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  • 101 в струну

    В СТРУНКУ( в СТРУНУ) вытянуться, выпрямиться и т.п.
    [PrepP; these forms only; adv]
    1. (of a person) (to assume) the posture of attention:
    - (come < snap>) to attention;
    - (stand) at attention.
         ♦...Когда подъехали к остановке и дверь растворилась, я не удержался и спросил еще раз, у одного из выходящих, спросил: "Это Усад, да?" А он (совсем неожиданно) вытянулся передо мной в струнку и рявкнул: " Никак нет!!" (Ерофеев 1).... As we were approaching another stop and the doors started to open, I couldn't resist, and again asked one of the passengers getting off: "This is Usad, right?" And (quite unexpectedly) he snapped to attention in front of me and bellowed: "No, sir!" (1a).
         ♦...Указывая Пфейферше на вытянувшихся в струнку пожарных и полицейских солдат... [Грустилов] сказал: "Видя внезапное сих людей усердие, я в точности познал, сколь быстрое имеет действие сия вещь, которую вы, сударыня моя, внутренним словом справедливо именуете" (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). Не [Melancholov] pointed out the policemen and firemen standing at attention...and said to Mme Pfeifer, "When I saw the unexpected zeal of these men, I knew precisely how rapid an effect there would be from this thing which you, madam, have justly named the inner word" (1a).
    2. (of an animal running fast) (to run straight ahead,) one's body appearing to be stretched out parallel to the ground:
    - (run) flat-out.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в струну

  • 102 अर्थः _arthḥ

    अर्थः [In some of its senses from अर्थ्; in others from ऋ-थन् Uṇ.2.4; अर्थते ह्यसौ अर्थिभिः Nir.]
    1 Object, pur- pose, end and aim; wish, desire; ज्ञातार्थो ज्ञातसंबन्धः श्रोतुं श्रोता प्रवर्तते, सिद्ध˚, ˚परिपन्थी Mu.5; ˚वशात् 5.8; स्मर्तव्यो$स्मि सत्यर्थे Dk.117 if it be necessary; Y.2.46; M.4.6; oft. used in this sense as the last member of compounds and translated by 'for', 'intended for', 'for the sake of', 'on account of', 'on behalf of', and used like an adj. to qualify nouns; अर्थेन तु नित्य- समासो विशेष्यनिघ्रता च Vārt.; सन्तानार्थाय विधये R.1.34; तां देवतापित्रतिथिक्रियार्थाम् (धेनुम्) 2.16; द्विजार्था यवागूः Sk.; यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणो$न्यत्र Bg.3.9. It mostly occurs in this sense as अर्थम्, अर्थे or अर्थाय and has an adverbial force; (a) किमर्थम् for what purpose, why; यदर्थम् for whom or which; वेलोपलक्षणार्थम् Ś.4; तद्दर्शनादभूच्छम्भोर्भूयान्दारार्थ- मादरः Ku.6.13; (b) परार्थे प्राज्ञ उत्सृजेत् H.1.41; गवार्थे ब्राह्मणार्थे च Pt.1.42; मदर्थे त्यक्तजीविताः Bg.1.9; (c) सुखार्थाय Pt.4.18; प्रत्याख्याता मया तत्र नलस्यार्थाय देवताः Nala.13.19; ऋतुपर्णस्य चार्थाय 23.9.
    -2 Cause, motive, reason, ground, means; अलुप्तश्च मुनेः क्रियार्थः R. 2.55 means or cause; अतो$र्थात् Ms.2.213.
    -3 Meaning, sense, signification, import; अर्थ is of 3 kinds:-- वाच्य or expressed, लक्ष्य or indicated (secondary), and व्यङ्ग्य or suggested; तददोषौ शब्दार्थौ K. P.1; अर्थो वाच्यश्च लक्ष्यश्च व्यङ्ग्यश्चेति त्रिधा मतः S. D.2; वागर्थाविव R.1.1; अवेक्ष्य धातोर्गमनार्थमर्थवित् 3.21.
    -4 A thing, object, substance; लक्ष्मणो$र्थं ततः श्रुत्वा Rām.7.46.18; अर्थो हि कन्या परकीय एव Ś.4.22; that which can be perceived by the senses, an object of sense; इन्द्रिय˚ H.1.146; Ku.7.71; R.2.51; न निर्बद्धा उपसर्गा अर्थान्निराहुः Nir.; इन्द्रियेभ्यः परा ह्यर्था अर्थेभ्यश्च परं मनः Kaṭh. (the objects of sense are five: रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द); शब्दः स्पर्शो रसो गन्धो रूपं चेत्यर्थजातयः Bhāg.11.22.16.
    -5 (a) An affair, business, matter, work; प्राक् प्रतिपन्नो$यमर्थो$- ङ्गराजाय Ve.3; अर्थो$यमर्थान्तरभाव्य एव Ku.3.18; अर्थो$र्था- नुबन्धी Dk.67; सङ्गीतार्थः Me.66 business of singing i. e. musical concert (apparatus of singing); सन्देशार्थाः Me. 5 matters of message, i. e. messages; (b) Interest, object; स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः Ms.4.196; द्वयमेवार्थसाधनम् R.1. 19;2.21; दुरापे$र्थे 1.72; सर्वार्थचिन्तकः Ms.7.121; माल- विकायां न मे कश्चिदर्थः M.3 I have no interest in M. (c) Subject-matter, contents (as of letters &c.); त्वामव- गतार्थं करिष्यति Mu.1 will acquaint you with the matter; उत्तरो$यं लेखार्थः ibid.; तेन हि अस्य गृहीतार्था भवामि V.2 if so I should know its contents; ननु परिगृहीतार्थो$- स्मि कृतो भवता V.5; तया भवतो$विनयमन्तरेण परिगृहीतार्था कृता देवी M.4 made acquainted with; त्वया गृहीतार्थया अत्रभवती कथं न वारिता 3; अगृहीतार्थे आवाम् Ś.6; इति पौरान् गृहीतार्थान् कृत्वा ibid.
    -6 Wealth, riches, property, money (said to be of 3 kinds: शुक्ल honestly got; शबल got by more or less doubtful means, and कृष्ण dishonestly got;) त्यागाय संभृतार्थानाम् R.1.7; धिगर्थाः कष्टसंश्रयाः Pt.1.163; अर्थानामर्जने दुःखम् ibid.; सस्यार्थास्तस्य मित्राणि1.3; तेषामर्थे नियुञ्जीत शूरान् दक्षान् कुलोद्गतान् Ms.7.62.
    -7 Attainment of riches or worldly prosperity, regarded as one of the four ends of human existence, the other three being धर्म, काम and मोक्ष; with अर्थ and काम, धर्म forms the well-known triad; cf. Ku.5.38; अप्यर्थकामौ तस्यास्तां धर्म एव मनीषिणः R.1.25.
    -8 (a) Use, advantage, profit, good; तथा हि सर्वे तस्यासन् परार्थैकफला गुणाः R.1.29 for the good of others; अर्थान- र्थावुभौ बुद्ध्वा Ms.8.24 good and evil; क्षेत्रिणामर्थः 9.52; यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः सांप्लुतोदके Bg.2.46; also व्यर्थ, निरर्थक q. v. (b) Use, want, need, concern, with instr.; को$र्थः पुत्रेण जातेन Pt.1 what is the use of a son being born; कश्च तेनार्थः Dk.59; को$र्थस्तिरश्चां गुणैः Pt.2.33 what do brutes care for merits; Bh.2.48; योग्येनार्थः कस्य न स्याज्ज- नेन Ś.18.66; नैव तस्य कृतेनार्थो नाकृतेनेह कश्चन Bg.3.18; यदि प्राणैरिहार्थो वो निवर्तध्वम् Rām. को नु मे जीवितेनार्थः Nala.12. 65.
    -9 Asking, begging; request, suit, petition.
    -1 Action, plaint (in law); अर्थ विरागाः पश्यन्ति Rām.2.1. 58; असाक्षिकेषु त्वर्थेषु Ms.8.19.
    -11 The actual state, fact of the matter; as in यथार्थ, अर्थतः, ˚तत्वविद्, यदर्थेन विनामुष्य पुंस आत्मविपर्ययः Bhāg.3.7.1.
    -12 Manner, kind, sort.
    -13 Prevention, warding off; मशकार्थो धूमः; prohibition, abolition (this meaning may also be derived from 1 above).
    -14 Price (perhaps an incorrect form for अर्घ).
    -15 Fruit, result (फलम्). तस्य नानुभवेदर्थं यस्य हेतोः स रोपितः Rām.6.128.7; Mb.12.175.5.
    -16 N. of a son of धर्म.
    -17 The second place from the लग्न (in astr.).
    -18 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -19 The category called अपूर्व (in पूर्वमीमांसा); अर्थ इति अपूर्वं ब्रूमः । ŚB. on MS.7.1.2.
    -2 Force (of a statement or an expres- sion); अर्थाच्च सामर्थ्याच्च क्रमो विधीयते । ŚB. on MS.5.1.2. [अर्थात् = by implication].
    -21 The need, purpose, sense; व्यवधानादर्थो बलीयान् । ŚB. on MS.6.4.23.
    -22 Capacity, power; अर्थाद्वा कल्पनैकदेशत्वात् । Ms.1.4.3 (where Śabara paraphrases अर्थात् by सामर्थ्यात् and states the rule: आख्यातानामर्थं ब्रुवतां शक्तिः सहकारिणी ।), cf. अर्थो$भिधेयरैवस्तुप्रयोजननिवृत्तिषु । मोक्षकारणयोश्च...... Nm.
    -Comp. -अतिदेशः Extension (of gender, number &e.) to the objects (as against words), i. e. to treat a single object as though it were many, a female as though it were male. (तन्त्रवार्त्तिक;
    -अधिकारः charge of money, office of treasurer ˚रे न नियोक्तव्यौ H.2.
    -अधिकारिन् m. a treasurer, one charged with finan- cial duties, finance minister.
    -अनुपपत्तिः f. The difficulty of accounting for or explaining satisfactorily a particular meaning; incongruity of a particular meaning (तन्त्रवार्त्तिक
    -अनुयायिन् a. Following the rules (शास्त्र); तत्त्रिकालहितं वाक्यं धर्म्यमर्थानुयायि च Rām.5.51.21.
    -अन्वेषणम् inquiry after a matter.
    -अन्तरम् 1 another or different meaning.
    -2 another cause or motive; अर्थो$यम- र्थान्तरभाव्य एव Ku.3.18.
    -3 A new matter or circum- stance, new affair.
    -4 opposite or antithetical meaning, difference of meaning. ˚न्यासः a figure of speech in which a general proposition is adduced to support a particular instance, or a particular instance, to support a general proposition; it is an inference from parti- cular to general and vice versa; उक्तिरर्थान्तरन्यासः स्यात् सामान्यविशेषयोः । (1) हनूमानब्धिमतरद् दुष्करं किं महात्मनाम् ॥ (2) गुणवद्वस्तुसंसर्गाद्याति नीचो$पि गौरवम् । पुष्पमालानुषङ्गेण सूत्रं शिरसि धार्यते Kuval.; cf. also K. P.1 and S. D.79. (Ins- tances of this figure abound in Sanskrit literature, especi- ally in the works of Kālidāsa, Māgha and Bhāravi).
    -अन्वित a.
    1 rich, wealthy.
    -2 significant.
    -अभिधान a.
    1 That whose name is connected with the purpose to be served by it; अर्थाभिधानं प्रयोजनसम्बद्धमभिधानं यस्य, यथा पुरोडाश- कपालमिति पुरोडाशार्थं कपालं पुरोडाशकपालम् । ŚB. on MS.4.1. 26.
    -2 Expression or denotation of the desired meaning (वार्त्तिक
    -अर्थिन् a. one who longs for or strives to get wealth or gain any object. अर्थार्थी जीवलोको$यम् । आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी Bg.7.16.
    -अलंकरः a figure of speech determined by and dependent on the sense, and not on sound (opp. शब्दालंकार). अलंकारशेखर of केशवमिश्र mentions (verse 29) fourteen types of अर्थालंकारs as follows:- उपमारूपकोत्प्रेक्षाः समासोक्तिरपह्नुतिः । समाहितं स्वभावश्च विरोधः सारदीपकौ ॥ सहोक्तिरन्यदेशत्वं विशेषोक्तिर्विभावना । एवं स्युरर्थालकारा- श्चतुर्दश न चापरे ॥
    -आगमः 1 acquisition of wealth, income; ˚गमाय स्यात् Pt.1. cf. also अर्थागमो नित्यमरोगिता च H.
    -2 collection of property.
    -3 conveying of sense; S. D.737.
    -आपत्तिः f. [अर्थस्य अनुक्तार्थस्य आपत्तिः सिद्धिः]
    1 an inference from circumstances, presumption, im- plication, one of the five sources of knowledge or modes of proof, according to the Mīmāṁsakas. It is 'deduc- tion of a matter from that which could not else be'; it is 'assumption of a thing, not itself perceived but necessarily implied by another which is seen, heard, or proved'; it is an inference used to account for an apparent inconsistency; as in the familiar instance पीनो देवदत्तो दिवा न भुङ्क्ते the apparent inconsistency between 'fatness' and 'not eating by day' is accounted for by the inference of his 'eating by night'. पीनत्वविशि- ष्टस्य देवदत्तस्य रात्रिभोजित्वरूपार्थस्य शब्दानुक्तस्यापि आपत्तिः. It is defined by Śabara as दृष्टः श्रुतो वार्थो$न्यथा नोपपद्यते इत्यर्थ- कल्पना । यथा जीवति देवदत्ते गृहाभावदर्शनेन बहिर्भावस्यादृष्टस्य कल्पना ॥ Ms.1.1.5. It may be seen from the words दृष्टः and श्रुतः in the above definition, that Śabara has sug- gested two varieties of अर्थापत्ति viz. दृष्टार्थापत्ति and श्रुता- र्थापत्ति. The illustration given by him, however, is of दृष्टार्थापत्ति only. The former i. e. दृष्टार्थापत्ति consists in the presumption of some अदृष्ट अर्थ to account for some दृष्ट अर्थ (or अर्थs) which otherwise becomes inexplicable. The latter, on the other hand, consists in the presump- tion of some अर्थ through अश्रुत शब्द to account for some श्रुत अर्थ (i. e. some statement). This peculiarity of श्रुतार्थापत्ति is clearly stated in the following couplet; यत्र त्वपरिपूर्णस्य वाक्यस्यान्वयसिद्धये । शब्दो$ध्याह्रियते तत्र श्रुतार्थापत्ति- रिष्यते ॥ Mānameyodaya p.129 (ed. by K. Raja, Adyar, 1933). Strictly speaking it is no separate mode of proof; it is only a case of अनुमान and can be proved by a व्यतिरेकव्याप्ति; cf. Tarka. K.17 and S. D.46.
    -2 a figure of speech (according to some rhe- toricians) in which a relevant assertion suggests an inference not actually connected with the the subject in hand, or vice versa; it corresponds to what is popularly called कैमुतिकन्याय or दण्डापूपन्याय; e. g. हारो$यं हरिणाक्षीणां लुण्ठति स्तनमण्डले । मुक्तानामप्यवस्थेयं के वयं स्मरकिङ्कराः Amaru.1; अभितप्तमयो$पि मार्दवं भजते कैव कथा शरीरिषु R.8.43.; S. D. thus defines the figure:- दण्डापूपिकन्यायार्थागमो$र्थापत्तिरिष्यते.
    -उत्पत्तिः f. acquisition of wealth; so ˚उपार्जनम्.
    -उपक्षेपकः an introductory scene (in dramas); अर्थोपक्षेपकाः पञ्च S. D.38. They are विष्कम्भ, चूलिका, अङ्कास्य, अङ्कावतार, प्रवेशक.
    -उपमा a simile dependent on sense and not on sound; see under उपमा.
    -उपार्जनम् Acquiring wealth.
    -उष्मन् m. the glow or warmth of wealth; अर्थोष्मणा विरहितः पुरुषः स एव Bh.2.4.
    -ओघः, -राशिः treasure, hoard of money.
    -कर (
    -री f.),
    -कृत a.
    1 bringing in wealth, enriching; अर्थकरी च विद्या H. Pr.3.
    -2 useful, advan- tageous.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 a principal action (opp. गुणकर्मन्).
    -2 (as opposed to प्रतिपत्तिकर्मन्), A fruitful act (as opposed to mere disposal or प्रतिपत्ति); अर्थकर्म वा कर्तृ- संयोगात् स्रग्वत् । MS.4.2.17.
    -काम a. desirous of wealth. (-˚मौ dual), wealth and (sensual) desire or pleasure; अप्यर्थकामौ तस्यास्तां धर्म एव मनीषिणः R.1.25. ह्रत्वार्थकामास्तु गुरूनिहैव Bg.2.5.
    -कार्ष्यम् Poverty. निर्बन्धसंजातरुषार्थकार्घ्यमचिन्तयित्वा गुरुणाहमुक्तः R.5.21.
    -काशिन् a. Only apparently of utility (not really).
    -किल्बिषिन् a. dishonest in money-matters.
    -कृच्छ्रम् 1 a difficult matter.
    -2 pecuniary difficulty; व्यसनं वार्थकृच्छ्रे वा Rām.4.7.9; Mb.3.2.19; cf. also Kau. A.1.15 न मुह्येदर्थकृच्छ्रेषु Nīti.
    -कृत्यम् doing or execution of a business; अभ्युपेतार्थकृत्याः Me.4.
    -कोविद a. Expert in a matter, experienced. उवाच रामो धर्मात्मा पुनरप्यर्थकोविदः Rām.6.4.8.
    -क्रमः due order or sequ- ence of purpose.
    -क्रिया (a) An implied act, an act which is to be performed as a matter of course (as opposed to शब्दोक्तक्रिया); असति शब्दोक्ते अर्थक्रिया भवति ŚB. on MS.12.1.12. (b) A purposeful action. (see अर्थकर्मन्).
    -गत a.
    1 based on the sense (as a दोष).
    -2 devoid of sense.
    -गतिः understanding the sense.
    -गुणाः cf. भाविकत्वं सुशब्दत्वं पर्यायोक्तिः सुधर्मिता । चत्वारो$र्थगुणाः प्रोक्ताः परे त्वत्रैव संगताः ॥ अलंकारशेखर 21.
    -गृहम् A treasury. Hariv.
    -गौरवम् depth of meaning; भारवेरर्थगौरवम् Udb., Ki.2.27.
    -घ्न a. (
    घ्नी f.) extrava- gant, wasteful, prodigal; सुरापी व्याधिता धूर्ता वन्ध्यार्थघ्न्य- प्रियंवदा Y.1.73; व्याधिता वाधिवेत्तव्या हिंस्रार्थघ्नी च सर्वदा Ms.9.8.
    -चित्रम् 'variety in sense', a pun, Kāvya- prakāśa.
    -चिन्तक a.
    1 thinking of profit.
    -2 having charge of affairs; सर्वार्थचिन्तकः Ms.7.121.
    -चिन्ता, -चिन्तनम् charge or administration of (royal) affairs; मन्त्री स्यादर्थचिन्तायाम् S. D.
    -जात a.
    1 full of meaning.
    -2 wealthy (जातधन).
    (-तम्) 1 a collection of things.
    -2 large amount of wealth, considerable property; Dk.63, Ś.6; ददाति च नित्यमर्थजातम् Mk.2.7.
    -3 all matters; कवय इव महीपाश्चिन्तयन्त्यर्थजातम् Śi.11.6.
    -4 its own meaning; वहन्द्वयीं यद्यफले$र्थजाते Ki.3.48.
    -ज्ञ a. knowing the sense or purpose; अर्थज्ञ इत्सकलं भद्रमश्नुते Nir.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the real truth, the fact of the matter; यो$र्थतत्त्वमविज्ञाय क्रोधस्यैव वशं गतः H.4.94.
    -2 the real nature or cause of anything.
    - a.
    1 yielding wealth; Dk.41.
    -2 advantageous, productive of good, useful.
    -3 liberal, munificent Ms.2.19.
    -4 favour- able, compliant. (
    -दः) N. of Kubera.
    -दर्शकः 'one who sees law-suits'; a judge.
    -दर्शनम् perception of objects; कुरुते दीप इवार्थदर्शनम् Ki.2.33; Dk.155.
    -दूषणम् 1 extravagance, waste; H.3.18; Ms.7.48.
    -2 unjust seizure of property or withholding what is due.
    -3 finding fault with the meaning.
    -4 spoiling of another's property.
    -दृश् f. Consideration of truth; क्षेमं त्रिलोकगुरुरर्थदृशं च यच्छन् Bhāg.1.86.21.
    -दृष्टिः Seeing profit; Bhāg.
    -दोषः a literary fault or blemish with regard to the sense, one of the four doṣas or blemishes of literary composition, the other three being परदोष, पदांशदोष, वाक्यदोष; for definitions &c. see K. P.7. अलंकारशेखर of केशवमिश्र who mentions eight types of doṣas as follows: अष्टार्थदोषाः विरस, -ग्राम्य, -व्याहत, -खिन्नताः । -हीना, -धिका, सदृक्साम्यं देशादीनां विरोधि च ॥ 17
    -द्वयविधानम् Injunction of two ideas or senses; विधाने चार्थद्वयविधानं दोषः ŚB. on MS.1.8.7.
    -नित्य a. = अर्थ- प्रधान Nir.
    -निबन्धन a. dependent on wealth.
    -निश्चयः determination, decision.
    -प्रतिः 1 'the lord of riches', a a king; किंचिद् विहस्यार्थपतिं बभाषे R.2.46;1.59;9.3;18.1; Pt.1.74.
    -2 an epithet of Kubera.
    -पदम् N. of the Vārt. on Pāṇini; ससूत्रवृत्त्यर्थपदं महार्थं ससंग्रहं सिद्ध्यति वै कपीन्द्रः Rām.7.36.45.
    -पर, -लुब्ध a.
    1 intent on gaining wealth, greedy of wealth, covetous.
    -2 niggardly, parsimonious; हिंस्रा दयालुरपि चार्थपरा वदान्या Bh.2.47; Pt.1.425.
    -प्रकृतिः f. the leading source or occasion of the grand object in a drama; (the number of these 'sources' is five:-- बीजं बिन्दुः पताका च प्रकरी कार्यमेव च । अर्थप्रकृतयः पञ्च ज्ञात्वा योज्या यथाविधि S. D.317.)
    -प्रयोगः 1 usury.
    -2 administration of the affairs (of a state)
    -प्राप्त a. derived or understood from the sense included as a matter of course, implied; परिसमाप्तिः शब्दार्थः । परिसमाप्त्यामर्थप्राप्तत्वादारम्भस्य । ŚB. on MS.6.2.13.
    -˚त्वम् Inplication.
    -बन्धः 1 arrange- ment of words, composition, text; stanza, verse; संचिन्त्य गीतक्षममर्थबन्धम् Ś.7.5; ललितार्थबन्धम् V.2.14 put or expressed in elegant words.
    -2. connection (of the soul) with the objects of sense.
    -बुद्धि a. selfish.
    -बोधः indication of the (real) import.
    -भाज् a. entitled to a share in the division of property.
    -भावनम् Delibera- tion over a subject (Pātañjala Yogadarśana 1.28).
    -भृत् a. receiving high wages (as a servant).
    -भेदः distinc- tion or difference of meaning; अर्थभेदेन शब्दभेदः.
    -मात्रम्, -त्रा 1 property, wealth; Pt.2.
    -2 the whole sense or object.
    -युक्त a. significant, full of यस्यार्थयुक्तं meaning; गिरिराजशब्दं कुर्वन्ति Ku.1.13.
    -लक्षण a. As determined by the purpose or need (as opposed to शब्दलक्षण); लोके कर्मार्थलक्षणम् Ms.11.1.26.
    -लाभः acquisition of wealth.
    -लोभः avarice.
    -वशः power in the form of discrimination and knowledge. अर्थवशात् सप्तरूपविनिवृत्ताम् Sāvk.65.
    -वादः 1 declaration of any purpose.
    -2 affirmation, declaratory assertion, an explanatory remark, exegesis; speech or assertion having a certain object; a sentence. (It usually recommends a विधि or precept by stating the good arising from its proper observance, and the evils arising from its omission, and also by adducing historical instances in its support; स्तुतिर्निन्दा परकृतिः पुराकल्प इत्यर्थवादः Gaut. Sūt.; said by Laugākṣi to be of 3 kinds:- गुणवादो विरोधे स्यादनु वादो$वधारिते । भूतार्थवादस्तद्धानादर्थ- वादस्त्रिधा मतः; the last kind includes many varieties.)
    -3 one of the six means of finding out the tātparya (real aim and object) of any work.
    -4 praise, eulogy; अर्थवाद एषः । दोषं तु मे कंचित्कथय U.1.
    -विकरणम् = अर्थ- विक्रिया change of meaning.
    -विकल्पः 1 deviation from truth, perversion of fact.
    -2 prevarication; also ˚वैकल्प्यम्
    -विज्ञानम् comprehending the sense, one of the six exercises of the understanding (धीगुण).
    -विद् a. sensible, wise, sagacious. भुङ्क्ते तदपि तच्चान्यो मधुहेवार्थविन्मधु Bhāg.11.18.15. विवक्षतामर्थविदस्तत्क्षणप्रतिसंहृताम् Śi.
    -विद्या knowledge of practical life; Mb.7.
    -विपत्तिः Failing of an aim; समीक्ष्यतां चार्थविपत्तिमार्गताम् Rām.2.19.4.
    -विभावक a. money-giver; विप्रेभ्यो$र्थविभावकः Mb.3.33. 84.
    -विप्रकर्षः difficulty in the comprehension of the sense.
    -विशेषणम् a reprehensive repetition of something uttered by another; S. D.49.
    -वृद्धिः f. accumulation of wealth.
    -व्ययः expenditure; ˚ज्ञ a. conversant with money-matters.
    -शब्दौ Word and sense.
    -शालिन् a. Wealthy.
    -शास्त्रम् 1 the science of wealth (political economy).
    -2 science of polity, political science, politics; अर्थशास्त्रविशारदं सुधन्वानमुपाध्यायम् Rām.2.1.14. Dk.12; इह खलु अर्थशास्त्रकारास्त्रिविधां सिद्धिमुपवर्णयन्ति Mu.3; ˚व्यवहारिन् one dealing with politics, a politician; Mu.5.
    -3 science giving precepts on general conduct, the science of practical life; Pt.1.
    -शौचम् purity or honesty in money-matters; सर्वेषां चैव शौचानामर्थशौचं परं स्मृतं Ms. 5.16.
    -श्री Great wealth.
    -संस्थानम् 1 accumulation of wealth.
    -2 treasury.
    -संग्रहः, -संचयः accumulation or acquisition of wealth, treasure, property. कोशेनाश्रयणी- यत्वमिति तस्यार्थसंग्रहः R.17.6. कुदेशमासाद्य कुतो$र्थसंचयः H.
    -संग्रहः a book on Mīmāṁsā by Laugākṣi Bhāskara.
    -सतत्त्वम् truth; किं पुनरत्रार्थसतत्त्वम् । देवा ज्ञातुमर्हन्ति MBh. or P.VIII.3.72.
    -समाजः aggregate of causes.
    -समाहारः 1 treasure.
    -2 acquisition of wealth.
    -संपद् f. accomplishment of a desired object; उपेत्य संघर्ष- मिवार्थसंपदः Ki.1.15.
    -संपादनम् Carrying out of an affair; Ms.7.168.
    -संबन्धः connection of the sense with the word or sentence.
    -संबन्धिन् a. Concerned or interested in an affair; Ms.8.64.
    -साधक a.
    1 accomplishing any object.
    -2 bringing any matter to a conclusion.
    -सारः considerable wealth; Pt.2.42.
    -सिद्ध a. understood from the very context (though not expressed in words), inferable from the connection of words.
    -सिद्धिः f. fulfilment of a desired object, success. द्वारमिवार्थसिद्धेः R.2.21.
    -हानिः Loss of wealth
    -हारिन् a. stealing money Ks.
    -हर a. inheriting wealth.
    -हीन a.
    1 deprived of wealth, poor.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical.
    -3 failing.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अर्थः _arthḥ

