1 compasiva
2 compasiva
compasivo,-a adjetivo compassionate: no sé si está siendo compasivo o condescendiente, I don't know if he's being compassionate or condescending -
3 compasiva
compassiva -
4 mirada compasiva
сущ. -
5 compassiva
compasiva -
6 compasiba
compasiva -
7 apatía emocional
(n.) = emotional burnout, emotional exhaustionEx. Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.Ex. Librarians are at risk for burnout, a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and loss of a sense of personal accomplishment.* * *(n.) = emotional burnout, emotional exhaustionEx: Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.
Ex: Librarians are at risk for burnout, a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and loss of a sense of personal accomplishment. -
8 compasivo
adj.compassionate, merciful, tender, caring.* * *► adjetivo1 compassionate, sympathetic* * *(f. - compasiva)adj.* * *ADJ compassionate* * *- va adjetivo compassionate* * *= compassionate, caring, sympathetic, merciful.Ex. However compassionate, courteous, and unpressed for time one is, it becomes necessary to move on to other duties.Ex. Public library services to children from birth have an essential role in developing a caring, informed and competent adult society.Ex. 'We should be more sympathetic and persuasive with the chief honchos'.Ex. Whatever their beliefs, artists who depicted the return of the prodigal son presented the message that God is merciful and willing to forgive repentant sinners.* * *- va adjetivo compassionate* * *= compassionate, caring, sympathetic, merciful.Ex: However compassionate, courteous, and unpressed for time one is, it becomes necessary to move on to other duties.
Ex: Public library services to children from birth have an essential role in developing a caring, informed and competent adult society.Ex: 'We should be more sympathetic and persuasive with the chief honchos'.Ex: Whatever their beliefs, artists who depicted the return of the prodigal son presented the message that God is merciful and willing to forgive repentant sinners.* * *compasivo -vacompassionate* * *
compasivo◊ -va adjetivo
compasivo,-a adjetivo compassionate: no sé si está siendo compasivo o condescendiente, I don't know if he's being compassionate or condescending
' compasivo' also found in these entries:
- humane
- merciful
- soft
- soft-hearted
- sorry
- supportive
- sympathetic
- tender
- tender-hearted
* * *compasivo, -a adjcompassionate, sympathetic* * *adj compassionate* * *compasivo, -va adj: compassionate, sympathetic -
9 indiferencia
f.indifference.* * *1 indifference* * *noun f.* * *SF lack of interest ( hacia in, towards)indifference frm ( hacia towards)ella aparentaba indiferencia — she pretended to be indifferent, she feigned indifference
* * *femenino indifference* * *= indifference, unconcern, emotional fatigue, compassion fatigue, impassivity, indolence, disregard, detachment, insouciance, nonchalance, cold shoulder, lassitude.Ex. This article provides examples to illustrate why librarians are partly to blame through their indifference, complacency and failure to prosecute.Ex. Now most users are not even aware that their problems are always treated confidentially by the librarian, and so are filled with unconcern.Ex. The nature of contemporary media coverage may contribute to emotional fatigue with society's problems = La naturaleza de la covertura de los medios de comunicación modernos puede contribuir a desarrollar la insensibilidad con respecto a los problemas de la sociedad.Ex. Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.Ex. The most significant conclusion drawn was the librarian's impassivity in their day to day interactions with users.Ex. Sunday remains a 'people's day,' a consensus of indolence = El domingo sigue siendo el 'día de la gente', donde predomina la indolencia.Ex. There is in general a blithe disregard of the limits to pecision imposed by sampling error.Ex. The author surveys a group of information aliterate students identifying the possible causes of reluctance or detachment on the part of some students.Ex. She emphasizes Colette's extraordinary character: her bravura, pragmatism, insouciance, resistance to conventions and, above all, appetite.Ex. 'Look, Mel, these are your people, not mine,' said the director with an assumption of nonchalance.Ex. According to researchers, these are the cities where 'immigrants find friendly welcomes or cold shoulders'.Ex. His lassitude does not appear to emanate from laziness, but rather from the stirrings of nihilistic restlessness.----* con indiferencia = indifferently, casually.* mostrar indiferencia = give + Nombre + the cold shoulder, turn + a cold shoulder to, cold-shoulder.* * *femenino indifference* * *= indifference, unconcern, emotional fatigue, compassion fatigue, impassivity, indolence, disregard, detachment, insouciance, nonchalance, cold shoulder, lassitude.Ex: This article provides examples to illustrate why librarians are partly to blame through their indifference, complacency and failure to prosecute.
