1 interjection
2 interjection
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3 interjection
interjection [ˏɪntəˊdʒekʃn] n1) восклица́ние2) грам. междоме́тие -
4 interjection
interjection междометие* * *(n) восклицание* * ** * *[,in·ter'jec·tion || ‚ɪntə(r)dʒekʃn] n. восклицание, междометие* * *возгласвосклицаниевыкрик* * *1) восклицание 2) грам. междометие 3) перебивание (словом или замечанием) -
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intə'‹ekʃən1) (a word or words, or some noise, used to express surprise, dismay, pain or other feelings and emotions: Oh dear! I think I've lost my key; Ouch! That hurts!) interjección2) (the act of interjecting something.) interposición•interjection n interjeccióntr[ɪntə'ʤekʃən]1 (part of speech) interjección nombre femenino2 (comment) interposición nombre femeninointerjection [.ɪntər'ʤɛkʃən] n1) : interjección f (en lingüística)2) exclamation: exclamación f3) interposition, interruption: interposición f, interrupción fn.• interjección s.f.'ɪntər'dʒekʃən, ˌɪntə'dʒekʃən[ˌɪntǝ'dʒekʃǝn]N (=exclamation) exclamación f ; (Ling) interjección f ; (=insertion) interposición f* * *['ɪntər'dʒekʃən, ˌɪntə'dʒekʃən] -
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------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] interjection[English Plural] interjections[Swahili Word] kilio[Swahili Plural] vilio[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -lia[Terminology] grammar------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] interjection[English Plural] interjections[Swahili Word] kiingizi[Swahili Plural] viingizi[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 7/8[Terminology] linguistics------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] interjection[English Plural] interjections[Swahili Word] dakizo[Swahili Plural] madakizo[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -daka------------------------------------------------------------ -
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междометие имя существительное: -
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n възклицание, грам. междуметие* * *възклицание; междуметие;* * *n възклицание, грам. междуметие* * *interjection[¸intə´dʒekʃən] n 1. възклицание, възклик; 2. ез. междуметие. -
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n. tussenwerpsel; uitroep; het ergens inwerpen[ - dzjeksjn] -
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[ˌɪntə'dʒekʃn]1) ling. interiezione f.2) (interruption) interruzione f., intromissione f.* * *[intə'‹ekʃən]1) (a word or words, or some noise, used to express surprise, dismay, pain or other feelings and emotions: Oh dear! I think I've lost my key; Ouch! That hurts!) interiezione, esclamazione2) (the act of interjecting something.) esclamazione•* * *interjection /ɪntəˈdʒɛkʃn/n.1 (gramm.) interiezione; esclamazioneinterjectionala.(gramm.) interiettivo.* * *[ˌɪntə'dʒekʃn]1) ling. interiezione f.2) (interruption) interruzione f., intromissione f. -
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noun(exclamation) Ausruf, der; (Ling.) Interjektion, die* * *[intə'‹ekʃən]1) (a word or words, or some noise, used to express surprise, dismay, pain or other feelings and emotions: Oh dear! I think I've lost my key; Ouch! That hurts!) die Interjektion2) (the act of interjecting something.) der Ausruf•- academic.ru/38760/interject">interject* * *inter·jec·tion[ˌɪntəˈʤekʃən, AM -t̬ɚˈ-]n\interjections from the audience Zwischenrufe pl aus dem Publikum* * *["Intə'dZekSən]n(= exclamation) Ausruf m; (LING ALSO) Interjektion f; (= remark) Einwurf m* * *interjection [-kʃn] s1. Dazwischenwerfen n, Einwurf m2. Aus-, Zwischenruf m3. LING Interjektion f, Ausrufe-, Empfindungswort n* * *noun(exclamation) Ausruf, der; (Ling.) Interjektion, die* * *n.Ausruf -e m.Zwischenruf m. -
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[ˌɪntə'dʒekʃn]noun Linguistics interjection f; ( interruption) interruption f -
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[ˌɪntə'ʤekʃ(ə)n]сущ.1) восклицаниеSyn:2) лингв. междометиеGram:[ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]Interjection[/ref]3) перебивание -
