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  • 101 Р-328

    СРЕДНЕЙ РУКИ NP gen Invar nonagreeing modif)
    1. (a person or thing that is) not in any way outstanding
    average run-of-the-mill mediocre a pretty mediocre (sort of...) of a (the) middling sort
    second-rate. "„Дай, думает, зайду в ресторанчик, перекушу". Видит -огни. Чувствует, что где-то не в центре, все, по-видимому, недорого. Входит. Действительно, ресторанчик средней руки» (Булгаков 12). "Til go to some little restaurant,' he thought, 'and have a bite to eat.' He saw a brightly lit restaurant and because it was away from the center he felt it ought not to be too expensive. So in he went and it was, in fact, a pretty mediocre sort of restaurant" (12a).
    Свидригайлов в этой комнате был как у себя и проводил в ней, может быть, целые дни. Трактир был грязный, дрянной и даже не средней руки (Достоевский 3)....Svidrigailov seemed at home in this room and spent, perhaps, whole days in it. The tavern was dirty, wretched, not even of a middling sort (3c).
    Привычки дурно воспитанного барича средней руки остались в нем на всю жизнь... (Герцен 3)....He retained the habits of an ill-bred landowner of the middling sort all his life... (3a).
    2. neither rich nor poor
    of moderate means.
    Если б над Англией не тяготел свинцовый шит феодального землевладения... если б она, как Голландия, могла достигнуть для всех благосостояния мелких лавочников и небогатых хозяев средней руки, - она успокоилась бы на мещанстве (Герцен 3). If England were not weighed down by the leaden shield of feudal landlordship...if, like Holland, she could achieve for everyone the prosperity of small shopkeepers and of patrons of moderate means, she would settle down quietly in her pettiness (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-328

  • 102 средней руки

    [NPgen; Invar; nonagreeing modif]
    1. (a person or thing that is) not in any way outstanding:
    - a pretty mediocre (sort of...);
    - of a < the> middling sort;
    - second-rate.
    ♦ ""Дай, думает, зайду в ресторанчик, перекушу". Видит - огни. Чувствует, что где-то не в центре, все, по-видимому, недорого. Входит. Действительно, ресторанчик средней руки" (Булгаков 12). "Til go to some little restaurant,' he thought, 'and have a bite to eat.' He saw a brightly lit restaurant and because it was away from the center he felt it ought not to be too expensive. So in he went and it was, in fact, a pretty mediocre sort of restaurant" (12a).
         ♦ Свидригайлов в этой комнате был как у себя и проводил в ней, может быть, целые дни. Трактир был грязный, дрянной и даже не средней руки (Достоевский 3)....Svidrigailov seemed at home in this room and spent, perhaps, whole days in it. The tavern was dirty, wretched, not even of a middling sort (3c).
         ♦...Привычки дурно воспитанного барича средней руки остались в нем на всю жизнь... (Герцен 3)....He retained the habits of an ill-bred landowner of the middling sort all his life... (3a).
    2. neither rich nor poor:
    - of moderate means.
         ♦ Если б над Англией не тяготел свинцовый шит феодального землевладения... если б она, как Голландия, могла достигнуть для всех благосостояния мелких лавочников и небогатых хозяев средней руки, - она успокоилась бы на мещанстве (Герцен 3). If England were not weighed down by the leaden shield of feudal landlordship...if, like Holland, she could achieve for everyone the prosperity of small shopkeepers and of patrons of moderate means, she would settle down quietly in her pettiness (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > средней руки

  • 103 in nessun modo

    in nessun modo
    never, in no way
    →  modo
    in nessun modo
    in no way, not in any way
    →  nessuno

