1 lead by the nose
(to make (a person) do whatever one wants.) trekke noen etter nesen, få noen til å gjøre det en vil -
2 nose
nəuz 1. noun1) (the part of the face by which people and animals smell and usually breathe: She held the flower to her nose; He punched the man on the nose.) nese2) (the sense of smell: Police dogs have good noses and can follow criminals' trails.) luktesans, nese3) (the part of anything which is like a nose in shape or position: the nose of an aeroplane.) tupp, spiss, nese, forstavn2. verb1) (to make a way by pushing carefully forward: The ship nosed (its way) through the ice.) bane vei, rykke sakte framover2) (to look or search as if by smelling: He nosed about (in) the cupboard.) snuse rundt•- - nosed- nosey
- nosy
- nosily
- nosiness
- nose-bag
- nosedive
- nose job 3. verb(to make such a dive: Suddenly the plane nosedived.)- lead by the nose
- nose out
- pay through the nose
- turn up one's nose at
- under a person's very nose
- under very nose
- under a person's nose
- under nosedyse--------snute--------teftIsubst. \/nəʊs\/1) nese2) snute, mule, tryne3) ( overført) neseikke legg deg bort i mine saker \/ ikke stikk nesen din i mine saker4) luktesans5) teft• he has a good\/sharp nose6) tut, spiss7) ( på fartøy) forstavn8) ( på fly) nese9) ( slang) angiverblow one's nose snyte seg, pusse nesencount\/tell noses telle antallet tilstedeværende ( ved votering) telle stemmercut off one's nose to spite one's face skyte seg selv i foten, lage selvmål, ødelegge for seg selvdo something under somebody's (very) nose gjøre noe rett for nesen på noenfollow one's nose gå dit nesen peker, gå rett fremget one's nose out of joint ( hverdagslig) bli tråkket på tærne, bli fornærmet• don't get your nose out of jont; he probably didn't mean it like thatikke bli så fornærmet; han mente det sikkert ikke slikget up somebody's nose ( hverdagslig) gå noen på nervene, være slitsomkeep one's nose clean ( hverdagslig) passe seg, holde seg borte fra problemerlook down one's nose at ( hverdagslig) rynke på nesen av, se ned påmake a long nose at peke nese tilon the nose hva lukt angår (austr., hverdagslig) stinkende• phew, something in here is seriously on the nosefysj, et eller annet her stinker noe forferdelig(amer., slang) på en prikk, akkurat (slang, hestesport) som vinnerpay through one's nose ( hverdagslig) betale i dyre dommerplain as the nose on one's face ( hverdagslig) soleklart, klart som solensee beyond (the length of) one's nose se lenger enn nesen rekkerspeak through one's nose snakke i nesenstick\/poke\/push\/put\/shove\/thrust one's nose into somebody's business blande seg opp i noens anliggenderthumb one's nose at peke nese tilturn one's nose up at something rynke på nesen ved\/over noewin by a nose ( hesteveddeløp) vinne med (en) neseIIverb \/nəʊz\/1) trykke nesen mot, trykke snuten mot2) snuse på, lukte på3) bevege seg sakte fremover4) ( også nose out) være, få teften av, spore opp, lukte seg til, snuse opp, få rede på5) ( også nose about, nose around) snoke, snuse rundt6) ( også nose out) slå med knapp marginnose around for\/after snuse rundt etternose at snuse pånose for\/after snuse etternose into snoke inose one's way through bevege seg sakte gjennom, lete seg frem gjennom -
3 lead
I 1. li:d past tense, past participle - led; verb1) (to guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction: Follow my car and I'll lead you to the motorway; She took the child by the hand and led him across the road; He was leading the horse into the stable; The sound of hammering led us to the garage; You led us to believe that we would be paid!) lede, leie; føre2) (to go or carry to a particular place or along a particular course: A small path leads through the woods.) lede, bære3) ((with to) to cause or bring about a certain situation or state of affairs: The heavy rain led to serious floods.) føre (til)4) (to be first (in): An official car led the procession; He is