Перевод: с английского на норвежский

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out of character

См. также в других словарях:

  • Out of character — (sometimes abbreviated to OOC) is a phrase used in entertainment and role playing to differentiate between a person playing a character and the character itself. When the person is being him or herself, he or she is said to be out of character .… …   Wikipedia

  • out of character — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a person s character or personality; not in the way that a person usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable; uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of character — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a person s character or personality; not in the way that a person usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable; uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Out of character — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of character — Out of character, abrégé OOC, est un terme employé par les fans de sagas quand un personnage est repris de manière non correcte. Le terme est employé assez souvent dans les critiques de fan fictions : il signifie que l auteur utilise dans… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • out of character — index inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, inept (inappropriate), undesirable, unseemly, unsuitable …   Law dictionary

  • out of character — phrasal 1. : not in accord with a person s normal or usual qualities or traits his rude behavior was quite out of character; he was generally meticulously well bred 2. : unbefitting a role or character type the protagonist s curtain speech in act …   Useful english dictionary

  • out of character — 1. adjective a) Inconsistent with ones personality, disposition, or usual expected behaviour. The burst of anger was out of character for the normally placid boy. b) Not in character; not successfully performing within the mindset of a given… …   Wiktionary

  • out\ of\ character — adv or adj. phr. 1. Not in agreement with a person s character or personality; not in the way that a person usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable; uncharacteristic. Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Out of character — Der Begriff Out of character (dt: außerhalb der Rolle), abgekürzt OOC oder OoC, kommt aus der Theater und Filmbranche, wo er den Zustand beschreibt, in dem ein Schauspieler aus seiner aktuellen Rolle aussteigt, um etwa direkt zu den Zuschauern zu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • out of character —    If you do something that is out of character, it is unlike your usual behaviour or not what is expected from you.     The way she panicked was out of character for such a normally calm person …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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