1 conduct
∎ bad/good conduct mauvaise/bonne conduite f;∎ her conduct towards me son comportement envers moi ou à mon égard(b) (handling → of business, negotiations) conduite f;∎ the lawyer's conduct of the case la manière dont l'avocat a mené l'affaire(a) (manage, carry out → business, operations, religious service) diriger; (→ campaign, survey) mener; (→ inquiry) conduire, mener; (→ experiment) effectuer;∎ this is not the way to conduct negotiations ce n'est pas ainsi qu'on négocie;∎ Law who is conducting your case? qui assure votre défense?;∎ Law to conduct one's own case plaider soi-même sa cause∎ the director conducted us through the factory le directeur nous a fait visiter l'usine∎ to conduct oneself se conduire, se comporter(d) (musicians, music) diriger;∎ Bernstein will be conducting the orchestra l'orchestre sera (placé) sous la direction de Bernstein∎ water conducts electricity l'eau est conductrice d'électricité∎ who's conducting? qui est le chef d'orchestre?, qui dirige?►► School conduct report rapport m (sur la conduite d'un élève);Military conduct sheet feuille f ou certificat m de conduite -
2 conduct
1. noun( = behaviour) conduite fa. ( = lead) conduireb. ( = direct, manage) dirigerc. to conduct o.s. se conduired. [+ heat, electricity] conduire━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━✦ Lorsque conduct est un nom, l'accent tombe sur la première syllabe: ˈkɒndʌkt, lorsque c'est un verbe, sur la seconde: kənˈdʌkt.* * *1. ['kɒndʌkt]2) ( handling) conduite f (of de)2. [kən'dʌkt]transitive verb1) ( lead) conduire [visitor, group]conducted tour ou visit — visite guidée
2) ( manage) mener [life, business]3) ( carry out) mener [experiment, inquiry]; faire [poll]; célébrer [ceremony]4) Music diriger [orchestra]5) Electricity, Physics conduire3. [kən'dʌkt]intransitive verb Music diriger4. [kən'dʌkt] -
3 conduct
conduct1. n [ˊkɒndʌkt]1) поведе́ние; о́браз де́йствий2) руково́дство, веде́ние;conduct of operations воен. веде́ние опера́ций
3) attr.:conduct sheet кондуи́т, лист для за́писи взыска́ний
2. v [kənˊdʌkt]1) вести́;conduct oneself вести́ себя́
2) сопровожда́ть; эскорти́ровать3) руководи́ть ( делом)4) дирижи́ровать (оркестром, хором)5) физ. проводи́ть; служи́ть проводнико́м -
4 conduct
A n1 ( behaviour) conduite f (towards envers) ;B vtr1 ( lead) conduire [visitor, group] ; she conducted us around the house elle nous a fait faire le tour de la maison ; conducted tour ou visit visite guidée ;2 ( manage) mener [life, business, campaign, election] ; to conduct sb's defence Jur assurer la défense de qn ;3 ( carry out) mener [experiment, research] ; faire [poll] ; célébrer [religious ceremony] ; to conduct an inquiry mener une enquête (into sur) ;4 Mus diriger [orchestra, choir, concert] ; -
5 conduct
- conduct
- n• /action/ поведение• /vt/ проводить
Англо-русский строительный словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
6 conduct
7 conduct
conduct v leiten, als Leiter wirken; führenEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > conduct
8 conduct
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > conduct
9 conduct
10 conduct
2) проводити, вести; ескортувати, перепроваджувати, супроводжувати; поводити себе•conduct an inquest into a death — проводити розслідування причин смерті, розслідувати причини смерті
conduct an official investigation — = conduct an official inquiry (into smth.) проводити офіційне розслідування ( чогось)
- conduct a ballistics testconduct house-to-house inquiries — проводити опитування (опитувати) мешканців навколишніх будинків ( про слідчого тощо)
- conduct a case
- conduct a campaign
- conduct a formal investigation
- conduct a formal inquiry
- conduct a poll
- conduct a raid
- conduct a search
- conduct a secret operation
- conduct a suit
- conduct a terrorist act
- conduct a trial
- conduct an act of sabotage
- conduct an act of terrorism
- conduct an expert examination
- conduct an independent policy
- conduct an inquiry
- conduct an inspection