  • 103 ईश्वर _īśvara

    ईश्वर a. (
    -रा, -री f.) [ईश्-वरच् P.III.2.175]
    1 Power- ful, able, capable of (with inf.); वसतिं प्रिय कामिनां प्रिया- स्त्वदृते प्रापयितुं क ईश्वरः Ku.4.11; R.15.7.
    -2 Rich, wealthy Pt.2.67.
    -रः 1 A lord, master; ईश्वरं लोको$र्थतः सेवते Mu.1.14; so कपीश्वरः, कोशलेश्वरः, हृदयेश्वरः &c.
    -2 A king, prince, ruler; राज्यमस्तमितेश्वरम् R.12.11; Ms.4.153, 9.278.
    -3 A rich or great man; तृणेन कार्यं भवतीश्वराणाम् Pt.1.71; R.3.46; Bh.3.59; मा प्रयच्छेश्वरे धनम् H.1.14; cf. "To carry coals to Newcastle."
    -4 A husband; नेश्वरे परुषता सखि साध्वी Ki.9.39.
    -5 The Supreme God (परमेश्वर); ईश एवाहमत्यर्थं न च मामीशते परे । ददामि च सदैश्वर्य- मीश्वरस्तेन कीर्तितः ॥ Skanda P.; cf. also ईश्वरस्तु पर्जन्यवद् द्रष्टव्यः Brahmasūtra-Śāṅkarabhāṣya.
    -6 N. of Śiva; यस्मिन्नीश्वर इत्यनन्यविषयः शब्दो यथार्थाक्षरः V.1.1.
    -7 The god of love, cupid.
    -8 The Supreme Soul; the soul.
    -9 The eleventh year (संवत्सर) of the Śālivāhana era.
    -रा, -री N. of Durgā; of Lakṣmī; or of one of the śaktis; ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां त्वामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् (श्रीसूक्तम्);
    -री 1 N. of several plants and trees; लिङ्गिनीलता, वन्ध्या- कर्कटी, क्षुद्रजटा and नाकुलीवृक्ष.
    -2 A rich woman.
    -Comp. -अधीन a. subject to a lord or king, dependent on a a lord or god.
    -कान्तम् 1 A class of buildings.
    -2 A ground plan in which the whole area is divided into 961 equal squares (एकषष्टिसमाधिक्यं पदं नवशतायुतम् । एव- मीश्वरकान्तं स्यात्...... Mānasāra 7.46-48.
    -कृष्णः N. of the author of Sāṅkhya Kārikā.
    -निषेधः denial of the existence of god, atheism.
    -निष्ठ a. trusting in god.
    -पूजक a. pious, devout.
    -पूजा worship of god.
    -प्रसादः divine favour.
    -भावः royal or imperial state; दानमीश्वर- भावाय Bg.18.43.
    -विभूतिः f. the several forms of the Supreme god; for a full enumeration see Bg.1.19-42.
    -सद्मन् n. a temple.
    -सभम् a royal court or assembly. सभा राजामनुष्यपूर्वा P.II.4.23.
    -सेवा worship of god.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ईश्वर _īśvara

  • 104 उदानः _udānḥ

    उदानः [अन्-घञ्]
    1 Breathing upwards.
    -2 Breathing, breath in general.
    -3 One of the five vital airs or life-winds which rises up the throat and enters into the head); the other four being प्राण, अपान, समान and व्यान; स्पन्दयत्यधरं वक्त्रं गात्रनेत्रप्रकोपनः । उद्वेजयति मर्माणि उदानो नाम मारुतः ॥
    -4 (With Buddhists) An expression of praise or joy.
    -5 The navel.
    -6 An eye-lash.
    -7 A kind of snake.
    2. उदन् n. [उन्द्-कनिन् P.VI.1.63] Water (usually occurring in compounds either at the beginning or at the end, and as an optional substitute for उदक after the acc. dual. It has no forms for the first five inflections. In comp. it drops its न्); e. g. उदधि, अच्छोद, क्षीरोद &c.
    -Comp. -आशयः A lake, tank; शरदुदाशये साधुजातसत्सरसिजोदरश्रीमुषा दृशा Bhāg.1.31.2.
    -ओदनः water-meal.
    -कीर्णः-र्यः N. of a tree (महाकरंज) the bark of which is rubbed and thrown in water to stun the fishes).
    -कुम्भः a water-jar; Ms.2.182,3.68. तपःकृशः शान्त्युदकुम्भहस्तः Bk.
    -ग्राभः Holding water, a cloud (Ved.) उदग्राभस्य नमयन् वधस्नैः Rv.9.97.15.
    -कोष्ठः A water-jar.
    - a. aquatic, watery, produced in or by water.
    -जम् A lotus; एतद्धृषीकचषकैरसकृत्पिबामः शर्वादयो$ङजमध्वमृतासवंध्ऱ्यु ते Bhāg.1.14.33.
    -धानः [उदकं धीयते अत्र]
    1 a water-jar.
    -2 a cloud.
    -धिः [उदकानि धीयन्ते$त्र धा-कि उदादेशः]
    1 the receptacle of waters, ocean; उदधेरिव निम्नगाशतेष्वभवन्नास्य विमानना क्वचित् R.8.8.
    -2 a cloud.
    -3 a lake, any large reservoir of water.
    -4 a water-jar.
    -5 a symbolical expression for the number 4 or 7. ˚कन्या, तनया, सुता Lakṣmī, the daughter of the ocean (produced from the ocean among the 14 jewels). ˚क्रमः, -क्राः m. a voyager, mariner. ˚मलः
    1 cuttle-fish-bone.
    -2 the foam of the ocean. ˚मेखला or ˚वस्त्रा the earth (girdled by the ocean, sea-girt). ˚राजः the king of waters, i. e. the chief ocean. ˚संभवम् sea-salt. ˚सुता N. of Lakṣmī; and of Dvārakā, the capital of Kṛiṣṇa (said to have been reclaimed from the ocean).
    -नेमि a. Rimmed by the ocean.
    - a. crossing the water (as a boat).
    -पात्रम्, -त्री a water-jug, vessel; Ms.3.96.
    -पानः, -नम् a small pool or pond near a well, or the well itself; K.5. यावानर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके Bg.2.46. ˚मण्डूकः (lit.) a frog in a well; (fig.) one who has had no experience of the world at large, a man of limited ideas who knows only his own neighbourhood; cf. कूपमण्डूक.
    -पीतिः f. A place for drinking water.
    -पेषम् a paste, anything ground with water. (
    -पम्) ind. P.III.4.38 and P.VI.3.28. by grinding in water.
    -प्रुत् a. Ved. causing water to flow; swimming or splashing in water (?).
    -प्लवः Waterflood (जलप्रलय); Bhāg 12.4.13. (v. l. for उपप्लव).
    -प्लुत a. swimming in water. उदप्लुतमिव दार्वहीनाम् Av.1.4.3.
    -बिन्दुः a drop of water; (प्रपेदिरे) चिरेण नाभि प्रथमोद- बिन्दवः Ku.5.24.
    -भारः 1 a water-carrier, i. e. a cloud.
    -2 Water current (पूर); यमस्वसुश्चित्र इवोदभारः (रराज) Śi.3.11.
    -मन्थः barley-water; a particular mixture; Mb.13.64.26.
    -मानः, -नम् a fiftieth part of an आढक q. v.
    -मेघः 1 a watery cloud.
    -2 a shower of rain; तुग्रो ह भुज्युमश्विनोदमेघे Rv.1.116.3.
    -मेहिन् a. Having watery urine or diabetes.
    -लाव- णिक a. salted, prepared with brine, briny.
    -वज्रः 1 a thunder shower; water-spout.
    -2 thunderbolt in the form of water; भिन्दानो हृदयमसाहि नोदवज्रः Śi.8.39.
    -वाप one who offers waters to the manes.
    -वासः standing or residence in water; सहस्यरात्रीरुदवासतत्परा Ku.5.26. (
    -सम्) a house on the borders of a stream or pond.
    -वासिन् a. standing in water; K.23.
    -वाह a. bringing water; दिवा चित् तमः कृण्वन्ति पर्जन्येनोदवाहेन Rv.1.38.9. (
    -हः) a cloud.
    -वाहनम् 1 a water-vessel.
    -2 A cloud.
    -वावधः a yoke for carrying water.
    -शरावः a jar filled with water; उदशराव आत्मानवेक्ष्य.
    -शुद्धः a water-jar.
    -श्वित् n. [उदकन जलेन श्वयति] butter-milk containing fifty per cent water; (i. e. 2 parts of butter-milk and 1 part of water); श्रेयस्तैलं हि पिण्याकाद् घृतं श्रेय उदश्वितः Mb.12.167.35.
    -स्थानम् 1 a place full of water.
    -4 residence in water.
    -स्थाली a kettle, vessel for holding water.
    -हरणः a vessel for drawing water.
    -हार a. fetching or carrying water. (
    -रः) a cloud (water- carrier).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > उदानः _udānḥ

