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  • 81 COPALLI

    1. \COPALLI rituel, copal, résine servant d'encens. Launey II 182.
    Nécessaire à celui qui incarne le dieu pulque Ome Tochtli Iyauhquêmeh. Sah2,209.
    Dans une liste d'objets nécessaires au culte au tlacatecolocalco. Prim.Mem. f. 268r.
    Copal jeté dans le feu. Sah9,13.
    " in îcopal huel yeh in copalli ", son copal était du vrai copal. Launey II 182 = Sah7,4.
    " in copalli in tlenâmactli ", le copal [et] l'encens. Sah6,142.
    " in quitquitiyahqueh tlamacazqueh tlemâitl, copalli, iyauhtli, têcciztli in quipîtztiyahqueh ", les prêtres portaient des cuiller à encens, du copal et des herbes aromatiques, des conques marines qu'ils faisaient résonner - die Opferbringer trugen die Räuchergefässe mit Kopal und Räucherkraut und bliesen die Schneckentrompeten. Sah 1952,168 = Sah9,4.
    " quicuitiquîzah in tlemâitl, ic conxopiliah in tletl, oncân contecah in iztac copalli, yehhuâtl in tzihuaccopalli, in huel ihyâqueh in ahmo tlazolloh, in ahmo teuhyoh, in huel chipahuac, mihtoâya îtônal ", ils prennent la cuiller à encens avec laquelle ils ramassent le feu sur lequel ils posent de l'encens blanc, le tzihuaccopalli, qui est vraiment parfumé, qui n'a ni impureté, ni saleté, qui est vraiment pur: on disait que c'était ce qui lui appartenait en propre - they took the incense ladle. With it they scooped up fire on which they spread white copal, this was the torchwood copal, the legitimate, the odoriferous with no rubbish nor dirt; very clear. They said it was his fortune. (Texte esp. correspondant: dezian que era su suerte). Sah9,37 = Sah 1952,178:25-26 (qui traduit 'den weißen Kopal, den entenweißen Kopal'). Ici, un rite d'offrande au feu et de divination est décrit.
    " in iztac copalli, yehhuâtl in tzihuaccopalli, in huel ihyâqueh in ahmo tlazôlloh, in ahmo teuhyoh, in huel chipâhuac ", - the white copal, this was the torchwood copal, the legitimate, the odoriferous with no rubbish nor dirt; very clear.
    Sah9,37 = Sah 1952,178:25-26 (iaque).
    " chipâhuac iztac copalli ", de l'encens blanc, pur - clean, white incense.
    Rituel en l'honneur de Xiuhteuctli. Sah4,87.
    " inic ôtlenâmacoc copalli ", c'est ainsi que l'on offrait de l'encens - thus incense was offered.
    Conclut un passage où l'offrande d'encens est décrit. Sah7,31.
    " in chapopohtli copalli, xochiocotzotl moneloa, ic tlapopochhuîlo ", le bitume est mélangé à l'encens, au liquidambar, avec cela on encense - the bitumen is mixed with copal, with liquidambar. With these there is encensing. Sah10,90.
    " yancuic petlatl quicohua îhuân copalli, îhuân cuahuitl ", il achète une nouvelle natte, du copal et du bois. En prévision du cérémoniel de la confession. Sah1,24.
    " iztac copalli îhuân cuauhyocopalli ", du copal blanc et du copal dur - weißen Kopal und harten Kopal. Sah 1927,105 = Sah2,74.
    " iztac copalli " cité dans Sah9,74 (mélangé par les orfèvres à de la cire d'abeille pour qu'elle durcisse bien).
    " iztac copalli, copalxâlli ", de l'encens blanc (ou) de l'encens grossier - white incense or coarse incense. Sah4,108.
    " conmanah icpaxiquipilli in oncân tentiuh in copalli omicalloh xoxoctic ", ils lui donnent un sac en cotôn vert rempli 'jusqu'au bord de résine d'encens et orné d'ossements - they gave him his green cotton bag filled with incense and decorated with bones. Sah8,62.
    " concui in copalli, contema in tlemahco, in oncân yetiuh tlexôchtli ", il prend du copal, le met dans la cuillère à encens, où se trouve la braise. Sah8,62.
    " quimonmacah icpaxiquipilli tlîltic omicalloh in oncân temi copalli ", ils leur donnent des sacs en cotôn noirs et ornés d'ossement où il v a plein de résine d'encens. Sah8,63.
    " concuih in copalli, contêmani in întlemahco in oncan tentiuh tlexôchtli ", ils prennent de la résine de copal, la placent sur leur cuillière à encens, où il y a plein de braise. Sah8,63.
    " in îicpaxiquipil in oncân tentiuh copalli ", son sac en coton rempli jusqu'au bord de résine d'encens. Sah8,63.
    " concuih in întlemah îhuân icpaxiquipilli in oncan temi copalli ", ils prennent leur cuillère à encens et le sac en cotôn où se trouve plein de résine d'encens. Sah8,64.
    " in tlexôchitl quihuâltemah tlemahco îpan contepêhuah in iztac copalli ", dans la cuillère à encens, ils placent des braises, sur elles ils répandent de l'encens blanc. Sah2,74.
    " copalli ", cité dans Sah8,68. et dans Sah10,77.
    " copalli tlahtlâcatlachiya ", des morceaux d'encens qui avaient un aspect humain - die Kopalstücke die wie Menschen aussehen. Sah 1927,128 = Sah2,89.
    " in acah copalli in contemilia ", l'un dépose de l'encens pour elle - einer legt ihr Weihrauchharz hin. En l'hommage à Teteohi înnan. Sah 1927,177.
    " contepêhuah contoxâhua in iztac copalli ", ils répandent et jettent de l'encens blanc (sur le feu) - they scattered and strwed white incense. Sah7,29.
    Note: arbre qui donne une résine appelée gomme - copal, par extension cette gomme elle-même, encens, copal. Copal est la forme sous laquelle l'espagnol a emprunté le terme aztèque 'copalli'. Dyckerhoff 1970,298.
    1. \COPALLI botanique, Copalier Protium copal.
    P.Ivanoff 'Maya' 1975,19.
    Mais Garibay Sah IV 32S signale que 'copalli' désigne la gomme résineuse fournie par divers arbres, employée dans le culte, l'étiquette sociale ainsi qu'en médecine; Cf. Sah HG 1,13,7.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > COPALLI

