Перевод: с английского на чешский

с чешского на английский


  • 1 arrest

    [ə'rest] 1. verb
    1) (to capture or take hold of (a person) because he or she has broken the law: The police arrested the thief.) zatknout
    2) (to stop: Economic difficulties arrested the growth of industry.) zastavit
    2. noun
    1) (the act of arresting; being arrested: The police made several arrests; He was questioned after his arrest.) zatčení
    2) (a stopping of action: Cardiac arrest is another term for heart failure.) zastavení, zástava (srdce)
    * * *
    • zatčení
    • zatknout
    • aretovat

    English-Czech dictionary > arrest

  • 2 house arrest

    (a type of arrest in which a person is not allowed to leave his own house: He was kept under house arrest.) domácí vězení
    * * *
    • domácí vězení

    English-Czech dictionary > house arrest

  • 3 under arrest

    (in the position of having been arrested: The thief was placed under arrest.) ve vazbě
    * * *
    • ve vazbě

    English-Czech dictionary > under arrest

  • 4 cardiac arrest

    • srdeční zástava

    English-Czech dictionary > cardiac arrest

  • 5 You are under arrest!

    • Jste zatčen!

    English-Czech dictionary > You are under arrest!

  • 6 apprehend

    1) (to arrest: The police apprehended the thief.) zatknout
    2) (to understand.) chápat, porozumět
    - apprehensive
    - apprehensively
    - apprehensiveness
    * * *
    • zatknout
    • pochopit
    • dopadnout

    English-Czech dictionary > apprehend

  • 7 evidence

    1) (information etc that gives reason for believing something; proof (eg in a law case): Have you enough evidence (of his guilt) to arrest him?) důkaz
    2) ((an) indication; a sign: Her bag on the table was the only evidence of her presence.) znak, známka
    * * *
    • vypovídat
    • záznam
    • svědectví
    • evidence
    • důkaz

    English-Czech dictionary > evidence

  • 8 house

    1. plural - houses; noun
    1) (a building in which people, especially a single family, live: Houses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.) dům
    2) (a place or building used for a particular purpose: a hen-house; a public house.) kurník; hostinec
    3) (a theatre, or the audience in a theatre: There was a full house for the first night of the play.) sál
    4) (a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants: the house of David.) dům
    2. verb
    1) (to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter: All these people will have to be housed; The animals are housed in the barn.) ubytovat (se)
    2) (to store or keep somewhere: The electric generator is housed in the garage.) umístit
    - housing benefit
    - house agent
    - house arrest
    - houseboat
    - housebreaker
    - housebreaking
    - house-fly
    - household
    - householder
    - household word
    - housekeeper
    - housekeeping
    - houseman
    - housetrain
    - house-warming
    3. adjective
    a house-warming party.) oslavující nový byt
    - housework
    - like a house on fire
    * * *
    • stavení
    • sněmovna
    • house
    • dům
    • domovní

    English-Czech dictionary > house

  • 9 in the name of

    (by the authority of: I arrest you in the name of the Queen.) jménem
    * * *
    • jménem

    English-Czech dictionary > in the name of

  • 10 power

    1) ((an) ability: A witch has magic power; A cat has the power of seeing in the dark; He no longer has the power to walk.) moc, schopnost
    2) (strength, force or energy: muscle power; water-power; ( also adjective) a power tool (=a tool operated by electricity etc. not by hand).) síla; mechanický
    3) (authority or control: political groups fighting for power; How much power does the Queen have?; I have him in my power at last) moc
    4) (a right belonging to eg a person in authority: The police have the power of arrest.) pravomoc
    5) (a person with great authority or influence: He is quite a power in the town.) vlivná osobnost
    6) (a strong and influential country: the Western powers.) mocnost
    7) (the result obtained by multiplying a number by itself a given number of times: 2 × 2 × 2 or 23 is the third power of 2, or 2 to the power of 3.) mocnina
    - powerful
    - powerfully
    - powerfulness
    - powerless
    - powerlessness
    - power cut
    - failure
    - power-driven
    - power point
    - power station
    - be in power
    * * *
    • proud
    • síla
    • moc
    • mocnina
    • mocnost
    • energie

    English-Czech dictionary > power

  • 11 resist

    1) (to fight against, usually successfully: The soldiers resisted the enemy attack; He tried to resist arrest; It's hard to resist temptation.) odolat, vzdorovat
    2) (to be able to stop oneself doing, taking etc (something): I couldn't resist kicking him when he bent down; I just can't resist strawberries.) odolat
    3) (to be unaffected or undamaged by: a metal that resists rust/acids.) být odolný (vůči)
    - resistant
    * * *
    • vzepřít se
    • odolat
    • bránit se

