1 ♦ emotional
♦ emotional /ɪˈməʊʃənl/a.1 (psic.) emozionale; emotivo; di emozione: from an emotional perspective, da una prospettiva emozionale; emotional reaction, reazione emotiva; emotional control, dominio delle emozioni; an emotional cripple, persona che non sa esprimere le proprie emozioni2 (di persona) emotivo; che si fa prendere dall'emozione; che si commuove: to get emotional, farsi prendere dall'emozione; commuoversi3 commovente; carico di emozione; che desta emozione: an emotional speech, un discorso commovente; It was a very emotional moment, è stato un momento di grande commozione● (psic.) emotional intelligence (abbr. EI), intelligenza emotiva (abbr. IE) NOTA D'USO: - emozionato e emotional-emotionalismn. [u]1 emotività; l'essere commovente; il fare appello ai sentimenti2 (psic.) emozionabilità; temperamento emotivo; emozionalitàemotionalistn.1 persona che agisce in base alle emozioni, che si affida alle emozioni2 persona emotiva; emotivoemotionalityn. [u] (psic.)1 emotività; emozionalità2 emozionabilità; impressionabilità.NOTA D'USO: - emotional o emotive?- -
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emotional [ɪ'məʊʃənəl]∎ to have or carry a lot of emotional baggage avoir accumulé les échecs sentimentaux;∎ to be afraid of emotional commitment avoir peur de s'engager sur le plan émotionnel;∎ emotional shock choc m émotif ou émotionnel;∎ she's an emotional wreck elle a de gros problèmes émotionnels;∎ he was something of an emotional cripple il était quelque peu handicapé sur le plan affectif(b) (person → easily moved) sensible, qui s'émeut facilement; (→ stronger) émotif; (appealing to the emotions → plea, speech, music) émouvant;∎ he got very emotional at the funeral il était très ému à l'enterrement;∎ why do you always have to get so emotional? pourquoi faut-il toujours que tu te mettes dans de tels états?;(c) (charged with emotion → issue) passionné, brûlant; (→ reunion, farewell, scene) chargé d'émotion∎ you shouldn't be so emotional tu es vraiment trop sensible►► emotional blackmail chantage m affectif -
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emotional [ɪˈməʊ∫ənl]1. adjectivea. ( = psychological) [problem, development] affectifb. ( = emotive) it is an emotional issue cette question soulève les passionsc. ( = full of emotion) [person] émotif ; (on specific occasion) ému ; [experience, event] chargé d'émotion2. compounds* * *[ɪ'məʊʃənl]adjective [development, problem] émotif/-ive; [reaction, state] émotionnel/-elle; [tie, response] affectif/-ive; [film] émouvant; [speech] passionné; [occasion] chargé d'émotionemotional health — équilibre m mental
4 emotional
emotional adj [development, impact, need, problem] émotif/-ive ; [distress, charge, content, power, reaction, state] émotionnel/-elle ; [tie, response] affectif/-ive ; [film] émouvant ; [campaign, speech] passionné ; [atmosphere, farewell, occasion, scene] chargé d'émotion ; to feel emotional se sentir ému (about par) ; she's rather emotional elle est facilement émue ; he gets rather emotional ( cries easily) il a la larme facile ; ( gets irrational) il a tendance à s'énerver ; emotional health santé f mentale ; emotional abuse Psych sévices mpl psychologiques. -
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emotional adj emotional, gefühlsmäßig, affektiv -
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emotional, emotionell, gefühlsmäßig [bedingt]; empfindsam, gefühlsbetont; leicht erregbar; Emotions..., Gefühls... -
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adjective1) (of emotions) emotional; Gefühls[ausdruck, -leben, -erlebnis, -reaktion]; Gemüts[zustand, -störung]; gefühlsgeladen [Worte, Musik, Geschichte, Film]; gefühlvoll [Stimme, Ton]2) (liable to excessive emotion) leicht erregbar [Person]* * *1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) gefühlsbedingt3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) emotional* * *emo·tion·al[ɪˈməʊʃənəl, AM -ˈmoʊ-]1. (involving emotion) emotional, emotionell; decision gefühlsmäßig; speech gefühlsbetont; voice gefühlvollhe doesn't want \emotional involvement with anyone er will sich auf niemanden gefühlsmäßig einlassen\emotional charge emotionale Angespanntheit\emotional experience erregende Erfahrungto have an \emotional impact on sb jdn emotional berühren\emotional reception herzlicher Empfangto make an \emotional appeal to sb an jds Gefühle appellierento suffer an \emotional collapse einen Nervenzusammenbruch erleiden\emotional blackmail psychologische Erpressungto use \emotional blackmail against sb jdn psychisch unter Druck setzen\emotional character [or disposition] leichte Erregbarkeit\emotional person leicht erregbare Person* * *[ɪ'məʊʃənl]adj1) (= related to emotions, psychological) needs, security, involvement, detachment, reaction, energy emotional; problem, stress, trauma, abuse seelisch; support, development psychologischto go through emotional turmoil/an emotional upheaval — einen Aufruhr der Gefühle erleben
to be on an emotional high — in Hochstimmung sein
2) (= emotive) issue, impact, experience, situation emotional3) (= influenced by feelings) person, behaviour (characteristically) emotional, gefühlsbetont; (in particular situation) emotional, gefühlvoll; decision gefühlsmäßig; scene, response, reaction emotional; farewell, welcome gefühlvoll; appeal, speech emotional, gefühlsbetonthe made an emotional appeal to his wife —
