Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 the bird fluffed up its feathers

    the bird fluffed up its feathers
    a ave arrepiou-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the bird fluffed up its feathers

  • 2 to make the feathers fly

    to make the feathers fly
    provocar briga, armar confusão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to make the feathers fly

  • 3 to ruffle someone’s feathers

    to ruffle someone’s feathers
    irritar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to ruffle someone’s feathers

  • 4 feather

    ['feðə] 1. noun
    (one of the things that grow from a bird's skin that form the covering of its body: They cleaned the oil off the seagull's feathers.) pena
    2. verb
    (to line, cover or decorate with feathers: The eagle feathers its nest with down from its own breast.) acolchoar/forrar
    - feathery
    - a feather in one's cap
    - feather one's own nest
    - feather one's nest
    * * *
    [f'eðə] n 1 pena, pluma. 2 feathers a) plumagem. b) roupagem. 3 penacho. 4 rodopelo, tufo de pêlos, tapete, gaias. 5 qualquer coisa como uma pena. 6 caça de pena. 7 casta, laia, espécie, natureza. 8 disposição, estado de espírito. 9 Sport ato de transviar o remo. • vt+vi 1 empenar, emplumar(-se), cobrir(-se) de penas, forrar ou revestir de penas, pôr penas em, enfeitar, ornar de penas ou plumas. 2 transviar (os remos), virar o remo em posição horizontal. they feathered the oars / viraram os remos horizontalmente. 3 desdobrar-se em forma de pena. 4 Aeron embandeirar, variar o passo da hélice. birds of a feather gente da mesma laia. birds of a feather flock together cada ovelha com a sua parelha, cada qual com o seu igual. in high (ou full) feather bem-disposto, radioso. light as a feather leve como uma pena. that is a feather in your cap disso pode orgulhar-se. to cut a feather Naut encrespar a água, formar pequenas ondas. to feather one’s nest encher os bolsos, estar preocupado somente com o seu bem-estar e o seu próprio ganho. to make the feathers fly provocar briga, armar confusão. to show the white feather revelar covardia. with a feather com grande facilidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > feather

  • 5 ruffle

    (to make wrinkled or uneven, especially hair, feathers etc: The wind ruffled her hair; The bird ruffled its feathers in anger.) arrepiar
    * * *
    [r'∧fəl] n 1 folho, franzido, tufo, rufo. 2 ondulação, agitação leve (das águas). 3 irritação, perturbação, contrariedade. 4 desordem, confusão, agitação, bulha. • vt+vi 1 franzir, enrugar, amarrotar. 2 fazer tufos ou folhos em, preguear. 3 irritar, perturbar, vexar, amolar. don’t ruffle your feathers! / não se exalte! 4 desarranjar, desordenar, desmanchar. 5 eriçar, ouriçar(-se). 6 arrepiar. 7 encrespar-se, agitar(-se). 8 baralhar (cartas). 9 folhear rapidamente (páginas). to ruffle someone’s feathers irritar alguém.
    [r'∧fəl] vt 1 fanfarronar, alardear, bazofiar, blasonar. 2 buscar brigas, encrencar.
    [r'∧fəl] n 1 rufo surdo de tambor. 2 aplauso batendo com os pés.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ruffle

  • 6 feather

    ['feðə] 1. noun
    (one of the things that grow from a bird's skin that form the covering of its body: They cleaned the oil off the seagull's feathers.) pena
    2. verb
    (to line, cover or decorate with feathers: The eagle feathers its nest with down from its own breast.) emplumar
    - feathery - a feather in one's cap - feather one's own nest - feather one's nest

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > feather

  • 7 fluff

    1. noun
    (small pieces of soft, wool-like material from blankets etc: My coat is covered with fluff.) cotão
    2. verb
    1) ((often with out or up) to make full and soft like fluff: The bird fluffed out its feathers; Fluff up the pillows and make the invalid more comfortable.) tornar fofo
    2) (to make a mistake in doing (something): The actress fluffed her lines; The golfer fluffed his stroke.) falhar
    * * *
    [fl∧f] n 1 cotão, argueiro, felpazinha. 2 penugem, felpa, lanugem, buço. 3 sl Theat fala que o ator esquece ou diz mal, sl mulher jovem e bonita. • vt+vi 1 afofar. 2 tornar-se fofo ou felpudo. 3 sl Theat esquecer ou dizer mal um papel, fracassar. a little bit of fluff sl Austr rapariga namoradeira. the bird fluffed up its feathers a ave arrepiou-se. to do a fluff Theat representar mal um papel. to fluff someone off rejeitar, repelir, desprezar alguém intencionalmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fluff

