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  • 21 ♦ trouble

    ♦ trouble /ˈtrʌbl/
    1 agitazione; afflizione; ansietà; dolore; preoccupazione; pena: Life is full of small troubles, la vita è piena di piccole afflizioni
    2 agitazione; tumulto popolare; disordine: labour troubles, agitazioni operaie
    3 [uc] disturbo; fastidio; incomodo; molestia; seccatura: It will be no trouble, non sarà di nessun fastidio; I'm afraid that boy is a great trouble to you, temo che quel ragazzo sia una gran seccatura per voi; to make trouble, dar fastidio; combinare guai; essere un seccatore; to put sb. to a lot of trouble, procurare molto disturbo a q.; to take the trouble to do st., prendersi il fastidio (o darsi la pena) di fare qc.: He never takes the trouble to write, non si dà certo la pena di scrivere; It isn't worth the trouble, non ne vale la pena; to spare sb. the trouble, risparmiare il fastidio a q.
    4 [u] guaio; imbroglio; impiccio; pasticcio (fig.): to be in trouble, essere nei guai (o nei pasticci, negli impicci); Are you asking for trouble?, vai in cerca di guai?; I told you you would get into trouble, te l'avevo detto che ti saresti cacciato nei guai; to get out of trouble, cavarsi da un imbroglio; tirarsi fuori dai guai; He's nothing but trouble, non sa dare altro che guai; mechanical trouble, guai meccanici
    5 [uc] (med.) disturbo; disturbi; disordine; disfunzione: to suffer from liver trouble, soffrire di disturbi di fegato
    6 [u] (mecc.) inconveniente; guasto: I've had some trouble with the engine of my car, ho avuto dei guasti (o delle noie) al motore dell'auto; engine trouble, guai al motore
    7 difetto; punto debole; brutto vizio: Your trouble is that you don't listen, hai il brutto vizio di non ascoltare
    8 (pl.) (polit., stor.) the Troubles, i disordini e la guerra civile in Irlanda nel 1919-23; i disordini nell'Irlanda del Nord dopo il 1968
    ● (scherz. ingl.) trouble and strife, la propria moglie; la moglie □ trouble-free, senza problemi; privo di difficoltà □ (autom., ecc.) trouble light, lampada d'emergenza □ (polit.) a trouble spot, un punto caldo □ (fam. USA) to borrow trouble, farsi preoccupazioni senza una vera ragione; essere troppo ansioso □ (fig.) to drown one's troubles, affogare i dispiaceri nell'alcol □ (fam.) to get a girl into trouble, mettere nei guai una ragazza; metterla incinta □ to get sb. into trouble, metter q. nei guai; cacciare q. in un imbroglio; inguaiare q. to give oneself trouble, darsi da fare; darsi pena □ No trouble ( at all), non è affatto un disturbo!
    (to) trouble /ˈtrʌbl/
    A v. t.
    1 agitare; turbare; affliggere; preoccupare; tormentare: I was troubled by the news of his illness, sono stato turbato dalla notizia della sua malattia; He is troubled with ( o by) a bad cold, è tormentato da un brutto raffreddore
    2 disturbare; importunare; infastidire; creare problemi a; incomodare; seccare: ( I am) sorry to trouble you, mi dispiace di doverti disturbare; You don't trouble me at all, non mi disturbi affatto; May I trouble you to change seats with me?, posso darle l'incomodo di cambiar posto con me?
    3 (lett.) agitare, muovere ( l'acqua, ecc.)
    B v. i.
    1 agitarsi; affliggersi; turbarsi; preoccuparsi: Don't trouble about it, non preoccuparti!; non prendertela!
    2 disturbarsi; incomodarsi; darsi (o prendersi) la pena: Don't trouble to see me off at the airport, non incomodarti ad accompagnarmi all'aeroporto!
    to be troubled about (o with) money matters, avere delle preoccupazioni finanziarie □ to trouble oneself, disturbarsi; incomodarsi; darsi (o prendersi) la pena: He didn't even trouble himself to thank me, non si prese neanche la pena di ringraziarmi □ to be troubled with a bad back, soffrire di mal di schiena □ (form.) May I trouble you for a glass of water?, potrebbe gentilmente darmi un bicchiere d'acqua? □ (form.) May I trouble you to shut the door?, Le dispiacerebbe chiudere la porta?

