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  • 21 gratis

    free, free of charge, give-away, costless.
    free, for nothing.
    ser gratis to be free
    me salió gratis el viaje the journey didn't cost me anything
    * * *
    1 free
    * * *
    * * *
    ADV free, for nothing

    de gratis LAm gratis

    ADJ free
    * * *
    adjetivo free
    adverbio free
    * * *
    = free, freely, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratis, complimentary, without charge, pro bono, at no cost, no cost(s), free of cost, cost free, freebie, for free, without cost, freely available, costless, free for the taking, at no charge, on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.
    Ex. The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex. Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex. HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex. Answers were obtained from 102 centres, 1/2 of which provide information services gratis, but some charges for photocopying.
    Ex. This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex. Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.
    Ex. Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex. Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex. An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex. In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex. The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex. In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex. The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex. Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex. Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex. The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex. This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
    Ex. Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * billete gratis = free ticket.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de pago o gratis = fee or free, fee versus free.
    * entrada gratis = free ticket.
    * nada es gratis = nothing comes without a cost.
    * nada es gratis en la viña del Señor = there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a free ride.
    * obtener gratis = obtain + free.
    * recibir gratis = get + free.
    * servicio gratis = frill.
    * * *
    adjetivo free
    adverbio free
    * * *
    = free, freely, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratis, complimentary, without charge, pro bono, at no cost, no cost(s), free of cost, cost free, freebie, for free, without cost, freely available, costless, free for the taking, at no charge, on a complimentary basis.

    Ex: Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.

    Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
    Ex: Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex: HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex: Answers were obtained from 102 centres, 1/2 of which provide information services gratis, but some charges for photocopying.
    Ex: This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex: There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.
    Ex: Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.
    Ex: Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.
    Ex: Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex: An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex: In an attempt to overcome this problem, a group of small health related libraries responded by forming a cost free cooperative called GRATIS in 1982.
    Ex: The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex: In addition, most or all of the contents of the resources listed are available for free.
    Ex: The author looks at how 'free' information really is and whether we can continue to expect high quality information to be available without cost.
    Ex: Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex: Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex: The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex: This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.
    Ex: Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * billete gratis = free ticket.
    * de forma gratis = on a complimentary basis.
    * de pago o gratis = fee or free, fee versus free.
    * entrada gratis = free ticket.
    * nada es gratis = nothing comes without a cost.
    * nada es gratis en la viña del Señor = there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as a free ride.
    * obtener gratis = obtain + free.
    * recibir gratis = get + free.
    * servicio gratis = frill.

    * * *
    la entrada es gratis entrance is free
    este folleto es gratis this brochure is free (of charge) o gratis
    me lo arregló gratis he fixed it for me free
    entramos gratis we got in free o for nothing
    * * *


    gratis adj/adv

    entramos gratis we got in free o for nothing
    I adv inv free: le salió gratis la matrícula, his registration was free
    II adjetivo free: hay un billete gratis para ir al cine, we have a free ticket for the movies

    ' gratis' also found in these entries:
    - gratuidad
    - gratuita
    - gratuito
    - pesetera
    - pesetero
    - charge
    - complimentary
    - delivery
    - free
    - mooch
    - nothing
    - toll-free
    - wangle
    * * *
    adj inv
    ser gratis to be free;
    entrada gratis [en letrero] entrance free
    (for) free, for nothing;
    entré gratis al concierto I got into the concert (for) free o for nothing;
    me salió gratis el viaje the journey didn't cost me anything
    * * *
    adj & adv free
    * * *
    gratis adv
    gratuitamente: free, for free, gratis
    gratis adj
    gratuito: free, gratis
    * * *
    gratis adv
    1. (sin pagar) free
    2. (sin cobrar) for nothing

    Spanish-English dictionary > gratis

  • 22 машинное оборудование

    1. machinery


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > машинное оборудование

  • 23 machinery

    1. организационный аппарат
    2. оборудование
    3. механизм
    4. машины и оборудование
    5. машины
    6. машинное оборудование


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.





    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва]

    Машина представляет собой аппарат, использующий или применяющий механическую энергию, состоящий из нескольких частей — каждая со своими определенными функциями, которые вместе выполняют некоторые виды работ. Для целей анализа это понятие включает отдельные машины или наборы машин. См. Машины и оборудование (МСО)
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]





    машины и оборудование

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]

    машины и оборудование
    Часть основных фондов компании (предприятия), которая включает устройства, преобразующие энергию, материалы и информацию. В аналитической и оценочной практике в общее понятие М. и о. включаются отдельно оцениваемые установки, машины, оборудование и транспортные средства, подразделяемые на виды, а каждый вид – на марки (последним термином для краткости можно обозначать разные модели и модификации машины). Разные марки машин одного вида используются для одних и тех же целей: они способны производить одну и ту же продукцию, выполнять одни и те же работы или оказывать одни и те же услуги ( в противном случае их надо относить в другому виду машин), а следовательно, «взаимозаменяемы» и являются товарами, конкурирующими между собой на рынке Рынок машин каждого вида делится на первичный (новые М..) и вторичный (бывшие в эксплуатации), для которых применяются разные оценочные приемы и инструменты.. М.и о. являются главным объектом инвестирования при разработке и реализации инвестиционного проекта, и, соответственно, одним из основных элементов оценки инвестиционных проектов. Важно, что в отличие от ценных бумаг, акций, М.и о. являются объектами реальных инвестиций, а не финансовых инвестиций.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    A group of parts or machines arranged to perform a useful function. (Source: MGH)







    Совокупность подвижно соединённых звеньев, совершающих под действием приложенных сил заранее определённые целесообразные движения
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    машины, механизмы

    Совокупность связанных между собой частей и устройств, как минимум одно из которых движется, имеет соответствующий привод, органы управления и энергетические узлы, соединенные вместе для определенного применения, например для обработки, переработки, производства, транспортирования или упаковки материалов.
    Термины «машина» и «механизм» также распространяются на совокупность машин, которые размещаются и управляются таким образом, чтобы функционировать как единое целое.
    В приложении А приведено общее схематическое изображение машины.
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 12100-1:2007]





    Совокупность связанных между собой частей или устройств, из которых по крайней мере одно движется, а также элементы привода, управления и энергетические узлы, которые предназначены для определенного применения, в частности для обработки, производства, перемещения или упаковки материала. К термину «оборудование» относят также машину и совокупность машин, которые так устроены и управляемы, что они функционируют как единое целое для достижения одной и той же цели.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]


    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    Оснащение, материалы, приспособления, устройства, механизмы, приборы, инструменты и другие принадлежности, используемые в качестве частей электрической установки или в соединении с ней.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]


    single apparatus or set of devices or apparatuses, or the set of main devices of an installation, or all devices necessary to perform a specific task
    NOTE – Examples of equipment are a power transformer, the equipment of a substation, measuring equipment.
    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    material, fittings, devices, components, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as part of, or in connection with, the electrical equipment of machines
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]


    équipement, m
    matériel, m
    appareil unique ou ensemble de dispositifs ou appareils, ou ensemble des dispositifs principaux d'une installation, ou ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l'accomplissement d'une tâche particulière
    NOTE – Des exemples d’équipement ou de matériel sont un transformateur de puissance, l’équipement d’une sous-station, un équipement de mesure.
    [IEV number 151-11-25]






    организационный аппарат

    [ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    3.26 машины (machinery): Устройство, состоящее из соединенных между собой частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, один из которых движется, с соответствующими исполнительными механизмами, силовыми цепями и цепями управления и т.д., объединенных вместе в целях конкретного применения, в частности, для обработки, переработки, перемещения или упаковки материала (материал означает эквивалент вещества или изделия).

    Термин «машины» одновременно означает совокупность машин и механизмов, которые для достижения одной и той же цели установлены и управляются таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ЕН 1127-2-2009: Взрывоопасные среды. Взрывозащита и предотвращение взрыва. Часть 2. Основополагающая концепция и методология (для подземных выработок)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > machinery

  • 24 business letter format

    бизн. формат делового письма, формат служебного письма
    Комментарии к формату (см. рис.)
    If your stationery includes a letterhead, skip this block. Type your name and address along with other relevant contact information such as e-mail or fax number.
    If your stationery includes a letterhead, type the date from 2 to 6 lines under the letterhead. Otherwise type it under the return address.
    Use this block to identify what the letter is in regards to. Examples are: "Re: Invoice 12345" or "Re: Your letter dated January 15, 2010.".
    Notation on private correspondence if needed such as PERSONAL or CONFIDENTIAL. This goes just above the recipient.
    Type the name and address of the person and / or company. If you are using an attention line (block 7) then skip the person's name. Address the envelope similarly.
    Type the name of the person
    Type the recipient's name. Use Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect, but don't try to guess spelling or gender if you are not sure. Some common salutations are: "Dear [Full Name]:", "To Whom it May Concern:".
    Type a short description on what the letter is about. If you used a reference line, then you likely do not need a subject line.
    Type two spaces between sentences.
    Completing the Letter
    It depends on the tone and degree of formality as to what you write here. Can vary from the very formal "Respectfully yours" to the typical "Sincerely" to the friendly "Cordially yours".
    Leave four blank lines after the Complimentary Close (block 11) to sign your name. Type your name and (optional) title under that signature.
    If someone else has typed the letter for you, it is common for them to indicate so with initials. Typically it is your initials in upper case followed by the other initials in lower case. For example "BCT/gt". If you typed your own letter, skip this block.
    If you are including other things with the letter such as brochures, this line tells the reader how many to expect. Common styles include "Enclosures: 3".
    If you are distributing copies of the letter to others, indicate so using a copies block. the code "cc:" used to indicate carbon copies but now is commonly called courtesy copies.
    Don't type the brackets. The brackets [ ] in the examples are for narrative purposes only.
    Try to keep your letters to one page.
    Use letterhead only for the first page. Just use a blank sheet of paper for continuation pages.
    You have some freedom in how many blank lines to use between blocks and in the margin sizes in order to fit a letter onto a single page.
    Not all letters need every block identified in this article. If you leave one out, do not leave blank lines where the blocks would have been.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > business letter format