  • 8 preen

    1) ((of birds) to arrange (the feathers): The sea-gulls were preening themselves / their feathers.) alisar as penas
    2) (used unkindly, meaning to attend to one's appearance: The woman was preening herself in front of the mirror.) embonecar-se
    * * *
    [pri:n] vt+vi 1 alisar com o bico. 2 ataviar-se, enfeitar-se. 3 envaidecer-se, orgulhar-se (over, de).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > preen

  • 9 sprout

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc: The trees are sprouting new leaves.) brotar
    2) ((of animals, birds etc) to develop eg horns, produce eg feathers: The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.) criar
    2. noun
    (a new shoot or bud: bean sprouts.) grelo
    * * *
    [spraut] n 1 broto, rebento. 2 coll jovem. • vt+vi 1 brotar, germinar. 2 crescer. 3 fazer crescer, estimular o crescimento. 4 desenvolver rapidamente. 5 coll remover, tirar brotos. Brussels sprouts couve-de-bruxelas. to be sprout wings sl a) ser casto e correto. b) morrer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sprout

  • 10 preen

    1) ((of birds) to arrange (the feathers): The sea-gulls were preening themselves / their feathers.) alisar as penas
    2) (used unkindly, meaning to attend to one's appearance: The woman was preening herself in front of the mirror.) arrumar(-se)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > preen

  • 11 ruffle

    (to make wrinkled or uneven, especially hair, feathers etc: The wind ruffled her hair; The bird ruffled its feathers in anger.) eriçar, arrepiar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ruffle

  • 12 sprout

    1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc: The trees are sprouting new leaves.) brotar
    2) ((of animals, birds etc) to develop eg horns, produce eg feathers: The young birds are sprouting their first feathers.) criar
    2. noun
    (a new shoot or bud: bean sprouts.) broto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sprout

  • 13 bald

    1) ((of people) with little or no hair on the head: a bald head; He is going bald (= becoming bald).) careca
    2) ((of birds, animals) without feathers, fur etc: a bald patch on the dog's back.) pelado
    3) (bare or plain: a bald statement of the facts.) simples
    - balding
    - baldly
    * * *
    [bɔ:ld] adj 1 calvo, careca. to become bald / encalvecer, ficar careca. 2 pelado, sem a coberta natural. 3 nu. 4 descoberto. 5 pobre, sem enfeite, trivial. 6 implume. 7 sem folhas (plantas). 8 insignificante. 9 indisfarçado, manifesto. 10 Bot desprovido de pragana.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bald

  • 14 brilliant

    1) (very bright: the bird's brilliant feathers.) brilhante
    2) (very clever: a brilliant scholar.) brilhante
    - brilliance
    * * *
    [br'iljənt] n 1 diamante, brilhante. 2 Typogr menor tipo (p ex: corpo 3½ ou 4). • adj 1 brilhante, luminoso, radiante, resplandecente, lustroso. 2 esplêndido, magnífico. 3 fig inteligente, ilustre, genial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brilliant

  • 15 crest

    1) (the comb or tuft on the head of a cock or other bird.) crista
    2) (the summit or highest part: the crest of a wave; the crest of a mountain.) crista
    3) (feathers on the top of a helmet.) penacho
    4) (a badge or emblem: the family crest.) timbre
    * * *
    [krest] n 1 crista. 2 poupa, topete, penacho na cabeça de certas aves. 3 penacho, cocar, pluma de elmo ou capacete. 4 cimeira, topo, cume. 5 elmo ou cimeira de elmo. 6 crina de cavalo. 7 o melhor ou mais alto da sua espécie. 8 crista de onda, montanha, etc. 9 Her timbre. • vt+vi 1 pôr cimeira, pluma, penacho, escudo, etc. em. 2 coroar. 3 superar, alcançar o cume de. 4 formar cristas, encapelar-se (onda).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > crest