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ trouble

  • 22 беспокоить(ся)

    1. to disturb; 2. to trouble; 3. to bother; 4. to worry; 5. to be/to feel anxious
    Русские глаголы беспокоить/беспокоиться обозначают нарушение покоя или спокойствия как в физической сфере (положение, порядок), так и в области эмоций. Английские эквиваленты отличаются тем, что некоторые из них относятся только к области эмоций или к физической сфере, а некоторые используются, как и русский глагол, в том и другом случаях.
    1. to disturb — беспокоить, тревожить, мешать, нарушать (прерывать чьи-либо действия или какое-либо состояние, тревожить коголибо, сделать что-либо, что вызовет неприятное чувство): to disturb the silence of the night — нарушать молчание ночи/нарушить молчание ночи; to disturb the balance of things — нарушать равновесие; to disturb smb's peace of mind — нарушать чей-либо душевный покой; to disturb smb's sleep — нарушить чей-либо сон; to disturb smb's thoughts — беспокоить мысли; to disturb smb — мешать кому-либо/беспокоить кого-либо. I did not want to disturb you in the middle of the meeting. — Я не хотел беспокоить вас во время собрания./Я не хотел беспокоить вас в разгар собрания. Sorry to disturb you, but do you know where Mr. Snow is? — Простите за беспокойство, вы не знаете, где сейчас мистер Сноу? Her sleep was disturbed by a violent hammering on the door. — Ее сон был нарушен громким стуком в дверь./Ее разбудил громкий стук в дверь. They were deeply disturbed by the violence. — Они были глубоко обеспокоены совершенным насилием. A soft wind gently disturbed the surface of the lake. — Легкий ветерок слегка рябил поверхность воды в озере. Not a breath of wind disturbed the beautiful scene. — Красоту этого пейзажа не нарушал ни малейший ветерок.
    2. to trouble — беспокоить, беспокоиться, затруднять, тревожить, тревожиться (причинять как физические неудобства, так и вызывать неприятные переживания или волнения; часто используется в вежливых просьбах): to trouble smb — беспокоить кого-либо/затруднять кого-либо; to trouble smb to do smth — просить кого-либо сделать что-либо; to trouble smb for smth/to trouble smb to do smth — беспокоить кого-либо по поводу чего-либо; to be troubled about smb, smth — беспокоиться о ком-либо, о чем-либо/быть обеспокоенным по поводу кого-либо, чего-либо Can I trouble you for the salt? — Вас не затруднит передать мне соль?/ Передайте мне, пожалуйста, соль. I'm sorry to trouble you but I have some urgent news to tell you. — Простите за беспокойство, но у меня для вас срочное сообщение. What's up? Is something troubling you? — Что случилось? Вас что-то беспокоит? It troubles me that I haven't heard from her recently. — Меня тревожит то, что от нее в последнее время нет известий. I'm sorry you have been troubled, it won't happen again. — Мне жаль, что я вас побеспокоила, этого больше не повторится. «I will call her if you like.» «No, don't trouble yourself.» — «Я ее позову, если хотите.» — «Нет, не надо, не беспокойтесь.» I'm sorry to trouble you, but can 1 borrow your pen? — Простите за беспокойство, вы не одолжите мне свою ручку? Could I trouble you for a lift home? — Могу я попросить вас подвезти меня домой? His right shoulder is troubling him. — Его беспокоит правое плечо. Не left without even troubling to say goodbye. — Он ушел, не потрудившись даже попрощаться.
    3. to bother — беспокоить, беспокоиться, приставать, надоедать, мешать, волновать, раздражать, докучать, досаждать (часто употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях; относится к ситуациям, когда говорящий считает прилагаемые усилия ненужными или бесполезными, а действие волнующим кого-либо, мешающим кому-либо в момент занятости, нарушающим чей-либо покой): to bother smb — мешать кому-либо/досаждать кому-либо; to bother smb with requests (questions) — беспокоить кого-либо просьбами (вопросами/надоедать кому-либо просьбами (вопросами) Don't bother your head about it. — He беспокойтесь об этом./Не забивайте себе голову по этому поводу./Не берите это в голову. Are the children bothering you? — Дети вам не докучают? Does the noise bother you when you are trying to sleep? — Вам не мешает шум, когда вы пытаетесь заснуть? There was something about him, that bothered her. — В нем было что-то, что ее раздражало./В нем было что-то, что не давало ей покоя. Does it bother you that people think you are older than you really are? — Вас не волнует, что люди считают вас старше, чем вы есть на самом деле? It was such a stupid question I didn't even bother to reply. — Это был такой глупый вопрос, что я и не подумал отвечать на него. Has anyone ever bothered to ask the students for their opinion? — Кто-нибудь когда-либо дал себе труд спросить студентов об их мнении? Don't bother about driving me home, I'll walk. — He беспокойтесь, отвозить меня не нужно, я пойду пешком. Why bother with a car when you have such good public transport here? — Зачем возиться с машиной, если есть хороший общественный транспорт? Не won't come, so no use bothering and waiting for him. — Он не придет, нечего беспокоиться и ждать его.
    4. to worry — беспокоить, беспокоиться, волновать, волноваться, тревожить, тревожиться (чувствовать или вызывать волнение, беспокойство в результате того, что вы все время думаете о том, что что-либо может случиться в будущем): to worry smb — волновать кого-либо/тревожить кого-либо/беспокоить кого-либо; to worry about smth — беспокоиться из-за чего-либо/беспокоиться о чем-либо; to be worried about/over smth, smb — беспокоиться о чем-либо, о ком-либо. One should not worry about/over trifles. — He надо волноваться/беспокоиться по пустякам. Try not to worry so much. — Постарайтесь так много не волноваться. People worry more about their health than they used to. — Теперь люди беспокоятся о своем здоровье гораздо больше, чем когда-либо./Теперь люди тревожатся о своем здоровье гораздо больше, чем когда-либо. If the company follows the rules, they have got nothing to worry about. — Если компания соблюдает все правила, ей не о чем беспокоиться. What worries me most is the possibility of complete failure. — Меня больше всего тревожит возможность полного провала.
    5. to be/to feel anxious — беспокоить, беспокоиться, тревожить, тревожиться, волновать, волноваться (волноваться потому, что вы думаете, что что-либо плохое может произойти): The boy is getting easily tired and I am beginning to feel anxious about his health. — Мальчик очень быстро устает, и я начинаю беспокоиться за его здоровье/Мальчик очень быстро устает, и я беспокоюсь за его здоровье. We decided not to tell mother the bad news not to make her anxious. — Мы решили не сообщать матери плохие известия, чтобы не волновать ее. I haven't heard from my son for a long time and I'm anxious about him. — У меня давно нет известий от сына, и я тревожусь за него. His silence made me anxious. — Его молчание встревожило меня. People are naturally anxious about his death. — Его смерть, естественно, встревожила народ.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > беспокоить(ся)