- conduct an investigation
- conduct an official inquiry
- conduct an operation
- conduct appearance
- conduct autopsy
- conduct business
- conduct charged
- conduct court
- conduct criminal investigation
- conduct debate
- conduct debates
- conduct defence
- conduct defence defense
- conduct election canvassing
- conduct election propaganda
- conduct export operations
- conduct hearing
- conduct hearings
- conduct in secret
- conduct interrogation
- conduct money
- conduct negotiations
- conduct norm
- conduct of a case
- conduct of acts of sabotage
- conduct of acts of terrorism
- conduct of an investigation
- conduct of an operation
- conduct of election
- conduct of elections
- conduct of legal practice
- conduct of life
- conduct of proceedings
- conduct of war
- conduct of warfare
- conduct one's own defence
- conduct one's own defense
- conduct oneself
- conduct operations work
- conduct operative work
- conduct policy
- conduct preliminary hearings
- conduct security clearance
- conduct sheet
- conduct the postmortem
- conduct without fault -
11 conduct
1) поведение2) руководство; ведение | вести3) сопровождать; эскортировать•conduct charged — инкриминируемое поведение;
to conduct a case — вести судебное дело;
to conduct appearance — обеспечивать явку;
to conduct court — вести судебный процесс;
- adverse conduct of an officerto conduct policy — вести политику;
- alleged conduct
- bad conduct
- continuing course of conduct
- continuing conduct
- courtroom conduct
- cowardly conduct
- criminal conduct
- culpable conduct
- delinquent conduct
- discreditable conduct
- disorderly conduct
- disruptive conduct
- felonious conduct
- forbidden conduct
- fraudulent conduct
- guilty conduct
- homicidal conduct
- immoral conduct
- infamous conduct
- involuntary conduct
- neglect conduct
- negligent conduct
- negligent tortious conduct
- obnoxious conduct
- orderly conduct
- prohibited conduct
- prohibited sexual conduct
- public conduct
- reckless conduct
- riotous conduct
- safe conduct
- sexual conduct
- sexually explicit conduct
- tortious conduct
- treacherous conduct
- treasonable conduct
- unconstitutional conduct
- voluntary conduct -
12 conduct
[̘. ̈n.ˈkɔndʌkt]business conduct ведение дела conduct ведение conduct вести; conduct oneself вести себя conduct вести conduct дирижировать (оркестром, хором) conduct поведение; образ действий conduct поведение conduct физ. проводить; служить проводником conduct проводить conduct руководить (делом) conduct руководить conduct руководство, ведение; conduct of operations воен. ведение операций conduct руководство, ведение conduct руководство conduct сопровождать; экскортировать conduct сопровождать, эскортировать conduct сопровождать conduct attr.: conduct sheet кондуит, лист для записи взысканий conduct of case ведение судебного дела conduct of life образ жизни conduct руководство, ведение; conduct of operations воен. ведение операций conduct of proceedings ведение судебного заседания conduct вести; conduct oneself вести себя conduct attr.: conduct sheet кондуит, лист для записи взысканий disorderly conduct поведение, нарушающее общественный порядок disorderly conduct противозаконное поведение disorderly: conduct непристойный; распущенный; disorderly conduct хулиганство, нарушение общественного порядка; disorderly person юр. лицо, виновное в нарушении общественного порядка moral conduct нравственное поведение safe conduct гарантия безопасности, гарантия от ареста, охранная грамота safe conduct охрана, эскорт safe conduct охранное свидетельство unprofessional conduct нарушение профессиональной этики -
13 conduct
1. noun1) (behaviour) Verhalten, das2. transitive verb1) (Mus.) dirigieren2) führen [Geschäfte, Krieg, Gespräch]; durchführen [Operation, Untersuchung]3) (Phys.) leiten [Wärme, Elektrizität]4)5) (guide) führena conducted tour [of a museum/factory] — eine [Museums-/Werks]führung
