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  • 21 Schneide

    f; -, -n edge; TECH. cutting edge, blade; fig. Messer
    * * *
    die Schneide
    * * *
    Schnei|de ['ʃnaidə]
    f -, -n
    (sharp or cutting) edge; (von Messer, Schwert) blade
    * * *
    (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) edge
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (der Klinge) edge, blade
    2. GEOG steep ridge; s.a. Messer
    * * *
    die; Schneide, Schneiden [cutting] edge; (Klinge) blade
    * * *
    Schneide f; -, -n edge; TECH cutting edge, blade; fig Messer
    * * *
    die; Schneide, Schneiden [cutting] edge; (Klinge) blade
    * * *
    -n f.
    cutting edge n.
    edge n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Schneide

  • 22 edge

    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) kant
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) æg; skær
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) det værste; brod
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) kante
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) bevæge langsomt; kante
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge
    * * *
    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) kant
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) æg; skær
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) det værste; brod
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) kante
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) bevæge langsomt; kante
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge

    English-Danish dictionary > edge

  • 23 knife

    1. plural - knives; noun
    1) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) kniv
    2) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) kniv
    2. verb
    (to stab with a knife: He knifed her in the back.) stikke ned
    * * *
    1. plural - knives; noun
    1) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) kniv
    2) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) kniv
    2. verb
    (to stab with a knife: He knifed her in the back.) stikke ned

    English-Danish dictionary > knife

  • 24 edge

    1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) borde
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) filo
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) agudeza, intensidad

    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) ribetear, bordear
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) moverse con cautela, moverse poco a poco
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge

    edge n
    1. borde / orilla
    2. filo
    "The Razor's Edge" is by Somerset Maugham "El filo de la navaja" es de Somerset Maugham
    1 (of cliff, wood, etc) borde nombre masculino
    2 (of coin, step, etc) canto
    3 (of knife) filo
    4 (of water) orilla
    8 (to voice) tono
    2 SMALLSEWING/SMALL ribetear
    1 (move in small stages) moverse con cautela, moverse poco a poco
    to be on edge estar nervioso,-a, tener los nervios de punta
    to be on the edge of something estar a punto de algo
    to have the edge on/over somebody llevar ventaja a alguien
    edge ['ɛʤ] v, edged ; edging vt
    1) border: bordear, ribetear, orlar
    2) sharpen: afilar, aguzar
    3) or to edge one's way : avanzar poco a poco
    to edge out : derrotar por muy poco
    edge vi
    advance: ir avanzando (poco a poco)
    edge n
    1) : filo m (de un cuchillo)
    2) border: borde m, orilla f, margen m
    3) advantage: ventaja f
    arcén s.m.
    arista s.f.
    aristón s.m.
    arriate s.m.
    boca (Ingreso) s.f.
    borde s.m.
    canto (Borde) s.m.
    ceja s.f.
    cenefa s.f.
    cerco s.m.
    extremidad s.f.
    filete s.m.
    filo s.m.
    margen s.m. (Towards sth.)
    acercarse lentamente (a algo) expr.
    afilar v.
    incitar v.
    orlar v.
    ribetear v.
    trepar v.
    a) (no pl) (border, brink - of town) afueras fpl; (- of forest) lindero m, borde m; (- of river, lake) orilla f, margen m; (- of cliff) borde m
    b) (of plate, table, chair) borde m; ( of coin) canto m; ( of page) margen m
    2) ( cutting part) filo m

    to be on edge — estar* nervioso, tener* los nervios de punta (fam)

    3) ( advantage) ventaja f

    1) ( border)
    3) (AmE) edge out

    vi (+ adv compl)

    to edge forward/closer/away — ir* avanzando/acercándose/alejándose (poco a poco)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=border, rim) [of cliff, wood, chair, bed] borde m ; [of town] afueras fpl ; [of lake, river] orilla f ; [of cube, brick] arista f ; [of paper] borde m, margen m ; [of coin] canto m

    the fabric was fraying at the edges — la tela se estaba deshilachando por los bordes

    he sat down on the edge of the bed — se sentó al borde la cama

    someone pushed him over the edge of the cliff — alguien lo empujó por el borde del precipicio

    - live close to the edge
    - be on edge

    my nerves are on edge today — hoy tengo los nervios de punta, hoy estoy de los nervios

    - set sb's teeth on edge
    - drive/push sb over the edge
    - be on the edge of one's seat
    2) (=brink) borde m

    he was on the edge of a breakthrough — estaba al borde de un gran adelanto

    3) (=sharp side) [of blade] filo m

    to put an edge on sth — afilar algo

    army life will smooth the rough edges off him — la vida militar le calmará

    cutting 2., leading 2.
    4) (=sharpness)

    to take the edge off sth, talking to her took the edge off my grief — hablar con ella mitigó mi dolor

    5) (=advantage) ventaja f

    their technology gave them the competitive edge — su tecnología les dio una posición de ventaja con respecto a la competencia

    to have the or an edge on or over sb — llevar la delantera a algn, llevar ventaja a algn

    2. VT
    1) (=provide border for) [+ garment] ribetear; [+ path] bordear

    a top edged with lace — un top ribeteado con encaje

    2) (=move carefully)

    he edged the car into the traffic — sacó el coche con cuidado y se unió al resto del tráfico

    she edged her way through the crowd — se abrió paso poco a poco entre la multitud

    the song edged its way up the charts — la canción fue poco a poco subiendo puestos en las listas de éxitos

    3) (=sharpen)
    VI (=move slowly)

    she edged away from him — poco a poco se alejó de él

    he edged closer to the telephone — se acercó lentamente al teléfono

    Labour have edged into the lead — el partido laborista ha conseguido tomar la delantera por muy poco

    to edge pastpasar con dificultad

    * * *
    a) (no pl) (border, brink - of town) afueras fpl; (- of forest) lindero m, borde m; (- of river, lake) orilla f, margen m; (- of cliff) borde m
    b) (of plate, table, chair) borde m; ( of coin) canto m; ( of page) margen m
    2) ( cutting part) filo m

    to be on edge — estar* nervioso, tener* los nervios de punta (fam)

    3) ( advantage) ventaja f

    1) ( border)
    3) (AmE) edge out

    vi (+ adv compl)

    to edge forward/closer/away — ir* avanzando/acercándose/alejándose (poco a poco)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > edge

  • 25 edge

    1. noun
    1) (of knife, razor, weapon) Schneide, die

    take the edge off something — etwas stumpf machen; (fig.) etwas abschwächen

    be on edge [about something] — [wegen etwas] nervös od. gereizt sein

    have the edge [on somebody/something] — (coll.) jemandem/einer Sache überlegen od. (ugs.) über sein

    2) (of solid, bed, brick, record, piece of cloth) Kante, die; (of dress) Saum, der

    edge of a table — Tischkante, die

    3) (boundary) (of sheet of paper, road, forest, desert, cliff) Rand, der; (of sea, lake, river) Ufer, das; (of estate) Grenze, die

    edge of the paper/road — Papier-/Straßenrand, der

    on the edge of something(fig.) am Rande einer Sache (Gen.)

    2. intransitive verb
    (move cautiously) sich schieben

    edge along somethingsich an etwas (Dat.) entlangschieben

    edge away from somebody/something — sich allmählich von jemandem/etwas entfernen

    edge out of the roomsich aus dem Zimmer stehlen

    3. transitive verb
    1) (furnish with border) säumen [Straße, Platz]; besetzen [Kleid, Hut]; einfassen [Garten, Straße]
    2) (push gradually) [langsam] schieben

    edge one's way through a crowd — sich [langsam] durch eine Menschenmenge schieben od. drängen

    * * *
    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) der Rand
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) die Schneide
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) die Schärfe
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) umsäumen
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) schieben
    - academic.ru/23375/edging">edging
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (boundary) Rand m; of a lake Ufer nt, SCHWEIZ a. Bord nt
    at the \edge of the road am Straßenrand [o SCHWEIZ a. Strassenbord]
    the \edge of the table die Tischkante
    2. ( fig: threshold) Rand m, Schwelle f
    to be on the \edge of collapse/a catastrophe am Rande des Zusammenbruchs/einer Katastrophe stehen
    3. (blade) Schneide f; (sharp side) Kante f, Rand m
    rounded/sharp \edge abgerundete/scharfe Kante
    to put an \edge on sth etw schärfen [o schleifen]
    to take the \edge off sth etw stumpf machen
    4. no pl (intensity) Heftigkeit f; (sharpness) Schärfe f
    his apology took the \edge off her anger seine Entschuldigung besänftigte ihren Ärger
    there's an \edge to her voice sie schlägt einen scharfen Ton an
    to take the \edge off sb's appetite jdm den Appetit nehmen
    to be on \edge nervös [o gereizt] sein
    her nerves are on \edge sie ist nervös
    to set [or put] sb's teeth on \edge jdm auf die Nerven gehen fam
    the \edge Überlegenheit f
    to have the \edge over sb jdm überlegen sein, jdm gegenüber im Vorteil sein
    \edge in expertise Know-How-Vorteil m
    to live on the \edge ein extremes [o exzentrisches] Leben führen
    II. vt
    to \edge one's way forward sich akk langsam vorwärtsbewegen
    to \edge one's hand near to sth seine Hand einer S. dat [langsam] nähern
    III. vi sich akk schieben
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (of knife, razor) Schneide f

    to take the edge off sth ( fig, sensation )etw der Wirkung (gen) berauben; pain etw lindern

    my nerves are on edgeich bin schrecklich nervös

    to have the edge on sb/sth — jdm/etw überlegen sein

    it gives her/it that extra edge — darin besteht eben der kleine Unterschied

    2) (= outer limit) Rand m; (of brick, cube) Kante f; (of lake, river) Ufer nt, Rand m; (of sea) Ufer nt; (of estates etc) Grenze f
    2. vt
    1) (= put a border on) besetzen, einfassen
    2) (= sharpen) tool, blade schärfen, schleifen, scharf machen

    to edge one's way toward(s) sth (slowly)sich allmählich auf etw (acc) zubewegen; (carefully) sich vorsichtig auf etw (acc) zubewegen