  • 82 अज

    1) m. a drove, troop (of Maruts) AV. ;

    a driver, mover, instigator, leader;
    N. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts <ajáéka-pā́ RV., andᅠ ajáéka-pāda AV. >, of Agni, of the sun, of Brahmā., of Vishṇu, of Ṡiva, of Kāma (cf. 2. a-ja);
    the leader of a flock;
    a he-goat, ram
    + cf. Gk. αἴξ, αἰγός;
    Lith. oṡys;
    the sign Aries;
    the vehicle of Agni;
    beam of the sun (Pūshan);
    N. of a descendant of Visvāmitra, andᅠ of Daṡaratha's orᅠ Dīrghabāhu's father;
    N. of a mineral substance;
    of a kind of rice;
    of the moon;
    (ā́s) m. pl. N. of a people RV. VII, 18, 19 ;
    of a class of Ṛishis MBh. ;
    (ā) f. N. of Prakṛiti, of Māyā orᅠ Illusion seeᅠ a-jā (s.v. 2. a-jā);
    a she-goat;
    N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Suṡr. ;
    - अजकर्ण
    - अजकर्णक
    - अजकूला
    - अजक्षीर
    - अजगन्धा
    - अजगन्धिका
    - अजगन्धिनी
    - अजगर
    - अजगल्लिका
    - अजजीवन
    - अजजीविक
    - अजता
    - अजत्व
    - अजात्व
    - अजदण्डी
    - अजदेवता
    - अजनामक
    - अजप
    - अजपथ
    - अजपद
    - अजपाद
    - अजपाद्
    - अजपार्श्व
    - अजपाल
    - अजबभ्रु
    - अजभक्ष
    - अजमायु
    - अजमार
    - अजमीढ
    - अजमीळह
    - अजमुख
    - अजमेरु
    - अजमोद
    - अजमोदा
    - अजमोदिका
    - अजर्षभ
    - अजलम्बन
    - अजलोमन्
    - अजलोमी
    - अजवस्ति
    - अजवाह
    - अजवीथी
    - अजशृङ्गी
    - अजस्तुन्द
    - अजहा
    - अजाकृपाणीय
    - अजाक्षीर
    - अजागल
    - अजागलस्तन
    - अजाजीव
    - अजातौल्वलि
    - अजाद
    - अजादनी
    - अजादि
    - अजान्त्री
    - अजापयस्
    - अजापालक
    - अजावि
    - अजाविक
    - अजाश्व
    - अजैकपाद्
    - अजैडक

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अज

  • 83 उदधि

    mfn. holding water AV. I, 3, 6 VS. ;

    (is) m. « water-receptacle», a cloud;
    river, sea;
    the ocean RV. AV. VS. TS. R. Ṡak. Mn. etc.. ;
    (in classical Sanskṛit only the ocean);
    - kumāra, ās m. pl. a class of deities (belonging to the Bhavanâdhīṡas Jain.) L. ;
    - krā m. ( kram), a navigator, mariner Vop. ;
    - jala-maya mfn. made orᅠ formed out of sea-water Kād. ;
    - mala m. cuttle-fish bone L. ;
    - mekhalā f. « ocean-girdled», the earth BhP. ;
    - rāja m. the ocean-king, ocean-god R. ;
    - vastrā f. « ocean-clothed», the earth L. ;
    - saṉbhava n. « ocean-born», sea-salt L. ;
    - sutā f. « daughter of the ocean»
    N. of Lakshmī;
    of Dvārakā (Kṛishṇa's capital) W. ;
    - sutā-nāyaka m. « husband of the ocean's daughter»
    N. of Kṛishṇa Prasannar. ;
    etc. seeᅠ uda

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उदधि

  • 84 कामदेव

    m. the god of love ( seeᅠ kāma above ;

    according to some, son of Sahishṇu andᅠ Yaṡo-dharā VP.);
    N. of Vishṇu (as the god who creates, preserves, orᅠ destroys at will) Vishṇ. XCVIII, 10 (cf. BhP. V, 18, 15);
    of Ṡiva L. ;
    of a poet;
    of a king of Jayantī-purī;
    N. of the author of the Prāyaṡcitta-paddhati;
    - tva n. the being the god of love Kathās. ;
    - maya mfn. representing the god of love AgP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > कामदेव

