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  • 21 BÓK

    * * *
    (gen. bókar and bœkr; pl. bœkr), f.
    1) beech, beechtree;
    2) poet. textile fabric with figures woven in it (bœkr þínar enar bláhvítu);
    3) book;
    lesa á bók, to read a book;
    rita á bók, setja á bœkr, to set down in writing, to put on record;
    kunna (festa) et útan bókar, to know (to get) by heart;
    heilög bók, the divine book, the bible;
    4) the gospel (vinna eið at bók; cf. bókareiðr);
    5) Latin kenna em á bók, to teach one Latin;
    nema á bók, to learn Latin;
    setja en til bókar, to put one to school (in order to make him a priest);
    hann heitir á bók ( in Latin) Jaskonius;
    svá segir (er sagt) í bókum (in Latin books);
    6) lawbook, code of law (lögbók, Jónsbók).
    * * *
    ar, f. [Lat. fāgus; Gr. φηγός; A. S. bôc; Engl. beech; Germ. buche (fem.); Swed. bok; Dan. böge, etc.]:—a beech, Edda (Gl.), Lex. Poët. Owing to the absence of trees in Icel., the word rarely occurs; moreover the collect. beyki, n., is more freq.
    gen. bókar, but also in old writers bækr, pl. bækr, [Ulf. renders by bôca the Gr. βίβλος, γράμματα, επιστολή, etc.; A. S. bôc; Engl. book; Germ. buch (neut.); Swed. bok; Dan. bog: the identity between bók fāgus and bók liber seems certain; the gender is in all Scandinavian idioms the same; modern German has made a distinction in using buche fem., buch neut.; both are akin to the Gr.-Lat. fāgus, φηγός; cp. also the analogy with Gr. βίβλος and Lat. liber ( book and bark): bók-stafr also properly means a beech-twig, and then a letter. In old times, before the invention of parchment, the bark of trees was used for writing on]:—a book.
    I. the earliest notion, however, of a ‘book’ in Scandin. is that of a precious stuff, a textile fabric with figures, or perhaps characters, woven in it; it occurs three or four times in old poems in this sense; bók ok blæja, bjartar váðir, Skv. 3. 47; bækr (bekr) þínar enar bláhvítu ofnar völundum (of bed-sheets?), Hðm. 7, Gh. 4: bók-rúnar, Sdm. 19, may refer to this; or is it = runes engraven on beech-wood?
    II. a book in the proper sense. Icel. say, rita and setja saman bók (sögu), to write and compose a book ( story); old writers prefer saying, rita ‘á’ bók (dat. or acc.) instead of ‘í,’ perhaps bearing in mind that the earliest writings were on scrolls, or even on stones or wooden slabs—barbara fraxineis pingatur runa tabellis; they also prefer to use the plur. instead of sing. without regard to volumes (as in Engl. writings); það finst ritað á bókum, Fms. i. 157; á bókum Ara prests hins Fróða, iii. 106; historia ecclesiarum á tveim (sjau) bókum, Dipl. v. 18; á bókum er sagt, Landn. (pref.); á bókum Enskum, id.; á bók þessi (acc.) lét ek rita fornar frásagnir, Hkr. (pref.); but svá segir í bók þeirri sem Edda heitir, Skálda 222; þá hluti sem frammi standa í bók þessi, 159; svá sem hann (viz. Ari) hefir sjálfr ritað í sínum bókum, Ó. H. 188; þeir er Styrmir reiknar í sinni bók, Fb. ii. 68; hér fyrr í bókinni.
    III. a book, i. e. a story, history (Saga), since in Icel. histories were the favourite books; cp. Íslendinga-bók, Konunga-bók, bók Styrmis; Landnáma-bók; bækr þær er Snorri setti saman, Sturl. ii. 123. It is used of the Gospel in the law phrases, sem búar virða við bók, vinna eið at bók (bókar-eiðr), of a verdict given or an oath taken by laying the hand upon the Gospel, Grág. (Þ. Þ.) several times; as the Engl. phrase ‘to swear on the book’ is common; of a code (of law) = Jóns-bók, after A. D. 1272 or 1281, Bs. i. 720, 723, vide Ann. those years; hafa bók even means to hold the book, i. e. to hold the office of lögmaðr (law-man, judge); Þórðr Narfa son hafði bók, Ann. (Hol.) A. D. 1304; á bókarinnar vegna, on the part of the book, i. e. the law, D. N. ii. 492. Mod. phrases: skrifa, rita, semja bók, to write it; lesa í bók, to read it; but syngja á bók, to sing from a book; fletta bók, to turn over the leaves; líta, blaða, í bók, to peruse, look into a book (hann lítr aldrei í bók, he never looks into a book); lesa bók ofan í kjölinn, to read a book carefully, v. lesa bók spjaldanna í milli, to read it from end to end:—sálma-bók, flokka-bók, a hymn-book; kvæða-bók, ljóða-bók, a book of poems; sögu-bók, of histories; lög-bók, of laws; Guðs orða-bók, God’s word-book, a religious book:—also of MSS., Flateyjar-bók (Cod. Flateyensis), Orms-bók, Uppsala-bók, Konungs-bók, Staðarfells-bók, Skálholts-bók, etc.:—phrases relating to books: það er allt á eina bókina lært, all learnt from the same book, i. e. all of one piece (esp. denoting one-sidedness); blindr er bóklauss maðr, blind is a bookless man; læra utan-bókar, to learn without book, by heart; bókvit, ‘bookwit,’ knowledge got from books; mannvit, mother-wit, common sense; allra manna vit er minna en þeirra er af bókum taka mannvit sitt, Sks. 22:—also, setja e-n til bækr, to set one to book, i. e. put one to school in order to make him priest; berja e-n til bækr, to thrash one to the book, i. e. into learning, Bs. i; a book has spjöld, boards; kjöl, keel, back; snið, cut; brot, size.
    COMPDS: bókagull, bókagörð, bókakista, bókalectari, bókalist, bókarblað, bókarbót, bókareiðr, bókareiðstafr, bókarlag, bókarskeyting, bókarskrá, bókarstóll, bókartak, bókarvitni, bókaskápr, bókasteinn, bókastokkr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > BÓK

