Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 birds of a feather flock together

    birds of a feather flock together
    cada ovelha com a sua parelha, cada qual com o seu igual.
    birds of a feather flock together
    cada qual com o seu igual.
    birds of a feather flock together
    cada qual com seu igual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > birds of a feather flock together

  • 2 birds of a feather

    birds of a feather
    fig farinha do mesmo saco.
    birds of a feather
    gente da mesma laia.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > birds of a feather

  • 3 to kill two birds with one stone

    to kill two birds with one stone
    matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só.
    to kill two birds with one stone
    matar dois coelhos com uma só cajadada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to kill two birds with one stone

  • 4 flock of birds

    flock of birds
    bando de pássaros.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flock of birds

  • 5 king of birds

    king of birds
    a águia. King of kings 1 Rei dos reis: Cristo. 2 título de vários monarcas orientais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > king of birds

  • 6 that is for the birds

    that is for the birds
    Amer sl isso não vale nada, é uma porcaria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > that is for the birds

  • 7 bird

    (a two-legged feathered creature, with a beak and two wings, with which most can fly: Kiwis and ostriches are birds which cannot fly.) pássaro
    * * *
    [bə:d] n 1 pássaro, ave. 2 Amer sl fulano, tipo, sujeito. a queer bird / um sujeito esquisito. 3 Brit sl depr mulher jovem. 4 sl vaia. they gave him the bird / vaiaram-no. a bird in hand is worth two in the bush mais vale um pássaro na mão que dois voando. birds of a feather fig farinha do mesmo saco. birds of a feather flock together cada qual com o seu igual. that is for the birds Amer sl isso não vale nada, é uma porcaria. the early bird catches the worm Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga. to be an early bird ser madrugador. to do bird estar na cadeia. to kill two birds with one stone matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bird

  • 8 flock

    [flok] 1. noun
    (a number of certain animals or birds together: a flock of sheep.) bando
    2. verb
    ((with to, into etc) to gather or go somewhere together in a group or crowd: People flocked to the cinema.) ir em bando
    * * *
    [flɔk] n 1 rebanho, manada, revoada, bando de pássaros. 2 tropa, multidão, coleção, tropel, grande número, grupo. 3 congregação, rebanho, conjunto de paroquianos. • vi andar em bandos, concorrer em multidão, afluir, reunir-se, congregar-se. they flocked to him / eles acorreram a ele. birds of a feather flock together cada qual com seu igual. flock of birds bando de pássaros. flock of sheep rebanho de carneiros.
    [flɔk] n 1 floco de lã, tufo. 2 flocks resíduo de lã ou algodão empregado em estofamento. 3 madeixa, guedelha de lã. 4 Chem flóculo. • vt estofar (com lã, flocos, etc.).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flock

  • 9 feather

    ['feðə] 1. noun
    (one of the things that grow from a bird's skin that form the covering of its body: They cleaned the oil off the seagull's feathers.) pena
    2. verb
    (to line, cover or decorate with feathers: The eagle feathers its nest with down from its own breast.) acolchoar/forrar
    - feathery
    - a feather in one's cap
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest
    * * *
    [f'eðə] n 1 pena, pluma. 2 feathers a) plumagem. b) roupagem. 3 penacho. 4 rodopelo, tufo de pêlos, tapete, gaias. 5 qualquer coisa como uma pena. 6 caça de pena. 7 casta, laia, espécie, natureza. 8 disposição, estado de espírito. 9 Sport ato de transviar o remo. • vt+vi 1 empenar, emplumar(-se), cobrir(-se) de penas, forrar ou revestir de penas, pôr penas em, enfeitar, ornar de penas ou plumas. 2 transviar (os remos), virar o remo em posição horizontal. they feathered the oars / viraram os remos horizontalmente. 3 desdobrar-se em forma de pena. 4 Aeron embandeirar, variar o passo da hélice. birds of a feather gente da mesma laia. birds of a feather flock together cada ovelha com a sua parelha, cada qual com o seu igual. in high (ou full) feather bem-disposto, radioso. light as a feather leve como uma pena. that is a feather in your cap disso pode orgulhar-se. to cut a feather Naut encrespar a água, formar pequenas ondas. to feather one’s nest encher os bolsos, estar preocupado somente com o seu bem-estar e o seu próprio ganho. to make the feathers fly provocar briga, armar confusão. to show the white feather revelar covardia. with a feather com grande facilidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feather