  • 23 hate

    1. III
    hate smb., smth. hate one's enemy (lies, quarrels, inactivity, etc.) ненавидеть своего врага и т. д.; I hate such cruelty ненавижу такую жестокость; I hate rich food терпеть не могу жирной пищи
    2. IV
    hate smb., smth. in some manner hate smb., smth. mortally (blindly, vindictively, ground-lessly, etc.) смертельно и т. д. ненавидеть кого-л., что-л.; she hates him passionately она его ненавидит лютой ненавистью
    3. VII
    hate smb. to do smth. coll. hate smb. to be late (to be troubled, to talk about it, to contradict me, to think so, etc.) не выносить /очень не любить/, когда кто-л. опаздывает и т. д.
    4. VIII
    hate smb. doing smth. coll. I hate smb. complaining (anyone listening while one's telephoning, the boy crying, etc.) терпеть не могу, когда жалуются и т. д.
    5. XIII
    hate to do smth. coll.1)
    hate to get up in the morning (to go there, to study, to waste time, to write long letters, to wait for anybody, to be disturbed, etc.) не выносить /Очень не любить/ вставать по утрам и т. д.; I hate to complain я терпеть не могу жаловаться; I should hate to hie late мне бы очень не хотелось опоздать
    I hate to trouble you простите за беспокойство, мне очень неловко беспокоить вас
    6. XIV
    hate doing smth. coll.1)
    hate complaining (getting up late, being bothered, talking shop, etc.) не выносить /очень не любить/ жаловаться и т. д.; I hate leaving you мне очень не хочется оставлять вас [одну]; hate her getting to the theatre late (his going so far away, etc.) не выносить /очень не любить/, когда она опаздывает в театр и т. д.
    I hate troubling you простите за беспокойство
    7. XXI1
    hate smb. for smth. hate smb. for his behaviour (for her conceit, for their stubbornness, for your way of life, etc.) не выносить кого-л. за его поведение и т. д.; he hates me for it он меня за это не выносит /терпеть не может/
    8. XXII
    hate smb. for doing smth. hate smb. for telling lies (for complaining, for interrupting people, for blaming others, etc.) не выносить кого-л. за то, что он лжет /за ложь/ и т. д.; I hate myself for consenting я себе простить не могу, что согласился
    9. XXV
    hate that... coll. I hate that you should think so (that you should talk about it, that they should be troubled about trifles, etc.) мне очень не хочется, чтобы вы так думали и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > hate

  • 24 טרד I

    טְרַדI ch. sam(טרדto move, shake), 1) to trouble, stir up, keep in commotion. B. Bath. 168b הוו קא טַרְדֵּי ליה they were troubling him (begging persistently).Part. pass. טָרִיד, f. טְרִידָא; pl. טְרִידִין, טְרִידָן. Targ. Is. 57:20 (h. text נגרש). Targ. Nah. 2:5 ברקין ט׳, v. preced.Ber.16b הכא ט׳ in the one case his mind is preoccupied. Erub.68a טְרִידְנָא בגירסאי I am engrossed in my studies. Snh.108b (read:) דהות טריד (or דטְרִידַת; Ms. F., טְרִיחַת, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9) that thou wert troubled (in my behalf); Yalk. Job 917 (read:) חמית דטרידתוכ׳; a. fr. 2) to banish, expel. Targ. Y. Gen. 3:24; a. fr. Ithpe. אִתְטְרִיד, אִיטְּרִיד 1) to be banished. Targ. Prov. 25:5. Targ. Y. Gen. 27:45; a. e. 2) to be troubled. Ber.35b; Yalk. Deut. 863 דלא תִיטַּרְדּוּוכ׳ that you may not be troubled about support 3) to quarrel. Arakh.16b אתי לאִיטְּרוּדֵי he may get into a quarrel.

