinero barato — cheap money, easy money

    dinero caro — dear money, expensive money (EEUU)

    dinero en circulación — currency, money in circulation

    dinero sucio — dirty money, money from crime

    * * *
    masculino money

    gente de dinerowell-off o wealthy people

    dinero contante y sonante — (fam) hard cash

    hacer dineroto make money

    tirar el dinero — (fam) to throw money away

    * * *
    = hard currency, money [monies, -pl.], monies [money, -sing.], funds, wealth.
    Ex. This could also be attributed to limited hard currency or other means of international payment.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS can then tell which borrowers owe the library money.
    Ex. Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.
    Ex. Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.
    Ex. In rural areas, too, great variations in wealth exist side by side, from affluent farmers and landowners on the one hand, to extremely low-paid farm workers on the other.
    * administrar dinero = manage + funds.
    * ahorrar dinero = save + money.
    * ahorrar un montón de dinero = save + a ton of money.
    * ahorro de dinero = savings in money.
    * andar apurado de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar corto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar falto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * apoquinar dinero = shell out + money, fork over + money.
    * aprovechar mejor el dinero = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * apurado de dinero = strapped, cash strapped, financially strapped, short of money.
    * asignación de dinero público = tax support.
    * asignar dinero = commit + fund.
    * blanquear dinero = launder + money.
    * blanquear dinero sucio = launder + dirty money.
    * blanqueo de dinero = money laundering.
    * buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * casarse con alguien de dinero = marry into + money, marry + a fortune, marry + money.
    * casarse por dinero = marry + money.
    * cobro de dinero = collection of fees.
    * comprometer dinero = commit + money, lien + funds.
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * contar dinero = count + money.
    * conversión en dinero = monetisation [monetization, -USA].
    * convertido a dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * convertir en dinero = monetise [monetize, -USA].
    * corto de dinero = strapped, cash strapped, financially strapped, short of money.
    * costar dinero = cost + money, take + money.
    * costar muchísimo dinero = break + the bank.
    * culto al dinero = cult of money.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dedicar dinero = dedicate + money.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * derrochar dinero = waste + money.
    * derroche de dinero = waste of money, spending spree.
    * desembolsar dinero = disburse + cash, disburse + monies, shell out + money, shell out, fork over + money.
    * desperdicio de dinero = money waster.
    * despilfarrar dinero = squander + money.
    * despilfarro de dinero = spending spree.
    * destinado a ahorrar dinero = money-saving.
    * dinero atrae al dinero, el = riches attract riches.
    * dinero contante y sonante = readies, the ready.
    * dinero de bolsillo = pocket change, pocket money.
    * dinero + dedicarse a = money + go towards.
    * dinero del premio = prize money.
    * dinero del rescate = ransom money.
    * dinero de soborno = hush money.
    * dinero de sobra para otros gastos = disposable income.
    * dinero, el = green, the.
    * dinero electrónico = electronic money.
    * dinero en efectivo = cash.
    * dinero en metálico = cash.
    * dinero fácil = get-rich-quick.
    * dinero ganado con el sudor de la frente = hard-earned money.
    * dinero inesperado = windfall, windfall moneys.
    * dinero mal habido = ill-gotten gains.
    * dinero negro = undeclared income, grey money [gray money], black money.
    * dinero para acallar la conciencia = conscience money.
    * dinero para acallar la consciencia = conscience money.
    * dinero para caprichos = pin money.
    * dinero para gastos = per diem allowance.
    * dinero para gastos imprevistos = cash float, petty cash.
    * dinero para gastos iniciales = seeding money, seed money.
    * dinero para gastos personales = pocket change, pocket money.
    * dinero para pequeños gastos = out of pocket allowance.
    * dinero procedente de los impuestos = tax money (tax monies).
    * dinero propio = private means.
    * dinero público = public tax money, tax dollars, public money, public funds, public funding.
    * dinero público, el = public's dollars, the.
    * dinero que tanto ha costado ganar = hard-earned money.
    * dinero + ser para = money + go towards.
    * dinero sucio = dirty money.
    * dinero suelto = change, loose change.
    * dinero voluble = soft money.
    * donar dinero = donate + Posesivo + money.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * escaso de dinero = cash strapped, financially strapped, be strapped for + cash, short of money, strapped.
    * estrategia que ahorra dinero = money saver.
    * falto de dinero = short of money, strapped, financially strapped, cash strapped.
    * financiado con dinero público = publicly financed, publicly funded [publicly-funded], public funded [public-funded].
    * ganar bastante dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * ganar dinero = make + money, earn + money.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * gastar dinero = expend + funds, spend + money.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * gastarse un montón de dinero = lash out (on), go to + town on.
    * gasto de dinero = expenditure of money.
    * gastos que no suponen un gran desembolso de dinero = out-of-pocket costs.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * haber dinero de por medio = money + change hands.
    * hacer dinero = make + money.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money.
    * ingreso de dinero = cash deposit.
    * interés por ganar dinero = profit motive.
    * invertir dinero = invest + money, commit + money.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * inyección de dinero = cash injection, injection of money.
    * inyectar dinero en = pump + money into.
    * inyectar dinero en la economía = pump + money into the economy.
    * malgastar dinero = waste + money.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * pagar dinero = fork over + money.
    * pagar una suma de dinero = pay + sum.
    * para hacer dinero = money-making.
    * pedir dinero prestado = borrow + money.
    * pérdida de dinero = cash drain.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que ahorran dinero = dollar-saving.
    * quedarse sin dinero = run out of + cash.
    * recaudar dinero = pump prime + funds, raise + money, collect + money.
    * recolectar dinero = pass + the bucket (around).
    * remesa de dinero = remittance.
    * repartir dinero dadivosamente = shell out + money.
    * retirada de dinero = cash withdrawal.
    * retirar dinero = withdraw + cash.
    * reunir dinero = raise + money.
    * reunir el dinero = muster (up) + the cash.
    * reunir el dinero, encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * sabrosa suma de dinero, una = handsome sum of money, a.
    * sacar dinero = draw + cash, draw out + cash.
    * sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno = get + the most for + Posesivo + money.
    * sacarle dinero a Alguien = wrestle + money from.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * ser una pérdida de dinero = be money and effort down the drain, throw + Posesivo + money down the drain, be money down the drain.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * suma de dinero = sum of money.
    * suma simbólica de dinero = symbolic sum of money.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tirar dinero y esfuerzo por la borda = be money and effort down the drain.
    * tirar el dinero = throw + Posesivo + money down the drain.
    * tirar el dinero por la ventana = be money and effort down the drain, throw + Posesivo + money down the drain, be money down the drain.
    * transferencia de dinero = money transfer.
    * transferir dinero = transfer + money.
    * un montonazo de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un montón de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * utilizar el dinero sabiamente = spend + wisely.
    * * *
    masculino money

    gente de dinerowell-off o wealthy people

    dinero contante y sonante — (fam) hard cash

    hacer dineroto make money

    tirar el dinero — (fam) to throw money away

    * * *
    el dinero
    = green, the

    Ex: I've been living with it for nearly six years, so listen to the voice of experience -- the green will creep into your life and you will eventually hate it.

    = hard currency, money [monies, -pl.], monies [money, -sing.], funds, wealth.