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > in nessun modo

  • 104 EHUA

    A.\EHUA êhua > êhua-.
    *\EHUA v.i., partir, s'enfuir.
    Esp., partirse. Carochi.
    Angl., to depart, to rise, to go (K).
    " teîxpampa êhuac ", il s'enfuit hors de vue. Launey II 188 = Sah7,8.
    " êhua, patlâni ", elle s'enfuit, elle s'envole - she flies up, she flies away.
    Est dit d'une perdrix. Sah11,49.
    " êhuaqueh, têtlalcâhuihqueh, oncân têcâuhtiyahqueh ", ils sont partis. ils ont laissé des gens sur place, ils ont laissé là des gens.
    Sah10,192 = Launey II 272.
    *\EHUA avec préfixe directionnel: " onêhua ", il part (d'ici pour s'éloigner).
    " in nicân onêhuayah mexihco ", ils partaient d'ici, de Mexico. Sah7,27.
    " oncân onêhuaqueh âcaltica ", ils sont partis de là en barque. Sah12,13.
    " huâlêhua ", il part (de là bas, pour venir ici).
    " quin ihcuâc in ôcalaquito îcalaquiyân tônatiuh, ye nô cueleh ic hualêhuac in mêtztli ", ce n'est que quand le soleil eut disparu au couchant qu'à son tour la lune s'avança.
    Launey II 190.
    *\EHUA avec têhuîc, s'emporter contre quelqu'un.
    " mâ têhuîc têhua ", ne t'emporte contre personne. Sah6,91 (teoa).
    " mâ nô îtlah ic têhuîc têhua ", aussi ne t'emporte contre personne pour un rien - and also do not rise up against one for something. Sah6,91 (tehoa).
    *\EHUA avec îxco, s'attaquer à.
    " intlâ occeppa îxco êhuazqueh âltepêtl cuauhtitlan niman aocmo tlaôclîlôzqueh ", s'ils attaquent une fois encore la communauté de Cuauhtitlan ils n'auront plus droit à l'indulgence.
    W.Lehmann 1938,240.
    " têîxco, têicpac êhua ", elle est irrespectueuse.
    Est dit dit de la mauvaise fillette, conêtl. Sah10,47.
    " têca momôtla, têîxco êhua ", elle est effrontée, irrespectueuse - she shows effrontery, is rude. Est dit d'une mauvaise fille noble. Sah10,48.
    *\EHUA v.inanimé, être entonné, en parlant d'un chant.
    " in cuîcatl in êhua îtôcâ tlaxotêcayôtl, îcuîc in Huitzilopochtli ", le chant qui est entonné a comme nom tlaxotecayotl, le chant de Huitzilopochtli. Sah2,141.
    " cencah înhuîc êhuac, quintlahêltih ", cela les a beaucoup révolté, cela les a dégoûté. Sah12,21.
    B.\EHUA êhua > êuh.
    *\EHUA v.t. tê-. ou tla-.,
    1.\EHUA lever, soulever quelqu'un ou quelque chose qui est couché.
    " in ihcuâc ye quihuilanah ahquêhuah, cencah yetic ", alors ils le traîne, il ne le lève pas, c'est très lourd - when already they heaved at it, they did not move it. Very heavy was it. Sah3.27 le même texte reprend " auh zan niman ahmo quêhuah ", mais ils ne le soulèvent pas du tout - but they did not in any way raise it. Sah3,28.
    2.\EHUA détacher (un morceau de pierre) d'un bloc.
    " niquêhua in itztli ", je fais sauter un éclat d'obsidienne - I flake the obsidian. Sah11,227.
    3.\EHUA composer, improviser quelque chose.
    " mochi yectli, mochi cualli, mochi mâhuiztic in quihtoa, in quitênêhua, in quitênquîxtia, in quêhua ", ce qu'il dit, ce qu'il énonce, ce qu'il prononce, ce qu'il compose est tout beau, tout bon, tout admirable - what he says, mentions, repeats, composes, is all wholesome, good, honorable. Est dit d'un prince, tlazohpilli. Sah10,16.
    4.\EHUA entonner (un chant), chanter.
    " ic ôncân pêuh quêuh îcuîc ", pour la deuxième fois il commença à chanter ce chant.
    Launey II 195. Cf. la version de W.Lehmann 1938,88.
    " cuîcaqueh in quêuhqueh ", 'ils entonnèrent ce chant'. Launey II 198 = W.Lehmann 1938,89.
    " inic mahmâcêhuayah quêhuayah ", pendant qu'ils dansaient, ils entonnaient (ce chant). Sah2,84.
    " tlaêhua ", entonner. SIS 1952,315.
    " tlaêhua, tlacuîquêhua ", il chante, chante le chant des autres - he sings songs, sings others' songs. Est dit du chanteur. Sah10.29.
    " huel iuh tlathui, in quêhuah ", jusqu'au lever du jour ils chantent. Sah9,40.
    " quêhuah ânâhuacayôtl ahnôzo xopancuîcatl ", ils entonnent des chants à la manière de l'Anahuac ou bien des chants du printemps - they entoned a song after the manner of Anauac, or the flower song. Sah9,41.
    " quêhuayah quêhuiliâyah in îcuîc ", elles entonnaient leur chant, elles l'entonnaient pour elle. Sah2,104.
    *\EHUA v.réfl., " mêhua ", partir pour qq. part, fuir, sortir du sommeil.
    Esp., levantarse de dormir, o de donde esta echando (M).
    " mozcaliah, moholiniah, mocuecuechiniah, mêhuah, mehêhuah ", ils revivent, ils bougent, ils se remuent, ils se lèvent, ils se lèvent les uns après les autres - they revived, moved, continued to stir, and rose up; they arose one by one.
    Décrit le réveil de ceux qui ont été ensorcelés. Sah4,105.
    " mêhuah in tlahtoani îhuân in têuctlahtohqueh ", le souverain et les juges se lèvent. Sah8,64.
    " in nênnemi in nêncochi in nênmêhua ", il vit en vain, il dort en vain, il s'éveille en vain. Sah6,7 (nenmeva)
    *\EHUA v.réfl. à sens passif,
    1.\EHUA on le lève.
    " înpetl mêhua ", on lève leur natte. Sah6,132.
    2.\EHUA on l'entonne (en parlant d'un chant).
    " in cuîcatl, in mêhuaya zan oncân quipictihcaca ", le chant que l'on chante, était inventé là - the song which was chanted he only there had been invented.
    " intlâ huexotzincayôtl mêhuaz cuîcatl, in iuh mochîhuah huexotzincah ", si un chant à la manière de Huexotzinco est entonné, ils s'habillent à la manière des habitants de Huexotzinco. Sah8,45.
    " ca ommêhua ca ommihtoa in îcuîcayo ", son chant est entonné, il est proclamé - his song is intoned ; it is told. Sah6,114 (onmeoa).
    Note: Danièle Greco dans 'La naissance du maïs, conte nahuatl de la Huasteca (Mexique)'. Amérindia 14 page 176 note 14 signale que êhua. 'venir de', employé en suffixe verbal signifie 'commencer à'.
    *\EHUA v.bitrans. motê-., faire partir quelqu'un.
    " tiquinmêhuatîhuih ", nous allons les faire partir (inaccompli de la conjugaison extroverse).
    Chim. 3ème Rel. 4 = 68v. (tiquinmehuatihui).

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > EHUA

  • 105 душа

    1) (по религиозным представлениям, бессмертная духовная сущность человека; дух) soul

    бессме́ртная душа́ — immortal soul

    ду́ши уме́рших — souls of the dead

    мирова́я душа́ филос. — the universal soul / spirit

    взять грех на́ душу — take a sin upon one's soul

    в глубине́ души́ — at heart, in one's heart of hearts

    всей душо́й — with all one's heart and soul

    от (всей) души́ — with all one's heart, whole-heartedly; from the bottom of one's heart

    пода́рок от (всей) души́ — an openhearted gift

    все́ми си́лами души́ — with every fibre of one's being, with all one's heart

    у тебя́ души́ нет! — you've got no soul!