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[intə'‹ekʃən]1) (a word or words, or some noise, used to express surprise, dismay, pain or other feelings and emotions: Oh dear! I think I've lost my key; Ouch! That hurts!) interjection2) (the act of interjecting something.) exclamation• -
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[͵ıntəʹdʒekʃ(ə)n] n1. восклицание; возглас2. грам. междометие3. вмешательство (словом или замечанием); перебивание -
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[ˌɪntə'dʒekʃ(ə)n]1) Общая лексика: вмешательство (словом или замечанием), возглас, восклицание, междометие, перебивание2) Психология: вмешательство (словом) -
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[ˏɪntə(:)`ʤekʃ(ə)n]восклицаниемеждометиеперебиваниеАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > interjection
19 interjection
[, in·ter'jec·tion || ‚ɪntə(r)dʒekʃn]◙ n. מילת קריאה; הערת פתע, שיסוע שיחה; זריקה אל תוך-* * *◙ -ךות לא הקירז ;החיש עוסיש,עתפ תרעה ;האירק תלימ◄ -
20 interjection
intə'‹ekʃən1) (a word or words, or some noise, used to express surprise, dismay, pain or other feelings and emotions: Oh dear! I think I've lost my key; Ouch! That hurts!) utrop(sord), interjeksjon2) (the act of interjecting something.) innskudd, utbrudd•subst. \/ˌɪntəˈdʒekʃ(ə)n\/1) innskutt bemerkning, innskudd2) utbrudd, utrop3) ( grammatikk) interjeksjon, utropsord
См. также в других словарях:
interjection — [ ɛ̃tɛrʒɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1300; lat. interjectio I ♦ Mot invariable pouvant être employé isolément pour traduire une attitude affective du sujet parlant. ⇒ exclamation; juron, onomatopée. II ♦ (1690; d apr. interjeter) Dr. Action d interjeter… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Interjection — In ter*jec tion, n. [L. interjectio: cf. F. interjection. See {Interject}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of interjecting or throwing between; also, that which is interjected. [1913 Webster] The interjection of laughing. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
interjection — early 15c., from M.Fr. interjection (O.Fr. interjeccion, 13c.), from L. interiectionem (nom. interiectio) a throwing or placing between, noun of action from pp. stem of intericere, from inter between (see INTER (Cf. inter )) + icere, comb. form… … Etymology dictionary
interjection — [in΄tər jek′shən] n. [ME interjeccioun < MFr interjection < L interjectio] 1. the act of interjecting 2. something interjected, as a word or phrase 3. Gram. a) an exclamation inserted into an utterance without grammatical connection to it… … English World dictionary
Interjection — Interjection, Empfindungswort, Laut, womit der Mensch Empfindungen der Freude, der Verwunderung, der Furcht, des Schmerzes etc. ausdrückt, z.B. o, ah, ach, weh etc … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
interjection — index expletive, insertion, intercession, intervention (imposition into a lawsuit), intervention (interference), remark Burton s Le … Law dictionary
interjection — Interjection. s. f. L Une des parties d oraison, dont on se sert pour exprimer les passions, comme, Douleur, colere, joye, admiration &c. Ha! helas! sont des interjections. les interjections sont trop frequentes dans ce discours … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
interjection — ► NOUN ▪ an exclamation, especially as a part of speech (e.g. ah!, dear me!) … English terms dictionary
Interjection — Une interjection est une catégorie de mot invariable, permettant au sujet parlant, l énonciateur, d exprimer une émotion spontanée (joie, colère, surprise, tristesse, admiration, douleur, etc.), d adresser un message bref au destinataire… … Wikipédia en Français
Interjection — In grammar, an interjection or exclamation is a word used to express an emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker (although most interjections have clear definitions). Filled pauses such as uh, er, um are also considered interjections.… … Wikipedia
interjection — n. an interjection into (the interjection of new issues into a campaign) * * * [ˌɪntə dʒekʃ(ə)n] an interjection into (the interjection of new issues into a campaign) … Combinatory dictionary