    Jewish literature > טרד I

  • 25 טְרַד

    טְרַדI ch. sam(טרדto move, shake), 1) to trouble, stir up, keep in commotion. B. Bath. 168b הוו קא טַרְדֵּי ליה they were troubling him (begging persistently).Part. pass. טָרִיד, f. טְרִידָא; pl. טְרִידִין, טְרִידָן. Targ. Is. 57:20 (h. text נגרש). Targ. Nah. 2:5 ברקין ט׳, v. preced.Ber.16b הכא ט׳ in the one case his mind is preoccupied. Erub.68a טְרִידְנָא בגירסאי I am engrossed in my studies. Snh.108b (read:) דהות טריד (or דטְרִידַת; Ms. F., טְרִיחַת, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9) that thou wert troubled (in my behalf); Yalk. Job 917 (read:) חמית דטרידתוכ׳; a. fr. 2) to banish, expel. Targ. Y. Gen. 3:24; a. fr. Ithpe. אִתְטְרִיד, אִיטְּרִיד 1) to be banished. Targ. Prov. 25:5. Targ. Y. Gen. 27:45; a. e. 2) to be troubled. Ber.35b; Yalk. Deut. 863 דלא תִיטַּרְדּוּוכ׳ that you may not be troubled about support 3) to quarrel. Arakh.16b אתי לאִיטְּרוּדֵי he may get into a quarrel.

    Jewish literature > טְרַד

  • 26 um

    * * *
    older umb, prep. with acc. and dat.
    I. with acc.
    1) around (slá hring um e-n);
    2) about, all over (hárit féll um hana alla); um allar sveitir, all over the country; mikill um herðar, large about the shoulders, broad-shouldered; liggja um akkeri, to ride at anchor;
    3) of proportion; margir voru um einn, many against one; um einn hest voru tveir menn, two men to each horse;
    4) round, past, beyond, with verbs denoting motion (sigla vestr um Bretland); leggja um skut þessu skipi, to pass by this ship; ríða um tún, to pass by a place;
    5) over, across, along (flytja e-n um haf); kominn um langan veg, come from a long way off; ganga um gólf, to cross the floor (but also to walk up and down the floor); slá, er lá um þvert skipit, a beam that lay athwart the ship; um kné sér, across the knee; e-t er hœgt um hönd, gives little trouble, is ready to hand;
    6) of time, during, in the course of (um messuna, um þingit, um sumarit); þat var um nótt, by night; um nætr sem um daga, by night as well as day; lengra en fara megi um dag, in the course of one day;
    7) at a point of time (hann kom at höllinni um drykkju); um þat, at that time, then; um þat er, when (um þat, er vér erum allir at velli lagðir);
    8) of, about, in regard to a thing; bera um e-t, dœma um e-t, to bear witness, judge about; tala um e-t, to speak of; annast um e-t, to attend to; sviðr um sik, wise of oneself; hvárr um sik, each for himself; var mart vel um hann, he had many good qualities;
    9) e-m er ekki um e-t, one does not like (var honum ekki um Norðmenn); with infin., honum er ekki um at berjast í dag, he has no liking to fight to-day; er þér nökkut um, at vér rannsökum þik ok hús þín, have you any objection that we …?; e-m er mikit (lítil) um e-t, one likes it much, little (Guðrúnu var lítil um þat); sá, er mönnum væri meira um, whom people liked better; e-m finnst mikit um e-t, one is much pleased umwith, has a high opinion of (konungi fannst mikit um list þá ok kurteisi þá, er þar var á öllu);
    10) because of, for; öfunda e-n um e-t, to envy one for a thing; verða útlagt um e-t, to be fined for a transgression; um sakleysi, without cause;
    11) beyond, above; margir fengu eigi hlaupit um röst, more than one mile; hafa vetr um þrítugt, to be thirty-one; e-m um afl, um megn, beyond one’s strength, more than one can do (þetta mál er nökkut þér um megn); kasta steini um megn sér, to overstrain oneself; um of, too much, excessive (þótti mörgum þetta um of); um alla menn fram or um fram alla menn, above all men (hón unni honum um alla menn fram); e-m er e-t um hug, one has no mind for, dislikes (ef þér er nökkut um hug á kaupum við oss);
    12) over, across; detta, falla um e-t, to stumble over (féll bóandinn um hann);
    13) by; draugrinn hafði þokat at Þorsteini um þrjár setur, by three seats;
    14) about; þeir sögðu honum, hvat um var at vera, what it was about, how matters stood; hvat sem um þat er, however that may be; eiga e-t um at vera, to be troubled about a thing (lætr sem hann eigi um ekki at vera); var fátt um með þeim, they were not on good terms;
    15) ellipt., ef satt skal um tala, if the truth must be told; þannig sem atburðr hefir orðit um, as things have turned out;
    16) as adv., gekk um veðrit, veered round, changed; ríða (sigla) um, to ride (sail) by; langt um, far beyond, quite; fljótit var langt um úfœrt (úreitt), quite impassable; um liðinn, passed by, of time; á þeirri viku, er um var liðin, in the past umweek;
    II. with dat.
    1) over, esp. poet.; sitja um borðum = sitja yfir borðum; sá es um verði glissir, he that gabbles over a meal;
    2) of time, by; um dögum, um nóttum, by day, by night; um sumrum, haustum, vetrum, várum, in the summer, etc.; um vetrum ok sumrum, both winter and summer.
    * * *
    an enclytic particle, see ‘of,’ p. 462, col. 2.
    adv. too; see ‘of,’ p. 462, col. 2, and p. 463, col. 1.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > um