    до́брая [ни́зменная, проста́я, чёрствая] душа́ — good [mean, simple, callous] soul

    4) (рд.; вдохновитель чего-л) the soul (of), moving spirit (of)

    душа́ о́бщества — the life and soul of the party

    5) ( человек) soul, person

    по пять рубле́й с души́ — five roubles per head

    на ду́шу — per head, per capita

    дохо́д на ду́шу населе́ния — per capita income

    ни (одно́й живо́й) души́ — not a (living) soul

    в семье́ пять душ уст.there are five in the family

    [Мёртвые ду́ши] — "Dead Souls" (famous novel by N. Gogol)


    бума́жная / черни́льная душа́ — paper shuffler / pusher

    за́ячья душа́ — chicken; yellowbelly

    прода́жная душа́ — см. продажный

    у неё широ́кая душа́ — she has a generous nature

    душа́ боли́т (за вн.)smb's heart aches (for)

    душа́ моя́! — my dear!

    души́ не ча́ять (в пр.)worship (d), dote (upon)

    душо́й и те́лом — body and soul

    ни душо́й ни те́лом — in no respect; not in any way

    без души́ — cold-heartedly

    брать за́ душу — touch [grip at] the heart

    в душе́ — 1) ( про себя) at heart, in one's heart (of hearts) 2) ( по природе) by nature, innately

    в чём то́лько душа́ де́ржится / те́плится — ≈ he looks as if he were about to give up the ghost

    вкла́дывать ду́шу (в вн.)put one's heart and soul (into)

    вытя́гивать / выма́тывать ду́шу из кого́-лwear smb out

    говори́ть по душа́м с кем-лhave a heart-to-heart talk with smb

    для души́ — for the good of one's soul; ( для удовольствия) for pleasure

    до глубины́ души́ — to the innermost of one's heart

    жить душа́ в ду́шу — live in (perfect) harmony / concord

    криви́ть душо́й — act against one's conscience

    ле́зть в ду́шу (к) кому́-л разг. — ≈ (try to) worm oneself into smb's confidence

    меня́ с души́ воро́тит от э́того — it turns my stomach ['stʌmək]

    мне э́то по душе́ (нравится) — I like it; it's to my liking

    не име́ть гроша́ за душо́й — ≈ not have a penny to one's name

    отвести́ ду́шу — 1) ( удовлетворить какое-л сильное желание) satisfy one's heart's desire 2) (поделиться своими переживаниями; тж. изли́ть / облегчи́ть ду́шу) unburden [pour out] one's heart

    с душо́й — with feeling

    рабо́тать с душо́й — put one's heart into one's work

    с дорого́й душо́й разг. — willingly, gladly

    с откры́той душо́й — openheartedly

    ско́лько душе́ уго́дно — to one's heart's content

    стоя́ть над душо́й у кого́-л — breathe down smb's neck; look over smb's shoulder

    тяну́ть ду́шу из кого́-лput smb through torture

    не тяни́ ду́шу, расска́зывай! — don't beat about the bush, come to the point!

    у меня́ душа́ не лежи́т (к) — I have a distaste (for)

    у меня́ душа́ не на ме́сте — I am uneasy / anxious

    у него́ душа́ в пя́тки ушла́ — ≈ his heart sank into his boots; he has his heart in his mouth

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > душа

  • 106 negro

    1 black, jet, black-colored, ebony.
    2 bleak.
    1 black, black colour, black color.
    2 black man, Black, nigger, Negro.
    * * *
    1 (gen) black
    2 (oscuro) dark
    3 (bronceado) brown, tanned, suntanned
    4 (poco favorable) awful, terrible
    5 (cine, novela) detective
    6 (tabaco) black
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 (hombre) black (man); (mujer) black (woman)
    1 (color) black
    2 (escritor) ghostwriter
    3 (tabaco) black tobacco
    estar negro,-a familiar (enfadado) to be cross 2 (bronceado) to be really brown, be really tanned
    negro,-a como la boca de lobo pitch-black
    negro,-a como un tizón as black as coal
    pasarlas negras familiar to have a rough time of it
    poner negro,-a a alguien to drive somebody up the wall
    ponerse negro,-a (persona) to get angry, get mad 2 (ambiente, situación) to look bad
    tenerla negra familiar to be unlucky
    trabajar como un negro to work like a dog, work like a slave
    verlo todo negro to be very pessimistic
    verse negro,-a para hacer algo to have a tough time doing something
    vérselas negras familiar to have a tough time
    1 (color) black
    2 (escritor) ghostwriter
    3 (tabaco) black tobacco
    * * *
    1. (f. - negra)
    2. (f. - negra)
    2) disastrous, awful
    * * *
    negro, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) [color, pelo] black; [ojos, tabaco] dark; [raza] black, Negro
    2) (=moreno) [piel] dark, swarthy; [por el sol] tanned, brown

    ponerse negro — to go brown, tan

    3) (=sucio) filthy, black
    4) [estado de ánimo, humor] black, gloomy; [suerte] terrible, atrocious

    la cosa se pone negra — it's not going well, it looks bad

    lo ve todo negro — he always sees the negative side of things, he's terribly pessimistic about everything

    - verse negro
    - vérselas negras
    5) * (=enfadado) cross, peeved *

    poner negro a algn — to make sb cross, upset sb

    ponerse negro — to get cross, cut up rough

    6) (=ilegal) black
    7) (Pol) fascist
    2. SM
    1) (=color) black

    en negro — (Fot) in black and white

    2) Caribe (=café) black coffee
    3. SM / F
    1) (=persona) black, coloured person , Negro

    ¡no somos negros! — we won't stand for it!, you can't do that to us!