  • 22 ER

    I) (older form es), rel. part. in old poems and in law phrases ‘es’ is suffixed to a demonstrative or interrogative word, pron. or adv., as s: sás, sús, þats, þeims, þærs; þars, þás, þegars, síðans, hveims, hvars, &c., = sá es, sú es, þar es, þá es, &c.
    I. used as a rel. pron., indecl., who, which, that;
    1) Mörðr hét maðr, er (nom.) kallaðr var gígja;
    grös fögr, er (acc.) hón hafði í hendi;
    aðra hluti þá, er (gen.) menn vildu visir verða;
    þann einn son, er (dat.) hann ann lítit;
    2) with a prep. placed at the end of the sentence;
    land, er hann kom frá, the land he came from;
    jötunn, er ór steini var höfuðit á (viz. honum), whose head was of stone;
    3) ellipt., the prep. being understood;
    ór þeim ættum, er mér þóttu fuglarnir fljúga (viz. ór), from the quarter that I thought the birds flew from;
    þeir hafa nú látit líf sitt, er mér þykkir eigi vert at lifa (viz. eptir), whom I think it is not worth while to outlive;
    4) a personal or demonstr. pron. may be added to the rel. part., er þú, er þik; er hann, er hón, er hana, er hans, er hennar, er þeim, er þeiri, er þeira, etc.;
    œrr ertu, Loki, er þú (who) yðra telr ljóta leiðstafi;
    sá maðr, er hann vill, that man who wishes;
    nema ein Goðrún, er hón æva grét, who never wept;
    ekkja heitir sú, er búandi hennar (whose husband) varð sóttdauðr;
    þann konung, er undir honum eru skatt-konungar, that king under whom are tributary kings;
    5) in the fourteenth century added to the int. pron., hverr;
    þat herbergi, í hverju er hann ( in which = er hann í því) hefir sitt ráð ok ræðr;
    II. as a conj. and adv.
    1) local, er, þar er, there where;
    hann sá á eldinum fölskann, er netit hafði brunnit, where the net had been burnt;
    Ó. gekk þar til, er H. lá, to the spot where H. lay;
    2) of time, er, þá er, when;
    ok er, and when;
    en er, but when;
    þar til er, until;
    í því er, just when;
    eptir (þat) er, when;
    þegar er, as soon as (þegar er lýsti, stóð konungr upp);
    síðan er, since;
    meðan er, while;
    næst er vér kómum, next when we came;
    þá lét í hamrinum, sem er reið gengr, as when it thunders;
    3) = at, that;
    ok fannst þat á öllu, er hón þóttist vargefin, that she thought she was thrown away;
    ek em þess sæll, er okkart félag sleit, I am happy that;
    skyldi fara fyrst leyniliga, en þó kom þar, er allir vissu, but it came to this, that every one knew of it.
    II) from vera.
    * * *
    old form es, mod. sometimes eð, but usually ‘er;’ indecl. Particle used as relat. pron. or as relat. adv.; in very old MSS. always es, and rhymed so by old poets; in the 12th century it changed into er. In poems and in law phrases the particle ‘es’ is suffixed to the pronoun or adverb, as s or z, e. g. thus: as pron., sá’s = sá es (so in ‘people’s Engl.he as, him as, for he who, etc.), Hkr. iii. 11 (Sighvat); dat. þeim’s = þeim es, illi qui, Hm. 3, Fms. vi. 38 (Sighvat); acc. masc. þann’z or þann’s = þann es, illum qui, Vsp. 45 (MS.), Od. i, Hm. 44, 120, Hým. 39, Am. 90; neut. þatz = þat es, illud quod, Hm. 39, Am. 37, Hkv. Hjörv. 3, Fms. iii. 9 (Hallfred): as conj. or adv., hvárt’z … eða = hvárt es … eða, utrum … an, Grág. (Ed. 1853); hvárt’z hann vill at reiða eða …, i. 25, 145, 152, 155, 156, 161, 233, ii. 50: as adv., þegar’s = þegar es, as soon as, Grág. (Ed. 1853) i. 94, Am. 30; síðan’s = síðan es, since (Old Engl. sithens, sithence), 78; even sem’s = sem es, Am. 103; hvar’s = hvar es, wherever, 47, Mork. 138, Hm. 138; hve’s = hve es, however, 140 (MS. hvers), Skálda 190 (in a verse); þar’s = þar es, there where, i. e. where, Grág. i. 46, 153, Hm. 66, Hbl. 60, Gm. 8, Ls. 50, Mork. 18, 34, 37, 62, 170, Skálda 189 (Bragi), Edda (Ht.) 124, where this anastrophe is called bragar-mál, poetical diction; hvarge’s = hvarge es, wherever, Grág. ii. 44. The Icel. has no relat. pron. but only the relat. particles er and sem, both of them indecl. in gender, case, and number; in simple sentences the sense (gender etc.) is clear from the context; and the language has certain expedients to meet the deficiency.
    A. Used as relat. pron. which, who, that:
    I. used alone, where there is perhaps an ellipse of the demonstrative, er = er hann (þeir, þær, þeim, etc.);
    α. nom., á þeim bæ, er Abia heitir, 625. 83; Mörðr hét maðr, er kallaðr var Gigja, Nj. 1; hann átti dóttur eina, er Unnr hét, id.; þá skulu þeir, er fær eru ( who are) saman, Grág. i. 9; maðr, er þessa þurfi, id.; at þeim svörum, er verða, 19; lið þat, er þeim hafðI þangat fylgt, Fms. i. 62; konur þær, er völfur vóru kallaðar, iii. 212; þeim unga manni, er þar sitr hjá þér, id.
    β. acc., þingfesti manna þeirra, er ( quos) menn vilja sækja, Grág. i. 19; sakar þeirrar, er ( quam) ek hefi höfðað, id.
    γ. gen., aðra hluti þá, er ( quorum) menn viidu vísir verða, Fms. iii. 212.
    δ. dat., þann einn, er ( cui) hann ann lítið, Fms. i. 86.
    ε. joined to a demonstrative; allir Þrændir, þeir er …, all the Th., who …, Fms. i. 62.
    II. with a prep., which, as often in Engl., is placed at the end of the sentence; er hann kom til, whom he came to; land, er hann kom frá, the land he came from; so Lat. quocum venit = er hann kom með sub quibus = er … undir; in quibus = er … í, etc.: the prep. may also be a penultimate, e. g. the phrase, er mér er á ván, wlich I have a hope of; or, er hann var yfir settr, whom he was set over, etc.; this use of the pronoun is undoubtedly elliptical, the corresponding demonstrative pronoun being left out, although the ellipse is not felt; þvengrinn sá er muðrinn Loka var saman rifjaðr með (Kb. omits the prep.), the lace that the mouth of Loki was stitched with, Edda 71; öðrum höfðingjum, þeim er honum þótti liðs at ván (that is to say, þeim, er honum þótti liðs van at þeim), at whose hands, i. e. from whom he thought help likely to come, Fms. i; þeir er ek mæli þetta til (= er ek mæli þetta til þeirra), those to whom I speak, xi. 12; er engi hefir áðr til orðit, Nj. 190; in stórúðgi jötunn, er ór steini var höfuðit á (= er ór steini var höfuðit á honum), whose head was of stone. Hbl. 15; því er vér urðum á sáttir, Fms. xi. 34; við glugg þann í loptinu, er fuglinn hafðI áðr við setið. the window close to which the bird sat. Eg.: nokkurum þeim höfðingja, er mér sé eigandi vinátta við (viz. þá). Ó. H. 78: þá sjón, er mér þykir mikils um vert (viz. hana), 74; er mér þat at sýn orðit, er ek hefi opt heyrt frá sagt (= frá því sagt), 57; til vatns þess, er Á en Helga fellr ór, 163: til kirkju þeirra, es bein eru færð til, Grág. i. 13 new Ed.
    2. ellipt. the prep. being understood, esp. to avoid the repetition of it; ekirinn sá er brendr vár Ásgarðr (viz. með), Edda (pref.); hann gékk til herbergis þess, er konungr var inni (viz. í), he went to the house that the king was in, Ó. H. 160, Fb. iii. 251; dyrr þær, er ganga mátti upp á húsit (viz. gegnum, through), the doors through which one could walk up to the house, Eg. 421; ór þeim ættum er mér þóttu fuglarnir fljúga (viz. ór), the airt ( quarter) that I thought the birds flew from, Ísl. ii. 196; yfir þeim manni, er Mörðr hafði sök sína fram sagt (viz. yfir), the man over whose head ( to whom) Mord had pleaded his suit, Nj. 242; þrjú þing, þau er menn ætluðu (viz. á), three parliaments, in ( during) which men thought …, 71; nær borg þeirri, er konungr sat (viz. í), near the town the king resided in, Eg. 287; Montakassin, er dyrkast Benedictus, Monte Cassino, where B. is worshipped, Fms. xi. 415; þeir hafa nú látið lif sitt fyrir skömmu, er mér þykir eigi vert at lifa (viz. eptir), they, whom methinks it is not worth while to outlive, 150; fara eptir með hunda, er þeir vóru vanir at spyrja þá upp (viz. með), er undan hljópusk, they pursued with hounds, that they were wont to pick up fugitives with, i. e. with bloodbounds, v. 145; þat er í þrem stöðum, er dauðum má sök gefa (viz. í), it is in three places that a man can be slain with impunity, N. G. L. i. 62; þat er í einum stað, er maðr hittir (viz. í), it is in one place that …, id.
    III. a demonstrative pron. may be added to the relat. particle, e. g. er þeirra = quorum, er þeim = quibus, er hans, er hennar = cujus; but this is chiefly used in old translations from Lat., being rarely found in original writings; þann konung, er undir honum eru skatt-konungar, that king under whom vassals serve, Edda 93; ekkja heitir sú, er búandi hennar ( whose husband) varð sótt-dauðr; hæll er sú kona kölluð er búandi hennar er veginn, 108; sú sam-stafa, er raddar-stafr hennar er náttúrlega skammr, that syllable, the vowel of which is naturally short, Skálda 179; sá maðr, er hann vill, that man who wishes, Grág. i. 19; sá maðr, er hann skal fasta, 36; nema ein Guðrún, er hón æva grét, G. that never wailed, Gh. 40; þess manns, er hann girnisk, Hom. 54; sæl er sú bygghlaða … er ór þeirri …, felix est illud horreum … unde …, Hom. 15; engi er hærri speki en sú, er í þeirri …, nulla melior est sapientia quam ea, qua …, 28; varðveita boðorð hans, fyrir þann er vér erum skapaðir, ejusque mandata custodire, per quem creati sumus, 28; harða göfugr er háttr hófsemi, fyrir þá er saman stendr …, nobilis virtus est valde temperantia, per quam …, id.; elskendum Guð þann er svá mælti, Deum diligentibus qui ait, id.; skírn Græðara várs, er í þeirri, 56; er á þeim = in quibus, 52: rare in mod. writers, enginn kann að játa eðr iðrast réttilega þeirrar syndar, er hann þekkir ekki stærð hennar og ílsku, Vídal. i. 226.
    IV. in the 14th century, the relat. pron. hverr was admitted, but by adding the particle er; yet it has never prevailed, and no relative pronoun is used in Icel. (except that this pronoun occurs in the N. T. and sermons, e. g. Luke xi. 1, whose blood Pilate had mingled, is rendered hverra blóði Pilatus hafði blandað; an old translator would have said, er P. hafði blandað blóði þeirra): hvern er þeir erfðu, M. K. 156; hverjar er hón lauk mér, id.; af hverju er hann megi marka, Stj. 114; hvat er tákna mundi, Fms. xi. 12.
    V. the few following instances are rare and curious, er þú, er ek, er mér, er hón; and are analogous to the Germ. der ich, der du, I that, thou that; in Hm. l. c. ‘er’ is almost a superfluous enclitic, eyvitar fyrna er maðr annan skal, Hm. 93; sáttir þínar er ek vil snemma hafa, Alm. 7; ójafnt skipta er þú mundir, Hbl. 25; þrár hafðar er ek hefi, Fsm. 50; auði frá er mér ætluð var, sandi orpin sæng, Sl. 49; lauga-vatn er mér leiðast var eitt allra hluta, 50; ærr ertu Loki, er þú yðra telr, Ls. 29, cp. 21, Og. 12, Hkv. 2. 32; tröll, er þik bíta eigi járn, Ísl. ii. 364. ☞ This want of a proper relat. pron. has probably preserved Icel. prose from foreign influences; in rendering Lat. or mod. Germ. into Icel. almost every sentence must be altered and broken up in order to make it vernacular.
    B. Conj. and adv. joined with a demonstrative particle, where, when:
    1. loc., þar er, there where = ubi; þar er hvárki sé akr né eng, Grág. i. 123; hvervetna þess, er, N. G. L. passim.
    2. temp. when; ok er, and when; en er, but when: þá er, then when; þar til er, until, etc., passim; annan dag, er menn gengu, Nj. 3; brá þeim mjök við, er þan sá hann, 68; sjaldan fór þá svá, er vel vildi, Ld. 290; ok í því er Þórgils, and in the nick of time when Th., id.: þá lét í hamrinum sem er ( as when) reið gengr, Ísl. ii. 434; næst er vér kómum, next when we came, Eg. 287; þá er vér, when we, id.
    II. conj. that (vide ‘at’ II, p. 29); þat er (is) mitt ráð er ( that) þú kallir til tals, Eg. 540; ok þat, er hann ætlar, Nj. 7: ok fansk þat á öllu, er ( that) hon þóttisk vargefin, 17; en þessi er (is) frásögn til þess, er ( that) þeir vóru Heljar-skinn kallaðir, Sturl. i. 1; ok finna honum þá sök, er (en MS.) hann hafði verit, that he had been, Fms. vii. 331; af hverju er hann megi marka, from which he may infer, Stj. 135; hvárt er (en MS.) er (is) ungr eða gamall, either that he is young or old, N. G. L. i. 349; spurði hann at, hvárt er, asked him whether, Barl. 92; mikill skaði, er slíkr maðr, that such a man, Fms. vi. 15; hlægligt mér þat þykkir, er ( that) þú þinn harm tínir, Am. 53; er þér gengsk illa, that it goes ill with thee, 53, 89; hins viltú geta, er ( that) vit Hrungnir deildum, Hbl. 15.
    2. denoting cause; er dóttir mín er hörð í skapi, for that my daughter is hard of heart, Nj. 17.
    β. er þó, although, Skálda 164.
    3. þegar er, as soon as, when, Fms. iv. 95, cp. þegar’s above: alls er þú ert, for that thou art, i. 305; síðan er, since, after that, Grág. i. 135; en siðan er Freyr hafði heygðr verít, Hkr. (pref.); but without ‘er,’ N. G. L. i. 342. In the earliest and best MSS. distinction is made between eptir er ( postquam), þegar er ( quum), meðan er ( dum), síðan er ( postquam), and on the other hand eptir ( post), þegar ( jam), meðan ( interdum), síðan (post, deinde); cp. meðan’s, síðan’s, þegar’s, above; but in most old MSS. and writers the particle is left out, often, no doubt, merely from inaccuracy in the MSS., or even in the editions, (in MSS. ‘er’ is almost always spelt  and easily overlooked): again, in mod. usage the particle ‘at, að,’ is often used as equivalent to ‘er,’ meðan að, whilst; síðan að, since that; þegar að, postquam, (vide ‘at’ V, p. 29.)
    3rd pers. pres. is, vide vera.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ER

  • 23 truth

    tru:θ сущ.
    1) правда;
    истина, истинность to ascertain, elicit, establish, find truth ≈ узнавать, устанавливать правду to distort, stretch the truth ≈ искажать, извращать правду to face, face up to truth ≈ смотреть в лицо правде to reveal truth ≈ обнаруживать, открывать правду to search for, seek the truth ≈ искать правду absolute, gospel truth ≈ полная, абсолютная, чистая правда;
    непреложная истина awful truth ≈ страшная правда cold, naked, unvarnished truth ≈ голая, неприкрытая, неприукрашенная правда historical truth ≈ историческая правда home, bitter truth ≈ горькая правда a grain, kernel of truth ≈ крупица, зерно правды The truth is that I am very tired. ≈ Дело в том, что (или по правде сказать) я очень устал. tell the truth truths of science in truth whole truth
    2) правдивость
    3) адекватность, соответствие, точность
    4) тех. соосность, правильность установки правда - the *, the whole *, and nothing but the * правда, вся правда и ничего кроме правды - the real /plain, unvarnished, unadulterated, honest/ * чистая правда, правда как она есть, правда без всяких прикрас - to get at the * of the matter понять, в чем дело;
    докопаться до правды - that's the * of it! вот в чем дело! вот где правда! - to tell /to speak/ the * говорить правду;
    по правде говоря - the * is that... дело в том, что..., по правде говоря... истина - general * общеизвестная истина - fundamental *s основополагающие истины - the great *s of morals великие моральные истины - to seek the * искать истину - to implant the love of * привить любовь к истине - there are *s which cannot be verified существуют истины, которые невозможно проверить - the poems hit hard at a few home *s эти стихи разоблачали некоторые расхожие /обывательские/ истины - all new *s begin as heresies все новые истины поначалу воспринимаются как ересь истинность - religion's claims to * притязания религии на истинность - to doubt the * of a statement сомневаться в истинности утверждения - there's some * in what you say в том, что вы говорите, есть кое-что верное;
    ваши слова не лишены справедливости факт - the present definition of insanity has little relation to the *s of mental life существующее определение помешательства плохо согласуется с фактами психической жизни принцип - the basic *s of thermodynamics основные принципы термодинамики правдивость;
    искренность - to doubt a person's * сомневаться в чьей-л. правдивости точность, соответствие - * to nature точность воспроизведения, реализм, жизненная правда ( техническое) соосность, точность установки - out of * неправильно /неточно/ установленный, сбившийся с точной установки;
    плохо пригнанный( техническое) отсутствие биения( техническое) концентричность( физическое) "истина" (характеристика кварка) (религия) Бог( в христианском вероучении) > in * действительно, в самом деле, в действительности;
    по правде говоря > to say /to speak, to tell/ the * and shame the devil говорить всю правду > * is stranger than fiction иногда правда диковиннее вымысла > * lies at the bottom of a well (пословица) ищи ветра в поле, а правду на дне морском > * will out (пословица) правда всегда выйдет наружу, правду не утаишь to tell the ~ по правде говоря;
    the home (или bitter) truth горькая правда the truths ofscience научные истины;
    in truth действительно, поистине to tell the ~ говорить правду to tell the ~ по правде говоря;
    the home (или bitter) truth горькая правда truth правда, истина ~ (pl -s) правда;
    истина ~ правдивость ~ тех. соосность, правильность установки ~ точность, соответствие;
    truth to nature точность воспроизведения;
    реализм ~ точность, соответствие the ~ is that I am very tired дело в том, что (или по правде сказать) я очень устал ~ точность, соответствие;
    truth to nature точность воспроизведения;
    реализм the truths ofscience научные истины;
    in truth действительно, поистине

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > truth

  • 24 truth

    [tru:θ] n
    1. 1) правда

    the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - правда, вся правда и ничего кроме правды

    the real /plain, unvarnished, unadulterated, honest/ truth - чистая правда, правда как она есть, правда без всяких прикрас

    to get at the truth of the matter - понять, в чём дело; докопаться до правды

    that's the truth of it! - вот в чём дело!, вот где правда!

    to tell /to speak/ the truth - а) говорить правду; б) по правде говоря

    the truth is that... - дело в том, что..., по правде говоря...

