Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 come to light

    (to be discovered: The theft only came to light when the owners returned from holiday.) descobrir-se

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come to light

  • 2 come to light

    (to be discovered: The theft only came to light when the owners returned from holiday.) ser descoberto, revelar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > come to light

  • 3 to come to light

    to come to light
    tornar-se conhecido.
    to come to light
    vir à luz, ser descoberto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to come to light

  • 4 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) luz
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) luz
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) lume
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) luz
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) claro
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) claro
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) iluminar
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) acender-se
    - lighting
    - lighthouse
    - light-year
    - bring to light
    - come to light
    - in the light of
    - light up
    - see the light
    - set light to
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) leve
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) leve
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) ligeiro
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) leve
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) leve
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ágil
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ligeiro
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) leve
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) arenoso
    - light-headed
    - light-hearted
    - lightweight
    - get off lightly
    - make light of
    - travel light
    III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.)
    * * *
    [lait] n 1 luz, claridade, iluminação, brilho. 2 fonte de luz (lâmpada, vela, etc.). 3 janela. 4 clarabóia. 5 alvorada, clarear do dia, luz diurna. 6 fig exposição, conhecimento público. 7 compreensão, esclarecimento, conhecimento. 8 iluminação espiritual, luz interior, verdade. 9 aspecto, ponto de vista. 10 sinal de trânsito, farol. 11 fig luminar, sumidade. 12 algo usado para acender (acendedor, fósforo, isqueiro, fogo). 13 inspiração. • vt+vi (ps and pp lit or lighted) 1 iluminar, acender, brilhar. 2 inflamar. 3 iluminar-se, acender-se. 4 clarear. • adj brilhante, claro, luminoso. according to my lights a meu ver, no meu entender. against the light contra a luz. between the lights a) à meia-luz. b) no crepúsculo. fast to light que não desbota pela ação da luz, resistente à luz. in a good (bad) light de modo favorável (desfavorável). in the light of à luz de, considerando. men of light and leading homens de saber e influência. to bring to light descobrir, elucidar. to come to light tornar-se conhecido. to light out sair apressadamente, fugir. to see the light a) nascer. b) passar a existir, tornar-se público. c) compreender, entender. to shed light explicar, elucidar. to stand in one’s own light frustrar os próprios planos ou desejos.
    [lait] adj 1 leve. 2 fácil, simples. 3 ligeiro, rápido, ágil. 4 Phon átono. 5 alegre, jocoso. 6 trivial, de pouca importância. 7 frívolo, leviano. 8 claro. 9 fraco (bebidas). 10 suave, brando. 11 poroso, friável. 12 tonto, amalucado, delirante. • adv 1 levemente. 2 facilmente. a light heart despreocupação, sensação de alegria. light as a feather leve como uma pluma. light come, light go fácil vem, fácil vai. light in the head a) tonto. b) bobo. c) louco. to have light fingers ter dedos leves, ter tendência a furtar. to make light of fazer pouco de, não levar a sério.
    [lait] vt+vi 1 aliviar. 2 desmontar, apear(-se). 3 descer, pousar. 4 encontrar por acaso. 5 golpear, atacar (com into).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > light

