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  • 21 في

    في \ a; an; each; every: twice a day; 80 miles an hour. at: (showing where): at home; at the office, (showing a point of time) at midday; at 4 o’clock; He was married at 18, (after an adj) good at English; quick at sums. by: during: We travelled by night. in: showing where: In bed; in London; in the box; in his speech, showing condition In a hurry; in trouble, showing a direction; into He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket, showing when; during In the past; in January 1980; in the evening, showing what sth. contains or includes There are 60 minutes in an hour. Is he in your team?, showing what sb. wears He was in his best suit, showing a shape or arrangement They stood in a row, showing employment or activity or an event He’s in the navy. She was killed in the accident. on: showing when: on Monday; on May the 6th. showing the state of sb.:: Are you here on business or on holiday?. per: for each: He earns $8000 per annum (for each year). \ في (أيّ مَكَان)‏ \ anywhere: in or to any place: Are you going anywhere?. \ See Also إلى( إلى)‏ \ في \ home: to or at one’s house: Go home! Is your son home yet?. \ See Also إلى البيت \ في \ inside: on (or to) the inside. \ See Also إلى الداخل \ في \ inland: away from the sea: We crossed the coast and flew inland. \ See Also إلى داخل البلاد \ في \ indoors: into (or in) a building: He went (or He stayed) indoors because of the rain. \ See Also إلى داخل البيت \ في \ on board: on (or onto) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ See Also إلى دَاخِل الطَّائِرَة \ في \ upstairs: on, at or to a higher floor; up the stairs; at the top of the stairs: She went upstairs because her room is upstairs. She has an upstairs bedroom. \ See Also إلى الدَّور الأَعْلى \ في \ low: to or in a low position: The sun had sunk low in the sky. \ See Also إلى وَضْع مُنْخفِض \ في \ whereabouts: in or near which place: Whereabouts did you find this ring?. \ See Also قرب أيّ مكان؟ \ في \ upstream: against the flow of the stream; up the river: They rowed (the boat) upstream. \ See Also نَحْوَ أعلى النَّهر \ في الاتجاه المعاكس \ backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ في أَثَر \ after: following, in search of: I ran after him but could not catch him. The police are after him. \ في أثناء الخِدْمَة (خارج أوقات الخِدمة)‏ \ on duty, (off duty): at work (not at work): The night nurse has 12 hours on duty, then 12 hours off duty. She went on duty at 18.00 and came off duty at 06.00. \ في أثناء ذلك \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في إجازة \ off: free from work: My employer gave me the afternoon off. \ See Also عطلة (عُطْلَة)‏ \ في أَحْسَن الأَحْوَال \ at best: in the most hopeful conditions: At best, we can’t be ready till Tuesday. \ في آخر \ eventually: in the end: The car kept stopping, but we got home eventually. ultimately: in the end: We must all, ultimately, die. \ See Also نهاية الأمر \ في آخر رَمَق \ on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. \ في آخر لحظة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في أَرْجَاء \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. round: (also around) from place to place: He wandered (a)round (the town). We travelled (a)round (the country). \ في أَسْفَل \ under: (also underneath), in a lower position. underneath: (of position) below: It was hidden underneath the floor boards. \ See Also الأسفل (الأَسْفَل)‏ \ في الأَصْل \ originally: in the beginning: This school was originally a rich man’s home. \ في الأَعْلَى \ up: in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. \ في أغلب الظَّنّ \ doubtless: probably: It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party. \ في أَفْضَل حَالَة \ at one’s best: in one’s best state: My garden is at its best in spring. \ في أقلّ مِن \ within: in less than: He will arrive within an hour. I live within a mile of the sea. \ في الأمام \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في أَوَاخِر \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الأوْج \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ في أوجِ الإزْهَار \ in bloom: flowering: The roses are in bloom now. \ في أيّ مَكَان \ anywhere: in no matter what place: Put it down anywhere. \ في أيّ وقت \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في أيّ وقت مَضَى \ ever: (in a comparative sentence) at any time: He’s working harder than ever. This is the best book I’ve ever read. \ في بادئ الأمر \ at first: at the beginning: At first the new school seemed strange, but then we got used to it. \ في البَدْء \ primarily: mainly; in the first place: This book is written primarily for foreigners. \ See Also أصلا (أَصْلاً)، أساسا (أساسًا)‏ \ في بعض الوقت \ part-time: for only part of the usual working time: She’s a part-time teacher. \ في البيت \ at home: in one’s house: He’s at home in the evenings. \ في البيت المُجَاوِر \ next, next door: in the next house: He lives next door. He is my nextdoor neighbour. \ في تَحَسُّن (من النّاحية الصحّية)‏ \ on the mend: getting better in health (after an illness). \ في تِلْكَ الحالةِ \ in that case: if that happens, or has happened: He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him, if that happens, or has happened He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him. \ في تِلْكَ اللَّحظة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. \ في التَّوّ \ straight away: at once. \ في جانب \ in favour of: supporting: I’m in favour of your plans. \ في الجَانِب الآخَر مِن \ across: on the other side of: My home is across the river. \ في جانب \ for: in favour of: Are you for this idea or against it?. \ See Also صف (صَفّ)‏ \ في جزء أدنى مِن \ down: at a lower level: My house is a little way down the hill. \ في الجِوَار \ about: around; near: There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ في الحَال \ at once: without delay: Stop that at once!. away: right away; straight away. immediately: at once. instantly: at once. on the spot: in that place and at that moment: He gave me the bill and I paid it on the spot. readily: without delay: The book you need is not readily obtainable. straight away: at once. \ في حَالَةِ \ at: (showing a state): at war; at play. on: showing the state of sth.: The house is on fire. \ في حَالَة حَسَنَة \ well, (better, best): the opposite of ill and unwell; in good health: Don’t you feel well? You’ll soon get better if you drink this medicine. How are you? Very well, thank you. I feel best in the early morning (better than at any other time). \ في حَالَة سَيِّئَة \ in a bad way: in a bad state. \ في حَالَة عَدَم توفُّر \ failing: giving a second choice of action, if the first choice fails: Ask John to do it. Failing him, ask Michael. \ في حَالَة فَوْضَى \ chaotic: in a state of chaos: The young teacher had a chaotic classroom. \ في حَالَةِ وُجُود \ in case of: in the event of; if there is: In case of fire, ring the bell. \ في حَالَةِ ما إِذَا \ in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening: Take a stick, in case you meet a snake. \ في حركة دائِمة \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ في الحَقِيقَة \ as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. in reality: in fact. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!. \ في حَيْرَة من أَمْره \ at one’s wits’ end: too worried by difficulties to know what to do. \ في حين \ whereas: but: They are looking for a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في الخَارِج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view: Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea. out of door, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside. The cup is blue outside, and white inside. overseas: across the sea; (to the British, the mainland of Europe is abroad but it is not overseas): She is working overseas, in South America. \ في خِدمَة... \ at one’s service: ready to fulfil one’s needs: The hotel car is at your service if you want to go anywhere. \ في خَريف العُمر \ middle-aged: neither young nor old; aged between about 40 and 65. \ في خطٍّ مُستقيم \ as the crow flies: in a straight line: It is 5 miles away by road, but only 2 miles as the crow flies. \ فِي الخَفَاء \ stealth: by stealth using secret and quiet action: He got into the house by stealth, not by force. \ في خِلال \ in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). in the course of: during: In the course of the morning I had seven visitors. \ في الدّاخل \ in: in a building, esp. at home, work or where one is expected to be: Is anyone in? I’m afraid Mr. Jones is out, but he’ll be in at 5 o’clock. \ في داخِل \ in: showing a direction; into: He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ في داخِل النَّفْس \ inwardly: secretly; as regards one’s inner feelings: I was inwardly delighted, but I pretended not to care. \ في دَرَجَة الغَلَيان \ on the boil: boiling; at this heat. \ في ذلك المكان \ there: at that place: I live there. \ في رأيي \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في سَبِيل \ in the process of: to be doing: I am in the process of painting my house. sake, for the sake, of, for sb.’s sake: for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake, for the desire of Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?. \ في سِنّ المُرَاهَقَة \ teenage: in one’s teens: a teenage girl. \ في شكّ \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ في صحَّة جيِّدة \ fit: healthy: We take exercise so as to keep fit. \ في صَفّ \ in single file: in one line, one behind the other: We had to ride in single file down the narrow path. \ في الطّابِق الأَسْفل \ downstairs: at the bottom of the stairs; in a room at that level: I’ll wait for you downstairs. \ في الطّابِق الفوقانيّ \ overhead: above one’s head: a noise in the room overhead; clouds in the sky overhead. \ في طَرَف \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ في طريق النُّور \ in sb.’s light: preventing light from reaching him: I can’t read if you stand in my light. \ في الظّاهر \ outwardly: as regards the appearance (compared with the hidden facts or inner feelings): She was outwardly calm but inwardly full of anger. \ في العَام \ annual: happening every year; of a year: an annual feast; the annual production of oil. \ في عَجلة من أمره \ in a hurry: Ants are always in a hurry. \ في العَرَاء \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under she stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في (عُرض) البَحْر \ at sea: on the sea; far from land: a storm at sea. \ في عُطلة \ on holiday, on vacation: having a holiday: The schools are on holiday. We’re going on vacation to the sea. \ See Also إجازة( إجازة)‏ \ في غابر الأزمان (كان يا ما كان...)‏ \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ في الغَالِب \ mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ في غالِب الظنّ \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ في غاية الجُنون \ raving mad: noisily and violently mad. \ في غَمْضَة عَيْن \ in no time: very quickly; very soon: If you follow this path, you’ll get there in no time. \ في غِيَابِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ في كُلٍّ \ a; an; each; every: twice a day. 80 miles an hour. ten pence a packet. \ في كل مكان \ everywhere: in all places: I’ve looked for it everywhere. \ في كل وقت \ ever: at all times; always: I shall stay there for ever. \ في لحظة خاطفة \ in a flash: very quickly and suddenly: He seized the money and was gone in a flash. \ في اللحظة المناسبة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في اللَّيْل \ at night: during the night. overnight: for the night: I shall stay at a hotel overnight and come back tomorrow, on the night before; during the night I packed my suitcase overnight, so as to be ready to leave at sunrise. His car was stolen overnight. \ في المائَة \ per cent: for, out, of, each hundred: Six per cent of the boys failed the exam, (one part) of each hundred I’m a 100 per cent in agreement with you. About 70 per cent (written as 70%) of the people are farmers. \ في المُتَنَاوَل \ forthcoming: supplied when needed: We wanted a new school clock, but the money was not forthcoming. \ في مُتَناوَل \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers. \ في متناول اليَد \ at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ في مَجْمُوعَة بين \ among(st): in the middle of; mixed with; surrounded by: I found this letter among my books. There is a secret enemy amongst us. \ في مِحْنة خَطَر \ in distress: (of a ship or aeroplane) in dangerous trouble; needing help. \ في المُدّة الأخيرة \ lately: not long ago; in the near past: Have you seen her lately?. \ في المرَّة التالية \ next: the next time: I’ll give it to you when I next see you. \ See Also القادمة \ في مُقَابِل \ for: showing that something is as a return or in place of: I gave him $5 for his help. Will you change this old car for a new one?. in return (for): in exchange or payment for: Give her some flowers in return for her kindness. \ في المقام الأوّل \ firstly: as the first reason, fact, etc: I need a hot drink. Firstly, because I’m cold; secondly, because I’m thirsty. \ في المقدمة \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في مَكَان \ in sb,’s stead: in sb.’s place; instead of sb.. \ See Also بدلا من (بدلاً من)‏ \ في مَكَان آخَر \ elsewhere: in some other place. \ في المَكَان \ in position: in the correct position. \ See Also المَوضِع الصَّحيح \ في مَكَان قَريب \ by: near: He stood by and watched them. \ في مَكَانٍ ما \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ في المكان والزّمان المذكورين \ on the spot: in that place and at that moment: Fortunately a doctor was on the spot when she broke her leg. \ في مكانه \ belong: to be in the right place: This book belongs on the top shelf. \ See Also موضِعِه المناسب \ في مَلْعَبِه \ at home: (of a match) on one’s own field: Our team are playing at home tomorrow. \ في مُنْتَصَف الطَّريق \ midway: halfway; in the middle: The station is midway between the two villages. \ في مَوعِد لاَ يَتَجَاوَز \ by: before; not later than: Can you finish this by Tuesday? They ought to be here by now. \ في المَوْعِد المحدَّد \ on time: exactly at the appointed moment: The bus always leaves on time. \ في مياه أعمق من قَامَته \ out of one’s depth: in water that is too deep to stand up in: Don’t go out of your depth unless you can swim. \ في النّادِر \ rarely: not often; hardly at all: She rarely smokes. \ في نظر \ in the eyes of: in the opinion of: In his mother’s eyes he can do no wrong. \ في نَظَري \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في النّهايَة \ at last: in the end, after much delay: The train was very slow, but we got there at last. at length: at last; in the end: He waited two hours. At length he went home. finally: lastly; in the end. \ في نِهايَة الأمْر \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ See Also عَلَى المدى الطويل \ في هذا الوقت \ now: (in a written account) at the time that is being described: The war was now over. \ في هَذا المَكَان \ about: here: Is anyone about?. \ في هذه الأَثْنَاء \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في هذه الأَيَّام \ nowadays: in these times (compared with the past): Travel is much easier nowadays. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في هذه الحالة \ all right: (also alright), in that case: You don’t want it? All right, I’ll give it to someone else. \ في هذه اللَّحْظَة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. just now: at this moment: I’m busy just now. \ في الهواء الطَّلْق \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under the stars. out of doors, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في الوَاقِع \ in reality: in fact. \ في الوَاقِع \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?. virtually: actually but not officially: He was virtually a prisoner in his home, as he did not dare to go out while the police were watching. \ في الوَسَط \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَسْط المسافة \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَضَح (النهار)‏ \ broad: (of daylight) full; complete: The bank was robbed in broad daylight. \ في وَضع لا يجوز فيه رَكْل الكُرة \ offside: (of a player in football, etc.) breaking a rule by being in a position in which play is not allowed. \ في الوَقْت الحَاضِر \ at present: now; at the present time: At present I have no job, but I shall get one soon. for the time being: for the present: I have no job, but I’m helping my father for the time being. now: at the present time: Where are you working now? Now is the time to plant those seeds. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في وَقْتٍ لاَحِق \ after: later: She came first and he arrived soon after. \ في وقتٍ ما \ sometime: (often two words, some time) at a time not exactly known or stated: Come again sometime. He left sometime after dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر \ late: after the proper or usual time; not early: We always go to bed very late. He arrived too late for dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر مِن \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في وَقْتٍ من الأوقات \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في الوَقْتِ المناسب \ early: in good time for one’s purpose; before the fixed time: We arrived early and got the best seats. in due course: later; after a reasonable delay: He will get better in due course. in good time: slightly early: He came in good time for the meeting. \ في وقت واحد \ at a time: together: They arrived three at a time (in groups of three). \ في يوم من الأيام \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ See Also كان يا ما كان

    Arabic-English dictionary > في

  • 22 regelmäßig

    I Adj. regular; zeitlich: auch periodical; (geordnet) orderly, regulated; regelmäßiger Gast regular (guest); regelmäßige Kirchgänger (Kunden, Besucher etc.) im jeweiligen Kontext: regulars; in regelmäßigen Abständen at regular intervals
    II Adv. regularly; (stets) always, every time; sie kommt regelmäßig zu spät she is always ( oder forever) coming late, she keeps on coming late
    * * *
    even (Adj.); constant (Adj.); regular (Adj.)
    * * *
    1. adj
    regular; Lebensweise auch well-ordered, orderly
    2. adv
    1) (in gleichmäßiger Folge) regularly

    das Herz schlägt régelmäßig — the heartbeat is normal

    sein Herz schlägt wieder régelmäßiger — his heartbeat is more regular now

    etw régelmäßig jeden Tag tun — to do sth every day

    régelmäßig spazieren gehento take regular walks

    2) (= andauernd) always

    er kommt régelmäßig zu späthe's always late

    * * *
    1) (happening, done etc occasionally: He suffers from periodic fits of depression.) periodic
    3) (occurring, acting etc with equal amounts of space, time etc between: They placed guards at regular intervals round the camp; Is his pulse regular?) regular
    4) (involving doing the same things at the same time each day etc: a man of regular habits.) regular
    5) (frequent: He's a regular visitor; He's one of our regular customers.) regular
    6) ((of a noun, verb etc) following one of the usual grammatical patterns of the language: `Walk' is a regular verb, but `go' is an irregular verb.) regular
    7) (the same on both or all sides or parts; neat; symmetrical: a girl with regular features; A square is a regular figure.) regular
    8) (at regular times, places etc: His heart was beating regularly.) regularly
    9) (frequently: He comes here regularly.) regularly
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (ebenmäßig) regular, well-proportioned
    2. (in zeitlich gleicher Folge) regular
    3. (immer wieder stattfindend) regular, persistent
    II. adv
    2. (immer wieder) always
    * * *
    Adjektiv regular
    adverbial regularly
    * * *
    A. adj regular; zeitlich: auch periodical; (geordnet) orderly, regulated;
    regelmäßiger Gast regular (guest);
    Kunden, Besucher etc) im jeweiligen Kontext: regulars;
    in regelmäßigen Abständen at regular intervals
    B. adv regularly; (stets) always, every time;
    sie kommt regelmäßig zu spät she is always ( oder forever) coming late, she keeps on coming late
    * * *
    Adjektiv regular
    adverbial regularly
    * * *
    regular adj.
    steady adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > regelmäßig

  • 23 ред

    1. (линия, ивица) row, range, line
    (ръкописен, печатен) line
    на първия ред in the front row
    нов ред a new/fresh line/paragraph
    почвам нов ред begin anew paragraph
    чета между редовете read between the lines
    ред дървета a linc/row of trees
    ред чинове a row of desks
    2. (известен брой, поредица) a number/succession of; series
    безкраен ред мат. an infinite series
    ред въпроси/трудности a series of questions/difficulties
    ред мисли a chain of ideas
    в тоя ред на мисли in this train of thought
    ред посещения a round of visits
    ред правила a set of rules
    ред събития a sequence of events
    по ред причини for a number/variety of reasons
    по азбучен ред in alphabetic order/sequence
    и ред други and many others
    ред по ред one after another, successively, in succession
    (години) под ред (years) in succession
    3. (начин на действие, подреждане, изправност, обичаи, сбор от правила, норми, строй, режим) order, system
    воен. order, formation, array
    ред и законност law and order
    внасям/слагам ред в regulate
    внасям известен ред в put some sort of system in
    научавам на ред discipline; teach s.o. order
    научавам се на ред be disciplined, learn to be orderly
    слагам в ред put in order, set to rights, ( стая и) do, ( нещо повредено) put right
    слагам работите си в ред put/set o.'s affairs in order, put o.'s house in order
    карам под ред take matters in order
    поддържам реда maintain order, (в къща и пр.) keep (a house, etc,) in order
    нарушавам/развалям реда break the routine
    променям реда си change o.'s routine
    приет ред accepted order, usage
    установен ред a fixed routine, an established usage/method
    такъв е редът тук this is the custom here
    вътрешен ред internal discipline, (на пансион и пр.) house regulation/rules
    човек на реда a man of method, a methodical man
    при добър/пълен ред in complete order, without disorder, smoothly
    по административен ред through administrative channels
    по надлежния ред through the proper channels
    по съдебен ред in legal form; by order of the court
    старият ред the old order/regime
    без (никакъв) ред ре ll-mell, higgledy-piggledy
    (според) както му е редът in the proper way; in due form
    боен ред воен, order of battle, battle order/formation/array
    походен ред воен. marching formation
    ред на гласуване voting procedure
    в ред (за книжа и пр.) in (good) order, ( за машина) in work-ing order
    не в ред (развален, повреден) out of order
    очите ми нещо не са в ред s.th. is wrong with my eyes, there is s.th. wrong with my eyes
    тук има нещо, което не е в ред there's s.fh. wrong here, разг. there's a screw loose somewhere
    4. (време, удобен случай) turn; time
    на свой ред in o.'s turn
    всеки на свой ред each one in his turn
    чакам си реда wait o.'s turn
    идва ми редът, сега е мой ред да it is my turn to
    идва ми отново редът have o.'s turn again
    още не му е дошъл редът the time is not yet ripe for it
    всичко на реда си everything has its day
    всичко върви по реда си things take their regular course
    когато му дойде редът all in good time
    дойде ред човек да види... we will live to see...
    5. мн. ч. (на армия, организация) ranks
    * * *
    м., -овѐ, (два) рѐда 1. ( линия; ивица) row, range, line; ( ръкописен, печатен) line; линотипен \ред полигр. slug; на първия \ред in the front row; нов \ред indentation; по четирима на \ред four abreast, (на дълбочина) four deep;
    2. ( известен брой, поредица) a number/succession of; series; ( последователност) sequence; безкраен \ред мат. infinite series; в тоя \ред на мисли in this train of thought; и \ред други and many others; по азбучен \ред in alphabetic order; по канален \ред in due order; through official/proper channels; по \ред причини for a number/variety of reasons; ( години) под \ред (years) in succession; \ред мисли chain of ideas; \ред по \ред one after another, successively, in succession; \ред (поредица) посещения round of visits; \ред правила set of rules;
    3. ( начин на действие, подреждане; изправност; обичаи; сбор от правила, норми; строй, режим) order, system; воен. order, formation, array; без (никакъв) \ред pell-mell, higgledy-piggledy; боен \ред воен. order of battle, battle order/formation/array; вътрешен \ред internal discipline, (на пансион и пр.) house regulation/rules; administrative arrangement; домашен/обществен и пр. \ред domestic/social, etc. arrangements; карам под \ред take matters in order; нарушавам/развалям \реда break the routine; научавам на \ред discipline; teach s.o. order; научавам се на \ред be disciplined, learn to be orderly; не в \ред ( развален, повреден) out of order; не съм в \ред (не се чувствам добре) be/feel unwell; очите ми нещо не са в \ред there is s.th. wrong with my eyes; по административен \ред through administrative channels; по законен \ред legally; по надлежния \ред through the proper channels; по съдебен \ред in legal form; by order of the court; походен \ред воен. marching formation; преследвам по съдебен \ред prosecute, bring to trial; призовавам към \ред call to order; \ред за наемане на работа conditions of employment; \ред и законност law and order; \ред на гласуване voting procedure; слагам в \ред put in order, set to rights, ( стая и пр.) do, ( нещо повредено) put right; (според) както му е \редът in the proper way; in due form; такъв е \редът тук this is the custom here; установен \ред fixed routine, an established usage/method; човек на \реда man of method, methodical man;
    4. ( време, удобен случай) turn; time, разг. go; всичко върви по \реда си things take their regular course; всичко по \реда си everything has its day; когато му дойде \редът all in good time; на свой \ред in o.’s turn; още не му е дошъл \редът the time is not yet ripe for it; преди да ми е дошъл \редът ahead of turn; чакам си \реда wait o.’s turn;
    5. само мн. (на армия, организация) ranks; той влезе в \редовете на армията he joined the army/ranks;
    6. мат. series; • дневен \ред agenda; на дневен \ред съм (за въпрос) be up for discussion; нещо, което е в \реда на нещата a matter of course, a routine matter; отивам по \реда си ( умирам) go the way of all flesh; слагам в дневния \ред put on the agenda.
    * * *
    row: We found seats in the front ред. - Намерихме си места на първия ред.; range (в текст): new ред - нов ред, a ред of trees - ред от дървета; sequence: The president will visit a ред of events. - Президентът ще посети ред събития.; number (брой); series (последователност и мат.); variety (множество): A ред of problems appeared. - Възникнаха ред проблеми.; chain; order (правила и пр.): in alphabetical ред - по азбучен ред, My car is out of ред. - Колата ми не е в ред., The government restored law and ред.- Правителството възстанови законността и реда., put in ред - привеждам в ред, maintain ред - поддържам реда; protocol; routine (рутина): You must follow the fixed ред. - Трябва да спазвате установения ред.; channels (административен); orderliness(воен.); course; placement; rank{rEnk}; turn (удобен случай): It is my ред to speak. - Мой ред е да говоря., Wait for your ред. - Изчакайте реда си.; agenda (дневен ред)
    * * *
    1. (време, удобен случай) turn;time 2. (години) под РЕД (years) in succession 3. (известен брой, поредица) а number/succession of;series 4. (линия 5. (начин на действие, подреждане 6. (последователност) sequence 7. (ръкописен, печатен) line 8. (според) както му е РЕДът in the proper way;in due form 9. no законен РЕД legally 10. РЕД въпроси/трудности a series of questions/difficulties 11. РЕД дървета а linc/row of trees 12. РЕД и законност law and order 13. РЕД мисли a chain of ideas 14. РЕД на гласуване voting procedure 15. РЕД пo РЕД one after another, successively, in succession 16. РЕД посещения a round of visits 17. РЕД правила a set of rules 18. РЕД събития a sequence of events 19. РЕД чинове a row of desks 20. без (никакъв) РЕД реll-mell, higgledy-piggledy 21. безкраен РЕД мат. an infinite series 22. боен РЕД воен, order of battle, battle order/formation/array 23. в РЕД (за книжа и пр.) in (good) order, (за машина) in work-ing order 24. в тоя РЕД на мисли in this train of thought 25. внасям известен РЕД в put some sort of system in 26. внасям/слагам РЕД в regulate 27. воен. order, formation, array 28. всеки на свой РЕД each one in his turn 29. всичко върви пo РЕДa си things take their regular course 30. всичко на РЕДа си everything has its day 31. вътрешен РЕД internal discipline, (на пансион и np.) house regulation/rules 32. дойде РЕД човек да види.., we will live to see,.. 33. и РЕД други and many others 34. ивица) row, range, line 35. идва ми РЕДът, сега е мой РЕД да it is my turn to 36. идва ми отново РЕДът have o.'s turn again 37. изправност 38. карам под РЕД take matters in order 39. когато му дойде РЕДът all in good time 40. линотипен РЕД печ. slug 41. мн. ч. (на армия, организация) ranks 42. на първия РЕД in the front row 43. на свой РЕД in o.'s turn 44. нарушавам/развалям РЕДа break the routine 45. научавам на РЕД discipline;teach s.o. order 46. научавам се на РЕД be disciplined, learn to be orderly 47. не в РЕД (развален, повреден) out of order 48. не съм в РЕД (не се чувствувам добре) be/feel unwell 49. нов РЕД a new/fresh line/paragraph 50. обичаи 51. отстъпвам в добър РЕД retreat in (good) order 52. очите ми нещо не са в РЕД s.th. is wrong with my eyes, there is s.th. wrong with my eyes 53. още не му е дошъл РЕДът the time is not yet ripe for it 54. пo РЕД причини for a number/ variety of reasons 55. пo административен РЕД through administrative channels 56. пo азбучен РЕД in alphabetic order/sequence 57. пo надлежния РЕД through the proper channels 58. пo съдебен РЕД in legal form;by order of the court 59. пo четирима на РЕД four abreast, (на дълбочина) four deep 60. поддържам РЕДа maintain order, (в къща и пр.) keep (a house, etc,) in order 61. походен РЕД воен. marching formation 62. почвам нов РЕД begin anew paragraph 63. преди да ми е дошъл РЕДът ahead of turn 64. преследвам no съдебен РЕД prosecute, bring to trial 65. при добър/пълен РЕД in complete order, without disorder, smoothly 66. привеждам в РЕД put in order 67. приетРЕД accepted order, usage 68. призовавам към РЕД call to order 69. променям РЕДa си change o.'s routine 70. сбор от правила, норми 71. слагам в РЕД put in order, set to rights, (стая и) do, (нещо повредено) put right 72. слагам работите си в РЕД put/set o.'s affairs in order, put o.'s house in order 73. старият РЕД the old order/regime 74. стол на първия РЕД a front row seat 75. строй, режим) order, system 76. такъв е РЕДът тук this is the custom here 77. той влезе в 78. тук има нещо, което не е в РЕД there's s.fh. wrong here, разг. there's a screw loose somewhere 79. установен РЕД a fixed routine, an established usage/method 80. чакам си РЕДa wait o.'s turn 81. чета между РЕДовете read between the lines 82. човек на РЕДa a man of method, a methodical man 83. щ