    2) истина

    the great truths of morals [of science, of philosophy] - великие моральные [научные, философские] истины

    there are truths which cannot be verified - существуют истины, которые невозможно проверить

    the poems hit hard at a few home truths - эти стихи разоблачали некоторые расхожие /обывательские/ истины

    all new [great] truths begin as heresies - все новые [великие] истины поначалу воспринимаются как ересь

    3) истинность

    there's some truth in what you say - в том, что вы говорите, есть кое-что верное; ваши слова не лишены справедливости

    4) факт

    the present definition of insanity has little relation to the truths of mental life - существующее определение умопомешательства плохо согласуется с фактами психической жизни

    5) принцип
    2. правдивость; искренность

    to doubt a person's truth - сомневаться в чьей-л. правдивости

    3. точность, соответствие

    truth to nature - точность воспроизведения, реализм, жизненная правда

    4. тех.
    1) соосность, точность установки

    out of truth - неправильно /неточно/ установленный, сбившийся с точной установки; плохо пригнанный

    2) отсутствие биения
    3) концентричность
    5. физ. «истина» ( характеристика кварка)

    in truth - а) действительно, в самом деле, в действительности; б) по правде говоря

    to say /to speak, to tell/ the truth and shame the devil - говорить всю правду

    truth lies at the bottom of a well - посл. ≅ ищи ветра в поле, а правду на дне морском

    truth will out - посл. правда всегда выйдет наружу, правду не утаишь

    НБАРС > truth

  • 25 schreiben

    n; -s, -
    1. nur Sg. writing
    2. (Brief) letter; kurzes: note; Ihr Schreiben vom... your letter of the...
    * * *
    das Schreiben
    * * *
    Schrei|ben ['ʃraibn]
    nt -s, -
    1) no pl writing
    2) (= Mitteilung) communication (form); (= Brief) letter
    * * *
    1) (to write down: I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put.) put
    2) (to draw (letters or other forms of script) on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper: They wrote their names on a sheet of paper; The child has learned to read and write; Please write in ink.) write
    3) (to compose the text of (a book, poem etc): She wrote a book on prehistoric monsters.) write
    4) (to compose a letter (and send it): He has written a letter to me about this matter; I'll write you a long letter about my holiday; I wrote to you last week.) write
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    nt (geh) letter
    * * *
    das; Schreibens, Schreiben
    1) o. Pl. writing no def. art.
    2) (Brief) letter
    * * *
    schreiben; schreibt, schrieb, hat geschrieben
    A. v/t & v/i write (
    über +akk on, about); TECH, Instrument: record;
    jemandem schreiben write to sb, US auch write sb; (Bekannten) auch umg drop sb a line;
    jemandem etwas schreiben write to sb about sth;
    einander schreiben write (to one another); formeller: correspond;
    schreib mal wieder! write again soon!;
    gut schreiben Handschrift: have nice handwriting; Stil: be a good writer;
    Bücher schreiben write books, be a writer;
    sie schreibt für den „Spiegel“ she writes articles for “Spiegel”;
    an etwas schreiben be working on sth;
    jemandem ins Album schreiben write sth in sb’s album;
    schreiben write in pencil etc;
    auf Diskette schreiben write to disk;
    hast du etwas zum Schreiben? have you got anything to write with?;
    man schreibt uns aus Hamburg, dass … we hear ( oder are informed) from Hamburg that …;
    der Brief, in dem Sie uns schreiben, dass … the letter in which you tell ( oder inform) us that …;
    wie die Zeitung schreibt according to the paper;
    wo steht geschrieben, dass …? where does it say that …?, where is it written that …?
    B. v/t
    1. (verfassen) write; (Musikstück, Gedicht) auch compose;
    noch einmal schreiben rewrite an essay etc;
    (richtig) schreiben (Wort) spell (right oder correctly);
    falsch schreiben misspell;
    wird das mit oder ohne ‚h‘ geschrieben? is that spelt (US spelled) with or without an ‘h’?;
    ins Reine schreiben make a fair copy of, write out neatly;
    seinen Namen unter etwas schreiben unter Aufruf, Manifest etc: put one’s name to sth; (unterschreiben) sign sth;
    er schreibt einen guten Stil he has a good style;
    er kann kaum/nicht mal seinen Namen schreiben umg he can hardly write anything/can’t even write his name;
    jemandem Gedichte/Briefchen schreiben write poems for sb/notes to sb;
    was schreiben die Zeitungen? what do the papers say?;
    jemanden in Grund und Boden/aus dem Amt schreiben condemn sb in one’s writings/write something that results in sb losing his etc job; großschreiben, kleinschreiben etc
    3. form:
    damals schrieb man das Jahr 1840 it was in the year 1840;
    den Wievielten schreiben wir heute? what is the date today?
    4. WIRTSCH (Rechnung, Scheck) write out; make out (
    jemandem to sb);
    jemandem etwas auf sein Konto/auf die Rechnung schreiben credit sth to sb’s account/put sth on sb’s bill; Kamin, Leib 1, Ohr 2, Zeile 1 etc
    C. v/r:
    wie schreibt er sich? how does he spell his name?;
    wie schreibt sich der Name? how is the name spelt, how do you spell the name?;
    wie schreibt sich das? how is it ( oder that) spelt?, how dou you spell it ( oder that)
    * * *
    das; Schreibens, Schreiben
    1) o. Pl. writing no def. art.
    2) (Brief) letter
    * * *
    to write v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: wrote, written)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schreiben

  • 26 truth

    n ж. ім'я
    * * *

    the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — правда, вся правда, нічого окрім правди

    the real /plain, unvarnished, unadulterated, honest/ truth — чиста правда, правда як вона є, правда без будь-яких прикрас

    to get at the truth of the matter — зрозуміти, в чому справа; докопатися до правди

    that's the truth of it! — ось в чому справа!, ось де правда!

    to tell /to speak/ the truth — говорити правду; по правді кажучи

    the truth is that... — річ у тім, що..., по правді кажучи...; істина

    the great truths of morals [of science, of philosophy] — великі моральні [наукові, філософські]істини

    there are truths which cannot be verified — існують істини, які не піддаються перевірці

    the poems hit hard at a few home truths — ці вірші викривали деякі розхожі /обивательські/ істини

    all new [great] truths begin as heresies — все нові [великі]істини спочатку сприймаються як єресь; істинність

    theres some truth in what you say — в тому, що ви говорите, є дещо вірне; ваші слова не позбавлені справедливості; факт

    the present definition of insanity has little relation to the truths of mental life — існуюче визначення божевілля погано узгоджується з фактами психічного життя; принцип

    2) правдивість; щирість

    to doubt a person's truth — сумніватися в чиїй-н. Правдивості

    3) точність, відповідність

    truth to nature — точність відтворення, реалізм, життєва правда

    4) тex. точність установки

    out of truth — неправильно /неточно/ встановлений, такий, що збився з точної установки; що погано прогнаний; відсутність биття; концентричність

    5) фiз. "істина" ( характеристика кварк)

    in truth — дійсно, насправді, насправді; правдо кажучи

    to say /to speak, to tell/ the truth and shame the devil — говорити всю правду

    truth lies at the bottom of a wellпpиcл. = шукай вітру в полі, а правду на дні морському

    truth will outпpиcл. Правда завжди вийде назовні, правду не приховаеш

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > truth

  • 27 truth


    the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — правда, вся правда, нічого окрім правди

    the real /plain, unvarnished, unadulterated, honest/ truth — чиста правда, правда як вона є, правда без будь-яких прикрас

    to get at the truth of the matter — зрозуміти, в чому справа; докопатися до правди

    that's the truth of it! — ось в чому справа!, ось де правда!

    to tell /to speak/ the truth — говорити правду; по правді кажучи

    the truth is that... — річ у тім, що..., по правді кажучи...; істина

    the great truths of morals [of science, of philosophy] — великі моральні [наукові, філософські]істини

    there are truths which cannot be verified — існують істини, які не піддаються перевірці

    the poems hit hard at a few home truths — ці вірші викривали деякі розхожі /обивательські/ істини

    all new [great] truths begin as heresies — все нові [великі]істини спочатку сприймаються як єресь; істинність

    theres some truth in what you say — в тому, що ви говорите, є дещо вірне; ваші слова не позбавлені справедливості; факт

    the present definition of insanity has little relation to the truths of mental life — існуюче визначення божевілля погано узгоджується з фактами психічного життя; принцип

    2) правдивість; щирість

    to doubt a person's truth — сумніватися в чиїй-н. Правдивості

    3) точність, відповідність

    truth to nature — точність відтворення, реалізм, життєва правда

    4) тex. точність установки

    out of truth — неправильно /неточно/ встановлений, такий, що збився з точної установки; що погано прогнаний; відсутність биття; концентричність

    5) фiз. "істина" ( характеристика кварк)

    in truth — дійсно, насправді, насправді; правдо кажучи

    to say /to speak, to tell/ the truth and shame the devil — говорити всю правду

    truth lies at the bottom of a wellпpиcл. = шукай вітру в полі, а правду на дні морському

    truth will outпpиcл. Правда завжди вийде назовні, правду не приховаеш

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > truth

  • 28 DEYJA

    * * *
    (dey; dó, dóum; dáinn), v. to die (deyr fé, deyja frændr); hann dó af eitri, ór sárum, he died of poison, from wounds; á deyjanda degi, on one’s dying day, on one’s deathbed of a limb (dó fótleggrinn allr); of inanimate things, dáinn arfr, an inheritance left to the heir.
    * * *
    pret. dó, 2nd pers. dótt, later dóst, pl. dó, mod. dóu; part. dáinn; pres. dey, 2nd pers. deyr (in mod. familiar use deyrð): pret. subj. dæi; in the south of Icel. people say dæði, inserting a spurious ð; old poems with neg. suffix, deyr-at, dó-at; a weak pret. form deyði ( died) occurs in the Ann. 1400–1430, and was much used in biographies of later centuries, but is borrowed from Dan. döde, unclassical and unknown in the spoken tongue; Icel. always say dó: [the root is akin to dá, q. v., Gr. θάνατος, etc.; Ulf. uses a part. divans, by which he sometimes renders the Gr. θνητός, φθαρτός; undivans = αθάνατος, αφθαρτος; undivanei = αθανασία; but the Gr. θνήσκειν he renders not by divan but by ga-sviltan; Hel. uses dôjan, but rarely; the A. S. seems not to know the word, but uses sviltan, whereas in Icel. svelta means to starve, die of hanger; the Engl. perhaps borrowed the verb to die from the Scandin., whereas to starve (used by Chaucer = Germ. sterben) now means to die of hunger or cold]:—to die: deyr fé, deyja frændr, Hm. 76; hann dó af eitri, 623. 27; er þat sögn manna, af hón hafi af því dáit, Korm. 164; hann dó ór sárum, Fs. 120; þeir dó allir, Landn. 294; dó þar undir ellifu naut, Bs. i. 320; hann dó litlu síðarr, Fms. i. 108; þat áttu eptir sem erfiðast er, ok þat er at d., Nj. 56: betra er at d. með sæmð en lifa með skömm, Orkn. 28: the proverb, deyja verðr hverr inn sinn, omnes una manet nox: the allit. phrase, á deyjanda degi, Ld. 106, Grág. ii. 207, Hkr. iii. 50: eccl., dauða deyja, Gen. iii. 3, Matth. xv. 4, ‘let him die the death,’ Engl. A. V.; d. góðum, illum dauða, to die a good, bad death, etc.: it sometimes has in it a curious sense of motion, hann kaus at d. í Mælifell, Landn. 192; þeir Selþórir frændr dó í Þórisbjörg, 78; trúði at hann mundi deyja í fjallit, Eb. 7 new Ed., v. l., where it means to die (i. e. pass by death) into the fell, i. e. they believed that after death they would pass into the fell; cp. hinnig deyja ór Helju halir, Vþm. 43.
    β. medic. to die, of a limb, Pr. 239.
    γ. of inanimate things; dáinn arfr, a law phrase, a dead inheritance, i. e. left to the heir, Gþl. 263; hence dánar-fé, dánar-arfr, q. v.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DEYJA

