1 noun
(a word used as the name of a person, animal, place, state or thing: The words `boy', `James' and `happiness' are all nouns.) samostalnik* * *[náun]noungrammar samostalnik -
2 proper noun/name
(a noun or name which names a particular person, thing or place (beginning with a capital letter): `John' and `New York' are proper nouns.) lastno ime -
3 co-existence
4 conducted tour
5 ice-skating
6 patriality
[-'æ-] -
7 pie
(food baked in a covering of pastry: a steak/apple pie.) pita* * *I [pái]nounzoology sraka; zoology šekasta živalII [pái]nounmesna pasteta, sadni kolač, pita; culinary malenkost, igrača; American politics slang protekcija, podkupninaIII [pái]1.nounprintingčrkovna zmešnjava; figuratively kaos;2.transitive verb printingpomešati črke; figuratively premetati, razmetatiIV [pái]nounnajmanjši novčič v Indiji -
8 punch
(the name of a comic figure in a puppet-show (traditionally known as a Punch and Judy show).) pavliha* * *I [pʌnč]1.nounluknjarice (škarje), luknjač, klinčar, šilo, prebijalo, štanca, punec;2.transitive verbpreluknjati, prebiti, štancati, punciratiII [pʌnč]1.nounudarec s pestjo; colloquially sila, polet, energija;2.transitive verbudariti s pestjo; tolči (npr. po pisalnem stroju); American gnati živino s palicoIII [pʌnč]nounpunč (pijača)IV [pʌnč]nounBritish English kratkonog, okoren vlečni konj; dialectal majhen zavaljen človek -
9 castor
(a small wheel on the legs of furniture to make it easier to move.) kolesce* * *I [ká:stə]nounzoology bober; bobrovina; kastorec (klobuk)II [ká:stə]nounsipalnik; stojalo za steklenice in začimbeIII [ká:stə]nounmedicine koščen izrastek na notranji strani konjske noge -
10 founder
noun (a person who founds a school, college, organization etc: We commemorate the founder of the school.) ustanovitelj* * *I [fáundə]nounosnovalec, ustanovitelj, povzročiteljcommerce founder's shares — prioritetne delniceII [fáundə]nounlivar, topilec, talilecIII [fáundə]1.intransitive verbpotopiti se; (on) nasesti, razbiti se; zagaziti; ponesrečiti se, propasti; spotakniti se; ohrometi; zrušiti se; obtičati; (golf) udariti (z žogo) ob zemljo;2.transitive verbpotopiti; ohromiti, uničiti (konja)IV [fáundə]nounveterinary vrsta konjske bolezni -
11 guy
1) (a man: I don't know the guy you're talking about.) tip2) ((also guy-rope) a rope which keeps a tent etc steady.) šotorska vrv* * *I [gai]1.nounjamborska vrv; povodec; žica, veriga;2.transitive verbdvigati, usmerjati; pritrditi z vrvjoII [gai]noungroteskna lutka iz cunj (ki jo nosijo 5. novembra in sežgejo v spomin na ponesrečeno zaroto Guy Fawkesa, ko je hotel pognati v zrak angleški parlament); strašilo; American colloquially človek, fant, tovariš, dečkoIII [gai]transitive verbposmehovati, norčevati seIV [gai]nounslang pobegslang to give the guy to — odkuriti jo -
12 mush
(something soft and wet: The potatoes have turned to mush after being boiled for so long.) kaša- mushy* * *I [məš]nounkaša; American polenta; slang sladkobnost, jokavost; figuratively nesmisel; škripanje, pokanje (v radiu)II [mʌš]1.nounAmericanhoja po snegu (zlasti za pasjo vprego);2.intransitive verbhoditi za pasjo vpregomush! — naprej! (klic psom v vpregi)III [məš]nounBritish English slang dežnik -
13 painter
1) (a person whose job is to put paint on things, especially walls, doors etc in houses: We employed a painter to paint the outside of the house.) pleskar2) (an artist who makes pictures in paint: Who was the painter of this portrait?) slikar* * *I [péintə]nounslikar; pleskarpainter's shop — pleskarstvo, ličarstvo (delavnica)medicine painter's colic — zastrupitev s svincemII [péintə]nounnautical vrv za privezovanje čolnato cut the painter — ločiti se, osamosvojiti se; slang izginitito cut s.o.'s painter — poslati koga stran, prekrižati komu računeIII [péintə]nounzoology ameriški panter -
14 poker
noun (a (usually metal) rod for stirring up a fire.) grebljica* * *I [póukə]noungrebljica, grebača; university slang rektorjeva palica; pedel, ki nosi to palicoto be as stiff as a poker — ali to have swallowed the poker — ali to have a poker up one's back — hoditi, kakor da bi kol požrlII [póukə]nounpoker (kartaška igra)III [póukə]nounAmerican strašiloby the holy poker! — za vraga!IV [póukə]transitive verbvžigati v les -
15 pronoun
(a word used instead of a noun (or a phrase containing a noun): `He', `it', `who', and `anything' are pronouns.) zaimek* * *[próunaun]noungrammar zaimek, pronomen -
16 pug
(a kind of small dog with a flat nose.) mops* * *I [pʌg]nounzoology mops; British English glavni sluga; vzdevek za lisico (v basnih); slang boksar; British English majhna ranžirna lokomotivaII [pʌg]1.nounopečna gmota;2.transitive verbzamazati z opečno gmoto (glino)III [pʌg]1.nounstopinja, sled zveri;2.transitive verbslediti, iskati (zver) -
17 rover
noun potepuh* * *I [róuvə]nounmorski razbojnik, gusar; archaic gusarska ladjaII [róuvə]nounklatež, potepuh, potepin, vagabund; starejši skavt (nad 17 let); tarča, cilj za daljinsko streljanjeto shoot at rovers — streljati na oddaljeno tarčo; streljati na slepoIII [róuvə]nounpredpredilec; technical stroj za grobo predenje (bombaža, volne itd.) -
18 rubber