  • 27 üzülmek

    v. feel bad about, feel badly about, bother, bother about, deplore, fret, grieve, languish, regret, rue, sadden, sorrow, trouble, be troubled about, worry, worry oneself

    Turkish-English dictionary > üzülmek

  • 28 üzülmemek

    v. (neg. form of üzülmek) feel bad about, feel badly about, bother, bother about, deplore, fret, grieve, languish, regret, rue, sadden, sorrow, trouble, be troubled about, worry, worry oneself

    Turkish-English dictionary > üzülmemek

  • 29 bekümmert

    - {sorry} lấy làm buồn, lấy làm tiếc, lấy làm phiền, đáng buồn, xấu, tồi tàn, thiểu não = bekümmert [um] {solicitous [about,for]}+ = bekümmert [über] {troubled [about]; worried [about]}+ = tief bekümmert {heavyhearted}+ = das bekümmert mich nicht {that does not concern me}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > bekümmert

  • 30 beunruhigen

    - {to agitate} lay động, rung động, làm rung chuyển, khích động, làm xúc động, làm bối rối, suy đi tính lại, suy nghĩ lung, thảo luận, agitate for, against xúi giục - {to alarm} - {to concern} liên quan, dính líu tới, nhúng vào, lo lắng, băn khoăn, quan tâm - {to disconcert} làm rối, làm hỏng, làm đảo lộn, làm mất bình tĩnh, làm lúng túng, làm luống cuống, làm chưng hửng - {to disquiet} làm không an tâm, làm không yên lòng, làm băn khoăn lo lắng - {to distract} làm sao lãng, làm lãng đi, làm lãng trí, làm rối bời, làm rối trí, động tính từ quá khứ) làm điên cuồng, làm mất trí, làm quẫn trí - {to disturb} làm mất yên tĩnh, làm náo động, quấy rầy, làm lo âu, làm xáo lộn, làm nhiễu loạn - {to faze} làm phiền - {to fidget} làm sốt ruột, bồn chồn, sốt ruột, không yên tâm, cựa quậy nhúc nhích luôn, không ở yên một chỗ - {to flurry} làm nhộn nhịp, làm xôn xao - {to flutter} vỗ cánh, vẫy cánh, rung rinh, đu đưa, dập dờn, đập yếu và không đều, run rẩy vì kích động, bối rối, xao xuyến, xốn xang, vỗ, vẫy, kích động, làm xao xuyến, làm xốn xang - {to harass} gây ưu phiền, gây lo lắng, phiền nhiễu, quấy rối - {to harry} cướp bóc, tàn phá - {to molest} quấy nhiễu, gạ gẫm - {to trouble} làm đục, làm cho lo lắng, làm phiền muộn, làm băn khoăn, làm cho khổ sở, làm cho đau đớn, lo nghĩ, bận tâm - {to unsettle} làm lung lay, làm lộn xộn, làm rối loạn, phá rối - {to vex} làm bực, làm phật ý, khuấy động, làm nổi sóng - {to worry} làm khó chịu, lo, nhay = sich beunruhigen [wegen] {to be troubled [about]}+ = sich beunruhigen [um,wegen] {to trouble [about]}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > beunruhigen

  • 31 yana dertli olmak

    v. be a sufferer by, be a sufferer from, be troubled about

    Turkish-English dictionary > yana dertli olmak

  • 32 a se nelinişti din cauza / din pricina / în privinţa cuiva

    to be troubled about smb.

    Română-Engleză dicționar expresii > a se nelinişti din cauza / din pricina / în privinţa cuiva

  • 33 starea ei mă îngrijorează

    I am troubled about her state.