  • 25 near cash

    гос. фин. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    This paper provides background information on the framework for the planning and control of public expenditure in the UK which has been operated since the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). It sets out the different classifications of spending for budgeting purposes and why these distinctions have been adopted. It discusses how the public expenditure framework is designed to ensure both sound public finances and an outcome-focused approach to public expenditure.
    The UK's public spending framework is based on several key principles:
    consistency with a long-term, prudent and transparent regime for managing the public finances as a whole;
    " "
    the judgement of success by policy outcomes rather than resource inputs;
    " "
    strong incentives for departments and their partners in service delivery to plan over several years and plan together where appropriate so as to deliver better public services with greater cost effectiveness; and
    the proper costing and management of capital assets to provide the right incentives for public investment.
    The Government sets policy to meet two firm fiscal rules:
    the Golden Rule states that over the economic cycle, the Government will borrow only to invest and not to fund current spending; and
    the Sustainable Investment Rule states that net public debt as a proportion of GDP will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level. Other things being equal, net debt will be maintained below 40 per cent of GDP over the economic cycle.
    Achievement of the fiscal rules is assessed by reference to the national accounts, which are produced by the Office for National Statistics, acting as an independent agency. The Government sets its spending envelope to comply with these fiscal rules.
    Departmental Expenditure Limits ( DEL) and Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)
    Departmental Expenditure Limit ( DEL) spending, which is planned and controlled on a three year basis in Spending Reviews; and
    Annually Managed Expenditure ( AME), which is expenditure which cannot reasonably be subject to firm, multi-year limits in the same way as DEL. AME includes social security benefits, local authority self-financed expenditure, debt interest, and payments to EU institutions.
    More information about DEL and AME is set out below.
    In Spending Reviews, firm DEL plans are set for departments for three years. To ensure consistency with the Government's fiscal rules departments are set separate resource (current) and capital budgets. The resource budget contains a separate control total for “near cash” expenditure, that is expenditure such as pay and current grants which impacts directly on the measure of the golden rule.
    To encourage departments to plan over the medium term departments may carry forward unspent DEL provision from one year into the next and, subject to the normal tests for tautness and realism of plans, may be drawn down in future years. This end-year flexibility also removes any incentive for departments to use up their provision as the year end approaches with less regard to value for money. For the full benefits of this flexibility and of three year plans to feed through into improved public service delivery, end-year flexibility and three year budgets should be cascaded from departments to executive agencies and other budget holders.
    Three year budgets and end-year flexibility give those managing public services the stability to plan their operations on a sensible time scale. Further, the system means that departments cannot seek to bid up funds each year (before 1997, three year plans were set and reviewed in annual Public Expenditure Surveys). So the credibility of medium-term plans has been enhanced at both central and departmental level.
    Departments have certainty over the budgetary allocation over the medium term and these multi-year DEL plans are strictly enforced. Departments are expected to prioritise competing pressures and fund these within their overall annual limits, as set in Spending Reviews. So the DEL system provides a strong incentive to control costs and maximise value for money.
    There is a small centrally held DEL Reserve. Support from the Reserve is available only for genuinely unforeseeable contingencies which departments cannot be expected to manage within their DEL.
    AME typically consists of programmes which are large, volatile and demand-led, and which therefore cannot reasonably be subject to firm multi-year limits. The biggest single element is social security spending. Other items include tax credits, Local Authority Self Financed Expenditure, Scottish Executive spending financed by non-domestic rates, and spending financed from the proceeds of the National Lottery.
    AME is reviewed twice a year as part of the Budget and Pre-Budget Report process reflecting the close integration of the tax and benefit system, which was enhanced by the introduction of tax credits.
    AME is not subject to the same three year expenditure limits as DEL, but is still part of the overall envelope for public expenditure. Affordability is taken into account when policy decisions affecting AME are made. The Government has committed itself not to take policy measures which are likely to have the effect of increasing social security or other elements of AME without taking steps to ensure that the effects of those decisions can be accommodated prudently within the Government's fiscal rules.
    Given an overall envelope for public spending, forecasts of AME affect the level of resources available for DEL spending. Cautious estimates and the AME margin are built in to these AME forecasts and reduce the risk of overspending on AME.
    Together, DEL plus AME sum to Total Managed Expenditure (TME). TME is a measure drawn from national accounts. It represents the current and capital spending of the public sector. The public sector is made up of central government, local government and public corporations.
    Resource and Capital Budgets are set in terms of accruals information. Accruals information measures resources as they are consumed rather than when the cash is paid. So for example the Resource Budget includes a charge for depreciation, a measure of the consumption or wearing out of capital assets.
    Non cash charges in budgets do not impact directly on the fiscal framework. That may be because the national accounts use a different way of measuring the same thing, for example in the case of the depreciation of departmental assets. Or it may be that the national accounts measure something different: for example, resource budgets include a cost of capital charge reflecting the opportunity cost of holding capital; the national accounts include debt interest.
    Within the Resource Budget DEL, departments have separate controls on:
    Near cash spending, the sub set of Resource Budgets which impacts directly on the Golden Rule; and
    The amount of their Resource Budget DEL that departments may spend on running themselves (e.g. paying most civil servants’ salaries) is limited by Administration Budgets, which are set in Spending Reviews. Administration Budgets are used to ensure that as much money as practicable is available for front line services and programmes. These budgets also help to drive efficiency improvements in departments’ own activities. Administration Budgets exclude the costs of frontline services delivered directly by departments.
    The Budget preceding a Spending Review sets an overall envelope for public spending that is consistent with the fiscal rules for the period covered by the Spending Review. In the Spending Review, the Budget AME forecast for year one of the Spending Review period is updated, and AME forecasts are made for the later years of the Spending Review period.
    The 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review ( CSR), which was published in July 1998, was a comprehensive review of departmental aims and objectives alongside a zero-based analysis of each spending programme to determine the best way of delivering the Government's objectives. The 1998 CSR allocated substantial additional resources to the Government's key priorities, particularly education and health, for the three year period from 1999-2000 to 2001-02.
    Delivering better public services does not just depend on how much money the Government spends, but also on how well it spends it. Therefore the 1998 CSR introduced Public Service Agreements (PSAs). Each major government department was given its own PSA setting out clear targets for achievements in terms of public service improvements.
    The 1998 CSR also introduced the DEL/ AME framework for the control of public spending, and made other framework changes. Building on the investment and reforms delivered by the 1998 CSR, successive spending reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2004 have:
    provided significant increase in resources for the Government’s priorities, in particular health and education, and cross-cutting themes such as raising productivity; extending opportunity; and building strong and secure communities;
    " "
    enabled the Government significantly to increase investment in public assets and address the legacy of under investment from past decades. Departmental Investment Strategies were introduced in SR2000. As a result there has been a steady increase in public sector net investment from less than ¾ of a per cent of GDP in 1997-98 to 2¼ per cent of GDP in 2005-06, providing better infrastructure across public services;
    " "
    introduced further refinements to the performance management framework. PSA targets have been reduced in number over successive spending reviews from around 300 to 110 to give greater focus to the Government’s highest priorities. The targets have become increasingly outcome-focused to deliver further improvements in key areas of public service delivery across Government. They have also been refined in line with the conclusions of the Devolving Decision Making Review to provide a framework which encourages greater devolution and local flexibility. Technical Notes were introduced in SR2000 explaining how performance against each PSA target will be measured; and
    not only allocated near cash spending to departments, but also – since SR2002 - set Resource DEL plans for non cash spending.
    To identify what further investments and reforms are needed to equip the UK for the global challenges of the decade ahead, on 19 July 2005 the Chief Secretary to the Treasury announced that the Government intends to launch a second Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) reporting in 2007.
    A decade on from the first CSR, the 2007 CSR will represent a long-term and fundamental review of government expenditure. It will cover departmental allocations for 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010 11. Allocations for 2007-08 will be held to the agreed figures already announced by the 2004 Spending Review. To provide a rigorous analytical framework for these departmental allocations, the Government will be taking forward a programme of preparatory work over 2006 involving:
    an assessment of what the sustained increases in spending and reforms to public service delivery have achieved since the first CSR. The assessment will inform the setting of new objectives for the decade ahead;
    " "
    an examination of the key long-term trends and challenges that will shape the next decade – including demographic and socio-economic change, globalisation, climate and environmental change, global insecurity and technological change – together with an assessment of how public services will need to respond;
    " "
    to release the resources needed to address these challenges, and to continue to secure maximum value for money from public spending over the CSR period, a set of zero-based reviews of departments’ baseline expenditure to assess its effectiveness in delivering the Government’s long-term objectives; together with
    further development of the efficiency programme, building on the cross cutting areas identified in the Gershon Review, to embed and extend ongoing efficiency savings into departmental expenditure planning.
    The 2007 CSR also offers the opportunity to continue to refine the PSA framework so that it drives effective delivery and the attainment of ambitious national standards.
    Public Service Agreements (PSAs) were introduced in the 1998 CSR. They set out agreed targets detailing the outputs and outcomes departments are expected to deliver with the resources allocated to them. The new spending regime places a strong emphasis on outcome targets, for example in providing for better health and higher educational standards or service standards. The introduction in SR2004 of PSA ‘standards’ will ensure that high standards in priority areas are maintained.
    The Government monitors progress against PSA targets, and departments report in detail twice a year in their annual Departmental Reports (published in spring) and in their autumn performance reports. These reports provide Parliament and the public with regular updates on departments’ performance against their targets.
    Technical Notes explain how performance against each PSA target will be measured.
    To make the most of both new investment and existing assets, there needs to be a coherent long term strategy against which investment decisions are taken. Departmental Investment Strategies (DIS) set out each department's plans to deliver the scale and quality of capital stock needed to underpin its objectives. The DIS includes information about the department's existing capital stock and future plans for that stock, as well as plans for new investment. It also sets out the systems that the department has in place to ensure that it delivers its capital programmes effectively.
    This document was updated on 19 December 2005.
    Near-cash resource expenditure that has a related cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment might be made in arrears on aquarterly basis. Other examples of near-cash expenditure are: pay, rental.Net cash requirement the upper limit agreed by Parliament on the cash which a department may draw from theConsolidated Fund to finance the expenditure within the ambit of its Request forResources. It is equal to the agreed amount of net resources and net capital less non-cashitems and working capital.Non-cash cost costs where there is no cash transaction but which are included in a body’s accounts (or taken into account in charging for a service) to establish the true cost of all the resourcesused.Non-departmental a body which has a role in the processes of government, but is not a government public body, NDPBdepartment or part of one. NDPBs accordingly operate at arm’s length from governmentMinisters.Notional cost of a cost which is taken into account in setting fees and charges to improve comparability with insuranceprivate sector service providers.The charge takes account of the fact that public bodies donot generally pay an insurance premium to a commercial insurer.the independent body responsible for collecting and publishing official statistics about theUK’s society and economy. (At the time of going to print legislation was progressing tochange this body to the Statistics Board).Office of Government an office of the Treasury, with a status similar to that of an agency, which aims to maximise Commerce, OGCthe government’s purchasing power for routine items and combine professional expertiseto bear on capital projects.Office of the the government department responsible for discharging the Paymaster General’s statutoryPaymaster General,responsibilities to hold accounts and make payments for government departments and OPGother public bodies.Orange bookthe informal title for Management of Risks: Principles and Concepts, which is published by theTreasury for the guidance of public sector bodies.Office for NationalStatistics, ONS60Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYOverdraftan account with a negative balance.Parliament’s formal agreement to authorise an activity or expenditure.Prerogative powerspowers exercisable under the Royal Prerogative, ie powers which are unique to the Crown,as contrasted with common-law powers which may be available to the Crown on the samebasis as to natural persons.Primary legislationActs which have been passed by the Westminster Parliament and, where they haveappropriate powers, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. Begin asBills until they have received Royal Assent.arrangements under which a public sector organisation contracts with a private sectorentity to construct a facility and provide associated services of a specified quality over asustained period. See annex 7.5.Proprietythe principle that patterns of resource consumption should respect Parliament’s intentions,conventions and control procedures, including any laid down by the PAC. See box 2.4.Public Accountssee Committee of Public Accounts.CommitteePublic corporationa trading body controlled by central government, local authority or other publiccorporation that has substantial day to day operating independence. See section 7.8.Public Dividend finance provided by government to public sector bodies as an equity stake; an alternative to Capital, PDCloan finance.Public Service sets out what the public can expect the government to deliver with its resources. EveryAgreement, PSAlarge government department has PSA(s) which specify deliverables as targets or aimsrelated to objectives.a structured arrangement between a public sector and a private sector organisation tosecure an outcome delivering good value for money for the public sector. It is classified tothe public or private sector according to which has more control.Rate of returnthe financial remuneration delivered by a particular project or enterprise, expressed as apercentage of the net assets employed.Regularitythe principle that resource consumption should accord with the relevant legislation, therelevant delegated authority and this document. See box 2.4.Request for the functional level into which departmental Estimates may be split. RfRs contain a number Resources, RfRof functions being carried out by the department in pursuit of one or more of thatdepartment’s objectives.Resource accountan accruals account produced in line with the Financial Reporting Manual (FReM).Resource accountingthe system under which budgets, Estimates and accounts are constructed in a similar wayto commercial audited accounts, so that both plans and records of expenditure allow in fullfor the goods and services which are to be, or have been, consumed – ie not just the cashexpended.Resource budgetthe means by which the government plans and controls the expenditure of resources tomeet its objectives.Restitutiona legal concept which allows money and property to be returned to its rightful owner. Ittypically operates where another person can be said to have been unjustly enriched byreceiving such monies.Return on capital the ratio of profit to capital employed of an accounting entity during an identified period.employed, ROCEVarious measures of profit and of capital employed may be used in calculating the ratio.Public Privatepartnership, PPPPrivate Finance Initiative, PFIParliamentaryauthority61Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARYRoyal charterthe document setting out the powers and constitution of a corporation established underprerogative power of the monarch acting on Privy Council advice.Second readingthe second formal time that a House of Parliament may debate a bill, although in practicethe first substantive debate on its content. If successful, it is deemed to denoteParliamentary approval of the principle of the proposed legislation.Secondary legislationlaws, including orders and regulations, which are made using powers in primary legislation.Normally used to set out technical and administrative provision in greater detail thanprimary legislation, they are subject to a less intense level of scrutiny in Parliament.European legislation is,however,often implemented in secondary legislation using powers inthe European Communities Act 1972.Service-level agreement between parties, setting out in detail the level of service to be performed.agreementWhere agreements are between central government bodies, they are not legally a contractbut have a similar function.Shareholder Executive a body created to improve the government’s performance as a shareholder in businesses.Spending reviewsets out the key improvements in public services that the public can expect over a givenperiod. It includes a thorough review of departmental aims and objectives to find the bestway of delivering the government’s objectives, and sets out the spending plans for the givenperiod.State aidstate support for a domestic body or company which could distort EU competition and sois not usually allowed. See annex 4.9.Statement of Excessa formal statement detailing departments’ overspends prepared by the Comptroller andAuditor General as a result of undertaking annual audits.Statement on Internal an annual statement that Accounting Officers are required to make as part of the accounts Control, SICon a range of risk and control issues.Subheadindividual elements of departmental expenditure identifiable in Estimates as single cells, forexample cell A1 being administration costs within a particular line of departmental spending.Supplyresources voted by Parliament in response to Estimates, for expenditure by governmentdepartments.Supply Estimatesa statement of the resources the government needs in the coming financial year, and forwhat purpose(s), by which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level ofexpenditure and income.Target rate of returnthe rate of return required of a project or enterprise over a given period, usually at least a year.Third sectorprivate sector bodies which do not act commercially,including charities,social and voluntaryorganisations and other not-for-profit collectives. See annex 7.7.Total Managed a Treasury budgeting term which covers all current and capital spending carried out by the Expenditure,TMEpublic sector (ie not just by central departments).Trading fundan organisation (either within a government department or forming one) which is largely orwholly financed from commercial revenue generated by its activities. Its Estimate shows itsnet impact, allowing its income from receipts to be devoted entirely to its business.Treasury Minutea formal administrative document drawn up by the Treasury, which may serve a wide varietyof purposes including seeking Parliamentary approval for the use of receipts asappropriations in aid, a remission of some or all of the principal of voted loans, andresponding on behalf of the government to reports by the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).62Managing Public Money
    GLOSSARY63Managing Public MoneyValue for moneythe process under which organisation’s procurement, projects and processes aresystematically evaluated and assessed to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness,prudence,quality,value and avoidance of error and other waste,judged for the public sectoras a whole.Virementthe process through which funds are moved between subheads such that additionalexpenditure on one is met by savings on one or more others.Votethe process by which Parliament approves funds in response to supply Estimates.Voted expenditureprovision for expenditure that has been authorised by Parliament. Parliament ‘votes’authority for public expenditure through the Supply Estimates process. Most expenditureby central government departments is authorised in this way.Wider market activity activities undertaken by central government organisations outside their statutory duties,using spare capacity and aimed at generating a commercial profit. See annex 7.6.Windfallmonies received by a department which were not anticipated in the spending review.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > near cash