* * *1. verb1) (to lead or guide: We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour.) führen2) (to carry or allow to flow: Most metals conduct electricity.) leiten3) (to direct (an orchestra, choir etc).) dirigieren4) (to behave (oneself): He conducted himself well at the reception.) sich betragen5) (to manage or carry on (a business).) betreiben2. noun1) (behaviour: His conduct at school was disgraceful.) das Betragen2) (the way in which something is managed, done etc: the conduct of the affair.) die Führung•- academic.ru/115742/conducted_tour">conducted tour- conduction
- conductor* * *con·ductI. vt[kənˈdʌkt]1. (carry out)to \conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a study ein Experiment/eine Ermittlung/eine Studie durchführento \conduct one's private life sein Privatleben gestaltento \conduct negotiations Verhandlungen führento \conduct a religious service einen Gottesdienst abhalten2. (direct)to \conduct a business/meeting einen Betrieb/eine Besprechung leitento \conduct an orchestra ein Orchester dirigieren3. (guide)▪ to \conduct sb jdn führen\conducted tour Führung f4. ELECto \conduct electricity/heat Strom/Wärme leitenII. vi[kənˈdʌkt]MUS dirigierenIII. n[ˈkɒndʌkt, AM ˈkɑ:n-]code of \conduct Verhaltenskodex m* * *['kɒndʌkt]1. n1) (= behaviour) Verhalten nt, Benehmen nt (towards gegenüber); (of children also) Betragen nt; (of prisoner) Führung f2) (= management) Führung f; (of conference, commission of inquiry) Leitung f; (of investigation) Durchführung fhis conduct of the war —
their conduct of the campaign — die Art, wie sie die Kampagne durchführen/durchgeführt haben
2. vt[kən'dʌkt]conducted tour (of) (of country) — Gesellschaftsreise f (durch); (of building) Führung f (durch)
2) (= direct, manage) war, campaign, correspondence, conversation führen; meeting, business also leiten; investigation durchführen; private affairs handhabenhe conducted his own defence — er übernahm seine eigene Verteidigung
4) (PHYS, PHYSIOL) leiten; lightning ableiten, erden3. vi[kən'dʌkt]4. vr[kən'dʌkt] sich verhalten, sich benehmen; (prisoner) sich führen* * *A s [ˈkɒndʌkt; -dəkt; US ˈkɑn-]1. Führung f:a) Leitung f, Verwaltung fb) Handhabung f, Durchführung f:conduct of state Staatsverwaltung;conduct of war Krieg(s)führung3. fig Führung f, Betragen n, Benehmen n, Verhalten n, Haltung f:4. obs Schutzgeleit n5. MAL etc Ausführung fB v/t [kənˈdʌkt]1. führen, geleiten, begleiten:a) Führung f (durch),b) Gesellschaftsreise f (durch)2. ein Geschäft führen, betreiben, leiten, verwalten:conduct a campaign (a lawsuit, negotiations) einen Feldzug (einen Prozess, Verhandlungen) führen;conduct war Krieg führen4. conduct o.s. sich betragen, sich benehmen, sich (auf)führen, sich verhalten5. PHYS Wärme, Elektrizität etc leitenC v/i1. PHYS leiten, als Leiter wirken2. MUS dirigieren* * *1. noun1) (behaviour) Verhalten, das2. transitive verb1) (Mus.) dirigieren2) führen [Geschäfte, Krieg, Gespräch]; durchführen [Operation, Untersuchung]3) (Phys.) leiten [Wärme, Elektrizität]4)5) (guide) führena conducted tour [of a museum/factory] — eine [Museums-/Werks]führung
* * *n.Benehmen -ungen n.Führung -en f.Gebaren - n.Handlungsweise f. v.dirigieren v.führen v.leiten v.verhalten v. -
14 conduct
I ['kɒndʌkt]1) (behaviour) condotta f., comportamento m. ( towards verso, nei confronti di)2) (handling) conduzione f. (of di)II 1. [kən'dʌkt]1) (lead) condurre [visitor, group]2) (manage) condurre [life, business]to conduct sb.'s defence — dir. assumere la difesa di qcn
3) (carry out) condurre [experiment, research, inquiry]; fare [ poll]; celebrare [ ceremony]4) mus. dirigere [ orchestra]5) el. fis. condurre, essere conduttore di2.verbo intransitivo mus. dirigere3.* * *1. verb1) (to lead or guide: We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour.) condurre2) (to carry or allow to flow: Most metals conduct electricity.) condurre3) (to direct (an orchestra, choir etc).) dirigere4) (to behave (oneself): He conducted himself well at the reception.) comportarsi5) (to manage or carry on (a business).) dirigere2. noun1) (behaviour: His conduct at school was disgraceful.) comportamento2) (the way in which something is managed, done etc: the conduct of the affair.) condotta•- conduction