    Ex: This could also be attributed to limited hard currency or other means of international payment.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS can then tell which borrowers owe the library money.
    Ex: Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.
    Ex: Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.
    Ex: In rural areas, too, great variations in wealth exist side by side, from affluent farmers and landowners on the one hand, to extremely low-paid farm workers on the other.
    * administrar dinero = manage + funds.
    * ahorrar dinero = save + money.
    * ahorrar un montón de dinero = save + a ton of money.
    * ahorro de dinero = savings in money.
    * andar apurado de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar corto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar falto de dinero = be strapped for + cash.
    * andar (muy) apurado de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) corto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) escaso de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * andar (muy) falto de dinero = be (hard) pressed for + money.
    * apoquinar dinero = shell out + money, fork over + money.
    * aprovechar mejor el dinero = get + more for + Posesivo + money.
    * apurado de dinero = strapped, cash strapped, financially strapped, short of money.
    * asignación de dinero público = tax support.
    * asignar dinero = commit + fund.
    * blanquear dinero = launder + money.
    * blanquear dinero sucio = launder + dirty money.
    * blanqueo de dinero = money laundering.
    * buena suma de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * buen tocho de dinero = hefty sum of money.
    * casarse con alguien de dinero = marry into + money, marry + a fortune, marry + money.
    * casarse por dinero = marry + money.
    * cobro de dinero = collection of fees.
    * comprometer dinero = commit + money, lien + funds.
    * con poco dinero = on the cheap.
    * conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * contar dinero = count + money.
    * conversión en dinero = monetisation [monetization, -USA].
    * convertido a dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * convertir en dinero = monetise [monetize, -USA].
    * corto de dinero = strapped, cash strapped, financially strapped, short of money.
    * costar dinero = cost + money, take + money.
    * costar muchísimo dinero = break + the bank.
    * culto al dinero = cult of money.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dedicar dinero = dedicate + money.
    * de dinero = well-to-do, well-off.
    * derrochar dinero = waste + money.
    * derroche de dinero = waste of money, spending spree.
    * desembolsar dinero = disburse + cash, disburse + monies, shell out + money, shell out, fork over + money.
    * desperdicio de dinero = money waster.
    * despilfarrar dinero = squander + money.
    * despilfarro de dinero = spending spree.
    * destinado a ahorrar dinero = money-saving.
    * dinero atrae al dinero, el = riches attract riches.
    * dinero contante y sonante = readies, the ready.
    * dinero de bolsillo = pocket change, pocket money.
    * dinero + dedicarse a = money + go towards.
    * dinero del premio = prize money.
    * dinero del rescate = ransom money.
    * dinero de soborno = hush money.
    * dinero de sobra para otros gastos = disposable income.
    * dinero, el = green, the.
    * dinero electrónico = electronic money.
    * dinero en efectivo = cash.
    * dinero en metálico = cash.
    * dinero fácil = get-rich-quick.
    * dinero ganado con el sudor de la frente = hard-earned money.
    * dinero inesperado = windfall, windfall moneys.
    * dinero mal habido = ill-gotten gains.
    * dinero negro = undeclared income, grey money [gray money], black money.
    * dinero para acallar la conciencia = conscience money.
    * dinero para acallar la consciencia = conscience money.
    * dinero para caprichos = pin money.
    * dinero para gastos = per diem allowance.
    * dinero para gastos imprevistos = cash float, petty cash.
    * dinero para gastos iniciales = seeding money, seed money.
    * dinero para gastos personales = pocket change, pocket money.
    * dinero para pequeños gastos = out of pocket allowance.
    * dinero procedente de los impuestos = tax money (tax monies).
    * dinero propio = private means.
    * dinero público = public tax money, tax dollars, public money, public funds, public funding.
    * dinero público, el = public's dollars, the.
    * dinero que tanto ha costado ganar = hard-earned money.
    * dinero + ser para = money + go towards.
    * dinero sucio = dirty money.
    * dinero suelto = change, loose change.
    * dinero voluble = soft money.
    * donar dinero = donate + Posesivo + money.
    * el dinero es el origen de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero es la fuente de todos los males = money is the root of all evil.
    * el dinero mueve al mundo = money makes the world go (a)round.
    * el dinero no crece en los árboles = money doesn't grow on trees.
    * encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * en dinero = monetised [monetized, -pl.].
    * escaso de dinero = cash strapped, financially strapped, be strapped for + cash, short of money, strapped.
    * estrategia que ahorra dinero = money saver.
    * falto de dinero = short of money, strapped, financially strapped, cash strapped.
    * financiado con dinero público = publicly financed, publicly funded [publicly-funded], public funded [public-funded].
    * ganar bastante dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * ganar dinero = make + money, earn + money.
    * ganar mucho dinero = make + good money, earn + good money.
    * gastar dinero = expend + funds, spend + money.
    * gastarse más dinero = dig + deep.
    * gastarse un montón de dinero = lash out (on), go to + town on.
    * gasto de dinero = expenditure of money.
    * gastos que no suponen un gran desembolso de dinero = out-of-pocket costs.
    * grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.
    * haber dinero de por medio = money + change hands.
    * hacer dinero = make + money.
    * hacer mucho dinero = make + good money.
    * ingreso de dinero = cash deposit.
    * interés por ganar dinero = profit motive.
    * invertir dinero = invest + money, commit + money.
    * invertir más dinero = dig + deep.
    * inyección de dinero = cash injection, injection of money.
    * inyectar dinero en = pump + money into.
    * inyectar dinero en la economía = pump + money into the economy.
    * malgastar dinero = waste + money.
    * mucho dinero = big bucks.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * pagar dinero = fork over + money.
    * pagar una suma de dinero = pay + sum.
    * para hacer dinero = money-making.
    * pedir dinero prestado = borrow + money.
    * pérdida de dinero = cash drain.
    * por poco dinero = cheaply.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que ahorran dinero = dollar-saving.
    * quedarse sin dinero = run out of + cash.
    * recaudar dinero = pump prime + funds, raise + money, collect + money.
    * recolectar dinero = pass + the bucket (around).
    * remesa de dinero = remittance.
    * repartir dinero dadivosamente = shell out + money.
    * retirada de dinero = cash withdrawal.
    * retirar dinero = withdraw + cash.
    * reunir dinero = raise + money.
    * reunir el dinero = muster (up) + the cash.
    * reunir el dinero, encontrar el dinero = come up with + the money.
    * sabrosa suma de dinero, una = handsome sum of money, a.
    * sacar dinero = draw + cash, draw out + cash.
    * sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno = get + the most for + Posesivo + money.
    * sacarle dinero a Alguien = wrestle + money from.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * ser una pérdida de dinero = be money and effort down the drain, throw + Posesivo + money down the drain, be money down the drain.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * suma de dinero = sum of money.
    * suma simbólica de dinero = symbolic sum of money.
    * tener dinero a punta pala = roll in + Dinero.
    * tirar dinero y esfuerzo por la borda = be money and effort down the drain.
    * tirar el dinero = throw + Posesivo + money down the drain.
    * tirar el dinero por la ventana = be money and effort down the drain, throw + Posesivo + money down the drain, be money down the drain.
    * transferencia de dinero = money transfer.
    * transferir dinero = transfer + money.
    * un montonazo de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un montón de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * utilizar el dinero sabiamente = spend + wisely.

