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  • 1 من

    مِن \ by: (showing how sth. is done): We hold things by the handle. We know people by name. We learn by experience. We earn money by working. from: showing the time that sth. started: I waited from six o’clock till eight, showing where sth. began or was obtained Are men descended from monkeys? He read aloud from the newspaper, showing cause He suffered from stomach pains, showing the lower limit of costs, numbers, etc. New bicycles cost from $60 to $90 each, showing a change The price rose from 20 pence to 25 pence, showing difference I don’t know one from the other, showing the place that one has left He arrived from Glasgow. of: (after a noun) showing contents, amount, kind, etc.: a cup of coffee (a cup that contains coffee); a cupful of coffee (enough coffee to fill a cup); a pound of sugar (sugar that weighs a pound); a piece of bread (not a whole loaf), (after an adj. or verb) concerning; about: I’m sure of it. She’s afraid of mice, (after a verb) showing a cause He died of hunger, (after an adj.) showing who did sth. and how he did it It was kind of your father to invite me (Your father was kind...), (after a participle) showing how sth. is formed a dress made of silk. than: used in comparing two objects; here the second subject and verb are always left out: I like you better than him (I like you better than I like him), used in comparing two subjects; it is better to put in the second verb, although some writers leave it out He is taller than I (am). He runs faster than I (do). \ مِن أَجْل \ because of: as a result of: Because of his illness, he could not travel. for: because of: He jumped for joy. She was sent to prison for stealing. for sb. to do sth.: that sb. should do sth.: I’m anxious for him to pass his exams. sake, for the sake of, for sb.’s sake: for the desire of: Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?, for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake. towards: as a help to: He gave me $5 towards the cost of my bicycle. \ مِن أَجْل ذلك \ hence: (often with no verb) for this reason: My car broke down; hence my late arrival. \ مِن أحدث طِراز \ up to date: up to the present moment; modern; knowing or showing the latest facts: Give me an up-to-date report on political events in South America. \ مِن أَصْل \ out: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ preferably: if possible: Any day suits me, but preferably not Sunday. \ مِن الأَفْضَل \ had better: would be wise to: You had better try again tomorrow. \ See Also الأَجْدى لِـ \ مِن الآن \ hence: from now: A week hence I shall be in Rome. \ مِن... إلى \ from... to...: (without a or the) showing passage of time, distance in space, or repeated action: He visits me from time to time. He went from house to house in search of work. \ مِن آن إلى آخر \ every now and again, every now and then: again and again, but with no regular space between. \ مِن الآن فَصَاعِدًا \ henceforth, henceforward: from now on; in future. on: onwards: From now on I shall be more careful. \ مِن البداية إلى النهاية \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن بَعْدُ \ since: after; during the period after: I saw him on Tuesday, but I haven’t seen him since. I’ve been thinking about him ever since. \ مِن بَعيد \ from afar: from a great distance. \ مِن بَين \ out of: from among: Ten out of the twenty people were late. \ مِن ثَمَّ \ subsequently: afterwards: He became ill in the winter, and subsequently died. \ مِن جَانِبٍ إِلَى آخر \ across: form one side to the other: Run across before a car comes. The river is half a mile across. over: so that a different side is upwards: Turn the page over. Roll the body over. \ مِن جَديد \ afresh: again; making a new beginning: Tear up this page and start afresh. \ مِن جَمِيع الجهَات \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن جَمِيع الوُجوه تقريبًا \ to all intents and purposes: in regard to all that matters: To all intents and purposes, the work is finished (though a few unimportant points remain to be dealt with). \ مِن جِهة \ in respect of, with respect to, respecting: concerning: a bill in respect of car repairs. on the part of: in the case of; so far as sb. is concerned: There was no mistake on her part (If there was a mistake, it was not hers). \ مِن جهة ومِن الجهة الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن الحديد \ iron: made of iron; as strong as iron: an iron bar; an iron will. \ مِن حُسن التوفيق \ happily: fortunately: Happily, he was not hurt in the accident. a good job: a fortunate thing: It’s a good job that you crossed before the bridge fell. fortunately: adv. as the result of good fortune: He fell down but fortunately did not hurt himself. \ See Also لحسن الحظ (لِحُسْنِ الحَظّ)‏ \ مِن حَوْل \ around: on all sides (of); round; here and there: The boys were running around. A crowd gathered around me. \ مِن حَيْثُ شَخْصُهُ \ personally: as a person (in regard to character); socially: I like him personally, but I dislike his political ideas. \ مِن حِين لآخَر \ occasional: happening sometimes, but not regularly: We had an occasional quarrel. now and again, now and then: sometimes. \ مِن خِلال \ through: from one side to the other; from one end to the other: He drove a nail through (the board). A river ran through (the town). Water runs through pipes. I looked through the window, but I couldn’t see far through the mist. I read through my notes. \ مِن الدرجة الأولى \ first-class, first-rate: of the best quality: He is a first-class photographer. \ مِن سُخْرِية الأقدار \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِنَ الشرق \ eastern: belonging to the east. \ مِن صُنْعِ اليَد \ hand-made: made by hand, not by a machine: Hand-made shoes. \ مِن الضروريّ أن كما \ must: (p.t.. had to, neg.. needn’t, don’t/didn’t need to; don’t/didn’t have to) need to: You must go now, mustn’t you? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t go yet. \ مِن الطبيعيّ \ it goes without saying (that): naturally; of course: The invitation was sent to me; but it goes without saying that my wife is included. \ مِن الطراز القديم \ old-fashioned: (of people) holding on to old ideas and customs; (of things) not modern; no longer used. \ مِن طَرَف لآخر \ through: passing from one side or place to another; making a continuous journey: a through train. \ مِن عَجيب التَّقادِير \ ironic(al): (of events) like a cruel joke: It was ironical that she should break her leg just when she had at last got a job as a dancer. \ مِن عَلى ظهر السفينة \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن غَيْر \ without: not with; not having: Without doubt, this is the best. I did it without his help. He took my bicycle without asking me. \ مِن غَيْر حَرَج \ freely: readily: They freely accepted my advice. \ مِنَ الفراء \ fur: animal skin, with the fur on it, used as clothing: a coat with a collar of fur; a fur hat. \ مِنَ الفِراش \ up: out of bed: I get up at 6.30 every morning. We stayed up very late last night. \ مِن فَضْلِك \ kindly: please!: kindly close the door!. please: (when asking) giving a polite order: Please stop that noise. A cup of coffee, please, asking for a favour or for permission Will you help me, please? Please, may I use your pen?. \ مِن فَوْق \ over: across, from one side of sth. to the other: He jumped over the fence. The gate was locked, so he climbed over. \ مِن فَوق سَطْح المَرْكَب \ overboard: over the side of a boat, and into the water: They jumped overboard when the ship was on fire. \ مِن قَبْل \ ago: before the present time: 100 years ago; a short while ago. already: before this time: She’s already married. before: at an earlier time (than): I have been here before. beforehand: before; early; in readiness: If you want your dinner early, warn the cook beforehand. \ مِن قِبَل \ by: (showing who or what did sth.): He was bitten by a dog. \ مِن قَلْبٍ مُخْلص \ heartily: thoroughly: I heartily agree with you. \ مِنَ المُؤسِف \ pity: (with a) an unfortunate fact or happening: It’s a pity that you can’t go with us to the cinema. \ مِنَ المُحَتَّم \ bound, (bind, bound) to: certain to: He’s bound to win. \ See Also المُؤَكَّد أَنّ \ مِنَ المُحْتَمَل \ likely: (usu. with very, most, more or quite) probably: She’s very likely right. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired. \ مِن مُدّةٍ قريبة \ the other day: a few days ago: I met your son the other day. \ مِن المَرْتَبَة أو الدَّرَجة الثّانِية \ second-class: of the next level below that of top quality: The less comfortable second-class seats were much cheaper than the first-class ones. \ مِن المَفْروض أنّ \ be supposed to: to have a duty to; be expected to: You’re supposed to be working now, not playing. You’re not supposed to be here (You ought not be here). \ مِن مَكانٍ لآخَر \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. \ مِن المُمْكِن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (with an if clause, showing a possibility that depends on sth. else) would be able to: She could buy it if you lent her the money. possibly: perhaps: Possibly you can help. well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired.. \ مِنَ المُمْكِن أن \ could, (could not, couldn’t): (showing a simple possibility): You could telephone her (if you wanted to). might: expressing a weak possibility (future, present or past): She might do that tomorrow; she might be doing it at this moment; she might even have done it already (but I doubt that she has done it or ever will do it). \ مِنْ ناحية... مِنَ الناحية الأخرى \ on the one hand, on the other hand: comparing opposite facts or ideas; the first phrase is often left out: (On the one hand) you can live more cheaply in the country; on the other hand, work is harder to find there. \ مِن النّاحية النظريّة \ in theory: as an idea; according to ideas: Your plan may work in theory, but it will not work in practice. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ earl: the title of a British nobleman. \ مِنَ النُّبَلاء \ noble: of high rank: a woman of noble birth. \ See Also الأشراف \ مِنْ نِتاج الوَطَن \ home-grown: (of food) grown in one’s own country, not in another country: home-grown vegetables. \ مِنْ نُسْخَتَين \ in duplicate: on two separate copies: Please complete this list in duplicate. \ مِنْ نَسْل \ descendant: sb. who is descended from a person: a descendant of Queen Victoria. \ See Also ذرية (ذُرِّيَّة)‏ \ مِنْ نَفْس البَلَد \ countryman, countrymen: (usu. fellow countryman) a person of the same nation as another. \ مِنْ نوع راق \ classical: of proved and lasting value: classical music. \ مَنْ هُم أَعْلَى مقَامًا \ betters, one’s betters: those who have more experience or higher rank than onself: Treat your betters with more respect. \ See Also أَرْفَع شَأنًا مِن \ مِن هُنَا \ away: (with verbs of movement) to a distance: Go away! We drove the dog away. by: past: Please let me (get) by. He smiled as he went by. \ مَن هو أَعْلَى دَرَجَةً \ superior: sb. of higher rank: You must obey your superiors. \ مِن واجبه أن \ up to: the duty of: It’s up to his father to punish him. \ مِن وَاحِد إلى آخَر \ over: across, from one person to another: She handed over the keys to a friend. \ مِن الواضح \ much: (in comparison; before most, etc.) without doubt; clearly: He is much the most experienced player in the team. \ مِن وَراءِ ظَهْرِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ مِن وَقْت لاِخَر \ now and again: sometimes. off and on, on and off: not continuously; at one time and another: It has been raining off and on the whole day. sometimes: at certain times but not always: Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t. England sometimes has a hot summer, but not often.