  • 29 DRAUMR

    (-s, -ar), m. dream; eigi er mark at draumum, dreams are not worth noticing; segja em draum, to tell one’s dream to another; ráða draum, to read (interpret) a dream; draumr rætist, a dream proves true; vakna eigi við góðan draum, to awake from a bad dream; em er draums, one dreams, is in a trance.
    * * *
    m. [A. S. dreâm; Hel. drôm; Engl. dream; Swed.-Dan. dröm; Germ. traum; Matth. i. and ii, and by a singular mishap Matth. xxvii. 19, are lost in Ulf., so that we are unable to say how he rendered the Gr. οναρ:the A. S. uses dreâm only in the sense of joy, music, and dreamer = a harper, musician, and expresses draumr, Engl. dream, by sveofnas,—even the Ormul. has dræm = a sound; so that the Engl. dream seems to have got its present sense from the Scandin. On the other hand, the Scandin. have dream in the proper sense in their earliest poems of the heathen age, ballir draumar, Vtkv. I; Hvat er þat draurna, Em. I; it is used so by Bragi Gamli (9th century), Edda 78 (in a verse); cp. draum-þing, Hkv. 2. 48, whilst the A. S. sense of song is entirely strange to Icel.: it is true that svefnar (pl.) now and then occurs in old poets = Lat. somnium, but this may be either from A. S. influence or only as a poetical synonyme. Which of the two senses is the primitive and which the metaph.?]:—a dream. Many old sayings refer to draumr,—vakandi d., a day dream, waking dream, like the Gr. υπαρ; von er vakandi draumr, hope is a waking dream, or von er vakanda manns d.; ekki er mark at draumum, dreams are not worth noticing, Sturl. ii. 217; opt er ljotr d. fyrir litlu, Bs. ii. 225. Icel. say, marka drauma, to believe in dreams, Sturl. ii. 131; segja e-m draum, to tell one’s dream to another, Nj. 35; ráða draum, to read (interpret) a dream, Fms. iv. 381, x. 270, xi. 3; draumr rætisk, the dream proves true, or (rarely) draum (acc.) ræsir, id., Bret.; vakna við vándan (eigi góðan) draum, to wake from a bad dream, of a sudden, violent awakening, Fms. iii. 125, ix. 339, Stj. 394, Judg. viii. 21, 22; vakna af draumi, to waken from a dream; dreyma draum, to dream a dream; láta e-n njóta draums, to let one enjoy his dream, not wake him: gen. draums is used adverb. in the phrase, e-m er draums, one is benumbed, dreamy: stóð hann upp ok fylgði englinum, ok hugði sér draums vera, Post. 656 C; draums kveð ek þér vera, Hkv. Hjörv. 19; þótti honum sjálfum sem draums hefði honum verit, O. H. L. 81; hence comes the mod. e-m er drums, of stupid insensibility. Passages referring to dreams—Hkr. Hálfd. S. ch. 7, Am. 14. 25, Edda 36, Íb. ch. 4, Nj. ch. 134, Ld. ch. 33, Gunnl. S. ch. 2, 13, Harð. S. ch. 6, Lv. ch. 21 (very interesting), Gísl. ch. 13, 24 sqq., Glúm. ch. 9, 21, Þorst. Síðu H., Vápn. 21, Bjarn. 49, Fbr. ch. 16, 37, Þorl. S. ch. 7, Sturl. i. 200, 225, ii. 9, 99, 190, 206–216, iii. 251–254, 272, Rafns S. ch. 7, 14, Laur. S. ch. 2, 65, Sverr. S. ch. 1, 2, 5, 42, Fms. vi. 199, 225, 312, 403, 404, vii. 162, Jómsv. S. ch. 2, etc. etc.
    COMPDS: draumamaðr, draumaráðning, draumaskrimsl, draumavetr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DRAUMR

