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со всех языков на английский


  • 81 sign on

    1. transitive verb
    einstellen [Arbeiter]; verpflichten [Fußballspieler]; anwerben [Soldaten]; anheuern, anmustern [Seeleute]
    2. intransitive verb

    sign on [for the dole] — sich arbeitslos melden; stempeln gehen (ugs. veralt.)

    * * *
    I. vi
    1. (for work) sich akk verpflichten; (for a course)
    to \sign on on for sth sich akk für etw akk einschreiben
    to \sign on on as a soldier sich akk als Soldat verpflichten
    2. (begin broadcasting) station auf Sendung gehen; disc jockey sich akk melden
    3. BRIT ( fam: register unemployment) sich akk melden
    II. vt
    to \sign on on ⇆ sb jdn verpflichten [o fam anheuern]
    shall we \sign on you on for a year? sollen wir Sie für ein Jahr einstellen?
    * * *
    1. vt sep
    = academic.ru/91583/sign_up">sign up
    2. vi
    = sign up

    (Brit for unemployment benefit etc) he's still signing on — er ist immer noch arbeitslos, er bezieht immer noch Arbeitslosenunterstützung

    3) (disc jockey etc) sich melden
    3. vi +prep obj
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    einstellen [Arbeiter]; verpflichten [Fußballspieler]; anwerben [Soldaten]; anheuern, anmustern [Seeleute]
    2. intransitive verb

    sign on [for the dole] — sich arbeitslos melden; stempeln gehen (ugs. veralt.)

    * * *
    (off) expr.
    Programm beginnen (beenden) (Radio) ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > sign on

  • 82 sign

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > sign

  • 83 sign

    1. noun
    1) знак; символ; to give a sign сделать знак; sign and countersign пароль и отзыв; sign manual собственноручная подпись (монарха)
    2) признак, примета;
    to make no sign
    а) не подавать признаков жизни;
    б) не протестовать
    3) знамение, предзнаменование; the signs of the times знамение времени
    4) вывеска (тж. signboard)
    5) med. симптом
    6) след
    2. verb
    1) подписывать(ся)
    2) выражать жестом; подавать знак (to - кому-л.)
    3) отмечать; ставить знак
    sign away
    sign off
    sign over
    sign on
    sign up
    * * *
    1 (n) знак; признак
    2 (v) подписать; подписывать
    * * *
    знак, признак, вывеска, надпись
    * * *
    [ saɪn] n. признак, примета, симптом; знак, обозначение, символ; пароль, жест; знамение, предзнаменование; знак зодиака; вывеска, объявление; след, подпись v. подписывать, расписываться; скрепить, подавать знак, делать знак; выражать жестом; отмечать, ставить знак
    * * *
    * * *
    1. сущ. 1) знак 2) а) признак б) знамение в) мед. симптом 3) а) жест б) сигнал, знак (звуковой) 4) след (зверя) 2. гл. 1) а) подписывать(ся), ставить подпись б) юр. отписывать имущество (в пользу кого-л.) 2) а) выражать жестом; подавать знак (to) б) общаться при помощи жестов

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sign

  • 84 sign\ up

    1. I
    those ex-marines came back to sign up эти бывшие моряки вернулись, чтобы вновь поступить на службу
    2. III
    sign up smb. /smb. up / sign up new workers нанимать новых рабочих
    3. XVI
    sign up in (for) smth. he signed up in the army он завербовался в армию; the actor signed up for a new film production актер подписал контракт на съемки нового фильма; he signed up for a three year enlistment он добровольно вступил /пошел/ в армию на три года; he signed up for a magazine он подписался на журнал; sign up with smth., smb. sign up with a firm (with one's old outfit, etc.) наниматься на работу в фирму и т.д.
    4. XX1 5. XXI1
    sign up smb. for smth. they signed up my brother for a four-year term моего брата завербовали /взяли/ [по контракту] на четырехлетний срок