    * * *
    no llevaba nada de dinero encima I didn't have any money on me
    siempre anda escaso de dinero he's always short of money
    gente de dinero well-off o wealthy people
    tirar el dinero ( fam); to throw money away
    el dinero llama al dinero money begets money, money goes where money is
    hot money
    pocket money
    old money
    dinero efectivo or en efectivo
    undeclared income ( o profits etc)
    dirty money
    * * *


    dinero sustantivo masculino

    gente de dinero well-off o wealthy people;
    hacer dinero to make money;
    dinero de bolsillo pocket money;
    dinero (en) efectivo cash;
    dinero suelto change;
    dinero contante y sonante (fam) hard cash
    dinero sustantivo masculino money
    dinero en efectivo, cash
    dinero negro, undeclared income
    dinero suelto, (loose) change
    ♦ Locuciones: andar bien de dinero, to be well-off
    andar mal de dinero, to be short of money

    ' dinero' also found in these entries:
    - ahorrarse
    - alcanzar
    - apurada
    - apurado
    - apuro
    - arca
    - barbaridad
    - bastante
    - billete
    - blanquear
    - blanqueo
    - bolsillo
    - braga
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cambio
    - cantidad
    - cielo
    - contante
    - costar
    - cuarta
    - cuarto
    - dar
    - desplumar
    - devolver
    - escasa
    - escaso
    - estirar
    - evadir
    - evasión
    - falsa
    - falso
    - flete
    - fortuna
    - gastar
    - gasto
    - girar
    - gratificar
    - hacer
    - holgada
    - holgado
    - indemnización
    - inversión
    - invertir
    - irse
    - juntar
    - limitación
    - llevar
    - llevarse
    account for
    - administration
    - advance
    - advantage
    - after
    - allow
    - amass
    - amount
    - appropriate
    - aside
    - ask for
    - attraction
    - badly
    - bare
    - beg
    - blow
    - boat
    - borrower
    - bread
    - buck
    - bundle
    - buy
    - cash
    - cash box
    - catch
    - chain letter
    - change
    - chip in
    - colour
    - come in
    - come into
    - congregation
    - contribute
    - contribution
    - contributor
    - cough up
    - credit
    - cult
    - dash
    - dole out
    - dough
    - draw
    - dud
    - earn
    - enough
    - equate
    - evenly
    - exist
    - extravagance
    - extravagant
    * * *
    dinero nm
    llevaba algo de dinero encima she had some money on her;
    ¿pagará con dinero o con tarjeta? will you be paying in cash or by credit card?;
    una familia de dinero a family of means;
    se junta con gente de dinero she mixes with wealthy people;
    andar bien/mal de dinero to be well off for/short of money;
    hacer dinero to make money;
    hacer algo por dinero to do sth for money;
    tirar el dinero to waste money;
    (el) dinero llama a(l) dinero money goes where money is
    Econ dinero en circulación money in circulation;
    dinero circulante money in circulation;
    dinero de curso legal legal tender;
    Informát dinero electrónico e-cash;
    dinero fácil easy money;
    dinero falso counterfeit money;
    dinero negro undeclared income/payment;
    dinero plástico plastic money;
    dinero sucio dirty money;
    dinero suelto loose change;
    Fin dinero a la vista call money
    * * *
    m money;
    estar mal de dinero be short of money o cash;
    el dinero no hace la felicidad money doesn’t bring happiness
    * * *
    dinero nm
    : money
    * * *
    dinero n money
    ¿tienes dinero? have you got any money?
    de dinero wealthy [comp. wealthier; super. wealthiest]

    Spanish-English dictionary > dinero

  • 13 sin

    buscan gente sin experiencia previa they are looking for people with no o without previous experience
    sin alcohol alcohol-free
    ha escrito cinco libros sin (contar) las novelas he has written five books, not counting his novels
    está sin hacer it hasn't been done yet
    estamos sin vino we're out of wine
    muchos se quedaron sin casa a lot of people were left homeless, a lot of people lost their homes
    lleva tres noches sin dormir she hasn't slept for three nights
    sin que without
    sin que nadie se enterara without anyone noticing
    sin más (ni más) just like that
    INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service.
    * * *
    1 (carencia) without
    2 (además de) not counting
    estar sin algo to be out of something
    estar sin + inf not to have been + past participle
    quedarse sin algo to run out of something
    seguir sin to still not
    sin casar unmarried
    sin lo cual otherwise
    sin más ni más without further ado
    sin que + subjuntivo without + - ing
    sin querer accidentally, by mistake
    sin vergüenza shameless
    * * *
    * * *
    1. PREP
    1) [seguido de sustantivo, pronombre] without

    ¿puedes abrirla sin llave? — can you open it without a key?

    llevamos diez meses sin noticias — it's been ten months since we've had any news, we've been ten months without news

    parejas jóvenes, sin hijos — young couples with no children

    cerveza sin alcohol — alcohol-free beer, non-alcoholic beer

    estar sin algo, estuvimos varias horas sin luz — we had no electricity for several hours

    quedarse sin algo — (=terminarse) to run out of sth; (=perder) to lose sth

    sin papeles SMF illegal immigrant

    2) (=no incluyendo) not including, excluding

    ese es el precio de la bañera sin los grifos — that is the price of the bath, excluding o not including the taps

    cuesta 550 euros, sin IVA — it costs 550 euros, exclusive of VAT o not including VAT

    3) + infin
    a) [indicando acción]

    nos despedimos, no sin antes recordarles que... — (TV) before saying goodnight we'd like to remind you that...

    no me gusta estar sin hacer nada — I don't like having nothing to do, I don't like doing nothing

    b) [indicando continuidad]

    llevan mucho tiempo sin hablarse — they haven't spoken to each other for a long time

    seguir sin, las camas seguían sin hacer — the beds still hadn't been made

    c) [tras sustantivo pasivo]

    sin que+ subjun without

    sin que él lo sepa — without him knowing, without his knowing

    SF (=cerveza sin alcohol) alcohol-free beer
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *
    Ex. Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.
    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.
    * * *

    cerveza sin alcohol — non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer

    una pareja sin hijos — a couple with no children, a childless couple


    sin + inf — ( con significado activo) without -ing


    sin + inf — ( con significado pasivo)


    sin que + subj: no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited; quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta — get it off him without his o without him noticing

    * * *

    Ex: Without AACR is doubtful whether computerised cataloguing would have been implemented so relatively painlessly and successfully = Sin las RCAA es dudoso que la catalogación automatizada se hubiera implementado tan fácilmente y con tanto éxito, relativamente hablando.

