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См. также в других словарях:

  • Perambulator — Per*am bu*la tor, n. 1. One who perambulates. [1913 Webster] 2. A surveyor s instrument for measuring distances. It consists of a wheel arranged to roll along over the ground, with an apparatus of clockwork, and a dial plate upon which the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Perambulator — may refer to*a kind of Baby transport *a Surveyor s wheel …   Wikipedia

  • Perambulātor — (Umdrehzähler), Instrument zum Zählen der Umdrehungen eines Rades, um daraus die Länge eines Weges zu bestimmen (vgl. Meßrad), oder für Fabrikzwecke. Als Umdrehzähler für Betriebs und Fabrikationsmaschinen (mechanische Webstühle) dienen Apparate… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Perambulator — Perambulator, s.v.w. Meßrad (s.d.) …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Perambulator — Perambulātor (lat.), Tourenzähler …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • perambulator — 1610s, one who perambulates, agent noun in Latin form from PERAMBULATE (Cf. perambulate). Sense of baby carriage is first recorded 1856; often colloquially shortened to PRAM (Cf. pram) …   Etymology dictionary

  • perambulator — [pər am′byo͞olāt΄ər, pər am′byəlāt΄ər] n. 1. a person who perambulates 2. [Chiefly Brit.] a baby carriage; buggy 3. a large wheel with a calibrated mechanism, pushed along on the ground to measure distances, like an odometer …   English World dictionary

  • perambulator — UK [pəˈræmbjʊˌleɪtə(r)] / US [pəˈræmbjəˌleɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms perambulator : singular perambulator plural perambulators British old fashioned a pram for a baby …   English dictionary

  • perambulator — Ambulator Am bu*la tor, n. 1. One who walks about; a walker. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A beetle of the genus {Lamia}. (b) A genus of birds, or one of this genus. [1913 Webster] 3. An instrument for measuring distances; called also… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perambulator — noun a baby carriage; a pram That will be all this afternoon, he said to the nurse, who got up with the baby and decanted it into a perambulator which was standing in the fairway. Syn: pram See Also: perambulate, perambulation, perambulatory …   Wiktionary

  • perambulator — noun Date: 1611 1. one that perambulates 2. chiefly British a baby carriage …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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