    3. vi
    sich schieben

    to edge away from sb/sth — sich allmählich immer weiter von jdm/etw entfernen

    he edged past meer drückte or schob sich an mir vorbei

    * * *
    edge [edʒ]
    A s
    1. a) Schneide f
    b) Schärfe f:
    the knife has no edge das Messer ist stumpf oder schneidet nicht;
    take ( oder blunt) the edge off eine Klinge stumpf machen, fig einer Sache die Spitze oder Schärfe oder Wirkung nehmen, etwas abschwächen oder entschärfen;
    put an edge on sth etwas schärfen oder schleifen;
    he had an edge to his voice, his voice had an edge to it seine Stimme klang nervös oder gereizt;
    give sb the (sharp) edge of one’s tongue umg jemanden zusammenstauchen
    2. fig Schärfe f, Spitze f:
    a) etwas verschärfen,
    b) etwas in Schwung bringen;
    not put too fine an edge (up)on it kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen
    3. Ecke f, scharfe Kante, (Berg)Grat m
    4. (äußerster) Rand, Saum m:
    on the edge of fig kurz vor (dat);
    be on the edge of despair fig am Rande der Verzweiflung sein;
    be on the edge of doing sth kurz davor stehen oder im Begriff sein, etwas zu tun
    5. Grenze f, Grenzlinie f
    6. Kante f, Schmalseite f:
    the edge of the table die Tischkante;
    set (up) on edge hochkant stellen;
    on edge fig nervös; gereizt;
    set sb’s teeth on edge
    a) jemanden nervös oder umg kribb(e)lig machen,
    b) jemandem durch Mark und Bein gehen;
    7. Schnitt m (eines Buchs): gilt-edge(d) 1
    8. umg Vorteil m:
    give sb an edge jemandem einen Vorteil verschaffen;
    have the edge on sb einen Vorteil gegenüber jemandem haben, jemandem über sein
    9. Eiskunstlauf: (Einwärts-, Auswärts) Bogen m
    B v/t
    1. schärfen, schleifen
    2. umsäumen, umranden, begrenzen, einfassen
    3. TECH
    a) beschneiden, abkanten
    b) Blech bördeln
    4. (langsam) schieben, rücken, drängen ( through durch):
    edge o.s. ( oder one’s way) into sich (hin)eindrängen in (akk)
    5. die Ski kanten
    6. SPORT knapp besiegen oder schlagen:
    edge sb into second place jemanden knapp auf den zweiten Platz verweisen
    C v/i sich schieben oder drängen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (of knife, razor, weapon) Schneide, die

    take the edge off something — etwas stumpf machen; (fig.) etwas abschwächen

    be on edge [about something] — [wegen etwas] nervös od. gereizt sein

    have the edge [on somebody/something] — (coll.) jemandem/einer Sache überlegen od. (ugs.) über sein

    2) (of solid, bed, brick, record, piece of cloth) Kante, die; (of dress) Saum, der

    edge of a table — Tischkante, die

    3) (boundary) (of sheet of paper, road, forest, desert, cliff) Rand, der; (of sea, lake, river) Ufer, das; (of estate) Grenze, die

    edge of the paper/road — Papier-/Straßenrand, der

    on the edge of something(fig.) am Rande einer Sache (Gen.)

    2. intransitive verb
    (move cautiously) sich schieben

    edge along somethingsich an etwas (Dat.) entlangschieben

    edge away from somebody/something — sich allmählich von jemandem/etwas entfernen

    3. transitive verb
    1) (furnish with border) säumen [Straße, Platz]; besetzen [Kleid, Hut]; einfassen [Garten, Straße]
    2) (push gradually) [langsam] schieben

    edge one's way through a crowd — sich [langsam] durch eine Menschenmenge schieben od. drängen

    * * *
    Ecke -n f.
    Grat -e m.
    Kante -n f.
    Rahmen - m.
    Rand ¨-er m.
    Saum Säume m.
    Schneide -n f.
    Schärfe -n f.
    Vorteil -e m.
    Zacke -n f. (on) v.
    antreiben v.
    drängen v.
    schieben v.
    (§ p.,pp.: schob, geschoben) v.
    einfassen v.
    schärfen v.
    säumen v.
    umsäumen v.

    English-german dictionary > edge

  • 26 HÖGGVA

    * * *
    (høgg; hjó, hjoggum or hjuggum; höggvinn and högginn), v.
    1) to strike, smite (with a sharp weapon);
    høggr sá, er hlífa skyldi, he strikes who ought to shield;
    höggva sverði (or með sverði), to strike with a sword;
    höggva e-n bana-högg, to give one his deathblow;
    2) to cut down, destroy (þeir hjoggu drekann mjök);
    3) to put to death, behead (suma lét hann hengja eða höggva);
    to kill, slaughter (höggva hest, búfé, kýr, naut);
    4) to fell trees (hann hefir höggvit í skógi mínum);
    5) to strike, bite (of a snake, boar);
    ormrinn hjó hann til bana, the snake struck him dead;
    6) with preps.:
    höggva e-t af, to hew or cut off (höggva af kampa ok skegg);
    höggva e-t af sér, to ward of;
    höggva eptir e-m, to cut at one, = höggva til e-s (hjá eptir honum með sverði);
    höggva í höfuð e-m, to give one a blow on the head;
    höggva e-t niðr, to cut down (var merki hans niðr höggvit);
    to kill, butcher (I. hefir áðr niðr höggvit brœðr sína tvá);
    höggva e-t ór, to cut out;
    fig. to make even, smooth (láta konung ok erkibisup ór höggva slíkar greinir);
    höggva e-t í sundr, to hew asunder;
    höggva til e-s, to strike (cut) at one, = höggva eptir e-m;
    höggva upp tré, to cut down a tree;
    höggva upp skip, to break a ship up;
    7) refl. to be cut, hacked (hjást skjöldr Helga);
    þótti honum nú taka mjök um at höggvast, things looked hard;
    recipr., to exchange blows, fight (þeir hjuggust nökkura stund).
    * * *
    also spelt heyggva, Sæm. (Kb.); pres. höggr, mod. also heggr; pl. höggum, mod. höggvum; pret. hjó, hjótt, hjó, mod. hjó, hjóst, hjó; pl. hjoggum and hjuggum, mod. only the latter form; a Norse pret. hjoggi = hjó, D. N. ii. 331; pret. subj. hjöggi and heyggi, mod. hjyggi; part. högginn, mod. but less correct, höggvinn, which also is freq. in the Editions; but in the MSS. usually abbreviated, högḡ, höggͭ, = högginn, höggit: [not recorded in Ulf.; A. S. heawan; Engl. hew, hack; Hel. hauwan; O. H. G. houwan; Germ. hauen; Dan. hugge; Swed. hugga]:—höggva denotes to strike with an edged tool, slá and drepa with a blunt one:
    1. to strike, smite with a sharp weapon; höggr sá er hlífa skyldi, he strikes who ought to shield, a saying: to deal blows with a weapon, hann görði ymist hjó eða lagði, Nj. 8; hann hjó títt ok hart, passim; höggva báðum höndum, 29; h. sverði, öxi, strike with, i. e. to brandish, a sword, axe, Fms. v. 168, Gs. 6; h. til e-s, to deal a blow to one, smite, Grág. ii. 7, Al. 78; h. e-n bana-högg, to smite with a deathblow, Eg. 220: to cut down, destroy, þeir hjuggu drekann mjök, Fms. vii. 249: to maim, ef maðr höggr hund eða björn til háðungar manni, Grág. ii. 121; h. rauf á hjálmi, Al. 78: the phrases, h. sik í lends manns rétt, Fms. ix. 399: spec. phrases, höggðú allra manna armastr, nú hjóttu Noreg ór hendi mér! Ek þóttumk nú Noreg í hönd þér höggva, Ó. H. 184.
    2. to put to death, behead, Fms. vii. 250, 251, xi. 148–152: to kill, högg þú hestinn, Nj. 92: to kill cattle, slaughter, h. bú, búfé, kýr, geitr, naut, Landn. 293, Eg. 532, Fms. vi. 95, xi. 123, Fb. i. 186: höggva strandhögg, Eg. 81.
    3. to fell trees; höggva skög, Grág. ii. 294; h. keyrivönd, id.: absol., hann hefir höggit í skógi mínum, Nj. 98, passim: to cut grass (rarely), ef maðr höggr hey á hlut annars manns, N. G. L. ii. 112; upp höggvit gras, cut grass, Dipl. iv. 9, Jm. 7, (else always slá of mowing.)
    4. to bite, of snakes (högg-ormr); Miðgarðsormr hjó hann til bana, Edda 155; naðran hjó fyrir flagbrjóskat, 76: of a wound from a boar’s tusk, ef svín höggr mann, Gþl. 190: the phrase, h. hest sporum, to prick a horse with the spur, Mag. 9.
    II. with prepp.; höggva af, to hew or cut off; h. af kampa ok skegg, to cut off the beard, K. Þ. K.; h. af lim, Sks. 555; to kill, slaughter, h. af fé, Ld. 64; höggva af sér, to parry off, Fms. v. 13:—h. niðr, to cut down, i. 38; to kill, butcher, vii. 261, Orkn. 120; hjuggu þeir niðr mungát sitt (by cutting casks to pieces), Fms. vii. 249:—h. upp, to cut down a tree, Greg. 48, Matth. iii. 10; h. upp skip, to break a ship up, Fms. iii. 228, ix. 381; h. upp hús, to break a house up, viii. 166:—h. ór, to cut out, metaph. to make even; vóru margar greinir þær er ór þurfti at h. milli biskups ok leikmanna, Bs. i. 751; láta konung ok erkibiskup ór h. ( smooth) sagðar greinir, 773.
    III. reflex. to be cut, hacked; hjósk skjöldr Helga, Dropl. 24.
    2. recipr. to exchange blows, fight; þeir hjuggusk nokkura stund, Háv. 56; þeir h. til í ákafa, Bret. 74.
    3. metaph., höggvask í mitt mál, to begin abruptly, in the middle of a sentence; taka heldr at upphafi til, en höggvask í mitt mál, Landn. 275, v. l.; ef enn höggsk nokkurr í ok mælir svá, cuts in, objects, Skálda 168: þótti honum nú taka mjök um at höggvask, things looked hard, Grett. 142; þótti honum hart um höggvask, Bs. i. 423.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÖGGVA

  • 27 blade

    1) (the cutting part of a knife etc: His penknife has several different blades.) hoja, filo
    2) (the flat part of a leaf etc: a blade of grass.) brizna
    3) (the flat part of an oar.) pala
    1. hoja / cuchilla
    2. pala
    3. brizna
    1 (of sword, knife, etc) hoja
    2 (of iceskate) cuchilla
    3 (of propeller, fan, oar, hoe) pala
    4 (of grass) brizna
    5 (of machine, guillotine) cuchilla
    blade ['bleɪd] n
    : hoja f (de un cuchillo), cuchilla f (de un patín), pala f (de un remo o una hélice), brizna f (de hierba)
    aleta s.f.
    cuchilla s.f.
    cuchilla eléctrica s.f.
    espada s.f.
    hoja s.f.
    mata s.f.
    pala s.f.
    paleta s.f.
    tallo s.m.
    1) (of knife, razor) hoja f
    2) ( of propeller) pala f, paleta f
    3) ( Bot) ( of grass) brizna f
    1) (=cutting edge) [of knife, tool] filo m ; (=flat part) [of weapon, razor etc] hoja f ; [of skate] cuchilla f
    2) [of propeller] paleta f ; [of oar] pala f ; (Aut) [of wiper] rasqueta f
    3) [of grass etc] brizna f
    4) (=gallant)

    (young) bladegalán m, joven m apuesto

    * * *
    1) (of knife, razor) hoja f
    2) ( of propeller) pala f, paleta f
    3) ( Bot) ( of grass) brizna f

    English-spanish dictionary > blade

  • 28 вооружение

    1) General subject: Armo, armament, armature, arming, arming (действие), armor, armour, commission, equipment, weapon, armament preparation
    3) Military: arming (процесс), arms, arms inventory, arms materiel, arsenal, combat power, firearms, inventory, munition, rigging, store, war outfit, weaponization (процесс), weaponizing, weaponry, weapons
    5) Automobile industry: fitting out
    6) Diplomatic term: hardware (тж. military hardening), military hardware
    7) Astronautics: armory
    8) Quality control: hardware
    11) Security: armaments
    12) Yachting: rig

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > вооружение

  • 29 knife

    1. plural - knives; noun
    1) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) cuchillo
    2) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) puñal

    2. verb
    (to stab with a knife: He knifed her in the back.) acuchillar, apuñalar
    knife n cuchillo / navaja
    noun (pl knives)
    1 (gen) cuchillo; (folding) navaja
    1 apuñalar, acuchillar
    to get one's knife into somebody ensañarse con alguien
    to go under the knife someterse a cirugía
    to twist the knife in the wound hurgar en las heridas
    you could cut the atmosphere with a knife el ambiente se podía cortar con un cuchillo
    knife and fork cubierto
    knife grinder afilador,-ra
    knife ['naɪf] vt, knifed ['naɪft] ; knifing : acuchillar, apuñalar
    knife n, pl knives ['naɪvz] : cuchillo m
    (§ pl.: knives) = cubierto s.m.
    cuchilla s.f.
    cuchillo s.m.
    navaja s.f.
    acuchillar v.

    I naɪf
    noun (pl knives) cuchillo m; ( penknife) navaja f, cortaplumas m or f; ( dagger) puñal m

    the knives are out for him/her — (BrE colloq) se la tienen jurada

    to get one's knife into somebody — (colloq) ensañarse con alguien, atacar* a alguien

    to turn o twist the knife (in the wound) — hurgar* en la herida

    under the knife — ( Med) en la mesa de operaciones

    you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife — se respiraba la tensión en el ambiente; (before n)

    knife fightpelea f con navajas (or cuchillos etc)

    transitive verb acuchillar
    (pl knives) (=table knife) cuchillo m; (=pocket knife) navaja f, cortaplumas m inv ; (=dagger) puñal m; (=flick knife) navaja f, chaveta f (LAm); (=blade) cuchilla f

    does he use a knife and fork yet? — ¿ha aprendido ya a usar los cubiertos?

    - get one's knife into sb
    - turn the knife in the wound
    - put or stick the knife in
    - like a
    VT (=stab) acuchillar, apuñalar

    knife crime(s) N (PL) — delitos mpl con arma blanca

    knife edge Nfilo m (de cuchillo)

    - be balanced on a knife edge

    knife grinder N(=person) afilador(a) m / f

    knife sharpener N(=tool) afilador m de cuchillos

    * * *

    I [naɪf]
    noun (pl knives) cuchillo m; ( penknife) navaja f, cortaplumas m or f; ( dagger) puñal m

    the knives are out for him/her — (BrE colloq) se la tienen jurada

    to get one's knife into somebody — (colloq) ensañarse con alguien, atacar* a alguien

    to turn o twist the knife (in the wound) — hurgar* en la herida

    under the knife — ( Med) en la mesa de operaciones

    you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife — se respiraba la tensión en el ambiente; (before n)

    knife fightpelea f con navajas (or cuchillos etc)

    transitive verb acuchillar

    English-spanish dictionary > knife

  • 30 blade

    1) (of sword, knife, dagger, razor, plane) Klinge, die; (of chisel, scissors, shears) Schneide, die; (of saw, oar, paddle, spade, propeller) Blatt, das; (of paddle wheel, turbine) Schaufel, die
    2) (of grass etc.) Spreite, die
    3) (sword) Schwert, das
    * * *
    1) (the cutting part of a knife etc: His penknife has several different blades.) die Klinge
    2) (the flat part of a leaf etc: a blade of grass.) das Blatt, der Halm
    3) (the flat part of an oar.) das Blatt
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (flat part) Klinge f
    \blade of grass Grashalm m
    \blade of an oar Ruderblatt nt
    \blade of a turbine Turbinenschaufel f, Turbinenblatt nt
    shoulder \blade Schulterblatt nt
    2. ( liter or dated: man) Draufgänger m
    a dashing young \blade ein verwegener junger Bursche veraltend
    II. vi SPORT ( fam) Inliners fahren fam, bladen fam, inlinen fam
    * * *
    1) (of knife, tool, weapon, razor) Klinge f; (of pencil sharpener) Messerchen nt; (of guillotine) Beil nt
    2) (of tongue) vorderer Zungenrücken; (of oar, spade, saw, windscreen wiper) Blatt nt; (of plough) Schar f; (of turbine, paddle wheel) Schaufel f; (of propeller) Blatt nt, Flügel m
    3) (of leaf) Blatt nt, Spreite f (spec); (of grass, corn) Halm m, Spreite f (spec)
    4) (liter: sword) Klinge f (liter)
    5) (old: dashing fellow) schmucker Bursch (old)
    = shoulder blade
    * * *
    blade [bleıd]
    A s
    1. BOT Blatt n, Spreite f (eines Blattes), Halm m:
    blade of grass Grashalm;
    in the blade auf dem Halm
    2. TECH Blatt n (einer Säge, Axt, Schaufel, eines Ruders)
    3. TECH
    a) Flügel m (eines Propellers)
    b) Schaufel f (eines Schiffsrades oder einer Turbine)
    4. TECH Klinge f (eines Degens, Messers etc)
    5. FOTO Blendenflügel m
    6. ELEK Messer(kontakt) n(m):
    blade switch Messerschalter m
    7. a) AGR Pflugschar f
    b) TECH Planierschild m (einer Planierraupe etc)
    8. ARCH Hauptdachbalken m
    9. MATH Schiene f
    10. poet Degen m, Klinge f
    11. poet Kämpfer m, Streiter m
    12. obs forscher Kerl
    13. LING Rücken m (der Zunge)
    B v/t
    1. mit einem Blatt oder einer Klinge etc versehen
    2. TECH Schutt etc mit einer Planierraupe (weg)räumen
    * * *
    1) (of sword, knife, dagger, razor, plane) Klinge, die; (of chisel, scissors, shears) Schneide, die; (of saw, oar, paddle, spade, propeller) Blatt, das; (of paddle wheel, turbine) Schaufel, die
    2) (of grass etc.) Spreite, die
    3) (sword) Schwert, das
    * * *
    Blatt ¨-er n.
    Klinge -n f.
    Schaufel -n f.