    Română-Engleză dicționar expresii > starea ei mă îngrijorează

  • 34 STEÐJA

    (að), v. to bound, leap.
    (steð, stadda, staddr), v.
    1) to stop (nú staddi konungr lið sitt);
    2) to fix, settle (hón hafði statt í hug sér at þjóna guði einum í hreinlífi); s. e-t fyrir sér, to determine, decide on (þú munt hafa statt fyrir þér, hvar niðr skal koma);
    3) to make firm (þá er hann hafði statt ok styrkt ríki sitt);
    4) to permit (s. fyrirboðna hluti).
    from steði, stithy.
    * * *
    pret. staddi, part. staddr, neut. statt; the word is little used except in part. pass.; [staðr]:—to stop; stöddu þeir ferðina er í fyrstu riðu. Fagrsk. 138: to permit, steðja fyrir-boðna hluti (cp. Dan. tilstede), Rétt. 95: to fix, appoint, þeir stöddu með sér á alþingi þann samning, at …, Bs. i. 770.
    II. reflex. to be decided on; sættar-görð þá er nýliga staddisk, H. E. i. 458; kaup staddisk, Dipl. iii. 10; stöddusk þá þeir hlutir, N. G. L. ii. 428; hafa statt e-t, to have made one’s mind up, Fms. i. 284; hafa e-t statt fyrir sér, to have determined on, Ld. 184: to make firm, þá er hann hafði statt ok styrkt ríki sitt, Stj. 455; hann hugðisk hafa statt sik í ríkinu, Barl. 61: göra e-t, to resolve, Fms. ii. 293, Bárð. 164; með stöddum endi-mörkum, fixed limits, Gþl. 44.
    III. part. staddr, as adj. placed, present, esp. used of a temporary chance abode; hvergi sem þau eru stödd, Grág. i. 332; ef hann var þar staddr þar sem blót vóru, happened to be present, Fms. i. 35; margir ef þar vóru hjá staddir, Eg. 64; vera við staddr, present, Nj. 63, Eg. 64, passim.
    2. placed in such or such a position; Einarr spurði Egil, hvar hann hefði þess verit staddr, at hann hefði mest reynt sik. Eg. 687; þér ernt staddir ekki vel, ye are in danger, Fms. ii. 16; litt staddr, doing poorly, x. 173; þeim mönnum er í sóttum vóru staddir, Blas. 40: neut., hví er yðr svá statt til Sigfússona, why are you thus troubled about them? Nj. 252.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > STEÐJA

  • 35 अनुमुह्

    to feel distressed at, to be troubled about orᅠ after another MBh. I, 143.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अनुमुह्

  • 36 τυρβάζω

    A trouble, stir up,

    τὸν πηλὸν ὥσπερ ἀτταγᾶς τυρβάσεις βαδίζων Ar.V. 257


    τυφλὸς.. Ἄρης συὸς προσώπῳ πάντα τυρβάζει κακά S.Fr. 838

    :—[voice] Pass., πολὺς δὲ πηλὸς ἐκ πίθων τυρβάζεται bursts in turbid stream from.., ib. 783: c. dat. pers., jostle against.., Ar. Pax 1007 (anap.); τ. περὶ πολλά (v. l. for θορυβάζῃ) to be troubled about.., Ev.Luc.10.41.
    II revel, enjoy oneself, Alex.25.6.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > τυρβάζω

  • 37 неспокоен

    restless, unrestful, uneasy (за about); ill-at-ease; unquiet
    nervous, разг. nervy; troubled, anxious, on edge
    неспокоен съм be worried; be nervous; feel jumpy (about s.th.); be uneasy, be ill-at-ease, be (all) on edge
    неспокоен сън uneasy sleep
    неспокоен дух a restless spirit
    неспокойна съвест a troubled/an uneasy conscience
    * * *
    прил., -йна, -йно, -йни restless, unrestful, restive, uneasy (за about); ill-at-ease; unquiet; nervous, разг. nervy; in a twitter, all of a twitter; troubled, anxious, on edge; ( който не може да стои на едно място) restive, fidgety; (за море) rough; \неспокоенен дух restless spirit; \неспокоенен съм be worried; be nervous; feel jumpy (about s.th.); get cold feet (about s.th.); be uneasy, be ill-at-ease, be (all) on edge; \неспокоенен сън uneasy sleep; \неспокоенйна кръв hot blood; \неспокоенйна младост restless youth; \неспокоенйна съвест troubled/uneasy conscience; \неспокоенйни времена troubled times; \неспокоенйни мисли troubled thoughts.
    * * *
    easeless; nervous; restless: неспокоен youth - неспокойна младост; uneasy: неспокоен conscience - неспокойна съвест; unlaid; unquiet; unrestful
    * * *
    1. (за море) rough 2. (който не може да стои на едно място) restive, fidgety 3. nervous, разг. nervy;troubled, anxious, on edge 4. restless, unrestful, uneasy (за about);ill-at-ease;unquiet 5. НЕСПОКОЕН дух a restless spirit 6. НЕСПОКОЕН съм be worried;be nervous;feel jumpy (about s.th.);be uneasy, be ill-at-ease, be (all) on edge 7. НЕСПОКОЕН сън uneasy sleep 8. неспокойна кръв hot blood 9. неспокойна младост restless youth 10. неспокойна съвест a troubled/an uneasy conscience 11. неспокойни времена troubled times 12. неспокойни мисли troubled thoughts