  • 30 GANGA

    * * *
    (geng; gekk, gengum; genginn), v.
    1) to walk (reið jarl, en Karkr gekk);
    2) to go;
    ganga heim, to go home;
    ganga braut, to go away;
    ganga til hvílu, to go to bed;
    ganga á skip, to go on board;
    ganga af skipi, to go ashore;
    with infin., ganga sofa or at sofa, to go to sleep;
    ganga at eiga konu, to marry a woman;
    3) to go about grazing, to graze (kálfrinn gekk í túni um sumarit);
    4) of a ship, to run, sail (gekk skipit brátt út á haf);
    5) to stretch out, extend, project (nes mikit gekk í sæ út);
    6) of report, tales, to be current (litlar sögur megu ganga af hesti mínum);
    gekk þaðan af í Englandi Valska, thereafter the French tongue prevailed in E.;
    8) of money, to be current (peningar þeir, sem nú ganga);
    of laws, to be valid (þau lög, er gengu á Uppsalaþingi);
    of sickness, plague, famine, to rage (þá gekk landfarsótt, drepsótt, hallæri);
    9) to go on, last (gnustu þá saman vápnin, ok gekk þat um hríð);
    impers., gekk því lengi, so it went on for a long while;
    10) láta ganga e-t, to let go on;
    láta höggin ganga, to rain blows;
    Birkibeinar létu ganga lúðrana, blew the trumpets vigorously;
    ef þat gengr eigi, if that will not do;
    impers., svá þykt, at þeim gekk þar eigi at fara, so close, that they could not go on there;
    þeim gekk ekki fyrir nesit, they could not clear the ness;
    12) to turn out, go in a specified way;
    ganga andæris, to go all wrong;
    gekk þeim lítt atsókinn, they made little progress with the attack;
    impers., e-m gengr vel (illa), one fares (goes on, gets on) well (badly);
    13) with acc., ganga e-n á bak, to force one to go backwards (harm gengr bjöninn á bak);
    14) with dat., to discharge (gekk bann þá blóði);
    15) with preps. and adverbs:
    ganga af e-u, to depart from, leave (þá gekk af honum móðrinn);
    ganga af vitinu, to go out of one’s wits;
    ganga af trú sinni, to apostatize;
    to pass (síðan gengu af páskarnir);
    to go off (gekk þegar af höfuðit);
    to be left as surplus (þat er af skuldinni gekk);
    nú gengr honum hey af, now he has some hay left;
    ganga af sér, to go to extremities, to go beyond oneself (mjök ganga þeir fóstbrœðr nú af sé);
    ganga aptr, to revert (return) to the former proprietor (síðan gengu þau lönd aptr undir Árna);
    to be void, annulled (þá skal kaup aptr ganga);
    of a ghost, to walk again; of a door, to close, shut (gekk eigi aptr hurðin);
    ganga at e-m, to attack one;
    ganga at e-u, to agree to, accept a choice or offer (Flosi gekk fljótt at þessu öllu); to fit (skaltu fá mér lukla þá, sem ganga at kistum yðrum);
    ganga á e-t, to encroach upon (ganga á ríki e-s); to break (ganga á orð sín, eiða, grið, sættir, trygðir); to pierce, penetrate;
    hann var í panzara, er ekki gekk á, that was proof against any weapons;
    ganga á vald e-s or e-m, ganga á hönd (hendr) e-m, to submit to, give oneself up to, surrender to one;
    ganga á bak e-u, to contravene;
    ganga eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (göngum heim eptir verðinu); to pursue, claim;
    ganga eptir, to prove true, be fulfilled (þetta gekk allt eptir, sem M. sagði fyrir);
    ganga frá e-u, to part with, lose (sumir munu ganga frá öllu fénu);
    ganga fram, to step forward;
    ganga fram vel, to go forward bravely, in a battle;
    to come to pass, come into execution (skal þess bíða, er þetta gengr fram);
    to increase (fé Hall gerðar gekk fram ok gørðist allmikit);
    to depart this life (H. bóndi gengr fram til frænda sinna);
    ganga fyrir e-n, to present oneself before one (ganga fyrir konung);
    ganga fyrir e-u, to take charge of, manage (var þar mart fólk, en húsbóndi gekk svá fyrir, at ekkert skorti); to yield to, be swayed by (hann gekk þá fyrir fortölum hennar);
    ganga í gegn e-m, to set oneself against one;
    ganga í gegn e-u, to confess, acknowledge;
    maðr gengr í gegn, at á braut kveðst tekit hafa, the man confessed and said that he had taken it away;
    ganga í mál, to undertake a case;
    ganga með e-m (of a woman), to marry;
    ganga með barni, to be with child;
    ganga með burði (of animals), to be with young;
    ganga með e-u, to assist in, plead (ganga með máli, bónorði);
    ganga milli (á m., í m.), to go between, intercede;
    ganga móti (á m., í m.) e-m, to go to meet one;
    ganga móti e-u, to resist, oppose;
    to confess, = ganga í gegn, ganga við e-u;
    ganga nær e-m, to be troublesome to one (þótti hón œrit nær ganga Þórgerði);
    ganga e-m nær, to approach, come near to one (sá hefir á brott komizt, er næst gekk Gunnari um alla hluti);
    ganga saman, to marry;
    of an agreement, bargain, to be brought about;
    saman gekk kaupit með þeim, they came to a bargain;
    ganga sundr (í s.), to go asunder, part;
    ganga til, to go up to a thing (gangit til ok hyggit at); of the wind, to veer (veðrit gekk til útsuðrs);
    en þat gekk mér til þess (that was my reason), at ek ann þér eigi;
    hversu hefir ykkr til gengit, how have you fared?
    Loka gekk lítt til, it fared ill with L.;
    ganga um e-t, to go about a thing;
    ganga um beina, to wait upon guests;
    ganga um sættir, to go between, as peacemaker;
    ganga um e-n, to befall, happen to one (þess, er um margan gengr guma); of the wind, to go round, veer (gekk um veðrit ok styrmdi at þeim); to manage (fékk hón svá um gengit, at);
    g. undir e-t, to take upon oneself, undertake (a duty);
    ganga undir e-n, to subject oneself to;
    ganga upp, to be wasted (of money);
    to get loose, to he torn loose (þeir glímdu svá at upp gengu stokkar allir á húsinu);
    of a storm, gale, to get up, rise (veðr gekk upp);
    of an ice-bound river, áin var gengin upp, swollen with ice;
    ganga við staf, to walk with a stick;
    ganga við e-u or e-t, to avow;
    ganga yfir e-t, to go beyond, disregard (hann vildi eigi ganga yfir þat, er hann vissi réttast);
    ganga yfir e-n, to overcome, to befall, happen to one;
    slíkt sem yfir hefir gengit, all that has happened;
    eitt skal yfir okkr ganga, we shall share one fate;
    16) refl., gangast.
    1) walking (hann mœddist í göngu);
    vera í göngu, to be on foot, to walk;
    2) course (ganga tungls, vinds).
    * * *
    pret. gekk or gékk, 2nd pers. gékkt, mod. gékst; pl. gengu, geingu, or géngu, and an old poët. gingu; gengengu in Vsp. 12 is a mere misspelling (vide Sæm. Möb. 258); pres. geng, pl. göngum; pret. subj. gengi (geingi); imperat. gakk and gakktú; with the neg. suffix geng-at, gengr-at, gékk-at, gakk-attu, passim; a middle form göngumk firr, go from me, Gm. 1: a contracted form gá occurs now and then in mod. hymns; it is not vernacular but borrowed from Germ. and Dan.: [cp. Ulf. gaggan; A. S. and Hel. gangan; Scot. and North. E. gang, mod. Engl. go; Dan.-Swed. gange or gå; Germ. gehen; Ivar Aasen ganga: Icel., Scots, and Norsemen have preserved the old ng, which in Germ. and Swed.-Dan. only remains in poetry or in a special sense, e. g. in Germ. compds.]
    A. To go:
    I. to walk; reið jarl en Karkr gékk, Fms. i. 210, Rm. 1, 2, 6, 14, 23, 24, 30, Edda 10, Grág. ii. 95, passim; ganga leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, Fms. x. 290, Krók. 26: adding acc., g. alla leið, Fms. xi. 202, 299; g. berg, to climb a cliff; g. afréttar, to search the fell-pastures (fjallganga), Háv. 39; also g. ( to climb) í fjall, í kletta, Fms. x. 313: Icel. also say, ganga skó og sokka, to wear out shoes and socks; hann gékk tvenna skó; ganga berserks gang, q. v.
    β. absol. to go a-begging, Grág. i. 226, 232, Ísl. ii. 25; ganga vergang, húsgang, id. (göngumaðr).
    II. adding adverbs, infinitives, adjectives, or the like,
    α. an adverb denoting direction; g. út ok inn, Vkv. 4, Lv. 26; g. inn, Fms. i. 16, vi. 33; g. út, to go out, Lat. exire, Nj. 194; g. aptr, to return, Fms. x. 352; g. fram, to step forward, Hm. 1, Eg. 165; g. upp, to go up, ashore; g. ofan, niðr, to go down; g. heiman, 199; g. heim, to go home; gakk hingat, come hither! 488; g. móti, í gegn e-m, to go against, to meet one; g. braut, to go away; g. til e-s, or at e-m, to go to one; g. frá e-m, to leave one; g. með e-m, to go with one; g. hjá, to pass by; g. saman, to go together; g. yfir, to go over; g. gegnum, to go through; g. undir, to go under; g. undan, fyrir, to go before; g. eptir, to go behind; g. um, to rove, stroll about, and so on passim; g. í sæti, to go to one’s seat, take a seat, Eg. 551; g. til hvílu, to go to bed, Nj. 201; g. til matar, to go to dinner, Sturl. iii. 111, Eg. 483; g. til vinnu, verks, to go to one’s work, cp. Hm. 58; g. í kirkju, to go to church, Rb. 82; g. á fjall, to go on the fells, Hrafn. 34; g. á skip, to go on board, Fms. x. 10; g. af skipi, to go ashore.
    β. with infin., in old poems often dropping ‘at;’ ganga sofa, to go to sleep, Fm. 27; g. at sofa, Hm. 19; g. vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 56, Ls. 15; g. at eiga konu, to go to be married, Grág. i. 318.
    γ. with an adj.; g. hræddr, to be afraid; g. úviss, to be in ignorance, etc., Fms. vii. 271, Sks. 250, 688.
    2. in a more special sense; g. til einvígis, bardaga, to go to a duel, battle, Nj. 64; g. á hólm (hólmganga), Eg. 504, 506; g. á eintal, Nj. 103; g. til máls við e-n, to speak to one, Eg. 199, 764; g. í glímu, to go a-wrestling, Ísl. ii. 246; g. á fang, id., Ld. 206; g. í danz, to go a-dancing; g. til skripta, to go to shrift, Hom. 157; g. at brúðkaupi, to go to be married, Fms. vii. 278; g. í skóla, klaustr, to go to school, go into a cloister (as an inmate), (hence skóla-genginn, a school-man, scholar), Bs. passim; g. í þjónustu, to take service, Nj. 268; g. í lið með e-m, to enter one’s party, side with one, 100; g. í lög, to enter a league with one; g. ór lögum, to go out of a league, passim; g. í félag, ór félagi, id.; g. á mala, to take service as a soldier, 121; g. á hönd, g. til handa, to submit to one as a liegeman, surrender, Eg. 19, 33, Ó. H. 184, Fms. vii. 180; g. á vald e-m, to give oneself up, Nj. 267; g. á hendr e-m, to encroach upon, Ver. 56; g. í skuld, to bail, Grág. i. 232, Dipl. ii. 12; g. í trúnað, to warrant, Fms. xi. 356; g. til trygða, Nj. 166, and g. til griða, to accept truce, surrender, Fas. ii. 556; g. í mál, to enter, undertake a case, Nj. 31; g. í ánauð, to go into bondage, Eg. 8; g. til lands, jarðar, ríkis, arfs, to take possession of …, 118, Stj. 380, Grág., Fms. passim; g. til fréttar, to go to an oracle, take auspices, 625. 89; g. til Heljar, a phrase for to die, Fms. x. 414; g. nær, to go nigh, go close to, press hard on, Ld. 146, 322, Fms. xi. 240 (where reflex.); var sá viðr bæði mikill og góðr því at Þorkell gékk nær, Th. kept a close eye on it, Ld. 316.
    B. Joined with prepp. and adverbs in a metaph. sense:—g. af, to depart from, go off; þá gékk af honum móðrinn ok sefaðisk hann, Edda 28; þá er af honum gékk hamremin, Eg. 125, Eb. 136, Stj. 118; g. af sér, to go out of or beyond oneself; mjök g. þeir svari-bræðr nú af sér, Fbr. 32; í móti Búa er hann gengr af sér ( rages) sem mest, Fb. i. 193; þá gékk mest af sér ranglæti manna um álnir, Bs. i. 135: so in the mod. phrases, g. fram af sér, to overstrain oneself; and g. af sér, to fall off, decay: to forsake, g. af trú, to apostatize, Fms. ii. 213; g. af vitinu, to go out of one’s wits, go mad, Post. 656 C. 31; g. af Guðs boðorðum, Stj. passim: to pass. Páskar g. af, Ld. 200: to be left as surplus (afgangr), Rb. 122, Grág. i. 411, K. Þ. K. 92:—g. aptr, to walk again, of a ghost (aptrganga), Ld. 58, Eb. 278, Fs. 131, 141, passim; and absol., g. um híbýli, to hunt, Landn. 107: to go back, be void, of a bargain, Gþl. 491:—g. at e-m, to go at, attack, Nj. 80, 160: to press on, Grág. i. 51, Dipl. ii. 19 (atgangr): g. at e-u, to accept a choice, Nj. 256; g. at máli, to assist, help, 207: to fit, of a key, lykla þá sem g. at kístum yðrum, Finnb. 234, Fbr. 46 new Ed., N. G. L. i. 383: medic. to ail, e-ð gengr at e-m; ok gengr at barni, and if the bairn ails, 340, freq. in mod. usage of ailment, grief, etc.:—g. á e-t, to go against, encroach upon; ganga á ríki e-s, Fms. i. 2; g. upp á, to tread upon, vii. 166; hverr maðr er ólofat gengr á mál þeirra, who trespasses against their measure, Grág. i. 3: to break, g. á orð, eiða, sættir, trygðir, grið, Finnb. 311, Fms. i. 189, Ld. 234; g. á bak e-u, to contravene, Ísl. ii. 382; ganga á, to go on with a thing, Grág. ii. 363; hence the mod. phrase, mikið gengr á, much going on; hvað gengr á, what is going on? það er farið að g. á það (of a task or work or of stores), it is far advanced, not much left:—g. eptir, to go after, pursue, claim (eptirgangr), Nj. 154, Þórð. 67, Fms. vii. 5; g. eptir e-m, to humour one who is cross, in the phrase, g. eptir e-m með grasið í skónum; vertu ekki að g. eptir stráknum; hann vill láta g. eptir ser (of a spoilt boy, cross fellow): to prove true, follow, hón mælti mart, en þó gékk þat sumt eptir, Nj. 194; eptir gékk þat er mér bauð hugr um, Eg. 21, Fms. x. 211:—g. fram, to go on well in a battle, Nj. 102, 235, Háv. 57 (framgangr): to speed, Nj. 150, Fms. xi. 427: to grow, increase (of stock), fé Hallgerðar gékk fram ok varð allmikit, Nj. 22; en er fram gékk mjök kvikfé Skallagríms, Eg. 136, Vígl. 38: to come to pass, skal þess bíða er þetta gengr fram, Nj. 102, Fms. xi. 22: to die, x. 422:—g. frá, to leave (a work) so and so; g. vel frá, to make good work; g. ílla frá, to make bad work; það er ílla frá því gengið, it is badly done:—g. fyrir, to go before, to yield to, to be swayed by a thing; heldr nú við hót, en ekki geng ek fyrir slíku, Fms. i. 305; þó at vér gangim heldr fyrir blíðu en stríðu, ii. 34, Fb. i. 378, Hom. 68; hvárki gékk hann fyrir blíðyrðum né ógnarmálum, Fms. x. 292; hann gékk þá fyrir fortülum hennar, Bs. i. 742: in mod. usage reflex., gangast fyrir íllu, góðu: to give away, tók hann þá at ganga fyrir, Fb. i. 530: Icel. now say, reflex., gangast fyrir, to fall off, from age or the like (vide fyrirgengiligr): to prevent, skal honum þá eigi fyrnska fyrir g., N. G. L. i. 249; þá er hann sekr þrem mörkum nema nauðsyn gangi fyrir, 14; at þeim gangi lögleg forföll fyrir, Gþl. 12:—g. í gegn, to go against, to meet, in mod. usage to deny, and so it seems to be in Gþl. 156; otherwise in old writers it always means the reverse, viz. to avow, confess; maðr gengr í gegn, at á braut kveðsk tekit hafa, the man confessed and said that he had taken it away, Ísl. ii. 331; ef maðr gengr í gegn legorðinu, Grág. i. 340; sá goði er í gegn gékk ( who acknowledged) þingfesti hans, 20; hann iðraðisk úráðs síns, ok gékk í gegn at hann hefði saklausan selt herra sinn, Sks. 584,—this agrees with the parallel phrase, g. við e-t, mod. g. við e-u, to confess, both in old and mod. usage, id.:—g. hjá, to pass by, to waive a thing, Fms. vi. 168:—g. með, to go with one, to wed, marry (only used of a woman, like Lat. nubere), þú hefir þvert tekit at g. með mér, Ld. 262, Sd. 170, Grág. i. 178, Þiðr. 209, Gkv. 2. 