    English-german dictionary > blade

  • 31 Messer

    n; -s, -
    1. knife; Kampf bis aufs Messer fig. fight to the death ( oder finish); auf ( des) Messers Schneide stehen fig. be hanging in the balance, be on a knife edge; es steht auf Messers Schneide, ob... fig. it’s touch and go whether...; da geht einem doch das Messer in der Tasche oder Dial. im Sack auf umg., fig. it makes you see red; jemanden ans Messer liefern umg., fig. put s.o.’s head on the block; (verraten) blow the whistle on s.o.; ins offene Messer rennen umg., fig. fall straight into the trap; Kehle 1
    2. TECH. cutter; (Klinge) blade
    3. MED. scalpel, knife; unters Messer kommen come under the (surgeon’s) knife, have an operation
    * * *
    das Messer
    der Messer
    * * *
    Mẹs|ser ['mɛsɐ]
    nt -s, -
    knife; (TECH AUCH) cutter, blade; (= Rasiermesser) (cut-throat) razor

    jdm ein Messer in den Leib stoßen, jdm ein Messer in den Bauch jagen (inf)to stick a knife into sb

    unters Messer kommen (Med inf)to go under the knife

    jdn unters Messer nehmen (Med inf)to put sb under the knife

    jdm das Messer an die Kehle setzen (lit, fig)to hold a knife to sb's throat

    damit würden wir ihn ans Messer liefern (fig)that would be putting his head on the block

    jdn der Mafia ans Messer liefernto shop sb to the Mafia (Brit inf), to rat on sb to the Mafia (sl)

    ein Kampf/sich bekämpfen bis aufs Messer (fig) — a fight/to fight to the finish

    ihm ging das Messer in der Tasche auf (inf)he lost the place

    es steht auf des Messers Schneide, ob... — it's touch and go whether..., it's very much in the balance whether...

    * * *
    1) (an instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc: If you want to know how much electricity you have used you will have to look at the meter.) meter
    2) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) knife
    3) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) knife
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    nt knife
    mit \Messer und Gabel essen to eat with a knife and fork
    bis aufs \Messer to the bitter end
    unters \Messer kommen MED (fam) to go under the knife
    [jdm] ins [offene] \Messer laufen to play right into sb's hands, to walk straight into the trap
    jdn [jdm] ans \Messer liefern to betray [or fam tell on] [or BRIT sl shop] sb [to sb]
    auf \Messers Schneide stehen to hang in the balance, to be balanced on a knife-edge
    es steht auf \Messers Schneide, ob... it's touch and go whether...
    * * *
    das; Messers, Messer
    1) knife; (HackMesser) chopper; (RasierMesser) [cut-throat] razor

    jemandem das Messer an die Kehle setzen(fig. ugs.) hold somebody at gunpoint

    auf des Messers Schneide stehen(fig.) hang in the balance; be balanced on a knife-edge

    jemanden ans Messer liefern(fig. ugs.) inform on somebody

    bis aufs Messer(fig. ugs.) <fight etc.> to the bitter end

    jemandem ins [offene] Messer laufen — (fig. ugs.) play right into somebody's hands

    2) (ugs.): (Skalpell)
    * * *
    Messer n; -s, -
    1. knife;
    Kampf bis aufs Messer fig fight to the death ( oder finish);
    auf (des) Messers Schneide stehen fig be hanging in the balance, be on a knife edge;
    es steht auf Messers Schneide, ob … fig it’s touch and go whether …;
    im Sack auf umg, fig it makes you see red;
    jemanden ans Messer liefern umg, fig put sb’s head on the block; (verraten) blow the whistle on sb;
    ins offene Messer rennen umg, fig fall straight into the trap; Kehle 1
    2. TECH cutter; (Klinge) blade
    3. MED scalpel, knife;
    unters Messer kommen come under the (surgeon’s) knife, have an operation
    * * *
    das; Messers, Messer
    1) knife; (HackMesser) chopper; (RasierMesser) [cut-throat] razor

    jemandem das Messer an die Kehle setzen(fig. ugs.) hold somebody at gunpoint

    auf des Messers Schneide stehen(fig.) hang in the balance; be balanced on a knife-edge

    jemanden ans Messer liefern(fig. ugs.) inform on somebody

    bis aufs Messer(fig. ugs.) <fight etc.> to the bitter end

    jemandem ins [offene] Messer laufen — (fig. ugs.) play right into somebody's hands

    2) (ugs.): (Skalpell)
    * * *
    - m.
    analyser n. n.
    knife n.
    (§ pl.: knives)
    switchblade n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Messer

  • 32 Preisverantwortung

    price responsibility;
    Preisverband price combine;
    Preisverbilligung price reduction;
    Preisverderber cutting tradesman, price cutter, undercutter;
    Preisvereinbarung price[-fixing] agreement;
    vertikale Preisvereinbarung vertical price-fixing contract;
    Preisvereinbarung treffen to agree about a price;
    Preisverfall dip (deterioration, sharp fall) in prices, price collapse (decline);
    jäher Preisverfall steep fall;
    Preisvergleich comparing (comparison of) prices, price comparison;
    Preisvergleiche in den Läden anstellen to shop around (coll.);
    Preisverhalten price behavio(u)rism;
    Preisverhältnis price relationship;
    Preisverständigung price-fixing agreement;
    Preisverursacher price producer;
    Preisverzeichnis prices current, price (manufacturer’s, premium, trade) catalog(ue), statement (schedule) of prices, price list, (Restaurant) tariff (Br.);
    Preisverzerrung price distortion;
    Preisvorbehalt price reserve;
    Preisvorbehaltsklausel clause reserving price;
    Preisvorschlag expected (asking) price;
    Preisvorschriften price control (regulations, rules);
    Preisvorstellung price estimate;
    Preisvorteil price advantage;
    Preiswaffe price weapon;
    Preiswelle wave of increasing prices;
    Preiswende price turn.

    Business german-english dictionary > Preisverantwortung

  • 33 edge

    e‹ 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) (ut)kant, rand
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) egg, odd, bitt
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) brodd; skarphet
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) kante
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) rykke, lirke, skyve forsiktig
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge
    subst. \/edʒ\/
    1) (på kniv, våpen e.l.) egg, skarp kant
    2) (på ski, skøyter) kant, egg, skjær
    3) ( overført) skarphet, agg
    4) sultfornemmelse
    5) (ytter)kant, utkant
    6) bredd, rand
    7) ( boktrykking) snitt
    8) fordel
    be on the ragged edge of være på fallittens rand ha nervene på høykant, holde på miste selvbeherskelsen
    by a slight edge med svak margin
    do the inside\/outside edge ( på ski) svinge på innerskjæret\/ytterskjæret
    give an edge to something slipe egg på noe, skjerpe noe
    give somebody the edge of one's tongue snakke skarpt til noen, skjelle noen ut
    have an edge over somebody (amer., hverdagslig) ha overtaket på noen, ha en fordel fremfor noen, ha et lite forsprang på noen, være noen overlegen
    not to put too fine an edge upon it enkelt uttrykt, kort sagt
    on edge i helspenn, irritabel, nervøs
    on the edge of på nippet til å
    on the edge of one's seat ( overført) helt på tuppene, på randen av
    place\/put\/set on edge stille på høykant
    put an edge on\/to something slipe egg på noe, skjerpe noe
    set somebody's nerves on edge gå noen på nervene
    set somebody's teeth on edge gi noen frysninger, gi noen kuldegysninger
    take the edge off ( også overført) gjøre sløv ( om sult) døyve, stille ta brodden av (et argument)
    verb \/edʒ\/
    1) kante, sette kanter på
    2) slipe, sette egg på
    3) ( også overført) skjerpe, gi en skarp klang
    4) rykke fremover, lirke
    5) fortrenge (litt etter litt), skyve til siden
    skyve noen i bakgrunnen \/ trenge seg foran noen
    6) ake seg, skyve seg
    7) ( om ski) kante, sette på skrå
    edge away trekke (eller dra) seg vekk, liste (eller snike) (seg)
    edge off komme seg unna, lure seg unna
    edge one's way skubbe seg fremover, bane seg vei
    edge out ( sport) utmanøvrere, fortrenge ( sport) beseire, overvinne sno seg frem

