1 quote
quote [kwəʊt]a. [+ author, poem, words] citer ; [+ reference number] donner• he was quoted as saying that... il aurait dit que...• she said the text was, and I quote, "full of mistakes" elle m'a dit que le texte était, je cite, « plein de fautes »b. [+ price] indiquer• she quoted me £500 for the job elle m'a fait un devis de 500 livres pour ces travaux3. nouna. ( = quotation) citation fb. ( = estimate) devis m4. plural noun* * *[kwəʊt] 1.2) ( statement to journalist) déclaration f3) ( estimate) devis m4) Finance cote f2.quotes plural noun = quotation marks3.transitive verb1) (repeat, recall) citer [person, passage, proverb]; rapporter [words]; rappeler [reference number]don't quote me on this, but... — ne répète pas ce que je dis, mais...
she was quoted as saying that... — elle aurait dit que...
they quoted us £200 — dans leur devis, ils ont demandé £200
3) ( on stock exchange) coter [share, price] (at à)quoted company — société f cotée en Bourse
4) ( in betting)4.intransitive verb (from text, author) faire des citationsquote... unquote — ( in dictation) ouvrez les guillemets... fermez les guillemets; (in lecture, speech) je cite... fin de citation
on quote ‘business’ unquote — soi-disant pour affaires
2 quote
quote [kwəʊt](a) (cite → words, example, statistics) citer;∎ can I quote you on that? vous me permettez de citer ce que vous venez de dire?;∎ don't quote me on that (don't repeat it) ne le répétez pas; (don't say who told you) ne dites pas que c'est moi qui vous l'ai dit;∎ she quoted several passages from the book elle cita plusieurs passages du livre;∎ he said, quote, get lost, unquote il a dit, je cite, allez vous faire voir;∎ their leader was quoted as denying the allegation leur leader aurait rejeté l'accusation;∎ you are quoted as saying he's mad vous auriez dit qu'il était fou∎ please quote this reference (number) prière de mentionner cette référence;∎ in reply please quote this number prière de rappeler ce numéro dans toute correspondance ultérieure∎ gold prices were quoted at £500 l'or a été coté à 500 livres;∎ quoted on the Stock Exchange coté en Bourse;∎ Stock Exchange to quote an expiry coter une échéance;∎ can you quote me a price? pouvez-vous me donner ou m'indiquer un prix?∎ to quote from Yeats citer Yeats∎ to quote for a job faire un devis pour un travail3 noun∎ a quote from Shakespeare une citation de Shakespeare(b) (estimate) devis m(c) (quotation mark) guillemet m;∎ in quotes entre guillemets►► British Stock Exchange quoted company société f cotée en Bourse;Finance quoted investment valeur f cotée en Bourse;Finance quoted price cours m inscrit à la cote officielle;Finance quoted securities valeurs fpl de Bourse;Stock Exchange quoted share action f cotée, action f inscrite à la cote officielle -
3 quote
A n1 ( quotation) citation f (from de) ;2 ( statement to journalist) déclaration f ;3 ( estimate) devis m ;4 Fin cote f.C vtr1 (repeat, recall) citer [person, passage, proverb] ; rapporter [words] ; rappeler [reference number] ; to quote Shakespeare/the Bible citer Shakespeare/la Bible ; to quote sb/sth as an example citer qch/qn en exemple ; please quote this number in all correspondence veuillez rappeler ce numéro dans toute correspondance ; don't quote me on this, but… ne répète pas ce que je dis, mais… ; she was quoted as saying that elle aurait dit que ; to quote Plato,… pour citer Platon,… ;2 Comm ( state) indiquer [price, figure] ; they quoted us £200 for repairing the car dans leur devis, ils ont demandé £200 pour la réparation de la voiture ;3 ( on stock exchange) coter [share, price] (at à) ; quoted company/share société f/valeur f cotée en Bourse ; to be quoted on the Stock Exchange être coté à la Bourse ;4 Turf to quote odds of 3 to 1 proposer une cote de 3 à 1 ; to be quoted 6 to 1 être coté entre 6 et 1.D vi (from text, author) faire des citations ; to quote from Keats/the classics citer Keats/les classiques ; quote … unquote ( in dictation) ouvrez les guillemets … fermez les guillemets ; (in lecture, speech) je cite … fin de citation ; he's in Paris on quote ‘business’ unquote il est à Paris soi-disant pour affaires. -
4 ♦ quote
♦ quote /kwəʊt/n. (fam.)1 citazione; passo citato2 (fam.) quotazione; preventivo: DIALOGO → - In a meeting- Could you send us quotes for all of the styles just so we have an idea of costs?, potrebbe mandarci dei preventivi per tutti gli stili in modo da avere un'idea dei costi?● (econ.) quote-driven market, mercato che varia secondo le quotazioni.♦ (to) quote /kwəʊt/A v. t.2 ( Borsa, fin.) quotare ( titoli, ecc.); indicare il prezzo corrente di ( merci, ecc.): We have quoted our best prices, vi abbiamo quotato i nostri prezzi minimi; to be quoted on the Stock Exchange, ( di titolo) essere quotato in Borsa3 (tipogr.) mettere fra virgolette; virgolettareB v. i.1 fare citazioni: to quote from T.S. Eliot, fare citazioni da T.S. Eliot -
5 quote
quote [kwəυt]1. v1) цити́ровать; ссыла́ться (на кого-л.);may I quote you? мо́жно сосла́ться на вас?
