Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 21 out\ of\ repair

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > out\ of\ repair

  • 22 cobble

    I ['kobl] noun
    (a rounded stone formerly used in paving streets.) pedra
    II ['kobl] verb
    1) (to mend (shoes).) remendar
    2) (to make or repair badly or roughly.) trabalhar mal
    * * *
    [k'ɔbəl] n remendagem. • vt 1 remendar (sapatos, etc.). 2 fazer grosseira ou toscamente, sarrafaçar.
    [k'ɔbəl] n 1 pedra arredondada para pavimentação. 2 carvão em pedra. • vt pavimentar com pedras arredondadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cobble

  • 23 disrepair

    (the state of needing repair: The old house has fallen into disrepair.) mau estado
    * * *
    [disrip'ɛə] n 1 mau estado, dilapidação. 2 condição de trabalho insatisfatória.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disrepair

  • 24 dock

    I 1. [dok] noun
    1) (a deepened part of a harbour etc where ships go for loading, unloading, repair etc: The ship was in dock for three weeks.) doca
    2) (the area surrounding this: He works down at the docks.) docas
    3) (the box in a law court where the accused person sits or stands.) banco dos réus
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) enter a dock and tie up alongside a quay: The liner docked in Southampton this morning.) atracar
    - dockyard II [dok] verb
    (to cut short or remove part from: The dog's tail had been docked; His wages were docked to pay for the broken window.) cortar
    * * *
    [dɔk] n Bot labaça, azeda.
    [dɔk] n 1 parte grossa da cauda dos animais. 2 cauda cortada, rabo cotó. 3 rabicho. • vt 1 derrabar ou cortar a cauda, o rabo a. 2 encurtar, abreviar, reduzir, diminuir (pagamento). 3 despojar de, desfalcar, privar de.
    [dɔk] n 1 doca, dique, estaleiro, embarcadouro. 2 pl cais, instalações portuárias. 3 rail hangar, galpão. 4 banco dos réus. • vt+vi pôr um navio no estaleiro, fazer um navio entrar em doca ou estaleiro. dry dock, graving dock dique ou doca de querena. floating dock dique ou doca flutuante. in dry dock coll desempregado. wet dock doca de carga e descarga. to be in the dock 1 estar no banco dos réus. 2 em conserto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dock

  • 25 electrician

    noun (a person whose job is to make, install, repair etc electrical equipment: The electrician mended the electric fan.) electricista
    * * *
    [ilektr'i82n] n eletricista.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > electrician

  • 26 equipment

    1) (the clothes, machines, tools etc necessary for a particular kind of work, activity etc: The mechanic could not repair the car because he did not have the right equipment; The boy could not afford the equipment necessary for mountaineering.) equipamento
    2) (the act of equipping.) equipamento
    * * *
    [ikw'ipm2nt] n 1 equipamento, aparelhamento. 2 Mil, Naut armamento, apresto, equipação. 3 fig preparo mental.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > equipment

  • 27 fix

    [fiks] 1. verb
    1) (to make firm or steady: He fixed the post firmly in the ground; He fixed his eyes on the door.) fixar
    2) (to attach; to join: He fixed the shelf to the wall.) fixar
    3) (to mend or repair: He has succeeded in fixing my watch.) arranjar
    4) (to direct (attention, a look etc) at: She fixed all her attention on me.) dirigir
    5) ((often with up) to arrange; to settle: to fix a price; We fixed (up) a meeting.) arranjar
    6) (to make (something) permanent by the use of certain chemicals: to fix a photgraphic print.) fixar
    7) (to prepare; to get ready: I'll fix dinner tonight.) preparar
    2. noun
    (trouble; a difficulty: I'm in a terrible fix!) apuro
    - fixed
    - fixedly
    - fixture
    - fix on
    - fix someone up with something
    - fix up with something
    - fix someone up with
    - fix up with
    * * *
    [fiks] n 1 dificuldade, posição difícil, apuro, embaraço, dilema. we are in a nice fix / estamos em maus lençóis. 2 sl dose de narcótico, droga (injeção). 3 sl armação, trapaça, jeito. 4 sl cafetão. 5 Comp parte de um código que é inserido num programa de computador para corrigir um erro. • vt+vi 1 fixar, prender, ligar, firmar, pregar, cravar. 2 estabelecer, determinar. 3 tratar. 4 solidificar. 5 ajustar. 6 consertar. 7 coll pôr em ordem, arrumar. 8 preparar (refeição). 9 arranjar, aprontar, organizar. 10 concentrar. a fix up sl uma dose de narcótico. I’ll fix him eu me encarrego dele. to fix a cop subornar um policial. to fix a date marcar uma data. to fix a meal preparar uma refeição. to fix a post in the ground cravar um poste no chão. to fix on, to fix up escolher. to fix the eyes upon cravar os olhos em. to fix up coll 1 consertar. 2 acomodar. to fix upon a resolution tomar uma resolução firme.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fix

