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  • 1 Fête de la Musique

       Music night, the night of the summer solstice, or longest day, 21st June. The first fête de la musique took place in 1982, and the even was made official the following year by culture minister Jack Lang. Since then, the idea has been copied by over 100 countries worldwide. Originally, the idea was that on the evening of the longest day, anyone who wanted could make music anywhere in the streets until the early hours of the morning. That is how it was in the beginning, and except in specially organised events, most of the music was from amateurs, with minimal amplification. More recently, in many towns, organisation of the Fête de la Musique has been largely taken over or coordinated by councils, and the best places have been allotted to rock groups - to the detriment of other less noisy musicians. Following years of complaints from town-centre residents, most councils have now limited the volume at which bands can play, and fixed a shut-down time, often 1 a.m.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Fête de la Musique

  • 2 Fête patronale

       a tradition that is often kept up in rural parts of France. Festivities organised on the occasion of the annual patron saint's day of the village church. Depending on the organisers, fêtes patronales can be anything from a vin d'honneur or a meal in the village hall ( salle des fêtes) or a restaurant, to a full blown village fête or dance.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Fête patronale

  • 3 Premier Mai

       May 1st, Labour Day, a public holiday in France, marked by processions in most towns, organised by trade unions.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Premier Mai

  • 4 President

       The head of state, under the constitution of the French Fifth Republic (Cinquième république). The French president is elected by direct universal suffrage, for a term of five years in office. Since the 2008 constitutional reform introduced by President Sarkozy, a president may serve no more than two five-year terms in office. Election by universal suffrage was first introduced following a referendum organised by General de Gaulle in 1962. Originally the presidential term in office was seven years, with one president, F. Mitterrand, serving a full two terms. With presidential and legislative elections operating according to different calendars, swings in the popularity of parties and their leaders led in the mid eighties to situations or " Cohabitation", with presidents and parliamentary majorities from different sides of the political spectrum. In 2002, presidential and legislative elections were held within two months of each other, each leading to five year terms in office for those elected; thus president Chirac emerged for a second term in office with a solid parliamentary majority of his own supporters.
       The president is responsible for choosing his Prime Minister (see Premier Ministre), who proposes a team of government ministers which the president must approve. He is the chief of the executive, who oversees weekly cabinet meetings (see Conseil des ministres), and promulgates new laws. He is also the commander in chief of French forces. He has the power to dissolve theNational Assembly and call legislative elections - a power used rather disastrously in 1997 by Jacques Chirac, who dissolved the Assembly in attempt to give his "presidential majority" a rather less slender majority, only to see the Socialist opposition voted into power.
       In exceptional cases of national emergency, Article 16 of the Constitutiongives the president the power to rule without the consent of parliament.
       See also Giscard d'Estaing, Pompidou

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > President

  • 5 Soixante-huit

    , or 68
       the milestone year in French life and politics in the second half of the 20th century, when protests by students and workers almost brought down the French government, and led to sweeping changes in French society. The events of 68 were inspired and led by the young generation of the time, wishing to break out of the rather stuffy and conventional society of the time. They coincided with, though initially took a different form to, the 'youth revolution' in Britain and the USA; but while the UK's youth revolution was essentially social and cultural, and led by pop music and op art, France's revolution was political and cultural, a protest against the weight of the Gaullist state.
       The events of May 68 started on the drab concrete campus of the sprawling university of Nanterre in the northern suburbs of Paris, and quickly spread to other universities, notably the Sorbonne. Student leaders, among them DanielCohn- Bendit and Alain Krivine, called for radical change and the end of the 'bourgeois state'; students erected barricades in the Latin Quarter, and were soon joined by workers, notably from the huge Renault plant at Boulogne Billancourt in the Paris suburbs. Though political, the movement sidelined all existing political parties, including the Communists, considered by the new left-wing as being an 'obsolete' political force.
       Faced with turmoil on the streets and a partial collapse of French society, President de Gaulle fled to Germany on 29th May, before returning and promising new elections. But by the time the elections took place, theGrenelle agreements had been negotiated with the trade unions, the heat had died down, and many French people had become seriously alarmed by the turn of events. In the June elections, the Gaullist majority was returned to power with an increased majority.
       The events nevertheless marked the beginning of the end for de Gaulle. In 1969 he organised a referendum on decentralisation, promising to step down if the referendum failed. To a certain extent, de Gaulle's vision of decentralisation was not that wanted by the voters; but in addition, the referendum became seen as a plebiscite on the Gaullist system, rather than on decentralisation. The referendum proposal was rejected by 52.4% of voters, and de Gaulle stepped down.
       It is certain that a new France, less hide-bound, more emancipated and more free, emerged in the aftermath of 68. Whether this would have happened anyway, and whether the means justified the end, are questions about which there is still considerable debate in France to this day.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Soixante-huit