2) открыва́ть кавы́чки; брать в кавы́чки3) назнача́ть це́ну; дава́ть расце́нку; коти́ровать (at)2. n разг.1) цита́та2) назна́ченная цена́3) pl кавы́чки -
6 quote
quote v angeben, anführen, zitieren -
7 quote
8 quote
kwəut1) (to repeat the exact words of a person as they were said or written: to quote Shakespeare / Shakespeare's words / from Shakespeare, `Is this a dagger which I see before me?') citar2) (to name (a price).) cotizar; estimar3) (to mention or state in support of an argument: to quote an example.) citar•- quotation marks
quote vb citartr[kwəʊt]1 SMALLLINGUISTICS/SMALL cita1 citar, entrecomillar2 (price) dar, ofrecer3 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL cotizar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto ask for a quote pedir un presupuestoto give somebody a quote dar un presupuesto a alguiento quote somebody a price ofrecer un precio a alguien1) cite: citar2) value: cotizar (en finanzas)quote n1) quotationn.• comillas s.f.pl.• cotización s.f.v.• citar v.• cotizar v.
1. kwəʊt1)a) \<\<writer/passage\>\> citar; \<\<reference number\>\> indicar*you've been quoted as saying that... — se ha afirmado que usted ha dicho que...
but don't quote me on that — pero no estoy absolutamente seguro, pero no lo repitas
b) \<\<example\>\> dar*; \<\<instance\>\> citar2)a) ( Busn) \<\<price\>\> dar*, ofrecer*b) ( Fin) cotizar*
vi (repeat, recite)she can quote from a wide range of writers — se sabe (de memoria) citas de un gran número de escritores de todo tipo
she said, and I quote... — dijo, y lo repito textualmente..., sus palabras textuales fueron...
noun (colloq)1) ( passage) cita f2) ( estimate) presupuesto mto give somebody a quote — darle* or hacerle* un presupuesto a alguien
3) quotes pl ( quotation marks) comillas fplin o between quotes — entre comillas
[kwǝʊt]he said, quote, `I have a gun', unquote — dijo textualmente or sus palabras textuales fueron: `tengo una pistola'
1. VT1) (=cite) [+ writer, line, passage, source] citarto quote my aunt... — para citar a mi tía..., como decía mi tía...
he is quoted as saying that... — se le atribuye haber dicho que...
2) (=mention) [+ example] dar, citar; [+ reference number] indicarto quote sth/sb as an example (of sth) — poner algo/a algn como ejemplo (de algo)
3) (Comm) (=estimate)he quoted/I was quoted a good price — me dio un presupuesto or precio muy razonable
4) (Econ) [+ shares, company, currency] cotizar (at a)last night, Hunt shares were quoted at 346 pence — anoche las acciones Hunt cotizaron a 346 peniques
quoted company — empresa f que cotiza en Bolsa
2. VI1) (=recite, repeat) citarhe said, and I quote,... — dijo, y cito sus propias palabras,...
2) (Comm)to quote for sth — hacer un presupuesto de algo, presupuestar algo
I got several firms to quote for the building work — pedí a varias empresas que me hicieran un presupuesto de or me presupuestaran la obra
3. N*1) (=line, passage) cita f2) (Comm) (=estimate) presupuesto m3) (St Ex) cotización f4) quotes (=inverted commas) comillas fpl4.EXCLshe said, quote, "he was as drunk as a lord", unquote — sus palabras textuales fueron: -estaba como una cuba
she died in a, quote, "accident", unquote — murió en un accidente, entre comillas or por así decirlo
"quote" — (in dictation) "comienza la cita"
* * *
1. [kwəʊt]1)a) \<\<writer/passage\>\> citar; \<\<reference number\>\> indicar*you've been quoted as saying that... — se ha afirmado que usted ha dicho que...