  • 5 come

    1. past tense - came; verb
    1) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) vir
    2) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) chegar
    3) (to happen or be situated: The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.) vir
    4) ((often with to) to happen (by accident): How did you come to break your leg?) acontecer
    5) (to arrive at (a certain state etc): What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.) chegar a
    6) ((with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to): The total comes to 51.) somar
    2. interjection
    (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) então!
    - coming
    - comeback
    - comedown
    - come about
    - come across
    - come along
    - come by
    - come down
    - come into one's own
    - come off
    - come on
    - come out
    - come round
    - come to
    - come to light
    - come upon
    - come up with
    - come what may
    - to come
    * * *
    "(now) come!" vamos, por favor!, anime-se!
    [k∧m] vt+vi (ps came, pp come) 1 vir, aproximar(-se). 2 chegar. 3 surgir. 4 alcançar, atingir. 5 acontecer, ocorrer. 6 resultar, redundar, advir. 7 nascer, proceder, emanar. 8 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 9 passar, entrar. 10 andar, percorrer. 11 ocorrer, ser lembrado. 12 ser obtenível, estar disponível. 13 importar em, custar, perfazer. 14 chegar a. 15 formar-se, tomar forma ou feitio. 16 estender-se, avançar, ir até. 17 tratar-se de, referir-se a. 18 ser levado a, vir a. 19 coll ter um orgasmo, gozar. a misfortune has come over us uma desgraça caiu sobre nós. and where do I come in? e eu? que vantagem levo? are you coming my way? você vem comigo? come along! venha comigo!, vamos! come in! entre! come off it! pare de enrolar!, pare de mentir! come of it what will venha o que vier. come on! venha!, vamos! come what may! aconteça o que acontecer! first come, first served quem primeiro chega, primeiro é servido. for the year to come para o ano próximo. for years to come para vários anos, para o futuro. he came in ele entrou. he came it strong ele mostrou energia neste assunto. he came up to London ele veio para Londres. he comes it too strong ele exagera. he did not come up to my expectations ele não correspondeu às minhas expectativas. he has come short of his duties ele não cumpriu seus deveres. he has it coming to him Amer coll ele bem o merece. how come? por quê?, como? how come you know that? / como você ficou sabendo disso? ( I am) coming já vou, estou indo. I came near losing my courage quase perdi a coragem. I shall come and see you soon logo irei fazer-lhe uma visita. it came on to rain começou a chover. it came to me veio-me a idéia. it comes in bottles é fornecido em garrafas. it has come into my head veio-me à mente, lembrei-me de. it has come to be the fashion tornou-se moda. it has come true tornou-se realidade. let’s come to the point! vamos ao assunto (principal). ( now) come! vamos, por favor!, anime-se! oh come! oh come on! sem essa! so it has come to this então as coisas chegaram a este ponto (ruim). that comes in useful isto chega em boa hora. the book has come apart o livro descolou. the conservatives come in os conservadores chegam ao poder, foram eleitos. the life to come a outra vida. the photograph has not come a fotografia não saiu. these figs come from Africa estes figos são da África. the ship came down before the wind Naut o navio virou a favor do vento. the time to come o futuro. the train came in o trem chegou. they came in for a share levaram (ganharam) sua parte. to come about a) acontecer, suceder. b) mudar de direção. the wind came about / o vento virou. to come a cropper a) cair. b) fracassar. to come across a) encontrar, deparar com. where did you come across him? / onde você o encontrou? b) Amer coll pagar por acaso. c) atravessar. d) ser bem recebido, compreendido (um discurso). e) Amer coll dizer a verdade, confessar. to come after a) seguir. b) procurar. to come again voltar, repetir-se. to come at chegar a, conseguir. to come away sair, ir embora. to come back a) voltar. it came back to me / voltou-me à memória, lembrei-me novamente. b) reanimar-se. c) sl retrucar. to come behind a) vir atrás. b) ficar atrás de. to come by a) passar. b) ganhar. c) obter. how did you come by it? / como obteve isto? to come clean Amer coll confessar tudo. to come clean from Amer coll vir diretamente de. to come down a) descer, baixar, abaixar. b) desmoronar-se. c) fig ceder. to come down a peg or two coll ficar mais moderado. to come down in the world perder posição social, baixar o nível de vida. to come down to earth voltar à realidade, pôr os pés no chão. to come down upon someone repreender alguém severamente. to come face to face deparar-se. to come for vir buscar. I come for the books / venho buscar os livros. may I come for you? / posso vir buscar você? to come full circle dar a volta completa, voltar ao começo. to come home a) voltar para casa. b) ser sentido, percebido ou compreendido. the sufferings of the poor have come home to me / o sofrimento dos pobres me comoveu. to come in first alcançar o primeiro lugar. to come in for an inheritance receber uma herança. to come into entrar em, tomar posse de, adquirir. to come into a fortune herdar uma fortuna. to come into one’s own conseguir seu direito. to come into play entrar em jogo. to come into property chegar a fazer fortuna. to come into sight chegar à vista. to come into the world nascer. he came into the world / ele nasceu. to come it strong sl mentir, exagerar, contar vantagem. to come of a) vir, descender. he comes of an old family / ele descende de família antiga. b) resultar de. to come of age atingir a maioridade (legal). to come off a) soltar-se, desprender-se. the cork won’t come off / a rolha não quer sair. b) sair, retirar-se. c) ocorrer, ter lugar. d) ter bom resultado. he came off well / ele saiu-se bem. e) sair de cartaz (peça, filme). to come on a) avançar, apresssar-se. b) progredir, melhorar. c) começar. d) entrar (em cena, no campo). e) entrar em cartaz (filme). to come on the scene a) chegar, começar a tomar parte. b) nascer. to come out a) sair. the stains won’t come out / as manchas não querem sair. b) aparecer, ser publicado, ser editado. the likeness has come out well / saiu bem parecida ou semelhante. c) fig ficar ou tornar-se conhecido. she came out last year / ela ficou conhecida o ano passado. d) resultar. e) cair (dente, cabelo). to come out for apoiar. to come out in support declarar apoio. to come out in the open abrir o jogo, ser sincero. to come out in the wash coll acabar bem. to come out (on strike) entrar em greve. to come out right acabar bem. to come round/ around a) fazer uma visita, aparecer. b) voltar a si, recuperar os sentidos. he came round soon / ele logo voltou a si. c) mudar de idéia, pensar melhor. he will come round / ele pensará melhor. d) virar, mudar de direção. to come out top ir primeiro. he came out top / ele foi primeiro. to come short ter defeitos, ser insuficiente. to come short of não alcançar o nível, ser inferior. to come through a) ter bom resultado, conseguir. b) superar, sobreviver. c) aparecer. d) chegar conforme o esperado. to come to a) chegar a, alcançar. the war came to an end / a guerra chegou ao fim. b) obter, conseguir. c) importar em, montar. d) recuperar os sentidos. she came to herself / ela voltou a si, recuperou os sentidos. to come to a bad end acabar mal. to come to a head chegar a um ponto crucial. to come to blows chegar às vias de fato, brigar. to come to grief não ter sucesso. to come to grips with enfrentar, confrontar. to come to light vir à luz, ser descoberto. to come to nought ou nothing fracassar. to come to pass acontecer. to come to terms chegar a um acordo. to come to the same thing dar na mesma, ser indiferente. to come to think of it pensar bem. to come under estar em tais condições, cair sob, estar sujeito a. to come up a) subir, avançar, vir. b) aproximar-se. c) nascer, brotar, crescer. d) surgir, vir à baila. the question came up for discussion / a questão surgiu para ser discutida. e) acontecer. to come up in the world melhorar de vida, subir de posição social. to come upon a) descobrir, encontrar, ocorrer. b) surpreender, cair sobre, atacar. to come up to the mark corresponder às necessidades. to come up with igualar, alcançar, aproximar-se. to have come down to ser transmitido ou legado a. to have come down with a bad cold ficar muito gripado. to have come to believe convencer-se, acreditar. what comes next? o que vem agora? what does it come to? quanto custa? when did that come in? quando isto virou moda?, desde quando está em moda? when he came to die quando ele estava à morte. when it comes to costs quanto ao preço. where does the joke come in? onde está a piada nisto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come