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > sign\ up

  • 85 sign

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > sign

  • 86 sign

    jel, címtábla, cégtábla, cégér, jelzőtábla to sign: megjelöl, aláír, szignál, jelöl, jelel (süketnéma)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) jel
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) cégtábla; jelzőtábla
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) jel(zés)
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) jel
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) szignál
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) aláír
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) jelez
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Hungarian dictionary > sign

  • 87 sign

    1) символ; знак || ставить знаки
    2) рекламный плакат

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > sign

  • 88 sign\ on

    1. III
    sign on smb. /smb. on/ sign on fifty more workers (a fresh crew, another group of workers, etc.) брать /нанимать/ еще пятьдесят рабочих и т.д. на работу; the club signed on some new players клуб подписал контракты с несколькими новыми игроками
    2. IV
    sign on smb. at some time the ship in the harbour is still signing on the crew этот пароход в гавани еще набирает команду
    3. XI
    be signed on he was signed on a) с ним подписали контракт; б) его взяли на работу, военную службу и т.п.
    4. XVI
    sign on for smth. sign on for a new job (for a voyage to Africa, etc.) наняться на новую работу и т.д.
    5. XX1
    sign on as smb. sign on as a cook (as an instructor, etc.) наняться на работу поваром и т.д.; he signed on as a goalkeeper with a major team он подписал контракт с одной из ведущих команд на игру в ней в качестве вратаря
    6. XXIV1
    sign on smb. as smb. the captain of the ship signed on Tom as a cook капитан взял Тома на должность повара

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > sign\ on

  • 89 sign

    1) знак [числа]
    2) знак, символ
    6) см. signal
    7) обозначать, отмечать; помечать
    8) подписывать, ставить подпись

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > sign

  • 90 sign

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > sign

  • 91 sign

    [saɪn] 1. n
    1) знак, по́значка, си́мвол

    in sign of smth. — на знак чого́сь

    the circle as a sign of infinity — ко́ло як си́мвол нескінче́нності

    the positive and the negative signs — плюс і мі́нус

    sign manual — власнору́чний пі́дпис

    2) озна́ка, прикме́та

    the signs of the times — озна́ки ча́су

    to make no sign of life — 1) не подава́ти озна́к життя́ 2) не протестува́ти

    3) мед. симпто́м
    4) ви́віска
    5) знаме́ння; передві́стя
    6) амер. слід ( звіра)
    2. v
    1) ста́вити знак, відміча́ти
    2) підпи́сувати(ся)
    3) роби́ти знак ( рукою)
    - sign off
    - sign on
    - sign up

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > sign

  • 92 sign

    знак; признак; сигнал; символ; отметка; вывеска; примета; II ставить знак
    - sign-boarding - sign post - sign-posting - direction sign

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > sign

  • 93 Sign

       [The human mind] is a sign developing according to the laws of inference.... he content of consciousness, the entire phenomenal manifestation of mind, is a sign resulting from inference. (Peirce, 1934, p. 188)
       If Saussure writes, the most precise characteristic of every sign is that it differs from other signs, then every sign in some sense bears the traces of all the other signs; they are copresent with it as the entities which define it. This means that one should not think, as logocentrism [phonocentric metaphysics of writing] would like to, of the presence in consciousness of a single autonomous signified. What is present is a network of differences. (Culler, 1976, p. 122)
       A sign has meaning when a group of people has adopted a particular program for using it. Hence the meaning of a word is defined by the rules for its use and the circumstances under which it can be verified. (Young, 1978, p. 295)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Sign

  • 94 SIGN

    1. сигнет
    2. примета
    3. подписывать
    4. знак средства отображения информации
    5. знак полярности
    6. знак
    7. глобальная сеть по безопасности инъекций


    глобальная сеть по безопасности инъекций

    ГСБИ – ассоциация заинтересованных сторон, объединенных общим стремлением гарантировать безопасность инъекций и их надлежащее использование. В рамках ГСБИ происходит обмен информацией, идеями и опытом, а также пропагандируется разработка и использование новаторских, экономически эффективных подходов к стимулированию безопасной и надлежащей практики введения инъекций при оказании медико-санитарной помощи в целом.
    [Англо-русский глоссарий основных терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 2009 г.]