  • 105 पदम् _padam

    पदम् [पद्-अच्]
    1 A foot (said to be m. also in this sense); पदेन on foot; शिखरिषु पदं न्यस्य Me.13; अपथे पदमर्पयन्ति हि R.9.74 'set foot on (follow) a wrong road'; 3.5;12.52; पदं हि सर्वत्र गुणैर्निधीयते 3.62 'good qualities set foot everywhere' i. e. command notice or make themselves felt; जनपदे न गदः पदमादधौ 9.4. 'no disease stepped into the country'; यदवधि न पदं दधाति चित्ते Bv.2.14; पदं कृ (a) to set foot in, on or over (lit.); शान्ते करिष्यसि पदं पुनराश्रमे$स्मिन् Ś.4.2. (b) to enter upon or into, take possession of, occupy (fig.); कृतं वपुषि नवयौवनेन पदम् K.137; कृतं हि मे कुतूहलेन प्रश्नाशया हृदि पदम् 133; so Ku.5.21; Pt.1.24; कृत्वा पदं नो गले Mu.3.26 'in defiance of us'; (lit. planting his foot on our neck); मूर्ध्नि पदं कृ 'to mount on the head of', 'to humble'; पदं मूर्ध्नि समाधत्ते केसरी मत्तदन्तिनः Pt.1.327; आकृतिविशेषेष्वादरः पदं करोति M.1 'good forms attract attention (command respect); जने सखी पदं कारिता Ś.4; 'made to have dealings with (to confide in)'; धर्मेण शर्वे पार्वतीं प्रति पदं कारिते Ku.6.14.
    -2 A step, pace, stride; तन्वी स्थिता कतिचिदेव पदानि गत्वा Ś.2.13; पदे पदे 'at every step'; अक्षमालामदत्त्वा पदात् पदमपि न गन्तव्यम् or चलितव्यम् 'do not move even a step' &c.; पितुः पदं मध्यममुत्पतन्ती V.1.19 'the middle pace or stride of Viṣṇu.'; i. e. the sky (for mythologically speaking, the earth, sky, and lower world are considered as the three paces of Viṣṇu in his fifth or dwarf incarnation वामनावतार); so अथात्मनः शब्दगुणं गुणज्ञः पदं विमानेन विगाहमानः R.13.1.
    -3 A foot-step, foot- print, foot-mark; पदपङ्क्तिः Ś.3.7; or पदावली foot-prints; पदमनुविधेयं च महताम् Bh.2.28 'the foot-steps of the great must be followed'; पदैगृर्ह्यते चौरः Y.2.286.
    -4 A trace, mark, impression, vestige; रतिवलयपदाङ्के चापमासज्य कण्ठे Ku.2.64; Me.37,98; M.3.
    -5 A place, position, station; अधो$धः पदम् Bh.2.1; आत्मा परिश्रमस्य पदमुपनीतः Ś.1, 'brought to the point of or exposed to trouble'; तदलब्धपदं हृदि शोकघने R.8.91, 'found no place in (left no impression on) the heart'; अपदे शङ्कितो$स्मि M.1, 'my doubts were out of place', i. e. groundless; कृशकुटुम्बेषु लोभः पदमधत्त Dk.162; Ku.6.72;3.4; R.2.5;9.82; कृतपदं स्तनयुगलम् U.6.35, 'brought into relief or bursting forth'.
    -6 Dignity, rank, office, station or position; भगवत्या प्रश्निकपदमध्यासितव्यम् M.1; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयः Ś.4.18, 'attain to the rank or position, &c.; स्थिता गृहिणीपदे 4.19; so सचिव˚, राज˚ &c.
    -7 Cause, subject, occasion, thing, matter, business, affair; व्यवहारपदं हि तत् Y.2.5; 'occasion or matter of dispute, title of law, judicial proceeding'; Ms.8.7; सतां हि सन्देहपदेषु वस्तुषु Ś.1.22; वाञ्छितफलप्राप्तेः पदम् Ratn.1.6.
    -8 Abode, object, receptacle; पदं दृशः स्याः कथमीश मादृशाम् Śi.1.37; 15.22; अगरीयान्न पदं नृपश्रियः Ki.2.14; अविवेकः परमापदां पदम् 2.3; के वा न स्युः परिभवपदं निष्फलारम्भयत्नाः Me.56; संपदः पदमापदाम् H.4.65.
    -9 A quarter or line of a stanza, verse; विरचितपदम् (गेयम्) Me.88,15; M.5.2; Ś.3.14.
    -1 A complete or inflected word; सुप्तिडन्तं पदम् P.I. 4.14. वर्णाः पदं प्रयोगार्हानन्वितैकार्थबोधकाः S. D.9; R.8.77; Ku.4.9.
    -11 A name for the base of nouns before all consonantal case-terminations except nom. singular.
    -12 Detachment of the Vedic words from one another, separation of a Vedic text into its several constituent words; वेदैः साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैर्गायन्ति यं सामगाः Bhāg.12.13.1.
    -13 A pretext; अनिभृतपदपातमापपात प्रियमिति कोपपदेन कापि सख्या Śi.7.14.
    -14 A sqare root.
    -15 A part, por- tion or division (as of a sentence); as त्रिपदा गायत्री.
    -16 A measure of length.
    -17 Protection, preservation; ते विंशतिपदे यत्ताः संप्रहारं प्रचक्रिरे Mb.7.36.13.
    -18 A square or house on a chessboard; अष्टापदपदालेख्यैः Rām.
    -19 A quadrant.
    -2 The last of a series.
    -21 A plot of ground.
    -22 (In Arith.) Any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required.
    -23 A coin; माता पुत्रः पिता भ्राता भार्या मित्रजनस्तथा । अष्टापदपदस्थाने दक्षमुद्रेव लक्ष्यते ॥ Mb.12.298.4. (com. अष्टापदपदं सुवर्णकार्षापणः).
    -24 A way, road; षट्पदं नवसंख्यानं निवेशं चक्रिरे द्विजाः Mb.14.64.1.
    -25 Retribution (फल); ईहोपरमयोर्नॄणां पदान्यध्यात्मचक्षुषा Bhāg.7.13.2.
    -दः A ray of light.
    -Comp. -अङ्कः, चिह्नम् a foot-print.
    -अङ्गुष्ठः the great toe, thumb (of the foot).
    -अध्ययनम् study of the Vedas according to the पदपाठ q. v.
    -अनुग a.
    1 following closely, being at the heels of (gen.).
    -2 suitable, agreeable to. (
    -गः) a follower, companion; एतान्निहत्य समरे ये चृ तस्य पदानुगाः । तांश्च सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य सहितान् सनराधिपान् ॥ Mb.3.12.6.
    -अनुरागः 1 a servant.
    -2 an army.
    -अनुशासनम् the science of words, grammar.
    -अनुषङ्गः anything added to a pada.
    -अन्तः 1 the end of a line of a stanza.
    -2 the end of a word.
    -अन्तरम् another step, the interval of one step; पदान्तरे स्थित्वा Ś.1; अ˚ closely, without a pause.
    -अन्त्य a. final.
    -अब्जम्, -अम्भोजम्, -अरविन्दम्, -कमलम्, -पङ्कजम्, -पद्मम् a lotus-like foot.
    -अभिलाषिन् a. wishing for an office.
    -अर्थः 1 the meaning of a word.
    -2 a thing or object.
    -3 a head or topic (of which the Naiyāyikas enumerate 16 subheads).
    -4 anything which can be named (अभिधेय), a category or predicament; the number of such categories, according to the Vaiśeṣikas, is seven; according to the Sāṅkhyas, twentyfive (or twenty-seven according to the followers of Patañjali), and two according to the Vedāntins.
    -5 the sense of another word which is not expressed but has to be supplied. ˚अनुसमयः preforming one detail with reference to all things or persons concerned; then doing the second, then the third and so on (see अनुसमय). Hence पदार्थानुसमयन्याय means: A rule of interpretation according to which, when several details are to be performed with reference to several things or persons, they should be done each to each at a time.
    -आघातः 'a stroke with the foot', a kick.
    -आजिः a foot-soldier.
    -आदिः 1 the beginning of the line of a stanza.
    -2 the beginning or first letter of a word. ˚विद् m. a bad student (knowing only the beginnings of stanzas).
    -आयता a shoe.
    -आवली a series of words, a continued arrangement of words or lines; (काव्यस्य) शरीरं तावदिष्टार्थव्यवच्छिन्नापदावली Kāv. 1.1; मधुरकोमलकान्तपदावलीं शृणु तदा जयदेवसरस्वतीम् Gīt.1.
    -आसनम् a foot-stool.
    - आहत a. kicked.
    -कमलम् lotus-like foot.
    -कारः, -कृत् m. the author of the Padapāṭha.
    -क्रमः 1 walking, a pace; न चित्रमुच्चैः श्रवसः पदक्रमम् (प्रशशंस) Śi.1.52.
    -2 a particular method of reciting the Veda; cf. क्रम.
    -गः a foot-soldier.
    -गतिः f. gait, manner of going.
    -गोत्रम् a family supposed to preside over a particular class of words.
    -छेदः, -विच्छेदः, -विग्रहः separation of words, resolu- tion of a sentence into its constituent parts.
    -च्युत a. dismissed from office, deposed.
    -जातम् class or group of words.
    -दार्ढ्यम् fixedness or security of text.
    -न्यासः 1 stepping, tread, step.
    -2 a foot-mark.
    -3 position of the feet in a particular attitude.
    -4 the plant गोक्षुर.
    -5 writing down verses or quarters of verses; अप्रगल्भाः पदन्यासे जननीरागहेतवः । सन्त्येके बहुलालापाः कवयो बालका इव ॥ Trivikramabhaṭṭa.
    -पङ्क्तिः f.
    1 a line of foot-steps; द्वारे$स्य पाण्डुसिकते पदपङ्क्तिर्दृश्यते$भिनवा Ś.3.7; V.4.6.
    -2 a line or arrangement of words, a series of words; कृतपदपङ्क्तिरथर्वणेव वेदः Ki.1.1.
    -3 an iṣtakā or sacred brick.
    -4 a kind of metre.
    -पाठः an arrangement of the Vedic text in which each word is written and pronounced in its original form and independently of phonetic changes (opp. संहितापाठ).
    -पातः, विक्षेपः a step, pace (of a horse also).
    -बन्धः a foot-step, step.
    -भञ्जनम् analysis of words, etymology.
    -भञ्जिका 1 a commentary which separates the words and analyses the compounds of a passage.
    -2 a register, journal.
    -3 a calendar.
    -भ्रंशः dismissal from office.
    -माला a magical formula.
    -योपनम् a fetter for the feet (Ved.).
    -रचना 1 arrangement of words.
    -2 literary composition.
    -वायः Ved. a leader.
    -विष्टम्भः a step, footstep.
    -वृत्तिः f. the hiatus between two words.
    -वेदिन् a linguist, philologist.
    -व्याख्यानम् interpreta- tion of words.
    -शास्त्रम् the science of separately written words.
    -संघातः (टः) 1 connecting the words which are separated in the संहिता.
    -2 a writer, an annotator.
    -संधिः m. the euphonic combination of words.
    -स्थ a.
    1 going on foot.
    -2 being in a position of authority or high rank.
    -स्थानम् a foot-print.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पदम् _padam

  • 106 स्व _sva

    स्व pron. a.
    1 One's own, belonging to oneself, often serving as a reflexive pronoun; स्वनियोगमशून्यं कुरु Ś.2; प्रजाः प्रजाः स्वा इव तन्त्रयित्वा 5.5; oft. in comp. in this sense; स्वपुत्र, स्वकलत्र, स्वद्रव्य.
    -2 Innate, natural, inherent, peculiar, inborn; सूर्यापाये न खलु कमलं पुष्यति स्वामभिख्याम् Me.82; Ś.1.19; स तस्य स्वो भावः प्रकृतिनियतत्वादकृतकः U. 6.14.
    -3 Belonging to one's own caste or tribe; शूद्रैव भार्या शूद्रस्य सा च स्वा च विशः स्मृते Ms.3.13;5.14.
    -स्वः 1 One's own self.
    -2 A relative, kinsman; एनं स्वा अभि- संविशन्ति भर्ता स्वानां श्रेष्ठः पुर एता भवति Bṛi. Up.1.3.18; (दौर्गत्यं) येन स्वैरपि मन्यन्ते जीवन्तो$पि मृता इव Pt.2.1; Ms. 2.19.
    -3 The soul.
    -4 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -स्वा A woman of one's own caste.
    -स्वः, -स्वम् 1 Wealth, property; as in निःस्व q. v.
    -2 (In alg.) The plus or affirmative quantity; cf. धनः; स्वशब्दो$यमात्मीयधनज्ञातीनां प्रत्येकं वाचको न समुदायस्य ŚB. on MS.6.7.2. The Ego.
    -4 Nature (स्वभावः); वृत्तिर्भूतानि भूतानां चराणामचराणि च । कृता स्वेन नृणां तत्र कामाच्चोदनयापि वा ॥ Bhāg.12.7.13.
    -Comp. -अक्षपादः a follower of the Nyāya system of philosophy.
    -अक्षरम् one's own hand-writing.
    -अधिकारः one's own duty or sway; स्वाधिकारात् प्रमत्तः Me.1; स्वाधिकारभूमौ Ś.7.
    -अधिपत्यम् one's own supremacy, sovereignty.
    -अधि- ष्ठानम् one of the six Chakras or mystical circles of the body.
    -अधीन a.
    1 dependent on oneself, self-dependent.
    -2 independent.
    -3 one's own subject.
    -4 in one's own power; स्वाधीना वचनीयतापि हि वरं बद्धो न सेवाञ्जलिः Mk.3. 11. ˚कुशल a. having prosperity in one's own power; स्वाधीनकुशलाः सिद्धिमन्तः Ś.4. ˚ पतिका, ˚भर्तृका a woman who has full control over her husband, one whose husband is subject to her; अथ सा निर्गताबाधा राधा स्वाधीनभर्तृका । निजगाद रतिक्लान्तं कान्तं मण्डनवाञ्छया Gīt.12; see S. D.112. et seq.
    -अध्यायः 1 self-recitation, muttering to oneself.
    -2 study of the Vedas, sacred study, perusal of sacred books; स्वाध्यायेनार्चयेदृषीन् Ms.3.81; Bg.16.1; T. Up.1.9.1.
    -3 the Veda itself.
    -4 a day on which sacred study is enjoined to be resumed after suspension. ˚अर्थिन् m. a student who tries to secure his own livelihood during his course of holy study; Ms.11.1.
    -अध्यायिन् m.
    1 a student of the Vedas.
    -2 a tradesman.
    -अनुभवः, अनुभूतिः f.
    1 self-experience.
    -2 self-knowledge; स्वानुभूत्येकसाराय नमः शान्ताय तेजसे Bh.2.1. अनुभावः love for property.
    -अनुरूप a.
    1 natural, inborn.
    -2 worthy of oneself.
    -अन्तम् 1 the mind; मम स्वान्तध्वान्तं तिरयतु नवीनो जलधरः Bv.4.5; Mv.7.17.
    -2 a cavern.
    -3 one's own death, end.
    -अर्जित a. self-acquired.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 self-interested.
    -2 having its own or true meaning.
    -3 having one's own object or aim.
    -4 pleonastic.
    (-र्थः) 1 one's own interest, self-interest; सर्वः स्वार्थं समीहते Śi.2.65; स्वार्थात्सतां गुरुतरा प्रणयिक्रियैव V. 4.15.
    -2 own or inherent meaning; स्वार्थे णिच्, स्वार्थे कप्रत्ययः &c.; परार्थव्यासङ्गादुपजहदथ स्वार्थपरताम् Bv.1.79 (where both senses are intended).
    -3 = पुरुषार्थः q. v.; Bhāg.12.2.6. ˚अनुमानम् inference for oneself, a kind of inductive reasoning, one of the two main kinds of अनुमान, the other being परार्थानुमान. ˚पण्डित a.
    1 clever in one's own affairs.
    -2 expert in attending to one's own interests. ˚पर, ˚परायण a. intent on securing one's own interests, selfish; परार्थानुष्ठाने जडयति नृपं स्वार्थपरता Mu.3.4. ˚विघातः frustration of one's object. ˚सिद्धिः f. fulfilment of one's own object.
    -आनन्दः delight in one's self.
    -आयत्त a. subject to, or dependent upon, oneself; स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणं विधात्रा विनिर्मितं छादनमज्ञतायाः Bh. 2.7.
    -आरब्ध, -आरम्भक a. self-undertaken.
    - आहत a. coined by one's self.
    -इच्छा self-will, own inclination. ˚आचारः acting as one likes; self-will. ˚मृत्युः an epithet of Bhīṣma.
    -उत्थ a. innate.
    -उदयः the rising of a sign or heavenly body at any particular place.
    -उपधिः a fixed star.
    -कम्पनः air, wind.
    -कर्मन् one's own duty (स्वधर्म); स्वकर्मनिरतः सिद्धिं यथा विन्दति तच्छृणु Bg.18. 45.
    -कर्मस्थ a. minding one's own duty; अधीयीरंस्त्रयो वर्णाः स्वकर्मस्था द्विजातयः Ms.1.1.
    -कर्मिन् a. selfish.
    -कामिन् a. selfish.
    -कार्यम् one's own business or interest.
    -कुलक्षयः a fish.
    -कृतम् a deed done by one's self.
    -कृतंभुज् a. experiencing the results of former deeds (प्रारब्धकर्म); मा शोचतं महाभागावात्मजान् स्वकृतंभुजः Bhāg.1. 4.18.
    -गतम् ind. to oneself, aside (in theatrical lang- uage).
    -गृहः a kind of bird.
    -गोचर a. subject to one's self; स्वगोचरे सत्यपि चित्तहारिणा Ki.8.13.
    -चर a. self-moving.
    -छन्द a.
    1 self-willed, uncontrolled, wanton.
    -2 spontaneous.
    -3 wild. (
    -न्दः) one's own will or choice, own fancy or pleasure, independence. (
    -न्दम्) ind. at one's own will or pleasure, wantonly, volunta- rily; स्वच्छन्दं दलदरविन्द ते मरन्दं विन्दन्तो विदधतु गुञ्जितं मिलिन्दाः Bv.1.15.
    - a.
    1 self-born.
    -2 natural (स्वाभाविक); आगता त्वामियं बुद्धिः स्वजा वैनायिकी च या Rām.2.112.16.
    (-जः) 1 a son or child.
    -2 sweat, perspiration.
    -3 a viper. (
    -जा) a daughter. (
    -जम्) blood.
    -जनः 1 a kinsman, relative; इतःप्रत्यादेशात् स्वजनमनुगन्तुं व्यवसिता Ś. 6.8; Pt.1.5.
    -2 one's own people or kindred, one's household. ˚गन्धिन् a. distantly related to. (स्वजनायते Den. P. 'becomes or is treated as a relation'; Pt.1.5.)
    -जातिः 1 one's own kind.
    -2 one's own family or caste.
    -ज्ञातिः a kinsman.
    -ता personal regard or interest; अस्यां मे महती स्वता Svapna.1.7.
    -तन्त्र a.
    1 self-dependent, uncontrolled, independent, self-willed.
    -2 of age, full-grown. (
    -न्त्रम्) one's own (common group of) subsidiaries; जैमिनेः परतन्त्रापत्तेः स्वतन्त्रप्रतिषेधः स्यात् MS. 12.1.8. (
    -न्त्रः) a blind man.
    -दृश् a. seeing one's self; ईयते भगवानेभिः सगुणो निर्गुणः स्वदृक् Bhāg.3.32.36.
    -देशः one's own country, native country. ˚जः, ˚बन्धुः a fellow countryman.
    -धर्मः 1 one's own religion.
    -2 one's own duty, the duties of one's own class; Ms.1.88,91; स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः Bg.3.35.
    -3 peculiarity, one's own rights.
    -निघ्न a. depending on or subservi- ent to oneself; (पुराणि च) निगृह्य निग्रहाभिज्ञो निन्ये नेता स्वनिघ्नताम् Śiva B.25.9.
    -पक्षः 1 one's own side or party.
    -2 a friend.
    -3 one's own opinion.
    -पणः one's own stake.
    -परमण्डलम् one's own and an enemy's country.
    -प्रकाश a.
    1 self-evident.
    -2 self-luminous.
    -प्रतिष्ठ a. astringent.
    -प्रधान a. independent.
    -प्रयोगात् ind. by means of one's own efforts.
    -बीजः the soul.
    -भटः 1 one's own warrior.
    -2 bodyguard.
    -भावः 1 own state.
    -2 an essential or inherent property, natu- ral constitution, innate or peculiar disposition, nature; स्वभावहेतुजा भावाः Mb.12.211.3; पौरुषं कारणं केचिदाहुः कर्मसु मानवाः । दैवमेके प्रशंसन्ति स्वभावमपरे जनाः ॥ 12.238.4; Bg.5.14; स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः Subhāṣ.; so कुटिल˚, शुद्ध˚, मृदु˚, चपल˚, कठिन˚ &c. ˚आत्मक a. natural, inborn; स्वभावतः प्रवृत्तो यः प्राप्नोत्यर्थ न कारणात्। तत् स्वभावात्मकं विद्धि फलं पुरुष- सत्तम ॥ Mb.3.32.19. ˚उक्तिः f.
    1 spontaneous declara- tion.
    -2 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech which consists in describing a thing to the life, or with exact resem- blance; स्वभावोक्तिस्तु डिम्भादेः स्वक्रियारूपवर्णनम् K. P.1, or नानावस्थं पदार्थानां रूपं साक्षाद्विवृण्वती Kāv.2.8. ˚ज a. innate, natural. ˚भावः natural disposition. ˚वादः the doctrine that the universe was produced and is sustained by the natural and necessary action of substances according to their inherent properties, (and not by the agency of a Supreme Being). ˚सिद्ध a. natural, sponta- neous, inborn.
    -भूः m.
    1 an epithet of Brahman.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu. -f. one's own country, home.
    -मनीषा own judgement.
    -मनीषिका indifference.
    -मात्रेण ind. by one's self.
    -युतिः the line which joins the extremities of the perpendicular and diagonal.
    -यूथ्यः a relation.
    -योनि a. related on the mother's side. (-m., f.) own womb, one's own place of birth. (-f.) a sister or near female relative; रेतःसेकः स्वयोनीषु कुमारीष्वन्त्यजासु च (गुरुतल्पसमं विदुः) Ms.11.58.
    -रसः 1 natural taste.
    -2 proper taste or sentiment in com- position.
    -3 a kind of astringent juice.
    -4 the residue of oily substances (ground on a stone.)
    -राज् a.
    1 self-luminons; त्वमकरणः स्वराडखिलकारकशक्तिधरः Bhāg.1. 87.28.
    -2 self-wise; Bhāg.1.1.1. -m.
    1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 one of the seven rays of the sun.
    -3 N. of Brahmā; दिदृक्षुरागादृषिभिर्वृतः स्वराट् Bhāg.3.18.2.
    -4 N. of Viṣṇ&u; हस्तौ च निरभिद्येतां बलं ताभ्यां ततः स्वराट् Bhāg.3. 26.59.
    -5 a king with a revenue of 5 lacs to one crore Karṣas; ततस्तु कोटिपर्यन्तः स्वराट् सम्राट् ततः परम् Śukra.1. 185.
    -राज्यम् 1 independent dominion or sovereignty.
    -2 own kingdom.
    -राष्ट्रम् own kingdom.
    -रुचिः one's own pleasure.
    -रूप a.
    1 similar, like.
    -2 handsome, pleasing, lovely.
    -3 learned, wise.
    (-पम्) 1 one's own form or shape, natural state or condition; तत्रान्यस्य कथं न भावि जगतो यस्मात् स्वरूपं हि तत् Pt.1.159.
    -2 natural character or form, true constitution.
    -3 nature.
    -4 peculiar aim.
    -5 kind, sort, species. ˚असिद्धि f. one of the three forms of fallacy called असिद्ध q. v.
    -लक्षणम् a peculiar characteristic or property.
    -लोकः 1 one's own form (आत्मरूप); व्यर्थो$पि नैवोपरमेत पुंसां मत्तः परावृत्तधियां स्वलोकात् Bhāg.11.22.34.
    -2 self-knowledge; पुष्णन् स्वलोकाय न कल्पते वै Bhāg.7.6.16.
    -बत् a. possessed of property; स्ववती श्रुत्यनुरोधात् ŚB. on MS.6.1.2.
    -वश a.
    1 self-controlled.
    -2 independent.
    -वहित a.
    1 self-impelled.
    -2 alert, active.
    -वासिनी a woman whether married or unmarried who continues to live after maturity in her father's house.
    -विग्रहः one's own body.
    -विषयः one's own country, home.
    -वृत्तम् one's own business.
    -वृत्ति a. living by one's own exertions.
    -संविद् f. the knowledge of one's own or the true essence.
    -संवृत a. self-protected, self-guarded; मायां नित्यं स्वसंवृतः Ms.7.14.
    -संवेदनम् knowledge derived from one's self.
    -संस्था 1 self-abiding.
    -2 self-possession.
    -3 ab- sorption in one's own self; उन्मत्तमत्तजडवत्स्वसंस्थां गतस्य मे वीर चिकित्सितेन Bhāg.5.1.13.
    -स्थ a.
    1 self-abiding.
    -2 self-dependent, relying on one's own exer- tions, confident, firm, resolute; स्वस्थं तं सूचयन्तीव वञ्चितो$सीति वीक्षितैः Bu. Ch.4.37.
    -3 independent.
    -4 doing well, well, in health, at ease, comfortable; स्वस्थ एवास्मि Māl.4; स्वस्थे को वा न पण्डितः Pt.1.127; see अखस्थ also.
    -5 contented, happy. (
    -स्थम्) ind. at ease, comfortably, composedly.
    -स्थानम् one's own place or home, one's own abode; नक्रः स्वस्थानमासाद्य गजेन्द्रमपि कर्षति Pt.3.46. ˚विवृद्धिः (Mīmāṁsā) augmen- tation in its own place (opp. दण्डकलितवत् आवृत्तिः); तत्र पूर्णे पुनरावृत्तिर्नास्तीति दण्डकलितवद् न स्यात् । न च वृद्ध्या विना तद न्तरं पूर्यते इति स्वस्थानविवृद्धिरागतेति ŚB. on MS.1.5.83.
    -स्वरूपम् one's true character.
    -हन्तृ m. suicide.
    -हरणम् confiscation of property.
    -हस्तः one's own hand or handwriting, an autograph; see under हस्त.
    -हस्तिका an axe.
    -हित a. beneficial to oneself (
    -तम्) one's own good or advantage, one's own welfare.
    -हेतुः one's own cause.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > स्व _sva