Ex: Now most users are not even aware that their problems are always treated confidentially by the librarian, and so are filled with unconcern.Ex: The nature of contemporary media coverage may contribute to emotional fatigue with society's problems = La naturaleza de la covertura de los medios de comunicación modernos puede contribuir a desarrollar la insensibilidad con respecto a los problemas de la sociedad.Ex: Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.Ex: The most significant conclusion drawn was the librarian's impassivity in their day to day interactions with users.Ex: Sunday remains a 'people's day,' a consensus of indolence = El domingo sigue siendo el 'día de la gente', donde predomina la indolencia.Ex: There is in general a blithe disregard of the limits to pecision imposed by sampling error.Ex: The author surveys a group of information aliterate students identifying the possible causes of reluctance or detachment on the part of some students.Ex: She emphasizes Colette's extraordinary character: her bravura, pragmatism, insouciance, resistance to conventions and, above all, appetite.Ex: 'Look, Mel, these are your people, not mine,' said the director with an assumption of nonchalance.Ex: According to researchers, these are the cities where 'immigrants find friendly welcomes or cold shoulders'.Ex: His lassitude does not appear to emanate from laziness, but rather from the stirrings of nihilistic restlessness.* con indiferencia = indifferently, casually.* mostrar indiferencia = give + Nombre + the cold shoulder, turn + a cold shoulder to, cold-shoulder.* * *indifference* * *
indiferencia sustantivo femenino
indiferencia sustantivo femenino indifference
' indiferencia' also found in these entries:
- total
- afectar
- aparentar
- desprecio
- y
- detachment
- disregard
- face
- indifference
- indifferently
* * *indiferencia nfindifference* * *f indifference* * *indiferencia nf: indifference* * *indiferencia n indifference -
10 insensibilidad
f.1 insensitivity (emocional).2 insensibility, callousness, hardness, hardness of heart.* * *1 insensitivity* * *SF1) (=indiferencia) insensitivity, unfeeling nature2) (Med) (=falta de conocimiento) insensibility, unconsciousness; (=entumecimiento) numbness* * *a) ( a emociones) insensitivityb) (Med) ( de una parte del cuerpo) numbness, lack of sensitivity* * *= callousness, emotional fatigue, compassion fatigue.Ex. Lack of proper self-evaluation may explain both their callousness and their imprudence = La falta de una autoevaluación adecuada puede explicar su insensibilidad e imprudencia.Ex. The nature of contemporary media coverage may contribute to emotional fatigue with society's problems = La naturaleza de la covertura de los medios de comunicación modernos puede contribuir a desarrollar la insensibilidad con respecto a los problemas de la sociedad.Ex. Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.* * *a) ( a emociones) insensitivityb) (Med) ( de una parte del cuerpo) numbness, lack of sensitivity* * *= callousness, emotional fatigue, compassion fatigue.Ex: Lack of proper self-evaluation may explain both their callousness and their imprudence = La falta de una autoevaluación adecuada puede explicar su insensibilidad e imprudencia.
Ex: The nature of contemporary media coverage may contribute to emotional fatigue with society's problems = La naturaleza de la covertura de los medios de comunicación modernos puede contribuir a desarrollar la insensibilidad con respecto a los problemas de la sociedad.Ex: Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.* * *1 (a emociones) insensitivity2 ( Med) (de una parte del cuerpo) numbness, lack of sensitivity* * *
insensibilidad sustantivo femenino insensitivity: su insensibilidad cuando interrogó a la víctima fue atroz, he interrogated the victim mercilessly
* * *1. [emocional] insensitivity2. [física] numbness* * *f insensitivity* * *: insensitivity -
11 insensibilización
f.desensitization, anesthetization, anaesthetization, insensibilization.* * *= desensitisation [desensitization, -USA].Ex. Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.* * *= desensitisation [desensitization, -USA].Ex: Compassion fatigue encompasses desensitisation and emotional burnout, as a phenomenon associated with pervasive communication about social problems = La fatiga compasiva incluye la insensibilización y la apatía emocional, como fenómeno asociado a la insistente bombardeo informativo sobre los problemas sociales.