but don't quote me on that — pero no estoy absolutamente seguro, pero no lo repitas
b) \<\<example\>\> dar*; \<\<instance\>\> citar2)a) ( Busn) \<\<price\>\> dar*, ofrecer*b) ( Fin) cotizar*
vi (repeat, recite)she can quote from a wide range of writers — se sabe (de memoria) citas de un gran número de escritores de todo tipo
she said, and I quote... — dijo, y lo repito textualmente..., sus palabras textuales fueron...
noun (colloq)1) ( passage) cita f2) ( estimate) presupuesto mto give somebody a quote — darle* or hacerle* un presupuesto a alguien
3) quotes pl ( quotation marks) comillas fplin o between quotes — entre comillas
he said, quote, `I have a gun', unquote — dijo textualmente or sus palabras textuales fueron: `tengo una pistola'
9 quote
1. transitive verb1) also abs. zitieren ( from aus); zitieren aus [Buch, Text, Übersetzung]; (appeal to) sich berufen auf (+ Akk.) [Person, Buch, Text, Quelle]; (mention) anführen [Vorkommnis, Beispiel]he is quoted as saying that... — er soll gesagt haben, dass...
..., and I quote,... —... ich zitiere,...
2) (state price of) angeben, nennen [Preis]3) (St. Exch.) notieren [Aktie]4) (enclose in quotation marks) in Anführungszeichen (Akk.) setzen2. noun..., quote,... —..., Zitat,...
(coll.)1) (passage) Zitat, das2) (commercial quotation) Kosten[vor]anschlag, der* * *[kwəut]1) (to repeat the exact words of a person as they were said or written: to quote Shakespeare / Shakespeare's words / from Shakespeare, `Is this a dagger which I see before me?') zitieren2) (to name (a price).) ansetzen3) (to mention or state in support of an argument: to quote an example.) anführen•- academic.ru/59841/quotation">quotation- quotation marks* * *[kwəʊt, AM kwoʊt]I. nto give sb a \quote jdm ein Angebot machen4.▶ \quote [unquote]:Mr Brown stated that, \quote,... Hr. Brown meinte, ich zitiere...; (implying disbelief)they are \quote, ‘just good friends’ sie sind — in Anführungszeichen — ‚nur gute Freunde‘II. vt1. (say words of)▪ to \quote sth/sb jdn/etw zitieren2. (give)▪ to \quote a price einen Preis nennenthe architect has \quoted £3,000 for it der Architekt hat dafür 3.000 Pfund Sterling verlangtto \quote sb a price jdm ein Angebot machen3. STOCKEX etw notierenshares \quoted on the stock exchange Aktien, die an der Börse notiert sind4. (name)▪ to \quote sth etw nennen\quote me one organization that... nenne mir eine Organisation, die...III. vi zitierento \quote from memory auswendig [o aus dem Kopf] zitieren▪ to \quote from sb jdn zitierenhe's always quoting from the Bible er bringt immer Zitate aus der Bibel* * *[kwəʊt]1. vt1) author, text zitierenhe was quoted as saying that... — er soll gesagt haben, dass...
quote... end quote or unquote — Zitat Anfang... Zitat Ende
and the quote(, unquote) liberals — und die Liberalen in Anführungszeichen
2) (= cite) anführento quote sb/sth as an example — jdn/etw als Beispiel anführen
how much did they quote you for that? — wie viel haben sie dafür verlangt?, wie viel wollten sie dafür haben?