  • 6 light

    I 1. noun
    1) (the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen: It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger; Sunlight streamed into the room.) luz
    2) (something which gives light (eg a lamp): Suddenly all the lights went out.) luz
    3) (something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame: Have you got a light for my cigarette?) fogo
    4) (a way of viewing or regarding: He regarded her action in a favourable light.) luz
    2. adjective
    1) (having light; not dark: The studio was a large, light room.) claro
    2) ((of a colour) pale; closer to white than black: light green.) claro
    3. [lit] verb
    1) (to give light to: The room was lit only by candles.) iluminar
    2) (to (make something) catch fire: She lit the gas; I think this match is damp, because it won't light.) acender
    - lighting - lighthouse - light-year - bring to light - come to light - in the light of - light up - see the light - set light to II
    1) (easy to lift or carry; of little weight: I bought a light suitcase for plane journeys.) leve
    2) (easy to bear, suffer or do: Next time the punishment will not be so light.) leve
    3) ((of food) easy to digest: a light meal.) leve
    4) (of less weight than it should be: The load of grain was several kilos light.) mais leve
    5) (of little weight: Aluminium is a light metal.) leve
    6) (lively or agile: She was very light on her feet.) ágil, ligeiro
    7) (cheerful; not serious: light music.) ligeiro
    8) (little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc: light rain.) leve
    9) ((of soil) containing a lot of sand.) arenoso
    - light-headed - light-hearted - lightweight - get off lightly - make light of - travel light III = light on - past tense, past participle lit [lit] - verb
    (to find by chance: While wandering round the town, we lit on a very cheap restaurant.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > light

  • 7 come

    1. past tense - came; verb
    1) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) vir
    2) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) chegar
    3) (to happen or be situated: The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.) vir
    4) ((often with to) to happen (by accident): How did you come to break your leg?) acontecer
    5) (to arrive at (a certain state etc): What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.) chegar a
    6) ((with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to): The total comes to 51.) resultar
    2. interjection
    (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) ora!
    - coming - comeback - comedown - come about - come across - come along - come by - come down - come into one's own - come off - come on - come out - come round - come to - come to light - come upon - come up with - come what may - to come

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > come

  • 8 light as a feather

    light as a feather
    leve como uma pena.
    light as a feather
    leve como uma pluma. light come, light go fácil vem, fácil vai.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > light as a feather