27, Fms. xi. 5: medic., g. með barni, to go with child, i. 57; with acc. (barn), Bs. i. 790, and so in mod. usage; a mother says, sama sumarið sem eg gékk með hann (hana) N. N., (meðgöngutími); but dat. in the phrase, vera með barni, to be with child; g. með burði, of animals, Sks. 50, Stj. 70; g. með máli, to assist, plead, Eg. 523, Fms. xi. 105, Eb. 210; g. með e-u, to confess [Dan. medgaae], Stj., but rare and not vernacular:—g. milli, to go between, intercede, esp. as a peacemaker, passim (milli-ganga, meðal-ganga):—g. í móti, to resist, Nj. 90, 159, 171: of the tide, en þar gékk í móti útfalls-straumr, Eg. 600:—g. saman, to go together, marry, Grág. i. 324, Fms. xi. 77: of a bargain, agreement, við þetta gékk saman sættin, Nj. 250; saman gékk kaupit með þeim, 259:—g. sundr, to go asunder, part, and of a bargain, to be broken off, passim:—g. til, to step out, come along; gangit til, ok blótið, 623. 59; gangit til, ok hyggit at, landsmenn, Fms. iv. 282: to offer oneself, to volunteer, Bs. i. 23, 24: the phrase, e-m gengr e-ð til e-s, to purpose, intend; en þat gékk mér til þess ( that was my reason) at ek ann þér eigi, etc., Ísl. ii. 269; sagði, at honum gékk ekki ótrúnaðr til þessa, Fms. x. 39; gékk Flosa þat til, at …, Nj. 178; gengr mér meirr þat til, at ek vilda firra vini mína vandræðum, Fms. ii. 171; mælgi gengr mér til, ‘tis that I have spoken too freely, Orkn. 469, Fms. vi. 373, vii. 258: to fare, hversu hefir ykkr til gengið, how have you fared? Grett. 48 new Ed.; Loka gékk lítt til, it fared ill with L., Fb. i. 276: mod., þat gékk svá til, it so happened, but not freq., as bera við is better, (tilgangr, intention):—g. um e-t, to go about a thing; g. um sættir, to go between, as peacemaker, Fms. v. 156; g. um beina, to attend guests, Nj. 50, passim: to manage, fékk hón svá um gengit, Grett. 197 new Ed.; hversu þér genguð um mitt góðs, 206: to spread over, in the phrase, má þat er um margan gengr; þess er um margan gengr guma, Hm. 93: to veer, go round, of the wind, gékk um veðrit ok styrmdi at þeim, the wind went round and a gale met them, Bs. i. 775:—g. undan, to go before, escape, Ver. 15, Fms. vii. 217, Blas. 49: to be lost, wasted, jafnmikit sem undan gékk af hans vanrækt, Gþl. 338: to absent oneself, eggjuðusk ok báðu engan undan g., Fms. x. 238:—g. undir, to undertake a duty, freq.: to set, of the sun, Rb. 468, Vígl. (in a verse): to go into one’s possession, power, Fms. vii. 207;—g. upp, to be wasted, of money, Fær. 39, Fms. ix. 354: of stones or earth-bound things, to get loose, be torn loose, þeir glímdu svá at upp gengu stokkar allir í húsinu, Landn. 185; flest gékk upp þat sem fyrir þeim varð, Háv. 40, Finnb. 248; ok gékk ór garðinum upp ( was rent loose) garðtorfa frosin, Eb. 190: to rise, yield, when summoned, Sturl. iii. 236: of a storm, gale, to get up, rise, veðr gékk upp at eins, Grett. 94, Bárð. 169; gengr upp stormr hinn sami, Bs. ii. 50: of an ice-bound river, to swell, áin var ákafliga mikil, vóru höfuðísar at báðum-megin, en gengin upp ( swoln with ice) eptir miðju, Ld. 46, Fbr. 20 new Ed., Bjarn. 52; vötnin upp gengin, Fbr. 114; áin var gengin upp ok íll yfirferðar, Grett. 134:—g. við, in the phrase, g. við staf, to go with a staff, rest on it: with dat., g. við e-u, to avow (vide ganga í gegn above):—g. yfir, to spread, prevail, áðr Kristnin gengi yfir, Fms. x. 273; hétu á heiðin goð til þess at þau léti eigi Kristnina g. yfir landit, Bs. i. 23: the phrase, láta eitt g. yfir báða, to let one fate go over both, to stand by one another for weal and woe; hefi ek því heitið honum at eitt skyldi g. yfir okkr bæði, Nj. 193, 201, 204, Gullþ. 8: so in the saying, má þat er yfir margan gengr, a common evil is easier to bear, Fbr. 45 new Ed. (vide um above); muntu nú verða at segja slíkt sem yfir hefir gengið, all that has happened, Fms. xi. 240; þess gengr ekki yfir þá at þeir vili þeim lengr þjóna, they will no longer serve them, come what may, Orkn. 84: to overrun, tyrannize over, þeir vóru ójafnaðar menn ok ganga þar yfir alla menn, Fms. x. 198 (yfirgangr): to transgress, Hom. 109: to overcome, þótti öllum mönnum sem hann mundi yfir allt g., Fms. vii. 326: a naut. term, to dash over, as spray, áfall svá mikit at yfir gékk þegar skipit, Bs. i. 422; hence the metaph. phrase, g. yfir e-n, to be astonished; það gengr yfir mig, it goes above me, I am astonished.
    C. Used singly, of various things:
    1. of cattle, horses, to graze (haga-gangr); segja menn at svín hans gengi á Svínanesi, en sauðir á Hjarðarnesi, Landn. 124, Eg. 711; kálfrinn óx skjótt ok gékk í túni um sumarit, Eb. 320; Freyfaxi gengr í dalnum fram, Hrafn. 6; þar var vanr at g. hafr um túnit, Nj. 62; þar var til grass (görs) at g., Ld. 96, Grág. passim; gangandi gripr, cattle, beasts, Bjarn. 22; ganganda fé, id., Sturl. i. 83, Band. 2, Ísl. ii. 401.
    2. of shoals of fish, to go up, in a river or the like (fiski-ganga, -gengd); vötn er netnæmir fiskar g. í, Grág. i. 149; til landauðnar horfði í Ísafirði áðr fiskr gékk upp á Kvíarmiði, Sturl. ii. 177; fiskr er genginn inn ór álum, Bb. 3. 52.
    3. of the sun, stars, vide B. above, (sólar-gangr hæstr, lengstr, and lægstr skemstr = the longest and shortest day); áðr sól gangi af Þingvelli, Grág. i. 24; því at þar gékk eigi sól af um skamdegi, Landn. 140, Rb. passim:—of a thunder-storm, þar gékk reiði-duna með eldingu, Fb. iii. 174:—of the tide, stream, water, vide B. above, eða gangi at vötn eða skriður, K. Þ. K. 78.
    4. of a ship, gékk þá skipit mikit, Eg. 390, Fms. vi. 249; létu svá g. suðr fyrir landit, Eg. 78; lét svá g. suðr allt þar til er hann sigldi í Englands-haf, Ó. H. 149; réru nótt ok dag sem g. mátti, Eg. 88; gékk skipit brátt út á haf, Ó. H. 136.
    β. to pass; kvað engi skip skyldi g. (go, pass) til Íslands þat sumar, Ld. 18.
    II. metaph. to run out, stretch out, project, of a landscape or the like; gengr haf fyrir vestan ok þar af firðir stórir, Eg. 57; g. höf stór ór útsjánum inn í jörðina; haf (the Mediterranean) gengr af Njörva-sundum (the Straits of Gibraltar), Hkr. i. 5; nes mikit gékk í sæ út, Eg. 129, Nj. 261; í gegnum Danmörk gengr sjór (the Baltic) í Austrveg, A. A. 288; fyrir austan hafs-botn þann (Bothnia) er gengr til móts við Gandvík (the White Sea), Orkn. begin.: frá Bjarmalandi g. lönd til úbygða, A. A. 289; Europa gengr allt til endimarka Hispaniae, Stj. 83; öllum megin gengr at henni haf ok kringir um hana, 85; þessi þinghá gékk upp ( extended) um Skriðudal, Hrafn. 24: of houses, af fjósi gékk forskáli, Dropl. 28.
    2. to spread, branch out; en af því tungurnar eru ólíkar hvár annarri, þær þegar, er ór einni ok hinni sömu hafa gengit eða greinzt, þá þarf ólíka stafi í at hafa, Skálda (Thorodd) 160: of a narrative, gengr þessi saga mest af Sverri konungi, this story goes forth from him, i. e. relates to, tells of him, Fb. ii. 533; litlar sögur megu g. af hesti mínum, Nj. 90; um fram alla menn Norræna þá er sögur g. frá, Fms. i. 81.
    III. to take the lead, prevail; gékk þaðan af í Englandi Valska, thereafter (i. e. after the Conquest) the Welsh tongue prevailed in England, Ísl. ii. 221; ok þar allt sem Dönsk tunga gengi, Fms. xi. 19; meðan Dönsk tunga gengr, x. 179:—of money, to be current, hundrað aura þá er þá gengu í gjöld, Dropl. 16; eigi skulu álnar g. aðrar en þessar, Grág. i. 498; í þenna tíð gékk hér silfr í allar stórskuldir, 500, Fms. viii. 270; eptir því sem gengr ( the course) flestra manna í millum, Gþl. 352:—of laws, to be valid, ok var nær sem sín lög gengi í hverju fylki, Fms. iv. 18; Óðinn setti lög í landi sínu þau er gengit höfðu fyrr með Ásum, Hkr. i. 13; þeirra laga er gengu á Uppsala-þingi, Ó. H. 86; hér hefir Kristindóms-bálk þann er g. skal, N. G. L. i. 339; sá siðr er þá gékk, Fb. i. 71, (vide ganga yfir):—of sickness, plague, famine, to rage, þá gékk landfarsótt, bóla, drepsótt, hallæri, freq.; also impers., gékk því hallæri um allt Ísland, Bs. i. 184; mikit hallæri ok hart gékk yfir fólkið, 486, v. l.; gékk sóttin um haustið fyrir sunnan land; þá gékk mest plágan fyrri, Ann. 1402, 1403.
    IV. to go on, last, in a bad sense, of an evil; tókst síðan bardagi, ok er hann hafði gengit um hríð, Fs. 48: impers., hefir þessu gengit ( it has gone on) marga manns-aldra, Fms. i. 282; gékk því lengi, so it went on a long while, Grett. 79 new Ed.; gékk þessu enn til dags, Nj. 272; ok gékk því um hríð, 201; ok gékk því allan þann dag, Fms. vii. 147; lát því g. í allt sumar, xi. 57; gengr þessu þar til er …, Fb. i. 258.
    V. denoting violence; létu g. bæði grjót ok vápn, Eg. 261; létu þá hvárir-tveggju g. allt þat er til vápna höfðu, Fms. ix. 44; láta höggin g., to let it rain blows, Úlf. 12. 40; háðung, spottyrði, hróp ok brigzl hver lét með öðrum g. á víxl, Pass. 14. 3, (vápna-gangr); Birkibeinar róa þá eptir, ok létu g. lúðrana, and sounded violently the alarum, Fms. ix. 50, (lúðra-gangr); láta dæluna g., to pour out bad language, vide dæla.
    VI. to be able to go on, to go, partly impers.; ef þat gengr eigi, if that will not do, Fms. vi. 284; svá þykt at þeim gékk þar ekki at fara, they stood so close that they could not proceed there, Nj. 247; þá nam þar við, gékk þá eigi lengra, there was a stop; then it could go no farther, Fms. xi. 278; leiddu þeir skipit upp eptir ánni, svá sem gékk, as far as the ship could go, as far as the river was navigable, Eg. 127: esp. as a naut. term, impers., e. g. þeim gékk ekki fyrir nesið, they could not clear the ness; þá gengr eigi lengra, ok fella þeir þá seglið, Bs. i. 423; at vestr gengi um Langanes, 485, v. l.
    VII. with adverbs; g. létt, fljótt, to go smoothly; g. þungt, seint, to go slowly; oss munu öll vápna-viðskipti þungt g. við þá, Nj. 201; þungt g. oss nú málaferlin, 181; gékk þeim lítt atsóknin, Stj. 385; at þeim feðgum hefði þá allir hlutir léttast gengit, Bs. i. 274; seint gengr, Þórir, greizlan, Ó. H. 149; g. betr, verr, to get the better, the worse; gékk Ribbungum betr í fyrstu, Fms. ix. 313; gengu ekki mjök kaupin, the bargain did not go well, Nj. 157, cp. ganga til (B. above):—to turn out, hversu g. mundi orrostan, 273; gékk þá allt eptir því sem Hallr hafði sagt, 256; ef kviðir g. í hag sækjanda, if the verdict goes for the plaintiff, Grág. i. 87; þótti þetta mál hafa gengit at óskum, Dropl. 14; mart gengr verr en varir, a saying, Hm. 39; þykir honum nú at sýnu g. ( it seems to him evident) at hann hafi rétt hugsað, Fms. xi. 437; g. andæris, to go all wrong, Am. 14; g. misgöngum, to go amiss, Grág. i. 435; g. e-m í tauma, to turn false ( crooked); þat mun mér lítt í tauma g. er Rútr segir, Nj. 20; g. ofgangi, to go too high, Fms. vii. 269.
    VIII. of a blow or the like; hafði gengit upp á miðjan fetann, the axe went in up to the middle of the blade, Nj. 209; gékk þegar á hol, 60; gékk í gegnum skjöldinn, 245, Fb. i. 530.
    IX. of law; láta próf g., to make an enquiry; láta vátta g., to take evidence, D. N.
    X. to be gone, be lost; gékk hér með holdit niðr at beini, the flesh was torn off, Fb. i. 530: esp. in pass. part. genginn, dead, gone, eptir genginn guma, Hm. 71; moldar-genginn, buried, Sl. 60; hel-genginn, 68; afli genginn, gone from strength, i. e. powerless, Skv. 3. 13.
    β. gone, past; gengið er nú það görðist fyr, a ditty; mér er gengið heimsins hjól, gone for me is the world’s wheel ( luck), a ditty.
    XI. used as transit. with acc.; hann gengr björninn á bak aptr, he broke the bear’s back in grappling with him, Finnb. 248; ok gengr hana á bak, ok brýtr í sundr í henni hrygginn, Fb. i. 530.
    2. medic. with dat. to discharge; ganga blóði, to discharge blood (Dan. blodgang), Bs. i. 337, 383; Arius varð bráðdauðr ok gékk ór sér öllum iðrum, Ver. 47.
    D. REFLEX.:
    I. singly, gangask, to be altered, to change, be corrupted; gangask í munni, of tradition; var þat löng ævi, ok vant at sögurnar hefði eigi gengisk í munni, Ó. H. pref.; má því eigi þetta mál í munni gengisk hafa, Fb. ii. Sverr. S. pref.; ok mættim vér ráða um nokkut, at málit gengisk, that the case could miscarry, be lost, Glúm. 380:—láta gangask, to let pass. waive; lét Páll þá g. þá hluti er áðr höfðu í millum staðit, Sturl. i. 102; ef þú lætr eigi g. þat er ek kref þik, Fms. xi. 61.
    2. e-m gengsk hugr við e-t, to change one’s mind, i. e. to be moved to compassion, yield; sótti hón þá svá at honum gékksk hugr við, Eb. 264; þá gékksk Þorgerði hugr við harma-tölur hans, Ld. 232; ok mun honum g. hugr við þat, svá at hann mun fyrirgefa þér, Gísl. 98; nú sem hann grét, gékksk Ísak hugr við, Stj. 167; er sendimaðr fann at Birni gékksk hugr við féit, Ó. H. 194; við slíkar fortölur hennar gékksk Einari hugr (E. was swayed) til ágirni, Orkn. 24.
    II. with prepp. (cp. B. above); gangask at, to ‘go at it,’ engage in a fight; nú gangask þeir at fast, Dropl. 24, Ísl. ii. 267; gengusk menn at sveitum, of wrestlers, they wrestled one with another in sections (Dan. flokkevis), Glúm. 354; þeir gengusk at lengi, Finnb. 248:—gangask fyrir, vide B. above:—gangask í gegn, at móti, to stand against, fight against; at vér látim ok eigi þá ráða er mest vilja í gegn gangask (i. e. the extreme on each side), Íb. 12, cp. Fms. ii. 241; at þeir skipaði til um fylkingar sínar, hverjar sveitir móti skyldi g., i. e. to pair the combatants off, ix. 489; þeir risu upp ok gengusk at móti, Stj. 497. 2 Sam. ii. 15:—g. nær, to come to close quarters (Lat. cominus gerere), Nj. 176, Fms. xi. 240:—gangask á, to dash against one another, to split; á gengusk eiðar, the oaths were broken, Vsp. 30: to be squared off against one another, sú var görð þeirra, at á gengusk vígin húskarlanna, Rd. 288; ekki er annars getið en þeir léti þetta á gangask, i. e. they let it drop, Bjarn. 47; gangask fyrir, to fall off, Fms. iii. 255:—gangask við, to grow, gain strength; áðr en við gengisk hans bæn, before his prayer should be fulfilled, x. 258; ef þat er ætlað at trúa þessi skuli við g., Nj. 162; hétu þeir fast á guðin, at þau skyldi eigi láta við garrgask Kristniboð Ólafs konungs, Fms. ii. 32; þetta gékksk við um öll þau fylki, vii. 300; mikit gékksk Haraldr við (H. grew fast) um vöxt ok afl, Fb. i. 566; Eyvindr hafði mikið við gengizk um menntir, E. had much improved himself in good breeding, Hrafn. 24; vildi hann prófa hvárr þeirra meira hafði við gengisk, which of them had gained most strength, Grett. 107: to be in vogue, in a bad sense, ok löngum við gengisk öfund ok rangindi, Fms. i. 221, cp. Pass. 37. 7:—gangask ór stað, to be removed, Fms. xi. 107.
    III. in the phrase, e-m gengsk vel, ílla, it goes well, ill with one, Hom. 168, Am. 53; ílls gengsk þér aldri, nema …, the evil will never leave thee, thou wilt never be happy, unless …, 65.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GANGA