    Български-английски речник > ред

  • 24 Runde

    f; -, -n
    1. (Gesellschaft) group, circle, crowd umg.; eine fröhliche Runde a happy circle; jemanden in seiner Runde aufnehmen accept s.o. as ( oder make s.o.) a member of one’s circle; einer fehlt in der Runde there’s s.o. missing (from our group), we’re not complete
    2. (Rundgang) walk; dienstlich: round; eines Polizisten: auch beat; eine Runde drehen umg., zu Fuß: go for a walk (a)round the block; mit dem Auto: go for a spin; eine Runde fliegen circle; die Runde machen Flasche: be passed (a)round; Nachricht etc.: go the rounds; Arzt: do one’s rounds
    3. SPORT, eines Rennens: lap; (Durchgang) round; Boxen, Ringen etc.: round; die nächste Runde erreichen get through to the next round
    4. (Lage Bier etc.) round; ich spendiere die nächste Runde I’ll stand you ( oder buy) the next round; eine Runde schmeißen umg. buy ( oder stand) a round
    5. ( gerade so) über die Runden kommen Boxen: remain on one’s feet; fig. (just about) make it; finanziell: auch make ends meet; etw. über die Runden bringen get s.th. over (and done) with; jemandem über die Runden helfen Geld etc.: tide s.o. over
    * * *
    die Runde
    (Boxkampf) round;
    (Gesellschaft) group; circle;
    (Rundgang) round; walk; beat;
    * * *
    Rụn|de ['rʊndə]
    f -, -n
    1) (= Gesellschaft) company; (von Teilnehmern) circle
    2) (= Rundgang) walk, turn; (von Wachmann) rounds pl; (von Briefträger etc) round

    die/seine Runde machen — to do the/one's rounds; (Gastgeber) to circulate

    das Gerücht machte die Rundethe rumour did the rounds (Brit), the rumour (Brit) or rumor (US) went around

    eine Runde durch die Lokale machento go on a pub crawl (Brit), to go bar-hopping (US)

    eine Runde machen — to go for a walk; (mit Fahrzeug) to go for a ride

    eine Runde um etw machen — to go for a walk (a)round sth, to take a turn (a)round sth; (mit Fahrzeug) to ride (a)round sth

    3) (= Gesprächsrunde, Verhandlungsrunde) round; (Cards) game; (GOLF) round; (SPORT) (bei Rennen) lap; (von Turnier, Wettkampf) round

    etw über die Runden bringen (fig) — to manage sth, to get through sth

    (für jdn) eine Runde spendieren or ausgeben or schmeißen (inf)to buy or stand (Brit) (sb) a round

    5) (liter = Umkreis) surroundings pl

    in die/der Runde — round about

    * * *
    1) (one round of a racecourse or other competition track: The runners have completed five laps, with three still to run.) lap
    2) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) round
    3) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) round
    4) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) round
    5) (a doctor's visits to his patients: The doctor is (out) on his rounds.) rounds
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (Gesellschaft) company
    es war eine sehr gemütliche \Runde the company was very convivial
    wir haben in kleiner \Runde gefeiert it was a small [or an intimate] celebration
    eine \Runde [um etw akk] drehen AUTO to drive/ride around [sth]; LUFT to circle [over sth]
    seine \Runde machen to do one's rounds; Polizist to be on [or walking] one's beat
    3. SPORT lap
    vier \Runden sind noch zu fahren there are another four laps to go; BOXEN round; KARTEN rubber, round
    eine \Runde Bridge a rubber [or round] of bridge
    4. (Stufe) round
    die nächste \Runde der Tarifgespräche the next round of wage talks
    5. (Bestellung) round
    eine \Runde für alle! a round [of drinks] for everyone!
    [jdm [o für jdn]] eine \Runde spendieren [o ausgeben], [für jdn] eine \Runde schmeißen (sl) to get in a round [for sb]
    etw über die \Runden bringen (fam) to get sth done
    jdm über die \Runden helfen to help sb get by
    in die/der \Runde around
    was schaust du so erwartungsvoll in die \Runde? what are you looking around so expectantly for?
    [mit etw dat] über die \Runden kommen (fam) to make ends meet [with sth]
    die \Runde machen (herumgegeben werden) to be passed around
    [irgendwo] die \Runde machen Gerücht to go around [somewhere]
    * * *
    die; Runde, Runden
    1) (Sport): (Strecke) lap

    seine Runden ziehen od. drehen — do one's laps

    eine Runde Golf/Skat — a round of golf/skat

    über die Runden kommen(fig. ugs.) get by; manage

    3) (Personenkreis) circle; (Gesellschaft) company
    4) (Rundgang) round

    die Runde machen(ugs.) < drink, rumour> go the rounds pl.; circulate

    5) (Lage) round

    eine Runde Bier schmeißen(ugs.) buy or stand a round of beer

    * * *
    Runde f; -, -n
    1. (Gesellschaft) group, circle, crowd umg;
    eine fröhliche Runde a happy circle;
    jemanden in seiner Runde aufnehmen accept sb as ( oder make sb) a member of one’s circle;
    einer fehlt in der Runde there’s sb missing (from our group), we’re not complete
    2. (Rundgang) walk; dienstlich: round; eines Polizisten: auch beat;
    eine Runde drehen umg, zu Fuß: go for a walk (a)round the block; mit dem Auto: go for a spin;
    die Runde machen Flasche: be passed (a)round; Nachricht etc: go the rounds; Arzt: do one’s rounds
    3. SPORT, eines Rennens: lap; (Durchgang) round; Boxen, Ringen etc: round;
    die nächste Runde erreichen get through to the next round
    4. (Lage Bier etc) round;
    ich spendiere die nächste Runde I’ll stand you ( oder buy) the next round;
    eine Runde schmeißen umg buy ( oder stand) a round
    (gerade so) über die Runden kommen Boxen: remain on one’s feet; fig (just about) make it; finanziell: auch make ends meet;
    etwas über die Runden bringen get sth over (and done) with;
    * * *
    die; Runde, Runden

    seine Runden ziehen od. drehen — do one's laps

    2) (Sport): (Durchgang, Partie; Boxen: Abschnitt) round

    eine Runde Golf/Skat — a round of golf/skat

    über die Runden kommen(fig. ugs.) get by; manage

    3) (Personenkreis) circle; (Gesellschaft) company
    4) (Rundgang) round

    die Runde machen(ugs.) <drink, rumour> go the rounds pl.; circulate

    5) (Lage) round

    eine Runde Bier schmeißen(ugs.) buy or stand a round of beer

    * * *
    -n f.
    beat n.
    bout n.
    round n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Runde

  • 25 по

    автомат загрузки по скоростному напору
    Q-feel system
    автомат имитации усилий по числу М
    Mach-feel system
    автоматическое сопровождение по дальности
    automatic range tracking
    автоматическое флюгирование по отрицательной тяге
    drag-actuated autofeathering
    автоматическое флюгирование по предельным оборотам
    overspeed-actuated autofeathering
    автомат стабилизации автопилота по числу М
    autopilot Mach lock
    автомат устойчивости по тангажу
    pitch autostabilizer
    агент по грузовым перевозкам
    cargo agent
    агент по оформлению
    handing agent
    агент по оформлению туристических перевозок
    travel agent
    агент по продаже билетов
    ticket medium
    агентство по отправке грузов воздушным транспортом
    air freight forwarder
    Агентство по пропорциональным тарифам
    Prorate Agency
    анализатор с интегрированием по времени
    time-integrating analyser
    Африканская конференция по авиационным тарифам
    African Air Tariff Conference
    аэропортовый комитет по разработке и утверждению расписания
    airport scheduling committee
    балансировать по тангажу
    trim in pitch
    балансировка по тангажу
    longitudinal trim
    билет по основному тарифу
    normal fare ticket
    блок контроля скорости пробега по земле
    ground run monitor
    весовая отдача по полезной нагрузке
    useful-to-takeoff load ratio
    взлетать по ветру
    takeoff downwind
    взлет по вертолетному
    no-run takeoff
    взлет по ветру
    downwind takeoff
    взлет по приборам
    instrument takeoff
    взлет по самолетному
    1. forward takeoff
    2. running takeoff визуальная посадка по наземным ориентирам
    visually judged landing
    визуальный заход на посадку по упрощенной схеме
    abbreviated visual approach
    визуальный полет по кругу
    visual circling
    воздушная перевозка по найму
    air operation for hire
    воздушное судно, загруженное не по установленной схеме
    improperly loaded aircraft
    воздушное судно, не сертифицированное по шуму
    nonnoise certificate aircraft
    воздушное судно по обмену
    interchanged aircraft
    восстановление по крену
    bank erection
    восстановление по тангажу
    pitch erection
    ВПП, не оборудованная для посадки по приборам
    noninstrument runway
    ВПП, оборудованная для посадки по приборам
    instrument runway
    вращаться по инерции
    run down
    вращение по инерции
    время вылета по расписанию
    scheduled departure time
    время наземной тренировки по приборам
    instrument ground time
    время налета по приборам
    instrument flying time
    время налета по приборам на тренажере
    instrument flying simulated time
    время полета по внешнему контуру
    outbound time
    время полета по маршруту
    trip time
    время по расписанию
    due time
    выдерживание курса по курсовому радиомаяку
    localizer hold
    выдерживать курс по компасу
    hold the heading on the compass
    выдерживать направление по лучу
    follow the beam
    выполнять доработку по бюллетеню
    perform the service bulletin
    выполнять полет по курсу
    fly the heading
    высота по давлению
    pressure altitude
    высота полета по маршруту
    en-route altitude
    высота по радиовысотомеру
    radio height
    Генеральная конференция по мерам и весам
    General Conference of Weights and Measure
    генеральный агент по продаже
    general sales agent
    годность по состоянию здоровья
    medical fitness
    годность по уровню шума
    градус по шкале Цельсия
    degree Celsius
    группа, выполняющая полет по туру
    tour group
    дальность видимости по наклонной прямой
    oblique visibility
    дальность видимости по прямой
    1. line-of-sight distance
    2. line-of-sight range дальность полета по замкнутому маршруту
    closed-circuit range
    дальность полета по прямой
    direct range
    датчик рассогласования по крену
    roll synchro transmitter
    датчик усилий по крену
    roll control force sensor
    движение по земле
    ground run
    движение по тангажу
    pitching motion
    дежурный по посадке
    boarding clerk
    действия по аэродрому при объявлении тревоги
    aerodrome alert measures
    действия по обнаружению и уходу
    see and avoid operations
    действующий технологический стандарт по шуму
    current noise technology standard
    деятельность по координации тарифов
    tariff coordinating activity
    диспетчер по загрузке
    load controller
    диспетчер по загрузке и центровке
    weight and balance controlled
    диспетчер по планированию
    диспетчер по планированию полетов
    flight planner
    длина разбега по воде
    water run length
    дозаправлять топливом на промежуточной посадке по маршруту
    refuel en-route
    доставка грузов по воздуху
    aerial cargo delivery
    доставлять по воздуху
    fly in
    доступ, регламентированный по времени
    time-ordered access
    доход по контракту
    contract revenue
    Европейская конференция по вопросам гражданской авиации
    European Civil Aviation Conference
    загрузочный механизм по скоростному напору
    Q-feel mechanism
    загрузочный механизм по числу М
    Mach-feel mechanism
    закрылок по всему размаху
    full-span flap
    занимать эшелон по нулям
    be on the level on the hour
    запас по оборотам несущего винта
    rotor speed margin
    запас по помпажу
    surging margin
    запас по сваливанию
    stall margin
    запас по ускорению
    acceleration margin
    заход на посадку, нормированный по времени
    timed approach
    заход на посадку по командам наземных станций
    advisory approach
    заход на посадку по коробочке
    rectangular traffic pattern approach
    заход на посадку по криволинейной траектории
    curved approach
    заход на посадку по кругу
    circling approach
    заход на посадку по крутой траектории
    steep approach
    заход на посадку по курсовому маяку
    localizer approach
    заход на посадку по маяку
    beam approach
    заход на посадку по обзорному радиолокатору
    surveillance radar approach
    заход на посадку по обычной схеме
    normal approach
    заход на посадку по осевой линии
    center line approach
    заход на посадку по полной схеме
    long approach
    заход на посадку по пологой траектории
    flat approach
    заход на посадку по приборам
    1. instrument approach landing
    2. instrument landing approach заход на посадку по прямому курсу
    front course approach
    заход на посадку по радиолокатору
    radar approach
    заход на посадку по сегментно-криволинейной схеме
    segmented approach
    заход на посадку после полета по кругу
    заход на посадку по укороченной схеме
    short approach
    заход на посадку по упрощенной схеме
    simple approach
    заход на посадку с прямой по приборам
    straight-in ILS-type approach
    звездное время по гринвичскому меридиану
    Greenwich sideral time
    зона захода на посадку по кругу
    circling approach area
    зона обзора по азимуту
    azimuth coverage
    изменение маршрута по желанию пассажира
    voluntary rerouting
    имитируемый полет по приборам
    simulated instrument flight
    инженер по навигационным средствам
    navaids engineer
    инженер по радиоэлектронному оборудованию
    radio engineer
    инженер по техническому обслуживанию воздушных судов
    aircraft maintenance engineer
    инженер по электронному оборудованию
    electronics engineer
    инспектор по летной годности
    airworthiness inspector
    инспектор по производству полетов
    operations inspector
    инспекция по расследованию авиационных происшествий
    investigating authority
    инструктаж по условиям полета по маршруту
    route briefing
    инструктор по навигационным средствам
    navaids instructor
    инструктор по производству полетов
    flight operations instructor
    инструкция по загрузке воздушного судна
    aircraft loading instruction
    инструкция по консервации и хранению воздушного судна
    aircraft storage instruction
    инструкция по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    air safety rules
    инструкция по производству полетов
    operation instruction
    инструкция по техническому обслуживанию
    maintenance instruction
    инструкция по эксплуатации воздушного судна
    aircraft operating instruction
    информация по воздушной трассе
    airway information
    информация по условиям посадки
    landing instruction
    испытание по уходу на второй круг
    go-around test
    испытания по замеру нагрузки в полете
    flight stress measurement tests
    испытания по полной программе
    full-scale tests
    Исследовательская группа по безопасности полетов
    Aviation Security Study Group
    истинное время по Гринвичу
    Greenwich apparent time
    исходные условия сертификации по шуму
    noise certification reference conditions
    калибровка чувствительности по звуковому давлению
    sound pressure sensitivity calibration
    категория ИКАО по обеспечению полета
    facility performance ICAO category
    классификация воздушных судов по типам
    aircraft category rating
    кодирование по опорному времени
    time reference coding
    Комиссия по авиационной метеорологии
    Commission for aeronautical Meteorology
    Комиссия по нарушению тарифов
    Breachers Commission
    Комиссия по основным системам
    Commission for basic Systems
    Комитет по авиационному шуму
    Committee on Aircraft Noise
    Комитет по безопасности полетов
    Safety Investigation Board
    Комитет по воздушным перевозкам
    1. Air Transport Committee
    2. Air Transportation Board Комитет по исследованиям звуковых ударов
    Sonic Boom Committee
    Комитет по координации частот
    Frequency Coordinating Body
    Комитет по незаконному вмешательству
    Committee on Unlawful Interference
    Комитет по охране окружающей среды от воздействия авиации
    Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
    Комитет по поощрительным тарифам
    Creative Fares Board
    Комитет по рассмотрению авиационных вопросов
    Aviation Review Committee
    Комитет по расходам
    Cost Committee
    Комитет по специальным грузовым тарифам
    Specific Commodity Rates Board
    коммерческая загрузка, ограниченная по массе
    weight limited payload
    коммерческая загрузка, ограниченная по объему
    space limited payload
    компрессор по помпажу
    compressor surge margin
    конвенция по вопросам деятельности международной гражданской авиации
    convention on international civil aviation
    конвенция по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic convention
    консультант по вопросам обучения
    training consultant
    консультант по тренажерам
    trainers consultant
    Консультативная группа по метеообеспечению
    Meteorological Advisory Group
    консультативное сообщение по устранению конфликтной ситуации
    resolution advisory
    Консультативный комитет по управлению воздушным движением
    Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee
    Консультативный комитет по упрощению формальностей
    Facilitation Advisory Committee
    контролируемое воздушное пространство предназначенное для полетов по приборам
    instrument restricted airspace
    контроль состояния посевов по пути выполнения основного задания
    associated crop control operation
    Конференция агентства по грузовым перевозкам
    Cargo Agency Conference
    Конференция агентств по пассажирским перевозкам
    Passenger Agency Conference
    Конференция по валютным вопросам
    Currency Conference
    Конференция по вопросам обслуживания пассажиров
    Passenger Services Conference
    Конференция по координации тарифов
    Tariff Co-ordinating Conference
    координационный центр по спасанию
    rescue coordination center
    коррекция траектории по полученной информации
    reply-to-track correlation
    кресло, расположенное по направлению полета
    forward facing seat
    курс захода на посадку по приборам
    instrument approach course
    курс подготовки по утвержденной программе
    approved training course
    курс по локсодромии
    rhumb-line course
    курс по маяку
    beacon course
    курс по радиомаяку
    localizer course
    курсы подготовки пилотов к полетам по приборам
    instrument pilot school
    летать по ветру
    fly downwind
    летать по глиссадному лучу
    fly the glide-slope beam
    летать по кругу
    1. circularize
    2. fly round 3. fly the circle летать по кругу над аэродромом
    circle the aerodrome
    летать по курсу
    1. fly on the heading
    2. fly on the course летать по локсодромии
    fly the rhumb line
    летать по маршруту
    fly en-route
    летать по ортодромии
    fly the great circle
    летать по приборам
    1. fly on instruments
    2. fly by instruments летать по приборам в процессе тренировок
    fly under screen
    летать по прямой
    fly straight
    лететь по лучу
    fly the beam
    летная полоса, оборудованная для полетов по приборам
    instrument strip
    линия полета по курсу
    on-course line
    линия пути по локсодромии
    rhumb-line track
    линия пути по схеме с двумя спаренными разворотами
    race track
    Международная комиссия по аэронавигации
    International commission for Air Navigation
    Международная комиссия по освещению
    Commission on Illumination
    международное сотрудничество по вопросам летной годности
    international collaboration in airworthiness
    меры по обеспечению безопасности
    safety control measures
    меры по предупреждению пожара
    fire precautions
    меры по снижению шума
    noise abatement measures
    метеоданные по аэродрому
    aerodrome forecast material
    метеосводка по трассе полета
    airway climatic data
    методика сертификации по шуму
    noise certification procedure
    метод продажи по наличию свободных мест
    space available policy
    механизм триммерного эффекта по тангажу
    pitch trim actuator
    механизм усилий по скоростному напору
    Q-feel unit
    минимальная высота полета по кругу
    minimum circling procedure height
    минимальная высота по маршруту
    minimum en-route altitude
    минимум для полетов по кругу
    circling minima
    набирать высоту при полете по курсу
    climb on the course
    набор высоты по крутой траектории
    steep climb
    набор высоты по установившейся схеме
    proper climb
    наведение по азимуту
    azimuth guidance
    наведение по азимуту при заходе на посадку
    approach azimuth guidance
    наведение по глиссаде
    glide-slope guidance
    наведение по глиссаде при заходе на посадку
    approach slope guidance
    наведение по клиренсу
    clearance guidance
    наведение по лучу
    1. beam homing
    2. beam follow guidance 3. beam riding наведение по лучу радиолокационной станции
    radar beam riding
    наведение по отраженному лучу
    back beam track guidance
    наведение по углу
    angle guidance
    навигация по визуальным ориентирам
    contact navigation
    навигация по заданным путевым углам
    angle navigation
    навигация по линии равных азимутов
    constant-bearing navigation
    навигация по наземным ориентирам
    1. landmark navigation
    2. terrestrial navigation 3. ground reference navigation навигация по ортодромии
    waypoint navigation
    навигация по условным координатам
    grid navigation
    наставление по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic guide
    не по курсу
    неустойчивость по крену
    roll instability
    неустойчивость по тангажу
    pitch instability
    облако, напоминающее по виду наковальню
    anvil cloud
    обобщенные характеристики по шуму
    generalized noise characteristics
    оборудование для полетов по приборам
    blind flight equipment
    обслуживание по смешанному классу
    mixed service
    обслуживание по туристическому классу
    1. economy class service
    2. coach service 3. no frills service обтекать по потоку
    обтекать хорду по потоку
    stream-wise chord
    Объединенная конференция по грузовым тарифам
    Composite cargo Traffic Conference
    Объединенная конференция по координации грузовым перевозкам
    Composite cargo Tariff Coordinating Conference
    Объединенная конференция по координации пассажирских тарифов
    Composite Passenger Tariff Co-ordinating Conference
    Объединенная конференция по пассажирским перевозкам
    Composite Passenger Conference
    огни по требованию
    lights on request
    ограничение по боковому ветру
    cross-wind limit
    ограничение по времени
    time limit
    ограничение по массе
    weight limitation
    ограничение по скорости полета
    air-speed limitation
    ограничения по загрузке
    loading restrictions
    ограничения по летной годности
    airworthiness limitations
    ограничивать по состоянию здоровья
    decrease in medical fitness
    операции по подготовке рейса к вылету
    departure operations
    операции по спасению
    rescue operations
    операция по рассеиванию тумана
    fog dispersal operation
    операция по спасению
    rescue mission
    опережение по фазе
    phase advance
    определение местонахождения воздушного судна по звездам
    определение местоположения по наземным ориентирам
    visual ground fixing
    определение местоположения по пеленгу одной станции
    one-station fixing
    определение местоположения по пройденному пути и курсу
    range-bearing fixing
    ориентировка ВПП по магнитному меридиану
    magnetic orientation of runway
    ориентировка по радиомаяку
    radio-range orientation
    остановка по расписанию
    sheduled stopping
    Отдел по соблюдению тарифов
    Compliance Department
    отклонение по дальности
    range deviation
    отклонение по крену
    bank displacement
    отставание по времени
    time lag
    отставание по фазе
    phase lag
    ошибка по дальности
    range error
    параметр потока, критический по шуму
    noise-critical flow parameter
    пассажир по полному тарифу
    пеленг по гироприбору
    gyro bearing
    перевозка грузов по воздуху
    air freight lift
    перевозка пассажиров по контракту
    contract tour
    перевозка по специальному тарифу
    unit toll transportation
    перевозки по тарифу туристического класса
    coach traffic
    персонал по обеспечению полетов
    flight operations personnel
    персонал по оформлению билетов
    ticketing personnel
    пикирование по спирали
    spiral dive
    пилотировать по приборам
    pilot by reference to instruments
    планирование воздушного судна по спирали
    aircraft spiral glide
    план полета по приборам
    instrument flight plan
    по азимуту
    in azimuth
    поверхность управления по всему размаху
    full-span control surface
    (напр. крыла) по ветру
    по всему размаху
    погода по метеосводке
    reported weather
    погрешность отсчета по углу места
    elevation error
    подводить по трубопроводу
    deliver by pipe
    подготовка для полетов по приборам
    instrument flight training
    подготовка по утвержденной программе
    approved training
    по запросу
    1. on-request
    2. on request полет по дополнительному маршруту
    extra section flight
    полет по заданной траектории
    desired path flight
    полет по заданному маршруту
    desired track flight
    полет по замкнутому кругу
    closed-circuit flight
    полет по замкнутому маршруту
    полет по индикации на стекле
    head-up flight
    полет по инерции
    1. coasting flight
    2. coast полет по коробочке
    box-pattern flight
    полет по круговому маршруту
    1. round-trip flight
    2. circling полет по кругу
    полет по кругу в районе аэродрома
    aerodrome traffic circuit operation
    полет по кругу над аэродромом
    1. aerodrome circling
    2. aerodrome circuit-circling полет по курсу
    flight on heading
    полет по локсодромии
    rhumb-line flight
    полет по маршруту
    1. en-route operation
    2. en-route flight полет по маякам ВОР
    VOR course flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам
    visual navigation flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам или по командам наземных станций
    reference flight
    полет по полному маршруту
    entire flight
    полет по приборам
    1. instrument flight rules operation
    2. instrument flight 3. blind flight 4. head-down flight полет по приборам, обязательный для данной зоны
    compulsory IFR flight
    полет по размеченному маршруту
    point-to-point flight
    полет по расписанию
    1. scheduled flight
    2. regular flight полет по сигналам с земли
    directed reference flight
    полет по условным меридианам
    grid flight
    полет по установленным правилам
    flight under the rules
    полеты по воздушным трассам
    airways flying
    полеты по изобаре
    pressure flying
    полеты по контрольным точкам
    fix-to-fix flying
    полеты по кругу
    circuit flying
    полеты по наземным естественным ориентирам
    terrain fly
    полеты по низким метеоминимумам
    low weather operations
    полеты по обратному лучу
    back beam flying
    полеты по ортодромии
    great-circle flying
    полеты по прямому лучу
    front beam flying
    полеты по радиолучу
    radio-beam fly
    положение, определенное по радиолокатору
    radar track position
    положение по направлению трассы
    along-track position
    положение по тангажу
    pitch attitude
    по оси воздушного судна
    on aircraft center line
    по полету
    looking forward
    по размаху
    порядок действий по тревоге на аэродроме
    aerodrome alerting procedure
    посадка по вертолетному типу
    helicopter-type landing
    посадка по ветру
    downwind landing
    посадка по командам с земли
    1. ground-controlled landing
    2. talk-down landing посадка по приборам
    1. instrument landing
    2. blind landing посадка по техническим причинам
    technical stop
    Постоянный комитет по летно-техническим характеристикам
    Standing Committee of Performance
    по часовой стрелке
    правила полета по кругу
    circuit rules
    правила полетов по приборам
    instrument flight rules
    превышение по высоте
    gain in altitude
    предварительные меры по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    advance arrangements
    предкрылок по всему размаху
    full-span slat
    (крыла) предоставляется по запросу
    available on request
    предполетный инструктаж по метеообстановке
    flight weather briefing
    предпочтительная по уровню шума ВПП
    noise preferential runway
    предпочтительный по уровню шума маршрут
    noise preferential route
    предупреждение по аэродрому
    aerodrome warning
    преобразователь сигнала по тангажу
    pitch transformer
    пробегать по полному маршруту
    cover the route
    проведение работ по снижению высоты препятствий для полетов
    obstacle clearing
    проверка прилегания по краске
    transferred marking
    прогноз по авиатрассе
    airway forecast
    прогноз по аэродрому
    aerodrome forecast
    прогноз по высоте
    height forecast
    прогноз по маршруту
    air route forecast
    прогноз по региону
    regional forecast
    программа сертификации по шуму
    noise certification scheme
    продажа билетов по принципу наличия свободных мест
    space available basis
    продолжительность по запасу топлива
    fuel endurance
    прокладка маршрута по угловым координатам
    angle tracking
    пропускная способность по числу посадок
    landing capacity
    противопожарное патрулирование по пути выполнения основного задания
    associated fire control operation
    пульт управления по радио
    radio control board
    работы по техническому обслуживанию
    maintenance operations
    Рабочая группа по разработке основных эксплуатационных требований
    Basic Operational Requirements Group
    развертка по дальности
    range scanning
    разворачивать по ветру
    turn downwind
    разворот по приборам
    instrument turn
    разворот по стандартной схеме
    standard rate turn
    разворот по установленной схеме
    procedure turn
    разница в тарифах по классам
    class differential
    разрешающая способность по дальности
    range resolution
    разрешение в процессе полета по маршруту
    en-route clearance
    разрешение на полет по приборам
    instrument clearance
    распределение давления по крылу
    wing pressure plotting
    распределение по размаху крыла
    spanwise distribution
    распределение по хорде
    chordwise distribution
    распределение расходов по маршрутам
    cost allocation to routes
    расстояние по ортодромии
    great-circle distance
    реакция по крену
    roll response
    регламентирование по времени
    регулировать по высоте
    adjust for height
    режим работы автопилота по заданному курсу
    autopilot heading mode
    рейс с обслуживанием по первому классу
    first-class flight
    рекомендации по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    safety recommendations
    рекомендации по стандартам, практике и правилам
    recommendations for standards, practices and procedures
    руководство по обеспечению безопасности
    safety regulations
    руководство по полетам воздушных судов гражданской авиации
    civil air regulations
    руководство по предупреждению столкновений над морем
    regulations for preventing collisions over sea
    руководство по производству полетов в зоне аэродрома
    aerodrome rules
    руководство по технической эксплуатации воздушного судна
    aircraft maintenance guide
    руководство по управлению полетами
    flight control fundamentals
    руководство по упрощению формальностей
    guide to facilitation
    руление по аэродрому
    ground taxi operation
    руление по воздуху
    air taxiing
    руление по воздуху к месту взлета
    aerial taxiing to takeoff
    рыскание по курсу
    сбор за услуги по оценке
    valuation charge
    сводка по аэродрому
    aerodrome report
    сводка погоды по данным радиолокационного наблюдения
    radar weather report
    связь по запросу с борта
    air-initiated communication
    связь по обеспечению регулярности полетов
    flight regularity communication
    сдвиг по фазе
    phase shift
    сектор наведения по клиренсу
    clearance guidance sector
    Секция расчетов по вопросам технической помощи
    Technical Assistance Accounts section
    (ИКАО) Секция расчетов по регулярной программе
    Regular Programme Accounts section
    (ИКАО) сертификат воздушного судна по шуму
    aircraft noise certificate
    сертификационный стандарт по шуму
    noise certification standard
    сертификация по шуму на взлетном режиме
    take-off noise
    сигнал полета по курсу
    on-course signal
    сигнал синхронизации по времени
    synchronized time signal
    система балансировки по числу М
    Mach trim system
    система блокировки управления по положению реверса
    thrust reverser interlock system
    система наведения по лучу
    1. beam-rider system
    2. guide beam system система наведения по приборам
    instrument guidance system
    система наведения по сканирующему лучу
    scanning beam guidance system
    система наведения по углу
    angle guidance system
    система навигации по наземным ориентирам
    ground-referenced navigation system
    система посадки по лучу маяка
    beam approach beacon system
    система посадки по приборам
    instrument landing system
    система сборов по фактической массе
    weight system
    (багажа или груза) скольжение по воде
    скорость набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb speed
    скорость по тангажу
    rate of pitch
    следовать по заданному курсу
    служба обеспечения прогнозами по маршруту
    route forecast service
    служба по изучению рынка
    marketing service
    (воздушных перевозок) снижение по спирали
    spiral descent
    снос определенный по радиолокатору
    radar drift
    советник по авиационным вопросам
    aviation adviser
    советник по вопросам гражданской авиации
    civil aviation adviser
    советник по проектированию и строительству аэродромов
    aerodrome engineering instructor
    Совет по авиационным спутникам
    Aeronautical Satellite Council
    Совместный комитет по специальным грузовым тарифам
    Joint service Commodity Rates Board
    соглашение по вопросам летной годности
    arrangement for airworthiness
    соглашение по пассажирским и грузовым тарифам
    fares and rates agreement
    соглашение по прямому транзиту
    direct transit agreement
    соглашение по тарифам
    tariff agreement
    состояние готовности аэродрома по тревоге
    aerodrome alert status
    (состояние готовности служб аэродрома по тревоге) специализированный отдел по расследованию происшествий
    accident investigation division
    специалист по ремонту
    специалист по ремонту воздушных судов
    aircraft repairman
    специалист по сборке
    справочник по аэродромам
    aerodrome directory
    справочник по аэропортам
    airport directory
    средства обеспечения полетов по приборам
    nonvisual aids
    стандартная система управления заходом на посадку по лучу
    standard beam approach system
    стандартная схема вылета по приборам
    standard instrument departure
    стандартная схема посадки по приборам
    standard instrument arrival
    стандарт по шуму для дозвуковых самолетов
    subsonic noise standard
    степень помех по отношению к несущей частоте
    carrier-to-noise ratio
    строить по лицензии
    construct under license
    схема визуального полета по кругу
    visual circling procedure
    схема захода на посадку по командам с земли
    ground-controlled approach procedure
    схема захода на посадку по коробочке
    rectangular approach traffic pattern
    схема захода на посадку по приборам
    1. instrument approach chart
    2. instrument approach procedure схема полета по кругу
    1. circuit pattern
    2. circling procedure схема полета по маршруту
    en-route procedure
    схема полета по приборам
    instrument flight procedure
    схема полета по приборам в зоне ожидания
    instrument holding procedure
    схема полетов по кругу
    traffic circuit
    схема руления по аэродрому
    aerodrome taxi circuit
    тарировка по времени
    time calibration
    тарировка по дальности
    range calibration
    тарировка по числу М
    Mach number calibration
    тариф на полет по замкнутому кругу
    round trip fare
    тариф по контракту
    contract rate
    тариф по незамкнутому круговому маршруту
    open-jaw fare
    температура по шкале Цельсия
    Celsius temperature
    точность ориентировки по точечному ориентиру
    pinpoint accuracy
    траектория взлета, сертифицированная по шуму
    noise certification takeoff flight path
    траектория захода на посадку по азимуту
    azimuth approach path
    траектория захода на посадку по лучу курсового маяка
    localizer approach track
    траектория захода на посадку, сертифицированная по шуму
    noise certification approach path
    траектория полета по маршруту
    en-route flight path
    траектория полетов по низким минимумам погоды
    low weather minima path
    транспортировка по воздуху
    shipment by air
    трансформатор сигнала по крену
    roll transformer
    трансформатор сигнала по курсу
    yaw transformer
    трафарет с инструкцией по применению
    instruction plate
    требования по метеоусловиям
    meteorological requirements
    требования по ограничению высоты препятствий
    obstacle limitation requirements
    требования по снижению шума
    noise reduction requirements
    тренажер для подготовки к полетам по приборам
    instrument flight trainer
    тяга, регулируемая по величине и направлению
    vectored thrust
    угол рассогласования по крену
    bank synchro error angle
    удостоверение на право полета по авиалинии
    airline certificate
    удостоверение на право полета по приборам
    instrument certificate
    указания по выполнению руления
    taxi instruction
    указания по порядку ожидания
    holding instruction
    указания по управлению воздушным движением
    air-traffic control instruction
    указания по условиям эксплуатации в полете
    inflight operational instructions
    указатель отклонения от курса по радиомаяку
    localizer deviation pointer
    уполномоченный по расследованию
    управление по крену
    1. roll guidance
    2. roll control управление по угловому отклонению
    angular position control
    управление по углу рыскания
    yaw control
    управляемый по радио
    условия по заданному маршруту
    conditions on the route
    условия, по сложности превосходящие квалификацию пилота
    conditions beyond the experience
    условия сертификационных испытаний по шуму
    noise certification test conditions
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси
    align the aircraft with the center line
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВПП
    align the aircraft with the runway
    установленная схема вылета по приборам
    standard instrument departure chart
    установленная схема полета по кругу
    fixed circuit
    установленная схема ухода на второй круг по приборам
    instrument missed procedure
    устойчивость по крену
    1. rolling stability
    2. lateral stability устойчивость по скорости
    speed stability
    устойчивость по тангажу
    1. pitching stability
    2. pitch stability устойчивость по углу атаки
    angle-of-attack stability
    уточнение плана полета по сведениям, полученным в полете
    inflight operational planning
    уходить на второй круг по заданной схеме
    take a missed-approach procedure
    уход платформы по курсу
    platform drift in azimuth
    фирма по производству воздушных судов
    aircraft company
    флюгирование по отрицательному крутящему моменту
    negative torque feathering
    характеристика набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb performance
    характеристика по наддуву
    manifold pressure characteristic
    характеристики наведения по линии пути
    track-defining characteristics
    характеристики по шуму
    noise characteristics
    чартерный рейс по заказу отдельной организации
    single-entity charter
    чартерный рейс по незамкнутому маршруту
    open-jaw charter
    чартерный рейс по объявленной программе
    programmed charter
    чартерный рейс по установленному маршруту
    on-route charter
    чувствительность к отклонению по сигналам курсового маяка
    lokalizer displacement sensitivity
    чувствительность по давлению
    pressure sensitivity
    чувствительность по курсу
    course sensitivity
    шкала корректировки по тангажу
    pitch trim scale
    шкала отклонения от курса по радиомаяку
    localizer deviation scale
    школа подготовки специалистов по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic school
    экзамен по летной подготовке
    flight examination
    экспедитор по отправке грузов
    freight consolidator
    эксперт по вопросам ведения документации
    procedures document expert
    эксперт по контролю за качеством
    quality control expert
    эксперт по летной годности
    airworthiness expert
    эксперт по обслуживанию воздушного движения
    air traffic services expert
    эксперт по обучению пилотов
    pilot training expert
    эксперт по производству налетов
    flight operations expert
    эксперт по радиолокаторам
    radar expert
    эксперт по техническому обслуживанию
    maintenance expert
    этап полета по маршруту
    en-route flight phase
    эшелонирование по курсу
    track separation
    эшелонирование по усмотрению пилота
    own separation
    эшелонировать по высоте
    stack up