  • 26 πρεσβύτερος

    πρεσβύτερος, α, ον (Hom.+; comp. of πρέσβυς)
    pert. to being relatively advanced in age, older, old
    of an individual person older of two ὁ υἱὸς ὁ πρ. (cp. Aelian, VH 9, 42; TestJob 15:2 τῷ ἀδελφῷ τῷ πρεσβυτέρῳ; JosAs; Just., A II, 6, 1) Lk 15:25; of Manasseh (w. Ephraim) B 13:5. In contrast to the younger generation οἱ πρεσβύτεροι the older ones J 8:9. Opp. οἱ νεανίσκοι Ac 2:17 (Jo 3:1). Opp. νεώτεροι (s. νεός 3aβ) 1 Ti 5:1 (similar advice, containing a contrast betw. πρ. and νεώτ., from ins and lit. in MDibelius, Hdb. ad loc.); 1 Pt 5:5 (though here the πρεσβύτεροι are not only the older people, but at the same time, the ‘elders’; s. 2bβ). The same double mng. is found for πρεσβύτεροι in 1 Cl 1:3 beside νέοι, while in 3:3; 21:6, beside the same word, the concept of being old is the dominant one (as Jos., C. Ap. 2, 206). On the disputed pass. Hv 3, 1, 8 (οἱ νεανίσκοι … οἱ πρεσβύτεροι) cp. MDibelius, Hdb. ad loc.—Fem. πρεσβυτέρα old(er) woman (opp. νεωτέρα, as Gen 19:31) 1 Ti 5:2.—With no ref. to younger persons, w. complete disappearance of the comparative aspect: πρεσβύτερος an old man (Jos., Ant. 13, 226; 292 [as a witness of events in the past, as Ps.-Pla., Virt. 3, 377b; 4, 377c]) Hv 3, 12, 2; cp. 3, 11, 3. The personified church is called λίαν πρεσβυτέρα very old 3, 10, 3; cp. 3, 11, 2. She appears as ἡ πρ. the elderly woman 2, 1, 3; 3, 1, 2; 3, 10, 6; 9 and has τὰς τρίχας πρεσβυτέρας the hair of an old woman 3, 10, 4; 5; 3, 12, 1.
    of a period of time (Petosiris, Fgm. 3 and 4 mention οἱ πρεσβύτεροι and οἱ νεώτεροι. In both instances the context shows that the reference is to astrologers from earlier and more recent times) οἱ πρεσβύτεροι the men of old, our ancestors Hb 11:2. ἡ παράδοσις τῶν πρεσβυτέρων the tradition of the ancients (cp. Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 35, 253 τῶν π. συγγράμματα) Mt 15:2; Mk 7:3, 5 (ELohse, D. Ordination im Spätjudentum u. NT, ’51, 50–56: scholars).
    an official (cp. Lat. senator), elder, presbyter
    among the Jews (the congregation of a synagogue in Jerusalem used πρεσβύτεροι to denote its officers before 70 A.D.: SEG VIII, 170, 9; cp. Dssm., LO 378–80 [LAE 439–41]).
    α. for members of local councils in individual cities (cp. Josh 20:4; Ruth 4:2; 2 Esdr 10:14; Jdth 8:10; 10:6) Lk 7:3; 1 Cl 55:4.—Schürer II, 185.
    β. for members of a group in the Sanhedrin (Schürer II, 206–8; JJeremias, Jerusalem z. Zt. Jesu II B 1: Die gesellschaftl. Oberschicht 1929, 88ff). They are mentioned together w. (the) other groups: ἀρχιερεῖς (Ac 4:5 has ἄρχοντες for this), γραμματεῖς, πρεσβύτεροι (the order is not always the same) Mt 16:21; 26:3 v.l.; 27:41; Mk 8:31; 11:27; 14:43, 53; 15:1; Lk 9:22; 20:1.—Only ἀρχιερεῖς (Ac 4:8 has for this ἄρχοντες τοῦ λαοῦ) and πρεσβύτεροι (τοῦ λαοῦ: cp. Ex 19:7; Num 11:16b, 24; 1 Macc 7:33; 12:35; Just., D. 40, 4 al.) Mt 21:23; 26:3, 47, 59 v.l.; 27:1, 3, 12, 20; 28:(11), 12; Lk 22:52 (here, as an exception, οἱ στρατηγοὶ τοῦ ἱεροῦ); Ac 4:23; 23:14; 25:15; cp. 24:1. Also οἱ πρεσβύτεροι καὶ οἱ ἱερεῖς GPt 7:25 (for this combination cp. Jos., Ant. 11, 83; 12, 406).—Only πρεσβύτεροι and γραμματεῖς Mt 26:57; Ac 6:12.—The use of πρεσβύτερος as a title among the Jews of the Diaspora appears quite late, except for the allusions in the LXX (cp. Schürer III/1, 102; MAMA III [Cilicia], 344; 448 [cp. ZNW 31, ’32, 313f]. Whether πρεσβύτερος is to be understood in the older Roman inscriptions [CIJ 378] as a title [so CIJ p. lxxxvi], remains doubtful).
    among the Christians (for their use of the word as a title one must bear in mind not only the Jewish custom, but also its use as a t.t. among the ἔθνη, in connection w. associations of the ‘old ones’ [FPoland, Geschichte des griech. Vereinswesens 1909, 98ff] and to designate civic as well as religious officials [Dssm., B 153ff=BS 154–57, NB 60ff=BS 233–35, also LO 315, 5; HHausschildt, ZNW 4, 1903, 235ff; MStrack, ibid. 213ff; HLietzmann, ZWT 55, 1914, 116–32 [=Kl. Schr. I ’58, 156–69]; MDibelius, exc. on 1 Ti 5:17ff; RAlastair-Campbell, The Elders, Seniority within Earliest Christianity ’94.].—BGU 16, 6 [159 A.D.] πρεσβύτεροι ἱερεῖς θεοῦ Σοκνοπαίου; 347, 6; PVindBosw 1, 31 [87 A.D.].—As honorary title: Iren. 4, 26, 5 [Harv. II 238, 3]. The Engl. word ‘priest’ comes fr. πρεσβύτερος via Lat. presbyter; later Christian usage is largely, if not entirely, responsible for this development; s. OED s.v. ‘priest’ B).
    α. Ac 11:30; 14:23; 15:2, 4, 6, 22f; 16:4 (in all the places in Ac 15 and 16 mention is made of οἱ ἀπόστολοι καὶ οἱ πρεσβύτεροι in the Jerusalem church); 20:17; 21:18; 1 Ti 5:17, 19 (Nicol. Dam.: 90 Fgm. 103a Jac. νεωτέρῳ πρεσβυτέρου καταμαρτυρεῖν οὐκ ἔξεστι); Tit 1:5; Js 5:14; 1 Pt 5:1, 5 (s. 1a above); 1 Cl 44:5; 47:6; 54:2; 57:1. WWrede, Untersuchungen zum 1 Cl 1891, 8ff.—Acc. to 2 Cl 17:3, 5 exhortation and preaching in the church services were among their duties.—In Ign. the πρεσβύτεροι come after the bishop, to whom they are subordinate IMg 2; 3:1; 6:1, or betw. the bishop and the deacons IPhld inscr.; 10:2; IPol 6:1, or the higher rank of the bishop in comparison to them is made plain in some other way ITr 3:1; 12:2 (s. πρεσβυτέριον b; cp. Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 22).—Polycarp—an ἐπίσκοπος, accord. to the title of the Ep. bearing his name—groups himself w. πρεσβύτεροι in Pol inscr., and further takes the presence of presbyters in Philippi for granted (beside deacons, though no ἐπίσκοπος is mentioned; cp. Hdb. on Pol inscr.) Pol 5:3.
    β. Just how we are to understand the words ὁ πρεσβύτερος, applied to himself by the author of the two smallest Johannine letters 2J 1; 3J 1, remains in doubt. But in any case it is meant to indicate a position of great dignity the elder.—HWindisch, exc. on 3J, end; ESchwartz, Über den Tod der Söhne Zebedaei 1904, 47; 51; HWendt, ZNW 23, 1924, 19; EKäsemann, ZTK 48, ’51, 292–311; DWatson, NTS 35, ’89, 104–30, rhetorical analysis of 2J.—ὁ πρ. and οἱ πρ. are mentioned by Papias in these much-discussed passages: 2:3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 15. For some of the lit. s. the note on JKleist’s transl. ’48, p. 207 n. 18.
    γ. In Rv there are 24 elders sitting on thrones about the throne of God; they form a heavenly council of elders (cp. Is 24:23) 4:4, 10; 5:5–14; 7:11, 13; 11:16; 14:3; 19:4. The elders have been understood as glorified human beings of some kind or astral deities (or angels) (for the var. views s. RCharles, ICC Rv I 128–33; JMichl, D. 24 Ältesten in d. Apk. d. hl. J. ’38); the number 24 has been referred to the following: the 24 priestly classes of the Jews (1 Ch 24:7–18; Jos., Ant. 7, 365–67) whose heads were called ‘elders’ (Yoma 1, 5; Tamid 1, 1; Middoth 1, 8); the 24 stars which, according to Babylonian belief, stood half on the north and half on the south of the zodiac (Diod S 2, 31, 4; POsl 4, 19: HGunkel, Z. religionsgesch. Verständnis des NT 1903, 42f; Boll 35f); the 24 hours of the day, represented as old men w. shining garments and w. crowns (acc. to the Test. of Adam [ed. CBezold, TNöldeke Festschr. 1906, 893–912]: JWellhausen, Analyse der Offb. Joh. 1907, p. 9, 1; NMorosof, Offb. Joh. 1912, 32); the 24 Yazatas in the state of the gods in heaven, acc. to Persian thought (Bousset). It is certainly an open question whether, or how far, the writer of Rv had any of these things in mind.—On the presbyters, and esp. on the question how ἐπίσκοπος and πρεσβύτερος were originally related to each other (a question which is raised particularly in the pastorals; cp. MDibelius, Hdb. exc. after 1 Ti 3:7 section 2 [w. lit.] and before 5:17), s. the lit. s.v. ἐπίσκοπος.—BEaston, Pastoral Epistles ’47, 188–97; WMichaelis, Das Ältestenamt ’53; GBornkamm, πρεσβύτερος; RCampbell, The Elders ’94.—B. 1472. DELG s.v. πρέσβυς. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πρεσβύτερος