  • 10 hatch

    I [hæ ] noun
    ((the door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc: There are two hatches between the kitchen and dining-room for serving food.) portinhola
    II [hæ ] verb
    1) (to produce (young birds etc) from eggs: My hens have hatched ten chicks.) chocar
    2) (to break out of the egg: These chicks hatched this morning.) sair do ovo
    3) (to become young birds: Four of the eggs have hatched.) desenvolver-se
    4) (to plan (something, usually bad) in secret: to hatch a plot.) maquinar
    * * *
    [hætʃ] n 1 ninhada, cria. 2 choco. • vt+vi chocar, incubar.
    [hætʃ] n 1 Naut escotilha. 2 parte inferior de porta bipartida. 3 postigo. 4 comporta. 5 alçapão. under hatches sob o convés.
    [hætʃ] n traço fino em desenho ou gravura. • vt riscar com traços finos e paralelos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hatch

  • 11 hop

    I 1. [hop] past tense, past participle - hopped; verb
    1) ((of people) to jump on one leg: The children had a competition to see who could hop the farthest; He hopped about in pain when the hammer fell on his foot.) pular
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) to jump on both or all legs: The sparrow/frog hopped across the lawn.) saltitar
    3) (to jump: He hopped (over) the fence and ran away; He hopped out of bed.) saltar
    4) ((with in(to), out (of)) to get into or out of a car etc: The car stopped and the driver told the hikers to hop in; I'll hop out of the car at the next crossroads.) saltar
    2. noun
    1) (a short jump on one leg.) salto
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) a short jump on both or all legs: The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.) salto
    - catch someone on the hop
    - catch on the hop
    - keep someone on the hop
    - keep on the hop
    II [hop] noun
    (a climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which (hops) are used in brewing beer.) lúpulo
    * * *
    [hɔp] n lúpulo. • vt 1 juntar lúpulo à cerveja. 2 colher lúpulo.
    [hɔp] n 1 pulo, salto. 2 viagem curta (de avião). 3 coll baile. 4 coll dança, arrasta-pé. • vt+vi 1 pular, saltar. 2 coll viajar de avião (a curta distância). 3 dançar. hop it dê o fora, vá embora. hop, step and jump Sport salto triplo. to be hopping mad estar louco da vida, muito bravo e aborrecido. to catch someone on the hop pegar alguém com a mão na botija. to hop off partir (avião). to hop the freight Amer sl viajar clandestinamente em trem de carga. to keep on the hop manter-se ocupado, trabalhando.
    [hɔp] n sl 1 ópio. 2 qualquer narcótico. 3 pessoa viciada em drogas. 4 besteira, mentira. to hop up administrar, dar drogas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hop

  • 12 migrate

    1) ((of certain birds and animals) to travel from one region to another at certain times of the year: Many birds migrate in the early winter.) migrar
    2) ((of people) to change one's home to another country or (regularly) from place to place: The Gothic peoples who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East.) migrar
    - migrant
    - migratory
    * * *
    [maigr'eit] vi 1 migrar. 2 emigrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > migrate

  • 13 peck

    [pek] 1. verb
    1) ((of birds) to strike or pick up with the beak, usually in order to eat: The birds pecked at the corn; The bird pecked his hand.) bicar
    2) (to eat very little: She just pecks (at) her food.) petiscar
    3) (to kiss quickly and briefly: She pecked her mother on the cheek.) beijar
    2. noun
    1) (a tap or bite with the beak: The bird gave him a painful peck on the hand.) bicada
    2) (a brief kiss: a peck on the cheek.) beijinho
    * * *
    [pek] n 1 celamim: medida de capacidade para secos equivalente a cerca de 9 litros. 2 fig porção, grande quantidade, montão. to be in a peck of troubles estar em grandes apuros.
    [pek] n 1 bicada. 2 marca de bicada. 3 sl comida, alimento. 4 coll beijo ligeiro ou distraído. • vt+vi 1 bicar, dar bicadas. 2 picar. 3 apanhar com o bico. 4 coll comer. 5 coll mordiscar. 6 rezingar, resmungar, implicar. 7 beijar de forma apressada ou indiferente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > peck

  • 14 sprout

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc: The trees are sprouting new leaves.) brotar
    2) ((of animals, birds etc) to develop eg horns, produce eg feathers: The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.) criar
    2. noun
    (a new shoot or bud: bean sprouts.) grelo
    * * *
    [spraut] n 1 broto, rebento. 2 coll jovem. • vt+vi 1 brotar, germinar. 2 crescer. 3 fazer crescer, estimular o crescimento. 4 desenvolver rapidamente. 5 coll remover, tirar brotos. Brussels sprouts couve-de-bruxelas. to be sprout wings sl a) ser casto e correto. b) morrer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sprout

  • 15 wildfowl

    noun plural (wild birds, especially water birds such as ducks, geese etc.) aves selvagens

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wildfowl

  • 16 hatch

    I [hæ ] noun
    ((the door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc: There are two hatches between the kitchen and dining-room for serving food.) portinhola
    II [hæ ] verb
    1) (to produce (young birds etc) from eggs: My hens have hatched ten chicks.) chocar
    2) (to break out of the egg: These chicks hatched this morning.) sair da casca
    3) (to become young birds: Four of the eggs have hatched.) chocar
    4) (to plan (something, usually bad) in secret: to hatch a plot.) tramar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hatch