- conductor* * *conduct /ˈkɒndʌkt/n. [u]1 condotta; comportamento: good conduct, buona condotta; unprofessional conduct, comportamento non professionale; code of conduct, codice di comportamento; codice deontologico; disorderly conduct, condotta contraria all'ordine pubblico2 modo di condurre; conduzione; gestione: the conduct of an examination, il modo di condurre un esame; the conduct of business, la gestione degli affari; the conduct of the war, la conduzione della guerra3 (arc.) guida; direzione● (psic.) conduct disorder, comportamento antisociale ( di bambino, ecc.); disturbo della condotta □ (leg.) conduct money, indennità di viaggio ( di un testimone) □ (mil.) conduct sheet, (foglio delle) note disciplinari.♦ (to) conduct /kənˈdʌkt/A v. t.1 condurre; svolgere; tenere: to conduct an experiment, condurre un esperimento; to conduct a survey, condurre (o svolgere) un'inchiesta; to conduct a debate, tenere un dibattito; to conduct an examination, tenere un esame; (mil.) to conduct a siege, condurre un assedio2 gestire; dirigere; condurre: to conduct business, gestire gli affari; to conduct a business, dirigere un'azienda4 condurre; guidare: We were conducted through several rooms, siamo stati condotti attraverso diverse stanze; conducted tours, visite guidate5 (elettr., fis.) condurre6 convogliare; trasportare: These pipes conduct drinking water, questi tubi convogliano l'acqua potabileB v. i.1 (elettr., fis.) essere conduttore2 (mus.) fare il direttore d'orchestra* * *I ['kɒndʌkt]1) (behaviour) condotta f., comportamento m. ( towards verso, nei confronti di)2) (handling) conduzione f. (of di)II 1. [kən'dʌkt]1) (lead) condurre [visitor, group]2) (manage) condurre [life, business]to conduct sb.'s defence — dir. assumere la difesa di qcn
3) (carry out) condurre [experiment, research, inquiry]; fare [ poll]; celebrare [ ceremony]4) mus. dirigere [ orchestra]5) el. fis. condurre, essere conduttore di2.verbo intransitivo mus. dirigere3. -
15 conduct
verb1) (to lead or guide: We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour.) conducir, guiar2) (to carry or allow to flow: Most metals conduct electricity.) conducir3) (to direct (an orchestra, choir etc).) dirigir4) (to behave (oneself): He conducted himself well at the reception.) comportarse5) (to manage or carry on (a business).) dirigir
noun1) (behaviour: His conduct at school was disgraceful.) comportamiento2) (the way in which something is managed, done etc: the conduct of the affair.) dirección, gestión•- conduction
- conductor
conduct1 n conducta / comportamientoconduct2 vb1. conducir / guiar2. dirigir3. llevar a cabo1 (behaviour) conducta, comportamiento■ the UN's conduct of the negotiations la manera en que las Naciones Unidas han llevado las negociaciones1 (direct - survey, campaign) llevar a cabo, realizar; (- business) administrar2 (lead, guide) conducir, guiar3 (transmit - heat etc) conducir4 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL dirigir1 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL dirigir\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto conduct oneself comportarse, conducirseconducted tour visita acompañadaconduct [kən'dʌkt] vt1) guide: guiar, conducirto conduct a tour: guiar una visita2) direct: conducir, dirigirto conduct an orchestra: dirigir una orquesta3) carry out: realizar, llevar a caboto conduct an investigation: llevar a cabo una investigación4) transmit: conducir, transmitir (calor, electricidad, etc.)5)to conduct oneself behave: conducirse, comportarseconduct ['kɑn.dʌkt] n1) management: conducción f, dirección f, manejo mthe conduct of foreign affairs: la conducción de asuntos exteriores2) behavior: conducta f, comportamiento mn.• comportamiento s.m.• comporte s.m.• conducta s.f.• porte s.m.v.• conducir v.• dirigir v.• gestionar v.• guiar v.• manejar v.