    * abogado sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * acercarse sin ser visto = sidle up to.
    * afable pero sin sinceridad = suave.
    * agua sin gas = still water.
    * andar sin prisa = mosey.
    * arreglárselas sin = live without, get along without.
    * aunque sin ningún resultado = but (all) to no avail.
    * barato pero sin avergonzarse de ello = cheap and cheerful.
    * biblioteca sin muros = library without walls.
    * biblioteca sin paredes = library without walls.
    * bordado sin consido = needlepoint lace.
    * callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse.
    * camino sin rumbo = the road to nowhere.
    * casi sin previo aviso = without much notice.
    * coche sin caballos = horseless carriage automobile, horseless carriage.
    * colocado sin escalón entre pieza y pieza = edge-flush.
    * continuar sin detenerse = go straight ahead.
    * conversación sin trascendencia = small-talk.
    * decir rápidamente sin parar = rattle off.
    * dejar a Alguien sin aliento = leave + Nombre + breathless.
    * dejar sin cambiar = leave + unchanged.
    * dejar sin hacer = leave + undone.
    * dejar sin referente a una referencia anafórica = dangle + anaphoric reference.
    * dejar sin tocar = leave + Nombre + alone.
    * dejar sin trabajo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * demanda sin variaciones = inelastic demand.
    * demostrar sin lugar a dudas = prove + conclusively.
    * demostrar sin ninguna duda = demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond all doubt.
    * demostrar sin ningún género de duda = demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt, demonstrate + emphatically, demonstrate + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt, prove + beyond any doubt.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * estar sin vivir = be worried sick.
    * evaluación sin intervención del examinador = unobtrusive testing.
    * hablando sin rodeos = crudely put.
    * hablar sin parar = burble on.
    * hablar sin ser entendido = speak in + tongues.
    * hacerlo sin la ayuda de nadie = do + it + on + Posesivo + own.
    * homicidio sin premeditación = manslaughter.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * lanzarse sin ton ni son = dive + head-first.
    * más largo que un día sin pan = as long as (my/your) arm.
    * medicamento sin receta médica = over the counter medicine.
    * método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.
    * nación sin estado = stateless nation.
    * noche sin poder dormir = sleepless night.
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no sin fundamento = not without basis.
    * oficina sin papel = paperless office.
    * papel sin acidez = acid-free paper.
    * pasar desadvertido, pasar sin ser visto = sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar sin = live without, live without.
    * pasar sin ser visto = go + unnoticed.
    * película sin fin = filmloop [film loop/film-loop].
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * permanecer sin especificar = remain + undefined.
    * pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.
    * pero sin suerte = but no dice.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * político sin escrúpulos = shyster.
    * pozo sin fondo = bottomless pit.
    * pregunta sin respuesta = unanswerable question.
    * publicación sin papel = paperless publishing.
    * quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.
    * quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness.
    * quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.
    * quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness.
    * rechazar sin más = dismiss + out of hand.
    * referencia anafórica sin referente = dangling anaphoric reference.
    * rima sin sentido = nonsense, nonsense verse.
    * salir sin ser visto = slip out.
    * sin abrir = unopened.
    * sin abrirse = unfolded.
    * sin abrochar = undone.
    * sin acabar = unfinished.
    * sin acentuar = unaccented.
    * sin acontecimientos que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin adornos = unadorned, unvarnished.
    * sin afectar = unaffected.
    * sin afeitar = unshaven.
    * sin afeitar desde hace varios días = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * sin afiliación religiosa = non-sectarian [nonsectarian].
    * sin agua = waterless.
    * sin aguja = needleless.
    * sin ajustar = unadjusted, loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin alcohol = alcoholfree.
    * sin aliento = breathlessly, breathless.
    * sin alinear = unjustified.
    * sin alterar = unaltered, unmodified.
    * sin ambigüedad = unambiguous.
    * sin amor = loveless.
    * sin analizar = unexamined, unanalysed.
    * sin ánimo = despondently.
    * sin ánimo de lucro = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making, not-for-profit, generously.
    * sin apenas ser oído = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin apoyo = unsupported.
    * sin apretar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin árboles = treeless.
    * sin arreglo = beyond repair.
    * sin arrepentimiento = no-looking-back.
    * sin asignar = unallocated.
    * sin asignar todavía = unassigned.
    * sin asimilar = undigested.
    * sin atajar = unconfronted.
    * sin atractivo = unattractive.
    * sin atrasos = paid-up, in good standing.
    * sin autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unlicensed.
    * sin avergonzarse = unashamed.
    * sin avisar = unannounced, out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin aviso previo = without warning.
    * sin ayuda = unaided, unassisted.
    * sin ayuda de nadie = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * sin barba = beardless.
    * sin barnizar = unvarnished.
    * sin base = unsupported, ill-founded.
    * sin blanca = broke, skint.
    * sin blanquear = unbleached.
    * sin blindar = unshielded.
    * sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s) = without much ado.
    * sin brillo = dull, tarnished.
    * sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.
    * sin cables = wireless.
    * sin cafeina = decaffeinated.
    * sin calorías = calorieless.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin cancelar = uncancelled.
    * sin canjear = unredeemed.
    * sin cansancio = indefatigably.
    * sin capacidad de discernimiento = undiscriminating.
    * sin cara = faceless.
    * sin carácter = boneless, spineless.
    * sin carne = meatless.
    * sin castigo = impunitive, unpunished.
    * sin catalogar = uncatalogued [uncataloged, -USA].
    * sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin causa justificada = without justified reason.
    * sin causar daño = harmlessly.
    * sin ceremonias = unceremonious, unceremoniously.
    * sin cerrar con llave = unlocked.
    * sin certeza de cobrar = on spec.
    * sin cesar = steadily.
    * sin clases sociales = classless.
    * sin clavos = studless.
    * sin clemencia = mercilessly.
    * sin cobrar = free of charge, unredeemed, uncollected.
    * sin cohesión = scrappily, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.].
    * sin cohibiciones = unselfconsciously.
    * sin cola = ecaudate.
    * sin columnas = single-column.
    * sin comentar = unannotated.
    * sin comerlo ni beberlo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin comérselo ni bebérselo = without having anything to do with it.
    * sin compasión = mercilessly.
    * sin complicaciones = smoothly, boilerplate [boiler plate], uncomplicated, straightforward, uncomplicatedly, hassle-free.
    * sin comprimir = uncompressed.
    * sin comprobar = untested.
    * sin compromiso = without obligation, fancy-free.
    * sin compromisos = with no strings attached.
    * sin concluir = unfinished.
    * sin concretar = to be decided.
    * sin condiciones = unconditionally.
    * sin condiciones especiales = with no strings attached.
    * sin confirmar = unconfirmed, unsubstantiated, unvalidated, to be confirmed.
    * sin conocer = ignorant of.
    * sin conocimiento = unconscious.
    * sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anteriormente = stateless.
    * sin conservar información sobre las consultas realizadas anterior = stateless.
    * sin constancia de ello = unrecorded.
    * sin consumir = nonconsumptive.
    * sin contacto = non-contact.
    * sin contaminar = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * sin contar = not including, excluding.
    * sin contar con = in the absence of.
    * sin contenido = contentless, trivial.
    * sin contratiempos = smoothly.
    * sin control = uncontrolled.
    * sin controlar = unsupervised.
    * sin convicción = doubtfully, lamely.
    * sin coordinación = uncoordinated [unco-ordinated].
    * sin corregir = unamended, uncorrected, unrevised.
    * sin correlacionar = uncorrelated.
    * sin corroborar = unsubstantiated.
    * sin cortapisas = untrammelled.
    * sin cortar = uncut.
    * sin coscarse = without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin costas = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin coste alguno = at no personal cost, at no cost, without cost, costless, without charge, free of charge, free of cost, cost free, for free, at no charge.
    * sin costo adicional alguno = at no extra charge, at no extra cost, at no extra charge.
    * sin costuras = seamless.
    * sin crecimiento = non-growth.
    * sin créditos = non-credit.
    * sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.
    * sin cuajar = runny [runnier -comp., runniest -sup.].
    * sin cuantificar = unmeasured.
    * sin cubrir = unfilled.
    * sin cuestionarlo = uncritically.
    * sin cultura = uncultured.
    * sin daños = undamaged.
    * sin dar basto = left, right and centre.
    * sin darle importancia = airily.
    * sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.
    * sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.
    * sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, unknowingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously.
    * sin debatir = undiscussed.
    * sin decir nada = dumbly.
    * sin decir ni mú = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir ni pío = as quiet as a mouse.
    * sin decir una palabra = without saying a word.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * sin dejar huella = into thin air.
    * sin dejar nada fuera = the works!.
    * sin dejar rastro = into thin air.
    * sin dejarse amedrentar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse amilanar por = undaunted by.
    * sin dejarse desanimar = undaunted.
    * sin dejarse intimidar por = undaunted by.
    * sin delimitar = unmapped.
    * sin demora = on the spot, straight away, without delay, at short notice, promptly, right away, at once.
    * sin demorarse un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin demoras = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin desarrollar = undeveloped.
    * sin descansar = without (a) rest.
    * sin descanso = relentlessly, restlessly, breathlessly, unabated, without a break, without (a) rest, day in and day out, without respite.
    * sin descanso, sin un descanso, sin parar, sin descansar, sin interrupción = without a break.
    * sin descubrir = undiscovered.
    * sin descuento = undiscounted.
    * sin desdoblarse = unfolded.
    * sin desearlo = unwantedly.
    * sin desgastar = unworn.
    * sin desperdiciar un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin determinación de culpabilidad = no-fault.
    * sin determinar = undefined.
    * sin detonar = unexploded.
    * sin deudas = debt free.
    * sin dientes = toothless.
    * sin diferencias = undifferentiated.
    * sin dificultad = without difficulty.
    * sin dificultad alguna = without a hitch.
    * sin diluir = undiluted.
    * sin dinero = impecunious.
    * sin dinero en metálico = cashless.
    * sin discapacidad = able-bodied.
    * sin discapacidades = able-bodied.
    * sin disciplina = undisciplined, ill-disciplined.
    * sin discriminar = indiscriminate, on equal terms.
    * sin discutir = no arguments!, undiscussed.
    * sin disminuir = non-decreasing, unabated.
    * sin disolver = undiluted.
    * sin disponer de = in the absence of.
    * sin división espacial = spatially unstructured.
    * sin doblarse = unfolded.
    * sin documentar = undocumented.
    * sin dolor = painless.
    * sin domicilio fijo = of no fixed abode.
    * sin drenar = undrained.
    * sin duda = doubtless, no doubt, of course, surely, to be sure, undoubtedly, indubitably, without a doubt, without doubt, no mistake, hands down.
    * sin duda alguna = without any doubt.
    * sin dudar = without a doubt.
    * sin dudarlo = without hesitation.
    * sin editar = unedited.
    * sin el menor asomo de duda = without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin embargo = however, nevertheless, still, yet, that being said, all this said.
    * sin emitir humo = smokeless.
    * sin empleo = jobless.
    * sin encuadernar = unbound.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * sin engorros = hassle-free.
    * sin entallar = loosely hanging, baggy [baggier -comp., baggiest -sup.], saggy [saggier -comp., saggiest -sup.].
    * sin enterrar = unburied.
    * sin entusiasmo = half-hearted [halfhearted].
    * sin envolver = unwrapped.
    * sin errores = error-free.
    * sin escatimar = without stint, unstintingly.
    * sin escenificar = unproduced.
    * sin escrúpulos = unscrupulous, unconscionable, without scruples, unprincipled.
    * sin escurrir = undrained.
    * sin esfuerzo = effortless, effortlessly.
    * sin esfuerzo alguno = effortlessly.
    * sin especializar = non-specialised.
    * sin especificar = unspecified.
    * sin esperanza = hopeless, dispiritedly, hopelessly.
    * sin esperarlo = out of the blue, like a bolt out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue.
    * sin espinas = boneless.
    * sin estar obstaculizado por = untrammelled by.
    * sin estilo = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin estructura = unstructured.
    * sin estudios = ill-educated.
    * sin evaluar = unevaluated.
    * sin examinar = unexamined.
    * sin exceder el presupuesto = budgetable.
    * sin excepción = without exception, without fail.
    * sin excesivo rigor = loosely.
    * sin excusa justificada = unexcused.
    * sin existencias = out-of-stock.
    * sin éxito = unsuccessful.
    * sin experiencia = inexperience, callow [callower -comp., callowest -sup.].
    * sin explicar = unexplained.
    * sin explorar = unexplored.
    * sin explotar = untapped, unexploded.
    * sin extras = no-frills.
    * sin fallar = without fail.
    * sin fallos = flawlessly.
    * sin falta = without fail.
    * sin fecha = undated.
    * sin fechar = undated.
    * sin fianza = without bail.
    * sin fin = never-finishing, never-ending, bottomless, interminably, unending.
    * sin finalidad = purposeless.
    * sin financiación = unfunded.
    * sin fines lucrativos = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * sin firma = unsigned.