  • 107 boule

    boule [bul]
    1. feminine noun
       a. (Billiards, croquet) ball ; (Bowls) bowl
    roulé en boule [animal] curled up in a ball ; [paquet] rolled up in a ball
    se mettre en boule [hérisson] to roll up into a ball ; (inf) [personne] to fly off the handle (inf)
       b. ( = grosseur) (inf) lump
    j'ai les boules (inf!) ( = anxieux) I've got butterflies (inf) in my stomach ; ( = furieux) I'm really mad (inf)
    ça fout les boules (inf!) ( = ça angoisse) it's really scary (inf) ; ( = ça énerve) it's damn annoying (inf!)
       c. ( = tête) (inf) perdre la boule to go bonkers (inf!)
    This popular French game takes several forms, including « pétanque », which originated in the South of France. The idea of the game is to throw steel balls towards a small wooden ball called the « cochonnet », if necessary knocking one's opponent's boules out of the way in the process. The winner is the player who finishes closest to the « cochonnet ».
    * * *

    boules nom féminin pluriel boules
    Phrasal Verbs:

    avoir la boule à zéro — (colloq) to have no hair left

    perdre la boule — (colloq) to go mad

    mettre quelqu'un en boule — (colloq) to make somebody furious

    avoir les boules — (colloq) ( angoisse) to have butterflies (colloq) (in one's stomach); ( colère) to be hopping mad (colloq)

    ça me fout les boules — (sl) ( angoisse) the thought of it makes me sick (colloq); ( exaspération) it really gets to me (colloq)

    * * *
    bul nf
    2) (pour jouer) bowl
    3) *

    se mettre en boule — to fly off the handle, to blow one's top

    * * *
    A nf ( de bowling) bowl; ( de jeu de boules) boule; ( de rampe d'escalier) knob; ( de machine à écrire) head; mettre qch en boule to roll sth up into a ball; avoir une boule dans la gorge to have a lump in one's throat; avoir une boule sur l'estomac to have a lead weight in one's stomach; ⇒ loto.
    B boulesLes jeux et les sports nfpl Jeux boules.
    boule de billard billiard ball; boule de commande Ordinat tracker ball; boule de cristal crystal ball; boule de feu fireball; boule de gomme pastille; boule à légumes vegetable steamer; boule de naphtaline mothball; boule de neige snowball; faire boule de neige to snowball; boule de nerfs bundle of nerves; boule puante stink bomb; boule Quiès® earplug; boule à thé tea ball.
    avoir la boule à zéro to have no hair left; il a perdu la boule ( définitivement) he's gone mad; ( passagèrement) he's lost his marbles; être en boule to be furious; mettre qn en boule to make sb furious; avoir les boules ( angoisse) to have butterflies (in one's stomach); ( colère) to be hopping mad; ça me fout les boules ( angoisse) the thought of it makes me sick; ( exaspération) it really gets to me.
    [bul] nom féminin
    1. [sphère] ball
    boule de poils [dans l'estomac d'un animal] hairball
    boules Quiès® earplugs
    2. (familier) [tête]
    3. JEUX
    boules (très familier) nom féminin pluriel
    a. [être effrayé] to be scared stiff
    c. [être déprimé] to be feeling down
    en boule locution adjectivale & locution adverbiale
    [en rond - animal]
    (familier) [en colère]
    être en boule to be hopping mad, to be furious
    ça me met en boule it makes me mad, it really gets my goat

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > boule

  • 108 envoi

    envoi [ɑ̃vwa]
    masculine noun
       a. ( = action) sending ; (par bateau) shipment
    coup d'envoi (Sport) kick-off ; [de festival] opening ; [de série d'événements] start
       b. ( = colis) parcel
    * * *
    nom masculin

    date d'envoidispatch date GB, mailing date US

    faire un envoi deto send [fleurs, livres]

    donner le coup d'envoi deto kick off [match, campagne]; to open [festival, fête]

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    ɑ̃vwa nm
    1) (= action) sending
    2) (= paquet) parcel, consignment
    * * *
    envoi nm
    1 Postes ( expédition) tous les envois de colis sont suspendus parcel post is suspended; date d'envoi dispatch date GB, mailing date US; faire un envoi de to send [fleurs, livres]; date limite d'envoi des dossiers d'inscription deadline for posting GB ou mailing US registration forms; frais d'envoi postage;
    2 ( ce qui est expédié) recevoir un envoi postal to receive something through the post GB ou mail US; nous attendons un envoi important we're expecting a large consignment; quelle est la nature de l'envoi? what are you sending?; nous n'acceptons pas les envois de plus de deux kilos we cannot accept parcels over two kilos;
    3 (déplacement de personnes, matériel, nourriture) demander l'envoi de troupes/d'une délégation/d'une force de paix to ask for troops/a delegation/a peace keeping force to be dispatched; décider l'envoi immédiat de vivres/d'hélicoptères to decide to dispatch food supplies/helicopters immediately;
    4 ( lancement) l'envoi de la fusée sera reporté the rocket launch will be postponed; coup d'envoi Sport kick-off; donner le coup d'envoi de to kick off [match, campagne]; to open [festival, fête];
    envoi de fonds remittance of cash; faire un envoi de fonds to dispatch cash; envoi en nombre bulk dispatch GB, bulk mailing US; envoi recommandé registered post ¢ GB, registered mail ¢ US; faire un envoi recommandé to send something by registered post GB ou mail US; envoi contre remboursement cash on delivery, COD; faire un envoi contre remboursement to send something COD; envoi en touche ( au football) throw.
    [ɑ̃vwa] nom masculin
    1. [de marchandises, d'argent] sending
    a. [colis] to send a parcel
    b. [lettre] to send a letter
    2. [d'un messager, de soldats] sending in, dispatching, dispatch
    3. [colis] parcel, consignment
    [lettre] letter
    b. [lettre] registered letter
    a. [colis] recorded delivery parcel (UK), registered package with return receipt (US)
    b. [lettre] recorded delivery letter (UK), registered letter with return receipt (US)
    b. [joueur] to kick off

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > envoi

  • 109 HINN

    * * *
    (hin, hitt), dem. pron.
    1) the other; á hinn fótinn, on the other leg; pl. the others, the rest (Kimbi bar sár sín engan mun betr en hinir);
    2) emphatically, that; hitt ek hugða, that was what I thought; hitt vil ek vita, that I want to know.
    (hin, hit), def. art., before an adjective standing alone or followed by a substantive, the, = inn, enn( eptir hinni eystri kvísl).
    * * *
    HIN, HIT, the article, an enclitic, which therefore can never serve as an accentuated syllable in a verse, either as rhyme or in alliteration. In good old MSS. (e. g. Cod. Reg. of Sæm.) it is hardly ever spelt with the aspirate, but is written inn, in, it or ið, or enn, en, et or eð, and thus distinguished from the demonstr. pron. hinn; but in the Editions the prob. spurious aspirate has been generally prefixed: an indecl. inu or hinu occurs often in later MSS. of the 14th century, e. g. the Fb.; but as it has not been heard of since and is unknown in the modern language, it simply seems to be a Norwegianism, thus, inu sömu orð, Th. 2; hinnu fyrri biskupa (gen. pl.), H. E. ii. 79; enu instu luti ( res intimas), Hom. 57 (Norse MS.); hinu ágæztu menn (nom. pl.), id.; innu óargu dýra, 657 A. ii. 12: [cp. Goth. jains = ἐκεινος; A. S. geond; Engl. yon; Germ. jener.]
    A. The:
    I. preceding the noun:
    1. before an adjective standing alone or followed by a substantive; inn mæri, inn ríki, inn dimmi dreki, inn mikli mögr, Vsp.; in aldna, id.; inn góða mjöð, the good mead, Gm. 13; inn mæra mjöð, Skm. 16; inn helga mjöð, Sdm. 18; in forna fold, Hým. 24; in fríða frilla, 30; inn fróði jötum, Vþm. 20; inn gamli þulr, 9; inn hára þul, Fm. 34; inn fráni ormr, 19; opt inn betri bilar þá er inn verri vegr, Hm. 127; in alsnotra ambátt, in arma, Þkv.; enn fróði afi, Skm. 2; in ílla mæra, 32; enn fráni ormr, 27; eð manunga man, Hm. 163; enn aldna jötun, 104; en horska mær, 95; it betra, Stor. 22; ena þriðju, the third, Vsp. 20; inn móður-lausi mögr, Fm. 2; it gjalla gull, ok it glóðrauða fé, 9; ið fyrsta orð, Sdm. 14; enu skírleita goði, Gm. 39; in glýstömu græti, Hðm. 1; in svásu goð, Vþm. 17; enum frægja syni, Hm. 141; at ins tryggva vinar, 66; ennar góðu konu, 100; ins svinna mans, 162; ens dýra mjaðar, 141; ens hindra dags, 109; ens unga mans, Skm. 11; ens deykkva hrafns, Skv. 2. 20; æ til ins eina dags, Fm. 10; ena níundu hverja nótt, Skm. 21: with the ordinals, inn fyrsti, þriði …, Gm. 6 sqq., Sdm. 21 sqq.
    2. so also before an adverb; it sama, likewise, Hm. 75, Fm. 4, Vþm. 22, 23, Gm. 15, Hdl. 26.
    3. as an indecl. particle ‘in’ or ‘en’ before a comparative; in heldr, the more, Hm. 60, Sdm. 36, Hkv. 1. 12, Skv. 1. 21, Gh. 3, Nj. 219; in lengr, the longer, Am. 58, 61; this has been already mentioned s. v. en (p. 127, B. at bottom, and p. 128), but it is almost exclusively poetical.
    II. placed between a pronoun and an adjective in the definite form:
    1. after a demonstr.; sá inn fráni ormr, Fm. 26; sá inn harði hallr, Gs. 10; sá inn aldni jötun, Skm. 25; sá inn ámáttki jötunn, 10; þat ið mikla men, Þkv. 13; þat ið litla, ‘that the little,’ i. e. the little thing, Ls. 44: þann inn alsvinna jötun, Vþm. 1; þann inn aldna jötun, Fm. 29; þann inn hrímkalda jötun, 38; þess ins alsvinna jötuns, Vþm. 5; þat it unga man, Alm. 6; þann inn aldna jötun, Gm. 50; þau in harðmóðgu ský, 41; sá inn máttki munr, 93; mönnum þeim enum aldrœnum, Hbl. 44; börn þau in blíðu, Og. 9; hrís þat ið mæra, Akv. 5: in prose, fjölmenni þat it mikla, Eg. 46; þetta it mikla skip, Fms. x. 347, passim: with ordinals, segðu þat ið eina, say that the first, Vþm. 20; þat ið þriðja, fjórða …, 20 sqq.
    2. after a possessive; síns ins heila hugar, síns ins svára sefa, Hm. 105; þíns ins hvassa hjörs, Fm. 29; minn inn hvassi hjörr, 6; míns ins hvassa hjörs, 28; bækr þínar inar bláhvítu, Hðm.
    3. after a pers. pron.: þú hinn armi, thou wretch! Ld. 326; gakk þú hingat hinn mikli maðr! Eg. 488.
    III. placed between two nouns in apposition:
    1. between a proper name and a title or epithet in the definite form; Sigurðr inn Suðræni, Sigurd the Southerner, Skv. 3. 4; Atli inn Ríki, Akv. 29; Högna ins frækna, Hjalla ins blauða, 23; Guðröðr inn Göfugláti, Ýt.; Hamðir inn hugumstóri, Hðm. 25; Kjötva’nn (= Kjötva enn) Auðga, Hornklofi; Svan enum Rauða, Álfr enn Gamli, Hdl.; as also in prose, Ívarr inn Víðfaðmi, Haraldr enn Hárfagri, Ólafr inn Digri, Knútr inn Fundni, Auðr in Djúpauðga, Þorbjörg in Digra, Hildr in Mjófa, Steinólfr inn Lági, Þorkell inn Hávi, Kjarlakr inn Gamli, Björn inn Austræni, Ólafr inn Hvíti, Hálfdan inn Svarti, Sighvatr inn Rauði, Kyjólfr inn Grá, Gestr inn Spaki; Ari inn Fróði (Aren Froðe contr. = Are enn Froðe, Ó. T. 23, line 1), Ketill inn Heimski, Knútr inn Ríki, Eadvarðr inn Góði, Hálfdan inn Mildi, Ingjaldr inn Illráði, Helgi inn Magri, Úlfr inn Skjálgi, Landn., Fb. iii; cp. Gr. Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων, Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος, Germ. Nathan der Weise, Engl. Alfred the Great, etc.: of ships, Ormr inn Langi, Ormr inn Skammi.
    2. between an appellative and an adjective; sveinn inn hvíti, Ls. 20; hendi inni hægri, 61; þengill inn meins-vani, Gm. 16; seggr inn ungi, Skm. 2; skati inn ungi, Hdl. 9; brúðr in kappsvinna, Am. 75; hest inn hraðfæra, Gh. 18; varr inn vígfrækni, gumi inn gunnhelgi, Hðm. 30; auð inn fagra, Skv. 1. 13; orm inn frána, 1, 11; fjánda inn fólkská, Fm. 37; konungr inn Húnski, Skv. 3. 8, 18, 63, 64; orð ið fyrra, Og. 9; mál ið efsta, 16; seggr inn suðræni, Akv. 3; seggr inn æri, 6; mar’inum mélgreypa, 3, 13; borg inni há, 14; sól inni suðrhöllu, 30; veðrs ens mikla, Hkv. 1. 12; handar ennar hægri, Ls. 38, 61; vífs ins vegliga, Am. 54; konung inn kostsama, Hkm.; gramr inn glaðværi, id.; hlut inn mjóvara, Ýt. 13; konungr inn kynstóri, fylkir inn framlyndi, hilmi’nom hálsdigra, konu’na Dönsku, hverr’ enni Heinversku, Hornklofi, Sæm. (Möb.) 228–231; við arm inn vestra, Sighvat; so also in prose passim.
    B. When there was no adjective the article became a suffix to the noun (see Gramm. pp. xix, xx), a usage common even in early prose, but extremely rare in poetry; the reason is, not that the poems were composed before the suffixed article had come into use, but that the metres themselves in which all the old poems were composed are older than that usage, and are not well adapted to it, so that the absence of the article became traditional. The old poem Harbarðsljóð makes an exception, no doubt not from being later than all other poems, but from being composed in a peculiar metre, half verse and half prose; thus in that single poem alone there are nearly twenty instances, or about twice or thrice as many as in all the other poems together:—váginn, Hbl. 2, 13, 15; sundit, 1, 3, 8, 13; verðinum, 4; eikjunni, 7; skipit, id.; stöðna, landit, id.; leiðina, 55; höfuðit, 15; bátinum, 53; veggsins, stokksins, steinsins, 56; matrinn, 3: other solitary instances are, goðin öll, Vsp. 27 (prob. somewhat corrupt); eiki-köstinn, Gh. 20; vömmin vár, Ls. 52.
    II. in prose, old and modern, the suffixed article occurs at every step; only one or two instances are worth noticing as peculiar to the Icelandic:
    1. as vocative in addressing; konan, O woman! mjöðnannan, id., Sighvat (in a verse of A. D. 1018, and so in mod. usage); elskan! hjartað! heillin! ástin, my love! dear! heart! þursinn! Fas. i. 385; hundarnir! = ω κύνες, Od. xxii. 35: also with another word, barnið gott, good child! Þrúðnaþussinn, thou monster giant! Miðgarðs-ormrinn! Fas. i. 373.
    2. esp. if with a possessive adjective following, as in Gr. οὑμός, τοὐμόν, τἀμά, etc.; elskan mín, ástin mín, hjartað mitt, góðrinn minn! hér er nú ástin mín, here is my darling! Sturl. ii. 78, of a father presenting a darling child to a friend; and so in mod. usage: as abuse, hundrinn þinn, thou dog! Ísl. ii. 176; þjófrinn þinn! Fms. vii. 127; dyðrillinn þinn! ii. 279; hundinum þínum! vi. 323: this use is not confined to the vocative, e. g. konan mín biðr að heilsa, my wife (kona mín is never used); maðrinn minn, my husband; biddu foreldrana þína ( ask thy parents) að lofa þér að fara; augun hans, his eyes, Pass. 24. 4; hugrinn vor og hjartað sé, our mind and heart (cp. Gr. τω ἐμω θυμω), 43. 5; svo hjartað bæði og málið mitt | mikli samhuga nafnið þitt, 10. 7; gef þú að móður-málið mitt, 35. 9; bókin mín, my favourite book, my own book; as also, fáðu mér hattinn minn, vetlingana mína, skóna mína, give me my hat, gloves, shoes; tungan í þér, augun í þér, thy tongue, thy eyes; höfuðið á mér, fætrnir á mér, my head, my feet; hendrnar á þér (‘á mér, á þér’ are here equivalent to a possessive, see p. 37, C. IV), thy hands, cp. Homer, τα σα γούνατα; hestana þína, Gr. ϊππους τους σούς: similar is the instance, vömmin vár, the sins of ours, Ls. 52; this may be a remnant of a time when the article was used separately, even with an indefinite adjective.
    3. a double article, one suffixed to the noun and the other prefixed to the word in apposition; hirðin sú in Danska, Fms. vi. 323; þau in stóru skipin, viii. 384 and passim: again, when a noun is put in the genitive after another noun the former has no article; as the Engl. phrase ‘the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air’ is in Icel. ‘fiskar sjávarins og fuglar loptsins:’ but this belongs to the syntax; see also Grimm’s D. G. iv. 432.
    C. SPECIAL CHANGES, in mod. usage:
    I. the demonstr. pron. sá, sú, það has in speech generally taken the place of inn, in, it; thus, sá gamli maðr, sú gamla kona, það gamla skáld; sometimes the article is dropped altogether, e. g. á fimta degi, on the fifth day (= á enum fimta degi); á sömn stundu, in the same hour; even in old writers this is found, með sömu ætlan, Bs. i. 289; á níundu tíð dags, Stj. 41, (but rarely); yet the old form is often retained in writing.
    II. in case A. II. the article may be dropped; þann gamla maim, þá gömlu konu, það gamla skáld, þú armi, etc.; sá ráða-góði, sú goðum-líki, sá ágæti Odysseifr, sú vitra Penelopa, sá Jarðkringjandi Pósídon, Od. passim (in Dr. Egilsson’s translation).
    III. in case A. III. 1. the article is also dropped, Knútr Ríki, Haraldr Hárfagri; even old writers (esp. in later vellums) omitted it now and then, Hálfdan Svarta, Fms. i. 1; Haraldr Grænski, 90; Haraldr Hárfagri, 192; Óttarr ungi, Hdl.: even in the Sæm. Cod. Reg., Völsungr ungi, Skv. 3. 1, 3.
    IV. in case A. III. 2. the pronouns sá, sú, það, and hinn, hin, hit may be used indiscriminately, although the former is more usual.
    V. lastly, in case B. the suffixed article has gained ground, and is in modern prose used more freq. than in ancient.
    ☞ CONCLUSION.—The old poetical language, with the sole exception of a single poem, had no article in the modern and proper sense; in every instance the ‘inn, in, it’ bears the character of a demonstrative pronoun, preceding an adjective and enhancing and emphasising its sense, like the pers. pron. hann, q. v.; but it is never attached to a single substantive; when the adjective was placed in apposition after a noun, the pronoun came to stand as an enclitic just after the noun, and was sounded as if suffixed thereto; at last it was tacked as an actual suffix to single nouns standing without apposition, and thus the true suffixed article gradually arose, first in speech, then in writing; whereas at the same time the old pronominal enclitic (A. I-III) gradually went out of use, and was either dropped or replaced by the stronger demonstrative pronoun ‘sá, sú.’
    HIN, HITT, demonstr. pron., prob. identical in etymology with the preceding word, from which it is however distinguished,
    1. by the neut. hitt, Dan. hint;
    2. by the initial aspirate, which is never dropped;
    3. by being a fully accentuated pronoun, so that the h can stand as an alliterative letter, e. g. handar ennar hægri | mun ek hinnar geta, Ls.; veitkat ek hitt hvart Heita | hungr …, Hallfred; Hitt kvað þá Hamðir, etc., Hom. 23, 25, Korm. 40; Raun er hins at Heinir | hræ …; Skáld biðr hins at haldi | hjálm …, Sighvat, Hkv. Hjörv. 26: [Ulf. jains = ἐκεινος; A. S. geond; Engl. yon; Germ. jener.]
    A. This pronoun is used,
    I. in a demonstr. sense, emphatically and without being opp. to a preceding demonstr.; raun er hins at …, it is proved that …; skáld biðr hins, at …, Sighvat; veitkat ek hitt hvat (hvárt) …, Hallfred; hitt ek hugða, emphatically, that was what I thought, I thought forsooth, Hm. 98; hitt kvað pá Hróðrglóð, Hðm. 13; hitt kvað þá Hamðir, 25; hitt vil ek vita, that I want to know, Vþm. 3, 6; þó ek hins get, ef …, yet I guess, that if …, Skm. 24; vita skal hitt, ef …, Korm. 40 (in a verse), Ísl. ii. 225 (in a verse); hitt var fyrr = in former times, formerly, Ýt., Fs. 94 (in a verse); hinn er sæll, er …, he is happy, that …, Hm. 8; maðr hinn er …, ‘man he that’ = the man who, 26; hinn er Surts ór Sökkdölum, Edda 51 (in a verse); veitat hinn er tin tannar, hinn er um eyki annask, Kormak (in a verse); handar innar hægri mun ek hinnar geta, er …, the right hand, that hand namely, which …, Ls. 38; this usage scarcely occurs except in old poetry.
    II. demonstr. referring to another pronoun, denoting the former, farther, the other, = Dan. hiin, hint, Germ. jener, cp. Gr. ἐκεινος, Lat. ille; freq. in prose, old and mod.; fóru þeir með þau skip er þeim þóttu bezt en brenndu hin, Fms. v. 8; Kimbi bar sár sitt engan mun betr en hinir, er hann hafði áðr á fært, 92; en hitt er meira, at hann lætr sér annarra manna fé jafnheimilt, Eg. 47; kemr örvar-oddrinn í strenglag hinnar örvarinnar, Fb. iii. 405; er þú hefir mik fyrir lagt á hinu áðr, 407; hinir frændr þínir, ii. 425; á hinn fótinn, on that, the other leg, Nj. 97; þat er válítið, … hitt er undr …, Ls. 33; hinir hlaða seglunum ok bíða, Fms. x. 347; ef hinn ( the other part) er eigi þar við staddr, Grág. i. 52; hvárt hinn ( the other one) hefir jafnmikit fé hins ( of the other one) er austr er, 220; rétt er at kveðja frá hennar heimili ef hann veit hvártki hinna (gen. pl.), 339; ok vill annarr hluta en annarr eigi … ok verðr sem hinn mæli ekki um er eigi vill hluta, 393; ef maðr sendir annan mann til eindaga, ok erat hinn skyldr við at taka, id.; þess á milli er hón fór at sofa á kveldit, ok hins er hón var klædd, Ld. 14; ærit fögr er mær sjá, … en hitt veit ek eigi hvaðan þjófs-augu eru komin í ættir várar, forsooth she is a beautiful girl, but yet I know not, Nj. 2:—demonstr. in the sense of this (but rare), stjörnur þær er nær eru leiðar-stjöruu ganga aldri undir með oss, en í Blálandi eðr Arabia ganga hinar stjörnur, these very stars, Rb. 468: phrases, hitt ok annat, this and the other, Rd. 235; mod. hitt og þetta.
    B. COMPOUND FORMS, hinn-ug, hinn-og, or hins-ig, mod. hins-egin, also hizig, q. v. [from vegr], adv. the other way; þótt Gísl þykki hinsig (hinn veg, v. l.) eigi síðr til vísa, Fms. vii. 46; hinnig værir þú undir brún at líta sem …, Nj. 55: locally, there, in the other place, illic, ok láta bera vætti þat hinneg var nefnt, Grág. i. 90; heimta af erfingja ef hinnig er eigi til, K. Þ. K. 28; brenndi þar ok görði hervirki eigi minna enn hinneg, Fms. vi. 340; ef hinnig mundi kostr, K. Þ. K. 24; eigi er hægra undir þeim at búa fyrir kulda sakir, enn hinnog er fyrir ofrhita sakir, Sks. 196; því at hón er kaldari hér en hizug, 70: temp. the other day, formerly (rare), er ek hinnig mælta, Og. 11.
    2. denoting motion, hither, thither; hinnig deyja ór Helju halir, Vþm. 43; renna hinnig, Gh. 18; ríða hinig, Fm. 26: koma hinig, Gs. 18.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HINN