I 'kɑːndʌkt, 'kɒndʌktmass nouna) ( behavior) conducta f, comportamiento mb) ( management)her conduct of the investigation — la manera or el modo en que condujo la investigación
1. kən'dʌkt1) \<\<inquiry/experiment\>\> llevar a cabo, realizar*; \<\<conversation\>\> mantener*2) ( Mus) dirigir*3) \<\<visitor/tour/party\>\> guiar*4) \<\<heat/electricity\>\> conducir*
v reflto conduct oneself — conducirse* (frml), comportarse
vi ( Mus) dirigir*1.N ['kɒndʌkt](=behaviour) comportamiento m, conducta f ; [of business etc] dirección f, manejo m2. VT[kǝn'dʌkt]1) (=guide) llevar, conducirconducted tour — visita f con guía
we were conducted to the interview room — nos llevaron or condujeron a la sala de entrevistas
2) [+ heat, electricity] conducir3) [+ campaign] dirigir, llevar; [+ legal case] presentar; (Mus) dirigirI don't like the way they conduct business — no me gusta la forma en que llevan los negocios, no me gusta la forma de hacer negocios que tienen
to conduct a correspondence with sb — estar en correspondencia con algn, cartearse con algn
4) (=behave)to conduct o.s. — comportarse
3.VI [kǝn'dʌkt](Mus) dirigir4.CPD ['kɒndʌkt]conduct report N — (Scol) informe m de conducta
* * *
I ['kɑːndʌkt, 'kɒndʌkt]mass nouna) ( behavior) conducta f, comportamiento mb) ( management)her conduct of the investigation — la manera or el modo en que condujo la investigación
1. [kən'dʌkt]1) \<\<inquiry/experiment\>\> llevar a cabo, realizar*; \<\<conversation\>\> mantener*2) ( Mus) dirigir*3) \<\<visitor/tour/party\>\> guiar*4) \<\<heat/electricity\>\> conducir*
v reflto conduct oneself — conducirse* (frml), comportarse
vi ( Mus) dirigir* -
16 conduct
1. n поведение2. n ведение, руководство3. v вести, сопровождать; водить4. v вести, руководить; проводитьconduct measurements — проводить измерение; измерять
5. v вести себя6. v дирижировать7. v работать кондуктором8. v спец. проводить; служить проводником9. v проводить, пропускатьСинонимический ряд:1. behavior (noun) action; actions; bearing; behavior; behaviour; comportment; demeanor; demeanour; deportment; manners; performance; response; tenue; way2. escort (noun) convoy; escort; guard; leadership; procedure3. guidance (noun) administration; care; control; course; direction; execution; guidance; management4. oversight (noun) charge; handling; intendance; oversight; running; superintendence; superintendency; supervision5. accompany (verb) accompany; attend; chaperon; companion; company; consort with; convoy6. behave (verb) acquit; act; bear; behave; carry oneself; comport; conduct oneself; demean; deport; disport; do; go on; move; quit7. carry (verb) carry; channel; convey; funnel; pipe; siphon; traject; transmit8. direct (verb) carry on; control; direct; govern; handle; keep; manage; operate; ordain; order; regulate; rule; run; supervise9. guide (verb) escort; guide; lead; pilot; route; see; shepherd; show; steer; transport; usher10. wage (verb) carry on; carry out; prosecute; wageАнтонимический ряд:abandon; desert; forego; forsake; leave; miscarry; misconduct; mislead; mismanage; quit; refuse; renounce -
17 conduct
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[English Plural] conduct[Swahili Word] kikao[Swahili Plural] vikao[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -kaa------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] mazoea[Swahili Plural] mazoea[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] zoea V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[English Plural] conduct[Swahili Word] mwendo[Swahili Plural] miendo[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 3/4[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -enda[English Example] he learns well but his conduct is bad[Swahili Example] anajifunza sana lakini mwendo wake si mzuri------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] siyara[Swahili Plural] siyara[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 9/10------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -endesha[Part of Speech] verb[Class] causative[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -enda[Swahili Definition] kuendelea kufanya kazi, biashara n.k. [Masomo, 72][English Example] they could conduct their business without worries[Swahili Example] waliweza kuendesha shughuli zao bila wasi wasi [Masomo, 72]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -miliki[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] malki, mamlaka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -mudu[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -tamalaki[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] malki, mamlaka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -tamalaki[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] malki, mamlaka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -peleka[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -pisha[Part of Speech] verb[Class] causative[Swahili Example] moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -pitisha[Part of Speech] verb[Class] causative[English Example] The will of good fortune had been