    * sin firmar = unsigned.
    * sin fondo = bottomless.
    * sin forma = bodilessly, formless.
    * sin formación = ill-educated.
    * sin formación previa = untrained.
    * sin forrar = uncovered.
    * sin fronteras = borderless.
    * sin fundamento = unwarranted, unsupported, ungrounded, without foundation, without basis.
    * sin fundamento alguno = without any basis.
    * sin ganas = half-heartedly.
    * sin gastos = no cost(s).
    * sin grabar = unengraved.
    * sin gracia = dowdy [dowdier -comp., dowdiest -sup.].
    * sin grasa = nonfat.
    * sin grasas = nonfat, fat free.
    * sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
    * sin haber contacto = non-contact.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * sin habla = speechless.
    * sin hacer = undone.
    * sin hacer caso = regardless.
    * sin hacer distinciones = one size fits all.
    * sin hacer ruido = as quiet as a mouse, furtively, softly.
    * sin herrar = unshod.
    * sin hilación = rambling.
    * sin hogar = homeless.
    * sin hueso = boneless.
    * sin humo = smokeless.
    * sin humor = humourless [humorless, -USA].
    * sin humos = smoke-free.
    * sin idea = clueless.
    * sin ideas preconcebidas = open mind.
    * sin identificar = unidentified, unmapped, unnamed.
    * sin igual = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin impedimentos = unimpeded.
    * sin importancia = negligible, unimportant, trifling, immaterial, of no consequence.
    * sin importar = regardless of, independently of, disregarding.
    * sin importar + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * sin importar el tiempo = all-weather.
    * sin importar las consecuencias = regardless of the consequences.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin impuestos = duty-free, tax-free.
    * sin impurezas = purified.
    * sin incluir = unlisted, exclusive of, not including, excluding.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * sin índice = indexless.
    * sin + Infinitivo = without + Gerundio.
    * sin información sobre el estado anterior = stateless.
    * sin inhibiciones = uninhibited.
    * sin inmutarse = undeterred, impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin intención = involuntarily.
    * sin interés = unexciting, uninteresting, unmoving, vapid.
    * sin interrupción = continuously, without a break, without (a) rest, in an unbroken line.
    * sin interrupciones = in a single phase.
    * sin intervención de un intermediario = disintermediated.
    * sin intervención directa = nonobtrusive.
    * sin investigar = unresearched.
    * sin justificación = unreasonably, unjustified.
    * sin justificación alguna = wantonly.
    * sin justificar = unjustified.
    * sin la amenaza de = unthreatened (by).
    * sin la ayuda de nadie = single-handed, single-handedly.
    * sin la debida autorización = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], warrantless.
    * sin la debida consideración = without due consideration.
    * sin la más mínima duda = without the shadow of a doubt, without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la más mínima duda = beyond a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la menor duda = no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin la menor idea = clueless.
    * sin la menor sombra de duda = without a shadow of a doubt.
    * sin la suficiente financiación = underfinanced [under-financed].
    * sin lavar = unwashed.
    * sin leer = unread.
    * sin levadura = unleavened.
    * sin licencia = unlicensed.
    * sin líder = leaderless.
    * sin limitaciones = without stint, without limit.
    * sin límite = without limit, without stint, interminably.
    * sin límite(s) = unbounded, unfettered, unstinting, unstintingly, the sky is the limit.
    * sin litoral = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin llamar la atención = inconspicuously.
    * sin lógica ni explicación = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin lugar a dudas = conclusively, undeniably, unquestionably, without any doubt, by all accounts, no mistake, no doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be sure.
    * sin lujos = no-frills.
    * sin luna = moonless.
    * sin luz de luna = moonless.
    * sin madera = woodfree.
    * sin madurar = unripened.
    * sin maldad = guileless.
    * sin malicia = guileless.
    * sin mancha = unblemished, untainted, stainless.
    * sin mangas = sleeveless.
    * sin mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * sin marcar = unpriced.
    * sin marca registrada = non-proprietary.
    * sin más = out of hand, unceremoniously, unceremonious.
    * sin más dilación = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado, without warning.
    * sin más ni más = unceremoniously, unceremonious, for the love of it, without much ado.
    * sin más preámbulos = without (any) further ado, without (any) more ado.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * sin mencionar = not to mention, not to say, not to speak of.
    * sin meternos en el hecho de que = to say nothing of.
    * sin mezcla = unmixed.
    * sin mezclar = unmixed.
    * sin miedo = with confidence.
    * sin miramientos = unceremoniously.
    * sin misericordia = ruthlessly.
    * sin modificar = unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * sin molestias = hassle-free.
    * sin motivo alguno = wantonly.
    * sin motivo aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin motivo justificado = without justified reason.
    * sin moverse del sitio = in place.
    * sin movimiento = unmoving, motionless.
    * sin mucha antelación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha anticipación = at short notice.
    * sin mucha dificultad = painlessly.
    * sin muchas contemplaciones = unceremoniously.
    * sin muchos inconvenientes = without much grudging.
    * sin nada de gracia = unfunny.
    * sin nada que destacar = uneventful.
    * sin necesidad de ello = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin necesidad de pensar = thought-free.
    * sin ninguna duda = without question, without any doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, no mistake, no doubt.
    * sin ningún cosste = without cost.
    * sin ningún coste = without charge, free of charge, at no cost, free of cost, cost free, for free, costless, at no charge.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo = effortlessly.
    * sin ningún esfuerzo mental = thought-free.
    * sin ningún género de duda = without any doubt whatsoever, without any doubt whatsoever.
    * sin ningún género de dudas = indisputably.
    * sin ningún motivo = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * sin ningún otro motivo = (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * sin ningún remedio posible = beyond redemption.
    * sin ningún reparo = unabashed.
    * sin ningún resultado = to no avail, without any avail, of no avail.
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sin nombrar = unnamed.
    * sin norte = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin notar la diferencia = seamlessly, seamless.
    * sin nubes = unclouded, uncloudy, cloudless.
    * sin numeración = unnumbered.
    * sin numerar = unnumbered.
    * sin obligaciones = at leisure.
    * sin obstáculos = unchecked, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed.
    * sin obstáculos de por medio = uncluttered.
    * sin obstrucciones = unobstructed.
    * sin olor = odourless [odorless, -USA].
    * sin olvidar = not to mention.
    * sin operario = unmanned.
    * sin oposición = without opposition, unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin orden = unordered.
    * sin ordenar = unordered, unsorted.
    * sin orden ni concierto = higgledy-piggledy, without rhyme or reason.
    * sin originalidad = unoriginal.
    * sin palabras = wordless.
    * sin papel = paperless.
    * sin par = unequalled, unexampled, unsurpassed, unique unto itself, unique, without peer, unrivalled [unrivaled, -USA], without equal, matchless.
    * sin paralelo = unparalleled.
    * sin parangón = unparalleled, unequalled, without peer, matchless.
    * sin parar = steadily, non-stop, without a break, without (a) rest, on-the-go, interminably, without respite, without stopping.
    * sin parar a pensárselo = off-hand [offhand].
    * sin pararse a pensar = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin patente = non-proprietary.
    * sin pausa = breathlessly.
    * sin peculio = impecunious.
    * sin peligro alguno = safely.
    * sin pelo = hairless.
    * sin pelos en la lengua = outspokenly.
    * sin pensar = mindlessly.
    * sin pensar (en) = unmindful of, with little or no thought of, without thinking (about).
    * sin pensarlo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensarlo demasiado = off-the-cuff, off the top of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo detenidamente = out of + Posesivo + head.
    * sin pensarlo mucho = off the top of + Posesivo + head, right off the bat.
    * sin pensárselo = spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment.
    * sin pensárselo dos veces = without a second thought, spur-of-the-moment, on the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat.
    * sin pepitas = seedless.
    * sin percatarse = without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly, unwittingly.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin pérdida = lossless.
    * sin perjuicio de = notwithstanding.
    * sin perjuicios = open mind.
    * sin permiso = without permission, unlicensed.
    * sin pestañear = impassively, without batting an eyelid, without turning a hair.
    * sin pico = flat-topped.
    * sin piedad = ruthlessly, remorseless, mercilessly.
    * sin piel = skinless.
    * sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.
    * sin pistas = clueless.
    * sin planificar = unplanned.
    * sin poblar = unpopulated.
    * sin poder contenerse = helplessly.
    * sin poder dormir = sleepless.
    * sin poder extinguirlo = inextinguishably.
    * sin poder hacer nada = helplessly.
    * sin poner en duda la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspension of disbelief.
    * sin poner en escena = unproduced.
    * sin ponerlo en duda = uncritically.
    * sin ponerse en duda = unquestioned.
    * sin precedente = unparalleled, unexampled.
    * sin precedentes = unprecedented, record breaking, record-high, all-time.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * sin preguntar = unasked.
    * sin prejuicios = open-minded, fair-minded [fairminded].
    * sin prentesiones = unpretentious.
    * sin preocupaciones = carefree, worry-free.
    * sin preparación técnica = non-technical.
    * sin préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * sin prestar atención = mindlessly.
    * sin pretensiones = unassuming, humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.].
    * sin previo aviso = unannounced, without warning, without notice, without prior notice, without prior notification, on spec, at the drop of a hat, without (any) further notice.
    * sin principios = unscrupulous, unprincipled.
    * sin prisa(s) = unhurriedly, leisurely.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * sin procesar = unprocessed.
    * sin propiedades = propertyless.
    * sin propiedad rural = landless.
    * sin protección = unprotected.
    * sin provocación = unprovoked.
    * sin publicar = unpublished.
    * sin pulir = unpolished.
    * sin quejarse = uncomplaining, uncomplainingly.
    * sin quemar = unburned.
    * sin querer = involuntarily, unwilling, by accident, accidentally, unintentionally, unwantedly.
    * sin querer + Infinitivo = unwilling to + Infinitivo.
    * sin quererlo = unwantedly.
    * sin que se entienda = slurred.
    * sin que se note la diferencia = seamlessly.
    * sin rabo = ecaudate.
    * sin razón = wanton, for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.
    * sin razón justificada = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no good reason.
    * sin razón justificda = for no particular reason.
    * sin recelo = with confidence.
    * sin receta médica = over the counter.
    * sin reclamar = unredeemed.
    * sin recoger = uncollected.
    * sin reconocer = unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * sin reconocimiento de créditos = non-credit.
    * sin recopilar = uncollected.
    * sin recursos = resource-starved.
    * sin refinar = unrefined.
    * sin reflexionar = rashly.
    * sin registrar = unlisted.
    * sin reglamentar = unregulated.
    * sin regular = unregulated.
    * sin regularizar = unregulated.
    * sin relación = unrelated, unconnected.
    * sin relación con = unrelated to.
    * sin remedio = beyond repair, incurably, incorrigibly.
    * sin remordimientos = no-looking-back.
    * sin reparar = unrepaired.
    * sin reparo = unashamed.
    * sin reparos = unshielded.
    * sin representación = unrepresented.
    * sin reserva = unconditionally, unreserved.
    * sin reservas = unshielded, wholehearted [whole-hearted], go + the whole hog, the full monty, without reservation, wholeheartedly [whole-heartedly], forthright, categorical, uncompromising, uncompromisingly, unqualified, categoric, unmitigaged, unreserved, unreservedly.
    * sin residencia fija = of no fixed abode.
    * sin resistencia = unchallenged, unopposed.
    * sin resistirse = passively.
    * sin resolver = unresolved, unsolved, unsettled, uncleared.
    * sin respiro = without a break, without (a) rest, without respite.
    * sin responder = unanswered.
    * sin restricciones = unrestricted, unlimited, uninhibited, unrestrictive, unfettered, free-flowing, without stint, without limit, no holds barred, unencumbered.
    * sin restricciones de horario = unscheduled.
    * sin retirar = uncleared, uncollected.
    * sin retrasos = in a timely fashion, in a timely manner.
    * sin revelar = undisclosed, unrevealed.
    * sin revestir = uncoated.
    * sin revisar = unrevised.
    * sin riesgo = riskless.
    * sin rodeos = head-on, baldly, bluntly, outspokenly.
    * sin ruido = soundless.
    * sin rumbo = aimless, off course, rudderless.
    * sin saberlo = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * sin sabor = tasteless.
    * sin saldar = uncollected.
    * sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].
    * sin sanción = unsanctioned.
    * sin seleccionar = unselected.
    * sin semillas = seedless.
    * sin sentido = meaningless, purposeless, pointless, senseless, wanton, nonsensical, unconscious.
    * sin sentir ningún reparo = unashamed.
    * sin sentir vergüenza = shamelessly.
    * sin ser afectado = untouched.
    * sin ser anunciado de antemano = unannounced.
    * sin ser consciente de ello = unbeknownst to, unbeknown to.
    * sin ser detectado = undetected.
    * sin ser evaluado por expertos = unrefereed.
    * sin ser necesario = gratuitous, gratuitously.
    * sin ser percibido = out of sight.
    * sin ser superado = unsurpassed.
    * sin ser visto = unseen, undetected, unobserved, out of sight.
    * sin significado = meaningless.
    * sin simplificar = unabridged.