  • 9 on

    [on] 1. preposition
    1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) em cima de
    2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) em
    3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) em
    4) (about: a book on the theatre.) sobre
    5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) em/de
    6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) em.
    7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) a fazer/tomar
    8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) em
    9) (towards: They marched on the town.) em direcção a
    10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) em
    11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) em/por
    12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) com
    13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) ao ser (investigado)
    14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) sobre
    2. adverb
    1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) em
    2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) continuamente
    3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) em funcionamento
    4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) em exibição
    5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) em
    3. adjective
    1) (in progress: The game was on.) a decorrer
    2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) vai haver
    - ongoing
    - onwards
    - onward
    - be on to someone
    - be on to
    - on and on
    - on time
    - on to / onto
    * * *
    [ɔn] adj posto, colocado. • adv 1 sobre, por cima de. 2 em diante, a partir de. 3 adiante, para a frente. 4 em andamento, em ação. 5 na direção. • prep 1 sobre, em cima de. 2 em. 3 no, nos, na, nas. 4 para o. 5 por meio de. 6 a respeito de. 7 perto. 8 junto a. 9 conforme. 10 durante. 11 em acréscimo a. 12 na direção de. 13 coll às custas de. and so on e assim por diante. come on! venha, vamos. far on in years de idade avançada. from that day on daquele dia em diante. go on! continue, prossiga. he is always on about her coll ele não pára de falar nela. he is on ele está embriagado. hold on! segure-se. later on mais tarde. on and off de vez em quando. on and on sem parar, ininterruptamente. on board a bordo. on call a chamado. on close no fechamento. on condition that sob a condição de. on duty a serviço, de plantão. on fire em chamas. on foot a pé. on Friday next week na sexta-feira da próxima semana. on purpose de propósito. on the contrary ao contrário. on the right/ left à direita/esquerda. on the river à margem do rio. on the rocks com gelo. on the telephone ao telefone. on time na hora. she’s always on sl ela está sempre ligada. the light is on a luz está acesa. they got on a bus eles subiram no ônibus. they greeted us on their arrival saudaram-nos por ocasião de sua chegada. to be on a cloud coll estar muito feliz. to be on one’s ass sl estar numa pior. to be on roll coll ter muito sucesso. to be on someone’s back sl a) pegar no pé de alguém. b) depender de alguém. to get on in life progredir na vida. to have a lot on coll ter muito o que fazer. to look on olhar, assistir (a um jogo). to march on prosseguir marchando. who is on the committee? quem está no comitê?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > on

  • 10 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) atingir
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) riscar
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) fazer greve
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) dar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) impressionar
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) cunhar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir por
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) desmontar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) greve
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) achado
    - striking
    - strikingly
    - be out on strike
    - be on strike
    - call a strike
    - come out on strike
    - come
    - be within striking distance of
    - strike at
    - strike an attitude/pose
    - strike a balance
    - strike a bargain/agreement
    - strike a blow for
    - strike down
    - strike dumb
    - strike fear/terror into
    - strike home
    - strike it rich
    - strike lucky
    - strike out
    - strike up
    * * *
    [straik] n 1 greve. 2 golpe. 3 ato de derrubar todos os pinos no jogo de boliche, pontos feitos assim. 4 ataque, investida. 5 beliscada (de peixe no anzol). 6 descoberta de petróleo, ouro, etc. 7 sucesso, êxito, achado feliz. 8 Min direção do filão. • vt (ps struck, pp struck, stricken) 1 bater, malhar, golpear. I was struck by his reply / fui tomado de surpresa pela sua resposta. 2 dar, infligir, arremessar, desferir, lançar. 3 estampar, imprimir, cunhar. 4 acender (fósforo), ferir fogo. 5 atingir, colidir, cair (raio), incidir (luz). 6 abalroar, colidir, dar de encontro, chocar-se, encalhar. 7 impressionar. 8 tocar, bater, soar, bater as horas. 9 estarrecer, fulminar, impressionar, assustar. 10 afetar, tocar, afligir, atacar, surpreender. 11 atacar, assaltar. 12 acontecer, ocorrer, suceder. 13 descobrir, encontrar (petróleo, ouro, etc.). 14 surgir, aparecer, vir de repente, encontrar inesperadamente. the thought struck him / ocorreu-lhe a idéia. 15 fazer greve. 16 riscar, apagar, cancelar. 17 tirar, tomar (com um golpe). 18 andar rapidamente. 19 assumir (atitude). he strikes an attitude / ele assume uma pose teatral. 20 enraizar, aprofundar, afundar, criar raízes. 21 determinar, calcular. 22 fazer, decidir, entrar em (acordo), concordar. 23 abaixar, arriar (velas). 24 raspar, alisar, deixar plano, tirar o excesso de uma medida. 25 pegar o anzol, morder a isca, fisgar. 26 desbotar, apagar-se. 27 arriar bandeiras, render-se. 28 tomar (caminho ou direção). 29 chamar a atenção, dar na vista. 30 estender, alisar. 31 enveredar. 32 tirar (linha). 33 rufar (tambores). 34 tocar (uma corda em instrumento musical). 35 levantar (acampamento). 36 cravar, meter, enfiar. 37 avançar, seguir. 38 lançar-se, disparar, avançar com rapidez. strike the iron while it is hot / malhe o ferro enquanto está quente (faça isso agora e não deixe para mais tarde). he’s struck on her ele está louco (apaixonado) por ela. it strikes me as strange that... parece-me esquisito que... strike me dead! Deus me castigue! that struck home! este golpe acertou, fig isto deu resultado. this strikes my fancy isto me agrada. to go on strike entrar em greve. to strike a balance chegar a um acordo, encontrar um ponto de equilíbrio. to strike a bargain fechar um negócio. to strike a blow at dar um soco ou golpe em. to strike a chord parecer familiar, fazer lembrar alguma coisa. to strike a dividend distribuir dividendo. to strike against bater contra, lutar contra, defender-se contra. to strike an average tirar ou calcular a média. to strike at someone bater em alguém, levantar a mão contra alguém. to strike back revidar. to strike blind cegar. to strike camp levantar acampamento. to strike dead matar. to strike down derrubar, derrubar no chão, abater. to strike dumb fazer calar, deixar bobo. to strike hands ( with) chegar a um acordo (com). to strike it rich tirar a sorte grande, enriquecer rapidamente. to strike in interromper. to strike into entrar em. to strike off a) cortar. b) copiar, imprimir. to strike oil ter sucesso, ter êxito. to strike on a) agir sobre, incidir sobre (luz), cair sobre. b) descobrir algo, ter uma idéia. to strike out a) riscar, apagar, cancelar. b) nadar ativamente (em direção a alguma coisa). c) golpear. to strike out on one’s own tomar seu rumo próprio. to strike someone with fear encher alguém de medo. to strike the eye dar na vista, chamar a atenção. to strike through remover, cancelar (algo escrito). to strike up a) Mus começar a tocar. b) iniciar (relacionamento, conversa, etc.). to strike upon incidir sobre, cair sobre, encontrar, bater contra. well stricken in years de idade avançada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strike

