Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 neatly

    adverb (tidily or skilfully: Please write neatly.) com cuidado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > neatly

  • 2 neatly

    adverb (tidily or skilfully: Please write neatly.) caprichosamente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > neatly

  • 3 close

    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) perto
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) justo
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) íntimo
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) igual
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) minucioso
    4) (tight: a close fit.) apertado
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) abafado
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) avarento
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) calado
    - closeness
    - close call/shave
    - close-set
    - close-up
    - close at hand
    - close on
    - close to
    II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) fechar
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) terminar
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) fechar
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) fim
    - close up
    * * *
    [klouz] n 1 fim, término, conclusão. 2 briga, peleja, luta corpo-a-corpo • vt+vi 1 fechar, encerrar, confinar. 2 tapar, encher. 3 barrar, bloquear, obstruir. 4 cerrar (fileiras). 5 juntar(-se). 6 envolver, cercar. 7 concordar, chegar a um acordo. 8 terminar, completar, concluir, encerrar. 9 cicatrizar, fechar (ferida). 10 trancar, aferrolhar. 11 engalfinhar-se. 12 Naut encostar(-se), perlongar. at the close of day no fim do dia, ao crepúsculo. at the close of the year no fim do ano. he closed his days ele morreu. he closed the door upon every attempt at reconciliation ele tornou impossível qualquer tentativa de reconciliação. he closed the door upon her 1 ele fechou o porta atrás dela. 2 fig expulsou-a. the ship closes the wind o navio vira para o vento. they closed upon him 1 chegaram a um acordo a seu respeito. 2 caíram em cima dele. to close a bargain fechar um negócio. to close an account encerrar uma conta. to close an affair encerrar um assunto. to close a seam rematar uma costura. to close down fechar, encerrar as atividades. the shops closed down / as lojas fecharam suas portas. to close in 1 fechar, cercar. 2 encerrar, irromper, aproximar-se, chegar. the night closed in / chegou a noite. to close off isolar, impedir a passagem. to close on aproximar-se. to close one’s eyes morrer. to close one’s eyes to ignorar, não querer enxergar. he closed his eyes to the problem / ele ignorou o problema, ele não quis enxergar o problema. to close out (vendas) liquidar, queimar. to close round cercar, rodear. to close the ranks cerrar fileiras. to close up 1 fechar, trancar, cerrar. they closed up / cerraram fileiras. 2 cicatrizar. to close with 1 aceder. 2 unir-se a. 3 entrar em luta corporal. to draw to a close chegar ao fim.
    [klous] n 1 espaço fechado, terreno cercado, cercado. 2 cerca, sebe, tapada. 3 beco estreito. 4 the Close recinto de mosteiro ou abadia. • adj 1 junto, próximo, perto, pegado, contíguo, estreito. 2 justo, apertado. 3 compacto, denso, condensado. 4 íntimo, caro, familiar. 5 cuidadoso, exato, conciso, preciso. 6 estrito, perfeito. 7 fechado, cerrado. 8 rigoroso, severo. 9 abafado, opressivo, pesado, sufocante. 10 fechado, reservado. 11 secreto, oculto. 12 restrito, limitado. 13 parcimonioso, econômico, frugal. 14 raro, difícil de obter. 15 quase igual, quase no mesmo nível. 16 confinado, estritamente guardado, segregado. 17 pronunciado com os lábios parcialmente fechados. 18 grosso, fechado (tecido). 19 viscoso, tenaz. 20 quase certeiro. 21 atento, observador. • adv 1 rente, cerce, cérceo. 2 de perto, junto ao pé. 3 severamente, rigorosamente, estritamente. 4 estreitamente, hermeticamente, firmemente, compactamente. 5 exatamente, cautelosamente. 6 economicamente. a close carriage uma carruagem fechada. a close customer coll um tipo taciturno. a close hand 1 uma mão fechada. 2 fig pessoa sovina. at close quarters nas imediações. close air ar viciado ou abafado. close argument argumento incontestável. close at hand iminente, próximo. close by bem junto, perto. close combat luta corpo-a-corpo. close coupled circuit n Eletr circuito conjugado. close election, close vote eleição disputadíssima. close on quase. close proximity proximidade imediata. close season, close time temporada de caça proibida. close shave ou thing escape por pouco, por um triz. close style estilo breve ou conciso. close to nas proximidades. close to the chest sem revelar a intenção. close to the ground rente ao chão. close to the wind com vento pela popa. close writing letra apertada. he keeps himself close ele se esconde. keep close! 1 fique perto de mim! 2 cale a boca! 3 esconda-se! the end is close o fim está próximo. to come close chegar perto. to cut close cortar rente. to draw the curtains close fechar bem as cortinas. to follow close upon seguir ao pé. to live close viver economicamente, poupar. to sit close assentar justo (vestido). to sit close around the fire estar sentado junto ou perto do fogo. to stick close to ficar perto ou próximo de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > close