    * * *
    A without
    lo tomo con leche y sin azúcar I take milk but no sugar
    reserva garantizada sin recargo guaranteed reservation at no extra cost
    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news
    solicite más información sin compromiso send for more details without obligation
    sin previo aviso with no advance warning
    ¡tírate! ¡sin miedo! jump! don't be scared!
    ¿qué harías tú sin mí? what would you do without me?
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer
    una pareja sin hijos a couple with no children, a childless couple
    un vuelo sin escalas a non-stop o direct flight
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread
    se quedó sin trabajo he lost his job
    una persona totalmente sin escrúpulos a completely unscrupulous person
    1 sin + INF (con significado activo) without -ING
    se fue sin pagar she left without paying
    lo mandaron a la cama sin cenar they sent him to bed without any dinner
    somos diez sin contarlos a ellos there are ten of us not counting them
    estuvo una semana entera sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a whole week, she went a whole week without speaking to me
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot
    2 sin + INF
    (con significado pasivo): una camisa sin planchar an unironed shirt, a shirt that hasn't/hadn't been ironed
    esto está aún sin terminar this still isn't finished
    C sin QUE + SUBJ:
    los días pasan sin que dé señales de vida the days go by and there is still no word from him, the days go by with no word from him o without any word from him
    no voy a ir sin que me inviten I'm not going if I haven't been invited
    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing
    * * *


