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water blister

См. также в других словарях:

  • water blister — n. a blister containing a clear, watery fluid without pus or blood …   English World dictionary

  • water blister — noun blister containing a nonpurulent clear watery content • Hypernyms: ↑blister, ↑bulla, ↑bleb * * * noun 1. : a blister with a clear watery content that is not purulent or sanguineous compare blood blister 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Water blister — A blister with clear watery contents that is not purulent (does not contain pus) and is not sanguineous (does not contain blood). A blister is medically termed a vesicle. One that is more than 5 mm in diameter with thin walls and is full of… …   Medical dictionary

  • water blister — a blister that contains a clear, serous fluid, as distinguished from a blood blister, in which the fluid contains blood. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • water blister — /ˈwɔtə blɪstə/ (say wawtuh blistuh) noun a blister which contains a clear, serous fluid, as distinguished from a blood blister, in which the fluid is sanguineous …  

  • water blister — noun Date: 1836 a blister with a clear watery content …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • water blister — wa′ter blis ter n. pat a blister containing a clear fluid • Etymology: 1890–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • water — [wôt′ər, wät′ər] n. [ME < OE wæter, akin to Ger wasser < IE * wodōr < * wed , to wet (< base * awed , to moisten, flow) > Gr hydōr, water, L unda, a wave, Russ voda, water, Ir uisce, water] 1. the colorless, transparent liquid… …   English World dictionary

  • Blister — A collection of fluid underneath the top layer of skin (epidermis). One that is more than 5 mm in diameter with thin walls and is full of watery fluid is called a bulla or a bleb. There are many causes of blisters including burns, friction forces …   Medical dictionary

  • water — n. & v. n. 1 a colourless transparent odourless tasteless liquid compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Usage: Chem. formula: H2O 2 a liquid consisting chiefly of this and found in seas, lakes, and rivers, in rain, and in secretions of organisms. 3 an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blister agent — A blister agent (also known as a vesicant) is a chemical compound that causes severe skin, eye and mucosal pain and irritation. They are named for their ability to cause severe chemical burns, resulting in large, painful water blisters on the… …   Wikipedia

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