    2) * (=escritor) ghostwriter

    mi negro And, Cono Sur * (=cariño) darling, honey

    * * *
    - gra adjetivo
    a) <pelo/ropa> black; < ojos> dark

    negro como el carbón or un tizón — as black as coal o soot

    b) (fam) ( por el sol) tanned
    c) ( sombrío) black, gloomy

    pasarlas negras — (fam) to have a rough time of it (colloq)

    vérselas negras — (fam)

    2) <hombre/raza/piel> black
    masculino ( color) black
    - gra masculino, femenino ( de raza negra) black person
    * * *
    - gra adjetivo
    a) <pelo/ropa> black; < ojos> dark

    negro como el carbón or un tizón — as black as coal o soot

    b) (fam) ( por el sol) tanned
    c) ( sombrío) black, gloomy

    pasarlas negras — (fam) to have a rough time of it (colloq)

    vérselas negras — (fam)

    2) <hombre/raza/piel> black
    masculino ( color) black
    - gra masculino, femenino ( de raza negra) black person
    * * *
    1 = black, negro [negroes, -pl.], nigger, hack, ghost writer, black man, coloured man.

    Ex: Only blacks had both a social and a moral condition; only women had both a history and a condition.

    Ex: Why do only Catholics, Jews, Negroes, and women transcend their particular nationality?.
    Ex: KAFIRS, which LC recently changed, is the equivalent of niggers.
    Ex: Such commissioning of books of this sort does not in any way imply that the author is working as a hack.
    Ex: Thus the sportsman who cannot express himself well in writing can still put over ideas for his ghost writer to transcribe.
    Ex: But he will soon discover that even then all the accidents of birth, upbringing, education, and social history will prevent his truly knowing the very thing he wants to know -- how can a white man experience directly what it means to be a black man.
    Ex: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.
    * autobiografía escrita por un negro = ghosted autobiography.
    * escribir como negro = ghosting.
    * escribir en calidad de negro = ghost.
    * escrito por un negro = ghosted, ghost-written.
    * hombre negro = black man, coloured man.
    * inglés hablado por los negros = Ebonics.
    * persona de raza negra = black.

    2 = black [blacker -comp., blackest -sup.].

    Ex: Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.

    * aguas negras = waste water [wastewater], sewage, sewerage.
    * bestia negra = bête noire.
    * blanco y negro = black & white.
    * caja negra = flight recorder.
    * caja negra, la = black box, the.
    * comedia de humor negro = black comedy.
    * de pelo negro = dark-haired.
    * dinero negro = undeclared income, grey money [gray money], black money.
    * en blanco y negro = b&w (black and white).
    * espino negro = blackthorn, blackthorn tree.
    * espiritual negro = spiritual.
    * hacérselas pasar negras a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hielo negro = black ice.
    * lengua negra = hairy tongue.
    * lingua negra = lingua negra.
    * mano negra = schemer.
    * marea negra = oil slick.
    * Mar Negro = Black Sea.
    * martes negro = Black Tuesday.
    * mercado negro = black market.
    * minoría negra = black minority.
    * mosca negra = black fly.
    * muñeco negro de trapo = golly, gollywog.
    * música espiritual negra = gospel music.
    * negro como boca de lobo = pitch-black.
    * negro como el azabache = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * negro como el carbón = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * negro como el tizón = pitch-black, pitch-dark.
    * negro de humo = lampblack.
    * negro rojizo = reddish black.
    * negro sobre fondo blanco = black on white.
    * novela negra = crime fiction, crime novel.
    * oso negro = black bear.
    * oso negro americano = black bear.
    * oveja negra de la familia, la = black sheep of the family, the.
    * pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time.
    * peste negra, la = Black Death, the.
    * punto negro = blackhead.
    * ser de raza negra o de piel morena = be coloured.
    * vérselas negras = jump through + hoops, have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre, have + a devil of a time.
    * verse negro = have + Posesivo + work cut out for + Pronombre, have + Posesivo + job cut out for + Pronombre.

    * * *
    1 [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] ‹color/pelo/ropa› black; ‹ojos› dark
    mira qué negro está el cielo look how dark o black the sky is
    tienes las manos negras your hands are black o filthy
    poner negro a algn ( fam); to drive sb crazy o up the wall ( colloq)
    2 ( fam) (por el sol) tanned, brown ( BrE)
    se pone negra enseguida she tans o ( BrE) goes brown very quickly
    3 (sombrío) black, gloomy, bleak
    lo ve todo tan negro she's always so pessimistic, she always takes such a gloomy view of things
    pasarlas negras ( fam); to have a rough o tough time of it ( colloq)
    se las vio negras para terminarlo he had a tough time finishing it ( colloq)
    B ‹hombre/raza/piel› black
    la población negra the black population
    A masculine jet black
    B adj inv jet-black
    masculine, feminine
    A (de raza negra) black person trabajar vi B. (↑ trabajar)
    B ( period) (escritor) ghost writer
    * * *


    negro 1
    ◊ - gra adjetivo

    a)pelo/hombre/raza black;