  • 85 देवतिर्थ

    n. « divine Tirtha»

    N. of a bathing-place ṠivaP. ;
    right moment for (worshipping) the gods Anup. ;
    the part of the hands sacred to the gods (i.e. the tips of the fingers) MārkP. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. full of divine Tirthas Kathās. ;
    - svāmin m. the ascetic N. of Viṡvêvara-datta-mitra Cat.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > देवतिर्थ

  • 86 निर्वाण

    mfn. blown orᅠ put out, extinguished (as a lamp orᅠ fire), set (as the sun), calmed, quieted, tamed (cf. a-nirv-), dead, deceased (lit. having the fire of life extinguished), lost, disappeared MBh. Kāv. etc.;

    immersed, plunged L. ;
    immovable L. ;
    - bhūyishṭha mfn. nearly extinguished), orᅠ vanished Kum. II, 53 ;
    n. blowing out, extinction, cessation, setting, vanishing, disappearance (- ṇaṉ-kṛi, to make away with anything i.e. not to keep one's promise);
    extinction of the flame of life, dissolution, death orᅠ final emancipation from matter andᅠ re-union with the Supreme Spirit. MBh. etc. etc.;
    (with Buddhists andᅠ Jainas) absolute extinction orᅠ annihilation (= ṡūnya L.) of individual existence orᅠ of all desires andᅠ passions MWB. 137139 etc.. ;
    perfect calm orᅠ repose orᅠ happiness, highest bliss orᅠ beatitude MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    N. of an Upanishad;
    instructing in sciences L. ;
    bathing of an elephant L. ;
    the post to which an elephant is tied Gal.;
    offering oblations (for 1. nir-vāpaṇa ?) L. ;
    - kara m. « causing extinction of all sense of individuality», a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. ;
    - kāṇḍa m. orᅠ n. N. of wk.;
    - tantra seeᅠ bṛihan-nirvāṇat- andᅠ mahā-n-;
    - da mfn. bestowing final beatitude MBh. ;
    - daṡaka n. N. of wk.;
    - dīkshita m. N. of a grammarian Cat. ;
    - dhātu m. the region of Nirvāṇa Vajracch. Kāraṇḍ. ;
    - purāṇa n. offering oblations to the dead Rājat. ;
    - prakaraṇa n. N. of wk.;
    - priyā f. N. of a Gandharvī Kāraṇḍ. ;
    - maṇḍapa m. N. of a temple, Skandap. ;
    - mantra n. N. of a mystical formula Cat. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. full of bliss VP. ;
    - mastaka m. liberation, deliverance W. ;
    - yoga-paṭala-stotra andᅠ - yogôttara n. N. of wks.;
    - ruci m. pl. « delighting in final beatitude»
    N. of a class of deities under the 11th Manu BhP. (cf. nirmāṇa-rati);
    - lakshaṇa mfn. having complete bliss as its characteristic mark MW. ;
    - shaṭka n. N. of a Stotra;
    - saṉcodana m. a partic. Samādhi, Kāraṇd. ;
    - sūtra n. N. of partic. Buddh. Sūtras;
    - ṇôpanishad f. N. of an Upanishad.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निर्वाण

  • 87 परिग्रह

    m. (ifc. f. ā) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (esp. the Vedi orᅠ sacrificial altar by means of three lines orᅠ furrows) ṠBr. KātyṠr. etc.;

    wrapping round, putting on (a dress etc.), assuming (a form etc.) Kāv. ;
    comprehending, summing up, sum, totality, SāṇkhBr. Mn. ;
    taking, accepting, receiving orᅠ anything received, 2 gift orᅠ present MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (ifc. « being possessed of orᅠ furnished with») ib. ;
    household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince ib. ;
    a house, abode Hariv. ;
    root, origin, foundation MBh. ;
    admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception Mn. MBh. R. Kāraṇḍ. ;
    taking (a wife), marrying, marriage Mn. MBh. etc.;
    a wife ( alsoᅠ collect.) MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    choice, selection ib. ;
    understanding, conception Pāṇ. Sch. ;
    undertaking, beginning, commission orᅠ performance of, occupation with Mn. R. Hariv. ;
    homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    dominion, control (ifc. « dependent on, subject to») R. Var. MārkP. ;
    force, constraint, punishment (opp. to anu-graha) R. ;
    claim on, relation to, concern with (loc.) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    (in Ved. gram.) the double mention of a word both before andᅠ after iti;
    the form which precedes iti RPrāt. ;
    a curse, imprecation, oath L. ;
    an eclipse of the sun L. ;
    the rear orᅠ reserve of an army L. (v.l. prati-gr-);
    - tva n. state of a wife, marriage Daṡ. ;
    - dvitīya mfn. accompanied by one's wife orᅠ family MW. ;
    - bahu-tva n. multitude of wives Ṡak. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. consisting of a family Prab. ;
    - vat, orᅠ - hin mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property MBh. ;
    -hâ̱rthīya mfn. having the sense of comprehension i.e. generalization Nir. I, 7.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > परिग्रह

  • 88 प्रतिपद्

    1) ind. (cf. prati-pad) = - padam;