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > по

  • 26 ein

    I unbest. Art.
    1. a, an; ein anderer / jeder somebody else / each and every one; welch ein Glück! what luck!; war das ein Spaß! that was fun!; die Beredsamkeit einer X of a woman like X; das konnte nur ein Nero behaupten only somebody like Nero could say that; ein ( gewisser) Herr Braun a (certain) Mr ( oder Mr.) Braun; ein Kind (jedes Kind) macht viel Freude children bring such joy
    2. Zeitangabe: one; eines Tages one day; zukünftig: auch some day
    II Adj.
    1. Zahl: one, a, an; um ein Uhr at one o’clock; ein halbes Pfund half a pound; ein für alle Mal once and for all; nur ein ( einziges) Mal once (and once only), one time (only); nicht ein Fehler not one ( oder a single) mistake; nicht eine Sekunde lang not even for a second; mit einem Blick with one glance; an einem ( einzigen) Tag in a single day; in einem fort geh. continuously, all the time; er ist ihr Ein und Alles he means the world to her, he’s her one and only; eines sage ich dir! I’ll tell you something (for nothing); acht1
    2. (gleich) same; wir sind einer Meinung we are of the same opinion, we agree; ein und dieselbe Frau one and the same woman; an ein und demselben Tag on the very same day
    III unbest. Pron.: das eine, das ich meine the one I mean; der eine oder andere the one or (the) other; die einen sagen so, die anderen so some say this, the others say that; sie glaubt weder dem einen noch dem anderen she believes neither the one nor the other, she believes neither of them; du bist mir einer! umg. you’re a (fine) one; einer
    1. am Schalter: on; ein - aus on - off
    2. ein und aus gehen come and go; bei jemandem: be a frequent visitor of s.o. ( oder at s.o.’s place), always be (a)round at s.o.’s place; ich weiß weder oder nicht mehr ein noch aus I’m at my wit’s end
    * * *
    an; a ( Artikel); one ( Zahlwort);
    (Lichtschalter) on (Adv.)
    * * *
    I [ain]

    (an Geräten) Ein/Aus — on/off

    éín und aus gehen — to come and go

    er geht bei uns éín und aus — he is always (a)round at our place

    ich weiß ( mit ihm) nicht mehr éín noch aus — I'm at my wits' end (with him)

    1. num

    das kostet nur éínen Euro — it only costs one euro

    éín Uhr — one (o'clock)

    éín Uhr zwanzig — twenty past one

    éín für alle Mal — once and for all

    éín und derselbe/dieselbe/dasselbe — one and the same

    auch eins
    2. indef art
    a; (vor Vokalen) an

    éín Mann — a man

    éíne Frau — a woman

    éín Kind — a child

    éín Europäer — a European

    éín Hotel — a or an hotel

    der Sohn éínes Lehrers — the son of a teacher, a teacher's son

    nur éín Hegel konnte das schreiben — only a Hegel could have written that

    éíne Hitze ist das hier! — the or some heat here!

    was für éín Wetter/Lärm! — some weather/noise, what a noise

    wir hatten éínen Durst! (inf) — we were parched!, were we thirsty!

    → auch eine(r, s)
    * * *
    E\ein/Aus on/off
    I. adj one
    \ein Cent ist heutzutage nicht mehr viel Geld one [or a] cent isn't worth very much [or doesn't go very far] nowadays
    es ist genau \ein Uhr it's one [o'clock] on the dot [or exactly one [o'clock]]
    \ein für allemal once and for all
    jds E\ein und Alles to be sb's all and everything BRIT, to mean everything to sb
    meine Liebste, mein E\ein und Alles! my love, my all and everything [or you mean everything to me]!
    \ein und derselbe/dieselbe/dasselbe one and the same
    1. (einzeln) a/an
    \ein Europäer/Hotel/Umschlag a European/a hotel/an envelope
    \ein Mann/ \eine Frau a man/woman
    was bist du doch für \ein Dummkopf! what an idiot!
    das ist \ein interessanter Vorschlag that's an interesting suggestion
    die Tochter \eines Pfarrers the daughter of a priest, a priest's daughter
    \eine Hitze ist das hier! it's very hot [or sweltering] [in] here!
    was für \ein Lärm! what a noise!
    2. (jeder) a/an
    \eine Wüste ist immer trocken a desert is [or deserts are] always dry
    * * *
    I 1.

    ich will dir noch ein[e]s sagen — there's one more thing I'd like to tell you

    einer von beiden — one of the two; one or the other

    einer für alle, alle für einen — one for all and all for one

    einer Meinung seinbe of the same opinion

    unbestimmter Artikel a/an

    ein Kleid/Apfel — a dress/an apple

    ein bisschen od. wenig — a little [bit]

    ein jeder(geh.) each and every one

    Indefinitpronomen: s. irgendein 1); s. auch einer

    ein und aus gehengo in and out

    * * *
    A. unbest art
    1. a, an;
    ein anderer/jeder somebody else/each and every one;
    welch ein Glück! what luck!;
    war das ein Spaß! that was fun!;
    einer X of a woman like X;
    das konnte nur ein Nero behaupten only somebody like Nero could say that;
    ein (gewisser) Herr Braun a (certain) Mr ( oder Mr.) Braun;
    ein Kind (jedes Kind)
    macht viel Freude children bring such joy
    2. Zeitangabe: one;
    eines Tages one day; zukünftig: auch some day
    B. adj
    1. Zahl: one, a, an;
    um ein Uhr at one o’clock;
    ein halbes Pfund half a pound;
    ein für alle Mal once and for all;
    nur ein (einziges) Mal once (and once only), one time (only);
    nicht ein Fehler not one ( oder a single) mistake;
    nicht eine Sekunde lang not even for a second;
    mit einem Blick with one glance;
    an einem (einzigen) Tag in a single day;
    in einem fort geh continuously, all the time;
    er ist ihr Ein und Alles he means the world to her, he’s her one and only;
    eines sage ich dir! I’ll tell you something (for nothing); acht1
    2. (gleich) same;
    wir sind einer Meinung we are of the same opinion, we agree;
    ein und dieselbe Frau one and the same woman;
    an ein und demselben Tag on the very same day
    C. indef pr:
    das eine, das ich meine the one I mean;
    der eine oder andere the one or (the) other;
    die einen sagen so, die anderen so some say this, the others say that;
    sie glaubt weder dem einen noch dem anderen she believes neither the one nor the other, she believes neither of them;
    du bist mir einer! umg you’re a (fine) one; einer
    ein2 adv
    1. am Schalter: on;
    ein - aus on - off
    ein und aus gehen come and go; bei jemandem: be a frequent visitor of sb ( oder at sb’s place), always be (a)round at sb’s place;
    nicht mehr ein noch aus I’m at my wit’s end
    * * *
    I 1.

    ich will dir noch ein[e]s sagen — there's one more thing I'd like to tell you

    einer von beiden — one of the two; one or the other

    einer für alle, alle für einen — one for all and all for one

    unbestimmter Artikel a/an

    ein Kleid/Apfel — a dress/an apple

    ein bisschen od. wenig — a little [bit]

    ein jeder(geh.) each and every one

    Indefinitpronomen: s. irgendein 1); s. auch einer
    * * *
    one adj. art.
    a art.
    an art.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ein

  • 27 fahren

    das Fahren
    * * *
    fah|ren ['faːrən] pret fuhr [fuːɐ] ptp gefahren [gə'faːrən]
    1) = sich fortbewegen (aux sein) (Fahrzeug, Fahrgast) to go; (Autofahrer) to drive; (Zweiradfahrer) to ride; (Schiff) to sail; (Kran, Kamera, Rolltreppe etc) to move

    mit dem Rad fahren — to cycle, to go by bike

    mit dem Motorrad/Taxi fahren — to go by motorbike/taxi

    mit dem Aufzug fahrento take the lift, to ride or take the elevator (US)

    ich fuhr mit dem Fahrrad/Auto in die Stadt — I cycled/drove into town, I went into town on my bike/in the car

    wir sind mit dem Auto gekommen, und meine Frau ist gefahren — we came by car and my wife drove

    links/rechts fahren — to drive on the left/right

    wie lange fährt man von hier nach Basel? — how long does it take to get to Basle from here?

    ich fahre mit dem Auto nach Schweden — I'm taking the car to Sweden, I'm going to Sweden by car

    mein Chor fährt nächstes Jahr wieder nach Schottland — next year my choir is going to Scotland again

    wie fährt man von hier zum Bahnhof? — how do you get to the station from here?

    wie fährt man am schnellsten zum Bahnhof? — what is the quickest way to the station?

    die Lok fährt elektrisch/mit Dampf — the engine is powered by electricity/is steam-driven

    der Wagen fährt sehr ruhig — the car is very quiet

    2) = losfahren (aux sein) (Verkehrsmittel, Fahrer, Mitfahrer) to go, to leave

    wann fährt der nächste Bus nach Bamberg? — when does the next bus to Bamberg go or leave?

    wann fährst du morgen nach Glasgow? fährst du früh? — when are you leaving for Glasgow tomorrow? are you leaving early in the morning?

    einen fahren lassen (inf)to let off (inf)


    = verkehren (aux sein) es fahren täglich zwei Fähren — there are two ferries a day

    fahren Sie bis Walterplatz?do you go as far as Walterplatz?

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten — there's a bus every five minutes


    = rasen, schießen (aux sein) es fuhr ihm durch den Kopf, dass... — the thought flashed through his mind that...

    was ist ( denn) in dich gefahren? — what's got into you?

    die Katze fuhr ihm ins Gesichtthe cat leapt or sprang at his face


    = zurechtkommen (aux sein) (mit jdm) gut fahren — to get on well (with sb)

    mit etw gut fahrento be OK with sth (inf)

    mit ihm sind wir gut/schlecht gefahren — we made a good/bad choice when we picked him

    mit diesem teuren Modell fahren Sie immer gutyou'll always be OK with this expensive model (inf)

    (bei etw) gut/schlecht fahren — to do well/badly (with sth)

    du fährst besser, wenn... — you would do better if...


    = streichen (aux sein or haben) er fuhr mit der Hand/einem Tuch über den Tisch — he ran his hand/a cloth over the table

    jdm/sich durchs Haar fahren — to run one's fingers through sb's/one's hair

    mit der Hand über die Stirn fahrento pass one's hand over one's brow

    7) FILM (aux haben) (= eine Kamerafahrt machen) to track
    1) = lenken (aux haben) Auto, Bus, Zug etc to drive; Fahrrad, Motorrad to ride

    schrottreif or zu Schrott fahren (durch Unfall)to write off; (durch Verschleiß) to drive into the ground

    2) = benutzen: Straße, Strecke etc (aux sein) to take

    welche Strecke fährt die Linie 59? — which way does the number 59 go?

    einen Umweg fahren — to go a long way round, to go out of one's way

    eine so gebirgige Strecke darfst du im Winter nicht ohne Schneeketten fahren — you shouldn't drive such a mountainous route in winter without snow chains

    3) = benutzen: Kraftstoff etc (aux haben) to use; Reifen to drive on
    4) = befördern (aux haben) to take; (= hierherfahren) to bring; Personen to drive, to take

    die Spedition fährt Fisch von der Nordsee nach Nürnberg — the haulage firm transports or takes fish from the North Sea to Nuremberg

    5) Geschwindigkeit (aux sein) to do

    er fuhr über 80 km/h — he did over 80 km/h, he drove at over 80 km/h

    6) SPORT (aux haben or sein) Rennen to take part in; Runde etc to do; Zeit, Rekord etc to clock up
    7) TECH (aux haben) (= steuern, betreiben) to run; (= senden) to broadcast; (= durchführen) Überstunden to do, to work; Angriff to launch

    eine Sonderschicht fahrento put on an extra shift


    diams; sich gut fahren mit diesem Wagen fährt es sich gut — it's good driving this car

    bei solchem Wetter/auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut — it's good driving in that kind of weather/on this road