  • 28 fund

    1) (a sum of money for a special purpose: Have you given money to the repair fund?) fundo
    2) (a store or supply: He has a fund of funny stories.) porção
    * * *
    [f∧nd] n fundo: a) capital, valor disponível, reserva monetária. b) cabedal, reserva. c) Brit fundos públicos, papéis de crédito garantidos pelo Estado. • vt 1 reservar um fundo para pagar os juros (de uma dívida). 2 fundar, consolidar (dívidas). 3 financiar, dar fundos. 4 inverter dinheiro em fundos públicos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fund

  • 29 handbook

    noun (a small book giving information about (how to do) something: a handbook of European birds; a bicycle-repair handbook.) guia
    * * *
    [h'ændbuk] n manual, guia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > handbook

  • 30 instructive

    adjective (giving knowledge or information: He gave an instructive talk about electrical repair work.) instrutivo
    * * *
    [instr'∧ktiv] adj instrutivo, educativo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > instructive

  • 31 kit

    1) ((an outfit of) tools, clothes etc for a particular purpose: He carried his tennis kit in a bag; a repair kit for mending punctures in bicycle tyres.) material
    2) (a collection of the materials etc required to make something: He bought a model aeroplane kit.) kit
    - kit out
    * * *
    [kit] n 1 equipamento, kit, estojo. 2 caixa de ferramentas, conjunto de instrumentos. 3 caixa, mochila, maleta. 4 coll coleção, sortimento, conjunto. 5 balde de madeira, jarro. • vt prover com equipamento. make-up kit frasqueira. the whole kit and caboodle Amer tudo e todos, todo o mundo (pessoas e coisas). to kit up/ out suprir com equipamento necessário (principalmente roupas).
    [kit] n pequeno violino.
    [kit] n 1 filhote de raposa e outros pequenos animais peludos. 2 a pele desses animais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > kit

  • 32 manage

    1) (to be in control or charge of: My lawyer manages all my legal affairs / money.) tratar de
    2) (to be manager of: James manages the local football team.) treinar
    3) (to deal with, or control: She's good at managing people.) lidar com
    4) (to be able to do something; to succeed or cope: Will you manage to repair your bicycle?; Can you manage (to eat) some more meat?) conseguir
    - manageability
    - management
    - manager
    * * *
    [m'ænidʒ] n 1 arte de treinar e montar cavalos. 2 escola de equitação. • vt+vi 1 administrar, dirigir, conduzir. 2 orientar. 3 controlar. 4 manejar, manobrar, lidar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > manage

  • 33 mend

    [mend] 1. verb
    1) (to put (something broken, torn etc) into good condition again; to repair: Can you mend this broken chair?) consertar
    2) (to grow better, especially in health: My broken leg is mending very well.) recuperar
    2. noun
    (a repaired place: This shirt has a mend in the sleeve.) remendo
    * * *
    [mend] n 1 remendo. 2 melhoria em modos. • vt+vi 1 consertar, reparar, emendar, remendar. 2 corrigir. 3 melhorar. 4 restabelecer-se. on the mend em estado ou a caminho de melhoria. to mend one’s pace apressar o passo. to mend one’s way corrigir-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mend

  • 34 neat

    1) (tidy; well-ordered, with everything in the right place: a neat house; She is very neat and tidy.) arrumado
    2) (skilfully done: He has made a neat job of the repair.) bem feito
    3) ((of drink, especially alcoholic) without added water: neat whisky.) puro
    - neatly
    * * *
    [ni:t] adj 1 limpo, asseado. 2 nítido, claro. 3 puro, não diluído. 4 hábil, destro. 5 sl ótimo, maravilhoso. • adv 1 asseadamente. 2 nitidamente. 3 puramente. 4 habilmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > neat

  • 35 overhaul

    1. [əuvə'ho:l] verb
    (to examine carefully and repair: I had my car overhauled at the garage.) vistoriar
    2. ['əuvəho:l] noun
    a complete overhaul.) vistoria
    * * *
    ['ouvəhɔ:l] n revisão, vistoria, inspeção. • [ouvəh'ɔ:l] vt 1 revisar, inspecionar. 2 Naut tomar a dianteira de, ultrapassar. for the long overhaul sl nas horas difíceis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > overhaul

  • 36 plaster

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) a substance put on walls, ceilings etc which dries to form a hard smooth surface: He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall; a plaster ceiling.) reboco
    2) (( also adjective) (also plaster of Paris) (of) a similar quick-drying substance used for supporting broken limbs, making models etc: She's got her arm in plaster; a plaster model.) gesso
    3) ((also sticking-plaster; American Band-Aid) (a piece of) sticky tape (sometimes with a dressing) used to cover a wound etc: You should put a plaster on that cut.) adesivo
    2. verb
    1) (to put plaster on: They plastered the walls.) estucar
    2) (to spread or apply rather too thickly: She'd look nicer if she didn't plaster so much make-up on her face.) besuntar
    - plastic 3. adjective
    (easily made into different shapes.) plástico
    * * *
    [pl'a:stə; pl'æstə] n 1 emplastro. 2 emboço. 3 gesso calcinado, sulfato de cálcio. 4 reboco. • vt+vi 1 emboçar. 2 lambuzar. 3 cumular. 4 remendar. 5 emplastrar. 6 rebocar. 7 afixar, pregar. plaster of Paris gesso calcinado, sulfato de cálcio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > plaster