    ojos dark
    b) (fam) ( por el sol) tanned

    pasarlas negras (fam) to have a rough time of it (colloq)
    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino ( persona de raza negra) black person
    negro 2 sustantivo masculino ( color) black
    I adjetivo
    1 black
    (bronceado) suntanned
    pan negro, brown bread
    (oscuro) estaba negro como boca de lobo, it was pitch-black
    2 (muy sucio) filthy, black
    3 (suerte, situación) awful
    un día negro, a black day
    (lóbrego, triste) gloomy
    4 (furioso) furious: ese ruido me pone negra, that noise drives me up the wall
    5 (raza, música) black
    6 (no legalizado) mercado negro, black market
    II m,f (hombre) black man
    (mujer) black woman
    III sustantivo masculino
    1 (color) black
    siempre viste de negro, she always dresses in black
    2 (tabaco) black tobacco
    3 (escritor anónimo) ghostwriter
    IV sustantivo femenino
    1 Mús crotchet, US quarter note
    2 (mala suerte) la negra, bad luck
    ♦ Locuciones: tener la negra, to be very unlucky: últimamente mi hermana tiene la negra, my sister's been having a run of bad luck recently
    vérselas negras para hacer algo, to have a tough time doing sthg
    ' negro' also found in these entries:
    - cielo
    - decidirse
    - dinero
    - fanática
    - fanático
    - fotografía
    - ir
    - garbanzo
    - humor
    - incondicional
    - mercado
    - negra
    - pantalla
    - pozo
    - tabaco
    - tizón
    - vestirse
    - azabache
    - blanco
    - café
    - carbón
    - chocolate
    - cinturón
    - ennegrecer
    - espiritual
    - frijol
    - manía
    - oro
    - televisión
    - black hole
    - blackhead
    - buckwheat
    - cesspit
    - dappled
    - dark
    - dismal
    - fill out
    - ghostwriter
    - haul
    - intersperse
    - jet black
    - launder
    - laundering
    - monochrome
    - negro
    - nigger
    - normally
    - obtainable
    - off-day
    - or
    - pitch-black
    - pitch-dark
    - questionnaire
    - sick
    - the
    - turn
    - brown
    - change
    - coffee
    - ebony
    - edge
    - in
    - jet
    - Negro
    - slave
    - spiritual
    * * *
    negro, -a
    1. [color] black;
    estos pantalones están negros these Br trousers o US pants are filthy o absolutely black;
    negro como el carbón as black as coal
    2. [bronceado] tanned;
    estar negro to have a deep tan
    3. [pan] brown
    4. [tabaco] black, dark
    5. [raza] black
    6. [suerte] awful, rotten;
    [porvenir] black, gloomy;
    llevo una tarde negra I'm having a terrible afternoon;
    ver(lo) todo negro to be pessimistic;
    pasarlas negras to have a hard time
    7. Fam [furioso] furious, fuming;
    me pone negro que nunca me avisen de nada it makes me mad that they never tell me anything
    8. [ilegal] [trabajo] illegal, in the black economy;
    [mercado] black; [dinero] dirty;
    en negro [trabajo, dinero] undeclared;
    [trabajar, cobrar] illegally, on the black economy
    9. Cine
    cine negro film noir
    1. [de raza negra] black man, f black woman;
    trabajar como un negro to work like a slave
    2. Fam [escritor] ghost writer
    1. [color] black;
    el negro es mi color favorito black is my favourite colour
    2. [tabaco] black o dark tobacco
    3. Ven Fam [café] black coffee
    * * *
    I adj black;
    estar negro fam be furious;
    poner negro a alguien fam make s.o. furious, make s.o. see red;
    verse negro para hacer algo fam have one’s work cut out to do sth;
    las he pasado negras I’ve had a rough time
    II m
    1 black man;
    trabajar como un negro fam work one’s butt off fam
    2 L.Am. ( querido) honey, dear
    * * *
    negro, - gra adj
    1) : black, dark
    2) bronceado: suntanned
    3) : gloomy, awful, desperate
    la cosa se está poniendo negra: things are looking bad
    mercado negro : black market
    negro, - gra n
    1) : dark-skinned person, black person
    2) fam : darling, dear
    negro nm
    : black (color)
    * * *
    negro1 adj black
    negro2 n
    1. (color) black
    2. (persona) black man [pl. men] / black woman [pl. women]

