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См. также в других словарях:

  • depress — depress, weigh, oppress mean to put such pressure or such a load upon a thing or person as to cause it or him to sink under the weight. Depress implies a lowering of something by the exertion of pressure or by an overburdening; it most commonly… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Depress — De*press , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Depressed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Depressing}.] [L. depressus, p. p. of deprimere; de + premere to press. See {Press}.] 1. To press down; to cause to sink; to let fall; to lower; as, to depress the muzzle of a gun; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • depress — de‧press [dɪˈpres] verb [transitive] ECONOMICS 1. to prevent an economy, industry, market etc from working properly or being as active as it usually is: • Several factors combined to depress the American economy. • Overproduction was blamed for… …   Financial and business terms

  • depress — [v1] deject, make despondent; exhaust abase, afflict, ail, bear down, beat, beat down*, bother, bug*, bum out*, cast down, chill*, cow*, damp, dampen, darken, daunt, debase, debilitate, degrade, desolate, devitalize, discourage, dishearten,… …   New thesaurus

  • Depress — De*press , a. [L. depressus, p. p.] Having the middle lower than the border; concave. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] If the seal be depress or hollow. Hammond. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • depress — I verb abase, bring down, bring low, cause to sink, cheapen, dampen, darken, decline, decrease, deflate, deject, depreciate, deteriorate, devaluate, devalue, diminish, discourage, dispirit, drop, ebb, flatten, indent, lessen, lower, make… …   Law dictionary

  • depress — early 14c., put down by force, from O.Fr. depresser, from L.L. depressare, frequentative of L. deprimere press down, from de down (see DE (Cf. de )) + premere to press (see PRESS (Cf. press) (v.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • depress — ► VERB 1) cause to feel utterly dispirited or dejected. 2) reduce the level of activity in (a system). 3) push or pull down. ORIGIN Latin depressare, from deprimere press down …   English terms dictionary

  • depress — [dē pres′, dipres′] vt. [ME depressen < OFr depresser < L depressus, pp. of deprimere, to press down, sink < de , down + premere, to PRESS1] 1. to press down; push or pull down; lower 2. to lower in spirits; make gloomy; discourage;… …   English World dictionary

  • depress — transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French depresser, from Latin depressus, past participle of deprimere to press down, from de + premere to press more at press Date: 14th century 1. obsolete repress, subjugate 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • depress — de|press [dıˈpres] v [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: depresser, from Latin premere to press ] 1.) to make someone feel very unhappy ▪ The thought of taking the exam again depressed him. ▪ It depresses me that nobody seems to care. 2.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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