  • 6 Vendée Globe Challenge

       the most high-profile of yacht-races organised in France, the Vendée Globe is a single-handed non-stop round-the-world yacht race, that takes place every four years. Participants set off from, and return to, the small port of Les Sables d'Olonne, in the Vendée, on France's Atlantic coast. The race is open to monohull yachts up to 60 ft. in length ("Open 60" class). French yachts make up the majority of participants in the race, and the Vendée Globe has always been won by a French yacht; however in 2001 24-year-old British yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur caused a sensation when she came in second, having diverted at one point to go to the assistance of another yacht that was in difficulty. The race starts in November, and yachts that complete the gruelling round-the-world journey arrive back in Les Sables d'Olonne in January or February. Thanks to continually progressing boat technology, the winning times have fallen dramatically since the race was first held in 1989-90. Titouan Lamazou, winner of the first Vendée Globe, completed the voyage in 109 days; Vincent Riou, winner in 2004-5, finished in 87 days; indeed, the first 8 competitors in the 2004-05 Vendee Globe beat Lamazou's winning time of 1990. Competitors in the 2008-2009 Vendée Globe set off from Les Sables d'Olonne on 9th November, straight into heavy seas in the Bay of Biscay.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Vendée Globe Challenge

  • 7 ACE

    Association, composée de 103 clubs provenant des divisions supérieures des associations membres de l'UEFA, dont les buts sont notamment de défendre et de promouvoir les intérêts du football interclubs européen en particulier et du football interclubs en général, d'être reconnue par l'UEFA comme la seule instance représentant les intérêts des clubs au niveau européen, de représenter les intérêts des clubs en tant qu'employeurs en Europe, y compris dans le processus de dialogue social, et d'agir, le cas échéant, en tant que partenaire social.

    ► L'Association des clubs européennes contribue au sain développement des compétitions interclubs européennes organisées par l'UEFA en participant au processus de décision, apporte des idées concernant le calendrier international des matches, contribue à la bonne gouvernance du football européen, notamment en participant aux séances des instances appropriées au sein de l'UEFA, et favorise l'échange d'informations et de compétences entre l'UEFA et les clubs.

    Syn. ACE f abrév.
    An association of 103 top-division clubs of UEFA member associations whose objectives are, among others, to safeguard and promote the interests of European club football, in particular, and club football in general, to be recognised by UEFA as the sole body representing the interests of clubs at European level and to represent the interests of the clubs as employers in Europe, including in the social dialogue process, and to act as a social partner where appropriate.

    ► In addition, the European Club Association contributes to the healthy development of European club competitions organised by UEFA, by taking part in the relevant decision-making process, by providing input as regards the international match calendar, contributing to the good governance of Eurpean football, in particular by paricipating in the appropriate bodies established within UEFA, and fostering the exchange of information and expertise between UEFA and the clubs.

    Syn. ECA abbr.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > ACE

  • 8 Association des clubs européennes

    Association, composée de 103 clubs provenant des divisions supérieures des associations membres de l'UEFA, dont les buts sont notamment de défendre et de promouvoir les intérêts du football interclubs européen en particulier et du football interclubs en général, d'être reconnue par l'UEFA comme la seule instance représentant les intérêts des clubs au niveau européen, de représenter les intérêts des clubs en tant qu'employeurs en Europe, y compris dans le processus de dialogue social, et d'agir, le cas échéant, en tant que partenaire social.

    ► L'Association des clubs européennes contribue au sain développement des compétitions interclubs européennes organisées par l'UEFA en participant au processus de décision, apporte des idées concernant le calendrier international des matches, contribue à la bonne gouvernance du football européen, notamment en participant aux séances des instances appropriées au sein de l'UEFA, et favorise l'échange d'informations et de compétences entre l'UEFA et les clubs.

    Syn. ACE f abrév.
    An association of 103 top-division clubs of UEFA member associations whose objectives are, among others, to safeguard and promote the interests of European club football, in particular, and club football in general, to be recognised by UEFA as the sole body representing the interests of clubs at European level and to represent the interests of the clubs as employers in Europe, including in the social dialogue process, and to act as a social partner where appropriate.