    - darṡinī f. « looking at every step», a woman L. ;
    2) Ā. - padyate (ep. fut. alsoᅠ - patsyati), to set foot upon, enter, go orᅠ resort to, arrive at, resch, attain VS. etc. etc.;
    to walk, wander, roam ChUp. ;
    to come back to (acc.), return MBh. ;
    to happen, occur, take place PārGṛ. MBh. ;
    to get into (acc.), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in orᅠ upon one's self. ṠBr. etc. etc.;
    to receive back, recover AitBr. Ṡak. ;
    to restore to favour Ragh. ;
    to undertake, begin (acc. dat. orᅠ inf.), practise, perform, accomplish Nir. MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    to do anything to any person, act orᅠ proceed orᅠ behave towards orᅠ against (loc. gen. orᅠ acc.) MBh. Hariv. R. ;
    to make, render MBh. ;
    to fall to a person's (acc.) lot orᅠ share, PārGr. ;
    to let a person (dat.) have anything Āpast. ;
    to give back, restore Mn. VIII, 183 ;
    to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of orᅠ acquainted with, understand, learn MBh. R. etc.;
    to deem, consider, regard Ṡaṃk. Sāh. ;
    to answer affirmatively say yes (with orᅠ scil. tathā, orᅠ tathêti), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    to begin to speak, commence (with acc. orᅠ instr.) RV. Br. ;
    to answer ChUp. ( alsoᅠ with uttaram R.):
    Caus. - pādayati, to convey orᅠ lead to, procure, cause to partake of ( acc.). give a present to, bestow on (loc. dat. orᅠ gen.) Kauṡ. Mn. MBh. etc.;
    to give in marriage Āpast. ;
    to spend. ib. ;
    to present with (instr.) Kāraṇḍ. ;
    to put in, appoint to (loc.) R. ;
    to produce, cause, effect MBh. R. etc.;
    to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart MBh. R. etc.;
    to deem, consider, regard as ( acc.) Pañcat. (v.l. - vadasi for - pādayasi):
    Desid. - pitsate (Pāṇ. 7-4, 54),
    to wish to attain Ṡaṃk. ;
    to wish to know Bhām.:
    Desid. of Caus. - pipādayishati, to wish orᅠ intend to explain orᅠ analyze Ṡaṃk. ;
    3) f. access, ingress. entrance VS. ṠBr. ;

    the path to be walked, the right path L. ;
    beginning, commencement TS. TBr. ;
    an introductory verse orᅠ stanza Br. ṠrS. ;
    ( alsoᅠ - padā orᅠ - padī) the first day of a lunar fortnight (esp. of the moon's wane) AgP. L. ;
    understanding, intelligence L. ;
    taste for anything Jātakam. ;
    rank, consequence W. ;
    a kettle-drum ib. ;
    - paccandra m. the moon on the first day, the new moon (esp. revered andᅠ saluted) Ragh. ;
    - pat-tūrya n. a kind of kettle-drum (cf. - patti-paṭaha) L. ;
    - pan-maya mfn. obedient, willing Jātakam.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > प्रतिपद्

  • 89 मृत्यु


    m. (very rarely f.) death, dying RV. etc. etc.;

    (deaths of different kinds are enumerated, 100 from disease orᅠ accident andᅠ one natural from old age;
    ifc. = « disease caused by orᅠ through»);
    Death personified, the god of disease (sometimes identified with Yama orᅠ with Vishṇu;
    orᅠ said to be a son of Adharma by Nirṛiti orᅠ of Brahmā. orᅠ of Kali orᅠ of Māyā;
    he has alsoᅠ the patronymics Prādhvaṇsana andᅠ Sāmparāyaṇa, andᅠ is sometimes reckoned among the 11 Rudras, andᅠ sometimes regarded as Vyāsa in the 6th Dvāpara orᅠ as a teacher etc.) ṠBr. MBh. Pur. etc.;
    N. of the god of love L. ;
    of a partic. Ekâha ṠāṇkhṠr. ;
    of the 8th astrol. house VarBṛS. ;
    of the 17th astrol. Yoga Col. ( mṛityorharah andᅠ mrityorvikarṇa-bhāse N. of Sāmans)
    - मृत्युकन्या
    - मृत्युकर
    - मृत्युकाल
    - मृत्युजित्
    - मृत्युंजय
    - मृत्युतीर्थ
    - मृत्युतूर्य
    - मृत्युद
    - मृत्युदूत
    - मृत्युद्वार
    - मृत्युनाशक
    - मृत्युनाशन
    - मृत्युनिवर्तक
    - मृत्युपथ
    - मृत्युपा
    - मृत्युपाश
    - मृत्युपुष्प
    - मृत्युप्रतिबद्ध
    - मृत्युफल
    - मृत्युबन्धु
    - मृत्युबीज
    - मृत्युभङ्गुरक
    - मृत्युभय
    - मृत्युभीत
    - मृत्युभृत्य
    - मृत्युमत्
    - मृत्युमहिषीदान
    - मृत्युमहिषीदानविधि
    - मृत्युमार
    - मृत्युमृत्यु
    - मृत्युराज्
    - मृत्युरूपिणी
    - मृत्युलङ्घनोपनिषद्
    - मृत्युलाङ्गलोपनिषद्
    - मृत्युलाङ्गुलस्तोत्र
    - मृत्युलाङ्गूल
    - मृत्युलोक
    - मृत्युवञ्चन
    - मृत्युविजय
    - मृत्युसंयमन
    - मृत्युसंयुत
    - मृत्युसंजीवनी
    - मृत्युसंधित
    - मृत्युसम्मित
    - मृत्युसात्
    - मृत्युसुत
    - मृत्युसूति
    - मृत्युसेना
    - मृत्युसेवक
    - मृत्युहेतु