  • 110 MALA

    * * *
    (mel; mól, mólum; malinn), v. to grind (mala valbygg).
    * * *
    pret. mól, mólu; subj. pret. mœli, Gs. 10; part. malinn; reflex. pret. mólsk, Edda 78; a defect. strong verb supplied by weak forms, thus the strong pres. indic. sing. mel scarcely occurs; in mod. usage it is weak throughout, mala, malaði, malat, although the strong pret. may still be used in writing: [Ulf. malan = ἀγήθειν, Luke xvii. 35, and so through other Teut. languages; cp. Lat. mola, molere; Gr. μύλη; derived are Icel. mylja and melja, q. v.]:—to grind; en sú náttúra fylgði kvernunum, at þat mólsk á kverninni er sá mælti fyrir er mól, … Fróði konungr bað þær mala gull ok frið ok sælu Fróða … þær mólu litla hríð áðr niðr sukku skipin, Edda 78, 79 (the tale of Fróði and the power-mill, cp. 221); auð mölum Fróða (dat.) mölum alsælan, Gs. 5; né mœli svá mær bergrisa … malit hefi ek fyrir mik …, mól míns föður mær rammliga, … mölum enn framar, … mólu meyjar megins kostuðu, … malit höfum, Fróði, sem munum heita, 10 sqq.; frá ek at Fróða meyjar fullgóliga mólu, Edda 81 (in a verse); hann tók klæði ambáttar ok gékk at mala, Sæm. 110; mala valbygg, Hkv. 2. 2; konungr heyrði í hús nokkut kveðandi svá fagra, at honum fannsk mikit um, hann reið til hússins ok sá inn at þar sat kona við kvern, ok kvað for- knnnar fagrt við er hón mól, Fms. vii. 233; á þeim kvörnum mólu tólf konur byggkorn ok hveiti-korn til mannfæðis, höfðu hinar konurnar þá malat sitt hveiti, Od. xx. 106; at mala þeim korn eðr baka þeim brauð, H. E. i. 503; þær er mólu ból Amlóða (q. v.), Edda 67 (in a verse): metaph., stýri mól, of a rudder in the sea, Rekst.
    II. metaph. to purr, of a cat, Germ. spinnen, freq. in mod. usage.
    III. part. malit gull (cp. malmr), ground gold, pure gold; roðinn gulli mölnu, Sighvat.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > MALA