    Български-английски речник > неспокоен

  • 38 preocupado

    worried, troubled, concerned, distressed.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: preocupar.
    * * *
    1→ link=preocupar preocupar
    1 worried
    * * *
    (f. - preocupada)
    * * *
    ADJ worried, concerned ( por about)
    * * *
    - da adjetivo worried
    * * *
    = troubled, preoccupied, concerned, anxious, worried, in a tizz(y).
    Ex. These thoughts and many more like them flitted to and fro ceaselessly over the troubled surface of his mind.
    Ex. He came at Hawthorne's urging, but he seemed preoccupied with grave and heavy matters.
    Ex. Concerned, thoughtful, supportive, humorous -- all those traits lacking from the present boss he has in abundance.
    Ex. In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex. In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex. And finally, we have the art librarians in a tizzy because they think certain types of headings have been tampered with.
    * despreocupado = unconcerned.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * preocupado por el presente = present-minded.
    * preocupado por el tiempo = time-conscious.
    * preocupado por los costes = cost-conscious [cost conscious].
    * preocupados, los = concerned, the.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo worried
    * * *
    = troubled, preoccupied, concerned, anxious, worried, in a tizz(y).

    Ex: These thoughts and many more like them flitted to and fro ceaselessly over the troubled surface of his mind.

    Ex: He came at Hawthorne's urging, but he seemed preoccupied with grave and heavy matters.
    Ex: Concerned, thoughtful, supportive, humorous -- all those traits lacking from the present boss he has in abundance.
    Ex: In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex: In this reading mood we feel anxious, tired, lazy, worried -- whatever causes us to reject demanding and 'new' literature and forces us to take up again books that are comfortably -- and comfortingly -- known and easily enjoyed.
    Ex: And finally, we have the art librarians in a tizzy because they think certain types of headings have been tampered with.
    * despreocupado = unconcerned.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * preocupado por el presente = present-minded.
    * preocupado por el tiempo = time-conscious.
    * preocupado por los costes = cost-conscious [cost conscious].
    * preocupados, los = concerned, the.

    * * *
    me tiene muy preocupada que no llame I'm really worried (that) he hasn't phoned
    está como distraído y preocupado he seems rather distracted and preoccupied
    preocupado POR algo worried ABOUT sth
    está preocupado por la salud de su mujer/por lo que pueda pasar he's worried o anxious about his wife's health/about what might happen
    * * *


    Del verbo preocupar: ( conjugate preocupar)

    preocupado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    preocupado POR algo worried about sth
    preocupar ( conjugate preocupar) verbo transitivo
    to worry;
    no quiero preocupadolo I don't want to worry him;
    le preocupa el futuro she's worried o concerned about her future;
    me preocupa que no haya llamado it worries me that she hasn't phoned;
    no me preocupa it doesn't bother o worry me
    preocuparse verbo pronominal
    1 ( inquietarse) to worry;
    preocupadose POR algo/algn to worry about sth/sb
    2 ( ocuparse) preocupadose DE algo:
    me preocupé de que no faltara nada I made sure o I saw to it that we had everything;

    no se preocupó más del asunto he gave the matter no further thought
    preocupado,-a adjetivo worried, concerned
    preocupar verbo transitivo to worry, bother: les preocupa su futuro, they are concerned about his future
    no le preocupa, it doesn't bother him
    ' preocupado' also found in these entries:
    - inquieta
    - inquieto
    - preocupada
    - sombría
    - sombrío
    - angustiado
    - asustado
    - enrollado
    - intranquilo
    - mucho
    - nada
    - nervioso
    - anxious
    - concerned
    - disturbed
    - preoccupied
    - uneasy
    - unhappy
    - untroubled
    - worried
    - be
    - have
    - troubled
    * * *
    preocupado, -a adj
    worried, concerned ( por about);
    nuestro hijo nos tiene muy preocupados we're very worried o concerned about our son
    * * *
    adj worried ( por about), concerned ( por about)
    * * *
    preocupado adj worried