  • 27 लॄ _lॄ

    लॄ f. A mother, a divine female. -m. Śiva. -f. =
    लृ. cf. लॄर्महात्मा सुरो बालो भूपः स्तोमः कथानकः (वक्ता) । मूर्खो शिश्नो गुदः कक्षा केशः पापरतो नरः ॥ Enm. एकान्वयो मम Ś.7; मनस्येकं वचस्येकं कर्मण्येकं महात्मनाम् H.1.197.
    -4 Firm, unchanged; एको ग्रहस्तु Pt.1.26.
    -5 Single of its kind, unique, singular.
    -6 Chief, supreme, prominent, sole; ब्राह्मण्यास्तद्धरेत्पुत्र एकांशं वै पितुर्धनात् Mb.13.47.11. ˚पार्थिव, ˚धनुर्धरः, ˚ऐश्वर्य M.1.1 sole sovereignty; एको रागिषु राजते Bh.3.121.
    -7 Peerless, matchless.
    -8 One of two or many; Me.3. एकः सख्यास्तव सह मया वामपादाभिलाषी Me.8.
    -9 Oft. used like the English indefinite article 'a', or 'an'; ज्योतिरेकम् Ś.5.3.
    -1 True.
    -11 Little. Oft. used in the middle of comp. in the sense of 'only', with an adjectival or adverbial force; दोषैकदृक् looking only to faults; त्वदेकेषु Ku.3.15 your arrow only; so भोगैकबद्धस्पृहः. एकः-अन्यः, or अपरः the one- the other; अजामेकां लोहित... नमामः । अजो ह्येको... अजोन्यः Śvet. Up.4.5; it is used in the plural in the sense of some, its correlative being अन्ये or अपरे (others); एके समूहुर्बलरेणुसंहतिं शिरोभिराज्ञामपरे महीभृतः ॥ Śi.12.45; see अन्य, अपर also.
    -कः N. of Viṣṇu. the ऴSupreme Being or Prajāpati; एक इति च प्रजापतेरभिधानमिति । ŚB. on MS. 1.3.13.
    (-कम्) 1 The mind; एकं विनिन्ये स जुगोप सप्त सप्तैव तत्याज ररक्ष पञ्च Bu. Ch.2.41.
    -2 unity, a unit; Hch.
    -का N. of Durgā. [cf. Persian yak; L. aequus].
    -Comp. -अंशः a separate part, part in general. विष्टभ्याह- मिदं कृत्स्नमेकांशेन स्थितो जगत् Bg.1.42. एकांशश्च प्रधानतः Ms. 9.15.
    -अक्ष a.
    1 having only one axle. द्विचक्रमेकाक्षम् (रथम्) Bhāg.4.26.1.
    -2 having one eye.
    -3 having an excellent eye.
    (-क्षः) 1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अक्षर a. monosyllabic. ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म Bg.8.13.
    (-रम्) 1 a monosyllable.
    -2 the sacred syllable; ओम्; एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म Ms.2.83.
    -3 The sole imperishable thing; एका- क्षरमभिसंभूय Av.5.28.8.
    -4 N. of an Upaniṣad. ˚कोशः a vocabulary of monosyllabic words by Puruṣottama- deva. ˚रीभावः the production of only one syllable, con- traction.
    -अग्नि a. Keeping only one fire; Āpastamba Dharma Sūtra 2.21.21. (
    -कः) One and the same fire.
    -अग्र a.
    1 fixed on one object or point only.
    -2 closely attentive, concentrated, intent; तद्गीतश्रवणैकाग्रा R.15.66; K.49; कच्चिदेतच्छ्रुतं पार्थ त्वयैकाग्रेण चेतसा Bg.18.72; मनुमे- काग्रमासीनम् Ms.1.1.
    -3 unperplexed.
    -4 known, cele- brated.
    -5 single-pointed. (
    -ग्रः) (in Math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided. ˚चित्त, ˚मनस् a. with a concentrated mind, with un- divided attention. ˚चित्तम्, ˚चित्तता intentness of purpose, concentration of mind; तत्रैकाग्रं मनःकृत्वा Bg.6.12;18.72. °reeदृष्टि a. fixing one's eye on one spot.
    -अग्ऱ्य = ˚अग्र. (
    -ग्ऱ्यम्) concentration.
    -अङ्गः 1 a body-guard.
    -2 the planet Mercury or Mars.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu. ˚वधः Mutilation of a limb; Kau. A.4.
    -4 Having a unique or beautiful shape.
    (-अङ्गम्) 1 a single member or part.
    -2 sandal wood.
    -3 the head. (
    -ङ्गौ) a married couple. (
    -ङ्गी) Incomplete; ˚रूपक incomplete, simile.
    -अञ्जलिः A handful.
    -अङ्गिका preparation made with sandal-wood.
    -अण्डः a kind of horse.
    -अधिपतिः a sole monarch or sovereign.
    -अनंशा the only (day) receiving no part of the moon, an epithet of Kuhū or day of new moon (born together with Kṛiṣṇa and worshipped with Kṛiṣ&na and Bala- deva and identified with Durgā).
    -अनुदिष्ट a.
    1 left as a funeral feast or one who has recently partaken in it. (
    -ष्टम्) a funeral ceremony performed for only one ancestor (recently dead); see एकोद्दिष्ट; यावदेकानुदिष्टस्य गन्धो लेपश्च तिष्ठति Ms.4.111.
    -अन्त a.
    1 solitary, retired.
    -2 aside, apart.
    -3 directed towards one point or object only.
    -4 excessive, great; ˚शैत्यात्- कदलीविशेषाः Ku.1.36.
    -5 worshipping only one; devoted to only one (एकनिष्ठ); एकान्तजनप्रियः Bhāg.8.24.31.
    -6 absolute, invariable, perpetual; स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणम् Bh.2.7; कस्यैकान्तं सुखमुपगतम् Me.111.
    (-तः) 1 a lonely or retired place, solitude; तासामेकान्तविन्यस्ते शयानां शयने द्युमे Rām.5.1.5. व्योम˚ विहारिणः Pt.2.2; H.1.49.
    -2 exclusiveness.
    -3 an invariable rule or course of conduct or action; तस्मादेकान्तमासाद्य Pt.3.7.
    -4 exclusive aim or boundary. (
    -तम्) an exclusive recourse, a settled rule or principle; तेजः क्षमा वा नैकान्तं काल- ज्ञस्य महीपतेः Śi.2.83. (
    -तम्, -तेन, -ततः, -ते) ind.
    1 solely, exclusively, invariably, always, absolutely, युद्धे नैकान्तेन भवेज्जयः Mb.5.64.27.
    -2 exceeding, quite, wholly, very much; वयमप्येकान्ततो निःस्पृहाः Bh.3.24; दुःखमेकान्ततो वा Me.111; oft. in comp.; ˚विध्वंसिन् sure or destined to perish; R.2.57; ˚भीरु Mu. 3.5 always timid; so एकान्तकरुण very weak &c.
    -3 alone, apart, privately. ˚भूत being alone or solitary; विलोक्यैकान्तभूतानि भूतान्यादौ प्रजापतिः Bhāg.6.18.3. ˚मति a. devoted to one object only. ˚विहारिन् a. a solitary wanderer. ˚सुषमा 'containing exclusively good years', a division of time with Jainas. ˚स्थित a. staying or remaining apart.
    -अन्तर a. next but one, separated by one remove; द्वन्द्वं दक्षमरीचिसंभवमिदं तत्स्रष्टुरेकान्तरम् Ś.7.27; V.1. (
    -रः) a kind of fever.
    -अन्तिक a. final, conclusive.
    -अन्तित्वम् devotion to one object.
    -अन्तिन् a. devoted to one object only; अहो अत्यद्भुतं ह्येतद् दुर्लभैकान्ति- नामपि Bhāg.7.1.15. -m. a worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -अन्नम् one and the same food.
    (-न्नः), -˚आदिन् 1 a mess-mate.
    -2 One who lives on the alms from only one house; नैकान्नादी भवेद् व्रती Ms.2.188.
    -अपचयः, अपायः Diminution by one.
    -अब्दा a heifer one year old.
    1 passable for only one (as a foot-path) Mb.3.
    -2 fixing one's thoughts on one object, closely attentive, intent; see एकाग्र.
    (-नम्) 1 a lonely or retired place; एकायनगतः पथि Mb.1.176.5; Rām. 3.67.23.
    -2 a meeting-place, rendezvous. सर्वासामपां समुद्र एकायनम् Bṛi. Up.2.4.11.
    -3 union of thoughts.
    -4 monotheism.
    -5 the sole object; सा स्नेहस्य एकायनीभूता M.2.14; एकायनीभूय Mv.4 with one accord, unani- mously.
    -6 One and the same way, similarity; एकमेवायनगताः प्लवमाना गिरेर्गिरम् Rām.4.2.9.
    -7 Worldly wisdom (नीतिशास्त्र); नाम वै एकायनम् Ch. Up.7.1.2. ˚गत = एकायन q. v. तरुणः सुकृतैर्युक्त एकायनगतश्च ह Mb.7.12.22. ˚स्थः With only one resource open, driven to extremity; शूरश्चैकायनस्थश्च किमन्यत्प्रतिपद्यते Pratijñā.1.7.
    -अर्णवः general flood, universal deluge; अयं ह्युत्सहते क्रुद्धः कर्तुमे- कार्णवं जगत् Rām.5.49.2.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having one and the same meaning, having the same object in view; राजन्यकान्युपायज्ञैरेकार्थानि चरैस्तव Śi.2.114.
    -2 (Rhet.) Tautological (as a sentence); Kāvyālaṅkāravṛitti. 2.1.11.
    (-र्थः) 1 the same thing, object, or intention.
    -2 the same meaning.
    -3 N. of a glossary (of synonymous words); cf. एकार्थनाममाला.
    - अवम a. inferior or less by one.
    - अवयव a. made up of the same components.
    -अशीत or ˚तितम a. eighty-first.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-one.
    -अष्टका 1 the first or chief Aṣṭakā after the full moon; एकाष्टके सुप्रजसः सुवीरा Av.3.1.5.
    -2 the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Māgha (on which a श्राद्ध is to be performed).
    -अष्ठीका (ला) The root of the trumpet-flower (Mar. पहाडमूळ).
    -अष्ठील a. having one kernel. (
    -लः) N. of a plant (बकवृक्ष); A white variety of Gigantic swallow- wort (Mar. रुईमांदार).
    -अहन् (ह) 1 the period of one day.
    -2 a sacrifice lasting for one day. ˚गमः, ˚अध्वा a day's journey.
    -आतपत्र a. characterized by only one umbrella (showing universal sovereignty); एकातपत्रं जगतः प्रभुत्वम् R.2.47. ˚त्रां भुवम् 18.4; K.26; Śi.12. 33; V.3.19.
    -आत्मन् a. depending solely on one-self, solitary.
    -आदेशः cf. Sk. on P.VI.1.11. one substitute for two or more letters (got by either dropping one vowel, or by the blending of both); as the आ in एकायन.
    -आयु a.
    1 providing the most excellent food.
    -2 the first living being. एकायुरग्रे विश आविवाससि Rv.1.31.5.
    -आवलिः, -ली f.
    1 a single string of pearls, beads &c.; सूत्रमेकावली शुद्धा Kau. A.2.11. एका- वली कण्ठविभूषणं वः Vikr.1.3; लताविटपे एकावली लग्ना V.1.
    -2 (in Rhetoric) Necklace- a series of statements in which there is a regular transition from a predicate to a subject, or from a subject to a predicate; स्थाप्यते$पोह्यते वापि यथापूर्वं परस्परम् । विशेषणतया यत्र वस्तु सैकावली द्विधा ॥ K. P.1; cf. Chandr.5.13-4; नेत्रे कर्णान्तविश्रान्ते कर्णो दोःस्तम्भदोलितौ &c. and Bk.2.19.
    -आहार्य a. having the same food; making no difference between allowed and forbidden food; एकहार्यं युगं सर्वम् Mb.3.19.41.
    -उक्तिः f. a single expression or word.
    -उत्तर a. greater or increasing by one.
    -उदकः (a relative) connected by the offering of funeral libations of water to the same deceased ancestor; जन्मन्येकोदकानां तु त्रिरात्राच्छुद्धिरिष्यते Ms.5.71.
    -उदरः, -रा uterine, (brother or sister).
    -उदात्त a. having one Udātta accent.
    -उद्दिष्टम् a Śrāddha or funeral rite performed for one definite individual deceased, not including other ancestors; see एकानुदिष्ट.
    -ऊन a. less by one, minus one.
    -ऋच् a. consisting of one verse (ऋच्). (
    -चम्) A Sūkta of one verse only; Av.19.23.2.
    -एक a. one by one, one taken singly, a single one; एकैकमप्यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्टयम् H. Pr.11; R.17.43.
    (-कम्), -एकैकशः, ind. one by one, singly, severally एकैकमत्र दिवसे दिवसे Ś.6.11; ˚कं निर्दिशन् Ś.7 pointing to each severally.
    -श्यम् (एककश्यम्) Single state, severally एकैकश्येनानुपूर्वं भूत्वा भूत्वेह जायते Bhāg.7.15.51.
    -˚श्येन (instrumental used as an adv.) individually, singly, one by one. ते यदि एकैकश्येनापि कुर्वन्ति तथापि सत्रक्रियामभिसमीक्ष्य बहव एव कुर्वन्तीति बहुवचनं भविष्यति । ŚB on MS.1.6.45.
    -ओघः 1 a continuous current.
    -2 A single flight (of arrows); एकौघेन स्वर्णपुङ्खैर्द्विषन्तः (आकिरन्ति स्म) Śi. 18.55.
    -कपाल a. consisting of or contained in one cup.
    -कर a. (
    -री f.)
    1 doing only one thing.
    -2 (-रा) one-handed.
    -3 one-rayed.
    -कार्य a.
    1 acting in concert with, co-operating, having made common cause with; co-worker; अस्माभिः सहैककार्याणाम् Mu.2; R.1.4.
    -2 answering the same end.
    -3 having the same occu- pation. (
    -र्यम्) sole or same business.
    -कालः 1 one time.
    -2 the same time, (
    -लम्, -ले) ind. at one time, at one and the same time; एककालं चरेद्भैक्षम् Ms.6.55. ˚भोजनम् eating but one meal in any given time.
    -कालिकम् Once a day; तेभ्यो लब्धेन भैक्ष्येण वर्तयन्नेककालिकम् Ms.11.123.
    -कालीन a.
    1 happening once only;
    -2 Contemporary, coeval.
    -कुण्डलः (लिन्) N. of Kubera; of Balabhadra and Śeṣa; गर्गस्रोतो महातीर्थमाजगामैककुण्डली Mb.9.37.14. cf. एककुण्डल आख्यातो बलरामे धनाधिपे Medini.
    -कुष्ठम् a kind of leprosy; कृष्णारुणं येन भवे- च्छरीरं तदेककुष्ठं प्रवदन्त्यसाध्यम् Suśr.
    -क्षीरम् the milk of one (nurse &c.).
    -गम्यः the supreme spirit.
    -गुरु, गुरुक a. having the same preceptor. (
    -रुः, -रुकः) a spiritual brother (pupil of the same preceptor).
    -ग्राम a. living in the same village. (
    -मः) the same village.
    -ग्रामीण a. Inhabiting the same village; नैकग्रामीणमतिथिम् Ms.3.13.
    -चक्र a.
    1 having only one wheel. (said of the sun's chariot); सप्त युञ्जन्ति रथमेक- चक्रम् Rv.1.164.2.
    -2 governed by one king only. (
    -क्रः) the chariot of the sun. ˚वर्तिन् m. sole master of the whole universe, universal monarch. (
    -क्रा) N. of the town Kīchakas.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-one.
    -चर a.
    1 wandering or living alone, alone; अयमेकचरो$ भिवर्तते माम् Ki.13.3;3.53. Kau. A.1.18. स्वच्छन्दमेकचरं Mudrā.
    -2 having one attendant.
    -3 living un- assisted.
    -4 going together or at the same time.
    -5 gregarious.
    -6 (Said of certain animals); न भक्षयेदेकचरान् Ms.5.17; Bhāg.5.8.18.
    (-रः) 1 a rhinoceros.
    -2 An ascetic (यति); नाराजके जनपदे चरत्येकचरो वशी Rām.2.67.23.
    - चरण a. having only one foot.
    -चारिन् a.
    1 living alone, solitary.
    -2 going alone or with one follower only.
    -3 An atten- dant of Buddha. (
    -णी) a loyal wife.
    -चित्त a. thinking of one thing only, absorbed in one object.
    (-त्तम्) 1 fixedness of thought upon one object.
    -2 unanimity एकचित्तीभूय H.1 unanimously; ˚ता fixedness of mind, agreement, unanimity.
    -चिन्तनम् thinking of only one object.
    -चिन्मय a. Consisting of intelligence; Rāmt. Up.
    -चेतस्, -मनस् a. unanimous; see ˚चित्त.
    -चोदन a. Resting upon one rule. (
    -नम्) referring to in the singular number.
    -च्छत्र a. Ruled by one king solely.
    -च्छायाश्रित a. Involved in similarity (of debt) with one debtor (said of a surety); Y.2.56.
    - a.
    1 born alone or single.
    -2 growing alone (a tree); महानप्येकजो वृक्षो बलवान्सुप्रतिष्ठितः Pt.3.54.
    -3 alone of its kind.
    -4 uniform, unchanging.
    -जः, -जा a brother or sister of the same parents.
    -जटा N. of a goddess उग्रतारा.
    -जन्मन् m.
    1 a king.
    -2 a Śūdra; see ˚जाति below.
    -जात a. born of the same parents; Ms.9.148.
    -जाति a.
    1 once born.
    -2 belonging to the same family or caste. (
    -तिः) a Śūdra (opp. द्विजन्मन्); ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यस्त्रयो वर्णा द्विजातयः । चतुर्थ एकजातिस्तु शूद्रो नास्ति तु पञ्चमः ॥ Ms.1.4;8.27.
    -जातीय a. of the same kind, species or family. ˚अनुसमयः performance of one detail with reference to all things or persons, then doing the second, then the third and so on (see पदार्थानुसमय) Ms.5.2.1-2.
    -जीववादः (in phil.) the assertion of a living soul only.
    -ज्या the chord of an arc; sine of 3˚.
    -ज्योतिस् m. N. of Śiva.
    -तान a. con- centrated or fixed on one object only, closely attentive; ब्रह्मैकतानमनसो हि वसिष्ठमिश्राः Mv.3.11.
    (-नः) 1 atten- tion fixed on one object only; A. Rām.6.2.2.
    -2 musical harmony, = ˚तालः
    -ताल a. Having a single palm tree; एकताल एवोत्पातपवनप्रेरितो गिरिः R.15.23.
    -तालः harmony, accurate adjustment of song, dance, and instrumental music (cf. तौर्यत्रिकम्).
    -लम् A kind of sculptural measurement. (
    -ली) an instrument for beating time, any instrument having but one note.
    -तीर्थिन् a.
    1 bathing in the same holy water.
    -2 belonging to the same religious order; क्रमेणाचार्यसच्छिष्य- धर्मभ्रात्रेकतीर्थिनः Y.2.137. -m. a fellow student, spiritual brother.
    -तेजन a. Ved. having only one shaft (an arrow).
    -त्रिंशत् f. thirty-one; ˚त्रिंश 31st.
    -त्रिकः a kind of sacrifice performed in or lasting for a day.
    -दंष्ट्रः, -दन्तः "one-tusked", epithets of Gaṇeśa (एकदंष्ट्रः) A kind of fever.
    -दण्डिन् m.
    1 N. of a class of Sannyāsins or beggars (otherwise called हंस). They are divided into four orders:-- कुटीचको बहूदको हंसश्चैव तृतीयकः । चतुर्थः परहंसश्च यो यः पश्चात्स उत्तमः ॥ Hārita.
    -2 N. of a Vedantic school.
    -दलः, -पत्रः N. of a plant (चन्डालकन्द).
    -दिश् a. living in the same region or quarter.
    -दुःखसुख a. sympathising, having the same joys and sorrows.
    -दृश्, -दृष्टि a. one-eyed. -m.
    1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 a philosopher.