  • 31 occasione

    f ( opportunità) opportunity, chance
    ( evento) occasion
    ( affare) bargain
    automobile f d'occasione second-hand or used car
    cogliere l'occasione seize the opportunity, jump at the chance colloq all'occasione if necessary
    in occasione di on the occasion of
    * * *
    occasione s.f.
    1 occasion: per l'occasione comprò un cappello nuovo, she bought a new hat for the occasion; in occasione delle tue nozze..., on the occasion of your wedding...; festeggiare in occasione dell'anniversario, to celebrate on (the occasion of) s.o.'s anniversary; in molte occasioni, on many occasions // frasi d'occasione, stock phrases; parole d'occasione, conventional remarks // poesie d'occasione, occasional poems
    2 ( opportunità) opportunity, chance, occasion; ( di lavoro) opening: un ' occasione unica, the chance of a lifetime // all'occasione, when necessary (o should the need arise): all'occasione si presta molto, when circumstances require it he is very helpful // ogni occasione è buona per litigare!, if you want to quarrel, you can always find an excuse! // l'occasione fa l'uomo ladro, (prov.) opportunity makes the thief
    3 ( buon affare) bargain: quell'appartamento è una vera occasione, that flat is a real bargain; prezzo, merce d'occasione, bargain price, lot; banco delle occasioni, bargain counter; è una vera occasione a quel prezzo, it's a good buy at that price // d'occasione ( usato), second-hand: automobile d'occasione, second-hand car; ho comperato questo libro d'occasione, I bought this book second-hand
    4 ( causa) cause: dare occasione a critiche, to give cause for criticism; l'auto è stata occasione di litigi, the car gave rise to quarrels (o caused quarreling).
    * * *
    sostantivo femminile
    1) occasion, chance, opportunity

    perdere o lasciarsi sfuggire un'occasione to miss an opportunity; non ci sarà un'altra occasione! you won't get a second chance! vorrei approfittare dell'occasione per dire I should like to take this opportunity to say; all'occasione, se si presenta l'occasione if the occasion arises; in occasione di — on the occasion of

    3) (motivo) cause, occasion

    dare a qcn. occasione di — to give sb. cause to do

    d'occasione — [ poema] occasional


    l'occasione fa l'uomo ladroprov. opportunity makes the thief

    * * *
    sostantivo f.
     1 occasion, chance, opportunity; questa è la tua occasione! now's your chance! cogliere l'occasione per fare to seize the opportunity to do; perdere o lasciarsi sfuggire un'occasione to miss an opportunity; non ci sarà un'altra occasione! you won't get a second chance! vorrei approfittare dell'occasione per dire I should like to take this opportunity to say; all'occasione, se si presenta l'occasione if the occasion arises; in occasione di on the occasion of
     2 (affare vantaggioso) bargain; questo computer è una vera occasione this computer is a real bargain; il mercato delle -i the secondhand market; un'auto d'occasione a bargain car
     3 (motivo) cause, occasion; essere occasione di to give rise to; dare a qcn. occasione di to give sb. cause to do
     4 (circostanza) d'occasione [ poema] occasional
    l'occasione fa l'uomo ladro prov. opportunity makes the thief.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > occasione

  • 32 schreiben;

    schreibt, schrieb, hat geschrieben
    I vt/i write ( über + Akk on, about); TECH., Instrument: record; jemandem schreiben write to s.o., Am. auch write s.o.; (Bekannten) auch umg. drop s.o. a line; jemandem etw. schreiben write to s.o. about s.th.; sich oder einander schreiben write (to one another); formeller: correspond; schreib mal wieder! write again soon!; gut schreiben Handschrift: have nice handwriting; Stil: be a good writer; Bücher schreiben write books, be a writer; sie schreibt für den „Spiegel“ she writes articles for „Spiegel“; an etw. schreiben be working on s.th.; jemandem ins Album schreiben write s.th. in s.o.’s album; mit Bleistift etc. schreiben write in pencil etc.; mit der Maschine schreiben type (up); auf Diskette schreiben write to disk; hast du etwas zum Schreiben? have you got anything to write with?; man schreibt uns aus Hamburg, dass... we hear ( oder are informed) from Hamburg that...; der Brief, in dem Sie uns schreiben, dass... the letter in which you tell ( oder inform) us that...; wie die Zeitung schreibt according to the paper; wo steht geschrieben, dass...? where does it say that...?, where is it written that...?
    II v/t
    1. (verfassen) write; (Musikstück, Gedicht) auch compose; einen Aufsatz etc. noch einmal schreiben rewrite an essay etc.; ( richtig) schreiben (Wort) spell (right oder correctly); falsch schreiben misspell; wird das mit oder ohne,h‚ geschrieben? is that spelt (Am. spelled) with or without an ‚h’?; ins Reine schreiben make a fair copy of, write out neatly; seinen Namen unter etw. schreiben unter Aufruf, Manifest etc.: put one’s name to s.th.; (unterschreiben) sign s.th.; er schreibt einen guten Stil he has a good style; er kann kaum / nicht mal seinen Namen schreiben umg. he can hardly write anything / can’t even write his name; jemandem Gedichte / Briefchen schreiben write poems for s.o. / notes to s.o.; was schreiben die Zeitungen? what do the papers say?; jemanden in Grund und Boden / aus dem Amt schreiben condemn s.o. in one’s writings / write something that results in s.o. losing his etc. job; Pünktlichkeit etc. wird bei uns groß geschrieben fig. punctuality etc. comes high on our list of priorities; großschreiben, kleinschreiben etc.
    2. jemanden arbeitsunfähig schreiben certify s.o. as unfit for work; gesundschreiben, krankschreiben
    3. förm.: damals schrieb man das Jahr 1840 it was in the year 1840; den Wievielten schreiben wir heute? what is the date today?
    4. WIRTS. (Rechnung, Scheck) write out; make out ( jemandem to s.o.); jemandem etw. auf sein Konto / auf die Rechnung schreiben credit s.th. to s.o.’s account / put s.th. on s.o.’s bill; Kamin, Leib 1, Ohr 2, Zeile 1 etc.
    III v/refl: wie schreibt er sich? how does he spell his name?; wie schreibt sich der Name? how is the name spelt, how do you spell the name?; wie schreibt sich das? how is it ( oder that) spelt?, how dou you spell it ( oder that)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schreiben;

  • 33 pi|sać

    impf vt 1. (zapisywać) to write; (na maszynie) to type
    - pisać wzory na tablicy to write formulae on the blackboard
    - ona ładnie/brzydko pisze her handwriting is good/bad
    - pisać drobnym maczkiem to have minute handwriting, to write in a small hand
    - pisać z błędami ortograficznymi to make a lot of spelling mistakes
    - pisać ręcznie to write by hand
    - odręcznie pisana notatka a handwritten note
    - pisać na komputerze to write a. type on a computer
    - pisać po polsku/angielsku to write in Polish/English
    - pisać długopisem/ołówkiem to write in pen/pencil
    - daj mi coś do pisania (długopis, ołówek) give me sth to write with; (kartkę) give me sth to write on
    - przybory do pisania writing materials napisać
    2. (tworzyć) to write
    - pisać wiersze/powieści/piosenki/opery to write poems/novels/songs/operas
    - pisać do gazet to write for the newspapers
    - żyć z pisania to make a living from writing
    - zarabiać na życie pisaniem to write for a living
    - tekst pisany po łacinie a text written in Latin
    - dużo pisał he wrote a lot
    - pisać o czymś a. na temat czegoś to write about sth
    - dobrze/źle pisać to write well/badly
    - pisać ciekawie/barwnie to write interestingly/vividly
    - piszę, co czuję I write what I feel
    - mieć łatwość pisania to write with ease napisać
    3. (korespondować) to write
    - pisać list/skargę do kogoś to write a letter/letter of complaint to sb
    - pisać podanie o coś to apply for sth
    - pisać do kogoś to write to sb
    - pisać komuś o czymś to write to sb about sth
    - pisać do domu to write home
    - pisał, żebyśmy się nie martwili he wrote to us to say that we shouldn’t worry napisać
    4. to report
    - prasa pisze, że… newspapers report that…
    - piszą o nim/tym wszystkie gazety he’s/it’s in all the papers napisać
    vi 1. (być piśmiennym) to (be able to) write
    - jeszcze nie umieją pisać they can’t write yet
    - nauka pisania (uczenie się) learning to write; (nauczanie) handwriting lessons
    2. [długopis, pióro] to write
    - ten długopis nie pisze this pen doesn’t write
    - to pióro dobrze pisze this pen writes well
    3. kryt. (być napisanym) co tu pisze? what does it say here?
    - w książce pisze, że… it says in the book that…
    pisać się 1. [słowo, wyrażenie] to be spelled a. spelt
    - jak to się pisze? how do you spell it?
    - to się pisze rozłącznie it’s written as two words
    - to się inaczej pisze, a inaczej wymawia it’s pronounced differently from the way (that) it’s spelled
    2. (o nazwiskach) oni piszą się z niemiecka they spell their name in the German way 3. pot. (decydować się) pisać się na coś to be ready for sth
    - ja się na to nie piszę! I’m out of it! pot.
    - nie piszę się na taki wydatek I can’t afford to spend so much
    co było, a nie jest, nie pisze się w rejestr let bygones be bygones
    - to wszystko jest palcem na wodzie pisane it’s all up in the air