    der neue Wagen fährt sich gut —

    * * *
    1) (to control or guide (a car etc): Do you want to drive (the car), or shall I?) drive
    2) (to take, bring etc in a car: My mother is driving me to the airport.) drive
    3) (to travel by car: We motored down to my mother's house at the weekend.) motor
    4) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.) put
    5) (to travel in a car etc: We were rolling along merrily when a tyre burst.) roll
    6) (to travel or be carried (in a car, train etc or on a bicycle, horse etc): He rides to work every day on an old bicycle; The horsemen rode past.) ride
    7) (to (be able to) ride on and control (a horse, bicycle etc): Can you ride a bicycle?) ride
    8) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) run
    9) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) run
    10) (to go from place to place; to journey: I travelled to Scotland by train; He has to travel a long way to school.) travel
    * * *
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich fortbewegen: als Fahrgast) to go
    mit dem Bus/der Straßenbahn/dem Taxi/dem Zug \fahren to go by bus/tram/taxi/train
    erster/zweiter Klasse \fahren to travel [or go] first/second class; (als Fahrer) to drive
    zur Arbeit \fahren to drive to work; (mit dem Fahrrad) to cycle to work
    mit dem Auto \fahren to drive, to go by car
    mit dem [Fahr]rad/Motorrad fahren to cycle/motorcycle, to go by bike/motorcycle
    links/rechts \fahren to drive on the left/right
    gegen einen Baum/eine Wand \fahren to drive [or go] into a tree/wall
    wie fährt man von hier am besten zum Bahnhof? what's the best way to the station from here?
    wer fährt? who's driving?
    \fahren Sie nach Heidelberg/zum Flughafen? are you going to Heidelberg/to the airport?
    \fahren wir oder laufen wir? shall we go by car/bus etc. or walk?
    wie lange fährt man von hier nach München? how long does it take to get to Munich from here?; (auf Karussell, Achterbahn)
    ich will nochmal \fahren! I want to have another ride!
    fahr doch bitte langsamer! please slow down!
    sie fährt gut she's a good driver
    ich fahre lieber auf der Autobahn I prefer to drive on the motorway
    mein Auto fährt nicht my car won't go
    heutzutage \fahren alle Bahnen elektrisch all railways are electrified these days
    die Rolltreppe fährt bis in den obersten Stock the escalator goes up to the top floor; s.a. Teufel
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (losfahren) to go, to leave
    wir \fahren in 5 Minuten we'll be going [or leaving] in 5 minutes
    wann fährst du morgen früh? when are you leaving tomorrow morning?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (verkehren) to run
    wann fährt der nächste Zug nach Berlin? when is the next train to Berlin?
    der nächste Bus fährt [erst] in 20 Minuten the next bus [only] leaves in twenty minutes
    die Bahn fährt alle 20 Minuten the train runs [or goes] every 20 minutes
    von Lübeck nach Travemünde \fahren täglich drei Busse there are three busses a day from Lübeck to Travemünde
    diese Fähre fährt zwischen Ostende und Dover this ferry runs between Ostend and Dover
    auf der Strecke Berlin-Bremen fährt ein ICE a high speed train runs between Berlin and Bremen
    dieser Bus fährt nur bis Hegelplatz this bus only goes as far as Hegelplatz
    der Intercity 501 fährt heute nur bis Köln the intercity 501 will only run as far as Cologne today
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (reisen)
    in [den] Urlaub \fahren to go on holiday
    ins Wochenende \fahren to leave for the weekend; (tatsächlich wegfahren) to go away for the weekend
    fährst du mit dem Auto nach Italien? are you taking the car to Italy?, are you going to Italy by car?
    fahrt ihr nächstes Jahr wieder nach Norwegen? are you going to Norway again next year?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (bestimmtes Fahrverhalten haben)
    dieser Wagen fährt sehr schnell this car can go very fast, this car is a real goer fam
    das Auto hier fährt sehr ruhig this car is a very quiet runner
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (blitzschnell bewegen)
    aus dem Bett \fahren to leap out of bed
    in die Höhe \fahren to jump up with a start
    jdm an die Kehle fahren Hund to leap at sb's throat
    in die Kleider \fahren to dress hastily
    aus dem Schlaf \fahren to wake with a start
    blitzartig fuhr es ihm durch den Kopf, dass... the thought suddenly flashed through his mind that...
    diese Idee fuhr mir durch den Kopf, als ich die Bilder sah that idea came to me when I saw the pictures
    der Schreck fuhr ihr durch alle Glieder the shock made her tremble all over
    was ist denn in dich gefahren? what's got into you?
    es fuhr mir in den Rücken suddenly I felt a stabbing pain in my back
    der Blitz fuhr in den Baum the lightning struck the tree; s.a. Mund, Haut
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein o haben (streichen, wischen)
    sich dat mit der Hand über die Stirn \fahren to pass one's hand over one's brow
    sie fuhr mit dem Tuch über den Tisch she ran the cloth over the table
    sie fuhr sich mit der Hand durchs Haar she run her fingers through her hair
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (zurechtkommen)
    [mit etw dat] gut/schlecht \fahren to do well/badly [with sth]
    mit dieser Methode sind wir immer gut gefahren this method has always worked well for us
    mit jdm gut \fahren to get on all right with sb, to fare well with sb
    mit jdm schlecht \fahren to not fare [or get on] very well with sb
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (lenken)
    etw \fahren to drive sth
    ein Auto \fahren to drive a car
    ein Fahrrad/Motorrad \fahren to ride a bicycle/motorbike
    wer von Ihnen hat das Auto gefahren? who drove?
    sie fährt einen roten Jaguar she drives a red Jaguar
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (sich mit etw fortbewegen)
    etw \fahren to drive sth
    Auto \fahren to drive [a car]
    Bus \fahren to ride on a bus
    Fahrrad/Motorrad \fahren to ride a bicycle/motorbike
    Schlitten \fahren to go tobogganing
    Ski \fahren to ski
    Zug \fahren to go on a train
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (verwenden)
    etw \fahren Kraftstoff to use sth
    ich fahre nur Diesel I only use diesel
    fährst du noch immer Sommerreifen? are you still using [or driving on] normal tyres
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (befördern, mitnehmen)
    jdn \fahren to take [or drive] sb
    jdn ins Krankenhaus \fahren to take sb to hospital
    ich fahre noch schnell die Kinder in die Schule I'll just take the kids to school
    ich fahr' dich nach Hause I'll take [or drive] you home, I'll give you a lift home
    etw \fahren Sand, Mist, Waren to take [or transport] sth
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein (eine Strecke zurücklegen)
    Autobahn \fahren to drive on a motorway BRIT [or AM freeway]
    eine Umleitung \fahren to follow a diversion
    einen Umweg \fahren to make a detour
    der 84er fährt jetzt eine andere Strecke the 84 takes a different route now
    diese Strecke darf man nur mit Schneeketten \fahren you need snow chains to drive on this route
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    90 km/h \fahren to be doing 90 km/h
    hier darf man nur 30 km/h \fahren the speed limit here is 30 km/h
    dieser Wagen hier fährt 240 km/h this car will do 240 km/h
    was/wie viel fährt der Wagen denn Spitze? what's the car's top speed?
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: sein o haben SPORT
    ein Rennen \fahren to take part in a race
    die beste Zeit \fahren to do [or clock] the best time
    mit nur 4 Stunden fuhr er Bestzeit his time of only four hours was the best
    die Rennfahrerin fuhr einen neuen Weltrekord the racing driver set a new world record
    die Wagen \fahren jetzt die achte Runde the cars are now on the eighth lap
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben TECH
    etw \fahren to operate sth
    einen Hochofen \fahren to control a blast furnace
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (fachspr sl: ablaufen lassen)
    ein Angebot/Sortiment nach oben/unten \fahren to increase/reduce an offer/a product range
    die Produktion mit 50 % \fahren to run production at 50%
    die Produktion nach oben/unten \fahren to step up/cut down production
    ein neues Programm \fahren to start [or launch] a new programme [or AM -gram
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sl: arbeiten)
    eine Sonderschicht in der Fabrik \fahren to put on an extra shift at the factory
    Überstunden \fahren to do overtime
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben RADIO
    etw \fahren to broadcast sth
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben (kaputt machen)
    eine Beule in etw akk \fahren to dent sth
    einen harten Kurs \fahren to take a hard line
    einen \fahren lassen (fam) to let [one] off fam
    <fährt, fuhr, gefahren>
    Hilfsverb: haben
    dieser Wagen/dieses Fahrrad fährt sich gut [o mit diesem Wagen/Fahrrad fährt es sich gut] it's nice to drive this car/to ride this bicycle
    bei solch einem Wetter fährt es sich herrlich it's wonderful to drive in that kind of weather
    mit einer Servolenkung fährt es sich viel leichter it's much easier to drive with power steering
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) (als Fahrzeuglenker) drive; (mit dem Fahrrad, Motorrad usw.) ride

    mit dem Auto fahren — drive; (herfahren auch) come by car; (hinfahren auch) go by car

    mit dem Fahrrad/Motorrad fahren — cycle/motorcycle; come/go by bicycle/motorcycle

    mit 80 km/h fahren — drive/ride at 80 k.p.h.

    links/rechts fahren — drive on the left/right; (abbiegen) bear or turn left/right

    langsam fahren — drive/ride slowly

    2) (mit dem Auto usw. als Mitfahrer; mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln usw./als Fahrgast) go ( mit by); (mit dem Aufzug/der Rolltreppe/der Seilbahn/dem Skilift) take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/escalator/cable-car/ski lift; (mit der Achterbahn, dem Karussell usw.) ride (auf + Dat. on); (per Anhalter) hitch-hike

    erster/zweiter Klasse/zum halben Preis fahren — travel or go first/second class/at half-price

    ich fahre nicht gern [im] Auto/Bus — I don't like travelling in cars/buses

    3) (reisen) go
    4) (losfahren) go; leave
    5) < motor vehicle, train, lift, cable-car> go; < ship> sail

    der Aufzug fährt heute nichtthe lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator is out of service today

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten/bis Goetheplatz — the bus runs or goes every five minutes/goes to Goetheplatz

    von München nach Passau fährt ein D-Zug — there's a fast train from Munich to Passau

    mit Diesel/Benzin fahren — run on diesel/petrol (Brit.) or (Amer.) gasoline

    mit Dampf/Atomkraft fahren — be steam-powered/atomicpowered

    8) (schnelle Bewegungen ausführen)

    in die Höhe fahren — jump up [with a start]

    sich (Dat.) mit der Hand durchs Haar fahren — run one's fingers through one's hair

    was ist denn in dich gefahren?(fig.) what's got into you?

    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder(fig.) the shock went right through him

    jemandem über den Mund fahren(fig.) shut somebody up

    aus der Haut fahren(ugs.) blow one's top (coll.)

    etwas fahren lassen(loslassen) let something go; (fig.): (aufgeben) abandon something

    gut/schlecht mit jemandem/einer Sache fahren — get on well/badly with somebody/something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (fortbewegen) drive <car, lorry, train, etc.>; ride <bicycle, motorcycle>

    Auto/Motorrad/Roller fahren — drive [a car]/ride a motorcycle/scooter

    Bahn/Bus usw. fahren: go by train/bus — etc.

    Kahn od. Boot/Kanu fahren — go boating/canoeing

    Rollschuh fahren — [roller-]skate

    Schlittschuh fahren — [ice-]skate

    Aufzug/Rolltreppe fahren — take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/use the escalator

    Sessellift fahren — ride in a/the chairlift

    U-Bahn fahrenride on the underground (Brit.) or (Amer.) subway

    2) mit sein ([als Strecke] zurücklegen) drive; (mit dem Motorrad, Fahrrad) ride; take < curve>

    einen Umweg/eine Umleitung fahren — make a detour/follow a diversion

    3) (befördern) drive, take < person>; take < thing>; < vehicle> take; <ship, lorry, etc.> carry < goods>; (zum Sprecher) drive, bring < person>; bring < thing>; < vehicle> bring

    80 km/h fahren — do 80 k.p.h.

    hier muss man 50 km/h fahren — you've got to keep to 50 k.p.h. here

    1:23:45/eine gute Zeit fahren — do or clock 1.23.45/a good time


    ein Auto schrottreif fahren — write off a car; (durch lange Beanspruchung) run or drive a car into the ground

    8) (als Treibstoff benutzen) use < diesel, regular>

    sich gut fahren< car> handle well, be easy to drive

    in dem Wagen/mit dem Zug fährt es sich bequem — the car gives a comfortable ride/it is comfortable travelling by train

    * * *
    fahren; fährt, fuhr, gefahren
    A. v/i (ist)
    1. Person: (auch reisen) go (
    mit by); längere Strecke: travel (by); auf Schiff: sail;
    mit dem Aufzug/Bus etc
    fahren auch take the lift (US elevator)/a ( oder the) bus etc;
    ich fahre öffentlich (mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln) I use ( oder go by) public transport (US transportation);
    fahr rechts (bleib rechts) keep to the right; (bieg rechts ab) turn right;
    an den Straßenrand fahren pull over to the side of the road;
    nach Köln fährt man sieben Stunden mit dem Auto: it’s a seven-hour drive to Cologne; mit dem Zug: it’s a seven-hour train journey to Cologne, it’s seven hours on the train to Cologne;
    langsamer/schneller fahren slow down/accelerate;
    über einen Fluss/Platz etc
    fahren cross a river/square etc;
    ich will noch mal fahren auf Karussell etc: I want another ride
    2. (abfahren) leave, go;
    wir fahren in fünf Minuten we’re leaving in five minutes
    3. (in Fahrt sein) be moving; fahrend B 1
    4. selbst lenkend: drive; auf Fahrrad, Motorrad: ride;
    sie fährt gut/schlecht she’s a good/bad driver
    5. (verkehren) run;
    das Boot/der Zug fährt zweimal am Tag the boat/train goes twice a day, there are two sailings/two trains a day
    6. AUTO etc (funktionieren) go, run;
    /fährt wieder (ist repariert) the car isn’t going ( oder won’t go)/is going again;
    das Auto fährt ruhig the car is quiet(-running);
    mit Benzin/Diesel fahren Fahrzeug: run on petrol (US gas)/diesel; Person: have a petrol-(US gas)/diesel-engine car;
    mit Strom fahren be driven by electric power;
    mit Dampf fahren be steam-driven
    durch/über etwas (akk)
    fahren run one’s hand etc through/over sth
    in etwas (akk)
    fahren Kugel, Messer etc: go into sth; Blitz: hit ( oder strike) sth;
    in die Kleider fahren slip into ( oder slip on) one’s clothes;
    aus dem Bett/in die Höhe fahren jump ( oder leap) out of bed/in the air;
    der Hund fuhr ihm an die Kehle the dog leapt at his throat; Himmel, Hölle etc
    fahren lassen fig give up ( oder abandon) all hope;
    einen fahren lassen umg let one go, fart vulg
    10. BERGB:
    in die Grube/aus der Grube fahren go down the pit/coe up out of the pit
    11. fig:
    gut/schlecht mit oder
    bei etwas fahren do well/badly out of sth;
    er ist sehr gut/schlecht damit gefahren he did very well/badly out of it;
    was ist nur in ihn gefahren? what’s got into him?;
    mir fuhr der Gedanke durch den Kopf, dass … it suddenly occurred to me that …;
    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder he froze with terror; Haut, Mund etc
    B. v/t
    1. (hat) (lenken, besitzen) drive; (Fahrrad, Motorrad) ride;
    er hat das Auto gegen den Zaun gefahren he drove the car into the fence;
    ein Auto zu Schrott fahren drive a car into the ground; bei einem Unfall: write a car off, US total a car;
    ein Schiff auf Grund fahren run a ship aground;
    jemanden über den Haufen fahren umg knock sb down, run sb over
    2. (hat) (befördern) take, drive; (Güter) auch transport; spazieren
    3. (ist) (Aufzug, Skilift) ride in; (Karussell, U-Bahn etc) ride on; (Segelboot) sail; (Ruderboot) row;
    Boot fahren go boating;
    Rad fahren cycle;
    Roller fahren scooter; (Motorroller) ride a scooter;
    Rollschuh fahren roller-skate;
    Schlitten fahren (rodeln) toboggan; (Pferdeschlitten) ride in a sledge (US sleigh);
    4. (hat oder ist) (Strecke) cover, travel; (Kurve, anderen Weg etc) take; (Umleitung) follow; (Rennen) take part in;
    einen Umweg fahren make a detour;
    sie fuhren eine andere Strecke they took a different route;
    Kurven fahren weave about (US back and forth);
    Slalom fahren do a slalom
    5. (hat oder ist) (Zeit) record, clock; (Rekord) set;
    wir fuhren gerade 100 km/h, als … we were doing 62 mph when …;
    das Auto fährt 200 km/h (leistet) the car will do ( oder can reach) 124 mph
    6. (hat) (Normal, Super) use, run on
    7. TECH (Hochofen) operate; IT (Programm) run
    C. v/r (hat):
    dieser Wagen fährt sich gut this car is pleasant to drive ( oder handles well); unpers:
    auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut this is a good road to drive on
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein
    1) (als Fahrzeuglenker) drive; (mit dem Fahrrad, Motorrad usw.) ride

    mit dem Auto fahren — drive; (herfahren auch) come by car; (hinfahren auch) go by car

    mit dem Fahrrad/Motorrad fahren — cycle/motorcycle; come/go by bicycle/motorcycle

    mit 80 km/h fahren — drive/ride at 80 k.p.h.

    links/rechts fahren — drive on the left/right; (abbiegen) bear or turn left/right

    langsam fahren — drive/ride slowly

    2) (mit dem Auto usw. als Mitfahrer; mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln usw./als Fahrgast) go ( mit by); (mit dem Aufzug/der Rolltreppe/der Seilbahn/dem Skilift) take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/escalator/cable-car/ski lift; (mit der Achterbahn, dem Karussell usw.) ride (auf + Dat. on); (per Anhalter) hitch-hike

    erster/zweiter Klasse/zum halben Preis fahren — travel or go first/second class/at half-price

    ich fahre nicht gern [im] Auto/Bus — I don't like travelling in cars/buses

    3) (reisen) go
    4) (losfahren) go; leave
    5) <motor vehicle, train, lift, cable-car> go; < ship> sail

    der Aufzug fährt heute nichtthe lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator is out of service today

    der Bus fährt alle fünf Minuten/bis Goetheplatz — the bus runs or goes every five minutes/goes to Goetheplatz

    mit Diesel/Benzin fahren — run on diesel/petrol (Brit.) or (Amer.) gasoline

    mit Dampf/Atomkraft fahren — be steam-powered/atomicpowered

    in die Höhe fahren — jump up [with a start]

    sich (Dat.) mit der Hand durchs Haar fahren — run one's fingers through one's hair

    was ist denn in dich gefahren?(fig.) what's got into you?

    der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder(fig.) the shock went right through him

    jemandem über den Mund fahren(fig.) shut somebody up

    aus der Haut fahren(ugs.) blow one's top (coll.)

    etwas fahren lassen (loslassen) let something go; (fig.): (aufgeben) abandon something

    gut/schlecht mit jemandem/einer Sache fahren — get on well/badly with somebody/something

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) (fortbewegen) drive <car, lorry, train, etc.>; ride <bicycle, motorcycle>

    Auto/Motorrad/Roller fahren — drive [a car]/ride a motorcycle/scooter

    Bahn/Bus usw. fahren: go by train/bus — etc.

    Kahn od. Boot/Kanu fahren — go boating/canoeing

    Rollschuh fahren — [roller-]skate

    Schlittschuh fahren — [ice-]skate

    Aufzug/Rolltreppe fahren — take the lift (Brit.) or (Amer.) elevator/use the escalator

    Sessellift fahren — ride in a/the chairlift

    U-Bahn fahrenride on the underground (Brit.) or (Amer.) subway

    2) mit sein ([als Strecke] zurücklegen) drive; (mit dem Motorrad, Fahrrad) ride; take < curve>

    einen Umweg/eine Umleitung fahren — make a detour/follow a diversion

    3) (befördern) drive, take < person>; take < thing>; < vehicle> take; <ship, lorry, etc.> carry < goods>; (zum Sprecher) drive, bring < person>; bring < thing>; < vehicle> bring

    80 km/h fahren — do 80 k.p.h.

    hier muss man 50 km/h fahren — you've got to keep to 50 k.p.h. here

    1:23:45/eine gute Zeit fahren — do or clock 1.23.45/a good time


    ein Auto schrottreif fahren — write off a car; (durch lange Beanspruchung) run or drive a car into the ground

    8) (als Treibstoff benutzen) use <diesel, regular>

    sich gut fahren< car> handle well, be easy to drive

    in dem Wagen/mit dem Zug fährt es sich bequem — the car gives a comfortable ride/it is comfortable travelling by train

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: fuhr, ist/hat gefahren)
    = to drive v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: drove, driven)
    to navigate v.
    to ply between expr.
    to ride v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: rode, ridden)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > fahren

  • 28 tertulia

    1 social gathering, party, meeting of friends, get-together.
    2 conversation among friends.
    3 conversation group.
    * * *
    1 (reunión) get-together
    2 (lugar en cafés) back room
    estar de tertulia to sit around and talk
    hacer tertulia to have a get-together
    tertulia literaria literary gathering
    * * *
    1) (=reunión) social gathering, regular informal gathering

    la tertulia del Café Gijón — the Cafe Gijón circle, the in-crowd at the Cafe Gijón

    estar de tertulia — to talk, sit around talking

    hacer tertulia — to get together, meet informally and talk

    hoy no hay tertulia — there's no meeting today, the group is not meeting today

    tertulia literaria — literary circle, literary gathering

    2) (=sala) clubroom, games room
    3) Cono Sur (=galería) gallery; Caribe (=palcos) boxes
    TERTULIA The term tertulia is used for groups of people who meet informally on a regular basis to chat about current affairs, the Arts etc, and is also used to refer to the gathering itself. In early 20th Century Spain, tertulias literarias were much in vogue, and critics and writers would meet to discuss the literary issues of the day in places such as the famous Café Gijón. In more recent times, the term has been used to refer to the highly organized PR platforms in which writers of the moment engage in round-table discussions to promote their latest works.
    * * *
    femenino ( reunión) gathering (to discuss philosophy, politics, art, etc)
    •• Cultural note:
    A discussion group. Formerly, tertulias were groups of men who met in a café to talk about soccer, bullfighting, literature, cinema, politics, etc. Some of these became very famous, as they included important political and cultural figures. Now tertulias are often televized discussion programs
    * * *
    = chat.
    Ex. The Tree House, as it is called, offers the facility of a meeting room and drop-in lounge for social gatherings, informal chats, seminars, films and slide shows.
    * tertulia de lectura = book club evening.
    * tertulia literaria = book discussion.
    * * *
    femenino ( reunión) gathering (to discuss philosophy, politics, art, etc)
    •• Cultural note:
    A discussion group. Formerly, tertulias were groups of men who met in a café to talk about soccer, bullfighting, literature, cinema, politics, etc. Some of these became very famous, as they included important political and cultural figures. Now tertulias are often televized discussion programs
    * * *
    = chat.

    Ex: The Tree House, as it is called, offers the facility of a meeting room and drop-in lounge for social gatherings, informal chats, seminars, films and slide shows.

    * tertulia de lectura = book club evening.
    * tertulia literaria = book discussion.

    * * *
    tertulia (↑ tertulia a1)
    A (reunión) gathering (to discuss philosophy, politics, art, etc)
    chat room
    (grupo) literary circle; (reunión) literary gathering
    B ( RPl) ( Teatr) circle
    A discussion group. Formerly, tertulias were groups of men who met in a café to talk about soccer, bullfighting, literature, cinema, politics, etc. Some of these became very famous, as they included important political and cultural figures. Now tertulias are often televized discussion programs.
    * * *

    tertulia sustantivo femenino ( reunión) gathering (to discuss philosophy, politics, art, etc)
    tertulia sustantivo femenino get-together, gathering
    tertulia literaria, literary gathering
    familiar (conversar, hablar) estar de tertulia, to sit around talking
    ' tertulia' also found in these entries:
    chat show
    - talk-show
    - coffee
    * * *
    1. [reunión] = regular informal social gathering where issues of common interest are discussed;
    [en radio, TV] talk show;
    estar de tertulia to sit chatting
    tertulia literaria literary circle;
    tertulia radiofónica radio talk show;
    tertulia televisiva TV talk show
    2. RP [en teatro] dress circle
    * * *
    f TV debate, round table discussion; ( reunión) discussion group
    * * *
    : gathering, group
    tertulia literaria: literary circle

    Spanish-English dictionary > tertulia

  • 29 очередной

    1. another, still another, one more
    готовность сделать очередной шаг навстречу партнерам - readiness to take yet another/still another/one more step to accommodate our partners
    2. regular, routine, annual, monthly, weekly…
    He помогает и очередное голосование - Nor does the regular/routine/annual/monthly/weekly ( as the case may be) vote on the draft resolution help.
    3. routine, customary, usual round of
    очередные нападки на эти предложения - the routine, customary, usual round of attacks.
    @ в очередной раз
    once again, yet again
    В очередной раз, вопреки справедливым протестам, эта тема обсуждается нашим комитетом. - Once again/yet again despite just protests...
    @ очередное заседание комитета
    regular/scheduled meeting (of a committee)
    @ в первую очередь
    mainly, chiefly, primarily, most importantly, above all, in particular

    Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > очередной

  • 30 работа

    1. work ( без pl.); a piece/job of work
    (труд) labour
    (на комисия и пр.) proceedings
    единица работа физ. a unit of work
    тежка работа hard work, toil
    умствена работа mental work, brainwork, head-work
    къщна/домакинска работа household work, chores
    каторжна работа hard labour, penal servitude
    полска работа field work, work in the fields
    еднообразна/неблагодарна работа treadmill
    съвместна работа collaboration, joint work
    бавна работа slow work, a slow job/process
    бърза работа an urgent job
    работа на час time-work
    когато съм/остана без работа when I have nothing to do
    залавям се за работа set to work, get down to work
    спирам/преустановявам работа stop work/working, knock off work (for the day)
    имаме много работа we're very busy, we're kept hard at work
    добре извършена работа a fine/good piece of work/workmanship
    зле извършена работа a clumsy/shoddy piece of work, a badly done job
    заплетена/завързана работа a catchy bit of work
    това се казва работа that's smart work, that's a good job
    стая/помещение за работа workroom
    ако си нямаш друга работа if you have nothing better to do
    2. (занятие, служба, задължение) job, employment, work; occupation, business; line
    редовна/постоянна работа regular/steady work, a regular/full-time job
    работа с непълно работно време a part-time job
    случайни/дребни работи odd jobs
    работа на парче piece-work
    работа на акорд вж. акорд
    гледам/върша си работата do o.'s job
    постъпвам на работа go to work (в in, at) при фирма и пр. (for, with), take a job (in, at)
    търся работа look for work/a job
    намирам/давам работа на provide/find a job for; find work for
    без работа съм, нямам работа be out or work/of a job, be unemployed
    оставам без работа be left jobless, become unemployed, be out of a job/of work
    твоя работа е да it's your job/duty to
    това е доходна работа this business pays well, this is a lucrative business/job
    започвам самостоятелна работа start o.'s own business, start on o.'s own
    no работа on business
    говоря по работа speak on business
    той винаги говори за работа та си he's always talking shop
    този човек си знае работата this man knows his business/knows what he is about
    3. (нещо) thing
    (въпрос) affair, matter, business
    не пипай неговите работи don't touch his things/belongings
    работите вървят на добре things are improving, things are getting better
    тази работа е отдавна забравена this affair is past and done with
    странна/загадъчна работа a strange business
    работата не се свършва с това there's more to it than that
    4. mind your own business
    това е моя работа this is my own affair/business
    това не е моя работа this is no concern of mine
    не е твоя работа it's none of your business
    твоя работа е да it's up to you to
    не е наша работа да, не ни е работа да it's not for us to
    работата е сигурна/опечена разг. it's in the bag
    несигурна работа разг. a bird in the bush
    работата излезе неопечена разг. the cake is dough
    работата се усложнява things are getting complicated/involved
    празна работа,вятър работа nonsense, rubbish, fudge
    занимавам се с празна/безполезна работа разг. hold a candle to the sun, mill the wind
    не е там работата that's not the point; it's quite a different thing/matter
    там е работата, там е цялата работа that's just the point
    работата е там, че the point is that
    значи такава е работа та so that's how things stand
    * * *
    ж., -и 1. само ед. work ( без pl.); a piece/job of work; ( труд) labour; (на комисия и пр.) proceedings; ако си нямаш друга \работаа if you have nothing better to do; без \работаа idle; бърза \работаа urgent job; всичката му \работаа е такава that’s his style; he mucks up everything; денонощна \работаа twenty-four- hour service; round-the-clock service; единица \работаа физ. a unit of work; еднообразна/неблагодарна \работаа treadmill; заплетена/завързана \работаа a catchy bit of work; зле извършена \работаа a clumsy/shoddy piece of work; извънредна \работаа overtime (work); извънщатна \работаа freelance work; имаме много \работаа we’re very busy, we’re kept hard at work; каторжна \работаа hard labour, penal servitude; когато съм/остана без \работаа when I have nothing to do; колкото да се намирам на \работаа just to have s.th. to do; къщна/домакинска \работаа chores; на \работаа at work; нямам бърза \работаа I’m in no hurry; обществена \работаа public/volunteer/social work; принудителна \работаа forced labour; \работаа в автономен режим off-line operation; \работаа в извънработно време overtime work; \работаа в неавтономен режим on-line operation; \работаа на час timework; свършвам добра \работаа do a fine day’s work; спирам/преустановявам \работаа knock off work (for the day); стая/помещение за \работаа workroom; това се казва \работаа that’s smart work, that’s a good job;
    2. ( занятие, служба, задължение) job, employment, work; occupation, business; line; sl. grind; ( непривлекателна) graft; без \работаа съм, нямам \работаа be out of work/of a job, be unemployed; гледам/върша си \работаата do o.’s job; говоря по \работаа talk shop; започвам самостоятелна \работаа start on o.’s own; карат го да върши всякаква \работаа he is put to every kind of work; навлизам в \работаата get into the swing of the work; оставам без \работаа be left jobless, become unemployed, be out of a job/of work; по \работаа on business; постоянна \работаа a regular/full-time job; \работаа на парче piece-work; това е доходна \работаа this business pays well, this is a lucrative business/job; този човек си знае \работаата this man knows what he is about;
    3. ( нещо) thing; ( въпрос) affair, matter, business; гледай си \работаата!
    1. mind your own business;
    2. (не се тревожи) don’t worry; занимавам се с празна/безполезна \работаа разг. hold a candle to the sun, mill the wind; значи такава е \работаата so that’s how things stand; как е \работаата? how are you getting along? не е наша \работаа да it’s not for us to; не е там \работаата that’s not the point; it’s quite a different thing/matter; не е твоя \работаа it’s none of your business; не ми е \работаа да ти казвам, но far be it from me to tell you but …; несигурна \работаа разг. a bird in the bush; празна \работаа, вятър \работаа nonsense, rubbish, fudge; \работаата е сигурна/опечена разг. it’s in the bag; \работаата е там, че the point is that; \работаата излезе неопечена разг. the cake is dough; \работаата не се свършва с това there’s more to it than that; тази \работаа е отдавна забравена this affair is past and done with; там е \работаата, там е цялата \работаа that’s just the point; това не е моя \работаа this is no concern of mine;
    4. ( дело, творба) work; ( статия и пр.) paper;
    5. уч. ( писмена) written work, paper, exercise; домашна \работаа home-work, home assignment; класна \работаа test; срочна \работаа a term test;
    6. обикн. мн. ( въпроси, отношения, интереси, дела, мероприятия) affairs, matters; works; селскостопански \работаи farming (operations); укрепителни \работаи воен. defensive works; • ама и аз си нямах друга \работаа, та … I was fool enough to …; влизам в \работаа come in useful/handy; голяма \работаа! ( пренебрежение) big deal! голяма \работаа! ( какво от това) so what! what of it? да си нямаш \работаа с него разг. he’s a tough customer; лесна \работаа! this is all plain/smooth sailing! that’ll be all right! don’t worry about that! we’ll fix it up! амер. sl. that’s pie! не е кой/бог знае каква \работаа, не е голяма \работаа it isn’t much of a job, it isn’t so hard; не е малка \работаа it’s quite a job; не му е чиста \работаата he’s playing an underhand game; отварям някому добра/хубава \работаа lead s.o. a (merry) dance; отварям \работаа на някого give s.o. trouble; \работаата е спукана the game is up; \работаата не е чиста there’s s.th. fishy about this; свърших си \работаата разг. I’ve done my stint; спукана му е \работаата he’s done for; такива ми ти \работаи! that’s the time of it! това се казва \работаа! that’s smart work! хубава \работаа! here’s a pretty mess! you’re a fine one! can you beat it! чудна \работаа! that’s funny! ще си имаме \работаа с него we’ll have trouble with him.
    * * *
    work: house работа - домакинска работа, homework (уч. домашна работа), hard работа - трудна работа, piece-работа - работа на парче, get down to работа - залавям се за работа, He went to работа in a hospital. - Той постъпи на работа в болница., a diploma работа - дипломна работа; business: unsavory работа - мръсна работа, mind your own работа - гледай си работата, It is none of your работа. - Това не е твоя работа., Men usually are speaking on работа. - Мъжете обикновено си говорят по работа.; job: I am looking for a part-time работа. - Търся си почасова работа.; labor (физическа); matter; operation; performance: We appreciate your работа. - Ние високо оценяваме работата Ви.; place; question; stuff{stXf}; task; thing (нещо): a strange работа - странна работа; undertaking (начинание)
    * * *
    1. (въпрос) affair, matter, business 2. (занятие, служба, задължение) job, employment, work;occupation, business;line 3. (на комисия и пр.) proceedings 4. (нещо) thing 5. (труд) labour 6. 4) mind your own business 7. 5) (не се тревожи) don't worry 8. no РАБОТА on business 9. work (без pl.);a piece/job of work 10. РАБОТА на акорд вж. акорд 11. РАБОТА на парче piece-work 12. РАБОТА на час time-work 13. РАБОТА с непълно работно време а part-time job 14. РАБОТАта е сигурна/опечена разг. it's in the bag 15. РАБОТАта е там, че the point is that 16. РАБОТАта излезе неопечена разг. the cake is dough 17. РАБОТАта не се свършва с това there's more to it than that 18. РАБОТАта се усложнява things are getting complicated/involved 19. ако си нямаш друга РАБОТА if you have nothing better to do 20. бавна РАБОТА slow work, a slow job/process 21. без РАБОТА idle 22. без РАБОТА съм, нямам РАБОТА be out or work/ of a job, be unemployed 23. бърза РАБОТА an urgent job 24. гледай си РАБОТАта! 25. гледам/върша си РАБОТАта do o.'s job 26. говоря пo РАБОТА speak on business 27. добре извършена РАБОТА a fine/good piece of work/workmanship 28. единица РАБОТА физ. a unit of work 29. еднообразна/неблагодарна РАБОТА treadmill 30. залавям се за РАБОТА set to work, get down to work 31. занимавам се с празна/безполезна РАБОТА разг. hold a candle to the sun, mill the wind 32. заплетена/завързана РАБОТА a catchy bit of work 33. започвам самостоятелна РАБОТА start o.'s own business, start on o.'s own 34. зле извършенаРАБОТА a clumsy/shoddy piece of work, a badly done job 35. значи такава е РАБОТА та so that's how things stand 36. извънредна РАБОТА extra work, overtime (work) 37. имаме много РАБОТА we're very busy, we're kept hard at work 38. каторжна РАБОТА hard labour, penal servitude 39. когато съм/остана без РАБОТА when I have nothing to do 40. колкото да се намирам на РАБОТА just to have s. th. to do 41. къщна/домакинска РАБОТА household work, chores 42. на РАБОТА at work 43. намирам/ давам РАБОТА на provide/find a job for;find work for 44. не е наша РАБОТА да, не ни е РАБОТА да it's not for us to 45. не е там РАБОТАта that's not the point;it's quite a different thing/matter 46. не е твоя РАБОТА it's none of your business 47. не пипай неговите работи don't touch his things/ belongings 48. несигурна РАБОТА разг. а bird in the bush 49. нямам бърза РАБОТА I'm in no hurry 50. обществена РАБОТА public/ social work 51. оставам без РАБОТА be left jobless, become unemployed, be out of a job/of work 52. полска РАБОТА field work, work in the fields 53. постъпвам на РАБОТА go to work (в in, at 54. празна РАБОТА,вятър РАБОТА nonsense, rubbish, fudge 55. при фирма и пр. for, with), take a job (in, at) 56. принудителна РАБОТА forced labour 57. работите вървят на добре things are improving, things are getting better 58. редовна/ постоянна РАБОТА regular/steady work, a regular/ full-time job 59. свършвам добра РАБОТА do a fine day's work 60. случайни/дребни работи odd jobs 61. спирам/преустановявам РАБОТА stop work/ working, knock off work (for the day) 62. стая/помещение за РАБОТА workroom 63. странна/загадъчна РАБОТА a strange business 64. съвместна РАБОТА collaboration, joint work 65. тази РАБОТА е отдавна забравена this affair is past and done with 66. там е РАБОТАта, там е цялата РАБОТА that's just the point 67. твоя РАБОТА е да it's up to you to 68. твоя РАБОТА е да it's your job/ duty to 69. тежка РАБОТА hard work, toil 70. това е доходна РАБОТА this business pays well, this is a lucrative business/job 71. това е моя РАБОТА this is my own affair/business 72. това не е моя РАБОТА this is no concern of mine 73. това се казва РАБОТА that's smart work, that's a good job 74. този човек си знае РАБОТАта this man knows his business/knows what he is about 75. той винаги говори за РАБОТА та си he's always talking shop 76. търся РАБОТА look for work/a job 77. ударнаРАБОТА shock work 78. умствена РАБОТА mental work, brainwork, head-work 79. ще видя каква е РАБОТАта I'll

    Български-английски речник > работа

  • 31 schlagen

    das Schlagen
    beat; beating
    * * *
    schla|gen ['ʃlaːgn] pret schlug [ʃluːk] ptp geschlagen [gə'ʃlagn]
    1. vti
    1) (= zuschlagen, prügeln) to hit; (= hauen) to beat; (= einmal zuschlagen, treffen) to hit, to strike; (mit der flachen Hand) to slap, to smack; (leichter) to pat; (mit der Faust) to punch; (mit Schläger) to hit; (= treten) to kick; (mit Hammer, Pickel etc) Loch to knock

    jdn bewusstlos schlágen — to knock sb out or unconscious; (mit vielen Schlägen) to beat sb unconscious

    etw in Stücke or kurz und klein schlágen — to smash sth up or to pieces

    nach jdm/etw schlágen — to hit out or lash out at sb/sth

    um sich schlágen — to lash out

    mit dem Hammer auf den Nagel schlágen — to hit the nail with the hammer

    mit der Faust an die Tür/auf den Tisch schlágen — to beat or thump on the door/table with one's fist

    gegen die Tür schlágen — to hammer on the door

    jdn auf die Schulter schlágen — to slap sb on the back; (leichter) to pat sb on the back

    jdn auf den Kopf schlágen — to hit sb on the head

    jdm ein Buch or mit einem Buch auf den Kopf schlágen — to hit sb on the head with a book

    jdm etw aus der Hand schlágen — to knock sth out of sb's hand

    jdn ins Gesicht schlágen — to hit/slap/punch sb in the face

    ins Gesicht schlágen (fig)to be a slap in the face for sth

    na ja, ehe ich mich schlágen lasse! (hum inf) — yes, I don't mind if I do, I suppose you could twist my arm (hum inf)

    → grün, Fass
    2) (= läuten) to chime; Stunde to strike

    wissen, was es or die Uhr or die Glocke or die Stunde geschlagen hat (fig inf)to know what's what (inf)


    (= heftig flattern) mit den Flügeln schlágen, die Flügel schlágen (liter)to beat or flap its wings

    2. vt
    1) (= besiegen, übertreffen) Gegner, Konkurrenz, Rekord to beat

    schlágen — to beat sb at sth

    unsere Mannschaft schlug den Gegner (mit) 2:1 — our team beat their opponents (by) 2-1

    sich geschlagen geben — to admit that one is beaten, to admit defeat

    2) Teig, Eier to beat; (mit Schneebesen) to whisk; Sahne to whip

    ein Ei in die Pfanne schlágen — to crack an egg into the pan

    ein Ei in die Suppe schlágen — to beat an egg into the soup

    3) (CHESS) to take, to capture
    4) (liter = treffen)
    5) (BIBL = bestrafen) to strike (down), to smite (BIBL)
    6) (= fällen) to fell
    7) (= fechten) Mensuren to fight

    (liter: = krallen, beißen) schlágen — to sink one's talons/teeth into sth

    9) (HUNT = töten) to kill
    10) (= spielen) Trommel to beat; (liter) Harfe, Laute to pluck, to play
    11) (dated = prägen) Münzen etc to mint, to coin
    12) (= hinzufügen) to add (
    auf +acc, zu to); Gebiet to annexe
    13) (in Verbindung mit n siehe auch dort) Kreis, Bogen to describe; Purzelbaum, Rad to do; Alarm, Funken to raise; Krach to make

    Profit aus etw schlágen — to make a profit from sth; (fig) to profit from sth

    eine Schlacht schlágen — to fight a battle


    den Kragen nach oben schlágen — to turn up one's collar

    die Hände vors Gesicht schlágen — to cover one's face with one's hands

    15) (= wickeln) to wrap
    3. vi
    1) (Herz, Puls) to beat; (heftig) to pound, to throb
    2) aux sein

    (= auftreffen) schlágen — to hit one's head on/against sth

    3) aux sein

    (= gelangen) ein leises Wimmern schlug an sein Ohr — he could hear a faint whimpering

    4) (Regen) to beat; (Wellen) to pound, to beat
    5) aux sein or haben (Flammen) to shoot out (aus of); (Rauch) to pour out (aus of)
    6) (Blitz) to strike (
    in etw acc sth)
    7) (=singen Nachtigall, Fink) to sing

    aux sein (inf: = ähneln) er schlägt sehr nach seinem Vater — he takes after his father a lot


    (= betreffen) schlágen — to be in sb's field/line

    10) aux sein

    (ESP MED: = in Mitleidenschaft ziehen) auf die Augen/Nieren etc schlágen — to affect the eyes/kidneys etc

    jdm auf die Augen etc schlágen — to affect sb's eyes etc

    4. vr
    1) (= sich prügeln) to fight; (= sich duellieren) to duel (
    auf +dat with)

    sich mit jdm schlágen — to fight (with) sb, to have a fight with sb

    sich um etw schlágen (lit, fig)to fight over sth

    2) (= sich selbst schlagen) to hit or beat oneself
    3) (= sich bewähren) to do, to fare

    sich tapfer or gut schlágen — to make a good showing


    (= sich begeben) sich nach rechts/links/Norden schlágen — to strike out to the right/left/for the North

    schlágen — to side with sb

    sich zu einer Partei schlágen — to throw in one's lot with a party

    5) (MECH)

    schlágen — to affect sth

    * * *
    1) (to use a bat: He bats with his left hand.) bat
    2) (to strike (the ball) with a bat: He batted the ball.) bat
    3) bag
    4) (to hit or strike violently, often making a loud noise: The child banged his drum; He banged the book down angrily on the table.) bang
    5) (to beat or strike with a club: They clubbed him to death.) club
    6) (to strike or hit repeatedly: Beat the drum.) beat
    7) (to win against: She beat me in a contest.) beat
    8) (to mix thoroughly: to beat an egg.) beat
    9) (to move in a regular rhythm: My heart is beating faster than usual.) beat
    11) (to strike with the fist.) buffet
    12) ((of a clock) to indicate the time by chiming: The clock chimed 9 o'clock.) chime
    13) (to strike (someone) with the palm of the hand, often in a friendly way: He clapped him on the back and congratulated him.) clap
    14) (to strike sharply: She clipped him over the ear.) clip
    15) (to hit hard: He drove a nail into the door; He drove a golf-ball from the tee.) drive
    16) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) hit
    17) (to put into a certain state or position by hitting: He knocked the other man senseless.) knock
    18) (to hit with the fist: He punched him on the nose.) punch
    19) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) sound
    20) strike
    21) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) strike
    22) (to whip: I'm whipping up eggs for the dessert.) whip up
    23) (to beat (eggs etc).) whip
    24) (to beat (eggs etc) with a fork or whisk.) whisk
    * * *
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (hauen)
    jdn \schlagen to hit [or form strike] sb; (mit der Faust) to punch sb; (mit der flachen Hand) to slap sb
    sie schlug ihm das Heft um die Ohren she hit him over the head with the magazine
    mit der Faust auf den Tisch \schlagen to hammer on the table with one's fist
    den Gegner zu Boden \schlagen to knock one's opponent down
    jdm etw aus der Hand \schlagen to knock sth out or sb's hand
    etw kurz und klein [o in Stücke] \schlagen to smash sth to pieces
    jdn mit der Peitsche \schlagen to whip sb
    jdn mit einem Schlagstock \schlagen to club [or hit] [or beat] sb with a stick
    jdm [wohlwollend] auf die Schulter \schlagen to give sb a [friendly] slap on the back
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (prügeln)
    jdn \schlagen to beat sb
    schlägt dich dein Mann? does your husband beat you [up] [or hurt] you?
    jdn bewusstlos \schlagen to beat sb senseless [or unconscious]
    jdn blutig \schlagen to leave sb battered and bleeding
    jdn halb tot \schlagen to leave sb half dead
    jdn zum Krüppel \schlagen to cripple sb
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (geh: heimsuchen)
    jdn \schlagen:
    das Schicksal hat ihn hart [o schwer] ge \schlagen fate has dealt him a hard blow
    mit einer Krankheit geschlagen sein to be afflicted by an illness
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (besiegen)
    jdn \schlagen to defeat sb; SPORT to beat sb
    jdn [in etw dat] \schlagen to beat sb [in [or at] sth]
    den Feind mit Waffengewalt \schlagen to defeat the enemy with force of arms
    sich akk ge \schlagen geben to admit defeat
    den Gegner vernichtend \schlagen to inflict a crushing defeat on one's opponent
    jd ist nicht zu \schlagen sb is unbeatable
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    etw \schlagen to take sth
    Läufer schlägt Bauern! bishop takes pawn!
    ich brauche drei Augen, um deinen Spielstein zu \schlagen I need a three to take you[r counter]
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben KOCHK
    etw \schlagen to beat sth
    Sahne \schlagen to whip cream
    Eiweiß steif [o zu Schnee] \schlagen to beat the egg white until stiff
    Eier in die Pfanne \schlagen to crack eggs into the pan
    die Soße durch ein Sieb \schlagen to pass the gravy through a sieve
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben MUS (zum Erklingen bringen)
    die Saiten \schlagen to pluck the strings
    den Takt \schlagen to beat time
    die Trommel \schlagen to beat the drums
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (läuten)
    etw \schlagen to strike sth
    die Uhr hat gerade 10 [o (geh) die zehnte Stunde] ge \schlagen the clock has just struck ten; (fig)
    die Stunde der Rache/Wahrheit hat ge\schlagen the moment of revenge/truth has come; (fig)
    jetzt schlägt's aber dreizehn! that's a bit much [or thick]!
    eine ge\schlagene Stunde warten to wait for a whole hour
    wissen, was die Glocke [o Uhr] ge\schlagen hat (fig) to know what's what
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (treiben)
    etw [irgendwohin] \schlagen to hit sth [somewhere]
    den Ball ins Aus \schlagen to kick the ball out of play
    ein Loch ins Eis \schlagen to break [or smash] a hole in the ice
    einen Nagel in die Wand \schlagen to knock [or hammer] a nail into the wall
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (geh: krallen)
    die Fänge/Krallen/Zähne in die Beute \schlagen to dig [or sink] its claws/talons/teeth into the prey
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (legen)
    etw irgendwohin \schlagen to throw sth somewhere
    die Arme um jdn \schlagen to throw one's arms around sb
    ein Bein über das andere \schlagen to cross one's legs
    die Decke zur Seite \schlagen to throw off the blanket
    die Hände vors Gesicht \schlagen to cover one's face with one's hands
    den Kragen nach oben \schlagen to turn up one's collar
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben POL, ÖKON (hinzufügen)
    die Unkosten auf den Verkaufspreis \schlagen to add the costs to the retail price
    ein Gebiet zu einem Land \schlagen to annex a territory to a country
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (wickeln)
    etw/jdn in etw akk \schlagen to wrap sth/sb in sth
    das Geschenk in Geschenkpapier \schlagen to wrap up the present
    das Kind in die Decke \schlagen to wrap the child in the blanket
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (ausführen)
    etw \schlagen:
    das Kleid schlägt Falten the dress gets creased
    einen Bogen um das Haus \schlagen to give the house a wide berth
    das Kreuz \schlagen to make the sign of the cross
    mit dem Zirkel einen Kreis \schlagen to describe a circle with compasses
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (fällen)
    einen Baum \schlagen to fell a tree
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben JAGD (reißen)
    ein Tier \schlagen to take an animal
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (veraltend: prägen)
    Medaillen \schlagen to strike medals
    Münzen \schlagen to mint coins
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (fechten)
    eine Mensur \schlagen to fight a duel
    eine \schlagende Verbindung a duelling [or AM dueling] fraternity
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Funken \schlagen to send out sparks sep
    eine Schlacht \schlagen to fight a battle
    ehe ich mich \schlagen lasse! (hum fam) oh all right [or go on] then!, before you twist my arm!
    jdn in die Flucht \schlagen to put sb to flight
    etw in den Wind \schlagen to reject sth out of hand; s.a. Alarm, Krach, Profit, Purzelbaum, Rad
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (hauen)
    nach jdm \schlagen to hit out at sb
    [mit etw dat] um sich akk \schlagen to lash [or thrash] about [with sth]
    er schlug [wie] wild um sich he lashed [or hit] out wildly all round him
    [mit etw dat] irgendwohin \schlagen to hit sth [with sth]
    mit der Faust gegen eine Tür \schlagen to beat at a door with one's fist
    [jdm] [mit der Hand] ins Gesicht \schlagen to slap sb's face
    jdm in die Fresse \schlagen (derb) to punch sb in the face fam
    gegen das Tor \schlagen to knock at the gate
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (auftreffen)
    an [o gegen] etw akk \schlagen to land on sth, to strike against sth
    der Stein schlug hart auf das Straßenpflaster the stone landed with a thud on the road
    die schweren Brecher schlugen gegen die Hafenmauer the heavy breakers broke [or crashed] against the harbour wall
    hörst Du, wie der Regen gegen die Fensterläden schlägt? can you hear the rain [beating] against the shutters?
    der Regen schlug heftig gegen die Fensterscheibe the rain lashed against the window
    ich habe doch irgendwo eine Tür \schlagen hören! but I heard a door slam somewhere!
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (explodieren) to strike
    ein Blitz ist in den Baum ge\schlagen the tree was struck by lightning
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (pochen) to beat
    ihr Puls schlägt ganz schwach/unregelmäßig/kräftig her pulse is very weak/irregular/strong
    nach dem Lauf hier hoch schlägt mir das Herz bis zum Hals my heart's pounding after running up here
    sein Herz hat aufgehört zu \schlagen his heart has stopped
    vor Angst schlug ihr das Herz bis zum Hals she was so frightened that her heart was in her mouth; (fig)
    ihr Herz schlägt ganz für Bayern München she's a whole-hearted Bayern Munich fan
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (läuten)
    etw schlägt sth is striking
    hör mal, das Glockenspiel schlägt listen, the clock is chiming
    die Kirchglocken \schlagen the church bells are ringing; s.a. Stunde
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein o haben (emporlodern)
    etw schlägt aus etw dat sth is shooting up from sth
    aus dem Dach schlugen die Flammen the flames shot up out of the roof
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben ORN (singen) Nachtigalle, Fink to sing
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (bewegen)
    mit den Flügeln \schlagen to beat its wings
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (fam: ähneln)
    nach jdm \schlagen to take after sb
    er schlägt überhaupt nicht nach seinem Vater he doesn't take after his father at all; s.a. Art
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    jdm [auf etw akk] \schlagen to affect sb['s sth]
    das schlechte Wetter schlägt mir langsam aufs Gemüt the bad weather is starting to get me down
    der Streit ist ihr auf den Magen ge\schlagen the quarrel upset her stomach
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (zugehören)
    in jds Fach \schlagen to be in sb's field
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: sein (dringen)
    Lärm schlug an meine Ohren the noise reached my ears
    das Blut schlug ihm ins Gesicht the blood rushed to his face
    die Röte schlug ihr ins Gesicht she turned quite red
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sich prügeln)
    sich akk \schlagen to have a fight, to fight each other
    sich akk [mit jdm] \schlagen to fight [sb]
    sich akk selbst \schlagen to hit [or beat] oneself
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sich duellieren)
    sich akk \schlagen to duel
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (rangeln)
    sich akk [um etw akk] \schlagen to fight [over sth]
    das Konzert ist ausverkauft, die Leute haben sich um die Karten geradezu ge\schlagen the tickets went like hot cakes and the concert is sold out; (iron fam)
    ich schlage mich nicht darum, das Geschirr zu spülen I'm not desperate to do the washing up
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sich wenden)
    sich akk irgendwohin \schlagen to strike out
    sich akk nach rechts \schlagen to strike out to the right
    sich akk in die Büsche \schlagen to slip away hum, to go behind a tree hum
    sich akk auf jds Seite \schlagen to take sb's side; (die Fronten wechseln) to go over to sb
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    etw schlägt sich jdm auf den Magen sth affects sb's stomach
    <schlug, geschlagen>
    Hilfsverb: haben (sich anstrengen)
    sich akk [irgendwie] \schlagen to do somehow
    sich akk gut \schlagen to do well
    wie war die Prüfung? — ich denke, ich habe mich ganz gut geschlagen how was the exam? — I think I've done pretty well
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) hit; beat; strike; (mit der Faust) punch; hit; (mit der flachen Hand) slap; (mit der Peitsche) lash

    ein Kind schlagen — smack a child; (aufs Hinterteil) spank a child

    jemanden bewusstlos/zu Boden schlagen — beat somebody senseless/to the ground; (mit einem Schlag) knock somebody senseless/to the ground

    ein Loch ins Eis schlagenbreak or smash a hole in the ice; s. auch grün 1)

    einen Nagel in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — knock a nail into something

    3) (rühren) beat < mixture>; whip < cream>; (mit einem Schneebesen) whisk
    4) (läuten) < clock> strike; < bell> ring

    eine geschlagene Stunde(ugs.) a whole hour; s. auch dreizehn; Stunde 1)

    5) (legen) throw
    6) (einwickeln) wrap (in + Akk. in)
    7) (besiegen, übertreffen) beat

    jemanden in etwas (Dat.) schlagen — beat somebody at something

    eine Mannschaft [mit] 2:0 schlagen — beat a team [by] 2-0

    8) auch itr. (bes. Schach) take < chessman>
    9) (fällen) fell < tree>
    10) (spielen) beat < drum>; (geh.) play <lute, zither, harp>

    den Takt/Rhythmus schlagen — beat time


    etwas in etwas/auf etwas (Akk.) schlagen — add something to something

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb

    jemandem auf die Hand/ins Gesicht schlagen — slap somebody's hand/hit somebody in the face

    um sich schlagenlash or hit out


    mit den Flügeln schlagen< bird> beat or flap its wings

    mit dem Kopf auf etwas (Akk.) /gegen etwas schlagen — bang one's head on/against something

    5) (pulsieren) <heart, pulse> beat; (heftig) < heart> pound; < pulse> throb
    6) (läuten) < clock> strike; < bell> ring; < funeral bell> toll
    7) auch mit sein (auftreffen)

    gegen/an etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <rain, waves> beat against something