the emotional appeal of a product — die gefühlsmäßige Anziehungskraft einer Ware
to be emotional about sth — sich über etw (acc) erregen or aufregen
* * *1. emotional, emotionell:a) gefühlsmäßig, -bedingtb) gefühlsbetontc) leicht erregbar, empfindsam:get emotional about sich aufregen über (akk)d) Gemüts…, Gefühls…, seelisch:emotional balance inneres oder seelisches Gleichgewicht;emotional blackmail psychologische Erpressung;emotional development seelische Entwicklung;emotional life Gefühlsleben n;2. gefühlvoll, rührselig* * *adjective1) (of emotions) emotional; Gefühls[ausdruck, -leben, -erlebnis, -reaktion]; Gemüts[zustand, -störung]; gefühlsgeladen [Worte, Musik, Geschichte, Film]; gefühlvoll [Stimme, Ton]2) (liable to excessive emotion) leicht erregbar [Person]* * *adj.emotional adj.gefühlsmäßig adj.seelisch bedingt adj. n.seelisch adj. -
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1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) emocional2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) emotivo3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) emotivo, sentimentalemotional adj emotivo / emocionaltr[ɪ'məʊʃənəl]1 (connected with feelings) emocional, afectivo,-a2 (moving) conmovedor,-ra, emotivo,-a3 (sensitive) emotivo,-a, sentimental, muy sensible4 (upset) emocionado,-a, exaltado,-a\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto get emotional emocionarse, exaltarseemotional [i'mo:ʃənəl] adj1) : emocional, afectivoan emotional reaction: una reacción emocional2) moving: emocionante, emotivo, conmovedoradj.• de mucha emoción adj.• emocional adj.• impresionable adj.ɪ'məʊʃṇəl, ɪ'məʊʃənḷa) < disorder> emocional, afectivoemotional blackmail — chantaje m afectivo
b) ( sensitive) <person/nature> emotivoc) ( upset) emocionadod) ( moving) <speech/experience/scene> emotivo, conmovedor[ɪ'mǝʊʃǝnl]1. ADJ1) (=concerning the emotions) [well-being, problem, tension, development] emocional; [abuse, need, relationship] afectivo; [support, disorder] emocional, afectivo2) (=emotive, moving) [scene, farewell, welcome, subject] emotivo; [experience, situation, appeal, speech] emotivo, conmovedor3) (=excitable) [outburst] impulsivo; [response] emotivoto become or get emotional — reaccionar de una forma emocional
there's no need to get all emotional! — ¡no te pongas así!
4) (=sentimental) [person, behaviour] sentimental, emotivo; [decision] impulsivoI got very emotional when the time came to say goodbye — a la hora de despedirnos me puse muy sentimental
to become or get emotional — emocionarse
he became or got very emotional at the farewell party — se emocionó mucho en la fiesta de despedida
2.CPDemotional baggage N — (fig) bagaje m emocional
emotional blackmail N — chantaje m emocional
* * *[ɪ'məʊʃṇəl, ɪ'məʊʃənḷ]a) < disorder> emocional, afectivoemotional blackmail — chantaje m afectivo
b) ( sensitive) <person/nature> emotivoc) ( upset) emocionadod) ( moving) <speech/experience/scene> emotivo, conmovedor -
11 emotional
1) ( involving emotion) emotional, emotionell; decision gefühlsmäßig; speech gefühlsbetont; voice gefühlvoll;he doesn't want \emotional involvement with anyone er will sich auf niemanden gefühlsmäßig einlassen;\emotional charge emotionale Angespanntheit;\emotional experience erregende Erfahrung;to have an \emotional impact on sb jdn emotional berühren;\emotional reception herzlicher Empfang;to make an \emotional appeal to sb an jds Gefühle appellieren;to suffer an \emotional collapse einen Nervenzusammenbruch erleiden\emotional blackmail psychologische Erpressung;to use \emotional blackmail against sb jdn psychisch unter Druck setzen;\emotional person leicht erregbare Person -
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[ɪ'məʊʃənl]aggettivo [development, problem, reaction, response] emotivo; [distress, content, power] emozionale; [ tie] affettivo; [ film] emozionante; [speech, scene] commovente; [atmosphere, farewell] carico di emozione, commossoto get emotional — (cry) commuoversi; (get irrational) innervosirsi
* * *1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) emozionale2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) commovente3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) emotivo* * *[ɪ'məʊʃənl]aggettivo [development, problem, reaction, response] emotivo; [distress, content, power] emozionale; [ tie] affettivo; [ film] emozionante; [speech, scene] commovente; [atmosphere, farewell] carico di emozione, commossoto get emotional — (cry) commuoversi; (get irrational) innervosirsi
13 emotional
1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) følelses-; psykisk2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) følelsesbetont3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) lettbevegelig, følsom, lettrørtemosjonelladj. \/ɪˈməʊʃənl\/1) følelses-, følelsesmessig, følelsesbetont, emosjonell2) lettbevegelig, lettpåvirkelig3) følelsesfull, følsomet følelsesmenneske \/ stemningsmenneske4) som taler til følelsene, rørende -
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1. a связанный с эмоциями, эмоциональный2. a эмоциональный, впечатлительный; нервныйhe gets emotional at funerals — он всегда расстраивается на похоронах, на похоронах у него всегда сдают нервы