  • 111 VIÐ

    prep. with dat. and acc.
    I. with dat.
    hann sló honum niðr v. steininum, he dashed his head against the stone;
    hús liggja v. velli, the houses lie in ruins;
    kasta sér niðr v. velli, to cast oneself down on the ground;
    er inn efri kjöptr v. himni, en inn neðri við jörðu, the upper jaw touches the heaven, the lower the earth;
    hann hjó hann upp v. garðinum, he smote him close by the fence;
    skera af sér strenginn við øxinni, to cut the string, asunder against the axe;
    2) against, towards, of direction;
    horfa v. e-m, to look towards, face;
    3) along with (hann hafði marga smiðu v. sér);
    4) with, of an instrument (jarl hljóp upp v. sverði);
    5) among;
    gengu síðan í sæti sin v. öðrum mönnum, among other men;
    6) denoting barter, exchange, against, for (geta gull v. grjóti);
    7) denoting remedy, against (hjálpa e-m v. e-u);
    8) against, denoting contest, warding off (hafa liðsafla v. e-m);
    hafa (viz. afl) v. e-m, to be one’s match;
    9) ellipt. usages;
    stinga v. fótum, to stop;
    hrífa v., to catch hold;
    risa v., to withstand;
    hvatz hann fiðr v., whatsoever he may object;
    II. with acc.
    1) by, at, close to (sníða skeggit við hökuna);
    skjöldr við skjöld, shield to shield;
    v. Sandhólaferju, at Sandholferry;
    v. veginn, by the wayside;
    v. ána, by the river;
    draga segl v. hún, to hoist the sail to the top;
    festa e-n v. meið, tré, to fasten to a pole, tree;
    binda v. fót e-s, to bind up a broken leg;
    dró upp flóka v. austr, in the east;
    2) of time, towards, at;
    v. solar-setr, at sunset;
    v. sól, with the sun, at sunrise;
    v. aptan, towards evening;
    3) at, by (vera heima v. bú sitt);
    Hrútr var v. skip um sumarit, H. stayed by his ship during the summer;
    sitja v. stýri, to sit at the rudder;
    styðja sik v. e-t, to lean on;
    ganga v. staf, to walk with a staff;
    vera v. e-t, to be present at;
    sitja v. drykk, to sit at drink;
    í sýn v. bœinn, within sight of the town;
    5) denoting company, with (bauð þeim heim vill alla sína menn);
    v. annan, þriðja, fjórða mann, being two, three, four altogether;
    6) towards (a person or thing), respecting, regarding (mildr, blíðr, góðr v. e-n);
    til gæzlu v. e-n: for keeping, watching one;
    hræddr v. e-n, afraid of one;
    7) of cause, by, at;
    falla v. högg, to fall by a stroke;
    sigla v. stjörnuljós, to sail by starlight;
    verða reiðr v. e-t, to become wroth at;
    8) as compared with, set off against (þrjóta mun okkr illsku v. þik);
    eigi minna virðr en v. konunginn, of equal worth with the king;
    9) according to, after (gera klæði v. vöxt e-s);
    v. sik, in proportion;
    hann var skapaðr allr v. sik, well shaped, symmetrical;
    vita, hvat v. sik væri, to know what was the matter;
    10) denoting means, with, by (v. þessar fortölur);
    tendra eld v. e-t, to make fire by;
    11) ellipt. usages;
    bregða við, to start;
    hann þagði v., he remained silent;
    fá v. þrjú skip, to add three ships;
    þurfa v., to need;
    bjarga, hjálpa e-u v., to help, put right;
    koma e-u við, to bring about.
    (gen. -jar, pl. -jar), f. withy, withe; collar (viðjar af gulli).
    pers. pron. dual, we two.
    * * *
    f., gen. sing. viðjar, pl. viðjar, [Dan. vidje; Engl. withy; akin is víðir, q. v.]:— a withy or with; síðan var viðin ( a withy halter) dregin á hals honum, Fms. vii. 13 (see v. l.); þarmarnir urðu at viðu (sic) sterkri, Fas. iii. 34; ef röng eða viðjar slitna, Jb. 398; var enginn saumr í, en viðjar fyrir kné, of a boat, Fms. vii. 216; höggva tré til viðja, K. Þ. K. 88; viðjar af gulli ok silfri, on a dog, Hkr. i. 136, Fas. iii. 45; tún-svín þat er hringr, knappr eða við sé í rana, Grág. ii. 232; stjórn-við, the ‘rudder-withy,’ the strap in which the paddle-like rudder moved, like the ζευκτηρίαι in Act. Apost. xxvii. 40.
    pron. pers. dual (= vit), we two (see ek C); this spelling, which is also that of the oldest vellums, answers to the mod. pronunciation, passim: in mod. usage it has quite taken the place of the old plur. vér.
    prep., also used ellipt. without its case, or simply as an adverb; við is a curtailed form of viðr, which latter form remains in a few compds, even in mod. usage, thus, viðr-eign, viðr-kenna, viðr-nefni, viðr-lífi, viðr-væri; when found singly, við is the common form in Icel.; but as in MSS. it is commonly abbreviated, v̾, the two forms are hardly distinguishable; við, however, is received as the usual form, viðr being more freq. in Norse vellums, and in some later Icel. vellums imitating the Norse spelling: [Goth. wiþra = πρός; A. S. wider; cp. Scot. wither-shins; O. H. G. widar; Germ. wieder; but Engl. with; Dan. ved; Swed. wäd]:—against, towards, etc.
    A. Against, denoting a leaning or resting on, striking against, or the like; hann hjó hann upp við garðinum, smote him standing against the wall, Nj. 120; stinga höndum við berginu, Symb. 59; ganga við brekkunni, up-hill, against the hill, cp. Lat. adversus montem, Valla L. 212; skjóta við honum skildinum, Fms. i. 44; ljósta skildi við kesjunni, Eg. 378; hann spyrndi við svá fast … spyrna við grunni, Edda 36; kasta sér niðr við vellinum, Nj. 58; leggja e-n við velli, Boll. 344; slá honum niðr við steininum, dashed his head against the stone, Finnb. 292; hann drap hann við borðinu, Korm. 236; hjó af honum höfuð við stokkinum, Fas. ii. 285; ok lagði (þá) við stokki, Am. 73; hús liggja við velli, lie down in ruins, Fms. iii. 144; er hinn efri kjöptr við himni enn hinn neðri við jörðu, the upper jaw touching the heaven, the lower the earth, Edda 41; skera af sér strenginn við öxinni, rubbing it against the axe, Nj. 136; vóru segl hans at sjá við hafi, the sails were seen out at sea, far in the offing, Fas. ii. 403.
    II. against, towards, of direction; gapa við tunglinu, Fas. iii. 622; horfa við e-m, to look towards, face, Eg. 293; horfa baki við e-m, Hkr. iii. 384; líta við e-m, Nj. 132, Fms. i. 125, vii. 314; horfa vid landi, A.A. 24; snúa baki við e-m, Fas. i. 296; snúask við e-m, Hkr. ii. 120.
    III. along with, with, denoting company; hann hafði við sér harpara einn, Str. 57; hann hafði marga smiðu við sér, Fms. ix. 377; fór Margaðr ok Guthormr við honum, Hkr. iii. 113; at Ástríðr mundi vera við feðr sínum, i. 188; er hér ok Sigurðr við jarli, Fms. ix. 327; hann var þar upp fæddr við henni, x. 421; bjóðum vér þér við Hákoni þangat, ix. 252; ferr heim við sínum mönnum, Rd. 312; fór hann við liði sínu, Hkr. iii. 44; við hundrað skipum, Fas. i. 461; gengr síðan í sæti sín við oðrum mönnum, Fms. x. 17; bað biskup ríða við sér (= með sér), 6.
    2. with, of an instrument; jarl hljóp upp við sverði, Fms. ix. 340; sjau menn við vápnum, viii. 14; gengu tveir menn við merkjum, x. 15: the phrase, eiga, ala, geta barn við kouu, Grág., Fms. i. 113, iii. 110, Ld. 102, Eg. 31; merrin fékk við þeim hesti, Landn. 195.
    3. spec. usages; við góðum vinskap, Boll. 362; halda vináttu við föstum trúnaði, Fms. ix. 375; at þær sagnir muni vera við sannindum, true, viii. 6; at berjask við honum eðr við honum lífit láta, ix. 332; fara við herskildi … eyða land við eldi, x. 134; ausa e-t við moldu, Hkr. i. 220; skipuðu mörgum hlutum við (with, among) sínum mönnum, Fms. x. 91; gengu síðan í sæti sín við öðrum mönnum, among other men, 17; skreiðask fram við (= með) landinu, viii. 437.
    4. = ok, with, together with; Þórr við Grimni = Th. and G., Hallfred; höfuð við hjarta, head and heart, Kormak.
    I. denoting barter, exchange, against, for (like Gr. ἀντί); gefa gull við grjóti, Fas. iii. 45; selja við verði, Fms. i. 80; seldu mik við hleifi, Hm.; við litlu verði, Eg. 100; við fémútu, Nj. 215; meta e-t við silfri, Fms. x. 5; gefa margra manna líf við yðvarri þrályndi, iv. 194.
    2. denoting remedy, against; beiti við bit-sóttum en við bölvi rúnar, Hm. 140; hjálpa e-m við e-u, to help against, passim.
    II. against, denoting contest, warding off, withstanding; hafa afla við e-m, Lv. 43; hafa liðs-afla, liðs-kost við e-m, Ld. 372, Hkr. i. 272: ellipt., hafa (viz. afi) við e-m, to be one’s match, Lv. 109; þótti sem engi mundi hafa við þeim í vígi, Nj. 89; eg hefi ekki við þér, I cannot lift with (i. e. am no match for) thee; ábyrgjask e-t við e-u, Grág. ii. 216, 364; forða e-m við háska, Edda i. 116; halda þá við ágangi Hákonar, Fms. i. 224; varðveita e-n við e-u, Grág.; ekki hélzk við þeim, Eg. 125; rísa við e-m, Sturl. ii. 119; vera búinn, van-búinn við e-m, Ld. 324; sat hann þar við áhlaupum Dana, Fms. i. 28; vinna við sköpum, Fas. i. 199; sporna við e-u, göra við e-u, see göra, sporna; ef þat nemr við förinni, Ld. 70 (see nema A.I. 7, 8); mæla við e-u, Hkr. ii. 198; tölðu allir við förinni, Greg. 28; setja hug sinn við e-u, Fms. x. 232; kveða nei við e-u, Sturl. i. 27; drepa hendi við e-u, Hkr. ii. 164; reiðask við e-u, Nj. 182; e-m ríss hugr við e-u, Fas. i. 30; mér býðr við e-u, to loathe; sjá við e-u, to shun; varna við e-u, to beware of; vera hætt við e-u, in danger of, Ísl. ii. 262; ú-hætt við e-u, safe, Landn. 319.
    III. with verbs;liggja við e-u, to lie on the verge of; honum lá við falli, Fas. iii. 261; búið við skipbroti, Ísl. ii. 245; honum var við andhlaupi, Eg. 553; sjá, horfa, líta … við e-u, to look towards; taka við e-u, to receive; búask við e-u, to prepare for, expect, Ld. 106; verða vel, ílla, við e-u, to behave well, ill, on some occasion; komask við veðri, see veðr.
    IV. ellipt. usages; þeir snerusk þá við, turned round, facing, Nj. 245; hón drap við hendi, Lv. 38; hann laust við atgeirinum, Nj. 84.; hann stakk við forkinum, Eg. 220; hann stakk við fótum, stopped, Finnb. 300; hrífa við, to catch hold, Bs. i. 197, 423, Gísl. 125; búask við, to make oneself ready; göra við, to resist; rísa við, to withstand, Fs.; at ek bjóða við tvenn verð, Ld. 146; hvatz hinn fiðr við, whatsoever he may object, Nj. 99; taka við, to begin where another stops; þú skalt gefa mér við ( in return) verjuna, Fbr.
    A. By, at, close to:
    I. denoting proximity; skjöldr við skjöld, shield to shield, in a row, Nj. 125; skip við skip, Ó. H. (in a verse); samnask hlutr við hlut, Rb. 108; hálsinn við herðarnar, Ld. 40; sníða skeggið við hökuna, Eg. 564; við bryggju-sporðinn, Fms. i. 14; grafa barn við kirkju-garð út, K. Þ. K.; uppi við fjallit, Eg. 137; við Sandhóla-ferju, Nj. 29; við vaðit, 83; við veginn, by the way-side, Fb. ii. 330; hér við ána, by the river, Ld. 46; búa við Þjórsá, Nj. 93; liggja við land, Fms. i. 14; við Ísland, Grág.; binda stein við hálsinn, Ld. 154; draga segl við hún, hoist sail to the top, Hkr. ii. 6; reka spora við eyra e-m, Nj. 82; festa e-n við meið, tré, to fasten to a pole, a tree, Glúm. 391; nísta við gólfit, to pin it to the floor (see nista); binda við fót e-s, to bind up a broken leg, Bárð. 167; dró upp flóka við austr, in the east, Vígl. 22.
    2. temporal, towards, at; við vetr sjálfan, Fms. ii. 97; Krók. 51 C; við sólar-setr, Fas. i. 514; við sól, with the sun, at sunrise. Eg. 717; við aptan, towards evening, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 143; við þat sjálft, at that moment, Fms. xi. 432; bregða í kross við hvert orð, at every word, K. Þ. K.; vera við aldr, to be stricken in years, Eb. 18, Ísl. ii. 192, Fms. ii. 81; ef barn er við dauða, on the point to die, N. G. L. i. 345; við sjálft, on the verge of (see sjálfr); við váða sjálfan, búið við geig, on the verge of, Eg. 158; Grettir var við svefn, just asleep, Grett. 127.
    3. phrases, við svá búit, after all done, often with the notion of ‘in vain, nothing having been done’ (búa B. II. δ); fóru við þat heim, Fms. i. 54, ix. 469, Nj. 127; skildu við þetta, 260, Ísl. ii. 217.
    II. at, to; Hrútr er við skip, Nj. 4; Hrútr var við búð, 79; vera heima við bú sitt, 215; hanga upp við siglu-rá, Fas. iii. 659; bundinn við staf, Eg. 232; fastr við altara, fastened to the altar, Vm. 110; styðja sik vid e-t, to lean on, Fms. ix. 512; sitja upp við hægindit, leaning on it, Ld. 16; sitja upp við vegginn, Nj. 153; ganga við staf, 219; ganga við tréfót, Eb. 66; styðjask við höndina, Fas. i. 228; rísa upp við olboga, Þórð. 15; sitja við stýri, at the rudder, Eg. 385; hafa barn við brjóst, to have a bairn at breast, N. G. L. i. 340; leggja, bæta, auka, við e-t, to add to; blanda við e-t, to mix with; vera við e-t, to be present at, Ld. 92, Eg. 540; sitja við drykk, mat, to sit at drink, meat, Eg. 303, 420.
    III. denoting association, together with; vera samþingi, samfjórðungs við e-n, Grág. ii. 237; vera saman við e-n, vera samvista við e-n, eiga samneyti við, vera sammæðr við e-n, passim; vera utan-fjórðungs við víg, Grág. ii. 89; vera við e-t riðinn; þeir vildu eigi vera hér við heiðna menn, Íb. 4; búa við e-n, Gísl. 17.
    2. direction; í sýn við bæinn, Fas. ii. 507; í örskots-helgi við garðinn, Grág.; standa í höggfæri við e-n, Nj. 97; við þat lík at lifa, Hm.
    IV. denoting company, with; bauð þeim heim við alla sína menn, Vígl. 27; riðu við sextigi manna, Nj. 10, 213, Ld. 164; gékk á land við einn svein, Fms. ix. 502; sækja land við útlendan her, Hkr. i. 198; við fá, marga … menn, Fas. i. 35; the phrase, við annan, þriðja fjórða … mann (see annarr I. 1); þú ert hér kominn við svá mikit fé, Ld. 112; sækja mál við níu búa, Grág.; við váttorð, Kb. i. 103; leyfa e-t við vitni, Ld. 104; bjóða e-t við váttorð, in the presence of, by witnesses, Nj. 243.
    I. towards a person or thing, respecting, regarding; hryðja við aðilja, Grág. (Kb.) i. 127; missa fjár síns við þjóf, Grág.; skilja við e-n, to part with (see skilja); til metnaðar við sik, Edda i. 20; til huggunar við sik, Ld. 228; til þjónustu við e-n, Eg. 28; til gæzlu við e-n, for keeping, watching one, Ld. 152; ganga, koma, fara til fundar, til móts … við e-n, 62, 90, Nj. 4, Eg. 101; mildr, blíðr, léttr, kátr, ástúðigr, góðr, harðr, grimmr, reiðr, harðráðr, stríðr, … við menn, mild … towards, Nj. 2, 47, 48; víkjast undan við e-n, Ld. 42; fyrir kapps sakir við e-n, til liðveizlu, hjálpar … við e-n, Eg. 44, Nj. 75; sýna vinskap, halda vinskap við e-n, Ld. 150; leggja ást við e-n, 34; líka vel, ílla við e-n, Nj. 53; eiga eyrindi við e-n, Eg. 260; eiga orð við e-n, 255; hafa lög við e-n, Nj. 106; tala, mæla, ræða, segja, spjalla við e-n, to talk, speakwith a person, passim; skipta, eiga, … við e-n, to deal… with; berjask, deila við e-n, to fight with, against; göra e-t við e-n, so to act with, Greg. 43; reyna e-t við e-n, to contend with one, Nj. 46, 94, Edda i. 106; hafa misgört við e-n, Fms. viii. 103; láta vaxa óþokka við e-n, Nj. 107; tilför við Gunuar, 101; mála-tilbúnaðr við e-n, 100; sekr við e-n, útlagr við goða, Grág.
    2. hræddr við e-n, afraid of one; verða varr við e-t, to perceive; vanr við e-t, used to a thing; hann var svá vanr við vini sína, Fms. viii. 220; fella sik við e-t, kunna við e-t, to apply oneself to, to like.
    II. of cause, by, at; falla við högg, to fall by a stroke, Nj. 163; hrata við lagit, Eg. 379; vakna við e-t, Fas. ii. 116; vakna við draum; verða glaðr, reiðr, hryggr, úkátr … við e-t, to become glad, wroth … at, Íb. 10, Eg. 102, 321, passim; bregða sér við e-t, Ld. 190: by, við minn atbeina, Fms. vi. 66; við samþykki e-s, Eg. 165; við ráð e-s, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 30; gört þat við einræði þitt, Ld. 188; et þat at vánum við skaplyndi Þorgeirs, Nj. 255; hlaða seglum við mikinn háska, with great danger, Korm. 168; sigla við stjörnu-ljós, to sail by star-light, Fms. i. 24; lesa við ljós, to read with a light; búa sik við skart, to dress fine.
    III. as compared with, set off against; sex sær við kú, Grág. i. 502–504; selja, virðing sína við íllgirni þínaa, Eb. 160; þrjóta mun mik íllsku við þik. Hkr. i. 322; mik skortir við hann, Nj. 90; hafa afta við e-n, Eg. 187; eigi minna virðr enn við konunginn, i. e. of equal worth with the king, Fms. xi. 45; er þetta við mikla fémuni, Hrafn. 19; fjórðungi skerð við goðorð önnur, Grág. (Kb.) i. 211; Skotland er þriðjungr ríkis við England, Nj. 266; þriðjung við liðsmenn, Eg. 57; at þriðjungi við ykkr, Ld. 102; helming við hann, Fms. i. 22; gaf þeim hálfar tekjur við sik, 7.
    IV. við þann kost, on that condition, Grág. (Kb.) i. 233: of medicine, for, við svefnleysi, við orms-bit, við offeitan kvið …, Lækn.: in mod. usage dat., and so in Hm. 138.
    V. denoting fitness, proportion; göra klæði við vöxt e-s, Eg. 516; við þeirra hæfi, 109; er þat ekki við þitt æði, Ld. 298; vera við alþýðu-skap, Fs. 63; við sik, in proportion, B. K. 8; neyta skógar við sik sem þarf, Grág. ii. 292; þat er hann má eigi sjálfr við sik njóta, himself alone, 623. 21; hann var skapaðr allr við sik, well shaped, symmetrical, Fas. i. 173; fagrt ok allt vel við sik, Fms. x. 321; veðrit vesnaði en nátt-myrkr á við sik. Bjarn. 52; vita hvat við sik væri, to know what was the matter, Fms. xi. 11, Fas. ii. 516; leggja mál við tré, Ld. 316; draga kvarða við lérept, vaðmál, Grág. i. 497, 498.
    VI. with, by, denoting means; tendra eld við fjallrapa, to light fire with, Bs. i. 7; við þessar fortölur, Ld. 204; kom svá við umtölur góðra manna, Nj. 267; við áskoran þína, 258; mýkjask við e-t, Fms. v. 239; húð skorpnuð við eld, Nj. 208.
    VII. with verbs; lifa við skömm, meizlur, harm, lifa við slíka harma, to live with or in shame, sorrow, Nj. 92, Hkr. ii. 107, Eg. 604, Ld. 332; leika við e-n, Nj. 2; kaupa við e-n, Grág.; binda við e-t, to bind, fasten to; sætta, rægja, friða e-n við e-n, Eg. 226, Grág. ii. 99; tala, … við e-n, to speak, deal … with, Nj. 2, 197, Ld. 22 (see I); hefja upp bónorð við e-n, Eg. 38; leita eptir við e-n, leita ráða við e-n, eiga hlut at við e-n, Nj. 75, 101, 213, Eg. 174; fæða, lifa, fæðask, ala, búa, bjargast, við e-t, to feed, live, subsist … on, Edda i. 46, Fms. i. 226, v. 219, Nj. 236, passim; vera við e-t, to be present at, and metaph. to enjoy, Hom. 87, Edda (pref.); nema lyfsteinn sé við riðinn, Ld. 250; hann brá upp við fætinum (viz. við lagit), Nj. 264; binda við e-t, to bind to, Fms. ix. 358; at þeim heimilum ok í örskotshelgi við (viz. þau) á alla vega, Grág. (Kb.) i. 88; þar við, hér við, at engi mundi þar þora við at etja, Nj. 89.
    2. hagr við e-t, skilful at; kunna vel við e-t, id.; skjarr við skot, Ls.; temja, venja, … við e-t; drekka við sleitur (see sleita); kveða við raust, Sturl. iii. 317, Eg. 554; syngja vid tón, Sturl. iii. 210; búa sik við skart, skikkja búin við gull, Fms. x. 199; skyrta saumuð við gull, embroidered with, Fas. ii. 529; glóa við gull, to glow or gleam with gold, Lex. Poët.
    VIII. elliptical or ad- verbial usages; bregða við, to start; hann þagði við, remained silent, Nj. 2; verða bilt, felmt við, Ísl. ii. 274, Nj. 105; fá við þrjú skip, to add three ships, Fms. xi. 73; jók nú miklu við, it waxed much, Ld. 54; kveða við, gella við, to scream, yell; þurfa við, to need, Nj. 74; njóta e-s við, to enjoy, 85; komask við, to be touched; leita við, to try; bera við, to happen (see bera); koma við, to touch; standa, bíða við, to stop a bit; nema við, to hinder, cause a hindrance; kunna við, to like; koma e-u við, to bring a thing about, 101; ef ek viðr um kæmumk, if I could manage it, Hbl.; bjarga e-u við, hjálpa við, to help, put right; reisa við, rétta við, to raise up again, put right; kannask við, to recognise; vera við staddr, to be present, = við e-t staddr.
    IX. in recipr. phrases, talask við, eigask við, fásk við, etc., to speakto one another, where the object is suffixed to the preceding verb.
    X. with an adverb or particle, of direction; upp á við, niðr á við, upwards, downwards; vestr á við, Fas. ii. 244; móts við, towards; á við, equivalent to (það er á við tvær merkr); austan við, vestan við, sunnan við, fram við, inn við, etc., followed by an accusative.

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    * * *
    (pl. -ir), f.
    1) quarter of the heaven, direction, = átt( flugu þau í brott bæði samt í sömu ætt);
    2) one’s family, extraction, pedigree (hann var sœnskr at ætt); þaðan eru komnar þræla ættir, the race of thralls; telja ætt til e-s, to trace one’s pedigree to; e-t gengr í ætt, it is hereditary;
    3) generation (í ina þriðju eða fjórðu ætt).
    * * *
    f., like sætt (q. v.), the forms vary between átt and ætt; in old writers the latter form is by far the more common; in mod. usage they have been separated, átt meaning a quarter in a local sense, ætt a family: [ætt is akin to Ulf. aihts = τα ὑπάρχοντα; A. S. æhte = property; Early Engl. agte; Germ. acht = patrimony; the root verb is eiga, átti, like mega, máttr; from this original sense are derived both the senses, ætt = a family, and ætt or átt = Scot. ‘airt,’ ‘regio caeli;’ the etymology of átt from átta ( eight), suggested at p. 47, col. 1, is too fanciful.]
    B. An airt, quarter of the heavens, in gen. dat. pl. átta, áttum; eptir þat sá sól, ok mátti þá deila ættir, Fb. i. 431; átta ættir, eina ætt, Sks. 54; af suðr-ætt, … vestr-ætt, flugu brott í sömu ætt, … ór þeim ættum sem þér þóttu ernirnir fljúga, Ísl. ii. 195, 196; þá drífr snær ór öllum áttum, Edda i. 186 (so also Ub. l. c., but ættum Cod. Worm. l. c.); í allar áttir, Edda i. 182 (ættir Ub. l. c.); norðr-ætt, suðr-ætt, vestr-ætt, austr-ætt, qq. v.; hann skyldi auka ríki sitt hálfu í hverja höfuð-átt, Hkr. i. 49; af öllum áttum, from all ‘airts’ of heaven, Edda 40, Hkr. i. 33; ór ýmissum áttum, Orkn. (in a verse), and so on; see átt, p. 47.
    II. prop. what is inborn, native, one’s own, Lat. proprium; one’s family, extraction, kindred, pedigree; áttir, Grág. i. 238, Haustl. 10; allt er þat ætt þín, Óttar heimski, Hdl.; telja, rekja ættir, to trace pedigrees, id.; jötna ætt, id.; órar ættir, Vþm.; komnir af ætt Hörða-Kára, Fms. i. 287; hitt veit ek eigi hvaðan þjófs-augu eru komin í ættir várar, Nj. 2; tvá menn er ættir eru frá komnar, Adam ok Evu, Edda (pref.); dýrra manna ættir, … enginn stærisk af sinni ætt, Landn. 357; er þaðan komin mikil ætt, Eb. 123 new Ed.; hann er orðinn stórum kynsæll, því at til hans telja ættir flestir inir göfgustu menn á Íslandi, 126; Háleygja-ætt, Landn. 255; jarla-ættir, konunga-ættir, biskupa-ættir, etc., passim; ór ættum er ef lengra er rekit, out of the ætt, not genuine, spurious, Edda 124; e-t gengr í ætt, to be hereditary, of habits, character, diseases, or the like, Ó. H. 122; cp. úr-ætta.
    COMPDS: ættarbálkr, ættarbragð, ættarbætir, ættarferð, ættarfylgja, ættarfærsla, ættargripr, ættarhaugr, ættarhögg, ættarlaukr, ættarmenn, ættarmót, ættarnafn, ættarréttr, ættarskarð, ættarskjöldr, ættarskömm, ættarspillir, ættarstofn, ættarsvipr, ættartal, ættartala.
    ☞ Genealogies (ættir, ættar-tölur, ætt-vísi) form the ground-work of the old Icel. historiography; the ancient Saga-men delighted in them, and had a marvellous memory for lineages; in the Sagas the pedigrees give the clue by which to trace the succession of events, and supply the want of chronology. Whole chapters in the best Sagas, esp. at the beginning of a work, are set apart for genealogies, thus. Nj. ch. 1, 19, 20, 25, 26, 46, 57, 96, 97, 114, 115, 155, as also 47, 57, 58, 106 (begin.), Eb. ch. 1, 7, 8, 12, 65, Ld. ch. 1, 31, 32, Eg. ch. 23, Gullþ. ch. 1, Dropl. S. ch. 1–3, Þorst. hv. ch. 1–3, Þorst. Saga St. (the end), Rafns S. (the end-chapter), Flóam. S. ch. 1 (and esp. the end-chapter), Hænsa Þ. S. ch. 1, Gísl. S. pp. 8, 9, Vapn. S. ch. 3, Ísl. i. 353–362 (Biskupa-ættir), Guðm. S. ch. 1, Árna b. S. ch. 1, Þórð. S. hr. new Ed. (at the end), Fagrsk. 144–148, Orkn. S. ch. 39, 59. In the Sturlunga S. the initial chapters (Sturl. i. 44–55, with which the work of Sturla begins) are devoted to the tracing the families of that time; so also Sturl. i. 202–206, iii. 96, 97. But the chief store-house for genealogical knowledge is the Landnáma, which contains about 5000 pr. names, of which perhaps a third are names of women.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÆTT

  • 113 क्षा

    f. (derived fr. some forms of 2. kshám) the earth, ground Naigh. I, 1 Nir. II, 2 Sāy. ;

    seeᅠ 1. ksham

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > क्षा

  • 114 quanto

    1. adj how much
    tutto quanto il libro the whole book
    tutti quanti pl every single one sg
    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? what is the date today?, what is today's date?
    2. adv: quanto dura ancora? how long will it go on for?
    quanto a me as for me
    quanto costa? how much is it?
    quanto prima as soon as possible
    in quanto since, because
    per quanto ne sappia as far as I know
    3. m: teoria f dei quanti quantum theory
    * * *
    quanto1 agg.interr.
    1 how much; pl. how many: quanto zucchero metti nel caffè?, how much sugar do you put in your coffee?; quanto denaro vi occorre?, how much money do you need?; quanti dischi hai?, how many records have you got?; quante lezioni comprende il corso?, how many lessons does the course consist of?; quanti giorni starai via?, how many days will you be away?; sai quanti spettatori c'erano allo stadio?, do you know how many spectators there were at the ground?; non so quante settimane durerà la mostra, I don't know how many weeks (o how long) the exhibition will last; dimmi quanto pane devo comprare, tell me how much bread I am to get // quanti anni hai?, how old are you?
    2 quanto tempo, how long: quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare alla stazione?, how long does it take to get to the station?; non so quanto tempo mi fermerò qui, I don't know how long I'll stay here // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto è che non lo vedi?, how long is it since you saw him?; da quanto mi aspetti?, how long have you been waiting for me?; quanto dovrai lavorare ancora?, how much longer have you got to work?; di quanto sono in ritardo?, how late am I?; fra quanto saremo a Roma?, how long before we get to Rome?; ogni quanto passa l'autobus?, how often (o how frequently) does the bus run?
    3 ( in espressioni ellittiche non di tempo): quanto costa?, how much is it?; quanto ha di febbre?, what's his temperature?; quanti ne abbiamo oggi?, what's the date today?; quanto c'è da qui alla stazione?, how far is it to the station?; non so quanto valga questo anello, I don't know how much this ring is worth
    agg.escl. what (a lot of); how: quanto gasolio abbiamo consumato quest'anno!, what a lot of oil we've used this year!; quanto tempo ci hai messo!, what a long time you've been!; quanto freddo abbiamo patito!, how cold it was!; quanto interesse ha suscitato!, what a lot of interest it roused!; quanti giorni sono passati!, how long it's been!; quante me ne ha dette!, how he insulted me! // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto tempo sprecato!, what a lot of time wasted!; quante parole inutili!, what a load of rubbish!; quanti complimenti!, what a lot of fuss!
    agg.rel. ( tutto quello che) as... as...: lo puoi tenere quanto tempo vuoi, you can keep it as long as you like; prendi pure quanto denaro ti occorre, take as much money as you need.
    quanto1 avv.
    1 interr. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how much: quanto è largo?, how wide is it?; quanto è lontana la chiesa?, how far is the church?; quanto bevi di solito?, how much do you usually drink?; quanto sei alto?, how tall are you?; gli chiesi quanto si fosse divertito, I asked him how much he had enjoyed himself; non so quanto l'abbia apprezzato, I don't know how much he appreciated it; chiedono molto per quella casa, ma non ti so dire quanto, they are asking a great deal for that house, but I can't tell you how much // si è pentito e Dio sa quanto!, God only knows how much he regretted it!
    2 escl. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how (much): quanto è bello!, how beautiful it is!; quanto sono felice di rivederti!, how happy I am to see you again!; quanto mi piace!, how I love it!; chissà quanto desiderava di ritornare!, goodness knows how much he longed to return!; non sai quanto ti ho pensato!, you don't know how much I thought about you!; hanno riso, e quanto!, how they laughed!
    3 (in corr. con tanto) as: è ( tanto) studioso quanto intelligente, he is as studious as he is intelligent; è ( tanto) affabile quanto lui, she is as friendly as he is; ho lavorato ( tanto) quanto lui, I worked as hard as he did (o as him); non è ( tanto) facile quanto tu credi, it isn't as (o so) easy as you think; è ( tanto) curioso quanto una scimmia, he's as curious as a cat // quanto più... tanto più, meno più, meno avv. // tanto... quanto, (sia... sia) both... and: tanto io quanto mio fratello, both my brother and I; si è venduto tanto la casa quanto l'automobile, he sold both his house and his car // non tanto per... quanto per, not so much for... but (o as) for: non è stato tanto per negligenza quanto per ingenuità, it wasn't so much for negligence as for naïvety
    4 (in frasi comparative o per rafforzare un superl.): è stimato più di quanto meriti, he's more admired than he deserves; sono arrivato prima di quanto pensassi, I arrived sooner than I expected; si doveva intervenire quanto più rapidamente possibile, it was necessary to intervene as quickly (o as fast) as possible // quanto mai, extremely, very much indeed: mi sono divertito quanto mai, I enjoyed myself very much indeed (o fam. I had a whale of a time); è una persona quanto mai garbata, he's an extremely courteous person // quanto prima prima // quanto meno meno avv. // quant'è vero Dio!, as God's my judge!; quant'è vero che mi chiamo..., as sure as my name is...
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: quanto a, as for; ( circa) as to: quanto a te, as for you; quanto agli altri, non ne so nulla, I don't know anything as to the others; quanto a fermarmi una settimana, dovrò pensarci su, as to staying a week, I'll have to think about it // in quanto ( che), ( poiché) since (o as); ( per il fatto che) because: in quanto minorenne, non ha diritto di voto, since (o as) he is under age, he can't vote; non ti ho telefonato in quanto ( che) credevo che non fossi in casa, I didn't phone you, as I thought you weren't in // in quanto, ( in qualità di) as: solo lui, in quanto medico, fu autorizzato a vedere il paziente, only he, as a doctor, was allowed to see the patient // per quanto (con agg. e avv.) however; ( con verbi) although: per quanto indaffarato sia..., however busy you are...; per quanto camminassi in fretta, non riuscii a raggiungerli, although I walked fast I was unable to catch up with them; per quanto, è pur sempre un affare, it's still a bargain, however // tanto quanto, tanto o quanto, ( pressappoco) more or less: ''Sarà costato qualche milione'' ''Sì, tanto quanto'', ''It must have cost a few million'' ''Yes, more or less'' // oggi non gli si può parlare, da quanto è nervoso, (fam.) you can't say a word to him today as he is so uptight.
    quanto1 pron.interr. how much; pl. how many: quanto ne vuoi?, how much do you want (of it)?; quanti ne hai presi?, how many did you get (of them)?; quanti hanno accettato?, how many have they accepted?; quanti di voi sono d'accordo?, how many of you agree?; non so quanti aderirono alla proposta, I don't know how many agreed to the proposal // quanto c'è di vero in quello che dice?, how much truth is there in what he says?
    pron.escl. what a lot (of): quanto ne hai consumato!, what a lot you've used!; che bei fiori, e quanti!, what a lot of lovely flowers!; quanti sono intervenuti alla cerimonia!, what a lot of people came to the ceremony!
    1 ( ciò che) what; ( tutto ciò che) all (that): ho quanto mi occorre, I have what (o all) I need; ha fatto quanto ha potuto, he did what he could; quanto ho è a tua disposizione, what (o all) I have is at your disposal; non credere a quanto ti dicono, don't believe what they tell you; c'è molto di vero in quanto afferma, there's a lot of truth in what he says; non dire a nessuno quanto ti ho confidato, don't tell anyone what I let you in on; lo deduco da quanto mi avete detto voi, I guess it from what you told me // quanto di meglio, di peggio, the best, the worst: è quanto di meglio si possa trovare sul mercato in fatto di computer, it's the best computer you can find on the market // in risposta a quanto sopra, in reply to the above // quanto basta, ( con riferimento a dosaggio) sufficient... (to) // per quanto io ne sappia, as far as I know // per quanto si sforzi, non riesce a rendersi simpatica, however hard she tries, she isn't very likable // a quanto dicono..., according to what they say... // questo è quanto, that's all (o that's it)
    2 pl. ( tutti coloro che) all those (who), whoever (con costr. sing.): quanti desiderano iscriversi, possono farne richiesta, all those wishing to register can apply to do so; era sempre pronto a dare un consiglio a quanti glielo chiedevano, he was always ready to give advice to whoever asked him for any
    3 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: ha speso ( tanto) quanto ha guadagnato, he spent as much as he earned; ''Quanti moduli occorrono?'' ''Tanti quanti sono i candidati'', ''How many forms are needed?'' ''As many as there are candidates''
    4 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: possiede tanto denaro quanto tu non immagini, he has as much money as you could ever imagine; non ho tanta pazienza quanta ne ha lei, I haven't got as much patience as she has; c'erano tanti posti quanti erano gli invitati, there were as many seats as there were guests; ha tante preoccupazioni quante ne abbiamo noi, he has as many worries as we have; non ho tanti amici quanti ne hai tu, I haven't as many friends as you have // sono partiti tutti quanti, everyone has left; ha perso tutto quanto, he lost everything; si è sporcato tutto quanto, he got all dirty
    5 ( in frasi comparative) than: abbiamo ottenuto più, meno di quanto pensassimo, we got more, less than we expected.
    quanto2 s.m.
    1 ( quantità) quantity: fissare un quanto, to fix a quantity
    2 (fis.) quantum*: teoria dei quanti, quantum theory; quanto d'azione, quantum of action.
    * * *
    ['kwanto] I quanto (-a)
    1. agg
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanti anni hai? — how old are you?

    quanti metri desidera? — how many metres would you like?

    quanti soldi ti hanno chiesto? — how much did they ask you (for it)?

    quanta stoffa ti serve? — how much material do you need?

    quanto tempo? — how long?, how much time?

    quanto tempo ci metti da qui all'ufficio? — how long does it take you from here to the office?

    quante volte? — how often?, how many times?


    (esclamativo) quante storie! — what a fuss!

    quanto tempo sprecato! — what a waste of time!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    ti darò quanto denaro ti serve — I'll give you as much money as you need

    prendi quanti libri vuoi — take as many books as you want

    fermati quanto tempo vuoi — stay as long as you want

    2. pron
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanto costa? — how much does it cost?

    quanto credi costerà? — how much do you think it will cost?

    quanto è da qui al negozio? — how far is it from here to the shop?

    quanti di loro? — how many of them?

    quanto ci hai messo a farlo? — how long did it take you to do it?

    quanti ne desidera? — how many do you want?

    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? — what's the date today?

    quanto stai via? — how long will you be away?

    so che devo prendere del pane, ma non so quanto — I know I must get some bread, but I don't know how much

    quant'è? — how much is it?


    (esclamativo) vedi quanti hanno accettato! — see how many have accepted!

    quante me ne ha dette! (insulti) the way he insulted me!, (bugie) the number of lies he told me!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    gli darò quanto chiedeI'll give him what o as much as he asks for

    è quanto di meglio potessi trovare — it's the best you could find

    a quanto dice lui — according to him

    in risposta a quanto esposto nella sua lettera... — in answer to the points raised in your letter...

    saranno scelti quanti hanno fatto domanda in tempo — all (those) whose applications arrived in time will be selected

    per quanto ne so — as far as I know

    faremo quanto potremo per aiutarti — we'll do all we can o as much as we can to help you

    era tanto felice quanto non lo era mai stato — he was happier than he had ever been

    spende tanto denaro quanto ne guadagna — he spends all that o every penny he earns, he spends as much as he earns

    II ['kwanto] avv
    1) (quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    sapessi quanto abbiamo camminato! — if you knew how far we have walked!

    quanto fumi al giorno? — how many (cigarettes) do you smoke a day?

    Dio solo sa quanto mi sono arrabbiato! — God only knows how angry I was!

    quanto pesi? — how much do you weigh?

    quanto sono felice! — how happy I am!

    aggiungere brodo quanto bastaadd sufficient o enough stock, add as much stock as is necessary


    (come) siamo ricchi quanto lorowe are as rich as they are

    mi sono riposato quanto mai in questi ultimi tempi — I've had more rest than ever recently

    è una ragazza quanto mai spontanea — she's a very natural girl

    è famoso non tanto per i romanzi quanto per le poesie — he's famous not so much for his novels as for his poetry

    è tanto sciocco quanto cafone — he is as stupid as he is rude, he is both stupid and rude

    quanto è vero Iddio...! — I swear to God...!


    in quanto — (in qualità di) as, (perché, per il fatto che) as, since

    in quanto insegnante — as a teacher

    non ho suonato in quanto temevo di svegliarti — I didn't ring as o since I was afraid I would wake you

    in quanto a — (per ciò che riguarda) as for

    in quanto ai soldi che mi devi... — as for the money you owe me..., as far as the money you owe me is concerned...


    per quanto — (nonostante, anche se) however, (tuttavia) although

    per quanto si sforzi, non riesce — however hard he tries he can't do it

    per quanto sembri complicato — however complicated it may seem

    cercherò di fare qualcosa per lui, per quanto non se lo meriti — I'll try and do something for him although o even though he doesn't deserve it


    quanto meno uno insiste tanto più gli viene offerto — the less one demands the more one is offered

    quanto più mi sforzo di ricordare tanto meno ci riesco — the harder o the more I try to remember the less I succeed

    quanto più presto potrò — as soon as I can

    verrò quanto primaI'll come as soon o as early as possible

    Fis quantum
    * * *
    I 1. ['kwanto]
    aggettivo interrogativo (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many
    pronome interrogativo how much; pl. how many

    a quanto ammontano le perdite?how much o what do the losses come to?

    quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it?

    aggettivo esclamativo

    - i regali! -a gente! — what a lot of gifts, people!

    4. 5.
    aggettivo relativo

    per -i problemi possano avere,... — how ever many problems they may have


    -i — (coloro che) those who

    tutti -i — everybody, one and all

    per quanto ne so — for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge


    quanto costa?how much o what does it cost?

    era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi — it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo)

    aggiungere sale quanto basta — add salt to taste; (con avverbio)

    quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende — the more he earns, the more he spends

    quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa — the less he trains, the more weight he puts on

    per quanto io l'ammiri — however much I admire him, much as I admire him

    per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo — try as I might, I can't do it

    9) (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding
    II ['kwanto]
    sostantivo maschile fis. quantum*
    * * *
      (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many; quanto zucchero vuoi? how much sugar would you like? quanto tempo è rimasto? how much time is there left? quanto tempo ci hai messo per venire? how long did you take to come? -i giorni occorrono per andarci? how many days does it take to get there? -i anni hai? how old are you? fra quanto tempo arriviamo? when will we get there?
     how much; pl. how many; -i siete? how many of you are there? non so -i partiranno I don't know how many (people) will be leaving; a quanto andava la macchina? how fast was the car going? a quanto ammontano le perdite? how much o what do the losses come to? quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it? quanto c'è da qui al mare? how far is it to the sea? quanto dura il film? how long is the film? how long does the film last? per quanto ne hai? how long will you be? da quanto abiti qui? how long have you been living here? fra quanto potrai uscire? when will you be able to get away? quanto dista casa tua? how far is your house? -i ne abbiamo oggi? what's the date today o today's date?
     -i regali! -a gente! what a lot of gifts, people! quanto tempo ci abbiamo messo! what a long time we took!
     quanto ci sarebbe ancora da dire! a lot more could be said (about that)!
     1 prendi quanto denaro ti occorre take as much money as you need
     2 (preceduto da preposizione) hai notato con -a cattiveria gli ha risposto? did you notice how snappily she answered him? per -i problemi possano avere,... how ever many problems they may have,...
     what; ho quanto occorre I have what I need; non credo a quanto mi ha detto I don't believe what he told me; tutto quanto everything; questo è quanto that's it; -i (coloro che) those who; tutti -i everybody, one and all; è quanto di meglio si possa trovare this is the best that could be found; a quanto dicono if they're to be believed; da quanto ho capito as I understand it; per quanto ne so for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge; per quanto mi riguarda as far as I'm concerned
     1 (in frasi interrogative) how much; quanto costa? how much o what does it cost? quanto fa? how much is it? mi piacerebbe sapere quanto lo ha pagato I'd like to know how much o what he paid for it; quanto è grande il giardino? how big is the garden? quanto sei alto? how tall are you? what's your height? quanto pesi? how heavy are you? how much do you weigh?
     2 (in che misura) vedi quanto le cose sono cambiate you can see how much things have changed
     3 (in frasi esclamative) quant'è brutto! how ugly it is! è stupefacente quanto ti assomigli! it's amazing how much he looks like you! quanto lo odio! how I hate him! quanto mi dispiace! how sorry I am! ma quanto sei carina! how nice you look!
     4 (in un comparativo) (con aggettivo) è bravo quanto lui he's as good as him; è tanto bella quanto intelligente she's just as pretty as she is intelligent; era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo) rimani pure quanto vuoi stay as long as you like; lavoro tanto quanto te I work as much as you do; ti aiuterò quanto è possibile I'll help you insofar as I can; ho fatto quanto è possibile I did as much as possible; grande quanto basta big enough ( per to); quanto basta per due just about enough for two; aggiungere sale quanto basta add salt to taste; (con avverbio) quanto prima as soon as possible
     5 quanto più quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende the more he earns, the more he spends
     6 quanto meno quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa the less he trains, the more weight he puts on
     7 per quanto (sebbene) per quanto io l'ammiri however much I admire him, much as I admire him; per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo try as I might, I can't do it
     9 (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding; in quanto a voi as for you; non mi ha detto niente quanto all'ora della riunione he didn't say anything to me concerning o about the time of the meeting.
    sostantivo m.
    fis. quantum*.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > quanto

  • 115 recuenco

    ground which forms an inclosed space or corner.

    Spanish-English dictionary > recuenco

  • 116 mal pais

    ( malpaís [malpaís] < malo 'bad' < Latin malum and país 'country' < French pays 'rural territory' < Latin pagensim 'country dweller' < Latin pagum 'agricultural district')
       1) DARE: 1844. Rugged terrain, bad country, especially if the ground is composed of eroded basaltic lava.
        Alternate forms: malapai, malapais, malipi, mallapy, malpais, malpiar.
       Santamaría references malpaís as arid, desertlike, and unpleasant terrain. It lacks water or any type of vegetation because it is generally covered with volcanic rock. Cobos glosses it as "lava beds" or "badlands."
       2) Arizona: 1881. Basaltic lava, or a piece of volcanic rock. Sobarzo concurs with this definition.
        Alternate form: malley.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > mal pais

  • 117 mangana de pie

    (Sp. model spelled same [marjgána ðe pjé] mangana [see above] and de 'of' and pie 'foot' < Latin pedem)
       A variation of the mangana, in which the cowboy forms a loop on the ground and throws it with his foot as the animal passes by. Adams calls this a "fancy throw" and notes that it is seldom used in actual work.

    Vocabulario Vaquero > mangana de pie

  • 118 carta

    1. sf
    1) (gen) paper, (statuto) charter

    sulla carta (in teoria) on paper

    2) (da gioco) card

    (documenti) carte sfpl — papers, documents

    devo fare tutte le carte per il passaporto — I've got to sort out all the documents and forms for the passport application


    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > carta

  • 119 croquette

       breaded, deepfried
       ground meat, fish, fowl, or vegetables bound with eggs or sauce, shaped into various forms, usually coated in bread crumbs, and deep fried.
       ♦ A thick patty made up of cooked foods. These patties or balls are breaded and fried or sautéed. Vegetables, fish, or meat may be used in croquettes.