    Arabic-English dictionary > من

  • 2 hobble

    ظَلَعَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp. \ عَرَجَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp.

    Arabic-English glossary > hobble

  • 3 limp

    ظَلَعَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp. \ عَرَجَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp.

    Arabic-English glossary > limp

  • 4 antique

    1. adjective
    1) old and usually valuable:

    an antique chair.

    2) old or old-fashioned:

    That car is positively antique.

    طِراز قَديم
    3) (of a shop etc) dealing in antiques:

    an antique business.

    (دُكّان (أثَرِيَّات قَديمَه
    2. noun
    something made long ago ( usually more than a hundred years ago) which is valuable or interesting:

    He collects antiques.

    أثَر قَديم

    Arabic-English dictionary > antique

  • 5 أدخل

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago. \ أَدْخَلَ البرغي بالخشب \ screw: to force (a screw) into wood. \ أَدْخَلَ أو أَخْرَجَ خُلْسَةً \ smuggle: to take (sth.) or sb. secretly and unlawfully into or out of a country, etc.: He smuggles gold. We smuggled him out of prison. \ See Also هرب (هَرَّب)‏ \ أَدْخَلَ بالقُوَّة \ ram: to push heavily, with great force: He rammed some stones into the hole. \ أَدْخَلَ في الحِساب \ count: to include: There was enough for everyone in the hotel, not counting the servants.

    Arabic-English dictionary > أدخل

  • 6 navy

    [ˈneɪvɪ] plural ˈnavies noun
    1) a country's warships and the people who work in and with them:

    I joined the navy fifteen years ago.

    2) ( also adjective ) ( also navy blue) (of) a dark blue colour:

    a navy (blue) jersey.

    لَوْن أزرَق كُحْلي

    Arabic-English dictionary > navy

  • 7 admit

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > admit

  • 8 enter

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > enter

  • 9 get, got, gotten

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > get, got, gotten

  • 10 incorporate

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > incorporate

  • 11 insert

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > insert

  • 12 introduce

    أَدْخَلَ \ admit: to let sb. enter: The cinema will not admit you without a ticket. enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. get, got, gotten: (with various adverbs and prepositions); to cause sb. or sth. to move or go: Can you get your arm through that hole?. incorporate: to make sth. (a country, a company, a report, etc.) part of sth. larger; include: Your ideas were incorporated in our plans. insert: to put (sth.) into sth.; put (sth.) between two things: Please insert this notice in your newspaper. Insert the key in the lock. Insert my name in the list, between yours and his. introduce: to bring in (sth. new): Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America, about 400 years ago.

    Arabic-English glossary > introduce

  • 13 ظلع

    ظَلَعَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ظلع

  • 14 عرج

    عَرَجَ \ hobble: to walk unsteadily because one’s leg is weak or painful or (of an animal) tied. limp: to walk unevenly, as when one leg is painful or damaged; (usu. sg.) an uneven walking movement: He broke his leg two years ago, and he still has a limp.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عرج

  • 15 مبتكر

    مُبْتَكِر \ pioneer: one of the first settlers in a new country; one of the first men to study a new subject or to make a new kind of machine, etc.: the pioneers of Canada; a pioneer photographer of 100 years ago. \ مُبْتَلّ \ soggy: (of ground or food) heavy and wet: a soggy field; soggy bread. wet: not dry; having liquid on the surface, or inside the material: wet hands; wet cloth.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مبتكر

  • 16 over

    1. preposition
    1) higher than; above in position, number, authority etc:

    He's over 90 years old.