  • 37 plastic surgery

    surgery to repair or replace damaged skin, or to improve the appearance usually of the face (noun plastic surgeon) cirurgia plástica
    * * *
    plas.tic sur.ge.ry
    [plæstik s'ə:dʒəri] n Med cirurgia plástica.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > plastic surgery

  • 38 refit

    past tense, past participle - refitted; verb
    (to repair or fit new parts to (a ship): They are refitting the liner.) reparar
    * * *
    [r'i:fit] n 1 novo equipamento, reaparelhamento. 2 conserto, reparo. • [ri:f'it] vt+vi consertar, reparar, equipar de novo, reaparelhar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > refit

  • 39 restore

    1) (to repair (a building, a painting, a piece of furniture etc) so that it looks as it used to or ought to.) restaurar
    2) (to bring back to a normal or healthy state: The patient was soon restored to health.) restabelecer
    3) (to bring or give back: to restore law and order; The police restored the stolen cars to their owners.) restituir
    4) (to bring or put (a person) back to a position, rank etc he once had: He was asked to resign but was later restored to his former job as manager.) reintegrar
    - restorer
    * * *
    [rist'ɔ:] vt 1 restaurar, reparar, reconstruir. 2 recolocar, repor, restituir, devolver. they restored him to liberty / recolocaram-no em liberdade. 3 restabelecer, curar, recuperar. 4 reintegrar. 5 renovar, restabelecer. to be restored to health ser curado, restabelecer-se. to restore to life restituir à vida, ressuscitar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > restore

  • 40 skilful

    adjective (having, or showing, skill: a skilful surgeon; It was very skilful of you to repair my bicycle.) habilidoso
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    [sk'ilful] adj hábil, experto, destro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > skilful

См. также в других словарях:

  • Repair — Re*pair , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repaired} ( p?rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repairing}.] [F. r[ e]parer, L. reparare; pref. re re + parare to prepare. See {Pare}, and cf. {Reparation}.] 1. To restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — I noun adjustment, alteration, amelioration, betterment, correction, cure, fixing, improvement, melioration, mending, overhaul, patching, reanimation, reassembling, reconditioning, reconstruction, recovery, rectification, redintegration,… …   Law dictionary

  • Repair — Re*pair , n. 1. Restoration to a sound or good state after decay, waste, injury, or partial restruction; supply of loss; reparation; as, materials are collected for the repair of a church or of a city. [1913 Webster] Sunk down and sought repair… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — repair1 [ri per′] vt. [ME repairen < OFr reparer < L reparare < re , again + parare, to get ready, PREPARE] 1. to put back in good condition after damage, decay, etc.; mend; fix 2. to renew; restore; revive [to repair one s health] 3. to …   English World dictionary

  • Repair — Re*pair , n. [OF. repaire retreat, asylum, abode. See {Repair} to go.] 1. The act of repairing or resorting to a place. [R.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] The king sent a proclamation for their repair to their houses. Clarendon. [1913 Webster] 2. Place …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — ‘mend’ [14] and repair ‘go’ [14] are two distinct words. The former comes via Old French reparer from Latin reparāre ‘put back in order’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘back’ and parāre ‘put in order’ (source of English prepare).… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • repair — Ⅰ. repair [1] ► VERB 1) restore (something damaged, worn, or faulty) to a good condition. 2) set right (a rift in relations). ► NOUN 1) the action of repairing. 2) a result of this. 3) the relative ph …   English terms dictionary

  • repair — ‘mend’ [14] and repair ‘go’ [14] are two distinct words. The former comes via Old French reparer from Latin reparāre ‘put back in order’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re ‘back’ and parāre ‘put in order’ (source of English prepare).… …   Word origins

  • Repair — Re*pair (r? p?r ), v. i. [OE. repairen, OF. repairier to return, fr. L. repatriare to return to one s contry, to go home again; pref. re re + patria native country, fr. pater father. See {Father}, and cf. {Repatriate}.] 1. To return. [Obs.] [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • repair — [n] restoration, fixing adjustment, darn, improvement, mend, new part, overhaul, patch, reconstruction, reformation, rehabilitation, replacement, substitution; concepts 513,700,824 Ant. breaking, damage, destruction, harm, hurt, injury, neglect,… …   New thesaurus

  • repair — repair. См. репаративный синтез. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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