    -दृश्य a. the sole object of vision, alone being worthy of being seen. तमेकदृश्यं नयनैः पिबन्त्यो Ku.7.64.
    -दृष्टिः f. fixed or steady look.
    -देवः the Supreme god.
    -देवत, -दे(दै)वत्य a. devoted, directed or offered to one deity.
    -देश a. occupying the same place.
    (-शः) 1 one spot or place.
    -2 a part or portion (of the whole), one side; ˚अवतीर्णा K.22; तस्यैकदेशः U.4; Mv.2; विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते V.4.33 'what is claimed should be given by one who is proved to have got a part of it'; (this is sometimes called एकदेशविभावितन्याय) ˚क्षाण a. partly burnt. एकदेशक्षाणमपि क्षाणमेव । ŚB. on MS.6.4.18.
    -देशिन् a. consisting of parts or portions divided into parts. -m. A disputant knowing only part of the true state of the case.
    -देह, -देहिन् a.
    1 having only one body.
    -2 elegantly formed.
    (-हः) 1 the planet Mercury.
    -2 (du.) Husband and wife.
    -धनः a kind of jug with which water is taken up at certain religious ceremonies.
    (-नम्) 1 an excellent gift.
    -2 honorific offering.
    -धनिन् a. obtaining an honorific offering,
    -धर्मन्, -धर्मिन् a.
    1 possessing the same properties of the same kind.
    -2 professing the same religion.
    -धुर, -धुरावह, -धुरीण a.
    1 fit for but one kind of labour.
    -2 fit for but one yoke (as cattle for special burden; P.IV.4.79).
    -धुरा a particular load or con- veyance.
    -नक्षत्रम् a lunar mansion consisting of only one star.
    -नटः the principal actor in a drama, the manager (सूत्रधार) who recites the prologue.
    -नयनः The planet Venus.
    -नवतः ninety-first.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-one.
    -नाथ a. having one master.
    (-थः) 1 sole master or lord.
    -2 N. of an author.
    -नायकः N. of Śiva.
    -निश्चय a. come to the same conclusion or resolution, having the same aim. (
    -यः) general agreement or con- clusion, unanimity.
    -निपातः A particle which is a single word.
    -निष्ठ a.
    1 intently devoted or loyal (to one thing).
    -2 intently fixed on one object.
    -नेत्रः 1 N. of Śiva; (one-eyed).
    -2 (With Śaivas) One of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 of the same side or party, an associate.
    -2 partial. (
    -क्षः) one side or party; ˚आश्रयविक्लवत्वात् R.14.34; ˚क्षे in one point of view, in one case.
    -पक्षीभावः The state of being the one alternative.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-one.
    -पतिक a. having the same husband.
    -पत्नी 1 a faithful wife (perfectly chaste); तां चावश्यं दिवसगणनातत्परामेकपत्नीम् Me.1.
    -2 the wife of a man who has no other wives; यो धर्म एकपत्नीनां काङ्क्षन्ती तमनुत्तमम् Ms.5.158.
    -3 the wife of the same man; a co-wife; सर्वासामेकपत्नीनामेका चेत्पुत्रिणी भवेत् Ms.9. 183. ˚व्रतम् a vow of perfect chastity; कामेकपत्नीव्रतदुःख- शीलाम् Ku.3.7.
    -पत्रिका the plant Ocimum Gratissimum (गन्धपत्रा; Mar. नागदवणी)
    -पद्, -पाद् a.
    1 one-footed, limping, lame.
    -2 incomplete. (
    -पाद्) m. N. of Śiva or Viṣṇu. (
    -पदी) a foot-path (for a single man to walk on). एकपद्या तया यान्ती नलिकायन्त्रतुल्यया Śiva. B.28.66
    -पद a.
    1 one-footed.
    -2 consisting of or named in one word.
    (-दम्) 1 a single step.
    -2 single or simple word.
    -3 the time required to pronounce a single word.
    -4 present time, same time;
    (-दः) 1 a man having one foot.
    -2 a kind of coitus (रतिबन्ध). (
    -दे) ind. sudden- ly, all at once, abruptly; निहन्त्यरीनेकपदे य उदात्तः स्वरानिव Śi.2.95; R.8.48; K.45; V.4.3. (
    -दा) a verse con- sisting of only one Pāda or quarter stanza.
    (-दी) 1 a woman having one foot.
    -2 a Gāyatrī consisting of one Pāda. गायत्र्यस्येकपदी Bṛi. Up.5.14.7.
    -3 Foot-path (Mar. पाऊलवाट); इयमेकपदी राजन्यतो मे पितुराश्रमः Rām. 2.63.44.
    -पर a. Ved. an epithet of the dice in which one is decisive or of pre-eminent importance.
    -परि ind. one over or under, (a term at dice; cf. अक्षपरि). अक्षस्याह- मेकहरस्य हेतोः Rv.1.34.2.
    -पर्णा 1 N. of a younger sister of Durgā.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -3 a plant having one leaf only.
    -पलाशः a. a single Butea Frondosa.
    -पाटला N. of a younger sister of Durgā; N. of Durgā.
    -पाणः a single wager.
    -पात a. happening at once, sudden.
    -तः The first word of a Mantra (प्रतीक).
    -पतिन् a.
    1 sudden.
    -2 standing alone or solitary. (
    -नी) i. e. ऋक् a verse to be taken by itself or independently of the hymn to which it belongs.
    -पाद a.
    1 having only one foot; तत्र शिश्रिये$ज एकपादः Av.13.1.6.
    -2 using only one foot.
    (-दः) 1 one or single foot.
    -2 one and the same Pāda.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu and Śiva.
    -पादिका a kind of posture of birds.
    -पार्थिवः Sole ruler or king; न केवलं तद्गुरुरेक- पार्थिवः R.3.31.
    -पिङ्गः, -पिङ्गलः N. of Kubera; having a yellow mark in place of one eye; (his eye was so made on account of a curse uttered by Pārvatī when he cast an evil eye at her;) Dk.2.4.
    -पिण्ड a. united by the offering of the funeral rice-ball;
    ˚ता, -त्वम् consanguinity.
    -पुत्र a. having only one son.
    -पुरुषः 1 the Supreme Being; वेदान्तेषु यमाहुरेकपुरुषम् V.1.1;
    -2 the chief person. a. Consisting of only one man. तथैकपुरुषं राष्ट्रम् Bhāg.6.5.7.
    -पुष्कलः (रः) N. of a musical instrument (Mar. काहल); ततः प्रयाते दाशार्हे प्रावाद्यन्तैकपुष्कराः Mb.5.94.21.
    -प्रकार a. of the same kind.
    -प्रख्य a. singularly like.
    -प्रभुत्वम् sole sovereignty.
    -प्रयत्नः one effort (of the voice).
    -प्रस्थः a measure.
    -प्रहारिक a. killed by one blow. Mk.8.
    -प्राणयोगः union in one breath.
    -बुद्धि a. having only one thought.
    -भक्त a.
    1 serving one master only.
    -2 worshipping one deity.
    -3 eating together. (
    -भूक्तम्) N. of a religi- ous ceremony; eating but one meal (a day) Mb.3; Y.3.318. ˚व्रतम् eating but once a day as a religious observance.
    -भक्ति a.
    1 believing in one deity.
    -2 firmly devoted; तेषां ज्ञानी नित्ययुक्त एकभक्तिर्विशिष्यते Bg.7. 17. -f. eating but one meal a day.
    -भार्या a faithful or chaste wife. तामेकभार्यां परिवादभीरोः R.14.86 (
    -र्यः) one having one wife only.
    -भाव a. of the same or one nature.
    -2 sincerely devoted.
    -3 honest, sincerely disposed.
    (-वः) 1 one feeling, the same or unchanged devotion; दुर्ग्राह्यत्वान्नृपतिमनसां नैकभावाश्रयाणां सेवाधर्मः परमगहनः Pt.1.285;3.65. स्वतेजसा सत्त्वगुणप्रवाहमात्मैकभावेन भजध्वमद्धा Bhāg.
    -2 oneness, agreement. cf. एको भावः सदा शस्तो यतीनां भवितात्मनाम्
    -भूत a.
    1 being one, undivided
    -2 concentrated, closely attentive.
    -भूमः a palace having one floor.
    -भोजन, -भुक्त a.
    1 eating but one meal.
    -2 eating in common.
    -मति a.
    1 fixed on one object.
    -2 unanimous, thinking in the same way.
    -मनस् a. thinking with another, of one thought; ते निर्यान्तु मया सहैकमनसो येषामभीष्टं यशः Mu.2.13.
    -2 fixing the mind upon one object, closely attentive; गच्छन्तमेकमनसम् Mb.1.42.36. एकमनाः श्रोतुमर्हति देवः M.2.
    -मात्र a. of one syllable.
    -मुख a.
    1 having the face directed towards one place, direction of object; सहस्रं स एकमुखो ददाति Av.9.4.9.
    -2 having the same aim.
    -3 having one chief or head; द्यूतमेकमुखं कार्यम् Y.2.23.
    -4 having one door or entrance (as a मण्डप).
    (-खम्) 1 gambling.
    -2 a kind of fruit (रुद्राक्षफल).
    -मूर्धन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.8.9.15.
    -मूला = अतसी q. v.
    -यष्टिः, -यष्टिका a single string of pearls.
    -योनि a.
    1 uterine.
    -2 of the same family or caste; एतद्विधानं विज्ञेयं विभाग- स्यैकयोनिषु Ms.9.148.
    -रजः the plant भृङ्गराज (Mar. माका).
    -रथः An eminent warrior; Mb.3.
    -रश्मि a. Lustrous Mb.4.
    -रस a.
    1 finding pleasure only in one thing, of one flavour; रसान्तराण्येकरसं यथा दिव्यं पयो$श्नुते R.1.17.
    -2 of one feeling or sentiment only; साहस˚ U.5.21 influenced only by rashness; विक्रम˚ K.7; भावैकरसं मनः Ku.5.82; M.3.1; Bv.2.155; Śi.6.26; V.1.9.
    -3 of one tenor, stable, equable; Māl.4.7; U.4.15.
    -4 solely or exclusively devoted (to one); अबलैकरसाः R.9.43,8.65.
    (-सः) 1 oneness of aim or feeling.
    -2 the only flavour or pleasure. (
    -सम्) a drama of one sentiment.
    -राज्, -राजः m. an absolute king; प्राङ् विशाम्पतिरेकराट् त्वं वि राज Av.3.4.1. a. Shining alone, alone visible; स वा एष तदा द्रष्टा नाप- श्यद् दृश्यमेकराट् Bhāg.3.5.24.
    -रात्रः a ceremony lasting one night. (
    -त्रम्) one night; एकरात्रं तु निवसन्नतिथिर्ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः Ms.3.12.
    -रात्रिक a. lasting or sufficient for one night only.
    -राशिः 1 a heap, crowd.
    -2 a sign of the zodiac. ˚भूत a. collected or heaped together.
    -रिक्थिन् m. a coheir; यद्येकरिक्थिनौ स्यातामौरसक्षेत्रजौ सुतौ Ms.9.162.
    -रूप a.
    1 of one form or kind, like, similar; आसवः प्रतिपदं प्रमदानां नैकरूपरसतामिव भेजे Ki.9.55.
    -2 uniform, one-coloured; Rv.1.169.2.
    (-पम्) 1 one form or kind;
    -2 The knowledge of reality. विमोचयत्येकरूपेण Sāṅ. K.63. ˚ता uniformity, invariableness; क्षणद्युतीनां दधुरेकरूपताम् Ki.8.2.
    -रूप्य a. formed or arising from one.
    -लिङ्गः 1 a word having one gender only.
    -2 N. of Kubera. (
    -ङ्गम्) a place in which for five krośas there is but one लिङ्ग (Phallus); पञ्चक्रोशान्तरे यत्र न लिङ्गान्तरमीक्ष्यते । तदेकलिङ्गमाख्यातं तत्र सिद्धिरनुत्तमा ॥ Śabdak.
    -वचनम् the singular number.
    -वर्ण a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 identical, same.
    -3 of one tribe or caste.
    -4 involving the use of one letter (˚समीकरण).
    (-र्णः) 1 one form.
    -2 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -3 a word of one syllable.
    -4 a superior caste. (
    -र्णी) beating time, the instru- ment (castanet); ˚समीकरणम् an equation involving one unknown quantity.
    -वर्णिक a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 of one caste.
    -वर्षिका a heifer one year old.
    -वस्त्र, -वसन a. having only one garment, in one dress (without उत्तरीय). (
    -स्त्रम्) a single garment.
    -वाक्यम् one or unanimous opinion; एकवाक्यं विवव्रः R.6.85 raised a unanimous cry; ˚ता consistency in meaning, unanimity, reconciling different statements, syntactical unity; प्रकरणाच्च ज्योतिष्टोमेनैकवाक्यता स्यात् । ŚB. on MS.1. 5.37.
    -वाक्यकृ 8 U. To effect syntactical unity, to construe as one sentence. तस्मात् प्रकृतानां... देवतानामन्यतमया देवतया प्रकृतत्वादेकवाक्यतां कृत्वा देवतामवगमिष्यामः । ŚB. on MS.1. 8.5.
    -वाक्यया 2 P. (with instrumental) To form one sentence with, to be syntactically connected with; न वै कृतं कर्म प्राकृतैरङ्गपदार्थैः सहैकवाक्यतां याति । ŚB. on MS.1. 1.2.
    ˚त्वम् syntactical unity. The state of forming or being one sentence; एकवाक्यत्वाच्च । Ms.1.1.8.
    -वाचक a. Synonymous.
    -वादः 1 a kind of drum or tabor (Mar. डफ).
    -2 the unitarian doctrine, monotheism.
    -वारम्, -वारे ind.
    1 only once.
    -2 at once, suddenly.
    -3 at one time.
    -वासस् a. Clothed in only one garment.
    -वासा A woman; Nigh.
    -विंश a. twenty-first; consisting of twentyone. (
    -शः) the Ekaviṁśa- ṣ&tod;oma; Av.8.9.2.
    -विंशक a. The twentyfirst; दश पूर्वान्परान् वंश्यानात्मानं चैकविंशकम् । ब्राह्मीपुत्रः सुकृतकृन्मोचयेदेनसः पितॄन् ॥ Ms.3.37.
    -कम् The number twentyone; Y.3.224.
    -विंशतिः f. twentyone.
    -विजयः Complete victory; Kau. A.12.
    -विध a. of one kind; simple.
    -विलोचन a. one-eyed; see एकदृष्टि.
    -विषयिन् m. a rival (having a common object or end in view).
    -वीरः a pre-eminent warrior or hero; धर्म˚ Mv.5.48.
    -रा N. of a daughter of Śiva, a deity.
    -वृक्षः 1 one tree.
    -2 a district in which but one tree is seen for 4 Krośas.
    -वृत f. heaven.
    -वृन्दम 1 a peculiar disease of the throat.
    -2 one heap or collection.
    -वृषः Ved. the chief bull; the best or most excellent of a number.
    -वेणिः, -णी f. a single braid of hair (worn by a woman as a mark of her separation from her hus- band &c.); गण्डाभोगात्कठिनविषमामेकवेणीं करेण Me.93; ˚धरा Ś.7; धृत˚ Ś.7.21.
    -वेश्मन् n. a solitary house or room; विप्रदुष्टां स्त्रियं भर्ता निरुन्ध्यादेकवेश्मनि Ms.11.176.
    -व्यवसायिन् a. following the same profession.
    -व्याव- हारिकाः N. of a Buddhist school.
    -शत a. 11 st. (
    -तम्) 11; अत्रैतदेकशतं नाडीनां Prasna. Up.3.6.
    -शक a. whole-hoofed. (
    -फः) an animal whose hoof is not cloven (as a horse, ass &c.); अजाविकं सैकशफं न जातु विषमं भजेत् Ms.9.119.
    -शरणम् the sole recourse or refuge (especially applied to a deity).
    -शरीर a. of one body or blood, consanguineous. ˚अन्वयः consan- guineous descent. ˚अवयवः a descendant in a right line, blood-kinsman. ˚आरम्भः commencement of consangui- nity by the union of father and mother.
    -शल्यः A kind of fish; Rām.5.11.17.
    -शाख a. having one branch. (
    -खः) a Brāhmaṇa of the same branch or school.
    -शायिन् a. Sleeping alone, chaste; Mb.13.
    -शाला A single hall or room; (
    -लम् A house consisting of one hall; Matsya P.
    -शीर्षन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.13.4.6.
    -शुङ्ग a. having one sheath. (
    -ङ्गा) N. of a medicinal plant.
    -शुल्कम् One and the same purchase money (given to the parents of a bride); अन्यां चेद्दर्शयित्वा$न्या वोढुः कन्या प्रदीयते । उभे ते एकशुल्केन वहेदित्यब्रवीन्मनुः ॥ Ms.8.24.
    -शृङ्ग a. having only one horn.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a unicorn; rhinoceros.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a class of Pitṛis.
    -4 a mountain having one top.
    -शेपः a tree having one root.
    -शेषः 'the remainder of one', a species of Dvandva compound in which one of two or more words only is retained; e. g. पितरौ father and mother, parents, (= मातापितरौ); so श्वशुरौः, भ्रातरः &c.
    -श्रुत a. once heard. ˚धर a. keeping in mind what one has heard once.
    -श्रुतिः f.
    1 monotony.
    -2 the neutral accentless tone. (
    -ति) ind. in a monotonous manner.
    -श्रुष्टि a. Ved. obedient to one command.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-first.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-one. ˚तम a. sixty first.
    -संस्थ a. dwelling in one place; R.6.29.
    -सप्तत, ˚तितम् a. seventy-first.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-one.
    -सभम् a common place of meeting.
    -सर्ग a. closely attentive. (
    -र्गः) concentration.
    -सहस्रम् 11 or one thousand; वृषभैकसहस्रा गा दद्यात्सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.127.
    -साक्षिक a. witnessed by one.
    -सार्थम् ind. together, in one company.
    -सूत्रम् N. of a small double drum played by a string and ball attached to the body of it (Mar. डमरू).
    -स्तोमः N. of Soma ceremony.
    -स्थ a.
    1 being or centred in one place; in one man; ज्ञानमेकस्थमाचार्ये...... शौर्यमेकस्थमाचार्ये Mb.7.188.45. Ku. 1.49; हन्तैकस्थं क्वचिदपि न ते चण्डि सादृश्यमस्ति Me.16.
    -2 close-standing, standing side by side.
    -3 collected, combined.
    -स्थानम् one or the same place; एकस्थाने प्रसूते वाक् Pt.4.5.
    -2 Standing closely; विपक्षेणापि मरुता यथैकस्थानवीरुधः Pt.3.53.
    -हंसः the chief or highest Haṁsa (an allegorical designation of the soul). हिरण्मयः पुरुष एकहंसः Bṛi. Up.4.3.11.
    -हायन a. one year old; त्रस्तैकहायनकुरङ्गविलोलदृष्टिः Māl.4.8; U.3.28. (
    -नी) a heifer one year old. (
    -नम्) the period of one year.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लॄ _lॄ