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मृत्यु

  • 90 विक्षेप

    m. the act of throwing asunder orᅠ away orᅠ about, scattering, dispersion MārkP. Dhātup. ;

    casting, throwing, discharging Ragh. VP. ;
    moving about orᅠ to andᅠ fro, waving, shaking, tossing MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    drawing (a bow-string) Hariv. ;
    letting loose, indulging (opp. to saṉyama) BhP. ;
    letting slip, neglecting (time) L. ;
    inattention, distraction, confusion, perplexity MaitrUp. Yogas. Mālatīm. ;
    extension, projection Vedântas. ( seeᅠ - ṡakti);
    abusing, reviling Bhar. ;
    compassion, pity Daṡar. ;
    celestial orᅠ polar latitude Sūryas. ;
    a kind of weapon MBh. ( Nīlak.);
    a camp, cantonment (?) Buddh. ;
    a kind of disease Cat. ;
    sending, dispatching W. ;
    refuting an argument ib. ;
    - dhruva m. (in astron.) the greatest inclination of a planet's orbit W. ;
    - lipi m. a kind of writing Lalit. ;
    - vṛitta n. = kshepa-v- Gol.;
    - ṡakti f. (in phil.) the projecting power (of Māyā orᅠ A.-vidyā i.e. that power of projection which raises upon the soul enveloped by it the appearance of an external world) Vedântas. (- ti-mat mfn. endowed with the above power ib.);
    -pâ̱dhipati m. the chief of a camp orᅠ cantonment (?) Buddh.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विक्षेप

  • 91 विचित्र


    mf (ā)n. variegated, many-coloured, motley, brilliant MBh. R. etc.;

    manifold, various, diverse Mn. MBh. etc.;
    strange, wonderful, surprising MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    charming, lovely, beautiful R. Ṛitus. ;
    amusing, entertaining (as a story) Kathās. ;
    painted, coloured W. ;
    (am) ind. manifoldly, variously BhP. ;
    charmingly R. ;
    m. the Aṡoka tree L. ;
    N. of a king MBh. ;
    of a son of Manu Raucya orᅠ Deva-sāvarṇi Hariv. Pur. ;
    of a heron Hit. ;
    (ā) f. a white deer MW. ;
    colocynth L. ;
    (in music) a partic. Mūrchanā Saṃgīt. ;
    N. of a river VP. ;
    n. variegated colour, party-colour W. ;
    wonder, surprise Gīt. ;
    a figure of speech (implying apparently the reverse of the meaning intended) Kuval. Pratāp. ;
    - katha m. « one whose stories are amusing»
    N. of a man Kathās. ;
    - caritra mfn. behaving in a wonderful manner MW. ;
    -cīnâ̱ṉṡuka n. variegated China cloth, shot orᅠ watered China silk W. ;
    - f. - tva n. variegation, variety, wonderfulness Kāv. Sāh. ;
    - deha mfn. having a painted body W. ;
    elegantly formed ib. ;
    m. a cloud L. ;
    - paṡu m. N. of a poet Cat. ;
    - bhūshaṇa m. N. of a Kiṃ-nara Buddh. ;
    -mālyâ̱bharaṇa mfn. having variegated garlands andᅠ ornaments Nal.;
    - mauliṡrī-cūḍa m. N. of a prince Buddh. ;
    - rūpa mfn. having various forms, various, diverse MBh. ;
    - varshin mfn. raining here andᅠ there (not everywhere) VarBṛS. ;
    - vākya-paṭutā f. great eloquence Prasaṇg. ;
    - vāgurôcchrāya-maya mf (ī)n. filled with various outspread nets Kathās. ;
    - vīrya m. « of marvellous heroism»
    N. of a celebrated king of the lunar race (the son of Ṡāṃtanu by his wife Satya-vatī, andᅠ so half-brother of Bhīshma;
    when he died childless, his mother requested Vyāsa, whom she had borne before her marriage to the sage Parāṡara, to raise up issue to Vicitra-vīrya;
    so Vyāsa married the two widows of his half-brother, Ambikā andᅠ Ambālikā, andᅠ by them became the father of Dhṛita-rāshṭra andᅠ Pāṇḍu;
    cf. IW. 375; 376) MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
    (- f. « mother of Vicitra-vīrya»
    N. of Satya-vatī L.);
    - siṉha m. N. of a man Rājat. ;
    -trâ̱ṅga m. « having variegated limbs orᅠ a spotted body», a peacock L. ;
    a tiger L. ;
    -trâ̱pīḍa m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās. ;
    -trâ̱laṉkāra-svara m. N. of a serpentdemon Buddh.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विचित्र

  • 92 विनय

    1) (said to be artificially formed fr. vi+ nṛi;