    Spanish-English dictionary > preocupado

  • 39 besorgt

    I P.P. besorgen
    II Adj.
    1. (mit Sorgen) worried, concerned (um, wegen about); eine besorgte Miene a troubled face
    2. (bemüht sein) besorgt um jemandes Wohlergehen etc.: concerned for ( oder about)
    3. (ängstlich bemüht) concerned, anxious (zu + Inf. to + Inf.)
    * * *
    apprehensive; anxious; preoccupied; worried; solicitous; afraid; concerned; distraught; distressed
    * * *
    be|sọrgt [bə'zɔrkt]
    1. adj
    1) (= voller Sorge) anxious, worried (wegen about)

    um jdn/etw besorgt sein — to be concerned about sb/sth

    2. adv
    * * *
    1) (worried about what may happen or have happened: She is anxious about her father's health.) anxious
    2) (anxious; worried: an apprehensive expression.) apprehensive
    * * *
    1. (voller Sorge) worried, concerned
    [wegen einer S. gen/um etw akk] \besorgt sein to be worried [or concerned] [about sth]
    er war um seine Zukunft \besorgt he was anxious about his future
    mit \besorgter Miene with a troubled expression [on sb's face]
    ein \besorgtes Gesicht machen to look troubled [or worried
    um jdn/etw \besorgt sein to be anxious about sb/sth, to be concerned [or form solicitous] about [or for] sb/sth
    seine Eltern waren immer sehr \besorgt um ihn his parents were always worrying about him
    * * *
    Adjektiv worried (über + Akk., um about); concerned usu. pred. (über + Akk., um about)
    adverbial with concern; (ängstlich) anxiously
    * * *
    A. pperf besorgen
    B. adj
    1. (mit Sorgen) worried, concerned (
    um, wegen about);
    eine besorgte Miene a troubled face
    2. (bemüht sein)
    besorgt um jemandes Wohlergehen etc: concerned for ( oder about)
    3. (ängstlich bemüht) concerned, anxious (
    zu +inf to +inf)
    * * *
    Adjektiv worried (über + Akk., um about); concerned usu. pred. (über + Akk., um about)
    adverbial with concern; (ängstlich) anxiously
    * * *
    (um, wegen) adj.
    anxious (about, for) expr. (um) ausdr.
    solicitous (about, for) expr. adj.
    afraid adj.
    anxious adj.
    careful adj.
    minded adj.
    worried adj. adv.
    solicitously adv. konj.
    provided conj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > besorgt

  • 40 preoccupato

    worried, preoccupied
    * * *
    preoccupato agg. worried (about s.o., sthg.), anxious (about s.o., sthg.), troubled (by sthg.): sono preoccupato per queste notizie, I am troubled by this news; sono molto preoccupato per lui, I am very worried about him; era preoccupato di arrivare in ritardo, he was worried about being late.
    * * *
    [preokku'pato] 1. 2.
    aggettivo worried ( per about); (turbato) anxious ( per about, over), concerned ( per about), troubled ( per about)
    * * *
     →  preoccupare
     worried ( per about); (turbato) anxious ( per about, over), concerned ( per about), troubled ( per about).

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > preoccupato

См. также в других словарях:

  • troubled about — worried about , concerned about …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Troubled Island — is an American opera in three acts composed by William Grant Still (1895 1978), with a libretto begun by poet Langston Hughes (1902 1967) and completed by Verna Arvey (1910 1987), who married the composer following their collaboration. Set in… …   Wikipedia

  • Troubled Asset Relief Program — TARP redirects here. For other uses, see Tarp. This article is about the Treasury fund. For the legislative bill and subsequent law, see Public Law 110 343. For the legislative history and the events leading to the law, see Emergency Economic… …   Wikipedia

  • troubled — adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. concerned, worried < troubled feelings about the decision > b. exhibiting emotional or behavioral problems < a program for troubled youth > 2. characterized by or indicative of trouble < our troubled cities > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Troubled — Trouble Trou ble, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Troubled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Troubling}.] [F. troubler, OF. trobler, trubler, tourbler,fr. (assumed) LL. turbulare, L. turbare to disorderly group, a little crowd; both from turba a disorder, tumult, crowd;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • troubled — trou|bled [ trʌbld ] adjective 1. ) worried about the problems you have 2. ) a troubled place, time, or situation is affected by many problems: The book details his troubled life …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • troubled — UK [ˈtrʌb(ə)ld] / US adjective 1) worried about the problems that you have 2) a troubled place, time, or situation is affected by many problems The book details his troubled life …   English dictionary

  • Troubled World Economy — ▪ 1999 by Robert J. Samuelson       As 1998 drew to a close, the world was caught in the grips of the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Starting in Thailand in July 1997, the crisis spread spasmodically to… …   Universalium

  • troubled — [ˈtrʌb(ə)ld] adj 1) worried about the problems that you have 2) a troubled place, time, or situation is affected by many problems …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Oversight of the Troubled Asset Relief Program — The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act created the Troubled Assets Relief Program to administer up to $700 billion. Several oversight mechanisms are established by the bill, including the Congressional Oversight Panel, the Special Inspector… …   Wikipedia

  • The Troubled Troubador (EP) — This article is about the original 7 vinyl EP edition of The Troubled Troubador. For the more widespread, expanded CD edition, please see The Troubled Troubador. Infobox Album | Name = The Troubled Troubador Type = EP Artist = GG Allin | Released …   Wikipedia

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