  • 16 cushion

    ['kuʃən] 1. noun
    1) (a bag of cloth etc filled with soft material, eg feathers etc, used for support or to make a seat more comfortable: I'll sit on a cushion on the floor.) almofada
    2) (any similar support: A hovercraft travels on a cushion of air.) almofada
    2. verb
    (to lessen the force of a blow etc: The soft sand cushioned his fall.) aparar
    * * *
    [k'uʃən] n 1 almofada, coxim, travesseiro. 2 tabela, tablilha de bilhar. 3 amortecedor, pára-choque. • vt 1 almofadar. 2 colocar, assentar sobre almofada, escorar com almofada. 3 amortecer, proteger contra choques. pin cushion almofada para alfinetes.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cushion

  • 17 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) para baixo
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) no chão
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) através do tempo
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) para baixo
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.) para o sul
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) a descer
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) para baixo
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) ao longo de
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) emborcar
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) penugem
    - downy
    * * *
    [daun] n 1 duna. 2 terreno elevado e colinoso coberto de relva no sul da Inglaterra, usado como pastagem, colinas perto do mar no norte e no sul da Inglaterra ( the Downs), enseada entre os promontórios no norte e no sul da Inglaterra. 3 penugem, penas, pêlos ou cabelos que primeiro nascem, buço, cotão, lanugem, frouxel. 4 qualquer substância fofa, macia ou felpuda. 5 pêlo nas cascas de plantas ou frutas. 6 movimento em declive, descida. 7 revés de fortuna (especialmente no plural). 8 sl desconfiança. • vt+vi coll abaixar, abater, sujeitar, derrubar, dominar, humilhar, descer, descender, engolir rapidamente. • adj 1 abatido, desanimado, descoroçoado, deprimido. I may be down but not out / nem tudo está perdido. 2 em estado ou condição inferior. 3 em declive. 4 doente, adoentado. he is down with the flu / ele tem gripe. 5 Amer terminado. 6 Comp fora do ar, inoperante. • adv 1 abaixo, para baixo, em descida, em declive. 2 em decadência. 3 em posição deitada no chão. 4 abaixo do horizonte. 5 no ponto inferior, ao mais baixo grau. 6 do norte ao sul. 7 de origem, propriedade ou época anterior. 8 a uma quantia inferior, a um preço reduzido. 9 em estado de sujeição, depressão, desgraça ou perigo. 10 efetivamente, realmente, com atenção, com aplicação. 11 por escrito, no papel, em preto no branco. 12 à vista, contra entrega. 13 Naut a sotavento. 14 seguindo a corrente. 15 em estado mais calmo, menos intenso. 16 em mau estado físico. • prep abaixo, para baixo, em declive, ao longo de, em direção inferior. • interj abaixo! deita! senta! the ups and downs at life as vicissitudes da vida. down and out totalmente desprovido, privado de recursos, arruinado, liquidado, vencido. down at heel maltrapilho, descuidado no traje. down for em uma lista de espera. down for Tuesday anunciado para terça-feira. down from town afastado da cidade. down in the country no campo, no interior. down in the mouth descoroçoado, desalentado, desanimado. down on zangado ou aborrecido com. down on one’s knees de joelhos. down on one’s luck necessitado de dinheiro, pronto. down the centuries no correr dos séculos. down the river pelo rio abaixo, seguindo a corrente. down the wind a sotavento. down to hell! vá para o inferno! down to the ground coll completamente. down with him! derriba-o! deita-o abaixo! he is down upon his luck ele está sem sorte. he was tracked down at last finalmente ele foi achado. the sun is down o sol se pôs. the thermometer is down by five degrees o termômetro desceu 5 graus. the wind is down cessou o vento. to bear down, to beat down Naut pôr-se a barlavento. to be down on ser severo, rude com alguém, tratar mal, falar rudemente a alguém. to bend down curvar-se. to calm down acalmar. to clean the house down limpar a casa toda. to come down vir abaixo, descer, fig baixar, abater-se, ceder, cair na miséria. to come down with cair de cama com. to down tools fazer greve. to fly down aterrissar, descer voando, voar para. to get down 1 apear, descer. 2 engolir, tragar alguma coisa. to get down to business ir ao que interessa, ir direto ao assunto. to get down to work trabalhar com afinco. to go down 1 afundar, soçobrar. 2 deixar a universidade para as férias ou no fim do trimestre. 3 baixar (o preço). 4 acalmar-se (o vento). to have a down on coll guardar rancor a. to hunt down = link=%20to%20ride%20down to ride down. to kneel down ajoelhar-se. to knock down atropelar. to let someone down 1 humilhar. 2 deixar ao desamparo, abandonar alguém. to lie down deitar-se. to pay cash down pagar à vista. to put a down on sl dar informações sobre, delatar, denunciar. to put down 1 depor. 2 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. to ride down 1 alcançar perseguindo. 2 forçar, escaramuçar, atropelar. to send down expulsar ou suspender um estudante. to set down 1 assentar por escrito, notar. 2 mencionar, citar. 3 resolver. 4 registrar. to shout down fazer calar mediante gritos. to sit down sentar-se. to step down descer. to stoop down abaixar-se. to take down 1 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. 2 pôr abaixo, deitar abaixo. to turn down the radio diminuir o volume do rádio. to write down assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. up and down aqui e acolá, de lá para cá, para baixo e para cima, por toda parte. upside down de cabeça para baixo, ao revés, às avessas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > down