still leading in the competition.) gå i spissen for, lede (an)5) (to live (a certain kind of life): She leads a pleasant existence on a Greek island.) føre2. noun1) (the front place or position: He has taken over the lead in the race.) ledelse, tet2) (the state of being first: We have a lead over the rest of the world in this kind of research.) ledelse3) (the act of leading: We all followed his lead.) ledelse, førerskap4) (the amount by which one is ahead of others: He has a lead of twenty metres (over the man in second place).) forsprang5) (a leather strap or chain for leading a dog etc: All dogs must be kept on a lead.) bånd, reim6) (a piece of information which will help to solve a mystery etc: The police have several leads concerning the identity of the thief.) spor, hint7) (a leading part in a play etc: Who plays the lead in that film?) hovedrolle, helt(inne)•- leader- leadership
- lead on
- lead up the garden path
- lead up to
- lead the way II led noun1) (( also adjective) (of) an element, a soft, heavy, bluish-grey metal: lead pipes; Are these pipes made of lead or copper?) bly2) (the part of a pencil that leaves a mark: The lead of my pencil has broken.) blyantstift•- leadenbly--------forsprang--------ledeIsubst. \/led\/1) ( kjemi) bly2) ( i blyant) grafitt, bly, (blyant)spiss3) ( i våpen) kule, kuler, bly4) ( poetisk) lodd, skjebne5) ( sjøfart) lodd, blylodd6) ( fiske) søkke, blysøkke7) plombe, blysegl8) ( boktrykking) reglett (metallplate som skiller linjene i sats fra hverandrearm the lead ( sjøfart) sette talg på loddetcast the lead loddeget the lead out (amer., hverdagslig) få opp farten, få ut fingerengo over like a lead balloon ( hverdagslig) falle til jorden, mislykkes totaltheave the lead loddelead in one's pencil (hverdagslig, særlig amer.) futt, (seksuell) energiIIsubst. \/liːd\/1) ledelse, anførsel, førerskap2) ledelse, forsprang, tet3) ledetråd, spor, tips, hint, vink4) ( kortspill) utspill (også overført), forhånd5) ( sport) første kast6) ( teater) hovedrolle, hovedrolleinnehaver7) ( musikk) tittelparti8) ( elektronikk) ledning, kabel, leder9) ( handel) leveringstid, tid mellom planlegging og produksjon av et produkt10) ( hundeutstyr) bånd, kobbel, lenke, reim11) ( gruvedrift) gang, årefollow somebody's lead følge noens eksempelforge into the lead (sport o.l.) presse seg opp i ledelsengive a lead ( overført) ta et initiativ, gå i bresjen, vise vei gå først, hoppe først (e.l.)give somebody a lead oppmuntre noen til å komme etter gi noen en ledetrådgive the lead ( overført) angi tonenhave a lead of ha en ledelse på, lede medingress, nyhetssammendragreturn one's partner's lead ( kortspill) svare på makkerens invitasjontake the lead ta ledelsen, gå opp i ledelsen, legge seg i teten ta initiativet tilIIIverb \/led\/1) ( teknikk) tekke med bly, blande med bly, kle med bly2) ( teknikk) innfatte med bly3) ( teknikk) glassere med blyglasur4) ( sjøfart) lodde5) plombere (med blyforsegling)6) ( boktrykking) skytelead out ( boktrykking) skyteIV1) lede, anføre, vise vei, dirigere, stå i spissen for2) lede, gå foran, være først3) ( sport) lede, ligge i tetlede feltet, ligge i tet4) ( også overført) leie, føre, trekke (et dyr)han er lett å lede, han er lettpåvirkelig5) forårsake6) ( om vei e.l.) gå, føre, lede7) føre, leve8) la føre, la leve, la tilbringe• what a life that man led me!9) ( kortspill) spille ut, ha utspilletall roads lead to Rome ( ordspråk) alle veier fører til Romlead astray føre vill ( overført) føre på avveier, føre på gale veier, forledelead away føre bortlead by the hand leie, føre ved håndenlead by the nose ( om dyr) trekke etter nesen (overført, hverdagslig) trekke etter nesen, ha full kontrolllead captive ta til fange, føre bort i fangenskaplead for the defence ( jus) lede forsvaret, være ledende forsvarsadvokatlead for the prosecution ( jus) være aktorlead from the front gå i bresjenlead into føre inn ilead off føre bort åpne, innlede, begynneanføre, gå