1 dowry
dowry [ˊdaυrɪ] n1) прида́ное2) приро́дный тала́нт -
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ˈdauərɪ сущ.
1) приданое to provide a dowry (for) ≈ готовить приданое (для) Syn: dower
1., tocher, dot I
2) выкуп( за невесту)
3) природный талант, дарование, дар Syn: endowment, natural talent приданое - he went through two dowries in one year он промотал два приданых за один год дар, талант dowry приданое ~ природный талант -
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[ˈdauərɪ]dowry приданое dowry природный талант -
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1. n приданое2. n дар, талантСинонимический ряд:bridal gift (noun) bridal gift; dot; dower; marriage portion -
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пособие ; приданое ; -
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[ʹdaʋ(ə)rı] n1. приданоеhe went through two dowries in one year - он промотал два приданых за один год
2. дар, талант -
10 dowry
ˈdauərɪ(pl) пособие -
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приданое: деньги и др. личная собственность, приносимая женой мужу при заключении брака. -
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n1. приданое;2. дар, талант.* * *сущ.1) приданое;2) дар, талант. -
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['daʊ(ə)rɪ]1) Общая лексика: дар, приданое, природный дар, природный талант, талант, выкуп ( за невесту)2) Юридический термин: пособие -
14 dowry
[`daʊərɪ]приданоевыкупприродный талант, дарование, дарАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > dowry
15 dowry
noun1) приданое2) природный талант* * *1 (0) приданое2 (n) дар; талант* * ** * *[dow·ry || 'daʊərɪ] n. приданое, природный дар, талант* * *приданноеприданоеталант* * *1) приданое 2) выкуп (за невесту) 3) природный талант -
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приданое -
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прида́ное с -
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приданноеприданоеталант -
20 dowry death
убийство из-за приданого; в Индии или Пакистане - убийство женщины, родственники которой не смогли выплатить обещанное приданое.* * *убийство из-за приданого; в Индии или Пакистане - убийство женщины, родственники которой не смогли выплатить обещанное приданое.
См. также в других словарях:
DOWRY — (Heb. נְדֻנְיָה), the property a wife brings to her husband at marriage; the Yiddish equivalent, nadn, is from the same root. The custom of nedunyah became clearly defined and institutionalized only in the talmudic period. In biblical times,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
dowry — index endowment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 dowry n. Money and property brought … Law dictionary
dowry — dow‧ry [ˈdaʊəri ǁ ˈdaʊri] noun dowries PLURALFORM [countable] 1. FINANCE JOURNALISM money which is given by one company to a company it is trying to buy. The dowry is meant to encourage the second company to agree to the arrangement: • The… … Financial and business terms
Dowry — Dow ry, n.; pl. {Dowries}. [Contr. from dowery; cf. LL. dotarium. See {Dower}.] 1. A gift; endowment. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. The money, goods, or estate, which a woman brings to her husband in marriage; a bride s portion on her… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dowry — early 14c., from Anglo Fr. dowarie, O.Fr. doaire (late 13c.) dower, dowry, gift, from M.L. dotarium, from L. dotare to endow, portion, from dos (gen. dotis) marriage portion, from PIE *do ti (Cf. Skt. dadati, Gk. didonai, O.C.S. dati, Lith … Etymology dictionary
dowry — ► NOUN (pl. dowries) ▪ property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage. ORIGIN Old French dowarie, from Latin dotare endow (see DOWER(Cf. ↑dower)) … English terms dictionary
dowry — [dou′rē] n. pl. dowries [ME douerie < Anglo Fr & OFr douarie: see DOWER] 1. the property that a woman brings to her husband at marriage: now chiefly historical or metaphorical 2. a natural talent, gift, or endowment 3. Archaic a widow s dower… … English World dictionary
Dowry — A dowry (also known as trousseau or tocher or, in Latin, dos) is the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings forth to the marriage.[1][2] It contrasts with bride price, which is paid to the bride s parents, and dower, which is property… … Wikipedia
dowry — /dow ree/, n., pl. dowries. 1. Also, dower. the money, goods, or estate that a wife brings to her husband at marriage. 2. Archaic. a widow s dower. 3. a natural gift, endowment, talent, etc. Also, dowery. [1250 1300; ME dowerie < AF douarie < ML… … Universalium
dowry — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ large, substantial ▪ small VERB + DOWRY ▪ give sb, pay (sb) ▪ have … Collocations dictionary
Dowry — This unusual name is a developed form of the Old French douarie and does refer to money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage. The surname is found in the spellings of Dowry, Dowrey and the shortened forms of Dover, Dower,… … Surnames reference