  • 11 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) bater
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) riscar
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) fazer greve
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) soar, tocar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) ocorrer
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) cunhar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) baixar, desmontar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) greve
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) descoberta, achado
    - striking - strikingly - be out on strike - be on strike - call a strike - come out on strike - come - be within striking distance of - strike at - strike an attitude/pose - strike a balance - strike a bargain/agreement - strike a blow for - strike down - strike dumb - strike fear/terror into - strike home - strike it rich - strike lucky - strike out - strike up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > strike

  • 12 flood

    1. noun
    1) (a great overflow of water: If it continues to rain like this, we shall have floods.) inundação
    2) (any great quantity: a flood of fan mail.) inundação
    2. verb
    (to (cause something to) overflow with water: She left the water running and flooded the kitchen.) inundar
    3. [-lit] verb
    (to light with floodlights.) iluminar
    - floodlit
    - flood-tide
    * * *
    [fl∧d] n 1 inundação, enchente, cheia, dilúvio. 2 mar, oceano, lago, rio, grande quantidade de água, corrente de água. 3 fluxo, aguaceiro, chuvão, fluxo menstrual excessivo, grande abundância, chuvarada. 4 enchente, maré enchente. • vt+vi 1 inundar, submergir, alagar, transbordar. I was flooded with letters / fui inundado de cartas. 2 encher, fazer transbordar. 3 irrigar, banhar. 4 jorrar, diluviar, cair em torrentes. 5 afluir, subir (maré), invadir em tumulto. 6 mover-se em torrentes. 7 ter hemorragia uterina. a flood of light torrente de luz. a flood of tears torrente de lágrimas. a flood of words fluxo de palavras. by flood and field por mar e por terra. it is at the flood está subindo. the Flood o dilúvio. they come in floods eles vêm em bandos. to flood in fluir para dentro. to flood in upon someone derramar-se sobre alguém, inundar alguém. to flood out abandonar a casa por causa de uma enchente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flood

  • 13 parachute

    ['pærəʃu:t] 1. noun
    (an umbrella-shaped piece of light, strong cloth etc beneath which a person etc is tied with ropes so that he etc can come slowly down to the ground from a great height: They made the descent from the plane by parachute; ( also adjective) a parachute-jump.) pára-quedas
    2. verb
    (to come down to the ground using a parachute: The troops parachuted into France.) saltar de pára-quedas
    * * *
    [p'ærəʃu:t] n 1 pára-quedas. 2 Zool patágio de mamíferos ou répteis. • vt+vi 1 saltar de pára-quedas. 2 lançar de pára-quedas. golden parachute somas elevadas e benefícios oferecidos em troca de uma aposentadoria precoce.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > parachute

  • 14 parachute

    ['pærəʃu:t] 1. noun
    (an umbrella-shaped piece of light, strong cloth etc beneath which a person etc is tied with ropes so that he etc can come slowly down to the ground from a great height: They made the descent from the plane by parachute; ( also adjective) a parachute-jump.) pára-quedas
    2. verb
    (to come down to the ground using a parachute: The troops parachuted into France.) descer de pára-quedas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > parachute