    Nom. P. - yati (with prefix 3. vi;
    ind. p. vi-vinayya) Pāṇ. 1-4, 1 Vārtt. 7 Pat. ;
    2) mfn. leading away orᅠ asunder, separating RV. II, 24, 9 ;

    cast, thrown L. ;
    secret L. ;
    m. taking away, removal, withdrawal Ṡiṡ. X, 42 ;
    leading, guidance, training (esp. moral training), education, discipline, control MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks MWB. 55 etc.. ;
    good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness ib. (in the Purāṇas sometimes personified as son of Kriyā orᅠ of Lajjā);
    an office, business Ṡiṡ. XI, 36 ;
    N. of a son of Sudyumna MārkP. ;
    a man of subdued senses L. ;
    a merchant, trader L. ;
    (ā) f. Sida Cordifolia L. ;
    - karman n. instruction Ragh. ;
    - kshudraka orᅠ - ka-vastu n. N. of a Buddhist wk.;
    - grāhin mfn. conforming to rules of discipline, compliant, tractable L. ;
    m. an elephant which obeys orders L. ;
    - jyotis (?) m. N. of a Muni Kathās. ;
    - f. good behaviour;
    modesty Cāṇ. ;
    - datta m. N. of a man Mṛicch. ;
    - deva m. N. of a teacher Buddh. ;
    of a poet Sadukt. ;
    - nandin m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Inscr. ;
    - ṉ-dhara m. N. of a chamberlain Veṇis. ;
    - pattra n. = - sūtra ( below) Buddh. ;
    - piṭaka, « basket of discipline», (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (cf:
    - pradhāna mfn. having humility pre-eminent, of which modesty is chief. MW. ;
    - pramāthin mfn. violating propriety, behaving ill orᅠ improperly W. ;
    - bhāj mfn. possessing propriety orᅠ modesty ib. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. consisting of propriety Kād. ;
    - yogin mfn. possessing humility MW. ;
    - rāma m. = - sundara Cat. ;
    - vat mfn. well-behaved (in a-vin-) Vet. ;
    ( atī) f. N. of a woman Kathās. Daṡ. Pañcat. ;
    - vallī f. N. of wk.;
    - vastu n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya (q.v.);
    - vāc mfn. speaking modestly W. ;
    f. modest speech ib. ;
    - vijaya m. N. of an author Cat. ;
    - vibhaṅga m. N. of wk.;
    - vibhāshā-ṡāstra n. N. of a Buddhist wk.;
    - ṡrī f. N. of a woman HPariṡ. ;
    - sāgara, - sundara m. N. of authors Cat. ;
    - sūtra n. (with Buddhists) the Sūtra treating of discipline (cf. above);
    - stha mfn. conforming to discipline, compliant, tractable L. ;
    - svāminī f. N. of a woman Kathās. ;
    -yâ̱ditya m. N. of Jayâpiḍa, Rajat. ;
    of a king of the race of the Cālukyas Inscr. ;
    (- pura n. N. of a town built by Jayâpiḍa Rājat.);
    -yâ̱didhara (i.e. vinaya-dh-) m. N. of a man Kāv. ;
    -yâ̱nvita mfn. endowed with modesty, humble L. ;
    -yâ̱vanata mfn. bending down modestly, bowing low with modesty MBh. Kathās. ;
    - yôkti f. pl. modest speech Bālar.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विनय

  • 93 विवर्त


    m. « the revolving one»

    N. of the sky VS. TS. ;
    a whirlpool SV. ;
    turning round, rolling onwards, moving about Mcar. ;
    turning away L. ;
    dance L. ;
    changing from one state to another, modification, alteration, transformation, altered form orᅠ condition Kāv. Kathās. ;
    (in Vedânta) error, illusion, an apparent orᅠ illusory form, unreality (caused by A.-vidyā, « ignorance», andᅠ removed by Vidyā, « true knowledge») Vedântas. ;
    collection, multitude L. ;
    (with atreḥ) N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr. ;
    - kalpa m. (with Buddhists) one of the 4 cosmic periods Dharmaṡ. 87 ;
    - vāda m. a method of asserting the Vedanta doctrine (maintaining the development of the Universe from Brahma as the sole real entity, the phenomenal world being held to be a mere illusion orᅠ Māyā;
    cf. pariṇāma-vādā) Madhus.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > विवर्त

  • 94 संकर्षण

    n. drawing out, extraction Hariv. BhP. ;

    a means of joining orᅠ uniting BhP. ;
    drawing together, contracting W. ;
    making rows, ploughing ib. ;
    m. N. of Bala-deva orᅠ Bala-rāma ( alsoᅠ called Halâyudha <q.v.>, the elder brother of Kṛishṇa;
    he was drawn from the womb of Devakī andᅠ transferred to that of Rohiṇī;
    among Vaishṇavas he is considered as the second of the four forms of Purushôttama) MBh. Hariv. Pur. Sarvad. ;
    N. of the father of Nīlâsura Cat. ;
    ( alsoᅠ with sūri) of various authors ib. ;
    - kāṇḍa ( orᅠ saṉ-karsha-k-) m. N. of an appendix to the Mīmāṇsā-sūtra;
    - maya mf (ī)n. representing Bala-deva AgP. ;
    - vidyā f. the art of drawing a child from the womb of one woman andᅠ transferring it to that of another (applied to Baladeva cf. above) Prab. ;
    - ṡaraṇa m. N. of an author, Cat;
    - sūtra-vicāra m. N. of wk.;
    - ṇêṡvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha Cat.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > संकर्षण