    sin preposición
    1 without;

    seguimos sin noticias we still haven't had any news;
    agua mineral sin gas still mineral water;
    cerveza sin alcohol non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free beer;
    me quedé sin pan I ran out of bread

    estuvo una semana sin hablarme she didn't speak to me for a week;
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand;
    la pisé sin querer I accidentally trod on her foot

    esto está aún sin terminar it still isn't finished
    3 sin que + subj:

    quítaselo sin que se dé cuenta get it off him without his o without him noticing;
    See Also→ embargo 2
    sin preposición without: se marchó sin ellos, he left without them
    costó mil pesetas, sin contar el IVA, it cost one thousand pesetas, not including VAT
    el edificio estaba sin terminar, the building was unfinished
    entre sin llamar, come in without knocking
    saldré sin que me vea, I'll go out without him seeing
    una bebida sin alcohol, a non-alcoholic drink
    ' sin' also found in these entries:
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - accidental
    - acéfala
    - acéfalo
    - agotar
    - agotada
    - agotado
    - agreste
    - ahora
    - ahorcarse
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alguna
    - alguno
    - aliento
    - alquilar
    - ambages
    - amorfa
    - amorfo
    - aparente
    - asesinar
    - aviso
    - ayunas
    - bagatela
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bañera
    - berrido
    - bien
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bocado
    - bregar
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - burbuja
    - caldo
    - calle
    - callejón
    - calva
    - camino
    - caprichosa
    - caprichoso
    - causa
    - cazo
    - cero
    - accident
    - accidental
    - accidentally
    - accustom
    - ado
    - afraid
    - age
    - agree
    - aimless
    - aimlessly
    - all-time
    - ammunition
    - another
    - antsy
    - anyhow
    - arrogant
    - at
    - attach
    - away
    - AWOL
    - babble
    - backbencher
    - backing
    - bare
    - barge in
    - basic
    - bat
    - bean
    - begin
    - behave
    - beyond
    - blank
    - blind alley
    - blue
    - blunt
    - bluntly
    - blurt out
    - boarding card
    - boarding pass
    - book
    - boorish
    - bootstrap
    - bottomless
    - break
    - breath
    - breathless
    - broke
    - busywork
    - buzz off
    * * *
    SIN nf
    1. (abrev de Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional del Perú) = Peruvian national intelligence department
    2. (abrev de Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización) INS [US Immigration and Naturalization Service]
    * * *
    prp without;
    sin preguntar without asking;
    sin decir nada without (saying) a word;
    sin paraguas without an umbrella;
    sin que without;
    y sin más and without further ado;
    me lo dijo así, sin más that’s all he said to me, just that
    * * *
    sin prep
    1) : without
    sin querer: unintentionally
    sin refinar: unrefined
    sin que : without
    lo hicimos sin que él se diera cuenta: we did it without him noticing
    * * *
    sin prep
    1. (en general) without

