1 dirty
1) (not clean: dirty clothes.) špinavý2) (mean or unfair: a dirty trick.) špinavý, sprostý3) (offensive; obscene: dirty books.) oplzlý, pornografický4) ((of weather) stormy.) bouřlivý* * *• špinavý -
2 dirty dog
• mizera -
3 dirty money
• špinavé peníze -
4 dirty trick
• podraz -
5 dirty weather
• psí počasí• mizerné počasí -
6 dirty work
• podlost• špinavost -
7 quick and dirty
• rychle a špinavě -
8 dirt
[də:t] 1. noun(any unclean substance, such as mud, dust, dung etc: His shoes are covered in dirt.) špína- dirty2. verb(to make or become dirty: He dirtied his hands/shoes.) ušpinit (si)- dirt-cheap
- dirt track* * *• špína -
9 stain
[stein] 1. verb1) (to leave a (permanent) dirty mark or coloured patch on eg a fabric: The coffee I spilt has stained my trousers.) potřísnit2) (to become marked in this way: Silk stains easily.) špinit se3) (to dye or colour (eg wood): The wooden chairs had been stained brown.) obarvit2. noun(a dirty mark on a fabric etc that is difficult or impossible to remove: His overall was covered with paint-stains; There is not the slightest stain upon her reputation.) skvrna* * *• umazat• poskvrnit• pošpinit• skvrna -
10 another
adjective, pronoun1) (a different (thing or person): This letter isn't from Tom - it's from another friend of mine; The coat I bought was dirty, so the shop gave me another.) jiný2) ((one) more of the same kind: Have another biscuit!; You didn't tell me you wanted another of those!) další* * *• ještě jeden• ještě• jeden• jiný• další• druhý -
11 black
[blæk] 1. adjective1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) černý2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) temný3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) černý, špinavý4) (without milk: black coffee.) černý5) (evil: black magic.) černý6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) černý, černošský7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) míšenec2. noun1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) čerň, černá barva2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) čerň, černá barva3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) černoch3. verb(to make black.) (na)černit- blacken
- black art/magic
- blackbird
- blackboard
- black box
- the Black Death
- black eye
- blackhead
- blacklist 4. verb(to put (a person etc) on such a list.) dát na černou listinu5. noun(the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) vydírání- Black Maria
- black market
- black marketeer
- blackout
- black sheep
- blacksmith
- black and blue
- black out
- in black and white* * *• tmavý• začernit• temný• černošský• čerň• černoch• černý• černo -
12 bowl
I 1. [bəul] noun(a wooden ball rolled along the ground in playing bowls. See also bowls below.) (dřevěná) koule2. verb1) (to play bowls.) hrát koule2) (to deliver or send (a ball) towards the batsman in cricket.) nadhazovat (míček)3) (to put (a batsman) out by hitting the wicket with the ball: Smith was bowled for eighty-five (= Smith was put out after making eighty-five runs).) vyřadit ze hry•- bowler- bowling
- bowls
- bowling-alley
- bowling-green
- bowl over II [bəul] noun1) (a round, deep dish eg for mixing or serving food etc: a baking-bowl; a soup bowl.) mísa2) (a round hollow part, especially of a tobacco pipe, a spoon etc: The bowl of this spoon is dirty.) hlavička; náběrka* * *• mísa -
13 bug
1. noun1) (an insect that lives in dirty houses and beds: a bedbug.) štěnice2) (an insect: There's a bug crawling up your arm.) hmyz, brouk3) (a germ or infection: a stomach bug.) bacil4) (a small hidden microphone.) štěnice, odposlouchávací zařízení2. verb1) (to place small hidden microphones in (a room etc): The spy's bedroom was bugged.) odposlouchávat2) (to annoy: What's bugging him?) otravovat* * *• skrytá chyba• štěnice• hmyz• brouk -
14 come out
1) (to become known: The truth finally came out.) vyjít najevo2) (to be published: This newspaper comes out once a week.) vycházet3) (to strike: The men have come out (on strike).) vstoupit (do stávky)4) ((of a photograph) to be developed: This photograph has come out very well.) vyjít5) (to be removed: This dirty mark won't come out.) zmizet* * *• vycházet• vyjíždět• vynořit se• vyjít najevo• vyvstat• vyjít• vyjet• být publikován -
15 crockery
