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  • Esteem — Es*teem , n. [Cf. F. estime. See {Esteem}, v. t.] 1. Estimation; opinion of merit or value; hence, valuation; reckoning; price. [1913 Webster] Most dear in the esteem And poor in worth! Shak. [1913 Webster] I will deliver you, in ready coin, The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Esteem — Es*teem , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Esteemed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Esteeming}.] [F. estimer, L. aestimare, aestumare, to value, estimate; perh. akin to Skr. ish to seek, strive, and E. ask. Cf. {Aim}, {Estimate}.] 1. To set a value on; to appreciate the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • esteem — Ⅰ. esteem UK US /ɪˈstiːm/ noun [U] ► respect for or a good opinion of someone: »She has long been held in high esteem by the bankers who know her. Ⅱ. esteem UK US /ɪˈstiːm/ verb [T] ► to respect someone or have a good opinion of them: »Her work… …   Financial and business terms

  • esteem — [ə stēm′, istēm′] vt. [ME estemen < OFr estimer < L aestimare, to value, appraise, estimate; prob. < * ais temos, one who cuts copper, mints money < IE * ayos (L aes), brass, copper (see ORE) + * tem , to cut: see TOMY] 1. to have… …   English World dictionary

  • Esteem — Es*teem , v. i. To form an estimate; to have regard to the value; to consider. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] We ourselves esteem not of that obedience, or love, or gift, which is of force. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • esteem — index appreciate (value), character (reputation), consideration (sympathetic regard), credit (recognition), deem …   Law dictionary

  • esteem — n respect, admiration, *regard Analogous words: *honor, homage, reverence, deference, obeisance: veneration, reverence, worship, adoration (see under REVERE) Antonyms: abomination: contempt Contrasted words: despite, scorn, disdain (see under… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • esteem — [v1] think highly of admire, appreciate, apprise, be fond of, cherish, consider, hold dear, honor, idolize, like, look up to*, love, prize, regard, regard highly, respect, revere, reverence, think the world of*, treasure, value, venerate,… …   New thesaurus

  • esteem — (v.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. estimer (14c.), from L. aestimare to value, appraise, perhaps ultimately from *ais temos one who cuts copper, i.e. mints money. At first used as we would now use estimate; sense of value, respect is 1530s. Related:… …   Etymology dictionary

  • esteem — ► NOUN ▪ respect and admiration. ► VERB 1) respect and admire. 2) formal consider; deem. ORIGIN Latin aestimare to estimate …   English terms dictionary

  • esteem — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great, high ▪ low ▪ personal ▪ I needed to do it for my own personal esteem. ▪ mutual …   Collocations dictionary

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