    Spanish-English dictionary > negro

  • 107 connect

    1. II
    connect in some manner connect well (firmly, loosely, etc.) хорошо /плотно/ и т. д. соединяться; the two parts do not connect properly эти две части не соединяются / не подогнаны/ как следует
    2. III
    connect smth., smb. connect pipes (the two wires, circuits, two buildings, two banks of a river, two families, etc.) соединять трубы и т. д.
    3. IV
    connect smth. at some time I have never connected these two ideas я никогда не связывал вместе эти два понятия
    4. XI
    1) be connected is the gas (the telephone, etc.) connected? газ и т. д. подключен?; you are connected соединяю, говорите (слова телефонистки)', be connected to smb., smth. I was again connected to the wrong person меня опять неправильно соединили, я не туда попал (о разговоре по телефону), be connected in some manner make sure the machine is connected properly before you press the button прежде чем нажимать кнопку, проверьте, правильно ли машина включена в сеть
    2) be connected in some manner be closely (remotely, indissolubly, etc.) connected быть тесно и т. д. связанным, иметь непосредственное и т. д. отношение (к чему-л.); the two words are etymologically connected эти два слова этимологически связаны; be well connected a) иметь хорошие связи; б) иметь влиятельных родственников; be highly connected а) иметь связи в высоких /в высших/ сферах; б) иметь высокопоставленных родственников; these events are not in any way connected эти события никак не связаны между собой; be connected by smth. the two towns are connected by a railway эти два города соединены /соединяются/ железной дорогой; these islands are connected by telegraph между этими островами есть телеграфная связь; be connected with smth. be connected with a newspaper (with the iron industry, with a banking house, with a foreign firm, with astronomy, etc.) быть связанным с газетой и т. д., иметь отношении к газете и т. д., industries connected with transport отрасли промышленности, связанные с транспортом; what firm are you connected with? в какой фирме вы работаете?, с какой фирмой вы связаны?; he asked questions connected with this matter он задавал вопросы, имеющие отношение к этому делу; be connected with smb. be connected with the family (with these people, with the Smiths, etc.) иметь родственные связи с этой семьей и т. д.; I am only distantly connected with her она приходится мне дальней родственницей; be connected by smth. the two families are connected by marriage эти семьи состоят в свойстве; be connected with smb., smth. by smth. be connected with her (him) by marriage находиться в родственных отношениях /быть родственниками/ по мужу (жене); be connected with him by close ties of friendship быть связанным с ним тесными узами дружбы; he's connected with his friends by telephone он общается со своими друзьями по телефону; be connected with the lilainland by a steamer service (with the country by a motor-bus service, etc.) быть связанным с материком пароходным сообщением и т. д.
    3) be connected with smth., smb. there are many traditions connected with marriage со свадьбой связано множество традиций; this technique is connected with the name of Dickens этот прием связан с именем Диккенса; he is connected with this family он имеет отношение к этой семье; be connected somewhere these two things are always connected in my mind я всегда мысленно связываю эти две вещи, эти две вещи у меня всегда ассоциируются
    5. XVI
    1) connect with smth. connect with the main street (with the bathroom, with the study, etc.) соединяться с центральной улицей и т. д., side streets that connect with the main arteries переулки, которые вливаются в /выходят на/ главную магистраль; this sentence doesn't seem to connect with the context это предложение, по-моему, не связано с текстом
    2) connect with smth. the train (the bus, the steamer, etc) connects with local buses (with another train, etc.) расписание поезда и т. д. согласовано с расписанием местных автобусов и т. д.; connect at some place these trains connect at New York в Нью-Йорке можно пересесть с этого поезда на тот; all trains connect with buses at this station на этой станции ко всем поездам подаются автобусы
    6. XVIII
    connect oneself with smth. connect oneself with this firm (with industry, with aviation, etc.) быть связанным по работе с этой фирмой и т. д.
    7. XXI1
    №. connect smth. with smth. this airline connects Paris with all the large towns (the islands with mainland telegraphically, etc.) эта авиалиния соединяет Париж со всеми крупными городами и т. д.; connect the gas stove with the gas pipe подключать плиту к газовой трубе; connect theory with practice (science with industry, etc.) соединять /сочетать/ теорию с практикой и т д.; the traditions that connect the present with the past традиции, которые связывают настоящее с прошлым; connect smb. with smb., smth. connect smb. with his chief (with the office, etc.) соединять кого-л. с начальником и т. д.; please connect me with Mr. Smith (with the hospital, etc.) пожалуйста, соедините меня с мастером Смитом и т. д.; connect smth. by smth. connect two buildings by a gallery (the two wings by a vaulted passage, the parks by a covered walk, two banks of a river by a bridge, two towns by a railway line, two families by marriage, etc.) соединять /связывать/ два здания галереей и т. д.; connect smth. to smth. please connect these wires to the battery пожалуйста, присоедините эти провода к батарее; connect the set to earth заземлить приемник
    connect smth., smb. with smth., smb. connect war with fascism (Malays with rubber and tin, etc.) ассоциировать /связывать/ войну с фашизмом и т. д.; connect smb. with theatre (with these events, etc.) связывать /ассоциировать/ кого-л. с театром и т. д.; we connect the suffix connected with the idea of past action суффикс -ed связывается с понятием о действии, совершенном в прошлом; we connect American car industry with Ford у нас американская автомобильная промышленность связывается с именем Форда

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > connect

  • 108 a freak of nature

    урод, уродец [этим. лат. lusus naturae]

    His dimensions while unusual and a little startling at first sight, were not abnormal. He was not in any way a freak of nature, although some people might think so. (Th. Wolfe, ‘The Web and the Rock’, ch. 15) — Огромный рост Джорджа Уэббера производил на первый взгляд чуть ли не устрашающее впечатление, но это не было уродство. Джордж во всех отношениях был вполне нормальным человеком. Хотя кое-кто думал иначе.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > a freak of nature

  • 109 bring smb. into the picture

    (bring smb. (или smth.) into the picture)
    упоминать, затрагивать кого-л. (или что-л.); коснуться чего-л.

    ‘Don't you think I ought to stay here with you? You may need me as a witness that he attacked you...’ ‘No, Steve. I'm afraid I may have to pretend I was alone. Unless it becomes absolutely necessary to bring you into the picture, I think I'd rather not.’ (G. Gordon, ‘Let the Day Perish’, ch. XLIII) — - А не лучше ли мне задержаться? Я ведь могу потребоваться тебе как свидетель, чтобы показать, что это Босман напал на тебя... - Нет, Стив, не надо. Боюсь, мне придется сделать вид, что я был один. Я бы предпочел оставить тебя в тени, если, конечно, не возникнет необходимости в твоих показаниях.

    He could not see any way of solving the London traffic problem without bringing the railway companies into the picture. (‘Daily Telegraph’, OED) — Он считал, что решить проблему уличного движения в Лондоне можно только с привлечением железнодорожных компаний.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > bring smb. into the picture

  • 110 keineswegs

    1. anything but
    2. by no means
    3. not in any way
    4. not remotely

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > keineswegs

  • 111 لا علاقة له بـ

    لا عَلاقَةَ لَهُ بِـ \ irrelevant: not concerned with, not in any way related to the subject: If you are appointing a good teacher, his height is quite irrelevant.

    Arabic-English dictionary > لا علاقة له بـ

  • 112 данное обстоятельство никоим образом не повлияет (на что-л.)

    Law: this shall not in any way affect or impair

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > данное обстоятельство никоим образом не повлияет (на что-л.)

  • 113 никоим образом не отражать политику либо взгляды Правительства Соединённого Королевства или Министерства иностранных дел

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > никоим образом не отражать политику либо взгляды Правительства Соединённого Королевства или Министерства иностранных дел

  • 114 данное обстоятельство никоим образом не повлияет

    Law: (на что-л.) this shall not in any way affect or impair

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > данное обстоятельство никоим образом не повлияет

  • 115 negro1

    1 = black, negro [negroes, -pl.], nigger, hack, ghost writer, black man, coloured man.
    Ex. Only blacks had both a social and a moral condition; only women had both a history and a condition.
    Ex. Why do only Catholics, Jews, Negroes, and women transcend their particular nationality?.
    Ex. KAFIRS, which LC recently changed, is the equivalent of niggers.
    Ex. Such commissioning of books of this sort does not in any way imply that the author is working as a hack.
    Ex. Thus the sportsman who cannot express himself well in writing can still put over ideas for his ghost writer to transcribe.
    Ex. But he will soon discover that even then all the accidents of birth, upbringing, education, and social history will prevent his truly knowing the very thing he wants to know -- how can a white man experience directly what it means to be a black man.
    Ex. He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.
    * autobiografía escrita por un negro = ghosted autobiography.
    * escribir como negro = ghosting.
    * escribir en calidad de negro = ghost.
    * escrito por un negro = ghosted, ghost-written.
    * hombre negro = black man, coloured man.
    * inglés hablado por los negros = Ebonics.
    * persona de raza negra = black.