* * *1. [emocional] lack of sensitivity, insensitivity2. [física] anaesthetization;después de la insensibilización de la encía after the gum has been made numb -
12 сострадательный
13 put across
v + o + adv, v + adv + o \<\<idea/message\>\> comunicar*to put something across to somebody — hacerle* entender algo a algn
VT + ADV1) (=communicate) [+ idea] comunicar; [+ meaning] hacer entender•
to put o.s. across — (=present o.s.) presentarseto put o.s. across well — saber presentarse bien
he puts himself across as a sympathetic, caring person — da la impresión de ser una persona comprensiva, compasiva
to put sth across to sb — (=explain) explicar algo a algn; (=convey) hacer entender algo a algn2)• to put one across on sb * — engañar a algn
* * *v + o + adv, v + adv + o \<\<idea/message\>\> comunicar*to put something across to somebody — hacerle* entender algo a algn
14 SI
Multiple Entries: si sí
si conjunción 1 sí lo hubiera or hubiese sabido … if I'd known …, had I known …; empezó a decir que sí esto, que sí lo otro he said this, that and the other◊ ¡sí yo lo supiera! if only I knew!c) (en frases que expresan protesta, indignación, sorpresa):◊ ¡pero sí te avisé …! but I warned you …!d) (planteando eventualidades, sugerencias):◊ y sí no quiere hacerlo ¿qué? and if she doesn't want to do it, what then?;¿y sí lo probáramos? why don't we give it a try?e) ( en locs)2 ( en interrogativas indirectas) whether; ■ sustantivo masculino ( nota) B; ( en solfeo) ti, te (BrE);◊ sí bemol/sostenido B flat/sharp
sí adverbio 1 ( respuesta afirmativa) yes;◊ ¿has terminado? — sí have you finished? — yes (I have);decir que sí con la cabeza to nod 2 ( uso enfático): tú sí que sabes vivir you certainly know how to live!; eso sí que es caro that is expensive; no puedo — ¡sí que puedes! I can't — yes, you can! o of course, you can!; que sí cabe it does fit; es de muy buena calidad — eso sí it's very good quality — (yes,) that's true 3 ( sustituyendo a una cláusula): me temo que sí I'm afraid so; ¿lloverá? — puede que sí do you think it will rain? — it might; un día sí y otro no every other day; no puedo ir pero ella sí I can't go but she can ■ sustantivo masculino yes ■ pron pers 1 ( ella) herself; (ellos, ellas) themselves; parece muy segura de sí (misma) she seems very sure of herself; fueron para convencerse a sí mismos/mismas they went to convince themselves ( ustedes) yourselves; léanlo para sí (mismos) read it (to) yourselvesc) ( impers):2 ( en locs) ( entre varios) among themselves;◊ lo discutieron entre sí they discussed it between/among themselves;no se respetan entre sí they don't respect each other; de por sí: es de por sí nervioso he is nervous by nature; el sistema es de por sí complicado the system is in itself complicated; en sí (mismo): el hecho en sí (mismo) no tenía demasiada importancia this in itself was not so important
si conj
1 (expresando una condición) if: si vienes te lo cuento, if you come I will tell you
si pudiera, se lo daría, if I could, I would give it to him
2 fam (uso enfático) ¡si ya te lo decía yo!, but I told you! (expresando deseo) if only: ¡si tuviera más tiempo!, if only I had more time!
3 (en interrogativas indirectas) if, whether: me pregunto si llegará pronto, I wonder if o whether she'll come soon (disyuntiva) whether: quisiera saber si te gusta o no, I'd like to know whether you like it or not
4 si no, otherwise, if not, or else: ponte el abrigo, si no, cogerás un catarro, put your coat on, otherwise you'll catch a cold Locuciones: como si, as if: camina como si estuviese herido, he walks as if he were hurt
por si acaso, just in case
si m Mús (nota) B (en solfeo) te, ti
sí pron pers reflexivo
1 (3ª persona de singular) (masculino) himself: logró hacerlo por sí solo, he was able to do it by himself o on his own (femenino) herself: lo dijo para sí, she said it to herself (3ª persona de plural) themselves: tenían un gran parecido entre sí, they all looked very similar
2 (referido a uno mismo) uno debe hacerlo por sí mismo, one has to do it oneself
3 (usted) compruébelo por sí mismo, see for yourself (ustedes) yourselves Locuciones: dar de sí: no da más de sí, he can't do any more
de por sí: es de por sí amable, she's kind by nature
esta teoría es de por sí difícil, this theory is in itself difficult
I adverbio yes: ¿te gusta?, - sí, do you like it?, yes o - yes, I do
¿estás seguro?, - sí, are you sure?, - yes o -yes, I am
ellos no irán, pero yo sí, they will not go, but I will
creo que sí, I think so
dijo que sí, he said yes o he accepted
me temo que sí, I'm afraid so
¡sí que la has hecho buena!, you've really done it!
es un actor famoso, - ¿sí?, he's a famous actor, - really?