    English-Norwegian dictionary > edge

  • 34 knife

    1. plural - knives; noun
    1) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) kniv
    2) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) kniv, dolk
    2. verb
    (to stab with a knife: He knifed her in the back.) dolke, stikke med kniv
    subst. (i flertall: knives) \/naɪf\/
    1) kniv
    2) ( i maskin) kniv, skjæreblad, skjærekniv
    before you can say knife før man vet ordet av det
    have a horror of the knife være redd operasjoner
    have one's knife into someone være ute etter noen, ha et horn i siden til noen
    play a good knife and fork ( gammeldags) spise godt, spise med god appetitt
    war to the knife krig på kniven
    verb \/naɪf\/
    1) knivstikke, stikke ned med kniv, skjære
    2) dolke i ryggen, falle i ryggen
    knife through something skjære seg gjennom noe

    English-Norwegian dictionary > knife

  • 35 गो _gō

    गो m. f. (Nom. गौः) [गच्छत्यनेन, गम् करणे डो Tv.]
    1 Cattle, kine (pl.)
    -2 Anything coming from a cow; such as milk, flesh, leather &c.
    -3 The stars; वि रश्मिभिः ससृजे सूर्यो गाः Rv.7.36.1.
    -4 The sky.
    -5 The thunder- bolt of Indra; Ki.8.1.
    -6 A ray of light; नान्यस्तप्ता विद्यते गोषु देव Mb.1.232.11; बालो$यं गिरिशिखरेषु चारयन् गाः त्रैलोक्यं तिमिरभरेण दुष्टमेतत् (रविः नैर्मल्यं नयति) । Rām. Ch. 7.6.
    -7 A diamond.
    -8 Heaven.
    -9 An arrow. -f.
    1 A cow; जुगोप गोरूपधरामिवोर्वीम् R.2.3; क्षीरिण्यः सन्तु गावः Mk.1.6.
    -2 The earth; दुदोह गां स यज्ञाय R.1.26; गामात्तसारां रघुरप्यवेक्ष्य 5.26;11.36; Bg.15.13; सेको$- नुगृह्णातु गाम् Mu.3.2; Me.3; cf. also the quotation for (
    -3 Speech, words; कुलानि समुपेतानि गोभिः पुरुषतो$- र्थतः Mb.5.28; रघोरुदारामपि गां निशम्य R.5.12;2.59; Ki.4.2.
    -4 The goddess of speech, Sarasvatī.
    -5 A mother.
    -6 A quarter of the compass.
    -7 Water; सायं भेजे दिशं पश्चाद्गविष्ठो गां गतस्तदा Bhāg.1.1.36; also pl.; Bhāg.11.7.5.
    -8 The eye; गोकर्णा सुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसंप्रेषिता Mb.8.9.42.
    -9 A region of the sky. -m. A bull, an ox; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P.1; Ms.4.72; cf. चरद्गव.
    -2 The hair of the body.
    -3 An organ of sense; अदान्तगोभिर्विशतां तमिस्रं पुनः पुनश्चर्वितचर्वणानाम् Bhāg..7.5.3.
    -4 The sign Taurus of the zodiac; Bṛi. S.49.
    -5 The sun.
    -6 The number 'nine' (in math.).
    -7 The moon.
    -8 A singer.
    -9 A billion.
    -1 A cow-sacrifice
    -11 A house; cf. गौर्वज्रं गौः प्रभा भूमिर्वाणी तोयं त्रिविष्टपम् । धेनुर्बस्तो वृषो दिग्गौर्नेत्रं लज्जा गुरू रमा ॥ इन्द्रियं श्रीरुमा... Enm.
    -Comp. -कण्टकः, -कम् 1 a road or spot trodden down by oxen and thus made im- passable.
    -2 the cow's hoof.
    -3 the print of a cow's hoof.
    -कर्ण a. having cow's ears.
    (-र्णः) 1 a cow's ear; गोकर्णसदृशौ कृत्वा करावाबद्धसारणौ Ks.6.57.
    -2 a mule.
    -3 a snake; Mb.8.9.42.
    -4 a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger); गोकर्णशिथिल- श्चरन् Mb.2.68.75; तालः स्मृतो मध्यमया गोकर्णश्चाप्यनामया Brahmāṇḍa P.
    -5 N. of a place of pilgrimage in the south, sacred to Śiva. श्रितगोकर्णनिकेतमीश्वरम् R.8.33.
    -6 a kind of deer.
    -7 a kind of arrow; Mb.8.9.42.
    -किराटा -किराटिका the Sārikā bird.
    -किलः, -कीलः 1 a plough
    -2 a pestle.
    -कुलम् 1 a herd of kine; वृष्टिव्याकुलगोकुलावनरसादुद्धृत्य गोवर्धनम् Gīt.4; गोकुलस्य तृषा- र्तस्य Mb.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -3 N. of a village (where Kṛiṣṇa was brought up).
    -कुलिक a.
    1 one who does not help a cow in the mud.
    -2 squint-eyed.
    -कुलोद्भवा an epithet of Durgā.
    -कृतम् cow-dung.
    -क्षीरम् cow's milk.
    -क्षुरम्, -रकम् a cow's hoof.
    -खरः a beast (पशु); यत्तीर्थबुद्धिः सलिले न कर्हिचिज्जनेष्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः Bhāg.1.84.13.
    -खा a nail.
    -गृष्टिः a young cow which has had only one calf.
    -गोयुगम् a pair of oxen.
    -गोष्ठम् a cow-pen, cattle-shed.
    -ग्रन्थिः 1 dried cowdung.
    -2 a cow-house.
    -ग्रहः capture of cattle (गवालम्भ); Mb.12.265.2.
    -ग्रासः the ceremony of offering a morsel (of grass) to a cow when performing an expiatory rite.
    -घातः, -घातकः, -घातिन् m. a cow-killer.
    -घृतम् 1 rain-water.
    -2 clarified butter coming from a cow.
    -घ्न a.
    1 destructive to cows.
    -2 one who has killed a cow.
    -3 one for whom a cow is killed, a guest.
    -चन्दनम् a kind of sandal-wood.
    -चर a.
    1 grazed over by cattle.
    -2 frequenting, dwelling, resorting to, haunting पितृसद्मगोचरः Ku.5.77.
    -3 within the scope, power, or range of; अवाङ्मनसगोचरम् R.1.15; so बुद्धि˚, दृष्टि˚, श्रवण˚ स्वगोचरे दीप्ततरा बभूव Bu. Ch.1.13.
    -4 moving on earth.
    -5 accessible to, attainable; त्याग- सूक्ष्मानुगः क्षेम्यः शौचगो ध्यागोचरः Mb.12.236.12.
    -6 circulating, having a particular meaning, prevalent.
    (-रः) 1 the range of cattle, pasturage; उपारताः पश्चिम- रात्रिगोचरात् Ki.4.1.
    -2 (a) a district, department, province, sphere. (b) an abode, dwelling-place, a place of resort; Śi.1.21; Ms.1.39.
    -3 range of the organs of sense, an object of sense; श्रवणगोचरे तिष्ठ be within ear-shot; नयनगोचरं या to become visible.
    -4 scope, range, in general; हर्तुर्याति न गोचरम् Bh.2.16.
    -5 (fig.) grip, hold, power, influence, control; कः कालस्य न गोचरा- न्तरगतः Pt.1.146; गोचरीभूतमक्ष्णोः U.6.26; Māl.5.24; अपि नाम मनागवतीर्णो$सि रतिरमणबाणगोचरम् Māl.1.
    -6 horizon.
    -7 field for action, scope; इन्द्रियाणि हयानाहुर्विषयांस्तेषु गोचरान् Kaṭh.3.4.
    -8 the range of the planets from the Lagna or from each other.
    ˚पीडा in- auspicious position of stars within the ecliptic; गोचर- पीडायामपि राशिर्बलिभिः शुभग्रहैर्दृष्टः (पीडां न करोति) Bṛi.S.41.13. (गोचरीकृ to place within the range (of sight), make current).
    -चर्मन् n.
    1 a cow's hide.
    -2 a particular measure of surface thus defined by Vasiṣṭha:-- दशहस्तेन वंशेन दशवंशान् समन्ततः । पञ्च चाभ्यधिकान् दद्यादेतद्गोचर्म चोच्यते ॥ ˚वसनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -चर्या seeking food like a cow; गोचर्यां नैगमश्चरेत् Bhāg.11.18.29.
    -चारकः cowherd.
    -चरणम् the tending or feeding of cows; Bhāg.1.38.8.
    - a.
    1 born in the earth (rice &c.).
    -2 produced by milk; अब्जा गोजा...... Kaṭh.5.2.
    -जरः an old ox or bull; नाद्रियन्ते यथापूर्वं कीनाशा इव गोजरम् Bhāg.3.3.13.
    -जलम् the urine of a bull or cow.
    -जागरिकम् auspi- ciousness, happiness. (
    -कः) a preparer of food, baker.
    -जात a. born in the heaven (gods); गोजाता अप्या मृळता च देवाः Rv.6.5.11.
    -जिह्वा N. of a plant (Mar. पाथरी).
    -जिह्विका the uvula.
    -जीव a. living on cattle (milk- man); Hch.1.7.
    -तल्लजः an excellent bull or cow.
    -तीर्थम् a cowhouse.
    -त्रम् [गां भूमिं त्रायते त्रै-क]
    1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a stable in general.
    -3 a family, race, lineage; गोत्रेण माठरो$स्मि Sk.; so कौशिकगोत्राः, वसिष्ठगोत्राः &c.; Ms.3.19,9.141.
    -4 a name, appellation; जगाद गोत्र- स्खलिते च का न तम् N.1.3; Ś.6.5; see ˚स्खलित below; मद्गोत्राङ्कं विरचितपदं गेयमुद्गातुकामा Me.88.
    -5 a multitude.
    -6 increase.
    -7 a forest.
    -8 a field.
    -9 a road.
    -1 possessions, wealth.