  • 95 संस्कृत

    ( orᅠ sáṉ-skṛita) mfn. put together, constructed, well orᅠ completely formed, perfected Lalit. ;

    made ready, prepared, completed, finished RV. etc. etc.:
    dressed, cooked (as food) MBh. R. BhP. ;
    purified, consecrated, sanctified, hallowed, initiated ṠBr. etc. etc.;
    refined, adorned, ornamented, polished, highly elaborated (esp. applied to highly wrought speech, such as the Sanskṛit language as opp., to the vernaculars) Mn. MBh. etc.;
    m. a man of one of the three classes who has been sanctified by the purificatory rites W. ;
    a Iearned man MW. ;
    a word formed according to accurate rules, a regular derivation ib. ;
    (ám) n. making ready, preparation orᅠ a prepared place, sacrifice RV. TS. ṠBr. GṛṠrS. ;
    a sacred usage orᅠ custom MW. ;
    the Sanskṛit language (cf. above) Ṡiksh. Bhar. Daṡar. etc.. ;
    - tva n. the being prepared orᅠ made ready etc. Jaim. ;
    - mañjarī f. N. of wk.;
    - maya mf (ī) u. consisting of Sanskṛit, Kāṡikh. ;
    - mālā f. - ratna-mālā f. -vākya-ratnâ̱valī f. N. of wks.;
    - vat mfn. one who has perfected orᅠ elaborated orᅠ finished MW. ;
    -tâ̱tman m. one who has received the purificatory rites Mn. X, 110 ;
    a sage W. ;
    - tôkti f. refined orᅠ polished language, a Sanskṛit word orᅠ expression Hit.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > संस्कृत

  • 96 सप्तधातु

    (- tá-) mf (u)n. consisting of 7, 7-fold RV. ;

    consñconsisting of 7 constituent elements (as the body) GarbhUp. ;
    m. N. of one of the ten horses of the Moon L. ;
    pl. the 7 constitñconstituent elements of the body (viz. chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, andᅠ semen) W. ;
    - maya mf (ī)n. made of 7 various metals orᅠ elements Hcat. ;
    - varūthaka mfn. having the 7 constitñconstituent elements of the body for a chariot-guard BhP.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सप्तधातु


    nâhualli, plur. nâhualtin ou nânâhualtin.
    Magicien qui avait le pouvoir de se transformer en un animal sauvage ou domestique, voire en feu ou en pluie ou même de disparaître entièrement.
    Esp., bruja (M).
    nagual, brujo (T).
    Angl., sorcerer, one who uses spells and incantations (K).
    'nâhualli' désigne à la fois le double animal et l'individu qui a le pouvoir d'endosser cette seconde apparence.
    Sorcier, son activité est décrite en Sah10,31.
    Texte espagnol correspondant. 'El naoalli propriamente se llama bruxo, que de noche espanta a los hombres y chupa a los niños'. Est dit de Huitzilopochtli. Sah1,1.
    Dans une liste de sorciers et de magiciens malfaisants. Prim.Mem. f. 58r col. a (naoali).
    Désigne celui qui détruira les Toltèques. Sah3,23.
    Note. Seler (SGA II Pt.1-2 p.55) définit le 'nâhualli' comme un magicien et un devin de haut rang. Destiné à sa fonction depuis son enfance, il connaissait les choses cachées du ciel et des enfers; il avait des pouvoirs surnaturels, tels que celui de faire tomber la pluie, d'écarter la grêle ou les pestilences et de protéger contre les magiciens maléfiques. Il vivait célibataire, comme un prêtre, dans un temple et conseillait le souverain et le peuple. Il jeunait et utilisait pour son arts des narcotiques tels que l'ololiuhqui et le peyote. Dib Anders IV 101 n.l
    Garibay Paralipomenos de Sahagun pp 170 sq. traduit le terme par 'alma', mais il propose trois possibilités pour préciser la compréhension de ce terme: (1) si la racine est "nâhui" un double quadrupède est sous entendu; (2) si la racine est 'nâhuali', 'nâhuala' (un verbe archaique attesté en composition (Cf. 'nâhualcaqui', 'nâhualcuilia', 'nâhuallachia' etc. Molina II 63r.) le sens doit est proche de magicien, de prestidigitateur ou même de fou; (3) si la racine est le Maya "na, nao, naua" alors la signification se rattache à celle de sagesse, de science magique. Garibay privilégie la deuxième éventualité. Dib Anders III 13 n 1.
    Désigne Tezcatlipoca destructeur des Toltèques. Sah3,27.
    " in oc cequi têtzâhuitl, in zan ye no yehhuâtl quichîuh nâhualli inìc tlatetzanhuih tôllân ", un autre présage que lui aussi, le sorcier a produit par lequel il présageait des choses inquiétant pour Tula. Sah3,29.
    " in têtlachîhuiânih, in nânâhualtin, in texixicoânih ", les envouteurs, les sorciers, les magiciens. Sah10,21.
    " nâhualli, tlapôuhqui, tîcîtl ", un sorcier, un devin, un homme médecine - a sorcerer, a soothsayer, a medecineman.
    Est dit du mauvais tlamatini. Sah10,30.
    " nâhualli, tlapôuhqui, tlapôhuani, mecatlapôuhqui ", c'est un sorcier, un devin, qui lit l'avenir, qui le prédit au moyen de cordelettes nouées. Est dit du mauvais guérisseur, tîcîtl. Sah10,30.
    " nâhualli, nâhualeh, tlâcatecolotl ", une sorcière, elle a un double, c'est un démon - a sorceress, a person of sorcery, a posseded one. Décrit la mauvaise guérisseuse, tîcîtl. Sah10,53.
    " nanâhualtin catcah îhuân têtlachîhuiânih tlatlacatecoloh ", c'étaient des magiciens et des envoûteurs, des sorciers - they were sorcerers, and soothsayers and demons.
    Est dit de ceux nés sous le signe ce quiyahuitl. Sah4,41.
    " in âquin îpan tlâcatiya pilli, nâhualli mochîhuaya tlaciuhqui ", celui qui naissait noble à ce moment là devenait magicien, devin - he who was then born a nobleman became a sorcerer, en astrologer. Sah4,42.
    " in yohualtica nemih tlâtlâcatecoloh ahzo nânâhualtin tlahuichpochtin ", la nuit se promènent des démons, peut-être des magiciens et des sorciers. Sah2,192.
    " oncân têpopoloâyah in ômotênêuhqueh tlâtlâcatecoloh, in nânâhualtin ", alors les démons, les magiciens que l'on a mentionné détruisaient les gens - and this was also the time that the (aforementioned) demons and sorcerers destroyed people. Sah4,45.
    " netêtzânhuilôya in tlâcahuiyac, in ihcuâc yohualtica motêittîtia, mihtoa zan ye moch ye înâhual, înecuepaliz in Tlâcatecolôtl Tezcatlipoca ", on considérait le géant comme un présage quand il se présente la nuit, on dit qu'il est tout à fait le double, la métamorphose du démon Tezcatlipoca. Sah 1950,22:25-26 = Sah5,175.
    " iuh mihtoa ca zan mochi yeh înâhual tezcatlipoca inic têca mocacayaya ", comme on dit c'était toutes les magies de Tezcatlipoca avec lesquelles il se moquait des gens - wie man sagt, es ist das alles Hexerei von ihm, dem Tezcatlipoca der so die Leuten zum Narren hält. Sah 1950,28:12.
    " in quimihua mochehuantin in ahtlâcah, in tlaciuhqueh, in nanâhualtin ", il envoie tous ceux qui sont inhumains, les devins, les sorciers. Sah12,21.
    " quimihua Moteuczoma in nânâhualtin in tlaciuhqueh ", Moctezuma envoie les sorciers, les devins. Sah12,22.
    " in tlaciuhqueh in nanâhualtin îhuân tletlenamacaqueh ", les devins, les magiciens et les prêtres qui offraient de l'encens - the soothsayers, the magicians, and incense-offering priests. Sah12,33.
    " in îtoloca in Quetzalcoatl in hueyi nâhualli catca ", l'histoire de Quetzalcoatl qui était un grand magicien - the tale of Quetzalcoatl, wo was a great wizard. Sah9,13.
    " zan ye mochi yeh înâhual, înecuepaliz, înenêxtiliz in tezcatlipoca ", c'est tout à fait le double, la réapparition, l'apparition de Tezcatlipoca - all this is the disguise, the reappearance, the apparition of Tezcatlipoca. Est dit du tlâcanexquimilli. Sah5,177.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > NAHUALLI

