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ample quantity

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ample — Am ple, a. [F. ample, L. amplus, prob. for ambiplus full on both sides, the last syllable akin to L. plenus full. See {Full}, and cf. {Double}.] Large; great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk; spacious; roomy; widely extended. [1913 Webster] All …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ample — Fowler (1926) wrote that ample was ‘legitimate only with nouns denoting immaterial or abstract things’ such as opportunity, praise, provision, and time. He did not accept that it could be properly used in attributive position before nouns like… …   Modern English usage

  • ample, enough — Ample means more than enough, more than adequate in size, capacity, or scope. Enough means sufficient, in or to a degree or quantity that satisfies. Since ample means what it does, it is silly to attempt to qualify it; barely ample and scarcely… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • ample — Synonyms and related words: abounding, abundant, adequate, affluent, all sufficing, amplify, amplitudinous, aplenty, augment, barely sufficient, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, broad, capacious, commensurate, commodious, competent, complete,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • quantity — Synonyms and related words: Alexandrine, a mass of, a world of, abundance, accent, accentuation, accommodation, account, acres, affluence, aggregate, amount, amphibrach, amphimacer, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplitude, anacrusis, anapest,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • ample — adj 1. big, large, considerable, amplitudinous, Scot. wally; spacious, capacious, commodious, roomy; vast, great, immense, huge, boundless, voluminous; wide, broad, outspread, expansive, extensive. 2. plentiful, plenteous, plenitudinous,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • plenty — /plen tee/, n., pl. plenties, adj., adv. n. 1. a full or abundant supply or amount: There is plenty of time. 2. the state or quality of being plentiful; abundance: resources in plenty. 3. an abundance, as of goods or luxuries, or a time of such… …   Universalium

  • plenty — n., adj., & adv. n. (often foll. by of) a great or sufficient quantity or number (we have plenty; plenty of time). adj. colloq. existing in an ample quantity. adv. colloq. fully, entirely (it is plenty large enough). Etymology: ME plenteth,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • abundance — noun Date: 14th century 1. an ample quantity ; profusion 2. affluence, wealth 3. relative degree of plentifulness < low abundances of uranium and thorium H. C. Urey > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • List of individuals executed in Missouri — A total of 66 individuals convicted of murder have been executed by the state of Missouri since 1976. All were by executed by lethal injection. All executions in Missouri were suspended between June 26, 2006, and June 4, 2007, due to a federal… …   Wikipedia

  • Air University (Pakistan) — Infobox University name =Air University established =2002 type =Public endowment = staff = faculty = chancellor =Air Marshal Qazi Javed Ahmed rector = pro rector = students = undergrad = postgrad = doctoral = profess = city =Islamabad state =… …   Wikipedia

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