  • 28 tonnage tax company

    гос. фин., брит. судоходная компания, платящая налог с тоннажа* !
    возможно, нужно новое подзначение к tonnage tax! ссылок маловато, в основном в этом законодательном акте. не разобралась до конца!
    1. - (1) This Schedule provides an alternative regime (""tonnage tax"") for calculating the profits of a shipping company for the purposes of corporation tax.
    " "
    (2) The regime applies only if an election to that effect ( a ""tonnage tax election"") is made (see Part II of this Schedule).
    Companies that are members of a group must join in a group election.
    (a) the company or group is a qualifying company or group (see Part III of this Schedule), and
    (b) certain requirements are met as to training (see Part IV of this Schedule) and other matters (see Part V of this Schedule).
    2. - (1) In this Schedule a ""tonnage tax company"" or ""tonnage tax group"" means a company or group in relation to which a tonnage tax election has effect.
    (2) References in this Schedule to a company entering or leaving tonnage tax are to its becoming or ceasing to be a tonnage tax company.
    References to a company being subject to tonnage tax have a corresponding meaning.
    3. - (1) In the case of a tonnage tax company, its tonnage tax profits are brought into charge to corporation tax in place of its relevant shipping profits (see Part VI of this Schedule).
    (2) Where profits would be relevant shipping income, any loss accruing to the company is similarly left out of account for the purposes of corporation tax.
    Tonnage tax profits: method of calculation
    4. - (1) A company's tonnage tax profits for an accounting period are calculated in accordance with this paragraph by reference to the net tonnage of the qualifying ships operated by the company.
    For the purposes of the calculation the net tonnage of a ship is rounded down (if necessary) to the nearest multiple of 100 tons.
    (2) The calculation is as follows:
    Step One Determine the daily profit for each qualifying ship operated by the company by reference to the following table and the net tonnage of the ship:
    For each 100 tons up to 1,000 tons
    For each 100 tons between 1,000 and 10,000 tons
    For each 100 tons between 10,000 and 25,000 tons
    For each 100 tons above 25,000 tons
    Step Two Work out the ship's profit for the accounting period by multiplying the daily profit by-
    (a) the number of days in the accounting period, or
    (b) if the ship was operated by the company as a qualifying ship for only part of the period, by the number of days in that part.
    Step Three Follow Steps One and Two for each of the qualifying ships operated by the company in the accounting period.
    Step Four Add together the resulting amounts and the total is the amount of the company's tonnage tax profits for that accounting period.
    Tonnage tax profits: calculation in case of joint operation etc.
    5. - (1) If two or more companies fall to be regarded as operators of a ship by virtue of a joint interest in the ship, or in an agreement for the use of the ship, the tonnage tax profits of each are calculated as if each were entitled to a share of the profits proportionate to its share of that interest.
    (2) If two or more companies fall to be treated as the operator of a ship otherwise than as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), the tonnage tax profits of each are computed as if each were the only operator.
    6. - (1) References in this Schedule to the gross or net tonnage of a ship are to that tonnage as determined-
    (a) in the case of a vessel of 24 metres in length or over, in accordance with the IMO International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (ITC69);
    (b) in the case of a vessel under 24 metres in length, in accordance with tonnage regulations.
    (2) A ship shall not be treated as a qualifying ship for the purposes of this Schedule unless there is in force-
    (a) a valid International Tonnage Certificate (1969), or
    (b) a valid certificate recording its tonnage as measured in accordance with tonnage regulations.
    (3) In this paragraph ""tonnage regulations"" means regulations under section 19 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 or provisions of the law of a country or territory outside the United Kingdom corresponding to those regulations.
    + мультитран:
    6.05.2006 11:56
    Тема сообщения: tonnage tax company
    Пожалуйста, помогите перевести.
    tonnage tax, если верить Мультитрану - корабельный сбор, а как это к company применить не представляю. компания, подлежащая обложению корабельным сбором?? - чушь какая-то...
    Помогите, плиз!
    Заранее спасибо Mt | Google
    6.05.2006 12:07
    Tonnage Tax - это такой вид налогообложения судоходных компаний (пароходств), при котором размер налога рассчитывается в зависимости от чистой регистровой вместимости судов, составляющих флот компании (т.н. ""налог на тоннаж""). Tonnage tax company - компания подлежащая такому виду налогообложения.
    Некоторые налоговые изменения коснутся мореходных компаний, для которых !подоходный налог! будет заменен на !налог с тоннажа! судна.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > tonnage tax company

  • 29 permanente

    1 perm.
    hacerse la permanente to have a perm
    2 permanent, perm, permanent wave.
    * * *
    1 permanent, lasting
    1 (del pelo) permanent wave
    servicio permanente 24-hour service
    * * *
    * * *
    ADJ [gen] permanent; (=constante) constant; [color] fast; [comisión] standing
    SF [en pelo] permanent wave, perm *
    * * *
    adjetivo permanent
    1) ( en el pelo) perm

    hacerse la permanente — to have one's hair permed, to have a perm

    2) (Col) ( juzgado) emergency court ( for cases of violent crime)
    * * *
    adjetivo permanent
    1) ( en el pelo) perm

    hacerse la permanente — to have one's hair permed, to have a perm

    2) (Col) ( juzgado) emergency court ( for cases of violent crime)
    * * *

    Ex: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: hair cut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

    2 = lingering, perennial, permanent, lasting, enduring, non-volatile [nonvolatile], abiding, standing, enduringly + Adjetivo, continuing, ongoing [on-going].

    Ex: Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.

    Ex: Housing has become a perennial problem in Britain.
    Ex: Abstracts planned primarily as alerting devices may be shorter than those abstracts which are to be stored for permanent reference.
    Ex: Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.
    Ex: Archives are set of non-current archival documents preserved, with or without selection, by those responsible for their creation or by their successors for their own use or by other organizations because of their enduring value.
    Ex: A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
    Ex: The revision and correction of reference works is an abiding concern to the librarian and the user.
    Ex: A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.
    Ex: Thus we need money, intellectual property agreements, and library collaborations to build the massive and accessible collections of enduringly valuable cultural resources that I am proposing.
    Ex: They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex: This study has many implications for an ongoing COMARC effort beyond the present pilot project because it is evident that a very small number of libraries can furnish machine-readable records with full LC/MARC encoding.
    * conferencia permanente = standing conference.
    * decisión permanente = permanent arrangement.
    * hacer permanente = render + permanent.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * orden permanente de pago = standing account.
    * papel permanente = durable paper.
    * primer molar permanente = first molar.
    * PURL (Localizador Uniforme Permanente de Recursos) = PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator).
    * ser algo permanente = be here to stay.
    * servicio de actualización permanente = current awareness, current-awareness service.

    * * *
    servicio permanente de información 24-hour information service
    una amenaza permanente a permanent o constant threat
    ( Méx)
    permanente3 f A. (↑ permanente (3))
    hacerse la permanente to have one's hair permed, to have a perm
    B ( Col) (juzgado) emergency court ( for cases of violent crime)
    * * *

    permanente adjetivo
    ■ sustantivo femenino
    1 ( en el pelo) perm;

    2 (Col) ( juzgado) emergency court ( for cases of violent crime)
    I adjetivo permanent, constant
    II f (en peluquería) perm
    hacerse la permanente, to have a perm
    ' permanente' also found in these entries:
    - vado
    - cajero
    - coger
    - sustitución
    - sustituto
    - have
    - perm
    - permanent
    - regular
    - reprieve
    - standing
    - standing order
    - ATM
    - cash
    - rinse
    * * *
    comisión permanente standing committee
    hacerse la permanente to have a perm
    Méx perm;
    hacerse el permanente to have a perm
    * * *
    I adj permanent
    II f o Méx
    m ( moldeado) perm
    * * *
    1) : permanent
    2) : constant
    : permanent (wave)
    * * *
    permanente1 adj permanent
    permanente2 n perm

    Spanish-English dictionary > permanente

  • 30 цель

    (= намерение) aim, purpose, target, goal, object, end, mark
    Более контролируемый способ достижения той же цели это... - A more controlled way of achieving the same end is to...
    Более полезной для наших целей формой уравнения (1) является... - A form of (1) more useful for our purposes is...
    В наши цели не входит обсуждать здесь, что... - It is not our intention to argue here that...
    Вторая цель - установить, что... - A second objective is to ensure that...
    Вышеуказанная цель была достигнута. - The above objective has been achieved.
    Главной целью является... - The main objective is to...
    Для большинства целей, однако, достаточно (выбрать и т. п.)... - For most purposes it is, however, sufficient to...
    Для достижения этой цели... - With this aim in mind...; To accomplish these ends...
    Для многих целей предпочтительно (выбрать и т. п.)... - For many purposes it is preferable to...
    Для многих целей уравнение (10) полезно именно в том виде, как оно приведено. - For many purposes, equation (10) is useful as it stands.
    Для нашей цели совершенно не существенно, как выбирается значение х. - For our present purpose it does not matter how x is chosen.
    Для наших целей будет удобно... - It will be convenient for our purposes to...
    Для наших целей подходит следующее достаточно грубое определение. - For our purposes the following rather rough definition is adequate.
    Для наших целей удобно (ввести и т. п.)... - For our purposes it is convenient to...
    Для наших целей эти детали не являются важными. - For our purposes the details are not important.
    Для некоторых целей (нам) желательно иметь... - For certain purposes it is desirable to have...
    Для этой цели мы должны... - For this purpose we must...
    Для этой цели удобно... - For this purpose, it is convenient to...
    Значительно более важным для наших целей является... - Far more important for our purposes is...
    Изменение точки зрения необходимо с целью... - A shift in perspective is needed in order to...
    К несчастью, это не реальная цель, потому что... - Unfortunately this is an unrealistic goal because...
    Мы уже несколько раз сообщали о нашей цели (изучить и т. п.)'... - We have indicated a few times our intention to...
    На самом деле для настоящих целей достаточно рассмотреть... - In fact it is sufficient for the present purpose to consider...
    Наконец, для некоторых целей могло бы иметь преимущества... - Finally, it might be advantageous for some purposes to...
    Напоминаем, что целью данного упражнения является... - Recall that the purpose of the exercise is to...
    Наша цель здесь - переработать это в форму, которая... - Our aim is to recast this in a form which is...
    Наша цель имеет три направления. - Our goal is three-fold.
    Нашей основной целью является описание... - Our main purpose is to given an exposition of...
    Нашей основной целью является описание систематических методов для... - Our first concern is to describe systematic methods for...
    Нашей основной целью является определение... - The main objective is to determine...
    Нашей целью будет... - Our task will be to...
    Нашей целью не является развернутое рассмотрение (теории и т. п.)... - It is not our purpose to give an extensive treatment of...
    Нашей целью является доказательство того, что это действительно справедливо. - Our objective is to show that this is indeed the case.
    Нашей целью является изучить... - Our object is to study...
    Нашей целью является не систематическое развитие предмета, а, скорее,... - Our interest is not to develop the subject systematically, but to...
    Нашей целью является решение уравнение (1), подчиненного (условию и т. п.)... - Our objective is to solve (1) subject to...
    Однако все эти моменты находятся в стороне от целей данной работы. - These are, however, outside the scope of this work.
    Однако поскольку данная формула слишком сложна для практических целей, мы будем... - Since, however, this formula is too complicated for practical purposes, we shall...
    Однако следует попробовать провести такой анализ с целью... - But such an analysis has to be attempted in order to...
    Однако этот метод совершенно не удовлетворяет нашим целям. - This procedure, however, falls far short of our goal.
    Одной из главных целей данного обсуждения является... - One of the main goals of the discussion is...
    Основной целью данной книги является... - The principal aim of the present book is to...
    Особенно важным для наших целей является случай, что... - Particularly important for our purposes is the case of...
    Полное обсуждение подобных факторов находится вне целей данной работы. - A full discussion of such factors is beyond the scope of this paper.
    С тем, чтобы сфокусировать наше внимание на одной специальной цели, мы... - In order to focus our attention on a specific objective, we shall...
    С учетом целей этого тома здесь невозможно дать детальный отчет о... - It is impossible within the scope of this volume to give a detailed account of...
    С целью анализа мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    С целью дальнейшего использования заметим здесь... - Let us note here, for future use,...
    С целью дальнейших ссылок мы отметим, что... - We note for future reference that...
    С целью использования соотношения (14) мы заметим, что... - Wishing to exploit (14), we note that...
    С целью произвести оценки предположим что... - For the purpose of making estimates, suppose that...
    С целью упростить обозначения мы предполагаем, что... - For simplicity of notation, we assume that...
    С этой целью мы будем использовать... - For this purpose, we shall use...
    С этой целью мы заметим, что... - То this end (= For this purpose), we note that...
    Следующей нашей целью будет описание... - Our next task is to describe...
    Таким образом, для наших целей мы всегда можем воспользоваться... - Thus for our purposes we may always use...
    Требуются дальнейшие наблюдения с целью... - Further observations are required in order to...
    Удобная для практических целей формулировка состоит в следующем... - For practical applications a convenient formulation is...
    Удобным методом достижения необходимой цели является... - A convenient way to accomplish this is to...
    Цель данной книги - обеспечить... - It is the aim of this book to provide...
    Цель данной книги состоит в... - The purpose of this book is to...
    Цель состоит в том, чтобы показать, что... - The aim is to show that...
    Целью более абстрактной формулировки (6) является то, что... - The aim of the more abstract formulation (6) is to...
    Целью данной главы является представление... - It is the purpose of this chapter to present...
    Целью данной главы является развитие... - The aim of this chapter is to develop...
    Цель данной заметки заключается в том, чтобы сообщить, что... - It is the purpose of this note to announce that...
    Целью данной книги является описание... - The purpose of this book is to describe...
    Целью настоящего обсуждения является... - It is the purpose of the present discussion to...
    Целью следующего параграфа является нахождение условий, которые позволят нам... - The aim of the next section is to establish conditions which enable us to...
    Целью такого представления является... - The purpose of such a representation is to...
    Целью этого параграфа является краткий обзор... - The purpose of this section is to give a quick sketch of...
    Чтобы достичь цели, необходимо... - То meet this objective, it is necessary to...
    Это достаточно для нашей цели в связи с... - It is sufficient for the purpose in view...
    Это существенно для наших целей. - This is essential for our purposes.
    Этот подход может достигнуть цели, лишь если... - This approach can succeed only if...
    Я считаю, что целью данного симпозиума является... - A goal for this symposium, I believe is to ensure we all understand...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > цель

  • 31 Theophilus Presbyter

    fl. late eleventh/early twelfth century
    German author of the most detailed medieval treatise relating to technology.
    The little that is known of Theophilus is what can be inferred from his great work, De diversis artibus. He was a Benedictine monk and priest living in north-west Germany, probably near an important art centre. He was an educated man, conversant with scholastic philosophy and at the same time a skilled, practising craftsman. Even his identity is obscure: Theophilus is a pseudonym, possibly for Roger of Helmarshausen, for the little that is known of both is in agreement.
    Evidence in De diversis suggests that it was probably composed during 1110 to 1140. White (see Further Reading) goes on to suggest late 1122 or early 1123, on the grounds that Theophilus only learned of St Bernard of Clairvaulx's diatribe against lavish church ornamentation during the writing of the work, for it is only in the preface to Book 3 that Theophilus seeks to justify his craft. St Bernard's Apologia can be dated late 1122. No other medieval work on art combines the comprehensive range, orderly presentation and attention to detail as does De diversis. It has been described as an encyclopedia of medieval skills and crafts. It also offers the best and often the only description of medieval technology, including the first direct reference to papermaking in the West, the earliest medieval account of bell-founding and the most complete account of organ building. Many metallurgical techniques are described in detail, such as the making of a crucible furnace and bloomery hearth.
    The treatise is divided into three books, the first on the materials and art of painting, the second on glassmaking, including stained glass, glass vessels and the blown-cylinder method for flat glass, and the final and longest book on metalwork, including working in iron, copper, gold and silver for church use, such as chalices and censers. The main texts are no mere compilations, but reveal the firsthand knowledge that can only be gained by a skilled craftsman. The prefaces to each book present perhaps the only medieval expression of an artist's ideals and how he sees his art in relation to the general scheme of things. For Theophilus, his art is a gift from God and every skill an act of praise and piety. Theophilus is thus an indispensable source for medieval crafts and technology, but there are indications that the work was also well known at the time of its composition and afterwards.
    The Wolfenbuttel and Vienna manuscripts of De diversis are the earliest, both dating from the first half of the twelfth century, while the British Library copy, in an early thirteenth-century hand, is the most complete. Two incomplete copies from the thirteenth century held at Cambridge and Leipzig offer help in arriving at a definitive edition.
    There are several references to De diversis in sixteenth-century printed works, such as Cornelius Agrippa (1530) and Josias Simmler (1585). The earliest printed edition of
    De diversis was prepared by G.H.Lessing in 1781 with the title, much used since, Diversarium artium schedula.
    There are two good recent editions: Theophilus: De diversis artibus. The Various Arts, 1964, trans. with introd. by C.R.Dodwell, London: Thomas Nelson, and On Diverse Arts. The Treatise of Theophilus, 1963, trans. with introd. and notes by J.G.Harthorne and C.S.Smith, Chicago University Press.
    Further Reading
    Lynn White, 1962, "Theophilus redivivus", Technology and Culture 5:224–33 (a comparative review of Theophilus (op. cit.) and On Diverse Arts (op. cit.)).