  • 98 अजा _ajā

    अजा [न जायते इत्यजा]
    1 (According to Sāṅkhya Philosophy) Prakṛti or Māyā, the verse which refers to अजा, (अजामेकां लोहितशुक्लकृष्णाम् &c.) is interpreted by the Vedāntins as referring to the प्रकृति consisting of तेजस्, अप् and अन्न, See Ś. B.
    -2 A she-goat.
    -Comp. -गलस्तनः the fleshy protuberance or nipple hanging down from the neck of goats: (fig.) an emblem of anything worthless or useless; धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां यस्यैको$पि न विद्यते । ˚स्तनस्येव तस्य जन्म निरर्थकम् ॥ स्तनवदवलम्बते यः कण्ठे $जानां मणिः स विज्ञेयः Bṛ. S.65.3.
    -जीवः, -पालकः a goat- herd, See अजजीव &c.
    -तौल्वलिः [शाक ˚गण] N. of a sage who lived on the milk of goats (अजादुग्धेन वर्तमानः).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अजा _ajā

  • 99 चक्रवाक

    m. the Cakra bird (Anas Casarca;

    the couples are supposed to be separated andᅠ to mourn during night) RV. II, 39, 3 VS. XXIV ;
    f. AV. XIV MBh. etc.. ;
    (ī). f. the female of the Cakra(-vāka) bird Megh. 80 Kathās. Sāh. ;
    - bandhu m. = - kra-bāndhava L. ;
    - maya mfn. consisting of Cakra birds Kād. VI, 272 Hcar. IV, 36 ;
    - vatī f. « abounding in Cakra-vākas», (probably) N. of a river gaṇa ajirâ̱di;
    - kôpakūjita mfn. made resonant with the cooing orᅠ cry of the Cakra-vāka MBh. III, 2512.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > चक्रवाक

  • 100 ब्रह्मवेद

    m. « the Veda of sacred spells orᅠ charms» the Atharva-veda AV. Anukr. ṠāṇkhGṛ. etc.;

    the Veda of the Brāhmans (as opp. to kshatra-veda q.v.) R. ;
    knowledge of Brahmǎ W. ;
    knowledge of the Vedas ib. ;
    - pariṡishṭa n. N. of wk.;
    - maya mf (ī)n. consisting of the Brahma-veda L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ब्रह्मवेद

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