    English-Czech dictionary > resist

  • 12 sanctuary

    ['sæŋk uəri]
    plural - sanctuaries; noun
    1) (a holy or sacred place: the sanctuary of the god Apollo.) svatyně
    2) (a place of safety from eg arrest: In earlier times a criminal could use a church as a sanctuary.) útočiště
    3) (an area of land in which the killing of wild animals etc is forbidden: a bird sanctuary.) rezervace
    * * *
    • útočiště
    • svatostánek
    • svatyně
    • azyl

    English-Czech dictionary > sanctuary

  • 13 sensation

    1) (the ability to feel through the sense of touch: Cold can cause a loss of sensation in the fingers and toes.) cítění
    2) (a feeling: a sensation of faintness.) pocit
    3) (a general feeling, or a cause, of excitement or horror: The murder caused a sensation; His arrest was the sensation of the week.) senzace
    - sensationally
    * * *
    • senzace
    • rozruch

    English-Czech dictionary > sensation

  • 14 warrant

    ['worənt] 1. verb
    1) (to justify: A slight cold does not warrant your staying off work.) ospravedlnit
    2) (an old word to state confidently or (be willing to) bet that: I'll warrant he's gone riding instead of doing his work.) garantovat
    2. noun
    (something that gives authority, especially a legal document giving the police the authority for searching someone's house, arresting someone etc: The police have a warrant for his arrest.) příkaz
    * * *
    • zaručit
    • zatykač
    • plná moc
    • písemný příkaz
    • příkaz k domovní prohlídce
    • příkaz k úřední prohlídce
    • rozkaz
    • oprávnění
    • ospravedlnit

    English-Czech dictionary > warrant

  • 15 bring to justice

    (to arrest, try and sentence (a criminal): The murderer escaped but was finally brought to justice.) předat soudu

    English-Czech dictionary > bring to justice

См. также в других словарях:

  • arrest — ar·rest 1 /ə rest/ n [Middle French arest, from arester to stop, seize, arrest, ultimately from Latin ad to, at + restare to stay]: the restraining and seizure of a person whether or not by physical force by someone acting under authority (as a… …   Law dictionary

  • arrest — Arrest. s. m. Jugement d une Cour, d une Justice superieure, par lequel une question de fait ou de droit est arrestée. Arrest du Conseil. arrest du Parlement. arrest interlocutoire. arrest par deffaut. arrest definitif. arrest contradictoire.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • arrest — Arrest, m. C est ores le jugement d une Cour souveraine, Supremae curiae consultum iudicatum. En laquelle signification aucuns veulent dire qu il le faut escrire par simple r, comme venant de {{t=g}}aréston{{/t}} placitum curiae, toutefois les… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • arrest — vb 1 Arrest, check, interrupt mean to stop in mid course. Arrest implies a holding fixed in the midst of movement, development, or progress and usually a prevention of further advance until someone or something effects a release {arrest the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Arrest — Ar*rest , n. [OE. arest, arrest, OF. arest, F. arr[^e]t, fr. arester. See {Arrest}, v. t., {Arr?t}.] 1. The act of stopping, or restraining from further motion, etc.; stoppage; hindrance; restraint; as, an arrest of development. [1913 Webster] As …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arrest — Ar*rest , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Arrested}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Arresting}.] [OE. aresten, OF. arester, F. arr[^e]ter, fr. LL. arrestare; L. ad + restare to remain, stop; re + stare to stand. See {Rest} remainder.] 1. To stop; to check or hinder the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arrest — steht für: Arrest (JVA), eine Disziplinarmaßnahme in einer Justizvollzugsanstalt Arrest (Zivilprozess), eine Maßnahme zur Sicherung der Zwangsvollstreckung Hausarrest, das Gebot, ein Haus oder eine Wohnung nicht zu verlassen Jugendarrest, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Arrest — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arrest C …   Wikipedia Español

  • Arrest — Sm std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Vermutlich über das Niederländische entlehnt aus afrz. arrest Beschlagnahme, Festhalten, (später) Haftbefehl, Verhaftung , das eine postverbale Bildung zu afrz. arrester ist (entsprechend früher im Deutschen bezeugt …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • arrest — [n1] taking into custody accommodation, apprehension, appropriation, bag*, booby trap*, bust, captivity, capture, collar, commitment, confinement, constraint, crimp*, detention, drop*, fall*, gaff*, glom*, grab*, heat*, hook*, imprisonment,… …   New thesaurus

  • arrèst — m. arrêt ; station ; jugement ; terme. Metre un arrèst ais iniquitats. Chin d arrèst : chien d arrêt …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

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