  • 18 downy

    adjective (soft, like feathers: the baby's downy hair.) macio
    * * *
    [d'auni] adj 1 penugento, cheio de penugem, felpudo. 2 fofo, macio, brando. 3 mole, meigo, plácido. 4 sl arteiro, sagaz. 5 colinoso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > downy

  • 19 duvet

    ((also downie®) a type of quilt stuffed with feathers, down etc, used on a bed instead of blankets.) edredon
    * * *
    [d'u:vei] n edredão, cobertura acolchoada contendo penugem fina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > duvet

  • 20 eiderdown

    (a bedcover made of the down or soft feathers of the eider duck (a northern sea duck).) edredão
    * * *
    ['aid2daun] n 1 edredão, edredom. 2 penugem do êider.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > eiderdown

См. также в других словарях:

  • Feathers — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Beattie Feathers (1908 1979), US amerikanischer American Football Spieler und Trainer Charlie Feathers (1932 1998), US amerikanischer Countrymusiker Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Feathers — This interesting surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and has several possible sources. The first, and most probable being a metonymic name for a feather trader, or one who manufactured quilts. Another possibility is that of a supplier of quill pens …   Surnames reference

  • feathers — feath·er || feðə(r) n. one of the appendages which grow from a bird s skin (made up of thin strands projecting from a horny central stem); kind, nature v. produce feathers; furnish with feathers, decorate with feathers, stuff with feathers;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • feathers —    A belief, widely attested in the 19th century, was that if certain feathers other than those of domestic poultry, ducks, and geese were used in stuffing a pillow or a featherbed, any dying person lying on them would linger in agony.… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Feathers — A ca oo mah ca ye A ca oo mah ca ye, (Ac ko mok ki, Ak ko mock ki, A’kow muk ai) connu aussi sous le nom de Feathers (Plumes) ou d Old Swan (Vieux cygne) (mort en 1859 ou 1860)[1] était un chef de la tribu amérindienne des Pieds Noirs. Il avait… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • feathers — [plural noun] plumage, down, plumes * * * plural of feather present third singular of feather * * * feathers To rage, be furious ● spit …   Useful english dictionary

  • Feathers McGraw — is a fictional character who appears in the animated Wallace Gromit film The Wrong Trousers .A mute yet sinister penguin, Feathers appears after Wallace advertises for a lodger. As the story progresses, Feathers ingratiates himself with Wallace,… …   Wikipedia

  • Feathers Lodge — (Durbanville,Южно Африканская Республика) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес …   Каталог отелей

  • feathers fly — When people are fighting or arguing angrily, we can say that feathers are flying …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Feathers (Dead Meadow album) — Feathers is the fifth album by the Washington, D.C. based rock band Dead Meadow. It was released in 2005 [ [http://www.punknews.org/review/7045 Punknews.org | Dead Meadow Old Growth ] ] by Matador Records.Track listing# Let s Jump In 4:19 # Such… …   Wikipedia

  • Feathers in the Wind — Infobox Korean Film name = Feathers in the Wind image size = caption = Poster to Feathers in the Wind (2004) director = Song Il gon [Infobox data from imdb title|0453085|Git (2004) and cite web |url=http://wc05.allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll?p=avg sql=1 …   Wikipedia

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