    Spanish-English dictionary > negro1

  • 116 Έπίασσα

    Grammatical information: f.
    Meaning: surname of Demeter (H.).
    Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
    Etymology: Old ptc.with zero grade = ἐπ-ιοῦσα like ἔασσα = ( ἐ)οῦσα, ἕκασσα = ἑκοῦσα; Skt. yatī́ `going', IE *i̯-n̥t- beside *i̯-ont- in ἰ-όντ-ος etc. Schwyzer 525, Chantraine Formation 103f. Doubtful. This etymology is not in any way confirmed.
    Page in Frisk: 1,535

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > Έπίασσα

  • 117 ergens geen gat meer in zien

    ergens geen gat meer in zien
    not see any way ahead/out, be up against a brick wall

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > ergens geen gat meer in zien

  • 118 gat

    [door geweld/slijtage ontstane opening] hole gap, dijk, muur ook breach
    [met opzet gemaakte opening] hole gap, opening
    [uitholling] hole cavity
    [afgelegen stadje/dorp] hole dump
    [kont] bottom butt
    [meervoud] [ogen] 〈zie voorbeelden 6
    [verwonding] cut gash
    [geldwezen] deficit
    1   sterrenkundezwart gat black hole
         een gat dichten stop a hole/gap
         een gat maken in make a hole in (something)
         figuurlijkeen gat in de lucht springen jump for joy
         figuurlijkeen gat in de dag slapen sleep far into the day/oversleep for hours
         hij heeft een gat in z'n hand figuurlijk he has a hole in his pocket
         een gat in zijn/haar hand hebben figuurlijk ook spend money like water
    2   iemand het gat van de deur wijzen show someone the door
         figuurlijkeen gat in de markt ontdekken discover a gap/hole in the market
         ergens geen gat meer in zien not see any way ahead/out, be up against a brick wall
    3   een weg vol kuilen en gaten a road full of potholes
         een gat in je kies a hole/cavity in your tooth
    5   hij liep in z'n blote gat he walked around (in the) nude
         vulgairzijn gat aan iemand afvegen treat someone like shit
         vulgairiemand z'n gat likken lick someone's arse/ Aass, suck up to someone
         iemand (steeds) achter zijn luie gat moeten zitten (have to) breathe down someone's neck, keep on at someone
         op z'n (luie) gat zitten sit (back) on one's ass
         figuurlijkdat ligt op zijn gat that's on its last legs, that's had it
    6   iets in de gaten hebben realize/be aware of something
         iemand/iets in de gaten houden keep an eye on someone/something
         niets in de gaten hebben be quite unaware of anything
         iets in de gaten krijgen realize/become aware of something; informeel Awise up (to)
         hij kreeg in de gaten dat … he realized that …
         in de gaten lopen attract (too much) attention
    7   zij viel een gat in haar hoofd she fell and cut her head
    8   het ene gat met het andere stoppen rob Peter to pay Paul
         er is een gat van enige tonnen there is a deficit of several hundred thousand
    ¶   sporter vielen steeds meer gaten in de verdediging there were more and more gaps in the defence

    Van Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > gat

  • 119 qualsiasi

    qualsiasi cosa faccia whatever I do
    * * *
    qualsiasi letter. qualsisia, qualsivoglia qualunque.
    * * *
    [kwal'siasi] 1.
    aggettivo indefinito invariabile

    "qualsiasi riferimento a fatti o persone è puramente casuale" — "any similarity with people or events is purely coincidental"

    qualsiasi persona — anybody, anyone

    in qualsiasi momento — anytime, at any time

    a qualsiasi costo, prezzo — at any cost, price, whatever the cost, price

    2) (insignificante) ordinary, common

    qualsiasi decisione si prendawhatever o whichever decision we take

    * * *
    I agg.indef.inv.
     1 (qualunque) any; qualsiasi penna andrà bene any pen will do; "qualsiasi riferimento a fatti o persone è puramente casuale" "any similarity with people or events is purely coincidental"; qualsiasi persona anybody, anyone; in qualsiasi posto anywhere; in qualsiasi momento anytime, at any time; a qualsiasi costo, prezzo at any cost, price, whatever the cost, price; in qualsiasi modo in any way; dipende da lei per qualsiasi cosa he relies on her for everything; farebbe qualsiasi cosa per lei he'd do anything for her; uno qualsiasi any one; uno studente qualsiasi any student; un qualsiasi oggetto che tagli any sharp object; se per un qualsiasi motivo non potesse venire if for any reason he couldn't come; con un pretesto qualsiasi on some pretext or other
     2 (insignificante) ordinary, common; una ragazza qualsiasi an ordinary girl; non è uno qualsiasi he's not just anybody
    II agg.rel.inv.
      (fra un numero indeterminato di elementi) whatever; (fra un numero limitato di elementi) whichever; qualsiasi decisione si prenda whatever o whichever decision we take; accetta qualsiasi lavoro gli offrano he accepts whatever job he's offered; da qualsiasi parte andiamo whichever way we go; qualsiasi cosa whatever; qualsiasi cosa egli abbia fatto no matter what he did; qualsiasi cosa accada whatever happens.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > qualsiasi