    Biographical history of technology > Theophilus Presbyter

  • 32 permanente2

    2 = lingering, perennial, permanent, lasting, enduring, non-volatile [nonvolatile], abiding, standing, enduringly + Adjetivo, continuing, ongoing [on-going].
    Ex. Another lingering misconception is that reference work is restricted to reference libraries.
    Ex. Housing has become a perennial problem in Britain.
    Ex. Abstracts planned primarily as alerting devices may be shorter than those abstracts which are to be stored for permanent reference.
    Ex. Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.
    Ex. Archives are set of non-current archival documents preserved, with or without selection, by those responsible for their creation or by their successors for their own use or by other organizations because of their enduring value.
    Ex. A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.
    Ex. The revision and correction of reference works is an abiding concern to the librarian and the user.
    Ex. A standing reproach to all librarians is the non-user.
    Ex. Thus we need money, intellectual property agreements, and library collaborations to build the massive and accessible collections of enduringly valuable cultural resources that I am proposing.
    Ex. They are likely to influence the future function of DC, and the way in which the scheme will evolve, but since there will be a continuing need for shelf arrangement, DC will remain necessary.
    Ex. This study has many implications for an ongoing COMARC effort beyond the present pilot project because it is evident that a very small number of libraries can furnish machine-readable records with full LC/MARC encoding.
    * conferencia permanente = standing conference.
    * decisión permanente = permanent arrangement.
    * hacer permanente = render + permanent.
    * más permanente = longer-lasting.
    * orden permanente de pago = standing account.
    * papel permanente = durable paper.
    * primer molar permanente = first molar.
    * PURL (Localizador Uniforme Permanente de Recursos) = PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator).
    * ser algo permanente = be here to stay.
    * servicio de actualización permanente = current awareness, current-awareness service.

    Spanish-English dictionary > permanente2

  • 33 отмечать

    (= отметить) mark, note, mention, notice, observe, intimate, list, point out
    В заключение отметим, что... - We remark, in conclusion, that...
    В связи с этим мы отметим, что... - In this connection, we observe that...
    В связи с этим необходимо отметить, что... - In this connection, it should be noted that...
    В связи с этим стоит отметить, что... - In this connection, it is worth noting that...
    Во-вторых, мы отметим, что... - Secondly, we note that...
    Возможно, что это подходящее место для того, чтобы отметить, что... - This is perhaps the place to comment that...
    Далее, важно отметить, что... - Furthermore, it is important to note that...
    Достаточно интересно отметить, что... - It is of some interest to observe that...
    Еще раз отметим, что... - Once again it is noted that...
    Можно (было бы) здесь отметить, что... - It may be mentioned here that...
    Можно было бы отметить здесь другую меру предосторожности. - One other precaution might be mentioned here.
    Можно отметить другие недостатки. - Other disadvantages may be noted.
    Можно отметить три особенности. - Three features can be noted.
    Можно отметить три специальных случая. - Three special cases may be noticed.
    Мы должны также отметить, что... - We should also remark that...
    Мы могли бы мимоходом отметить, что... - We may note in passing that...
    Мы уже отмечали (= замечали), что... - We have already called attention to...
    Мы уже отмечали по нескольким поводам... - We have noted on several occasions that...
    Мы уже трижды отмечали (наличие)... - We have cited three instances of...
    На самом деле мы обязаны отметить, что... - It is only fair to mention that...
    На этом шаге стоит отметить, что... - It is worth remarking at this stage that...
    Необходимо (= следует) еще отметить следующее. - There is a further point to be made here.
    Необходимо сразу отметить, что... - It is to be noted immediately that...
    Необходимо отметить, что... - It is to be noted that...
    Необходимо четко отметить, что... - It must be carefully noted that...
    Обращаясь теперь к уравнению (1), мы отметим (= заметим), что... - Turning to (1), we note that...
    Один существенный момент, который необходимо отметить, состоит в том, что... - One vital point to be noticed is that...
    Однако на данного этапе следует отметить, что... - The point to notice at this stage, however, is that...
    Особенно следует отметить, что... - Of special note is...
    Отметим (= подчеркнем) отличие в определениях... и... - Let us contrast the definitions of... and...
    Отметим для дальнейшего, что... - For later use, we remark that...
    Отметим здесь для ссылки, что... - For reference, let us note here that...
    Отметим мимоходом, что... - We observe in passing that...
    Отметим один факт, необходимый далее, а именно... - We record a fact to be used later, namely that...
    Отметим теперь, что... - Next observe that...
    Отметим, что существует только одно значение... - We notice that there is only one value of...
    Отметим другой важный практический момент... - Another important practical point to notice is that...
    Сначала мы отметим, что... - Our first step is to notice that...
    Поучительно отметить, что... - It is instructive to note that...
    Прежде чем продолжить изложение, стоит отметить, что... - Before we go further, it is worth observing that...
    При решении данной задачи важно отметить, что... - In solving this problem it is important to notice that...
    Ранее (уже) было отмечено, что... - It has been noted previously that...
    Для того, чтобы ссылаться в дальнейшем, мы отметим, что... - We note for future reference that...
    Сейчас мы просто отметим, что... - For the present, we merely note that...
    Следует, однако, отметить, что... - It is fair to remark, however, that...
    Стоит отметить, что... - It is noteworthy that...; It is worth pointing out that...; It is worth remarking that...; It is worth noticing that...
    Чтобы вывести данное соотношение, мы отметим, во - первых, что... - In order to obtain this relation, we first note that...
    Чтобы рассмотреть это более детально, отметим, что... - То see this in greater detail, let us note that...
    Этот факт был отмечен без доказательства, в главе 4. - This fact was noted without proof in Chapter 4.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > отмечать

  • 34 gratuito

    1 free, free of charge, gratis, gratuitous.
    Un insulto sin causa aparente.. A gratuitous insult.
    2 gratuitous.
    Un insulto sin causa aparente.. A gratuitous insult.
    * * *
    1 (de balde) free
    2 (sin fundamento) arbitrary, gratuitous
    * * *
    (f. - gratuita)
    * * *
    1) (=gratis) free, free of charge
    2) [comentario] gratuitous, uncalled-for; [acusación] unfounded, unjustified
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) ( gratis) free
    b) ( infundado) < afirmaciones> unwarranted; < insulto> gratuitous
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo
    a) ( gratis) free
    b) ( infundado) < afirmaciones> unwarranted; < insulto> gratuitous
    * * *
    = free, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratuitous, toll-free, complimentary, freebie, out of the goodness of + Posesivo + heart, freely available, costless, free for the taking, free of cost, no cost(s), on a complimentary basis.

    Ex: Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.

    Ex: Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex: HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex: It is the institutions' general practice to grant gratuitous permissions for photocopying except where substantial quantities of matter are involved.
    Ex: For access and price information concerning the electronic version of Everyman's, contact Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304 or telephone toll-free 1-800-227-1927 (outside California).
    Ex: This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex: The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex: Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex: Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex: The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex: An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex: Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex: Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * adquisición gratuita = free acquisition.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * ejemplar gratuito = gift copy.
    * entrada gratuita = free ticket.
    * llamada gratuita = toll-free.
    * nada en la vida es gratuito = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * número de teléfono de llamada gratuita = toll free telephone number, toll-free number.
    * publicación gratuita = free publication.

    2 = wanton, gratuitous.

    Ex: The book focuses on images where hideous atrocities -- e.g., murder, blasphemy, wanton destruction and even cannibalism -- are shown to be part of the daily life of the common people of Paris during the revolution.

    Ex: However, most librarians do not have the training for counseling and should avoid gratuitous tampering with the lives of library patrons.
    * a título gratuito = gratuitous.

    * * *
    1 (gratis) free
    asistencia médica gratuita free medical care
    2 ‹afirmaciones› unwarranted
    * * *


    ◊ -ta adjetivo

    a) ( gratis) free

    insulto gratuitous
    gratuito,-a adjetivo
    1 (gratis) free (of charge)
    aparcamiento gratuito, free parking
    2 (sin justificación, sin fundamento) gratuitous
    una medida gratuita, a gratuitous measure
    ' gratuito' also found in these entries:
    - gratuitous
    - toll-free
    - wanton
    - toll
    * * *
    gratuito, -a adj
    1. [gratis] free
    2. [arbitrario] gratuitous;
    [infundado] unfair, uncalled for;
    violencia gratuita gratuitous violence
    * * *
    adj free;
    ser gratuito fig be gratuitous
    * * *
    gratuito, -ta adj
    1) : gratuitous, unwarranted
    2) gratis: free, gratis
    * * *
    gratuito adj free

    Spanish-English dictionary > gratuito

  • 35 Coade, Eleanor

    b. 24 June 1733 Exeter, Devon, England
    d. 18 November 1821 Camberwell, London, England
    English proprietor of the Coade Factory, making artificial stone.
    Born Elinor Coade, she never married but adopted, as was customary in business in the eighteenth century, the courtesy title of Mrs. Following the bankruptcy and death of her father, George Coade, in Exeter, Eleanor and her mother (also called Eleanor) moved to London and founded the works at Lambeth, South London, in 1769 that later became famous as the Coade factory. The factory was located at King's Arms Stairs, Narrow Wall. During the eighteenth century, several attempts had been made in other businesses to manufacture a durable, malleable artificial stone that would be acceptable to architects for decorative use. These substances were not very successful, but Coade stone was different. Although stories are legion about the secret formula supposedly used in this artificial stone, modern methods have established the exact formula.
    Coade stone was a stoneware ceramic material fired in a kiln. The body was remarkable in that it shrank only 8 per cent in drying and firing: this was achieved by using a combination of china clay, sand, crushed glass and grog (i.e. crushed and ground, previously fired stoneware). The Coade formula thus included a considerable proportion of material that, having been fired once already, was unshrinkable. Mrs Coade's name for the firm, Coade's Lithodipyra Terra-Cotta or Artificial Stone Manufactory (where "Lithodipyra" is a term derived from three Greek words meaning "stone", "twice" and "fire"), made reference to the custom of including such material (such as in Josiah Wedgwood's basalt and jasper ware). The especially low rate of shrinkage rendered the material ideal for making extra-life-size statuary, and large architectural, decorative features to be incorporated into stone buildings.
    Coade stone was widely used for such purposes by leading architects in Britain and Ireland from the 1770s until the 1830s, including Robert Adam, Sir Charles Barry, Sir William Chambers, Sir John Soane, John Nash and James Wyatt. Some architects introduced the material abroad, as far as, for example, Charles Bulfinch's United States Bank in Boston, Massachusetts, and Charles Cameron's redecoration for the Empress Catherine of the great palace Tsarkoe Selo (now Pushkin), near St Petersburg. The material so resembles stone that it is often mistaken for it, but it is so hard and resistant to weather that it retains sharpness of detail much longer than the natural substance. The many famous British buildings where Coade stone was used include the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, Carlton House and the Sir John Soane Museum (all of which are located in London), St George's Chapel at Windsor, Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, and Culzean Castle in Ayrshire, Scotland.
    Apart from the qualities of the material, the Coade firm established a high reputation for the equally fine quality of its classical statuary. Mrs Coade employed excellent craftsmen such as the sculptor John Bacon (1740–99), whose work was mass-produced by the use of moulds. One famous example which was widely reproduced was the female caryatid from the south porch of the Erechtheion on the acropolis of Athens. A drawing of this had appeared in the second edition of Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens in 1789, and many copies were made from the original Coade model; Soane used them more than once, for example on the Bank of England and his own houses in London.
    Eleanor Coade was a remarkable woman, and was important and influential on the neo-classical scene. She had close and amicable relations with leading architects of the day, notably Robert Adam and James Wyatt. The Coade factory was enlarged and altered over the years, but the site was finally cleared during 1949–50 in preparation for the establishment of the 1951 Festival of Britain.
    Further Reading
    A.Kelly, 1990, Mrs Coade's Stone, pub. in conjunction with the Georgian Group (an interesting, carefully written history; includes a detailed appendix on architects who used Coade stone and buildings where surviving work may be seen).

    Biographical history of technology > Coade, Eleanor

  • 36 gratuito1

    = free, free of charge, giveaway [give-away], gratuitous, toll-free, complimentary, freebie, out of the goodness of + Posesivo + heart, freely available, costless, free for the taking, free of cost, no cost(s), on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. Late in 1986, the Medical Library took advantage of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts' free trial offer of its compact Medline on CD-ROM.
    Ex. Law centres employ qualified lawyers and they receive a waiver from the Law Society that allows them to provide their services free of charge.
    Ex. HUD publications range from give-away pamphlets to multi-volume research tomes = Las publicaciones HUD van desde los folletos gratuitos a tomos de investigaciones en varios volúmenes.
    Ex. It is the institutions' general practice to grant gratuitous permissions for photocopying except where substantial quantities of matter are involved.
    Ex. For access and price information concerning the electronic version of Everyman's, contact Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304 or telephone toll-free 1-800-227-1927 (outside California).
    Ex. This is a classified, annotated guide to magazines which fall into the general category of house magazines available to libraries on a complimentary basis.
    Ex. The article 'Professional reference service with ' freebie' librarians' discusses the free online reference service offered by the Internet Public Library.
    Ex. Thus, resources should be freely available, or at the very last charge only nominal fees for their use.
    Ex. Another property of DSMA protocols is a provision for a graceful dynamic reconfiguration and costless protocol recovery after a lost token.
    Ex. The short answer of course is 'yes,' simply because we now live in a world where these resources are expected to be there, and many expect them to be there free for the taking.
    Ex. An annexure reviews electronic journals available free of cost.
    Ex. Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.
    Ex. Mountain bikes are available on a complimentary basis for guests who wish to explore the scenic north coast of the island.
    * adquisición gratuita = free acquisition.
    * de forma gratuita = on a complimentary basis.
    * de modo gratuito = on a complimentary basis.
    * ejemplar gratuito = gift copy.
    * entrada gratuita = free ticket.
    * llamada gratuita = toll-free.
    * nada en la vida es gratuito = you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.
    * número de teléfono de llamada gratuita = toll free telephone number, toll-free number.
    * publicación gratuita = free publication.