    • вакцинология, иммунизация




    Материальный предмет (явление, действие, событие), который выступает в процессе коммуникации как представитель другого предмета, свойства или отношения и используется для передачи, переработки и хранения информации.
    [ГОСТ 7.0-99]





    знак полярности

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия



    знак средства отображения информации

    Единица смысловой информации на экране средства отображения информации.
    Единицей смысловой информации может быть буква, цифра, геометрическая фигура и др.
    [ ГОСТ 27833-88]






    [ http://www.rfcmd.ru/glossword/1.8/index.php?a=index&d=4377]





    Фирменный знак, эмблема издательства, типографии или серии, воспроизводимый в издании на авантитуле, титульном листе, обложке или переплете.
    Различают следующие виды сигнета: издательскую марку, отражающую специфику издательства; серийную марку (эмблему), которая помещается на каждом из входящих в серию выпусков; типографскую марку, которая может проставляться на изданиях, выпущенных данной типографией.
    [ ГОСТ Р 7.0.3-2006]


    • издания, основные виды и элементы

    Обобщающие термины




    10. Знак средства отображения информации



    Единица смысловой информации на экране средства отображения информации.

    Примечание. Единицей смысловой информации может быть буква, цифра, геометрическая фигура и др.

    Источник: ГОСТ 27833-88: Средства отображения информации. Термины и определения оригинал документа

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > SIGN

  • 95 sign

    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) tákn
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) merki
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) merki
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) merki (um)
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) undirrita
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) undirrita
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) gefa merki um
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sign

  • 96 sign

    n. istavroz, işaret, sembol, simge, gösterge, jest, belirti, nişan, alâmet, iz, semptom, burç, burç sembolü, tabela, isim levhası, mucize işareti, haç işareti
    v. imzalamak, imza atmak, imza etmek, ismini yazmak, ima etmek, belirtmek, ifade etmek, işaret etmek, işaretlemek
    * * *
    1. belirti 2. imzala (v.) 3. işaret (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) işaret sembol
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) işaret, tabelâ
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) işaret
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) ipucu, belirten işaret
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) imzalamak
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) yazmak
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) işaret etmek
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Turkish dictionary > sign

  • 97 sign

    • oire
    • olla samaa mieltä
    • opaste
    • osoitus
    • nimikilpi
    • hyväksyä
    • ilmaus
    • juliste
    • tunnus
    • tunnustaa
    automatic data processing
    • tähtimerkki
    • tunnustähti
    • tunnusmerkki
    • huolia
    • viittaus
    • viitata
    • viitta
    • ennusmerkki
    • ele
    • enne
    • etumerkki
    • signumi
    • signeerata
    • sisäänkirjaus
    • sisäänkirjoittautuminen
    • allekirjoittaa
    • antaa merkki
    • vahvistaa
    • puumerkki
    • ratifioida
    • kelpuuttaa
    • kilpi
    • kirjoittaa nimensä
    • liikekilpi
    • kannattaa
    • merkki
    • merkitä
    • parafoida
    • mainoskilpi
    • suostua
    • yhtyä
    • kuitata
    • kyltti
    • käsimerkki
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) merkki
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) kyltti, viitta
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) merkki
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) merkki
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) allekirjoittaa
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) kirjoittaa nimensä
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) antaa merkki
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Finnish dictionary > sign

  • 98 sign

    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) zīme
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) zīme; izkārtne; rādītājs
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) zīme; norādījums; žests
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) pazīme
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) parakstīties
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) parakstīt
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) dot zīmi; []māt
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up
    * * *
    zīme; pazīme; izkārtne; parakstīt; parakstīties; dot zīmi; iezīmēt, atzīmēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > sign

  • 99 sign

    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) ženklas
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) ženklas, iškaba, rodyklė
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) ženklas
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) ženklas, požymis
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) pasirašyti
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) parašyti
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) duoti ženklą
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sign

  • 100 sign

    n. tecken; märke; antydan, fingervisning; skylt; stjärntecken; symbol
    v. skriva i; signera, skriva under; ge tecken, teckna; antyda; skriva upp
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (a mark used to mean something; a symbol: is the sign for addition.) tecken, symbol
    2) (a notice set up to give information (a shopkeeper's name, the direction of a town etc) to the public: road-sign.) skylt, []märke
    3) (a movement (eg a nod, wave of the hand) used to mean or represent something: He made a sign to me to keep still.) tecken
    4) (a piece of evidence suggesting that something is present or about to come: There were no signs of life at the house and he was afraid they were away; Clouds are often a sign of rain.) spår, tecken
    2. verb
    1) (to write one's name (on): Sign at the bottom, please.) signera, underteckna
    2) (to write (one's name) on a letter, document etc: He signed his name on the document.) signera, underteckna, skriva
    3) (to make a movement of the head, hand etc in order to show one's meaning: She signed to me to say nothing.) teckna
    - signpost
    - sign in/out
    - sign up

    English-Swedish dictionary > sign

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sign-on — (or startup) is the term used to describe the beginning of operations for a television station. It is the opposite to a sign off (or closedown).As with sign offs, sign ons vary from country to country, and from station to station.North AmericaIn… …   Wikipedia

  • sign — [sīn] n. [ME signe < OFr < L signum, a mark, token, prob. < base of secare, to cut (see SAW1): orig. sense prob. “incised mark”] 1. something that indicates a fact, quality, etc.; indication; token [black as a sign of mourning] 2. a) a… …   English World dictionary

  • Sign — Sign, n. [F. signe, L. signum; cf. AS. segen, segn, a sign, standard, banner, also fr. L. signum. Cf. {Ensign}, {Resign}, {Seal} a stamp, {Signal}, {Signet}.] That by which anything is made known or represented; that which furnishes evidence; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sign — n 1 Sign, mark, token, badge, note, symptom can denote a sensible and usually visible indication by means of which something not outwardly apparent or obvious is made known or revealed. Sign is the most comprehensive of these terms, being… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Sign — Single par Brown Eyed Girls Face A Sign (Japanese version) Face B Love is… (Jea Miryo) Sortie 26 janvier 2011 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sign — Sign, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Signed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Signing}.] [OE. seinen to bless, originally, to make the sign of the cross over; in this sense fr. ASS. segnian (from segn, n.), or OF. seignier, F. signer, to mark, to sign (in sense 3), fr. L …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sign — vt 1: to affix a signature to: ratify or attest by hand or seal sign a bill into law; specif: to write or mark something (as a signature) on (a document) as an acknowledgment of one s intention to be bound by it 2: to assign or convey formally… …   Law dictionary

  • sign — ► NOUN 1) a thing whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence, occurrence, or advent of something else. 2) a signal, gesture, or notice conveying information or an instruction. 3) a symbol or word used to represent something in… …   English terms dictionary

  • sign in — {v.} To write your name on a special list or in a record book to show that you are present. * /Every worker must sign in when coming back to work./ * /Teachers go to the office and sign in each morning before going to their classrooms./ Contrast… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sign in — {v.} To write your name on a special list or in a record book to show that you are present. * /Every worker must sign in when coming back to work./ * /Teachers go to the office and sign in each morning before going to their classrooms./ Contrast… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sign — [n1] indication, evidence assurance, augury, auspice, badge, beacon, bell, caution, clue, divination, flag, flash, foreboding, foreknowledge, foreshadowing, foretoken, forewarning, gesture, giveaway, handwriting on wall*, harbinger, herald, high… …   New thesaurus

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