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > pi|sać

  • 34 Б-54

    НИ БЕЛЬМЕСА (НИ БУМ-БУМ) не знать, не понимать, не смыслить (в чём) highly coll these forms only obj (both variants) or predic with subj: human (2nd var.)) to know or understand nothing (about sth.): X (в Y-e) не понимает ни бельмеса (X в Y-e ни бум-бум) - X doesn't know beans (squat) about Y X doesn't know (understand) a thing (the first thing) about Y X doesn't have the foggiest (notion) about Y X doesn't have a clue about Y (of one's command of a foreign language, technical jargon etc) X doesn't know (understand) a word of Y (of a foreign language only) X can't say two words in (speak a word of) Y.
    «Играть не умеете! В миттельшпиле ни бум-бум...» (Аксёнов 3). "You don't know how to play! You don't know a thing about the midgame!" (3a).
    «Теперь (Херувимов) в направление тоже полез сам ни бельмеса не чувствует, ну а я, разумеется, поощряю» (Достоевский 3). "Now he's (Cherubimov has) jumped onto the progressive bandwagon too, hasn't got the foggiest, of course, but naturally I encourage him" (3a).
    (Марина Дмитриевна:) Ты что же, ничего не соображал? (Лукашин:) Ни бум-бум... (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). (M.D.:) Didn't you know what was going on? (L.:) I hadn't a clue... (1a).
    Анучкин:) Признаюсь, не зная французского языка, чрезвычайно трудно судить самому, знает ли женщина по-французски или нет. Как хозяйка дома, знает?.. (Кочкарёв:) Ни бельмеса (Гоголь 1). (A.:) I must admit that as I don't know French myself, it's awfully difficult for me to judge whether or not the young lady knows French. Do you think she does? (K.:) Not a word (1a).
    Однажды он стал читать Крымову стихи, потом прервал чтение, сказал: «Простите, вам, верно, не интересно». Крымов, усмехнувшись, ответил: «Скажу откровенно, не понял ни бельмеса» (Гроссман 2). Once he began reading some poems to Krymov, but then broke off and said: Tm sorry. You're probably not in the least interested." Krymov grinned. "To be quite honest, I couldn't understand a word of it" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Б-54

  • 35 С-296

    ДРУГИМИ (ИНЫМИ) СЛОВАМИ NP instrum these forms only usu. sent adv (parenth) fixed WO
    phrased in a different way
    in other words
    to put it differently (another way) (in limited contexts) that is to say.
    Теперь он (Фёдор) читал как бы в кубе, выхаживая каждый стих... Другими словами, он, читая, вновь пользовался всеми материалами, уже однажды собранными памятью для извлечения из них данных стихов... (Набоков 1). Now he (Fyodor) read in three dimensions, as it were, carefully exploring each poem....In other words, as he read, he again made use of all the materials already once gathered by his memory for the extraction of the present poems., (1a).
    «Ну что ж, товарищи, - оглядев присутствующих, сказал Ревкин. - Начнём, пожалуй». Закрыли двери, отключили все телефоны, и началось закрытое, то есть тайное от других, или, говоря иными словами, подпольное заседание (Войнович 4). "Well, then, comrades," said Revkin with a glance that took in everyone, "I guess we should begin." They closed the doors and disconnected all the telephones A closed meeting began - that is, one kept secret from others, or to put it another way, an underground session (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-296

  • 36 С-389

    БРАТЬ/ВЗЯТЬ НА СЕБЙ СМЕЛОСТЬ VP subj: human foil. by the infin (more often pfv) of another verb fixed WO
    to dare (to say or do sth.): X берёт на себя смелость (сделать Y) - X takes the liberty of doing Y
    X is (makes) so bold as to do Y X makes bold to do Y X presumes to do Y.
    «Р S.
    Я взял на себя смелость... отправить к вам несколько проб». Образчики эти были в полубутылках, на которых он собственноручно надписывал не только имя вина, но и разные обстоятельства из его биографии... (Герцен 3). "RS.-I have taken the liberty of despatching to you...a few samples." These samples were in half-bottles on which he had inscribed with his own hand not only the name of the wine but various circumstances from its biography... (3a).
    Небритый брал на себя смелость сомневаться в белом цвете белых (шахматных фигур) (Ерофеев 2). The unshaven one used to be so bold as to doubt the whiteness of the white (chess) pieces (2a).
    Все три стихотворения абсолютны по форме и поэтической выраженности. Именно поэтому он берет на себя смелость, не вдаваясь в обсуждение развития поэтических форм, сравнить их по содержанию... (Битов 2). All three poems are perfect in form and poetic expression. Precisely for this reason, without getting into a discussion of the development of their poetic forms, he has made bold to contrast them in content... (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > С-389

  • 37 ни бельмеса

    НИ БЕЛЬМЕСА < НИ БУМ-БУМ> не знать, не понимать, не смыслить (в чём) highly coll
    [these forms only; obj (both variants) or predic with subj: human (2nd var.)]
    to know or understand nothing (about sth.):
    - X (в Y-e) не понимает ни бельмеса (X в Y-e ни бум-бум) X doesn't know beans (squat) about Y;
    - [of one's command of a foreign language, technical jargon etc] X doesn't know (understand) a word of Y;
    - [of a foreign language only] X can't say two words in (speak a word of) Y.
         ♦ "Играть не умеете! В миттельшпиле ни бум-бум..." (Аксёнов 3). "You don't know how to play! You don't know a thing about the midgame!" (За).
         ♦ "Теперь [Херувимов] в направление тоже полез; сам ни бельмеса не чувствует, ну а я, разумеется, поощряю" (Достоевский 3). "Now he's [Cherubimov has] jumped onto the progressive bandwagon too; hasn't got the foggiest, of course, but naturally I encourage him" (3a).
         ♦ [Марина Дмитриевна:] Ты что же, ничего не соображал? [Лукашин:] Ни бум-бум... (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). [M.D.:] Didn't you know what was going on? [L.:] I hadn't a clue... (1a).
         ♦ [Анучкин:] Признаюсь, не зная французского языка, чрезвычайно трудно судить самому, знает ли женщина по-французски или нет. Как хозяйка дома, знает?.. [Кочкарёв:] Ни бельмеса (Гоголь 1). [A.:] I must admit that as I don't know French myself, it's awfully difficult for me to judge whether or not the young lady knows French. Do you think she does? [K.:] Not a word (1a).
         ♦ Однажды он стал читать Крымову стихи, потом прервал чтение, сказал: "Простите, вам, верно, не интересно". Крымов, усмехнувшись, ответил: "Скажу откровенно, не понял ни бельмеса" (Гроссман 2). Once he began reading some poems to Krymov, but then broke off and said: "I'm sorry. You're probably not in the least interested." Krymov grinned. "To be quite honest, I couldn't understand a word of it" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни бельмеса

  • 38 ни бум-бум

    НИ БЕЛЬМЕСА < НИ БУМ-БУМ> не знать, не понимать, не смыслить (в чём) highly coll
    [these forms only; obj (both variants) or predic with subj: human (2nd var.)]
    to know or understand nothing (about sth.):
    - X (в Y-e) не понимает ни бельмеса (X в Y-e ни бум-бум) X doesn't know beans (squat) about Y;
    - [of one's command of a foreign language, technical jargon etc] X doesn't know (understand) a word of Y;
    - [of a foreign language only] X can't say two words in (speak a word of) Y.
         ♦ "Играть не умеете! В миттельшпиле ни бум-бум..." (Аксёнов 3). "You don't know how to play! You don't know a thing about the midgame!" (За).
         ♦ "Теперь [Херувимов] в направление тоже полез; сам ни бельмеса не чувствует, ну а я, разумеется, поощряю" (Достоевский 3). "Now he's [Cherubimov has] jumped onto the progressive bandwagon too; hasn't got the foggiest, of course, but naturally I encourage him" (3a).
         ♦ [Марина Дмитриевна:] Ты что же, ничего не соображал? [Лукашин:] Ни бум-бум... (Брагинский и Рязанов 1). [M.D.:] Didn't you know what was going on? [L.:] I hadn't a clue... (1a).
         ♦ [Анучкин:] Признаюсь, не зная французского языка, чрезвычайно трудно судить самому, знает ли женщина по-французски или нет. Как хозяйка дома, знает?.. [Кочкарёв:] Ни бельмеса( Гоголь 1). [A.:] I must admit that as I don't know French myself, it's awfully difficult for me to judge whether or not the young lady knows French. Do you think she does? [K.:] Not a word (1a).
         ♦ Однажды он стал читать Крымову стихи, потом прервал чтение, сказал: "Простите, вам, верно, не интересно". Крымов, усмехнувшись, ответил: "Скажу откровенно, не понял ни бельмеса" (Гроссман 2). Once he began reading some poems to Krymov, but then broke off and said: "I'm sorry. You're probably not in the least interested." Krymov grinned. "To be quite honest, I couldn't understand a word of it" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни бум-бум

  • 39 другими словами

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; usu. sent adv (parenth); fixed WO]
    phrased in a different way:
    - [in limited contexts] that is to say.
         ♦ Теперь он [Фёдор] читал как бы в кубе, выхаживая каждый стих... Другими словами, он, читая, вновь пользовался всеми материалами, уже однажды собранными памятью для извлечения из них данных стихов... (Набоков 1). Now he [Fyodor] read in three dimensions, as it were, carefully exploring each poem....In other words, as he read, he again made use of all the materials already once gathered by his memory for the extraction of the present poems., (1a).
         ♦ "Ну что ж, товарищи, - оглядев присутствующих, сказал Ревкин. - Начнём, пожалуй". Закрыли двери, отключили все телефоны, и началось закрытое, то есть тайное от других, или, говоря иными словами, подпольное заседание (Войнович 4). "Well, then, comrades," said Revkin with a glance that took in everyone, "I guess we should begin." They closed the doors and disconnected all the telephones A closed meeting began - that is, one kept secret from others, or to put it another way, an underground session (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > другими словами

  • 40 иными словами

    [NPinstrum; these forms only; usu. sent adv (parenth); fixed WO]
    phrased in a different way:
    - [in limited contexts] that is to say.
         ♦ Теперь он [Фёдор] читал как бы в кубе, выхаживая каждый стих... Другими словами, он, читая, вновь пользовался всеми материалами, уже однажды собранными памятью для извлечения из них данных стихов... (Набоков 1). Now he [Fyodor] read in three dimensions, as it were, carefully exploring each poem....In other words, as he read, he again made use of all the materials already once gathered by his memory for the extraction of the present poems., (1a).
         ♦ "Ну что ж, товарищи, - оглядев присутствующих, сказал Ревкин. - Начнём, пожалуй". Закрыли двери, отключили все телефоны, и началось закрытое, то есть тайное от других, или, говоря иными словами, подпольное заседание (Войнович 4). "Well, then, comrades," said Revkin with a glance that took in everyone, "I guess we should begin." They closed the doors and disconnected all the telephones A closed meeting began - that is, one kept secret from others, or to put it another way, an underground session (4a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > иными словами

См. также в других словарях:

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