released to conduct the devotions of Idi[Swahili Example] moyo wa Bahati [] ulikwisha fumbuka kuyapisha mahaba ya Idi [Sul]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -shika hatamu[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -tamalaki[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct[Swahili Word] -tamaleki[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] conduct oneself well[Swahili Word] -adili[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] honorable conduct[Swahili Word] adili[Swahili Plural] maadili[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] lead[Swahili Word] -tamalaki[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] malki, mamlaka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] learn good conduct[Swahili Word] -idili[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------ -
18 conduct
поведение имя существительное:ведение дела (conduct, transaction)глагол:дирижировать (conduct, direct)водить (conduct, trot round)эскортировать (escort, conduct) -
19 conduct
20 conduct
§ ყოფაქცევა; წაყვანა, ხელმძღვანელობა§1 ქცევა, ყოფაქცევა2 ხელმძღვანელობა3 ქცევა (იქცევა)she conducted herself well კარგად იქცეოდა / ეჭირა თავი4 გაძღოლა, გატარება (გაატარებს)the teacher conducted his pupils through the museum მასწავლებელმა მოსწავლეებს მუზეუმი მოატარაhe conducted the meeting well კრება კარგად ჩაატარა // კრებას კარგად გაუძღვაhe conducted the old woman across the street მოხუცი ქალი ქუჩაზე გადაიყვანა5 დირიჟორობაhe was incensed by his pupils' conduct თავისი მოსწავლეების ქცევამ განარისხაto conduct / take part in the talks მოლაპარაკების ჩატარება // მოლაპარაკებაში მონაწილეობის მიღებაhonourable conduct კეთილშობილური / დარბაისლური ქცევაdemure conduct მორიდებული ქცევა // მორიდებულად თავის დაჭერაthe boy's conduct grieved the parents ვაჟიშვილის ქცევამ მშობლებს გული ატკინაhis being drunk accounts for his conduct მისი საქციელი სიმთვრალით აიხსნებაhow do you account for your conduct? როგორ აგვიხსნი შენს საქციელს?/ როგორ გავიგით შენი საქციელი?
См. также в других словарях:
conduct — con·duct / kän ˌdəkt/ n 1 a: the act, manner, or process of carrying on or managing his conduct of the case was negligent b: an act or omission to act a crime is that conduct which is defined as criminal Louisiana Revised Statutes 2 … Law dictionary
Conduct — Con duct (k[o^]n d[u^]kt), n. [LL. conductus defense, escort, fr. L. conductus, p. p. of conducere. See {Conduce}, and cf. {Conduit}.] 1. The act or method of conducting; guidance; management. [1913 Webster] Christianity has humanized the conduct … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conduct — CONDÚCT, conducte, s.n. Formaţie anatomică cu aspect de canal sau de tub. – Din germ. Kondukt. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 CONDÚCT s. (anat.) canal, duct, tub. (conduct auditiv extern.) Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa … Dicționar Român
conduct — n *behavior, deportment Analogous words: act, deed, *action: demeanor, mien, deportment, *bearing conduct vb 1 escort, convoy, *accompany, attend, chaperon Analogous words … New Dictionary of Synonyms
conduct — [n1] administration care, carrying on*, channels, charge, control, direction, execution, guidance, handling, intendance, leadership, management, manipulation, organization, oversight, plan, policy, posture, red tape*, regimen, regulation, rule,… … New thesaurus
Conduct — Con*duct (k[o^]n*d[u^]kt ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conducted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conducting}.] [See {Conduct}, n.] 1. To lead, or guide; to escort; to attend. [1913 Webster] I can conduct you, lady, to a low But loyal cottage, where you may be safe … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conduct — ► NOUN 1) the manner in which a person behaves. 2) management or direction: the conduct of foreign affairs. ► VERB 1) organize and carry out. 2) direct the performance of (a piece of music or an orchestra or choir). 3) guide to or around a place … English terms dictionary
conduct — [kän′dukt΄, kän′dəkt; ] for v. [ kən dukt′] n. [< L conductus, pp. of conducere: see CONDUCE] 1. Rare the act of leading; guidance 2. the process or way of managing or directing; management; handling 3. the way that one acts; behavior;… … English World dictionary
Conduct — Con*duct , v. i. 1. To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.); to carry. [1913 Webster] 2. To conduct one s self; to behave. [U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Conduct — may refer to: Behavior a personal behavior, a way of acting and showing one s behaviour using hand gestures to direct Action (philosophy), in relation to moral or ethical precepts Conducting a musical ensemble See also Misconduct Conductor… … Wikipedia
Conduct — Conduct, lat., Geleit; feierlicher Leichenzug. Conducta. span., Sendung von Gold und Silber aus den span. amerikan. Bergwerken an die Küste unter starker Bedeckung. Conducteur (Kongdüctöhr), Führer, der specielle Leiter der Arbeiten bei Bauten;… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon