2 section
- section
- n1. сечение, разрез ( на чертеже)
2. секция; отрезок
3. прокатный или холодногнутый профиль
4. профилированное погонажное изделие
5. участок (трубопровода, дороги, канала и т. п.)
6. квартал ( города)
on [to] the left/right of the section — слева/справа от сечения
- section of fracture
- actual section
- aerofoil section
- aluminum alloy structural section
- angle section
- annular section
- asymmetrical section
- axial section
- ballast section
- bar cross section
- bar section
- beam section
- boiler section
- bottom boom section
- bottom tower section
- box section
- breaking cross section
- built-up cross section
- built-up section
- canalization section
- center section
- channel section
- circular section
- column section
- combination access section
- concrete section
- concreting section
- cross section
- design section
- discharge section
- dock section
- doubly symmetrical section
- drop-down section
- duct section
- effective section
- empty sections
- end section
- extruded section
- flow cross section
- gate hinge section
- gauging section
- generalized cross section
- geologic section
- gross section
- horseshoe section
- hot-rolled steel section
- hydraulic section
- hydrometric section
- I-section
- intermediate sections
- intermediate jib section
- jib foot section
- jib head section
- Larsen section
- level section
- light formed section
- longitudinal section
- mast typical section
- measuring section
- metal section
- midriver section
- mixing section
- net section
- nonoverflow section
- normal section
- oblique section
- pile section
- pipe section
- plane cross section
- prefabricated section
- prestressed tee section
- principal design sections
- reinforcement cross section
- rolled section
- runway drop section
- sealed box sections
- shearing section
- shear section
- sliding tower section
- sloping section
- soil cross section
- standard structural steel section
- stay-in-place center form sections
- steel section
- steel window sections
- structural steel sections
- subaqueous section
- three-level section
- top boom section
- transformed section
- typical cross section
- weaving section
- wide flange section
- zed section
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
3 section
section 1. рассечение; сечение; разрез; 2. срезcelloidin section целлоидиновый срезcelloidin section целлоидиновый срезcross section поперечный срезfree-floating section свободноплавающий срезfree-hand section срез, сделанный от рукиfreeze-dried section лиофилизированный срезfrontal section фронтальный срезfrozen section замороженный срезlongitudinal section продольный срезmicroscopic section гистологический срезmicroscopic section микроскопический срез, срез для микроскопического исследованияmicroscopical section срез для микроскопииoptical section оптический разрезparaffin section парафиновый срезsagittal section сагиттальный срезserial section сериальный срезserial section серийный срезtissue section срез тканиtransverse section поперечный срезultrathin section ультратонкий срезEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > section
4 section
section [ˊsekʃn]1. n1) (попере́чное) сече́ние, разре́з, про́филь; срез;microscopic section срез для микроскопи́ческого ана́лиза
2) отре́зок; сегме́нт; часть3) се́кция, дета́ль, часть (стандартного сооружения, мебели и т.п.);built in sections разбо́рный
4) до́лька ( плода)5) гру́ппа, кружо́к6) пара́граф, разде́л (книги, документа и т.п.)7) амер. земе́льный уча́сток ( в одну квадратную милю)8) амер. кварта́л ( города); райо́н9) рассече́ние10) уча́сток железнодоро́жного пути́11) амер. купе́ спа́льного ваго́на2. v1) дели́ть на ча́сти, подразделя́ть2) брать срез тка́ни и т.п. для микроскопи́ческого ана́лиза -
5 section
section разделsection секция раздел -
6 section
English-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > section
7 section no
section no раздел ом. -
8 section
2) секция; зона3) отрезок; участок4) срез; шлиф; микрошлиф5) отдел; отделение; производственный участок10) ж.-д. путевой участок11) мор. теоретический шпангоут12) купе ( спального вагона)13) полигр. сфальцованный лист, тетрадь14) раздел (книги, документа)15) текст. сновальная лента•to pass section — проводить сечение-
acoustic impedance section
ahead section
aileron section
air reservoir section
angle section
antenna section
apparent resistivity section
approach section
arched section
arithmetic section
aseptic section
assembly section
axial section
ballast section
bar rectangular section
barrel section
bar-round section
baseband switching section
bend section
bleeding section
block section
boiling section
borehole section
borehole tight section
box-like section
box section
building-out section
builtup section
bus section
by-product section
can body-forming section
can ends-making section
canal section
canalized section
capacitor section
cased borehole section
cast section
center wing section
channel section
coil section
combustion section
common-depth-point section
complete transposition section
composite section
concrete-lined section
condensing unit section
conic section
control section
converging section
converter section
cooling section
corner section
critical section
cross section
cubing and pelleting section
curved section
cut-and-fill section
cut-to-length sections
dangerous section
dead section
deep-freeze section
depth section
design section
development section
die-rolled section
diverging section
drying section
dummy section
effective section
electrolytic section
embanked section
entry section
evaporator section
exhausting section
extruded section
fabricated section
fairway section
feedback section
filter section
finished section
finishing section
fixed section
flared section
flash section
flat section
flexible section
flood section
formed section
fracture section
fragmentary section
fuel section
full-fashioned outerwear section
fuselage mid section
generator section
geoelectric section
geological section
geologic section
gilling section
golden section
grain-cleaning section
grain-storage section
grip section
gross section
H section
half-wave section
head section
heavy section
hinged section
horizontal section
hydraulic section
hydrologic section
I section
ice freezing section
initial separation section
insulated point section
insulated track section
invaded section
irregular section
jet section
journal section
lateral section
lattice section
level section
light section
liquid collection section
lithologic section
locked section
locked-in section
logged section
logical section
logic section
longitudinal section
lower spray sections
machining section
marking-out section
matching section
measuring section
medium section
metallographic section
midlength section
midstation section
milling section
mine section
mist extraction section
multiplier section
net section
neutral section
normal section
nose section
nozzle section
oblique section
operational section
operation section
overhead line section
overlapping section
packing section
partial section
parting off section
path section
patterned section
pay section
perforation section
phasing section
pipeline section
pivot section
point section
poison section
polished section
preset tooling section
process section
processing section
program section
pseudodepth section
pull-off section
pull-on section
quarter-wave section
radiant section
record section
rectifying section
refinery section
reflection section
refraction section
refrigerating section
regulator section
released section
resistivity pseudodepth section
resistivity section
rheostat section
right section
rinsing section
riser section
river section
riveted section
rolled section
rolling section
rough section
route section
ruling section
section of groove
section of soil
section of winding
seismic section
seismogram section
semifinished section
serial section
settling section
short-trace section
slender section
soaking section
solid-drawn section
spur section
square section
stackable lift-offroof section
stacked seismic section
station section
steaming section
strata section
stripping section
switch section
T section
tail section
tank shell section
tapered section
taper section
time section
topographic section
track section
transposition section
transverse section
trimming section
turntable section
uncased borehole section
unfinished section
uniform section
universal column section
unoccupied section
upper spray sections
valve section
variable-area record section
variable-density record section
vertical section
waist section
water section of canal
waveguide section
welded section
well section
wetted section
winding section
wire-mesh sections
Z-piling section -
9 section
1. поперечное сечение, разрез; вертикальный разрез, сечение, профиль2. сегмент; отрезок, интервал ( в скважине)4. участок в 640 акров = 256 га ( США)5. отдел; секция
* * *
отдел; отделение; секция
* * *
1. сечение, разрез; профильный разрез2. отдел, участок; отрезок, интервал ( в скважине); участок или секция в 640 акров = 256 га (крупные участки земли, на которые в США разделяется линиями с севера на юг и с востока на запад территория в системе недропользования)
* * *
разрез; звено ( фильтра); сечение; профиль; участок
* * *
1) поперечное сечение, разрез2) вертикальный разрез, сечение, профиль3) интервал ()4) сегмент; отрезок; участок; часть5) срез; шлиф; микрошлиф8) отдел; отделение; секция•- section of reservoirsection with reversed polarity — сейсм. разрез с обратной полярностью
- section of unconsolidated beds
- absorption cross section
- abyssal geologic section
- acoustic impedance section
- active section of streamer
- add-on pile section
- admission section
- aggraded subsea permafrost section
- apparent capture cross section
- apparent resistivity section
- barrel section
- borehole section
- borehole tight section
- buoyant riser section
- capture cross section
- cased borehole section
- cased hole section
- casing string section
- cemented hole section
- clay section
- clay sediments section
- columnar section
- columnar geological section
- common-depth-point section
- compressional-wave section
- constant offset section
- continuous permafrost section
- converted-wave section
- core section
- cross section
- cross section in seismic velocities
- dead section of streamer
- degraded subsea permafrost section
- depth section
- derrick section
- discontinuous permafrost section
- disequilibrium subsea permafrost section
- double-sheave section
- drill-collar section
- drill-string section
- equilibrium subsea permafrost section
- exhausting section
- exhaustive adsorption section
- final time section
- flash section
- geological cross section
- high-quality time section
- high-velocity section
- hole section
- hundred-percent section
- ice-bonded permafrost section
- ice-unbonded permafrost section
- initial separation section of separator
- inner female section
- instantaneous amplitude section
- instantaneous frequency section
- instantaneous phase section
- interpolated time section
- invaded section
- key geological section
- lateral section
- lead-in section of streamer
- linear sand section
- liquid collection section of separator
- lithologic-stratigraphical section
- live section of streamer
- locked-in section
- logged section
- longitudinal section
- low-velocity section
- maintenance section
- maintenance control section
- marine pipe section
- marine riser section
- migrated section
- mist extraction section of separator
- net productive section
- nonmagnetic insulation section
- oil-bearing section
- patchy permafrost section
- pay section
- perforated section
- permafrost section
- permeable section
- pipeline section
- plain section
- preliminary section
- pseudoacoustic impedance section
- rathole section
- real time section
- record section
- rectifying section
- reduced diameter hole section
- reflection section
- reflectivity section
- refraction section
- regulator section
- reliability section
- reliability analysis section
- relict permafrost section
- repair section
- repeat section
- resistivity section
- resistivity pseudodepth section
- riser lower section
- rotten shale section
- rugose section
- salt-bearing section
- sample section
- seismic cross section
- seismogram section
- settling section of separator
- shale section
- shear-wave section
- short-offset section
- single-fold section
- soaking section
- stacked section
- stacked seismic section
- stagnant section of water treatment system
- steaming section
- stratigraphic section
- stripping section
- structure section
- subsea permafrost section
- survey section
- synthetic time section
- tail section of streamer
- tank shell section
- test section
- thick producing section
- thin section
- tight section of hole
- time cross section
- travel time section
- true amplitude section
- tubing string section
- uncased borehole section
- uncased hole section
- uniform cross section
- unmigrated time section
- useful cross section
- variable-area record section
- variable-density record section
- velocity section
- weak section
- well section
- well test section
- wire-mesh section
- zero-offset section* * *• 1) секция; 2) разрез• блок• интервал• перегон• пункт• секция• секция/участок• талон• толща -
10 section
секция; отдел, отделение; расчет; участок; сечение; профиль; разрез; часть; звено; отсек; орудие; ( авиационный) отрядair movement (traffic) section — Бр. отделение воздушных перевозок
collection, identification and evacuation section — секция сбора, опознания и эвакуации раненых и убитых
works section, RE — Бр. инженерно-строительная секция
— ammunition supply section— cable-laying section— chemical warfare section— countermortar radar section— launching section— light armor section* * *• секция -
11 section
сечение, разрез; профиль; секция; отсек; участок, отрезок; часть; шлиф; профильный металл; фасонная сталь; раздел ( документа) ; отделение ( организации)12% thick airfoil section — аэродинамический профиль с относительной толщиной 12%
boron epoxy reinforced section — профиль, армированный бороэпоксидной композицией
guidance (and control) section — отсек (бортовой) аппаратуры наведения [управления]; отделение пункта наведения [управления]
submerged seaplane hull section — подводная часть лодки [корпуса] гидросамолёта
12 section
1) поперечное сечение; разрез ( на чертеже); профиль2) секция; отдел; зона3) отрезок; участок; сегмент4) производственный участок; отдел5) район, квартал ( города)7) параграф•- box section - box-like section - built-up section - canal section - canalized section - channel section - compound section - conic section - contracted section - critical section - dangerous section - design section - doubly symmetrical section - embanked section - fabricated section - fill section - filter section - fluted section - formed section - front section - geological section - golden section - gross section - H-section - half section - horizontal section - lateral section - longitudinal section - net section - partial section - reference section - rolled section - rolled-formed section - sloping section - vertical section - water section of canal - welded section* * *1. сечение, разрез ( на чертеже)2. секция; отрезок3. прокатный или холодногнутый профиль4. профилированное погонажное изделие5. участок (трубопровода, дороги, канала и т. п.)6. квартал ( города)- section of fractureon [to] the left/right of the section — слева/справа от сечения
- actual section
- aerofoil section
- aluminum alloy structural section
- angle section
- annular section
- asymmetrical section
- axial section
- ballast section
- bar cross section
- bar section
- beam section
- boiler section
- bottom boom section
- bottom tower section
- box section
- breaking cross section
- built-up cross section
- built-up section
- canalization section
- center section
- channel section
- circular section
- column section
- combination access section
- concrete section
- concreting section
- cross section
- design section
- discharge section
- dock section
- doubly symmetrical section
- drop-down section
- duct section
- effective section
- empty sections
- end section
- extruded section
- flow cross section
- gate hinge section
- gauging section
- generalized cross section
- geologic section
- gross section
- horseshoe section
- hot-rolled steel section
- hydraulic section
- hydrometric section
- I-section
- intermediate sections
- intermediate jib section
- jib foot section
- jib head section
- Larsen section
- level section
- light formed section
- longitudinal section
- mast typical section
- measuring section
- metal section
- midriver section
- mixing section
- net section
- nonoverflow section
- normal section
- oblique section
- pile section
- pipe section
- plane cross section
- prefabricated section
- prestressed tee section
- principal design sections
- reinforcement cross section
- rolled section
- runway drop section
- sealed box sections
- shearing section
- shear section
- sliding tower section
- sloping section
- soil cross section
- standard structural steel section
- stay-in-place center form sections
- steel section
- steel window sections
- structural steel sections
- subaqueous section
- three-level section
- top boom section
- transformed section
- typical cross section
- weaving section
- wide flange section
- zed section -
13 section
1) секция; часть || секционировать; делить на части2) ж.-д. дистанция3) отдел4) отделение, участок, подразделение5) раздел; параграф6) метал. профиль проката7) разрез; профиль8) разрезание || разрезать9) рассечение || рассекать10) сегмент11) срез12) шлиф; срез13) полигр. шмуцтитул14) геол. пласты формации•- swing section of wing - switch section of multiple -
14 section
1. n секция, детальbuilt in sections — сборный; разборный
2. n часть; отрезок, участок3. n отдел, секция4. n район5. n слой6. n статья7. n параграф, разделsections have been preferred to chapters — предпочтение отдаётся не главам, а параграфам
book review section — раздел «книжное обозрение»
8. n знак параграфа9. n учебная группа10. n сечение, разрез; профильlongitudinal section — продольный разрез, продольное сечение
11. n мед. рассечение, разрез; вскрытие12. n амер. купе13. n амер. земельный участоктетрадь; книжный блок
14. n воен. отдел, отделение штаба15. n воен. подразделение не выше взвода16. n воен. мор. отсек17. n воен. воен. орудие18. n воен. спорт. этап эстафеты19. n воен. секционная рамка20. n воен. сортовая или профильная сталь21. n воен. группа инструментов22. v делить на части, подразделятьprogram section — часть программы; сегмент программы
23. v распределять или собирать по частямinput section — вводная часть; входная область
24. v представлять в разрезеСинонимический ряд:1. branch (noun) branch; category2. measure (noun) measure; portion; quota; share3. part (noun) chapter; compartment; division; dominion; fraction; member; moiety; parcel; part; passage; piece; province; slice4. segment (noun) area; cut; district; precinct; quarter; region; sector; segment; subdivision; vicinity; zone5. apportion (verb) apportion; cleave; cut; divide6. sectionalize (verb) sectionalize; sectionize7. separate (verb) break up; part; partition; segment; separateАнтонимический ряд: -
15 section
1. шмуцтитул перед частью, разделом или главойprogram section — часть программы; сегмент программы
2. сфальцованный лист; тетрадь3. параграф; раздел; подраздел; часть4. секция; отделение; отдел5. разрез; сечение; профиль; поперечное сечениеlongitudinal section — продольный разрез, продольное сечение
6. отрезок7. участок; зонаbook section — книжная тетрадь, тетрадь книжного блока
book review section — раздел «книжное обозрение»
fuel section — топливная зона (ЯР); топливная секция (СУЗ)
8. охлаждающая секция9. участок охлаждения10. листовыводная система11. приёмно-выводное устройствоcontrol section — контрольное звено; устройство управления
12. сушильная секция13. участок сушкиfeeding section — подающая секция; самонаклад
14. цепной конвейер с захватами15. участок листопроводящей системы с захватамиpaper feed section — бумагоподающая секция; самонаклад
printed section — «печатное»
rare book section — отдел редких книг, антикварный отдел
stacker section — стапельное устройство; механический укладчик
16. полоса ленты после продольной резки17. отрезок ленты18. участок ленты между печатными секциями -
16 section
1) сегмент
2) отдел
3) секционировать
4) секция
5) сечение
6) сортоправильный
7) участок
8) шлиф
9) шлифной
10) шмуцтитул
11) разрез
12) делить на части
13) раздел
14) параграф
15) профиль
16) разрезание
17) разрезать
18) рассечение
19) срез
20) цех
21) отрезок
22) <rail.>дистанция
– aft section
– agitation section
– aifoil section
– bent section
– biological section
– center section
– conic section
– core of section
– die-rolled section
– evaporating section
– exhaust section
– exit section
– f section
– filter section
– fluted section
– forward section
– fouling section
– fuselage aft section
– geological section
– heavy section
– high-pressure section
– hot section
– intermediate-pressure section
– light section
– line section
– median section
– microscopic section
– midship section
– nose section
– polished section
– potentiometer section
– power bay section
– raft section
– repeater section
– roll-formed section
– section blocking
– section harrow
– section insulator
– section lineman
– section material
– section mill
– section of multiple
– section rolling
– section straightener
– sound section
– stain section
– tee section
– transposition section
– transverse section
– wing section
cross section of target — <tech.> площадь рассеяния эффективная
fuselage forward section — <aeron.> отсек передний фюзеляжа
nozzle exit section — срез сопла, <engin.> выход соплового канала, сечение сопла выходное
removal cross section — <phys.> сеть электрическая, сечение выведения
slotted section line — <tech.> линия щелевая
specular cross section — <tech.> площадь отражения эффективная
switch section of multiple — секция многократного поля добавочная
vertical instrument section — <tech.> надпанель
17 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron-capture cross section
- electron multiplier section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- L-section
- lowpass T-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- T-section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- twin-T section
- waveguide section
- π-section -
18 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron multiplier section
- electron-capture cross section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- lowpass T-section
- L-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- section of transmission line
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- T-section
- twin-T section
- waveguide sectionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > section
19 section
1) сечение; разрез; профиль || вычерчивать сечение ( детали или узла); воспроизводить сечение (напр. на экране дисплея)2) секция; участок; отделение3) отрезок; часть; звено4) мет. профиль проката•- attachment section
- automatic work section
- automation-connected sections
- axial section
- base section
- bearing section
- blank preparation section
- blank section
- box section
- box-like section
- broach section
- broken-out section
- closed section
- computing section
- control section
- critical section
- cross section of cut
- cross section
- cut section
- dangerous section
- detail section
- dovetail section
- equal flange section
- equidistant section
- executive section
- extruded section
- finishing section
- flare section
- flow section
- fragmentary section
- hard-to-get-to section
- hinged section
- Hofer's weakest section
- I section
- insulated section
- laser-hardening section
- lateral section
- lead-in section
- light section
- longitudinal section
- machining section
- manual work section
- maximum section of cutting tool
- meridional section
- normal section
- oblique section
- offset section
- partial section
- path section
- pilot section
- preset tooling section
- revolved section
- section of female die
- shaped section
- side section
- side-cutting section
- software section
- standard section
- steel section
- tangential section
- tool section
- torque-tube section
- transverse section of rack
- transverse section
- turning section
- variant assembly section
- weakest section
- workshop sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > section
20 section
1. (поперечное) сечение; профиль2. секция; отсек; участокsection at cracked holesection at failureacoustic cross sectionaft-loaded sectionafterburning sectionairfoil sectionautothrottle computing sectionbackscatter cross sectionbackscattering cross sectionbistatic cross sectionblade sectioncabin cross sectioncambered sectionchine-shaped cross sectioncockpit sectioncommand sectioncomputing sectioncontrol sectioncross sectiondeep aerofoil sectiondorsal sectioneconomy sectionelliptic sectionelliptical sectionengine hot sectionfinned sectionfirst-class sectionflap sectionflight sectionfrontal radar cross sectionfuselage sectionfuselage centre sectionguidance sectionhead-on radar cross sectionhigh-pitching moment sectionin profile radar cross sectionleading-edge sectionleading-edge cross sectionno-smoking sectionnose cross sectionoff-center line section of runwayopen-throat test sectionpayload carrying sectionpeaky sectionpitch channel output sectionpitch mode computing sectionpropulsion sectionradar cross sectionreflexed sectionroll channel output sectionroll mode computing sectionrooftop sectionroot sectionscattering cross sectionsharp-leading-edge sectionslotted test sectionslotted-wall test sectionsnap-through sectionstar-shaped cross sectionstilling sectionstreamwise sectionstructural sectionsupercritical sectiontail sectiontail cross sectiontest sectiontesting sectiontip sectionuncambered sectionuniform cross sectionvariable camber sectionvertical ellipse cross sectionvertical tail sectionwarhead sectionWhitcomb sectionwing-body cross section
См. также в других словарях:
section — [ sɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1564; « action de couper » 1380; « scission » 1366; lat. sectio I ♦ 1 ♦ Math. Figure engendrée par l intersection de deux autres. Section plane d un volume : figure constituée par l intersection de ce plan et de ce volume.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Section 28 — of the Local Government Act 1988 was a controversial amendment to the United Kingdom s Local Government Act 1986, enacted on 24 May 1988 and repealed on 21 June 2000 in Scotland, and on 18 November 2003 in the rest of the UK by section(122) of… … Wikipedia
section — sec‧tion [ˈsekʆn] noun 1. [countable] one of the parts of an organization or department: • You will need to speak to the manager of the marketing services section. • Toyota suffered its biggest drop in profit since its sales and manufacturing… … Financial and business terms
Section — may refer to:* Section (bookbinding), papers folded during bookbinding * Section (botany) * Section (category theory), also in homological algebra, and including: ** Section (fiber bundle), in topology ** Part of a sheaf (mathematics) * Section… … Wikipedia
Section — Sec tion, n. [L. sectio, fr. secare, sectum, to cut; akin to E. saw a cutting instrument: cf. F. section. See {Saw}, and cf. {Scion}, {Dissect}, {Insect}, {Secant}, {Segment}.] 1. The act of cutting, or separation by cutting; as, the section of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Section 25 — Origin Blackpool, England Genres Post punk, Alternative dance, Electro, Alternative rock Years active 1977–1988, 2001–present Labels … Wikipedia
Section 8 — or Section Eight may refer to:*Section 8 (military), a kind of discharge from the United States military due to mental illness and/or problems *Section 8 (housing), a U.S. government funded housing program *Section Eight Productions, a company… … Wikipedia
Section Z — Éditeur Capcom Développeur Capcom Date de sortie Décembre 1985 … Wikipédia en Français
Section 25 — ist eine Band, die in den 1980ern auf dem inzwischen nicht mehr existierenden britischen Label Factory Records Platten veröffentlichte. Gegründet wurde die Band im April 1978 von den Brüdern Vincent und Lawrence John, genannt Larry Cassidy in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Section Fu — est un quatuor de rappeurs français (Linko, Ati Mali, Dexter et Voodoo), issus des 18e, 19e arrondissements de Paris et de la Seine Saint Denis. À l origine, ce groupe fondé en 1994 par Voodoo, s appelait Natifs du 18e. En 1996, ils deviennent… … Wikipédia en Français
section — SECTION. s. f. Une des parties en quoy est divisé un traité, un chapitre &c. Ce livre est divisé en tant de sections. chapitre second. section premiere. il a divisé ce traité par sections. On appelle, Section, En termes de Mathematique, La ligne… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française