1) (( also adjective) (of) a strong elastic substance made from the juice of certain plants (especially the rubber tree), or an artificial substitute for this: Tyres are made of rubber; rubber boots.) guma2) ((also eraser) a piece of rubber used to rub out pencil etc marks: a pencil, a ruler and a rubber.) radirka3) ((slang) a condom.) kondom4) (a rubber band.) gumijast trak•- rubbery- rubber band
- rubber stamp* * *I [rʌbə]nounotiralec; maser(ka); otiralo, krpa, ščetka za brisanje (otiranje), frotirka; orodje za drgnjenje, otiranje, masiranje; kamen za poliranje, pila; technical smirkov papirII [rʌbə]1.nounkavčuk, gumi; radirka; (= rubber tire, rubber tyre) gumasti obroč (pnevmatika) na kolesu; plural American colloquially galoše, gumasti čevljirubber for packing technical tesnilni gumiindia-rubber — gumica, radirka;2.adjectivegumastrubber cement — gumijeva raztopina, kavčukast kitrubber solution — gumijeva raztopina;3.transitive verbgumirati; premazati, prevleči z gumo; intransitive verb American vrat iztegovati (od radovednosti); poželjivo gledatiIII [rʌbə]nounrober (pri whistu, bridgeu); tri zaporedne igre (zmage), odločilna igra (zmaga) od treh iger, zmaga v prvih dveh igrahto win the rubber — dobiti rober, dobiti igro (pri whistu, bridgeu) -
19 sewer
noun She's a good sewer.) šivilja* * *I [sóuə]nounšivilja; šivar, -rka, spenjalec, -lka (knjig) (v knjigoveznici)II [sjúə]1.nounodvodni cestni kanalsewer pipe — odvodna cev;2.transitive verbnapraviti kanalizacijo, kanaliziratimain sewer — glavni, zbiralni odtočni kanalIII [sjúə]nounhistory ključar -
20 van
(a vehicle for carrying goods on roads or railways: He drives a van; ( also adjective) a van-driver; a vanload of waste paper.) tovornjak* * *I [væn]1.nounvoz za prevoz pohištva; poltovorni (zaprt) dostavni voz (avtomobil); stanovanjski (ciganski, cirkuški) voz; railway pokrit tovorni vagonpolice loud-speaker van — policijski avto z zvočnikom;2.transitive verbprevažati v tovornih vozovih itd.II [væn]1.nounventilator; obsolete velnica, vejalnica (za žito), plalne nečke; poetically krilo; mineralogy izpiranje (rud);2.transitive verb mineralogyizpirati (rude); plati (žito)III [væn]nounmilitary predhodnica, predstraža, sprednja četa; sprednja črta, fronta; nautical čelni oddelek brodovja; figuratively vodja (gibanja); avantgarda, vodstvoin the van of — na čelu (česa), v prvih vrstah, vodilen, na vodilnem mestu ( of scientific progress — znanstvenega napredka)to lead the van — stopati na čelu, kot prvi iti, voditi
См. также в других словарях:
noun — ADJECTIVE ▪ plural, singular ▪ ‘Sheep’ is both a singular and a plural noun. ▪ countable ▪ mass, uncountable ▪ … Collocations dictionary
NOUN — NOU Les Égyptiens ayant conçu la création à l’image de celle de leur pays, lui même considéré comme étant le «don du Nil», le Noun désigne l’océan liquide qui existait avant que le monde ne fût créé. Et, de même que le Nil, lors de la crue, ne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Noun — (noun), n. [OF. noun, nun, num, non, nom, F. nom, fr. L. nomen name. See {Name}.] (Gram.) A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive. [1913 Webster] Note: By some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
noun — [naun] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Anglo French; Origin: name, noun , from Old French nom, from Latin nomen; NOMINAL] a word or group of words that represent a person (such as Michael , teacher or police officer ), a place (such as France or school ),… … Dictionary of contemporary English
noun — (n.) late 14c., from Anglo Fr. noun name, noun, from O.Fr. nom, non (Mod.Fr. nom), from L. nomen name, noun (see NAME (Cf. name) (n.)). Old English used name to mean noun. Related: Nounal … Etymology dictionary
noun — ► NOUN Grammar ▪ a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun) , or to name a particular one of these (proper noun) . ORIGIN Old French, from Latin nomen name … English terms dictionary
noun — Etymology: Middle English nowne, from Anglo French nom, noun name, noun, from Latin nomen more at name Date: 14th century any member of a class of words that typically can be combined with determiners to serve as the subject of a verb, can be… … New Collegiate Dictionary
noun — Grammar a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun). Derivatives nounal adjective Origin ME: from Anglo Norman Fr., from L. nomen… … English new terms dictionary
noun — [noun] n. [ME nowne < OFr noun, nom < L nomen, NAME] Gram. any of a class of words naming or denoting a person, thing, place, action, quality, etc. (Ex.: woman, water, New York, talking, beauty) … English World dictionary
noun — [ naun ] noun count * a word or group of words used for referring to a person, thing, place, or quality . Mother, rope, California, and peace of mind are all nouns … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
noun — A noun is a word that names a person or thing. Common nouns name persons or things which are not peculiar to one example, i.e. are of a general nature (bridge, girl, sugar, unhappiness), whereas proper nouns name persons or things of which there… … Modern English usage