    ► In addition, the European Club Association contributes to the healthy development of European club competitions organised by UEFA, by taking part in the relevant decision-making process, by providing input as regards the international match calendar, contributing to the good governance of Eurpean football, in particular by paricipating in the appropriate bodies established within UEFA, and fostering the exchange of information and expertise between UEFA and the clubs.

    Syn. ECA abbr.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Association des clubs européennes

  • 9 bastion défensif

    Défense organisée qui résiste particulièrement bien aux attaques.
    Well-organised defence that is hard to overcome.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > bastion défensif

  • 10 catenaccio

    Tactique qui consiste à mettre en place un système défensif très rigoureux.
    A tactical system which is highly organised and has an emphasis on defence.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > catenaccio

  • 11 championnat

    Compétition organisée au niveau régional, national ou international, dont le vainqueur est déclaré champion.
    A competition organised at regional, national or international level, usually but not always in the form of the league system, the winners of which are the champions.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > championnat

  • 12 Championnat du Monde

    Compétition pour les équipes nationales, organisée par la FIFA tous les quatre ans et comprenant une phase de qualification et un tour final.
    Worldwide competition between national teams organised by FIFA every four years, which consists of a qualifying phase and a final round.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Championnat du Monde

  • 13 compétition de coupe

    Compétition qui se déroule selon un système à élimination directe et dont le vainqueur remporte une coupe.
    Syn. coupe f
    A competition organised on a knockout basis, the winners of which receive a trophy.
    Syn. cup

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition de coupe

  • 14 compétition de la FIFA

    Épreuve internationale de football à laquelle participent les associations membres de la FIFA et pour l'organisation de laquelle la FIFA est responsable.
    An international competition organised by FIFA for teams from FIFA member associations.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition de la FIFA

  • 15 compétition de l'UEFA

    Épreuve internationale de football ayant lieu en Europe, à laquelle participent des associations membres de l'UEFA et/ou des clubs de ceux-ci, dont l'organisation et la suppression sont décidées par l' UEFA.
    Any of the competitions organised by UEFA for teams of its member associations or their clubs.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition de l'UEFA

  • 16 compétition interclubs de l'UEFA

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition interclubs de l'UEFA

  • 17 compétition officielle

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > compétition officielle

  • 18 Copa Libertadores

    Compétition de football opposant tous les ans les meilleurs clubs d'Amérique du Sud, organisée par la CONMEBOL.
    Annual cup competition among top clubs of South America organised by CONMEBOL.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Copa Libertadores

  • 19 coupe

    Prix remis au vainqueur d'une compétition.
    Syn. trophée m
    Award given to the winners of a competition.
    Syn. cup
    Compétition qui se déroule selon un système à élimination directe et dont le vainqueur remporte une coupe.
    Syn. coupe f
    A competition organised on a knockout basis, the winners of which receive a trophy.
    Syn. cup

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > coupe

  • 20 Coupe d'Afrique

    Compétition de football qui oppose les équipes nationales d'Afrique, organisée tous les deux ans par la CAF.
    Football competition between African national teams organised every two years by the CAF.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Coupe d'Afrique

См. также в других словарях:

  • organised — (Brit.) adj. arranged, ordered, systematized; established, set up; existing on a large scale; efficient; united; formed into a labor union (also organized) organise (Brit.) É”rgÉ™naɪz / ɔːg v. arrange, order, systematise; establish, set up;… …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • Organised Chaos LAN Party — Organised Chaos June 2009. Organised Chaos (normally abbreviated as OC), is a monthly LAN Party held in Cape Town, South Africa at the Bellville Velodrome. The LAN has a current capacity of 1220 which was filled for the first time in January 2011 …   Wikipedia

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  • Organised crime in Hong Kong — is not as prevalent as in its Chinese mainland neighbour, but it does exist. Hong Kong is generally known as one of the safest cities in the world with a crime rate at roughly the same level as Singapore and lower than New York, London and Tokyo …   Wikipedia

  • Organised Crime Task Force (Northern Ireland) — The Organised Crime Task Force is a multi agency law enforcement taskforce operating in Northern Ireland. It was established in September 2000 to set the strategic direction for a multi agency approach to tackle organised crime in Northern… …   Wikipedia

  • Organised Independents — The Organised Independents (often abbreviated to OI) are a grouping within the National Union of Students of the United Kingdom. The group is made up of candidates for National Executive Committee posts, all standing on an independent label, and… …   Wikipedia

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