  • 15 colour

    1. noun
    1) (a quality which objects have, and which can be seen, only when light falls on them: What colour is her dress?; Red, blue and yellow are colours.) cor
    2) (paint(s): That artist uses water-colours.) tinta
    3) ((a) skin-colour varying with race: people of all colours.) cor
    4) (vividness; interest: There's plenty of colour in his stories.) cor
    2. adjective
    ((of photographs etc) in colour, not black and white: colour film; colour television.) a cores
    3. verb
    (to put colour on; to paint: They coloured the walls yellow.) pintar
    4. noun
    ((sometimes used impolitely) a dark-skinned person especially of Negro origin.) pessoa de cor
    - colouring
    - colourless
    - colours
    - colour-blind
    - colour scheme
    - off-colour
    - colour in
    - show oneself in one's true colours
    - with flying colours
    * * *
    [k'∧lə] n 1 cor, colorido. 2 tinta, corante, pigmento. 3 vermelhão, rubor do rosto. 4 pretexto, disfarce. 5 plausibilidade, aparência de autenticidade. 6 cor da pele das raças que não são brancas. 7 aparência, aspecto. 8 detalhe realístico, vida. 9 caráter, feição. they showed their colours / revelaram suas intenções, mostraram quem realmente eram. he showed his true colours / fig ele mostrou seu verdadeiro caráter. 10 vivacidade, brilho, ânimo. his sincerity gives colour to all he does / sua sinceridade caracteriza todos os seus atos. 11 matiz, tonalidade. 12 Mus timbre, som. 13 colours cores, emblema, estandarte, bandeira. 14 Mil insígnia militar. 15 colours cor política, partido. • vt+vi 1 pintar, tingir, corar, colorir, dar cor a. 2 corar, mudar de cor, enrubescer. 3 fig corar, disfarçar, alterar, paliar, desculpar. 4 dar determinado aspecto a. 5 caracterizar. his prejudices coloured his facts / seus preconceitos manifestaram-se em seu relato. • adj em cores, de cor. body colour tinta opaca. complementary colour cor complementar. composite colours cores mistas. fast colours cores firmes. filling colour massa colorida para preparar a superfície a ser pintada. fundamental colours cores básicas. glaring colours cores berrantes. local colour colorido ou aspecto local. off colour coll exausto, esgotado, indisposto. painted in his true colours mostrado em seu verdadeiro aspecto. play of colours variação de cores. primary colours cores primárias. service with the colours serviço militar. to call to the colours convocar para o serviço militar. to change colour mudar de cor (pessoa), ficar pálido (ou vermelho). to come off with flying colours sair vitorioso. to give false colour to distorcer os fatos. to give/ lend colour to dar aparência de verdade a. to have a colour ter aspecto sadio, ter boa cor. to have a high colour estar corado. to hoist the colours hastear a bandeira. to join the colours alistar-se. to lose colour ficar pálido. to lower the colours a) baixar a bandeira. b) fig ceder, dobrar-se. to mail one’s colours to the mast manter-se firme em sua decisão. to sail under false colours fig agir com falsidade. to stick to one’s colours ser fiel à causa. trooping the colours desfile de bandeiras. under colour of sob o pretexto de. with flying colours com grande sucesso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > colour

  • 16 form

    I 1. [fo:m] noun
    1) ((a) shape; outward appearance: He saw a strange form in the darkness.) vulto
    2) (a kind, type or variety: What form of ceremony usually takes place when someone gets a promotion?) tipo
    3) (a document containing certain questions, the answers to which must be written on it: an application form.) formulário
    4) (a fixed way of doing things: forms and ceremonies.) formalidade
    5) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) ano
    2. verb
    1) (to make; to cause to take shape: They decided to form a drama group.) formar
    2) (to come into existence; to take shape: An idea slowly formed in his mind.) formar-se
    3) (to organize or arrange (oneself or other people) into a particular order: The women formed (themselves) into three groups.) juntar(-se)
    4) (to be; to make up: These lectures form part of the medical course.) constituir
    - be in good form
    - in the form of
    II [fo:m] noun
    (a long, usually wooden seat: The children were sitting on forms.) banco
    * * *
    [fɔ:m] n 1 forma, configuração, aparência, aspecto, contorno, formato. his gratitude took the form of a check / sua gratidão manifestou-se em forma de cheque. 2 figura, feição, feitio, talhe, vulto. 3 molde, modelo, padrão, forma. the disease appears under various forms / a doença manifesta-se de vários modos. 4 constituição específica, estrutura, sistema, arranjo e estilo, em composição literária, musical ou plástica. his form in running is bad / seu estilo de corrida não é bom. 5 método, uso, ritual, prática, praxe, formalidade. 6 ordem, disposição, norma, arranjo. 7 formulário: documento impresso ou datilografado com claros para preencher. 8 estado, caráter, aparição, visão, condição, manifestação. 9 espécie, sorte, variedade. heat, light, electricity are forms of energy / calor, luz, eletricidade são espécies de energia. 10 Philos forma. 11 Gram flexão. 12 Brit classe, série (nas escolas). 13 Typogr forma. 14 Brit banco escolar. • vt+vi 1 formar, afeiçoar, dar forma ou feição a (alguma coisa), moldar, modelar, fazer, fabricar, criar. form good habits while you are young / adquira bons hábitos enquanto for jovem. 2 formar-se, tomar forma, surgir. 3 produzir, fazer, criar, converter-se em, constituir. 4 conceber, idear, planejar, imaginar. 5 organizar, formar-se, estabelecer. we formed a club / constituímos um clube. 6 adquirir, contrair, ensinar, educar. 7 pôr em ordem, dispor em certa ordem. the soldiers formed themselves into lines / os soldados entraram em forma. 8 Gram servir de, construir (frases, sentenças). a matter of form uma formalidade. a mere form uma mera formalidade. bad form sem modos, sem educação. clouds form in the sky no céu formam-se nuvens. for form’s sake por formalidade, pro forma. good form boas maneiras. in due and legal form nos termos da lei. in due form em devida forma. in great form com ótima disposição. it is bad form isso não se faz, não está direito. to form the mind desenvolver a inteligência. to form up entrar em forma, ficar em fila. water forms ice água converte-se em gelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > form