    -11 an umbrella, a parasol.
    -12 knowledge of futurity.
    -13 a genus, class, species.
    -14 a caste, tribe, caste according to families. (
    -त्रः) a mountain; 'गोत्रं नाम्नि कुले$प्यद्रौ' इति यादवः; Śi.9.8. Hence गोत्रोद्दलनः means Indra; cf. इन्द्रे तु गोत्रोद्दलनः कुलघ्ने गिरिदारणे Nm.
    (-त्रा) 1 a multitude of cows.
    -2 the earth.
    ˚उच्चारः recitation of family pedigree.
    ˚कर्तृ, -कारिन् m. the founder of a family.
    ˚कीला the earth.
    ˚ज a. born in the same family, gentile, a relation; Bhāg.3.7.24; Y.2.135.
    ˚पटः a genealogical table, pedigree.
    ˚प्रवरः the oldest member or founder of a family.
    -भिद् m. an epithet of Indra; हृदि क्षतो गोत्रभिदप्यमर्षणः R.3.53;6.73; Ku.2.52.
    ˚स्खलनम्, ˚स्खलितम् blundering or mistaking in calling (one) by his name, calling by a wrong name; स्मरसि स्मर मेखलागुणैरुत गौत्रस्खलितेषु बन्धनम् Ku.4.8.
    - a. giving cows; Ms.4.231. (
    -दः) brain. (
    -दा) N. of the river Godāvarī.
    -दत्र a. Ved. giving cows. (
    -त्रः) an epithet of Indra. (
    -त्रम्) a crown (pro- tecting the head).
    -दन्त a. armed with a coat of mail.
    (-तम्) 1 yellow orpiment.
    -2 a white fossil substance.
    -दानम् 1 the gift of a cow.
    -2 the ceremony of tonsure or cutting the hair; रामलक्ष्मणयो राजन् गोदानं कारयस्व ह Rām.1.71.23; अथास्य गोदानविधेरनन्तरम् R.3. 33; (see Mallinātha's explanation of the word); कृत- गोदानमङ्गलाः U.1; अतोनं गोदानं दारकर्म च Kau. A.1.5; (Rām. explains the word differently).
    -3 the part of the head close to the right ear.
    -दाय a. intending to give cows.
    -दारणम् 1 a plough.
    -2 a spade, hoe.
    -दा, -दावरी N. of a river in the south.
    -दुह् m.,
    -दुहः 'cow-milker', a cowherd; सुदुघामिव गोदुहे R.1.4.1; चिरं निदध्यौ दुहतः स गोदुहः Śi.
    -दोहः 1 the milking of cows.
    -2 the milk of cows.
    -3 the time of milking cows.
    -दोहनम् 1 the time of milking cows.
    -2 the milking of cows; न लक्ष्यते ह्यवस्थानमपि गोदोहनं क्वचित् Bhāg.1.19. 4.
    -दोहनी a milk-pail.
    -द्रवः the urine of a bull or cow.
    -धनम् 1 a herd or multitude of cows, cattle.
    -2 possession of cows. (
    -नः) a broad-pointed arrow.
    -धरः a mountain.
    -धर्मः the law of cattle, rules relating to cattle; (open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes); गोधर्मं सौरभेयाच्च सो$धीत्य निखिलं मुनिः । प्रावर्तत तदा कर्तुं श्रद्धावांस्तमशङ्कया ॥ Mb.1.14.26.
    -धुमः, -धूमः 1 wheat; Bṛi. Up.6.3.13.
    -2 the orange. ˚चूर्णम् wheat flour;
    -सम्भवम् a sour paste.
    -धूलिः 'dust of the cows', the time of sunset or evening twilight (so called be- cause cows, which generally return home at about sunset, raise up clouds of dust by their treading on the earth).
    -धेनुः a milch-cow with a calf.
    -भ्रः a mountain.
    -नन्दा an epithet of the wife of Śiva.
    -नन्दी the female of the Sārasa bird.
    -नर्दः 1 the (Indian) crane.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva (bellowing like a bull).
    -3 N. of a country.
    -नर्दीयः an epithet of Patañjali, author of the Mahābhāṣya.
    -नसः, -नासः 1 a kind of snake.
    -2 a kind of gem.
    -नसा the mouth of a cow.
    -नाथः 1 a bull.
    -2 an owner of land.
    -3 a herdsman.
    -4 an owner of kine.
    -नायः a cowherd; तद्यथा गोनायो$श्वनायः पुरुषनाय इत्येवं तदप आचक्षते$शनायेति Ch. Up.6.8.3.
    -नाशनः a wolf.
    -नासा the projecting snout of a cow or ox.
    -नासम् a kind of gem.
    -निष्यन्दः cow's urine.
    -पः 1 a cowherd (considered as belonging to a mixed tribe); गोपवेशस्य विष्णोः Me.15.
    -2 the chief of a cowpen.
    -3 the superintendent of a village.
    -4 a king.
    -5 a protector, guardian; Rv.1.61.1.
    ˚अनसी the wood of a thatch; गोपानसीषु क्षणमास्थितानाम् Śi.3.49.
    ˚अष्टमी the eighth day of the bright fortnight of Kārttika when Kṛiṣṇa is said to have worn the dress of a cowherd.
    ˚आटविका a cowherd.
    ˚कन्या 1 the daughter of a cowherd.
    -2 a nymph of Vṛindāvana.
    ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः the chief of herdsmen, an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    ˚चापः the rainbow.
    ˚दलः the betel-nut tree.
    ˚भद्रम् the fibrous root of a water-lily.
    ˚रसः gum myrrh.
    ˚राष्ट्राः (pl.) N. of a people. ˚वधूः f. a cowherd's wife; Bhāg.1.9.4. ˚वधूटी a young cowherdess, a young wife of a cowherd; गोपवधूटीदुकूलचौराय Bhāṣā P.1.
    (-पकः) 1 the superin- tendent of a district.
    -2 myrrh.
    (-पिका) 1 a cowher- dess; Bhāg.1.9.14-15.
    -2 protectress. (
    -पी) a cowherd's wife (especially applied to the cowherdesses of Vṛindāvana, the companions of Kṛiṣṇa in his juvenile sports).
    -2 a milk-maid.
    -3 a protectress.
    -4 Nature, elementary nature.
    -पतिः 1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a bull.
    -3 a leader, chief.
    -4 the sun; नीहारमिव गोपतिः Bhāg.1.12.1; Mb.1.173.32.
    -5 Indra; सुराङ्गना गोपतिचापगोपुरं पुरम् (जहुः) Ki.8.1.
    -6 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -7 N. of Śiva.
    -8 N. of Varuṇa; एष पुत्रो महाप्रज्ञो वरुणस्येह गोपतेः Mb.5.98.11.
    -9 a king; नासतो विद्यते राजन् स ह्यरण्येषु गोपतिः Mb.12.135.26.
    -पथः N. of a Brāhmaṇa of Av.
    -पर्वतम् the name of the place where Pāṇini is said to have performed penance and propitiated Śiva; गोपर्वतमिति स्थानं शम्भोः प्रख्यापितं मया । यत्र पाणिनिना लेभे वैयाकरणिकाग्ऱ्यता ॥ अरुणाचलमाहात्म्यम्- उत्तरार्धः 2 अ. 68 श्लो.
    -पशुः a sacrificial cow.
    -पाः m. Ved.
    1 a herdsman.
    -2 protector, or guardian; मन्द्राग्रे- त्वरी भुवनस्य गोपा Av.2.1.57.
    -पानसी a curved beam which supports a thatch; गोपानसी तु वलभिच्छादने वक्रदारुणि Ak.2.2.15.
    -पालः 1 a cowherd; Ms.4.253.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -4 an epithet of Kṛ&iṣṇa. ˚धानी a cow-pen, cow-shed.
    -पालकः 1 a cowherd.
    -2 a king.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva; also of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -पालिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पालिका, -पाली the wife of a cowherd; पार्थः प्रस्थापयामास कृत्वा गोपालिकावपुः Mb.1.221.19.
    -पालितः N. of a lexicographer.
    -पित्तम् bile of cows, ox-bile (from which the yellow pigment गोरोचना is prepared; गोपित्ततो रोचना Pt.1.94.).
    -पीतः a species of wagtail.
    -पीथः protection; अस्माकमृषीणां गोपीथे न उरुष्यतम् Rv.5.65.6. (
    -थम्) a holy place, a place of pilgrimage.
    -पुच्छम् a cow's tail.
    -2 a particular point of an arrow.
    (-च्छः) 1 a sort of monkey; Bhāg.8.2.22.
    -2 a sort of necklace consisting of two or four or thirty-four strings.
    -3 a kind of drum.
    -पुटिकम् the head of Śiva's bull.
    -पुत्रः 1 a young bull.
    -2 an epithet of Karṇa.
    -पुरम् 1 a town-gate; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुरम् Māl.9.1.
    -2 a principal gate; दधतमुच्चशिलान्तरगोपुराः Ki.5.5.
    -3 the ornamental gate- way of a temple.
    -पुरीषम् cowdung.
    -प्रकाण्डम् an ex- cellent cow or bull.
    -प्रचारः pasture-ground, pasturage for cattle; ग्राम्येच्छया गोप्रचारो भूमी राजवशेन वा Y.2.166.
    -प्रत (ता) रः 1 a ford for cattle.
    -2 a place of pilgrimage on the Śarayū; यद्गोप्रतरकल्पो$भूत्संमर्दस्तत्र मज्जताम् । अतस्तदाख्यया तीर्थं पावनं भुवि पप्रथे ॥ R.15.11.
    -प्रदानम् same as गोदान.
