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  • 101 عقل

    عَقْل \ head: the brain: I did that sum in my head. mentality: the manner of thinking that controls character and behaviour: I can’t understand the mentality of anyone who would do a terrible thing like that !. mind: that with which we think; brain: His mind was full of evil thoughts. reason: common sense; sensible and fair opinion or advice: He’s too excited to listen to reason. sense: (also common sense) reasonable ideas; natural good judgement; natural wisdom: Do talk sense! You should have enough sense to keep out of trouble. wits: good sense; quickness of mind: Keep your wits about you (Be ready to think and act quickly). \ See Also كلام مَعْقُول، حصافة (حَصَافَة)‏ \ عَقْل إِلِكْترُونِيّ \ computer: a large machine for calculating or storing facts and figures. \ See Also حاسوب

    Arabic-English dictionary > عقل

  • 102 له

    لَهُ \ his: belonging to him: This key is mine and that is his. its: (not to be confused with it’s, meaning it is) belonging to it; of it: The dog has hurt its leg. \ لَهُ بِخَاصّة \ of one’s own: belonging to one: I want a horse of my own (I don’t want to hire one whenever I go riding). \ لَهُ تأثير عَلى \ influence: to have an effect on (a person, his character, beliefs, actions, a course of events, etc.): His choice of work was influenced by his father’s advice. \ لَهُ الحُرّية \ at liberty: free: The prisoners were set at liberty. I’m not at liberty to tell you their secret. \ لَهُ الحقّ \ well: (with may) very possibly; with good reason: He may well be late if the road is being repaired. \ لَهُ صِلَة قَرابة بِـ \ related: joined by family: We have the same name, but we’re not related. I’m not related to him. \ لَهُ عَلاَقَة بالآثار القَدِيمة \ archaeological, archeological: of archaeology. \ لَهُ مَتَاتٌ بِـ \ relevant: concerned with the matter that is being considered: Don’t waste time with points that are not relevant to this case. \ لَهُ مُسْتَقْبَل طَيِّب \ promising: causing hope; showing signs of future success: The job I applied for sounds promising. She is a promising young musician. \ لَهُ مَعْرِفَة بِـ \ familiar with: knowing; accustomed to: I’m not familiar with English law. \ لَهُ من العُمْر... \ old: having a certain age: He’s the oldest boy in the class. How old is he? He’s seven years old. He’s a seven-year-old (boy). He’s old enough to go to school. He’s older than his sister. \ لَهُ نَكْهَة مالِحة (حادِق)‏ \ savoury: (food, such as cooked cheese) having a salty taste: She liked savoury food better than sweet food. \ لَهُ وَقْع (في النَّفْس)‏ \ impressive: produsing a strong (and usu. good) effect on the mind: an impressive result; an impressive speaker. \ لَهُ يَد \ have a hand in: to share in doing sth.: He has a hand in most crimes in this village. \ See Also ضِلْع في

    Arabic-English dictionary > له

  • 103 عال نفسه بنفسه

    عَالَ نَفْسَه بِنَفْسه \ self-supporting: earning enough to pay for one’s own needs. \ عَالَجَ \ cure: to bring (sb.) back to good health; put an end to a disease or customary unwanted behaviour: The doctor cured me of fever. Nothing will cure him of smoking. deal with: to treat; attend to: I’ll deal with this question myself. If a thief breaks in, my dog will deal with him. handle: to deal with (people, machines, difficulties, etc.): She handled that difficult situation very well. remedy: to put right (sth. that is wrong): Most faults can be remedied. tackle: to deal with (a difficulty); speak boldly to (sb., about a difficulty): I must tackle our neighbours about that broken fence. treat: to give medical care to (a sick person); deal with (an illness): His wounds were treated in hospital. The doctor treated her for a disease of the blood. \ See Also داوى (دَاوَى)، دبر (دَبَّرَ)، أصلح (أَصْلَحَ)، تَعَامَلَ مَع \ عَالَجَ (بمهارة)‏ \ manipulate: to handle skilfully (machinery, etc.). \ See Also شَغَّلَ باليد

    Arabic-English dictionary > عال نفسه بنفسه

  • 104 push

    1. verb
    1) to press against something, in order to (try to) move it further away:

    The queue can't move any faster, so stop pushing!

    I had a good view of the race till someone pushed in front of me.

    2) to try to make (someone) do something; to urge on, especially foolishly:

    She pushed him into applying for the job.

    3) to sell (drugs) illegally.
    يَبيعُ مُخَدِّراتٍ بصورةٍ غَيْر قانونِيَّه
    2. noun
    1) a movement of pressure against something; a thrust:

    She gave him a push.

    2) energy and determination:

    He has enough push to do well in his job.

    نَشاط، عَزيمَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > push

  • 105 safe

    I [seɪf] adjective
    1) (negative unsafe) protected, or free (from danger etc):

    The children are safe from danger in the garden.

    2) providing good protection:

    You should keep your money in a safe place.

    3) unharmed:

    The missing child has been found safe and well.