  • 120 nicht vor

    - {not till; not until} = gar nicht {none; not at all}+ = ist nicht {ain't; isn't}+ = ehe nicht {not until}+ = nicht mehr {no longer; no more; not any longer}+ = kann nicht {cannot}+ = nicht wohl {seedy; unwell}+ = darf nicht {must not}+ = nicht fest {non-solid}+ = nicht fein {unladylike}+ = nicht klar {turbid}+ = auch nicht {either; neither; nor; nor yet; not either}+ = noch nicht {not yet}+ = wenn nicht {but; unless}+ = hatte nicht {had not; hadn't}+ = damit nicht {lest}+ = bevor nicht {not until}+ = falls nicht {unless}+ = das zieht nicht {that cuts no ice}+ = warum nicht? {why not?}+ = es geht nicht {it won't work}+ = nicht so bald {not in a hurry}+ = es eilt nicht {there's no hurry}+ = das tut nicht weh {that won't hurt}+ = das geht nicht an {that won't do}+ = gar nicht übel {not half bad}+ = ich darf nicht {I am not at liberty; I must not}+ = ich auch nicht {me neither; nor I either}+ = nicht mehr als {within}+ = das sage ich nicht {that is telling}+ = das ist nicht drin {that's no go}+ = das ist nicht ohne {that's not half bad}+ = schon gar nicht {least of all}+ = er ist nicht da {he is not in}+ = lange nicht tun {to be slow to do}+ = das liegt mir nicht {that's not in my way}+ = das heißt nicht viel {that doesn't mean a lot}+ = das juckt mich nicht {I don't care about}+ = das reizt mich nicht {that doesn't appeal to me}+ = er wird nicht alt {he won't make old bones}+ = es ist nicht klug {it doesn't do to be}+ = ich weiß nicht ob {I don't know that}+ = er zählt nicht mit {he is a back number}+ = es liegt mir nicht {it is not in my nature}+ = rede nicht so laut {don't talk so loud}+ = auch nicht so viel {not a dreg}+ = lüg mich nicht an! {don't lie to me!}+ = genier dich nicht! {make yourself at home!}+ = ganz und gar nicht {not a bit of it; not at all}+ = das ist gar nicht übel {that isn't half bad}+ = es taugt nicht viel {it isn't much good}+ = es lohnt sich nicht {it doesn't pay}+ = reg dich nicht auf! {don't get off your bike!; keep cool!}+ = das gilt nicht für dich {this does not apply to you}+ = das zieht bei mir nicht {that won't wash with me}+ = das mache ich nicht mit {I won't be a party to that}+ = schau nicht so dumm. {don't look like that.}+ = er ist noch nicht auf {he isn't up yet}+ = so etwas gibt es nicht {such a thing doesn't exist}+ = da mache ich nicht mit {count me out}+ = rege dich nicht so auf {don't get your knickers in a twist}+ = jetzt erst recht nicht {now less than ever}+ = das ist bei mir nicht drin {you can't do that with me}+ = sie ist nicht mehr jung {she is no spring chicken}+ = stell dich nicht so an! {don't make such a fuss!}+ = dann gehe ich auch nicht {I shall not either}+ = ich habe es nicht bei mir {I don't have it with me}+ = das lohnt sich nicht für mich {that is not worth my while}+ = es ist mit ihm nicht weit her {he is no great shakes}+ = er ist nicht so böse wie er tut {his bark is worse than his bite}+ = ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll {I'm at a loss what to do}+ = es fällt mir nicht ein, das zu tun {I shouldn't dream of doing that}+ = wenn du nicht gehst, gehe ich auch nicht {if you don't go, neither shall I}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > nicht vor

См. также в других словарях:

  • not in any way, shape, or form — in no/not in any/way, shape, or form phrase used for emphasizing that something is not true or possible He is not in any way, shape, or form trying to escape his responsibility. Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing that something is not true or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • not at any price — not in any way, no in spite of the cost …   English contemporary dictionary

  • any way you slice it — however you slice it phrase used for saying that something remains true, whatever way you consider it The book is a bestseller any way you slice it. Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing that something is true or exactsynonym Main entry: slice * * * any …   Useful english dictionary

  • not by any stretch of the imagination — (not) by any stretch of the imagination if you say that by no stretch of the imagination can you describe something or someone in a particular way, you mean that this way of describing them is certainly not correct. She was never a great player,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not know any better — not know any ˈbetter idiom to behave badly, usually because you have not been taught the correct way to behave • Don t blame the children they don t know any better. Main entry: ↑knowidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • not pull any punches — (not) pull any punches to speak in an honest way without trying to be kind. This man doesn t pull any punches. I wouldn t like to get into an argument with him …   New idioms dictionary

  • Any Way You Want It — Infobox Single Name = Any Way You Want It Artist = Journey from Album = Departure B side = When You re Alone (It Ain t Easy) (US, JPN) * Do You Recall (UK 12 ) * Lovin , Touchin , Squeezin (UK 12 ) Released = 1980 Format = 7 single 12 single… …   Wikipedia

  • Any Way the Wind Blows (album) — Infobox Album Name = Any Way the Wind Blows Type = studio Artist = Brother Phelps Released = start date|1995|3|7 Recorded = Genre = Country Length = Label = Asylum Producer = Brother Phelps Kyle Lehning Reviews = *Allmusic rating|4|5 [http://wc03 …   Wikipedia

  • Any Way You Want Me — Infobox Album | Name = Any Way You Want Me Type = Album Artist = Alison McCallum Released = March 1974 Recorded = Genre = Rock/Blues Length = Label = RCA Records Producer = Simon Napier Bell Reviews = Last album = Fresh Water (1972) This album =… …   Wikipedia

  • not on any account — on no account/not on any account/ phrase used to say in a strong and definite way that something must not happen or be done On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened. A doctor should not, on any account, break his confidence.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • any way you slice it — mainly American, informal, mainly American, informal something that you say which means you will not change your opinion about something, whatever anyone says about the matter. He shouldn t have hit her, any way you slice it …   New idioms dictionary

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