  • 17 pat

    [pæt] 1. noun
    1) (a light, gentle blow or touch, usually with the palm of the hand and showing affection: She gave the child a pat on the head.) pancadinha
    2) ((of butter) a small piece; a lump.) pequena porção
    2. verb
    (to strike gently with the palm of the hand, usually as a sign of affection: He patted the horse's neck.) afagar
    3. adverb
    ((often off pat) memorized, prepared and ready to be said: He had the answer (off) pat.) prontinho
    * * *
    [pæt] n 1 pancadinha, tapinha. 2 ruído de passos. 3 afago, carícia. 4 qualquer coisa que se forma por meio de batidas (por exemplo, um naco de manteiga). • vt+vi 1 bater de leve. 2 afagar, acariciar, passar a mão de leve. a pat on the back uma palavra de encorajamento ou de louvor. pat him on the back! estimule-o um pouquinho!
    [pæt] adj 1 apropriado, oportuno, conveniente. 2 preso, fixo, imutável (também no xadrez). 3 preparado, ensaiado, memorizado. she had a song pat / ela tinha uma canção ensaiada. • adv apropriadamente, convenientemente, oportunamente. to come pat to its purpose convir inteiramente a propósito. to know something off pat saber na ponta da língua. to stand pat coll ser conservador, ficar firme, não ceder, não mudar de idéia, não voltar atrás.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pat

  • 18 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) brincar
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jogar
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) pregar (partidas)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jogar com
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) saltar
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jogar
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) divertimento
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) peça
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) jogo
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) folga
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up
    * * *
    [plei] n 1 jogo, partida, disputa. 2 divertimento, brincadeira. 3 folguedo, passatempo. 4 peça teatral ou cinematográfica. a play of Shaw (ou by Shaw) / uma peça de Shaw. 5 Mus execução, interpretação. 6 gracejo. 7 jogatina, modo de jogar. 8 Mech jogo, folga. 9 lance, jogada. 10 atividade, ação, movimento. • vt+vi 1 jogar, disputar. 2 brincar, folgar, divertir-se. 3 tocar (instrumentos musicais), executar. 4 agir, proceder. 5 vibrar, oscilar, tremular. 6 representar, desempenhar. 7 Mech jogar, ter folga. 8 pôr em movimento, movimentar, acionar. 9 bancar, fingir. 10 apostar. 11 imitar. at play em jogo. at the play no teatro. in full play em plena atividade. play in the gear folga no jogo da engrenagem. play of colours jogo de cores. said in play dito por brincadeira. they are played out eles estão esgotados. they play a losing game eles procedem sem chance de sucesso. they played the devil with him eles o maltratavam. to bring into play movimentar, acionar. to give free play to one’s abilities proporcionar ambiente em que alguém possa desenvolver livremente as suas aptidões. to hold in play manter alguém ocupado. to make a play for 1 tentar obter. 2 tentar seduzir. to play about comportar-se sem responsabilidade. to play along cooperar ou concordar com alguém. to play a part 1 ajudar alguém a fazer algo. 2 representar um papel. to play around coll namorar, flertar. to play at 1 participar (de um jogo). 2 brincar com. 3 fazer de conta. to play a trick on pregar uma peça em. to play ball coll cooperar. to play down depreciar, negligenciar. to play fair agir corretamente. to play false enganar, trair. to play first violin ter papel preponderante. to play foul proceder incorretamente. to play horse with coll 1 fazer gato e sapato de. 2 desarrumar, lançar em desordem. to play house brincar de casinha. to play into a person’s hands favorecer alguém. to play off 1 fazer, agir, praticar. 2 dar espetáculo, fazer cenas. 3 fingir. 4 concluir um jogo. to play on (ou upon) tocar de leve, roçar. to play on (ou upon) words fazer trocadilhos. to play out 1 acabar, terminar. 2 fatigar, cansar, exaurir. 3 perder a eficácia. to play politics intrigar, maquinar, tramar. to play safe agir com cautela. to play the field espalhar esforço, interesses, afeições em muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. to play the fool bancar o bobo. to play the game observar as regras do jogo, agir corretamente. to play the gentleman bancar o cavalheiro. to play the market jogar na bolsa, especular. to play up 1 começar a música. 2 redobrar os esforços. 3 mostrar-se firme e forte perante uma crise ou emergência. 4 destacar, salientar, dar ênfase. 5 enganar, trapacear. 6 provocar. 7 comportar-se de forma a não cooperar. 8 dar problemas, doer. to play up to sl 1 contracenar. 2 apoiar. 3 adular, bajular. to play with 1 brincar com. 2 jogar contra. 3 fazer pouco de. 4 masturbar. to play with fire brincar com fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > play

