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  • Excise — or Excise tax (sometimes called an excise duty), is a type of tax charged on goods produced within the country (as opposed to customs duties, charged on goods from outside the country).Typical examples of excise duties are taxes on tobacco,… …   Wikipedia

  • excise — ex·cise / ek ˌsīz, ˌsīs/ n 1: a tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity compare income tax, property tax 2: any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or other fee see also …   Law dictionary

  • excise — ex‧cise [ˈeksaɪz] noun [countable, uncountable] TAX 1. a government tax that is charged on certain goods that are sold in the country, for example alcoholic drinks and petrol: • An excise on home production of tobacco could have produced the same …   Financial and business terms

  • Excise — Ex*cise , n. [Apparently fr. L. excisum cut off, fr. excidere to cut out or off; ex out, off + caedere to cut; or, as the word was formerly written accise, fr. F. accise, LL. accisia, as if fr. L. accidere, accisum, to cut into; ad + caedere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • excise — [ ɛksiz ] n. f. • 1688, francisé en accise; mot angl., probablt de l a. fr. acceis, de °accensum, lat. ad et census ♦ Impôt indirect, en Grande Bretagne. ⇒ accise. ● excise nom féminin (anglais excise, taxe, du moyen néerlandais excijs) Ensemble… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • excise — excise1 [ek′sīz΄; ] occas. [, ek′sīs΄] n. [altered (after EXCISE2) < earlier accise < MDu accijs, earlier assijs < OFr assise: see ASSIZE] 1. a tax or duty on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of various commodities within a country …   English World dictionary

  • Excise — Ex*cise , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Excised}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Excising}.] 1. To lay or impose an excise upon. [1913 Webster] 2. To impose upon; to overcharge. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Excise — Ex*cise , v. t. [See {Excide}.] To cut out or off; to separate and remove; as, to excise a tumor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • excise — [n] tax on goods customs, duty, import tax, levy, surcharge, tariff, toll; concept 329 excise [v] remove, delete amputate, black out, blot out*, blue pencil*, cross out, cut, cut off, cut out, cut up, destroy, edit, elide, eradicate, erase,… …   New thesaurus

  • excise — Ⅰ. excise [1] ► NOUN ▪ a tax levied on certain goods, commodities, and licences. ORIGIN Dutch excijs. Ⅱ. excise [2] ► VERB 1) cut out surgically. 2) …   English terms dictionary

  • Excise — (engl., spr. Exseis), so v.w. Accise, s.d. 2) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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