  • 4 compact

    I 1. [kəm'pækt] adjective
    (fitted neatly together in a small space: Our new house is very compact.) bem aproveitado
    2. ['kompækt] noun
    (a small container for women's face-powder: a powder-compact with a mirror.) caixa de pó-de-arroz
    II ['kompækt]
    (an agreement: The management and trade union leaders finally signed a compact.) acordo
    * * *
    [k'ɔmpækt] n caixa ou estojo de pó-de-arroz ou ruge. • [kəmp'ækt] vt+vi 1 comprimir, juntar, apertar. 2 condensar, resumir. 3 unir, ligar firmemente. • [kəmp'ækt] adj 1 compacto, firme, apertado. 2 composto de, feito de. 3 conciso, breve, resumido. 4 maciço, sólido. compact video disc disco a laser que produz som e imagem.
    [k'ɔmpækt] n pacto, acordo, tratado. by compact por tratado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > compact

  • 5 disorderly

    1) (not neatly arranged; in confusion: His clothes lay in a disorderly heap.) em desordem
    2) (lawless; causing trouble: a disorderly group of people.) desordeiro
    * * *
    [dis'ɔ:dəli] adj 1 desordenado, desarranjado, confuso. 2 tumultuoso, turbulento. 3 devasso, licencioso, desregrado. 4 irregular, ilegal. • adv desordenadamente, sem ordem, ilegitimamente, contra as leis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disorderly

  • 6 neat

    1) (tidy; well-ordered, with everything in the right place: a neat house; She is very neat and tidy.) arrumado
    2) (skilfully done: He has made a neat job of the repair.) bem feito
    3) ((of drink, especially alcoholic) without added water: neat whisky.) puro
    - neatly
    * * *
    [ni:t] adj 1 limpo, asseado. 2 nítido, claro. 3 puro, não diluído. 4 hábil, destro. 5 sl ótimo, maravilhoso. • adv 1 asseadamente. 2 nitidamente. 3 puramente. 4 habilmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > neat

  • 7 snugly

    1) (tightly and neatly: The gun fitted snugly into my pocket.) confortavelmente
    2) (comfortably or warmly: The girl had a scarf wrapped snugly round her neck.) aconchegadamente
    * * *
    [sn'∧gli] adv confortavelmente, firmemente, agradavelmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > snugly

  • 8 stack

    [stæk] 1. noun
    1) (a large, usually neatly shaped, pile eg of hay, straw, wood etc: a haystack.) pilha
    2) (a set of shelves for books eg in a library.) estante
    2. verb
    (to arrange in a large, usually neat, pile: Stack the books up against the wall.) empilhar
    * * *
    [stæk] n 1 meda de feno, palha, etc. 2 pilha, monte. 3 carabinas ensarilhadas. 4 coll grande quantidade. 5 chaminé. 6 Aeron cano de escapamento. 7 (geralmente stacks pl) estante para livros. 8 coll grande número ou quantidade, abundância. • vt 1 empilhar, amontoar. 2 ensarilhar armas. 3 Amer arranjar as cartas do baralho para levar vantagem. hay stack monte de feno. how are things stacking up? como vão as coisas? stacks of letters pilhas de cartas. the odds/ cards are stacked against someone as condições são desfavoráveis para alguém. to stack up (against) Amer coll comparar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stack