    Italiano-Inglese Cucina internazionale > croquette

  • 120 de

    , adv.: of place, down, only in the phrase susque deque, q. v.
    , prep. [perh. for ded; cf. Oscan dat, old abl. of pronom. stem da; cf. also Lith. praep. da, as far as; and the suffixes, old case-forms, -dam, -dem, -dum, -do, with the locative -de; v. Ribbeck, Beitr. z. L. v. d. Lat. Part. p. 4 sq.] (with abl., denotes the going out, departure, removal, or separating of an object from any fixed point. Accordingly, it occupies a middle place between ab, away from, which denotes a mere external departure, and ex, out of, which signifies from the interior of a thing. Hence verbs compounded with de are constr. not only with de, but quite as freq. with ab and ex; and, on the other hand, those compounded with ab and ex often have the terminus a quo indicated by de), from, away from, down from, out of, etc.
    In space, lit. and trop. with verbs of motion: animam de corpore mitto, Enn. ap. Non. p. 150, 6 (Ann. v. 216 Vahl.):

    aliquo quom jam sucus de corpore cessit,

    Lucr. 3, 224:

    (quod Ariovistus) de altera parte agri Sequanos decedere juberet,

    to depart, withdraw from, Caes. B. G. 1, 31, 10; cf.:

    civitati persuasit, ut de finibus suis cum omnibus copiis exirent,

    id. ib. 1, 2:

    decedere de provincia,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 20, § 49 ( = ex provincia, id. ib. 2, 2, 65, §

    147): de vita decedere,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 11:

    exire de vita,

    id. Lael. 4, 15 (cf.:

    excedere e vita,

    id. ib. 3, 12):

    de triclinio, de cubiculo exire,

    id. de Or. 2, 65 fin.:

    hamum de cubiculo ut e navicula jacere,

    Plin. Ep. 9, 7, 4:

    de castris procedere,

    Sall. C. 61, 8 et saep.:

    brassica de capite et de oculis omnia (mala) deducet,

    Cato R. R. 157, 6:

    de digito anulum detraho,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 38; cf.:

    de matris complexu aliquem avellere atque abstrahere,

    Cic. Font. 17:

    nomen suum de tabula sustulit,

    id. Sest. 33, 72:

    ferrum de manibus extorsimus,

    id. Cat. 2, 1, 2:

    juris utilitas vel a peritis vel de libris depromi potest,

    id. de Or. 1, 59, 252 et saep.:

    ... decido de lecto praeceps,

    Plaut. Casin. 5, 2, 50:

    de muro se deicere,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 18, 3:

    de sella exsilire,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 30 fin.:

    nec ex equo vel de muro, etc., hostem destinare,

    Tert. adv. Jud. 9, p. 192:

    de caelo aliquid demittere,

    Lucr. 2, 1155; cf. Cato R. R. 14, 3 et saep.—
    In gen., to indicate the person or place from which any thing is taken, etc., with verbs of taking away, depriving, demanding, requesting, inquiring, buying; as capere, sumere, emere, quaerere, discere, trahere, etc., and their compounds; cf.:

    emere de aliquo,

    Cato R. R. 1, 4:

    aliquid mercari de aliquo,

    Cic. Fl. 20 et saep.:

    de aliquo quaerere, quid, etc.,

    Cic. Att. 1, 14, 2:

    saepe hoc audivi de patre,

    id. de Or. 3, 33, 133; cf.:

    de mausoleo exaudita vox est,

    Suet. Ner. 46:

    ut sibi liceret discere id de me,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 31;

    so with petere, of place (class.): de vicino terra petita solo,

    Ov. F. 4, 822;

    so of persons (late Lat.): peto de te,

    Dig. 36, 1, 57, § 2; Apul. M. 6, p. 179, 40.
    To point out the place from which any thing is brought; and hence, trop., to indicate its origin, derivation, etc.: of, from: de circo astrologi, Enn. ap. Cic. Div. 1, 58; so,

    caupo de via Latina,

    Cic. Clu. 59, 163:

    nescio qui de circo maximo,

    id. Mil. 24, 65:

    declamator aliqui de ludo aut rabula de foro,

    id. Or. 15, 47:

    homo de schola atque a magistro... eruditus,

    id. de Or. 2, 7, 28:

    nautae de navi Alexandrina,

    Suet. Aug. 98:

    aliquis de ponte,

    i. e. a beggar, Juv. 14, 134:

    Libyca de rupe leones,

    Ov. F. 2, 209:

    nostro de rure corona,

    Tib. 1, 1, 15:

    Vaticano fragiles de monte patellas,

    Juv. 6, 344 al.:

    de summo loco Summoque genere eques,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 30; cf. id. Aul. prol. 28; id. Poen. 3, 1, 13:

    genetrix Priami de gente vetusta,

    Verg. A. 9, 284; cf. id. ib. 10, 350; Stat. S. 5, 3, 126:

    de Numitore sati,

    Ov. F. 5, 41:

    de libris,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 59, 252:

    de Philocteta, id,

    ib. 3, 35, 141 (cf.:

    e Philocteta versus,

    Quint. 3, 1, 14).
    Transf., to indicate the quarter from which motion proceeds (cf. ab), from, and because motion is so often and naturally downwards, down from:

    haec agebantur in conventu, palam, de sella ac de loco superiore,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 40; cf. ib. 2, 2, 38:

    quem ad se vocari et de tribunali citari jussit,

    id. ib. 2, 5, 7:

    qui nihil ex occulto, nihil de insidiis, agendum putant,

    Cic. Off. 1, 30, 109; cf.

    de tergo plagas dare,

    from behind, Plaut. Asin. 2, 2, 10; Just. 20, 5, 5:

    de paupere mensa dona,

    Tib. 1, 1, 37 et saep.—In jurid. Latin: de plano discutere, interloqui, cognoscere, etc., i. e. on level ground, not on the tribunal (cf. chamothen, opp. pro bêmatos, Dig. 27, 1, 13, § 10), Dig. 1, 4, 1; 1, 16, 9; 14. 3, 11 et saep.; so, de plano, off-hand, without formal consideration, Lucr. 1, 411;

    v. planus.—And with pendeo, etc. (the motion in the eye transferred to the object): deque viri collo dulce pependit onus,

    Ov. F. 2, 760:

    lucerna de camera pendebat,

    Petr. 30, 3; cf.:

    et nova de gravido palmite gemma tumet,

    Ov. F. 1, 152:

    de qua pariens arbore nixa dea est,

    leaning downwards against the tree, id. H. 21, 100.
    In time.
    Immediately following a given moment of time, after, directly after (very rare):

    de concursu,

    Lucr. 1, 384 (cf. Munro, ad loc.):

    velim scire hodiene statim de auctione aut quo die venias,

    Cic. Att. 12, 3:

    non bonus somnus est de prandio,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 8:

    de eorum verbis prosilui, etc.,

    id. Trin. 1, 2, 178.—Hence, diem de die, from day to day, day after day, Liv. 5, 48:

    cum is diem de die differret, dum, etc.,

    id. 25, 25; cf.:

    diem de die proferendo,

    Just. 2, 15, 6: de die in diem, from day to day, daily (eccl. Lat.), Vulg. Psa. 60, 8; 2 Pet. 2, 8; Cypr. Ep. 3, 11.
    De nocte, de vigilia, etc., to designate an act which begins or takes its origin from the night-time, Engl. during or in the course of the night, at night, by night, etc.: De. Rus cras cum filio Cum primo lucu ibo hinc. Mi. Imo de nocte censeo, to-night rather, Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 55: in comitium Milo de nocte venit, in the night (cf. shortly before, Milo media nocte in campum venit), Cic. Att. 4, 3, 4; cf. id. Mur. 33, 69:

    vigilas tu de nocte,

    id. ib. 9, 22; cf.:

    de nocte evigilabat,

    Suet. Vesp. 21:

    ut jugulent homines, surgunt de nocte latrones,

    at night, Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 32;

    and Hannibal surgere de nocte solitus, Frontin Strat. 4, 3, 7 et saep.: ut de nocte multa impigreque exsurrexi,

    late in the night, Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 10; so,

    multa de nocte,

    Cic. Sest. 35, 75; id. Att. 7, 4 fin. (for which multa nocte, id. Q. Fr. 2, 9); cf.

    also: si de multa nocte (al. de nocte) vigilassent,

    id. Att. 2, 15, 2:

    Caesar mittit complures equitum turmas eo de media nocte,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 45; 7, 88; so,

    media de nocte,

    at midnight, Suet. Calig. 26; Hor. Ep. 1, 18, 91:

    Caesar de tertia vigilia e castris profectus,

    in the third night-watch, Caes. B. G. 1, 12:

    de tertia vigilia,

    id. ib. 1, 21; Liv. 9, 44 Drak.; 40, 4 al.; cf.:

    de quarta vigilia,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 21, 3 al.; v. vigilia. —As in this manner de nocte became adverbially = nocte, so de die was sometimes used for die or per diem:

    de die potare,

    by day, in the daytime, Plaut. Asin. 4, 2, 16:

    epulari de die,

    Liv. 23, 8; Ter. Ad. 5, 9, 8; Catull. 47, 6; Suet. Calig. 37; id. Domit. 21; cf.:

    bibulus media de luce Falerni,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 14, 34;

    and in a lusus verbb. with in diem,

    Cic. Phil. 2, 34 fin. —Less freq., de mense:

    navigare de mense Decembri,

    in December, Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 1 fin. —And once de tempore for tempore: ipse de tempore coenavit, Auct. B. Hisp. 33, 5.
    In other relations, implying separation, departure from, etc.
    To designate the whole, from which a part is taken, or of which a part is separately regarded, etc., from among, out of, from:

    hominem certum misi de comitibus meis,

    Cic. Att. 8, 1, 2:

    gladio percussus ab uno de illis,

    id. Mil. 24, 65:

    si quis de nostris hominibus,

    id. Flacc. 4:

    quemvis de iis qui essent idonei,

    id. Div. in Caecil. 4 fin.:

    de tribus et decem fundis tres nobilissimi fundi,

    id. Rosc. Am. 35, 99 et saep.:

    accusator de plebe,

    id. Brut. 34, 131:

    pulsare minimum de plebe Quiritem,

    Ov. Am. 1, 7, 29; cf. Liv. 7, 17:

    malus poëta de populo,

    Cic. Arch. 10, 25 et saep.:

    partem solido demere de die,

    Hor. Od. 1, 1, 20:

    quantum de vita perdiderit,

    Petr. 26:

    praeteriine tuas de tot caelestibus aras,

    Ov. Her. 21, 179; Juv. 1, 138. —
    Sometimes de with abl. takes the place of the gen. partit. or gen. obj. In the best writers this occurs mainly
    to avoid ambiguity where genitives would be multiplied:

    ne expers partis esset de nostris bonis,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 1, 39:

    ut aliquem partem de istius impudentia reticere possim,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 12, § 32;
    for greater precision:

    si quae sunt de eodem genere,

    id. Tusc. 4, 7, 16:

    persona de mimo,

    id. Phil. 2, 27, 65;
    in the poets, metri gratiā:

    aliquid de more vetusto,

    Ov. F. 6, 309; Grat. Cyneg. 17:

    laudes de Caesare,

    Ov. Pont. 4, 13, 23:

    cetera de genere hoc,

    Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 13; Lucr. 4, 746. This circumlocution was freq. [p. 514] in comic writers and in vulgar lang., and became more common in the declining periods of the lang., so that in the Romance tongues de, di, etc., with a case represent the earlier genitive (so, conscius, conscientia, meminisse, mentionem facere, recordari, etc., de aliqua re for alicujus rei, v. h. vv.).
    To indicate the property from which the costs of any thing are taken:

    obsonat, potat, olet unguenta de meo,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 2, 37; so,

    de tuo,

    Plaut. Bac. 1, 1, 65:

    de suo,

    Cic. Att. 16, 16, A, 5; Suet. Caes. 19:

    de nostro,

    Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 11:

    de vestro,

    Liv. 6, 15, 10; cf.:

    de vestris,

    Ov. F. 3, 828:

    de alieno,

    Liv. 3, 1, 3; Just. 36, 3 fin.:

    de publico,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 44; Liv. 1, 20; 2, 16; 4, 60. For de tuo, once de te:

    de te largitor puer,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 8, 17.—Also in a trop. sense:

    ad tua praecepta de meo nihil his novum apposivi,

    Plaut. Mil. 3, 3, 31; cf. id. Men. 1. 2, 40; Cic. Fam. 4, 3; Plin. Ep. 4, 13, 8.— Poet., to denote that out of which, or by which, one pays a penalty or suffers punishment:

    has vestro de sanguine poenas datis,

    Luc. 4, 805; cf.:

    cum de visceribus tuis satisfacturus sis quibus debes,

    Cic. Q. Frat. 1, 3, 7.
    To designate the material of which any thing is made, of, out of, from:

    niveo factum de marmore signum,

    Ov. M. 14, 313; cf. Verg. G. 3, 13:

    verno de flore corona,

    Tib. 2, 1, 59:

    sucus de quinquefolio,

    Plin. 26, 4, 11:

    cinis de fico,

    Pall. 1, 35, 3 et saep.:

    de templo carcerem fleri,

    Cic. Phil. 5, 7; cf. Flor. 2, 6, 32:

    captivum de rege facturi,

    Just. 7, 2, 11; cf.:

    inque deum de bove versus erat,

    Ov. F. 5, 616 et saep.:

    fles de rhetore consul,

    Juv. 7, 197.—Cf. trop. by means of:

    de eodem oleo et opera exaravi nescio quid ad te,

    Cic. Att. 13, 38.—Prov.:

    de nihilo nihilum,

    Pers. 3, 84; cf. Lucr. 1, 157 sq.
    In mental operations, to indicate the subject-matter or theme on which any mental act (thinking, considering, advising, determining, etc.; discoursing, informing, exhorting, deciding, disputing, doubting, etc.) is founded; of, about, concerning, Gr. peri:

    cogitare de aliqua re, etc. (the most common signification): multa narrare de Laelio,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    dubitare de re,

    id. Fam. 3, 10, 15:

    de suo adventu docere,

    Suet. Caes. 9:

    de moribus admonere,

    Sall. Cat. 5, 9 et saep.—With this, too, is connected its use,
    To indicate the producing cause or reason, for, on account of, because of:

    nam id nisi gravi de causa non fecisset,

    Cic. Att. 7, 7, 3; cf. id. de Or. 1, 41, 186; Cael ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 15; Cic. Att. 11, 3:

    de quo nomine ad arbitrum adiisti, de eo ad judicium venisti,

    id. Rosc. Com. 4, 12:

    flebat uterque non de suo supplicio, sed pater de filii morte, de patris filius,

    id. Verr. 2, 1, 30, § 76:

    de labore pectus tundit,

    with pain, Plaut. Casin. 2, 6, 63:

    incessit passu de vulnere tardo,

    Ov. M. 10, 49:

    humus fervet de corpore,

    id. ib. 7, 560:

    facilius de odio creditur,

    Tac. H. 1, 34:

    quod erat de me feliciter Ilia mater,

    through me, Ov. F. 3, 233 et saep.
    To indicate the thing with reference to which any thing is done, with respect to, concerning:

    de istac re in oculum utrumvis conquiescito,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 1, 121: nil peccat de savio, Caec. ap. Gell. 2, 23, 11 (v. 161 Ribbeck):

    credere de numero militum,

    Cic. Att. 9, 1, 2:

    de numero dierum fidem servare,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 36; Sall. C. 50, 3:

    de ceteris senatui curae fore,

    id. Jug. 26, 1:

    concessum ab nobilitate de consule plebeio,

    Liv. 6, 42:

    solem de virgine rapta consule,

    Ov. F. 4, 581 et saep.—Ellipt.:

    de argento somnium,

    as for the money, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 50 (for which id. Heaut. 4, 2, 4: quod de argento sperem, nihil est): Varr. R. R. 1, 59, 1:

    de Dionysio sum admiratus,

    Cic. Att. 9, 12; id. Off. 1, 15, 47:

    de me autem suscipe paullisper meas partes,

    id. Fam. 3, 12, 2; Ter. Hec. 2, 1, 36 et saep.:

    de Samnitibus triumphare,

    concerning, over, Cic. Sen. 16, 55; cf. Hor. 4, 2, 88:

    de Atheniensibus victoria,

    Curt. 8, 1, 33.
    To indicate the thing in conformity with which any thing is done, according to, after:

    secundum: DE SENATVOS SENTENTIAD, S. C. de Bac.: fecisse dicas de mea sententia,

    Plaut. Bac. 4, 9, 115; cf.:

    de suorum propinquorum sententia atque auctoritate fecisse dicatur,

    Cic. Cael. 29: de consilii sententia Mamertinis se frumentum non imperare pronunciat, id. Verr. 2, 5, 21 al.:

    de ejus consilio velle sese facere,

    Ter. Ph. 3, 1, 17:

    vix de mea voluntate concessum est,

    Cic. Att. 4, 2, 4:

    de exemplo meo ipse aedificato,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 86:

    de more vetusto,

    Verg. A. 11, 142; Ov. M. 7, 606:

    de nomine,

    id. ib. 1, 447:

    patrioque vocat de nomine mensem,

    id. F. 3, 77.
    With adjectives to form adverbial expressions.
    De integro, anew ( = ab integro, ex integro; cf.: iterum, rursus, denuo), indidemque eadem aeque oriuntur de integro, atque eodem occidunt, Pac. ap. Varr. L. L. 5, § 17 Müll. (v. 92 Ribb.):

    ratio de integro ineunda est mihi,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 2, 7; Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 56; id. Att. 13, 27; id. Fam. 12, 30, 2 et saep. (The combination de novo appears only in the contracted form denuo, v. h. v.).—
    De improviso, unexpectedly:

    ubi de improviso interventum est mulieri,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 40; id. And. 2, 2, 23; id. Ad. 3, 3, 53; Caes. B. G. 2, 3; 5, 22; 5, 39 et saep.; Cic. Rosc. Am. 52, 151 et saep.—
    De transverso, unexpectedly:

    ecce autem de transverso L. Caesar ut veniam ad se rogat,

    Cic. Att. 15, 4 fin.; Auct. Her. 4, 10, 14.
    De is often put between an adj.
    or pron. and its substantive; cf.

    above multa de nocte, media de nocte, gravi de causa, etc.: qua de re,

    Ter. Andr. 1, 2, 13; esp. in the judic. formula: qua de re agitur; cf. Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 6; Cic. Brut. 79 fin. Also freq. after a simple relative:

    quo de,

    Cic. Inv. 1, 28, 41; 54, 104; 2, 11, 37:

    qua de,

    id. ib. 2, 23, 70 et saep.
    In composition the e becomes short before a vowel, as in dĕhisco, dĕhinc, dĕorsum, and coincides with it in the poets by synaeresis; cf.: dehinc, deinde, deinceps, deorsum; sometimes contraction takes place, as in debeo, debilis, dego, demo, from dehabeo, de-habilis, de-ago, de-emo.—
    Separation, departure, removal, taking away; off, away, down, out: decedo, demigro, demeto, depromo, descendo, devolvo, derivo, deflecto, etc.; and trop. dedico, denuntio; and in a downward direction, decido, decumbo, deprimo, demergo, delabor, defluo, demitto, desido, desideo, declivis, deculco, degredior, deicio, etc.—
    Cessation, removal of the fundamental idea ( = un-, de-, dis-): dearmo, deartuo, decresco, dedisco, dedecoro, dedignor, dedoceo, denascor, denormo, desum, etc.; and hence direct negation, as in dedecet, deformis, demens, etc.—
    With reference to the terminus of the action: defero, defigo, demitto, etc.; hence also trop., with reference to the extent of the action, to the uttermost, to exhaustion, through. out: debacchor, debello, dedolo, delino, delibuo, etc.: defatigo, delaboro, delasso, etc.; hence freq. a mere strengthening of the fundamental idea, = valde, thoroughly, much: demiror, demitigo, etc.—
    Giving a bad sense to the verb: decipio, delinquo, deludo, derideo, detestor.—
    Rarely, contraction from a broad into a narrow space, together: deligo, devincio. See also Hand Turs. II. p. 183-229.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > de

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