un día sí y otro no, every other day
II sustantivo masculino
1 yes: con el sí de tu familia, with your family's approval
2 Pol los síes, the ayes Locuciones: dar el sí, to accept sb's proposal (el novio, la novia) me dio el sí, she consented to marry me 'sí' also found in these entries: Spanish: acaso - acercar - aclararse - algo - año - anquilosarse - apenas - aspen - aunque - ayudarse - berrinche - bien - bilis - bombera - bombero - caber - cabeza - calor - camelar - camiseta - casa - casualidad - chimenea - clara - claro - clásica - clásico - colar - como - compasiva - compasivo - conceder - concesión - concienciarse - confianza - conformista - constructor - constructora - contención - contraponer - creer - crecida - crecido - cuando - cuestión - dar - decir - dejar - delgada - delgado English: ability - accountable - add to - add up - affirmative - afraid - agree - agreeable - all - all right - aloud - amok - antsy - any - anybody - anything - appreciate - arguable - arise - as - assurance - autograph - avoid - B - bankrupt - barrel - be - beat - begin - believe - beside - blind - boat - bolster - bonus - boost - boot - bop - bother - but - card - care - carry through - case - certainly - chain letter - chance - check - come round - come toadjective (before n) < nomenclature> del sistema S.IN ABBR= Système International (d'unités) (=system of metric units) sistema m métrico internacional* * *adjective (before n) < nomenclature> del sistema S.I -
15 sympathetically
adverb con compasión; con comprensióntr[sɪmpə'ɵetɪklɪ]1 (showing pity) compasivamente, con compasión; (understanding) comprensivamente, con comprensión; (kindly) amablementesympathetically [.sɪmpə'ɵɛt̬ɪkli] adv: con compasión, con comprensión'sɪmpə'θetɪklia) ( with understanding) <listen/consider/respond> con comprensiónb) ( showing pity) con compasión[ˌsɪmpǝ'θetɪkǝlɪ]ADV (=showing pity) con compasión; (=with understanding) con comprensiónthe book has been sympathetically adapted for the screen — el libro ha sido llevado a la pantalla con gran esmero
* * *['sɪmpə'θetɪkli]a) ( with understanding) <listen/consider/respond> con comprensiónb) ( showing pity) con compasión -
16 tender-heartedness
17 mitfühlend
'mɪtfyːlənt 1. adjcompasivo, condolente2. advcompasivo, de compasiónAdjektiv————————Adverb -
18 mitleidig
1. 'mɪtlaɪdɪç adjcompasivo, piadoso2. 'mɪtlaɪdɪç advcompasivamente, con compasióncompasivo, piadosoAdjektiv————————Adverb -
19 compasivo
kɔmpa'siboadjbarmherzig, mitfühlend, mitleidigcompasivocompasivo , -a [kompa'siβo, -a]teilnahmsvoll -
20 condescendiente
adj.1 obliging.2 condescending, agreeable, assenting, accommodating.3 patronizing, obliging.* * *► adjetivo1 (transigente) condescending2 (complaciente) obliging, helpful* * *ADJ1) (=deferente) obliging; (=afable) affable; (=conforme) acquiescent2) pey* * *a) <actitud/respuesta> ( con aires de superioridad) condescendingb) ( comprensivo) understanding* * *= smug, patronising [patronizing, -USA], condescending.Ex. A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.Ex. There has been no change in all the years since, except that librarians have become more understanding and less patronising.Ex. Now, he's a sore loser and talks to all of us in a threatening, condescending manner = Él es un mal perdedor y nos habla a todos nosotros en un tono amenazador y condescendiente.* * *a) <actitud/respuesta> ( con aires de superioridad) condescendingb) ( comprensivo) understanding* * *= smug, patronising [patronizing, -USA], condescending.Ex: A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.
Ex: There has been no change in all the years since, except that librarians have become more understanding and less patronising.Ex: Now, he's a sore loser and talks to all of us in a threatening, condescending manner = Él es un mal perdedor y nos habla a todos nosotros en un tono amenazador y condescendiente.* * *1 ‹actitud/respuesta› (con aires de superioridad) condescending2 (comprensivo) understandingeres muy poco condescendiente you're not very understanding* * *
condescendiente adjetivo
condescendiente adjetivo
1 (amable, deferente) complacent
2 (con aire de superioridad) condescending
' condescendiente' also found in these entries:
- compasivo
- contemplar
- patronizing
- talk down
- talk
* * *condescendiente adj1. [amable] obliging2. [altivo] condescending* * *condescending
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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