3. a волнующийСинонимический ряд:1. affective (adj.) affective; emotive; moving2. agitated (adj.) agitated; excited; perturbed3. emotionable (adj.) emotionable; feeling; sensitive; sentient4. excitable (adj.) demonstrative; ecstatic; enthusiastic; excitable; gushing; high-strung; hysterical; spontaneous; temperamental; wrought-up5. expressive of emotions (adj.) ardent; expressive of emotions; impulsive; loving6. fervent (adj.) fervent; impassioned; passionate7. heart-rending (adj.) heart-rending; stirring; thrilling; touchingАнтонимический ряд:blasй; calm; dispassionate; unruffled -
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1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) følelsesmæssig2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) følelsesladet3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) følsom* * *1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) følelsesmæssig2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) følelsesladet3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) følsom -
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[ıʹməʋʃ(ə)nəl] a1. 1) связанный с эмоциями, эмоциональныйemotional disturbance /disorder/ - нервное расстройство
emotional instability /imbalance/ - эмоциональная неустойчивость, быстрая смена настроения
emotional stress - сильные эмоции, душевные переживания; нервное напряжение
2) эмоциональный, впечатлительный; нервныйshe's an emotional woman easily upset by any disturbance - она женщина впечатлительная /нервная/ и легко теряет голову при любых неурядицах
he gets emotional at funerals - он всегда расстраивается на похоронах, на похоронах у него всегда сдают нервы
2. волнующийemotional music [poetry] - волнующая музыка [поэзия]
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[ɪ'məuʃənl]adj* * *1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) emocjonalny2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) poruszający, uczuciowy3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) uczuciowy -
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1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) tilfinningalegur2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) hjartnæmur3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) tilfinningaríkur -
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érzelmes, érzelmi* * *1) (of the emotions: Emotional problems are affecting her work.) érzelmi2) ((negative unemotional) causing or showing emotion: an emotional farewell.) érzelmes3) ((negative unemotional) (of a person) easily affected by joy, anger, grief etc: She is a very emotional person; She is very emotional.) érzelmes
См. также в других словарях:
emotional — emotional, emotive Emotional and emotive both mean ‘connected with or appealing to the emotions’, but emotional is the word more often used in the neutral sense ‘relating to emotions’ whereas emotive has a stronger sense of ‘causing emotion’: •… … Modern English usage
emoţional — EMOŢIONÁL, Ă, emoţionali, e, adj. Care este propriu emoţiilor; provocat de o emoţie; care produce o emoţie; emotiv. [pr.: ţi o ] – Din fr. émotionnel. Trimis de RACAI, 21.11.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 EMOŢIONÁL adj. v. afectiv. Trimis de siveco, 13.09 … Dicționar Român
Emotional — E*mo tion*al, a. Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable; easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Emotional — ist: das Adjektiv zu Emotion Emotional (Album), ein Album des Popmusikers Falco Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emotional — est le quatrième album du chanteur autrichien Falco sorti en 1986. Liste des titres Emotional Kamikaze Cappa Crime Time Cowboyz and Indianz Coming Home (Jeanny Part 2 Ein Jahr Danach) The Star of Moon and Sun Les Nouveaux Riches The Sound of… … Wikipédia en Français
emotional — 1821, pertaining to emotion, from EMOTION (Cf. emotion) + AL (Cf. al) (1). Meaning liable to emotions attested by 1857. Related: Emotionally. Emotional intelligence coined by mid 1960s, popular from mid 1980s … Etymology dictionary
emotional — index demonstrative (expressive of emotion), ecstatic, impulsive (rash), intense, subjective Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
emotional — [adj] demonstrative about feelings affecting, ardent, disturbed, ecstatic, emotive, enthusiastic, excitable, exciting, falling apart*, fanatical, feeling, fervent, fervid, fickle, fiery, heartwarming, heated, histrionic, hot blooded*, hysterical … New thesaurus
emotional — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] Auch: • Gefühls … Deutsch Wörterbuch
emotional — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the emotions. 2) arousing or showing emotion. 3) easily affected by or readily displaying emotion. DERIVATIVES emotionalism noun emotionality noun emotionalize (also emotionalise) verb emot … English terms dictionary
emotional — [ē mō′shə nəl, imō′shə nəl] adj. 1. of or having to do with emotion or the emotions 2. showing emotion, esp. strong emotion 3. easily aroused to emotion; quick to weep, be angry, etc. 4. appealing to the emotions; moving people to tears, anger,… … English World dictionary