['krokəri](earthenware and china dishes, eg plate, cups, saucers etc: I've washed the crockery but the cutlery is still dirty.) nádobí z kameniny* * *• nádobí -
16 dingy
['din‹i](dull; faded and dirty-looking: This room is so dingy.) zašlý, špinavý* * *• zašlý• špinavý -
17 even
I 1. [i:vən] adjective1) (level; the same in height, amount etc: Are the table-legs even?; an even temperature.) rovnoměrný2) (smooth: Make the path more even.) hladký3) (regular: He has a strong, even pulse.) pravidelný4) (divisible by 2 with no remainder: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are even numbers.) sudý5) (equal (in number, amount etc): The teams have scored one goal each and so they are even now.) vyrovnaný6) ((of temperament etc) calm: She has a very even temper.) klidný2. verb1) (to make equal: Smith's goal evened the score.) vyrovnat2) (to make smooth or level.) srovnat•- evenly- evenness
- be/get even with
- an even chance
- even out
- even up II [i:vən] adverb1) (used to point out something unexpected in what one is saying: `Have you finished yet?' `No, I haven't even started.'; Even the winner got no prize.) ani2) (yet; still: My boots were dirty, but his were even dirtier.) ještě•- even if- even so
- even though* * *• vyrovnaný• vodorovný• rovnoměrný• rovný• spravedlivý• stejný• stejně• sudý• i• klidný• ani• dokonce -
18 filth
[filƟ](anything very dirty or foul: Look at that filth on your boots!) špína- filthy* * *• špína• necudnost -
19 filthy
1) (very dirty: The whole house is absolutely filthy.) špinavý, zamazaný2) (obscene: a filthy story.) oplzlý* * *• špinavý• obscénní• nečistý -
20 foul
1. adjective1) ((especially of smell or taste) causing disgust: a foul smell.) hnusný, páchnoucí2) (very unpleasant; nasty: a foul mess.) odporný2. noun(an action etc which breaks the rules of a game: The other team committed a foul.) faul3. verb1) (to break the rules of a game (against): He fouled his opponent.) faulovat2) (to make dirty, especially with faeces: Dogs often foul the pavement.) znečistit•* * *• zkažený• špinavý• faul• faulovat• nečistý
См. также в других словарях:
dirty.ru — URL: www.dirty.ru Тип сайта: коллективный блог Регистрация: По приглашениям … Википедия
Dirty.ru — URL: www.dirty.ru Тип сайта: коллективный блог Регистрация: По приглашениям Владелец … Википедия
dirty — [dʉrt′ē] adj. dirtier, dirtiest [ME dritti] 1. soiled or soiling with dirt; unclean 2. causing one to be soiled with dirt [a dirty occupation] 3. lacking luster or brilliance; dull, grayish, etc. [a dirty green] 4. obscene; pornographic … English World dictionary
Dirty — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dirty Álbum de estudio de Sonic Youth Publicación 21 de julio de 1992 Grabación 1992 … Wikipedia Español
dirty — dirt‧y [ˈdɜːti ǁ ˈdɜːr ] adjective unfair or dishonest: • a dirty political campaign • revelations about dirty dealing in the Treasury bond market • He accused the government of dirty tricks against the Republicans. * * * dirty UK US /ˈdɜːti/… … Financial and business terms
dirty — adj Dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid mean conspicuously unclean or impure. Dirty is the general term for what is sullied or defiled with dirt of any kind {dirty hands} {dirty linen} {dirty streets} {he was dirty and bloodstained and his… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
dirty — ► ADJECTIVE (dirtier, dirtiest) 1) covered or marked with dirt; not clean. 2) lewd; obscene. 3) dishonest; dishonourable. 4) (of weather) rough and unpleasant. ► ADVERB Brit. informal ▪ used for emphasis: a … English terms dictionary
Dirty — Dirt y, a. [Compar. {Dirtier}; superl. {Dirtiest}.] 1. Defiled with dirt; foul; nasty; filthy; not clean or pure; serving to defile; as, dirty hands; dirty water; a dirty white. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. Sullied; clouded; applied to color. Locke … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dirty Ho — The Hong Kong movie poster. Directed by Lau Kar leung Produced by Mona Fong Run Run Shaw … Wikipedia
Dirty — Студийный альбом Sonic Yo … Википедия
dirty — c.1500, from DIRT (Cf. dirt) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Earlier dritty (late 14c.). Meaning smutty, morally unclean is from 1590s. Of colors, from 1690s. As a verb, from 1590s. Dirty linen personal or familial secrets is first recorded 1860s. Dirty work in … Etymology dictionary