    Spanish-English dictionary > gratuito1

  • 37 ἀδελφός

    ἀδελφός, οῦ, ὁ (Hom. [ἀδελφεός]+; accord. to B-D-F §13; Schwyzer I 555; Mlt-H. II 58; PKatz, TLZ 83, ’58, 315f vocative ἄδελφε should be accented on the antepenult in Ac 9:17; 21:20 contrary to the practice of the editions; also GPt 2:5.)
    a male from the same womb as the reference pers., brother, Mt 1:2, 11; 4:18, 21 al.; τὸν ἀ. τ. ἴδιον J 1:41 (s. Jos., Ant. 11, 300). Of Jesus’ brothers (passages like Gen 13:8; 14:14; 24:48; 29:12; Lev 10:4; 1 Ch 9:6 do not establish the mng. ‘cousin’ for ἀ.; they only show that in rendering the Hebr. אָח ἀ. is used loosely in isolated cases to designate masc. relatives of various degrees. The case of ἀδελφή [q.v. 1] is similar Gen 24:59f; Tob 8:4, 7 [cp. 7:15]; Jos., Ant. 1, 211 [ἀδελφή = ἀδελφοῦ παῖς]. Sim. M. Ant., who [1, 14, 1] uses ἀ. for his brother-in-law Severus; the same use is found occas. in the pap: JCollins, TS 5, ’44, 484–94; s. VTscherikover HTR ’42, 25–44) Mt 12:46f; 13:55; Mk 3:31f; J 2:12; 7:3, 5; Ac 1:14; 1 Cor 9:5. James ὁ ἀδελφὸς τοῦ κυρίου Gal 1:19. The pl. can also mean brothers and sisters (Eur., El. 536; Andoc. 1, 47 ἡ μήτηρ ἡ ἐκείνου κ. ὁ πατὴρ ὁ ἐμὸς ἀδελφοί; Anton. Diog. 3 [Erot. Gr. I 233, 23; 26 Hercher]; POxy 713, 21f [97 A.D.] ἀδελφοῖς μου Διοδώρῳ κ. Θαί̈δι; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 11 [p. 5, 9] δύο ἐγένοντο ἀδελφοί, Φάλαγξ μὲν ἄρσην, θήλεια δὲ Ἀράχνη τοὔνομα. The θεοὶ Ἀδελφοί, a married couple consisting of brother and sister on the throne of the Ptolemies: OGI 50, 2 [III B.C.] and pap [Mitt-Wilck. I/1, 99; I/2, 103–7, III B.C.]). In all these cases only one brother and one sister are involved. Yet there are also passages in which ἀδελφοί means brothers and sisters, and in whatever sequence the writer chooses (Polyb. 10, 18, 15 ποιήσεσθαι πρόνοιαν ὡς ἰδίων ἀδελφῶν καὶ τέκνων; Epict. 1, 12, 20 ἀδ. beside γονεῖς, τέκνα, γείτονες; 1, 22, 10; 4, 1, 111; Artem. 3, 31; Ptolem., Apotel. 3, 6; Diog. L. 7, 108; 120; 10, 18. In PMich 214, 12 [296 A.D.] οἱ ἀδελφοί σου seems to be even more general=‘your relatives’). Hence there is no doubt that in Lk 21:16 ἀδελφοί=brothers and sisters, but there is some room for uncertainty in the case of the ἀδελφοί of Jesus in Mt 12:46f; Mk 3:31; J 2:12; 7:3, 5; Ac 1:14.
    a pers. viewed as a brother in terms of a close affinity, brother, fellow member, member, associate fig. ext. of 1.
    one who shares beliefs (for an associated duality, s. Did., Gen. 127, 6 ἀ. ἐστι τοῦ φαινομένου ἔξω ἀνθρώπου ὁ κρυπτὸς καὶ ἐν διανοίᾳ ἄνθρωπος=brother to the man as he appears from without is the man who is hidden in thought): Jesus calls everyone who is devoted to him brother Mt 12:50; Mk 3:35, esp. his disciples Mt 28:10; J 20:17. Hence gener. for those in such spiritual communion Mt 25:40; Hb 2:12 (Ps 21:23), 17 al. Of a relationship w. a woman other than that of husband Hs 9, 11, 3 al.; 2 Cl 12:5.—Of the members of a relig. community (PParis 20 [II B.C.] al. of the hermits at the Serapeum in Memphis; UPZ 162 I, 20 [117 B.C.] ἀδελφοὶ οἱ τὰς λειτουργίας ἐν ταῖς νεκρίαις παρεχόμενοι; IG XIV, 956 B, 11f. ἀ.=member of the ἱερὰ ξυστικὴ σύνοδος; IPontEux II, 449f εἰσποιητοὶ ἀ. σεβόμενοι θεὸν Ὕψιστον [Ltzm. ZWT 55, 1913, 121]. Mystery pap [III A.D.]: APF 13, ’39, 212. Essenes in Jos., Bell. 2, 122. Vett. Val. 172, 31; Cleopatra ln. 94. See GMilligan 1908 on 1 Th 1:4; Ltzm. Hdb. on Ro 1:13 [lit.]; Dssm. B 82f, 140 [BS 87f, 142]; Nägeli 38; Cumont3 276). Hence used by Christians in their relations w. each other Ro 8:29, 1 Cor 5:11; Eph 6:23; 1 Ti 6:2; Ac 6:3; 9:30; 10:23; Rv 1:9; 12:10; IEph 10:3; ISm 12:1 al. So esp. w. proper names (for ἀδ. in a figurative sense used with a name, cp. the address of a letter PMich 162 verso [II A.D.] ἀπὸ Ἀπλωναρίου ἀδελφοῦ) to indicate membership in the Christian community Ro 16:23; 1 Cor 1:1; 16:12; 2 Cor 1:1; Phil 2:25; Col 1:1; 4:7, 9; 1 Th 3:2; Phlm 1; 1 Pt 5:12; 2 Pt 3:15; AcPl Ha 1, 30 al. Completely ἀδελφὸς ἐν κυρίῳ Phil 1:14. Oft. in direct address 1 Cl 1:1 (cod. A); 4:7; 13:1; 33:1; 2 Cl 20:2 al.; B 2:10; 3:6 al.; IRo 6:2; Hv 2, 4, 1; 3, 1, 1; 4; AcPl Ha 7, 4; 8, 21; AcPlCor 1:16. ἀδελφοί μου B 4:14; 5:5; 6:15; IEph

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἀδελφός

  • 38 קבע II

    קָבַעII (preced.) (to squeeze in, make a hole, 1) to insert, drive in; to fix. B. Bath.7b קְבַעוכ׳, v. מַסְמָר. Tanḥ. Bhaʿal. 15 (ref. to Koh. 12:11 משמרות) אם קָבַעְתָּ אותם כמ̇ס̇מ̇ר̇ בלבך הן מ̇ש̇מ̇ר̇ין אותך if thou hast driven them (the words of the Law) like a nail into thy heart, they will guard thee. Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. to Is. 22:16) אפי׳ איזה מסמר קבעת כאן what nail hast thou driven into it (to acquire ownership)? Tosef.Kel.B. Mets.X, 6 אע״פ שקְבָעָןוכ׳ (not שקבאן) although he fastened them with nails; a. fr.Part. pass. קָבוּעַ; f. קְבוּעָה Ib. צריך אדם … יתד ק׳וכ׳ a man ought to have a nail or a peg fixed in the burial ground so as to take possession and be sure to be buried in the designated place. Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d אבן ק׳ a stone affixed to the ground, stationary, opp. תלושה; a. fr.Trnsf. to fix, appoint, make permanent. Ber.6b כל הקוֹבֵעַ מקוםוכ׳ he who designates a certain place where to pray regularly; ib. 7b. Sabb.31b קָבַעְתָּוכ׳, v. עֵת. Meg.7a בתחלה קְבָעוּהָוכ׳ at first they instituted the feast of Purim for Shushan, and afterwards for the whole world. Ib. שלחה … קִבְעוּנִי לדורות Esther sent word to the scholars, Appoint my memory to be celebrated for all generations. Ab. III, 2 הקב״ה קובע לו שכר the Lord will determine his reward. Bets.20a בקשו לִקְבּוֹעַ הלכהוכ׳ they attempted (by vote) to establish the law in agreement with their opinion; Tosef.Ḥag.II, 11; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Tosef.Ab. Zar. I, 1 אידין הקְבוּעִין regular (annual) festivals. Ab. Zar.11b חמשה בתיע״ז ק׳ הן five idolatrous temples (and the fairs connected therewith) are permanent; expl. ib. לעולם חדיראוכ׳ permanent, regular, and all the year through B. Bath. l. c. הלכות קְבוּעוֹת הן they are established laws; a. fr. 2) (denom. of קֶבַע) to impart the character of a regular appointed meal. Bets.34b שבת מהו שתִּקְבַּע מוקצה למעשר does the Sabbath give, to fruit not yet ready for regular use, the character of an appointed meal with reference to the duty of tithing (so that you dare not eat of them on the Sabbath even as a luncheon, אכילת עראי)? Ib. שבת קוֹבַעַתוכ׳ the Sabbath gives that character, whether the food you partake of be sufficiently ready for consumption or not. Pes.105a כשם שהשבת … קובעת לקידוש as the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one with regard to tithes, so does it with reference to Ḳiddush (that you dare not taste anything before reciting the Ḳiddush, v. קִידּוּש). Ib. קָבְעָה להבדלה the exit of the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one as regards the Habdalah (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. Pl. קִבֵּעַ to wedge in, set. Sabb.67b המְקַבַּעַת Rashi Var., v. בָּקַע.Part. pass. מְקוּבַּע; f. מְקוּבַּעַת. Num. R. s. 12 כעטרה הזאת שמק׳ באבניםוכ׳ like the royal crown which is beset with precious stones and pearls. Nif. נִקְבַּע to be appointed, established. Tosef.Hag.II, 11 נִקְבְּעָה הלכה כדבריוכ׳ the law was established (by vote) in accordance with the opinion of ; (Bets.20b וקבעווכ׳). Y.Yoma V, beg.42b שאין … נִקְבָּעִין אלאוכ׳ congregational sacrifices are designated as such only by the act of slaughtering. Ḥall. IV, 11 שלא יִקָּבַע הדבר חובה that this usage may not become an established obligation; a. e.

    Jewish literature > קבע II

  • 39 קָבַע

    קָבַעII (preced.) (to squeeze in, make a hole, 1) to insert, drive in; to fix. B. Bath.7b קְבַעוכ׳, v. מַסְמָר. Tanḥ. Bhaʿal. 15 (ref. to Koh. 12:11 משמרות) אם קָבַעְתָּ אותם כמ̇ס̇מ̇ר̇ בלבך הן מ̇ש̇מ̇ר̇ין אותך if thou hast driven them (the words of the Law) like a nail into thy heart, they will guard thee. Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. to Is. 22:16) אפי׳ איזה מסמר קבעת כאן what nail hast thou driven into it (to acquire ownership)? Tosef.Kel.B. Mets.X, 6 אע״פ שקְבָעָןוכ׳ (not שקבאן) although he fastened them with nails; a. fr.Part. pass. קָבוּעַ; f. קְבוּעָה Ib. צריך אדם … יתד ק׳וכ׳ a man ought to have a nail or a peg fixed in the burial ground so as to take possession and be sure to be buried in the designated place. Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d אבן ק׳ a stone affixed to the ground, stationary, opp. תלושה; a. fr.Trnsf. to fix, appoint, make permanent. Ber.6b כל הקוֹבֵעַ מקוםוכ׳ he who designates a certain place where to pray regularly; ib. 7b. Sabb.31b קָבַעְתָּוכ׳, v. עֵת. Meg.7a בתחלה קְבָעוּהָוכ׳ at first they instituted the feast of Purim for Shushan, and afterwards for the whole world. Ib. שלחה … קִבְעוּנִי לדורות Esther sent word to the scholars, Appoint my memory to be celebrated for all generations. Ab. III, 2 הקב״ה קובע לו שכר the Lord will determine his reward. Bets.20a בקשו לִקְבּוֹעַ הלכהוכ׳ they attempted (by vote) to establish the law in agreement with their opinion; Tosef.Ḥag.II, 11; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Tosef.Ab. Zar. I, 1 אידין הקְבוּעִין regular (annual) festivals. Ab. Zar.11b חמשה בתיע״ז ק׳ הן five idolatrous temples (and the fairs connected therewith) are permanent; expl. ib. לעולם חדיראוכ׳ permanent, regular, and all the year through B. Bath. l. c. הלכות קְבוּעוֹת הן they are established laws; a. fr. 2) (denom. of קֶבַע) to impart the character of a regular appointed meal. Bets.34b שבת מהו שתִּקְבַּע מוקצה למעשר does the Sabbath give, to fruit not yet ready for regular use, the character of an appointed meal with reference to the duty of tithing (so that you dare not eat of them on the Sabbath even as a luncheon, אכילת עראי)? Ib. שבת קוֹבַעַתוכ׳ the Sabbath gives that character, whether the food you partake of be sufficiently ready for consumption or not. Pes.105a כשם שהשבת … קובעת לקידוש as the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one with regard to tithes, so does it with reference to Ḳiddush (that you dare not taste anything before reciting the Ḳiddush, v. קִידּוּש). Ib. קָבְעָה להבדלה the exit of the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one as regards the Habdalah (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. Pl. קִבֵּעַ to wedge in, set. Sabb.67b המְקַבַּעַת Rashi Var., v. בָּקַע.Part. pass. מְקוּבַּע; f. מְקוּבַּעַת. Num. R. s. 12 כעטרה הזאת שמק׳ באבניםוכ׳ like the royal crown which is beset with precious stones and pearls. Nif. נִקְבַּע to be appointed, established. Tosef.Hag.II, 11 נִקְבְּעָה הלכה כדבריוכ׳ the law was established (by vote) in accordance with the opinion of ; (Bets.20b וקבעווכ׳). Y.Yoma V, beg.42b שאין … נִקְבָּעִין אלאוכ׳ congregational sacrifices are designated as such only by the act of slaughtering. Ḥall. IV, 11 שלא יִקָּבַע הדבר חובה that this usage may not become an established obligation; a. e.

    Jewish literature > קָבַע

  • 40 возможность

    possibility, feasibility, capability, opportunity, chance
    Более того, имеется возможность (= вероятность), что... - More than this, there is the possibility that...
    Возникла возможность производить... - It has been found possible to produce...
    В данном случае единственной возможностью является... - For this case, the only recourse is to...
    Возможность выполнения этого требования обсуждается ниже. - The possibility of fulfilling this requirement is discussed below.
    Возможность ошибки обычно проистекает из... - The possibility of error usually arises from...
    Возникает еще одна возможность... - A further possibility arises that...
    Имеются различные возмогкности, которые зависят от особенностей (= природы) (метода и т. п.). - There are various possibilities depending on the nature of...
    Исследуем возможность... - Let us investigate the possibility of...
    Мы заинтересованы в возможности... - We are interested in the possibility of...
    Мы не можем исключать возможность того, что... - We cannot rule out the possibility of...
    Мы также используем (благоприятную) возможность (поблагодарить, отметить и т. п.)... - We also take the opportunity to...
    Нам будет часто еще предоставляться возможность поговорить о... - We shall often have occasion to speak of...
    Не следует исключать эту возможность. - This possibility must not be ruled out.
    Нет никаких данных относительно возможности... - There is no evidence that it is possible to...
    Обсуждая данную проблему, мы пренебрегли возможностью... - In discussing this problem we have neglected the possibility that...
    Обычно имеется возможность выбрать... - It is usually possible to choose...
    Однако у нас еще будет возможность (рассмотреть более подробно и т. п.)... - We shall, however, have occasion to...
    Одной из возможностей было бы (использовать и т. п.).. - One possibility would be to...
    Одной из возможностей здесь является использование... - One possibility is to use...
    Остается лишь возможность предположить, что... - The remaining possibility is to assume that...
    Отсюда следует, что существует возможность для использования... - It follows that the possibility exists for the use of...
    Полезно иметь возможность... - It is useful to be able to...
    Полезно иметь возможность отчетливо представлять себе... - It is useful to be able to visualize...
    Следовательно мы обязаны помнить относительно возможности... - We must keep in mind, therefore, the possibility of...
    Следовательно, важно иметь возможность определить, действительно ли... - It is therefore important to be able to determine whether...
    Среди прочих возможностей, серьезное внимание будет уделено... - Among other possibilities, serious consideration has been given to...
    Это дает возможность... - This raises the possibility that...
    Три следующие примера иллюстрируют эту возможность. - The next three examples illustrate this possibility.
    У нас уже была реальная возможность... - We have already had an opportunity to...
    У нас часто будет возможность... - We shall have frequent occasion to...
    У нас часто будет возможность ссылаться на... - We shall have frequent occasion to refer to...
    Чтобы исключить возможность любой двусмысленности или неточности, мы будем... - То avoid any possibility of confusion we shall...
    Чтобы иметь возможность ссылаться, мы будем... - For purposes of reference we shall...
    Эта возможность еще более вероятна в специальных приложениях, где... - This possibility is even more likely in special applications, where...
    Эти две основные возможности иллюстрируются на рис. 1. - The two main possibilities are illustrated in Figure 1.
    Это связано с возможностью (= вероятностью)... - This is linked with the possibility of...
    Этот список не исчерпывает всех возможностей. - This list does not exhaust the possibilities.
    Ясно, что имеются большие возможности для улучшения при изучении... - Clearly, there is considerable room for improvement in the study of...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > возможность

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  • use — verb To make use of; to convert to one s service; to employ; to avail oneself of; to utilize; to carry out a purpose or action by means of; to put into action or service, especially to attain an end. State v. Howard, 221 Kan. 51, 557 P.2d 1280,… …   Black's law dictionary

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