    8) meist mit sein (einschlagen)

    in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <lightning, bullet, etc.> strike or hit something

    nach dem Onkel usw. schlagen — take after one's uncle etc


    sich um etwas schlagen(auch fig.) fight over something

    2) (ugs.): (sich behaupten) hold one's own

    sich tapfer schlagen — hold one's own well; put up a good showing

    * * *
    schlagen; schlägt, schlug, hat oder ist geschlagen
    A. v/t (hat)
    1. hit; wiederholt, (verprügeln) beat; mit der Faust: hit, punch; mit der offenen Hand: hit, whack umg; klatschend: slap; (besonders Kinder) smack; mit dem Stock: hit, beat; mit der Peitsche: whip; (Eier, Sahne etc) beat;
    jemanden zu Boden schlagen knock sb down, floor sb; (k.o. schlagen) knock sb out;
    jemanden blutig/krankenhausreif schlagen hit sb until he ( oder she) bleeds/needs hospital treatment; stärker: beat sb to a bleeding pulp/reduce sb to a hospital case;
    sie schlagen ihre Kinder they beat their children;
    er schlägt seine Frau he beats (up) his wife;
    an die Wand schlagen mit Nägeln: nail to the wall;
    jemandem etwas aus der Hand schlagen knock sth out of sb’s hand;
    jemandem etwas um die Ohren schlagen slap sb (a)round the ears with sth;
    den Kopf schlagen an (+akk) hit ( oder bump, knock, bang) one’s head on ( oder against);
    eine Notiz ans Brett schlagen put a notice up on the board, pin a notice (up) onto the board;
    die Trommel schlagen beat the drum; Fußball etc:
    den Ball zu … schlagen pass the ball to …;
    Erbsen etc
    durch ein Sieb schlagen pass through a sieve;
    schlagen in (+akk) hammer ( oder drive) into;
    ein Loch in die Wand schlagen knock a hole in the wall;
    ein Ei in die Pfanne schlagen break an egg into the pan;
    die Zähne schlagen in (+akk) Tier: sink its teeth into;
    die Augen zu Boden schlagen cast one’s eyes down
    2. (Bäume) fell, cut down
    3. (Tür) bang, slam
    4. (übertreffen) beat; (besiegen) auch defeat, lick umg;
    wir haben sie 3:0 geschlagen we beat them 3-0;
    sich geschlagen geben admit defeat, give up;
    ich gebe mich geschlagen auch umg okay, you win
    sich (dat)
    Sinn schlagen put sth out of one’s mind, forget (about) sth umg
    schlagen WIRTSCH add on to
    die Uhr schlug zehn the clock struck ten;
    jetzt schlägt’s dreizehn! umg, fig that’s overdoing it
    in Papier schlagen (einwickeln) wrap (up) in paper;
    zur Seite schlagen (Decke etc) push aside
    9. Raubvogel etc: (Beutetier) kill; Alarm, Brücke 1, Flucht1 1, geschlagen, Glocke 1, Kapital 2, Kreuz 1, Rad 1, Schaum, Waffe, Wurzel
    B. v/i
    1. (hat) hit sb, sth, strike; Herz, Puls: beat; heftig: throb; Uhr: strike; Tür: bang, slam; Segel: flap; Rad: run untrue, pull; Pferd: kick; Nachtigall: sing;
    schlagen an (+akk) oder
    gegen hit;
    mit etwas auf/gegen etwas schlagen bang sth on/against sth;
    gegen die Tür schlagen hammer at the door;
    jemandem ins Gesicht/in den Magen schlagen punch sb in the face/stomach;
    jemandem auf die Finger schlagen rap sb’s knuckles;
    schlagen hit out at;
    um sich schlagen lash out (in all directions), thrash about (US around);
    sein Puls schlägt regelmäßig his pulse is regular
    schlagen an (+akk) oder
    gegen Regen: beat against; Wellen: beat ( oder crash) against
    3. (ist):
    gegen etwas schlagen hit ( oder bump, knock, bang) one’s head against sth;
    auf (+akk) den Kreislauf etc
    schlagen affect;
    schlug ihm auf den Magen auch went to his stomach;
    die Arbeit etc
    schlägt mir auf den Magen is upsetting my stomach;
    das schlägt mir aufs Gemüt it affects my state of mind, it gets me down
    4. (ist):
    schlagen aus Flammen: leap out of; Rauch: pour from ( oder out of);
    der Blitz schlug in den Baum the lightning struck the tree
    5. (hat/ist):
    Ressort schlagen (not) be part of sb’s job
    6. (ist):
    sie schlägt ganz nach ihrer Mutter she’s just like her mother
    C. v/r (hat)
    1. (kämpfen) (have a) fight (
    mit with);
    sich mit jemandem schlagen fight it out with sb; (duellieren) fight a duel with sb;
    sich schlagen um fight over;
    sich gut schlagen fig hold one’s own, give a good account of o.s.
    sich auf jemandes Seite schlagen side with sb; weitS. (überwechseln) go over to sb;
    sich auf den Magen/das Gemüt schlagen affect one’s stomach/state of mind
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) hit; beat; strike; (mit der Faust) punch; hit; (mit der flachen Hand) slap; (mit der Peitsche) lash

    ein Kind schlagen — smack a child; (aufs Hinterteil) spank a child

    jemanden bewusstlos/zu Boden schlagen — beat somebody senseless/to the ground; (mit einem Schlag) knock somebody senseless/to the ground

    ein Loch ins Eis schlagenbreak or smash a hole in the ice; s. auch grün 1)

    einen Nagel in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — knock a nail into something

    3) (rühren) beat < mixture>; whip < cream>; (mit einem Schneebesen) whisk
    4) (läuten) < clock> strike; < bell> ring

    eine geschlagene Stunde(ugs.) a whole hour; s. auch dreizehn; Stunde 1)

    5) (legen) throw
    6) (einwickeln) wrap (in + Akk. in)
    7) (besiegen, übertreffen) beat

    jemanden in etwas (Dat.) schlagen — beat somebody at something

    eine Mannschaft [mit] 2:0 schlagen — beat a team [by] 2-0

    8) auch itr. (bes. Schach) take < chessman>
    9) (fällen) fell < tree>
    10) (spielen) beat < drum>; (geh.) play <lute, zither, harp>

    den Takt/Rhythmus schlagen — beat time


    etwas in etwas/auf etwas (Akk.) schlagen — add something to something

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb

    jemandem auf die Hand/ins Gesicht schlagen — slap somebody's hand/hit somebody in the face

    um sich schlagenlash or hit out


    mit den Flügeln schlagen< bird> beat or flap its wings

    mit dem Kopf auf etwas (Akk.) /gegen etwas schlagen — bang one's head on/against something

    5) (pulsieren) <heart, pulse> beat; (heftig) < heart> pound; < pulse> throb
    6) (läuten) < clock> strike; < bell> ring; < funeral bell> toll
    7) auch mit sein (auftreffen)

    gegen/an etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <rain, waves> beat against something

    8) meist mit sein (einschlagen)

    in etwas (Akk.) schlagen — <lightning, bullet, etc.> strike or hit something

    nach dem Onkel usw. schlagen — take after one's uncle etc


    sich um etwas schlagen(auch fig.) fight over something

    2) (ugs.): (sich behaupten) hold one's own

    sich tapfer schlagen — hold one's own well; put up a good showing

    * * *
    (§ p.,pp.: schlug, geschlagen)
    = to bang v.
    to bash v.
    to batter v.
    to beat v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: beat, beaten)
    to blast v.
    to hit v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: hit)
    to knock (at) v.
    to pommel v.
    to pummel v.
    to punch v.
    to rap v.
    to slap v.
    to slat v.
    to strike v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: struck)
    or p.p.: stricken•)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > schlagen

  • 32 verkehren

    I v/i
    1. (hat oder ist verkehrt) Fahrzeug: run; FLUG. fly, operate; verkehren zwischen Boot: auch ply between; in einer Gegend verkehren serve an area
    2. (hat): in einer Bar etc. verkehren frequent a bar etc.; verkehren bei jemandem visit s.o. regularly, be a regular visitor to ( oder at) s.o.’s house etc.; verkehren mit jemandem associate with s.o.; gesellschaftlich: auch socialize with s.o.; viel mit jemandem verkehren see a great deal of s.o.; in Künstlerkreisen etc. verkehren move in artistic circles; ich verkehre mit ihm nur noch über meinen Anwalt verkehren I deal with him now only through my lawyer
    3. (hat): verkehren mit geschlechtlich: have (sexual) intercourse with
    II v/t (hat) (Sinn etc.) twist; ins Gegenteil verkehren reverse
    III v/refl (hat) change, turn (in + Akk into); sich ins Gegenteil verkehren turn into the opposite
    * * *
    (Umgang haben) to associate; to consort;
    (fahren) to run;
    (umkehren) to reverse
    * * *
    ver|keh|ren ptp verkehrt
    1. vi
    1) aux haben or sein (= fahren) to run; (Flugzeug) to fly

    der Bus/das Flugzeug verkehrt regelmäßig zwischen A und B — the bus runs or goes or operates regularly/the plane goes or operates regularly between A and B


    (= Gast sein, Kontakt pflegen) bei jdm verkéhren — to frequent sb's house, to visit sb (regularly)

    mit jdm verkéhren — to associate with sb

    in einem Lokal verkéhren — to frequent a pub

    in Künstlerkreisen verkéhren — to move in artistic circles, to mix with artists

    mit jdm brieflich or schriftlich verkéhren (form)to correspond with sb

    mit jdm (geschlechtlich) verkéhren — to have (sexual) intercourse with sb

    2. vt
    to turn ( in +acc into)

    etw ins Gegenteil verkéhren — to reverse sth

    → auch verkehrt
    3. vr
    to turn ( in +acc into)

    sich ins Gegenteil verkéhren — to become reversed

    * * *
    ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) run
    * * *
    ver·keh·ren *
    I. vi
    1. Hilfsverb: haben o sein (fahren) Boot, Bus, Zug to run [or go]
    der Zug verkehrt auf dieser Nebenstrecke nur noch zweimal am Tag the train only runs twice a day on this branch line; Flugzeug to fly [or go
    2. Hilfsverb: haben (geh: häufiger Gast sein)
    [irgendwo/bei jdm] \verkehren to visit somewhere/sb regularly
    3. Hilfsverb: haben (Umgang pflegen)
    [mit jdm] \verkehren to associate [with sb]
    sie verkehrt mit hochrangigen Diplomaten she associates with high-ranking diplomats
    4. Hilfsverb: haben (euph geh: Geschlechtsverkehr haben)
    [mit jdm] \verkehren to have intercourse [with sb]
    II. vr Hilfsverb: haben (sich umkehren)
    sich akk [in etw akk] \verkehren to turn into sth; s.a. Gegenteil
    * * *

    der Dampfer verkehrt zwischen Hamburg und Helgolandthe steamer plies or operates or goes between Hamburg and Heligoland

    transitives Verb turn (in + Akk. into)
    reflexives Verb turn (in + Akk. into)
    * * *
    A. v/i
    1. (hat oder ist verkehrt) Fahrzeug: run; FLUG fly, operate;
    verkehren zwischen Boot: auch ply between;
    2. (hat):
    verkehren frequent a bar etc;
    verkehren bei jemandem visit sb regularly, be a regular visitor to ( oder at) sb’s house etc;
    verkehren mit jemandem associate with sb; gesellschaftlich: auch socialize with sb;
    viel mit jemandem verkehren see a great deal of sb;
    verkehren move in artistic circles;
    ich verkehre mit ihm nur noch über meinen Anwalt I deal with him now only through my lawyer
    3. (hat):
    verkehren mit geschlechtlich: have (sexual) intercourse with
    B. v/t (hat) (Sinn etc) twist;
    C. v/r (hat) change, turn (
    in +akk into);
    sich ins Gegenteil verkehren turn into the opposite
    * * *

    der Dampfer verkehrt zwischen Hamburg und Helgolandthe steamer plies or operates or goes between Hamburg and Heligoland

    transitives Verb turn (in + Akk. into)
    reflexives Verb turn (in + Akk. into)
    * * *
    to consort v.
    to ply between expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > verkehren

  • 33 al otro lado del mundo

    Ex. It is unreasonable to expect a library without enough money to open at regular hours to serve its citizens to commit resources that will enable a user half way around the world to borrow from its collection.
    * * *

    Ex: It is unreasonable to expect a library without enough money to open at regular hours to serve its citizens to commit resources that will enable a user half way around the world to borrow from its collection.

    Spanish-English dictionary > al otro lado del mundo

  • 34 defecto

    1 defect.
    no le veo ningún defecto a esta casa I can't see anything wrong with this house
    defecto de fábrica o fabricación defect in manufacturing
    defecto de forma administrative error
    defecto del habla o de pronunciación speech defect o impediment
    2 fault, shortcoming, vice, deficiency.
    * * *
    1 (gen) defect, fault; (de una joya) imperfection, flaw
    2 (de persona - moral) fault, shortcoming; (- física) handicap
    en defecto de for lack of
    pecar por defecto to be too conservative
    al hacer la comida, pecó por defecto when she made lunch, she didn't do enough
    defecto de fábrica manufacturing fault
    * * *
    noun m.
    2) flaw
    * * *
    1) [de persona] [físico] defect; [de personalidad] fault, shortcoming

    el defecto que tiene es su mal geniohis one fault o shortcoming is his bad temper, the one flaw in his character is his bad temper

    defecto de fonación, defecto del habla, defecto de pronunciación — speech defect, speech impediment

    defecto de visión, tiene un defecto de visión — he has defective eyesight

    2) [de máquina, sistema] fault; [de tela, vestido, ornamento] flaw, defect

    tiene un defecto de fábrica o fabricación — it has a manufacturing defect o fault, it's faulty o defective

    3) (Jur)

    en su defecto: Manolo, o en su defecto, Gonzalo — Manolo, or failing him o failing that, Gonzalo

    por defecto — (Inform) by default

    pecar por defecto —

    antes no paraba de hablar y ahora peca por defecto — before, she never stopped talking, and now she's gone to the other extreme o she's gone too far the other way

    * * *
    a) ( en un sistema) fault, flaw, defect
    b) ( de una persona) fault, shortcoming
    2) (frml)

    en su defecto: presentar el carnet de identidad o, en su defecto, el pasaporte present your identity card or if this is not possible, your passport; usar un desinfectante o, en su defecto, agua limpia — use a disinfectant, or, failing that, clean water

    * * *
    = deficiency, failing, fault, flaw, imperfection, inadequacy, shortcoming, blemish, defect, disfigurement, nick.
    Ex. In view of the frequency with which users could benefit from references to a broader subject this omission must be regarded as a deficiency of A/Z subject catalogue.
    Ex. No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.
    Ex. Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.
    Ex. The author lists 10 advantages of procuring the journals through STC, but counterbalances these by listing 14 flaws in the corporation's organisation.
    Ex. And some of those imperfections are a result of the LC subject headings, the syndetic structure, the lack of cross-references, the obsolescence of terminology, and all the other criticisms.
    Ex. Inadequacies in the specific A/Z subject index entry made for a subject can also occur if the indexer bases his analysis solely on the class number for that subject.
    Ex. He wrote to James explaining the shortcomings of his catalog.
    Ex. Caslon rejected the brash contrast of the later Dutch founts, and produced types that were without serious blemish, but also without much life.
    Ex. This book offers pithy and witty advice on how to write, defects in prose style, punctuation, and preparing a manuscript.
    Ex. Owners of rare and valuable books face a special dilemma -- identification marks can be disfigurements and actually reduce the value of the books.
    Ex. The table was purchased a year and a half ago as a conference table and has a few nicks and scratches but still looks good.
    * causado por un defecto eléctrico = electrically-caused.
    * con todos su defectos = warts and all.
    * defecto congénito = congenital defect, congenital abnormality, birth defect.
    * defecto de diseño = design fault.
    * defecto del habla = speech impediment.
    * defecto de nacimiento = birth defect.
    * defecto genético = gene defect, birth defect.
    * defecto hereditario = birth defect.
    * defectos = rough edges.
    * defectos inherentes = inherent vice.
    * encontrar defectos = fault.
    * encontrar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * en su defecto = failing that/these.
    * faltas y defectos = faults and inadequacies, snags and pitfalls, snags and problems.
    * hallar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * información por defecto = default.
    * operación por defecto = default.
    * por defecto = by default, default.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando un defecto = work (a)round + shortcoming.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * subsanar un defecto = remedy + defect, remedy + fault.
    * surgir un defecto = arise + fault.
    * tomar por defecto = default to.
    * * *
    a) ( en un sistema) fault, flaw, defect
    b) ( de una persona) fault, shortcoming
    2) (frml)

    en su defecto: presentar el carnet de identidad o, en su defecto, el pasaporte present your identity card or if this is not possible, your passport; usar un desinfectante o, en su defecto, agua limpia — use a disinfectant, or, failing that, clean water

    * * *
    = deficiency, failing, fault, flaw, imperfection, inadequacy, shortcoming, blemish, defect, disfigurement, nick.

    Ex: In view of the frequency with which users could benefit from references to a broader subject this omission must be regarded as a deficiency of A/Z subject catalogue.

    Ex: No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.
    Ex: Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.
    Ex: The author lists 10 advantages of procuring the journals through STC, but counterbalances these by listing 14 flaws in the corporation's organisation.
    Ex: And some of those imperfections are a result of the LC subject headings, the syndetic structure, the lack of cross-references, the obsolescence of terminology, and all the other criticisms.
    Ex: Inadequacies in the specific A/Z subject index entry made for a subject can also occur if the indexer bases his analysis solely on the class number for that subject.
    Ex: He wrote to James explaining the shortcomings of his catalog.
    Ex: Caslon rejected the brash contrast of the later Dutch founts, and produced types that were without serious blemish, but also without much life.
    Ex: This book offers pithy and witty advice on how to write, defects in prose style, punctuation, and preparing a manuscript.
    Ex: Owners of rare and valuable books face a special dilemma -- identification marks can be disfigurements and actually reduce the value of the books.
    Ex: The table was purchased a year and a half ago as a conference table and has a few nicks and scratches but still looks good.
    * causado por un defecto eléctrico = electrically-caused.
    * con todos su defectos = warts and all.
    * defecto congénito = congenital defect, congenital abnormality, birth defect.
    * defecto de diseño = design fault.
    * defecto del habla = speech impediment.
    * defecto de nacimiento = birth defect.
    * defecto genético = gene defect, birth defect.
    * defecto hereditario = birth defect.
    * defectos = rough edges.
    * defectos inherentes = inherent vice.
    * encontrar defectos = fault.
    * encontrar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * encontrarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * en su defecto = failing that/these.
    * faltas y defectos = faults and inadequacies, snags and pitfalls, snags and problems.
    * hallar defectos en = find + fault with, see + faults in.
    * información por defecto = default.
    * operación por defecto = default.
    * por defecto = by default, default.
    * sacarle defectos a todo = nitpick.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando un defecto = work (a)round + shortcoming.
    * sin defecto = untainted, unblemished.
    * subsanar un defecto = remedy + defect, remedy + fault.
    * surgir un defecto = arise + fault.
    * tomar por defecto = default to.

    * * *
    1 (en un sistema) fault, flaw, defect
    este material tiene un pequeño defecto there's a slight flaw o defect in this material
    a todo le encuentra defectos she finds fault with everything
    el plan tiene muchos defectos the plan has a lot of defects o a lot of things wrong with it
    un defecto en el sistema de frenos a fault o defect in the braking system
    es un defecto suyo it's one of her faults, it's a defect in her character
    tiene el defecto de nunca escuchar lo que se le dice she has the bad habit of never listening to what people say to her
    me quiere a pesar de mis defectos he loves me in spite of my faults
    pecar por defecto: pecaron por defecto en las previsiones they were too conservative in their estimates
    antes preparaba demasiada comida y ahora peca por defecto she always used to make too much food but now she's gone to the other extreme o too far the other way
    manufacturing fault o defect
    tenía un defecto de fábrica it was faulty o defective
    physical handicap
    B ( frml):
    en su defecto: limpiar con desinfectante o, en su defecto, con agua limpia clean with disinfectant, or, failing that, use clean water
    el director o, en su defecto, su secretaria the director or, in his absence o if he is not available, his secretary
    por defecto ( Inf) by default
    configurar algo por defecto to configure sth by default
    opción/valor por defecto default option/value
    * * *


    defecto sustantivo masculino

    defecto de fábrica manufacturing fault o defect

    defecto sustantivo masculino defect, fault
    defecto físico, physical defect
    ' defecto' also found in these entries:
    - falla
    - lacra
    - rectificar
    - redondear
    - rozar
    - tara
    - cecear
    - ceceo
    - corregir
    - deficiencia
    - desperfecto
    - disimular
    - falta
    - incorregible
    - limitación
    - pero
    - pifia
    - sacar
    - tapar
    default setting
    - defect
    - deficiency
    - failing
    - fault
    - flaw
    - impediment
    - imperfection
    - point
    - redeem
    - show up
    - speech defect
    - default
    - short
    * * *
    1. [físico] defect (en in);
    no le veo ningún defecto a esta casa I can't see anything wrong with this house;
    siempre le saca defectos a todo he's always finding fault with everything
    defecto de fábrica manufacturing defect;
    defecto de fabricación manufacturing defect;
    defecto físico physical handicap;
    Der defecto de forma procedural error;
    defecto del habla speech impairment;
    2. [moral] fault, shortcoming;
    su único defecto es la soberbia his only fault o flaw is his pride;
    tenía el defecto de llegar siempre tarde she had the bad habit of always being late
    en su defecto loc adv
    el arzobispo o, en su defecto, el obispo oficiará la ceremonia the ceremony will be conducted by the archbishop or, in the absence of the archbishop, by the bishop;
    acuda a la embajada o, en su defecto, al consulado más cercano go to the embassy or, alternatively, to the nearest consulate
    por defecto loc adv
    1. Informát & Tec [automáticamente] by default;
    la letra que te sale por defecto es Arial the default typeface is Arial
    2. [tirando por lo bajo]
    más vale pecar por exceso que por defecto too much is better than not enough
    * * *
    1 defect; moral fault
    2 INFOR default
    en defecto de for lack of, for want of;
    en su defecto failing that
    * * *
    1) : defect, flaw, shortcoming
    en su defecto : lacking that, in the absence of that
    * * *
    1. (en general) defect / fault
    2. (moral) fault
    3. (en ropa) flaw

    Spanish-English dictionary > defecto

  • 35 mejorar

    to improve, to get better.
    María mejoró la receta Mary improved the recipe.
    Ricardo mejoró Richard got better.
    Las perspectivas mejoraron The outlook got better.
    mejorar una oferta to make a better offer
    * * *
    1 to improve
    1 to improve, get better
    1 to get better
    ¡que te mejores! I hope you get better
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ servicio, resultados] to improve; [+ enfermo] to make better; (=realzar) to enhance; [+ oferta] to raise, improve; [+ récord] to break; (Inform) to upgrade

    mejorar a algn(=ser mejor que) to be better than sb

    2. VI
    1) [situación] to improve, get better; (Meteo) to improve, clear up; (Econ) to improve, pick up; [enfermo] to get better

    han mejorado de actitud/imagen — their attitude/image has improved

    2) [en subasta] to raise one's bid
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <condiciones/situación> to improve
    b) < oferta> ( en subastas) to increase
    mejorar vi tiempo to improve, get better; resultados/calidad/situación to improve, get better; persona (Med) to get better

    han mejorado de posiciónthey've come o gone up in the world

    mejorarse v pron
    a) enfermo to get better

    ¿ya te mejoraste de la gripe? — have you got over the flu?

    que te mejores — get well soon, I hope you get better soon

    b) (Chi fam & euf) ( dar a luz) to give birth
    * * *
    = ameliorate, boost, cultivate, enhance, improve, optimise [optimize, -USA], scale up, score over, upgrade, give + improvement (in), better, bring + Nombre + up to par, get + better, gain + confidence (with/in), do + a better job, pump up, ease, outdo, jazz up, take + a turn, take + a turn, take + a turn for the better, turn + Nombre + (a)round, polish up, best, trump, buff up, go + one better, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, look up.
    Ex. These articles are compared with 34 articles on how similar blood changes might ameliorate Raynaud's disease.
    Ex. If the title is selected by a book club this helps boost the print-run and overall sales.
    Ex. Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.
    Ex. An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex. Notice that it would be possible to improve recall indefinitely by scanning the entire document collection.
    Ex. The DOBIS/Leuven data bases is designed to optimize search and updating procedures, because these functions are critical to the operation of a library.
    Ex. After a brief discussion of basic hypertext operations, it considers some of the issues that arise in 'scaling up' hyptertext data base.
    Ex. A Permuterm index scores over a Double-KWIC index in that it avoids repetitive printing of one title.
    Ex. Sometimes it will be necessary to upgrade CIP records once the book is published, and this process is undertaken by BLBSD as appropriate.
    Ex. There was, it appeared, little point in spending more than four minutes indexing a particular document, for the additional time gave no improvement in results.
    Ex. She thumbed the pages slowly, explaining that the study had been conducted to try to ascertain student attitudes toward the media center, why they used it, which facilities they used, and to see if they had suggestions for bettering it.
    Ex. The article ' Bringing your golf collection up to par' gives guidelines on selecting library materials on golf.
    Ex. Systems will get better and cheaper with the passage of time.
    Ex. This assignment was designed to help students gain confidence in using print and computerized sources.
    Ex. At the same time librarians need to do a better job communicating information about available research and instructional support.
    Ex. The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex. To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.
    Ex. This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
    Ex. After jazzing up her appearance with a new blonde hairdo, she turns up in his office and talks him into taking her out for a meal.
    Ex. All went well, and with the addition of two new people, computer science took a turn.
    Ex. All went well, and with the addition of two new people, computer science took a turn.
    Ex. His private life, however, took a turn for the better.
    Ex. When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex. If we polish up and internalize these pearls of wisdom, especially those which challenge our existing boundaries and beliefs, the payoff can be priceless.
    Ex. Back in 2001, the tossed salad they prepared fed some 5,000, which then bested the record held by a community in Utah in the United States.
    Ex. If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.
    Ex. As a general rule, you can ' buff up' your look by making your shoulders seem wider and your waist narrower.
    Ex. I think Murray will go one better than Wimbledon, but will lose to Federer again in the final.
    Ex. Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex. Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex. There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex. We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex. David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex. Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex. After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex. Things may be looking up for Blair, but it is still not certain that he will fight the election.
    * cosas + mejorar = things + get better.
    * empezar a mejorar = turn + a corner, take + a turn, take + a turn for the better.
    * información que permite mejorar la situación social de Alguien = empowering information.
    * mejorar con respecto a = be an improvement on.
    * mejorar considerablemente = raise to + greater heights, take + Nombre + to greater heights.
    * mejorar el pasado = improve on + the past.
    * mejorar la autoestima = improve + self-esteem.
    * mejorar la calidad = raise + standard, raise + quality.
    * mejorar la calidad de vida = improve + living standards, raise + living standards.
    * mejorar la eficacia = enhance + effectiveness.
    * mejorar la exhaustividad = improve + recall.
    * mejorar la pertinencia = improve + precision.
    * mejorar la precisión = improve + precision.
    * mejorar la productividad = improve + productivity.
    * mejorar las destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.
    * mejorar la situación = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * mejorar la suerte = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + apariencia = smarten (up) + Posesivo + appearance.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + autoestima = enhance + Posesivo + self-esteem.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vida = raise + Posesivo + quality of living.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + imagen = raise + Posesivo + profile, smarten up + Posesivo + image, enhance + Posesivo + image, buff up + Posesivo + image.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + imagen = enhance + Posesivo + identity.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + suerte = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + vida = improve + Posesivo + life.
    * mejorar una situación = ameliorate + situation.
    * que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.
    * situación + mejorar = situation + ease.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <condiciones/situación> to improve
    b) < oferta> ( en subastas) to increase
    mejorar vi tiempo to improve, get better; resultados/calidad/situación to improve, get better; persona (Med) to get better

    han mejorado de posiciónthey've come o gone up in the world

    mejorarse v pron
    a) enfermo to get better

    ¿ya te mejoraste de la gripe? — have you got over the flu?

    que te mejores — get well soon, I hope you get better soon

    b) (Chi fam & euf) ( dar a luz) to give birth
    * * *
    = ameliorate, boost, cultivate, enhance, improve, optimise [optimize, -USA], scale up, score over, upgrade, give + improvement (in), better, bring + Nombre + up to par, get + better, gain + confidence (with/in), do + a better job, pump up, ease, outdo, jazz up, take + a turn, take + a turn, take + a turn for the better, turn + Nombre + (a)round, polish up, best, trump, buff up, go + one better, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, look up.

    Ex: These articles are compared with 34 articles on how similar blood changes might ameliorate Raynaud's disease.

    Ex: If the title is selected by a book club this helps boost the print-run and overall sales.
    Ex: Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.
    Ex: An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex: Notice that it would be possible to improve recall indefinitely by scanning the entire document collection.
    Ex: The DOBIS/Leuven data bases is designed to optimize search and updating procedures, because these functions are critical to the operation of a library.
    Ex: After a brief discussion of basic hypertext operations, it considers some of the issues that arise in 'scaling up' hyptertext data base.
    Ex: A Permuterm index scores over a Double-KWIC index in that it avoids repetitive printing of one title.
    Ex: Sometimes it will be necessary to upgrade CIP records once the book is published, and this process is undertaken by BLBSD as appropriate.
    Ex: There was, it appeared, little point in spending more than four minutes indexing a particular document, for the additional time gave no improvement in results.
    Ex: She thumbed the pages slowly, explaining that the study had been conducted to try to ascertain student attitudes toward the media center, why they used it, which facilities they used, and to see if they had suggestions for bettering it.
    Ex: The article ' Bringing your golf collection up to par' gives guidelines on selecting library materials on golf.
    Ex: Systems will get better and cheaper with the passage of time.
    Ex: This assignment was designed to help students gain confidence in using print and computerized sources.
    Ex: At the same time librarians need to do a better job communicating information about available research and instructional support.
    Ex: The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex: To ease the cataloguer's job and save him the trouble of counting characters, DOBIS/LIBIS uses a special function.
    Ex: This novel is narrated by William, an underachiever who is constantly outdone by his charming and lovable identical twin brother.
    Ex: After jazzing up her appearance with a new blonde hairdo, she turns up in his office and talks him into taking her out for a meal.
    Ex: All went well, and with the addition of two new people, computer science took a turn.
    Ex: All went well, and with the addition of two new people, computer science took a turn.
    Ex: His private life, however, took a turn for the better.
    Ex: When he was younger he really turned the library around, from a backwater, two-bit operation to the respected institution it is today.
    Ex: If we polish up and internalize these pearls of wisdom, especially those which challenge our existing boundaries and beliefs, the payoff can be priceless.
    Ex: Back in 2001, the tossed salad they prepared fed some 5,000, which then bested the record held by a community in Utah in the United States.
    Ex: If prejudice is allowed to trump the rights that all citizens should enjoy, then everyone's freedoms are ultimately endangered.
    Ex: As a general rule, you can ' buff up' your look by making your shoulders seem wider and your waist narrower.
    Ex: I think Murray will go one better than Wimbledon, but will lose to Federer again in the final.
    Ex: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex: There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex: Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex: Things may be looking up for Blair, but it is still not certain that he will fight the election.
    * cosas + mejorar = things + get better.
    * empezar a mejorar = turn + a corner, take + a turn, take + a turn for the better.
    * información que permite mejorar la situación social de Alguien = empowering information.
    * mejorar con respecto a = be an improvement on.
    * mejorar considerablemente = raise to + greater heights, take + Nombre + to greater heights.
    * mejorar el pasado = improve on + the past.
    * mejorar la autoestima = improve + self-esteem.
    * mejorar la calidad = raise + standard, raise + quality.
    * mejorar la calidad de vida = improve + living standards, raise + living standards.
    * mejorar la eficacia = enhance + effectiveness.
    * mejorar la exhaustividad = improve + recall.
    * mejorar la pertinencia = improve + precision.
    * mejorar la precisión = improve + precision.
    * mejorar la productividad = improve + productivity.
    * mejorar las destrezas = sharpen + Posesivo + skills.
    * mejorar la situación = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * mejorar la suerte = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + apariencia = smarten (up) + Posesivo + appearance.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + autoestima = enhance + Posesivo + self-esteem.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + calidad de vida = raise + Posesivo + quality of living.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + imagen = raise + Posesivo + profile, smarten up + Posesivo + image, enhance + Posesivo + image, buff up + Posesivo + image.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + imagen = enhance + Posesivo + identity.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + suerte = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * mejorar + Posesivo + vida = improve + Posesivo + life.
    * mejorar una situación = ameliorate + situation.
    * que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.
    * situación + mejorar = situation + ease.

    * * *
    mejorar [A1 ]
    1 ‹condiciones/situación› to improve
    este tratamiento te mejorará enseguida this treatment will make you better right away
    tienes que mejorar las notas/la letra you must improve your grades/your handwriting
    intentó mejorar su marca she tried to improve on o beat her own record
    2 ‹oferta› (en subastas) to increase
    los empresarios mejoraron la propuesta the management improved their offer o made a better offer
    ■ mejorar
    «tiempo» to improve, get better; «resultados/calidad» to improve, get better; «persona» ( Med) to get better
    mi situación económica no ha mejorado nada my financial situation hasn't improved at all o got any better
    ha mejorado de aspecto he looks a lot better
    tus notas no han mejorado mucho your grades haven't improved much o got(ten) any better
    han mejorado de posición they've come o gone up in the world
    el paciente sigue mejorando the patient is making a steady improvement
    1 «enfermo» to get better
    ¿ya te mejoraste de la gripe? have you got over the flu?
    que te mejores get well soon, I hope you get better soon
    2 ( Chi fam euf) (dar a luz) to give birth
    * * *


    mejorar ( conjugate mejorar) verbo transitivocondiciones/situación/oferta to improve;
    marca to improve on, beat;

    verbo intransitivo [tiempo/calidad/situación] to improve, get better;

    [ persona] (Med) to get better;

    mejorarse verbo pronominal [ enfermo] to get better;
    que te mejores get well soon, I hope you get better soon
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to improve: han mejorado la educación, education has been improved
    2 Dep (un tiempo, una marca) to break
    II verbo intransitivo to improve, get better: espero que el tiempo mejore, I hope the weather gets better
    su salud no mejora, his health is not improving

    ' mejorar' also found in these entries:
    - ganar
    - perfeccionar
    - potenciar
    - refacción
    - superar
    - better
    - existence
    - get along
    - improve
    - improve on
    - improvement
    - look up
    - pick up
    - progress
    - raise
    - security
    - technique
    - turn
    - upgrade
    - brighten
    - enhance
    - go
    - look
    - matter
    - out
    - perk
    - pick
    - rise
    - room
    - smarten up
    - up
    * * *
    1. [hacer mejor] to improve;
    mejoraron las condiciones de trabajo working conditions were improved;
    su principal objetivo es mejorar la economía their main aim is to improve the economy's performance
    2. [enfermo] to make better;
    estas pastillas lo mejorarán these tablets will make him better
    3. [superar] to improve;
    mejorar una oferta to make a better offer;
    mejoró el recórd mundial she beat the world record
    1. [ponerse mejor] to improve, to get better;
    el paciente está mejorando the patient's condition is improving, the patient is getting better;
    necesita mejorar en matemáticas he needs to improve o do better in mathematics
    2. [tiempo, clima] to improve, to get better;
    tan pronto como mejore, salimos a dar un paseo as soon as the weather improves o gets better we'll go out for a walk;
    después de la lluvia el día mejoró after the rain it cleared up
    * * *
    I v/t improve
    II v/i improve
    * * *
    : to improve, to make better
    : to improve, to get better
    * * *
    mejorar vb to improve

    Spanish-English dictionary > mejorar

  • 36 proyectil

    projectile, missile.
    * * *
    1 projectile, missile
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=arma) projectile, missile

    proyectil de iluminación — flare, rocket

    2) (Mil) [de cañón] shell; [con cohete] missile
    * * *
    masculino projectile, missile
    * * *
    = missile, projectile, artillery shell, mortar shell, round.
    Ex. Anything 'visual,' for example the space ships, missiles and other ingredients of computer games are 'drawn' in this way = Cualquier cosa "visual" como, por ejemplo, las naves espaciales, los misiles y otros componentes los juegos de ordenador se "dibuja" de esta manera.
    Ex. This volume contains a group of papers that analyze projectile technology from diverse viewpoints.
    Ex. Calculation of the ballistics of artillery shells and the transmission and decoding of messages are among the first recorded uses of these technologies.
    Ex. Children were more likely to be injured by unexploded ordnance (which includes grenades, bombs, mortar shells, and cluster munitions), whereas adults were injured mostly by landmines.
    Ex. Shotguns mainly fire two kinds of rounds, regular buckshots and slugs.
    * arma paralizadora mediante proyectil = stun gun.
    * arma paralizadora sin proyectil = taser.
    * * *
    masculino projectile, missile
    * * *
    = missile, projectile, artillery shell, mortar shell, round.

    Ex: Anything 'visual,' for example the space ships, missiles and other ingredients of computer games are 'drawn' in this way = Cualquier cosa "visual" como, por ejemplo, las naves espaciales, los misiles y otros componentes los juegos de ordenador se "dibuja" de esta manera.

    Ex: This volume contains a group of papers that analyze projectile technology from diverse viewpoints.
    Ex: Calculation of the ballistics of artillery shells and the transmission and decoding of messages are among the first recorded uses of these technologies.
    Ex: Children were more likely to be injured by unexploded ordnance (which includes grenades, bombs, mortar shells, and cluster munitions), whereas adults were injured mostly by landmines.
    Ex: Shotguns mainly fire two kinds of rounds, regular buckshots and slugs.
    * arma paralizadora mediante proyectil = stun gun.
    * arma paralizadora sin proyectil = taser.

    * * *
    projectile, missile
    * * *

    proyectil sustantivo masculino
    projectile, missile
    proyectil sustantivo masculino missile, projectile
    ' proyectil' also found in these entries:
    - disparar
    - obús
    - trayectoria
    - alojar
    - calibre
    - recorrido
    - dart
    - flight
    - missile
    - projectile
    - shell
    - shoot
    * * *
    projectile, missile
    proyectil dirigido guided missile;
    proyectil teledirigido guided missile
    * * *
    m missile
    * * *
    : projectile, missile

    Spanish-English dictionary > proyectil

  • 37 очередной

    1. another, still another, one more
    готовность сделать очередной шаг навстречу партнерам - readiness to take yet another/still another/one more step to accommodate our partners
    2. regular, routine, annual, monthly, weekly…
    He помогает и очередное голосование - Nor does the regular/routine/annual/monthly/weekly ( as the case may be) vote on the draft resolution help.
    3. routine, customary, usual round of
    очередные нападки на эти предложения - the routine, customary, usual round of attacks.
    - очередное заседание комитета
    - в первую очередь

    Русско-английский словарь переводчика-синхрониста > очередной

  • 38 полет

    полет сущ
    1. flight
    2. journey 3. operation 4. trip 5. voyage аварийная ситуация в полете
    in-flight emergency
    автоматический полет
    1. automatic flight
    2. computer-directed flight автоматическое управление полетом
    automatic flight control
    административные полеты
    executive flying
    административный полет
    business operation
    анализ безопасности полетов
    safety investigation
    аэродинамическая труба имитации свободного полета
    free-flight wind tunnel
    аэродром на трассе полета
    en-route aerodrome
    аэродромный круг полетов
    aerodrome traffic circuit
    аэродромный полет
    local flight
    база для обслуживания полетов
    air base
    балансировка в горизонтальном полете
    horizontal trim
    балансировка в полете
    operational trim
    безаварийное выполнение полетов
    accident-free flying
    безаварийный полет
    accident-free flight
    без достаточного опыта выполнения полетов
    beyond flight experience
    безопасная дистанция в полете
    in-flight safe distance
    безопасность полетов
    1. flight safety
    2. flight operating safety беспосадочный полет
    1. nonstop flight
    2. continuous flight билет на полет в одном направлении
    single ticket
    бланк плана полета
    flight plan form
    боковой обзор в полете
    sideway inflight view
    бортовой вычислитель управления полетом
    airborne guidance computer
    бреющие полеты
    contour flying
    бреющий полет
    1. scooping
    2. contour flight 3. hedge-hopping 4. low-level flight бустерная система управления полетом
    flight control boost system
    быть непригодным к полетам
    inapt for flying
    ввод данных о полете
    flight data input
    верхний обзор в полете
    upward inflight view
    верхний эшелон полета
    upper flight level
    ветер в направлении курса полета
    видимость в полете
    flight visibility
    визуальная оценка расстояния в полете
    distance assessment
    визуальный контакт в полете
    flight visual contact
    визуальный ориентир в полете
    flight visual cue
    визуальный полет
    1. visual flight
    2. contact flight визуальный полет по кругу
    visual circling
    вихрь в направлении линии полета
    line vortex
    влиять на безопасность полетов
    effect on operating safety
    внутренние полеты
    local operations
    воздушная яма на пути полета
    in flight bump
    воздушное пространство с запретом визуальных полетов
    visual exempted airspace
    воздушное судно большой дальности полетов
    long-distance aircraft
    воздушное судно в полете
    1. making way aircraft
    2. in-flight aircraft 3. aircraft on flight воздушное судно, готовое к полету
    under way aircraft
    воздушное судно для полетов на большой высоте
    high-altitude aircraft
    воздушное судно, дозаправляемое в полете
    receiver aircraft
    воздушное судно, имеющее разрешение на полет
    authorized aircraft
    возобновление полетов
    flight resumption
    возобновлять полет
    1. resume the flight
    2. resume the journey возобновлять полеты
    resume normal operations
    восходящий поток воздуха на маршруте полета
    en-route updraft
    ВПП, не соответствующая заданию на полет
    wrong runway
    в процессе полета
    1. while in flight
    2. in flight временная разница пунктов полета
    временные полеты
    1. sojourn
    2. part time operations время горизонтального полета
    level flight time
    время полета по внешнему контуру
    outbound time
    время полета по маршруту
    trip time
    время самолетного полета
    solo flying time
    всепогодные полеты
    1. all-weather operations
    2. all-weather flying всепогодный полет
    all-weather flight
    вспомогательный маршрут полета
    side trip
    выбирать маршрут полета
    select the flight route
    вывозной полет
    introductory flight
    выдерживание высоты полета автопилотом
    autopilot altitude hold
    выдерживание заданной высоты полета
    preselected altitude hold
    выдерживание курса полета с помощью инерциальной системы
    inertial tracking
    выдерживание траектории полета
    flight path tracking
    выдерживать заданный график полета
    maintain the flight watch
    выдерживать заданный эшелон полета
    maintain the flight level
    выдерживать требуемую скорость полета
    maintain the flying speed
    выдерживать установленный порядок полетов
    maintain the flight procedure
    выполнение горизонтального полета
    level flying
    выполнение полетов
    1. flight operation
    2. flying выполнение полетов с помощью радиосредств
    radio fly
    выполнять групповой полет
    fly in formation
    выполнять круг полета над аэродромом
    carry out a circuit of the aerodrome
    выполнять полет
    carry out the flight
    выполнять полет в зоне ожидания
    hold over the aids
    выполнять полет в определенных условиях
    fly under conditions
    выполнять полет в режиме ожидания над аэродромом
    hold over the beacon
    выполнять полет по курсу
    fly the heading
    выполнять полеты с аэродрома
    operate from the aerodrome
    высота перехода к визуальному полету
    break-off height
    высота полета
    flight altitude
    высота полета вертолета
    helicopter overflight height
    высота полета вертолета при заходе на посадку
    helicopter approach height
    высота полета в зоне ожидания
    holding flight level
    высота полета по маршруту
    en-route altitude
    высота установленная заданием на полет
    specified altitude
    высотный полет
    1. hing-altitude flight
    2. altitude flight вычислитель параметров траектории полета
    flight-path computer
    гарантия полета
    flight assurance
    гасить скорость в полете
    decelerate in the flight
    гиперзвуковой полет
    hypersonic flight
    годность к полетам
    flight fitness
    годный к полетам
    головокружение при полете в сплошной облачности
    cloud vertigo
    горизонтальный полет
    1. horizontal flight
    2. level flight 3. level горизонтальный полет на крейсерском режиме
    level cruise
    горизонт, видимый в полете
    in-flight apparent horizon
    готовый к выполнению полетов
    готовый к полету
    in flying condition
    граница высот повторного запуска в полете
    inflight restart envelope
    график полета
    flight schedule
    грубая ошибка в процессе полета
    in flight blunder
    груз, сброшенный в полете
    jettisoned load in flight
    группа, выполняющая полет по туру
    tour group
    дальность активного полета
    all-burnt range
    дальность видимости в полете
    flight visual range
    дальность горизонтального полета
    horizontal range
    дальность полета
    1. range ability
    2. flight range дальность полета без дополнительных топливных баков
    built-in range
    дальность полета без коммерческой загрузки
    zero-payload range
    дальность полета без наружных подвесок
    clean range
    дальность полета в невозмущенной атмосфере
    still-air flight range
    дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft range
    дальность полета до намеченного пункта
    range to go
    дальность полета до полного израсходования топлива
    flight range with no reserves
    дальность полета до пункта назначения
    flight distance-to-go
    дальность полета на предельно малой высоте
    on-the-deck range
    дальность полета на режиме авторотации
    autorotation range
    дальность полета по замкнутому маршруту
    closed-circuit range
    дальность полета по прямой
    direct range
    дальность полета при полной заправке
    full-tanks range
    дальность полета при попутном ветре
    downwind range
    дальность полета с максимальной загрузкой
    full-load range
    дальность полета с полной коммерческой загрузкой
    commercial range
    дальность управляемого полета
    controllable range
    данные об условиях полета
    flight environment data
    действующий план полета
    operational flight plan
    деловой полет
    business flight
    деловые полеты
    business flying
    демонстрационный полет
    1. demonstration flight
    2. demonstration operation диапазон изменения траектории полета
    flight path envelope
    диапазон режимов полета
    flight envelope
    диспетчер по планированию полетов
    flight planner
    диспетчерское управление полетами
    1. operational control
    2. flight control дистанция полета
    flight distance
    дневной полет
    day flight
    доводить до уровня годности к полетам
    render airworthy
    доворот для коррекции направления полета
    flight corrective turn
    дозаправка топливом в полете
    air refuelling
    дозаправлять топливом в полете
    refuel in flight
    дозвуковой полет
    subsonic flight
    докладывать о занятии заданного эшелона полета
    report reaching the flight level
    донесение о полете
    voyage report
    донесение о ходе полета
    flight report
    дополнительный план полета
    supplementary flight plan
    допускать пилота к полетам
    permit a pilot to operate
    допустимый предел шума при полете
    flyover noise limit
    единый тариф на полет в двух направлениях
    two-way fare
    завершать полет
    1. complete the flight
    2. terminate the flight зависимость коммерческой загрузки от дальности полета
    payload versus range
    заводской испытательный полет
    1. factory test flight
    2. production test flight заданная траектория полета
    assigned flight path
    заданные условия полета
    given conditions of flight
    заданный режим полета
    basic flight reference
    заданный уровень безопасности полетов
    target level of safety
    заданный эшелон полета
    preset flight level
    закрытая для полетов ВПП
    idle runway
    закрытие плана полета
    closing a flight plan
    замер в полете
    inflight measurement
    замкнутый маршрут полета
    circle trip
    занимать заданный эшелон полета
    reach the flight level
    запасной маршрут полета
    alternate air route
    запасной план полета
    alternate flight plan
    запись вибрации в полете
    inflight vibration recording
    запланированный полет
    prearranged flight
    запрет полетов
    запрет полетов из-за превышения допустимого уровня шума
    noise curfew
    запускать двигатель в полете
    restart the engine in flight
    запуск в полете
    inflight starting
    запуск в полете без включения стартера
    inflight nonassisted starting
    зарегистрированный план полета
    filed flight plan
    заход на посадку после полета по кругу
    защитная зона для полетов вертолетов
    helicopter protected zone
    заявка на полет
    flight request
    зона воздушного пространства с особым режимом полета
    airspace restricted area
    зона ожидания для визуальных полетов
    visual holding point
    зона полетов
    operational area
    зона полетов вертолетов
    helicopter traffic zone
    зона тренировочных полетов
    training area
    изменение маршрута полета
    flight diversion
    изменение плана полета
    flight replanning
    изменение траектории полета
    takeoff profile change
    измерять маршрут полета
    replan the flight
    иметь место в полете
    be experienced in flight
    имитатор условий полета
    flight simulator
    имитация в полете
    inflight simulation
    имитация полета в натуральных условиях
    full-scale flight
    имитируемый полет
    simulated flight
    имитируемый полет по приборам
    simulated instrument flight
    индикатор хода полета
    flight progress display
    инспектор по производству полетов
    operations inspector
    инструктаж по условиям полета по маршруту
    route briefing
    инструктаж при аварийной обстановке в полете
    inflight emergency instruction
    инструктор по производству полетов
    flight operations instructor
    инструкция по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    air safety rules
    инструкция по производству полетов
    operation instruction
    интенсивность полетов
    flying intensity
    информация о ходе полета
    flight progress information
    испытание в свободном полете
    free-flight test
    испытание двигателя в полете
    inflight engine test
    испытание на максимальную дальность полета
    full-distance test
    испытание путем имитации полета
    simulated flight test
    испытания по замеру нагрузки в полете
    flight stress measurement tests
    испытательные полеты
    test fly
    испытательный полет
    1. test operation
    2. shakedown flight 3. test flight 4. trial flight испытываемый в полете
    under flight test
    испытывать в полете
    test in flight
    Исследовательская группа по безопасности полетов
    Aviation Security Study Group
    исходная высота полета при заходе на посадку
    reference approach height
    исходная схема полета
    reference flight procedure
    канал передачи данных в полете
    flight data link
    карта планирования полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude flight planning chart
    карта полета
    aerial map
    карта полетов
    1. flight chart
    2. flight map категория ИКАО по обеспечению полета
    facility performance ICAO category
    квалификационная отметка о допуске к визуальным полетам
    visual flying rating
    Комитет по безопасности полетов
    Safety Investigation Board
    коммерческий полет
    commercial operation
    компьютерное планирование полетов
    computer flight planning
    контролируемое воздушное пространство предназначенное для полетов по приборам
    instrument restricted airspace
    контролируемый полет
    controlled flight
    контроль за полетом
    flight monitoring
    контроль за производством полетов
    operating supervision
    контроль за ходом полета
    flight supervision
    контрольный полет
    1. check
    2. checkout flight контрольный полет перед приемкой
    flight acceptance test
    контроль полета
    flight watch
    конфигурация при полете на маршруте
    en-route configuration
    короткий полет
    крейсерская скорость для полета максимальной дальности
    long-range cruise speed
    крейсерский полет
    1. cruise
    2. cruising flight кресло, расположенное перпендикулярно направлению полета
    outboard facing seat
    кресло, расположенное по направлению полета
    forward facing seat
    кресло, расположенное против направления полета
    aft facing seat
    кривая зависимости коммерческой от дальности полета
    payload-range curve
    кривая изменения высоты полета
    altitude curve
    кривизна траектории полета
    flight path curvature
    круговой маршрут полета
    round trip
    кругосветный полет
    around-the-world flight
    круг полета над аэродромом
    1. aerodrome circuit
    2. aerodrome circle курсограф траектории полета
    flight-path plotter
    курс полета
    flight course
    курсы подготовки пилотов к полетам по приборам
    instrument pilot school
    левый круг полета
    left circuit
    летать в режиме бреющего полета
    fly at a low level
    летная полоса, оборудованная для полетов по приборам
    instrument strip
    линия полета
    line of flight
    линия полета по курсу
    on-course line
    линия пути полета
    flight track
    магистральный полет
    long-distance flight
    малошумный полет
    noiseless flight
    маневр в полете
    inflight manoeuvre
    маршрут минимального времени полета
    minimum time track
    маршрутная карта полетов на малых высотах
    low altitude en-route chart
    маршрутное планирование полетов
    en-route flight planning
    маршрут полета
    1. flight route
    2. flight lane маршрут полета в направлении от вторичных радиосредств
    track from secondary radio facility
    медицинская служба обеспечения полетов
    aeromedical safety division
    меры безопасности в полете
    flight safety precautions
    местные полеты
    local flying
    метеосводка по трассе полета
    airway climatic data
    методика выполнения полета с минимальным шумом
    minimum noise procedure
    механизм для создания условий полета в нестабильной атмосфере
    rough air mechanism
    механизм открытия защелки в полете
    mechanical flight release latch
    мешать обзору в полете
    obscure inflight view
    минимальная высота полета по кругу
    minimum circling procedure height
    минимальная крейсерская высота полета
    minimum cruising level
    минимальная скорость полета
    minimum flying speed
    минимум для полетов по кругу
    circling minima
    многоэтапный полет
    multistage flight
    моделирование условий полета
    flight simulation
    набирать высоту при полете по курсу
    climb on the course
    набирать заданную скорость полета
    obtain the flying speed
    нагрузка в полете
    flight load
    нагрузка в полете от поверхности управления
    flight control load
    надежность в полете
    inflight reliability
    наземный ориентир на трассе полета
    en-route ground mark
    накладывать ограничения на полеты
    restrict the operations
    намеченный маршрут полета
    the route to be flown
    направление полета
    flight direction
    начинать полет
    commence the flight
    незамкнутый маршрут полета
    open-jaw trip
    неконтролируемый полет
    uncontrolled flight
    необходимые меры предосторожности в полете
    flight reasonable precautions
    неожиданное препятствие в полете
    hidden flight hazard
    неофициальная информация о полете
    unofficial flight information
    неправильно оцененное расстояние в полете
    misjudged flight distance
    неправильно принятое в полете решение
    improper in-flight decision
    непрерывная запись хода полета
    continuous flight record
    непригодный к выполнению полетов
    непроизвольное увеличение высоты полета
    altitude gain
    неразрешенный полет
    unauthorized operation
    несбалансированный полет
    out-of-trim flight
    несоответствие плану полета
    flight discrepancy
    неуправляемый полет
    incontrollable flight
    неустановившийся полет
    1. unsteady flight
    2. transient flight нижний обзор в полете
    downward inflight view
    нижний эшелон полета
    lower flight level
    нормы шума при полетах на эшелоне
    level flight noise requirements
    ночной полет
    night flight
    ночные полеты
    night-time flying
    ночные учебные полеты
    night training
    обеспечение безопасности полетов
    promotion of safety
    обеспечение эшелонирования полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft separation assurance
    обеспечивать соблюдение правил полетов
    enforce rules of the air
    обзор в полете
    inflight view
    оборудование автоматического управления полетом
    automatic flight control equipment
    оборудование для демонстрационных полетов
    sign towing equipment
    оборудование для полетов в темное время суток
    night-flying equipment
    оборудование для полетов по приборам
    blind flight equipment
    обратный маршрут полета
    return trip
    обратный полет
    обучение в процессе полетов
    flying training
    огни на трассе полета
    airway lights
    ограничение времени полета
    flight duty period
    ограничение по скорости полета
    air-speed limitation
    односторонний маршрут полета
    single trip
    ожидание в процессе полета
    hold en-route
    ознакомительный полет
    familiarization flight
    опасные условия полета
    hazardous flight conditions
    оперативное планирование полетов
    operational flight planning
    оперировать органами управления полетом
    1. handle the flight controls
    2. manipulate the flight controls описание маршрута полета
    route description
    опознавание в полете
    aerial identification
    определять зону полета воздушного судна
    space the aircraft
    организация полетов
    flight regulation
    ориентировочный прогноз на полет
    provisional flight forecast
    особые меры в полете
    in-flight extreme care
    особые случаи выполнения полетов
    abnormal operations
    особые явления погоды на маршруте полета
    en-route weather phenomena
    остановка на маршруте полета
    en-route stop
    остановка при полете обратно
    outbound stopover
    остановка при полете туда
    inbound stopover
    осуществлять контроль за ходом полета
    exercise flight supervision
    отклонение от курса полета
    отклонение от линии горизонтального полета
    deviation from the level flight
    отклоняться от плана полета
    deviate from the flight plan
    открытая для полетов ВПП
    operational runway
    открытый для полетов
    отменять полет
    1. cancel the flight
    2. cancel operation отрезок полета
    portion of a flight
    отсчет показаний при полете на глиссаде
    on-slope indication
    отчет о полете
    flight history
    оценка пилотом ситуации в полете
    pilot judgement
    очередность полетов
    air priority
    панель контроля хода полета
    flight deck
    парящие полеты
    sail fly
    парящий полет
    1. soaring flight
    2. sailing flight первый полет
    maiden flight
    переводить воздушное судно в горизонтальный полет
    put the aircraft over
    перегоночный полет
    1. delivery flight
    2. ferry operation 3. ferry flight передний обзор в полете
    forward inflight view
    переход в режим горизонтального полета
    перечень необходимого исправного оборудования для полета
    minimum equipment item
    персонал по обеспечению полетов
    flight operations personnel
    планирование полетов
    flight planning
    планирование полетов экипажей
    crew scheduling
    планируемый полет
    intended flight
    планирующий полет
    gliding flight
    план повторяющихся полетов
    repetitive flight plan
    план полета
    flight plan
    план полета, переданный с борта
    air-filed flight plan
    план полета по приборам
    instrument flight plan
    планшет хода полета
    flight progress board
    повторный запуск в полете
    flight restart
    погрешность выдерживания высоты полета
    height-keeping error
    подвергать полет опасности
    jeopardize the flight
    подготовка для полетов по приборам
    instrument flight training
    подготовленная для полетов ВПП
    maintained runway
    поисковый полет
    search operation
    полет без крена
    wings-level flight
    полет в восточном направлении
    eastbound flight
    полет в зоне ожидания
    1. holding flight
    2. holding полет в направлении на станцию
    flight inbound the station
    полет в направлении от станции
    flight outbound the station
    полет в невозмущенной атмосфере
    still-air flight
    полет вне расписания
    1. nonscheduled flight
    2. unscheduled flight полет вне установленного маршрута
    off-airway flight
    полет в нормальных метеоусловиях
    normal weather operation
    полет в обоих направлениях
    back-to-back flight
    полет в одном направлении
    one-way flight
    полет в пределах континента
    coast-to-coast flight
    полет в режиме висения
    hover flight
    полет в режиме ожидания
    holding operation
    полет в режиме ожидания на маршруте
    holding en-route operation
    полет в связи с особыми обстоятельствами
    special event flight
    полет в сложных метеоусловиях
    bad-weather flight
    полет в строю
    formation flight
    полет в условиях болтанки
    1. bumpy-air flight
    2. turbulent flight полет в условиях отсутствия видимости
    nonvisual flight
    полет в условиях плохой видимости
    low-visibility flight
    полет в установленной зоне
    standoff flight
    полет в установленном секторе
    sector flight
    полет для выполнения наблюдений с воздуха
    1. aerial survey flight
    2. aerial survey operation полет для выполнения работ
    1. aerial work operation
    2. aerial work flight полет для контроля состояния посевов
    crop control flight
    полет для контроля состояния посевов с воздуха
    crop control operation
    полет для ознакомления с местностью
    orientation flight
    полет для оказания медицинской помощи
    aerial ambulance operation
    полет для проверки летных характеристик
    performance flight
    полет для разведки метеорологической обстановки
    meteorological reconnaissance flight
    полет на автопилоте
    autocontrolled flight
    полет на аэростате
    полет на буксире
    aerotow flight
    полет на дальность
    distance flight
    полет над водным пространством
    1. overwater flight
    2. overwater operation полет над облаками
    overweather flight
    полет над открытым морем
    flight over the high seas
    полет на конечном этапе захода на посадку
    final approach operation
    полет на короткое расстояние
    1. flip
    2. short-haul flight полет на крейсерском режиме
    normal cruise operation
    полет на критическом угле атаки
    stall flight
    полет на малой высоте
    low flying operation
    полет на малой скорости
    low-speed flight
    полет на малом газе
    idle flight
    полет на малых высотах
    low flight
    полет на номинальном расчетном режиме
    with rated power flight
    полет на одном двигателе
    single-engined flight
    полет на ориентир
    directional homing
    полет на полном газе
    full-throttle flight
    полет на продолжительность
    endurance flight
    полет на режиме авторотации
    autorotational flight
    полет на среднем участке маршрута
    mid-course flight
    полет на участке между третьим и четвертым разворотами
    base leg operation
    полетное время, продолжительность полета в данный день
    flying time today
    полет, открывающий воздушное сообщение
    inaugural flight
    полет под наблюдением
    supervised flight
    полет по дополнительному маршруту
    extra section flight
    полет по заданной траектории
    desired path flight
    полет по заданному маршруту
    desired track flight
    полет по замкнутому кругу
    closed-circuit flight
    полет по замкнутому маршруту
    полет по индикации на стекле
    head-up flight
    полет по инерции
    1. coasting flight
    2. coast полет по коробочке
    box-pattern flight
    полет по круговому маршруту
    1. round-trip flight
    2. circling полет по кругу
    полет по кругу в районе аэродрома
    aerodrome traffic circuit operation
    полет по кругу над аэродромом
    1. aerodrome circuit-circling
    2. aerodrome circling полет по курсу
    flight on heading
    полет по локсодромии
    rhumb-line flight
    полет по маршруту
    1. en-route operation
    2. en-route flight полет по маякам ВОР
    VOR course flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам
    visual navigation flight
    полет по наземным ориентирам или по командам наземных станций
    reference flight
    полет по полному маршруту
    entire flight
    полет по приборам
    1. blind flight
    2. instrument flight 3. head-down flight 4. instrument flight rules operation полет по приборам, обязательный для данной зоны
    compulsory IFR flight
    полет по размеченному маршруту
    point-to-point flight
    полет по расписанию
    1. scheduled flight
    2. regular flight полет по сигналам с земли
    directed reference flight
    полет по условным меридианам
    grid flight
    полет по установленным правилам
    flight under the rules
    полет с боковым ветром
    cross-wind flight
    полет с визуальной ориентировкой
    visual contact flight
    полет с выключенным двигателем
    engine-off flight
    полет с выключенными двигателями
    power-off flight
    полет с дозаправкой топлива в воздухе
    refuelling flight
    полет с инструктором
    1. dual flight
    2. dual operation полет с креном
    banked flight
    полет с набором высоты
    1. nose-up flying
    2. climbing flight полет с несимметричной тягой двигателей
    asymmetric flight
    полет с обычным взлетом и посадкой
    conventional flight
    полет со встречным ветром
    head-wind flight
    полет со снижением
    1. downward flight
    2. nose-down flying 3. descending operation 4. descending flight полет со сносом
    drift flight
    полет с отклонением
    diverted flight
    полет с парированием сноса
    crabbing flight
    полет с пересечением границ
    border-crossing flight
    полет с помощью радионавигационных средств
    radio navigation flight
    полет с попутным ветром
    tailwind flight
    полет с посадкой
    entire journey
    полет с постоянным курсом
    single-heading flight
    полет с промежуточной остановкой
    one-stop flight
    полет с работающим двигателем
    engine-on flight
    полет с работающими двигателями
    1. powered flight
    2. power-on flight полет с сопровождающим
    chased flight
    полет с убранными закрылками
    flapless flight
    полет с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating flight
    полет с ускорением
    accelerated flight
    полет с целью перебазирования
    positioning flight
    полет с целью установления координат объекта поиска
    aerial spotting operation
    полет с частного воздушного судна
    private flight
    полет туда-обратно
    1. turn-around operation
    2. turnround flight полет туда - обратно
    out-and-return flight
    полет хвостом вперед
    rearward flight
    полеты авиации общего назначения
    general aviation operations
    полеты воздушных судов
    aircraft flying
    полеты в районе открытого моря
    off-shore operations
    полеты в светлое время суток
    daylight operations
    полеты в темное время суток
    night operations
    полеты гражданских воздушных судов
    civil air operations
    полеты на высоких эшелонах
    high-level operations
    полеты на малых высотах
    low flying
    полеты планера
    glider flying
    полеты по воздушным трассам
    airways flying
    полеты по изобаре
    pressure flying
    полеты по контрольным точкам
    fix-to-fix flying
    полеты по кругу
    circuit flying
    полеты по наземным естественным ориентирам
    terrain fly
    полеты по низким метеоминимумам
    low weather operations
    полеты по обратному лучу
    back beam flying
    полеты по ортодромии
    great-circle flying
    полеты по прямому лучу
    front beam flying
    полеты по радиолучу
    radio-beam fly
    полеты с использованием радиомаяков
    radio-range fly
    получать задания на полет
    receive flight instruction
    по полету
    looking forward
    порядок действий во время полета
    inflight procedure
    посадка на маршруте полета
    intermediate landing
    правила визуального полета
    1. visual flight rules
    2. contact flight rules правила полета в аварийной обстановке
    emergency flight procedures
    правила полета по кругу
    circuit rules
    правила полетов
    1. rules of the air
    2. flight rules правила полетов по приборам
    instrument flight rules
    правый круг полета
    1. right circuit
    2. right-hand circle предварительная заявка на полет
    advance flight plan
    предварительные меры по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    advance arrangements
    предписанный маршрут полета
    prescribed flight track
    предполагаемая траектория полета
    intended flight path
    представление плана полета
    submission of a flight plan
    представлять план полета
    submit the flight plan
    предупреждение опасных условий полета
    avoidance of hazardous conditions
    преимущественное право полета
    traffic privilege
    препятствие на пути полета
    air obstacle
    прерванный полет
    aborted operation
    прерывать полет
    1. break the journey
    2. abort the flight пригодность для полета на местных воздушных линиях
    local availability
    пригодный для полета только в светлое время суток
    available for daylight operation
    придерживаться плана полета
    adhere to the flight plan
    приемно-сдаточный полет
    acceptance flight
    приспособление для захвата объектов в процессе полета
    flight pick-up equipment
    проведение работ по снижению высоты препятствий для полетов
    obstacle clearing
    проверено в полете
    flight checked
    проверка в полете
    flight check
    проверка готовности экипажа к полету
    flight crew supervision
    проверка обеспечения полетов на маршруте
    route-proving trial
    программа всепогодных полетов
    all-weather operations program
    прогулочные полеты
    pleasure flying
    прогулочный полет
    1. pleasure operation
    2. pleasure flight 3. с осмотром достопримечательностей sight-seeing flight продолжать полет
    continue the flight
    продолжать полет на аэронавигационном запасе топлива
    continue operating on the fuel reserve
    продолжительность полета
    1. flight endurance
    2. flight duration продолжительность полета без дозаправки топливом
    nonrefuelling duration
    прокладка маршрута полета
    flight routing
    прокладка маршрута полета согласно указанию службы управления движением
    air traffic control routing
    пространственная ориентация в полете
    inflight spatial orientation
    против полета
    looking aft
    прямолинейный полет
    straight flight
    пункт трассы полета
    airway fix
    пункт управления полетами
    operations tower
    рабочий эшелон полета
    usable flight level
    радиолокационный обзор в полете
    inflight radar scanning
    разбор полета
    postflight debriefing
    разворот на курс полета
    joining turn
    разрешение в процессе полета по маршруту
    en-route clearance
    разрешение на выполнение плана полета
    flight plan clearance
    разрешение на выполнение полета
    permission for operation
    разрешение на полет
    1. flight clearance
    2. operational clearance разрешение на полет в зоне ожидания
    holding clearance
    разрешение на полет по приборам
    instrument clearance
    разрешенные полеты на малой высоте
    authorized low flying
    разрешенный полет
    authorized operation
    районный диспетчерский пункт управления полетами
    area flight control
    район полетов верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper flight region
    распечатка сведений о полете
    navigation hard copy
    расписание полетов
    flight timetable
    расходы при подготовке к полетам
    pre-operating costs
    расчет времени полета
    time-of-flight calculation
    расчетная дальность полета
    design flying range
    расчетная скорость полета
    reference flight speed
    расчетное время полета
    estimated time of flight
    реальные условия полета
    actual flight conditions
    регистратор параметров полета
    1. flight data recorder
    2. black box регистрация плана полета
    flight plan filing
    регистрировать план полета
    file the flight plan
    регулярность полетов
    regularity of operations
    режим полета
    1. mode of flight
    2. flight mode резервный план полета
    stored flight plan
    рекламный полет
    advertizing flight
    рекомендации по обеспечению безопасности полетов
    safety recommendations
    рекомендуемая траектория полета
    desired flight path
    руководство по полетам воздушных судов гражданской авиации
    civil air regulations
    руководство по производству полетов в зоне аэродрома
    aerodrome rules
    руководство по управлению полетами
    flight control fundamentals
    самостоятельный полет
    1. solo flight
    2. solo operation сближение в полете
    air miss
    сбор за аэронавигационное обслуживание на трассе полета
    en-route facility charge
    сверхзвуковой полет
    supersonic flight
    свидетельство о допуске к полетам
    certificate of safety for flight
    свободный полет
    free flight
    свободный эшелон полета
    odd flight level
    связь для управления полетами
    control communication
    связь по обеспечению регулярности полетов
    flight regularity communication
    сдвиг ветра в зоне полета
    flight wind shear
    Секция полетов и летной годности
    operations-airworthiness Section
    (ИКАО) сертификационный испытательный полет
    certification test flight
    сертифицировать как годный к полетам
    certify as airworthy
    сигнал действий в полете
    flight urgency signal
    сигнализация аварийной обстановки в полете
    air alert warning
    сигнал между воздушными судами в полете
    air-to-air signal
    сигнал полета по курсу
    on-course signal
    система имитации полета
    flight simulation system
    система инспектирования полетов
    flight inspection system
    система информации о состоянии безопасности полетов
    aviation safety reporting system
    система обеспечения полетов
    flight operations system
    система предупреждения конфликтных ситуаций в полете
    conflict alert system
    система управления полетом
    1. flight control system
    2. flight management system сквозной полет
    through flight
    скольжение в направлении полета
    скоростной полет
    high-speed flight
    скорость горизонтального полета
    level-flight speed
    скорость набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb speed
    скорость полета
    flight speed
    скорость полета на малом газе
    flight idle speed
    скорость установившегося полета
    steady flight speed
    следить за полетом
    monitor the flight
    служба безопасности полетов
    airworthiness division
    служба обеспечения полетов
    flight service
    смещенный эшелон полета
    staggered flight level
    снежный заряд в зоне полета
    inflight snow showers
    снижать высоту полета воздушного судна
    push the aircraft down
    создавать опасность полету
    make an operation hazardous
    сообщение о ходе выполнения полета
    progress report
    составлять план полета
    complete the flight plan
    состояние годности к полетам
    flyable status
    состояние готовности ВПП к полетам
    clear runway status
    списание девиации в полете
    списание девиации компаса в полете
    air compass swinging
    списание радиодевиации в полете
    airborne error measurement
    способствовать выполнению полета
    affect flight operation
    средства обеспечения полета
    flying aids
    средства обеспечения полетов по приборам
    nonvisual aids
    срок представления плана на полет
    flight plan submission deadline
    станция службы обеспечения полетов
    flight service station
    схема визуального полета по кругу
    visual circling procedure
    схема полета
    flight procedure
    схема полета в зоне ожидания
    holding procedure
    схема полета по кругу
    1. circling procedure
    2. circuit pattern схема полета по маршруту
    en-route procedure
    схема полета по приборам
    instrument flight procedure
    схема полета по приборам в зоне ожидания
    instrument holding procedure
    схема полета с минимальным расходом топлива
    fuel savings procedure
    схема полетов
    схема полетов по кругу
    traffic circuit
    счетчик дальности полета
    distance flown counter
    счетчик пройденного километража в полете
    air-mileage indicator
    счисление пути полета
    flight dead reckoning
    считывание показаний приборов в полете
    flight instrument reading
    таблица эшелонов полета
    flight level table
    тариф для отдельного участка полета
    sectorial fare
    тариф для полета в одном направлении
    single fare
    тариф для полетов внутри одной страны
    cabotage fare
    тариф на отдельном участке полета
    sectorial rate
    тариф на полет в ночное время суток
    night fare
    тариф на полет по замкнутому кругу
    round trip fare
    тариф на полет с возвратом в течение суток
    day round trip fare
    текущий план полета
    current flight plan
    теория полета
    theory of flight
    техника выполнения полетов
    operating technique
    тип полета
    flight type
    точность слежения за траекторией полета
    path tracking accuracy
    траектория горизонтального полета
    1. horizontal flight path
    2. level flight path траектория неустановившегося полета
    transient flight path
    траектория полета
    flight path
    траектория полета в зоне ожидания
    holding path
    траектория полета наименьшей продолжительности
    minimum flight path
    траектория полета по маршруту
    en-route flight path
    траектория полета с предпосылкой к конфликтной ситуации
    conflicting flight path
    траектория полетов по низким минимумам погоды
    low weather minima path
    трансконтинентальный полет
    overland flight
    тренажер для подготовки к полетам по приборам
    instrument flight trainer
    тренировочный полет
    1. practice flight
    2. training flight 3. practice operation 4. training operation тренировочный полет с инструктором
    training dual flight
    тренировочный самостоятельный полет
    training solo flight
    тяга в полете
    flight thrust
    увеличивать дальность полета
    extend range
    угол наклона траектории полета
    flight path angle
    угрожать безопасности полетов
    jeopardize flight safety
    угроза безопасности полетов
    flight safety hazard
    угроза применения взрывчатого устройства в полете
    inflight bomb threat
    удостоверение на право полета по авиалинии
    airline certificate
    удостоверение на право полета по приборам
    instrument certificate
    указания по условиям эксплуатации в полете
    inflight operational instructions
    указатель местоположения в полете
    air position indicator
    указатель утвержденных маршрутов полета
    routing indicator
    управление воздушным движением на трассе полета
    airways control
    управление полетом
    flight management
    управляемый полет
    1. man-directed flight
    2. vectored flight управлять ходом полета
    govern the flight
    уровень безопасности полетов воздушного судна
    aircraft safety factor
    условия в полете
    in-flight conditions
    условия нагружения в полете
    flight loading conditions
    условное обозначение в сообщении о ходе полета
    flight report identification
    условное обозначение события в полете
    flight occurrence identification
    устанавливать режим полета
    establish the flight conditions
    установившийся полет
    1. stationary flight
    2. unaccelerated flight 3. stabilized flight 4. steady flight установленная схема полета по кругу
    fixed circuit
    установленные обязанности в полете
    prescribed flight duty
    установленный маршрут полета
    the route to be followed
    установленный порядок выполнения полета
    approved flight procedure
    устойчивость в полете
    inflight stability
    устойчивость на траектории полета
    arrow flight stability
    утвержденный план полета
    approved flight plan
    уточнение задания на полет
    flight coordination
    уточнение плана полета
    change to a flight plan
    уточнение плана полета по сведениям, полученным в полете
    inflight operational planning
    уточнять план полета
    modify the flight plan
    ухудшение в полете
    flight deterioration
    участник полета
    1. flyer
    2. flier участок крейсерского полета
    cruising segment
    участок маршрута полета
    1. air leg
    2. airborne segment участок полета без коммерческих прав
    blind sector
    участок траектории полета
    flight path segment
    учебные полеты
    instruction flying
    учебный полет
    instructional operation
    учебный полет с инструктором
    instructional dual flight
    учебный проверочный полет
    instructional check flight
    учебный самостоятельный полет
    instructional solo flight
    фактическая траектория полета
    actual flight path
    фигурный полет
    acrobatic flight
    характеристика набора высоты при полете по маршруту
    en-route climb performance
    целевой полет
    itinerant operation
    цепь поля возбуждения
    exciting circuit
    цифровая система наведения в полете
    digital flight guidance system
    чартерный рейс при наличии регулярных полетов
    on-line charter
    чартерный рейс при отсутствии регулярных полетов
    off-line charter
    частота на маршруте полета
    en-route frequency
    частота полетов
    frequency of operations
    челночные полеты
    shuttle flights
    чрезвычайное обстоятельство в полете
    flight emergency circumstance
    широковещательная радиостанция службы обеспечения полетов
    aerodynamic broadcast station
    шторка слепого полета
    instrument flying bind
    экспериментальный полет
    1. experimental flight
    2. experimental operation эксплуатационная дальность полета
    flight service range
    эксплуатационная дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft operational range
    электронная система управления полетом
    flight management computer system
    этапа полета в пределах одного государства
    domestic flight stage
    этап полета
    1. operation phase
    2. flight stage этап полета над другим государством
    international flight stage
    этап полета по маршруту
    en-route flight phase
    этап полета, указанный в полетном купоне
    flight coupon stage
    эшелонирование полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft spacing
    эшелон полета
    flight level

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > полет

  • 39 شكل

    شَكْل \ figure: a drawing that explains sth.; a shape: A circle is a round figure. form: a kind: Ice is a solid form of water. A bus is a form of vehicle. formation: sth. shaped, arranged or formed: The weather can sometimes be guessed from cloud formation. pattern: any (usu. pleasing) arrangement of shapes: the pattern of leaves against the sky. shape: appearance; a form: What shape is it? Round or square? Houses in different places have different shapes. \ See Also هيئة (هَيْئَة)، نوع (نَوْع)، تكوين (تَكْوِين)‏ \ بِأيّ شَكْل \ any: (with comparative words): Do you feel any better? He’s too old to go any faster. \ بِشَكْل \ somehow: in some way or the other, by some means or other: I’ll pay for it somehow, even if I have to ask someone to lend me the money. \ See Also بِطَريقة ما \ بِشَكْل جُنونيّ \ madly: in a mad way; very much: He’s madly keen on football. \ بِشَكْل دائريّ \ round: in a circular way: The wheels were turning round. The hands go round the clock. \ بِشَكْل رَديء أو سَيِّئ \ poorly: badly: a poorly built house. \ بِشَكْل طبيعيّ \ naturally: in a natural way (in all senses). \ See Also بِشَكْل عاديّ \ بِشَكْل عام \ on the whole: considering everything; general view: On the whole, he behaved quite well. \ بِشَكْل غريب \ peculiarly: strangely. \ بِشَكْل غير مُتقَن \ roughly: not carefully: a roughly made knot. \ بِشَكْل غير مُنتظم \ fits and starts: in short bursts; starting and stopping: The engine only goes in fits and starts. \ بِشَكْل فادِح \ grossly: very much; unpleasantly: He was grossly rude to the young girl. \ بِشَكْل مُرْضٍ \ all right: also alright satisfactorily: They got back all right, in spite of the storm. The box shuts all right, but it doesn’t lock properly. \ بِشَكْل مُطَّرِد \ steadily: in a steady way: He is steadily improving. \ بِشَكْل مُطْلَق \ flatly: directly and firmly: He flatly refused to help. \ بِشَكْل مُعْتَدِل \ mildly: only slightly; not strongly: I was only mildly surprised. \ بِشَكْل مُفْرِط \ grossly: very much; unpleasantly: She is grossly fat. He was grossly rude to the young girl. \ بِشَكْل واسع \ widely: greatly: He is widely known as a singer. \ شَكْل \ form: shape; appearance: The building was in the form of a letter H. \ شَكْل بَلّوري \ crystal: the regular shape of certain substances (e.g. salt, sugar, snow, ice, etc.) when solid. \ شَكْل الجِسْم البَشَري \ figure: a human form: A dark figure was standing in the moonlight. That girl has a graceful figure. \ الشَّكْل العام \ outline: a line that shows the shape of sth.: The outline of a ball is a circle. We could see the outline of a building against a moonlit sky. \ شَكْل القلب \ heart: (on playing cards, or as a sign of love) a shape like this < coeur>. \ شَكْل مُتَوَازي الأَضْلاع \ parallelogram: a flat figure (with 4 straight sides) whose opposite sides are parallel. \ شَكْل مُخْتلِف لِـ \ variation: (a) change or difference (in amount, etc.); (a) different form: This music takes the form of several variations on an old song. \ شَكْل مُرَبَّع \ square: a shape with four equal sides and equal angles. \ شَكْل مُسْتَطِيل \ rectangle: any foursided figure with squared corners, like a door or the top of a box. \ شَكْل نَجْمَة \ star: a sign on paper that is shaped like a star (sometimes called an asterisk).

    Arabic-English dictionary > شكل

  • 40 tramp

    مُتَجَوِّل (ابتغاء التَّسَوُّل أو السرقة)‏ \ tramp: sb. who wanders round the country without regular work. \ See Also صُعْلوك \ مُتَسَكِّع \ tramp: sb. who wanders round the country without regular work.

    Arabic-English glossary > tramp

См. также в других словарях:

  • round — round1 [round] adj. [ME < OFr roont < L rotundus: see ROTUND] 1. shaped like a ball; spherical; globular 2. a) shaped like a circle, ring, or disk; circular b) shaped like a cylinder (in having a circular cross section); cylindrical 3 …   English World dictionary

  • 'Round Springfield — The Simpsons episode Bleeding Gums in his hospital bed, along with Lisa and Dr. Hibbert. Episode no. 125 Prod. code …   Wikipedia

  • Round the Bend — was a British children s television series, which ran for three seasons on Children s ITV, beginning in 1988. It was cancelled, supposedly following complaints from Mary Whitehouse s National Viewers and Listeners Association about the coarseness …   Wikipedia

  • Round — or rounds can mean:* The shape of a circle or sphere * Rounding (sediment), the smoothness of a sediment particle * Roundedness, the roundedness of the lips in the pronunciation of a phoneme * Rounding, the truncation of a number to reduce the… …   Wikipedia

  • round — round1 W2S2 [raund] adv, prep especially BrE also around 1.) surrounding or on all sides of something or someone ▪ We sat round the table playing cards. ▪ Gather round! I have an important announcement to make. ▪ He put his arm gently round her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Round the Horne — Not to be confused with Around the Horn, an American sports programme. Round the Horne Genre Sketch comedy Running time 30 minutes Country United Kingdom Languages English …   Wikipedia

  • Round Table (club) — The Round Table is a friendship organisation, founded in Norwich, England, in 1927 . The Round Table is a club for young men aged between 18 and 45 (originally 40, which is still retained as the age limit outside the United Kingdom and Ireland)… …   Wikipedia

  • Round Table India — The Round Table is internationally a friendship organisation, founded in Norwich, England in 1927. The Round Table is a club for young men aged between 18 and 40 (45 in the United Kingdom, Ireland) and United Arab Emirates that provides a… …   Wikipedia

  • round — 1 /raUnd/ adjective 1 shaped like a circle: a round table | Jamie s eyes grew round with delight. 2 shaped like a ball: a plant with small round berries 3 fat and curved: Charlie had a chubby face and round cheeks. 4 a round number is a whole… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • round — adj., n., adv., prep., & v. adj. 1 shaped like or approximately like a circle, sphere, or cylinder; having a convex or circular outline or surface; curved, not angular. 2 done with or involving circular motion. 3 a entire, continuous, complete (a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Round-robin tournament — A round robin tournament (or all play all tournament) is a competition in which each contestant meets all other contestants in turn .[1] Contents 1 Terminology 2 Use 3 Evaluation …   Wikipedia

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