  • 17 hop

    I 1. [hop] past tense, past participle - hopped; verb
    1) ((of people) to jump on one leg: The children had a competition to see who could hop the farthest; He hopped about in pain when the hammer fell on his foot.) pular num pé só
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) to jump on both or all legs: The sparrow/frog hopped across the lawn.) saltitar, pular de pés juntos
    3) (to jump: He hopped (over) the fence and ran away; He hopped out of bed.) saltar
    4) ((with in(to), out (of)) to get into or out of a car etc: The car stopped and the driver told the hikers to hop in; I'll hop out of the car at the next crossroads.) saltar
    2. noun
    1) (a short jump on one leg.) pulo num pé só
    2) ((of certain small birds, animals and insects) a short jump on both or all legs: The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.) pulo de pés juntos
    - catch someone on the hop - catch on the hop - keep someone on the hop - keep on the hop II [hop] noun
    (a climbing plant, the bitter fruits of which (hops) are used in brewing beer.) lúpulo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > hop

  • 18 migrate

    1) ((of certain birds and animals) to travel from one region to another at certain times of the year: Many birds migrate in the early winter.) migrar
    2) ((of people) to change one's home to another country or (regularly) from place to place: The Gothic peoples who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East.) migrar
    - migrant - migratory

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > migrate

  • 19 peck

    [pek] 1. verb
    1) ((of birds) to strike or pick up with the beak, usually in order to eat: The birds pecked at the corn; The bird pecked his hand.) bicar
    2) (to eat very little: She just pecks (at) her food.) beliscar
    3) (to kiss quickly and briefly: She pecked her mother on the cheek.) beijocar, bicotar
    2. noun
    1) (a tap or bite with the beak: The bird gave him a painful peck on the hand.) bicada
    2) (a brief kiss: a peck on the cheek.) beijoca, bicota

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > peck

  • 20 sprout

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc: The trees are sprouting new leaves.) brotar
    2) ((of animals, birds etc) to develop eg horns, produce eg feathers: The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.) criar
    2. noun
    (a new shoot or bud: bean sprouts.) broto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sprout

См. также в других словарях:

  • Birds — Birds, IL U.S. village in Illinois Population (2000): 51 Housing Units (2000): 22 Land area (2000): 0.216434 sq. miles (0.560562 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.216434 sq. miles (0.560562 sq.… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Birds, IL — U.S. village in Illinois Population (2000): 51 Housing Units (2000): 22 Land area (2000): 0.216434 sq. miles (0.560562 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.216434 sq. miles (0.560562 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • birds — birds; birds·ville; …   English syllables

  • birds — Turtle doves and young pigeons were allowed for sacrifices (Lev. 1:14; Luke 2:24). Wild birds were hunted (Amos 3:5; Ps. 91:3). The migratory habits of birds were well known (Jer. 8:7), and quails migrating from Africa to Europe fed the… …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • birds —    It is widely said to be an *omen, or even a cause, of death if a wild bird enters, or is brought into, a house, or beats against a window (Opie and Tatem, 1989: 25 6); this does not apply to farmyard fowls or caged birds. Some people even… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Birds Do It — Infobox Film name = Birds Do It caption = writer = Art Arthur, Arnie Kogen, Leonard Kaufman (Story) starring = Soupy Sales, Tab Hunter, Arthur O Connell, Edward Andrews, Doris Dowling, Beverly Adams director = Andrew Marton producer = Stanley… …   Wikipedia

  • Birds — This name, with variant spellings Byrd, Birds,Byrde and Bride, derives from the Old English pre 7th Century bridde (Medieval English brid or bird ) meaning a bird, and was originally given as a nickname to one thought to bear a fancied… …   Surnames reference

  • birds — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Flying animals Nouns 1. fowl; songbird, warbler; bird of prey; cock, hen; nestling, fledgling. See animal. 2. (land birds) I. (passerine) a. songbird, oscine, warbler, oriole, swallow, blackbird, blackcap …   English dictionary for students

  • birds — bɜːd v. watch and study birds in their natural environment n. fowl, plumed or feathered animal; fellow, guy; girl, lass (Slang); helicopter, airplane, aircraft (Military Slang) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • birds — paukščiai statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Aves angl. birds vok. Vogel rus. птицы pranc. oiseaux ryšiai: platesnis terminas – stuburiniai siauresnis terminas – šiuolaikiniai paukščiai …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • birds — paukščiai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Chordinių tipo stuburinių gyvūnų klasė (Aves) – šiltakraujai (kūno temperatūra apie 42 °C) dvikojai gyvūnai, kurių kūnas apaugęs plunksnomis, priekinės galūnės virtusios sparnais.… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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