    -प्रवेशः the time when cows return home, sunset or evening-twilight; गोप्रवेशसमये Bṛi. S.24.35.
    -फणा 1 a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the chin or nose &c.
    -2 a sling.
    -बालः the hair of cows.
    -भुज् m. a king; गोभुजां वल्लभा लक्ष्मीः Rāj. T.5.6.
    -भृत् m.
    1 a mountain.
    -2 a king.
    -मक्षिका a gadfly.
    -मघ a. granting cattle or cows कदा गोमघा हवनानि गच्छाः Rv.6.35.3.
    -मंडलम् 1 the globe.
    -2 a multitude of cows.
    -मण़्डीरः a kind of an aquatic bird; L. D. B.
    -मतम् = गव्यूति q. v.
    -मतल्लिका a tract- able cow, an excellent cow; अरिर्मधोरैक्षत गोमतल्लिकाम् Śi.12.41.
    -मथः a cowherd.
    -मध्यमध्य a. slender in the waist.
    -महिषदा N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on कार्तिकेय.
    -मांसम् beef.
    -मायु 1 a kind of frog.
    -2 a jackal; अनुहंकुरुते घनध्वनिं न हि गोमायुरुतानि केसरी Śi.16. 25.
    -3 bile of a cow.
    -4 N. of a Gandharva.
    -मीनः a kind of fish.
    -मुखः, -मुखम् [गोर्मुखमिव मुखमस्य] a kind of musical instrument; Bg.1.13; गोमुखानां च शृङ्गाणाम- नीकद्वयवर्तिनाम् Śiva. B.24.55.
    (-खः) 1 a crocodile, shark.
    -2 a hole of a particular shape in a wall made by thieves.
    (-खम्) 1 a house built unevenly.
    -2 spreading unguents, smearing; 'गोमुखं कुटिलाकारे वाद्यभाण्डे विलेपने' इति विश्वः; यस्यामलिन्देषु न चक्रुरेव मुग्धाङ्गना गोमयगो- मुखानि Śi.3.48. (
    -खम्, -खी) a cloth-bag of the shape of a gnomon containing a rosary, the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside.
    -2 a house built unevenly.
    -3 a particular method of sitting (a योगासन) (
    -खी) the chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows.
    -मूढ a. stupid as a bull.
    -मूत्रम् cow's urine.
    -मूत्रकः a variety of lapis lazuli (बैदूर्य); Kau. A.2.11.
    -कम् a particular attitude (मण्डल) in गदायुद्ध; दक्षिणं मण्डलं सव्यं गोमूत्रकमथापि च । व्यचर- त्पाण्डवो राजन्नरिं संमोहयन्निव ॥ Mb.9.58.23. -a. zigzagging, going unevenly.
    -मूत्रिका 1 an artificial verse, the second of which repeats nearly all the syllables of the first. (Malli. thus defines it:-- वर्णानामेकरूपत्वं यद्येकान्तरमर्धयोः गोमूत्रिकेति तत्प्राहुर्दुष्करं तद्विदो विदुः ॥ see Śi.19.46.)
    -2 a form of calculation.
    -मृगः a kind of ox (गवय).
    -मेदः a gem brought from the Himālaya and Indus, des- cribed as of four different colours:-- white, pale-yellow, red, and dark-blue.
    -मेदकः 1 see गोमेद.
    -2 a kind of poison (काकोल).
    -3 smearing the body with unguents.
    -मेधः, -यज्ञः a cow-sacrifice; Rām.7.25.8.
    -यानम्, -रथः a carriage drawn by oxen; Rām.2.82.26; Ms. 11.174.
    -युक्त a. drawn by oxen.
    -युतम् 1 a cattle station.
    -2 a measure of two Krośas (गव्यूत); गोयुते गोयुते चैव न्यवसत्पुरुषर्षभः Mb.14.65.22.
    -रक्षः 1 a cow- herd.
    -2 keeping or tending cattle.
    -3 the orange.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva. ˚जम्बू f. wheat.
    -रक्षणम् tending cattle (with religious faith).
    -रङ्कुः 1 a water-fowl
    -2 a prisoner.
    -3 a naked man, a mendicant wandering about without clothes.
    -4 a chanter.
    -रवम् saffron.
    -रसः cow's milk.
    -2 curds.
    -3 buttermilk.
    -4 the flavour of a sentence; को रसो गोरसं विना Udb. ˚जम् buttermilk.
    -राजः an excellent bull.
    -राटिका, -राटी the Sārikā bird.
    -रुतम् a measure of dis- tance equal to two Krośas.
    -रूपम् the form of a cow. (
    -पः) N. of Śiva.
    -रोचम् yellow orpiment.
    -रोचना a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a cow, or found in the head of a cow.
    -लवणम् a measure of salt given to a cow.
    -लाङ्गु- (गू) लः a kind of monkey with a dark body, red cheeks and a tail like that of a cow; गोलाङ्गूलः कपोलं छुरयति रजसा कौसुमेन प्रियायाः Māl.9.3.
    -लोकः a part of heaven, cow-world.
    -लोभिका, -लोभी 1 a prostitute.
    -2 white Dūrvā grass.
    -3 Zedoary.
    -4 N. of a shrub.
    -वत्सः a calf. ˚आदिन m. a wolf.
    -वधः the killing of a cow; Ms.11.59.
    -वर्धनः a celebrated hill in वृन्दावन the country about Mathurā. ('This hill was lifted up and supported by Kṛiṣṇa upon one finger for seven days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Kṛiṣṇa's divinity.') ˚धरः, ˚धरिन् m. an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -वरम् pounded cowdung.
    -वशा a barren cow.
    -वाटम्, -वासः a cow-pen.
    -वासन a. covered with an ox-hide.
    -विकर्तः, -विकर्तृ m.
    1 the killer of a cow; Mb.4.2.9.
    -2 a hus- bandman.
    -विततः a horse-sacrifice having many cows.
    -विन्दः 1 a cowkeeper, a chief herdsman.
    -2 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -3 Bṛihaspati. ˚द्वादशी the twelfth day in the light half of the month of फाल्गुन
    -विष् f.,
    -विष्ठा cowdung.
    -विषाणिकः a kind of musical instrument; Mb.6.44.4.
    -विसर्गः day-break (when cows are let loose to graze in forests); Rām.7.111.9.
    -वीथिः f. N. of that portion of the moon's path which contains the asterisms भाद्रपदा, रेवती and अश्विनी, or according to some, हस्त, चित्रा and स्वाती Bṛi. S.9.2.
    -वीर्यम् the price received for milk.
    -वृन्दम् a drove of cattle.
    -वृन्दारकः an excellent bull or cow.
    -वृषः, -वृषभः an excellent bull; न तां शेकुर्नृपा वोढुमजित्वा सप्त गोवृषान् Bhāg 1.58.33. ˚ध्वजः an epithet of Śiva.
    -वैद्यः a quack docter.
    -व्रजः 1 a cow-pen.
    -2 a herd of cows.
    -3 a place where cattle graze.
    -व्रत, -व्रतिन् a. one who imitates a cow in fru- gality;...अत्र गोव्रतिनो विप्राः... ॥ यत्रपत्रशयो नित्यं येन केन- चिदाशितः । येन केनचिदाच्छन्नः स गोव्रत इहोच्यते ॥ Mb.5.99. 13-14.
    -शकृत् n. cowdung; Ms.2.182.
    -शतम् a present of a hundred cows to a Brāhmaṇa.
    -शालम्, -ला a cow-stall.
    -शीर्षः, -र्षम् a kind of sandal; Kau. A.2.11.
    -2 a kind of weapon (arrow ?); Mb.7.178. 23.
    -षड्गवम् three pairs of kine.
    -षन्, -षा a. Ved. acquiring or bestowing cows.
    -षा (सा) तिः 1 acquiring cattle; or fighting for cattle. गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः Rv.8.84.7.
    -2 giving cattle.
    -ष्टोमः a kind of sacri- fice fasting for one day.
    -संख्यः a cowherd.
    -सदृक्षः a species of ox (गवय).
    -सर्गः the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-break; see गोविसर्ग.
    -सवः a kind of cow-sacrifice (not performed in the Kali age); Mb.3.3.17.
    -सहस्रम् a kind of present (महादान). (
    -स्त्री) N. of two holidays on the fifteenth day of the dark half of कार्तिक and ज्येष्ठ.
    -सावित्री N. of a hymn (cf. गायत्री).
    -सूत्रिका a rope fastened at both ends having separate halters for each ox or cow.
    -स्तनः 1 the udder of a cow.
    -2 a cluster of blossoms, nosegay &c.
    -3 a pearl-necklace of four strings.
    -4 a kind of fort.
    -स्तना, -नी a bunch of grapes.
    -स्थानम्, -क्रम् a cow-pen.
    -स्वामिन् m.
    1 an owner of cows.
    -2 a religious mendicant.
    -3 an honorary title affixed to proper names; (e. g. वोपदेवगोस्वामिन्).
    -हत्या cow-slaughter.
    -हल्लम् (sometimes written हन्नम्) cow-dung.
    -हरः, -हरणम् stealing of cows; गोष्ठमुत्किरति गोहरं वदेत् Bṛi. S.89.9. (v. l.)
    -हित a. cherishing or protecting kine. (
    -तः) N. of Viṣṇu.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > गो _gō