    في أمان، سَليم، بدون أذى
    4) not likely to cause harm:

    These pills are safe for children.

    مأمون، غَيْر خَطِر
    5) (of a person) reliable:

    He's a very fast driver but he's safe enough.

    مَوْثوق II [seɪf] noun

    There is a small safe hidden behind that picture on the wall.

    صُنْدوق حَديدي، خَزْنَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > safe

  • 106 تحرك

    تَحَرُّك \ movement: moving or being moved: I noticed a movement in the bushes. \ تَحَرَّكَ \ get a move on: (usu. as advice) to hurry: Get a move on, or you’ll be late!. make a move: to begin to move, esp. to leave somewhere: It’s five o’clock, and we ought to make a move so we can be home before dark. move: to change position: Don’t move, or I’ll shoot! The train moved slowly forward. The leaves moved gently in the wind. stand, (stood): (with aside, away, back, forward, etc.) to move: He stood aside to let me pass. stir: to move: She stirred in her sleep and then lay still. travel: to move; go: Light travels faster than sound. \ تَحَرَّكَ \ whisk: to move quickly and lightly: The horse whisked his tail (He used it to brush away flies). They whisked the sick old man into hospital (took him quickly and suddenly). \ تَحَرَّكَ \ fly, (flew, flown): to move very quickly: The bus flew past without stopping. \ See Also انْطَلَقَ بسرعة \ تَحَرَّكَ \ pop: (with any adv. or prep.) to go or move quickly (usu. without warning, and for a short time): I popped across (the street) to buy a paper. He popped his head round the door just long enough to say good morning. \ See Also طلع (طَلعَ)، دَخَلَ أو خَرَجَ فَجْأةً أو دُفْعَةً واحِدَة \ تَحَرَّكَ \ blow, (blew, blown): to be moved by the wind: The wind blew my hat off. \ See Also حَرَّكَ بِتَأْثير الهَواء \ تَحَرَّكَ بِبُطْءٍ \ crawl: to move slowly: The car crawled up the hill. \ تَحَرَّكَ فَجْأةً \ start: to move suddenly in surprise: My horse started and threw me off. \ تَحَرَّكَ وهو يُجَقْجِقُ أو يَهْدِر \ chug: (of a boat, vehicle, etc.) to go slowly and steadity with the engine making short regular noises: The boat was chugging along.

    Arabic-English dictionary > تحرك

  • 107 رخو

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English dictionary > رخو

  • 108 قدر

    قَدَِرَ \ can, (cannot, can’t): to be able to: Can you lift that box?, to know how to Can you drive a car?. destiny: fate (more often good than bad): It was his destiny to save his country from defeat. \ قَدَرَ \ cope, cope with: to deal successfully with (a difficulty): I can’t cope with so many questions at once. \ See Also قَوِيَ على \ قَدَِرَ على \ afford: to have enough time or money for: I can’t afford (to buy) a car, I can’t afford the time to travel far. manage: to be successful or be able in spite of difficulties (the following verb or object may be left out, to avoid repetition): It was a heavy load to move but we managed to move it (or we managed it or we managed) in the end, to deal with (in whatever sense is suited to the object) Can you manage another cup of coffee (Can you drink one)?. \ قَدَرٌ مَشؤوم \ doom: bad fate; death; ruin.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قدر

  • 109 لين

    لَيِّن \ delicate: finely made with fine materials: a delicate silk dress. soft: (of people) kind and gentle in a rather weak way: a soft heart. \ لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > لين

  • 110 flabby

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English glossary > flabby

  • 111 lax

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English glossary > lax

  • 112 limp

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English glossary > limp

  • 113 loose

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English glossary > loose

  • 114 slack

    رَخْو \ flabby: (of muscles, flesh, etc.) soft and weak: a flabby stomach. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. loose: not tight; not firm: loose clothes; loose soil; a loose screw. slack: (of a rope) loose.

    Arabic-English glossary > slack

  • 115 flexible

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > flexible

  • 116 lax

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > lax

  • 117 limp

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > limp

  • 118 pliable

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > pliable

  • 119 soft

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > soft

  • 120 supple

    لَيِّن \ flexible: that can be easily bent, like wire, that can be easily changed to suit new needs or conditions: Our plans are very flexible; we’ll decide where to go at the last minute. lax: careless; not exercising enough control: She isn’t a good teacher -she’s too lax with her class. limp: not stiff; weak with tiredness or heat: This paper is very limp. The plants were limp for lack of water. pliable: able to bend freely without breaking. soft: not hard; easily pressed into a different shape: soft ground; a soft bed. supple: able to bend easily; not stiff: Children have supple bodies. \ See Also مرن (مَرِن)، مسترخ (مُسْتَرْخٍ)، مهمل (مُهْمِل)، متساهل (مُتَسَاهِل)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > supple

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  • good enough — adjective adequately good for the circumstances (Freq. 2) if it s good enough for you it s good enough for me • Similar to: ↑good * * * good enough ▪ Not sufficiently good ▪ Mean, unfair, very different from what was expected or promised ● …   Useful english dictionary

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