1 usually
عَادَةً \ generally: usually: I generally go to bed at eleven o’clock. mostly: chiefly; usually: Their houses are mostly built of brick. ordinarily: usually. usually: customarily; at most times: We usually meet on Sundays. -
2 usually
غَالِبًا \ for the most part: mostly: He is old and for the most part he stays at home. mainly: chiefly; mostly. mostly: chiefly; usually: Their houses are mostly built of brick. usually: customarily; at most times: We usually meet on Sundays. -
3 usually
adverbon most occasions:عادَةًUsually we finish work at 5 o'clock.
4 potato crisp
( usually crisp: American potato chip: usually in plural)a thin, crisp, fried slice of potato:رَقائِق البَطاطاa packet of (potato) crisps.
5 as a general rule
usually; in most cases:بِصورَة عامّه، على وجْه العُمومAs a general rule, we don't employ unskilled workers.
6 as a rule
usually:عادَةًI don't go out in the evening as a rule.
7 care of
8 have up
( usually with for)to make (a person) appear in court to answer some charge:يُسْتَدْعى إلى المَحْكَمَهHe was had up for drunken driving.
9 horsepower
( usually abbreviated to h.p. when written) nouna standard unit used to measure the power of engines, cars etc.قُدْرَة حِصانيَّه: وحدة لِقِياس قُوَّة المُحَرِّك -
10 in general
usually; in most cases; most of (a group of people etc):بصورة عامّهPeople were in general not very sympathetic.
11 know one's own mind
( usually in negative) to know what one really thinks, wants to do etc:يَعْرِفُ ماذا يُريد بالضَّبْطShe doesn't know her own mind yet about abortion.
12 long-playing record
13 odd jobs
( usually small) jobs of various kinds, often done for other people:أعْمال وَقْتِيَّه أو إضافِيَّهHe's unemployed, but earns some money by doing odd jobs for old people.
14 open fire
15 public house
( usually abbreviated to pub [pab])a house where alcoholic drinks are sold to the public.حانَه، خَمّارَه -
16 tell apart
( usually with can, *cannot etc)to recognize the difference between; to distinguish:يُمّيِّز بَيْن شَخْص وآخَرI cannot tell the twins apart.
17 Union Jack
18 zip fastener
( usually zip or ˈzipper)a device for fastening clothes etc, in which two rows of metal or nylon teeth are made to fit each other when a sliding tab is pulled along them.زمام الثِياب، سَحّاب -
19 عادة
عَادَةً \ generally: usually: I generally go to bed at eleven o’clock. mostly: chiefly; usually: Their houses are mostly built of brick. ordinarily: usually. usually: customarily; at most times: We usually meet on Sundays. -
20 generally
عَادَةً \ generally: usually: I generally go to bed at eleven o’clock. mostly: chiefly; usually: Their houses are mostly built of brick. ordinarily: usually. usually: customarily; at most times: We usually meet on Sundays.
См. также в других словарях:
usually — index as a rule, generally, invariably Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
usually — (adv.) late 15c., from USUAL (Cf. usual) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
usually — [adv] for the most part as a rule, as is the custom, as is usual, as usual, by and large, commonly, consistently, customarily, frequently, generally, habitually, in the main, mainly, more often than not, mostly, most often, normally, now and… … New thesaurus
usually — [[t]ju͟ːʒuəli[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV before v, ADV with cl/group If something usually happens, it is the thing that most often happens in a particular situation. The best information about hotels usually comes from friends and acquaintances who have … English dictionary
usually — u|su|al|ly W1S1 [ˈju:ʒuəli, ˈju:ʒəli] adv used to talk about what happens on most occasions or in most situations ▪ Women usually live longer than men. ▪ Usually I wear black, grey, or brown. ▪ The drive usually takes 15 or 20 minutes … Dictionary of contemporary English
usually — u|su|al|ly [ juʒuəli ] adverb *** used for saying what happens or what people do in most situations: What time do you usually go to bed? We don t usually see each other on the weekend. She s usually home by this time … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
usually */*/*/ — UK [ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ] / US [ˈjuʒuəlɪ] adverb used for saying what happens, or what people do in most situations What time do you usually go to bed? We don t usually see each other at weekends. She s usually home by this time … English dictionary
usually*/*/*/ — [ˈjuːʒʊəli] adv used for saying what happens in most situations, or what people do in most situations Syn: normally What time do you usually go to bed?[/ex] We don t usually see each other at weekends.[/ex] She s usually home by this time.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
usually — adv. Usually is used with these adjectives: ↑fatal, ↑restricted, ↑tranquil Usually is used with these verbs: ↑appear, ↑assume, ↑consist, ↑employ, ↑entail, ↑exceed, ↑imply, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
usually — adverb used when describing what happens on most occasions or in most situations: I m usually in bed by 11.30. | Women usually live longer than men … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
usually — adverb /juːʒʊəli/ a) Most of the time; less than always, but more than occasionally. Except for one or two days a year, he usually walks to work. b) Under normal conditions. Syn: generally, mainly, commonly … Wiktionary