    Spanish-English dictionary > sin

  • 14 dinero


    con dinero prestado — взаймы, за счёт ссуды или кредита

    ahorrar el dinero — копить деньги; сберегать [экономить] деньги

    aportar en dinero — вносить [делать взнос] деньгами

    congelar el dinero en una cuenta — заблокировать [замораживать] денежные средства на счёте

    exigir dinero — взыскивать [востребовать] деньги

    retirar el dinero de la cuenta — брать [снимать] деньги со счёта

    - dinero bancario
    - dinero barato
    - dinero en caja
    - dinero caliente
    - dinero caro
    - dinero en circulación
    - dinero al contado
    - dinero contante
    - dinero de crédito
    - dinero desvalorizado
    - dinero disponible
    - dinero efectivo
    - dinero efectivo en caja
    - dinero errante
    - dinero fiduciario
    - dinero-mercancía-dinero
    - dinero mundia
    - dinero trocado
    - dinero universal

    El diccionario Español-ruso económico > dinero

  • 15 dinero ganado sin dificultad

    Испанско-русский универсальный словарь > dinero ganado sin dificultad

  • 16 dinero prestado sin interés

    • barren money

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > dinero prestado sin interés

  • 17 dinero sin cobertura

    • fiat money

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > dinero sin cobertura

  • 18 dinero sin interés

    беспроцентный заем, залог

    El diccionario Español-ruso jurídico > dinero sin interés

  • 19 quedarse sin

    1 to miss the opportunity to, to lose the chance to.
    María se quedó sin ver a su ídolo Mary missed the opportunity to see her idol.
    2 to run out of, to go short of, to lack, to be out of.
    Nos quedamos sin gasolina We ran out of gasoline.
    3 to be left without, to be left alone without.
    Nos quedamos sin dinero We were left alone without money.
    * * *
    (v.) = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out
    Ex. The arguments are well known but we must realise that there was a very real fear that society would run short of manual labour = Los argumentos son bien conocidos pero debemos darnos cuenta de que había existía un miedo real de que la sociedad se quedase sin mano de obra.
    Ex. The author regrets the struggle which Greco-Roman studies have to survive in the USA arguing that US students miss out on understanding the origins of much of their culture and government.
    Ex. The philosophy of science lacks a time dimension and seems to have run out of language to cope with all the abstractions needed.
    Ex. He continued writing for two years until his ink ran out.
    * * *
    (v.) = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out

    Ex: The arguments are well known but we must realise that there was a very real fear that society would run short of manual labour = Los argumentos son bien conocidos pero debemos darnos cuenta de que había existía un miedo real de que la sociedad se quedase sin mano de obra.

    Ex: The author regrets the struggle which Greco-Roman studies have to survive in the USA arguing that US students miss out on understanding the origins of much of their culture and government.
    Ex: The philosophy of science lacks a time dimension and seems to have run out of language to cope with all the abstractions needed.
    Ex: He continued writing for two years until his ink ran out.

    Spanish-English dictionary > quedarse sin

  • 20 No hay don sin din

    [lang name="SpanishTraditionalSort"][din = acort. de dinero, por analogía con don]
    An einem goldenen Strick führt der Hase den Löwen.
    Geld befördert den Esel.
    Mit Gold beweist man seine Unschuld am besten.

    Proverbios, refranes y dichos españoles con sus equivalencias en alemán > No hay don sin din

См. также в других словарях:

  • sin dinero — dinero, sin dinero cf. (afines) sin blanca, en calzoncillos, sin chapa, sin un chavo, sin cinco, no tener un * clavel, sin un clavo, andar * corto, cuatro * cuartos, no tener un * duro, sin un duro, sin una perra, limpio, con una mano delante y… …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

  • dinero — dinero, dinero crudo ► crudo, ► dinero crudo. 2. dinero extra s. dinero sobrante. ❙ «No hubiera sabido en qué emplear un dinero extra.» Vlady Kociancich, La octava maravilla, 1982, RAE CREA. ❙ «(Y aquí estaba el origen del crimen) darle dinero… …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

  • sin ni un cobre — sin dinero; arruinado; pobre; cf. quedarse sin uno, en la cuerera, en la pitilla, pato, sin ni un peso, sin ni uno, andar sin un cobre; estamos sin ni un cobre para comprar gas, gorda , puta, me quedé sin ni un cobre después del divorcio …   Diccionario de chileno actual

  • Tuyo o ajeno, no te acuestes sin dinero. — Dice que lo importante es tener dinero, sin reparar en escrúpulos sobre cómo se ha conseguido …   Diccionario de dichos y refranes

  • sin ni un peso — sin dinero; arruinado; pobre; cf. quedarse sin uno, en la cuerera, en la pitilla, pato, sin ni un cobre, sin ni uno; esa mina me dejó sin ni un peso , al final, más lo que trabajé en esa empresa y terminé sin ni un peso , nos quedamos sin ni un… …   Diccionario de chileno actual

  • A la bolsa sin dinero, dígola cuero. — Vale por menosprecio de la estrechez pecuniaria, y se remonta a los tiempos en que el dinero solía llevarse en bolsas de cuero. Tal como lo explica el marqués de Santillana, se refiere también al poco aprecio que se debe hacer de las cosas cuando …   Diccionario de dichos y refranes

  • sin ni uno — pobre; sin dinero; cf. en la cuerera, pato, en las últimas, en la pitilla, andar corto, sin ni un cobre, quedarse sin ni uno, andar sin ni uno, estar sin ni uno, ni uno; estoy sin ni uno compadre así es que no puedo invitar yo …   Diccionario de chileno actual

  • sin — {{#}}{{LM S35827}}{{〓}} {{SynS36719}} {{[}}sin{{]}} {{《}}▍ prep.{{》}} {{<}}1{{>}} Indica falta o carencia: • No puedo comprarlo porque estoy sin dinero.{{○}} {{<}}2{{>}} {{♂}}Seguido de un infinitivo,{{♀}} actúa como negación: • Pasé toda la… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • sin — (prep) (Básico) expresa la falta o ausencia de algo Ejemplos: No puedo ir de compras porque me quedé sin dinero. Le dijo que sin ella no iría a ninguna parte. Colocaciones: sin salida, estar sin trabajo …   Español Extremo Basic and Intermediate

  • sin gorda — ► locución adverbial coloquial Sin dinero: ■ después de ir al mercado me he quedado sin gorda …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • sin un céntimo — ► locución adverbial coloquial Sin dinero: ■ tendrás que hacerme un préstamo, estoy sin un céntimo …   Enciclopedia Universal

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