the shares are quoted at £2 — die Aktien werden mit £ 2 notiert
2. vito quote from an author —
... and I quote —... und ich zitiere
we asked six companies to quote — wir baten sechs Firmen um Preisangaben
3. n1) (from author, politician) Zitat nt2) pl Anführungszeichen pl, Gänsefüßchen pl (inf)in quotes —
* * *quote [kwəʊt]A v/t1. zitieren ( from aus), (auch als Beweis) anführen, weitS. auch Bezug nehmen auf (akk), sich auf ein Dokument etc berufen, eine Quelle, einen Fall heranziehen:he was quoted by the papers as saying that … Zeitungsberichten zufolge sagte er, dass …3. Börse: notieren:4. in Anführungszeichen setzenquote: … ich zitiere: …, Zitat: …;quote … unquote Zitat … Ende des ZitatsC s umg1. Zitat n2. pl Gänsefüßchen pl umg, Anführungszeichen pl:smart quotes COMPUT typografische Anführungszeichen* * *1. transitive verb1) also abs. zitieren ( from aus); zitieren aus [Buch, Text, Übersetzung]; (appeal to) sich berufen auf (+ Akk.) [Person, Buch, Text, Quelle]; (mention) anführen [Vorkommnis, Beispiel]he is quoted as saying that... — er soll gesagt haben, dass...
..., and I quote,... —... ich zitiere,...
2) (state price of) angeben, nennen [Preis]3) (St. Exch.) notieren [Aktie]4) (enclose in quotation marks) in Anführungszeichen (Akk.) setzen2. noun..., quote,... —..., Zitat,...
(coll.)1) (passage) Zitat, das2) (commercial quotation) Kosten[vor]anschlag, der* * *n.Zitat -e n. v.Preis stellen ausdr.anführen v.berechnen v.zitieren v. -
10 quote
[kwəut]back quote вчт. обратная блокировка вычислений closing quote котировка на момент закрытия биржи functional quote вчт. функциональная блокировка quote цитировать; ссылаться (на кого-л.); may I quote you? можно сослаться на вас? quote делать ссылку quote вчт. кавычка quote разг. pl кавычки quote котировать quote назначать ставку quote назначать цену; давать расценку; котировать (at) quote назначать цену, давать расценку quote назначать цену quote открывать кавычки; брать в кавычки quote расценивать quote регистрировать курс quote ссылаться quote цитата quote разг. цитата quote цитировать; ссылаться (на кого-л.); may I quote you? можно сослаться на вас? quote цитировать -
11 quote
[kwəʊt, Am kwoʊt] nto give sb a \quote jdm ein Angebot machenPHRASES:\quote [unquote];Mr Brown stated that, \quote,... Hr. Brown meinte, ich zitiere...;they are \quote, ‘just good friends’ sie sind - in Anführungszeichen - ‚nur gute Freunde‘ vt1) ( say words of)to \quote sth/sb jdn/etw zitieren;to \quote sb on sth jdn zu etw dat zitieren;but don't \quote me on that! aber sag's nicht weiter! ( fam)2) ( give)to \quote a price einen Preis nennen;the architect has \quoted £3000 for it der Architekt hat dafür 3000 Pfund Sterling verlangt;to \quote sb a price jdm ein Angebot machen3) stockex etw notieren;shares \quoted on the stock exchange Aktien, die an der Börse notiert sind4) ( name)to \quote sth etw nennen;\quote me one organization that... nenne mir eine Organisation, die... vi zitieren;to \quote from memory auswendig [o aus dem Kopf] zitieren;to \quote from sb jdn zitieren;to \quote from sth aus etw dat zitieren;he's always quoting from the Bible er bringt immer Zitate aus der Bibel -
12 quote
I 1. [kwəʊt]1) (quotation) citazione f.2) (statement to journalist) dichiarazione f.3) (estimate) preventivo m.4) econ. quotazione f.2.nome plurale quotes quotation marksII 1. [kwəʊt]1) (repeat, recall) citare [person, passage, proverb]; citare, riportare [words, reference number]don't quote me on this, but... — qui lo dico e qui lo nego,...
she was quoted as saying that — ha dichiarato o detto che
2) comm. (state) fare un preventivo di [price, figure]3) (on the stock exchange) quotare [share, price] (at a)4) (in betting)2.1) (from text, author) fare citazioni2)quote... unquote — (in dictation) aperte (le) virgolette... chiuse (le) virgolette; (in lecture, speech) e qui cito...
he's in Rome on quote "business" unquote — è a Roma per, lui dice, "affari"
* * *[kwəut]1) (to repeat the exact words of a person as they were said or written: to quote Shakespeare / Shakespeare's words / from Shakespeare, `Is this a dagger which I see before me?') citare2) (to name (a price).) quotare, fare un preventivo3) (to mention or state in support of an argument: to quote an example.) citare•- quotation marks* * *I 1. [kwəʊt]1) (quotation) citazione f.2) (statement to journalist) dichiarazione f.3) (estimate) preventivo m.4) econ. quotazione f.2.nome plurale quotes quotation marksII 1. [kwəʊt]1) (repeat, recall) citare [person, passage, proverb]; citare, riportare [words, reference number]don't quote me on this, but... — qui lo dico e qui lo nego,...