    2) from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of:

    My friend lives over the street.

    فَوْق، في أعْلى، في الجِهَة الأخْرى
    3) covering:

    He put his handkerchief over his face.

    فوْقَ، على
    4) across:

    You find people like him all over the world.

    في كُل أنْحاء
    5) about:

    a quarrel over money.

    عَلى ، حَوْل
    6) by means of:

    He spoke to her over the telephone.

    7) during:

    Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.

    خِلال، عَلى مَر

    He fell asleep over his dinner.

    أثْناء، خِلال
    2. adverb
    1) higher, moving etc above:

    The plane flew over about an hour ago.

    2) used to show movement, change of position:

    He turned over the page.

    تُشير إلى حَرَكة الفِعْل: فَوْقَ
    3) across:

    He went over and spoke to them.

    عَبْرَ: إلى الجِهَةِ الأُخْرى
    4) downwards:

    He fell over.

    إلى أسْفَل

    for people aged twenty and over.

    أعْلى: تُشير إلى العَدَد
    6) remaining:

    There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.

    7) through from beginning to end, carefully:

    Talk it over between you.

    من البِدايَة حَتّى النِّهايَه
    3. adjective

    The affair is over now.

    4. noun
    (in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket:

    He bowled thirty overs in the match.

    ضَرْبَةُ في لُعْبَة الكريكيت
    1) too (much), as in overdo.
    2) in a higher position, as in overhead.
    3) covering, as in overcoat.
    من فوق، يُغطّي
    4) down from an upright position, as in overturn.
    5) completely, as in overcome.

    Arabic-English dictionary > over

  • 17 فترة

    فَتْرَة \ period: a length of time: a short period: a period of three hours. spell: a period of time: a long spell of fine weather. while: a period: I waited a long while. He arrived a short (or a little) while ago. \ فَتْرَة \ interval: a space (in time or distance) between two things: an interval of ten minutes between two parts of a play; a wire fence, with posts at three metre intervals. \ See Also مسافَة فاصِلة \ فَتْرَة ازدِحام الطُّرق والمُواصَلات \ rush hour: the time when crowds of people are travelling to or from work: Buses are packed full during the rush hours. \ فَتْرَة انْتِظار \ wait: a time or act of waiting: We missed the bus and had a long wait for the next one. \ فَتْرَة انقِطاع \ intermission: a short pause or rest before sth. continues (as between acts in the theatre). \ فَتْرَة رَاحَة \ respite: a short period of rest or escape: There was no respite from the continual firing of the guns. \ فَتْرَة زمنية \ lapse: (of time) a period that has passed without sth. happening: There was a lapse of two years between his visits. time: a particular moment: Last time I saw him (When I last saw him), he looked ill. \ See Also مرة (مَرَّة)‏ \ فَتْرَة الصَّوْم الكبير قبل عيد الفِصْح \ Lent: (in the Christian religion) a period of forty days before Easter. \ فَتْرَة عشر سَنَوات \ decade: a period of ten years. \ لِفَتْرَةٍ طَويلَةٍ \ for ages: infml., for a long time: I haven’t seen him for ages. \ لِفَتْرَةٍ قَصِيرَةٍ \ a while: for a short time: Let’s wait a while.

    Arabic-English dictionary > فترة

  • 18 انتهائي

    اِنتْهائيّ \ final, terminal. \ اِنْتَهَى \ be gone: spent; finished worn out; dead: His money was all gone. break up: (at the end of a school term) to stop work: John (or John’s school) will break up on Thursday. cease: to stop; come to an end: The noise suddenly ceased. He ceased caring (or to care) about his health long ago. close: to come to an end: Her speech closed with a funny joke. end: to come to a finish: The story ends with his death. finish: to come to an end: The meal finished with a joke. run out: (of a supply) to be finished; (of a person) to finish one’s supply (of sth.): Our car stopped when the petrol ran out. We had run out of petrol. \ اِنْتَهَى أجَلُه \ expire: (of time; of things governed by time - permission, a ticket, an offer, etc.) to come to an end: The trade agreement between the two countries expires in three years. \ اِنْتَهَى إلى \ conclude: to arrive at an opinion (after thought): As we knocked on your door and no one opened it, we concluded that you were out. \ See Also استنتج (اِسْتَنْتَجَ)‏ \ اِنْتَهَى من عملٍ ما \ be through (with): to have finished: Are you through with that book yet? No, I’ll be through soon. \ اِنتهت مُدّة صَلاحِيته \ invalid: not correct; no longer useable or suitable for use: an invalid passport.

    Arabic-English dictionary > انتهائي

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