i spissen( kortspill) spille utlead on fremadlead on to føre samtalen inn pålead out into\/onto føre ut til, stå i forbindelselead out of føre ut avlead somebody a dance se ➢ dance, 1lead somebody a dog's life gjøre livet surt for noenlead somebody on lokke noen, oppmuntre noen, forlede noen, lure noen (til å gjøre noe uklokt)han driver bare gjøn med deg, han bare tullerlead somebody on to føre noen inn på, lede noen inn pålead somebody up the garden path eller lead somebody down the garden path (overført, hverdagslig) villede noen, lure noen opp i stry, sende noen på bærturlead somebody wrong se ➢ wrong, 4lead the fashion føre moten, være toneangivendelead to lede til, føre til, medføre, resultere idet er risikabelt, det kan forårsake ubehageligheterlead to something få noe til å skje, føre til noelead up to føre til, føre frem til, lede til, resultere i, være innledning til( kortspill) spille ut, spille opplead with one's chin ( boksing) bokse uten hakebeskyttelse ( overført) opptre uvørent, si noe ubetenktsomtVadj. \/led\/av bly, bly-
См. также в других словарях:
lead by the nose — verb conceal one s true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well • Syn: ↑bamboozle, ↑snow, ↑hoodwink, ↑pull the wool over someone … Useful english dictionary
lead by the nose — lead (someone) by the nose to control someone and make them do exactly what you want them to do. They simply didn t know what they were doing and they were led by the nose by a manipulative government. (usually passive) … New idioms dictionary
lead by the nose — {v. phr.}, {informal} To have full control of; make or persuade (someone) to do anything whatever. * /Many people are easily influenced and a smart politician can lead them by the nose./ * /Don t let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own… … Dictionary of American idioms
lead by the nose — {v. phr.}, {informal} To have full control of; make or persuade (someone) to do anything whatever. * /Many people are easily influenced and a smart politician can lead them by the nose./ * /Don t let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own… … Dictionary of American idioms
lead\ by\ the\ nose — v. phr. informal To have full control of; make or persuade (someone) to do anything whatever. Many people are easily influenced and a smart politician can lead them by the nose. Don t let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own judgment and do… … Словарь американских идиом
lead by the nose — have full control of, make or persuade someone to do anything you want He isn t very aggressive and always lets his boss lead him by the nose … Idioms and examples
To lead by the nose — Nose Nose (n[=o]z), n. [AS. nosu; akin to D. neus, G. nase, OHG. nasa, Icel. n[ o]s, Sw. n[ a]sa, Dan. n[ a]se, Lith. nosis, Russ. nos , L. nasus, nares, Skr. n[=a]s[=a], n[=a]s. [root]261. Cf. {Nasal}, {Nasturtium}, {Naze}, {Nostril}, {Nozzle}.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lead by the nose — Synonyms and related words: affect, bend, bestride, bias, color, dictate, dispose, dominate, have subject, have the ascendancy, hypnotize, incline, induce, influence, lead, make putty of, master, mesmerize, move, persuade, play first fiddle,… … Moby Thesaurus
lead by the nose — control, have the ability to rule over … English contemporary dictionary
lead someone around by the nose — lead someone (around) by the nose see ↑nose, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑lead lead someone (around) by the nose informal : to completely control a person I m amazed that he lets them lead him around by the nose like that. • • • Main Entry … Useful english dictionary
lead someone by the nose — lead (someone) by the nose to control someone and make them do exactly what you want them to do. They simply didn t know what they were doing and they were led by the nose by a manipulative government. (usually passive) … New idioms dictionary