she was quoted as saying that — ha dichiarato o detto che
2) comm. (state) fare un preventivo di [price, figure]3) (on the stock exchange) quotare [share, price] (at a)4) (in betting)2.1) (from text, author) fare citazioni2)quote... unquote — (in dictation) aperte (le) virgolette... chiuse (le) virgolette; (in lecture, speech) e qui cito...
he's in Rome on quote "business" unquote — è a Roma per, lui dice, "affari"
13 quote
1. гл.
1) а) цитировать;
ссылаться( на кого-л.) Many people quote from the Bible without knowing that they are doing so. ≈ Многие люди цитируют Библию, не сознавая этого. Syn: cite б) приводить (в качестве примера, иллюстрации) to quote cases ≈ приводить случаи
2) ставить кавычки;
брать в кавычки
3) назначать цену;
давать расценку;
котировать quote for quote price for quote terms of payment for
2. сущ.;
1) выдержка, цитата Syn: quotation, citation
2) мн. кавычки single quote ≈ одинарная кавычка forward quote ≈ открывающая кавычка( разговорное) цитата pl кавычки цитировать, приводить чьи-л. слова - to * from a book приводить цитату из книги делать ссылку, ссылаться (на автора) - to * an instance привести пример (откуда-л.) - may I * you on that? можно при этом сослаться на вас? открывать кавычки, брать в кавычки (коммерческое) назначать цену, ставку и т. п., расценивать - to * a price on a house назначить цену за дом( биржевое) котировать - to be *d at 500 dollars per ton котироваться (по цене) 500 долларов за тонну back ~ вчт. обратная блокировка вычислений closing ~ котировка на момент закрытия биржи functional ~ вчт. функциональная блокировка ~ цитировать;
ссылаться (на кого-л.) ;
may I quote you? можно сослаться на вас? quote делать ссылку ~ вчт. кавычка ~ разг. pl кавычки ~ котировать ~ назначать ставку ~ назначать цену;
давать расценку;
котировать (at) ~ назначать цену, давать расценку ~ назначать цену ~ открывать кавычки;
брать в кавычки ~ расценивать ~ регистрировать курс ~ ссылаться ~ цитата ~ разг. цитата ~ цитировать;
ссылаться (на кого-л.) ;
may I quote you? можно сослаться на вас? ~ цитировать -
14 quote
15 quote
вчт.1) цитирование || цитировать2) заключение в кавычки || заключать в кавычки3) кавычка4) (двусторонняя) втяжка (процедура языка TEX); применять (двустороннюю) втяжку (в языке TEX)•- close quote
- double quotes
- left quote
- open quote
- pull-out quote
- right quote
- single left quote
- single quotes
- single right quote
- smart quotesThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > quote
16 quote
[kwəut] 1. гл.1)а) цитировать; ссылатьсяMany people quote from the Bible without knowing that they are doing so. — Многие люди цитируют Библию, не сознавая этого.
Syn:б) приводить (в качестве примера, иллюстрации)2) ставить кавычки; брать в кавычки3) эк. назначать цену; устанавливать расценкиto quote price for smth. — назначить цену на что-л.
Please quote us for 1,000 tons of ore. — Просим назначить цену за 1000 тонн руды.