  • 9 stow

    (to pack neatly and especially out of sight: The sailor stowed his belongings in his locker.) guardar
    - stow away
    * * *
    [stou] vt 1 alojar, estivar. 2 acondicionar, empacotar. 3 arrumar, guardar. 4 sl acabar com, cessar. stow that! chega!, basta! to stow away a) guardar, pôr de lado, esconder. b) embarcar como clandestino.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stow

  • 10 strap up

    (to fasten or bind with a strap, bandage etc: His injured knee was washed and neatly strapped up.) enfaixar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strap up

  • 11 close

    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) perto
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) justo
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) íntimo
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) apertado
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) minucioso
    4) (tight: a close fit.) apertado
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) abafado
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) mesquinho
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) discreto
    - closeness - close call/shave - close-set - close-up - close at hand - close on - close to II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) fechar
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) terminar
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) concluir
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) fim
    - close up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > close

  • 12 compact

    I 1. [kəm'pækt] adjective
    (fitted neatly together in a small space: Our new house is very compact.) compacto
    2. ['kompækt] noun
    (a small container for women's face-powder: a powder-compact with a mirror.) estojo de pó-de-arroz
    II ['kompækt]
    (an agreement: The management and trade union leaders finally signed a compact.) acordo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > compact

  • 13 disorderly

    1) (not neatly arranged; in confusion: His clothes lay in a disorderly heap.) desordenado
    2) (lawless; causing trouble: a disorderly group of people.) desordeiro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > disorderly

  • 14 neat

    1) (tidy; well-ordered, with everything in the right place: a neat house; She is very neat and tidy.) arrumado
    2) (skilfully done: He has made a neat job of the repair.) correto
    3) ((of drink, especially alcoholic) without added water: neat whisky.) puro
    - neatly

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > neat

  • 15 snugly

    1) (tightly and neatly: The gun fitted snugly into my pocket.) justamente
    2) (comfortably or warmly: The girl had a scarf wrapped snugly round her neck.) aconchegantemente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > snugly

  • 16 stack

    [stæk] 1. noun
    1) (a large, usually neatly shaped, pile eg of hay, straw, wood etc: a haystack.) meda, pilha
    2) (a set of shelves for books eg in a library.) estante
    2. verb
    (to arrange in a large, usually neat, pile: Stack the books up against the wall.) empilhar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stack

  • 17 stow

    (to pack neatly and especially out of sight: The sailor stowed his belongings in his locker.) arrumar
    - stow away

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > stow

  • 18 strap up

    (to fasten or bind with a strap, bandage etc: His injured knee was washed and neatly strapped up.) enfaixar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > strap up

См. также в других словарях:

  • Neatly — Neat ly, adv. In a neat manner; tidily; tastefully. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • neatly — [adv] tidily accurately, adeptly, adroitly, aptly, cleanly, efficiently, expertly, fastidiously, handily, methodically, nicely, orderly, precisely, skillfully, sprucely; concepts 326,485,585,589 …   New thesaurus

  • neatly — adverb 1) neatly arranged papers Syn: tidily, methodically, systematically; smartly, sprucely 2) the point was neatly put Syn: cleverly, aptly, elegantly 3) a neatly executed turn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • neatly — adv. Neatly is used with these adjectives: ↑organized Neatly is used with these verbs: ↑arrange, ↑capture, ↑cut, ↑demonstrate, ↑divide, ↑dress, ↑evade, ↑execute, ↑fit, ↑f …   Collocations dictionary

  • neatly — neat ► ADJECTIVE 1) tidy or carefully arranged. 2) done with or demonstrating skill or efficiency. 3) (of a drink of spirits) not diluted or mixed with anything else. 4) N. Amer. informal excellent. DERIVATIVES neatly adverb neatness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • neatly — adverb with neatness (Freq. 6) she put the slippers under the bed neatly • Derived from adjective: ↑neat …   Useful english dictionary

  • neatly clipped — adj. Neatly clipped is used with these nouns: ↑beard …   Collocations dictionary

  • neatly trimmed — adj. Neatly trimmed is used with these nouns: ↑beard …   Collocations dictionary

  • neatly combed — well groomed, brushed neatly, groomed nicely …   English contemporary dictionary

  • neatly — adverb see neat II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • neatly — See neat1. * * * …   Universalium

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