  • 19 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) mostrar
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) ver-se
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) exibir
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) mostrar
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) conduzir
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) mostrar
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) provar
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) mostrar
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) espectáculo
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) exibição
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) fingimento
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) aparência
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) exibição
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃou] n 1 mostra, exibição. she made a show of her new dress / ela exibiu seu vestido novo. 2 espetáculo, exposição. it is on show / está exposto, em exposição. the newest film now showing / o filme mais novo em cartaz. 3 aparência, demonstração, aspecto. your garden makes a fine show / seu jardim é muito bonito. 4 aparência falsa, pretexto. 5 traço, indício, vestígio. 6 coll divertimento, entretenimento. he always steals the show / ele toma conta do espetáculo, chama a atenção. • vt+vi 1 mostrar, expor, exibir. it shows dirt / suja facilmente. he showed his teeth / ele mostrou os dentes. 2 revelar, manifestar, demonstrar. he showed his feelings / sua expressão facial (ou corporal) revelou seus sentimentos. 3 aparecer, estar visível. it does not show / não é visível. never show your face again! / nunca mais apareça aqui! 4 indicar, mostrar. time will show it / o tempo mostrá-lo-á. his work shows him to be a gifted writer / seu trabalho demonstra ser ele um escritor talentoso. we showed him the door / mostramos-lhe a porta, fig pusemo-lo para fora. 5 dirigir, guiar, conduzir. 6 explicar, esclarecer. 7 salientar, ressaltar. 8 provar. 9 conceder. 10 coll classificar-se (numa corrida). don’t give the show away coll não fale nada, guarde segredo. he runs/ bosses the whole show ele toma conta do negócio todo. show him mercy! perdoa-lhe! show of hands votação levantando as mãos. show yourself a man mostre que é homem. to give one a fair show dar a alguém uma oportunidade. to have something to show for mostrar serviço, mostrar resultados. to put up a good show fazer uma boa tentativa. to show forth anunciar. to show in mandar entrar, acompanhar para dentro. to show off aparecer com todo o brilho, salientar-se, destacar-se, exibir-se, ostentar. to show one’s hand pôr as cartas na mesa. to show someone out acompanhar alguém até a porta. to show the white feather fugir. to show up a) aparecer, apresentar-se, mostrar-se. b) desmascarar-se. c) acompanhar para cima. to show up against destacar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > show

  • 20 turn out

    1) (to send away; to make (someone) leave.) mandar embora
    2) (to make or produce: The factory turns out ten finished articles an hour.) produzir
    3) (to empty or clear: I turned out the cupboard.) esvaziar
    4) ((of a crowd) to come out; to get together for a (public) meeting, celebration etc: A large crowd turned out to see the procession.) comparecer
    5) (to turn off: Turn out the light!) desligar
    6) (to happen or prove to be: He turned out to be right; It turned out that he was right.) acontecer (que)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > turn out

См. также в других словарях:

  • come to light — {v. phr.} To be discovered; become known; appear. * /John s thefts from the bank where he worked came to light when the bank examiners made an inspection./ * /When the old woman died it came to light that she was actually rich./ * /New facts… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to light — {v. phr.} To be discovered; become known; appear. * /John s thefts from the bank where he worked came to light when the bank examiners made an inspection./ * /When the old woman died it came to light that she was actually rich./ * /New facts… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to light — index appear (materialize), arise (appear), emerge Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • come to light — verb be revealed or disclosed (Freq. 1) The truth finally came to light • Syn: ↑come to hand • Hypernyms: ↑appear • Verb Frames: Something s * * * BE DISCOVER …   Useful english dictionary

  • come to light — bring something to light or come to light if facts are brought to light or come to light, people discover them New evidence in this case has recently come to light …   English dictionary

  • come\ to\ light — v. phr. To be discovered; become known; appear. John s thefts from the bank where he worked came to light when the bank examiners made an inspection. When the old woman died it came to light that she was actually rich. New facts about ancient… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • come to light — a fact important to this case has just come to light Syn: be discovered, be uncovered, be unearthed, come out, become known, become apparent, appear, materialize, emerge …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • come to light — ► bring (or come) to light make (or become) widely known or evident. Main Entry: ↑light …   English terms dictionary

  • come to light — be discovered, become known It has recently come to light that the company has lost millions of dollars …   Idioms and examples

  • come to light — Synonyms and related words: appear, arise, be found, be revealed, become known, become manifest, become visible, betray itself, break forth, come, come along, come forth, come forward, come in sight, come out, come to hand, crop out, discover… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • come to light — bring (something) to light to discover facts, often about something bad or illegal. Several other problems came to light during the course of the investigation …   New idioms dictionary

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