4) бирж.а) котироватьб) котироваться2. сущ.; разг.1) выдержка, цитатаSyn:2) кавычка -
17 quote
kwəut1) (to repeat the exact words of a person as they were said or written: to quote Shakespeare / Shakespeare's words / from Shakespeare, `Is this a dagger which I see before me?') sitere2) (to name (a price).) oppgi (prisen på)3) (to mention or state in support of an argument: to quote an example.) nevne, (opp)gi•- quotation markssitereIsubst. \/kwəʊt\/1) sitat2) anførselstegnIIverb \/kwəʊt\/1) sitere, fremføre, anføre2) henvise til, påberope seg, oppgi3) nevne, gi eksempel på• can you quote (me) an instance?4) ( handel) notere5) ( om anbud) tilby, gi6) sette i anførselstegnbe quoted as bli sitertquote somebody for gi noen en pris påquote... unquote jeg siterer... sitat slutt, sitat... sitat slutt• the leader of the rebels said, quote, We shall never surrender, unquote -
18 quote
вчт1) цитирование || цитировать2) заключение в кавычки || заключать в кавычки3) кавычка4) (двусторонняя) втяжка ( процедура языка TEX); применять (двустороннюю) втяжку ( в языке TEX)•- closequote
- double quotes
- left quote
- open quote
- pull-out quote
- right quote
- single quotes
- single left quote
- single right quote
- smart quotes -
19 quote
1 noun(for work) devis m;∎ to get a quote faire faire un devis;∎ they gave me a quote of £500 ils m'ont fait un devis de 500 livres∎ gold prices were quoted at £500 l'or a été coté à 500 livres;∎ quoted on the Stock Exchange coté(e) en Bourse;∎ to quote an expiry coter une échéancequoted company société f cotée en Bourse;quoted investment valeur f cotée en Bourse;quoted price cours m inscrit à la cote officielle;quoted securities valeurs f pl de Bourse;quoted share action f cotée, action inscrite à la cote officielle∎ to quote sb a price for sth fixer à qn un prix pour qch;∎ can you quote me a price? pouvez-vous m'indiquer un prix?;∎ they quoted me £500 for the work ils m'ont fait un devis de 500 livres pour le travailto quote for a job faire un devis pour un travail -
20 quote
I [kwəʊt] v- quote smb- quote the example of the speaker II [kwəʊt] vPlease quote the articles named. — Пожалуйста, дайте мне расценки на указанные предметы.
We may quote lower than our competitors, if necessary. — В случае необходимости мы можем снизить цену по сравнению с нашими конкурентами
- quote a high price for smth- quote smth at five dollars
- quoted price
См. также в других словарях:
quote — quote, cite, repeat are not close synonyms, though all mean to speak or write again something already said or written by another. Quote usually implies a use of another s words, commonly with faithful exactness or an attempt at it, for some… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Quote — (kw[=o]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Quoted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Quoting}.] [OF. quoter, F. coter to letter, number, to quote, LL. quotare to divide into chapters and verses, fr. L. quotus. See {Quota}.] [Formerly written also {cote}.] 1. To cite, as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quote — QUOTE. adj. f. Il n a d usage que dans cette phrase, Quote part, Qui se dit de la part que chacun doit payer ou recevoir dans la repartition d une somme totale. Il doit payer tant pour sa quote part. il luy revient tant pour sa quote part.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Quote — bezeichnet einen Anteil einer Bestandsgröße, zum Beispiel Frauenquote, oder in selteneren Fällen das Verhältnis zweier Größen, zum Beispiel Wettquote. Sie wird meistens in Prozent angegeben. Im Gegensatz zur Rate, die sich immer auf eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
quote — quote; un·quote; mis·quote; … English syllables
quote — ► VERB 1) repeat or copy out (a passage or remark by another). 2) repeat a passage or remark from. 3) (quote as) put forward or describe as being. 4) give someone (an estimated price). 5) (quote at/as) name (someone or something) at (specified… … English terms dictionary
quote — [kwōt] vt. quoted, quoting [altered (infl. by L) < ME coten < ML quotare, to mark the number of, divide into chapters < L quotus, of what number < IE * kwoti , how many < interrogative base * kwo > WHO] 1. to reproduce or repeat … English World dictionary
Quote — (kw[=o]t), n. A note upon an author. [Obs.] Cotgrave. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quote — I verb adduce, adferre, circumstantiate, cite, cite a holding of a case, corroborate, detail, document, duplicate, establish, excerpt, extract, give word for word, go into detail, instance, make reference, paraphrase, point out, produce an… … Law dictionary
Quote — (v. lat.), bei gemeinschaftlichem Gewinn od. Verlust od. bei Abgaben der Antheil, welcher auf den Einzelnen od. auf einen besteuerten Gegenstand kommt; daher Quotiren, diese Vertheilung bewirken; Quotation (Quotisation), die Antheilsberechnung;… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Quote — (lat., pars quota, »der wievielte Teil«), Bruchteil eines Ganzen, z. B. einer Erbschaft; bei Abrechnungen oder Abgaben der Anteil, der auf den Einzelnen kommt. Pro quota, verhältnismäßig. Quotieren, diese Verteilung bewirken … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon