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water wagon

См. также в других словарях:

  • water wagon — 1. a wagon used to transport water, as in military field operations or on a construction site. 2. on the water wagon. See wagon (def. 12). [1805 15] * * * …   Universalium

  • water wagon — /ˈwɔtə wægən/ (say wawtuh waguhn) noun 1. → water cart. –phrase 2. on the water wagon, Colloquial teetotal …  

  • water wagon — noun a wagon that carries water (as for troops or work gangs or to sprinkle down dusty dirt roads in the summertime) • Syn: ↑water waggon • Hypernyms: ↑wagon, ↑waggon …   Useful english dictionary

  • water wagon — noun Date: 1902 a wagon or motortruck equipped with a tank or barrels for hauling water or for sprinkling …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • water wagon — wa′ter wag on n. bui a wagon used to transport water, as in military field operations or on a construction site • Etymology: 1805–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • water wagon — See: ON THE WAGON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • water wagon — See: ON THE WAGON …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • water\ wagon — See: on the wagon …   Словарь американских идиом

  • wagon — [wag′ən] n. [Du wagen < PGmc * wagna : see WAIN] 1. any of various types of four wheeled vehicles; specif., a) a horse drawn vehicle for hauling heavy loads b) a small cart pulled or steered by means of a pole handle and used by children in… …   English World dictionary

  • on the water wagon — phrasal abstaining from alcoholic beverages ; on the wagon …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • on the water wagon — adverb (or adjective) : on the wagon …   Useful english dictionary

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