  • 36 दलः _dalḥ _लम् _lam

    दलः लम् [दल्-अच्]
    1 (a) A piece, portion, part, fragment; वापीष्वन्तर्लीनमहानीलदलासु Śi.4.44. (b) A piece torn or split off. (c) Tearing, cutting.
    -2 A degree.
    -3 A half, the half.
    -4 A sheath, scabbard.
    -5 A small shoot or blade, a petal, leaf; ताम्बूलीनां दलैस्तत्र रचितापानभूमयः R.4.42; Ś.3.2,21.
    -6 The blade of any weapon.
    -7 A clump, heap, quantity.
    -8 A detachment, a body of troops.
    -9 Alloy or adultera- tion.
    -Comp. -आढकः 1 foam.
    -2 a cuttle-fish bone.
    -3 a ditch, moat.
    -4 a hurricane, high wind.
    -5 red chalk.
    -6 wild sesamum.
    -7 the Kunda creeper.
    -8 a Sūdra.
    -9 the headman of a village.
    -1 an elephant's ear.
    -आढ्यम् mud on the banks of a river.
    - उदर a. having a tapering (leaf-like) belly; पूररेचकसंविग्नवलि- वल्गुदलोदरम् Bhāg.4.24.51.
    -कपाटः a folded leaf.
    -कोमलम् a lotus.
    -कोषः the Kunda creeper.
    -निर्मोकः the Bhūrja tree.
    -पुष्पा the Ketaka plant.
    -सूचिः, -ची f. a thorn.
    -स्नसा the fibre or vein of a leaf.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > दलः _dalḥ _लम् _lam

  • 37 punta

    punta sustantivo femenino 1
    a) (de lengua, dedos) tip;
    ( de nariz) end, tip; ( de pan) end; ( de pincel) tip;
    vivo en la otra punta de la ciudad I live on the other side o at the other end of town;
    con la punta del pie with the print of one's foot; la punta del iceberg the tip of the iceberg; tener algo en la punta de la lengua to have sth on the tip of one's tongue
    puntas sustantivo femenino plural ( del pelo) ends (pl)
    a) (de aguja, clavo, cuchillo, lápiz) point;
    (de flecha, lanza) tip; sácale punta al lápiz sharpen the pencil; de punta point first; en punta pointed; por un extremo acaba en punta it's pointed at one end
    a punta de (AmL fam): a punta de repetírselo mil veces by telling him it a thousand times;
    a punta de palos lo hicieron obedecer they beat him until he did as he was told 3 ( de pañuelo) corner ■ adjetivo invariable:
    I adjetivo hora punta, peak o rush hour
    tecnología punta, high technology, familiar high-tech
    velocidad punta, top o maximum speed
    II sustantivo femenino
    1 (extremo puntiagudo) point: la punta del cuchillo, the tip of the knife (extremo) end, tip
    punta del dedo, fingertip
    punta del pie, toetip
    2 (de un sitio) trabaja en la otra punta del país, he works at the other side of the country
    3 (del pelo) puntas, ends pl
    4 Dep jugar en punta, to play as a forward or striker LOC ir/ponerse de punta en blanco, to be/get all dressed up
    sacar punta, (a un objeto) to sharpen, (a un comentario, suceso) to twist
    tener algo en la punta de la lengua, to have sthg on the tip of one's tongue
    a punta de pistola, at gunpoint
    de punta a punta, from end to end ' punta' also found in these entries: Spanish: ápice - clavo - despuntar - iceberg - lanza - pelo - rotulador - tecnología - terminar - afinar - agudo - cesta - cortar - embotado - en - erizado - fino - hora - nervio - pistola - puntiagudo - puntilla - torre English: cutting-edge - edge - end - gunpoint - hair - headland - high-tech - mad - nail - nerve - nine - peak hours - point - prong - rush-hour - scary - sharpen - spike - spiky - stick up - taper - tip - weapon - bristle - corner - edgy - gun - hang - head - off - pointed - rat - rush - sharp - stand - stick

    English-spanish dictionary > punta

  • 38 edge

    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) barmur, rönd, brún
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) egg; bit
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) snarpleikur; skerpa; sárasta hungur
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) brydda; afmarka
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) mjaka
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge

    English-Icelandic dictionary > edge

  • 39 knife

    1. plural - knives; noun
    1) (an instrument for cutting: He carved the meat with a large knife.) hnífur
    2) (such an instrument used as a weapon: She stabbed him with a knife.) hnífur
    2. verb
    (to stab with a knife: He knifed her in the back.) stinga með hnífi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > knife

  • 40 edge

    falszegély, perem, könyv éle, káva, margó, karima to edge: élesít
    * * *
    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) szél, szegély
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) él
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) élesség
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) szegélyez
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) közelebb húz
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge

    English-Hungarian dictionary > edge

См. также в других словарях:

  • weapon — Synonyms and related words: A weapons, armament, arms, biological weapons, conventional weapons, cutting edge, deadly weapons, edge, edge tool, featheredge, instruments of destruction, knife edge, missilery, munitions, musketry, nuclear weapons,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Pole weapon — A selection of polearms, mostly halberds A pole weapon or polearm is a close combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is placed on the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the user s effective range. Spears …   Wikipedia

  • Kama (weapon) — (empty hand).The Kama is a formidable weapon, traditionally used in pairs, though in agricultural use it would be used one handed, whilst the other hand grasped the stalks for cutting. Agricultural use of the Kama can be seen in Kurosawa s Seven… …   Wikipedia

  • Foam weapon — A foam weapon, (also known as a boffer or latex weapon ), is a padded weapon used for simulated combat. Such weapons are typically used in live action role playing games. TerminologyIn the United States the term boffer is used for all foam… …   Wikipedia

  • Plasma cutting — This article is about the common manufacturing process. For various fictional weapons, see plasma rifle and directed energy weapon. Plasma cutting is a process that is used to cut steel and other metals (or sometimes other materials) using a… …   Wikipedia

  • Melee weapon — A melee weapon (from French mêlée, mixed, referring to groups of fighters interlocked in close combat) is any weapon that does not involve a projectile that is, both the user and target of the weapon are in contact with it simultaneously in… …   Wikipedia

  • Toy weapon — Toy weapons are toys that mimic real weapons, but are designed to be fun for children to play with and less dangerous.Types of toy weaponsSome are essentially similar to the real thing, but less powerful. Weapons for cutting and stabbing have… …   Wikipedia

  • CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon — Developed and produced by Textron Defense Systems, the CBU 97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a United States Air Force 1,000 pound class (450 kg) non guided (freefall) cluster bomb, hence the name CBU (Cluster Bomb Unit).OverviewThe CBU 97 consists of an …   Wikipedia

  • Bill (weapon) — The bill was a polearm used by infantry in Europe in the Viking Age by Vikings and Anglo Saxons as well as in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. It was a national weapon of the English, but was also common elsewhere, especially in Italy. Derived …   Wikipedia

  • Messer (weapon) — Messel (German for knife , also großes Messer great knife , Hiebmesser cutting knife , Kriegsmesser war knife , etc.) during the German Late Middle Ages and Renaissance (14th to 16th centuries) was a term for the class of single edged bladed …   Wikipedia

  • Fencing — This article is about the sport, which is distinguished from stage fencing, academic fencing (mensur), historical fencing, SCA fencing, and swordsmanship. For the boundary structure, see Fence. For other uses, see Fencing (disambiguation).… …   Wikipedia

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